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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 41 KB, 960x540, I WANT THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1116110 No.1116110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is ebay the only place to order the stuff to do this?

>> No.1116116
File: 23 KB, 310x257, 3pri7h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where can muh retro no ebay amzon
>flea markets
>thrift stores
>pawn shops


please leave now.

>> No.1116120

why would you want to frame game boys

they're meant to be played

>> No.1116124

I bought nearly everything you see in that photo in a single store in Akihabara in january.
It cost me a grand total of like 3000 yen. I seriously can't stop laughing at how much white piggu 'retro gamers' spend on shit like this.

>> No.1116131

It's still cheaper than your trip to Japan.

>> No.1116138
File: 10 KB, 212x152, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i spek moonrunes

I seriously can't stop laughing at how much of a douche you are.

>> No.1116139
File: 33 KB, 720x481, 1282744717765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukkn rekt

>> No.1116140

was a US version of pokemon green ever a thing?

>> No.1116141

no. there was the gba leaf green though

>> No.1116145

Yea, but OPs image is a farse then with a shitty fake game?

>> No.1116146

thank you.

it just looks cool.


>> No.1116150

yeah, it looks like it

>> No.1116151

Japanese citizen, living in Miyagi prefecture. Stop spending too much on games you dorks and maybe you won't get so mad. The shit I see people talkin about bidding on and buying here I literally see daily in 100 yen bragain bins.

>> No.1116153 [DELETED] 

fuck off weeb

>> No.1116157

>Stop spending too much on games you dorks

Damn I knew $2 a piece for Mega Man 1-6 was too much.

>> No.1116874

in your dreams loser

>> No.1116985

what is the green pokemon game on the far right not the japanese or whatever one on the left I don't care

was there a pokemon green?!

>> No.1116997

>dont mind me guys. Just not reading the other posts over here.

>> No.1117004

So, this I LIVE IN JAPAN U GUYS ARE NERDS prick is obnoxious, but I would say it's stupid as hell for OP to spend obscene amounts of money on games he doesn't intend to play.

I mean, if he's just going to hang them up in a frame, he may as /well/ just get in touch with someone in Japan and have them snag the games in Japanese on the cheap then send them here for shipping + a little thanks money.

>> No.1117018

From a design prospective adding the grey japanese carts make it look like shit. Should have just matched colors and used 4 shadow boxes.

>> No.1117021

>gameboy pockets $10-$20 each
>JP pokemon games $5-$10 each
>NA/PAL games $10-$30 each
>framing $30-$40

>> No.1117039
File: 388 KB, 647x631, 2DS bastard child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweetass stuff from Japan with a mild markup.

>> No.1117065

>proudly displaying a fake game

>> No.1117118
File: 73 KB, 320x240, moviesgodzilla1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>flea markets
>>thrift stores
That is how most people in northern CA act if you say if you go to one of those type of places.

>> No.1117127

Let them. I go to them all the time and couldn't give less of a fuck. I've got 80% of my collection for $1-3 a cart there. Good stuff too. Mega man x2, Tmnt IV, Super Metroid, etc for pennies on the dollar. Then again I live in the south so people could care less about social ramifications of associating with the poor folk. Because everyoe here is. Let them spend market price on vidya. Buy the shit out of the games at flea markets for dirt cheap. Haters gon hate.

>> No.1117132

>to do this?
to do what exactly? Copy something you saw on reddit?

this is the definition of being a hipster faggot within the retro scene

>buys games to put in a a frame, hang on wall for all to see how big of a weeaboo faggot you are

seriously, and the fact that one of them is bootleg just makes the cake

don't be this person, don't even try.

>> No.1117140

I thought about making a coffee table top out of shitty NES carts. Does this make me a hipster?

>> No.1117153
File: 143 KB, 492x436, mfw dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to flea market
>get a leather office chair for 15$
>get a milkcrate full of NES games for 3$
>get home
>room mate tries to talk shit
>remind him he payed 200$ for a pleather chair and 150$ for a non working toploader NES as a decoration peice.

>> No.1117156

>150$ for a non working toploader NES as a decoration peice.
who would be impressed by a non-working toploader on display?

>> No.1117164

>who would be impressed


>> No.1117169

San Jose boy here. It's much the same in this area as well. I really can't understand it. I can't remember the last time I paid more than $10 for a nice pair of pants or shoes, or full market value for a console or game.

People who are too snobbish for flea markets and thrift stores are people I don't care to know.

The great majority of my collection is from the flea market as well. Got a 3DO and Saturn for five bucks a piece, $8 model one Sega CD, $8 Intellivision, etc. The list goes on.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe how much some people spend on their systems.

