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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20131026_220341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1162524 No.1162524[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post pics, game list or just info about your local arcade. Don't have one? Post your envy or talk about the arcade you used to hoi to before it went out of business.

Ohio fag here I was at Cedar Point this weekend for their Halloween events. The park is open until midnight and there are like seven haunts. I was mostly interested in the main arcade though.

I believe it to be one of the biggest, oldest, and best video arcades in the hemisphere. I shot a video of all the machines individually instead of trying to catalog them on site and it still took half an hour. While it's uploading to YouTube enjoy some stills.

>> No.1162542
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Prepare your minds for the illusion of infinite arcade

>> No.1162547
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Sorry for the bad focus on these long, high angle shots. Someday I'll bring a tripod that can get up this high but not this year.

>> No.1162552

I've been thinking about putting a lot of my collection on the line and opening an arcade/game store, but I can't decide if it would be successful at all. Anybody in the north-east corner of Florida who would go to such a place?

>> No.1162553

That's not how you play Top Skater!

>> No.1162561
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Unfortunately, there seems to be no model for a successful just-arcade. The arcades in my smaller Ohio cities that manage to keep the doors open are barcades, small mallcades in low-rent slots, and party-rooms for kids birthday parties and shit like that.

Retro game stores, on the other hand are exploding everywhere. There's at least twenty of them in Columbus charging eBay and higher prices and buying shit from people for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.1162564
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>> No.1162569
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I took some panoramic shots that are pretty impressive too but 4chan doesn't like super-wide images. I'll see if downsizing them will help after I post the rest of these vanishing point shots.

>> No.1162572
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>> No.1162575
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>> No.1162576
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>> No.1162578
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>> No.1162579

>cedar point

My nigga

>> No.1162581
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I didn't post this one earlier, despite it having nice cabs in it is because there's this huge immersive avoid-the-laser-beams game right in the center of the thing that keeps some of the shots from being long enough to suit me.

>> No.1162587

awesome pics. texas doesnt have enough arcades except in Austin but nowhere really.

>> No.1162586



>> No.1162595
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We should mention that there are this many games again spread out over other arcades in the park. Not many really old ones out there though. There's one by Gemini that I really like because that area is totally 80s futuristic and there's one of those big kettle drum beating games in Frontier Village.

See I was talking to my friends about that while we were there. Doesn't Texas rival Ohio for amusement parks? You were the state I expected to challenge this arcade. I thought there were like eight Six Flags there.

America's Rockin' Roller Coast.

>> No.1162598

Man, next stop Sandusky! I'm across the lake and we don't have anything nearly as expansive as this.

>> No.1162607
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Its called Wonderland and its just some guys old arcade cabinets, Everything isn't taken care of and some of the machines are just broken but he wont fix them. kinda sad but there are some really cool games in there but this is the only good pic i have because the lighting my all my pics blurry as hell

>> No.1162608
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Yeah there were tons of Canadian license plates. Exotic.

>> No.1162614
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Unfortunately, there are a ton of out-of-order machines here, especially in the back where the oldest games hang out. I was told to email the park to try to maybe buy some of them for preservation. I didn't get many pics of them but I tried to show which games were down in the video, which I'll link to when it finishes uploading. They seem to take pretty good care of their pins but there's cabs I worry about - especially some of the electromechanical light-gun shooters like you can see in the right hand side of the OP. You can't MAME that shit. When they're gone, they're gone.

>> No.1162618
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>> No.1162623

In this pic, way on the left you can see the game I mainly played this trip. It's a 2012 Namco game. It's a 3D two person sit down rail shooter that shakes you and blasts you with compressed air from different sides. It reads your pulse from the handles of the guns and changes modes depending on how excited you get. Two dollars a credit. Ouch!

>> No.1162626

I used to live in ohio and went to cedar point all the time. Now I live too far away to warrant making a trip up there any time soon. Never went to the arcades when I went but i know what you're talking about. I'd like to go back and check them out If I could.

>> No.1162627
File: 201 KB, 1692x324, PANO_20131026_191312 - Resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the first part of the video I shot is just about done cooking...

