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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240510_003427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11156975 No.11156975 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11152861

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like patriots ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/



FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.11156979


=== WHEN IT'S DONE ===

/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

=== NEWS ===
[8-13] Doom 2 gets another ray tracing mod

[8-13] Xaser and Edward's interview about the new port is out

[8-11] WadSmoosh ceases development

[8-11] DSDA-Doom v0.28.0 is released

[8-10] Don't Be A Bitch 4 announced

[8-10] ID24: new specification built on top of MBF21, Docs and the video showcase in the links below.

[8-09]Map Center releases a up to date Quake II Re-Release Mapping tutorial for newbs and /vr/

[8-09]Quake Retro Jam 1 is out

[8-09]crispy DOOM 7.0 released

[8-08] Official Port gets overhauled, adds new episodes, with new weapons and monsters. Has MBF21 compat, and apparently also a new standard???
Includes lots of unseen Alpha & Beta content!

[8-07] More Quake II updates coming. Possibly something about Quake 4 also.

[8-07] DBP67: Marble Hill is out now!

[8-03] Anon releases Cliffside Combat:

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.11156989

>that pic
Oh no.

>> No.11156992
File: 374 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11156996
File: 47 KB, 345x405, RevSpookyDance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more gifs of retro FPS monsters dancing

>> No.11157002

I was just playing through Doom 1 in KEX Doom, and none of the backpacks doubled my max ammo. Did anyone else notice this?

>> No.11157003

Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it.

>> No.11157004

Haven't played but that would be embarassing

>> No.11157005

>dude stop fixing the bugs!!
Imagine being this absolute retard

>> No.11157018

It seems to be working now when I test it. Wish I clipped the issue.

>> No.11157020

They work as intended for me

>> No.11157023

were you pistol starting? if so, I heard that happens


>> No.11157031

I noticed during E2, I was doing pistol starts and started it with the "new game" option. Might have just been a one-off oddity.

>> No.11157034

this is my dog taking a shit

>> No.11157036

imagine the smell

>> No.11157039

Know bug if your using the pistol start difficulty modifier

>> No.11157043

Interesting. I can't reproduce it when I want, but it happened on multiple maps in Doom 1 E2.

>> No.11157063

From my own experience, if you pick up a backpack and leave the level with it, any other backpacks you pick up later will not double you ammo count unless you die. Some check that says you picked up the backpack isn't properly resetting between levels when using pistol start.

>> No.11157067

All of that new ID24 stuff looks neat. Can't wait for most modern sourceports to adopt it.
>look at stupid DW drama
...Or not.
Maybe I should just map in UDMF if I want that many cool features, because it seems both formats are going to be limited to a small number of ports anyways.

>> No.11157082
File: 3.51 MB, 1920x1080, DOOM + DOOM II - Version Date_ Aug 6 2024 (Vulkan) 2024-08-13 22-56-55.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you pick up a backpack and leave the level with it, any other backpacks you pick up later will not double you ammo count unless you die
Yup, that's the issue. How the fuck did they miss that?

>> No.11157087
File: 3.93 MB, 540x540, Replay 2024-08-13 21-26-52.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that other WADs can start taking advantage of the Legacy of Rust textures

>> No.11157092

What the fuck?&-

>> No.11157095

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get custom properties on actors working in Zscript

Here is the simplest version of what I'm trying to achieve. Basically the code reacts to enemies dying, and if there is a plant in a radius, a custom message tied to the plant is logged. Everything else in the code works except the custom string property. I Used this documentation as a reference

Results in 'unknown identifier PlantMessage' and a failure to compile

Here's another variant I tried that mimics the syntax of the 'Obituary' property in the Zscript source code (since the documentation is ass)

Results in
classtest.pk3:zscript.txt, line 21: '@property@PlantMessage' is an unknown actor property

What the hell am I doing wrong here? There's nothing else in the mod except a mapinfo (for the event handler) and a picture of a plant btw, just to remove any and all other variables

>> No.11157107

>Barrels o' Fun's first rooms are unbalanced as fuck from a pistol start, so don't feel bad about it
It's challenging, but I wouldn't say unbalanced

>> No.11157117

My guess is they didn't simply code it to treat every level as if you idclev'd or died and restarted, and instead, made separate coding for resetting your health and inventory directly, but didn't take into account for the fact that backpacks only increase your max ammo the first time you pick one up in a single continuous life.

>> No.11157118
File: 55 KB, 850x800, all-of-the-new-enemies-in-the-legacy-of-rust-wad-v0-jh5x03djmjhd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to complete Legacy of Rust's final map, 'Brink' on Ultra-Violence.

The last section with something like 28 Tyrants all at once comes across as impossible. I can maybe take out a third of them before a random missile hits me. I'm sure someone found a trick, but it's coming across as blind luck at the moment.

>> No.11157123

Pick a side. Charge up to 4 or 5 and hit the middle one. That should clear out that room. Then use 3-charges for the rest of the group. It becomes much more manageable once you clear out one side because missiles will only be coming from one side.
But it's still total trial & error.

>> No.11157126

That seems like an obvious flag to uncheck when implementing a pistol start option. Seems like a lack of testing beyond a couple of maps in a row. Backpacks never really come up early or frequently in the IWADs.
It reminds me of Dusk, where the pistol start option is just worse than backing out to the level select screen.

>> No.11157128

It was definitely annoying, but I managed to do it by focusing one side, while letting the other side get closer to the middle. once most of them are in the middle, it becomes a lot easier to handle.

>> No.11157130
File: 148 KB, 600x600, cherubini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing

>> No.11157138

these recordings made me notice everybody lives with their head tilted to one side

>> No.11157140


Thanks for the tips. I might just be charging the Calamity Blade too long. Do we know if each shot does the same damage regardless of whether you charge it for longer? I know the width increases, but unsure of the actual damage of each portion of said wave.

>> No.11157142

>Do we know if each shot does the same damage regardless of whether you charge it for longer?
Yes, it just creates more projectiles. But if you're close enough to something, those 15 projectiles are going to hurt.

>> No.11157143 [DELETED] 

Longer charges just means wider attack, from what I could gather.

>> No.11157145

I would throw a small to medium sized shot (2-4 charge) into one of the doors as it opened to clear that room, and then would use the closest nuke rocket as cover from tyrants on the other side as I started shooting at the tyrants near me.
I think they have Barron health so a double charge can kill one if you can get close, but you’re keeping distance so you might need to fling two three single shots at a target depending on RNG rolls. Though that’s with my limited knowledge on the calamity and tyrants so I don’t know if I’m optimally doing things right.

>> No.11157148

Yep, but the projections spawn from a single point, so if you’re close, all those projectiles will shred anything close enough before it spreads. It’s like a reverse BFG in a sense.

>> No.11157159

>It’s like a reverse BFG in a sense.
It has a similar use, but with a windup. You still want to get in something's face with the BFG.
But you can still just single-tap the blade for respectable damage relative to its ammo cost. Ripper projectiles are great.

>> No.11157165

I want to hack Sigil with Doom 2 monsters. Is it actually possible? What's the necessary wads to load?

>> No.11157169

Yeah the windup was a hurdle I noticed when I was trying to single shot Vasagos with a double charge. Something like a Cyber seems too unpredictable to single shot but I’ve not done much battle testing to really verify that.

>> No.11157172

I wouldn't say they're any less predictable, arguably moreso because they get locked in their attack animation for 3 projectiles every time. But it is way more punishing to get hit by them and more difficult to dodge, especially in large numbers.

>> No.11157173
File: 104 KB, 573x368, 1512373115294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the new ports and I feel like i'm getting stuck on geometry more than usual, sounds keep cutting out, especially on the new episode. Back to GZ i go.

>> No.11157189

Does Legacy of Rust work with gzdoom?

>> No.11157193
File: 1.73 MB, 2560x1440, rtraced201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom 2 gets another ray tracing mod
I like what these brightmaps are doing

>> No.11157196

Im getting into making maps and I want to improve but Im having issues with retarded shit like not creating properly evenly sided geometry, especially shit like octagons hexagons etc. Any tips for making geometry look proper?

>> No.11157197

Looks good. Wish I could play it without it crashing immediately.

>> No.11157207
File: 145 KB, 1920x1050, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming Doom Builder:
>Click mode
>Draw ellipse mode
>change the number of sides to whatever shape you want to create
>click and choose the size of your shape

>> No.11157221

I've been using an ancient version of doombuilder, never thought to try ultimate, holy shit man that helps a ton. thanks

>> No.11157235

They missed a alot of things as it turns out, Boom features not working as they should, Vanilla behavior being enforced in non-vanilla wads which breaks maps, Some maps crashes the game, apparently mouse sensitivity is tied to FPS too.

>> No.11157245

>I've been using an ancient version of doom, never thought to try ultimate, holy shit man that helps a ton. thanks
One small edit makes your post sound a little bit more ridiculous.

>> No.11157250
File: 49 KB, 600x583, Screenshot_214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open sunlust's god machine through Kek engine
>finale with the pain elementals spitting out like 743 lost souls doesnt happen because its locked to the 21 lost souls hard limit
Honestly I should have also checked to see if the cyber telefrag works too

>> No.11157298

The first pastebin link is correct, but fails to compile because of the code in the handler. You're not casting to TalkingPlant, so "other" doesn't know it has the PlantMessage variable.

>let plant = TalkingPlant(other);
>if (plant) { string message = plant.PlantMessage; break; }

Although you have a separate logical problem in that the message assignment doesn't do anything because it's a local variable that immediately goes out of scope unused. What is it that you are trying to achieve?

>> No.11157307

it wasn't just me then

>> No.11157352

Mostly. 4.13p95 handles everything except the ID24 features, earlier builds of 4.13 break the Vassago fire pool and Banshee explosion. I had some secret wall issues on my early build of 4.13, but that could have just been me being retarded.

>> No.11157372

this sprite is so fucking ugly wtf

>> No.11157379
File: 498 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if it was just a Morrowind-themed, episode-sized campaign?
I'd still want full weapon, enemy, and asset replacers even if it mostly feels like regular Quake otherwise. Maybe just my tism.

Speaking of tism, I've actually thought about the full potential of this rabbit hole a little and something of a scope akin to Battlespire (i.e. limited character customization with skills and levelups, but a linear level progression) should be possible in vanilla QuakeC.
Inventory items can be done to an extent, though they're tricky since all of a player's info has to be condensed into 16 24-bit values for cross-level transfer, so things like enchantments would have to be very simple. Of course, you can store multiple stats per value via various math tricks.
There should be enough cvars to comfortably store things like quest flags, gameplay modifiers, limited AI companion stats (i.e. what kind of companion from a numbered list and how much health they have left), and other cross-level stuff not specific to a player since such values aren't likely to be big and some of them can be wiped and reused for something else after certain points.
Character sheets and inventory screens can be done by loading a BSP box for each player outside of the map (determined by the map's bounding box size), placing dummy entities in it to represent the player character and items, setting the player camera to look at it, and using some custom impulse commands to navigate and interact with it.
An interactive map could be possible by similar means, but it would require smaller scale versions of every level to be made with secret areas and other temporarily obscured sections as separate BSP models with corresponding triggers to enable.

All that stuff aside, it's just a matter of it feel less jank than a Bethesda game as well as actually challenging because >>11156968 makes a good point despite just trying to be funny.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, outlander.

>> No.11157398

Some things I learned about the new port by trying 512 Linedefs of /vr/
>mp3 music does not work for some reason, but tracker music does
>MIDIs in general are kinda ass
>The inverted controls section in MAP07 is expectedly broken

>> No.11157471

>drama terrible
>mostly mappers complaining
It knows.

