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1183841 No.1183841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which is better?
I think Perfect Dark is better.

>> No.1183849

I think PD is better on a technical level and amount of content, but Goldeneye is still pretty damn neat.

>> No.1183852

Goldeneye is better because I like it more.

>> No.1183853

Always thought Goldenye was so bad it's laughable. PD is decent.

It's nice to play PD with wasd+mouse controls over emulators. Too bad N64 emulation is so glitchy though. I kept getting random issues.

>> No.1183863

PD was better because I played them both and it was better. If you disagree with that you're obviously some kind of homosexual faggot

>> No.1183887

Perfect Dark because it took everything from Goldeneye and improved on it. I've played it so much though and have done next to everything there is to do in the game a million times I've started to miss Goldeneye a bit.

Unlimited enemies can suck a dick though.

>> No.1183889

This. I can't stand when people say Goldeneye was better when PD was just a clear upgrade. The only way you could say Goldeneye was better was the fact that Goldeneye was more innovative.

>> No.1183894

PD was definitely a better game overall. only thing i think is that the last few levels of goldeneye wete really great, while the levels after the carrington institute kinda sucked.

I like PD better but definitely played bond a whole lot more with friends for whatever reason

>> No.1183984

The only genuinely complaint possible of Perfect Dark against Goldeneye is its setting, which comes down to a purely subjective basis on personal opinions. The sci-fi might not be to everyone's tastes and some people just prefer Bond.

Because in truth, Perfect Dark's story is a bit weak especially after they bring in Elvis in the Area 51 levels and as soon as the Skedar appear. It stops being infiltration and special-ops style missions (similar to Goldeneye throughout) and goes full out alien shooter. Story wise it can be weaker, but content and mechanics it's impossible to fault against Goldeneye.

>> No.1183995

Mechanics wise and multiplayer wise perfect dark is the king of all n64 FPS. Story wise it is up to you. I liked it better than goldeneye but I loved Elvis so...

>> No.1184000


I'd go on to say that it's the king of most FPS games in that regard.

It has some limitations that prevent me from calling it truly perfect, though. I just wish another game would give me bots like PD

>> No.1184137

Perfect Dark is literally "Goldeneye but Better". I don't even understand the kind mental leaps one would have to make to argue the opposite.

>> No.1184156

This comes down to a few things.

Did you play these games as a kid with an n64? Or are you replaying them recently on an emulator?

Goldeneye was objectively the better game. It was a game based on a movie that upstaged the movie on a number of levels. It was amazing. The multiplayer was incredible, and even though we all had Perfect Dark my friends and I all played Goldeneye still.

The big issue with PD is it ran like shit on the n64. Just too much for the machine to process. There were all kinds of slow framerates in that game, it was terrible at times.

Basically, if you're playing them now (alone on an emulator) with no connection to what each game meant in its own right, PD is superior. However, for those that experienced these things when they happened and put hundreds of hours into them, Goldeneye was always superior.

>> No.1184165

I like both a lot.

Perfect Dark is better in terms of gameplay but I like Goldeneye's music and level design more.


Perfect Dark would be perfect if it had all the Goldeneye levels in it and not just a couple.

>> No.1184202

I played both on a real N64.

GE and PD both had choppy framerates. But GE was also horrifically foggy. All up, I consider PD the far superior game because of its polish and storytelling.

>> No.1184219

I played them both as a kid. I loved Goldeneye, don't get me wrong. But PD's multiplayer just had layers that Goldeneye's didn't.

But I absolutely agree that it upstaged the movie, which is a major thing considering licensed games history.

>> No.1184583

I just bought an N64 last week, mostly because my copy of Doom 64 was there doing nothing.

The console came with Goldeneye, i thought "i've never played this one, and all the guys in /vr/ are talking about it, let's check it out".


I assume is because i'm a Id fag, but i also enjoy other FPSs from other companies, but this one was so... STUPID, IDIOTIC, AND THE MODELS, OHH GOD THE MODELS.

All in all, a fun game anyway. Maybe i'm not feeling it right because i wasn't able to play it when i was a kid, so i don't have a deep feeling about it.

I hope to get in touch with it if i play it more. but first, i have to finish Doom 64 for the last time.

>> No.1184775
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You can't make accusations like that without evidence! I ashewm that you have some?

