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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 922 KB, 2100x1453, willow_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1141865 No.1141865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think looks better for picture quality, S-Video or RGB or Composite for the Genesis Model 1 and SNES Mini? I'm planning to mod them to but I don't know which one I want to do because I'm not so sure but I want good quality picture on my games.

>> No.1141878

composite for genesis and s-video for the snes

>> No.1141894
File: 18 KB, 300x271, 32xpin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


RGB for the Genesis Model 1 (you don't need to mod it to get RGB), and for the SNES too (never used a Mini, alway had the first with it's RGB SCART calbe). The only console I have that doesn't output RGB natively is my n64.

>> No.1141902
File: 16 KB, 300x271, gen1_pinout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oops, wrong pic, but still show you can get RGB easily from a Megadrive/Genesis, and without modding it.

>> No.1141910

Thanks! I'm also planning to get an NES for xmas soon. Should I keep the picture quality the same as well? I hear there's a way to get stereo on the NES and Genesis are they worth the modding or the quality on them is already fine the way it is?

>> No.1141915
File: 2.42 MB, 4723x1944, Comp-arison 2 that joke still isn't funny full size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this nigga serious

>> No.1141925

the genesis gets stereo sound from the headphone jack so just use a y cable for that and the NES should be fine as is unless its the later model

>> No.1141921


looks like it was recorded onto VHS.

UHF tuner is way better than composite.

>> No.1141926


>composite for the genesis

If you want arcade quality display, run away from composite.

>> No.1141934

the problem with going any higher is you expose a lot of developer tricks that while crisper give you a worse over all picture

>> No.1141932

it's alright but which is better for the Genesis in your opinion, the S-Video or the RGB? Pretty new at this but I want to take advantage of good quality without emulators. I got a SNES mini this may. I mean the picture is great but I want to have even better picture. I have no clue about quality of S-video and RGB on PS1 and N64 because I've never seen them before.

>> No.1141939

Wow that looks so good. Never knew about component to be honest actually.

>> No.1141943

You're in for a wild ride if you are planning on getting into this shit. Short answer to all is mod them all for Scart RGB if they don't have it already. That is the purest signal you will ever get out of analog. The wild ride I was talking about is getting the proper hardware to convert, clean and upscale the image further. Or if you want to add scanlines as well I.E. with the Arcade Forge SLG3000. For just converting, cleaning and upscaling you'd be looking at the Arcade Forge Sync Strike and an XRGB-Mini Framemeister. The latter which is probably not worth the money but it does give the best picture. All in all these three links will help you the most. I modded S-Video to my Genesis years ago and wish I had done this instead.


>> No.1141965


I alway preferred RGB, as it's easier to get from the Genesis than S-Video, and have a better picture


If you use a good CRT television, you'll still have a beautiful picture. Also, mind to show me some stuff that are better in composite than RGB (just curious to see)?

>> No.1141979

Framemeister in action with Genesis. Correction to my last post you won't need a sync stripper for the Genesis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_ALl1W0Mbg

>> No.1141992

Another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPpFVJUjh2Y

>> No.1142037

Bottom left is by far the best. Bottom right is second best. The other two are pig disgusting.

>> No.1142043
File: 1.59 MB, 2128x1572, 2013-10-17 15.02.39 Half Size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about dithering. On composite (Pictured) it gives off a transparent look

>> No.1142050
File: 1.42 MB, 2111x1646, 2013-10-17 15.02.25 Half size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and on RGB/Component, the dithering looks, well, like dithering. Personally I think seeing the dithering is a very, very small compromise for the huge increase in sharpness and overall I wouldn't recommend sticking to composite just because of the transparency.

Also, I forgot to note that said dithering is on the smoke at the bottom.

>> No.1142056

Damn that looks delicious.

I just don't understand the purist pixel crowd that keeps insisting sprite games weren't designed with CRTs in mind.

I don't understand how one could even form such an obviously blatantly factually wrong opinion. I mean just look at that. What more proof do people need?

>> No.1142062


I think both look good, but I prefer the RGB one as it has a higher quality display, and still have some dithering (and the smoke is still transparent enough).

>> No.1142064

>I just don't understand the purist pixel crowd that keeps insisting sprite games weren't designed with CRTs in mind.

I've never actually heard anyone say this, certainly not here. And what the hell else would a game from that era be designed for? Everything was fucking CRTs back then, including projectors.

>> No.1142079


The peoples that only play on emulators and think IPS is the best display technology.

>> No.1142087

OP's image is complete bullshit.

- Top left is just a software screenshot, not a "PC Monitor", and wrong AR (CPS does not use square pixels you fags)
- Top right is over-exposed and out of focus
- Bottom left has shitty reflections, is also over-exposed, and is only in focus in the centre of the screen.
- Bottom right is least over-exposed but still somewhat so (look at the sky, it's not supposed to be white). Of course it's a much smaller screen than bottom left so the shadow mask is clearly visible

It looks like they're all taken with either different cameras or wildly varying camera settings, so are useless for comparison.

