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1176263 No.1176263 [Reply] [Original]

Fainal Fantasiru Thread:

Which games of the main FFs did you beat, which version and how you rate them (or comment) or why you didnt beat them. Will also include Tactics just for fun :P


FF1 -
FF2 -
FF3 -
FF4 -
FF5 -
FF6 -
FF7 -
FF8 -
FF9 -
FF10 -
FF12 -
FF13 -
FF13 -2
FF Tactics -


FF1 - Beat. Gba Version. Was fun but cannot stand the NES version.
FF2 - Beat. PSP version. Not as bad as people say. NES version sucks.
FF3 - DS version. Stupid difficulty (grind grind grind). Good game.
FF4 - PSP and DS version. Both are excellent.
FF5 - didnt finish yet...damn.
FF6 - Beat SNES. Not really a HUGE fan....w
FF7 - Beat PS1. The fucking best. BEAST.
FF8 - Beat PS1. It's ok...garbage story and mechanics.
FF9 - Beat Love it. Slow battles. Beat.
FF10 - Beat. Meh, combat is fun. Sidequests are stupid.
FF12 - Beat. Loved the combat. Story was garbage.
FF13 - Beat. ...ehm...no comment.
FF13 -2 - Beat. Garbage story.
FF Tactics - Beat PS1 and PSP: Love the STORY GAMEPLAY MUSIC: everything.

>> No.1176281

FF1 - Beat on GBA. Not bad.
FF2 - Beat on GBA. Don't remember much about it.
FF3 - Never beat. Got bored, thought 5 did everything it does better.
FF4 - Beat on SNES. It's alright, about on par with 1 for me.
FF5 - Beat on SNES and GBA. Probably my favorite of the series.
FF6 - Beat on SNES. Great game.
FF7 - Beat. I'd put rank it the same as 6.
FF8 - Nope. I like the mechanics of the game, but hate the story and characters. Music is nice though.
FF9 - Beat. Excellent game, second only to 5 for me.
FF10 - Never beat. Same kind of deal as 8.
FF12 - Beat. Good game, but a bad Final Fantasy, if that makes sense.
FF13 - lol
FF13 -2 - See above
FF Tactics - Played it when it was new, never beat it. It's on my todo list.

>> No.1176298

>FF1 - GBA and Wonderswan. Didn't care for it
>FF2 - GBA. Hated it.
>FF3 - SNES. Meh.
>FF4 - DS. Pretty good.
>FF5 - Not played
>FF6 - Overall my favorite.
>FF7 - First FF game, good.
>FF8 - Enjoyed it, didn't enjoy the plot until second playthrough
>FF9 - Split the party too much and was too easy.
>FF10 - Really enjoyed it, completed many times under countless challenges.
>FF12 - Was fun, but had persistent faults. The content being in spades however made up for that.
>FF13 - Not played, don't plan to.
>FF13 -2 Nobody asked for this.
>FF Tactics - Best SRPG game I've played. Bar none.

>> No.1176302

Finished most everything except 11 and beyond. Finished the Legend series on GB, FF Adventure, Sword of Mana, Tactics, Chocobo's Dungeon 1 and 2, Chocobo Racing, FF Mystic Quest, Crystal Defenders and FF Tactics Advance. I've come close to finishing Crystal Chronicles, but haven't gotten around to resuming my progress. There are way too many spin offs. I can't remember all of them.

My favorite games in the series are 2j, 8, 1 and Chocobo's Dungeon in general.

FF2 - I liked the game system. The story was pretty thin, but it was a fun and challenging game nonetheless. Finding powerful new items really didn't ensure your victory since not only did you have to train your characters to use them, but enemies had weapon specific resistances and immunities as well. Magic was a similar ordeal. You couldn't go into battle spamming the same spells over and over. Some enemies would resist or absorb them outright. Enemies can even absorb HP from status effects. Strange, but interesting.

FF8 - Liked how the experience level system took a backseat to junctioning. You could make a character specialize in anything, and you could abuse the refining system to gain access to high-level magic early in the game. Of course it makes the game quite easy, but it's still fun to play around with all that freedom.

Chocobo's Dungeon - I just like rougelikes, or anything based on rougelike elements. I had to import the first one since it was never localized outside of Japan.

Least favorite games:

FF9 - Sidequest hell. I'm a completionist, and there's no way I'm going near this game again.

FF6 - I didn't like the whole western crossover theme. It was truly bizarre, especially considering the game's antagonist is an omnicidal clown. I suppose the gameplay formula had also become such a common staple for the FF series and SNES RPGs in general that I was already burned out on it. I did push myself to finish the game at least once, though. It had its moments, but it hasn't kept my interest.

>> No.1176318

FF1 - Beat it on GBA, enjoyed it. Someday I'll finish the original NES version.
FF2 - nope.avi, awful mechanics.
FF3 - On my to-beat list, but I'm not sure which to pick: the original Famicom or the DS version
FF4 - Beat it on four days, still a sweet memory of my youth.
FF5 - Never beat, but I like it. On my to-beat list as well.
FF6 - Beat it once, bretty gud.
FF7 - Beat it once, brings back excellent memories. My first burned ISO.
FF8 - For some reason, I want to beat this game, even though most of it is just bullshit.
FF9 - Beat it last year, quite good but left me a bit unsatisfied in the end
FF10 - Too much of a poorfag to afford a PS2, so never got to play it.
FF12 - Same as above.
FF13 - Get a load of this guy...
FF13-2 - No, seriously...
FF Tactics - Almost beat it, my old PSX died. Also will beat it someday.

>> No.1176319


Wouldn't the transliteration be Fainaru Fantashi? My Japanese isn't the best, but still.

>> No.1176367
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FF1 - Played when I was 3, beat it when I was 17. FF1 always was the most challenging for me because I didn't understand I could use items to cast spells and never grinded for levels. When I finished it on the original system year later, I was able to see a lot of things I really liked compared to future titles. 6/10 for NES, 8/10 for GBA remake. Holds some niche appeal due to difficulty and ruthless mechanics for some (like me), so you might like the NES version a lot more than most would.

FF2 - Never got very far, had it for GBA. Got lost about midway through. Hated the stat system, although it was a good concept. 4/10 for GBA.

FF3 - Have never played past about 10 minutes on an NES rom translation. I like the class system, however.

FF4 - This is probably the most quintessential FF out there as an example of what the series is. Good but standard "save the world" story, simple gameplay that can be found as a root for all other games, simple but nice characters. Not particularly mindblowing. 7/10

FF5 - FF5 adds in a class system like FF3, which allows for lots of customization of your party. The story is a little silly but passable. One of the most fun FFs to actually play due to somewhat deeper mechanics than the others. 9/10

FF6 - Has a large, diverse cast of characters with great backgrounds, best characters in the series IMO. Story is sorta weak, but propped up by the good characters. Mechanics are a step down from FF5, there's no job classes (Or rather, everyone is a single job class that cannot be changed). Second half of the game adds a lot of freedom to explore. 9/10


>> No.1176369
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FF1 - Completed GBA version. Played 4-5 hours worth of both the NES and PSX versions before losing interest. Better game than it gets credit for, but certainly lacking these days.

FF2 - Beat PSX version. Dabbled with GBA version, lost interest. I liked the concept of the leveling system much more than the execution, and I was not bothered by the grind cheats as much as I would be today. I felt that Skyrim's leveling system is the modern version of what it attempted, for better or worse.

FF3 - Beat translated NES rom, played DS version up to the Hyne bossfight. Found it to be more entertaining than I expected, but I feel that the story has perhaps never been translated well.

FF4 - Completed SNES, PSX versions. Played GBA up to the Dark Elf, have been playing the DS version off and on on an emulator. First game of the FF series played and finished. Story blew my 9-year-old mind, and subsequent versions have failed to capture the same feelings. Such are the wages of growing up.

FF4 After Years- Played the Ceodore-Kain story on the Wii. Was so disappointed that I never purchased or played another one. Read a let's play years after and realized that this judgement was correct.

FF5 - Finished GBA version, tried sincerely to get into PSX version but was overwhelmed by bugs and loadtimes. An excellent refinement of 3's system and the GBA translation has the good sense not to take itself seriously. One of the better FF's to be sure.

FF6 - Finished SNES, PSX, GBA versions. Wearing rose-colored nostalgia goggles for sure on this one, personal favorite of the series and well aware that it's probably because it was 'the best game ever' when I was twelve. In spite of that, it still holds up well in the series. Have played through so many times that it's just not worth ever playing again.

>> No.1176370


>bilinear filtering

>> No.1176372
File: 609 KB, 1200x500, ff8 played.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF7 - FF7 has a better story than the previous entries, and adds in the materia system to allow for customization of characters in battle, though not as deep as the class system. The graphics, though dated now, were wonderful for the time and blew people away. 9/10

FF8 - Story for FF8 was somewhat weak and at points nonsensical. Junction system broke the battle mechanics pretty hard. The graphics were probably the best out of the PSX Final Fantasies, however, and there were some genuinely great parts here and there. 7/10, bonus points if you're a teenager who really likes a love story (Looking back, this is sort of like a male videogame version of Twilight...)

FF9 - FF9 attempted to return the series to an earlier time. It shares a lot of design decisions with FF4, in that you have a basic party with little customization. The story is good, and the game has the best characters in the series barring FF6. 8/10, bonus points if you liked FF4.

FF10 - The first PS2 Final Fantasy, FF10 attempted to experiment a little. It has a pretty good story somewhat marred by a couple of weak/annoying characters, and in my opinion, has the best battle mechanics of the main series (Deep customization with armor/weapons/sphere grid, very structured combat allowing for strategizing). 9/10

FF12 - Didn't play very much because I didn't like the combat system or Vahn.

FF13 - Never had a PS3 to play it on.

FF13 -2 - Same as above.

FF Tactics - Incredibly fun game that lets you fight strategically with deep mechanics. Very good story with lots of intrigue. Somewhat marred by glitches and overly ambitious mechanics that can break the game, making it very easy. I recommend this FF to anyone that likes a good story or fun combat. 10/10

>> No.1176376


Fainaru Fantajī

>> No.1176387

>The graphics, though dated now, were wonderful for the time and blew people away.

Is this a joke, right?

FF7 always looked awful.

>> No.1176390

FF1 - Beat PSP version, awesome game
FF2 - Nah
FF3 - Played to the last dungeon on DS, mediocre
FF4 - Beat on SNES, it's good i guess
FF5 - Beat on SNES, love the job system, otherwise meh
FF6 - Beat on SNES, fantastic game overall
FF7 - Beat on PS1, best in the series
FF8 - Beat on PS1, tied 2nd best with FF6
FF9 - Beat on PS1, like the music and setting, kinda mediocre title
FF10 - Beat on PS2, yeah series is going downhill now
FF12 - Beat on PS2, it's ok doesnt feel like an FF game though
FF13 - never touched it
FF13 -2 same
FF Tactics - Beat, love it
Crisis Core - Beat it, ok game i guess

>> No.1176389

> tfw FF8 is hated while FF9 and FF7 are praised

Despite FF8 being a better game. Sad.

>> No.1176394
File: 69 KB, 442x398, lera reaction image 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF7 always looked awful.

>> No.1176395

FF1 - PSX and GBA. Prefer the PSX for the time it was really good
FF2 - PSX and GBA. I like the idea of the system but it really needed to be fixed.
FF3 -DS. It's alright but from what I've read they fucked with the balance so magic was less usful
FF4 -SNES and GBA.. I know the DS/PSP was better I did want to really play it again. So I played the worst ones
FF5 -GBA. Has my favorite system. Every class was useful in some way.
FF6 -SNES and GBA. While I liked they fixed the bugs in the SNES version I feel the translation was fairly dull
FF7 -PSX. I hate this game. The system had no real balance and the translation SUCKED
FF8 -PSX (didn't beat). I like the idea of magic to stats and all that. But I feel it didn't really work well.
FF9 -PSX. My favorite FF. I didn't really like the direction they went from 7 and 8 so 9 was a breath of fresh air. Everything felt so charming and when the sad parts happen it felt more real then it did in 8 to me.
FF10 -PS2. I did enjoy the background story (history of sin and how the world became) but felt Tidus didn't really work as a character.
FF12 -PS2(didn't beat). I hated the license grid. And I while the gambit was a good idea is over really broken once you unlocked a few of them.
FF13 -360(didn't beat). The system was almost like 5 but really stripped down. And no real control until half way through the game so it didn't really matter by then. I really didn't care for the story.
FF13 -2 Never played
FF Tactics -PSX Enjoyed the story and gameplay. Wish the translation was better.

>> No.1176396
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Not a joke. I still think the pre-rendered parts were great, so were some of the FMVs. The general overworld graphics, however, were pretty poor.

>> No.1176398


FF1 - Owned the PS1 collection, played a bit past Bahamut with that. Eventually beat it on the PSP Anniversary edition. I enjoyed the plot; weird for the time but tame by later FF standards. Too generic D&Dish at times.