>> No.1184946
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Dem hit locations.

also some PD music for the thread: http://grantkirkhope.bandcamp.com/track/alien-conflict

>> No.1184975

>Goldeneye was objectively better
I don't agree. And don't use "objectively" if you're going to contradict yourself, you admit later that it was a matter of context. Here's the thing:
>even though we all had Perfect Dark my friends and I all played Goldeneye still
It was the same with me and my friends, but we played Goldeneye more mostly because that was probably one of the best multiplayer games ever at the time it came out and we were younger. By the time perfect dark came out there were more multiplayer games around, shit was advancing, and we were older; I genuinely thing PD beats out Goldeneye in every department but there's just no accounting for that nostalgia and the fact that Goldeneye was burned into all of our eyes and thumbs.

>> No.1185051

PD is a refined and perfected Goldeneye.

>> No.1185062


And PC shooters of the time were 10x better than any N64 FPS so maybe nostalgia does matter if people argue PD v. GE every other second.

>> No.1185069

I've yet to play a PC shooter that's impressed me in terms of sheer multiplayer options. The bots alone are something I wish more developers would touch on. It's not really nostalgia. PD is a damn impressive game on multiple levels.

>> No.1185071


Have you ever played Q3A or UT99 on PC? Setup a server on those games and see what you can do with bots. And then you actually could lan/play online. There is absolutely no defense for n64 fps games. They were well behind the times and stupidly difficult to play on that pos controller.

>> No.1185074
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>he never played Quake online when it came out

>> No.1185079

Hey man, retreading old stupid arguments over and over is what we do here on /vr/.

Though for what it's worth I think PD holds up against PC shooters of the same era, it focused on different things. It had 35 weapons not including the secret ones and some toys, that's 3 times more than most every PC shooter. The varied mission objectives based on difficult level made replaying and getting better at the game a blast, and each level was pretty well suited for multiple strategies. There was a metric shitton of multiplayer options (not everyone would agree but i had more fun playing PD splitscreen than i did at any CS lan party.) I also think the level design and variance was quite good.

I can deal with shitty animations, controls and story for that.

>> No.1185081

Perfect Dark.
Well, PD has some nice features and shit, but in terms of pure gameplay Q and UT are miles better.

>> No.1185141

I loved the death animations in these games. Shooting a guard in the bum making them jump up.

That groin shot death.

That gurgling sound you sometimes get when you shoot someone in the throat/face in Perfect sound.

>> No.1185151

>"pure gameplay"
see that doesn't mean anything to me. those games had neat guns and some cool levels and fast gameplay and shit like assault (i think? whatever the objective-based mode in UT was.) those are "nice features and shit." i played PD a lot more.

>> No.1185156


UT had like 9 trillion options/modes you could customize if you ran the server/lan.

>> No.1185172

PD had some crazy autoaim, and the universe was quite trashy.

>> No.1185190

Perfect Dark was so slow.

>> No.1185217


>black president

Oh boy, the britbongs thought they were having a good laugh when they did that. Jokes on them now.

>> No.1185220

Perfect Dark is superior.

>> No.1185243
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GoldenEye 007 was a tech demo, a prototype, an experiment.

Perfect Dark took that engine and pushed it to the limits.

Turok 2 is also a masterpiece.

>> No.1185253

I don't understand the people saying the PD story sucked.

I found it amazing and interesting. It's about corporations and alien conspiracies in a futuristic cyberpunk world. The cutscenes can be cheesy at some points but the overall plot is really magnificient and the missions are well executed. There is alot to think about in PD and alot of questions to be asked about the Skedar and Maians, it makes you think, the plot has alot of depth. You can read the background and story in the information room in the Carrington Institute, aswell as information about every character.
And this isn't even counting the mission briefings.

GE is just "hurr ur james bond now go slap guards and make out with natalya" kind of a cheap movie flick.

>> No.1185263

Perfect Dark

>> No.1185402

So many good memories OP. I havn't played this in over a decade.

What's a good N64 emulator?

>> No.1185413

>And PC shooters of the time were 10x better than any N64 FPS so maybe nostalgia does matter if people argue PD v. GE every other second.