>> No.1117172
File: 1.31 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same type of person who is a "nerd".

i got these for 1$ from my local thrift shop.

>> No.1117186

I got a NES, 30 games, 6 controllers, 2 zappers for $70 on craigslist.

Good games too. Mega man 1-6, adventure islad 1-3, tmnt 1-3, kid icarus etc etc. I've sold some of them so I could buy other stuff at flea markets. Ive yet to pay market price for any of my vidya. I'll buy a cheap lot, sell the doubles or undesirable on ebay at bro prices, and then use the profits for walking aroud money at flea markets. I live when a hobby literally pays for itself.

>> No.1117187

if you think a toploader on display is in any way impressive you're not a nerd, you're jumping on the retro bandwagon and probably are under the age of 25.

>> No.1117195

thats why i used " ". the girls he tries to fuck are the "So nErDy" type

>> No.1117198

>framing gameboys and pokemon games

Holy shit can you be more faggot and/or hipster?

>> No.1117202

no you can't and this image is stolen from reddit, so yeah it's the epitome of hipster faggautism

>> No.1117218
File: 256 KB, 900x1200, gallery_31618_892_42683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the way to do it. I got a lot of four 2600s; two model one Genesis; one SNES; one N64; all the power supplies (plus a couple extras); twenty-three various controllers; Game Gear with carrying case and accessories; boxed NES advantage, NES Mother Ship, Nes Satellite, N64 RF connector, Game Gear Big Window II from Japan; and a bunch of Genesis, 2600, and NES games for $200.

Haven't even sold a third of the stuff and I've made back $140 of my purchase. Huge lots is the way to go if you want to collect games on the cheap.

Pic related. Same of the other stuff which was included in the lot.

>> No.1117227

>claims to have found a bunch of good items
>posts photo of a bunch of literal shit
very cool story

>> No.1117231

>implying a gameboy printer is shit

Nigger do you even retro

>> No.1117245
File: 157 KB, 1600x1200, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can read. They don't need pictures of what I already described. This stuff just isn't quite worth typing it all out, so I threw it on as a picture as an afterthought.

Here's the picture book version, you fucking ass:

>> No.1117259

>those shitty games
>all those dr. marios
>buying zappers
you sure showed me.

in all honesty it looks like some reseller got the best of you and dumped all his doubles/worthless shit onto you

i actually feel sorry for you

>> No.1117267

I don't mind. I sold all the shit games. I mostly wanted the hardware, and I'm happy with what I got.

I don't even own a NES.

>> No.1117269

Not that guy, but could you not be a cunt? That'd be great, thanks. There are people having a discussion, here

>> No.1117285

oh yeah I forgot OP was 12 years old and hasn't heard of craigslist or flea markets, my bad.

back on topic I wonder if OP will buy The Legend of Zelda for NES and display it next to his beybladez

>> No.1117291

>i dont even own an NES
please leave

>> No.1117305

The prices of Nintendo products are inflated. I basically only buy what I can find at the flea market, and every NES I've come across at the flea market is overpriced. If I come across one which is reasonably priced, I'll buy it. But until then I am going without a NES.

I'm more of a hardware guy anyway, and American Nintendo hardware isn't very interesting to me. I prefer the failed consoles, interesting peripherals, and pre-NES consoles.

>> No.1117304

Why would you do this?!

The fuck, you could be PLAYING those copies, not hanging them on some fucking wall.

It's people like you who deny starving children these experiences.

>> No.1117307

>being this jelly he cant find deals like this and flipping it for a profit and keeping the stuff you want.

Actually I feel sorry for you. Stay butthurt poorfag.

>> No.1117319

>This white kid pretending to be japanese


>> No.1117345

soo jelly over his 4 zappers and 3 copies of dr. mario and a pleb load of sports games you can't even give away

>> No.1117372
File: 2.92 MB, 1332x900, schmuckers nigger jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing you'll never find the deals I found

>> No.1117390

>have already found literally the exact same deals

Minus the shitty games like earthbound. I don't collect games I don't want.

>> No.1117394

neat story

>> No.1117396

Yeah, because Japanese people prefer using 4chan over 2chan; common knowledge.

The fact that it is entirely in English and is full of people who hate overtly Japanese things is just gravy.

>> No.1117398

>I don't collect games I don't want.
yeah he just scouts for the pro deals, you know the ones:
>3 copies of dr. mario
>12 zappers
>miscellaneous av cables
>sports talk baseball
>mario plushie

>> No.1117401

You're just madddd you big gay baby!
Why imply Earthbound is shit? You searching for comments to get your epeen up you brat? Why don't you just post your collection or tell >>1117372 how cool he is and just awe over his findings, or get the fucking money you use on stupid shit and buy it yourself? Fucking hell man.

