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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 383x340, Hexen_Tit_Paisaj6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1135031 No.1135031 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/,do you like HeXen?

Let's talk about HeXen

>Favorite Weapon
>Favorite class

>> No.1135050

>Fighter weapon
>Cleric weapon
Serpent Staff
>Mage weapon
Arc of Death
>Fave Flechette

>Fave class

Cleric is OP and boring.
I always wondered how Korax could be a Serpent Rider. D'sparil at least made sense when you saw him, but Korax is like twice the size of a serpent. Whenever I picture him on a serpent I just get the image of Zazu holding up the rhino in the Lion King.

>> No.1135138

Hexen is my #1 game, it's so damn satisfying going through that adventure.

>Favorite weapon

Timon's Axe is probably my favorite melee weapon because of the cyclic rate and those awesome impact sounds.

My favorite ranged weapon would probably the Quietus or Wraithverge.

Anyone got some awesome Dark Bishop/D'sparil images?

>> No.1135140
File: 86 KB, 650x770, darkbishop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.1135146

>Fighter weapon
Hammer of Retribution

>Cleric Weapon

>Mage Weapon
Sapphire Wand (pew pew motherfucker)

Cleric, I fucking love gas clouds

Cleric. Yeah I'm boring

Also Porkalator

>> No.1135156


Nice, I've been looking for the sprite sheets. I'm mainly looking for avatar sized stuff though.

>> No.1135186
File: 5 KB, 310x370, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


crop and resize with nearest neighbor. surely you can figure out how to do this.

>> No.1135203


Ya it just comes out really low res

>> No.1135214
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>> No.1135215
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>> No.1135217
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Guys... Guys pls

>> No.1135229

Random fact: Hexen 64 has 4 player split screen coop

>> No.1135324
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I'm more of a Heretic guy

>> No.1135339

>Arc of Death
Muh nigga. Shards are cool also.
The best parts of all the Hexen/Heretic games were always the manuals though. Really added to the lore and had really cool parchment style.
Does /vr/ accept pdf's?

>> No.1135874

CSB time. Disclaimer: ALL pertains to vanilla (in DOSBOX now), no ports [personal preference, get off my lawn].

I always disliked the ammo-balancing requirements of the id engine games due to the low capacity of the player. I always wanted infinite hammerspace.

My first foray into changing these was when editing the save game files, back when the games were new, with a hex editor. It turns out the ammo capacity in Doom and Doom2 was stored in the save file (because of the backpack). This was trivially easy to edit, and could accept any amount up to 2^32 as the info was displayed truncated (last 3 digits) in the status bar. I still occasionally play through the games, carrying over my ammo from each game to the next. I finished Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 and the two expansion packs last month with: 1408 bullets, 620 shotgun shells, 18280 cells, 4016 rockets.

Heretic is a more complex situation because of the way it displays your ammo in the status bar. The first two digits are a simple count, but the third is a sprite offset. So, above 1000, this starts showing weird sprites. Experimenting, this causes the game to crash for values over 8399, so the effective limit for a new game ammo capacity is 4199 (as the bag of holding doubles that). I just finished a recent playthrough of Heretic + Shadow of the Serpent Warriors with ammo amounts: 478 wand/1518 arrow/1774 claw/3568 rune/1226 phoenix/2092 sphere.

As for Hexen...

>> No.1135875


Hexen always had befuddled me, due to the way mana works. But, just this week I went through the source code (NOTE: version 1.0, not 1.1) and figured out how the MAX_MANA works. With a hex editor, I changed the following occurences of "c8 00 00 00" (200) to "f0 55 00 00" (22000) [note: code snippit is for reference from source code]:
These allow you to pick up lots of mana:
>6A567: if(player->mana[mana] == MAX_MANA) {return(false);}
>6A5A2 & 6A5AE: if(player->mana[mana] > MAX_MANA) {player->mana[mana] = MAX_MANA;}

This scales the mana bars in the status bar to the new limit:
>85C54 & 85CBA: for(i = 165; i < 187-(22*CPlayer->mana[~])/MAX_MANA; i++) {

Gives you that amount when you use NRA cheat:
>867A1: for(i = 0; i < NUMMANA; i++) {player->mana[i] = MAX_MANA;}

Also optionally you can change how much the Krater of Mite gives you:
>7CEF0 & 7CF10 & 7CEDF: if(!P_GiveMana(player, MANA_~, MAX_MANA)) ...
But I leave this at 200.

Why 22000? The mana bar in the status bar is 22 pixels, and the number displayed is limited to the MOD 1000. This means, with a 22000 limit, every time you get 1000, one pixel is added to the bar, and your mana count goes back to 0. This effectively lets you see rather accurately how much mana you have well beyond the design specs. Clever eh?

Obviously this has limited use as most people probably use source ports now, but I thought I might share. Also, I should probably get around to doing this for version 1.1 as well.

>> No.1135879


As a clarification: I used the 1.0 EXE and the 1.1 source code (for reference), which do not differ much for what I am doing with them. As the original source isn't really easy to recompile, and I didn't want to use a source port, hex editing was the way to go.

>> No.1136497

This is technically a DOOM engine game, Please move it to the DOOM thread.

>> No.1136531

In case you didn't know, the guy making Brutal Doom is also making a Brutal Hexen mod.