>> No.11157476

Eh, it's not like anyone who knows what they're doing will be using the new port anyway.

>> No.11157484

>"one of the levels kinda look like cock but cool 5/5" - idgames reviewer

>> No.11157509

Cyber telefrag should work in vanilla. Might break in MBF21 though, since it learned to discriminate between monster spawner and teleport.

>> No.11157521

>Dusk, where the pistol start option is just worse than backing out to the level select screen.
did you mean intruder mode? what's wrong with it?

>> No.11157542

nta, I'd play that.

>> No.11157551
File: 2.39 MB, 1887x1062, hickok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call it autism but damn did it bother me when the MSX nail shotgun in the fixed version would play the chambering animation at the end of reloading regardless of if it was empty beforehand
anyway if any1 needs it heres a fix

>> No.11157576

Thoughts on Doom retro?

>> No.11157579 [DELETED] 

More like Doom Redditro

>> No.11157581

It's a pistol start issue I think. Someone else mentioned it.

>> No.11157598

Revenant missile behavior is bugged and everyone gets pissed if you fix it.

>> No.11157603


>> No.11157605

Somewhat nifty, but you could craft lighting like that for a fraction of the hardware overhead.

>> No.11157610
File: 34 KB, 629x302, cyberbaron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't it look just dogshit?
They should have just tried to do a Cyber Baron or something.
>smaller so he fits more places
>doesn't look like a Cyberdemon except lobotomized and fucking retarded
>could make him fire one rocket at a time, maybe a 50% chance to fire a second one right after, then make him always try to retaliate with a green fireball upon painstate

Not necessarily this exact graphic, but it wouldn't be THAT hard to cook up something similar, only better.

>> No.11157638
File: 145 KB, 640x480, what_if_you_could_talk_to_the_monsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a personal theory that what you're describing is basically what Raven was going for with Hecatomb - the original Hexen 2 before Activision told them to treat Heretic and Hexen as separate IPs. Apparently Hecatomb was going to feature a quasi-open world made of multiple hubs connected to one big central castle, a hub of hubs which you'd return to in the end (I guess this would make it a sort of metroidvania fps? I'd really like to see that.)
Some ideas did make it into Hexen 2: it got a rudimentary levelling system and a simple inventory for equipment and key items; if it also had NPCs to speak to, sidequests beyond the main Objectives log, and more interconnected levels, it would be a fully-fledged, if barebones, RPG experience.
Can't say how doable this is in QuakeC since I've never used it so far, but most of the world interaction side of things could probably be faked if Quake had triggers and env_globals like Half-Life. Didn't progs_dump 3 and on feature something like that?
Anyway, If you're gonna try to make something like that, I wish you good luck, sera. I'd like to ramble more as I've been pondering this sort of thing for a while too, but I really gotta sleep. I'll just wrap this up with one more stray thought: if Battlespire had been made today, it would probably be a standalone GZDoom TC like, say, Hedon or Hands of Necromancy.

>> No.11157650
File: 216 KB, 480x360, nichijou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11157668

That's just vanilla behaviour that GZDoom corrects. It's the superior port if jank is not your thing.

>> No.11157673

Bait port because of the name and mostly useless. Not demo compatible like the authentic ports and lacks the advanced features of GZDoom.

>> No.11157683

Eviternity already had a cool Cyber Baron model, but I get it, they can't just rip that off.

>> No.11157692


>> No.11157693

Has anyone Ever tried to rip off the textures and sprites off the DOS Jurassic park game?

>> No.11157732

Were there any games using SoF-like body dismemberment but with Quake's pace?
Is it possible, in theory, to hack together something functional like shooting an ogre's chainsaw arm off?

>> No.11157740
File: 3.87 MB, 640x360, RLcoopsolo_lordskaarjuggle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was quite the lull

>> No.11157747

He regularly guts features because his intended audience(the minority of users) don't use them.

>> No.11157748

>The inverted controls section in MAP07 is expectedly broken
Can the kek port not into complevels?

>> No.11157814

Lot of Boom features don't work like they should. Friction seems to be fucked as well, which is what 512 Linedef's MAP07 uses. Anything from BOOMEDIT.wad seems to work fine.

>> No.11157813

Things really do have a bit too much health in Unreal.

>> No.11157817

Unreal is crap
Prove me wrong

>> No.11157838

It is pretty weird how they left out those broken spots when Quake & Quake 2 didn't shy away from switching things up on some maps. Might've as well fixed it all, especially since old untouched WADs will still carry over in DOS part of the package.
>Stop playing retro games on literal toasters
Sweet brain damage.
...okay, that's fair I guess. And (if I recall correctly) demos situation isn't that great on Quake's re-releases either due to some under the hood changes.

>> No.11157840
File: 3.90 MB, 854x480, RLcoopsolo_deck4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the dudes, but there’s not many per level.
The game also have some of the most understated enemy AI I’ve played in nearly all of these shooters and that helps to keep it very entertaining. It’s still the exact opposite of what Doomers prefer.

>> No.11157846

The id Deathmatch pack 1 isn't in the repo, anybody has it or it can't be ripped?

>> No.11157854


>> No.11157861
File: 22 KB, 300x247, D6FJg1HXkAAZzWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good resources out there for learning how to texture/sprite for Doom?
I have ideas™ for a TC and mapping, weapon design, monster design and the like is all stuff I can figure out, but the graphics are kind of a barrier for me

>> No.11157875
File: 3.55 MB, 2876x2160, LegRust01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some thoughts on Legacy Of Rust, from what I've played so far.

E1M1 was alright, kinda boring even at first, but it picks up a little as it goes. I really don't have too much to say about this level, for the most part it's a very "Adequate MAP01" feel to it, though the hell portal makes for a pretty cool visual, not so much for the portal structure itself or the annoying loud noise, but how sky transfer is used so you can truly see the other world through it.

E1M2 picks up the pace a LOT. The environment is neat and hellish, using some of the 'new' textures well, and has cool structures around, like some kind of train bridge running above the bloody hell gulches where you're fighting. I like the warped clumps of damned souls and the little caverns with blazing red fire where enemies shoot out from or come crawling out of.

The combat really ramps up by the Hemoelectric Dam, and it's fun, with the first level was afraid it was gonna go really soft on me, but it's getting really exciting here. I love the maneuvering around, rushing to move myself behind a pillar as I hear a ball of death from the Revenants slam into my cover, then I rush back out blasting rockets.

It keeps getting spicy inside the Hemoelectric Dam, introducing the screaming fuckfaces. I'm kind of glad that they constantly scream so that can gauge their whereabouts and distance by that.
The exploration is quite decent, there's many secrets in this map, including a secret exit to a secret level.

So for a start, my impression has been mostly good, but I guess I'll see how it holds up.

>> No.11157878

I like Unreal too, you don't need to sell it to me. I still feel like I am always low on ammo and a few of the weapons don't work too well with all the enemy dodging.

>> No.11157880

>Hemoelectric Dam
Oh you

>> No.11157885
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, Безымянный3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still beating Knee Deep in KDiZD with Chocolate Doom. Used Magpie to apply some shader settings I used extensively when playing LoZ:LttP on SNES emulator.
I found that when you take initial picture and upscale it though HqX or any other Pixel-art scaling algorithm - only then you can apply CRT effects (I use CRT-Geom). Scaling algorithms apply good amount of smoothing which CRT shaders need to look convincing.

>> No.11157895

Port got rushed + Boom and MBF have notoriously shitty specification documentation. Boom at least has a test map, MBF has nothing iirc. Hopefully the implementation of these both gets better.

>> No.11157897

There are a few Darkplaces mods like Q1.5 and SMC that feature headshot death animations, but I don't know if there's a hitbox causing that or if it's just played at random when using the shotgun.

>> No.11157903 [DELETED] 

Us gamers, amirite?

>> No.11157905 [DELETED] 

What made you think your post was in any way less obnoxious than what you were 'criticising'?

>> No.11157913 [DELETED] 

My post took 5 seconds to write, the tranny who made that image spent significant amounts of time to make something devoid of any personality or soul that they thought would win them admiration from people with Asperger's. That image is as worthless as my 5 second shitpost.

>> No.11157918


MBF demo wad

>> No.11157925


>> No.11157928

Wasn't there a vkdoom mod that did that already?

>> No.11157929 [DELETED] 

>lots of buzzwords
hoes mad

>> No.11157931

E1M3 has some seriously vicious monster placement, including a very close quarter baron + beta soul encounter.

>> No.11157934

Well, I'll be! Thanks a lot for sharing links.

>> No.11157936 [DELETED] 

>he says while seething because somebody thought his anime girl mockup was gay

>> No.11157949 [DELETED] 

>somebody thought
Are you sure you can think? It doesn't seem to be the case.

>> No.11157953
File: 3.90 MB, 640x360, RLcoopsolo_slithgibs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projectile weapons always take some more effort or a closer range against fast and unpredictable enemies, and the skaarj are really the only enemies like that: Brutes, slith, and krall are a lot slower.

>> No.11157956 [DELETED] 

>you are... DUMB LOL
Look man, we can keep going back and forth with this, but the fact is that your picture was gay and you should feel bad. Good afternoon.

>> No.11157961 [DELETED] 

Look man, the fact is that you're stupid and I shit on your stupid opinions about both pictures and how other people should feel. And I can keep going until the janny wakes up if need be. I can think of so many ways to call a stupid person stupid.

>> No.11157964 [DELETED] 

>you're stupid
>both pictures

>> No.11157967 [DELETED] 

Nah you're a fag. inb4 delete

>> No.11157969 [DELETED] 

And your reading comprehension is at the expected level.

>> No.11157970 [DELETED] 

>it's an angry ESL
That explains a lot.

>> No.11157971 [DELETED] 

>it's an eop doesn't know his own language episode

>> No.11157973 [DELETED] 

>ESL admits he's an ESL

>> No.11157979 [DELETED] 

Both of you are fucking retarded

>> No.11157980 [DELETED] 

>the centrist arrives

>> No.11157981
File: 884 KB, 1200x1920, 1602870089505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11157982 [DELETED] 

Ok, that's such a boring reply I can't even continue.

>> No.11157991


>> No.11158000

for a smushed potato caleb looks a little too good here

>> No.11158013

>This is what the thirsty female demons of Hell actually believe. Also a lot of the male ones.

>> No.11158021

Eeew. Sometimes the art screams "fujo" way too much.
And even bishonen shit aside Doomguy and Caleb sholudn't be handsome.
At least the Ranger is not there

>> No.11158028

Ranger fat ugly bastard

>> No.11158034

there's nothing to be ashamed vore-chan

>> No.11158036

Does he go HUH when he thrusts?

>> No.11158039
File: 2.11 MB, 1238x948, caleb bishie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with prettyboy heroes.

>> No.11158042

Thanks. For now in just trying to get the message to use later in the handler. Again I wanted to boil it down to where the problem was so it would be easier to post here. But im guessing the main problem is that “other” doesn’t return a “Plant” object but a base “actor” object that doesn’t have access to those properties?

>> No.11158049
File: 429 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240814_092254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good combo.

>> No.11158050

I mean, it WAS drawn by a fujo. Just one who happens to love Doom for some weird reason.
Is JPCP2 coming out soon, by the way? I heard they announced it years ago.

>> No.11158052


>> No.11158072

Because pistol starting is a meme

>> No.11158079

Can you draw?
Can you operate any kind of picture manipulation program?
Are you not just an ideas guy?
If you can answer all of these questions with a "Yes", then you already know everything you need.