FF2 - PS1 collection again, never got far. Played the PSP anniversary edition but burned myself out grinding on levels for everyone. Still enjoyed the gameplay, and want to beat it someday.

FF3 - Played the first dungeon on PSP and DS, not much beyond that.

FF4 - PS1/PSP. Got to Tower of Babel. it's okay, but overrated I think. Kain's a piece of shit.

FF5 - GBA. Got to some library with the loli, then dropped it. I had fun when I was playing it earlier on. The translation makes it fun but I know it's probably a shitty one.

FF6 - GBA, got to Tower of Kefka. Immediately lost interest and dropped it. Really good and I kind of hate myself for dropping out like that.

FF7 - Beat. Great but not the best in the series.

FF8 - Beat. Liked all of it, my very first FF.

FF9 - Beat. One of my favorites ever.

FF10 - Beat. Didn't like some of the characters, enjoyed the Sphere system.

FF12 - Beat. It was good, but could have been better. Could never stop fapping during my playthrough.

FF13 - Beat. Thought I'd hate it, ended up loving the shit out of it.

FF13 -2- Beat. Enjoyed this one too.

FF Tactics - Beat. One of the best stories Square ever did.

>> No.1176407
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FF7 - Finished PSX version. Quite recently, I might add. The game really shines once you get a variety of materia to experiment with. I understand why it's considered one of the best, if not the best FF, but we all know that praise can get overblown.

FF8 - Finished PSX version twice. Once when it came out, once recently. Better than it gets credit for, and I feel that the junction system has a good concept but really needs reworking. Most of the hate for the story and characters is warranted, but there are subtleties in it that are often confused as convoluted.

FF9 - Finished PSX version. A fine return to form, but on the whole forgettable. Slowly paced, but enjoyable. Contains some of the best characters in the series such as Vivi and Freya, unfortunately the latters arc is largely abandoned after the first disc.

FF10 - Have played up to meeting Wakka. Was unimpressed at the time. Recently picked up the game for a dollar with the intent to take it for what it is.

FF11 - Briefly played someone elses character for a group of friends and was confused more than entertained. I'm just not that into MMO's

FF12 - Never played, have heard good things about the story and mixed reviews about gameplay. Everyone I've talked to rationalizes that Basch is actually the main character.

FF13 - Have played maybe an hours worth. Wasn't pulled in by anything, enviornment was bland and every character was talking about things I had no point of reference for, though I realize I saw only a small fraction of the game. I suspect that Sazh is probably the most likable character.

FF13/2 - Probably never.

FF Tactics - Partway through the second act, but I haven't gone back to it in months. I liked the combat so much that I inadvertently grinded too much and now random encounters are like boss fights compared to the story. I've already got calculators, which I've been told break the game as badly as Orlandu

>> No.1176413

I have only beat 5 and 6 emulated.
I tried with VII, but it was messy because it is many cds.
Now it is possible to buy VII through Steam, so I will buy it there and install it before the year ends.

>> No.1176420


Warning: Everyone bitches about the Steam version.

>> No.1176431

The music sort of disappoints me, but I can't decide if it's actually worse or if it's just that I was already familiar with the original.

>> No.1176435


I believe there was a petition to change it to the original PS1 music. They're just .ogg files after all. But the problems go deeper than that.

>> No.1176441

Does anyone else think a lot of the FFs just take way too long to get started? Like, the ones that have fun mechanics usually have a couple of hours or so before you can really mess with them. I'm talking like up to the castle on FFT, until Luca for FFX, until you exit Midgar for FFVII, that sort of thing. I always want to replay these games, but can never bring myself to get past it all.

>> No.1176442

FF1 (GBA) - The original: fun but nothing outstanding compared to recent RPGs. Better in a historical context than in a contemporary one. 7/10
FF2 (GBA) - I liked how this added many of the FF mainstays, along with having a more focused narrative. On the easier, GBA version, the battle system wasn't actually that horrendous, and led to an interesting change of pace. 7/10
FF3 (DS) - The updated graphics meant longer battles, which slowed down an already slow-paced game. Also the inferior job system to FFV (which I played first) and the unforgiving difficulty made me drop it. 5/10
FF4 (GBA) - Perhaps the most immediately loveable entry in the franchise, it's a very fun game, despite it's more shallow aspects, such as the plot. 8/10
FF5 (GBA) - Probably the most underrated FF. It's very expansive, with three whole worlds to explore and dozens of sidequests, and that's not even mentioning it's most beloved aspect, the job system. 9/10
FF6 (SNES) - A lot of people like it. I don't especially. It is quite accomplished in the departments of graphics, music, and style, but I feel like it comes down to all flash and no substance. The plot is paper-thin, the spotlight is hogged by too many protagonists, the magic system is ridiculous (equipping summons, really?), and the pacing is terrible; not to mention the rabid fanboys that glorify this thing - remember that thread that focused on fanfiction-tier speculations of what an FFVI movie would be like? *shudders* Still a great game, but very, very overrated. Perhaps the most overrated of all time. 8.5/10

>> No.1176461

FF1 - First one I played. Beat it years later. One of my favorites. Handheld versions ruin it.
FF2 - Don't like it.
FF3 - Only played it for an hour. No real opinion.
FF4 - Beat it. Love it.
FF5 - Didn't beat it, but it's extremely fun.
FF6 - Didn't beat it. It's good.
FF7 - Beat it. It's good.
FF8 - Beat it. Weird game. Liked it at the time.
FF9 - Beat it. Too fucking slow. Don't care for it.
FF10 - Beat it. Pretty sharp. Doesn't deserve the shit it gets.
FF12 - Didn't beat it. Didn't like it.
FF13 - Didn't beat it. Didn't play enough to know if I like it.
FF13-2 - Have not played it.
FF Tactics - One of the greatest games ever made.

>> No.1176471

FF1 - Beat PSP version. Too easy but really fun. It's the only version I've played.
FF2 - Close to beating the PSP version. I actually like it.
FF3 - Haven't played it.
FF4 - Haven't played it.
FF5 - Have the PSX version. One of the few FF games that I like.
FF6 - Have the PSX version. Didn't like it much. Never finished it.
FF7 - My first FF game and the first PSX game I bought. It's my favorite. Before that I was mainly into the Phantasy Star and Shining series on Genesis.
FF8 - Made it pretty far but never finished it. It's not bad. I might get back to it someday.
FF9 - Beat it. Probably my third favorite after FF5. I really liked this one a lot.
FF10 - Played through some of it. Maybe about half? It's alright. Not great, not awful. I may one day go back to it.
FF12 - Never had an interest in it really.
FF13 - Same.
FF13 -2 Same.
FF Tactics - I liked the gameplay but I found the narration and dialog to be rather bland. Although I hear the newer version is better. I've never really wanted to go back to it. By the time I got a copy Disgaea had come out and I just totally lost interest in FFT.

>> No.1176472


I agree about FF6.

- hate the esper system
- hate how "open world" it gets in the later part
- hate the random encounter rate
- hate how equipping certain espers during a level up give different STATS
- Characters are ok, but nothing special.
- Kefka isn't that good
- Randomness in Gameplay, like Shadow leaving, or the Fish feeding to Cid.
- without a guide, its fucking impossible to find everything and do everything properly.

>> No.1176474 [DELETED] 

FF7 (PS1) - What's been said that hasn't been said already? It's the greatest game ever, despite being rough around the edges by today's standards. 10/10
FF8 (PS1) - The story is batshit insane, but there's something likeable about it all. Probably just how damn iconic so much of it is - dem floating, carnival reminiscent assassin academies; those unforgettable character designs... But really, FFVIII is the primary example of a foible common in the FF franchise, too much style, and not much else - but despite of that, this game still remains enjoyable. 8/10
FFIX (PS1) - I don't remember much of this game, which is strange, since it left a pretty good impression on me. The characters were very fleshed-out, the world was very developed, and Uematsu really knew what he was doing. I think it's a game for a different FF fan than those that make up the norm. 9/10
FFX (PS2) So yeah, it may be linear, it may be stream-lined as hell, and it may have started that movie-over-vidya approach that plagues FF now, but you can't blame it for being damn entertaining. I really enjoyed the characters, who all felt like your friends by the end, sort of like a pre-Persona type of deal. They're all whiny and immature, but there was something *real* about them - I guess, because most people their age are whiny and immature. One thing that is barely mentioned is the Southeast Asian setting, which I really enjoyed and lent the game a unique feel. 9/10
FFT (PSP) - Incredible story. Deep mechanics. Cast members dying every other cutscene. Pseudo-Christian PS1 era allegories. Fuck yeah. 'nuff said.

>> No.1176476

FF1 - Played for like 4 minutes
FF2 - Played for like 4 minutes
FF3 - Never played
FF4 - Never played
FF5 - Never played
FF6 - Never played
FF7 - Own but never played
FF8 - Own but never played
FF9 - Own but never played
FF10 - Seymour kicked my ass and wasn't interested in the story enough to keep playing
FF12 - Own, played for a few hours, hated the shit out of it
FF13 - Own but never played
FF13 -2 Own but never played
FF Tactics - Never played

Fuck Final Fantasy

>> No.1176482 [DELETED] 

FF7 (PS1) - What's been said that hasn't been said already? It's the greatest game ever, despite being rough around the edges by today's standards. 10/10
FF8 (PS1) - The story is batshit insane, but there's something likeable about it all. Probably just how damn iconic so much of it is - dem floating, carnival reminiscent assassin academies; those unforgettable character designs... But really, FFVIII is the primary example of a foible common in the FF franchise, too much style, and not much else - but despite of that, this game still remains enjoyable. 8/10
FFIX (PS1) - I don't remember much of this game, which is strange, since it left a pretty good impression on me. The characters were very fleshed-out, the world was very developed, and Sakaguchi really knew what he was doing. I think it's a game for a different FF fan than those that make up the norm. 9/10
FFX (PS2) So yeah, it may be linear, it may be stream-lined as hell, and it may have started that movie-over-vidya approach that plagues FF now, but you can't blame it for being damn entertaining. I really enjoyed the characters, who all felt like your friends by the end, sort of like a pre-Persona type of deal. They're all whiny and immature, but there was something *real* about them - I guess, because most people their age are whiny and immature. One thing that is barely mentioned is the Southeast Asian setting, which I really enjoyed and lent the game a unique feel. 9/10
FFT (PSP) - Incredible story. Deep mechanics. Cast members dying every other cutscene. Pseudo-Christian PS1 era allegories. Fuck yeah. 'nuff said. 9.5/10

>> No.1176483

FF1 - I actually really enjoy this one, but only on the GBA. The NES version isn't broken but it's substantially less enjoyable.
FF2 - I can understand peoples dislike of the level system but I really like FF2. The level system isn't what hooked me though it was the plot. This game had an actual fucking plot and it was really interesting and ambitious. Same again, GBA version is my favorite.
FF3 - I haven't played much of this but I've played enough of it to know that it's fun and pretty lacking in the story department.
FF4 - First I really loved it but it grew so tiresome I stopped playing around the underworld. I play to try it again from the start some day.
FF5 - Really had fun with this even if the story is just blegh.
FF6 - Still working on this one but it's probably my favorite.
FF7 - Really great game that may not have aged gracefully. Also the Sephiroth fight has a move with an animation that's ~2 min long and he uses it multiple times, sometimes in a row. No. NO. NO!! Way to make arguably the best boss battle theme ever and put it to one of the least fun fights ever.

>> No.1176484

Should I start by FF1 or play, for example, FF7 first (to get attached to the series)?

>> No.1176486

Honestly the series is the strangest mixture of diversity and consistency. There isn't really a perfect one to play first. FF7 is probably the most palatable to a newcomer but they all have something unique to offer with enough similarities you know you're playing the same series.

>> No.1176491

Why do you own so many of the games if you hate the series so much?

>> No.1176494

FF4. It's not my favorite, but a lot of people feel like it's the best jumping-on point, and for some reason, though I don't know why, I agree with them.

Otherwise, start with the ones that are considered the best: FFVI & FFVII.

>> No.1176502

I'd start with 1 or 5.

>> No.1176512

Look at the character's model. They were and still are disgusting.

>> No.1176516

>FF12 - Never played, have heard good things about the story and mixed reviews about gameplay.
Don't believe their lies.

FF12 story is the worst in the series.

>> No.1176523

>Could never stop fapping during my playthrough.
The only good thing in FF12 is the fap material.

>> No.1176565

FF1 - done psp
FF4 - doing now psp
FF7 - done and beat emerald without cheats or exploits
FF8 - done like 3 times
FF9 - done twice
FF12 - working on it ps2

FF13 - platinum trophy ps3
FF13 -2 platinum trophy ps3

no im not joking about the last two...first one is harder.

>> No.1176573

>FF1 - Beat. GBA version. Was alright.
>FF2 - Beat. GBA version. Same as above.
>FF3 - DS version. Felt a little slow to me, grinding was a pain.
>FF4 - Haven't played.
>FF5 - Haven't played.
>FF6 - Beat on both SNES and GBA, SNES version is superior. Loved it.
>FF7 - Haven't played.
>FF8 - Still playing, current favorite.
>FF9 - Still playing.
>FF10 - Beat, good game but /v/ just loves to complain about it because HAA HAA HAA
>FF12 - Was tedious at first but as I put more hours into all the side missions and hunting it became really fun.
>FF13 - Haven't played.
>FF13-2 - Haven't played
>FF Tactics - Still playing, love it.

