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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1209531 No.1209531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

strawpoll nominations

> game which introduced, exemplified, or had a lasting effect on their genre
> games which marked particular milestones for genres, game design, or technology
> games that /vr/ talks about a lot

>> No.1209534


>> No.1209538

links awakening

>> No.1209540

Metal Gear Solid
Super Metroid

>> No.1209547

>>games that /vr/ talks about a lot
do you have reading difficulties

>> No.1209546
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>relevant at all

>> No.1209551
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>> No.1209556

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

>> No.1209584

Wizardry 1
Ultima 4
Dragon Quest 5

>> No.1209664

1. Sim City
2. Wing Commander
3. Doom

>> No.1209861


oracle games
ff vii or whatever

>> No.1209870


>> No.1209882

Roller Coaster Tycoon.

>> No.1209885

> game which introduced, exemplified, or had a lasting effect on their genre
Alone In The Dark.
Resident Evil

> games which marked particular milestones for genres, game design, or technology
Alone In The Dark

> games that /vr/ talks about a lot
Resident Evil

>> No.1209910

Diablo- Took dungeon crawling, mixed it with hack n slash, and set a standard for all future games of the genre.

Alone in the Dark- First polygon graphics, kicked off survival horror.

Earthbound- So many threads about it: the hype, the hipsters, the price, this game unfortunately is here to stay.

>> No.1209915

I'll list some obvious ones
Super Mario World
Chrono Trigger
Zelda: A Link to the Past

I don't think a motivation is necessary

>> No.1209945

Colossal Cave Adventure

>> No.1210158

NIGHTS into dreams
oddworld: abe's odyssey
deus ex

>> No.1210165

Planescape: Torment
Landstalker (I'd rather see this than Alundra, but a Alundra is fine too)

>> No.1210169

Pocky & Rocky

>> No.1210187

there's a typo in maneuver

Alien Soldier

>> No.1210206

Super Metroid.

>> No.1210221

no its manoeuvre dude

>> No.1210228

>games that /vr/ talks about a lot
Same fucking threads everyday
>Final Fantasy
>Chrono Shits

>> No.1210235

Castlevania series
Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy series
Phantasy Star series
Resident Evil 1 - 3
Sonic 1-3
Streets of Rage 2
Suikoden 2
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Zelda up to Majora's Mask

I got tired of writing but these are a lot of the really obvious ones. Threads about these games are made almost every week.

>> No.1210238

oh, didn't know there was another spelling. cool.

also Myst and The Secret of Monkey Island

>> No.1210250

>0 results
Come the fuck on.
Elite motherfuckers.

>> No.1210257

Okay these are the CONSOLE games I see mentioned on here most often (listed by series):

Super Metroid

Super Castlevania IV
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Symphony of the Night
Legacy of Darkness

Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Bros 1 and 3
Super Mario World 1 and 2 (yoshi's island)
Super Mario 64

Final Fantasy 2D:
Final Fantasy I, III, V, and VI

Final Fantasy 3D:
All of them equally (I haven't read much into them)

The Legend Of Zelda
Link to The Past
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time

Mother II (Earthbound)
Mother III

Resident Evil:
RE 1 and 2

Contra Hard Corps
Contra III: The Alien Wars

All of the original nes games

Megaman X

Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
Diablo (1 and/or 2?)
Deus Ex
Fallout (1 and/or 2?)
Earthworm Jim
Rocket Knight Adventures

Games that should be on the list as well, in my opinion:

Zombies Ate My Neighbors!
Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3/Sonic and Knuckles
Donkey Kong Country
Kirby Superstar
Tetris Attack
Star Fox
Star Fox 64
Ultimate Mortal Kombat III
Ninja Gaiden I-III
Crash Bandicoot
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros
Pokemon Stadium 2
Tiberian Sun
Super Bomberman 2
007: The World is Not Enough
Perfect Dark

>> No.1210261

Again, there should be a few lists made, and there being at least console and handheld, but probably more importantly by generation.

