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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 77 KB, 507x442, metroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1133587 No.1133587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post some flaws of retro gmaes.

>> No.1133598

How is that a flaw?

>> No.1133602

wait for him to go up a wall or use a bomb you fucking idiot

>> No.1133603

Even if you can't hit it it's slow as shit, if you REALLY want to kill it just wait until it goes up a wall

>> No.1133607

Loading up Metroid for the first time, I was very confused as to why you couldn't shoot diagonally. This was one of the few video games that seemed to be designed in a way where YOU NEEDED to be able to shoot diagonally. If Contra did it right, the folks at Nintendo should have been able to do it.

Those bats that hang from the ceiling? I can't shoot them until I'm underneath then. Which is of course when they fall down and own your face.

Not being able to shoot diagonally (or down for that matter) is a fatal flaw of metroid. Something that diminishes its overall strength and how it ages.

>> No.1133613

>Those bats that hang from the ceiling? I can't shoot them until I'm underneath then. Which is of course when they fall down
yes because thats how the game is meant to work

if i can just hit them from the other side of the room then there is no challenge

>> No.1133616

So basically all the enemies in that first room are enemies you can't kill. Those things on the floor are impossible to kill and the bats are just meant to be avoided.

Not just the first room though, you get this problem throughout the game.

>> No.1133626

jesus christ man its metroid

the whole fucking point is that at the start of the game you cant really do anything and as you gain powerups you can do more things

how the fuck is something that reinforces the central design of the game a flaw

>> No.1133629

The only thing Metroid could use as an improvement would be a crouch.

And by "bats", do you mean the ones that hit the ground and explode, or the bug-things that go back up?
And again, how would a diagonal shot even help you when your weapon still can't reach the ceiling?

>> No.1133632

Nothing you can get helps you with this issue at all
missiles: still go over those creatures and the floor and still can't shoot diagonally
morphball bomb: I'm seriously supposed to get into a ball and time a bomb to kill it?
screw attack: wow, finally I found something that can kill this thing on the floor. In the most retarded manner possible.

Too bad none of the upgrades were a functioning weapon controls.

>> No.1133634

he is under the impression that everything that can be killed should be easily killed and that you must kill everything that comes into your path.

like a 10 year old

>> No.1133637

>the bats are just meant to be avoided.

You...you shoot up.

>> No.1133635

Metroid could use Crouching, and that'd be fine already. What do you mean about Contra? That game was made after Metroid.

If you're talking about the shriekbats, you can just go underneath then and shoot up. They freeze once you hit them, so if you keep shooting, they'll stay in place until they die. Or you can just keep walking and let them hit the floor and shoot them normally.

>> No.1133639

>What is Wave Beam

>> No.1133641

They come down fast when you're under them and weave. so you're a lot better off avoiding them

>> No.1133643


There's no way other than showing you

>> No.1133647

>lot better avoinding them
Jesus just shoot up 3 times and they're dead

>> No.1133646

lol you just listed 3 of the games powerups and two of them were capable of killing the thing you want to kill (and you can still kill it with your basic gun when it goes up a wall)

are you retarded

>> No.1133649

Also completely forgot >>1133639
Yeah, he's probably retarded

>> No.1133653
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>> No.1133654

Forward to 2:03.

Notice how fucking annoying that is. When he floats towards the bottom ti's impossible to hit. Otherwise he's moving around so quick that you're better off running away

Why can't metroidfags just admit that not being able to shoot diagonally was a huge flaw?

>> No.1133651

Either jump over him or morph ball him. This is a non-issue.

>> No.1133659
File: 19 KB, 263x327, dalkdjfad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copypasta


Git gud faggot

>> No.1133660

metroid was one of the very first and earliest games made for the NES

this was a game made while the creators were still grasping basic capabilities of the hardware

the very idea that you could scroll up, down, left, or right was a big deal, the big graphical leap here was not the high resolution, but that a game system could allow you to move around while the screen followed you in every direction

your character always stayed kind of in the middle, and the screen moved around (this type of design had existed far earlier on computers and atari, but not at this resolution, and not usually with 2-axis movement)

as for this problem specifically, there was also the wave beam, and the convenience that it provided against ridley and a few other areas. the inability to easily kill everything was part of the difficulty

>> No.1133664

I may get shit on for this opinion, but I have always hated impact damage, when just bumping into any kind of creature hurts or kills you. I'm no casual new kid or anything, and the GnG series is one of my favorites. Just felt it was always a cheap way to add difficulty.

>> No.1133669

ok now that we've established that youre epic trolling us we can all stop posting

>> No.1133672
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Well the alternative would be to have all enemies that are supposed to hurt you have some kind of attack instead, and I guess that would cause extreme amounts of lag.

>> No.1133674

Nah, the first ones are easy to kill. You only want to avoid the fast ones later on in the game, but by then you also have the ice beam, so it's not too horrible to fight them at that point either.

>> No.1133675

its not really possible to have a fighting system like that on an early nes game though

>> No.1133673
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Or when every hit knocks you back. I love this game but goddamn

>> No.1133682

I do kind of like games that don't have it; like, the enemy has to actually make an attack.

I think the original implication for impact damage is that they hit you or bite you or something, but they didn't animate it due to to limitations. Then later one, people were so used to it that we still have it today.

