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1139506 No.1139506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's time.
Discuss DQ games you're currently playing and stuff.
Good link if you're new to the series: http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/dragonquest/dragonquest.htm

So in other news, I ragequit DQ2 on Rhone since it's the most bullshit part of any jRPG. My own fault for wanting to play them chronologically, I guess. I'll play the remake at some point, hopefully it's less crazy.

Anyway, I skipped ahead to 4 and it's very enjoyable, I'm about to finish the second chapter, I think.

>> No.1139523

>My own fault for wanting to play them chronologically, I guess.

>> No.1139525

>Anyway, I skipped ahead to 4 and it's very enjoyable
You missed the fact that 3 is the best in the series? I mean, 4 is great, but 3 is probably the best JRPG out there.

>> No.1139526

2 is the only one I've never finished, I even finished those abominations that are the dqm jokers

>> No.1139531

Why? 2 isn't bad. It's still a great DQ game, although it's shorter than the others and less impressive.

But, yeah, playing DQ2 before you at least play 3 and 5 is a bad idea.

>> No.1139539

I started a playthrough of the 1 remake but have made little progress since I've been busy. I've played it multiple times before but never got further than finding (I think) a tablet about the story of Erdrick/Loto. I know you need some items to enter Dracolord's castle, but all I typically do is grind around. Can anyone give some directional advice on what to do past leveling up a bunch?

>> No.1139541

>Can anyone give some directional advice on what to do past leveling up a bunch?
Explore. Go everywhere.

>> No.1139542
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>> No.1139552

A strategy I personally developed to deal with them is to actually run away first. If I take this for a default goal in every metal slime encounter, I always succeed in all cases.

>> No.1139554

I played 3 a bit and it's a good game, but it's basically an improved version of 2. I'm sick of travelling around the seas looking for the next place to go, I definitely prefer a more linear and balanced design. Going from town to town and solving little quests, that's the most fun part of DQ for me.

>> No.1139562

If you want a more focused experience, play 5. It's the best in the series together with 5, and it perhaps is the most story-driven Dragon Quest game.

Play whichever youw ant, though. They're all at least good. 3 is simply the best, period, but it's superiority is not grounds for not enoying 4 before it.

Mind: DQ4DS is a bad port. The only good DS remake is DQ6DS. For DQ4, play the Nes/Famicom original or the PS1 remake if you know moon.

>> No.1139564

I'm pretty well acquainted with most of the games from watching videos and reading articles, so 5 is next on my list, I love the premise.

Also I didn't mention that I'm playing 8 since it's not retro, but it's a wonderful game. I don't play my PS2 that often but I'm charmed by the game all over again every time I turn it on, amazing soundtrack and visuals. Dhoulmagus is kicking my ass, though.

>> No.1139568

You can't get a taste of a DQ game by watching videos or reading anyhting. They are not Final Fantasy. They're 100% gameplay-driven experiences.

>> No.1139573

I didn't say I'm watching LPs anon, I just like to get involved with a series beyond the games, helps to immerse me. I never actually liked turn-based RPGs before this series converted me. Everyone always avoids recommending traditional ones but personally I can't stand long pointless battle animations in these games, so DQ is a god-send.

Allow me to use this to recommend The Hero Yoshikiko, it's a very silly show, loved it.

>> No.1139579

The DQ2 remakes remove Sacrifice and Healall from enemies if I remember right.

Pretty sure Rhone is still full of enemies that cast Defeat though.

>> No.1139583

I'm actually playing them in chronological order. Played 1&2 on the GBC (actually on my GBC) and now playing 3 on the NES. The only reason I played 1&2 on the GBC is because 1 and 2 have INSANE grinding while 3 onward is a bit more manageable. I tried playing without a guide but I just couldn't find all the crest without it. Sad but forcing me to go into the last cave to find it is really annoying. Right now I'm just starting. Have a Solider, Fighter, and Pilgrim. Going to play 4 on the NES as well while 5 I have the PS2 fan translation which I'm going to use. Then the DS of 6. If by then there's nothing on a localization of 7 for the 3DS then PSX.

>> No.1139586

Golden Baboons still cast Sacrifice. I should know I. Fucking Golden Baboons (I know they are named different but they are still Golden Baboons to me). And yes there still a few that cast Defeat. Luckily it's not that high of a hit rate.

>> No.1139590

First season was way better than the second.

>> No.1139591

I don't like RPGs where you're just shown a picture of the monsters, and then just the actual stats of your characters in battle. You only see your guys on the world map. Don't know why, but the only time I've ever liked it was Earthbound, and it was probably just because the background were neat to look at

That said, will I enjoy any DQ?

>> No.1139598

Yes, you will. The games are simply great.

>> No.1139603

Oh really? In that case Rhone is still complete bullshit regardless of which version you play.

>> No.1139607

well which one is the bestest then? and if any of them actually show your characters that would be huge plus

>> No.1139609

Well Earthbound's battle system is pretty much Dragon Quest's except for the rolling HP. And they took the picture fighting from Wizardry which was a big hit in Japan.

The one thing I can saw about Dragon Quest is that every JRPG wants to be Dragon Quest but most fails at it in my opinion.

>> No.1139613

Well that's a personal thing, I've always liked the first person perspective, also most games that show your characters have unnecessarily slow combat, or what I hate most, having every character walk across the screen, I hate that shit.

>> No.1139620

8 is the only one that does that. But 8 is a fun game none the less.
It only happened to me once so maybe the percent chance of them casting is lower. It actually was pretty fucking bullshit since I was 2 steps away from the house to save. So I had to do the whole fucking dungeon all over again. While I say 2 might be the worst of the series I've played (1-6) I still say it's a game you should try out. Since it makes you enjoy 3 even more.

>> No.1139617

Dragon Quest 8 shows your characters and has short animations for attacks.

>> No.1139625

I think that's the brilliant thing about Dragon Quest. The battle mechanics is fast and simple so grinding isn't that big of a chore in my eyes. Just one of many reasons why I prefer Dragon Quest over Final Fantasy.

>> No.1139626

3 has the best adventure and exploration aspect, 5 has the best story, 8 (PS2) is hands-down the best-looking game in the series and one of the prettiest games of the PS2 era.

3 should be played in the SNES or GBC remake. 5 should be played in the PS2 remake.

>> No.1139628

You can just straight up go and enjoy the tremendous experience that is 3 without having to suffer through any of the first two games, though.

>> No.1139632
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>It only happened to me once so maybe the percent chance of them casting is lower. It actually was pretty fucking bullshit since I was 2 steps away from the house to save.