They're really not. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have very different styles to PC FPS. The only thing you could say in all fairness was inferior about GD and PD were the controls. At the time of release, Goldeneye had better graphics than pretty much all shooting games on PC

>> No.1185506

>At the time of release, Goldeneye had better graphics than pretty much all shooting games on PC
what is Lifeforce Tenka

>> No.1185513


Virtually everything you said was 100% false. Think of when GoldenEye and Perfect Dark was released. This was not the early 90s. I'd say that pretty much any PC FPS released a year BEFORE Goldeneye would still look better than it. And they're not different styles so much as they're trying to simplify them onto consoles.

>> No.1185534

>What is Quake

>> No.1185540


Quake 2 was out by the time GE was out as well as Duke 3D. Half Life was a few months off. No disrespect to console fans, but they don't know dick about time lines of PC releases.

>> No.1185541

>good N64 emulator

There isn't one. You need to juggle different emus, plugins, etc. to work anything, and even then you'll almost never get any good accuracy. All I can say is best of luck, and try Mugen64 and Project64.

>> No.1185548

360 version.

>> No.1185560

Perfect Dark is the better game, but Goldeneye runs a lot better.

>> No.1185562

You didn't need a rampack for Perfect Dark ? I always though so...

>> No.1185565

Perfect Dark is far more advanced, having been built on top of Goldeneye. But there's a great many levels I love and things that didn't make the transfer.

All in all, PD just has more nice things.

>> No.1185571

>Quake 2 was out by the time GE was out

Goldeneye 007: 23 August 1997
Quake 2: December 9, 1997


>No disrespect to console fans, but they don't know dick about time lines of PC releases.

How ironic.

>I'd say that pretty much any PC FPS released a year BEFORE Goldeneye would still look better than it.

Really? Tell me about which 1996 FPS games (Quake aside) looked better then Goldeneye 007, keeping in mind system settings and resolution possible by the PCs at the time.

>And they're not different styles so much as they're trying to simplify them onto consoles.

Please tell me about the PC FPS games in the late 90s with varied and multiple objectives per level and stealth elements.

>> No.1185596

>It's nice to play PD with wasd+mouse controls over emulators.


>> No.1185613

Thief ?

>> No.1185618

Calling Thief an "FPS" is really stretching things, but nevertheless it's 1998.

>> No.1185626

Curse the faggot who turned PD's awesome story and setting into a HURR IT'S THE ALIENS shitfest and completely ruined the last part of the game.

PD's Chicago was so fucking atmospheric.

>> No.1185641

If you want to play Goldeneye, just play Goldeneye. There's nothing wrong with them taking it in a different direction and not just being another spy shooter.

The ending really did fizzle out though.

>> No.1185643

Well, considering Perfect Dark stealth too.

>> No.1185691

Marathon Infinity(it was only for mac but wtf is the difference in this case) had multiple misson objectives per level, as well as a cloak powerup and sound sensetive enemys

>> No.1185701

>Marathon Infinity(it was only for mac but wtf is the difference in this case)
Probably the fact that nobody had a Mac.

>multiple misson objectives per level
That it did

>cloak powerup and sound sensetive enemys
Well even Doom had that. The difference was that Goldeneye's stealth system was fully developed, with entire levels that could be built around it (Bunker 2 in particular).

>> No.1185706

yes I know PD is basically GE with tons of new options and features, but I grade games by one standard: fun factor. to me Goldeneye is the funner (and therefore better) game.

>> No.1185817


What causes you to enjoy goldeneye more?

>> No.1185827

Not the same guy, but I found this:

I opted to just use project 64 though, and it worked fine.

>> No.1185879

>play Goldeneye all the time as a kid
>go to friend's house
>he and his brother want to play Perfect Dark with me
>they smash all over me since I had no clue where guns were etc
>hate the game until last year when I bought it

>> No.1185910

the Bond characters and especially the varied levels. I also like the easier AI in Goldeneye better since I fucking suck at third person shooters. also I'm judging them almost solely on the one player experience

>> No.1185949

My thoughts exactly

>> No.1186004

Goldeneye, no question about it.

1. Aesthetically, Goldeney was nice for the N64. It was simple, but you could make out what you were seeing. Perfect dark was all over the place with aesthetics and colors, which is good in certain types of games. It didn't seem to meld well with that one though.

