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11421165 No.11421165 [Reply] [Original]

Sonic 1 is a platformer.

Sonic 2 and 3 are on-rails cinematic spectacles.

>> No.11421176

Sonic CD is pretty much Sonic 1 but with an actual story. But yeah when it comes to the Genesis games 1 is the most fun for me.

>> No.11421309

What's up with these contrarian threads about the classic trilogy? I remember it used to be universally agreed that 1 was the weakest entry and 3 and Knuckles was the best.

>> No.11421313

I played Sonic and Sonic 2 for like 1 hour each today 'cause my everdrive arrived.
They're whatever. Don't feel very mechanically deep. Then again, I only played it for an hour so I could be wrong.

>> No.11421314

>I remember it used to be universally agreed that 1 was the weakest entry and 3 and Knuckles was the best.
Still is but no one wants to continue to argue with an autist after he remakes the same thread a dozen times.

>> No.11421398

This narrative won't take off, stop spamming

>> No.11421426

Agree, out of the original trilogy Sonic CD is my personal favorite. Music is top notch plus it's non-linear with lots of platforming
>you're just being contrarian! everybody just says that because they dont know how bad CD actually is!
I've beaten sonic cd 5 times and every time I come back to it is more fun than the last.

>> No.11421459

All three are good. 2 is the weakerst though

>> No.11421460

Play Sonic 1 GG/SMS and Sonic CD OP. You might also like Ristar

>> No.11421463

That's a zoomer take. The real consensus is that 2 > 3&K > 1

>> No.11421736

This but reverse

>> No.11421740

i like it too, metal sonic is so cool

>> No.11422189

Reminder, the guy who spams these threads is a butthurt Mario fanboy who thinks this is a subtle way to shit on Sonic, since Sonic 1 is most boring like Mario

>> No.11422210

t. butthurt Mario fanboy

>> No.11422254

most like Mario is a good thing though? I'm not a Mario fanboy, but 2D Mario is leagues ahead of Sonic, and that's hardly a controversial opinion.

>> No.11422260

I dont like sanic at all :|

>> No.11422264

Play Phantasy Star, anon

>> No.11422341

This, 2 was always peak.

>> No.11422693

Nah I am a mario fan myself but even I disagree with OP. Sonic 2 and 3 are both far more better than 1.

>> No.11422696

Sonic 1 is good but 2 and 3 are better

>> No.11422808

Sonic 1/CD are really solid physics platformers. 2 and 3 sacrifice a lot of the control and dynamism in the name of a more consistent experience at all skill levels.

>> No.11422836

Mario games are a snore. They are for 3 year olds. Sonic games are at least for 6 year olds.

Sonic 1 is the easiest aside from a couple pain stages all Sonic games have. You can't go fast enough for it to be a real challenge, slow basic platforming isn't challenging unless you suck at gaming. Knowing how to go through a stage at super speed in Sonic 2 without losing rings, is pro gamer shit.

>> No.11423247

I cant beat the boss in 2, so fuck that game.

>> No.11423331

Either you or some other anons have mentioned this occasionally about how somehow Sonic 1 is more of a true platformer than the other games. Its such a retarded take. In truth Sonic 2 and 3 actually did more to make themselves unique compared to their competitors by embracing this spectacle you are talking about. Some of the spectacle is automatic that is true but much of it you are still in total control and its actually a part of the games challenges. So sure maybe 1 is more of a true "platformer" because it forces you to slow down more than the other games do. That doesn't make it better though. Sonic formed even more of an identity by embracing the speed + spectacle + solid platforming gameplay. All of these combined together made these games once great. Until the 3D games came along but that is another story.

To me Sonic 1-3 & K are the very best of the genre in the 16-bit era. Or really any imo because I'd rather play these Sonic games then any other platformers. If I could only play these games from now on for 2D platformers I'd be fine with it since they are my favorite.

>> No.11423345

>Mario games are a snore. They are for 3 year olds
SMB1 is harder than any mainline Sonic game

>> No.11423394

>Sonic formed even more of an identity by embracing the speed + spectacle
identity sure, but the gameplay fucking sucks. rube goldberg tier levels with constant loop-de-loops and scripted sections and constantly giving you a shitload of speed for no other reason than to 'look cool' or whatever, where you then have to immediately slow down to a crawl or you will just fly into an upcoming obstacle conveniently placed to fuck you over that you have no time at all to react to.

