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1125582 No.1125582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What other long running video games would you like to see Hyrule Historia esqe books on?

>> No.1125592

None, because trying to create a chronological story out of something that wasn't created with one in mind in the first place never ends well.

>> No.1125593

I'd love a similar book on Oddworld. It seems like it has really interesting lore that they never fully got to delve in to. They did release an artbook or something similar I think.

>> No.1125597

I want one based on SMT

>> No.1125602

Megaman apparently has longass chronological story, might make a good one.

>> No.1125624

>finally reveal what happens between main and X


>> No.1125635


There's more to that book than just MUH TIMELINES, you know

>> No.1125649

Pokémon, one volume per region.

>> No.1125670


I would have liked to see a better version of this book. A friend of mine had it and though I didn't spend a ton of time looking at it, it seemed like there was a boatload of content related to SS, and comparatively little of the older games in the series.

>> No.1125675

Ogre Battle

>> No.1125686

Not entirely vidya-realted, but Dragonball.

>> No.1125695

That might be cool, I saw a family tree type pic of all the legendaries on /vp/ once, it was pretty interesting.

>> No.1125701
File: 51 KB, 500x332, Its dangerous to go alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some that would be cool and easy to make:
>Resident Evil

Here are some other ones I would like to see, but all would need quite a lot of outside material from shows, comics and the creators themselves:
>Breath of Fire
>Street Fighter
>Silent Hill

>> No.1125713

I'm not so hot on the Metroid one. It would certainly include shit from the godawful manga and Other M.

>> No.1125716

It's good for what it is. There's a whole chapter dedicated to SS because it had just came out so it's understandable. There's a pretty decent amount of early concept art but it would've been nice if there were more.

>> No.1125717

Exactly. This book is mostly concept art.

>> No.1125728

Actually, I'd like to see one solely about the Metroid Prime series. No Sakamoto filth. Dat concept art.

>> No.1125731
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, La-Mulana 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love a La Mulana lore book filled with art, designs and a comprehensive outline of the Children, the Guardians and their fates.

>> No.1125736

As long as it included a detailed description of the regional dex, each location, artwork of just random shit in the world, and having Unova 1 and Unova 2, I'm in. This could actually happen.

>> No.1125737
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>> No.1125743

I'd really want that, but I'd really just want games more -_-

>> No.1125748

Dr. Wily puts his mind into Zero, and later transfers it to Sigma. Dr. Wily then possesses Weil, and becomes the Model W.
Now consider the fact that for such a bumbling villain, he's murdered billions.

>> No.1125746

Careful what you ask for.

>> No.1125767

Resident Evil already has two. Resident Evil Archives and Archives II. But only the former is canon. The latter has post-Mikami content.

>> No.1125770

You're right, some things are better off dead in our age. No reason to hope someone dredges up the corpse to rape it for cash, instead we should just move on.

I don't want SE touching that title.

>> No.1125818

I wouldn't mid a comprehensive book on the Atelier series, or Etrian Odyssey.

>> No.1125965


>> No.1126170

It's not for the whole franchise, but they did put out books for the different series (Classic, X, Zero, and BN at the very least; Not sure about SF or Legends though)

>> No.1126174

"The History of Sonic The Hedgehog" is pretty damn good, probably the best English language book for Sonic.

>> No.1126302

Starforce got its own book, Legends is the only one so far not to get an international release, if there even is a book.

I recommend grabbing the 25th anniversary reprint of the Classic and X series books from Udon that just came out. I got it in the mail today and it exceeded my expectations.

>> No.1126307

I don't know about dropping $100 on that; At least at this moment.

Got a copy of the Zero Complete Works a week ago, but really haven't gotten around to looking through it very much yet.

>> No.1126313

Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest

oh baby

>> No.1126315

Legacy of Kain would be nice

>> No.1126318

Shin Megami Tensei for sure

>> No.1126402


>> No.1126518

Might be hard to do one for Final Fantasy since all the games take place in pretty much seperate universes.