>> No.11158091
File: 137 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240814_091013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's not great. The side hair just ends up looking like mutton chops sometimes. The player sprite is also not good, so I replaced it with the girl raider from Ashes.

>> No.11158103

I'm playing Legacy Of Rust with dsda but the game sometimes freezes, and when I load some saves the game freezes at the same moment.
Is anyone else having similar problems?

>> No.11158108

If you are not interested in speedrunning, multiplayer, or ZDoom features, it's a capable and stylish port with the best software renderer around. It can run Boom and MBF21 map and any DEHACKED or DEHEXTRA patch under the sun. It has effects like blood splatters and waves for liquid flats that look great, don't dilute Doom's essence, and can be toggled.

>> No.11158112

Pretty much. If a variable is of type Actor, it'll only have access to methods and fields declared in Actor. Typecasting is necessary when you need to access things that are defined in derived classes, like TalkingPlant.

>> No.11158114

What were this general's reactions like when NightDive changed a bunch of stuff for Quake 2 such as adding new attack patterns for Berserkers? Did the folks here think they're acceptable? Did they hate the changes? Did they simply not care because >quake2?

>> No.11158119 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, DnZAtNwW4AAW1pI.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to use a superior source port

>> No.11158120

The berserker changes are alright, but I don’t like the parasite and flyer changes or some of the weapon changes. It got a lot of people to play Q2 beyond the original levels, got people to have fun with it, has a way to play all of Q264, new levels are fun, and overall it’s a fun time. I still prefer modded KmQ2.

>> No.11158123

I remember people mostly liking it, because it at least gave the combat a pulse. Nobody liked the railgun nerf though, and the arrogant fuck devs heard everyone complaining about it and still refused to fully fix the issue.

>> No.11158124

Opinions on Quake 2 have always been mixed here, some who didn't much care for Quake 2 liked the changes, some who did like Quake 2 also liked the changes. Some didn't like the changes.

Some changes were mainly liked, like improving the AI, while some were not taken so fondly, like nerfing the railgun's damage, even though the improved AI means you almost never get the stealth damage bonus which makes it so powerful in the original game.

>> No.11158136

>uses a port called DSDA
>gets upset because it keeps being aimed at speedrunners

>> No.11158138 [DELETED] 

Go back to hatching your eggs Graf

>> No.11158151

If I were kraf I'd just troll the shit out of my unintended fans and tell them to make their own fork.

>> No.11158159

Isn't that basically the point of Nugget?

>> No.11158168

>>railgun stealth damage buff is considered a problem
>>the solution? Nerf its overall damage and not the stealth damage buff
Was this seriously their thought process when nerfing it?

>> No.11158179

>that E1 ending
bullshit, i could've taken down those demons easily with the new bfg and the invulnerability

>> No.11158190

I guess? I've been using woof all this time. I was just thinking of funnier ways to handle DSDA's ENDOOM drama like "Hey guys, I've recognized your very strong opinions on the removal of ENDOOM from my port. With careful consideration and taking your views into account, I have decided to not only keep this change, but also remove intermission screens as well! Thank you for your support!" instead of the alternative

>> No.11158191
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Well, multi-level hubs (or anything where you go BACK to a previous level with the state of all its entities being saved) wouldn't be possible outside of FTE, but you can get around that simply by having really fucking big maps since that's the one thing modern sourceports have been pressured into supporting. Some people might cringe at that after having experienced some more recent Quake releases, but I think cleverness of design can counteract issues of scale.
>world interaction side of things could probably be faked if Quake had triggers and env_globals like Half-Life. Didn't progs_dump 3 and on feature something like that?
Yes, you can code triggers that can save values to cvars that persist cross-level. There's also the non-cvar but still persistent value of 'serverflags' that vanilla Quake uses for saving runes, and I think progs_dump uses for flagging if the player should use an alternate spawnpoint on the next map.
Weirdly, Scourge of Armagon actually added a bunch of superfluous cvars that can be used for this (scratch1-4, saved1-4, savedgamecfg) that every sourceport still has despite them being unused in that expansion.
>Anyway, If you're gonna try to make something like that, I wish you good luck
Maybe eventually, but I'd need a team of fellow autists for something that big - especially on the mapping side of things.
Still fun to plan out the technical details of it though.

>> No.11158193
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The stealth damage bonus still exists in the altered game, but while originally you could get it very often with opening attacks, the new AI is much more alert meaning that it's very hard to actually get it now, which I think is the appropriate nerf, where you can still actually get that goodness if you do things JUST right.
However, the base damage of the railgun then also being reduced really hurts its ability to perform as a non-stealth combat weapon as intended, and it's just shitting on a good and fun weapon which otherwise was balanced fine.

Railguns deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

>> No.11158207

The flamethrower is suspiciously close to the one in Heartland

>> No.11158210

is that ever going to work with other ports?

>> No.11158220

Quake 3 is better than Quake 2 in every way.

>> No.11158230

What about as a single player game?

>> No.11158248

Not really, Quake 3 is missing some of the fun weapons from Quake 2, and Quake 2's multiplayer deathmatch is basically as good as Quake 3's.

Quake 3 isn't really a singleplayer game so it can't be compared, its singleplayer is nothing but emulated multiplayer deathmatch with bots.

>> No.11158257

Finally finished space cats saga. It's sad that it is another wad that exists to flex the programming skills of the makers because holy shit those maps are garbage.
Some cute art tho

>> No.11158274

How much porn did Carmack watch before he discovered the relationship between game stories and porn movie stories? I imagine it must have been quite a lot. Do you know what kind of porn it was? I'm just starting my own game and am not sure how much porn I should watch before starting the story

>> No.11158282

>Quake 3 is missing some of the fun weapons from Quake 2
and Quake 2 is missing the lightning gun, an actual weapon

>> No.11158284
File: 409 KB, 469x498, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I can't possibly know John Carmack's wanking habits, I will say that if you really want to walk in his footsteps you should seek out material from the 80s and early 90s for an authentic experience. It was better back then anyway.

>> No.11158285


>> No.11158290
File: 49 KB, 200x214, IMG_2421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 50 gigs of footage from the 80s/90s.
He also imported from Japan during that time. Good luck.

>> No.11158304

Was kinda interested in it but I don't know, it never grabbed my attention past the hot space catgirl thing. Seemed too much like "look what I can do in GZ!" and not enough fun, plus the actual sprites were just inconsistent and kinda ugly.

>> No.11158309

Any recent schizowads?

>> No.11158313


>> No.11158316

>seemed too much like "look what I can do in GZ!" and not enough fun, plus the actual sprites were just inconsistent and kinda ugly
That's exactly it. The monster colors are garish as hell and mix into the background too often, the maps are 60 to 80% too large and the vast majority of them are spent in darkness or obstructed by "vegetation" so you can't see shit anyway.
But hey, you can use the characters in other wads, even if the weapon balancing is wild.

>> No.11158335

Yes. Yes sir. In fact, one released this very week.

This is one of those guys who makes shitty awful maps and thinks they're art, so probably not a schizowad in the true sense but he forgot to take his meds anyway. This fucker ONLY makes this sort of thing.

Yeah, I remember the balancing was wild even when it was just a mod. Either way, not about to try it and find out.

>> No.11158340
File: 2.03 MB, 1366x768, spasm0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these Retro Jam maps are... unique. I'm still glad new mappers are giving it a go, though. The community needs new people. A few too many huge empty rooms for my liking in places though.

>> No.11158347
File: 1.38 MB, 1366x768, spasm0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This map was cool, even if that final fight was a giant clusterfuck and once the monsters were dead the "evil queen" (vore) could be cheesed due to the mini pillars on the side of her platform detonating her balls the moment she threw them at certain angles.

>> No.11158349

>The community needs new people
Is there such a thing as inbred maps?

>> No.11158351

Do you really want every single Jamp and mapset to be made by the same handful of guys from Slipseer? I have no problem with them, but they do make the same kinds of maps each time and it would be nice to see more people making levels.

>> No.11158352

Just beat Legacy of Rust on UV. How the in the fuck is anyone supposed to beat the last two levels without saving? I never ever use saves but I said fuck that for those two.

>> No.11158353

>I never ever use saves but I said fuck that for those two.
Anon, you understand that no saving is a challenge thing you work up to, and even most good players do practice runs with saves?

>> No.11158358

>no saving is a challenge thing you work up to
you can complete most maps without saving simply due to having experience with encounters and combat in general
what do you think CAUSES one to save before a map segment? lack of skill? for a person who finished over a hundred wads?
or maybe, well, surely there's no chance that's true, but MAYBE it's shitty level design?

>> No.11158360

If your campaign is well designed no save runs should already be the default way to play.

>> No.11158363

By using saves during practice, and then do it for real under a demo recording so I don’t accidentally impulse save or something.
I’ve beat a fair amount of 25 minute levels, so this wouldn’t be a grind, even with that tyrant den at the end.

>> No.11158364

>Do you really want every single Jamp and mapset to be made by the same handful of guys from Slipseer?
Ugh, not particularly, no. Those faggots have been a disaster for whats left of the Quake mapping community. Drama fucking everywhere and they're only using Quake for a desperate attempt to get jobs in the industry. Plus constant modern politics.

>> No.11158367

The worst aspect of the final map is the 30-second runup before you're able to actually do anything.

>> No.11158368

> If your campaign is well designed no save runs should already be the default way to play.
That’s horribly limiting belief that prevents someone’s skill from improving.

>> No.11158371

Eh, I don't get it, but then I play for fun and don't really have anything to prove. It can be a neat challenge, but people who get frustrated and complain about how hard a map is because they call saving "cheating" and such get no sympathy from me at all.

>> No.11158373

It also limits your options to less than half of the IWADs if we're strictly speaking of Doom.
Play better, nerds.

>> No.11158374

What run-up? I think I already forgot because I only remember the fights at this point.

>> No.11158378
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.11158379

>watch romero play through a meme map
>keeps hitting use on everything
>delays shots for no reason
>bumps into every object
is this how you're supposed to play doom?

>> No.11158383

The boomer mind cannot comprehend the zoomer map.

>> No.11158385

You forgot the use of filters.

>> No.11158389

Oh yeah I know what you mean.
Yeah those always suck. That was God Machine’s second worst bit right behind the Cathedral fight.

>> No.11158392

It just shows a lack of respect for the player.

>> No.11158403

I wouldn’t go so far and say it’s that much of a slight.

>> No.11158416

I wasn’t feeling confident in their initial balancing decisions, and then they went and reverted the nerf by having it be 125 a hit rather than 100. They’re either acting goofy or someone there hates the weapon concept.
It might also mean the campaign was too easy.

>> No.11158417

Yes, and I also forgot to mention how he spends around half an hour repeatedly trying to make a jump he knows is impossible, without even saving.
Is he demented or just old?

>> No.11158424


>> No.11158435

Why no more updates for DoomRPG and DoomRLA?

>> No.11158442

I see that your passion is to be self-limiting.

>> No.11158445

>turok lets /v/ die

He would, and he'd be right to do it.

>> No.11158447
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use something for placeholder art and try to make something fun, if you got something awesome there will be more motivation to make good art for it.

The first few maps seemed alright, it's just some of the ones in the middle... oof. Good luck if you're doing no save / pistol start runs.

>> No.11158463

You'll get better at the game if you stop cheating, anon, I promise.

>> No.11158465

I can see that you're not exactly here to argue anything in good faith.

>> No.11158472

Thinking that saving = cheating is more of a you problem. The rest of us will continue having fun with the game.

>> No.11158473

But I can just demo record after and get the same result.