>> No.1133684

True, but it's something that stayed with games for years to come.

>> No.1133687

Well at least Atlus balanced the knockback a little. When you walk into an enemy, you'll get knocked back but not lose any health. When you get hit by an enemy, you'll lose health and get knocked back.

Karate Kid throws loads of life pick-ups (disguised as crane kicks and drum punches), the biggest challenge would be the knockback.

>> No.1133689

Not the best example since the game is king of impact damage, but I always liked how the mini-reapers in Ghouls and Ghosts had their scythe swing.

>> No.1133690

>I was very confused as to why you couldn't shoot diagonally.

Because shooting diagonally makes things too easy, and if you could shoot diagonally you couldn't really shoot vertically while moving.

Metroid is a game about careful platforming and surviving. You can kill the monster in your original picture while it's on the ground by using Morph Bombs or the Wave Beam. You can also just simply wait for it to climb up a wall and shoot it normally. Or, and here's a novel idea, you could just simply jump over it. You have to pick your battles in the original Metroid.

>> No.1133693
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On the actual topic of flaws in retro games:
Indoor navigation in this game. I know Syndicate Wars added the ability to look inside buildings, but I don't remember this one having it, leading to some ridiculous missions toward the end.

>> No.1133694
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Huh, they do. I don't think I've even noticed these sprites until now.

>> No.1133701
File: 345 KB, 893x1200, cad9bb_3856475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is gen 1 still the best?

>> No.1133708

>how it ages.

Games do not age, people do.

>> No.1133709

Most of these aren't actual problems.
>disable randomly disables an enemy move. it also builds the rage counter?
ok.... it's supposed to
>if you kill somebody with hyper beam you don't have to recharge
So what? Working as intended. You still need two turns for it to work. You can only teach it to one pokemon
>EVERY attack in the game (except for Switft) had at least a 1/256 chance of missing
WOW. It's fucking nothing
>Leech Seed and Toxic went off the same damage calculated when they were stacked
And yet, people still didn't use it
>Instakill moves were based off of speed, making most of them useuless becuase they were on slow dudes
So they are supposed to be on fast pokemon so it's overpowered? It's a one fuckign hit KO
>Ghosts are immune to Struggle becasue the latter is Normal type instead of typeless
Makes sense

So many others that are just fucking stupid

>> No.1133713

But yeah, I could understand if impact damage was causes by enemies that were say, flaming or had spikes protruding from their bodies like the little guys in OP's picture. Most games just kept with all enemies doing damage on impact regardless though.

>> No.1133716

>whole list of bugs and mechanics problems
>somehow excuses the fucktarded design of the critters following gen-1

Yeah, nah.

>> No.1133721
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>> No.1133725

I really don't get the point this picture is trying to prove. Yeah the original games are buggy. So are a shitload of other RPGs. Final Fantasy VI, for example. That doesn't all of a sudden make either of them bad games.

That said, I liked the fact that critical hit rates were based on agility. A lot of RPGs do that.

>> No.1133726

half of the stuff on that list never happened on my cartridge. the other half is being nit picky. gen 1 didn't have much of a bullshit factor to it.

>> No.1133729


Genwunner spotted

Gen-2 was better in every way anyhow as far as retro Pokemon is concerned

>> No.1133731

yes, your post is.

>> No.1133734

>gen 1 pokemon degsigns
>a puddle of slime
>a ball that evolves into a upside down
Even if you hate the new pokemon , at least admit that the newer games fixed the game balance to a degree.

And Im not even agreeing with the other anon, the bugs in gen 1 do not make it a bad game

>> No.1133735

8 year olds are not going to care about stupid metagame shit and some bugs. They're just going to catch their favorites and mash A to win.

Gen 1 is terrible as a competitive game, but it's a game for children first and foremost.

>> No.1133736

Actually, I consider Gen-2 the apex of the series.

>> No.1133737

I now have every right to call you a genwunner in denial and disregard everything you say.

Jokes aside, I played Gold, Black and Black 2 on PC and didn't regret it. Didn't really hate any of the designs even though 4chan hivemind tried to compel me. /opinion

>> No.1133739

My point is that I honestly think gen 2 is far better but everyone I know is like "GEN WUN IS THE BEST!!1!!1"

Also, the point of this thread is to post flaws of video games, most of those are flaws.

>> No.1133742

and everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you have a problem with that then you are hipster trash.

>> No.1133743

I think everyone who played the series since the beginning agrees with that. What a letdown the post elite four game was in Ruby and Sapphire in comparison to going back to Kanto and fighting yourself in Gold and Silver.

>> No.1133745

Exactly, I was posting my opinion.

>> No.1133746
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>Something that diminishes its overall strength and how it ages.
I played Metroid for the first time in my life in 2011, and I found it fully playable. The only bad thing about it is that you must spend 10 mins whenever you die to fill your HP which was just annoying.

>> No.1133749

I never said it was a bad game. But it gets way too much praise when gen 2 is better.

>> No.1133752
File: 21 KB, 500x375, link sur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm seriously supposed to get into a ball and time a bomb to kill it?
Yes. It's not hard at all.

>> No.1133761

My complaint is that the new designs are really busy. Like, they still use simple lines and cartoony shapes, but compare say Rhyperior to the 3rd stage trade evolutions from gen 1. Regardless of what you think of the gen 1 designs, they're a lot simpler, there's a lot less wasted elements in the designs.