>No X-2

>> No.1176620

Funnily enough, I don't think the traditional Emerald beating strategy really requires any cheats or exploits, just a couple copies of mime and KotR. Killed him while only getting hit once.

Still, I think I'd rather just use Barret or Vincent's overflow trick to finish the fight without waiting 20 minutes.

>> No.1176640

messy? Really? You can't handle changing the disc TWICE? How lazy can you be?

>> No.1176658

FF1 - Played on NES back in the 80's, I honestly don't remember too much.
FF2 - Played on Wonderswan, lots of grinding in the beginning to buff your stats
FF3 - didn't play
FF4 - Never played it on SNES, beat on DS. I really enjoyed it
FF5 - Played on SNES, kind of neutral about it
FF6 - Beat it on SNES, my favorite RPG ever Everything about it was perfect
FF7 - Beat on PSX. Graphics were great but it wasn't as good as 6.
FF8 - Beat it on PSX. See FF7
FF9 - didn't play. First year of college so I played nothing.
FF10 - Played on PS2. My dad passed away right before I got to the part with the sending ceremony. Haven't played it since.
FF12 - Beat it on PS2. Second favorite in the series for me
FF13 - Played on PS3. Didn't like it at all
FF13 -2 Never bothered
FF Tactics - Rented it from Blockbuster on PSX, beat it on PSP. Third favorite in the series for me

>> No.1176664

FF1 - Finished on the NES. Bought it for 50 cents off a classmate who hated it. Enjoyed it pretty thoroughly.

FF2 - played the NES version. Never did finish it due to the wonky battle system. I remember reaching Mysdia, and sometime later entering some kind of castle to fight the Emperor I think?

FF3 - Finished on the NES. Definitely my favorite JRPG of its generation. Played in the sixth grade. Drew huge maps of the floating continent and overworld.

FF4 - One of the first games I ever remember playing, and finishing, on the SNES. Incredibly fond childhood memories of this game.

FF5 - Played the DeJap (I believe?) rom translation when that fist hit the intertubes. I remember writing a report on it for some class at the time and realizing how ridiculous traveling to another planet in the company of three princesses sounded upon writing that down.

FF6 - Rented the bejeesus out of this game. Got super pissed when someone erased my save. Rented it for a week straight after that, started over, and finished the game.

FF7 - Didn't have a PSX or PC capable of running FF7 so I spent pretty much an entire summer at a friends playing this, Metal Gear Solid, and FFT. Excellent memories. Finished thoroughly.

FF8 - Played the PC port. Loved the mechanics, hated the plot and characters. Did finish.

FF9 - Played on an emulator many years later. Wasn't bad, but not great. Made it to the final boss, then lost interest and never finished.

FF10 - This fucker right here is why I bought a PS2. Spent an entire year looking forward to this. Thought it was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Though because it was on a DVD that it'd be like 2-3x as long as any other FF. Finished it in just under 24 hours. So fucking disappointing.

FF12 - Pre-ordered the limited edition in the fancy metal case. Played two hours on the first day, then put it down for six months. Just couldn't into it. Then one day I picked it back up and fell in love with it.Just had to ignore the MC

>> No.1176693


Let me redo this with the template, since it will be a little less tedious:

FF1 - Beat it about 20 times. NES, GBA, PS1. Still love it. Mostly go with a Fighter, Thief, Black Belt and Red Mage party.
FF2 - Beat it about 3 times now. Famicom, PS1 and GBA. My favorite in the series. Love the game engine, the open world, the wacky safe zones and the brutal enemies.
FF3 - Beat the original Famicom version once. It was okay, but it felt a bit regressive compared to FF5's class system. By the end of the game, you could just level everyone up as Onion Knights and all the other classes were made completely obsolete.
FF4 - Beat it about 5 times now. SNES, PS1 and GBA. I don't really care much for the game due to the enforced classes and limited equipment options. There are too many things dummied out of the final game, even in the retranslated PS1 version. Why could Cid equip shields, yet his only available weapons are two-handed hammers?
FF5 - Beat it once on PS1. I like the class system, but the story is way too slapstick for me. Exdeath? Seriously?
FF6 - Beat it once on PS1. Hated the whole western crossover theme. The characters and elements of game design felt alien to everything else, especially with the antagonist being an omnicidal clown. Celes was a likable character, but the overall cast of playable characters was too big to receive much individual characterization.
FF7 - Beat it twice, I think. It has that nostalgia factor for me, but objectively, it's not a fantastic game. I would definitely replay again just to relive my memories of the early PS1 era.
FF8 - Beat it 3 times, I think. Loved the character customization and junction system, but the there are too many exploitable things that make the game way too easy. I also like how the game took the series in a more realistic direction with its setting.
FF9 - Beat it once, vowed never to touch it again. The sidequests are nightmarish and I hated the Active Time Events.

>> No.1176701


FF10 - Beat it once. Way too much hand holding, the sphere grid was needlessly convoluted and the characters were vapid. I have no problems using the sphere grid, but actually going back and customizing it to break some of the game's limits and produce more efficiently developed characters is just too time consuming.
FF12 - Didn't play very far into it. I need to pick it up again
FF13 - Haven't played very far into it. Still have it.
FF13 -2 - Never played it before.
FF Tactics - Ramza is definitely my favorite character due to his good nature, but I can't say I really like the game that much. The battle pacing is just a little too tedious.

>> No.1176716

FF1 - GBA/Beat Loved the hell out of it, favorite bit was the class choices and the simplicity of the game
FF2 - GBA/didnt beat Leveling system felt so botched and having to grind spells was a pain in the ass
FF3 -DS/didnt beat Hated how the class system was handeled way to much grinding for my taste
FF4 -GBA/DS/ Beat-loved the hell out of it, great story that just kept me going despite the difficulty on certain points
FF5 - GBA/didn't beat, just lost interest in it, handled the class system much better than 3 did
FF6 - GBA/Beat THE BEST (in my opinion) The story, the characters, the world, and mother fucking Kefka.
FF7 - PS1/Beat Wasn't a big fan of it, played a little of it when i was younger, but older i actually played thru it and beat it but felt like it wasn't that amazing like everyone kept saying.
FF8 - PS1/Beat Was daunted by the junction system, but once i got the hang of it i abused the shit out of it and it was fun as hell coming up with new approaches to bosses
FF9 - PS1/Didnt beat, planned to beat cause i liked the story, just got distracted by life.
FF10 - PS2/Beat, the FF that got me back into FF. Loved the hell out of the gameplay and at the time loved the story (i was 15 and totally into sappy love stories) The bosses and music were so fucking great too.
FF12 -PS2/Didnt beat, hated the game play and hated the AI so much that i didn't even bother investing in the story.
FF13 - 360/Didnt beat but trying too. Game play is alright at best, completely unfinished felt like it was missing so much potential. Music coulda been better.
FF13 -2 Havent even touched it yet but once i beat 13 i'll try and give it a shot
FF Tactics - I played Tactics Advance and had a fun time with it

>> No.1176715

Been a few years but here goes:

FF1 - Beat, PS1 version. Also have for GBA
FF2 - Also PS1, got halfway through and lost interest
FF3 - DS, I got to the final dungeon but decided to grind before the final boss and ended up losing interest. I should really finish it sometime
FF4 - PS1, never beat it
FF5 - GBA, beat it, really liked this one. The job system is really engaging
FF6 - Emulator many years ago. I got halfway through when my save got corrupted and wiped and I quit in seething rage. I haven't gone back yet.
FF7 - Beat PS1. Epic game, though as an adult it's too easy.
FF8 - Beat PS1. Was quite fun as a kid, like the FF5 jobs I love to customize shit for hours.
FF9 - Beat PS1, was alright.
FFX - Beat PS2, that fucking ball game, augh it was frustrating. The Sphere grid continued to inspire my autism.
FFX-2 - Started but lost interest.
Never played any game past FFX-2
FF Tactics - One of the best games of all time, though the shitty PS1 translation meant I didn't understand ANY of the story. I think I got to the final dungeon but never beat it, it was too hard for me. The Advance titles have been fairly good sequels, but cannot beat the original.

>> No.1176718
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FF1 - beat on the PS1. Its ok.
FF2 - never beat. I thought the levelling system was dumb
FF3 - beat on Ipod during slow hours at work. Its ok ,but not something I'd want to sit down and play

FF4 - I've beaten this on pretty much everything. First played it circa 2000 on emulator, since despite being a SNES kid, I only played PC rpgs back then. Love this game, and its my favorite in the series. I like the SNES version the best, for the fastest gameplay, while still being on the big screen. Portable hurts my eyes after a few hours. 10/10

FF 5 - beat this on GBA, though I first played it on emulator back in the "Butz" days. Its a very cool game, but just lacks something 4, 6, and 7 have. Maybe its the goofier characters. Nevertheless, its one of the best 16bit RPGs.

FF6 - beat on SNES. First FF game I ever played, on emulator back in the day. Awesome setting, awesome music, awesome cast. A classic. Only complaint is that the tilesets are lame.

FF7 - beat it on PC, then later on PSX. I put off playing this one because it was so hyped up, but when I did finally play it, I was hooked. A perfect sequel to 6, with the exact same hooks - awesome setting, awesome music, awesome cast. Along with 4 and 6, this gets replays ever few years.

FF8 - beat it on PSX. There is just something about this game. The story is retarded, the characters are lame, and I could never replay it. But the junction system IS cool, the music is good, and its funny that you can beat it at really low level. This is where FF started to falter though.

FF9 - I don't like this game. The graphics are great, and the music is too, but I hate the style, the combat is SLOW. In fact, everything about this game is SLOW. The story tries to be charming, but I could never give a shit. It is hardly a terrible game, though. There are plenty of awful JRPGs on the PSX, and this isn't really one of them.

FFX isn't retro. I liked it better than 8 or 9 though.

>> No.1176730

Beat all single player games unless otherwise noted.

FF1 - NES. Great. Not as creative as contemporary RPGs (DQ, Phantasy Star 1) but it's a very solid and well done start.
FF2 - NES. not bad, dungeon design is atrocious but the game has some pretty cool features compared to it's contemporaries.
FF3 - NES. Awesome. Unfortunatly as fun as it is it's the start of the easymode FFs, decent difficulty never returns to the series.
FF4 - SNES. Simple but great. ATB is cool. No complaints.
FF5 - SNES. One of the best.
FF6 - SNES. Pretty good, story can be bit melodramatic. Better get used to that, though. The Esper system is kind of lame, could have been done better. No serious complaints.
FF8 - Pretty good, the dumb plot twist doesn't bother me. Draw system is awkward, but there's still a good world to explore. I like it.
FF9 - Don't like it. On rails most of the time, exploration is minimum, you're stuck with a useless party for the entire game until the very end. By the time you have your proper party assembled you can't even explore anymore. There's a dungeon-like area in the game that is only 1 screen big and it's a small screen that you can run through without a single encounter. Terribly designed game.
FF10 - Pretty much all the problems with 9 return, I don't like the rails. No exploration allowed and the music isn't even good anymore. Battle system is okay in theory, but since almost all random monsters die in a single hit from the correct character it goes to waste outside boss fights. Shit game.
FF12 - Brilliant. Adventurin', huntin', free roamin'. There's a pretty decent main plot in there too but who gives a fuck, it's hunting season!
FF13 - First FF game I could not bring myself to finish.
FF13 -2 - Played a bit of the demo, seems slightly less crap due to the world design not consisting soley of corridors anymore, but the battle system is still shit so I'll never play the full game.
FF Tictacs - Fantastic.

>> No.1176745

FF1 - Beat on GBA and NES. Pretty good
FF2 - Beat on GBA. Was alright
FF3 - Started it when I was a kid, but never actually got around to finishing it. No idea why.
FF4 - Beat most every version. It's one of my favorites
FF5 - Super Famicom translation and PS versions. Tied with IV as my favorite
FF6 - SNES and PS version. Great game
FF7 - Beat it. It's not my favorite, but I do love it and see how others could think of it as their favorite
FF8 - Beat it. Enjoyable
FF9 - Beat it. Loved the fuck out of it
FF10 - Beat it. It was okay, nothing too great but nothing horrible
FF12 - Still haven't finished. My PS2 broke after I bought it and I just never got around to going back
FF13 - I honestly just gave up after a certain point because I couldn't force myself to pretend I gave a fuck anymore about the barely existent story. To this day it's one of the few games I have actually dropped.
FF13 -2 - Beat it. Maybe it was just because of how horrible I thought XIII was, but this felt a lot more enjoyable. Not great by any stretch of the imagination, but I actually didn't hate playing.
FF Tactics - Never actually finished.

>> No.1176759

I'm actually new to FF since I decided to ignore it during my childhood (my naïve brain didn't like the idea of medieval fantasy settings ). So far...