>> No.1136542


what has to be wrong with you that you dont want a hexen thread in /vr/, which is already a cesspool of 20 year olds complaining about controls, and 30 year olds acting hateful to them

this is a game that both parties can agree on

hexen is nothing at all like doom, it most certainly needs its own thread

and I seriously doubt it will be a popular thread, so go just back to the retro porn game thread

>> No.1136552
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Where do you think you are?

>> No.1136859
File: 154 KB, 600x588, Hexen [U] [SLUS-00348]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 blocks needed to save

It's like I'm really playing WWF Smackdown 3.

>> No.1136887

It's going pretty slow, and only the Warrior has full gore. :(

>> No.1136907

Hexen and Worms II were the computer games that came with my first PC, and I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for them.

>> No.1136914

This is a must play

>> No.1137249

Double that. Unfourtunately sprites of new weapons looks really rough and unappealing, but rest of the mod is really good.

Also Korax mod

>> No.1137331


Yes but Hexen is a vastly different game from DOOM, so piss off somewhere else.


Yeah and it's horrible, breaks the continuity of Hexen entirely. Anyone looking for a reasonable mod, use Hexercise.

>> No.1137519

>breaks the continuity of Hexen entirely

What? I don't understand this.

>> No.1137564

How about no.

>> No.1137830


Rather than add valuable gameplay enhancement it tries to mesh exaggerated fatalities, pointless animations and seems to treat Hexen as if it is DOOM, which it isn't.

I'll stick to adventuring, puzzle solving and evading enemies where possible thanks.

>> No.1137883

I still have this broken verison of the game. Got it on sale. the PSX verison is alright for the first level but hard as fuck because you can't really look up or control flight properly

>> No.1138009 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 600x450, 7a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1138032 [DELETED] 

>ermagerd, it tries to make hexen into something fun rather than a poorly designed snoozefest!

>> No.1138048

I'm not seeing how that ruins the continuity of hexen. It sounds to me like it makes combat into something fun, rather than a rote motion waste of time. Hexen was easily the most dull of the Doom engine games, I for one am happy for anything that makes it less so.

>> No.1138049


Like the DOOM mod, it'll get super mundane after 15 minutes by performing the same useless fatalities over and over again. It adds fuck all to the game.

Brutal Hexen isn't even fun, it's just overly ambitious and unnecessary. Hexercise for example is actually a GOOD mod and adds spice which is appropriate.


>poorly designed snoozefest

That's subjective to opinion, but good try, 2/10 for effort.

>> No.1138061

Really? I'm not sick of the Brutal Doom yet. Unlike the rest of /vr/ I don't base my opinions on groupthink and how much of a dink a mod creator is. The fact is, Brutal Doom VASTLY improves the sluggish, boring mess that is Doom. It adds plenty of new features to the game, improves on the features already existing, and increases both the challenge and pace of gameplay (don't believe me? try pol.wad with brutal doom).

Brutal Hexen is currently in its very beginning phases, of course it's not a lot of fun, he's just started on it.

>> No.1138097
File: 99 KB, 500x273, arch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't base my opinions on groupthink and how much of a dink a mod creator is.

That ain't the point though. Brutal Doom is a clunky mess of uselessness, even if Mark was super cool, it'd still be shit.

>don't believe me? try pol.wad with brutal doom

I did briefly try that once, I've played with the mod extensively. It definitely ruins aspects of DOOM such as the unreasonably nerfed rocket launcher, nerfed BFG spread, persistent clicking indicators on low health, visual scratches which obstruct your entire HUD and broken secondary enemy attacks.

There are plenty of weapon/enemy mods that are able to provide new challenges, weapons and enemy sprites without having to make it a trope of edgy annoyance.

>Hexen = rote motion waste of time
> Doom = sluggish, boring mess

Idk mang, you must have pretty low standards if you're only pleased with SO BROOTAL SO BLOODY and not vanilla.

>> No.1139932

So with my unlimited mana capacity, I made it to about 850 green before I even got the third weapon. Sure is nice not micromanaging those damn things.

I tried to unbound the Artifact limit but failed to do so. Might have to drag out a memory trace or decompiler. Ugh.

>> No.1139945
File: 612 KB, 912x913, bobross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact is, Brutal Doom VASTLY improves the sluggish, boring mess that is Doom.
You almost had me.

>> No.1140004
File: 209 KB, 287x396, giddyup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sluggish, boring mess that is Doom
>sluggish, boring


>> No.1140012

viscerus.pk3 is pretty neat

>> No.1140017

>blah blah blah, Edgy

Brutal Doom is not clunky, it plays plenty smoothly. The action is fast paced, the monster challenging, and the weapons both better balanced and INFINITELY funner to use. I don't feel like I can go make myself a cup of tea waiting for the shotgun to fire anymore, for instance. Brutal Doom makes it so the game can actually be challenging without just throwing massive swarms of monsters backed by archviles or other similar bullshit. I have never seen a weapon/enemy mod that does it as well.

Also this "hurr, edgy annoyance" shit is just that: shit. /vr/ seems to absolutely fucking love Ketchup, and all it is is quite literally is a gore mod.

Furthermore, there's more to the combat improvements than just gore everywhere, and you fucking know it, or you're lying. Frankly, I'd like it I could get the reverse of Ketchup (Brutal Doom with the gameplay improvements sans gratuitous gore).