>> No.1133762

It should have had places where you could refill your health. Zelda 1 also made you start with your default health whenever you continued, but there was an easily accessible fairy fountain so it didn't really matter.

>> No.1133763

>Because shooting diagonally makes things too easy

If your game would be too easy by allowing you a basic range of movements, I've got bad news for you: it's a shitty game.

>> No.1133764

I don't have a problem with it being a thing, but I always hate enemies whose primary form of attack is flying/weaving around to bump into you.

>> No.1133769
File: 42 KB, 399x250, arinolikesit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing any Capcom game
>Flying enemy swoops down
>Knocks you into a pit

>> No.1133787

>>the gen 4 evolutions of old pokemon look horrid, I'll give you that, I can't stand Ryhiperior.

>> No.1133793

Why the fuck did that greentext? Fucking mobile

>> No.1133794

>loves karate kid
I don't see how you people are treating this thread as sincere.

>> No.1133802
File: 67 KB, 541x837, 1380767934954_zpsfee26be1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The trainers in this game are always a thrill to battle, aren't they?

>> No.1133812
File: 45 KB, 420x310, avgn-BIRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up, nerd

>> No.1133832

holy shit it was tedious as hell trying to Persuade some targets hiding in buildings. Although you can just click their blip on the minimap and they'll figure it out for the most part

>> No.1133839

The skill system in Fallout 1 and 2 was a broken mess. Most of them were useless.

>> No.1133841


Exactly like the the Reals of Arkania games. I think 10 out of 30 or 40 were totally useless. I'm not even gonna mention how tedious it was to sharpen your weapons after every fight...

>> No.1133850

Poor /vp/

So useless that they were stuck with the second tier of boards

Oh but a new Pokemon game is coming out so let's be as cancerous and relevant as possible!

>> No.1133864

Super mario bros 2 is the definition of artificial difficulty. Invisible blocks that will kill you, leaps of faith and lots of other trail and error BS.

>> No.1133920

Absolutely not. Take something like Castlevania. The jump arc is fixed, and the whip can only be used left or right. Additionally, it has a delay.

Limited movement is okay as long as the game is properly balanced around it.

>> No.1133927

And yet super castlevania is a massive improvement with the better whip movements

>> No.1133945

And it's not balanced around that, so the whip is the only weapon you'll ever use.

>> No.1133947

Being unable to fight bosses again in any game with good boss fights. Having to keep a save file just to fight one boss again is not a good thing.

>> No.1133953
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 613587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Wheel Gator catches you with his chomp attack in this game, you cannot break free, even if you're mashing every button and hitting every direction on the d-pad.

>> No.1133954

Gators aren't known for letting go.

>> No.1133958

isn't it possible to fuck up ocarina of time? like, if you say you're not courageous enough, or whatever to the deku tree (when he asks if you're ready or whatever) and you say no, you literally CANNOT advance the plot. I don't remember ever finding a way around this. is there?

>> No.1133959

The SNES Castlevania is not an improvement on anything. It's barely held together by it's bombastic presentation. No aspect in the SNES game can be favourably compared to the original game at all. CV1 is a precise, thought-out, balanced experience, while SCV4 is a mess of underutilized gimmicks and pointless bosses that you can just rush instead of learning.

In CV1, you had to learn the stages and bosses, you had to to attain a clean and precise playstyle to get through. In SCV4 you just whip everywhere and win. To this day I don't know what some of the bosses do, because they are killed by running at them and whipping them mindlessly.

>> No.1133960


True, but you can break out in X2.

>> No.1133969


Any time you go back to him he just asks again. Nothing gets fucked up.

>> No.1133973

>>EVERY attack in the game (except for Switft) had at least a 1/256 chance of missing
>WOW. It's fucking nothing
Brawl has tripping. It's nothing!

>> No.1133974

he climbs up walls and ceilings so you can shoot him there. or you can use a bomb. your post is flawed.

>> No.1133978


Try to play Castlevania IV without ever using the whip diagonally.
You'll see the game IS balanced around that.

Also, without the whip wall there's no way to block Dracula shots in first form, another element designed around you using the whip in a novel way.

>> No.1133980

You're comparing a game with dice roll mechanics to a game that should not have dice roll mechanics. Swift was the attack that never missed, that was always the benefit to it, even back then. As bugged as RBY is I don't know what the hell the guy who made the picture is moaning about there.

>> No.1133986

random numbers a shit. Do you feel good when you win because your opponent got RNG screwed?

>> No.1133987

> Also, without the whip wall there's no way to block Dracula shots in first form, another element designed around you using the whip in a novel way.

You can jump and use the whip diagonally too to destroy the fireballs. Way better.

>> No.1133993

>Swift was the attack that never missed, that was always the benefit to it, even back then.
Yes it could miss. If your accuracy fell or the opponent's evasion rose, you could miss.

>> No.1133997


Consider you also have to hit his head before that.
So it's either

>position yourself so you can hit him with a diagonal whipping
>after you hit him, jump at the right angle and then whip the 3 shots that multiplied

>Jump to hit head
>as soon as you land hold Y

>> No.1134001

>ever having to use struggle ever, espcially against a ghost
How bad are you at pokemon?