>> No.1117432

Not the guy posting hardware faggot. Nice try though.

I don't like earthbound. Im sorry I hurt your wittle hipster feelings. Deal with it or stay buttmad.

>> No.1117445

What is the big deal? A few gameboys and games framed. I can do that at home.

>> No.1117468

Oh hey look it the LETS PLAY collection, games played by your favourite YOUTUBE REVIEWERS :D

Do you have your own opinion on games, or just buy what you see on shitty youtuber channels?

>> No.1117483

Now this is shitposting

>> No.1117504

no babies first collection was just some tasty bait

>> No.1117508
File: 27 KB, 199x188, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this jelly

>> No.1117612

I have all those games shithead. My turbo grafx collection alone is better than LETS PLAY PLEBS/you

>> No.1117625


4chan's batshit self-loathing is getting off the charts here

>> No.1117646

People who actually like videogames shouldn't take presumably functional pieces of hardware and turn them into some tacky hipster "art" display.

>> No.1117659

You totally missed the point of his post. Liking video games means you play them not hang them on your wall

>> No.1117680

again, a very neat story

>> No.1117684

Neat story is how you are impressed by the most basic shit ever, did the rising of the sun drop your jaw this morning moron?

>> No.1117692

>being this mad
tell another doozy, i'll put the kettle on

>> No.1117694

The fuck. It's generally accepted what the good games are. Its not like there were some awesome indie SNES games that only 'real gamers' know about.
Jesus you're a twat!

>> No.1117702

did you get madder than you have ever been today?
pro tip: you did

>> No.1117708

No you underagers fuck off, I know what good games are I just dont care when you show off your basic shit everybody and their damn dog has

>> No.1117734


I'm not even in this thread, but you are mad as fuck dude. Chill.

>> No.1117751

Hahaha you shitheads want to hang gameboys on your walls? Try something better, like, Playstation. Whoa! That would be awesome. Picture yourself four PS1 (not PSOne) with like Suikoden2, MML2, FFT and Castlevania SOTN.

Thats rad shit right there.

>> No.1117756

because I have to deal with you underage shitheads whos entire game collections are Nintendo first part, Konami and Capcom that is all you know. They all say everything else is crap and wont even bother to try it. Just go into any genesis vs snes thread

>> No.1117758

this is the MAD police.

>you are too mad

please take your anger somewhere justifiable and stop lying about games you wish you owned.

>> No.1117769

once I get home from WORK something you kids know nothing about I will proceed to shit all over that kids picture kthx

>> No.1117770
File: 63 KB, 888x500, WP_20131004_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got the frames at a craft store and the games on ebay.

If you're gonna do this though don't frame fake game like in your pic.

>> No.1117776

You're a faggot not a fan of video games. Please leave our hobby. Please take this artfag shit to reddit. This is called retro games not WALL DECORATIONS and the children wonder why I am mad.

>> No.1117779


A hobby can manifest it self in many ways. I personally enjoy the look of old game carts and that's why these ones are framed. There's not a game up there that I haven't played to completion.

>> No.1117784

nobody wonders why you're mad.

you have autism and are jealous of other peoples images.

why you continue to post is anyone's guess

>> No.1117785

I love the look of them too thats why they are on my shelf and not caged up like an animal

>> No.1117786
File: 2 KB, 125x125, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>framing games
>not playing them

>> No.1117791


>> No.1117792


They aren't animals though. They're objects. I don't have the hardware to play any of them at this point so I choose to display them in a way that makes me happy.

I still play games constantly and because of my love of games I like having some that I truly enjoy displayed. Sorry if that doesn't conform to your tastes.

>> No.1117793

>you have autism
This shit does get old. Does it not?

>> No.1117794

You buy things you can't use to show them off. Confirmed for faggot

>> No.1117796


Show them off? I'm the only one who sees them really. I like seeing them. I've played each and every one of them and now they have a new life as a sort of eye candy.

>> No.1117797

only a fucking fool would frame a pokemon games, let alone games at all. It's probably someone from that generation of 90's kids who are now in their 20's and think that framing something nostalgic is a cool thing. it's like my idiot fucking friend who framed unopened booster packs of the first pokemon set. like, who are you trying to impress with that? are you a fucking loser?

>> No.1117801

>a pokemon games
yeah, sorry, I'm a faggot.