You fucking heard me. Original Doom plays like I'm chugging through molasses. I can play it with my goddamn eyes closed and I've fallen asleep playing it in the past.

>> No.1140019

sounds like you need a nap

>> No.1140051

It also has a very small options menu for changing the graphics settings.

>> No.1140082
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>plays like I'm chugging through molasses
You're very funny

>> No.1140181
File: 24 KB, 400x400, wotwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>weapons both better balanced

You are absolutely pants on head retarded if you think brootal doom has balanced weapons.

>I have never seen a weapon/enemy mod that does it as well.

I don't think you've actually play many good mods in that case, that's a shame kiddo.

>/vr/ seems to absolutely fucking love Ketchup

You know, for those who want DOOM with more gore and get to play it with a good weapon mod.

>Furthermore, there's more to the combat improvements than just gore everywhere, and you fucking know it, or you're lying.

That really depends on what you class as improvements. Judging by the rest of the bullshit you've written an essay about, I doubt these "improvements" are anything more than badly designed eye candy.


>Original Doom plays like I'm chugging through molasses.

Yeah nah, you must be joking with us right now, seriously.

>> No.1140504
File: 24 KB, 251x251, Judge%252520Dredd%252520Helm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the changes.
Before you start shitposting, you may wish to dk some research.
In its time, doom was pretty edgemaster. Heavy metal soundtracks ripped to midi. Satanic imagery, gratuitous violence and blood. The character is an 80s action hero. The comic has such famous quotes as "rip and tear" and "sweet Christmas!"

In short, you are a huge shitposter. That means you have huge shit.

>> No.1140517

Wrong website, dumbass

>> No.1140520

Brutal dooms action is a lot more stop and go than Dooms. I like both but Doom is a lot more fun in my eyes and Brutal Doom kinda wore on me after a while.

BUT. The one thing I agree with is the balanced weapons. But not in single player. Getting a better and better gun is one of the gameplay things I like in single player, but in multiplayer having balanced weapons means when someone finds the shotgun vs the super shotgun they're not fucked. You don't have problems with weapon hoarding because everything except the pistol is an acceptable weapons. It feels more like UT in this way, and that's a good thing in my opinion. But just in deathmatch (or CTF or whatever).

>> No.1140529

Oops. Sorry. Forgot this wasn't the Doom thread. Sage of off topic. Should probably move this discussion here: >>1138746

I'll make up for it with some Hexen discussion: I really hate the switch hunting, but love the general gameplay. I feel like a mission pack that's more direct would be preferable. Not linear levels, but minimal back tracking.

Terminus had a good idea to make an overworld style map like Zelda and dungeons that you'd gain powerups at the end of. I'd like to see something like this happen. I feel like Hexen would be a great coop game with something like that.

>> No.1140539
File: 9 KB, 183x200, 34785627856278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>balanced weapons

>> No.1140639

Brutal Doom things would not fit on HeXen

>> No.1140643

OP here
i dont need fags to ruin the thread with muh brutal doom
HeXen is not like DooM despite it uses the same engine and HeXen doesnt need a brutal mod

>> No.1140656

Yeah, I just forgot what thread I was on, bouncing between the two, and since the Doom thread often talks about Hexen as well. Wasn't trying to shit your shit up.

Are there any decent megawads for Hexen anyway? Something with less switch hunting?

>> No.1140683

This >>1136914

>> No.1141146


>Before you start shitposting, you may wish to dk some research

You don't even need to when dealing with brootal doom, you just need to play with it, a lot.

>In its time, doom was pretty edgemaster.

It did it well though...

>huge shitposter

Not sure what you class as shitposter, but if you've got anything valid to back up your precious mod, we're all ears. Actually fuck it, we're on the Hexen thread, piss off to Zdoom forums.

>> No.1141234
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, Cao Cao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get told to do some research
>naw, fuck that, imma shitpost instead.

>> No.1141243
File: 25 KB, 656x662, Parias the Cleric - Hexen - Drawthread - Oolongearlgrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck yeah, Hexen thread
>everyone is talking about Brutal Doom

Well anyway.

>Fighter weapon
Timon's Axe
>Cleric weapon
>Mage weapon
Arc of Death

>Favorite class
Cleric > Mage > Fighter

Easily my favorite game of all time.

>> No.1141251
File: 36 KB, 610x400, 7645345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always wondered how Korax could be a Serpent Rider

Because Korax was originally not the six-armed shit talker we ultimately got.

>> No.1141264
File: 108 KB, 253x253, 1367665981998_zps7fdf4596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>try to get others to research shitty doom mods
>tell others not to shitpost
>shitpost telling others they are shitposting

My calendar says it is actually 2013

>> No.1141268


I agree with all of that bud, except I like the wraithverge best for Parias.

>> No.1141269
File: 83 KB, 647x966, Hexen Weapon Tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1141271


hmm, Serpent staff isn't really that good though. The Quietus is definitely better,

>> No.1141282

Hexen is a game I want to like the fuck out of

>The theme
>The tutorial level
>Them weapons
>Related to Doom and introduced a lot of cool things to the engine like ACS

But then there's

>A fuckload of puzzles
>Raven Software level design
>A fairly common enemy can be invulnerable to your weapons
>Shit engine licenses

It needs an overhaul. Looked at Hexercise for overhauling classes, but the level design will still be shit.