>> No.11423616

>2D Sonic
>scripted sections
Someone put this jeet out of his misery.

>> No.11423754

I've played the classic sonics quite a few times and I still can't quite decide how I feel about them. It seems like levels are either too simple, or too convoluted/annoying. But when it clicks they can be pretty fun. Except for Sonic CD. You will never convince me that game is good.

>> No.11423779

Nah not really but when you're talking about the lost levels/jap mario 2 then most certainly.

>> No.11423805

It's low-effort trolling.

>> No.11424148

i dont like the jump sound or the slingshot spin dash mechanic

>> No.11424452

It absolutely is unless you're using the 1up lives glitch. Even with the continue code, SMB1 is still harder

>> No.11424506

Then why did I beat it at like 5 years old, but couldn't beat Sonic till my 10 year old stage

>> No.11424518

Does anybody else feel like Sonic 2 has a weird vibe that feels incongruent with the rest of the 2D series? the zones feel at times too grounded and not fantastic-exotic enough. Like think of Mystic Cave, such a nondescript level for Sonic, it looks more of a Mario world. And those Roaming Romans, man...

>> No.11424519

3&K being the best is more of a modern (or at least, post-90s) mentality.
2 is the Sonic game that was universally the most popular, it seemed like just what a sequel should be in virtually every direction.
3 and &K had different popular embrace, they were still highly popular and beloved games, but for many reasons, they didn't surpass Sonic 2's highs.
Also most people back in the 90s playing Sega games played them separately, and usually kids would have either one or the other, it wasn't until emulation and 6th gen compilations that the pro-3&K > 2 narrative started. The old guard is all 2fags.

>> No.11424558
File: 833 KB, 825x662, rip in pepperonis sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3&K being the best is more of a modern (or at least, post-90s) mentality.
I played the games at release and I always thought 3&K was better than 2. Maybe you should realize that the pro-Sonic 2 support in the day was maybe 50% (at best) of the fanbase instead of the 80% you think it was.

>> No.11424612

2 was the favorite cause it was a pack in game, like Altered Beast, most of some portion of Genesis owners had it

I never played 3/K together as a kid, as far as I knew it only let you be Knuckles in 3. But today, I prefer the combined version.

>> No.11424628

It's this. 2 was always considered the more archetypal Sonic game as opposed to 3&K's gimickyness. Obviously both are pretty much top so it mostly boiled down to opinion but 2 was the unmatched console mover and put Sonic on the map. Sonic 2 defined the entire franchise. It was absolutely considered the single must have game for Genesis.

>> No.11424672

Origins ruined Classic Sonic for me. I unironically can't go back to original hardware and play Sonic in 4:3 and without the dropdash and I wonder how I ever enjoyed the games without them.

Shit makes me wish I'd never played Origins to be honest.

>> No.11424792

>I remember it used to be universally agreed that 1 was the weakest entry and 3 and Knuckles was the best.
It was always wrong and retarded.

2 > 1 >>> 3

>> No.11424801

Nah, I don't want to go back to no dropdash. Can't believe it took until mania for someone to think of it.

>> No.11424952
File: 140 KB, 540x540, tumblr_pxuwnjDSCR1w1kerio1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all of them for their differences, 1 is my favorite because I grew up with it, but 2 is the one I like playing the most... 3 always felt a bit odd to me, I just find the levels to be a bit too long for their own good, too big and tiresome, I find the length in 2 to be just right. I honestly prefer the Master System and Game Gear stuff over most of the Genesis ones actually, it's fun.

Simplicity can go a long way.

>> No.11424960

>and put Sonic on the map.
I think Sonic 1 did that.

>> No.11424972

>No spindash
>Labyrinth zone and Marble zone being the most boring stages in the franchise and the fact you have to play a 4th act of labyrinth of all damn stages at the end.
>The shitty spike bug where you can get wombo combo'd by the spike hazards
>Worst final boss in the classic series.
>Chaos emeralds reward absolutely nothing and the worst way of getting to the special stages by forcing the player to slowly tread along with 50 rings and pray to god they don't get hit by anything until the end of the stage to reach them.
>No save files

If you say Sonic 1 is objectively better than Sonic 3 or Sonic and Knuckles then you're delusional.