>> No.1117802

hey guys when grandpa here gets off work we're going to see what a real hipster collection looks like!

>> No.1117803

mad guy here, seriously fucking pleb doesnt even have gradius and youre all over this guys dick

>> No.1117805

Go home underage you don't deserve grandpa games

>> No.1117807

WOAH GUY U R SO MAD. Nah Im on the same page as you, Im sick of these fucking emulator kids. Talking about old games is awesome but these faggots only know megaman/mario just basic pleb shit and they think they are SOOOOOO DAMN le retro. Children plz leave

>> No.1117808

dude is max level mad and just flaming everyone, pretty funny.

>berates people for having no lives and trolling him on 4chan
>sits on 4chan at work trying hopelessly to defend himself
top kek

>> No.1117823

When you're dead i'll still be alive enjoying games and you'll still be mad, in purgatory.

>> No.1117824

What the hell is going on in this thread?

>> No.1117829


some people are mad because other people do different thing with pieces of plastic than they do.

>> No.1117831

The only game I would even considering framing would be a NES Championship gold cart or like, some unique prototype. Other from that I don't know what the hell all you faggots talk about. Why would you want to frame games? Is this a troll thread?

>> No.1117834

Some low-level trawling.

>> No.1117836

So basic 4-chan shitflinging. Gotcha

>> No.1117840

Jesus man, calm down, I think it looks kinda cool.

>> No.1117842

yah putting games behind glass is the worst fucking bait

>> No.1117846

Staring at them on your wall is not enjoying them faggot

>> No.1117850

That is what masturbation is all about.

>> No.1117879

born in 91 motherfucker? it's not cool to frame nostalgic things. it's pointless. it's like, shit, i bet someone born in 89 who has a house now has like, a fucking megazord on display and all these other nostalgic 90's things. fuck that. it's stupid.

>> No.1117905

Not really /vr/ related. I have some movies posters not the film itself of some movies released long before my birth, framed. Is that safe?

>> No.1117907

decorating your house is for women

>> No.1117912

Women tend to fuck even that up.

>> No.1117916

Well. Dont fuckin get one then. We all know what u mean (except the underaged ones). You kinda replyed yourself.

>> No.1117917


Why would you care what some autistic nerd on /vr/ thinks?

>> No.1117924

Thats a poster its main purpose is to look at, a lot different than the main purpose of a video game.

>> No.1117927

movie posters are considered visual art that are meant to be looked at. that's the reason they exist and were made. they're MEANT to be framed, and are acceptable and look nice (depending on the film of course).

>> No.1117932

Good point. Thought provoking anyway.
Isn't not caring about what the world outside you thinks make you autistic? I visit this one board and care what people here think, sounds okay to me. Not that I'm going to throw those away and burn my house down, world isn't black and white.

>> No.1117935

Posters is one thing but framing cartridges is just retarded.

>> No.1117939

This is a wise amerifat. For once, listen to him.

>> No.1117941

I have a megazord on display, I don't give a fuck about nostalgia, I just really like power rangers.

>> No.1117947

as a toy collector, i have one too, but it's in display in my bedroom. i'm saying in their god damn living room.

>> No.1117956

I gotcha. Off topic, but where is a good place to order parts for them? Mines missing a few pieces, and eBay can be pricey.

>> No.1117986

some dumb hipster retro faggot shitgargler frames perfectly good video games and pictures of animay girls. /v/ loses its collective shit.

Lets be honest /v/ this is not the most retarded thing you have ever seen someone do.

>> No.1118018

i bought mine complete /toy/. not really sure about that.

>> No.1118026

Fuckwad. This is /vr/. Fuck off

>> No.1118051
File: 1.81 MB, 457x321, dino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you played 20 bucks for a Game Cube

Fuck I suck at everything.

>> No.1118094

I paid 100$ equivalent, but it's a WODE

>> No.1118106
File: 55 KB, 504x485, Flapjack_by_Lonoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1118118
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1360090550580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever mainland Japan サクス. nigger

>> No.1118124
File: 30 KB, 465x500, 1355293619946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can hear their cries from behind the glass...

>> No.1118684

bitch hasn't even raped a chink from the coast yet, what a pleb hahaha murica fuck yeaaaaaaaa

honestly tho i recently took a trip and caught some amerimilitary fags trying to take their mount fuji walking sticks on board a domestic flight claiming they didn't have to check baggage because they were super military fags.

i'm not even from america and i was ashamhed, this is how military behaves when on leave? megaplebs

>> No.1119417
File: 93 KB, 674x554, picture205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got a pretty damn good fine, CIB, still in factory-shrink.
