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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1128385 No.1128385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever think we'll have historical /vr/ shows as good as G4 Tech TV's Icons/Game Makers and Machinma's All Your Games Are Belong To Us again?

>> No.1128390


Not on actual television, no.

>> No.1128408

I'm surprised people who edit video as a hobby haven't made something similar already. I know I would if I could. Bet it would be fun.

>> No.1128410

>tfw G4TV will never be good again

>> No.1128415

One thing that pains me the most is how G4 never saw fit to release Icons/Game Makers on DVD, but Code Monkeys? GET THAT IN SHELVES RIGHT NOW!

I think there's still only so much about gaming lore that we know about. There's still Japan, Europe, and other countries

Really, we've barely even scratched the surface

>> No.1128429

I highly doubt it. The people who loved Icons aren't the big demographic for gaming anymore. Icons got in towards the very tail-end of the era directly preceding the "Mtn Dew on-disk DLC 2edgy4u brownan-blooman etc." era.

If it existed now, it would be like a 10-minute blurb about Skrillex, Anita, etc.. There might be one about Miyamoto, but that's sort of a given and would probably only serve as a vehicle to promote whatever the latest LoZ or Mario game is at the time of release.

>> No.1128430

Funny how All Your Games Are Belong To Us was like that as well. I'm just glad Machinima decided to put it down when they did before it got too embarrassing

>> No.1128436

To really sum it up: Think of how everything on TechTV was bastardized in to everything wrong about the "gamer nerrrrd culture, fauxhawx 'n Halo" era after the G4 change, then imagine how that would have applied to Icons if it lasted in to that timeframe.

Sometimes, a boxer just has to stay down to prevent from being beaten harder.

>> No.1128497
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>>then imagine how that would have applied to Icons if it lasted in to that timeframe.
>that last season of Icons where exactly that happened

>> No.1128667

And now the damn channel is the Esquire network. Did the guys who bought TechTV even know how to fucking market something that should've been easy to market?

>> No.1128689
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>tfw the Screen Savers got you started using emulators and modding consoles

>> No.1128708
File: 12 KB, 133x100, Old-Cinematech-logo-classic-g4-461832_133_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It took me 5 minutes to figure out why your reply made no sense. Turns out I honestly confused "Icons" with "Cinematech" for a bit there.

So disregard,I suck a cock. Proceed as normal, gentlemen.

>> No.1128794

Midway through the shows run, they split off Icons and Game Makers into two seperate shows so they could use Icons to talk about geek celebrities in a faux "True Hollywood Stories" type fashion

>> No.1128841
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I just don't fucking know about this planet sometimes

>> No.1128859
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>that classic Icons episode list

And they were all really fucking good eps too.

>> No.1128873

I still think the episodes that focused on specific people like Richard Garriott and Yuji Naka ware the best overall

>> No.1129305

Frank Miller and Kevin Smith are kind of cool at least.

>> No.1129367

hey guys it's me kevin smith, i recently smoked weed and was too fat to ride on an airplane and i'm working on a new script for clerks and silent bob 6

>> No.1129376


>> No.1129384

They actually aborted that plan and reverted it back to cops and cheaters reruns.

>> No.1129395


What, really? I've seen the Esquire network logo pop up when I'm flipping channels sometimes. Did they really bail?

>> No.1129408

well according to rpeorts "the style channel" is the one being rebranded now not G4


>> No.1129410


>> No.1129417


Oh, wow. I didn't know about this. So G4 will continue to waste TV time and everyone got fired for nothing. Good jorb.

>> No.1129428
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I'd love to know Adam Sessler's opinion, but I'm sure he couldn't care less

>> No.1129432

All that work for nothing.

>> No.1130218

>Did they really bail?

Pretty much. Forbes says that it literally be nothing but reruns of random shit like Cops and Campus PD, and that NBC Universal is not planning to invest any money in it to produce original content.

>> No.1130232

Anyone remember when news broke that Morgan Webb was hiding a marriage to protect her "Gamer Goddess, I loooove gamer nerds!" image?