>> No.11158479
File: 711 KB, 1174x1444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the finale was probably simultaneously too complex and not thought out well enough in different aspects. I need to try more subtle or environment-based map climaxes instead of just throwing enemies at the player while giving them buttons to press.
Thanks for not just jerking me off like the discord people do. Biggest critique I could get out of them is that it's too dark.

>> No.11158480

I play saveless too, I'm just not idiotic enough to dismiss something as garbage because I died once.

>> No.11158485

It's not about dying once, it's about clusterfuck fights with filler in-between that makes repeat playthroughs a slog.

>> No.11158486

Hey, I enjoyed you map and it's certainly been one of the better ones so far. But yes that final fight was a little too nuts. I do like me some climactic battles. Maybe a quad damage wouldn't have gone amiss?

>> No.11158512

>it's about clusterfuck fights with filler in-between that makes repeat playthroughs a slog.
This is an entirely subjective thing.

>> No.11158516

Yeah I'm pushing through Stardate 20x6 right now and there's no parts where I'm like "aw that's bullshit" but it's probably completely inaccessible to a fair portion of posters here

>> No.11158524

>he spends around half an hour repeatedly trying to make a jump he knows is impossible
He just like me fr

>> No.11158525

>Maybe a quad damage wouldn't have gone amiss?
Probably. There is a secret pentagram nearby that you can use to start off the fight, but that requires a bit of foresight I suppose.
I tend to assume people play maps on normal before replaying them on hard/nightmare, but that seems not to be the case. lol

>> No.11158535

>I tend to assume people play maps on normal before replaying them on hard/nightmare, but that seems not to be the case. lol
It’s hard to gauge if it’s that or just an outspoken minority. There’s also a mentality of “wanting to play encounters precisely as the author intended”…when the author may have intended you to have fun on any difficulty you want.

>> No.11158536

I'm brainstorming ideas for ID24 possibilities. Would it be possible for the player thing itself to make an ammo check? That could be used for custom powerups, with the item giving so much of a certain ammo type and applying different behaviors if that ammo type is >1.
You could probably do it with weapons too, but I feel like that would be janky when trying to keep track of time. Unless it's something like Left 4 Dead's fire & explosive ammo that gives you a certain amount of shots before it runs out.

>> No.11158538

Just got a bunch of people to start looking at Decohack modding, anons. How's your day been?

I'm suffering from artblock so I still have nothing much to show.

>> No.11158539

What did you say to convince them?

>> No.11158540
File: 512 KB, 1366x768, 1702670355436239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, he is the creator of DOOM. I think he knows what is possible and what is not, sweatie.

>> No.11158547

Nothing much, one was curious so I spouted what I knew it can do, what it can't, how to get started and where to find the documentation. At least 3 are looking into picking it up and one already wants to make a Decohack take on HDest's monsters. The zombies are done and quite tricky.

>> No.11158549

>friend is playing through my game with me in a call
>for some reason the npc that ends level gets dormanted and the game is softlocked
>there is nothing that could possibly make the npc dormant
>get confused and go to test it myself repeatedly
>all works fine
Why does GZDoom do this to me?

>> No.11158556
File: 409 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240814_114854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The taser effects are super useful for telling where the dholes are underground.

>> No.11158558
File: 10 KB, 384x384, GKEjmSvaUAAqEzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to balance UV+ difficulty (UV-fast and MP spawns) in my map, should I expect players to make use of secrets?

>> No.11158560

Sounds like fun.

>> No.11158574

>but MAYBE it's shitty level design?
Nah, it's definitely you needing to git gud.

>> No.11158578

Who let the shitters in?

>> No.11158587

I agree but only if you're very good, and if you die it should be your fault and yours only.

>> No.11158593

Yeah, I do have a bad habit of playing Quake maps on hard straight away. But then plenty of the maps have been fairly easy, with just a couple seriously pulling the rug from under me.

>> No.11158594

If one of the easier to find secrets has good stuff in it, people will want to find the rest. Bait them, but then actually give them the reward. I think it depends entirely on if the player themself gives a shit about secrets, but I think that's a good way to get them started.
>Verification not required.

>> No.11158616

I mean more like if they actually need to use secrets to beat the map. For example, let' say I do as >>11158360 says and the map is beatable in UV with no prior knowledge, even if you never find any secrets. I imagine it's a different story in UV+, since it's not an "official" difficulty (until the Unity port made it official, but it's still clear vanilla maps aren't balanced around it).

>> No.11158620
File: 107 KB, 256x312, cacospin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been in these threads for a few months. how's /vertex relocation/ doing?

>> No.11158624

Tell them about id24hacked, there may be some new possibilities
Me personally I don't know if I'll jump on the id24 spec mapping bandwagon - so far all my maps have been in formats that allow demo compatibility between ports, and in the DW thread xaser says it will be and goober that it will not be demo compatible so I'm confused

>> No.11158649

If you’re making a map that focuses primarily on game mastery and mechanical skill, Just don’t add secrets. Unless it’s three minutes long. But if you put a green armor in there and nothing else you’re literally Satan.

>> No.11158662

project lead killed himself

>> No.11158681

They kinda are, but ID24 is so new we have no clue what will happen to it. It seems poised to be the biggest thing since Decorate but the shitflinging is just so loud and frequent it drowns out my interest in what can come from it. It doesn't help LoR doesn't even use it afaik.

>the two new weapons effectively use cells with the hud uhm ackshully-ing them as fuel
>all of the monsters can be achieved with Decohack, some with regular dehacked
>ID24 is only used for an intermission map and some minor graphics, allegedly

>> No.11158691

LOR uses it for skies and the intermission screens, and that's about it.

>> No.11158692

the railgun nerf was the biggest sin I think

>> No.11158695
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>> No.11158698

I don't see ID24 support coming to any ports for quite some time. Kraf has already thrown a bitchfit over it.

>> No.11158706

>the two new weapons effectively use cells with the hud uhm ackshully-ing them as fuel
How do Deathmatches handle having both cells and fuel then?

>> No.11158712

You get both in the DM maps.

>> No.11158715

Deathmatch uses the actual id24 functionality to have a new separate ammo type. Presumably they chose not to use that for LOR itself so that people could play the wad in other ports without major issue.

>> No.11158725

I think it might have been because the maps were in development before the standard and none of them planned to have the two cell weapons.

>> No.11158750
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x2204, so you want to play some fucking srb2k v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday night Whatever, come play some SRB2Kart!

How to join (The short and easy way):
Download the All-in-one repack: https://mega.nz/file/Yjs2wA7Y#c_h8g4vWAZkLWxGz-qNw7o8dvNsRgjjAO384JB-sCJE
Extract it to its own folder (NOT the desktop or program files)
Run "SRB2Kart-Neptune (Connect to vrkart).bat" and wait for any missing files to download in-game
DO NOT run "srb2kart.exe" and expect to be able to join the server.
If you don't have a 64-bit machine/OS for whatever reason: Copy the contents of the 32-bit folder into the main folder

If you're on Linux and can't compile the new version for whatever reason, but you've compiled it before, you can try my binaries:
Or just run the Windows version in wine/proton

How to join (The longer and harder way):
Download version 1.6 of the game: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
Get the custom client we use: https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.2g
Get the mods: https://mega.nz/folder/MiUiESSa#CyovwTUnO9TSmqbwMI1xBg
Connect to (either use connect in console or "specify ipv4 address" under Multiplayer)

We also have a Mumble server!
Address: (same as the game server)
Port: default
Password: endoom

>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

Pro tips: https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq
(This is out of date and written for a different server, but it still has a lot of useful information.)

Recent changes:
Disabled auto-kick for players that don't make checkpoint progress (this fixes Golf, hooray?)
2 new characters: Shambler Jr. and Lee Carvallo
Fixes and improvements to Alpha, Option, and Pain Elemental followers, and fixed a sprite conflict.
New follower: D.E.R.P. (Hideous Destructor)

>> No.11158768

>Why does GZDoom do this to me?
Do what? Your shoddy states?

>> No.11158774

On another note are the OG Doom Classic games available still on GOG and gamejolt, and why would id24 format be a long term blow to Eternity Engine, nothing says that the Eternity development team can't add to and modify it as such.

>> No.11158782

No, it's just a more or less standard Doom map. A lot of combat but also exploration, with some optional areas and alternate routes.
Right now I think the best solution would be adding more small optional, non-secret areas the player can visit just for some extra health and ammo.

>> No.11158783


>> No.11158808

Any map should be perfectly fine beatable without secrets.
Secrets should be bonuses to reward exploration.

>> No.11158823

if an area is required to finish a level then it isn't a secret, just annoying bullshit

>> No.11158831
File: 3.53 MB, 512x512, 4am.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a gameplay mod friendly version of Strange Aeons out there?? Or like a patch???????

>> No.11158859
File: 900 KB, 1053x910, 1722920569208237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is so fucking funny. Never seen someone get so filtered by a map.

>> No.11158886

what mod is this?

>> No.11158892
File: 870 KB, 1920x1080, leaving Na Pali again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11158898
File: 264 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240812_083824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just change the patch Term made for High Noon Drifter. I have a shit ton of them. I also made one for playing Project Malice on it.

>> No.11158936
File: 664 KB, 1920x1080, fucking_ilya_piece_of_fucking_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anons. I now know why you guys fucking hate Joe Ilya.

>playing DBP02
>maps 01-07 are pretty good, nothing out of the ordinary, just some solid maps
>check doomwiki for the name of map 09
>it's made by Joe Ilya
>can barely make it out of the starting room without dying
>brainless infight party
>brainless platforming which I honestly just give up trying to get through
>fucking lock in fight before the end

The fucking SNOWMAN is the best part of this map. Fucking hate it, shit ending to a nice set of maps.

>> No.11158943

Good example of a map nobody is beating without saves.

>> No.11158954

Thanks for reminding me about Strange Aeons, anon. Gonna be playing with High Noon Drifter.

>> No.11158992

lmao the new mod browser is a disaster

>> No.11159001
File: 294 KB, 527x250, doombros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im upset that you can't play custom wads in coop on the new Kex engine port. I really hate setting up zandronum it fucking sucks in my opinion. If I knew how to program I would create a fork off GZDoom designed specifically for coop and nothing else and make it have client side item and weapon pickups like the Serious Sam games so it actually balances out maps made for singleplayer

>> No.11159006

Get a load of this >>11158936

>> No.11159025

Is GZDoom's P2P co-op that bad? I assumed that the limited netcode would work better with only two people compared to larger lobbies that you might try with Zandronum.

>> No.11159026

>people STILL uploading GZDoom mods
>they're now uploading the RTX mod over and over

>> No.11159031 [DELETED] 


>> No.11159047
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>> No.11159069

Did you know that you can use Steam's "Betas" functionality to roll back to Unity release?

>> No.11159084

It works well enough for consistent groups, and just in terms of connection quality it actually just got a nice upgrade. The main problem is that there's no file authentication, so if you're playing with lots of mods it's easy for one to be the wrong version and you might not even find out until you're several maps in. It's generally possible to mitigate though since you can save and load games and even reload with updated files. It's just a frustrating process for the uninitiated who don't know why their shit's desyncing, they just know their game just got randomly ended through no obvious fault of their own.

>> No.11159095

I didn't finish the final fight the first time so on a second playthrough I got the quad secret right before entering the final arena and finished it that way. I like to take second playthroughs into account, next time I'll just shit on your map if that is what you want.

>> No.11159101
File: 326 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240814_162637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want Project Malice on that?