>> No.1126530


>> No.1126534

An Oddworld art book already exists, you can purchase it from their website. Bit pricy though.

>> No.1126548

A Sega history book would be pretty neat considering they had a lot of crazy shit going down in the 90s. You could make a hip drama movie like the Social Network based on Sega's rise and downfall.

>> No.1126961

I think most FF games have some Japanese books, Ulimate or something or other, like, one for each game? I dunno.

>> No.1126976


You're right. Most Final Fantasies do have those "Ultimecia" (I think that's what they're called) books that coincide with the releases. I know VII has a massive one, but it's Japan only.

>> No.1127312

I kinda wanted a Hyrule Historia like, per GAME. Considering there was 25 years worth of shit to go over, that book is rather light on content. I would love a second.

>> No.1127316


Isn't it just Classic and X with 15 extra pages?

>> No.1127326


I know there is a lot of obscure shit, like feena's race being actually golems, or Ys seven's plot being mentioned ten years before the game was announced, along with when and where Adol dies.

And shit, it would be something more that Aonuma trying to deface classic zelda AGAIN.

I swear that a book like this was actually released some months ago.

>> No.1127340

I think it'd work well with Castlevania and Dragon Quest.

>> No.1127345 [DELETED] 

I'm making one.

>> No.1127389
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Dude, what're you talking about???

I follow you as far as Aonuma defacing Zelda with non-canon retconning.

>> No.1127409

>What other long running video games would you like to see Hyrule Historia esqe books on?

Call of Duty

>> No.1127421
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>Book of Mario lore plus timeline

Only if I can write it.

>> No.1127717

The Mario series would be nice to see. I know that a chronological is kind of redundant. But would like to know if they indeed 'rebooted' the series with Super Mario 64 since the power ups have a limited time and the Koopa kids vanished.

Dragon Quest
Ogre Battle (new game to go along with it too, please)

>> No.1127728
File: 1.27 MB, 840x1071, Front Mission World Historica 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Front Mission series has one, but it's moonspeak only.

>> No.1127732

This is the first thing my mind jumped to.

>> No.1127793
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Star Fox: Mission File Printout

I would love to own this. It looks like so much fun.

>> No.1128585
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There's already a Metroid one.

>> No.1128593
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>> No.1128598

What if there was an Id Software lorebook that consolidated Commander Keen, Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, and Heretic/Hexen all into one universe?

It'd be cool if they made Hell and Quake enemies of eachother, and all of human history has been influenced by the ongoing war between Baphomet and Shub-Niggurath.

>> No.1128941

Mostly concept art of Skyward Sword, you mean. 68 pages are dedicated to it. Five pages are dedicated to Zelda 1, 2, and 3 combined.

>> No.1128989

Oddworld is one of the most original settings ever.

>> No.1128997
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>> No.1129690
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I second this and would definitely throw some money into it if it were a kickstarter.

I'd love to see one done for The Legacy of Kain series, with colored sections to indicate major time-altering/connected events and foot-notes on places like The Lost City from Blood Omen.

>> No.1129768

Suikoden for sure.

I'd rather just have more games though. ;_;

>> No.1129959

Mario for concept art and design sketches. I think that stuff could be pretty cool. Though saying if I had to focus it on one series it would be either the core games or the rpgs.

Dark souls for Lore and time line after Dark Souls 2 comes out.

I'd also want Hyrule Historia with more stuff on all the other games. I don't want half of a book dedicated to one of the only zelda games I hated.

>> No.1129984

i second both oddworld and Legacy of Kain.
both have amazing stuff

>> No.1129996


Doom 2 confirmed Keen is in the same universe.

Quake 3 confirmed Doom and Quake 1 are in the same universe.

>> No.1130168

Pokemon would be neat. The Capsule Monsters concept looked really interesting.

>> No.1131294

I hope you're just having a giggle. Especially about the 4 hanged Keens in Doom2.

>> No.1131336

Fallout would be cool.

>> No.1131371

Wasn't the FFX book about the size and weight of a small child?

>> No.1132356


I would like this mostly for Blood Omen.