2. I found the story of Perfect Dark incredibly dull, long winded and try-hard. The Alien was also a bit obnoxious and out of place.

3.There wasn't a single catchy tune in all of Perfect Dark, and Goldeneye was nothing but catchy tunes. A video game needs great music, or it just falls flat (especially when looking back on it now)

>> No.1186006


What do you mean by more varied levels, anyway? Settings? PD had more aesthetic design to the levels, and I'm pretty sure more settings though if you're not into sci-fi stuff I can see that being bothersome. The levels were larger, more intricate, and had many more secrets/easter eggs than the goldeneye ones. AI difficulty isn't even a factor if you play on easiest difficulty...

The single player PE experience also had a shitload more to do in general. And it was full voiced too.

Are you sure it isn't strictly because of dat james bond? Which to be honest is a perfectly legitimate reason to prefer the game.

>> No.1186013

PD is better in nearly every way aside from framerate. Though I really dislike that the plot turns into aliums halfway through instead of sticking with the future corporate espionage.

>> No.1186016

>I've yet to play a PC shooter that's impressed me in terms of sheer multiplayer options

Did you just recently start playing PC games? I love PD but you gotta be crazy to think PC games in that same era had less multiplayer options than PD.

>> No.1186017

Perfect Dark is definitely much more fun, but Goldeneye had the better music and aesthetics.

>> No.1186025

>though if you're not into sci-fi stuff I can see that being bothersome

not into sci-fi. at all.

>Are you sure it isn't strictly because of dat james bond?

nope. while I do enjoy the characters in goldeneye much much more than in PD, I've never even seen (nor do I ever have the interest of seeing) a Bond movie.

>> No.1186165

> I've never even seen (nor do I ever have the interest of seeing) a Bond movie.
Unfortunate. You'd probably appreciate Goldeneye on N64 that much more to see how accurately they've recreated scenes from the movies. That and Goldeneye is a legitimately excellent movie in its own right.

>> No.1186181
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To me it's almost and apples and oranges argument, but when it comes right down to it, Perfect Dark was the first FPS I truly obsessed over. Hell, the sole reason I bought a 360 was to play the HD version. Damn shame Zero was so terrible.

>> No.1186286

>The difference was that Goldeneye's stealth system was fully developed, with entire levels that could be built around it

And it got even better with Perfect Dark, which introduced a dynamic lighting system where enemies had trouble hitting you in the dark, AND you could shoot lights out to create localized darkness anywhere you wanted it.

Not to mention introduction of a system of distinguishing nonlethal vs lethal attacks, as well as the potential to make enemies surrender by disarming them and sufficiently intimidating them. Required for most of the levels and some secret weapon caches, as well as creating the opportunity for new self-imposed challenges since you could play through most of the game without technically killing anyone if you were good enough.

And then of course the higher difficulty settings, which didn't merely make the enemies tougher but also added/altered mission objectives, changed the layout of the level, and in one case actually changed where you spawned.

Sorry but I give this one to the consoles. Early PC FPS rarely had any nuance or strategy to them, instead just being "charge in like Rambo and shoot anything that moves".

>> No.1186290


The online mode was pretty fun in Zero.

>> No.1186723

PD had better multiplayer
Goldeneye had better single player

>> No.1186730

>I love PD but you gotta be crazy to think PC games in that same era had less multiplayer options than PD.

Which PC FPS games at the time had co-op and counter-op?

>> No.1186740

Duke Nukem 3D had coop. No counter-op, but that's cherry picking to say it needs that one mode to have "more."

>> No.1187338

>Early PC FPS rarely had any nuance or strategy to them, instead just being "charge in like Rambo and shoot anything that moves".
And sadly shortly after Perfect Dark that's exactly the style we went back to and have stayed with since. The Goldeneye's and Perfect Dark's of this world are the exception to the rule which is why they still stand so high today.

>> No.1187354

but you basically described Thief or (even System Shock).

>> No.1187358

No One Live Forever series was pretty good.

>> No.1187362

How is that cherry picking?

Does Perfect Dark have more modes or not? This is an objective question.

>> No.1187378

Golden'eye is better, but in Perfect Dark we can configure the weapon and many things for multi. We can't do that with Golden'eye, but Golden'eye is still the best.