>> No.11159109
File: 98 KB, 1650x435, Screenshot 2024-08-14 194244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dw mods just dropped a post in the id24 thread, stating that they warned a shitton of people (including the guy who made and posted the spec) and banned both kraf and kinsie for their extraordinary bitchfits. JFC this id24 shit is the most I've seen the doom community fucking lose its mind,

you'll be lucky to ever see dsda doom get updates again tho, let alone get id24 support lol.

>> No.11159119

Nugget added rewinding a few months ago, DSDA is obsolete.

>> No.11159120

thread link?

>> No.11159123


>> No.11159129

Well he hasn't replied has he?

>> No.11159131


>> No.11159138


>> No.11159141

>take damage
how is this not cheating?

>> No.11159142

kexdoom adds boom/mbf/mbf 21 support through clean room implementation.

it also adds a new spec entirely, known as id24. id24 acts as a successor to mbf21
and also includes the new actors and weapons baseline so they are not replaced.
in order to use the new monsters and weapons in mods if they use them, the spec states that you need id24res.wad to play them. the spec wasn't very clear that id24s other features didn't require it. so people were kinda confused on why a new complevel required effectively a new iwad. xaser states that id24res only required for new weapons and monsters.

then shit got flung harder because id24 reserves some dehacked slots, and line def specials so if id makes another expansion that adds shit like lor does it wont fuck up literally every thing. but then people take this as bethesda and Microsoft encroching on the modding community and that the devs which were long time community members sold out and I don't feel like typing anymore read the thread.

>> No.11159143

and I use to think I have autism..

>> No.11159145

It is cheating, but it's an invaluable tool when testing maps.

>> No.11159146

Unsurprisingly it was developed for practicing specific sections in speedruns.

>> No.11159150

Trying to cement Xaser's shitty zdoom monsters in the spec makes it a nonstarter

>> No.11159154

>blackmail-y insinuations
What the fuck did he mean by this? I haven't been following what was going on there at all.

>> No.11159160
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1620334122679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the occasional reminder of why I don't read these forums outside of WADs.

>> No.11159168

Perused the thread for a bit, but didn't see anything that Kinsie should've been banned for.
Glad my main doom outlet is to this place. It may not amount to a hill of beans... But this is *our* hill, and these are *our* beans.

>> No.11159178

It's Kinsie so they've probably wanted the excuse for a while now, dude worries to fuck about that shit and keeps posting about it.

He probably also pissed them off about the shutting down the beta asset use since he was vocal about the idiocy of asset policing crap the last time as well.

>> No.11159204

post sounds reasonable

>> No.11159208

it is but banning kraf (he deserves it) is like pouring gas on the fire when it was just starting to fade out

>> No.11159209

dew probably leaked some dm's to kraflab and dynamo blew the mention of it way out of proportion.

yeah half the thread was split https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/146984-id24-split/

>> No.11159215
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maybe its because I only played on hurt me plenty, but how did anyone have trouble with the cyberdemons back in the day? getting to this point was much harder

>> No.11159216

>but how did anyone have trouble with the cyberdemons back in the day?
It was the early 90s, nobody had really figured out circle strafing.

>> No.11159228

>DSDA-Doom is kill
Nyan bros our time is now!

>> No.11159237
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It would take a few years.

>> No.11159239
File: 3.93 MB, 540x540, Replay 2024-08-14 17-48-59.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enyo is a cool TC even if it's just all the existing enemies and weapons reskinned.

>> No.11159252

I always thought that Quake 1 was way too fast and vertical for playing in VR

>> No.11159254
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, enyo_anonmaptest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun mod with cool assets, and Slave Zero's pretty fun.

>> No.11159265

Are any of the custom monsters in LoR actually interesting from a gameplay perspective?

>> No.11159279

Ken Silverman joins Bethesda/id
What happens?

>> No.11159280

I think they must have annihilated most of the damnable posts in that thread, but even so, the amount of conspiratorial schizoposting makes parts of 4chan look sane.

>> No.11159287

Chaingun that
>Fires 50% faster
>Always fires 4 bullets instead of 2 like the normal chaingun.
Would you take it?
What if you also get a wolf3d-like machinegun to replace the pistol?

>> No.11159292

I like Valiant, so yeah.

>> No.11159293

Now that you mention it, I didn't anything there that warranted a ban.
I hate this trend of forums removing posts they don't like, I want to be able to see the sort of things I shouldn't post, instead of not knowing until I break the same rule by unknowingly saying the same sort of thing.

>> No.11159296

You could always see them preserved in post hel- wait.

>> No.11159318
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Sure. Keeping the rate of fire and having each bullet deal more damage is also cool.

>> No.11159320

I like the big guys with wings. Everyone else is just a reskin of some sort, or a monster that exists in community wads.

>> No.11159323

To be fair, 4chan has a similar problem. Mods stopped appending "USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST" to bannable posts years ago.

>> No.11159324

Those posts aren't even necessarily bans.

>> No.11159326

I still don't see anything ban worthy.

>> No.11159327

I'd say it makes more sense here with how easily accessible it is to post here, which makes garbage accumulate at an alarming rate

>> No.11159331
File: 82 KB, 811x634, Caleb-Alucard-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is caleb's partner in crime, Alucard?

>> No.11159334

>what is the Plasma Beam?
Quake 1 fags every1

>> No.11159335
File: 6 KB, 188x76, HETGA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP. We'll see if I have the gas to finish the whole sprite set.
No colors have been added back in or anything. just cleaned up some piping, altered what was a trigger guard, and messed with the wings/grips

>> No.11159343

I don't really like any of the people who run dw.

>> No.11159348

You'll never like a hall monitor. Necessary ebil.

>> No.11159386

kinsie was fanning the flames a bit and was banned as a scapegoat to make this seem like it wasn't a biased moderation decision on behalf of the dtwid team.

>> No.11159397

Wow, it no longer looks like a bad photograph of a toy.

>> No.11159410

Amazing huh. I like that they used some unused OG assets, but they they need more work. The flame thrower doesn't look as bad, but could've used a bit more touching up. Still some to go on this frame. There are 4 more to go though.

>> No.11159414

The flamethrower is a bit messy, but it still fits with some of the textures.

>> No.11159423

I intuitively worked it out within a few minutes of playing.

>> No.11159439

Wouldn't be the first time for Kinsie, he seems to enjoy doing it.

>> No.11159443


>> No.11159461

I've been kinda enjoying Duke 3D 20th World Tour
The graphical update looks nice to me, and it's easy to toggle them
I use a controller, so I didn't notice the apparently borked mouse aiming, and it's very smooth with controller
I switched to original audio as I agree the new voice acting sucks
The rewind feature is pretty cool too
I never really cared for the expansions

Am I missing something that secretly sucks about this version?

>> No.11159473
File: 220 KB, 600x600, 1633067515300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which wad is the goatse from?

>> No.11159492

Welp, it showed up in my GOG games directory because I had purchased Ultimate Doom and Doom II. Doom 1 + Doom 2 is actually a pretty interesting game, and I think it could work as a competent replacement for the original Doom games.
Just kidding. I replaced the original doom 1/2 iwads with the freedoom iwads. It actually works just fine, and makes the whole thing feel about 30 years younger, almost like freedoom was born a couple of years ago, unlike the ancient ultimate doom.

>> No.11159503

My only complaint is that it doesn't have perspective correct old school graphics. I think people directed their anger over the removal of Megaton Edition at World Tour.

>> No.11159504

>kex this, free that
If you don't play vanilla DOOM on original hardware or DOSBox and then use some shit source port released 15 years ago to play your gay wads, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.11159507
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>> No.11159518

I see - I actually also have Megaton, but have noticed that it doesn't seem to handle 1080p properly (things go missing off screen), and the controller scheme somehow doesn't feel quite as nice, at least by default.
I agree it was a dick move for Randy to remove Megaton if he wasn't putting the expansions into World Tour

>> No.11159520

Don't close the door, there's a revenant behind it.

>> No.11159523

Hard Fast Faggot Maps

>> No.11159528

Wasn't really Randy's fault that time, because Scott Miller had included them while forgetting he didn't actually own the full rights to them, so it was a legal liability.

>> No.11159536

World Tour has the rewind from the 360 version, so perhap they pulled the controller tuning from it as well. I remember it feeling pretty nice on the 360.

>> No.11159550

thanks, this is illuminating
I assume all steam versions can be played via eduke if i really wanted

>> No.11159591

I don't know in EDuke supports Alien World Order, but Raze does.

>> No.11159604

Yeah, Randy gets a lot of shit but I legit never thought he was that bad. Maybe not the best studio director, but I never saw concrete evidence that he was purposefully malicious.
I wasn't about to dig that deep into it though either

>> No.11159617

more like dumb lmao

>> No.11159621

duke nukem? more like dick poopem, lmao

>> No.11159632

More liek Fuck Suckem

>> No.11159637

more like Sneed's Feedem

>> No.11159638

blood? more like cum

>> No.11159646 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 1406x722, shitty_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BLOOD: Fresh Supply? More like...

>> No.11159649

it's so over

>> No.11159650

More like

>> No.11159651

t. poop kickedpilled

>> No.11159652

Shut up you fucking weenies. Now talk about some gameplay mods you like, or maybe shit you'd want to change in a mod.

>> No.11159656

do the new official Doom enhancements by Nightdive make source ports kinda pointless?

>> No.11159657

Not in the slightest. Those can't run gameplay mods.

>> No.11159658

Someone here a while back recommended the Babel mod, holy shit its so good. Is there any other gameplay mods like it?

>> No.11159661
File: 406 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240812_101807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really liking Omerta. The baseball bat lets you knock projectiles back at enemies. The berserk is a bottle of whiskey that normally only makes you more resistant to damage but I gave it PowerStrength to re-enable zerk hits that were coded but inaccessible and even gave some to the bat and the pistol whip.

>> No.11159663

As far as Vanilla+ mods go, I'd say it's the best, though you could also try Final Doomer.

>> No.11159673

i see it still gives me the option to boot the DOS version, which I can hopefully use for mods still

>> No.11159678

>gameplay mods
vanilla is all you need

>> No.11159708

It would be fun if the Serious Sam 4 class in BYOC could do dual wielding like in SS4. But that would be both overpowered and very hard (but not impossible) to implement I think.

>> No.11159712

Maybe, but I don't want the pistol.

>> No.11159727

name one good map that forces you to use pistol

>> No.11159752

what's this from?

>> No.11159761

>vanilla is all you need
you only play the 2 vanilla games as a tutorial, skip the rest of the expacs and move on to TCs

>> No.11159803

>very hard (but not impossible) to implement I think.
Is it due to a Zandronum limitation? I've played played several mods that had no issues with dual wielding but that was in GZDoom?

>> No.11159834

Nice try, Bethesda. But no they don't.

>> No.11159836

How long until they run out of paid wads to port and make a random map generator?

>> No.11159839

Felt like updating this old map a bit so I did. Mostly more ammo and enemies in the starting area.

>> No.11159847

Other way around. There's no real reason for the Nightdive version to exist except for selling Doom on consoles since the other source ports are better than it.

>> No.11159848

What is Kex anyways? Some kinda compat layer?

>> No.11159852

i heard kex is bad on quake

>> No.11159856
File: 89 KB, 1186x609, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have these guys ever did anything positive, for the betterment of this general specifically? Console ports and D2016/DE might've opened the floodgates for the new blood, however, the total benefit of this is uncertain. Could be a fun exercise to rummage through history, so try to name as much as you can, factoids or not doesn't matter.

