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1201282 No.1201282 [Reply] [Original]

just picked this one up today ... was on my "must have" list for a while. any other arcade enthusiats on /vr/?

>> No.1201315

How much do you usually have to pay for these things?

>> No.1201316

I really want an original cabinet of Aero Fighters, but I have nowhere to put it, nor the cash for one.

>> No.1201321


all depends on the cabinet ... game, rarity, condition, even location (some areas of the US have very different markets for even individual games).

e.g. ... a Centipede (full size, not cocktail or caberet size) in great condition should really not cost you any more than $200-$300 ... while a Discs of Tron that needs a ton of work would prob go for close to $1000

i paid $275 for the OutRun ... everything's in good shape (with the exception of some scuffs, dings, etc from the game being arcade-used [not home-owned] and being over 25 years old}

>> No.1201325
File: 111 KB, 750x1000, outrun machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outrun is definitely my favorite arcade cabinet of all time, but it's the car-shaped, sitdown version I like the most.

>> No.1201329

I dont have the room for arcade cabinets now that I have moved out and into an apartment for school, but I had a Prehistoric Isle in 1930, and a High Impact Football cabinet.

I bought them both for 150$, ended up selling them both when I moved.

The two machines that would be my dream to own would have to be the full size sit down Lucky and Wild or the sitdown cockpit version of Atari Star Wars

I used to play those at the old arcade religiously

>> No.1201332
File: 383 KB, 1600x1200, 1775382-starwarscockpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1201337

The arcade thatI went to as a kid had this one I played it every time I went there.

>> No.1201350

OP here

agreed that the cockpit version is better (especially if you have the Deluxe version with the moving seat) but in good shape they're approaching $1000 and they weigh 575 lbs (yes, i've looked into it hahahahah)

>> No.1201354
File: 872 KB, 982x658, MAXIMUM_BROFIST_by_Defiant_Ant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah once that cabinet is complete and working, you're looking at like $5000 there

>> No.1201449

What I want...
>Point Blank 3
>In the groove 2
>Mame cabinet, cocktail style for the living room

Sadly I'm in an apartment... so it's just dreams.

>> No.1201458

I have five cabs. The NinjaWarriors three-monitor, a Bally Sente (currently undergoing MAME conversion), The Combatribes, Street Fighter 2 The World Warrior, and a Vs. Unisystem with gun that's currently Hogan's Alley.

>> No.1201471

>Street Fighter 2 The World Warrior

a couple of those went up on CL recently, but i'm holding out for a Hyper Fighting or Champ edition

regardless, good to see there's other arcade enthusiasts on /vr/

>> No.1201480

Yeah I'm thinking about doing a CPS2 conversion on it. It has a hilarious splash screen that says its illegal to operate in the US or Japan. It must have found its way to me from Canada. I got it at one of those great old AAMA auctions they used to have all the time.

>> No.1201485

love it
good job OP

>> No.1201502

hmmm possible it's a bootleg/hack version, like the SF II Rainbow edition? http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=9813

>> No.1201552

No it's just some foreign board, it doesn't have any unusual qualities although I've thought about getting one of those Rainbow PROMs for it just to mix it up a bit. I really like Red, that lets you fireball in the air among other things but I don't know if it'll work on a real board or not.

>> No.1201578


if only I had room

>> No.1201681

Nice. Too bad it's the stand up. Definitely should be on any must have list. For that time and genre think I'd pick Chase HQ though.

I used to buy and fix up cabinets so had a bunch of them. Couldn't bring them with me when I moved. Got nothing now, not even a MAME cabinet because the place if full of console shit. So no point in making a must have list but if I had to pick one game it would probably be Joust simply because it's a fun classic you can play two player competitive or coop.

Probably my favorite vector. Used to have free to play stand up where I worked when I was in high school. Played hundreds of hours of that. Either that or tempest.