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11410737 No.11410737 [Reply] [Original]

The first room is literally way harder than anything in the original game

>> No.11410748

Sounds like an easy game then.

>> No.11410752
File: 3.23 MB, 1300x4240, mgsvts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive how much worse it looks despite the gamecube being at least 2x more powerful than the PS1.

>> No.11410812

Not really. Obviously you've never played it or you're not that good at it.

I disagree. The Gamecube version is the superior version.

>> No.11410817

Even the life bar is soulless.

>> No.11410823

It is. It's harder than the original. It's like playing mgs2 on hard. My headcanon has always been that, the genome soldiers are genetically enhanced, but in the original they pose no threat, really. So, in twin snakes they actually made them super hsn soldier's and this also meant that snake had to be the version of himself that killed two big bosses and taught grey fox in a mine field hand to hand. Snake is supposed to be an ultra instinct ass mother fucker and I think they nailed that in twin snakes with his "over the top" athletics. He is the best soldier in the world.

>> No.11410826

>Super hsn
And taught grey fox

>> No.11410930

Some of the music was good
>m-muh encounter
Raven had a better boss theme, so does the Hind-D/Rex

>> No.11410931

>The Gamecube version is the superior version.
you probably think the resident evil remake on gamecube is superior also. do tell why you think mgs on gamecube is better

>> No.11410957

>Turd Snakes

>> No.11410968

Cubists will try to say right is better.

>> No.11410970
File: 43 KB, 500x379, eddy hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since The Twin Snakes is still deemed as total shit, what's the best and definitive version to play MGS1?

>> No.11410975
File: 42 KB, 735x604, 48c364ca01b1d9188a86762dbf82983c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twin Snakes is MGS1 though, a prequel to MGS2.
Metal Gear: Solid is MG3.

>> No.11411042

mgs2 is a sequel to mgs1. mgs1 ain’t no damn prequel.

>> No.11411063

real hardware, emulation, or if you genuinely have to spend money of some sort on modern shit, the Master Collection version with the input lag fix enabled so that it doesn't play like total dogshit. the official and old PC port is still total ass to play, and Master Collection has issues but emulation is a lot better than the PC port

>> No.11411117

>the official and old PC port is still total ass to play
The old PC port is absolutely fine once fixed up with MGSIL. Easily the best way to play it outside of original PS1 hardware and a CRT.

>> No.11411137

in terms of stealth gameplay that's not that surprising, without the tranq mgs2's stealth is a good bit harder, the expanded view cones are actually somewhat threatening in cramped environments.

>> No.11411516

Who would win if Liquid had forced Snake to compete in a dance off on top of Rex's head instead?

>> No.11411518

I have nintendie fatigue

>> No.11411595

looks like an MGS2 demo. why did they add helmets? they looked way cooler before

>> No.11411942

God I love Twin Snakes

>> No.11411945

Twin Snakes

>> No.11411964

It has that same stale, dull, grey, bland look as MGS2 and CVX.

>> No.11411975

The dudes in the pic are armored reinforcements, regular mooks still just wear regular balaclava

>> No.11412018

oh cool, thanks for pointing that out. on second look I do see the helmetless one within the group.

>> No.11412019

This is the definitive version of the game.

>> No.11412061

>reading comprehension
Cubebabbies everyone.

>> No.11412086
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 589032807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought of the color orange when thinking about the visuals in MGS2.

>> No.11412087

Twin Snakes

>> No.11412121

I always think of Raiden's featureless crotch when I think of Mgs2

>> No.11412125

>that one orange shot in the whole game
youre alone in this

>> No.11412132
File: 305 KB, 640x360, 640360-MGS2-jump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one orange shot
The Big Shell is literally orange.

>> No.11412152

PS1 > PC version > Twin Snakes
PC version is better technically but it fucks up the cool Mantis boss fight gimmicks.
Twin Snakes is only good if you want to see the story in a different direction but it's really inferior to the OG

>> No.11412161

is the inside of your asshole orange?