>> No.1162630

I got a url that it says will be live soon.


>> No.1162632

...and I guess it has the url for the second part as well, but it'll be longer for that one.


>> No.1162638
File: 49 KB, 436x400, 1370274578569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is a little too well lit and clean lol. For me Arcades are dark dingy dives with greasy controls and stale cigarette smoke.

>> No.1162643


Casinos aren't Aracdes.

>> No.1162647

underage please leave, arcades were some of the dankest dungeons back in the day

>> No.1162648


Legal casinos aren't dingy and dirty.

>> No.1162649

Well you're a little too young to know how arcades were back in the late 80's.

>> No.1162650


This is actually entirely dependent on your arcade. Mine was dark, but all were not.

>> No.1162651
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It would be cooler if all the florescent bulbs were black light

>> No.1162661


Eat shit. I am in my 30's and my arcade was clean and nice. I can't help you probably live or lived in some shit city.

>> No.1162667
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>>I am in my 30's
>Defensive as a 16 year old

>> No.1162670


That doesn't change my age, friend.

>> No.1162674
File: 1.44 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20131026_220447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine was The Gold Mine. Dark, mine themed, in the mall. Aladdin's Castles were also dim but someplace like Showbiz Pizza was of course well lit. People could smoke in any of them back then

>> No.1162680

Cedar Point is one of the best places on Earth for both roller coasters and arcade vidya. The only place that could possibly rival it is that one arcade in New England and DisneyQuest.

>> No.1162682

>This video has bern removed because it is too long

Looks like I'm going to have to cut that one in half sorry.

>> No.1162687

>This video has bern removed because it is too long

u wot m80

I thought youtube nixed that long ago. Was there something weird about your file?

>> No.1162709

Just a 480p video from my Android. They might have me on some limitation because I have a hundreds of thousands of hits video.

>> No.1162724

im not your friend, buddy.

>> No.1162729

all the arcades where i live are long gone (Wash DC area) ... that's why i'm building a home arcade with as many games as i can cram in it

>> No.1162732

You're right about that. Underage is a state of mind that you'll never leave.

>> No.1162736

I went to Cedar Point for my band trip in 8th grade. The longs for the rides were so long that me and my bros ended up hanging out in this arcade the whole time, and scrub stomping at the MvC2 cab. Do they still have that one there? That was the last time I was at Cedar Point, and it's been like 10 years...

>> No.1162735

your DDR machines at the mall is not an arcade

>> No.1162737

Go away liar, machines had built in ashtrays thats part of the true arcade experience. If you dont like it you can play your console at home

>> No.1162738

Err, *lines I mean.

>> No.1162757

Was it in a generic showcase cabinet with a marquee that said something like "New Game"? Because there's quite a few CPS fighters in cabs like that.

>> No.1162764

>calling someone a liar because his childhood experiences didn't match up with yours

People, who nice/ratty your local arcade was depended on...who was running your local arcade.

I don't know why you people think it was impossible to set up a well-lit room pre-2005.

And don't even get me started on how you're projecting your experiences on everyone else.

My arcade was pretty damn dark inside, but I'm not stupid enough to think that this was literally everyone else's arcade experience. It'd be like some guy saying, "Well, the second player joystick on SF2 was busted, so it must be like that at everyone's arcade, too."

>> No.1162782

I'm projecting the norm, you went to some clean arcade that wasn't the norm though. You're the one that started it with this dumbass comment >>1162643. Don't complain about projecting there buddy when your one experience wasn't the norm,

>> No.1162785

>you went to some clean arcade that wasn't the norm though.

Maybe you should actually read my post next time.

>> No.1162806

I had to "verify" my account for it to be allowed, which involved giving them a phone number and remembering a 6 digit code that an automated message read over that phone number.

>> No.1162835

aaaaand it was set to private then but now it should be public.

>> No.1162837

Did you never go to an Arcade after the 80s? Shit went downhill because of all the dark rooms full of people smoking and parents not wanting their kids exposed to all the weed and cigarette smoke.

>> No.1162845

Also the machines in the dark arcades suffered more and were maintained less so more of those are gone now.