FF7 - PC. Beat it. It was good; better than I thought. It would be.
FF8 - PS. Beat it. Enjoyed it until the 3rd disc.
FF9 - PS. Playing. I'm enjoying it so far.

Any time I read about sidequests, in any RPG, I feel overwhelmed and usually take 2 weeks - month of break.

I've read FF9 has a shit load of sidequests. Are they worth it? (e.g. do I get better weapons, armor, wrists, etc?)

>> No.1176769

It was a rom, there were many files, winzips, so I was too lazy to do it.
Playing the snes roms was much easier.

>> No.1176789
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FF1 - NES - 1990 - aka 'How I spent my 7th grade summer vacation'
FF2 - late 90's early 00's on one of the first EMU's I ever had
FF3 - Ditto
FF4 - 1991 ( as FF2US )
FF5 - same as II/II but on ZSNES
FF6 - 1998 ZSNES
FF7 - 1997 PS1
FF8 - bought upon release....end of Disk 1 I put it away in disgust...finally beat in 2004
FF9 - 2000 - PS1
FF10 - 2001 PS2
FF12 - Never owned
FF13 - "
FF13 -2 - "
FF Tactics - 1997 - PS1

>no X-2

>> No.1176808

FF1 - Beat on GBA. Class inequality was annoying thou
FF2 - Beat on GBA. Equipment leveling I found odd
FF3 - Beat on NES. Personal favorite so far
FF4 - Beat on GBA. It was good, think I cried at some points
FF5 - Haven't played, limited interest
FF6 - Played on playstation, very close to finishing going to replay after i finish DQIV
FF7 - Haven't played, I'll get to it eventually..
FF8 - Haven't played, no interest.
FF9 - Got to 3rd disk and got really bored.
FF10 - Haven't played no interest
FF12 - Haven't played no interest
FF13 - Played for a while when it was initially released. Story got boring and stopped playing
FF13 -2 - nope
FF Tactics - played a little on GBA, it was fun
FF Legend 1 and 2 I played through. 3 I started, the whole replay a fight if party died weirded me out

>> No.1176809
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FF1 - NES/GBA - maybe made it halfway, got tired of grinding
FF3 - NDS - played for 4 hours, was ok, maybe I'll finish it someday
FF4 - SNES - 6/10, really memorable and cozy, minimal grinding required. 7/10 music (for jrpg).
FF5 - SNES - 7/10, made it to the Battle on the Big Bridge with girugamesh. Best combat system.
FF6 - SNES - 8/10, most polished final fantasy. some of the greatest 2d vidya art of all thyme. goat (ff) soundtrack.
FF7 - PC - 8/10, bretty good.
FF8 - PC - 5/10, only made it though disk 1
FF9 - PSX - 6.5/10, only made it through disk 1

>> No.1176839
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>Everyone hated FFIX
Does that mean I just like slow stuff?

>> No.1176858


>fainaru fantajii

It's this. Although I don't know why you would care, since it's in English in the first place.

And any given Dragon Quest game is better than any given FF game anyway. Although I do like the earlier FF games.

>> No.1176859


Oh I'm sorry, I meant any given Doragon Kuesuto.

Fucking weebs.

>> No.1176870

FF1 - Beat the Dawn of Souls version. It's pretty cool. I feel it still holds up somewhat today. My party consisted of Fighter, Thief, Black Mage and White Mage.

FF2 - Also completed this in Dawn of Souls. I'm not sure where the hate for this comes from, although I've heard some bad things about the NES version...

FF3 - I've tried playing this on the DS, can't get into it.

FF4 - I've probably tried finishing this game hundreds of times, to no avail. Definitely on my list of games I need to finish one of these days.

FF5 - Same as FF4. I want to give this game the love it deserves.

FF6 - This is actually the first RPG I've ever played. Completed several times. A++ game by any measure. The one minor nitpick I have is that the Magicite System breaks the game, although that can be fixed by not grinding at all. I generally use the popular characters, but everybody is viable in my opinion.

FF7 - I used to hate this game because that was the cool thing to do. I actually finished it earlier this year and it blew me away. An absolutely phenomenal game. The pre-rendered backgrounds still hold up, the music is fantastic, the cast is interesting, as is the premise (for a videogame, although a few aspects are not alien to the FF series. Group of rebels fighting an evil corporation for example). I used Cloud, Tifa and Cid, as well as Barret and Yuffie for backup. This game probably has the best Cid in the series. Missed a lot of side stuff so I'll probably have to play through it again shortly.

FF8 - Could not get a hang of FF8 as a kid... Though I haven't touched this game in years. I should probably revisit this.

FF9 - Completed. Pretty cool game. Again, the overall presentation is fantastic. My end party: Zidane, Steiner, Vivi and Eiko. Steiner and Vivi are some of my favourite characters in the series. Eiko just has better White Magic than Dagger.

I haven't finished the rest, but FFT is high on my priority list.

>> No.1176880

>FF9 -
Not retro.
>FF10 -
Not retro!
>FF12 -
let's see, umm, not retro.
>FF13 -
you know, I think there might be some sort of pattern here!
>FF13 -2
Gee, I wonder what this might be?

>> No.1176884

ff9 is fine to discuss here
read the sticky

>> No.1176905
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>released in 2000
>so okay that it excuses intentionally starting a thread about FF-umpteen

/vr/ logic

>> No.1176908


FF1 -
FF2 -
FF3 -
FF4 - DS. Don't remember much about it.
FF5 - Have it, haven't played it.
FF6 - SNES. Brilliant classic.
FF7 - PC version. Still love it, although I admit it's silly and extremely melodrama.
FF8 - Never quite finished it. Piece of shit.
FF9 - Played but not for me. Seems alright. Needs more Amano if you ask me.
FF10 - Never quite finished, original PS2. Disgusting piece of shit with a strong battle system that doesn't even begin to save it from itself.
FF12 - Never finished it. Took chances, I'll give it that. Apart from that, it's a terrible, boring piece of shit with some terrible characters.
FF13 - Never finished. Played for five seconds before my hatred overcame me.
FF13-2 - Don't give a fuck.
Tactics - Remember liking it but never finished.

>> No.1176919

i ain't continuing this conversation beyond this point, but the sticky says that games released on platforms before 1999 are fine to talk about here

and guess when the psx was launched (hint: sometime after 1993 and sometime before 2000)

>> No.1176935

>games released on platforms before 1999

Nice try, dickshit, really nice!

Yeah, I can't see why you'd want to continue with that "point" either.

>> No.1176929


Those who haven't been lurking 4chan long enough to remember that fucked up Sakura Con ad, face your future, guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhqlI-k__C0

>> No.1176938

From what I've played.

FF6- Still need to finish it, but from what I played of it, I was really enjoying it.
FF7- Didn't beat it, mostly because the save got corrupted and I didn't want to go back. Maybe I will do so here soon. Enjoyed it for the most part.
FF8- Really mixed over it. Didn't really care for it that much honestly. Level scaling and the card game just makes it feel like the game is meant to be played by just playing the game until you can get the most overpowered magic spells to junction.
FF9- Probably up there for my favorite Final Fantasy in all honesty. Slow combat was kind of a turn off, but I did like the world and the characters, along with history of this place being scrambled around everywhere. I hear it's better if you played the rest of the Final Fantasies, so I might just end up doing that.

>> No.1176964

Only played IV (DS) and VII (PS1). Preferred IV.

>> No.1176971
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FFI - Good NES RPG. If you don't like 8 bit RPGs you'll probably hate it.
FFII - Would be a good game but the leveling system is dumb.
FFIII - Above average but not all that remarkable.
FFIV - Pretty great. Awesome music, really good story for when it came out.
FFV - The GOAT FF game in terms of gameplay. The characters and adventurous charm are off the scale too. Probably the closest FF has gotten to feeling like DQ.
FFVI - An amazingly ambitious game that succeeds in pretty much every aspect. One of the best OSTs in a game, the cast is great and it's loaded with moments that gave me serious feels.
FFVII - Pretty great game. How to do a (mostly) linear FF game right. Not my favorite in the series but it's pretty cool.
FFVIII - Love it or hate it. I don't really know how to feel about it.
FFIX - Awesome game. My only gripe with it is that the battles are the slowest ones in the entire series, which sucks because it's an issue that's constantly noticeable.
FFX - You'll probably love or hate this game. I like it a lot. It's kind of silly and linear but it's good.

I haven't played any FF extensively after that but the three or four hours of FFXIII I played was disappointing and made me grumpy as all hell.

>> No.1176975

OP is my hero.
Why'd you play through 13 and 13-2? I could never tolerate that crap, that lifeless battle system, the garbage characters, ugh. Not even the music was good.

But 7 and Tactics are fucking God-tier, mang.

>> No.1177412

FFI: Dawn of Souls, thought it was alright, but I know it isn't the original exprience either.
FFII: Beat it on Dawn of Souls as well. If I had more interest in beating JRPG's currently I would still be playing the NES version which I think is the best verion with stat decreases. Also surprised in how modern it was with very little grind.
FFIII: Played it on the DS, most bland Final Fantasy.
FFIV: Played it on the PS1 and DS. Ds version is best because of the much needed difficulty boost and augments for customization.
FFV: Played it for the GBA. Was pretty good, but you can easily break the game unintentionally and I don't like the strict skill limits you had.
FFVI: One of the two FF's I have played but never completed. Was alright in the first half but I didn't care for the second half which felt like a half baked SaGa game. I have no intention in completing it.
FFVII: My first real Final Fantasy. Was alright, never completed it though and probably won't either. Played it when it first came out for the PC.
FFVIII: I didn't like this one at all. At least they tried something new even if I didn't care for it.

>> No.1177413

I'm just waiting on the retranslation to be done for FFVII to replay it. Still my all-time favorite game

>> No.1177419


FF1 - NES, PS1, & GBA: It's a fun replay every now and then
FF2 - PS1 & GBA: I only care about the story & Epilogue
FF3 - Famicom & DS: Story's great, battle system is fun too, Crystal Tower can go suck a dick.
FF4 - SNES, PS1, GBA, & PSP: Very middle of the road.
FF5 - SuFami, PS1, & GBA: My fav FF, wish there was a HD PSP version
FF6 - SNES: Really good story and battle system, I kinda like the no main protag. But the mass but limited amount of party members is great.
FF7 - PS1: Really sucks, aged terribly.
FF8 - PC: Sucks worse than VII
FF9 - PS1: The better of the PS1 three, not that hard to do though
FF10 - PS2: Kinda underrated by English speaking fans, but I don't get annoyed by crappy voice acting and melodrama
FF12 - PS2 (on PS3): Bored shitless, had to force through it.
FF13 - PS3: An Artist's game, not a developer's game. I had fun though
FF13 -2 - PS3: The best FF since V
FF Tactics - PSP: Overrated, but not shit either. Story is passable.

I've played most of the series barring the iPhone shit, I love the franchise. Disappointed with how XV looks.

>> No.1177435

>>FF13 the best

Just die.

>> No.1177439

FF1 - Beat. PSP version. Lots of fun with a solo Red Mage until promotion.
FF2 - Beat. PSP version. Played SaGa before, so the battle system was nothing new. Surprisingly entertaining bonus dungeon.
FF3 - Beat. PSP version. Looks terrible, but was not that bad. Still have to play the original NES.
FF4 - Beat. PSP and DS versions. Loved the classic PSP approach, but preferred the DS difficulty.
FF5 - Beat. GBA version. Funny as hell, entertaining system.
FF6 - Beat. GBA version. Blablabla awesome story and characters
FF7 - Beat. PS1 version. Since it was my first FF, it holds a special place in my heart. Always great to replay.
FF8 - Beat. PS1 version. Not as bad as people say. The ending made me shed a tear (the part with Laguna and Raine)
FF9 - Beat. PS1 version. My favorite FF. The references from earlier titles are delicious, and most of the characters great.
FF10 - Beat. PS2 International version. Didn't care for the characters or the story, but the battle system was lots of fun.
FF10-2 - Beat. PS2 version. Fucking awful character designs (damn you, Nooj), but the class system is always welcome
FF11 - Hard to "beat" since it's a MMO, but played it for ages.
FF12 - Beat. PS2 IZJS version. Felt like a MMO, characters were weak as hell.
FF13 and up - never played
FF Tactics - Beat. PSP version. Delita's monologues are my favorite part.

>> No.1177461

Fainaru Fantaji, OP

>> No.1177475

>I'm just waiting on the retranslation to be done for FFVII to replay it
yeah, same here...

>> No.1177507

>Implying the point of FF is beating the game.
>Implying Tactics is not a main FF when is also one of the best.

You sound like a girl OP.

>> No.1178287
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>> No.1178306
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Tifa's firm, gigantic tits.

>> No.1178462

FFI: Beat PSX and NES. NES is far better. 5/10
FFII: Quit PSX beat NES. NES is far better. 6.5/10
FFIII: Quit DS near last battle and beat NES. 8/10
*DS version is very boring and ez mode. Didn't feel like ever completing the game after getting onion knights.