It broke the hearts of zillions of lonely neckbeards because she was married to some rich, fuddy-duddy, middle-aged businessman that wasn't at all in to video games. That's why they solely phased her out from being G4's postergirl to titillate autists, and replaced her with Munn.

>> No.1130252

I'm grateful for such shows as Icons existing, but that style of reporting is so sensationalist, with catch phrases and upbeat music, and then shifting to ominous music when something bad happens. I just wish they'd take it easier on the editing.

>> No.1130264

Many a time I've thought about making a Cinematech-esque show on Youtube. Retro games, old and/or obscure anime, general clips of nerd culture oddities all set to fitting yet cool music. Each episode would be maybe 5-10 minutes depending on what was being showcased.

I just didn't think anyone would make time to watch something like that now.

>> No.1130289

God, I thought those were just similar shows, I had no idea that was an actual season. I didn't know what the hell Suicide Girls was and I couldn't give a fuck because it wasn't about classic or important video games.

>> No.1130304

We in germany had the best vidya show: Giga Games. Aired every weekday from 10pm to midnight. It had 2 moderators/players for every category: PC, Cconsole and tech which was for mods/benchmarks/etc.
They even had peetr molyneux as gues several times.

>> No.1130310


Ah, I w-would...

>> No.1130359

I never would have found out about Killer 7 if it wasn't for Cinematech.

>> No.1130423
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That pic will fuel my rage for the next fucking ten years. Fuck TechTV/G4's terrible fate.Saved.

>> No.1130441

Europe in general had really good radio shows during the heyday of computers that used cassettes. They would invite listeners to plug in a tape recorder, then play the data track for a game or a program for listeners to record and subsequently use on their own computers.

>> No.1130460


Perhaps I'll motivate myself and make a pilot to see how it'd turn out, then. One viewer is better than none.

>> No.1130853

Youtube and the internet being what it is, it probably wouldn't get off the ground unless you had high production values or were pretty interesting in general.

>> No.1130864
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>Somewhere between 06' & 07'
>Watching Icons reruns, love the shit out of it
>New episode announced
>It's about Mark Cuban
>Start noticing all the non-vidya shit like COPS, Cheaters & Star Trek

>> No.1132587

That episode made me hate Mark Cuban. He never did anything to me, but screw him.

>> No.1132608

Are there any links to the episodes outside of emuparadise? That site has most of it but it's missing the Castlevania episode and the entirety of the season where it changed to Game Makers.

>> No.1132696

Well, there are torrents, but most of them are unseeded and dead

>> No.1132743
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>Suicide girls
>Icons ep for a team of marketing tools

Horrible, absolute horrible.

>> No.1133183

I never thought about it, but G4 really did a lot to help usher in the garbage that's plaguing modern vidya.

>> No.1133189


Webb was the prototypical "GAMER GRRRRRL". She really was a huge tech nerd but they forced the GAMER GODDESS GEEK IS CHIC crap on her and they paid for it when the stuff in >>1130232 happened.

>> No.1133208

The dude she married is the CEO of Rhapsody. I thought he was sort of a tech geek too until I learned he was just a rich businessman who's almost 50 and just bought it as an investment. Bitches love dat dolladolla, and Webb is no exception. Still feel bad for the obsessed neckbeards who fell for her schtick though.

>> No.1133258
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>Still feel bad for the obsessed neckbeards who fell for her schtick though.
>mfw I played WoW with a morbidly obese SA Goon gamer who sincerely believed Morgan Webb would fall in love with him if they met

>> No.1133263

That physically hurts me to look at.

>> No.1133292


This saddens me in so many ways partly because I watched pretty much all the ones on the left side and enjoyed them. Icons was my fav show during the early TechTV/G4 days.

>> No.1133331
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>that girl gamer biting the controller cord

You know she actually went on Tumblr recently and wrote this massive tl;dr rant about how everybody is an misogynist asshole sexist for making fun of that picture?