>> No.1162852

Works now. I havent been there in a few years but damn it looks exactly the same as ever. Though they have made the main arcade much much brighter since the last time I was there. I assume its due to safety concerns, as that place you used to be able to see the flashing from the different machines.

I didnt watch the whole video but do they still have the Episode 1 Podracer machine? Shit was so fun with the special controls.

>> No.1162867
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I'm going to bump with some pics of electro mechanical games starting with my favorite one from this arcade. Phantom Gun.

Not in the main arcade but it's quite likely to have rotated into one of the smaller arcades. It would be the type of machine that they rotate. Tell us about the lighting when you were there before. What year was it? What was the lighting like? Those florescent fixtures look pretty old but like I was saying before it would have been way cool if they were black lights at some point. Maybe they just didn't have them all on? Or maybe back then they didn't light them up during the day? It does have a lot of open doors and arches that outside light would semi-illuminate it all by itself.

>> No.1162868

Yeah, darkness attributed to me kicking more machines than I care to admit anymore.

>> No.1162870
File: 56 KB, 396x594, Video West Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another oldfag here from L.A.

Back in the day, arcades came in two flavors:

The Showcase-Well lit arcade spaces that were either Mall or designated family entertainment centers (think Chuck-E-Cheese). The newest games were usually added in bulk and promotional events were common. Clean, Safe and usually located in the heart of the city. Change/token machines at the entrances. Machines that were broken were clearly labeled as such and most were fixed within a day.

...or The Cave-During the height of the arcade craze, any space large enough to hold 10+ arcade machines was converted into an arcade. They tended to spring up near schools and restaurants (anywhere where foot traffic would bring in customers). These places were often painted dark to A) disguise how small the space actually was and B) not to detract players from anything but the games.

I remember a few of the places I used to go had blacked out windows and minimal lighting. With most of the operating expenses going toward the electric bill, arcade managers spent the minimum to light up the place. I remember at least 3-4 arcades that allowed smoking (Mostly to bring in workers on break from local businesses) but almost ALL of them did not allow food or drinks. Most change counters were tucked away in a back corner. Most were little booths just small enough to hold a chair, a cash box and a phone. Change attendants tended to be older folk who obviously couldn't care less if you lost your quarter, much less the condition of the machines. If a machine was broke, it got turned to the wall or, if space allowed, parked behind he business.

The arcade that I remember being a serious dive was the Pac Mann arcade in Pasadena. Pitch black inside, you didn't feel safe inside and I saw my share of fights and drug deals in there. They did, however, have the newest games and rows of multi Driving/Shooting games. Hard to stay out of that place like that...

>> No.1162874
File: 111 KB, 1000x670, phantom4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantom Gun is from 1969. The actual targets live down in the base and are moved around by gears and pulleys, they glow from black light and are reflected in a mirror that you look into. The gun actually shoots a light beam you can see and the targets detect it. Scoring is also mechanical like a pinball machine.

Cabinets can handle your nine year old kid kicks better than they can handle soda being poured into them. Cigarette burns are forever, too. My World Warrior cabinet has some heinous ones. Not as bad as the MX-5000 I got rid of though. I kind of regret that, back in 2005.

>> No.1162875

Broken Galaga cabinet makes me sad.

>> No.1162884
File: 164 KB, 1000x970, phantom3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think it's the only Galaga cabinet too. You'd have to get your fix from GORF. That cab is pretty nice though.

That shady stuff sounds more like what happened in the skating rink here. Of course, the skating rink had a little arcade. Still does, although it's not really popular enough to be very shady now. More like retro kitsch.

>> No.1162891

I broke more buttons on the front of the machine than anything, the glowing coin slots that you push in to return the coin, would easily get stuck and become nonfunctional after a good kick. Now its dumb to get mad over a quarter, but damnit when I was young getting to play arcade games was a rare thing, and stealing my rare treat from me pissed me the fuck off.