FFIV: Beat SNES quit DS. Another shitty DS port. 6.5/10 for SNES
FFV: Beat on PSX/SNES/GBA. GBA is 9.5/10 the rest are 8ish.
FFVI: Beat on PSX/SNES/GBA. GBA with music mod is 9.5/10. The rest are 8.5ish. Great story but a large regression from the fun gameplay of V.

FFVII: Beat PSX/PC. Replayed the game recently on PC and realized how terrible the story was. Gameplay is still fun and paced well. 8/10
FFVIII: Beat PSX. Fun and broken with a bad story. 7.5/10
FFIX: Beat PSX. Decent story with some fun quests and superb art direction/town design. Shallow but serviceable gameplay. 9/10

FFX: Beat PS2. Linear with what made IX's world good. Story is shit but paced well and gameplay is rather fun but tedious at times. 8/10

Haven't played an FF since. Looking forward to trying the XII international. I have played lots of side games but I'll leave this to main games.

>> No.1178492

1 - Nope
2 - Nope
3 - Nope
4 - Nope
5 - Nope
6 - Actually, yes
7 - Yes, could this be the start of a beautiful trend?
8 - Nope, aww, fuck.
9 - Nope
10 - Yeah, but I'm not proud
12 - I don't even know if I have this one
13 - I know I don't have this one
14 - Does this even exist yet?

Tactics - Nope.

>> No.1178518


Very very difficult to have a story worse than I-X.

>> No.1178529


It's not a bad story -- it's the focus they fucked up. If it had been about Basch and his brother, along with Broly, it could've been on FFT levels of awesome.

>> No.1178553

Played it, never finished it.

Played it, never finished. I think 2D FFs are not for me.

Played it, and left it at Safer Sephirot. Couldn't beat him on the first try, and called it a day, thinking I was going to beat it the next day. I never got back to the game, and that still haunts me to this very day.

Played it, but either my file got corrupted or the disc is scratched, but I got to that prison everyone wakes up in, and have never attempted it again. I should.

First FF I ever finished, but didn't get the legendary weapons. Got them all summons, though. Loved the game, loved the music.
Played it. Couldn't stand it.

Loved it, especially because I'm madly in love with FFT. Loved the tone of the story, and it's got some of the best voice acting I've heard in a game. Best battle system in a traditional FF.

>FF Tactics
Probably my favorite game ever. Love everything about it.

>> No.1178614

FF1 - Stole FF1/2 duel PS1 version from Wal-Mart beat both games, then beat them again on GBA.
FF2 - See FF1
FF3 - Played for about 5 minutes. Didn't really give it a chance.
FF4 - Liked the beginning, and the way the plot was setting itself up. Need to hunker down and make myself play it, cause it seemed cool.
FF5 - See FF3.
FF6 - Got to the point w/ that wild child that acted like an animal, and never picked it back up. Will definitely play all the way through one day.
FF7 - 2nd FF game I ever played. Thought it was pretty edgy at the time, w/ the brothels, Cloud dressing in drag, and all the swearing. Beat it. Like it a lot more now as a grownup than I did as a teen.
FF8 - Every copy of this game that I buy is scratched up and never seems to work. Seems ok, but maybe fate doesn't want me to play it for some reason.
FF9 - First FF game I ever got when I was 14 in 2000. First RPG I ever played as well. My favorite game of all time, all genres, all consoles. Made me fall in love w/ RPGs, and at 14 I thought Garnet was babe.
FF10 - The voice acting and setting really turned me off of this one. Never got very far, have no real desire to play it. Can never compare to 9 in my mind.
FF12 - Really made an effort to get into this one, but just couldn't.
FF13 - Never played, don't want to.
FF13 -2 Same.
FF Tactics - Spent a good portion of my summer vacation w/ my characters in a circular formation, bashing and healing each other, levelling up like crazy. Beat w/ ease after that. Probably my 2nd favorite FF game, but not as cozy and nostalgic as FF9.

>> No.1178682

FF1 - GBA 6/10
FF2 - GBA 8/10
FF3 - GBA & PSP 7/10
FF4 - GBA 6/10
FF5 - haven't beat
FF6 - GBA and PSP 9/10
FF7 - PSX emulator on my PSP and PSX 9/10
FF8 - Haven't beat
FF9 - Haven't beat
FF10 - Beat on PS2 10/10
FF12 - Haven't played
FF13 - Haven't played
FF13 -2 Haven't played
FF Tactics (GBA?) - Beat, 10/10
FF Tactics PS1 - Still playing

>> No.1178714

FF1 Beat GBA Good game but has is fair share of flaws NES version is hard
FF2 Beat GBA not bad but the leveling system sucks
FF3 have not played
FF4 Beat SNES GBA I like this game but to me the SNES version is the best version ive played second fav to 6
FF5 Beat PS1 First FF i ever played got me sucked into the serious
FF6 Beat PS1 Favorite best game of the series
FF7 Beat PS1 good game not my fav but a great game
FF8 Got a decent way though game is ehh
FF9 played just a little
FF10 play some kinda hate the blitz ball like the combat
FF12 played just a little
FF13 close to beating just dont care
FF13-2 havnt played
FF Tactics Beat ps1 2 years ago would like to play though this one again

>> No.1178719

the tower of kefka is the last part of the game your so close to beating it

>> No.1178736

FF1 - Had NES version, played at friend's house in middle school. Was shit at RPGs, didn't get far.
FF2 - Had FF1/FF2 for PS1, spent time trying to beat FF1 and failed every time, never got to FF2 before the disc got lost.
FF3 - Had DS port, didn't get far, kind of forgot about it.
FF4 - Played on an emulator. Beat it. It was alright.
FF5 - Emulator. Pretty much FF4 except with an extra party member. Didn't hold my interest. Beat it though.
FF6 - Had a copy for SNES. Beat it. Really enjoyed it.
FF7 - Borrowed PS1 copy and got about halfway through and didn't continue because of just how awful it was.
FF8 - Turned 360 degrees and walked away.

Didn't play any of them after that.

>> No.1178743
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FF1 - Played on emulator when I was sick in 2008, beat it, but not without savestates
FF2 - Bought for iOS, played maybe an hour of it
FF3 - Played DS version, gave up about 10 hours in. Tried replaying a translated famicom rom, gave up where your whole party is shrunk after the dwarf cave.
FF4 - Beat on SNES when I was 5
FF5 - Beat on GBA when I was 12 or 13
FF6 - Beat on Snes emulator just a few years ago, by far the best FF game I've ever played, although the job system in FFV was REEEEEALLLLY GOOD
FF7 - Played maybe 3 or 4 hours into the first disc, gave up
FF8 - Never played
FF9 - Got about 10 hours in, still have yet to beat, but I like it a lot, need to go back and finish.
FF10 - Played an hour of it, gave up.
FF12 - Played about 10 hours into it, gave up.
FF13 - Never played
FF13 -2 Never played
FF Tactics - Awesome, still play this to this day, along with Disgaea and Ogre Battle

>> No.1178748

I love the NES version of FF1 way more than the GBA or PSP one.

Is something wrong with me? Because the GBA & PSP version were a mindless button mashing mess where I didn't have to think at all, just smash everything.

NES version isn't perfect, but I do like how you need to think in and outside of battles, given your limited magic and healing. There's a great element of tension, where you need to be on your toes at all times.

Also considering the characters are blank slates, I named them after my friends & I, which makes me all happy.

>> No.1178757

FF1 - Haven't played enough
FF2 - Gave it a try, didn't enjoy it
FF3 - Oddly stopped right before the ending. I was playing simultaneously with my brother and a friend, we were all playing on emulator and talking over ventrillo. I remember stopping in some golden area, and my brother later told me that was right before you get to some final area where you fight a couple bosses then the final boss.
FF4 - Played the SNES version, it was so-so 5/10
FF5 - Absolutely loved the game, was the first FF I tried that had a class system. 9/10
FF6 - Never played
FF7 - Loved the game, also the first final fantasy I ever beat. Funny story, I originally got the game for PC since I heard good things about the game but didn't own PSX. Played through and got to the chocobo farm on the outskirts of the lake with the Midgard Zolom. Could not for the life of my figure out what to do, after many hour of trying to run past or beat him, I gave up. About a year later my brother's friend comes over and FFVII happens to come up. I tell him my story of the game, and he tells me how you need to capture a chocobo to outrun the monster. That night I go back to playing from the save and get passed the area. I was so excited I stay up all night playing the game and loved it. 8/10
FF8 - Played it just because it came with the playstation that I bought off ebay. Got really far and was enjoying it, only for the game to always freeze during some late cutscene. Never ended up getting a separate copy to finish it.
FF9 - Favorite FF game, I love the setting, the characters, everything about it. Recently replayed it and it was as good as I remember. 10/10.
FF10 - Really enjoyed it, probably the FF I spent the most time playing. First FF since VII that I spent many hours doing sidequest stuff just to get character ultimate weapons and beat monster arena stuff.
FF12 - Played for a bit, didn't attract me.
FF13 -
FF13 -2 -
FF Tactics - My most recently played FF, enjoyed a bit but found to be a bit tedious.

>> No.1178812

FF1 - Beat a couple times. NES version. Super fun but the targetting annoyed me. Also beat the GBA version.
FF2 - Beat. NES. For what it was, it had an amazing story. But that primitive SaGa system was a nightmare. The GBA version I also beat.
FF3 - Beat a couple times, itching for one more. NES. Even for more modern fans this is the FF you can play as it is in the NES version. Marvelous introduction to the Job System and extremely long.
FF4 - I think you meant FF2. Winkwinknudgenudge. SNES version. Beat several times. Very recently replayed it once more in the GBA version. After FF3 the world felt too small and the game in general too short. Still has a few memorable scenes and fun characters.
FF5 - Beat several times. SNES. One of the first rom translations. Absolutely loved the return of the Job System and everything the game had to offer. Always played to completion because OCD. Should try the Fiesta some time. I also beat the GBA version a couple times.
FF6 - Another one I beat several times. Most recently with the Brave New World hack. SNES version. Also beat the GBA version a couple times. Still hate Gau.
FF7 - I arrived to this game MUCH later than it was released since the 32/64 era left me behind. Found a copy and beat it out of obligation, PS1. Couple years later I replayed it and I was able to enjoy the story a lot more.
FF8 - Oddly enough, played this one first because a friend borrowed me the discs. PS1. Beat couple of times. Maybe a third? Donno.
FF9 - Didn't even know it existed. The Internet Provided. Beat, PS1.
FF10 - Beat it a year ago or so for the first time. PS2 original. While I hate the streamlining on principle, the story justified it well enough and I ended up enjoying it. Tidus is still insufferable. Also beat X-2. Oh wait, not yet, abandoned it before the last dungeon because I MISSED A 0.1 PERCENTAGE.
FF12 - Beat it, PS2. Could have used 10 more hours of story. And an absence of Vann.
FF Tactics - Beat it, PS1. Liked Ogre Tactics more.

>> No.1178816

No, all releases made after the "Origins" release for PSX are easy type remakes. Although Origins doesn't have "whiffing", so its technically easier too. You aren't imagining things, the newer releases are very easy.

>> No.1178817

And here we go...

Beat on original hardware. Within about a year of release in my territory.

Played pretty thoroughly or otherwise enjoyed.

Beat and I have no idea why.

Played less than a couple hours and did not like.
8,9,10, mystic quest

Have not played
10-Whatever, and13-whatever.

>> No.1178841

>ff7 chocobo

Yeah me and my friend played it together and couldn't figure out what to do so he just ran across the swamp and made it across first try which we thought was insane. I thought it would be one of those "impossible" things where you always fail like a boss battle you have to lose

>> No.1178853

FF1 - stopped for lack of interest (GBA version)
FF2 - tried once on a whim, didn't think much of it (GBA version)
FF3 - seen the DS remake before
FF4 - never played it
FF5 - never played it
FF6 - Quit after ditching kefka in the desert, so maybe an hour tops? I liked the music in the sand castle.
FF7 - played to Aerith's introduction and stopped. Disliked the slow pace of battles but liked the music.
FF8 - Watched a significant portion, never played. Doesn't seem up my alley though.
FF9 - Played up to the end of the evil forest and got distracted by other games. Seems novel enough, I might go back to it someday.
FF10 - Forget where or when I played it, but I only got a little into it before stopping. Music was good, I don't remember understanding the sphere grid all that well.
FF11 - never played, heard a lot though
FF12 - never played
FF13 - never played
FF14 - never played
FFTactics - played up to some field encounters. PSP version. Story and presentation seemed interesting, but not enough for me to keep going through slow-paced game.

I guess you could say I'm not much a fan of Final Fantasy. The only game I ever liked was Crystal Chronicles, and the only thing I like about the main series is the music.