Also, are you meant to lose any armor pieces you get when you change map? This happens to me in Zandronum at least (currently using it for both SP/MP for some reason), haven't tried ZDoom or GZDoom.

>> No.1141283

The Serpent Staff is the Cleric's bread and butter weapon. It's damage is fairly low per shot but it can heal, can be used at ranged, is obtained early on, and is the most efficient weapon in the game. It's an optimal weapon in any situation.

The Quietus suffers in that its damage is medium-high but the spread of the weapon, and mana cost, make it less efficient the the axe in melee or the hammer at ranged.

>> No.1141287

Oh, and the Serpent Staff has an extremely high rate of fire. The fastest in the game if I remember correctly.

>> No.1141302

Always liked smashing enemies with the Hammer of Retribution, it feels awesome. The Frost Shards are fun too when enemies turn into ice cubes. I'd love a follow-up game, or if anyone knows of one, something that feels like a sequel.

Heretic and Hexen were relicensed as GPLv2 like 5 years ago.

>> No.1141305
File: 31 KB, 543x273, The Serpent Riders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hexen 2 is just Hexen: Quake Edition, though it's not even half as amazing as Hexen was. The expansion, Port of Praevus, was a lot better than the main game.

>> No.1141306


>> No.1141312

Oh I've played Hexen 2 and its expansion to death already, honestly I liked the puzzles in those a lot more (save for micro-switch hunting) but sometimes felt the atmosphere lacking. Also the Sun Staff is one of my favourite weapons in any game, I love beam weapons and hate how uncommon they are in FPS games.

Also beaten Heretic 2, not as fond of that one, mostly because of how sticky the movement feels. It's also a shame that it never got open sourced.

>> No.1141313

>uses a staff that poisons foes and leeches life
>shoots fire out of his hands
>wields a staff that summons blood-thirsty ghosts
>his flechette lets out deadly gas

The world of Cronos must have really fucked up religious ideals.

>> No.1141314


I don't think Hexen's level design is shit, some of it is the most intricate design I've seen in the DOOM engine.


True I guess, I really dislike the split fire projectiles, that's mainly the thing that annoys me.

>> No.1141321
File: 1.03 MB, 748x662, The Serpent Riders - Heretic Hexen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed the increased focus on puzzles and the new rpg elements; those are what bring me back to Hexen 2. But the game lacks atmosphere, levels are large but empty, enemy variety is sparse, I didn't like the hubs being based on real world environments (Rome, Egypt, etc), and most of the weapons felt like knock offs from Hexen (fists, vorpal sword, throwing axe, raven staff, and so on).

And yeah the Sun Staff is really damn cool, along Bone Shards.

Also, why does Japan make more fanart of these games than we do?

>> No.1141332

Ive played Hexen a few times, but I always feel like Im doing something wrong. The first few enemies always seem to be able to take more damage than I can dish out, while at the same time dealing more than I can handle.

Some sort of secret to hexen that I dont know about?

>> No.1141341


Strafe, bait their attacks by moving in and backing out while attacking before they strike.

It also depends on what class you're using, if you're using Parias then expect to hit most common enemies around 6 times with the mace.

>> No.1142865

Depends on your class.

Take advantage of your increased run speed and armor. Run in and kill fast.

Flechettes are your best friend. Use them to block doors and hallways.

The Sapphire Wand is one of the most useful weapons in the game. Combined unlimited ammo, range, high fire rate, and the ability to pierce multiple targets, and you've got an excellent weapon. Other than that you can use Frost Shards (in melee for max damage) to turn frozen enemies into walls for protection, and the Arc of Death effectively stuns enemies until they die.

>> No.1143147

call me fool but i went through the game with my fists

>> No.1143216
File: 1.53 MB, 1500x1222, Baratus the Fighter - Hexen - Drawthread - LesserDrawfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I'd consider bad in Hexen is the Cleric's mace, otherwise every other weapon is completely viable and even good. While the fists are good, they pale in comparison to the axe in every regard. As to how it compares with the hammer, the fists can't be used at range nor does it do splash damage.

I beat the game once with just the fists, shit was fun. Especially when you use the boots of speed and zip around like a manic pummeling everything in sight.

>> No.1143265

I have a Hexen server that's been around for a while. It comes up from 10pm-10am (pacific time) every day. If anyone would like to play than please feel free.

I used to have regulars from a nightly thread on /v/ about a year ago, but that time has passed. I would love to see some activity again the game is great fun.

>dm server
Name: Time for Hexen dm
IP: vrfps.servegame.com:6112
>coop server
Name: Time for Hexen co-op
IP: vrfps.servegame.com:1200

They are run through Zandronum, which is the new version of the Skulltag source port.

I post this in the doom thread too, But its definitely better suited here

>> No.1143273
File: 129 KB, 500x259, 1331104879389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nightly thread on /v/ about a year ago

Shit, I remember those. It feels like ages ago now. Well I'll definitely give it a go tomorrow.

>> No.1143283

>tfw playing Hexen for the first time

Hexen may run on the Doom engine but it is a very different game from Doom.

>> No.1143284

>increases both the challenge and pace of gameplay (don't believe me? try pol.wad with brutal doom)

A joke wad isn't the best example to use when trying to make a point like that.