>> No.1142109

What game is that

>> No.1142124 [DELETED] 

Filename Fucktard: The Illiterate Idiot Begging to be Spoon Fed

Coming a to a thread near you soon...

>> No.1142167
File: 257 KB, 500x584, 1379108584910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus and i hear people saying /vr/ isnt as much as a stuck up shithole compaired to /v/

>> No.1142174


It was the case only during the 2 first months.

>> No.1142179 [DELETED] 

>stuck up shithole

You were requesting sauce on a pic that has sauce in the file name.

The level of stupidity it takes for that is mind boggling. Should be bannable.

You whiny little shit.

>> No.1142183

In that time there also weren't any retards asking "What game is that?" especially not when the fucking name of the fucking game is in the fucking FILE NAME!

Jesus Christ the stupidity.

>> No.1142190


Yea, it's true. We were able to talk about stuff like Retro/nippon computers too.

>> No.1142216


Not him, but searching "Willow Hi videogame" in google returns nothing, and doing a reverse image search just gives me a page in greek with the same pic as OP.

>> No.1142261

Why would you search with quotes like a fucking retard? Are you trolling or actually that fucking retarded?

It's the second result if you search for those words without quotes and it's the first result if you are mentally alert enough to remove the hi.

>> No.1142289

"no quotes"

does that really need to be said? I thought it was obvious, oh well, retards like you still exist so

hi could of meant anything, left it in since you said the game was the filename. again, retards like you exist

>> No.1142296

On the one hand, the mobile version doe snot display filenames. On the other, >>1142216 really is silly.

Holy fuck, you didn't recognize the arcade Willow. O.K. Not everyone knows everything. But there only are two Willow video games, an 8-bit and an arcade one. For fuck's sake, pal.

>> No.1142297
File: 78 KB, 843x396, Screen shot 2013-10-17 at 23.57.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then you are simply lying. You only get no results if you search with quotes. You complained about getting no result and you wrote the title with quotes. assuming anything other than that you searched with quotes like a retard would be retarded.

If your lying ass had searched without quotes like you are so dishonestly claiming your second search result would have been the fucking game.

Again again again, motherfucker, you are a retard and a liar.



>> No.1142302

Why doesn't he even know one of the better Cpacom games in the first place? Nice GNOME, btw. Wanna fuck?

>> No.1142346

> composite on genesis
I disagree, unless a game is specifically designed for the genesis's fucking terrible composite.

S-Video is probably best because it retains just enough blurriness for the mesh transparencies to mostly work. RGB is quite sharp and well colored, but transparencies stand out a bit too much at times.

It's the same problem with the saturn really. PDS is fucking gorgeous in RGB, but the transparencies are a big eyesore.


last link is all megadrive

>> No.1142863

would you guys recommend for the Genesis model 1 that I buy a composite to RGB converter or will it still look blurry at times because I'm not sure where to plug RGBs at. I'm extremely new at this too.

>> No.1142891

Both the model 1 and 2 Genesis have R/G/B pins in their video connector. You just need an appropriate Genesis RGB cable.

>> No.1142896

So, why not use RGB with variable capacitors to optionally blur the image without introducing chroma artifacts?

>> No.1142894

Every single model does, actually. 1, 2, 3, CDX, X'Eye, hell, even the Nomad. Only one that comes to mind that doesn't is the Laseractive, if you even count that.

>> No.1142904

where would I plug the RGB cable to on my TV?

>> No.1142918
File: 69 KB, 195x261, 6847246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, naturally, you'll need each system's respectable SCART cable. The Genesis 1 has its own unique cable, but the Genesis 2 has a different one, so look carefully (Every model after the 2 uses the same A/V cable as the 2, as well). In order to set it up you'll either need...

1: A television that supports SCART (Of which, unless you're in Europe, you're out of luck. Only one NTSC television exists as far as I know has the port: the RCA Dimensia. Very old and very hard to find.)

2: A television with component inputs and a SCART-to-YPbPr converter. You can get one for about $50 on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/SPECIALTY-AV-SCART-Component-Converter-Genesis/dp/B004XSSDPO
This is what I use and it works wonderfully.

3: An RGB monitor such as a Sony PVM with the SCART connection converted to BNC, since the PVMs do not support normal RCA cables. These converters have to be specially made so you either have to do it yourself or someone else to make one for you (I think it's either someone on Shmups or the Neo Geo forum that sells these)

I also almost forgot to mention that SCART carries audio as well, so when looking for SCART cables for your systems, it's best to get one that has RCA audio breaking off of the cable itself (Pic related) since most SCART-to-component converters do not convert audio as well. This can make it kind of a pain when looking for cables.

>> No.1145848

only monitor

>b-but muh developers' intention

>> No.1145901
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1378033375444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I am fucking retarded.

So. I have 6 NTSC consoles (NES, SNES, Genesis, PS1, Dreamcast and Gamecube).

To connect them to my LCD monitor/tv with best quality availible I need:
1. http://arcadeforge.net/Scaler-and-Strike-Devices/Sync-Strike::15.html
2. Proprietary EU RGB Scart cables for each console.

Just pop this bitch in and and that's it. Right?