Nah, that sounds about right. The chance of Sacrifice being cast is directly proportionate to how much you don't want Sacrifice to be cast.

>> No.1139635

I know but there's a good number of references and hints that you would get if you played 1 and 2.
the golem you killed in 1 was there by Erdrick to protect the city. Not a lot of ruin the experience at all but it really makes you feel like the game goes full circle in a wonderful way.
You can play 3 on the NES. There's not much grinding and the game does a great way of letting you adventure out. But the SNES was a pretty fun remake.

>> No.1139640

Yeah that sounds about right. I raged so hard I threw the game across the room and refuse to pick it up for 2 days. When I got back I manage to get to the house save and screamed "FUCK YES" as loudly as I could. Right now I'm on 3 and just got the magic ball. Wish I had stopspell since 4 wizards keep popping up and casting blaze almost killing my Pilgrim.

>> No.1139652
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Slimes are smalltime, these fuckers I can never kill unless I get a critical or something.

>> No.1139659

The same can be said with normal metal slimes. They normally don't stick around long enough to hit them the 5 or so times you need to kill them with 1 point of damage each (and that's if you hit it enough times to kill it).

>> No.1139662

What game is that? I could kill them pretty reliably with my hero in 2, and especially in 8 with spear skills.

>> No.1139664

I was mostly thinking of the earlier game. Yes in 8 it's almost laughably easy to kill even metal slime kings in that game. Just have Yangus use that crit move with axes. Yes it has a good chance of missing but it's a better chance to hit then just attacking.

>> No.1140046
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Gee I wonder where the game wants me to go to

>> No.1140048
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I mean I bet the Archfiend is a wonderful guy if you got to know him.

>> No.1140050

I've been trying to play V forever, but I have a hard time picking it up because life usually gets in the way of any long games. Which version should I go for? I don't really care about the graphics in any of them. I heard the PS2 version has a pretty good script. There's also the DS version, but I heard it doesn't emulate nicely.

>> No.1140058

Best Graphic
Best Music
Wonderful Fantranslation

>> No.1140063
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I am playing DW1 on nes, what is a good level to face Green Dragon and what is a good place to grind in the game?

>> No.1140109

The problem is that I only beat it on the GBC version. Because of that I didn't have to grind that much. But I was around 12 on the Green Dragon. Best enemy might be in Haukness Village.

>> No.1140110

Beat 1 on the GBC years ago but for some reason didn't get around to the rest til recently.

Finally got through 2 and 3 (GBC versions), now working on the DS version of 4, liking it so far!

>> No.1140151

The PS2 remake of DQ5 not only has great visuals, but has a fully orchestrated soundtrack.

It's the best remake of a video game, ever, and a definitive version.

>> No.1140178

>definitive version
I hate this term for some reason.

>> No.1140190

I understand. I'm so sorry. I'll forever refrain from using it to avoid triggering you.

>> No.1140191

Yeah me too. But it is the best in my opinion. The DS is also very good. I hate the DS version of 4 because of the accents and while 5 does have some it's not nearly as bad as 4. All 3 versions (SNES, DS, PS2) are all good. I just feel the PS2 has the most to offer.

>> No.1140198

I really, really hate the words "opinion" and "versions".

>> No.1140221

You don't have to be an ass

>> No.1140254


I hate the numbers 1140191 and 1140198. I find them highly offensive. Please refrain from using them in your posts,

Also Dragon Quest IX is pretty good. Although creating and changing your party members is pretty useless.

>> No.1140267

9 is the only one I haven't tried out. What do you enjoy about it?

>> No.1140325


It's very pretty for a DS game, the story is enjoyable, though a little bit predictable, and most importantly the gameplay is what you expect it to be.

>> No.1140329

Can we talk about Dragon Warrior Monsters here?

>> No.1140335

I wouldn't see why not. Rocket slime most likely be alright too.

>> No.1140337


DQ IX is okay. It has a shit ton of content and the character customization is cool but it fails to actually feel like a Dragon Quest game for some reason, at least to me. Since it was the first game in the series I played it didn't give me a good first impression of the series, but then I played V and my view of the series did a complete 180

>> No.1140351

It came out a while ago, but gamepro's RolePlayers' Realm had a Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary podcast with the internet's beloved Tim Rogers. I might give it another listen.


>> No.1140724
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>> No.1140829
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>> No.1140867

Dragon Quest 3 on the GBC was actually the first RPG I ever played, so I'm still quite nostalgic for it.

>> No.1140891

The main scenario of DQ9 kinda stinks. Felt like they were trying a bit too hard to mix the grimness of DQ7 and worldly wanderlust of DQ3, without any of the interesting twists that came with either of those two games.

But goddamn, the gameplay mechanics were pretty tight. A bit slower than most entries, but DQIX has the most well designed classes and combat in the game and playing through the entire game with the three of my friends felt like the most fun I ever had in years.

>> No.1140915


Isn't that 3DS remake of VII essentially DQVII on DQIX's engine?

If so - that's something that I could see playing for a very, very long time.

>> No.1141075
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These guy suck as well. Happily when I fought him he didn't cast defeat. So I was able to beat him without much of an issue.

These guys however SUCK.

>> No.1141134

I really do like 2 story wise. As the second game it did a lot of amazing things. A party system that had the 3 different type of character (Melee, Red Mage, and Pure Mage) and each have a good reason to fight. It's just the massive grinding, unfair enemies in the end, and I find some of the crest placements to be kind of annoying are really my gripes with the game. Really happy they seem to understand that and just fixed that while keeping every else that makes the series wonderful.

>> No.1141141

>Isn't that 3DS remake of VII essentially DQVII on DQIX's engine?
No, it's DQVII running on DQMT3D's engine. It's really, really good though, I should continue my adventure soon.. Haven't played since spring.

>> No.1141150

Isn't one of the major thing about it is getting special items from other players if you left the game running? Guessing it doesn't really matter now since it's been so long since it came out.

>> No.1141160

You don't need to keep the game running, just passing other people with their 3DS on standby is enough. You can get stones from other players that grant you access to extra mini dungeons and help you fill up a stamp collection of the monsters you defeat there, but it's just fluff really.

The game is long enough to begin with, I don't have any hopes for autismal completion anyway.

>> No.1141176

That might be awesome in Tokyo because of how crowded it can be on the train.

And got to the monster fighting arena in DQ3. I'm still shocked they kept it in the NES version because of their policy of gambling in America.