>> No.1210273

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Age of Wonders
Age of Empires
Master of Orion
Alien vs. Predator
Double Dragon
Prince of Persia
Bubble Bobble
Ghosts'n Goblins

>> No.1210287

Ecco: Tides of Time
Virtua Fighter 2
Sonic R

>> No.1210339


OP here, thinking of doing a core list of 10 or so, then a main list of 20, and then short lists (10?) for each console.

I didn't really want to do a "if you want to play Playstation play these 50 games" sort of thing (although if others organize that, that's fine), but more of a "play these games before asking what you should play" kind of thing.

>> No.1210345


it looks like it comes from the French where there's the weird OE lookin thing, so I'm assuming in English it can be spelled either way.

>> No.1210508

yeah that makes sense to me. Do that OP

>> No.1210518 [DELETED] 

Should be a grid, with the X coordinate being "Console/Platform" and Y being "Genre", or vice versa.

>> No.1210525

Should be a grid, with the X coordinate being "Console/Platform/Generation" and Y being "Genre", or vice versa.

>> No.1210527

Also no mention of Osamu Sato's games yet?

>> No.1210548

So is this just a list-a-thon? I think it'd be a lot easier if people just pick a few games and write a sentence or two about why they think those games are essential.

>> No.1210558

>X-Com isn't mentioned

Seriously, it was one of the best turn based strategies, and one of the best PC games.

>> No.1210607

Make sure to get some Treasure titles up in that list. Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and Mischief Makers are three easy go-to titles that people around here seem to really like. Sin & Punishment, Alien Soldier, Radiant Silvergun and Bangai-O are good if you want to include Japanese import titles that *eventually* made it over here after their original run. I don't know anything about Landstalker or Silhouette Mirage, but I know that Yu Yu Hakusho fighting game has its fans (I like Fatal Fury, so I want to give it a shot because it's a 2-plane fighter).

>> No.1210664

street fighter

>> No.1210684


No problem


Right now I just wanted to get a list of nominees. I'll eventually put together a couple strawpolls so we can iron things out (I admit this could have been a bit more organized from the start).


I don't want to get too specific. I thought that having some recs for the systems would be good because many people on /vr/ come here already having a few consoles, and not wanting to spend money on many more. Obviously if all you have is an NES then you would rather see a list of /vr/ essential NES games, so I thought that would be nice.
Like I said, I'm thinking 10 essential games, 20 sub-essential games. These would constitute what /vr/ feels are, well, essential. Essential for becoming an informed poster on the board, essential for understand the development of /vr/ era games in general, you get it.

Beyond that, 10 games per a few consoles that /vr/ recommends specifically if you're buying for that console. Which consoles is up to debate, but I only want to include those that are commonly discussed (NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, PSX, GB/GBC, PC, Saturn). I'm sure this will piss some people off, but again you're welcome to try to create a rec image for just your console, this is just something to cover general (90% of /vr/) type rec threads.

>> No.1210735

Current list of nominees (don't see your game, nominate it fucker)

I got up to about here>>1210238

I am fuckin tired, finish in the morning

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros. 3
Gimmick! (Famicom)
Zelda 2

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 3 (6)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Pocky and Rocky
Super Castlevania
Super Mario World
Super Metroid

Alien Soldier
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic and Knuckles
Streets of Rage 2


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy 7
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Suikoden II

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Super Mario 64

Nights into Dreams

PC (various platforms)
Alone in the Dark
Colossal Cave Adventure
Deus Ex
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Planescape: Torment
Roller Coast Tycoon
Secret of Monkey Island
Sim City
Wing Commander

Platform Debatable
Dragon Quest 5
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
Ultima 4

>> No.1211205

Maze War
Space Invaders

>> No.1211245

Dragon Quest 1-5
Nearly ever JRPG has copied then but they have always been the best in its field.

>> No.1211305

I tried writing a list for this on /v/ a while back, never finished it. It includes some not-retro games, but I'm interested to see what /vr/ thinks. I tried to compile a list of games that are the essence of their genre, most of which turned out to be retro anyway.

