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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11221924 No.11221924 [Reply] [Original]

this game has some really disturbing game over scenes for a children game

>> No.11222629

Such as?

>> No.11222882


The crocs ones

>> No.11222884

Nothing much, just jungle predators eating him, dieing from falls or his dead body shown after the fact. No blood or gore. OP is basically the kind of faggot who thinks children need to be coddled and forgot what he was like when he was a child.

Really the gorilla asshole sounding sinister in his commentary right after the scene is more disturbing and you would have to be a total sissy to be disturbed by him.

>> No.11222965

Sorry for pissing in your cereal this morning, troon

>> No.11222973


>> No.11222985 [DELETED] 

Only a tranny would be disturbed by cartoonish antics that is on the level of Looney Toons as they fuck their hormones up.

>> No.11223418
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>> No.11223502

how is that disturbing? actual disney movies are more violent than that

>> No.11223519

maybe it's just me who feels uneasy seeing a group of animals and thugs with machetes grouping on a dead body

>> No.11223525

>OP is basically the kind of faggot who thinks children need to be coddled and forgot what he was like when he was a child.
Was thinking this exactly. Yeah these are relatively dark compared to what we get in kids' media today, but kids fucking love violence, death, gore, etc.

>> No.11223528

Easy there or you gonna cut yourself with that edge, faglord

>> No.11224567

>OP gets scared by tame ass game over screens
>/vr/ memes on his sensitive ass
You love to see it

>> No.11224674

Don't let the retards bully you OP I get you. The implication of a crocodile eating Tarzan is pretty heavy for Disney. Also great game, maybe the best jungle atmosphere in a video game

>> No.11224695

Except that the crocodile in Peter Pan is constantly trying to eat Captain Hook and stalking him just waiting for the right moment. There is a guy who got his soul stolen to the shadow realm, literally, because he is a witch doctor who got his black magic messed with at the pivotal moment. Then you have the famous deaths which are off screened and one of them is a ruthless trampling from a particularly famous betrayal.

You have completely blinded yourself to what Disney actually does and you liken it to total garbage like the Teletubbies.

>> No.11224741

This is an adaption of the same movie that showed the shadow of Clayton dying and being hung

>> No.11224743

Except the game over screens showing the MC actually dead, not escaping death like in your examples

>> No.11224875

Mufasa doesn't escape death.

>> No.11225342

Mufasa isn't the mc and the movie it didn't show the hyenas readying to feast on him

>> No.11225514

he also isn't human

>> No.11225517

dumb furry

>> No.11225592

>kids fucking love violence, death, gore, etc
I didn't

>> No.11225707

>kids fucking love violence, death, gore, etc.
then why kids were obsessed with Pokemon in the 90s but not Digimon?

>> No.11227198

>then why kids were obsessed with Pokemon in the 90s but not Digimon?
In europe many were, America completely raped the localization and music in Digimon

>> No.11227658
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It felt so unnecessary... but also SOVL.

I've replayed this recently and it holds up better than I remember.

>> No.11228279

>kids fucking love violence, death, gore, etc.

the ones with mental and upbringing problems? yes.

>> No.11229962

nothing here was as disturbing as the difficulty in the gbc port

>> No.11230202

NTA but I'm sure the black background has something to do with it. I always felt it was kind of creepy when games would have shit going on with nothing but a black void behind it.
I think MK did it a few times during fatalities and it always spooked me then.

>> No.11230786

Why is this the only Tarzan title /vr/ talks about? Are the GBC or GBA titles that dull? Is Untamed really that bad? It's a shame how they never get even mentioned here for the most part.

>> No.11230979

OP only talked about the death animations so OP didn't even play it. So there is a very, very high chance that those tie-in games was played by nobody.

>> No.11231023

people in thread being stupid. these absolutely are creepy if u have/had any imagination as a kid

>> No.11231032

fucking lel

>> No.11231041

my favorite are the ones with Tarzan's animal friends checking his limp body for signs of life.

>> No.11231223

yeah, I noticed that this board is full of fags pretending to be cool
everyone in that youtube video are talking about how creepy and brutal these are for a children's game

>> No.11231228

most people are shockingly retarded at being empathic to their former mindset as a child
maybe it's because we (as a society) got absorbed into chronic irony and calling anything weird 'cringe'

>> No.11231306

8-12 year olds being put through peer studies is why we have games like Fuse. People saying it is creepy for a kid's game effectively disrespect and look down on kids. Never thought I would ever have to spell that out but here we are.

>> No.11231668

Your dead who cares what happens to your body You dont need it anymore.

>> No.11231812

I bet they are these are the same fags who enjoy the dead animal/children webms on /gif/ and unironically say "stop being a pussy, and enjoy snuff"

>> No.11231823

Most of these people have been raging about liminal spaces and personalized mario 64 for the past 6 years.
It's one thing to be afraid of hallways, it's another to bitch about it every single time it, or something like it, comes up in convo.

>> No.11231849

>liminal space
Youtube meme that zoomers adapted to have some personality

>> No.11231868

The word you want it "adopted," and I'm well aware of that, I'm reminded every time there's a horror in non horror vidya thread.