>> No.1143286

You are not playing Doom.

>> No.1143306
File: 9 KB, 250x300, sad_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be a new Hexen game

Although maybe its for the best.

>> No.1143325
File: 83 KB, 300x380, Turok_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they brought it back like they did Turok, then I'm glad that it has remained forgotten.

>> No.1143870


Oh shit were you one of the regulars on the server and in the thread? I've just left the servers running in hopes one day some of the people from those threads would come together again. We had such an awesome time duking it out every night

>> No.1143871

Oh and I forgot to say. I remember that picture from the person that made oc in the thread. I probably still have that picture somewhere as well as the awesome "no scrubs allowed" picture

>> No.1143912 [DELETED] 


...Wait, so the sprite who was used as the Heresiarch was supposed to be Korax, and the six-armed thing, his mount?

That... would've made so much more sense.

>> No.1144016

There's that Doom 3 mod, Hexen: Edge of Chaos. It's a WIP so maybe it'll turn out well at the end, but so far, I'm leaning towards you two being right.

>> No.1144227

>Hexen: Edge of Chaos

I remember being really disappointed with it when they released the first demo. I haven't checked on it in over a year though, so I'm sure it's been improved upon since.

>> No.1144569
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>> No.1144584
File: 110 KB, 917x1200, 34646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Brom.

>> No.1144589
File: 76 KB, 564x768, CORVUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't help myself

>> No.1144594

He clearly has pants in this artwork, so what the fuck happened with the sprite?

>> No.1144598 [DELETED] 


My guess is that this artwork was done before they finalized the official sprites and character designs

Seems like hes just Corvus's design from the first game but with a larger and more wizardly cloak

>> No.1144605

I thought the sprite had leather pants

>> No.1144620
File: 28 KB, 692x839, Ethereal bolts, in my pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he does wear pants, they're tight as fuck and happen to be the same color as his skin.

Fucking elves.

>> No.1144636

>Fucking Elves
Don't you mean Fabulous Elves?

>> No.1144653
File: 8 KB, 51x71, baratus walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Human superiority.

>> No.1144663

Hexen blew my mind.
>Them breakable windows
>That atmosphere
>Punching the shit out of those chump flying things

Awesome atmosphere. Still, overall, I think I'd prefer Heretic. For all the good art design, running around and getting lost just got old after awhile.

I still remember those first few stages and the different themes they had. Really cool.

>> No.1144682
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 11110-heretic-ii-windows-screenshot-here-i-begin-my-adventures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you wanted a new Heretic game?

>> No.1144687
File: 21 KB, 600x361, corvus 57547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heretic 2 was a lot of fun, just not the game everyone expecting. I loved the pre-Jedi Knight combat and the mixing of the weapon/ammo and blue/green mana systems from Heretic and Hexen.

That and the intro was great. Reminds me of those old 3D 90s cartoons.


>> No.1144691

The back tracking ruined it for me. I lost count of how many times I'd just find myself wandering around going back and forth between levels thinking "what the fuck am I supposed to be doing?"

>> No.1144906

It's good, though as said before I hate how the movement feels, and they probably could've done way more with the acrobatics. I can't find the video at the moment but some of the sequence breaks in the first episode are good, mostly involving that flip-off-wall move, I'd love a full speedrun.

>> No.1145043
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, woc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else has played Wrath of Cronos? It just updated to 1.6.

>> No.1145178

Press left+forward+IJKL to super kick. Try it on this chicken!

For whatever reason, pulling a lot of melee moves felt like more work than it had to be, or the input reading was incredibly fickle even when the inputs are correct.

The game was a bit of a slog with the backtracking.

The platforming wasn't bad. It wasn't as smooth as a Tomb Raider remake (nor would I even know about such a thing at the time this game out), but it beat the shit out of Price of Persia 3D's sticking to the damn walls.

>> No.1145220
File: 2.00 MB, 371x331, 1353660424804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World of Warcraft icons

>> No.1145507

Well if you gonna take icons from something else, why not from the best?

Blizzard is still the king of ability icons.

>> No.1146478

Hexen gameplay wads would be astounding.

>> No.1147353 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 312x312, 133322905760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brutal Hexen

>> No.1147387

It already exists

>> No.1147392

>yfw my 70 year old grandpa loved doom and hexen

I think he preferred hexen since that's always what I'd see him play, but dang he was a pretty cool guy. I don't even think he played anything except for them

>> No.1147417

Which is why I mentioned it, that shit is infectious. I think I saw Brutal Strife too.

>> No.1147934

what are your favorite Heretic music tracks?

also http://www.sycraft.org/ has a good hexen and heretic music pack

>> No.1147948

I wasn't a big fan of Heretic's soundtrack, but these are my favorites.


The second really feels like what you'd hear during a final battle.

>> No.1147990
File: 79 KB, 128x359, Parias with his Wraithverge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that Heretic music was way better than Hexen music
and this track takes the fucking crown

but I admit that this Hexen track comes close

>> No.1147994
File: 34 KB, 640x400, 568785856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Hexen songs. This applies to the PC versions as well, but I find the N64 music to be better.


>> No.1147996

goddamn forgot the hexen track

>> No.1148000

and these while I'm at it

>> No.1148045

>Eidolon removing Korax's piece from the board

Gave me chills when I first beat this game.

