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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1199748 No.1199748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but since the PS4 is officially out now, is the PS2 considered retro?

>> No.1199750


>> No.1199751

buzz off, lowest common denominator of the 6th generation.

>> No.1199760

This does raise an interesting question...how do we define what is retro moving forward? Clearly the Dreamcast will be considered retro by this board at some point.

>> No.1199762

For people in this thread, No. Most people grew up with earlier generation. Maybe in about a few more years then maybe because the kids that grew up with the 6th generation are starting to grow older. But as of now, not yet.

>> No.1199768


I'm in my late 20s and feel nostalgia towards NES/SNES stuff that I played when I was a kid, and quite a bit for the PS2 stuff I played as a teenager. But I agree that it doesn't really belong here. PS2 was the beginning of really modern gaming.

>> No.1199774

So you have to be a child when a system comes out for it to be retro?

Either way, PS2 released in 2000, if we assume babby's first console is bought at age 5 (which is younger than what a lot of people experience) PS2 kids are all pretty much 18 and older, and are now moving on to their 3rd gen. So saying that that PS2 isn't retro is like saying PS1 & N64 weren't retro a year ago during the reign of the PS3.

>> No.1199778

All sixth generation consoles (except Dreamcast, which should actually be retro) used DVDs and had network adapters, which is something that I won't recognize as being retro in a very long time.
Generations after that are even worse since they have became full time wannabe-computers with their online services and facebook apps and shit.

>> No.1199785

honestly anything older than last-gen should be fair game, especially considering how long the last gen went for.

>> No.1199787

Just give it time and then it will be considered retro to the most of us (kids born around middle and late 90's) but I feel that PS2 isn't retro to me personally because of how recent it ended. N64 and Below are what I consider retro because they now hold nostalgic value as opposed to the PS2 which just ended about a few months ago. my first vidya was pokemon blue in 98 and then Mario Kart 64. I don't about you guys but the PS2 still seems recent to me. Even Dreamcast seems new to me in a way. about a decade ago i played Sonic 1 on a Genesis and thought it was the coolest shit ever.

>> No.1199790

The PS2 doesn't even look retro in the slightest. I look at the pic in the OP and I feel like it could've been released yesterday.

>> No.1199793

what about GBA wouldn't that be considered Retro ish soon because it was the last point that a system used cartridges. It was made in 2001 and there have been 2 generations of handheld already? By 2/3 more wouldn't it be considered retro. Also my nostalgia value on gba is really starting to kick in.

>> No.1199794

you know im just gonna say the PS2 is the greatest system of all time

>> No.1199803
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>> No.1199804

PS2 won't be retro because games are technically still being released for it. And by that I mean by official licensed companies, not some random dev producing homerbrew and burning it onto DVD-R's.

Also, if you're going by age, the year official support of the console was dropped is as big a consideration as the year the console was released.
however, the technology of the console is far more important than the age. If a new system was released that used the same hardware as say, a sega genesis, then its very likely that discussion of the system and its games would be allowed on /vr/, despite not being retro in that aspect.

>> No.1199807


epic reaction face all you want, the dude isn't that far off really. the ps2 had a lot of amazing shit on it. it was pretty much the golden age of action games and the most mature point that JRPGs reached before falling off a cliff

>> No.1199810

I kinda agree with you. The GBA was basically a SNES handheld, although I don't feel the nostalgia yet. though thats probably because I only just recently got my first DS system a year ago (3DS XL).

I'm more interested in the dreamcast than GBA.

>> No.1199812

Definitely in the top 3, I'll give it that.

>> No.1199813

What if we pretend its the year 2033
and were trying to remember video game consoles that played games

>> No.1199814

The only thing that defines retro on this board are the rules which assign an arbitrary date of 1999. Moot doesn't like the fact that he split up /v/ into so many boards, so likely he will kill this board at some point in the future instead of revising the rules to include dreamcast and ps2.