>> No.1134005

I don't normally say this but, git gud faget.

>> No.1134006

No, Swift always has 100% accuracy in all circumstances past gen 1 unless your target in underground or underwater

>> No.1134010

The game is indeed balanced around the diagonal whip. But it's balanced to be a cakewalk and can get rather mindless, especially ont he bosses, but on many stages, too.

SCV4 is by no means a bad game, it's above average even, but CV1 was almost perfect. It could be improved on, but certainly not by the likes of SCV4.

>> No.1134023

>in all circumstances past gen 1
But we are talking about the first generation

>> No.1134018


As a kid I used my Charizard above everyone else. It was around level 75-80 and I had few items and no PP left for him when I got to Gary, so I just Struggled Blastoise to death.

>> No.1134019

Are you sure about underground and underwater? Because I know swift could hit when an opponent used fly, so why not during waterfall and dig?

I am pretty sure it was 100% regardless of underground underwater intheair

>> No.1134027
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Since it's a retro game fault thread, please allow me to stretch the topic and play "/b/ circa 2005".

>> No.1134034
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>> No.1134035

You don't have the dash right at the beginning in Megaman X. If you don't know where it is you will have a much harder time with the game.

>> No.1134037
File: 151 KB, 909x637, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on...

>> No.1134039

it is like you came straight from an unhelpful game guide for megaman x.

>> No.1134049

I might be getting my gens confused, I'm going to look it up

>> No.1134046
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>> No.1134052
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>> No.1134056

I like it.

>> No.1134058
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>> No.1134059

Yeah! Also, you start with very low health at the beginning of the game. If you don't know where all the heart tanks are, you will have a much harder time with the game.

>> No.1134065

this fucking sucks. There's no way to know that you find it on the penguin stage. I mean, who the hell would choose the penguin first, he's scary,

>> No.1134073

I know you guys are trolling, but
unlike all the other powerups.

Hell, I didn't even know you could get the gun powerup before Zero gives it to you for the longest time.

>> No.1134074
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>"/b/ circa 2005"
oldfag, we have an oldfag here
nobody cares

>> No.1134070

>There's no way to know that you find it on the penguin stage

But that's true.

>> No.1134072

>There's no way to know that you find it on the penguin stage.
There sure as fuck is. You play the game for a bit and you start to figure it out and you end up beating the penguin and it all starts to click together and lo you're having the time of your life overcoming the challenge.

>> No.1134078

I wish people would stop abusing the word "literally".

>> No.1134079

Don't forget! You start the game without any sub tanks. You better know where they all are or you will have a much harder time with the game

>> No.1134081

Literally. Your post would have been onoe of the correct times to use literally.
And you didn't do it.

>> No.1134083

this. it's just objectively wrong. fucking hipsters

>> No.1134098
File: 73 KB, 679x548, 2013-10-14 01:14:22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both literally wrong.

>> No.1134105

>I have played the game so much I can beat it without using sub tanks
>still get them for completeness' sake

>> No.1134108


Aaaand false.
link related


It's like this since the 20', so no help blaming facebook, the young people or rap.

>> No.1134117

>get Hadouken
>never even use it

I must have everything!

>> No.1134114

>if enough retards use a word incorrectly it becomes correct

>> No.1134115

The whip movements are one of the few problems with Super Castlevania. That sense of pause that made a lot of the tension and struggle in Castlevania is gone. And the eight directions make the items worthless, taking away some of the strategy.

Just like making a game hard does not necessarily make it better, the same is true for making it easy.

(Not that Super Castlevania isn't still a good game.)

>> No.1134118

Egoraptor? That you?


>> No.1134119

>AAA dictionary publishers pandering to casuals

>> No.1134128


Pretty much. That's how English lost its case system.

Look forward to the day when "your" and "you're" are the same thing.

>> No.1134129


You just described human language!

Also journalists used that word in official newspapers, and journalists used to be cultured persons.

>> No.1134130

This is literally true. Words are tools, applications of which can evolve.

Your point being?

>> No.1134142

But that monster is literally impossible to kill in that frame. If you want to kill it, you have to wait like an hour for it to climb up the wall. There are better scenarios for you to bitch about it

>> No.1134151

Who said Gen I was the best, though? Gen II is clearly the best, improving nearly everything Gen I brought to the table. It's from III on that things go to shit.

>> No.1134148
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>Look forward to the day when "your" and "you're" are the same thing.

>> No.1134152

I wished I'd realized you wrote this way better before I'd posted >>1134115

This thread suddenly got like 50 posts after I posted.

>> No.1134153

Since you don't have to kill it to proceed, this is not a flaw.

>> No.1134157

>Not teaching your children Roosevelt's simplified spelling and being 100 years ahead of your time

>> No.1134171

No, but I just watched that and it's fantastic.

"It's not a bad sequel, it's an ungraceful sequel." I'm taking that and making it my own.

>> No.1134175

>That sense of pause that made a lot of the tension and struggle in Castlevania is gone.
No, because you still have the sense of pause.

> And the eight directions make the items worthless,
How are they useless? The axe can hit enemies that are out of your reach. The cross can hit enemies multiple times if you aim right (same for the holy water). The knife is useless but just like in any Castlevania game. Nobody use the fucking shitty knife.