>> No.11231892

>OP is basically the kind of faggot who thinks children need to be coddled and forgot what he was like when he was a child.
Sometimes things that don't phase someone as a kid can seem fucked up when they look back on them as an adult.

>> No.11232089

You are making sound like Tarzan deaths are some gorefest when you type like that.

>> No.11232157

Or OP is probably baiting. Even if it's not bait, everyone who replies to shitty threads like this instead of ignoring them are equally retarded.

>> No.11232162

No wonder Amerifats are so fragile, since they're grew up with family-friendly as hell stuff like Disney movies even if there are all-ages American cartoon that are much more mature. And of course anime.

>> No.11232227

t. Doesn't have kids

>> No.11232264

>even if there are all-ages American cartoon that are much more mature.
Name 30

>> No.11232270

Children could deal with harsh stuff decades ago. Old cartoons now come with trigger warnings because modern day adults find them too gruesome.

>> No.11232313

>think it's hilarious when they shoot someone in the head in GTA and it turns into a blood geyser
>shit and piss their pants at the Little Toaster junkyard scene
Kids are paradoxical creatures

>> No.11232429
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"doooood the brutal death scenes in this children game are sooooooo wholesome because back in the 90s we were giant babies who love shooting schools and watching scary movies we waz badass and shiieeet XDDDD"

>> No.11232436

You sound triggered

>> No.11233206

You fucking kidding man? Try arguing with them and they will be more then happy to win it through sheer grit.

>> No.11234608

Pedo game

>> No.11234794
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GBC's quite nice, I definitely recommend it. It's a pretty odd title in the sense that you can't attack enemies at all, you just dodge them, even on the boss against Clayton, the only time you attack is on the boss against Sabor which is BS by the way, but overall it's a decent title, quite difficult early on, but eventually it opens up and I'd say it gets a lot more comfortable later, but it's always fun.

I'm yet to try the other ones though, only beat both the PS1 and GBC titles, though the GBA and Untamed look interesting enough, I have to try it out eventually. Also, Jane's still sexy and pretty.

>> No.11234850
File: 2.01 MB, 1212x615, pitfall lost expedition.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene really creeped me out as a kid. Also from kids-adjacent jungle game.

>> No.11234867

>"ermm heh, how is this disturbing?"

>> No.11234952

sorry you're a sheltered autist who was babied by his helicopter parents

>> No.11234987

>lurks the thread and bumps it anytime someone calls his retarded take out, don't even give him (You)'s
You are incredibly autistic

>> No.11235098

I’ve always wondered what would actually happen if you left a human baby in Gorilla territory.

>> No.11235117
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Probably nothing

>> No.11235123

that was my first reply
nice meltdown though lol

>> No.11235138
File: 58 KB, 640x642, MV5BNDM2NjlmZmYtZGEyNS00Nzk3LWJhNGMtODAyMTc1NGFmOTUxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTk5NDI0MA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing.

Spider: The Video Game starts with a scientist being shot in the back by corporate stooges with automatic rifles. The game over screen shows your bullet ridden body in a medical bay on life support as the stooges try removing technology which fused to your skull. They opt to cut your head off with a chainsaw.

It's rated K-A.

>> No.11235139
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it's actually really sad seeing a child rotting alone there ignored by nature as a game over

>> No.11235158
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 1464113976258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok buddy

>> No.11235191

Strangely enough the cheetah doesn't go to eat your body but instead shouts loudly in triumph.

>> No.11235214

>ripping little kid apart for le edge
Actual cringe game, shitty gameplay not helping

>> No.11235218

the atmosphere and horrifying death animations made it a unique game
wish there were more games like it

>> No.11236913

Are you some kind of Ultra-Snowflake?

>> No.11238128

long loading times

>> No.11238249

Sometimes shit slips past the ESRB. It happens.

>> No.11238270

I kind of agree. I don't think it's the situations as much as lingering on the lifeless body, especially the moving around of a limp body. the hero being surrounded by crocs and going *gulp* is very typical cartoon fare but his lifeless body getting dragged away by a leopard isn't so much, maybe if they had stars circling over their head or even exaggerated XX eyes it'd be different.
unusual if not actually a big deal.

>> No.11238295 [DELETED] 

no it's actually not the implication at all, a bad guy getting implied to be eaten is very conventional adventure fare. it's the lingering on the lifeless body, that's what is kind of weird. that was reserved for very serious sad moments, not something perfunctory like a gameover in vidya.

>> No.11238314

how often did elmer fudd carry around bug's limp corpse?

>> No.11238437
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Honestly I remember getting quite upset as a child when I saw this. I really thought Bug Bunny was fucking dead lmao. Kids are dramatic, that's why OP thought PS1 Tarzan's game overs were much worse than they really are.


>> No.11238536
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funny, how these are the two games + quack attack I played alot on pc as a kid. Play the ps1 verison of Tarzan now, and enjoy it still.

>> No.11238663

I could understand if it was an FMV in the middle of the game being overlooked, these are videos shown as soon as you begin and end the game. That'd be like not knowing Gruntida gets hot when you game over in Banjo-Kazooie.

>> No.11238667
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