>> No.1141185

Tried playing Dragon Quest Monster but couldn't get into it
For some reason I just looked at the breeding aspect of the game as a burden. That and for some reason I only managed to get males in my party

>> No.1141308

I actually never played any of the DQ Monster game. I'm guessing it's almost like the monster battle thing in DQ 8

>> No.1141338

I could stand it because of Terry and Milly, since I had played Dragon Quest VI before Monsters (and fuck, when you put both stories together, you can see Terry and his sister really had a shit life after Monsters).
But yeah, I was never a fan of monster breeding games, be it Pokemon or anything else, but I actually enjoyed Monsters to an extent only because of the characters.

>> No.1141347

Played through 1 very recently and I just absolutely loved it. Like, I was blown away by how much I loved it. Sure, it was a grindfest but the game was designed around it! Unlike Final Fantasy, which I know came out afterwards, where you are going to specific places and going to themed dungeons to take down the big boss, DQ was designed where you're just going from town to town, talking to people, going from dungeon to dungeon not to fight a big baddie but to get stronger and to find items to aid your quest. It just felt ingenious to me not to have bosses or any big story moments, just let me explore and save the world with nothing but my own cunning.

I started DQ2 and I thought it was fun, but it's taking a long fucking time assembling my party together so I got bored and put it down for a while. Now I started 3 and I really love it. I mean, the games setup was flimsy and hilarious (you're dad just died fighting a guy on top of a volcano. He fell into the volcano. So we need you to go kill that guy. On top of the volcano. The guy who you're dad, the legendary warrior, couldn't beat. Oh, and happy 16th birthday!") But immediately the game dropped me into the thick of it and I've almost gotten off the first area. I have the magic ball and the thief key so now I gotta go crush that thing the guy kept saying could be crushed by a magic ball.

I'm playing the Super Famicom remakes with english translations. I tried playing the NES "Dragon Warrior" games but I really like the enhanced graphics and increased experience gain of the remakes.

>> No.1141349

I can only play 1 and 2 on the remakes because of the super grind. It's a bit too much. 3 onward fixes that so there's little to no grinding if you play the game right. Like wondering trying to find the exit. No guide actually helps more the hinders. On the second castle of 3 and already enjoying it. Got some new gear and ready to go to the next place.

>> No.1141353


I'm the opposite
I love myself some monster breeding games (Digimon, Pokemon and SMT) but there is something about it that just doesn't feel right

>> No.1141356

I thought DQ VI was actually pretty good on DS :/

>> No.1141358

I did too
I also didn't like DQ4 on the DS since the accents really took me away. Happy they toned those down in 5 and 6.

>> No.1141403
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Loving me some fan-translated Dragon Quest III

>> No.1141426

One thing I dislike about III was there's no different sprites for male and female hero.

>> No.1141461
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They have very similar sprites, but they are definitely different.

>> No.1141467


its too bad you missed ultima 4

its exactly like that, except the world is larger, you can go anywhere at any time, you can start from 8 different towns, and the leveling process only increases your hit points

the only way to get offensively stronger is to find better weapons, or learn how to cast stronger spells

theres a lot of mandatory stuff you have to do, but you have to figure out what all of it is, and that takes a long time without a guide or the internet. most towns have hidden areas, and there are multiple hidden towns

8 total dungeons, mostly mazy as fuck, but 'secret' stat up objects at the bottom so its definitely worth it to go exploring

no story events at all

but, its even more primitive than DQ1, and the combat doesn't resolve as quickly, so you have to spend time on stupid battles. get ranged weapons quickly to make it less irritating, and don't recruit too many of your 8 party members until you have a good grasp of the game. them being low level won't hurt you too much

>> No.1141473

I actually played Ultima 4 before DQ1. I played U4 maybe 6 months ago? It was pretty awesome.

>> No.1141506

Just thought I'd ask, but what's the difference between the DQ and DW patches? Is one more like the newer localizations and one like the older ones? Or is it like a patch a while back which was literally translated and the other one was more liberal (IIRC it was the DQ1+2 or something? They described it that way in the readme, but I could be remembering wrong).

Also, is there any way to force VSync in this game so I don't get screen tearing up the ass? I have to have it turned off or the beginning section blurts out a loud, blaring noise.

>> No.1141507

Has anyone played Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart? is it as much fun as DWM:Monsters 2?

>> No.1141550

The DQ patches are more faithful to the original Japanese names. and the DW ones follow the names of the Dragon Warrior english localizations.

>> No.1141561

I don't know about CH but Joker was a huge disappointment coming from DWM 2

>> No.1141580

You guys really shouldn't say "Dragon Warrior". There's only one reason to call Dragon Quest that - to explicitly seperate the Western releases from teh Japanese ones. When you're talking about the games themselves, "Dragon Warrior" is now a misnomer, just like Final Fantasy II and III are misnomers referring to IV and VI.

Yes, Dragon Quest was once called "Dragon Warrior" in the West. The Earth was once considered flat. Neither is right.

>> No.1141594

Yeah I played joker, its shit, I was so hyped for it too. I started playing CH but vba keeps crashing on my mac, Its kinda cool so far, but Im iffy on the lack of breeding Instead you combine hearts or some shit.

>> No.1141690

Yeah, after a bit of googling I found the DW patch uses old names and the DQ patch uses the newer names.

Also, for anyone with that weird VSync issue I was having, it turns out it's just because my build is old. After grabbing one of the newer revisions, the game is working just fine at 3x resolution with 4x MSAA and VSync enabled.

>> No.1141721
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>> No.1141726

>but you must!
>but you must!
>but you must!
>but you must!

>> No.1141729

Why would anyone answer "no" to that question in a video game?

>> No.1141737

I mean in Phantasy Star 1 you definitely want to say no when Dr. Mad tells you "GIVE ME THE CAT"

>> No.1142273

You want me to say yes to join the Dragon Lord?

>> No.1142282

It's "But THOU must" you fucking plebs.

>> No.1142287


>> No.1142298

Dragon Lord doesn't take no for an answer anyway.

>> No.1142325

I actually did say yes the first time I played. Didn't know what would happen. Never had a game that asked to join the bad guy. Kind of wish a bit more happened but still a pretty amazing thing back then.

>> No.1142546

Level 12 and my pilgrim just learned Surround. I love 3 but feel the random spell learning is a bit annoying.

>> No.1142779

Alright, so I have the SNES remake of 1+2 with the DQ patch and title screen fix, the SNES remake of 3, and the PS2 remake of 5 with the DQ patch. Is that enough of the series to keep me occupied for now, or should I get more? IIRC, the DS remakes of 4-6 don't work nicely emulated, 6 SNES never received a full, complete translation, and 8 requires a monster PC to run even decently. Which leaves 4 NES and 7. Should I bother checking either of those out? I heard 7 is pretty much the game that never ends, but I don't hear a whole lot about the NES version of 4.