I had the two, I enjoyed the two, but Golden'eye is better.

>> No.1187501

Didn't it came out the same year ?

>> No.1187686
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I think we all know why Perfect Dark wins.

>> No.1187712

Do mods and total conversions count as "different modes?" If so, Duke Nukem has more.

>> No.1187726

>dat reload animation and sound

>> No.1187742

Quake too, of course.

>> No.1187798

The two things that still make PD Stand-Out to this day are Counter-Op and Controllable SIMs in Multiplayer. The SIMs alone opened up so many crazy options to combat that were just a little different than full-on Co-Op but made shit incredibly fun to play.

>> No.1188305


>> No.1188395

What do you guys think about Time Splitters games?

Future Perfect feels a lot like Perfect Dark at times. Some of the sound effects are the same too.

>> No.1188397

I thought we were talking about modes that were included with the original game, not additional content added after release.

If including player created additions, Goldeneye and PD are automatically at a disadvantage.

>> No.1188426

Love 'em. Though for some reason I liked the first two the best, they just had the feel of the GE/PD engine and it was insane to play a shooter like that but with almost no slowdown and frantic as shit pace, endurance killing like 1000 zombies or whatever.

>> No.1188446

I have this xbox arcade
With updated controls, you can see it age but otherwise, its still fun

>> No.1188443

I found Perfect Dark more enjoyable due to the setting and the plot.

>> No.1188449

Perfect Dark has the combat simulator.
That make sit better than 95% of most console fps games

>> No.1188459


>> No.1188462

>Turok 2
I could never complete that game with the level skip cheat. It's so fucking obsecure on how you were supposed to complete the levels that I find it hard to believe anyone did.

>> No.1188463

Pd all the way. That game completed me and my group of friend's lives for years. It's probably the only game I'll never be able to be objective about. It's flawless in my eyes and I love it dearly

>> No.1188478

Goldeneye is pretty straightforward. PD is riding the late 90s zOMG NSA CONSPIRACY train (Yes, I know, it's starting up again).
Advantage Goldeneye
Advantage Perfect Dark
Always a subjective thing, but I preferred Goldeneye.
Advantage Goldeneye
Perfect Dark had lot of options, and SHOULD have had the better one. Yet, we always had more fun with Goldeneye
Advantage Goldeneye
>Level design
Both games have some stinkers, but overall, Perfect Dark's stinkers stunk more (Alien ship, Crash Site).
Advantage Goldeneye
Perfect Dark has more (Gimmicky) elements, true. It's also ludicrously gimmicky, though. And personally, I feel that Goldeneye's more fast paced, simpler gameplay wins out. It's entirely subjective, though, I ain't gonna disagree on a fundamental level if someone else views it differently. Still, from my own PoV
Advantage Goldeneye
>Weapon Selection
Perfect Dark had so many more options, and as forced and not-fun as PD's non-shooting elements are, here it wins out.
>Advantage Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark tried. Goldeneye OTOH, had it, and didn't take itself too seriously. Actually, I think an argument can be made that PD was the point where Rare started to take itself too seriously... Again, this is subjective - I'm sure there's people who prefer forced humour in conspiracy theory nuthugger games to crotch shots -, but as far as I'm concerned,
Advantage Goldeneye

All in all, Perfect Dark DID improve some things. But a lot of the time, what it tried to improve was instead ruined, trying to replace humour with x-files spooky and incorrectly believing that MOAR THINGS automatically make everything better, a faulty line of reasoning that didn't quite crash Perfect Dark - but boy would it do so when it was continued in DK 64.

Overall, Goldeneye is better.

>> No.1188485

>Perfect Dark is the objectively superior game but goldeneye just because

>> No.1188492

Funny how backwards opinions in this thread are, compared to the reality. Goldeneye was very impressive compared to PC games at the time of its release. In that it could be viewed in the same club of FPS games without making excuses (also, ever play online gaming on a 24k modem?). By the time PD came out, PC games were way ahead of it and broadband was standard.

>> No.1189587

Great stuff and played them a lot. For some reason they never stuck with me as much as GE or PD, but that might be because I didn't play them quite as much in multiplayer as my brothers began to stop playing around that time. Brilliant games though, if the remake gets it half right they should be good fun

>> No.1189592

>and broadband was standard.
Woah don't know where this has come from. I didn't get broadband until two or three years later, around 2002 or 2003

>> No.1189618

>objectively superio

Can you show me what peer-reviewed mathematical formula you're using to measure the games?

