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1203504 No.1203504 [Reply] [Original]

Is Schala the Entity Robo speaks of who created the gates for Chrono?

>> No.1203547

everyone says it's the planet, but why couldn't it be Schala before Chrono defeats Lavos who proceeds to merge with Schala?

Robo mentions the entity is feminine.

>> No.1203613

Schala could seal the gates too. I think she got sent somewhere when Zeal originally faded away and in 1999 as Lavos won, Schala set into motion the Gate that grabbed Marle.

>> No.1203689

If its Schala then how could that explain 65,000,000 BC? She has no connection to this period. Or 1000 AD either really.

>> No.1203701

The planet was the thing being destroyed by lavos so I'm saying the planet. Saying it was Scala feels like cheap way to make it work better with Chrono Cross and I think it would be better to just leave that question unanswered and ambiguous

>> No.1203776

Maybe she made a gate without being directly related to 65mil bc

leaving it ambiguous opens up discussions like now.

I think the Entity being the planet is cheap and makes no sense to me unless God is doing works through the planet. I can't imagine the planet consciously following Chrono around and opening Gates with such intent.

Schala would make more sense because she comes from a time period she can research vast things and she already can deal with Gates.

>> No.1204214


>> No.1204258

The entity was the planet. If it was Schala, Why would the entity be at rest when she is presently at the darkness beyond time fusing with lavos?

>> No.1204269

She'd be satisfied that Team Chrono fulfilled their purpose. Schala's a hero.

>> No.1204856


>> No.1205071
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>leaving it ambiguous opens up discussions like now.
It's not ambigous, it's clear that it's the planet in both the Japanese version and the retranslation.


"I can't be sure, but maybe someone wanted to show us something. Something in the different eras, through the gates. Or maybe something that someone wanted to see... to remember how their own life went."

Ayla and Frog follow this by saying that when somebody dies, their life and deepest memories flashes before them. Frog then says that the owner of these memories must be connected with Lavos, because
or "they're involved with Lavos in all ages".

When Magus asks who this "someone"/"entity" is, Robo says:
"Maybe not a person... perhaps a larger existence".

The Planet is being killed by Lavos, is dying, and so it's reliving the most critical moments of its life.

>Schala would make more sense because she comes from a time period
Exactly. Schala is completely unrelated to all time periods that aren't Zeal. She's not a larger existence even when you take CC into account because when the portals show up in CT the Time Devourer hadn't been born yet (it's born after you kill Lavos at the end of the game.)

>God is doing works through the planet.
The Planet IS a god-like being in the Chrono universe.
"The Final Battle" was in Japanese "星の夢の終わりに" (at the end of the Planet's dream). And that's why CC talks about the Planet doing stuff like pulling Dinopolis in time, and why its last chapter is called "Our Planet's dream is not over yet".

>> No.1205363

man... I have to play this again. I wish the IOS version weren't so broken

>> No.1205398

no. you ever hear the expression about "seeing your life flash before your eyes" right before death? this is what ct was meant as, the earth "dying" at the hands of lavos relives it's life, inserting the gates hoping someone along the line can save it

>> No.1205443

i finished it on iOS recently, it works fine. the interface sucks ass though, i used to play the snes version on active with the fastest settings, but using a touchscreen with the menus is awkward. the extra stuff from the DS version is tedious as hell and just gives you overpowered shit.

>> No.1206349

I get that the game points more towards the planet than to Schala, yet there are still signs that leave it ambiguous. Anyone can slap together any answer to an intriguing question, but the question still raises more questions than the answer can justify. I don't think the game reveals enough signs to say crystal clear that it was the planet.

Schala doesn't necessarily need to merge with Lavos to have the power to create Gates. She could have done it from the place she was sent to before Lavos got her. Who knows what she could be capable of in that space. Maybe she could see the past and future from where she was sent to.

I think the planet theory is just a conspiracy propagated by the prophet Magus.

>> No.1207024

It's Lavos, orchestrating his transformation into the time devourer.

>> No.1207038

No, it's the planet. Schala is just a plot device to explain and develop Magus. Cross is jusr edgy nonsensical fanfiction.

>> No.1207043

Time Devourer is not a thing. Nothing from CC is a thing.

>> No.1207046
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Bitch and cry all you want, CC is canon and no amount of denial changes that.

>> No.1207057
File: 168 KB, 289x599, Korcha12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magus is just a plot device used to demonstrate Lavos' power. He becomes so utterly irrelevant after filling his role that killing or letting him live changes nothing. He's pretty much the Korcha of CT.

>> No.1207070

Magus is one of the main characters, not a plot device.

CC is a dead-end spinoff.

>> No.1207079

Far from it. Magus is a NPC later turned into an optional character (much like most of Cross' optional characters) and butthurt denial doesn't change Cross' status as canon sequel.

>> No.1207123

This game has the most retarded time travelling ever.

>enter portal
>do things
>enter portal again
>you're not back at the same moment in time as you were when you entered the portal before

>> No.1207318

It's the planet. Schala merging with Lavos is retcon bullshit and isn't accepted by anyone with a brain.

>> No.1207463

As a guy who's never played Cross or the DS port, I always assumed it was the planet flashing back at it's life the same way we do when we die.
Ayla and Frogs dialogue seemed to be hinting at that, and I don't get why it would be Schala.

>> No.1208336

Why do you guys keep saying that Schala has to merge with Lavos to make gates. I never even implied that in my OP. Fuck Lavos.

What if Schala was about to die when gates started showing up. It'd be Schala because she can seal gates. I'd assume the first Schala is the one who started it all because she was in a position to.

>> No.1208469

Magus returns to searching for his sister/not sister Schala at the end of the game. If Magus lives the rest of his life searching for Schala and she cannot be found, that means to me that something must have happened to her. She could have gotten stuck in the dimension/time period where Lavos existed (the watery one), and from this space she can control certain events in time (sending Chrono warp holes). Either that or she merged with Lavos, or merged with the planet, or died or something...there has to be a reason why Magus never finds Schala.

Anyway, that is my two cents. I kind of forget how the story turns out when the whole gang is against Lavos during the Zeal period, so I cant entirely remember what "happens" to Schala at that point. But I always figured it was her who sent Chrono the warp holes because she knew who he was and what he was destined to do.

>> No.1208560

If Schala is sent to a new dimension, are there then two Schala's?

>> No.1209315

supposedly the op shit is so you can stomach the extra boss fights, but I have yet to play it

>> No.1209524

Yeah, they're really meant for those bonus dungeons and the Time Devourer.
Robo breaks the game if you know how to set him up though.

>> No.1210517


>> No.1211548

>Trigger never explains what happens

You keep using that word..

>> No.1212895


>> No.1213120

/vr/ is slow enough that you should be able to find some bump worthy content to use instead of just saying bump.

>> No.1213373
File: 10 KB, 220x165, 220px-Errare_humanum_est.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always interpreted it as Robo becoming more "human" and developing beliefs that may or may not be true.

*tips fedora*