>> No.11159858

>these guys
some of the people working there probably at some point made wads, now they're stapling squirrels to their watercoolers

>> No.11159864

The Vassagos (fireball throwing demons) have some potential for custom WADs but I feel they'll trigger a lot of infighting while placed near other monsters. In Legacy of Rust they tended to be grouped with other Vassagos for encounters so I assume that's an issue that came up while designing the maps for the expansion. The other new monsters are boring or cover concepts already explored by previous, better modded ones.

>> No.11159868

There's absolutely no reason to use these garbage source ports outside playing Legacy of Rust. If you want to play modded GZDoom is the only worthwhile option and for vanilla/Boom you have a fuckton of superior alternatives.

>> No.11159870

>outside playing Legacy of Rust
gz runs it just fine, so no point really

>> No.11159871

Why does KEX doom feel so weird to play? Am I suffering from KEX derangement syndrome?

>> No.11159873

Kex never gets shit right, it's just for cheaply porting crap to consoles and selling shit to casuals.

>> No.11159874

the frame pacing is meh

>> No.11159875

SS1EE is a pretty good port, I wish they did UU instead of porting console crap like turok and exhumed.

>> No.11159878

What exactly would the betterment of this general even be?

>> No.11159879

That was because they canibalized the living fuck out of System Shock Portable after paying the dude leading it to hand everything over to them.

>> No.11159886

Alright now you tell me how you have the magic insight to know every map you're about to play is good. Sometimes there's just a shit level in a good WAD. Sometimes you wind up with a map that gives you a shotgun and RL, but no chaingun.

>> No.11159894

I guess someone thought something along the lines of
>at least it's not quicksaving/loading lmao

>> No.11159897

that amount of bullshit would filter anyone but the most dedicated autist
ken's impossible to work with
he relocated himself to hell

>> No.11159898

Bolstering worthwhile activity here, I think. We make, share and discuss mods for classic id games, delve into technical intricacies and simply having fun playing. One such recent example I could think of, is hiring just the right hands for Quake 2 re-release and thus reigniting the sustainable interest with modders, even though there may not have been such intention outside of monetary.

>> No.11159905

Is Helion good enough to use yet?

>> No.11159907

>Sometimes you wind up with a map that gives you a shotgun and RL, but no chaingun.
mapper intended it that way then

>> No.11159912

>canibalized the living fuck out of System Shock Portable
I don't follow, it was a dos version prepackaged with mouselook

>> No.11159915

With its development lifespan and activity it sure shouldn't be as borked as kex port currently is, although it hasn't yet reached the point 1 release. I didn't play with it that much to share my exact impressions.

>> No.11159926

It lauds some kind of MBF21, ZDoom and UMAPINFO support, so that should make you covered for about 80-90% of the Doom content, maybe you'll even be able to play one of those nifty DBK wads for example.

>> No.11159928

>Ken's impossible to work with

>> No.11159935

>port it
>wow shit engine feels different
>don't port it
>wow lazy faggot selling a dosbox config
>pick mainstream game
>wow dogshit port I already have source ports for this
>pick obscure game
>wow more like dumpsterdive why haven't they ported [game I want so I could complain they ruined it] scam artists amirite
Not defending kex doom, but it's not like unity fared any better, this seems like a deeper asspain than just this port

>> No.11159943

just read stuff from people who worked with him on Duke3D. I don't have any links on hand, but the gist is that the guy has a huge ego and refuses to work on important but boring things

>> No.11159965

Just learning about Decohack. I have a few questions.
1. Can I use new defined things in regular Doom or Boom map formats?
2. Is it possible to also include a DECORATE lump in a wad for ZDoom ports to use instead of DSDHacked things?

>> No.11159967

>1. Can I use new defined things in regular Doom or Boom map formats?
You'll need complevel 21 to support new things otherwise they won't appear. You also need it to have new functionality.
>2. Is it possible to also include a DECORATE lump in a wad for ZDoom ports to use instead of DSDHacked things?
Yes, you can make a custom thing that replaces modded thing - I think that's the correct way to do it.

>> No.11159968

you just know someone will speedrun the whole thing under 10 minutes at some point

>> No.11159972

Randy is still TREMENDOUSLY fucking crooked, he ripped off Sega and Take 2 Interactive with the bullshit hackjobs which were Aliens Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever, so that he could embezzle most of the intended funds and use them for developing his Borderlands games.
There's also him being an overt virtue signalling crybully on social media, and the time he violently assaulted one of the voice actors of Borderlands.

>> No.11159974 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 2369x1080, Screenshot_20240810_185537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-HDOOM that means you want to play HDoom with brutal Doom and other brutal N-Doom allows you to do that now have fun :)
Sometimes you find hidden gems on moddb, and sometimes you find the dumbest shit imaginable.

>> No.11159975

No, you fag.

>> No.11159978

Read Peter Freese's rant on Ken, then try to read through engine.c

>> No.11159982

I see. Thank you for your quick response.
I'll just wait a decade or two until Zandro supports MBF21 maps then.

>> No.11159990 [DELETED] 

Nothing like watching a man choke hard during the last five minutes of the estimate.

>> No.11160005

>le gore ryona mod
Wouldn't it be better to mix females into normal gameplay at random for opportunistic impse on top of the gore?
How about shooting WHILE fucking giving you temporary health refills per thrust or damage boost?
These modders, totally no imagination tbhsmh.

>> No.11160016

>Ken understands algorithms, and he understands graphics.
>What he doesn't get is how to design SYSTEMS. Everything he does to the engine is a piecemeal enhancement to something that should have been designed right from the beginning.
I think this sums it up pretty well. No wonder build is such jank.

>> No.11160023

Would be nice if someone makes a video compilation of all the shitpost publications. lol

>Scott Miller
Not surprising. Dude comes off as incompetent moron. Probably just a matter of time because he forces nu-Apogee into the ground and dumps it into the hands of someone who picked up all the wrong lessons from Miller instead of recognizing his fuckups and won't manage to get better for years to come.
People are also too keen to pin all the blame on one person high up when most of the time certain fuck up (or success) is a result of a teamwork.
That doesn't mean someone can't be an asshole on their own and Randy has some shit like USB drive and (allegedly?) punching a voice actor.
Nope. Fine option for beginners. If you want to go deeper with WADs and such, source ports are still the way.
Same here. QuakeEX is alright if you're a console player or never played Quake before.
I don't think Xbox had any direct input for the betterment of this general. Probably one thing you can note is "they didn't stuck their nose too deep into id's business".

>> No.11160028

>Scott Miller
>Dude comes off as incompetent moron
Great musician though

>> No.11160039

>I don't think Xbox had any direct input for the betterment of this general.
All these studios and companies are supposedly owned by Microsoft and such was implied. I should've chosen a better picture.

>> No.11160041
File: 48 KB, 522x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sigh... back to Boom, I guess.

>> No.11160043

>DSDA Doom dead
Good. May a better port take its place.

>> No.11160047

>you'll be lucky to ever see dsda doom get updates again
He has enough audience and work goals to brush this silly incident aside, it all depends on emotional fortitude.

>> No.11160051

Vanilla is good, but I also like cinnamon, chocolate, peanutbutter, and all other kinds of nice flavors.

>> No.11160054

Mayonnaise for me, everything is better with a spoon of mayo

>> No.11160057

True, and it's not like the vast majority of Doomworld is even his target audience.

>> No.11160058

1.5/3 of those are already ports, and there are indeed many more flavors at this point

>> No.11160059

UVFastmax, pistol start, no saving.

If you don't play with these basic rules, you are not hetero.

>> No.11160060

I'll have to see if they updated the regular Doom ports on PS4, but I remember the Doom 64 port there being extremely good.

>> No.11160061

If I get by a 80dmg revenant missile, I reload
If I get zapped by an archvile, I reload
If a chaingunner manages to shoot me for more than a second, I reload
If I pick a shell box with 32 shells, I reload

>> No.11160063

Vast majority of Doomworld didn't even participate in that thread and largely unaware of it. No one sensible would care about some local turf war with a pinch of egomaniatism, they come for games.

>> No.11160065

Mayonnaise is the best base for mixing up a hamburger dressing, but I find no appeal in its base flavor.

I'll respect you for your skill and determination if you actually do that.

I know, but you get my point, I love the base game, but I also love what you can turn the game into with mods.

>> No.11160067

I prefer Xaser over the last 20 years of GZDOOM faggotry and Zandronum shitshows

>> No.11160069

Almost feeling you with that last one.

>> No.11160071

shouldn't it be "disappointment = reality/expectation"?

>> No.11160074

If expectations are low and the reality is high, disappointment will be low
If expectations are high and the reality is low, disappointment will be high

>> No.11160075

I think DW forgot that the retards from Doomer Boards were there flaming the entire situation because 40oz is a retard who is still anal pained over xaser and id for some stupid reason.
But still he does Doom wads that are inferior to what /vr/ does

>> No.11160079

As said, you'll need to use MBF21, which is basically like an expanded, upgraded, and more featured DeHacked where you can define new things.
For also including a Decorate file, that could be a good idea given that occasionally you might run into something not handling 100% as expected with GzDoom, so then you can replace the relevant Deh_Actor number with a tweaked one which fixes some such thing. Or maybe adds a small effect which makes good sense for GzDoom.

>> No.11160080

anon, if we take reality in the meme formula as a baseline 100 and expectations as variable between 0 and 200 you get 0 expectations having the most disappointment and 200 having the least, which is not what you're describing right now

>> No.11160081
File: 429 KB, 480x270, darksydephil ends it all.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait did I just pick u-

>> No.11160082

I don't get why it was needed to shove them in as their own protected thing tied to copyrighted assets, if people run shit with mods then it's their own problem if something breaks or overrides something else.

>> No.11160084

They aren't though, you don't need to even use idres24 to use the id24 format, you only need it if you want to make a .wad using Legacy Of Rust monsters and weapons.

>> No.11160089
File: 329 KB, 600x784, 55514985_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. Hell, I still use Quakespasm over the Kex engine Quake remaster because it just feels better.
These ports are for consoles and kids who don't know how to mod or set up sourceports. They don't really do anything better and the controls are worse. Plus you're at the mercy of Bethesda should they wish to tamper with the code or remove wads you're enjoying. My Doom source port folder suffers from no such threat.

>> No.11160092

If your target port is Zandro, why not UDMF?

>> No.11160093

no, but they give you better core files to work with
they're at least worth pirating once for those

>> No.11160095

...Why is he blushing? ANON WHY IS HE BLUSHING?!

>> No.11160096

Ken seems unironically autistic

>> No.11160097

look at the pelvis

>> No.11160098

Free refills

>> No.11160101

That's a girlboner, she's very shy.

>> No.11160105
File: 225 KB, 600x647, misaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official word of caution
>PlayFab account and persistent internet connection required to access certain features and content. Acceptance of End User License Agreement, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy required to play. The DOOM + DOOM II service may be discontinued, and content modified, disabled, suspended or removed, at any time. See Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and additional details at bethesda.net

>> No.11160107

>and persistent internet connection required

>> No.11160110
File: 101 KB, 300x300, 1495860843988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh golly gee, looks like the guys promoting this port over the sourceports were right after all! Better delete my sourceports and wads! Nothing will go wrong!

>> No.11160114

>persistent internet connection required to play online
how else were you planning on doing it exactly

>> No.11160115

>to play online

>> No.11160118

Did you miss the part where it said Bethesda can just do whatever such as modifying content or removing shit?

>> No.11160121

>banned kraf
Wtf since when DW is based? Now they just need to unban DBP.

>> No.11160123

You win this time.

>> No.11160124
File: 49 KB, 577x433, 3hzr3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the part that you are gigantic nothingburger fearspreading faggot moron, Doomer Boards faggot?