> Limited movement is okay as long as the game is properly balanced around it.
This ISN'T the case of Castlevania 1, 2 and 3, since there are enemies that are much faster than you and they come from ALL directions.

Fight the Death in Castlevania 1 without any secondary weapon. It's a pain in the ass; you character is a rock and projectiles pop everywhere in the screen

Castlevania 4 fixed this problem. Now you have a FAIR chance to beat the bosses without being forced to collect 80 hearts and have a secondary weapon always with you.

>> No.1134180

I do this :)

>> No.1134185

>This ISN'T the case of Castlevania 1, 2 and 3
This is exactly the case in 1 and 3, period. In every single situation in the game you can defend yourself.

CV2 is not nearly as bad as some gullible children think, but it sure isn't perfectly fair. But 1 and 3 are. As for 4, it's too easy and susceptible to broot force to tell. Without a high enough difficulty level, you can't really test the microgameplay for flaws.

>> No.1134193

>Fight the Death in Castlevania 1 without any secondary weapon.
Fight any enemy in Castlevania 1 without a whip and it's even less fair, am I right guys?

>> No.1134195


It's just redundant in this case. Why using "literally" as some kind of superlative?

It's annoying.

>> No.1134196

I fail to see how that's the same thing. Occasionally missing with an attack seems about right.

>> No.1134208

But, you can use the whip diagonally. The game was not balanced around that.

>> No.1134209

>but CV1 was almost perfect

- Clunky controls while enemies are fast and some of them can have random patterns (the fleaman for example)

- Pop-ups problems (medusa heads especially)

- Enemies don't telegraph their attacks properly

- The second form of Dracula is fundamentally flawed: he doesn't telegraph his higher jump and you character is so fucking slow that it's extremely hard to be NOT hit by him while you pass under him.

- Some hit-boxes are invisible (the fucking spikes coming from the ceiling, ugh)

- Died in the end of the level? Too bad, now you need to fight a boss just with an useless clunky whip.

Game is too lucky-based, has too much cheap deaths and trial-and-error.

>> No.1134220

>- Clunky controls while enemies are fast and some of them can have random patterns (the fleaman for example)
Not the case.
>- Pop-ups problems (medusa heads especially)
Not the case. What? No.
>- Enemies don't telegraph their attacks properly
Every single one does.
>- The second form of Dracula is fundamentally flawed: he doesn't telegraph his higher jump and you character is so fucking slow that it's extremely hard to be NOT hit by him while you pass under him.
But that's not true.
>- Some hit-boxes are invisible (the fucking spikes coming from the ceiling, ugh)
One problem, yes. Same spikes are equally silly in Contra/Gryzor. Thankfully, it's only one place in the whole game.
>- Died in the end of the level? Too bad, now you need to fight a boss just with an useless clunky whip.
Not true, period.

Play the game. AND stop sucking when you do. Seriosuly.

>> No.1134215

In what bizarre dimension is the combat in CV2 ever "not perfectly fair", or even way too easy?

>> No.1134216

>go to shit
How? Other than pokemon designs

>> No.1134217

That's because the gen 1 designs were made with the gameboy in mind. They basically HAD to be simple. As time went on, the sprites got bigger, and they could use more colors, which let them add more details.

>> No.1134221

> This is exactly the case in 1 and 3, period. In every single situation in the game you can defend yourself.
Like when fleamen are doing random jumps to catch you? Or when the Death throw fast projetiles at your face?

Or when you fight any enemy that is faster than you?

> As for 4, it's too easy
No. Castlevania 4 is balanced. The game has no trial-and-error crap that is so common in NES games.

>> No.1134224

It is used as a "superlative" (I think it is more interjectory, but it literally just an adverb) because it is used to draw attention to a part of the sentence.

It is just an adverb is normal.
It is literally just an adverb points out that your attention should be there.

Yes, it is annoying, but I understand its purpose.

>> No.1134232

You really don't grasp the concept of in-game rules, don't you. You want to be faster than every single enemy in the game? You think it's unfair if you have to plan before you rusht eh enemies?

It's true that SCV4 doesn't need you to plan anything. That's why we're calling it a mediocre game compared to classic Castlevania. CV1 takes strategy. You can't whip away everywhere. Missing a hit means damage. That's the whole point. Don't miss hits, don't jump at obstacles, play by the rules, and so will the game. And CV plays by it's own rule better than msot video games, i.e. is a very good game.

>> No.1134234

> Not the case.
What? The fleaman pattern IS random.

> Not the case. What? No.
Yes, they pop in the side of the screen.

> Every single one does.
Almost none of them does. Especially the axeman. He simply doesn't telegraph his attacks. Nothing. Zero. Nada.

> But that's not true.
Yes, it is.

> Thankfully, it's only one place in the whole game.
One place with insta-kill.

> Not true, period.
Completely true.

> Play the game. AND stop sucking when you do. Seriosuly.
I already played and finished. The game is outdated and full of problems.

Castlevania 4 fixed all the problems.

>> No.1134235

Guys, this is a troll. I know sometimes y'all just can't resist, anyway, but in case you do not feel like talking to a troll, this is your opportunity: do not engage.

>> No.1134246


>> No.1134252

>You think it's unfair if you have to plan before you rusht eh enemies?
You can't plan when the enemies have random patterns or when your character's control isn't designed around the enemies behaviour.