>> No.1162901
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Well, if it makes you feel any better those things are modular and even if you broke it the attendant should have had a crate of them in the back it would have just been a matter of opening the machine and getting the whole coin mechanism working right so basically it was your kid way of letting other kids know the machine was definitely out of order until somebody fixed it.

>> No.1162904
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>> No.1162906
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>> No.1162912

That is good to know, though some smaller arcades didnt fix things near as quickly as you would imagine.

>> No.1162913

I wish there was an arcade around here. Back when I was a kid there were acrades all over the place. They ranged from having a handful of machines to being giant rooms full. The best one was called Mr.Arcade. It was fucking XBox hueg, and had a ton of shit. A wall to wall piball section, a section for racers, and fighters. All the other shit was piled in the middle. On the other wall they had shit games my sister would play. Like whack a mole, and the ball pit. Now I would not even know where to find an arcade.

>> No.1162934

just google your city name and arcade and a list of results should pop up

>> No.1162940
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Well it wasn't working anyway and the damage you did would have been paid for in one hour of it being operational. If what you did brought the problem to the attention of whoever was making the profits then you probably SAVED him money.

Yeah it sucks that they're getting harder to find but they're worth supporting!

>> No.1162942

I live too close to NYC. So the only thing that pops up are hipster spots in Brooklyn. That I aint going all the way to that shit town to play some vidya.

>> No.1162976
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Well, let me show you the fate of my arcade:

I say 'my' arcade because I used to cut school to hang out there. I even manged to get a job there for a summer! Good times...

The Video West Game Room of Glendale managed to survive the 90's and was around till earlier this year. It was going to become a "Living Neon Museum" by the local that owned it and a fundraiser was held to secure the arcade's future. Even actor Zachary Quinto appeared to help boost the effort.

Unfortunately, the city of Glendale had other plans...

>> No.1162990

inb4 tearjerker

>> No.1163001
File: 62 KB, 600x400, Well, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The City of Glendale is in the midst of expansion (mostly shopping/fine dining) and purchased the building from the owner including the games inside for 1 million.

Glendale sat on the locked building for about 3 years and toyed with the idea of continuing the plan to open it as a museum. Then they decided against that and thought it would be better to develop the space and sell the games at auction local for youth service organizations.

Then Glendale's budget for the project ran out.

Glendale will eventually have to sell the machines and send the profits to the state of California.

Meanwhile, the machines were carted to a local storage facility where they are sitting, collecting dust until the next chapter unfolds...

Only a thin, corrugated steel door separates me from these machines. There is a list posted somewhere. They had old-school 80's, recent Fighters and an Initial D Arcade Stage Ver.3 Sit-down cabinet last I remember.

Hopefully, they will auction them locally so I'll have a chance to get someone back from my childhood... Um, cheap!

>> No.1163010
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>> No.1163016

I was there this weekend too. I was playing some Cyber Troopers, Donkey Kong and Pinball. It bummed me out how many of the older games are not working anymore.

>> No.1163031

Oh god, I think I've seen that place on my drive to St.Augustine.

>> No.1163032

its too bad because that sounds like heaven to me. Kids never played the games anyway they just hogged the machines with no money inserted.

>> No.1163037
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>Initial D Arcade Stage Ver.3
They have one at our former Gameworks too. It's ridiculous. Imagine if you could get Gran Turismo or Forze running on it.

You need to just make some friends in the know (which I suspect you might have from this pic). The city is going to want to sell them all as quickly and painlessly as possible and they're not going to care much if they get market value or not since they won't see a penny (or a pound).

>> No.1163046
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Just found out that it is a two seater!

But the city will probably want to sell them all as a package deal. I know a local arcade restoration place (yes, they exist) who's attempting to bid on the lot of them.

Unfortunately, they knows the collectors value, too...

>> No.1163051

>That kid that just fucks around with the controls and doesn't put any money in
Why did this always annoy me even as a child?