>> No.1199817

Why only PS2? You didn't mention Gamecube or Xbox.

>> No.1199818

>PS2 won't be retro because games are technically still being released for it.

But that's wrong. PS2 isn't retro, but what generation the hardware is part of determines what flies on /vr/. It's why PSX, N64, and GBC games released after 1999 are fair play here.

>> No.1199819

Aren't the Nintendo DS/3DS's "game cards" technically cartridges?

>> No.1199816


Moot is a major tier fag who put no thought into this board, knows nothing of gaming. He really shouldn't be able to decide what is and isnot retro.

>> No.1199820

I can agree with the discontinuation date.
>ps2 discontinued 1/4/13
games are still being made
>GC discontinued in '07
still recent
>Xbox discontinued in 2008
5 years ago
>GBA discontinued in 2005
almost 9 years ago
But this makes me think about something else. Since the Neo Geo stop making games in 98 but still made games till 04 why is it considered retro? just wondering

>> No.1199825

allow dreamcast, GBA, NGPC don't allow PS2 for fuck sakes. Most good shit on PS2 are the arcade ports anyway

>> No.1199827

>gamecube exists

>> No.1199828

well what would YOU decide what is and isnt retro?

>> No.1199831

I'd say those might also be considered retro, but the reason I highlighted the PS2 is because the PS4 came out recently. (About an hour ago, in fact)

>> No.1199830
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>tfw PS2 isnt considered retro
>tfw Diablo 2 isnt considered retro
>tfw Warcraft 3 isnt consider retro

>> No.1199834

depends how the person I see them being just game cards.

>> No.1199835

yeah, a grand total of amybe 5 games worht playing makes a whole system

>> No.1199836

>Most good shit on PS2 are the arcade ports anyway


>> No.1199838

fuck off kid just because you were 12 when those games were popular doesn't mean everyone else was

>> No.1199840


>> No.1199841

>well what would YOU decide what is and isnt retro?

First I loathe the word "retro". I just hate it.

Just have /v/ as General gaems, mostly focusing on this and the last gen, with /vr/ as everything before that. So Dreamcast, gamecube, PS2, Xbox.

Also /vr/ should get 5-10 more pages. In fact all the boards should.

>> No.1199843

>Most good shit on PS2 are the arcade ports anyway
You just went full retard. Never go full retard.

>> No.1199845

i didn't actually realize that until now. if a bunch of people raise shit i'm sure we could rescue the dreamcast bros from /v/,if they want to come.

>> No.1199847

>But that's wrong.
>PS2 isn't retro
thats what I said.
>It's why PSX, N64, and GBC games released after 1999 are fair play here.
no, its because trying to remember the exact date games were released on is too much a pain in the ass. No point in allowing GBC, but only some of the library.
A great example of this is AoE2, technically its outside the rules, but most people don't realize it since no one memorizes release dates on games.

>> No.1199850


>> No.1199852
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"Retro" ends at the '90s, when things were better and games were good.

Kids today don't know about the '90s. They weren't there. They missed out.

>> No.1199856


First off, my "That's wrong" was directed towards your reasoning for the PS2 not being retro.

Second of all, read the damn sticky. It says games released on *platforms* before 1999 are fair play. The cut off date isn't strictly 1999. The hardware is what matters in determining what is and is not /vr/.

>> No.1199857


Oh man, I fucking love me some ZELD.

>> No.1199858
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>> No.1199860

We tried that. A lot.
I got a month long ban for bringing up the dreamcast rules conflict before the sticky was changed.
Actually, I'm the reason why the sticky got changed.

>> No.1199861

Maybe in another decade it can be considered retro.
It just doesn't have the retro feeling right now.

>> No.1199867

us 90s kids, huh

>> No.1199868

6th gen should be retro by now they were released over a decade ago

>> No.1199872


If you were the guy who was posting DC threads over and over again, I hope you know you were a shitposter and probably more detrimental to the cause than anything. I only hope moot and company don't think of you when they're considering what to allow on /vr/ in the future, because you sure as fuck didn't make the DC fanbase look good.

