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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1180627 No.1180627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about people you know who have kick-ass old games you wish you had, or people who have old games but don't use them/mistreat them? I'll start:

>Have a friend, he's kind of a douche but knows his shit on old PSX games
>Talk one day about our favorite game series, and I say mine is Final Fantasy
>He nods and talks about how much he loved FFVII and VIII
>Later takes me to his apartment, I see his collection, it's ok
>Notice that he has EVERY Final Fantasy released in America, along with each of their re-releases
>Ask him what he thought of them, says VII, VIII and X were the best, thought IX was gay because Zidane had a monkey tail and he refused to play it, hasn't played the others
>What about the Nintendo-era FFs?
>Looks at me and says that he refuses to play "kiddie shit", explains how the series didn't get good until VII
>Contain my rage, don't want to get kicked out
>Ask him if he at least played the original
>Said he tried but got lost after getting the pirate ship and gave up, said it was dumb
>"He can't be this dumb" I think, ask him what he thought of XI, XII, the XIII games and XIV
>Says XI was fantastic, XII was okay and XIII was actually really good and people who think it sucks are stuck-up pricks
>Hasn't tried XIV yet
>So angry I decide I have to leave, he let's me out
>Have tried to avoid talking to him since

And I know they are still there rotting on his shelf, never going to be played because their owner is a massive fucking faggot. I asked around too, since he and I have a lot of the same friends, and it turns out he stole most of those from hobby shops in the area, which makes me even angrier

>> No.1180702

I think you would be very upset by a lot of our collections and our opinions as well.

As far as identifying with your jealousy, the only place I've been to in ten years that had enough shit I don't have in my collection to make me jealous was this little store called Warp Zone and it was really just because the guy focused on imports and my import shit isn't that strong but I have plans to change that.

He had a Turbo Duo. I want one of those.

>> No.1181606
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>IX was gay because Zidane had a monkey tail and he refused to play it
>the series didn't get good until VII

>> No.1181624

I hAve played all 8 FF games and they are good

>> No.1181635

Is that guy with the bigass horns supposed to be someone from the first game?

>> No.1181750
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>> No.1181889

I was serious.Obviously it's supposed to be the player character from the first game, but I don't remember anyone that looked like that.

>> No.1181912

It's the Emperor in FF2

>> No.1181918

This is shit I do not get. As a collector that collects to play. I do not see how anyone would want to collect anything that they themselves would not actually play. All you are doing is wasting shelf space.

Like I own Phantasy Star I,II, and IV but I am not going to buy III because I really don't care for it that much. I will not buy it just to say I own it, and then throw it on a shelf never to be played.

>> No.1181919


>Looking through friends N64 collection
>Friend has Mystical Ninja 2 (Goemons Great Adventure)
>Game was pretty rare at the time of release in the UK (they only shipped a few thousand copies, allegedly), now it's near impossible to get a decent copy of without paying upwards of £50
>He says he played it once and got bored
>Played it once. And got. Bored.
>It's in prestine condition, has original box art and manual, even has the plastic around the
>Ask to buy it off him
>He says "Sure, £5"
>About to hand over money, when he decides to check eBay
>Well, fuck.
>Says he wants £75 for it, or he'll sell it on eBay for £100
>Tell him I don't have that
>He indeed sells it on eBay, gets £65 or so
>Pretty annoyed
>He IM's me later
>"Man I'm pretty pissed off, I only got £65 for that old N64 game. What a rip off"
>Can't even reply, I'm in a rage

I love that game, /vr/.

>> No.1181921


>> No.1181930

We were discussing old games when a friend of mine's little brother mentions, offhand, that he's played Earthbound. Apparently one of his friends from school (he's 11) has a copy, but they "just moved away." I guarantee you no 11-year-old has any clue what that game is worth. What I wouldn't give.

>> No.1181929

Well see this is something i don't quite understand either. In Final Fantasy Origins for the Playstation, there is an opening CGI and it shows that character as the Warrior of Light. There are 4 warriors sure, but I imagine they wanted a personification of all 4 characters into one.

>> No.1181952

When I was 11 we did talk about rare games and some of us collected. Never under-estimate kids raised on vidya and TCGs! The parents, however... Oh god, the moron PARENTS! Those make me rage. Tell you little bro to make sure all his friends take their games with them when they leave for college or they will REGRET IT FOREVER.

>> No.1181957

Good thing my parents know of my love for my collection. Not that I wouldn't take my stuff with me anywhere. But if I had to leave my stuff around my parents house then they know it's all off limits.

I am even going to have it put in writing that my sister is to obtain my games when I pass and she is like me, she doesn't sell or trade anything. Pretty much the only one I can trust in such a situation.