>> No.1178878

FF1 - Playing now. Haven't beaten.
FF2 - haven't played.
FF3 - Hard as shit. 7.5/10 would play again.
FF4 - Haven't played.
FF5 - Haven't played.
FF6 - 9.5/10 fucking awesome FF.
FF7 - 9/10 Great story, graphics gave me a headache.
FF8 - Meh. 6/10. Not too big of a fan, but I could see myself playing it again.
FF9 - 10/10. Best FF experience. Amazing game all around. Music is absolutely god-tier.
FF10 - 9/10. Loved the battle system. Story was ok, VA was terribad but hilarious.
FF12 - 8.5/10 Great story, don't like the combat very much. Gambits are annoying.
FF13 - Haven't played.
FF13 -2 Haven't played.
FF Tactics - Haven't played.

Am I a casaul?

>> No.1178879

You have to try IX at some point. Much more like the classic games than 7 and 8. Everything afterwards is shit.

>> No.1178894

FF1 - beat , GBA ,so-so rpg
FF2 - play but nevet beat , ps1 , kind of out of track
FF3 - play not finish , DS , for the first job system it's ok
FF4 - beat (many time) , SNES GBA DS , epic one but so-so for today
FF5 - beat , SNES(emulator with english path ) GBA , fun and charm one
FF6 - beat (countless time) , SNES PS1 , one of the most epic Final Fantasy love it
FF7 - beat , PS1 PC(lol stream) , first time is damn awesome but for today I find it well ok one
FF8 - beat , PS1 PSP , hate it , but for 10 years later it's not that bad
FF9 - beat (many time) , Love it to the core
FF10 - play never finish , PS2 , lol no
FF12 - beat few time , PS2 , interesting one but become boring at some point
FF13 - play never finish ,PS3 , lol NOPE
FF13 -2 never touch it , heard it better than 13 might give it a go
FF Tactics - beat and still play till today , PS1 PSP IOS , truly addicted one

>> No.1178896
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FF1 - Enjoyed it, beaten ~5-6 times including a solo black mage run (ps1 version)
FF2 - Beaten once, It was ok.
FF3 - Liked it, beaten once.
FF4 - Beaten Twice. Great story. (GBA)
FF5 - Beaten Twice. Loved the class system. (gba)
FF6 - Absolutely in love with this game. Beaten it 3 Times.
FF7 - Beaten Once. Great story, highly underrated for being overrated.
FF8 - Beaten a total of 35 times, my first RPG ever. Will do an informative let's play soon, with no talking over cutscenes.
FF9 - Beaten 6 times, soon to be 7 on my PSP. Love this game to death.
FF10 - Beaten once, can't be bothered to beat it again because it lacks a certain something I can't put a finger on.
FF12 - Hated it. Couldn't be bothered to complete it.
FF13 - Never even touched it.
FF13 -2 ^^^^^
FF Tactics - Loved the shit out of it on the PS1, only beaten it once though. Monks are OP as hell.

>> No.1178904

FF1 - 5/10
FF2 - 4/10
FF3 - 7.5/10
FF4 - 8/10
FF5 - 6/10
FF6 - 6/10
FF7 - 5.5/10
FF8 - 4/10
FF9 - 8.5/10
FF10 - 5/10
FF12 - 4/10
FF13 - 2/10
FF13 -2 - 4/10
FF Tactics - 6.5/10

pretty over hyped series, has some good games like ff3, ff4, and ff9, rest mostly ranges from mediocre to garbage.

>> No.1178907

FF4 - Played up to the moon, really don't like it
FF5 - Great game
FF6 - Best game, my favorite
FF7 - Great game
FF9 - Great game, second favorite
FF10 - Fun stuff. Voice acting was awful but it had lots of nice side stuff to do
FF11 - It took me 20 minutes to get out of a city and then I got killed by a rabbit
FF12 - Crap
FF13- Double crap
Tactics - Haven't beaten. I'm not too good at SRPG.

>> No.1178923

>>1176975 I actually liked the music in Ff13 and it's sequel. Also got both platinum trophies for it. wouldn't recommend them

>> No.1178931

FF1 - Beat this on the GBA. I really liked that version. Especially the extra dungeon. Having a party of two black belts, a ninja and a white wizard was pretty freaking fun.

FF2 - I got farthest on the GBA version, But I never completed it, I remember stopping around the time you get Leon. Cant remember much else.

FF3 - DS. I remember absolutely nothing about it, I guess it wasn't memorable, but my file says I dumped some 40 hours into it and each character has a clas at level 99.. soo I think I beat it?

FF4 - In any of the remakes or the original, I just end up losing interest by the time I get to the moon.

FF5 - Buttz, lol. I never got into this one.

FF6 - SNES version. mechanically, I didn't find it amazing. I liked the characters like pretty much anyone else.

FF7 - I finished it first on my ancient ass copy for PC. I enjoyed it but I don't think I'm gonna go back to beat it again any time soon.

FF8 - PS version. I have the PC version too, but couldn't ever get it to run well. Honestly, I almost liked the card game more than the actual main plot. I really REALLY like the mechanical designs and the architecture of everything in this game. It really says Modern Fantasy to me.

FF9 - Never beat this one, but I did really like it. It was too slow paced, but I really do want to try to beat it. I like all of the characters minus Freya and Queena.

FF10 - HA HA HA HA HA. Never beat it. Didn't care for it. Blitzball was the shit though.

FF12 - Playing it right now, I really like the combat now that I've started to figure out gambits, and how to make money. Plot seems patchy, but I don't think I'm too far in. I'm kinda annoyed that I ended up missing a few hunts though.

FF13 - Played it for like 30 minutes. Not really interesting

FF13 - Never played it.

FF Tactics - Beat the PSP version. Holy shit, there's almost nothing about this game I didn't like.

>> No.1178953
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FF1 - Started on NES and GBA, never finished it. Story wasn't very interesting so I wasn't invested.
FF2 - Never played it. Not interested.
FF3 - Never played it. Not interested.
FF4 - Beat it on the SNES when I was a young'un, again on the GBA, and again on the DS. My favorite and most nostalgic FF. I loved the story, characters, everything. I like the SNES version the best.
FF5 - Never started it -- didn't think I'd like it.
FF6 - Beat it on the PS1 when I was young, and again on the SNES when I was in college. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't my favorite in the series.
FF7 - Beat it on PS1 when I was in college. Although certain sections were entirely spoiled for me, I loved this entry for the story, Materia and levelling, everything was great.
FF8 - Beat it on PS1 when I was young. Everything was pretty mediocre, but I love the soundtrack to death, and it hits me in the nostalgia goggles sometimes.
FF9 - Started on PS1 when I was young, never finished. On my to-do list.
FF10 - Started it on PS2 when I was young, hated it, then beat it several years later once I circled back to it. The voice acting makes me cringe and I fucking hate it. Otherwise, it was okay.
FF12 - Beat it on PS2 when I was in college. Mechanics and battle system were interesting, but since the story was abso-fucking-terrible, I hated this one.
FF Tactics - Started, never finished it -- on my to-do list

>> No.1179059

FF1 - Got 100% on GBA and PSP version, got Mod of Balance on GBA but haven't played it yet. Thinking about playing the NES version with a bugfix to cut the bullshit out.

FF2 - Beat on GBA, got to Ultima on SoR. Weakest in the series.

FF3 - Made it to Crystal Tower on DS, beat it on NES. Extremely underrated

FF4 - Beat on GBA with a good chunk of progress on Lunar Ruins, and got to Zeromus on DS. DS is the best by far.

FF5 - Beat on GBA. Fantastic.

FF6 - Beat on GBA. Excellent, but the open world approach of the WoR ruined any semblance of balance or pacing.

FF7 - Beat on PS1 as a kid. I got to the end of Disc 1 on PSP a year back, but my eboot was fucked so I couldn't progress farther.

FF8 - Beat it on PS1 as a teen. Story was retarded but music, atmosphere, and gameplay were great. I'd probably buy a standalone version of Triple Triad.

FF9 - Didn't play lol

FF10 - Beat as a teen, don't remember shit.

FF12 - Didn't play lol

FF13 - Beat on PS3. Had a lot of fun with it, but I completely understand the hate it gets.

FF13 -2 - Didn't play lol

FF Tactics - Beat on PS1 & PSP, and finished the Deep Dungeon in the latter. The PSP version is my favorite game ever. Biggest weakness of it was some battles(like Riovanes Rooftop and Wiegraf) and the lack of character interaction, so even important people like Orlandeau lost their identity after joining the party.

>> No.1179075


It's not worth trying to 100% it since FF9 is designed to fuck you over for even thinking of it. Finish the more obvious sidequests and move onto Tactics.

>> No.1179095

may as well do this for my own memory, cheers if you actually are reading all these

FF1-GBA, never beat. It's fine, never held my attention.
FF2-GBA/NES, beat twice, love it. I love Kawazu and the SaGa games so this was especially fun to see where that series came from.
FF3-DS, never beat. Bland, not my bag.
FF4-SNES/DS, never beat. Always loses my interest after Cecil goes paladin or whatever.
FF5-SNES/GBA, beat twice. Probably my favorite of the retros. Obviously a masterpiece.
FF6-SNES Never beat. Never seen what the hype was about, don't like the story, game's too easy, has a really unbalanced visual style.
FF7-Beat once, once was enough. It's fine.
FF8-Never played.
FF9-Got to last dungeon and quit. Long and tedious and I would probably never try to get through it again, but damn fine memories, love almost everything about it.
FF10-Beat it once. Good game, I guess. Seemed like a pretty complete package.
FF12-Beat three times, once with IZJS. I fucking love FF12.
FF13-Never played
Tactics: Fuck yeah tactics. Beat a shitton of times normally and completed like 5 SCCs. PS version only.

>> No.1181824

There are many standalone versions of Triple Triad available for download. Just google.

>> No.1181848

How many of you guys lost interest in FF3 because you started with the DS version?

>> No.1181850
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FF1 - Beat. NES and PS1. Love it because nostalgia
FF2 - Beat. Ps1. pretty good for what is was
FF3 - Beat. PSN. all three were excellent old school rpgs
FF4-Beat. SNES. not one of my favorites but still bretty gud
FF5-never played
FF6-Beat. SNES. anyone who hates is a fag
FF7-Beat. PS1. same as 6
FF8-Beat. PS1. same as 7
FF9-Beat. PS1. My favorite in the series
FF10-Beat. PS2. not as good as the ps1 games but still awesome
FF12 -played but never beat. PS2. liked what I played though
FF13 -never beat. PS3. complete shit
FF13 -2 -never played
FF Tactics - beat. ps1. too much nostalgia I can't make a judgement

>> No.1181903

>still thinking FF3 on the SNES was really FF3

>> No.1181937


FF4 - DS
FF6 - Not yet beaten
FF7 - Playstation/PSN
FF8 - Playstation/PSN
FF9 - Playstation/PSN
FF10 - Not even played
FF12 - Not even played
FF13 - Not yet beaten
FF13 -2 Not even played
FF Tactics - PSP

>> No.1181942
File: 100 KB, 511x442, Ineffective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodluck buddy.

>> No.1181962
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Dude. you have to remove your veil of denial.

>> No.1181972

V should be the best jumping on point. It has the most solid job system of any game, anywhere, anytime. If you really wanna get a feel for Final Fantasy's roots, without all that vagueness of the original, and that limbo period in between switching jobs like in III.

>> No.1181981

FF1 -
FF2 -
FF3 -
FF4 -
FF5 -
FF6 -
FF7 -
FF8 - Ps1, it used to freeze when there was a cutscene with a clock, I don't remember well.
FF9 -
FF10 -
FF12 -
FF13 -
FF13 -2
FF Tactics -

>> No.1181979

The rules state that the system has to have been released before 2000. Not the game.

>> No.1181986

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.1181987

You sure you weren't using a pirated disc or playing a download on your PSP or PS3? Cause that seems to happen with pirated copies.

>> No.1181995

sure it was pirated, I didn't have a single original game.

>> No.1182001

Well there ya go. I had a downloaded copy on my PSP back when I was in school, because I was at a friends house and my mom decided to let the neighbor kid come over and play my games. He rek'd disc 2 and 4.

And that shit was terrible. It forze every time I tried using a scan card.

>> No.1182682
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>mfw trying to get around FFIV Android's DRM
>mfw I'll have to wait until I get my PSPGO next month to play it
>mfw I'm craving decent low-poly JRPG but don't want to play FFIII for the umpteenth time

>> No.1182694

FF4 - Highly restrained combat with very little team set-up choices, decent story, but not enough to excuse the 'why can't I use this character? Because the plot says so' theme that crippled the game.
FF5 - Hands down the best FF ever made. Great combat, very charming characters and I very much enjoyed the story
FF6 - A big letdown after playing 5, but still a very good game. Combat is square in the middle of 4 and 5 in terms of quality, story wasn't that great though (people liked the opera scene?!) and my cares were spread too thin among the overly large cast of characters (good variety for gameplay though, but compared to 5's...)
FF9 - Possibly the best story of the bunch, fun and interesting characters, very solid battle system
FF10 - Same as FF9, but a step down

Getting FF8 soon, then 7

>> No.1182709

>>mfw I'm craving decent low-poly JRPG but don't want to play FFIII for the umpteenth time
Wild Arms.