>> No.1199878

This still triggers my autism. One of these years I will be able to discuss the Dreamcast without people going "NOT RETRO!"

>> No.1199879

No because we have to take into consideration their discontinued date and the fact that there were games still being made for PS3 this year. PS3 was released 13 years but not a lot of people have that nostalgic value coming into play like the NES, Genesis or Colecovision have.

>> No.1199880

When I told my little brother that PS4 is coming out, his comment was that But PS3 was released just recently.

>> No.1199881

The PS2 has had releases this year though. I know that the hardware is old but when it's still on the market I don't foresee it being grouped with other retro consoles.
Besides, we're in the very beginning of the 8th gen. If we're going to change the rules as to what is considered retro at least partially based on something being x generations old I think we should still wait a few years.

>> No.1199882

>better than PS2 or Even Xbox

Resident Evil Remake
Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Eternal Darkness
SSB Melee

There you go, the only 5 gamecube games worth a damn. You;re not gonna convince a console with only a handful of games is better than its competion

>> No.1199883

>technically its outside the rules
September 30, 1999 is in 1999 retard.

>> No.1199885


If we took discontinued date to heart, no system released after 1994 could be discussed here.

>> No.1199887

I know that, but I wasn't referring to the rules, I was referring to the general opinions of the people who use this board. I was explaining why the rules won't be changed, and not why the ps2 won't be allowed.

the 1999 date is strict, it's supposed to be strict for PC's, thats why the date is there. However for consoles, it goes by hardware generation instead. If /vr/ was only PC, then the 6th gen rule wouldn't be in the sticky, if it was only consoles, then the 1999 date wouldn't be there.

>> No.1199889
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>my face when a 15 year rule for consoles would be fine enough.

It doesn't add anything too quickly. It would be as slow as molasses. Imagine the fun threads we could have as we welcome a new handheld or console to the party.

>> No.1199890

>if a bunch of people raise shit i'm sure we could rescue the dreamcast bros from /v/
You mean the rampant shitposting, spamming, and tons of copypasta on /q/ AND /vr/ that caused the Dreamcast to become a taboo subject because it was MUH NINTIES instead of discussion?

>> No.1199892

>PS3 was released 13 years [ago]
You mean PS2

>> No.1199893

>I was referring to the general opinions of the people who use this board.

Those opinions really don't matter for anything, to be completely honest. See: Dreamcast.

>> No.1199894

no, that wasn't me. I started one thread.

fucking bullshit.
ended up being the only thread with a real discussion about it too. as opposed to the autism fests happening in all the other threads.

>> No.1199896

Why was /vr/ created anyways? Did people on /v/ shitpost a lot of older games?

>> No.1199897


That was one moron who kept posting that over and over again.

>> No.1199901

that would work if you only consider the console, the games would get complicated >>1199858

>> No.1199902

Older game threads got buried beneath threads about newer games. As can you can see here, there is the subcommunity on 4chan for retro games but with the pace in which most of the threads go they would have all 404ed on a board as fast and crowded as /v/.

>> No.1199904

Well you got me there. I mean people are going to be what is retro and what isn't. I feel that Retro is now GBA, DC, and below. The PS2 feels recent and GC and the Xbox. DC has some sense of nostalgic value.

>> No.1199905

No, because /v/ is an overtrafficked shithole. /vr/ and /vg/ exist to get everyone off the same board. moot said this in the announcement sticky.

/v/ has way, way too many people on it.

>> No.1199906

Yeah sorry my bad.

>> No.1199907

alright, you got me.

>> No.1199908

And ruined everything. Probably on purpose. moot is not one to negotiate with terrori-



>> No.1199909

PS2 is more nostalgic to me than any 16bit console. Probably because I played it so much as a teenager but its unplayable today. Whereas I still play 16bit games and they are timeless.