I'll need scientific-journal citations.

>> No.1189747

Timesplitters 2 is every bit as good as GE and PD.

Awesome music, cool stages, amazing variety of gametypes and playable characters. I've been meaning to try the other games, but 2 was perfect.

>> No.1189756
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Can you show me what peer-reviewed mathematical formula you're using to measure the games?
Here's my citation http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/formula

Now lets observe the facts.
Over Golden Perfect Dark has:
>Better Controls
>Better Graphics
>Better Sound Quality
>More Weapons with a majority have multiple functions (Such as a gun that can be fired as an automatic or set up as a sentry turret)
I could list more but most of anything else would merely be conjecture so lets construct this argument into formulaic form.

F=Playability (as defined by efficiency of player control vs technical limitations)
A=Visual Quality (as defined by graphical clarity and efficiency of user interface)
G=Individual opinion (as defined as the the variables in an individuals life that may have an effect an their ability to understand a game)
U=The game (as defined by the game its in an unbaised view)

-------------- = Ur a faget

QED, Perfect Dark is the superior game

>> No.1190787

If you were a hardcore gamer when these games came out, and especially if you had a group of friends that gamed with you, Goldeneye was always better. I guess technically PD was better, but it just wasn't the top choice back then like ever.

>> No.1190798

What a ridiculous argument. I could say the exact opposite for Perfect Dark. Goldeneye became obsolete among N64 FPS experiences for "true hardcore gamers" fairly quickly.

>> No.1190808

>that faggot kid that would always play odd job in goldeneye
>that bullshit alien sniper rifle in perfect dark that shoots through walls

>> No.1190814

>There will never be another game where the bullets are raytraced from the gun's actual position on the screen, rather than coming out of the center of the crosshairs

>> No.1190818

Well isn't that cool. I'm just talking about my experience with it, unrustle them jimmies.

All I'm saying is I haven't ever had anyone want to play PD instead of Goldeneye like ever.

>> No.1191062

>There will never be another game where the bullets are raytraced from the gun's actual position on the screen, rather than coming out of the center of the crosshairs


>> No.1191089

He just did. The bullet come out from the barrel of the gun and doesn't magically come out of the center of your face.

>> No.1191137

How does this work in other FPS?

>> No.1191152

In most FPS games, the bullet comes from your face or around the hip rather than the gun model, and the trajectory (if it isn't hitscan) is usually dead-on straight.

>> No.1191157

I don't know about most. A great many FPS games offset the launching point of projectiles and hitscan.

>> No.1191203


>Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have very different styles to PC FPS

I agree, PC FPS have a good style and GE/PD have a shitty one

Naw, but for real, I grew up with Goldeneye, never played Perfect Dark, but I don't see how anyone can possibly think it's even in the same league as games like Quake, Unreal, Half-life, Duke 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Hexen, etc. It's interesting in its design, but it's not exactly well put together.

It's even more ridiculous when people praise its multiplayer. The multiplayer that's so shitty that people would get MAD at you if you played as the guy who's an inch shorter than the other player models (with lower health to compensate) because that makes it such a bitch to aim at you with the terrible N64 controls

>> No.1191209

>because that makes it such a bitch to aim at you with the terrible N64 controls

But they're the same controls we have for consoles now; only difference is you aim with the left stick and move with the c buttons. And it's not like you need an analog stick for movement.

>> No.1191214
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If you're talking about the 2 controllers at once thing, you can't do that when you got 3 or 4 people playing, which is the only way you should have been playing Goldeneye multiple

>my face imagining a 6 year old saying "1v1 me goldeneye, scrub. Complex, slappers only"

>> No.1191216



>> No.1191217

Uh, no, I'm literally talking about the control scheme where you
>aim with the left stick and move with the c buttons

It was 1.2 or something, I don't remember. Hell, it was the default in Turok.

>> No.1191219


>Hell, it was the default in Turok.