>> No.11424980
File: 582 KB, 1800x838, Screenshot 2024-12-05 0.29.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akshyually there was a drop dash included in one of the sonic 3 prototypes. no idea why they axed it for the final release.

>> No.11425015

huh, more you know.

>> No.11425551

It didn't

>> No.11425593
File: 832 KB, 400x250, batmanreturnsyawn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 is boring, it's for Mario fans. We Sonic players are a more hardcore, speedy, radical breed of sunglasses wearers not soibois who like clouds with smiley faces and think jumping on things is the peak of gaming. You're not extreme nor competitive, thats why you like Sonic 1.

>> No.11425890

Don't you get tired of lying through your teeth all the time?

>> No.11426290

>2 > 3&K

>> No.11426391

Of the original pentalogy, it goes 1>CD>3>K>2 for me but in terms of hacks, I fucks hard with all the ones that people have done of 2. CD has my favourite special stages, too so in terms of those, it's CD>3=K>2>1

>> No.11426724

shit that's probably why I like Sonic 1 more. Mario is a banger while Sonic is boring as fuck.

>> No.11426759

So that's where they got it from

>> No.11426792

>You're not extreme nor competitive
You say this while SMW hacks founded the whole kaizo genre. Besides, there's nothing wrong with liking both Mario and Sonic.

>> No.11426804

They all have running segments and platforming though? 2 has some major platform sections like chemical plant. 3 has a better flow of start fast, platform, run, platform.

>> No.11426806

Sonic CD is visual vomit though. Zero clear art direction, just throw shit at the screen.

>> No.11426819

The fuck it is. Saying 2 > 3 was retarded even back then.

3 > 2 > 1. 3 is when they figured out the formula and cooked it just right. 2 was closer to 3 than 1. It built on 2.

Only thing 1 has over 2 and 3 is the OG greenhill zone overall set piece and the special stages were visually appealing (besides the depressing music)

>> No.11427603

>even back then
>cooked it just right.
Stop pretending you were around back then, zoomer. You're a fucking retard, delete yourself from this thread.

>> No.11427614

Awful art direction and awful level design. I don't know how people rate it above 1, let along 2/3K.

>> No.11427842

all me btw, i'm trans btw
don't know if that matters btw
i'm also a nigger btw
also a jeet btw

>> No.11428781

sonic cd fan is also an ignorant bigot. I wonder if there's a correlation.

>> No.11429569

The only thing all Sonic fans have in common is that their parents divorced when they were young. And autism, of course.

>> No.11429697

I don't have acoustics, I have AID.

>> No.11429741

Mania remixed stages games are better.

>> No.11429745

I dont like your opinion

>> No.11429771

Sonic CD is the weakest. Bog standard platforming has never complemented Sonic's physics properly that terrain that incentives momentum.

>> No.11429776
File: 36 KB, 480x360, Sonic 1 Alpha Marble Zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a zoomer take. The real consensus is that 2 > 3&K > 1
Sonic 2 has the best level design until Oil Ocean, where the next two zones become a boring slog.

>> No.11429778

The worst part is that the logo is off the center.
They were definitely drunk on sake making it.

>> No.11429826

It's a shame how sonic 2 shits the bed at the end. Maybe a hot take, but I don't like casino night zone either. Getting bounced around is not my idea of fun, which is why I also don't like CD.

>> No.11429832

Sonic the Hedgehog is a furry 2D pixel on-rails belt scrolling single button scotformer run’n’jump cinematic spectacle with collectathon aspects and chiptune music game.

>> No.11429845
File: 40 KB, 600x338, Sonic Mania Oil Ocean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casino Night Zone almost shits the bed with its level design, but I only tolerate it because it is completely unique to everything else and doesn't push it to the point of it being obnoxious. In a sense it's a bonus stage turned into a level, having fun with the gambling mechanics is the main feature of the zone. I can understand why some people hate it, especially if you're someone who only gets enjoyment from level design.

>> No.11429848

Not accepting differing opinions is a sign of autism

>> No.11429849

I don't like any of the Casino Zones in 2 and 3. Spring Yard is cool though, but there's less focus in springy pinball shit

>> No.11429850
File: 522 KB, 722x743, Autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not accepting differing opinions is a sign of autism

>> No.11429861

I'm not talking a out bingo. Ingo is a game old people play.

>> No.11429940
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>> No.11430124

Sonic 3&K had more platforming and exploration to do than Sonic 1 lol