Games you should complete before you die:
Adventure-Platformer: Super Metroid or Metroid Prime (Alt. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
Pure Platformer: Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World
Action-Platformer: Megaman 2 (Alt. Megaman X)
Pure Adventure: Legend of Zelda or LoZ: A Link to the Past or LoZ: Link's Awakening (Alt. Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask)
Arena FPS: Doom (Alt. Quake)
RTS: Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn/Sun/Red Alert (Alt. Starcraft/Warcraft II/III)
JRPG: Final Fantasy VII (Alt. Final Fantasy VI)
WRPG: Fallout 1/2 (Alt. Fallout: New Vegas)
SRPG: Final Fantasy Tactics (Alt. Ogre Battle 64 or X-COM: UFO Defense)
Free-roam RPG: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
4X: Civilization II/III/IV or Alpha Centauri

Additional Games that are either historically significant or otherwise unique:
Action Arcade: Gauntlet Legends
Console FPS: Goldeneye 64 or Perfect Dark
City Management: SimCity 2000
Lightgun: Time Crisis Series (Many lightgun games are great, you should play at least one of them)
Lego Simulator: Minecraft
Stealth-Action: Metal Gear Solid (Alt. Metal Gear Solid 3)
Survival Horror: Resident Evil 1/2/3 (Alt. Silent Hill 1/2)
Action RPG: Diablo 1/2

I need to go through the other suggestions here and probably pick out some ones that I've missed. I feel the top section warrants playing through to completion since all of them are exemplars of their genre, the bottom is more for enthusiasts.

>> No.1211319

tecmo super bowl

>> No.1211402

You need more N64 games. I suggest Jet Force Gemini because I see it show up on many people's lists of personal favorites, and WCW/nWo Revenge because everyone loved that game back in the day.

>> No.1211412

I think SS2 is a better representation of FPS-RPG than Deus Ex - though the first in the genre is Strife (which has aged relatively well actually, better than SS1 at least).

>> No.1211421

Quake is more "arena fps" than doom - which is more arcade-y than anything else.

>RTS: Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn/Sun/Red Alert (Alt. Starcraft/Warcraft II/III)
Though those are more representative, I'd like at least a mention of Total Annihilation. Perhaps this list should be divided into two parts, both representative games and arguably better but less typical/popular ones? Planescape: Torment is certainly the latter category, there's not much like it in many aspects.

>> No.1211451
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I'm gonna say WWF No Mercy was the best wresting game for n64.

>> No.1211454
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>> No.1211513

Total Annihilation is a must-play if you like RTS but make sure to install TA Bugfix or you'll have problems.

>> No.1211527

TA is best played in multiplayer imho.

>> No.1211537

This a million times. Why has nobody else said it?

>> No.1211552

>ctrl+f "dune"
>0 results
Sure. The one game that defined what all RTS games for 20 years are going to be like is ignored.

>> No.1211562
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Ranger-X only because I feel that games needs more love.

>> No.1211563

Oh and it's pretty damn impressive what they managed to pull off on the Genesis. That and Batman and Robin are some of the best examples of the console pushed to its limits.

>> No.1211618

It's the best part yes. Though I forgot to recommend a replacement AI for skirmish play because the default one is horrible and I don't remember if TA Bugfix addresses that. There's a lot of different options, Mostly Harmless is probably the best overall. You can find plenty of others, and some of them use cheat units to present even more of a challenge.

>> No.1211628

Because it's a boring crap casual game.

>> No.1211634

Another World.

>> No.1211653

Time Pilot
Haunted House

Golden Axe

>> No.1211660

well, you're mum is'nt a casual, for sure. :o)

>> No.1211662

Planescape Torment
Diablo 2
Baldur's Gate 2.

>> No.1211665

wrong board kid

>> No.1211690

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus

>> No.1211691
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Tomba/Tombi I & II

>> No.1211714


>> No.1211729
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Ok guys, this is getting to big for me to handle. Somehow I was a total fucktard and didn't realize how fast the suggestions would come in. Let this topic die and I'll start another one with some good rules so that I can actually get this organized.

>> No.1211739


everybody go here


>> No.1211784

>Pure Adventure:

Eh, shouldn't that be more like Zork or other Infocom games?