>> No.1142801

>Try playing DQ1 on the NES
>There's a menu button to a/descend stairs
Nopenopenopenope to the SNES version I go

>> No.1142808

I actually like the NES of 4 over the DS. They really over did the accents in my opinion. If you can run it the PS2 of 5 is the best which you seem to have. I thought there was a full translation of SNES DQ6 but if not then I can't really think of one if you can't run the DS version. 7 is amazing but it's really only good if you have experience of the other Dragon Quest games. So you seem ready to play them.

>> No.1142815

I always found it strange that they left that but gave the rest of the game a nice facelift.

>> No.1143053
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What's the best english translation for Dragon Quest V snes?

>> No.1143063

Byuu is more literal, DeJap takes more liberties.
Which one is best is mostly up to you.
I've heard from some people that Byuu's is pretty dry, though.

If you can, try to play the PS2 or DS version of 5.

>> No.1143065
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Thanks, and do you know which version this is?

>> No.1143068

No, because it's been years since I played the SNES version of 5. The translator should have been included in whichever version of the rom you downloaded prepatched. If not, just grab whichever patch you want, and patch the game yourself. Or nab the rom from Emuparadise as they include what hacks are prepatched in the file names (if there are any).

>> No.1143069
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>If you can, try to play the PS2
What's the difference between DW style and DQ style patch?

>> No.1143071

Mentioned earlier in the thread here >>1141550

Dragon Warrior uses old localization names from the 1990's. These names are no longer used in newer games and are mostly just for nostalgia sake.

>> No.1143076

That clears things up, thanks.

>> No.1143081

Yeah, just use the DQ patch.
Really, though, aside from spell and item naming, the scripts should be identical in both.

Either one will give you a good game experience.

>> No.1143083

I would thought one would be like a normal localization while the other uses the Elizabethan dialect (thee and thou). But I haven't played that version so I wouldn't know.

>> No.1143091

>These names are no longer used in newer games and are mostly just for nostalgia sake.
Dragon Quest 9 disagrees with you.

>> No.1143094

Haven't played it. I don't see why they would change all the enemy, item, and spell names back to the way they were in the old games after changing them in all the games since 8.

>> No.1143104
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>stairs button
I never understood why this one thing bothers so many people. It's a rather minor flaw in the first game, especially since they fixed a lot of worse flaws from the Japanese version, like no facing direction. In fact, the change to automatically climbing stairs in later games sets up a few nice puzzles that threw off some players, like the Fire Claw in Dragon Quest 4.

My only overall complaint about the new translations is the spell names. They're supposed to be based on Japanese Onomatopoeias, which are descriptive enough in their native language but are much harder to understand in English. I feel that Blaze, Blazemore, Blazemost, Firebal, Firebane, and Firevolt are better English descriptions of the spells than Frizz, Frizzle, Kafrizzle, Sizz, Sizzle, and Kasizzle. The only old spell name that was misleading was the Infernos spells, which are wind based.

>> No.1143108

While it is a minor complaint I just feel its weird they kept it.

And I also like the old style magic name. Mostly because the new ones are a bit confusing.

>> No.1143302

Just thought I would post this.


>> No.1143348
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>Started playing SNES version of DQ3 on my smartphone
>Making a harem party with a male, main character naming him Dick and the three, female characters of the party naming them after porn stars
DQ3 hentai are to be blamed.

>> No.1143349

Funny I actually love making my main female (I'm a guy) have all the melee characters female and all magic users male. So my Pilgrim is the only male and named after my friend who happen to be gay.

>> No.1143351

I don't understand why so much hate about the DS ports of DQ4-6. I have played all of them till the end (ok, almost, the final boss at DQ6 is a pain in the ass) and I didn't have any complains about them except from DQ4 localization where they removed the party talking which was a great part of DQ5 and 6. I haven't played the previous versions which are said to be superior but the DS ones were more than fine for someone like me who was new at DQ (my first DQ was DQIX which I liked so much and it was the reason I started playing the older ones at DS and DQ4 became my favourite).

>> No.1143354

I chose the main character on DQ4 to be female since her design was so sexy.

>> No.1143353

The accents were also frustrating in Dragon Quest IV, but that was just bad localization too. Apparently the Japanese version still has party chat.

>> No.1143357

The accent case is love or hate. For me is love. Yeah, at first I couldn't undestand shit on Ragna's chapter but I get used to it quickly. Besides, it's not any different from many other games (like Mario&Luigi 3) with important characters that have fake, annoying french accent.

>> No.1143369

I just didn't like the accents. Happy it was toned down in 5 and 6. I have nothing against 5 or 6 on the DS and happily played it. But I still feel the NES of 4 is better the the DS.
Well I'm also gay but some reason I like picking female main characters. Any time I am allowed to anyways. Was sad when they took that away in later games.

>> No.1143382

I always go male since they're all basically cute shotas.

>> No.1143387

Now I'm thinking of naked kid Goku (whom is almost always naked anyways)

And I think we derailed the thread now.

>> No.1143395

I think that I'm really biased towards Joker and Joker 2. Joker was one of my first DS games and I remember it really fondly. I turn it on sometimes just to nostalgiatrip.

Am I the only one who REALLY enjoyed Rocket Slime? How's the 3ds version?

>> No.1143454

Maybe it's because I did a major run on Heartgold right before Joker but Joker didn't really appeal to me. I played for about 2 hours and just couldn't get into it.

I haven't played Rocket Slime but heard amazing things about it.

>> No.1143730
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I haven't played it yet but I want to in the future since it looks so awesome. Such a shame it didn't sold well despite the positive reception. With saying that we will never see the new one for 3DS localised. Not that I have big hopes for DQ7 remake. SquareEnix only cares about Final Fantasy.

>> No.1143734

Why DQ3 is considered as one of the best games of the series?

>> No.1143737 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1143749

The class system and it worked out almost all the flaws from the first two games.

>> No.1143747

I'd like to know this as well

also which version is the best way to play?