Sure as hell not retro though. There are still ps2 games being made.

>> No.1199914

That would be fine. We wouldn't even see any major changes for a while.

>> No.1199915

Shitty rehashed "Same Shit Different Number: The Official Game of the Alphabet Soup Sporting Association" do not count as 'games being made'.

>> No.1199916

>sequels and yearly sports titles were invented on the ps2

>> No.1199917

but I like alphabet soup curling.

>> No.1199919

The last SNES and Genesis games were that; and "port to everything" games. Those systems weren't "retro" when they were getting the equivalent.

I can't be bothered to look up the last PSX game, but it must have been the mid 2000s, and the PSX wasn't retro then, either.

>> No.1199920

Even if it was a digital dictionary, if it's an officially licensed game it shows that companies still believe that there is a market value to the brand and are trying to push it. Active brands aren't retro, they're contemporary.

>> No.1199921
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>> No.1199924

Who are you misquoting? Nobody said that.

>> No.1199927


It was implied in that retarded post. If you're going to give the PS2 shit for having sequels and sports games, you better be ready to give shit to most consoles made before it.

>> No.1199930

Mods come at me for mentioning any single PC game that in any way can be claimed to be not retro. And I don't mean starting a thread about it, I mean mentioning it somewhere where it calls for being mentioned.

And you just flat out want to spit on the rules like that?

>> No.1199932

He wasn't giving the PS2 shit for having sports games, he said that they don't count as games being made.

Not to mention I've not seen a single new PS2 game on any store shelf in any shop for four or five years now. The last one I saw was Persona 4.

>> No.1199931

1. I wasn't trolling, I'm seriously curious about how to move the retro/not retro line along.
2. I'll do that right as soon as you learn proper English.

>> No.1199935

>It was implied
Implied != said. Take that shit to Tumblr.

>> No.1199936

>he said that they don't count as games being made.

And why don't they?

>> No.1199938

They still have some here even now. I live in a metropolitan city in the US.

>> No.1199946

Sometime within the next year, a bunch of people will get uppity about a certain console(s). Then a bunch of those people will get banned, and everyone else will get mad at them for making the same threads over and over.
Finally, after several months of trying to get a simple answer, they will indeed get what they were looking for, an answer.
About half a year down the line, everyone else (the people who were getting mad at the threads being made) will realize they made a bad decision, but will be too whipped to try and change the rules again.
And so, a majority will be forced to live by rules they no longer agree with, because the former minority were right all along.

>> No.1199951

Because they're just shovelware that's the same game with slightly different stats. If you're going to go by that logic, then let's not consider Genesis retro since someone made Pier Solar, and I'll go and release something on the Gameboy to make that Not Retro, and reduce /vr/ discussion to PC games and the commodore.

>> No.1199958

>then let's not consider Genesis retro since someone made Pier Solar

I'm not making that argument...?

And a game is a game. Doesn't matter if you think it's "shovelware" or not.

>> No.1199965
File: 89 KB, 500x352, please die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Fuck off.
2. Stop trolling already.
3. Get any other fucktarded ideas about insisting on any "honest" intentions of yours out of your shitty head.
4. learn2internet
5. get carved up already.
6. Die.
7. Get carved up a little more.
8. ???
9. Profit!

>> No.1199962
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>Captcha: sad EProday

>> No.1199963


>> No.1199971

mods need to delete and ban these people for a week

>> No.1199973

Shovelware are still games, no matter if it's rehashed or shit. Saying they "don't count" is absurd.

>> No.1199989
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Once again, I swear I'm not trolling. At this point, it seems more like you're trying to troll me.

>> No.1199984

Pier Solar wasn't made by an officaly licensed company. It's on the same level as Bootlegs and reproduction cars.

>> No.1199992

1.2mil get

>> No.1199994

They should have a separate board for 3d retro.

5th gen to Current Gen - 1 goes into it.
And 16bit + 32x (heh, heh) stays here.