>> No.1163054
File: 168 KB, 800x1067, south_park_pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a partial list that the city 'owns', including some pinballs (They had South Park, Family Guy and The Simpsons pinballs last I was there)

Medieval Madness
Attack from Mars
Dance Dance Revolution
Scared Stiff pinball
Crazy Taxi
Extreme Hunting 2
Street Fighter
Tekken 4
Alien v. Predator
Area 51/Maximum Force
Time Crisis 3
Blood Brothers
Virtua Cop 2
NBA Hang Time

>> No.1163084

>The arcades in my smaller Ohio cities that manage to keep the doors open are barcades, small mallcades in low-rent slots, and party-rooms for kids birthday parties and shit like that.

Yeah, a friend and I were working on doing an arcade/game shop/tournament venue/coffeehouse (because we figured we'd have to throw in something else that wasn't game-related to bring in money) a few miles outside Springfield but he turned out to be unable to go in on the business loan.

A barcade isn't a bad idea at all, but I was wary of the prospect of compounding the costs of running an arcade with the costs of running a bar.

>> No.1163090

That means you didnt put enough quarters in then, because it sounds like a great time to me as well. I wish I had a local arcade make it past my poor childhood so I could drain my quarters away once I was old enough to work.

I at least wasnt the kid that fucked with the controls without actually playing, though I would watch others play games until I decided where my quarters would get to go.

>> No.1163096

There are a few in the Columbus area, they are fun because the little kids dont run the place, and get kicked out after i think 8pm. 4 people played for a good 3 hours on 50$, not counting any drinks had, but thats still pretty expensive.

>> No.1163098
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I'm sure it comes down to operating expenses. I don't think I'd wanna electric bill that big, either...

>> No.1163105

There was one that opened up in my hometown down in NC that was okay, though it seemed like the owners knew their way around the bar aspect well enough but didn't really have a handle on the arcade portion. The sticks and buttons all needed replaced and one cabinet even had electrical arcs coming out of the back of the monitor.

If I could ever get out of Urbana and go home, I'd love to buy my way into it just to deal with the cabinet maintenance and organizing tournaments and events for the local gaming communities.

>> No.1163106
File: 367 KB, 1080x1528, dark_escape_4d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh those Initial D machines don't hold a candle to the Cycraft. Observe.


>> No.1163108

plus you gotta liquor license to worry about.
minors n shit

>> No.1163109

That's how all barcades are. We should all work up resumes collaboratively that portray us as professional arcade restoration and maintenance experts to get salaried positions at those places just for keeping the machines nice and running - end up putting in 6-8 hours a week and able to do it at whatever times we felt like hanging out at the scene.

Have like ten of those positions at once, sub-contract out some nerds to do what you tell them needs done, which is simple to you from experience.

That would be teh dream.

>> No.1163113

Yup. Plus this town is basically designed to completely destroy its youth in favor of catering to the elderly and shit like out-of-town antique hunters (also elderly), so there's jack shit for the kids to go do socially here aside from loiter at walmart and mcdonalds on weekends.

I figured it'd be nice to give them someplace to go in exchange for their quarters.

>> No.1163117

I feel like handing them a piece of paper with nothing but "I know how to do mod basic mod work on fightstick" written on it would have been good enough for a job like that at the Asheville Barcade.

It's a pretty laidback town.

>> No.1163143
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Oh I thought we were talking about a city.

>> No.1163152

As in working for the city to do that?

Mite b cool.

>> No.1163176

No I don't mean that. mean convincing the barcades that they need a guy to do pro maintenance

>> No.1163298

This is why I didn't feel like going this route. Knowing someone who recently opened a bar locally, a liquor license here costs over $500,000, way more than I'd be comfortable putting into an endeavor, let alone acquiring that much money in the first place.
This. I live in a college town with absolutely nothing to do but go drinking in the dingy little bars. The tourism industry takes over everything.
St. Augustine FL? Coming from which direction?

>> No.1163769

From Orlando. Off I-4

>> No.1163797
File: 63 KB, 600x450, nickelCity_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone from northern Chicago, this is the only arcade really left in the area. Admission is $2 and every game is either 1-3 nickels, they have a change machine or you can buy pre-counted bags of nickels. Its a pretty good arcade for most standards.