>> No.1148053

>But there are other players mightier than you, and who can know their next moves?


>> No.1148081

>Hexen ending

Makes me wonder what happens to Cronos after Korax's death. Does the place continue to be a giant shithole? The world of Hexen doesn't seem like a great place to live in, let alone fight for.

>> No.1148093

I would assume the hero(s) used the Chaos Sphere to turn Chronos into a paradise without the Serpent Rider's army of demonic assholes (fucking centaurs, STOP BLOCKING MY ATTACKS).

>> No.1148101
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1334652429405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hexen ends with a cliffhanger
>expansion follows up on the story
>expansion ends with the exact same cliffhanger
>Hexen 2
>Eidolon suddenly has the Chaos Sphere


>> No.1148113

>Eidolon suddenly has the Chaos Sphere

There are more Chaos Spheres, one for each world. Heretic, Hexen, and Hexen II take place in three separate dimensions.

>> No.1148142
File: 268 KB, 640x1103, Raven Disciple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never implied there's more than one Chaos Sphere. Hexen and its cinematics refer to it as a single, powerful artifact used by the Riders. Judging on Hexen's ending it would seem likely that Eidolon returned to reclaim it sometime after Korax's death. I'm curious as to why Raven felt the need to introduce this object at all.

I know each game takes place on different planets but the Hexen 2 intro pretty much confirms each game is in the same universe/dimension. Just that each game takes place anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years apart, as the name Parthoris apparently has been forgotten to time.

>> No.1148167

I'm not too sure about the Chaos Sphere but the Serpent Riders are said to be dimension travelers; leaving nothing but corruption, ruin, and death in their wake as they move from world to world, so saying that each game in the trilogy takes place in separate dimensions is not too far fetched. Also I think the Hexen instruction manual said that Heretic took place in another dimension but my memory is a little fuzzy so I could be wrong.

>> No.1148183

>tfw you realize Korax was more challenging Eidolon

>> No.1148203

Hahaha, I made this image.

Fun fact: Heretic and Hexen were made by a company called Raven, and there are characters named Corvus and Korax. Corvus corax is the scientific name for the common raven.

>> No.1148205

I think Heretic and Hexen are on different planets, not different dimensions.

>> No.1148207
File: 600 KB, 489x600, 26685393_m eidolon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They definitely are dimension travelers and it wouldn't be a stretch that the games take place in different dimensions, but it makes me wonder how the inhabitants of these planets know of the other dimensions. Especially considering they're all living in medieval-fantasy settings.

I always found Korax to be the easiest and Eidolon the hardest. Korax was the most interesting though, both in appearance and his way of manipulating his surrounds. Eidolon has that bullshit lightning that one shots you and clovers most of the arena, not to mention the homing lightning balls and being able to step on you.

D'Sparil only seemed hard due to how weak the weapons in Heretic were and the constant disciple summoning.

>> No.1148212

You did? Awesome, I never noticed that till I saw that image.

I would've chocked it up to coincidence if it weren't for the fact the company was called Raven and the whole Corvus/Korax stuff.

>> No.1148225
File: 14 KB, 1022x596, magic-02.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes me wonder how the inhabitants of these planets know of the other dimensions

>> No.1148226
File: 200 KB, 600x600, Daedolon the Mage - Hexen - Drawthread - Soap 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universal answer.

>> No.1148228

The concept of different planes of existence has been around long before people even knew what planets were (Heaven, Hell, Asgard, etc.).

>> No.1148229

I feel like Medieval peoples had a better conception of what a dimension is as they had the medieval concepts of hell and heaven. I never played these games, but I thought that was the implication in the majority of the Doom era FPS.

>> No.1148247


Fair enough, but in this video the narrator refers to other games' settings as worlds and/or by the planets' actual names. As far as I know we don't say that Heaven, for example, is a planet. What I've always believed was that the three games were in the same dimension but on different planets in their universe.

Or it could just be a lack of detail due to the games not being story focused or having fleshed out lore.

>I never played these games, but I thought that was the implication in the majority of the Doom era FPS.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this.

>> No.1148251

>dat bad cg
>dat bad writing
>dat bad voice acting
>dat bad pronunciation of eidolon and machination

I don't miss the late 90s at all.

>> No.1148263

>dat bad voice acting

Sounds fine to me. Nothing amazing but certainly not bad.

>> No.1148274

Is that really what Eidolon looks like? Just a generic red demon? That's kinda lame.

Korax looks like some kind of badass xenomorph horse. D'Sparil doesn't really look that cool either. For the final boss of a fantasy-themed game to be a wizard or a demon is just... predictable.

>> No.1148282
File: 77 KB, 388x632, Eidolon_form_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, they really dropped the ball when it came to creativity for Hexen 2.

>hubs based on real world places
>generic enemies from their respective hubs (mummies, medusa/gorgons, etc)
>4 of the 5 bosses are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
>Eidolon's generic horned devil design
>almost all the music is just Heretic/Hexen remixes

I liked though that they moved away from the Serpent Riders all being humanoid wizards like D'Sparil, making Korax vaguely insect-like and Eidolon demonic. The end of Heretic suggests the Heresiarch was supposed to be Korax.