>> No.1199995

PS2 will never be considered retro, it was the start of the current trend of games. The Xbox was the true consolized PC, but at least it was a very creative console with a unique mindset; unfortunately all modern consoles are based on the Xbox.

The PS2 started the trend of movie games. A lot of action oriented games had unskippable cutscenes, many of which were cringe worthy.

The PS2 attracted the casual masses with "such mature and cool" games like GTA or MGS, which was shared with the Xbox but not the GameCube or Dreamcast.

The PS2 killed the notion of exclusives, as no console besides the PS2 should even dare consider having an exclusive. The allmighty stockholders will sink your company to the ground if you dare think about making a game for a console that isn't the PS2.

Adding from the above, the PS2 started the trend of half-assed ports which focused more on getting the game to exist than making it work right.

The PS2 had absolutely no form of quality control, hence why everyone made games for it.

It was sold as a media device first (DVD player), game console second.

It was never marketed on it's own merits, it was all due to overblown marketing budgets that focused on everything other than the game in question.

Game journalism (AT LEAST Game Informer) always favored the PS2 over other consoles. They even favored the PS2 versions of games more than the others.

Many of the PS2's best selling games are rehashes, I fucking DARE you to tell me that 5 different versions of GTA on the same damn console isn't rehashing.

The PS2 is when video games died.

>> No.1199998

Guess what?

It's gonna be me.

>> No.1200001

All that shit started earlier than the ps2. It was just more noticeable and going downhill by then.

>> No.1200005

You were right.

It was the PS1.

>> No.1200003

The one I frequent still has them.

>> No.1200008
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Is the original Animal Crossing retro?

It is just a straight-up port of an N64 game...

>> No.1200010

Depends on your definition of retro. The dictionary definition is a modern production that imitates an older style. Many people use retro to describe something between contemporary and vintage. An in between word is necessary with something as fast changing as technology. This board has it's own definition which only a few people in the world agree with. So since it's all made up and the points don't matter call it whatever you want. If you piss off a mod they'll let you know.

>> No.1200013

I come home after a hard day's work, and the first thing I see is a PS 4 on my /vr/.
Go back to whatever shithole you people crawled out of.

>> No.1200018

No one with half a brain could consider me to be trolling. I am merely acting appropriate to the circumstances. Go get all those ridiculous seemings knifed out of you already.

>> No.1200014

>So you have to be a child when a system comes out for it to be retro?
That would make the PS3 retro by most peoples age here.

>> No.1200027

Bit of an interesting point. Aren't the graphics upgraded compared to the original N64 Doubutsu no Mori though?

>> No.1200029

>last point that a system used cartridges
So what's that thing called that every Nintendo hand held since then has used for games?

>> No.1200031

Proprietary SD cards, known as DS cards.

>> No.1200030

How old are you? Seriously, the PS2's original model was a brick

>> No.1200038

It's still ROM hardware in a plastic case. Making it the size of a good cornflake doesn't make it much different.

>> No.1200039

I was joking. Or "pretending", in 4chan lingo.

>> No.1200041

good point, but is the GC ports of Resident evil or metal gear solid retro? they're practically the same, too, but imma say no.

>> No.1200054

lots of autism in this thread. ya'll are neckbearding hard

>> No.1200058

Alright we get it. Your a Sonyfag who hates Mario. Don't forget to remove Melee from your list because it also contains Mario.

>> No.1200060 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.1200067

I have a different definition of "retro" than the mods. The PS2 is 13 years old. The PS2 is also in this awkward position where it's officially dead and buried but yet it's still too new to be considered "retro" here despite the age. I'd say being there for 15 is good enough and just call it a day.

>> No.1200068

some of you should try understanding that your frame of reference isn't the only one that matters.

put simply, i think /vr/ should be for any console that would get buried if you tried to post a thread about it or its games in /v/ because they're all 12. that would include the ps2, imo.