>> No.1143773

I mean apart from historical reasons as the first DQ which was actually good and the first one which had class system since later DQ games also had class system (DQ6, DQ7, DQ9)

>> No.1143882

>which was actually good
DQ1 clears its throat louadly

>> No.1143917
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to expand: the class system in 3 allows for some really solid experimentation with the standard dragon quest game formula. the classes are pretty basic but the ability to choose which ones you want and switch 'em up later makes for some fun challenge, and feels very personalized compared to the rest of the series up until 9. the personality mechanic in the remakes add to this as well, though they affect stat growth so you can either play it out for fun or just figure out how to max your stats.

personally i love 3 because it was the first game where the series notably took on the formula of getting to a region and following through on a relatively self-contained story, doing a dungeon and saving a village etc, and then bringing you back later on to explore and fill in all the gaps before the endgame. i think 3 was the first game that felt like you were really exploring interesting locations and doing it on your own, even though you're always basically guided in the right direction. also the endgame is fantastic and the day and night system is interesting.

my favorite version is the SNES remake, i think it's one of the prettiest SNES games i've seen (plus battle animations!), and it has a decent amount of extra content (you'll see the standard pachisi courses, collect small medals and have an extra dungeon at the end.) the GBC version has a bit more extra stuff than the SNES one but... well, it's a GBC game, so play it if you're into that. the original NES version is quite a bit harder than either of the remakes, just in how hard the enemies are, so play that if you're a purist or just want to stretch out the game as long as possible.

>> No.1143920

Basically >>1143749 >>1143773

But I feel it's more. I feel it's also that it truly felt like a full circle in story. How you are Loto/Erdrick who is the mighty warrior the characters of 1 and 2 are related to. And I feel that plot twist really hit to a lot of people. But that's just my opinion. I mean the class system was revolutionary and so was the day/night system. So it most likely wasn't just the story.

>> No.1144081

Awww yeah. Just got my cousin hooked on DQ. He's played and beaten 8, 5, 1, joker 2, 2, and 3 in that order.

He save scummed a lot he said, but loves everything about the series (except 2, which he said was utter shit)

>> No.1144087


>save scumming in DQ

why would anyone need to do this?

>> No.1144101

I asked the same thing. He said it was mostly casino grinding and running from battles he didn't feel like fighting. Also metals.

>> No.1144154 [DELETED] 

>cat monsters
>all they ever seem to do is wash their face or roll around on the ground
I keep running into them in DQ10[/spoiler] and I swear they're some of the easiest types of monsters you can come across except for one boss called Cat Riberio who is just plain crazy strong.
Even during a fucking boss fight, three of them stopped in the middle of battle to wash their face while my Mage just sat there spamming Boom against them.

>> No.1144161


I loved DQ8 on the PS2 which isn't retro and I have the last one on NDS which also isn't retro.

Love this series though.

>> No.1144169

>cat monsters
>all they ever seem to do is wash their face or roll around on the ground
I keep running into them in DQ10 and I swear they're some of the easiest types of monsters you can come across except for one boss called Cat Riberio who is just plain crazy strong.
Even during a fucking boss fight, three of them stopped in the middle of battle to wash their face while my Mage just sat there spamming Boom against them.

>> No.1144173

Is Dragon Quest 8 the only 3D game out of the series?

>> No.1144176

I actually tend to do this but only with casino. Double my bet over and over.
How is that one? I can't really think of Dragon Quest as a MMO.
Yeah. And from what I've read there was even a bit of a push back because of it. Personally I loved it. It was my first Dragon Quest and felt it worked well.

>> No.1144179

Well, 9 is 3d, as well as X. Technically VII, and the DS remakes of 4,5 and 6 as well.

Monsters joker 1, 2, 2 pro, terrys wonderland 3ds, and DQM2 3ds are all full 3d

>> No.1144189

Not retro, but 10 is okay once you get past the whole MMO aspect of it. I like how it's designed so that you can play through the whole game without once ever having to play with other people, since you can just recruit NPC party members from the bar.
That said, it still feels kinda lacking compared to the 2D games. Like it lost some of the charm of the series or something. There's always a clear-cut destination, you always know where you've got to go next, each continent has its own long story line with several side-quests which expand on it and a whole bunch of bosses, and in the process of all this, almost the entire exploration aspect is gone... until you reach end-game content, and then suddenly there are stupidly powerful monsters EVERYWHERE and a whole bunch of areas just filled to the brim with them.
That said, I've been playing it for a month or so now and it's still a really fun game. I'm gonna hold out hope that it gets localized within the next decade.

>> No.1144195
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i played the sfc versions of 1-3, dq8 ps2 and now i'm working on dq7 psx.
i'm liking dq7 but i missed one of those stone slabs and got stuck for awhile.

wanted to wait for the 3ds port but i'm tired of waiting lol. also I heard the remake removes random battles. kinda disappointed thats the norm now.

>> No.1144205
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Well, like I say in >>1144189, it's a bit of a weird case as an MMO. If you recruit a full party of NPCs from the bar, you can just go about doing everything solo and it hardly feels like an MMO at all, except for the Bazaar where you can pick up some really neat equipment.
There's also a Magic Labyrinth that forces you into a party with 3 random players around your level, but they added a new NPC that lets you take your own NPC party in with you instead, so even that dungeon can be done solo now.

Basically everything that makes it an MMO is pretty much optional, except for it being online and subscription-based.

>> No.1144206

Why can't we get a super dbz style in dq with cel shaded bg textures?

>> No.1144210

Guess they are trying to have it more like a single player MMO. I'm still hoping we get the 3DS of 7. I have the PSX version but if we can get the 3DS I rather play that one. I love RPG on the go.

>> No.1144215

Which version?

>> No.1144214

I'm currently doing my first playthrough of DQ 1.

>> No.1144219

original NES.

Seeing as today is a weekend and I get a break from school I'm going to turn off my phone, skype, etc, and just game for a while.

>> No.1144220
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>Playing DQ3 on my mobile phone on subway instead of crappy games like Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds that most people play.
I love this feeling. Not trying to sound as a hipster, I also like good casual games like Castaway Cat.

>> No.1144229

While I feel it's a nice version the grinding is too insane for my taste. That and Dragon Quest 2. 3 onward really toned it down so I can actually enjoy the game.
Playing 3 for the first time right now. Just got the Dream Ruby. Solider, Fighter, and Pilgrim

>> No.1144238

The grinding is ridiculous.

What version has DQ 1 and 2's grinding toned down?

>> No.1144242

SNES version of 1&2. Right now playing the NES version of 3 but everyone here will say the SNES is the better version.

>> No.1144247

I might re-start my quest then, on the SNES version.

>> No.1144248
File: 543 KB, 1605x1052, Dragon_Quest_X-screenshot_0623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Every now and then, Torneko or Minea (Nara) like to show up in the labyrinth and give/sell you some neat stuff. Torneko is like 3 times rarer than finding a fucking horde of Metal Slimes, though.
I just thought it was pretty neat since Torneko was one of my favourite characters in 4 alongside Alena.

>> No.1144251

Is that a dual falcon blade?