>> No.1148285

Fun fact: The boss known as "Heresiarch", a red demon wearing a robe, was originally supposed to be Korax. The "Korax" we see in Hexen was actually his Serpent.

>> No.1148293
File: 116 KB, 388x632, censor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah woah, censor that shit!

Looking at this guy's bright red skin, I can kind of understand why Quake 1 isn't very colorful. The colors look really cheesy and fake.

And yeah, there's a reason Korax looks the way he does. Korax was originally supposed to be the serpent, and he would have been ridden by the Heresiarch (whose name probably would have been Korax instead). Then the designers realized the serpent looked a hell of a lot cooler than the guy riding it, and they went ahead and made the serpent itself the "serpent rider."

>> No.1148318 [DELETED] 


I already beat to it but yeah that's exactly what happened. Anyway, the word Heresiarch means a person who starts a heretical sect i.e.cult, and he is the leader of the dark bishop enemies so his name is rather appropriate. One more thing: I think that's Eidolon's tail, not his wangus mcdangus.

>> No.1148327

I already beat you to it but yeah that's exactly what happened. Anyway, the word Heresiarch means a person who starts a heretical sect i.e.cult, and he is the leader of the dark bishop enemies so his name is rather appropriate. One more thing: I think that's Eidolon's tail, not his wangus mcdangus.

>> No.1148341

I've never played any of the Hexen games before. I picked up Heretic: Shadows of the Serpent Riders, Hexen: Beyond Heretic, and Hexen 2 on steam a while back, because I remember reading about the games in a magazine when I was a lot younger and thought they looked cool as fuck

What's the best one to start with? Heretic sounds like it's the first one in the series.

>> No.1148350 [DELETED] 

If you want to follow the Serpent Rider story arc than start with Heretic, if you want the best gameplay start with Hexen. You could also try Heretic 2 which continues the adventures of Heretic's protagonist, Corvu, however it uses a third person perspective rather than first.

>> No.1148353

If you want to follow the Serpent Rider story arc than start with Heretic, if you want the best gameplay start with Hexen. You could also try Heretic 2 which continues the adventures of Heretic's protagonist, Corvus, however it uses a third person perspective rather than first.

>> No.1148359

>you will never play the true final game in the Serpent Rider Trilogy, Hecatomb

Thanks, Activision.


>> No.1148356

Thanks. I think I'll start with Hexen then. If it hooks me (and I think it will) I can go back to Heretic.

>> No.1148584
File: 380 KB, 1496x1672, 39222536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1148582

so which was cooler, Iron Lich or Maulataur

>> No.1148663

the disciples

>> No.1148667

Disciples of D'sparil or Dark Bishops?

>> No.1148669

the former ofc the latter are Wraithverge fodder

>> No.1148820


What isn't Wraithverge fodder?

>> No.1148869

my dad got me into gaming by showing me heretic and hexen when i was like 7. let me tell you, the iron lich scared the shit out of me. even though i knew where and when they would appear, i'd lose my shit every time i encountered one. don't even get me started on the times when there were more than two. soiled myself. even now, at 19, i get a shiver down my back when i encounter one in game.

funny thing is - that never happened with the maulataur. maybe because he never trapped me in a fucking tornado thing.

>> No.1148930

Heretic enemies (no wraithverge)

>> No.1148949
File: 8 KB, 242x73, ss (2013-10-21 at 12.31.58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this game ever get good?

Also, what order should I play pic related, and which is the best game?

>> No.1148970
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, heretic__the_docks_by_liamythesh-d507yx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1148976

Hexen 2

Honestly I'm not too crazy about Hexen. Heretic is fun because it's like a fantasy version of Doom, but I feel like Hexen goes way overboard with the hub-based key hunts. YMMV

>> No.1149072

It's good right from the start. A little slow, but good nonetheless.

But I will say that it really picks up when you reach the second hub, Shadow Wood. The levels are really great and that's when you get your 3rd weapon.

>> No.1149095

>Heretic 1 Corvus and gargoyles
>Heretic 2 docks

I really liked that artist's showcase of all the Heretic items/weapons/enemies. I hope he does it for Hexen as well.

>> No.1150213
File: 18 KB, 340x114, &#039;Heroes&#039; of Thyrion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for Hexen 2 favorites.

>Paladin weapon
>Crusader weapon
>Assassin weapon
>Necromancer weapon
Bone Shards
>Demoness weapon
>Tomed weapon

>Fave class
Tie between Necro and Demoness.

>> No.1150524

You mean Sun Staff. Lightbringer is the Paladin's ultimate weapon. And what about the glyphs? My vote goes to the Paladin or Assassin ones.

>> No.1150841 [DELETED] 

You are technically a faggot. Please kill yourself.

>> No.1151134

I recall the Paladin's final weapon being named the Purifier. Either way, the Paladin's weapon was stupid.

I also hated how every final weapon was a staff, even for the paladin and assassin.

>> No.1151161

Sorry for being so stupidly wrong. In the manual the Paladin's weapon is Purifier, Crusader's weapon is Lightbringer (in-game refers to it as SunStaff though, similarly Staff of Set is Scarab Staff).

Also I wish you hadn't pointed that thing out with the staves, but what would you have used as a final weapon for those two classes?

>> No.1151163

This should be a strife thread.