> It's true that SCV4 doesn't need you to plan anything.
You need to know the difference between planning and doing pure memorization.

> CV1 takes strategy.
No, it's takes memorization and endurance.

> You can't whip away everywhere.
Wouldn't be a problem if the game was designed around this. Not the case.

> Missing a hit means damage.
A shame that half the time you miss a hit, it's the game fault, not yours.

>> No.1134259

Not purely random. Fleamen jump according to clear logic. I'm not the kind of person to play a game over and over again, yet I can kill every single fleaman in the first game without ever taking damage. Fleamen adhere to strict and predictable internal logic.

Medusa heads spawn at the side of the screen at a predictable interval, always from the side you're facing at teh time of spawning. You can be ready for every single one of the at all times. If you fail to trace the trajectory and miss the whip, it's your fault that you get hit. That's the point: make a mistake and get hit. That's what the game is about.

As for the spikes, which is a bit silly, but they're a tiny portion and timing isn't at all punishing, so you can learn it in, like, what, two tries?

Seriously,s top sucking so bad.

He's wrong, but he's not a troll, shut the fuck up.

>> No.1134265

>You can't plan when the enemies have random patterns or when your character's control isn't designed around the enemies behaviour.
You can always plan for fleaman and medus apatterns in CV1, period. Always. Period. Play the game. Good day.

>> No.1134282

>he's not a troll, shut the fuck up
I had no idea people were so violently insistent on getting trolled. From now on I'm gonna write a ton of nonsensical complaints about good games every time I see one of these threads.

>> No.1134290

I said shut the fuck up, son.

>> No.1134293

Well, this thread went places.

>> No.1134302

I'm fresh from /lit/ and there was a thread (just deleted) with a long and nicely written Black Cat / Venom rape+gore+snuff fanfic, that /lit/ of all places universally praised. It's a place where Lovecraft is laughed out of threads for being "c-grade", mind. Now THAT thread went places. This is nothing.

>> No.1134303

You need the bomb to do it.

You would know this if you played metroid for longer than 30 minutes

>> No.1134304


I think someone tried to do that on /co/ too, actually. Huh.

>> No.1134306

He is most assuredly a troll, and you are giving him what he wants. He knows what he's talking about way too well to be this confused. He knows what's good about CV1 and sloppy about CV4 just as well as you do, and he's using that to contrive something frustrating for you.

This is purposeful, it's not stupid. And you're falling for it.

>> No.1134307

Tried? Wa she banned? He posted the whole thing on /lit/ and got a bunch of glowing responses from pynchonmongering Eng. majors.

>> No.1134308

Hahahahaha, this.

>> No.1134315


Dunno if they were banned, but I just saw the thread and figured it'd get wiped fast. But getting /lit/'s approval isn't much of a prize anyway.

>> No.1134316

>Yes, they pop in the side of the screen.
>I already played and finished. The game is outdated and full of problems. Castlevania 4 fixed all the problems.
>No, because you still have the sense of pause.

These are your clues this is a troll. These are not things someone would say if they were being sincere. They would be too stupid to understand the games.

>> No.1134321

I mean, "yes, they pop out of the side" is just begging for you to take him seriously so he can chuckle at your continued responses.

It's like when I would go to GameFAQs with my Legend of Zelda timeline, and I'd say Wind Waker was clearly first because the world was still covered in water and Link was a kid, getting his clothes for the first time, and Tera became Zelda. I'd say this crap and people would aggressively argue as though someone could possibly actually have played Wind Waker to the degree it took to know that, and would still say something that insane.

It was spectacular.

>> No.1134327

Geting /lit/'s approval is like being deified alive, actually. /co/'s approval is what's worth shit, as you know.

>> No.1134332

These are signs of a desperate argumentator, not a troll.

>> No.1134336

Discerning taste is not necessarily good taste.

>> No.1134339

If he was desperate, he wouldn't have the level of understanding he does.

>> No.1134337

Think again about what you just said.

>> No.1134342

He was conditioned to praise SCV4 by the nineties ads. He played CV1, it was too challenging, and this is the result.

>> No.1134347
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>Laugh at obvious joke
>Open thread hoping for more clever retro misunderstanding jokes
>Everyone is retarded

>> No.1134348

I still believe. I believe in jogability. I believe in movimentation.

>> No.1134354


>> No.1134356

/vr/ is terrible on weekends, all the millenial hipster kids aren't in school and shit up the board talking about how X game has "artificial difficulty" or Y game "aged poorly".
Go back to /v/ and talk about CoD and post your hooked fish pictures there. Play the shit that was designed with unimaginative and conformist children like yourselves in mind and stop shtting on my memories and nostalgia.

>> No.1134359

>complain about hipsters
>use "CoD" and "conformist" as insults

>> No.1134386

>I'm seriously supposed to get into a ball and time a bomb to kill it?

Yes. Also, those strings in your shoes are called "laces". You're supposed to pull them snug and tie a bow in them so that your shoes don't fall off your feet. It might take you a long time to get the hang of it, but it's worth learning how. If you need a hand, just ask your caretakers.

>> No.1134397

>stop shtting on my memories and nostalgia.

You've just made every discussion impossible with this.

>> No.1134402

>Play the shit that was designed with unimaginative and conformist children like yourselves in mind
Why don't you like retro games?