>> No.1144256


Not to mention the PS2 remakes. DQ5 PS2 is full 3d and arguably the definitive version of the game.

>> No.1144268

Yes. Yes it is.
Gladiators can dual-wield Falcon Swords from level 35 and hit 4 times per attack, which can kill a Metal Slime in one go if you're lucky enough. It's also ridiculously fucking broken if you get your STR and crit rate high enough, I managed a quadruple crit against a Rhino Soldier and it practically exploded in front of me.

>> No.1144270


Okay, I really want to play X now.

>> No.1144280

>While I feel it's a nice version the grinding is too insane for my taste.
Sounds like you might be doing it wrong. You never grind for experience until it's time to fight the DragonLord, at which time it's trivial. You're grinding for gold, your next objective in DQ1 is always the next available piece of equipment.

And grinding for a little gold ain't that bad at all unless you keep getting yourself killed.

>> No.1144282

>Basically everything that makes it an MMO is pretty much optional

I kinda wish they did this with FF11 (surprise surprise, the same Zilart-era devteam), because despite being an MMO, it had one of the grander stories and settings in the series.

I wonder how they'll tackle Sage. Always been a favorite class of mine in DQ, and I assume it'll be based around DQIX's take on it.

>> No.1144312
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awhile back i made this quick list for my personal use.
is it accurate?

>> No.1144319

I haven't played DQIX so I'm not sure what it's like in that, but in DQX Sage is a bit of an odd one. They don't get spells like Blaze or Icebolt, but they do get spells like Boom and Kazam, plus the Heal and Revive spells.
As for weapons, you can go with two-handed staff (with 84 skill points in this it gives you +100 MP), bow and arrow, boomerang, or fists. I have seen so many fist-Sages that it's almost hilarious how little they even need to use their spells after maxing out Fisticuffs from other classes' skill points. I like to think of them as DQ's version of Muscle Wizards.

>> No.1144326 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to patch DQ5 PS2 but the rebuilder keeps crashing.

>> No.1144394

Well I got the gold from Goldman (or whatever they are called). But for some reason I always seem under level so I had to grind constantly. Maybe it's my fault but I just like the SNES version of 1&2.

>> No.1144402
File: 56 KB, 418x472, DQ V HERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come life was so cruel to the DQ V hero?

>Both his parents killed right in front of him
>Spends childhood as a slave for 10 long years
>Turned to stone with his wife as gets separated from her for 8 years
>Doesn't get to see his children develop

Seriously, no other characters had it as bad as him

>> No.1144414
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So what exactly was the point of this weird spring in DQ3?
I know that the whole "cursed axe" part makes it an obvious reference to The Honest Woodcutter from Aesop's Fables, which I still think is pretty neat, but was there anything more to it or was that it?

>> No.1144910

I never really thought of it until now but Dragon Quest 4 and Final Fantasy 4 are shockingly similar. And I mean that by DQ4 is just a bunch of characters based on the classes in DQ3. And the same for FF4. It always amused me how long Final Fantasy rode on Dragon Quest coattail.

>> No.1144914

And yet he ends up the most successful of them all.

>> No.1144921

Well everyone loves rag to riches story. I think DQ5 might have the most main character development then any other Dragon Quest. But never really feels too bog down like in Final Fantasy.

>> No.1144931

Of coruse, DQ5 is the most story-centric of the first six games, and has the most focus on the main playable character of all ten.

>> No.1144937

While it's not my favorite (that would be 4 but I haven't played 6 or 7) I still really like 5. I'm sad they decided to forget about the US after 4. Can't really blame them after all the money they lost.

>> No.1144953
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I think that's just about it. JRPGs and the like love it.

>> No.1144958

And Zelda

>> No.1145006 [DELETED] 

Every time I bet on the strongest monsters he gets massacred, and when I go for a weaker one then the strongest wins.

>> No.1145009
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>> No.1145016
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Always bet on slime. And I normally save scum on the casino and only the casino.

>> No.1145052
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Seems to me you're supposed to save scum in any game with luck-based minigames.

Anyway, this is cool. I can see why people like this character.

>> No.1145073

In any case it's best to wait until chapter 4. When all the part is there. Also I know you can do this in the DS so it might work on the NES version. When doing the buy/sell shop thing with him get the cautery sword and you just buy as many as you can carry and keep them in your inventory. When you recruit him in Chapter 4 you can then sell them all and make tons of money.

>> No.1145090

I think I heard that you only keep the gold. Not sure though.

>> No.1145103

You lose the gold actually. All items however are kept. That's why it's best to stock up on the sword since it give a nice bit of gold when you sell it.

>> No.1145126
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I haven't played 7 and 8 but I think that 6 is more story-centered that 5. Not that 5 isn't story-centered too.

That rage when the minion were laughing over Gotha's death (I love Gotha, he's one of the manliest kings I've ever seen in an rpg) and they immediately took the hero as a slave.
And that feeling of justice when I killed these bastards when the hero became an adult.

One thing I love about DQ is that it manages to be so touching even with silent main characters and without pulling the drama too much. I almost shed tears when Eliza sacrificed herself in order to protect the hero. Every time I hear this theme I want to cry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66O7BEx5cVw

>> No.1145193

Slots are the real money maker in that game anyway

>> No.1145283
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So I want to try and get further into the DQ series. I've played DQ8 and it was one of the most enjoyable PS2 games I had. I'm not really looking to play them in chronological order either. I was thinking about playing the SNES remake of DQ3. Are there any glaring differences(besides graphics) between the remake and the original? Is the 3rd one the way to go?

>> No.1145309

So is there a complete translation of SFC DQ 6? I remember trying one many a year ago but it was missing text and prone to crashing. This is the only DQ I've yet to beat and I'd rather the first time be the original rather than a remake..

>> No.1145332

it's probably as complete as it's ever going to get. I mean it's playable, but

>> No.1145403

The one you played is probably the most complete one there is. Your options for DQ6 are pretty much as follows:
-Learn moonrunes
-deal with the incomplete translation patch
-play the DS version

>> No.1145465

Any input guys?

>> No.1145482

DQ3 is part of a trilogy with DQ1 and 2. If you don't mind missing out on those references, 3 is a good game to play. Otherwise, I'd either suggest playing 4 or 5, or playing 1 and 2 before you play 3. If you're going to play 1 and 2, play the SNES or GBC versions and not the original NES versions.

As far as differences between the NES version of 3 and it's remakes, there's some added content in the SNES and GBC versions, and each have a different bonus dungeon, IIRC. There's also a personality system that was added to the remakes that modifies stat growth.

>> No.1145606

What exactly did you enjoy about DQ8?