>> No.1151192
File: 25 KB, 309x433, 734558021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, something more appropriate though. I feel only the Necromancer and Demoness should have staves. With the Crusader I'll look the other way but for the Paladin and Assassin it definitely doesn't feel right.

Seeing as how the Paladin is the Fighter of 2, his first 3 weapons are almost straight up copies, and serves a God of War, he could have some enchanted weapon like the Quietus. Maybe a hammer/mace or a spear; anything over a rapid fire, potato launching staff. As for the Assassin, I've got nothing.

>> No.1151230

I got nothing either, that's probably just how it went over at Raven. To complain a bit more, the Assassin's staff weapon is overpowered. while the Necromancer's staff is weak.

Nope. Yes you are supposed to read that in the "activate wall" voice.

>> No.1151251

Speaking of movement; day strafing in Hexen 2
I swear it's twice as fast as Doom strafing or some shit. Any second i feel like I'm gonna hear a sonic boom and my screen's gonna shatter or something.

>> No.1151274

It's a Quake engine game, but for whatever reason they doubled the speed cap. Could be due to speed variations between classes. Anyway skip down to the section about "run presentation" in this.


>> No.1151303

It's funny how the Raven Staff is just a Wraithverge copy but manages to be weak as fuck.

I only beat the game once with the Assassin and rarely used er final weapon, so I can't vouch for that, but I do remember the Lightbringer tearing enemies a new one; especially with the Tome activated.

>> No.1151350

They nerfed the Raven Staff because the Wraithverge was ridiculously overpowered.

>> No.1151403

That it was. The thing is that Raven Staff with a Tome is still good, but otherwise it does far too little for how much mana it costs.

Scarab Staff only takes a few shots to take down a golem, at 1 of each mana per shot. Lightbringer is powerful too, though at least the other weapons are fun and satisfying use every so often. For the Assassin, only grenades are more efficient in some situations. The other two weapons just plain suck.

>> No.1151430

It was op but it did have drawbacks.

>highest mana cost
>rendered almost useless in small/tight rooms (ghosts would die when hitting the wall while turning or as soon as they spawn)
>can be reflected back at you (same with Bloodscourge, but unlike the that weapon you can't Repulsion the ghosts back)

The Wraithverge was king against large groups but a waste against single enemies. The problem with the Raven Staff was that it was costly, weak, no really good against anything in particular, and, in Hexen 2, you rarely fight more than 2 enemies at a time.

>> No.1151552

Yeah, the Assassin really suffers from boring/shit weapons and class bonuses that don't really work in the style of gameplay found in older fps'.

>Hide in Shadows
Good luck getting behind anything.

>> No.1152819

So, to play Death Kings, I had to go and do this for Hexen 1.1. Just a matter of finding the offsets:

These allow you to pick up lots of mana:
>697B7: if(player->mana[mana] == MAX_MANA) {return(false);}
>697F2 & 697FE: if(player->mana[mana] > MAX_MANA) {player->mana[mana] = MAX_MANA;}

This scales the mana bars in the status bar to the new limit:
>84994 & 849FA: for(i = 165; i < 187-(22*CPlayer->mana[~])/MAX_MANA; i++) {

Gives you that amount when you use NRA cheat:
>854C1: for(i = 0; i < NUMMANA; i++) {player->mana[i] = MAX_MANA;}

Also optionally you can change how much the Krater of Mite gives you:
>7BD5F & 7BD90 & 7BD71: if(!P_GiveMana(player, MANA_~, MAX_MANA)) ...
But I leave this at 200.

>> No.1153509
File: 9 KB, 311x184, 76959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those wide as fuck levels
>enemies missing most of their sprites
>gib deaths removed
>no multiplayer
>doesn't have the superior N64 soundtrack

>> No.1154053

They're just trolling your shit. They're either from /v/ or the doomworld forums and are assblasted about not having their shitty three room map listed as the best mod of the year.

>> No.1154308


>> No.1154329

negro of mine

>> No.1154586

Hexen 2 was such a disappointment it makes me cry every time I think of this game.

>> No.1154678

the first hexen was pretty bad as well, I mean, I want to love it, the enemies, weapons, setting, everything is great until you get to the horrible puzzles.

>> No.1154717


The puzzles were just that, pieces you needed to scour around for. If it were any easier, people would bitch about the simplicity of the puzzles.

I get that everything can't please everyone, but come on.

>> No.1154748

I felt that the puzzle design was waay to repetitive it felt like keys and switch hunts taken to a new level..

>> No.1154881

How unnecessary.

Instead of wasting time and health trying to parry for an extra attack, you could, you know, step backwards to dodge and resume punching.

>> No.1154894

Yeah, I need to tweak it a little. At the moment it's there as a "it works" kind of deal. I want to flesh it out and make it more rewarding.

>> No.1154908

To be honest I couldn't play it for too long, the amount of teleporters made it feel like an inconsistent mess.

I would be glad to hear why it's not.

>> No.1155738

Iron Liches. Literally everything about them was cool and unique. Maulotaurs were badass, don't get me wrong, but all they really had going for them was that fire trail attack.

>> No.1157725

I loved the way Hexen did alternate firing modes for some of the weapons, if you can call it that. Like the Serpent Staff leeching life or the Frost Shards preforming a "frost touch," when used in melee range.

It's a shame Hexen 2 didn't continue that.