Thinking back to Turok, that game was clunky as fuck too and definitely not similar to modern console control schemes, which I would also say are bad but not nearly AS

>> No.1191224

But it's the same control scheme we have on consoles now, just with a more left-handed approach to aiming (And I'm honestly pretty sure you could move with the d-pad too if you were right handed). It's no less clunky than trying to aim with a controller in modern games, for better or worse.

>> No.1191229


modern fps games dont rubber band your aim unless you stand still and aim those stupid crosshairs with the terrible n64 control stick

>> No.1191317

>It's interesting in its design, but it's not exactly well put together.

The fuck? Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have great production values. Nobody made more polished video games than Rare except for Nintendo. You can say what you want about those two companies, but polishing games to a shiny sheen was their specialty.

>> No.1191326
File: 50 KB, 428x510, bald_man_choking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1:20 - that aiming
>1:33 - supersoldier enemies that can morph through doors
>1:52 - that enemy weapon accuracy
>1:56 - that "sound sensitive enemy" and "stealth mechanics"

Great game you guys got there.

>> No.1191512

Pretty sure this comment is tongue in cheek, but the guy is playing on Agent mode so of course the AI is going to be retarded.

>1:52 - that enemy weapon accuracy
Realistic to the movie.

>> No.1191530

>The ai is only prentending.

>> No.1192629

>modern fps games dont rubber band your aim unless you stand still and aim those stupid crosshairs with the terrible n64 control stick
You do realise that could be disabled, right? Did you ever bother looking in the options menu?

>> No.1193940
File: 51 KB, 640x452, 198710_86201_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best N64 FPS multiplayer

>> No.1193941

really no.

>> No.1193965

>black president
>Oh boy, the britbongs thought they were having a good laugh when they did that. Jokes on them now.

no i think the joke is on us

>> No.1194750

The Serious Sam games did this.

>> No.1195405

goldeneye aged like milk

>> No.1195423

I used to say this all the time as a kid with my little bro.
Thus used to be our little meme

Thank you anon
You made my night

>> No.1195432
File: 135 KB, 640x480, Miss01cheese2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goldeneye aged like milk
You mean it turned into a fine cheese?

>> No.1195453

You need a certain enzyme to make cheese. Just letting milk spoil will only get you a pile of rotten milk chunks.

>> No.1195787

Pretty sure he's just looking for an excuse to post the hidden cheese wedges from PD, bud.

>> No.1195795

I can't play goldeneye anymore, I don't even know how I did when I was a kid. Aiming is incredibly difficult with how the joystick works.

>> No.1195805

They were both about the same amount of big deal. For me the effect was amplified because I was a total naysayer from the impression that Nintendo Power gave me. Boy was I wrong. I did the same thing with Oot, I had never played a previous zelda so i totally underestimated it. Perfect Dark is one of my favorite games of all time though, Goldeneye pales by comparison, because Perfect Dark is basically goldeneye 2.0

>> No.1195806

It proves his point. Perfect Dark was Goldeneye's cheese form. I am clear yes?

>> No.1195824

just because your opinion and your memory says one thing doesn't mean that it's "objectively better". What about Secondary Fire? What about an abundance of voice acting? What about an original story? What about bots? What about creative weapons? What about disarms? Just because you and your friends liked it more doesn't mean it's the better game. Just because my friend and I and his dad had an amazing time playing PD story COOPERATIVE (another thing you fail to mention) and against each other doesn't mean that PD is objectively better.

>> No.1195918
File: 56 KB, 157x185, 1369265295550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just observing the surface level. The post was clearly two-fold in purpose. But you just wouldn't be pleased if you didn't have a chance to flaunt your dairy knowledge, would you?

>> No.1195992

Red Orchestra too.

>> No.1196084

goldeneye is better for license to kill/pistols

perfect dark is better for anything else

>> No.1196394

I played the hell out of Goldeneye with my friends. I got PD when it was released but my experience with it is limited since it was stolen shortly afterwards. If I'm correct about both games having remote mines and the facility then I will call it a tie.

>> No.1198251

Played the shit out of both, 100%'d both games, preferred GoldenEye. It's just personal preference really.

>> No.1198734

Who is that guy in the portrait behind him? I swear I know it but I can't figure it out.

>> No.1199731

Oh god, that sound. 10 years I've been playing PD, never impressed me as a kid, but now it's so real and... cold.

Fucking perfect game.