>> No.1134419

you are beyond casual if you cant even kill a shriekbat

>> No.1134426

jesus christ /vr/,you guys are becoming like /v/ each day
if you see OP being a casual faggot just tell him to git gud and proceed with the topic
>gen 1 sucks because its bug!
>i cant kill a shriekbat!
>argure argure argure

>> No.1134431


>> No.1134454

Think about what you just said. About /v/ and /vr/ and which is which. Think hard.

>> No.1134468

Pokemon Red/Blue has some really garbage spritework and poorly designed NPCs.

The Classic Sonic games are way too fucking easy.

The retro FFs are all shit except for Tactics and that's because it's in a completely different genre. The plot is either non-existent or generic, the mechanics do not allow for anything interesting, the dungeon crawling is piss easy, and the characters are generally incredibly unbalanced.

SMT1 has a really awful interface. Having to go through three menus to access the map is really annoying.

The Classic Mega Man games feel very same-y after you play about two of them.

Donkey Kong 64 has such a huge focus on collecting things that I'm pretty sure it was developed for people with OCD and/or autism.

>> No.1134471

The spritework isn't much of a game flaw, butt a limitation of the hardware.

>> No.1134478

Hardware had nothing to do with it. YGSC had gorgeous spritework.

>> No.1134518

I don't think either of those are really fatal flaws. If you want to kill them wait for them to crawl up a wall or drop a bomb.

It's not like you really need to kill them, and if you're playing for speed you should avoid them anyway.

>> No.1134532

what abut YS where you do impact damage as well

>> No.1134539

>The Classic Mega Man games feel very same-y after you play about two of them.
Absolutely. But the concept was definitely good enough that a game of, say, 24-32 robot masters would be fantastic, without getting stale. The series went on maybe one or two games too long.

Samey is fine when more of the same is still good.

>> No.1134615

Fleamen aren't random. You're just too stupid to see patterns. The are programmed with a mathematical algorithm, their movement is clearly algorithmic. If their movements are relative to X and X being simon it simply is not random. They always jump back when you move in to make an attack and then strike when you attack forward.

The hallway before death is another part people complain about when you can literally stand in one spot and only worry about knights the medusa heads are only there for distraction.

Whatever man there is no convincing you, you're obviously underage/bad. You probably make the same complaints about Ninja Gaiden

>> No.1134616

OH GOD, like where the fuck do BRs even get off thinking we are going to have any clue what they are talking about? hahaha SoR1 most jogable game evur!

>> No.1134713
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I can't tell if you're agreeing with me, completely missing my point, or if you got bored and wandered off in mid-post and a second, angrier nerd showed up and vented about something unrelated and hit the submit button.

>> No.1134790


Castlevania X68000 has all of Super Castlevania IV's improvements (jump control, diagonal downward whipping while in midair) without being piss easy and still keeps the feel of the original Castlevania. Probably the best Castlevania of the 16-bit era, too bad it's so underrated because it came out on a Japanese PC and was only ported to the PSX years later with minimal fanfare.

>> No.1134794


What if you just don't whip upward, and only allow diagonal downward whipping like Castlevania X68000??

>> No.1134826

>unironically saying "millenial"

You are a larger faggot than anyone you are describing. This post is bait, isn't it?

>> No.1134849

ITT: poor game mechanics = "challenge"

>> No.1134854

I hate death by collision in vertical shmups

>> No.1134863

ITT: nobody understands humor

Goodbye chance for a funny meme. We barely knew ye.

>> No.1134869

"y cant metroid crawl" wasn't very funny, doubt this would have been either.

Also noticed just now that nobody has even posted that in this thread. Huh.

>> No.1134872

Regardless of how funny anyone finds anything, it's pretty obvious you shouldn't have taken the OP seriously.

Just because you didn't laugh doesn't mean you should be able to spot an obvious joke.

>> No.1134886

>EVERY attack in the game (except for Switft) had at least a 1/256 chance of missing
Due to a bug, even Swift had that chance in Gen 1.

Regardless, why the fuck does it matter?

>> No.1134897

Not in horizontal?

>> No.1134898

>to spot an obvious joke.

it was trolling. and it's not funny.

>> No.1134910

i dont need to think hard because its clear we are becoming like /v/
idiots arguring that CV1's clunky gameplay was perfect meanwhile CV4 balanced gameplay is shit
geez people,arguring about these problems is pointless

>> No.1134913

I don't mind it in horis as much. It's probably because I EXPECT it from every hori game along with level collision.

I guess the new age vertical shmups gave me an expectation of dodging strictly bullets and not worrying about enemy collision. I do like how games like Strikers 1945 handle enemy collision.

>> No.1134915

>goodbye to a funny meme
>lel so funny
y cant metroid crawl is one of the things that killed Metroid discussion,kill yourself

>> No.1134961
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>> No.1135057

Attempt at shitmeme creation spotted, neutralized.

>> No.1135125

What does "telegraphing attack" mean?

>> No.1135128

>y cant metroid crawl is one of the things that killed Metroid discussion

No it isn't? Not even Other M ruined Metroid discussion.


It means you hint before you do something. Think about the Punch Out series where each boxer does a specific motion before he goes into a special attack.

>it was trolling.