The story? -> DQ5
The characters? -> DQ4
The system? -> DQ3

Depending on your answer, that's what I'd recommend.

Characters in 3 have no personality, you make them yourself. Think FF1 and FF3.

>> No.1145618

DQ8 is obviously more story-centered, being a PS2 game with cutscenes and party chat.
Yangus and Angelo are very likable.

>> No.1145684


>Rocket Slime

This was my first DQ game. I had no idea what Dragon Quest was when I played it, but that didn't stop the game from being tons of fun

>> No.1145943

Funny that it's really story centered but it still a fairly weak story compare to other RPGs around then. But my god is that game enjoyable.

>> No.1145984

What revision? I got the same issue.

>> No.1146116

Not him but I was able to find a rom a few years ago that had the translation built into it. Worked fine with only a few lines were mess up (random symbol and such).

Does anyone here wish they kept the old English localization then the normal one we have now? I know the Japanese version didn't do it but I feel it fits the tone of the game so well. Gives a better atmosphere I feel. I enjoy the DS games just kind of wish they kept the medieval dialect.

>> No.1146141

Are you talking about the loud, blaring noise with VSync on in PCSX2?
It was whatever one was newest a few days ago.
I got it from here: http://buildbot.orphis.net/pcsx2/

>> No.1146208

>Playing an imcomplete translation instead of an official, complete translation
Why do you like to make your life harder?

>> No.1146212

Who are you talking to?
Most of the fan-translations are complete.
The only one that isn't is DQ6, and that's available on DS.

>> No.1146424

I'm talking about the SNES version of DQ6 that people above complained for not being fully translated even thought they can play it on DS fully translated.

>> No.1146495

Don't know how stable DS emulation is but it might not be that user friendly. I enjoy my copy but would have liked to play the SNES version.

>> No.1146545

Even if you are a poorfag DS is so fucking cheap (and even cheaper if you buy it second-handed) and you can play any games you want for free with a flash card. No use bothering with imperfect emulators.

>> No.1146575

I only really see one immediate post above complaining about not being able to play the SNES version of six. The other two were pretty much just letting the guy know his options.

Also, to the guy wanting to play DQ6, just play the DS version. The SNES version is technically impressive and neat and all, but the DS version is just fine. I wouldn't recommend emulating it because 4-6 don't emulate nicely (or, at least, they didn't; the issue may be fixed now), but, seriously, just play the DS version. Everyone has more or less abandoned the SNES version in favor of the remake. The accents are buttfuckingly over the top like they were in DQ4DS, and the game is still pretty well preserved.

>> No.1146576

>The accents are buttfuckingly
I meant to say the accents AREN'T over the top.

The DS version is still the best option to anyone wanting to play the game in English, though.

>> No.1146594

As people has said here before Dragon Quest 4-6 don't emulate properly. Didn't look it up so I don't know how much each of them are.
Out of the three I'm glad that 4 got the major problems. Since worst case you can always play the NES version. And the NES version might be one of the best game on the NES in my opinion.

>> No.1147130

l2read faggot Zelda is covered

>> No.1148098

Sorry just remembered it was in Zelda.

>> No.1148504

So I actually had to look at a walkthrough for the pyramid dungeon in DQ3. Walked around that dungeon so much. On a positive note I did beat both Man Eating Chest. How I survived I have no clue but I did.

>> No.1149137

That dungeon taught me just how ridiculously useful the "Remember" button and spell could be. That fucking buttons puzzle is also one of the main reasons that I now talk to every single NPC in any town, castle, well, or tower that I happen to come across in every game I play.

>> No.1149234

I did remember the boy/girl (?) saying "to the east then west" I just didn't know where the buttons were. And just the next part had to press a button in plan sign. Which makes you wonder why they couldn't do that in that dungeon. Because of it I think I'm a bit overlevel but that just means I can do the class change a bit early I guess. If I can't get the book to turn into a sage (trying to do it as blindly as I can but fuck that button puzzle) I'll turn my Pilgrim into a Wizard, my Fighter into a Solider, and my Solider into a Pilgrim. I'll lose some physical but I feel the spells would be very useful in the end. Unless you have a better class change for a Solider, Fighter, Pilgrim combo.

>> No.1149260
File: 5 KB, 256x240, Dragon Warrior 3 (U)_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love this line

>> No.1149695

Just one more level until I can class change. Does this seem like a too way of doing it?
Pilgrim -> Wizard
Fighter -> Solider
Solider -> Pilgrim
I know I lose the physical damage but I will get a bunch of nice spells that I didn't have yet.
If you know of a better class change go right ahead and tell me.

>> No.1149881

If it were me, I'd leave the Fighter as they are. A fighter's crit rate increases as their level does, so if you have one stick around long enough, you'll eventually start critting Metal Slimes and Metal Babbles so hard that the EXP gain will make your head spin.

>> No.1149930

Ok then I'll keep the Fighter as she is. Haven't seen a single Metal Slime sadly. Hopefully I'll see one (or one of the other Metals) soon. So if I do change the others (Pilgrim -> Wizard and Solider ->Pilgrim) I'll lose my defense but so far I'm doing well. And Jona (Hero) is doing well taking a few of the blows.

>> No.1151090

You should start seeing at least one or two around the Dharma shrine area, especially if you plan on searching the tower for the Sage book.

>> No.1151135

Shit, maybe It's cheap where you are, here it's more expensive than a PSP and people regularly put their DSs for 200$ or more. Nintendo has no presence here.

>> No.1151324

That's why some of us scolded him/her. For 5 try to play the PS2 fan translation (if you have a computer powerful enough to run the emulator). And for 6 I can't really help you sadly. Since the DS emulation of Dragon Quest isn't reliable. And the SNES never got a fully translation. Where do you live?

>> No.1151336

Free mcboot isn't that hard to implement either.

>> No.1151364

I don't really know much about that So I didn't comment on it. But that's if he has a PS2.

>> No.1151807

Do you live in Australia?

>> No.1152047

Who here believes that DQ7 will be released here on the 3DS? I'm crossing my fingers but hesitant.

>> No.1152108

I'm not holding my breath, but I hope it does.

>> No.1152137

If it does it's almost sure that Nintendo will publish it. Since they were the one who published the DS over here. The problem is that they don't need more 3DS games since they already selling them hand over fist. Now if it was on the WIIU then it would almost be certain we would get it.

>> No.1152143
File: 481 KB, 773x640, 18045058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest 6 and 9 were Nintendo published, but 4 and 5 were by Square Enix themselves. But yeah, if 7 comes over, Nintendo will be the publisher.