>> No.1200069

>in this awkward position where it's officially dead and buried
Games are still coming out for the PS2 actually. Fifa 14 is the most recent.

>> No.1200070
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By you an you alone

>> No.1200072

>sports games
you only think this counts because it supports your argument and you can't think of anything else beyond "it doesn't FEEEL retro to me"

>> No.1200073

Just looked that up. May as well reconsider now since it's still alive.

>> No.1200074

No, that anon inferred.

>> No.1200079

Keep beating that horse.

>> No.1200075

Will someone call this guys mommy and tell him he didn't swallow his meds.

>> No.1200078

>sports games aren't games and do not count
Keep using that argument

>> No.1200083
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I lold
Then I realised you might not be trolling
lold harder

>> No.1200085

no one who plays more than one game a year gives a shit about EA shoving a roster update out the door for a now-two-generation-old console. it's a silly fucking argument. How long do you think a console should go without getting games before it becomes retro? it's a really relevant question in /vr/, a board that goes by the release date of the console, not the console's games.

>> No.1200089

I wish DC was retro by now. It was first released in 98 and it hardly lasted the 6th gen since it was discontinued in 2001. No one is budging on the topic though. Just gotta deal with it.

>> No.1200091
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I assure you I was joking. I don't even know what they are, they could be CDs for all I care.

>> No.1200092

He'll keep arguing that until he's blown in the face. MUH FIFA is going to be his mantra, and every thread on this subject will be him and him alone saying MUH FIFA when nobody gives a flying fuck about it.

>> No.1200097

>No one is budging on the topic though. Just gotta deal with it.
A very good portion of the board (I would personally guess half) would support the DC being allowed. Back when there were daily threads it was mostly just a few people shitting them up who were against it.

>> No.1200103

It's actually "blue in the face"

>> No.1200105
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I know what I said.

>> No.1200107

>How long do you think a console should go without getting games before it becomes retro?
Not two months, since you asked.

>MUH FIFA is going to be his mantra
Multiple people have brought it up.

>> No.1200109

well since we're going by last game released now, i guess playstation and n64 discussions are OUT, going by that dreamcast image upthread.

>> No.1200110
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>nobody gives a flying fuck
>if I disagree with someone it's only one person

>> No.1200116

Spoken like a true PC gamer, discrediting consoles on minor and insignificant things long after its support is long gone.

>> No.1200118

Hopefully we go back to the no 5th gen systems or later rule.

That was the best time for /vr/.

>> No.1200119


It's not even fucking close to being the greatest.

>> No.1200120

we never had that rule

either that or you don't know when the fifth gen started

>> No.1200123

Was amended 12 hours later however.

>> No.1200127

But they're not
See >>880092
They're clearly allowed. The topic at hand is whether it is soon enough to allow the PS2, GCN, Xbox etc.. I'm arguing for the status quo and you're saying we should go backwards implying that's what I said. I never said consoles would be determined by the last game, I'm only saying it's too early for the PS2 considering its games are still coming out.

>> No.1200128
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Except we did. /vr/ was launched with that rule. It was later changed to no 6th gen or later due to N64, PS1, and Saturn babies crying about their systems not being allowed.

>> No.1200131

Will someone call this guys daddy and tell him he didn't buy him enough playstation games.

>> No.1200132

Sweet shopped screencap.

>> No.1200138

I remember when that sticky was post #2. I also remember when /vr/ had it's dubs/get thread christening withing minutes.

>> No.1200140
File: 48 KB, 487x282, not shopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not shopped I swear

>> No.1200145 [DELETED] 

Peoples who first console was a 5th gen console are pieces of fucking shit. I like the gen games myself but my fucking god I hate n64 kids.

>> No.1200147

What does this post have to do with anything

>> No.1200148 [DELETED] 

if we could go back to excluding their systems /vr/ would be awesome again. n64 kids are the type shitting this place up with gamegrump threads and the like.

>> No.1200149

You have a very low threshold.