>> No.11160126


>> No.11160129

Of course they'd give themselves that, they've been removing Imp Encounter and other crap left and right from the mod upload shit.

You didn't think they'd leave the uncensored HFFM on there, did you?

>> No.11160135
File: 171 KB, 725x547, 863f0c34b6dbb309c70321b8d0e48697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would take virtually any form of chaingun as long as there's no "100% accuracy on first tap" gimmick.

>> No.11160137

>as long as there's no "100% accuracy on first tap" gimmick.
you really want to switch to pistol the whole time?

>> No.11160141

Unironically yes. Anything to stop treating chaingun like some semi-auto abomination.

>> No.11160143

sorry, im not a tranny either

>> No.11160146


>> No.11160149
File: 689 KB, 500x375, meds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Completely unrelated to /vr/ conspirology time
I wouldn't bother explaining myself if I were you

>> No.11160150

ideally pistol should be more ammo-efficient than the chaingun by virtue of dealing more damage per shot or you'd lower chaingun damage on the first 5 shots so it's less useful for short bursts

>> No.11160151

Ideally they'd have unique ammo types.

>> No.11160153

that's the furthest from ideal, you'd either have to increase ammo gain per pack or place more shit around the map for specific weapons
how would you even retroactively implement this change on existing maps?

>> No.11160154
File: 1.98 MB, 424x181, ef374509197b9b0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaingun supposed to go brrrrr. Simple as. If it has any other functionality (let alone to the point where this "side" functionality overshadows its primary use case) than it's a bad chaingun.

>> No.11160157

id chainguns are really weird in that they're not like typical miniguns, they're used more like rifles.

>> No.11160161

Almost as if they're chainguns.

>> No.11160163

Almost as if they're not.

>> No.11160167

It's a nothing burger until Bethesda does it's usual bullshit.

>> No.11160168

As I said few times in the past, in a perfect world chaingun doesn't have this perfect accuracy side effect, but when you pick up the chaingun your pistol automatically gets upgraded to pinpoint accurate pistol that uses 2 bullets per shot.
Virtually no downsides to this approach, other than it can't be done with boom.

>> No.11160171
File: 68 KB, 640x480, Doom_II_MAP29_chaingun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost, but not quite. How many miniguns are meant to be shoulder-fired?

>> No.11160172

vulkans are used for suppressing fire or to down aircraft and penetrate lightly armored cover
what we have is an m60 with multiple barrels that are completely redundant for its rate of fire

>> No.11160174

I think you could get away with removing both the pistol and chaingun, and just spawn the player with a rifle that functions nearly identically to the chaingun. It's not THAT good a weapon.

>> No.11160175

Not even powerful enough for that, it has the same power as the pistol so it's like an SMG

>> No.11160178

No, it will absolutely destroy the balance of pistol starts if you get something stronger than a pistol from the start.

>> No.11160183

Everything is stronger than the pistol, and your solution to fix the problem with the pistol is to just hide it.

>> No.11160187

It'd be great if BTSX 3 shows up on their shit costing 1000 funny Bethesda coins.

>> No.11160189

replace the pistol with a homing rocket punch that consumes one of your fists until you pick it up from where it landed
fists are weaker, so it's fine right?

>> No.11160190

Yes, but only after the point when you got the chaingun and you're almost certainly not going to use it anymore, at all.

>> No.11160194

I'm unlikely to go back to the pistol after getting any weapon at all, unless I have absolutely no ammo.

>> No.11160202

>remove chaingun from the game
>start with a pistol
>every couple of pistol kills you get another pistol, it stays at akimbo mode until you find a chainsaw
>if the level has a chainsaw you bolt those pistols onto it, the triggers are actuated by the chain and with every new pistol the rate of fire increases
>it caps out at n number of pistols ducttaped to a chainsaw
solution - just use more gun

>> No.11160205

I like this. It should also have a leaky radsuit style chance of one of the guns accidentally shooting you now and then.

>> No.11160207
File: 365 KB, 640x480, Verdant_Citadel_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the Verdant Citadel by Exl, award nominee by a guy who graced us with WhackED. Fights were rather unengaging for a relatively traditional Doom map, unlike the Citadel itself, which opens up fairly early with its interconnected pathways and tasteful sense of visuals. There is a custom track playing throughout the map in a style of Djent which grinded my ears so that I had to change it for some fantasy heavy metal out of lack of better choice. Monster placement isn't much clumsy, but boring and creatively restrained. It's fine if you're into adventuring and navigation though.

>> No.11160234

>ID made a new content for Doom and now I'm mad. How could this happen to me?

>> No.11160249

>ID made
id is dead and has been so for a very long time

>> No.11160257

It was Nightdive.

>> No.11160259
File: 34 KB, 670x626, DPg4EhvSJy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe their current mapper was still swimming inside the balls at the time of Doom release

>> No.11160272

Xaser's like 40 or something, also wasn't the only mapper, there were six of them.

>> No.11160274

>Xaser's like 40 or something
yet he has a voice of a 16 year old...

>> No.11160275

i've been here and there on this general when i started playing doom like three years ago and ive never seen so many names thrown around until recently

>> No.11160276

>anotak being the only voice of reason
lol that guy is my hero because he drove Graf insane with rage

>> No.11160280

When the new port drama dies down it'll go back to 'normal'.

>> No.11160282

Good for him for not smoking or taking roids

>> No.11160298

VR bro, what 3d weapons packs are you using? And what do you play on? I have a quest 2 that I use for doom but apparently zdoom has compatibility issues with legacy of rust and I refuse to play it flat. I'm aware a gzdoom fork exists for quest but apparently doesn't run well on quest 2. I'll eventually upgrade to 3 but if there's some current workaround I'd love to find it

>> No.11160307
File: 27 KB, 456x256, Br-Q264CAAAELtn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are cemented - maybe you don't have to use them or have the wad to use the spec but still they are in the clunky load order and this is a "seal of confirmation" treating them as official assets, even though they are mostly realm667 turd quality, and that's what bothers me about LoR - the spec is nice but this episode being official continuation just feels bad, it could have been a pwad added to the game like No Rest
The upside to them being shit is that no one will probably use them in user pwads so nobody will be obliged to buy/pirate it

The spec might be good, I have high hopes for it, if it was demo compatible it would be perfect

>> No.11160325

Drama aside, do we know which source ports are actively looking into getting ID24 support right now?

>> No.11160327

I don't think any have begun work to implement it.

>> No.11160328

Odamex and Eternity, both with Nightdive employees in charge

>> No.11160329

is Master Levels for Doom II as bad as people say it is?

>> No.11160331

better than tnt at least

>> No.11160334

The worst levels of the pack are as bad as people say, but there are a few gems in there and the majority of it is just aggressively mediocre
I say this as someone who likes TNT though so the other anon will have to kill me

>> No.11160343

I liked The Coiled City. I thought it was fun.

>> No.11160356

IMO, It's not outright "bad" per se (except maybe Bad Dream), but the maps are definitely of the 1995 era. A period of the mapping community that was still in the experimental phase, where they were still trying to figure out what works and what doesn't when it comes to gameplay design and pacing for Doom.

>> No.11160360

By making perfectly sensible design choices too, and then Term nearly killed GzDoom by giving it a Cacoward.

>> No.11160361

I had fun with it too, it was different, I'm not sure why a lot of people are that mad about it.

>> No.11160376

So the two ports nobody gives a fuck about lol, does anyone even use Odamex? I stopped checking because it was dead every time I looked at it.

>> No.11160382
File: 601 KB, 1917x1080, nugg0039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, anon. I like Project Malice a bunch but I don't wanna get burned out on it, plus it's been a while since I plaed Strange Aeons. Kinda like the monster lineup it has. Thanks though.

So, does anyone else just vent map? I think I'm getting depressed again so I logged out from just about every place I'm in, I don't like throwing my problems at other people and I generally get very wordy when I'm not doing well. If it's not bad enough to the point I just want to lay down I try maping whatever, for however long I can handle it.

This is kinda early. Was gonna make it another brutalist map with no new textures but for whatever reason the slime called me again.

>> No.11160386

>both with Nightdive employees in charge
He doesn't really have anything to do with Eternity development anymore, that got passed to a few other people.

>> No.11160393

>Bad Dream
I played it with Corruption Cards + Project Brutality, literally 0 fps slideshow before I managed to pop few cyberdemons with a BFG somehow.

>> No.11160401

The Quake 2 port was different enough that I appreciated it. And kexDoom has split screen which is neat. I feel like doom is a little under baked tho.

>> No.11160407

Yeah, now that I look at it, it almost feels like Printz is the only one who bothers anymore

>> No.11160409

All these years, and splitscreen is still never really supported by source ports.

>> No.11160410

Died more than 11 years ago... May he rest in peace.
>Great musician though
If you're saying this unironically, throw in one recommendation for listening.
>All these studios and companies are supposedly owned by Microsoft and such was implied.
Oh, Microsoft totally owns them. That much is clear. What I mean is that (more often than not) they actually don't seem to involve themselves into whatever their studios do all that much. This is what I was implying.
id Software wasn't closed like Tango Gameworks and Arkain Austin, so they seem pretty much alive to me.
And yeah, Legacy of Rust and re-release itself were largely Nightdive's work... Although credit still goes to id since it's their game.
>Look him up to confirm that anotak is lilith's creator.

>> No.11160415

We only got proper gamepad support recently, give it some time.

>> No.11160420

>id Software wasn't closed
studio died, name stayed

>> No.11160461

>they seem pretty much alive to me.
Hugo Martin doesn't strike me as the sort of guy who would have done well in id back when the original guys were all there. They certainly wouldn't have been for his capeshit obsession.

>> No.11160490

But Romero loved comics!

>> No.11160491

Capeshit was in a totally different place 30 years ago.

>> No.11160496

I could see Romero being an Ennis fan

>> No.11160529

capeshit, despite being different, was always shit
the stigma attached to it is the reason more serious comics never fully took off in the west

>> No.11160559

As a whole, it's a bit of a dry set, and a few levels are kind of heinous, but a handful of the levels are honestly not bad.

>> No.11160575

Imagine how cringy Doom would be with that guy on the original team.

>> No.11160579

Well he’d be kicked out faster than Hall did because I doubt Martin actually knows a thing about computers

>> No.11160584 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11160587

New Nikke update is wild

>> No.11160591

Doom would be more retarded capeshit stuff than cheesy 90's gorey horror

>> No.11160601

Again, in 1993, capeshit was in a completely different place than it is today, or even than it was 15+ years ago, there was still a lot of very cool stuff going on.
Granted, most which was not suitable for Doom.

>> No.11160613
File: 139 KB, 631x581, 1652319338612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you remember doom actually became retarded capeshit
fuck nu-id

>> No.11160618 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 800x781, 1700157983787433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11160623

Carmack was still a core team member as recently as Doom 4, the fuck more do you want?

>> No.11160635

I just think it’s funny.
Not that it’s purposely done well funny, but funny because this is a person’s magnum opus.

>> No.11160641

First it's going to be fully finished.It's going to added to modern boom ports (woof, nugget, dsda). Graf will definitely add it gzdoom eventually... but that will take time as even mbf21 has still major bugs with gzdoom.

>> No.11160672

>because this is a person’s magnum opus
I think that only makes it worse...

>> No.11160680

It’s a bit sad looking but I wasn’t in it for the story to begin with.
I roll with it like this because if I don’t, then I’m liable to go crazy I think.