>> No.11412232

Graphics, sound, resolution and gameplay are all dominated by the Gamecube version. PS1 version aged poorly, the PC port is much better than the PS1 version.

>> No.11412261

>you probably think the resident evil remake on gamecube is superior also
not him but i do
>do tell why you think mgs on gamecube is better
because the graphics are tolerable and there's no cringe fake accents that the voice actors dont even really have

>> No.11412326

Anon is thinking of the inside, but you're right

>> No.11412385

huh, didn't know about that one, thanks

>> No.11412471

i dunno, ask your mother

>> No.11412482

I like both but twin snakes is more fun to replay

>> No.11413206

let me guess, you also like gamecube's re1 dracula mansion artstyle?

>> No.11413280

>Gray Fox sounding like a soulman is better despite him literally being the whitest person ever

>> No.11413287

He's vietnamese, zoomie

>> No.11413319
File: 62 KB, 482x525, shalompeter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like an MGS2 demo

that's because they made the game ASAP on a tiny budget by reusing MGS2 assets wherever possible. It's why the tanker hanger textures and a lot of other things look out of place taken from Arsenal Gear or the tanker chapter.

>> No.11413326

Wtf it's true
Based Reimi

>> No.11413410

>vietnamese - german merican mutt
>still sounds like a Jamaican reaper

>> No.11413887

>don't kill anyone, only tranq em

>> No.11413895

the m9 is non-canon to mgs1

>> No.11413907

It's non-canon to any of them, scrub

>> No.11413921
File: 39 KB, 421x834, 1724690920039227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the life bar is soulless

jesus fucking christ how low has /v/ fallen in just 5 years...

>> No.11413941

It's one of my favorite RE games on the Gamecube, but it's not the definitive version. The Steam version is.

>> No.11413959

he's a mutt from eurasia and wears a robot mask for 95% of the game, if there was ever a backstory where you could take some license on the racial characteristics of a character's voice it's that.

>> No.11415581
File: 598 KB, 1920x1080, SOLID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11416091

I swear I've only spotted Meryl out amongst the guards only like once

>> No.11416147

It's funny, I tranq'd one guard and didn't notice the other guard until he came close by thinking he be alerted, seemed it was Meryl

>> No.11416148

>harder than anything in the original game
>ninja fight on hard
yeah no

>> No.11417000

I appreciate Twin Snakes for what it is, but I don't think it tells the story as well as the original. Snake has all of these over the top super human abilities during the cutscenes, but while you're playing he is completely back to the limitations of a normal man. Part of what makes the story compelling in the original is that although all of the fantastic and super natural things are happening in front of you, snake only capable of what you the player can do to overcome them.

>> No.11417021

Twin Snakes for Solid Snake is like giving Batman super powers. It kind of eliminates the point of his character. I like twin snakes though when you look at it as a romantic amplified telling of the narrative. Like the story if it we're told by someone like Otacon, who would embellish Snakes heroics and abilities

>> No.11417038
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, piss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then I pissed my pants, twice

>> No.11417048

>but I don't think it tells the story as well as the original
it tells the story like the next 3 titles do, it's very much a revisionary remake made to fit in with the rest of the series

>> No.11417057

In each game, not including metal gear rising, the character you play as is bound to the physical limitations of any human. Especially important to the narrative in mgs2. It's even why snake seems to ascend to his legendary reputation from the pov of raiden when you fight together on arsenal. In mgs3, snake gets the shit kicked out of him multiple times. His limitations are what make the boss seem so capable physically and vulgan so intimidating. If snake was doing backflips off of rockets and belly flopping into Eva's cleavage the tension would be lost.

>> No.11417885

Master Collection

>> No.11418117

I like the headcanon that Twin Snakes is Raiden playing a VR simulation of the Shadow Moses Incident, hence the acrobatics.

Also unrelated but there's a romhack I think on YouTube that restores the original PS1 OST, and it works on real hardware. Highly recommend.