>> No.1182786
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FFI- Beat on GBA. Great game that should have the respect of all gamers. Was also my first FF, so I wear nostalgia goggles pretty tight.
FFII- Beat on GBA. Ok, I liked Square's attempts to create a deeper story, but overall the battle system was stupid and there were too many random areas where you walk into and die
FFIII- Beat on DS. It was fun, but I had played it long after I played V, so V's superiority greatly overshadowed my enjoyment of it. Thought the Job system was intuitive and Cloud of Darkness had a great design IMO.
FFIV- Beat on GBA. One of my favorites, it was the first FF to try to weave a deep, passionate story and succeeded, albeit with a few hiccups. Loved the addition of the ATB system and Summons.
FFV- Beat on GBA. Another favorite, probably my second, tied with VII. I loved the Job system to death, the characters were fantastic, the story was great and Galuf... oh god Galuf. First time I cried at an FF game. Also, I would totally be bros with Gilgamesh, what an awesome motherfucker. And fuck Neo Shinryu, fuck him to hell.
FFVI- Beat on GBA. My favorite game of all time, hands down. I loved every detail about this game, it's sound, story characters, art it is amazing and far more worthy then what we humans deserve. I am so autistically in love with this game that just seeing people in this thread say they didn't like it makes me upset. This game made me realize that video games are art, and not since have I played a game that has had such a huge impact on me, and I believe that this was Square's crowning achievement.
FFVII- Beat on PSX. Got way overhyped for this one and was disappointed by how similar it was to VI. I still loved the shit out of it, it had a great story, great characters, looked awesome and was really fun to play, but I just felt like Square went through VI's script and replaced the names of everything important in VI with that of the names of everything important in VII. Probably my second favorite, tied with V.

>> No.1182810
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FFVIII- Beat on PSX. This one was ok, I liked it as a love story but I couldn't get into the characters, as it felt as if Square was riding the dramatic, more teenage emotions VII had to their extreme. I liked the design and weirdness of it though, and I can't say it's anywhere near being the worst FF. It's just ok.
FFIX- Beat on PSX. Fantastic game. I loved its little call-backs to old JRPGs, and I loved the characters and story. It was really awesome to see the turn based battle system return and have the series be set in a medieval, magical setting again. Definitely one of my favorites of the series.
X- Beat on PS2. I really liked X, and feel it's kind of underrated among hardcore FF fans, although that's my own opinion, as the game does have some glaring flaws(I'm looking at you battle system). I liked the love story between Tidus and Yuna and all the interesting, strange characters they meet on their journey. I also love FFX's music, to me it's one of Uematsu's greatest works. I also didn't mind the voice acting, it gave the game some charm in it's hokiness.
FFX-2- Beat it on PS2. I hated this so much it pains me to talk about it. The mockery it made to the Job system, it's stupid story and annoying characters I just hate everything about it with a passion.
FFXI- Played on PS2. Played it, got bored and dropped. I didn't think a main entry in the FF series should have been an MMO, and with the big three gone(Sakaguchi, Uematsu and Amano) it lost a spark that I knew couldn't be rekindled.
FFXII- Beat on PS2. Playing an FF set in Ivalice was weird, and it kind of detracted from the overall experience for me because of how much I enjoyed the Tactics Advance games, which I played before FFXII. The new battle systems had some cool ideas, and Vaan was a fun guy, but it just felt kind of bland to me, and at this point I was a firm believer that Kingdom Hearts was the original ten's legacy.

>> No.1182828
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FFXIII- Played, dropped. Everything on why XIII is shit has already been said, so I won't go too much into detail. I remember standing in line to get it with my girlfriend at Gamestop, and we went back and played it and were very disappointed. I knew at this point FF was truly dead, and the trailer for FFXV only strengthens this claim.
FFXIII-2- Watched a friend play. I was over at a friend's house while he played, and it looked just as shit as XIII. Never played, but I hear it does some things better than XIII did, so I may check it out one day once I've been dealt massive brain damage.
FF Tactics- Beat on PSP. Fantastic game, and definitely the best FF spin-off. I loved the way it was designed, as well as the great story. It was a fresh, new take on the series and I loved it.
FFIV The After Years- Beat on PSP. Good, I didn't like what they did to some characters, but seeing Golbez attempting to repent for his past sins and gain Cecil's acceptance was great.
FF Tactics Advance- Beat on GBA. Fun game, and one of first FF's. I thought it's story was very original, and it had all the great gameplay from the original Tactics in there to boot.
FF Dissidia- Beat on PSP. I remember playing Dissidia and crying tears of joy over how great it was. I played it for hours, loving the interactions between the heroes and villains. Probably the second best FF spin-off.
FF Theaterythem- Beat on 3DS. Fun, but I was expecting more tracks. It was enjoyable, and I play it every now and again.

>> No.1182845

FF1 - I've played and beat all versions sans Wonderswan several times with max level. I don't even think I like the game anymore, I just have to own and play every version of it out of ritual. Pretty decent start to the series.

FF2 - Have yet to beat. The gameplay and stat system started to piss me off. Story was okay, I guess.

FF3 - Never beat, but got really far in both NES and DS versions. Really good game and probably the best of the NES games.

FF4 - Beat PS1, DS and PSP. Good enough game, I guess, but I'm not a huge fan of it.

FF5 - Beat GBA. I love the class system, the story and characters are fun, music is great (at least, in the SNES version). Good game all around and probably my favorite of the SNES games.

FF6 - Beat GBA. Good story and cast, but I though the gameplay was a step down from 5's job system.

FF7 - Beat PS1 and PC. Decent enough of a game, but I feel like the characters are all the same, combat-wise. That said, there is a lot of good customization with the materia system. Too bad the game never really needs you to fully implement it.

FF8 - Never beat. I like the gameplay ideas, stat system, music, and graphics, but I hate the characters and story. Could never get past that.

FF9 - Beat PS1. I feel the gameplay is more simple than FF7/8, but I love the cast, the music, the art style, the story, pretty much everything. My favorite of the PS1 games.

FF10 - Never beat. Pretty much the same as FF8. Everything about it is good but the characters and cast.

FF10-2 - Beat. This is a stupid fun game, if only to laugh at the characters and dumb story. Helps I don't give a shit about 10 in the first place, to the bastardization doesn't matter to me. Decent enough gamplay.

FF12 - Beat. Fantastic game overally, but I don't think it should have been a Final Fantasy.

FF13 - Never played.

FF13-2 - Never played.

FF Tactics - Never beat. Own the PSP version, but have yet to actually get anywhere in it, despite having it since release.

>> No.1182869
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FF1 - Beat. Emulated NES version. Was fun, a bit too grindy.
FF2 - Never played.
FF3 - Beat. DS version. Had an awesome time, didn't expect much though.
FF4 - Played. PSX remake. Don't remember how far I got.
FF5 - Played. PSX remake. Got the third set of classes and got bored.
FF6 - Played. PSX remake. Got to the last continent and got bored.
FF7 - Beat, multiple times on PSX. Fantastic game.
FF8 - Got to the beginning of Disk 4 and quit. I had trouble forcing myself through even that much.
FF9 - Beat a few times. Loved it.
FF10 - Played at highschool sweetheart's house. It was meh.
FF12 - Never played.
FF13 - Beat. I don't know why I forced myself through it. It was terrible.
FF13 -2 - Played. I put maybe 10 hours on it. I bought the skimpy swimsuit though. woo.
FF Tactics - Beat multiple times and still go back to it every couple years. My favorite final fantasy.

>> No.1183065



Read this as 'painal'.

>> No.1183083

All of them until 11.

I couldn't get into 12.

13 seems shite.

11 I've played for 9 years, however you don't real beat an MMO.

>> No.1183085

FFI - NES, 4/10
FFII - NES, 4/10
FFIII - NES, 5.5/10
FFIV - SNES, 4.5/10
FFV - SNES, 7/10
FFVI - SNES, 7.5/10
FFVII - PS1, 7/10
FFVIII - PS1, 5.5/10
FFIX - PS1, 5/10
FFX - PS2. 7/10
FFX-2 - PS2, 5/10
FFXII - PS2, 7.5/10
FFXIII - PS3, 5/10

In the end, FF is an extremely overrated series, where only visuals and sound were always good, while actual gameplay, role-playing system and etc. were shit most of the time.

>> No.1183087
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>ranking anything after 7 with the possible exception of 9 anything more than like three

>> No.1183089
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>this guy.

>> No.1183090

IX is one of the most overrated barely average games I've ever played. I replayed all main FF games few years ago and I was surprised, that VIII pissed me less than IX with its even more abysmal gameplay and even more terrible narrative.

And yeah, Chrono Trigger is better than any FF game. Even fucking Cross is with its clusterfuck narrative.

>> No.1183093


7 is better than Cross. Cross is more ambitious, but 7 is better. I can't really play 9 because the art design makes me want to set babies on fire, but what I have played seems alright. Everything else is shit.

I'm a DQ fan myself at any rate. Or was until 9 anyway.

>> No.1183101
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I'm sure many of you will agree.

>> No.1183102

VII is just more important game than Cross and I wouldn't call Cross more ambitious.
>the art design makes me want to set babies on fire
The art-direction and cities are the only good thing about IX. Well, music too, but it was always good in FF,

>> No.1183105


>liking 10, 11, or 12
>being scum

How does it feel?

>> No.1183110
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>I knew at this point FF was truly dead, and the
trailer for FFXV only strengthens this claim.

>tries to bring back elements of older FF games, such as classic behemoths, castles, crystal focused story, airships, summons, nonlinear gameplay, etc.
>but no it's a sign that FF is dead cause you move around and the main characters look like fags

>> No.1183130


>main characters look like fags

No actually I'm shocked that they look sort of like normal people. That's ruined by the monumentally silly weapons they use and their general level of power being godlike. If that's established in the game, it's fine though. It won't be, though.

Nothing is going to fix the fundamental failure of writing and design that has become a hallmark of Final Fantasy since the 90s.

>> No.1183148
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>> No.1183178

FF 1-3 - haven't played these ... yet
FF 4 - played it as it came out on the snes, loved it
FF 5 - played the emulated pc version, decent
FF 6 - imported it from the US when it came out. Had to play it 3 times to view the ending properly.
First time: didn't know how to get into kefkas tower (yeah, i was retarded at that time)
Second time: a bug on the adapter that played the US-Game on the PAL-System prevented the playing of the ending movie, fuck.
Third time: finished it ten years later on PC.
Stil my favorite
FF 7 - finished it when it came out on the PS1, loved it
FF 8 - finished it when it came out on the PC. Hated the draw system, loved everything else
FF 9 - finished on PS2, decent
FF 10 - finished on PS2, really liked it
FF 11 - loved the atmosphere, sadly never found a decent linkshell, gave up my lv30 paladin
FF 12 - finished it on ps2 great world, decent story, meh characters
FF 13 - finished it on ps3, obviously. only FF that i will surely never play again
FF 13-2 - slightly better that 13 due to time travelling, but still overall meh

FFT - still need to play that ....
FFTA - played on GBA, great experience
FFMQ - one of my SNES favorites

>> No.1183183
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>> No.1183195
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>having taste this shit
>admitting to liking that godawful mutant godchildren movie better than the actually worthwhile game it was based on
>really truly liking any game after 7 or any of the shit tie-ins
>having a soul this empty and barren

You're welcome to your taste, but you truly are a dumbass fanboy/girl.

>> No.1183197

wow, such offend

>> No.1183202

>not liking IX
you are the worst person

>> No.1183205

>Not liking cinematics and boring dialogue : the video game
he is right.

>> No.1183241

FF1 - Beat. Played on PSP, was okay. 5/10.
FFII - Beat. Played on PSP, fuck everyone else I liked it. 6/10
FFIII - Have played about halfway through both on the NES & DS, but can't get into finishing it. Still 8/10. I love the jobs.
FFIV - Beat on DS & NES. it was fine 7/10 but i don't see why it warrants so many re-releases. (or sequels)
FFV - Played on PS1. More jobs. Best gameplay. Great music. (also ExDeath) 10/10.
FFVI - Played on PS1, SNES & GBA. I like the magicite system. It's fun. Best battle music in the series, I think. Overrated but still an 8/10.
FFVII - Completed several times. Still haven't bothered with the optional stuff though. Materia felt like a step down. Limit breaks are cool. Sephiroth is a terrible villain. I don't really like most of the cast much. Also overrated. 6/10
FFVIII - Completed several times. First Final Fantasy. I think it has the best music overall in the series. Little character development outside of Squall. Loved the cast (especially Laguna). Only time I've really liked Nomura's designs. I thought the Junction system and Draw were good. 8/10
FFIX - Completed several times. Kuja is best antag. Music competes with VIII. One of the best settings in the series. 9/10
FFX - Completed twice. Nomura's designs are absolutely wonky. Music is eh. Cast is annoying. Seymour is a terrible antagonist. Setting is alright. 6/10
FFX-2 - Story is garbage. Combat is fun. Designs are stupid. 7/10
FFXI - haven't even touched
FFXII - Beat. 10/10 i loved it
FFXIII - Beat. 5/10. Story is garbage, combat is alright, hate half the cast. Most forgettable villain, minus Vayne. Music is -mostly- trash.
FFXIII-2 - Gameplay was great, story was garbage. Like made XIII look like a masterpiece garbage. Music was shit. Designs were ugly. 7/10 because it was more fun than XIII.
FFXIV - haven't played much, but it was alright
Tactics - finished when I was a kid. can't remember the story at all. nothing. don't have the patience to replay.

