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File: 238 KB, 683x1024, street fighter 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11231698 No.11231698 [Reply] [Original]

Besides pic related, are there any other sequels that completely and utterly outclassed the originals to the point of making them little more than a neat historical curiosity?

>> No.11231727 [DELETED] 

Not vr but Portal 2

>> No.11231730
File: 157 KB, 284x351, GTASABOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11231732

I've been following you for a while and can authoritatively say this is the dumbest post you've ever written.

>> No.11231735
File: 35 KB, 452x678, images-89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11231745

GTA 3 actually

Nobody give a shit about GTA 1 and 2

>> No.11231779

I didn't even know there was a previous game lol

Probably this too

>> No.11232112

Maybe Metroid?

>> No.11232120

no i think he means wolf was made irrelevant by doom

>> No.11232150

original metroid is completely fine and playable, learn to memorize layouts, game is not that big

>> No.11232170

Mega Man

>> No.11232207
File: 96 KB, 1024x819, betterthanOOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11232218

Dynasty Warriors 2

>> No.11232236

People saying games like Mega Man and Metroid are missing the spirit of the question. Sure MM2 is usually liked more than MM but there are still a lot of people who like the first best or at least better than most of the later games. With the Street Fighter franchise you're not gonna find anyone on the planet who prefers 1 over 2 unless they're trolling.

>> No.11232330

Warcraft 2

>> No.11232402

Even then, who cares about the original game compared to Wolf 3D? A dozen people maybe?

>> No.11232405

tbf, almost no other game pulled off what SF2 did. SF1 was a janky arcade game that even at the time wasn't very good. SF2 literally invented modern fighting games.

>> No.11232408

There are lots of sequels that are better than the first game. A sequel that's so good that there's little point to going back to the original however is insanely rare. Even Mega Man, while 2 is an objectively better MM game than 1, 1 is still fine by comparison.

>> No.11232451

>SF2 literally invented modern fighting games.
thats not an achievement

>> No.11232497
File: 176 KB, 632x507, chillin with mah dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it not? Fighting games existed before SF2, but so many things standard to fighters only have them because SF2 popularized and standardized them over its iterations
>combos (which funnily as we all know it was completely unintented, but hey, mistakes into miracles)
>super moves that work off of a gauge
>the 6-button configuration for attacks
>crossover characters (since Final Fight dudes later got added to it)
>characters having massively different playstyles (before this 90% of characters played exactly the same in fighting games and it was all aesthetics)
>throw teching (though some will say SoR2 is the first true innovator of it a year later)
Fighting games would be unrecognizable today if SF2 didn't exist. Who knows what different direction it could've gone in.

>> No.11232545

Super Mario Bros. to Mario Bros.

>> No.11232620

>>super moves
>>crossover characters
Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury and King of Fighters did those before Street Fighter

>> No.11232651

tekken 2 or 3?

>> No.11232845

Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.11233219

Super Moves of the kind found today where it's based on a gauge? Not in FF, and Art of Fighting used it for all specials and not super specials (what they had for Desperation Moves was closer to Ultras in SF4), and KoF1 didn't come out until 94.

>> No.11233228

>MM2 objectively better than MM1
Let me guess, you also say the same about X2 and X1? You absolute retardation of a man.

>> No.11233328
File: 408 KB, 450x642, Postal 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postal 2

>> No.11233415

>Let me guess, you also say the same about X2 and X1?
No actually, I never understood why people consider X2 better than X1. But MM1 is very rough around the edges, and I forgive that because it was literally their first attempt.

>> No.11234481
File: 165 KB, 252x297, Age_of_Empires_II_-_The_Age_of_Kings_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you like it more - but that's not the question. OOT is still the one noted historically.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Wolfenstein - however the point about being made irrelevant by Doom is also true.

No one under the age of 30 perhaps. It's true though that they made the change in genres so successfully that the top down games aren't even thought about by current game players.

I'd go with Age of Empires II, even though the original is still a great game.

>> No.11234995

TMNT Tournament Fighters had super meters before SF2 added them.

>> No.11235245

It is playable but there is no reason too since you could be playing Super which is just much better in every conceivable way.

>> No.11236251

If you're a soulless husk then yeah you might see Super vs original as just iterative but the original does have a certain feel to its atmosphere that Super doesn't quite achieve