>> No.1200151

How about this? Only the early launch and early games made on the 6th generation gets discussed. Not the late ones.

>> No.1200150

okay kid

>> No.1200152

Who made the sticky for what can and cannot be posted anyway? Was it just moot? The inherent contradiction of saying all consoles released before 1999 only and not allowing any 6th gen consoles including Dreamcast needs to be addressed. It needs to be either all consoles before 1999 only or up to 5th gen only.

>> No.1200153


I like this, how about up to 2003? Its not objective but 2004 always seemed like a turning point in games towards more modern mentalities with the release of Halo 2 and similar titles.

>> No.1200154 [DELETED] 

Using that word doesn't make you any older junior. n64 was the start of the 3d era and 3d is not retro. Using sprites and scaling to simulate 3d is retro as shit. Stuff like doom would still be allowed too because its sprite based. 3d engines are a modern technology. Take your super mario 65 and shove it up your ass

>> No.1200159


>> No.1200160 [DELETED] 

no fuck off underagefag just because you were too young to be alive when retro consoles were relevent make the shit you played when you were a kid retro.

>> No.1200163

I want PS2 to be considered retro so we can have a Medal of Honor Frontline/Allied Assault threads.

>> No.1200168

Splitting the line down the middle of a generation would cause too many issues I think.

Thanks for participating in this discussion

>MoH:FL and MoH:AA threads
Yes pls

>> No.1200169

Dude, you should include USA discontinuation dates.
Not huehuehueland

>> No.1200173

>3d is not retro
>Using sprites and scaling to simulate 3d is retro as shit
It's still 3D either way.

>> No.1200174
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I didn't realize it was a competition m8.

How violently pathetic do you have to be to see an opening for slightly less old games to be available for discussion as an invasion on your emotional turf?

>> No.1200175

>/vr/ would be awesome again
It'll be awesome once the janitor comes by, sees your shitposting, and puts in a few ban requests.

>> No.1200179

We need another /vidya/ board for that middle generation of gaming. Starting with DreamCast, ending when the original Xbox Live was shut down.

It was a big chunk of vidya, it's getting slightly too old for /v/ but it's too new for /vr/. It's a big enough slice of vidya to be recognizably a thing now though.

>> No.1200183

Come back in about ten years.

>> No.1200182
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PS2 goes on >>>/v/

and that is all. fucking underagefags

>> No.1200186

Well done then. You did a very good impression of a /b/tard

>> No.1200187
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As long as there no agreement on anything.

The 6th generation consoles and handhelds are doomed to have few to no discussions about it, especially the Dreamcast.

>> No.1200190


So far there's no indication that /vr/'s cutoff date ever advances, but I guess it remains to be seen.

>> No.1200192

Too many boards and they'll all be empty. /vr/ is as slow as it is.

>> No.1200193

If the Dreamcast wasn't retro a week ago then the PS2 isn't going to be retro today.

>> No.1200195
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>saying "/thread" on your own post

>> No.1200198

Yes. We talk about ports of other games all the time, like Chrono Trigger DS and whatnot.

I guess the grey area with it comes from the fact that the N64 version never actually came to the west.

>> No.1200205

I was born in fucking '90.
This isn't 2004.
6th gen is now two generations old.

Damn shame too. I think the 6th gen modding community starting with Dreamcast would be a great thing to discuss.

Most 6th gen stuff on /v/ gets washed away in torrental posting there, unfortunately.

>> No.1200212
File: 29 KB, 350x262, chiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>born in fucking 90
Ahahahaha. Fucking 90 it really is. Ya don't mess with "retro definitions" of 80's RAD guys here. Back off to >>>/v/ , kid. And take your PS2 with you

>> No.1200214

it shouldn't all the underage who shouldn't even be on here are the only ones who want it to change. This isn't a nostalgia board though its for talking about a specific period in gaming which is new to a lot of people and we don't need to dilute that even further.