I know the word troll on the internet has become synonymous with the word joke, but it's pretty obvious the OP wasn't being serious. Not everyone is trying to ruse you, mate.

>> No.1135858

>y cant metroid crawl is one of the things that killed Metroid discussion

lolno. It gets posted maybe once per Metroid thread, then everyone has a little chortle and moves on with the discussion.

If you're looking for a culprit as to what killed Metroid discussion, look no further than the needless shitflinging rivalry between various factions of the fanbase, such as 2D vs Prime and Old/retro 2D (Metroid/Metroid 2) vs Modern 2D (ZM/Fusion). That's where your thread-killing shitposts come from.

>> No.1135950

>random patterns

Nothing in any video game is random.


This kid just fucking said 'random patterns'
random fucking patterns


>> No.1136406


Just like all the Megaman games are shit because you can't duck, and Bionic Commando sucks because you can't jump, thank you for your wisdom based anon.

>> No.1136414

No man, Megaman is obviously shit because you can't shoot diagonally.

>> No.1136426
File: 8 KB, 275x198, 1364857304317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donkey Kong 64 has such a huge focus on collecting things that I'm pretty sure it was developed for people with OCD and/or autism.

Made me chuckle.

>> No.1136437
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>> No.1136627
File: 21 KB, 640x480, jogability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that thread

>> No.1136656

What was it?

As i BR i get jogability, but what happened?

>> No.1136659

Short story long: some BR made a thread comparing SOR1 and 2. He made the claim that 1 had better jogability than 2. After being questioned about what jogability is, he said it was like movimentation. From then on, people who can into Portuguese/BR called him out for a grossly improper translation of slang.

>> No.1136682

it used to be:

- not good at old game
- get gud

now it's

- not good at old game
- old game is clearly flawed and obsolete.

>> No.1136687

>I can't get used to controls

You may want to stay far away from Castlevania games, Ninja Gaiden games, Prince of Persia games, well...pretty much any game that isn't Mario or Sonic at this point.

Seriously though, waaaaay too many replies to obvious bait like OP's picture.

>> No.1136701


- not good at old game
- get gud


- not good at old game
- old game is clearly flawed and obsolete.

>> No.1136708


All 4 mindsets posted in these two posts are things taken to the extreme

>> No.1136829

It's kind of the opposite. The game is a nightmare for someone with OCD, while anyone else would have the sense to only play the parts that caught their interest.

>> No.1140550

bumping back from page 10

>> No.1140569

why the fuck would you do that

>> No.1141107


Let's give this word an additional definition that is the complete opposite of the traditional meaning, and make the word useless! Brilliant!

>> No.1142136

If people are taking it seriously then it wasn't a very good joke.

I guffawed.

>> No.1142186

A lot of old RPGs, (I'm looking at you Bratock, Exile, Darksun, Menzo, Baldur's Gate, etc.) would have a relatively open exploratory setting, but HUGE differences in the difficulty of the random monsters by area.

And it would be very unclear which areas you were strong enough to survive in and which ones you weren't. So either you got a hint guide, or you played through a dozen times getting killed because on THIS side of the river the monsters are all 3 times as tough for no real reason, and you should have wandered somewhere else to build up more loot and experience.

>> No.1142295 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 640x480, theyknew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1142307

Oh my fucking god. I was literally just playing that yesterday and didn't know what to do until I looked it up.

Yeah, I don't know why I'd never gotten that far in Sonic 3 until yesterday, but... yeah.

>> No.1142309

You literally should shut up.

>> No.1142348

Both of you are retarded. I swear this has got to be a meme. No way in hell people actually had a problem with this

>> No.1142365

you being an idiot =/= bad level design

>> No.1142373

Fuck you /vr/. All this buttpain from a fucking 0/10. you should be ashamed of yourselves. Stop defending this 30 yr old pile of shit. It's old. Shit is fucked up. Here are some tissues. bitch

>> No.1142397


>> No.1142427

How do you guys get trolled so easily?

Do you all come from /v/?

>> No.1142438

I personally come from /d/, for example.

>> No.1142667
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>> No.1142991

Actually I did, because I brainlessly go in clockwise order from the top and I couldn't beat Octopus the first time

>> No.1143023

3rd gen still played the best. 60 fps is nice, even in pokemon

>> No.1143035

It is, and I loved Sapphire when I got it, but I was sorely disappointed when I beat it and you didn't go anywhere. There were a few new things, but nothing major.

People bitch and moan about how Kanto is empty in Gold and Silver, but really, all it needed was Mt. Silver and that would've been sufficient compared to the post game that Red & Blue had. The fact that Kanto was even in the game in any form was incredible at the time when nobody was aware of it.

I really did expect to go back to Johto or at least some new area when I beat the elite four in Sapphire. After all, this was before FireRed and LeafGreen were announced and the vast majority of the 1st and 2nd generation Pokemon were nowhere to be found in the game. Battle tower is nice in retrospect, but it seemed like a cop out to me compared to the surprise "ending" to the second game.

>> No.1144050

5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

>> No.1144115

It's not just a meme. I played Sonic 3 as a kid and never got past this part. It's bullshit and bad level design. Nothing else in the game responds to input that way, how is anyone supposed to figure it out except through accident?

>> No.1144171


>> No.1144194


Sure is video gmaes in here