>> No.1183249

>preferring that god-awful movie or XIII over IV/VII/VIII/IX or XII


>> No.1183271

FF1 - Haven't beat, just dicking around in the beginning so far. Fun for shits and giggles.
FF2 - Haven't played yet.
FF3 -Not yet either, shit.
FF4 - My first SNES RPG, still play it to this day, bought the re-do for PS1 and pop it in every now and then. 8/10 game, some points for nostalgia too. Holds up even today, I think.
FF5 - Played for a few hours, then had to return it. Interested in finishing this up, my monks were hammering on some niggas.
FF6 - Interesting story, loved the splits in character arcs and the mini-shit all throughout, made it more engaging with the sidequests and stuff.
FF7 - First game for PS1 for me. Didn't have a memory card for months(thought it would somehow save on the machine or on the disc, fucking dumbass as a kid.) Have invested thousands of hours into this, still enjoyable to this day crushing bosses in less than ten turns.
FF8 - Being overpowered is part of the game, you're a trained killer who's sole purpose is to fight sorceresses. It's not breaking shit, dammit. This game was weird at first, but it was fun as fuck. Hated the drawing system, but refining random shit into beast magic was great. The story overall had fantastic portions sprinkled into the mediocre shit it was. Would still play this if I had a copy however.
FF9 - Did not like this one too much, but it was still playable. Beat it a few times, wouldn't play anymore.
FF10 - Gave up halfway through, tedious and boring. It's fun swapping characters in and out of battle as you please though.
FF12 - Love it. Battle system is weird but once you get used to it it's pretty nice. Lots of stuff to do and lovely places to rape monsters on. Pretty gorgeous game so far. HAven't beaten it yet, but working on it. Just gotten to the part where you can unlock the door to Zeromus and try to get him. Keeps beating me just before he dies. Soon.
FF Tactics- Too busy leveling up and stealing superior gear to pay attention to Delita's bullshit.

>> No.1183283
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FF1 - emulated NES. Enjoyed it, although probably not as much than if I had played during original release. 7/10
FF2 - playstation. Pretty good I thought even though it gets a lot of hate, abused the level up glitches so I was a beast through the game. 7/10
FF3 - never played
FF4 - never played
FF5 - emulated snes version. Found the gameplay more enjoyable, didn't really feel it was any better than the first two though overall. 6/10
FF6 - snes version. Gameplay and story both good. What a FF game should be. 8/10
FF7 - playstation version. Great story and gameplay. Materia system simple and ingenious at the same time. 9/10
FF8 - playstation version. Good story for the most part, although I suspect they went for a full on love story because of the perceived success of the Cloud/Tifa/Aeris love triangle in the previous game. Skills and magic not as intuitive as FF7. 7/10
FF9 - playstation version. Enjoyed it. Decent game. 7/10
FF10 - playstation 2. Decent I suppose, although it's more of the same and the Sphere Grid is even worse than VIII's GF. I think I was just getting bored of the same old shit by this point. 6/10
FF12 - A refreshing change I really appreciated. Needed to be done and done well. 8/10
FF13 - never played. Don't really intend to from the gamplay footage and reviews I've seen
FF13 -2 never played
FF Tactics - playstation version. Great game. 9/10

>> No.1183286

Protip: XIII is better

>> No.1183289

This picture is... wrong.

>> No.1183334

Played only few.

FF1 - Played NES to some point, but got bored. Gonna finish it someday.
FF3 - Beated NES several times. Even solo run. Its real fun.
FF5 - Like FF1, got bored, because its really long. Also on my list to beat.
FF Tactics GBA - Fantastic, and enjoyable. Beated several times. Its also solo possible but then random battles are impossible

>> No.1183390

FF1 - Beat the GBA version. NES version isn't really my thing though I can appreciate it.
FF2 - Same as above.
FF3 - I beat the NES version, can't stand the DS version though I did like it's job versions.
FF4 - Beat SNES and GBA. Honestly, I had more fun with the GBA version (it was the european release by the way) for some reason. Must be the translation and getting to play with Cid more.
FF5 - My favorite FF. Dat humor. Dem jobs. Based Galuf. This game focuses on fun, and you do really get it.
FF6 - Great, but not as great as 5 for me. I played the SNES and GBA version, I can appreciate both. I do however, like having the censors removed from GBA (well, minus the slapping scene anyway) and having the story a little more clear while it has bugs fixed. With patches it's nearly perfect. Some of the phrasing on the SNES version I really like though.
FF7 - Overrated, and that version on Steam is even moreso. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but not nearly as much as everyone says.
FF8 - Actually underrated IMO. Some of the characters and mechanics are annoying, but it's actually fun.
FF9 - My second most favorite. Everything good about FF in general put into one awesome package.
FF Tactics - I love the PS1 version, PSP's translation is a little weird for me, and fuck the Advance "sequels."

The rest aren't retro.

>> No.1183527 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1183529


>> No.1183647

Oh, what the hell, here I go:

FF1 -
FF2 -
FF3 -
FF4 - Liked it alot, but never finished it, should start again. 8/10 for what I guess is about halfway through.
FF5 - 6/10, never beat it, it was alright.
FF6 - 9/10 All around great JRPG, beat, and would play again.
FF7 - My first introduction to Final Fantasy way back in 1997 (but not JRPG's, that honor befalls Secret of Mana 5 years earlier), loved it to bits, still do, probably finished it 6 times or so (over the course of 15 years, gawd, has it been that long?) This game was mind-boggling at the time.
FF8 - Liked it, but the drawing, the insane amount of items and refining them in other insane amounts of items and magic annoy me, beat it twice though 7/10.
FF9 - Very good, beat it once, but wouldn't again, the combat is just way too slow. 8/10
FF10 - Last FF for me, terrible, terrible, terrible, stupid fighting system, stupid sphere grid, story reaching retardation levels far beyond any other final fantasy, that horrible voice acting. Blitzball is what kept me going, beat it, but regret doing so.
FF12 -
FF13 -
FF13 -2
FF Tactics - I'm at the start (only a few bosses conquered) to see what all the fuss is about, kind of like it, but I'm not really a strategy-liking guy (well, I love Civ4 and HOMM3 to death, but you know what I mean, the 'move archer one square, fire arrow' kind of strategy) can see why it's loved so much though, so far 7/10, but it isn't really saying anything yet.

>> No.1183681


If you mean better than the movie, yes. Anything else, no.

>> No.1183685

FF1 - snoozefest.
FF2 -
FF3 -
FF4 - bretty gud.
FF5 -
FF6 - meh.
FF7 -
FF8 -
FF9 -
FF10 -
FF12 -
FF13 -
FF13 -2
FF Tactics -

>> No.1183973

>FF1 -psx, until second boss
>FF2 -psxm only the begining
>FF3 -never played
>FF4 -snes emulator, complete
>FF5 -snes emeulator, until ex-death battle, I can't beat it
>FF6 -psx, complete, my favorite with 9 and 7
>FF7 -psx, complete several times
>FF8 -psx, until before adel battle
>FF9 -psx, complete several times
>FF10 - no started yet
>FF12 - no started yet
>FF13 - no started yet
>FF13 -2 I don't own this game
>FF Tactics - only on GBA

>> No.1184003

>FF1 - Completed original. Too grindy but otherwise a classic.
>FF2 - backlog
>FF3 - backlog
>FF4 - Playing through this now.
>FF5 - backlog
>FF6 - Completed original. Amazing experience back then. Has aged well enough to play through again if you like the series.
>FF7 - Completed original. Getting the ultimate weapons was a hassle, but otherwise a great game to play through once, if only to see what it is all about.
>FF8 -
>FF9 - backlog
>FF10 - Completed original USA release. Very very good game, but I was apparently one of the few that liked the Tidus character design. Has aged well, will be getting HD remix when released.
>FF12 -
>FF13 -
>FF13 -2
>FF Tactics - Completed original USA release. Extremely high re-play-ability facotr makes this one of my all time favorites. Deep enough for power gamers, easy enough with grinding plains to be whooped on by casuals. Was not a huge fan of the story, but a digress.

8, 12, 13 are not on the backlog because I cannot stomach the combat mechanics of these games. ESPECIALLY the last two, I own the Collector's Edition of FFXII and have not played more than 4 hours of the game.

>> No.1184194
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FF1 - Recently beat on Ios, fun but so bloody easy to get lost or lose track of stuff.
FF2 - Recently beat on Ios, Loved this game. Why do people seemingly largely not like it? Is it the leveling system.
FF3 - Completed DS version
FF4 - Playing atm for first time.
FF5 - Completed PS1 version - Meh. Good Villain I guess.
FF6 - Completed SNES
FF7 - Completed PC - Overrated as fuck, but still very good.
FF8 - Completed PS1 - Really fucking hate this game. Retarded story, stupid junction system
FF9 - Completed PS1 - LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH! First FF I ever played. End boss was a bit "the fuck"ish, but otherwise flawless. I Love the storybook style art, the Shakespearian and dickensian references.

FF10 - Completed PS2 - Fun, but silly. I despise voice acting in FF games. Also the inability to name people bothers me in RPG's.
FF12 - Completed PS2 - It's like a huge safari. Good game.
FF13 - Gave up through boredom. Game was awful
FF13 -2
FF Tactics -

Oh and

FF Adventures - COMPLETED game boy. I am a fucking masochist.

>> No.1184656


>> No.1184706

FF1 - played it way too young, didn't understand it. tried replaying later... no
FF2 -
FF3 -
FF4 - easily my favourite FF ever, i've beaten it probably twenty times
FF5 -
FF6 - wasn't as good as everyone said but it was still breddy gud
FF7 - way overrated, but not bad
FF8 - .................whatever.
FF9 - outstanding
FF10 - breddy gud, even if i hated tidus more than i ever hated anything
FF12 - second favourite, i loved the story, i loved the han solo/chewbacca angle with cool pirate guy and hot rabbit woman, and i loved the combat system
FF13 - played for six hours and got really, really upset
FF13 -2 nope
FF Tactics - out fucking standing

>> No.1184724

FF1 - solid game, staple of the genre
FF2 - N/A
FF3 - (DS) fun
FF4 - Pretty cool
FF5 - N/A
FF6 - Great, didn't think Kefka met up to the hype though
FF7 - Definitive for it's time, personal favorite. Good characters and fun gameplay.
FF8 - Wanted to like but just couldn't. A number of flaws hindered a potentially good game.
FF9 - Good story, great characters and some lame ones, bit of a dragging storyline
FF10 - Solid gameplay, good graphics, bad leveling system and some characters were forgettable.
FF11 - Awesome world and class system, pretty boring combat system, expensive over time.
FF Tactics - Awesome game all around.
FF Tactics Advance - Fuck cripples

>> No.1184735
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FF1 - started, never finished. was a decent game. no complaints.
FF2 - haven't played lol
FF3 - haven't played lol
FF4 - haven't played lol
FF5 - haven't played lol
FF6 - haven't played lol
FF7 - early 3D, even at the time of original realize I was turned off by the aesthetics of it. plot is decent but I'm just not interested in playing. never finished.
FF8 - haven't played lol
FF9 - haven't played lol
FF10 - haven't played lol
FF12 - haven't played lol
FF13 - played a demo because one of my friends wouldn't shut up about it. too much of a staple of modern JRPGs if you ask me. no intent to play again.
FF13 -2 haven't played lol
FF Tactics - borrowed game from my brother for about 30 minutes once. was fun. don't know the first thing about the plot and never beat it.

>> No.1184736

JRPG fans legitimately have the shittiest explanations as to why they like or don't like something.

>> No.1184745

Where did I ever state that I thought it was dead because the characters didn't look like fags? I think you are projecting hard bro. I think it will be another nail in the coffin of FF quality because it's pushing such a modern, westernized world. I mean, modern worlds in FF are no new thing, FFVII, FFVIII and the beginning of FFX all had very cool, awesome worlds that were mostly modern. The only reason I hate it's new design is because it feels bland, like Square said "What can we do you cater to American males?" It also has taken away turn-based battles, which in an FF game, one in the main series no less, makes no goddam sense. And I saw no goddam castles in that trailer, I saw skyscrapers and military jeeps.

>> No.1184749

>original realize

>> No.1184757

why do you even bother posting then
i have played like 4 times as many ff games as you and i haven't (except for this post)

>> No.1184759

>why do you even bother posting
because I can

>> No.1185095


I'm guessing you're arguing with the same dumbass fangirl (just a guess) who posted >>1183183 and therefore deserves no time from anyone.