Its cut into three sections, when you walk in it has the typical games for tickets and a prize booth, you keep walking and theres your classic arcade machines, DDR, Simpsons, Star Wars, Mario Kart, Marvel Vs Capcom, some pinball, etc. And then one of the best parts of the entire place is the free play section. It literally has every classic arcade unit from the 80s (Pacman, DK, Frogger, Tetris, etc) and early 90s (Mortal Kombat, TMNT, etc), probably has over 40-50 units there and theyre all free. So even if you run out of money, you can head over there and have a great time.

It also has a party room for b-day parties, and a snack bar where you can get your classic giant ass piece of pizza and a huge coke for $3. Great place when I was growing up, and still fun to go over there and play /vr/ for hours with only a couple bucks spent.

>> No.1164242

Game pazzo?

Galloping Ghost?

try harder mang

>> No.1164260

and of course headquarters and emporium but, lets not talk about those

>> No.1164624
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>> No.1164627
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>> No.1165061
File: 112 KB, 609x792, twinrif1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. Should I post more pics of the Main Arcade? Let me post direct links to those videos showing all the machines.


>> No.1165095

... I live in Ohio! Holy shit I never knew this was at Cedar Point

>> No.1165132

>I live in Ohio!

I'm so sorry.

>> No.1165182

>Not reading the thread and realizing Ohio is a /vr/ paradise

>> No.1165262

the thing about cedar point is most of the arcade's there are a bunch of ticket/redemption games bull shit instead of real video games or really cool electro-mechanical cabinets

>> No.1165328

I thought the same for myself when I moved here some 14 years ago. Find the right area to live in and it's really, really nice. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else now.

>> No.1165419

Lots of good arcades where I grew up but where I live now they're full for shit games and kids aren't even allowed in. Seriously. Only losers playing strip mahjong and shit. Not even Pachinko, because that's also not allowed. Just shit covered in shit painted with shit.

Not all bad because if the kids want to play it's mame at home with me. But there's no replacement for a real pinball machine. I really miss that.

>> No.1165684
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It's about half and half. Good luck finding a sizable arcade that doesn't have a lot of redemption games. My wife won 50 tickets off two plays at Aftershock and got really excited so it's not all bad.

>> No.1165801

Only the rare civilized parts.

The wilderness here is unkind, with no vidya to be found outside the CoD kiddies. It's cold out here, Anon. It's cold out here and we're going to die.

>> No.1165849
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It's like 50 degrees, Bro.

>> No.1165871

Not much for metaphor or comic hyperbole, are you?

>> No.1165881

Not when it's dissing Ohio.

>> No.1165907

If you fags who lived in the civilized portions had any sense, you'd move to Chicago.

>> No.1166159

There's no Cedar Point in Chicago. Ohio is The Heart of It All.

>> No.1166175

Third largest arcade in the world is just outside Boston. Pinball Wizard, Pelham NH. Here is every game mapped out. Forgive the crudeness of the model, I didn't have time to build it to scale or paint it.

>> No.1166176


>> No.1166178
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Shit won't post.

>> No.1166186
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I'm assuming some aussies just might be up.

Immigrant, just moved to Brisbane. Is there any arcade in this town larger than the pathetic 5 machines and 20 ticket games near movie theatres in the mall?

>> No.1166187

Your map is what inspired me to film the arcade at Cedar Point. I'd like to turn the video into a similar map and then catalog the other arcades there as well but yeah, that arcade looks like it has more quality titles than Cedar Point/

>> No.1166202

I constructed it all from painstaking YouTube research, there are a few good walkthroughs of the arcade by different people up there. Have you looked for Cedar Point yet? One of the guys is an upcoming YouTube sensation who makes arcade tours.

I love the arcade segments from that Japanese GameCenter CX show. People seem to think arcades are dead in the US but you could make a hell of a YouTube channel with a group of friends, a camera, and some good arcades.

>> No.1166203
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Now posting Arino at arcades.

>> No.1166205
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>> No.1166228
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>> No.1166232

Nice thread, OP. I haven't been to Cedar Point in almost 20 years or so, but the arcade was enormous even back then. I remember one time getting 99 tickets playing skeeball and only needing one more for some really cool shit, but then some kids I didn't know bullied me out of a bunch of them. I was so upset. Oh god, maybe that's why I never went back there. Hold on, I've got some ... something in my eye ...