>> No.1133337

I go to tumblr strictly for the porn and pretty pictures, not for the social justice bull crap and feminazi scum bags

>> No.1133340

This. I run a blog STRICTLY dedicated to showing off a specific company's video game memorabilia. I'm nice enough to subscribe to someone when they subscribe to me, but the second I see SOCIAL JUSTICE neo-fem shit come across my dashboard? I instantly unsubscribe and don't look back (unless I have a feeling that they'll whine about losing a subscriber). Tumblr is really fun if you avoid the feminazi/hyper-liberal/MLP/etc bullshit.

Anyways, someone reblogged her rant and it was fucking MASSIVE. It was easily over a dozen jampacked paragraphs of neo-fem butthurt.

>> No.1133343

can you provide a link or tell me what i should input on google, anon? that will be useful reference for me.

>> No.1133346

Guy you replied to: I'm into larger women and a follow quite a few of them. What's hysterical is that they'll reblog photos of themselves nude to try and promote "self-love" and "body positive", but the instant a porn blog reblogs it, they lose their fucking minds

>> No.1133364

I didn't read most of it because it went on and on and on. There's a shorter version out there too; pretty much, it was this sanctimonious rant about how she did it for her boyfriend or whatever. It's been a phat minute since I've read it.

>> No.1133365

>Tumblr is really fun if you avoid the feminazi/hyper-liberal/MLP/etc bullshit.

I have no tolerance for that shit either because if they post one pony then they're going to post a thousand more that week

>> No.1133370 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1024x724, i_ll_be_your_hope___kamen_rider_wizard_x_mlp_by_flairnightz-d60vadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's starting to irk me is that MLP is starting to seep into the Kamen Rider fanbase thanks in part to Wizard and Fourze.

>> No.1133391


...wait, how? Why?

>> No.1133394

Don't mean to backseat moderate here, but I'd delete that picture if I were you because ponies outside of /mlp/ is bannable. Even if you're just posting an example like that.

>> No.1133397

You realize ponies are in EVER fanbase now.

There's been times I've gone to Google Images to find something that has no relation to MLP, and the results will just be a wall of ponies.

>> No.1133402 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 900x675, 21881__safe_ponified_kamen+rider_kamen+rider+fourze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I had an answer. Wizard's theme is Magic and MLP is all about "Friendship Is Magic".

Fourze is a little bit stranger, it started with Gentarou flying with Luna through space because the show is Space themed and then it just snow balled from there

>> No.1133405

I really wish I had an answer. Wizard's theme is Magic and MLP is all about "Friendship Is Magic".

Fourze is a little bit stranger, it started with Gentarou flying with Luna through space because the show is Space themed and then it just snow balled from there

>> No.1133407

>looking up pictures on Google Image
>see MLP
>add -pony to search (adding a minus sign to a term in a search excludes it from the results, if you didn't know)
>inexplicably, EVERY result becomes ponies some how

>> No.1133429

Have you tried the phrase "NOT pony"?
(NOT must be all caps.)

>> No.1133447


Nah. I usually do -pony and -mlp and that mostly takes care of it. Mmmmostly.

>> No.1133490


Webb neckbeards used to be everywhere back then and they were the worst of the worst. Totally fanatical and would spit venom if you dared insinuated she wasn't the hottest most perfect gaming goddess in the universe.

>> No.1133516

Personally? I think Munn is worse. At least Webb really was in to technology before getting the Gamer Goddess shit thrust on her. Munn was literally just a hot model (who also was a reporter) they found and told to act like she gave a fuck about video games.

>> No.1133542

the left is what i remember.

and what i miss.

>> No.1133572

Well, there's Chrontendo, which is a chronology of every NES/Famicom game released. The same guy also made Chronsega and Chronturbo, also with the same premise.

>> No.1133714
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>Morgan Webb

>> No.1133816
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That is extremely upsetting

>> No.1134084

The fate of TechTV/G4 is pretty damn sad. Cinematech, X Play, and Icons were all relevant to the raison d'etre of a tech network and the slide into lowlife machismo programming sucked. Anime Unleashed was cool too, with shows like Lain.

>> No.1134134


They didn't even do a GOOD JOB of switching programming either. Wow, Cops, Cheaters, and Attack of the Show, I guess. What did G4 have that no one else could do better?