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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1171334 No.1171334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I wanna clear out some games I don't play anymore.
Do you think 40$ for the lot is a fair price ?

>> No.1171361

I can't really tell what the game at the top left and the middle row, right are.

>> No.1171382

The only games in there worth a tit are Starfox and Clay Fighter, IMO.

>> No.1171396

I'll be honest with you. I wouldn't pay $40 for those games. You would need something like Zelda, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, etc. to sell those games for 40 bucks.


>> No.1171417

Road runner
super bases loaded
Tom and Jerry
double dragon V
tetris 2

>> No.1171441
File: 110 KB, 626x354, 5401168-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More like 20-25

>> No.1171450

roadrunner, clayfighter,and tetris 2 aren't super common games

>> No.1171504

Zelda is a $20

Donkey kong is like $5-10

Metroid $35

>> No.1171510 [DELETED] 

15 nucks is the best I can do, and I'm taking a big risk

>> No.1171521

don't do that, and don't listen to the two people that are telling you that you should sell them for 20-25 dollars, they are just being douchebags and either don't know what they are talking about or thinking they can sucker you into giving them a lower price.

>> No.1171538

Probably more like $20-$25, $30 if you're lucky. The sports and RR/Tom and Jerry games are worthless and Star fox, while great, is actually not all that valuable. The 4 in the square are around $5 each, maybe a little less.

>> No.1171713

Starfox is like 15 Alone, the rest is crap though

>> No.1172159

They aren't very fun either

>> No.1173581

I have fond memories of renting that Road Runner game.

>> No.1174443

Double Dragon - $11
Clay Fighter - $9
Tetris 2 - $3
Starfox - $10
Roadrunner - $3
Super Bases Loaded - $2
Tom and Jerry - $6

People always look at the prices on Price Chart and think "That's what I'm going to get". Why would someone pay you what they could buy it online for? $20-$25 maybe $30 if you found the right person (what >>1171538 said) is right. I bought some games from a guy today who wanted $31 for everything when they added up to $28 on the chart. He seemed offended when I asked if he'd do an even $30 because I didn't have any $1s. He really seemed offended when I said that I looked the prices up. He puts a general price on things unless they're "rare". It's a pet peeve of mine when someone calls a game rare just because they haven't seen it too often.

>> No.1177376

Super Metroid's only a $35 if the cart's in prime condition and the seller's a jew. I got mine somewhat scuffed about 4 years ago for $20.

>> No.1177378

Also, DKC 1 & 2 usually go for at least $12, if not more. You may be able to get 3 for less because it was god-awful, unless the market's so warped that it's worth more due to "rarity" caused by a lack of sales, due to said awfulness.

>> No.1177426

>You may be able to get 3 for less because it was god-awful
Oh. It's that guy, again.

>> No.1177449


Just because you found it for less doesn't mean it's worth that little you dumb cunt. Leanr how supply and demand works you fucking faggot.

>> No.1177504

>i got mine cheaper 4 years ago.

I bought a copy for $15 earlier this year. Doesnt mean the game doesnt consistently sell for $35-45 online.

>> No.1177517

How do markets work?

You're a dumb piece of shit.

>> No.1178538

shut the fuck up already.

>> No.1179881

Donkey Kong Country 3 is the best in the series. Shows what you know.

>> No.1179904


Its fucking horrible.

>> No.1179909
File: 660 KB, 1001x649, StrawPoll Donkey Kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to /vr/, it's the best in the series.

>> No.1181023

A friend of mine got his copy for $25. I bought it CIB for $85

>> No.1181036

This, the SNES market is already fucked up as is, we don't need uninformed/happy merchant resellers making it even worse.

Stop while you can, OP

>> No.1181041
File: 38 KB, 370x278, retrobubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious samefagging reseller is obvious

>> No.1181048

$25 cash, and I would offer $20. Maybe.

How many times am I ever going to play any of those games again? Star Fox twice, the rest maybe once. I am paying you to throw those games in with the rest of my shit.


>> No.1181079

>Do you think 40$ for the lot is a fair price ?

no. that's $10 - $15 worth of games. if you think you can get more good luck

>> No.1181081

>roadrunner, clayfighter,and tetris 2 aren't super common games

according to whom? I see them in the wild all the time, they're as common as a cold.

>> No.1181571

Rarity Guide has them pegged like this.
>Tetris 2
18% - Very Common
>Clay Fighter
28% - Common
>Road Runner
46% - sought after

So you're right. They're not VERY common games. On the average, they're JUST common games.

>> No.1181574

Replace 'VERY' with 'SUPER'. It's still early for me.

>> No.1181575


People will buy anything for any price. I sold my dusty old pokemon cards that I hadn't touched in 10 years for $1500 to some kid.

>> No.1181678


This, unfortunately, has become the reseller mantra

>> No.1181808


It was best in variety, but everyone loves those memories of DKC2. I have them all, I love them all.

>> No.1182042


42.81 PC value, which isnt market value, and even less in a package like this.Few games of different styles.
You can probably get 20-25$, and closer to that PC value if you sell them over the course of a year piece by piece on craigslist if youre lucky

>> No.1182046

total is still right tho

>> No.1182792

I don't see any way $40 is a fair price for that lot but that doesn't mean you can't find some sucker who will pay that much.

Starfox is rare and expensive. Hurr Durr. I see it for $1-$1.5 all the time. Just because I find it cheap doesn't mean it's not rare. Hurr Durr. inb4 some asshole says it.

And what's with all this reseller hate faggots? If there weren't places people could take their old games and get a bit of cash they would end up in a landfill because people are to lazy to sell them. Yeah, the prices are high, so I laugh at them and go out and find the stuff on my own. Stop being lazy butthurts and hit the flea markets.

>> No.1182802

Nothing special here, but if you can get $40 for it all, then go for it.

>> No.1183030

I believe the reseller hatred in /vr/ primarily stems from some of their unethical/dick practices:

- Setting exorbitant prices and refusing to haggle
- Bragging on how they get their stock dirt cheap
- Snooping around every yard sale/flea market buying everything, sometimes long before they open, OR EVEN the day before
- Spamming Craigslist with ads
- Not caring about games, the game culture, or even their customers