>> No.1166254

There's a place in Framingham called Game Underground that's a retro game store / used current gen game store / one of those places with consoles and high def TVs and internet for gaming / a bunch of arcade and pinball machines. They have a website.

>> No.1166260

mostly all in Sydney mate

the ones in Sydney now, mostly carry latest Initial D, Latest Wangan Maximum Tune, latest Tekken, Battle Gear and such and ofcourse, DDR, there was some Japanese only games, but most are gone, like Gundam and certain others

>> No.1166269

>tfw my dad used to work in the arcades in my home town as the senior engineer
>visiting him at work over half term, in the back watching him fix shit, surrounded by components and gutted cabs
>sending me out with one of the attendants with the cab keys to give me free credits on whatever I wanted
>calibrating the claw machines and getting me to test them

It was absolute heaven. Now I'm a grown ass man and the arcade is just full of gamblers. I envy you guys who can still enjoy arcades, it still makes me sad whenever I go to visit the old man.

>> No.1166498

I live in Tokyo where there are arcades (called 'game centers' in Japanese) everywhere, with both classic and modern games. It's awesome.

Here's the rub. Almost all of the games cost 100 yen for one play, that's about $1 even for old shit like Tower of Druaga or Darius. Many modern games cost 200-500 yen a pop, such as the card-based games like Lord of Vermillion or the Gundam simulator game.

Also everyone is smoking, and it's usually a confined space. If you are at all sensitive to cigarette smoke you'll probably run out of these places. I'm tempted to literally buy a gas mask or at least a mask with a filter. Also, when you leave everything you are wearing, your hair, and your belongings will reek of cigarette smoke.

Them's the breaks, huh. It really sucks to have such an incredible arcade scene ruined by people's shitty habits and overpriced charges that no one even thinks to challenge.

>> No.1166520

>old shit like Tower of Druaga or Darius
Authentic asian detected. Can you find me a 3-monitor Darius 2 motherboard? I want to multi-purpose my NinjaWarriors.

Here in the US, or at least in Ohio it's illegal to smoke indoors in public. I'm a non-smoker but a smoky arcade would certainly take me back to the 80s.

Isn't it more or less socially acceptable in Japan to wear masks, what with all the pollution and cigarette smoking and germ-phobia?

>> No.1166563


You could probably make a lot of money off of /vr/-troopers who need stuff from Japan... like me.

Relevant to the thread, There aren't any arcades near me (western NY) but it's a decent retro community.

>> No.1166587

There is a 3-monitor Darius (maybe 2?) game at the Hey! Taito game center on the main drag in Akihabara. They also have a Ninja Warriors unit where you sit in it and it has a wide display. Yeah I think the ban on smoking indoors is federal in the U.S. I love that. It's socially acceptable to wear masks but they don't really help with the smoke. They are just a placebo/social courtesy for when you're sick.

I am very limited with time but I'd be happy to keep an eye out for desired things if the profit was worthwhile. I have a distinct advantage of a Japanese bank account to buy things off Yahoo Auctions from people for cheap (just got a perfectly working Twin Famicom with replaced belt for 5,500 yen and a bunch of like-new disk system games like Zelda and Ai Senshi Nicol for about 1,600) and being able to scope out BookOffs for deals.

>> No.1166591

>TFW southeastern NY and nothing here but a Dave and Busters and the occasional mallcade.

Feels bad man.

>> No.1166595


I collect n64 games, so if you're bored some weekend I can shoot you a list of things to find.

After this year of schooling I'm taking a serious look at starting one up. Take advantage of the college-filled city.

>> No.1166613

Hit me up and I'll keep an eye out, though N64 games are not particularly available especially with boxes/manuals.