As far as a WiiU version, right now it looks like DQ10 only has a possible PC release in the west being considered. I don't think a WiiU version would guarantee DQ7 of being published in the west.

>> No.1152164

Own 7 (dragon warrior still in the states) 8, and 9. Playing 9 again to actually do the end game quests. Have DQ1+2 translated rom on zsnes that i'm playing as well. Such a fun series. If you have never played one and want to see what all the fuss is about, try and get your paws on a PS2 and DQ8. The graphics, music, and story will draw you in. Of all the remakes 6 is my favorite so far. But 5 is great as well. Only reason I didn't beat 5 was my girlfriend beat it before me and I was pissed;)

>> No.1152187

I don't think we are going to get even a PC release of DQX. I was mostly talking about how Nintendo really need to sell WIIUs and if 7 was released on that instead of the 3DS it would give more motivation to publish it. But who knows maybe Nintendo would surprise us. But we would get PSO2 before DQX and it seem Sega dropped that idea a while ago.

>> No.1152197

>you will never get DQ4 on the PSX that is advertised in the manual.
But I do say play and beat 5. Has the strongest character focus story. It's so depressing but it makes the end so worth it.

Thinking of getting Rocket Slime. What is people's opinion on it?

>> No.1152205
File: 281 KB, 519x522, DragonWarrior7ManualBack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get DQ4 on the PSX that is advertised in the manual.
Stop reminding me! It's too much for me that my second favorite DQ game has an advertisement for a version of my favorite DQ game that wouldn't have had the problems that the DS version has.

>> No.1152224

I actually never played it until the DS. I didn't really know anything about Dragon Quest until I played 8. So going back I really wish I could have played that version of 4. With nothing taken out and amazing music.

>> No.1152420

I do wonder what would have happened if Dragon Quest did become a giant hit here as it is in Japan. How would the game change? You can see it in Final Fantasy that they changed a bit when they became a dominate force here in the US. Thinking of that I'm kind of glad Dragon Quest wasn't that big of a hit since I feel what makes Dragon Quest so good is that it keeps everything so simple but in that simplicity it makes everything seem so much richer.

>> No.1152426


I'm content with the market here being small enough that they don't tweak it to appeal to western gamers, but large enough that they give good ports/translations. It remains to be seen whether the MMO will come over; I just hope DQXI returns back to some sense of normalcy.

>> No.1152458

My personal favorite town theme of all time.

Oh my god why's it so good holy shit I love Sugiyama.


>> No.1152462

It's weird how much they decided to fuck with the system in 9 and even more so in 10. I'm guessing they will bring it back to normal for 11 since I think the Japanese would burn square-enix down. I do wish the DQ market was much better here. Maybe in the same boat as Persona. Not big but big enough that they feel safe bring the game over here.

>> No.1152491

I avoided the postgame on the PSX version to incentivate me to play the game again on teh 3DS

They MUST bring it over.

>> No.1153560

I own 7 but held off playing it just in case. I really hope they bring it over. Would a fucking shame.
Anyone on Rocket Slime? Don't really know anything about it but heard fun things about it.

>> No.1153728

it's worth playin the import having the gamefaq.com translated game pages

>> No.1153834

Well I just started trying to learn Japanese this week. Hopefully (and I stress hopefully) I can play it in a couple of years.

>> No.1153832
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I don't even need a translation guide to actually "play" the PSX version in Japanese. I've played the NES version enough times that I pretty much have what I need to do memorized. What I really want is to get the Party Chat in English and played at the appropriate time during the game. The added Chapter 6 kinda wrecks the original mood of the story, IMO, though I will admit, it's fun to play with Necrosaro in the party. Otherwise, as far as English versions go, NES DQ4 is the best version in every way except for graphics. And even though I do like the PSX/DS graphics, I find the NES graphics have their own charm that isn't replicated with the newer graphics.

>> No.1153867

My only complaint is the AI control character. They aren't that bad but there was a few times I screamed after most of my party ran out of MP casting firemore or other MP heavy spells over and over again. I know you can change there script but it still annoying having to deal with it.

>> No.1153875
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The only problem I ever run into with the AI is Cristo occasionally casting Beat/Defeat on bosses. Otherwise, the AI get's the same cheat that enemies get where they don't choose their move at the beginning of a round but when their turn comes up in combat. I've had many times where my party had full HP at the beginning of a round and one of my characters get hit critically, and then Cristo's or Nara's turn comes up and they heal that person.

Either way, there's a Game Genie code that will give you direct control over the entire party, excluding the extra characters like Healie, Hector/Hoffman, and Doran/Sparkie.

>> No.1153885

I know about the Game Genie code. I was just talking about when I played it on the NES. When I do play it again (playing them in order and on 3 right now) I might try playing with just the AI and see how that goes. The one thing I actually miss in the layer Dragon Quest games is the ability to pick the hero's gender. I think I said it already but I always like to pick female main characters. But that would be weird in 5 since you have a kid
Sorry on a phone so I don't know if that actually blocked it out.

>> No.1153974

Now thinking of that it might be interesting. But I don't really think something like Dragon Quest would do something like that. Just happy that they seem to have kept the light hearted tone that Dragon Ball (not Z) had. I love Dragon Ball so much.

>> No.1154279

I don't know why they did that in DQ4. I understand giving a little personality in a game through dialect but man was 4 annoying. Have one or two characters have it but don't make nearly the whole game have different accents that make the game almost unreadable.

>> No.1155026

Some areas of the game is gets clearer to read, but the worst of it all is in the very beginning which is the most off-putting time to put it in.

>> No.1155045

i haven't played any of these games in a while, but i know that in at least one of the dq games you can cast bedragon to wipe out an entire row of metal slimes/babbles, and in at least one dq game they're immune to this.

that's all the advice i have.

>> No.1155064

That trick works in dq3 and then never works again.

>> No.1155072
File: 282 KB, 800x467, DragonQuest_Shred_by_ShoNuff44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird that so many people complain about the dialectes but not so many about the removal of the party talk.

And why the hell at the DQ6 localization for DS they renamed Puff Puff to Pattycake while previously they left it unchanged at DQ9? It's not like anyone would undestand what exactly is Puff Puff unless they have watched Dragonball.

>> No.1155206

To people that haven't researched it they might not know about the party speak option. And while that is annoying not to have those that have played it all say the accents is what they remember.

And maybe they were just trying to be funny renaming it. I actually didn't notice they changed it until after I played 8 again and saw puff puff.

>> No.1155276

Υοu're talking about the localization of DQ4 at DS? There is the option indeed but when you choose it you won't see any dialogues.

>> No.1155319

What option?