>> No.1166661
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>There's a store in my town that's being used as storage for arcade games
>It's been that way for YEARS
>Walk by it all the time and lust to be in there playing
>A couple months ago they actually started fixing up the place to make it a genuine arcade
>Looks classy as fuck
>Sign out front says it's opening soon

>MFW Two months later it still isn't open


>> No.1166704
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>used to be quite a few arcades around when I was a kid
>every last one of them disappeared over 10 years ago
>haven't played one since then

Are there any Arcades left in southern Norway?

>> No.1166706

I accidentely replied to you, my apologies.

>> No.1167424

sadly they're not like the old days when games had the little metal cigarette holder, with accompanied burns on the control panel.

*sigh* i remember when games that cost 50¢ were considered expensive and there'd be lineups for new games like Dragon's Lair (which was one of the expensive ones.

what are they now? $2-$3? not sure cause all my old caves closed down 25+ years ago, apparently drug dealers like to operate out of them. who knew?

OP this is awesome, those Berzerk/Turbo/Combat feels man...

>> No.1167434
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yeah man... screen glare was a bitch when you're trying to beat the high score. anything else was for casuals. that's why some of them had built in cabinets - to keep away mouth breathers and lights out.

this was one of my favs

>> No.1167470

What area are you in, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.1167490

that was a sweet game, very playable, I would love to play one again.

>> No.1167587

Go ahead and google cedar point admission prices, then realize that most machines there are $.50-$1.00. Its a small fortune to play there.

>> No.1167590

Sorry, I live in Lima. We get called Little Chicago from time to time, as its fairly dangerous to live here. I really dont feel like moving to Murder City USA though.

>> No.1167741
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>> No.1167747

Get free tickets, or discounted. It's not hard. The vast majority of games are 25 cents a credit including ride-games. If you can't get free tickets just come spend a weekend as a small vacation.

Cedar Point has more than just the arcade there's also.. you know.. the rides? Ohio is a /vr/ paradise for more reasons than Cedar Point. There's also a former Gameworks that's now independently operated. I'll try to get a walkthrough of it soon.

>> No.1167764


haha thank you. easily my favorite arino moment.

>> No.1167850
File: 29 KB, 403x302, gameworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit.
Please tell me this thing is still worth something.

>> No.1167890

I know theres gameworks in columbus. theres one in sandusky?
Free tickets are hard to come by or Im not looking in the right place or something. Sadly its still a pretty decent drive from Lima, so I dont get to make it up there enough to get a season pass that pays for itself after like 3 admissions.
Have they lowered the game prices? Last I was there they were very quarter hungry. I have not been there(CP there, been to sandusky not that long ago but not for the park) in a few years, as Im not the biggest roller coaster fan, and sandusky has tourist trap prices everywhere so its expensive to even just spend the day there.

>> No.1168050

LoL only for sentimental value. They changed the cards every year anyway but I have a few of those still around and a few prizes that say Gameworks. Unfortunately none of them say SEGA on them and I never even noticed that until Gameworks was completely gone.

Yeah the Gameworks is in Columbus, only it's called KDB now. Just pack food if you come to Sandusky. Go to the gate that's moving the fastest, guaranteed the checkers aren't going to check your bag especially if you don't look suspicious. The brand new games and super-unique games are still pretty pricey. That Dark Escape game is two dollars a credit! Retro games are a quarter though pretty much across the board. Even if you don't like coasters there's a water park too and events, like the Halloweekends. The park was open until midnight! Also the rides are all rated by thrill level. I pretty much do not enjoy the "Aggressive Thrill" level 5 rides but everything else is fun.

>> No.1170779

Any map progress?

>> No.1170791

Are there any good arcades/barcades in Atlanta?

>> No.1170797

You can guarantee there's an arcade in a city like Atlanta.
Not like Kansas City where there's no arcades, no places to buy older games outside of garage sales and essentially fuck all to do.

>> No.1170809


Eh, you might not understand Atlanta very well.

Basically everything that's here now (at least like 85%) either wasn't here in the 80's/early 90's and was built semi-recently or something was demolished to make it. We're always tearing down everything to make more useless sprawl.

On topic, I think the best thing we have is http://www.joystickgamebar.com/games/, but they still charge a quarter a play and their selection is so-so. I might go if there isn't a cover charge, because I don't drink.