>> No.11160687

>I wasn’t in it for the story to begin with
Neither was I, but eternal doesn't really give you a choice in the matter, and the lore is beyond cringe

>> No.11160691

Their magnum opus as a story or as a game?

>> No.11160693

>and the lore is beyond cringe
yes, it's a multiverse... of cringe

>> No.11160694

You can skip all but like one cutscene.
Either way I chose to watch it anyway.

>> No.11160703

Unless I’m not aware that Martin is also somehow the game designer.

>> No.11160705

Idk why I read this post with Mr. Plinkett's voice

>> No.11160727

Is there any particular reason why the bethesda/KEK port's Midis sounds like dogshit? despite that Microsoft owns Bethesda now, they're not allowed to use default windows midi or some shit? what in the fuck?

>> No.11160740

Some of those "midis" are actually pre-recorded oggs.
>not using Nuked
It's like you hate yourself or something.

>> No.11160745

This shit is half baked and it was only done as a marketing tactic for Dark Ages.
BOOM barely even functions in Kex. So many enemies get stuck to each other or fall off edges so easily.

>> No.11160761

If it isn't prerecorded, they use the bargain bin soundfonts for the midis. It dosen't let you use your system's midi. You can easily check by using Virtual MIDI Synth's mixer, or checking Nuked if your using that, or even just listening to it.

>> No.11160768

>It's like you hate yourself or something
I don't have the roms for it

>> No.11160780

Merry Christmas

>> No.11160815

That is greatly appreciated.
Will test it now.

>> No.11160837

Nuked-OPL3, I hope?

>> No.11160857

Is there no midi section in the OP?

>> No.11160864

Black Tower, Paradox, and Jim Flynn's maps are worth playing. Vesperas is the only map you should actively avoid, because it has a completely obtuse mandatory secret.

>> No.11160868

Gonna try getting my McCollough Eager Beaver 2.0 chainsaw running today. Wish me luck.

>> No.11160878

Definitely true for Eternal and the DLCs.

>> No.11160910
File: 1.15 MB, 1366x768, spasm0022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there always one of these every Quake Jam? The massive empty town map that looks like it escaped from the Halloween Jam.

>> No.11160940
File: 355 KB, 688x500, 1599284652374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more people to be able to play it.

>> No.11160956

>welcome noob mappers
>they have no sense of scale or how it relates to gameplay
>don't actually critique them so they get better
>put their shit in the same pack as everything else
>repeat with next jam
A tale as old as time.

>> No.11160957

The natural instinct to make the most erect of phallic structures.

>> No.11160973
File: 2.11 MB, 2560x1440, niccolicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that from the Retro Jam? Haven’t ran into yet if it is.

>> No.11160984

Yes. Also, I loved the map in your screenshot. It was one of the best levels.

>> No.11160998
File: 3.70 MB, 1280x720, kino.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way Doom was meant to be played

>> No.11161002

I don’t want to speak too soon but it’s my favorite of the bunch so far, definitely left an impression.

>> No.11161007

Sure, here some of my favorites, sorry for late reply. Vocals are something to get accustomed to, but I like the conveyed mood in a lot of these. No song defines the album it was taken from, think of different kaleidoscope patterns resembling a part of a single whole. Still, any albums presented are fair first pick, so if you particularly like something then it's a safe starting point. Mitch Easter with the bands he helped producing, and was a part of, is a good direction for future discoveries if you're into this. Check out these voice harmonies and instrument interplays.

>> No.11161014

I hope whoever made this mod steps on a lego.

>> No.11161030

How the fuck is anyone supposed to see anything

>> No.11161034
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>> No.11161048 [DELETED] 

For what it is, this is pretty neat

>> No.11161051

Thanks, bye!

>> No.11161052

Thanks, Bye!

>> No.11161060

Here's my pass, let me in.

>> No.11161067

Well I have clearance and I'm not lying. If you let me pass, I'll let you have my high tech Sega Game Gear!

>> No.11161080

was this released as a single wad? I would unironically play it for lulz on a lower skill level

>> No.11161081
File: 3.90 MB, 640x360, rtraced2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bloody water balloon explodes in front of enemies when hit
“RTflex” I guess but the original GZDoom bloodspats looked more believable.

>> No.11161086

>studio died, name stayed
No, that's Atari, Intellivision, Black Isle, Digital Eclipse, Tango Gameworks and many more brands I can't think of.
It's not just Hugo there. Besides, who really knows. It's all about the perspective since, as >>11160491 said, comics were different and who knows what his interests would've been if he was around id at the time.
>Sure, here some of my favorites, sorry for late reply.
No worries, thanks. I'll be listen to at least half of these sometime tomorrow.

>> No.11161091
File: 317 KB, 640x480, Korax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings, mortal. Are you ready to die?

>> No.11161102

Thanks, Bye!
M.Guard looks a bit like Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2.

>> No.11161130

Just don't go visit Bethesdaland and you won't run into the trouble of losing any legal rights for buying Doom or subscribing to Disney+ or whatever

In the not so far future this smarmy retort will bite me in the ass as I eat a rollcake prepared by a Bethesda employee and die

>> No.11161136

It comes across more like word salad but okay.

>> No.11161141
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean thats basically every EULA these days sexcept every word is 'don't do anything with our shit' which is funny for a Doom and its game engine

Guess not

>> No.11161160

Most EULA are too strict by verying degrees, and at least substantially tilt in favor of corporate suits.

>> No.11161179

So I'm trying to think, Doom could technically do colored lighting but it would be a pain for mappers back in the day, and ID24 adds animated sky textures and literally the PSX Doom texture that did it to boot. Is the only thing fundamentally stopping a PSX Doom port to something like the new one the legendary reverb?

>> No.11161185

It lives.

>> No.11161190

ID24 has support for colored lighting too, no vanilla engine tricks needed.

>> No.11161191

Anon caucasian reveal

>> No.11161193

Yeah, it's doable. When a port finally decides to support it.

>> No.11161203

The concept of applying tinting was introduced in Boom, but for deep water. For some reason nobody thought to apply it to sectors rather than to player's POV in the mainline ports.

>> No.11161204

Kitchen Ace.

>> No.11161205

I had an idea that you could do it with translucent midtextures that are a solid color.

>> No.11161207
File: 537 KB, 320x240, doom-guy-nodding-kid-computer-thumbs-up-1407541825R-2184518904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11161210

ofc. im doomguy
got the chainsaw and everything.

>> No.11161215

now go kill some demons
in minecraft

>> No.11161217

Hot damn listen to that sound.

>> No.11161271

I have a pun ready for when we hit page 10

>> No.11161275

I'd seen someone had made a Legacy of Rust SC-55 soundtrack and got me wondering, do you guys bother using Nuked SC-55 for anything other than SC-55 soundtracks? Also is Sigils midi's recorded on an SC-55?

>> No.11161281

So do I:
This thread is DOOMED
Haha. I'll be here all week REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT.

>> No.11161284
File: 1.85 MB, 1049x758, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY! Let's throw peanuts at BOTH of them!

>> No.11161317

>Tried playing Ad Mortem on Keks
>Every other map crashes at some point

>> No.11161443

is it
>R_GetColumnComposite: Attempting to create composite during rendering.
I heard it has something to do with the textures that Keks dosen't like

>> No.11161456

>these days
Even in the 90s EULAs generally had some clause of "you don't own this software, it's just a license to operate, and we can revoke that if we want at which point you must destroy your disc".

>> No.11161469

It's a natural and healthy urge.

Well, when enemies cast shadows against walls, or light is cast through the metal bars, making shadows, that's kind of a cool visual, and it would be neat to have something like that without all the other mess.

That'll look like ass.

>> No.11161473

>that lava secret in dis union
And that is when I save"scummed"

>> No.11161483

I don't care for E1M6 in LOR. It looks cool I guess but the flamethrower is really jank + short and the mini-anarchnotrons seem to have a really shitty attention span for infighting which this maps wants you to do.

>> No.11161495

Something about the new arachnos seem off and I’m not sure what aside from that they feel way more aggressive.
But I never liked the spiders so whatever.

>> No.11161502

With all the spiders? That one was easy.

>> No.11161503

Whoever setup those Complex Doom Last man standing servers with those fucking legendary monsters can go right to fucking hell.

That pretty much imo killed interest with doomseeker in general.

>> No.11161512

No, the one with a soulsphere and rockets and a lava "elevator". It took me a few tries to come out of it with more health then I went in with.
Actually I think I just hate this level overall. When I saw the enemy count I was like
>cool, a shorter map
And then spent a lot of time being lost and going in circles.

>> No.11161545

yep and "Attempting to access invalid weapon '-1'". Most crashes don't have any error or anything in the logs though. And MAP05 kills the minimap for some reason. And level names in the level select don't show.

>> No.11161613
File: 364 KB, 418x650, doom_ps1_manual_controls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to do a playthough on ultra violence. This will be my first time.

My set-up

>The Ultimate Doom 1995 iwad

I have a fascination with the ps1 release of Doom, but I see it is missing a lot of elements from the DOS versions.
So I set up my controller to use the same controls as the PS1 Doom.


>> No.11161641

I would use box and ring for turning and the d-pad for strafing, personally. L2 run, R2 shoot, L/R1 for switching weapons, pyramid for map, and drumsticks for action.

>> No.11161651
File: 140 KB, 599x450, cutitout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11161654

that's how i used to play Doom except cross for open, an run with circle this way i can run and shoot at the same time with the same thumb more comfortably

>> No.11161659

Are the junkfood wads worth playing?

>> No.11161661

I find that the playstation version controls better with this scheme than any PC port when I set it up the same.
It just seems like the game handles digital turning so much differently between platforms.

>> No.11161681

It's all in the name. If mindless entertainment is what you're looking for, go for it

>> No.11161691

Fucking lol

>> No.11161698

If you've even a passing interest they're worth a fuck about in them.

>> No.11161701

Yeeeeeeeah Im not a fan of the blood either. Im sure it's impressive technically but I wish there was a way to turn it down or off.

>> No.11161710
File: 256 KB, 800x450, 1723397157698229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black devils are fun to fight, the screaming banshee heads are cool, though I played the wad with GZdoom, & they were bugged & unable to do any damage to me, so i did not get to experience the danger element to them. I was slightly annoyed that the Banshee faces were just straight rips of some of the faces from that Doom texture with the screaming faces that gets used constantly in Doom 2. The guys that shoot plasma balls are fine enemies, I like that their heads fall off when you kill them & they split in half when gibbed, I wish the Doom enemies had more custom sprites where they have things fall off them when they die. (Like the wrapping on the golems & blood drips on the imps in Heretic) The beta skull things are probably the best enemy, It made me feel like the Doom 1 & 2 could have used them for more combat variety. The new green cyberdemon looks half assed.

>> No.11161750

It ends up looking like claymation again where they try to use lighting to cover up how plasticy everything looks.

>> No.11161757

The flamethrower isn't too bad once I got used to it. It's extremely powerful at stunlocking even low painchance enemies.

>> No.11161772

Not gonna be around for the next week, if someone else wants to make these in my place while I'm gone then go for it: https://catalog.neet.tv/harlequin.html

>> No.11161774

I like the streamlined approach to modding in the new Steam version of doom

>> No.11161798

The concept is very nice at least, the mod browser still needs work

>> No.11161803
File: 237 KB, 523x416, 78970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11161817

Are pinky demons sapient, or is this bestiality?

>> No.11161827

it's a 1to1 scan of my ass

>> No.11161831

>only 30 more years

>> No.11161837

>no sv_alwaysspawnmulti 1
fucking casual

>> No.11161851


>> No.11161854 [DELETED] 

>all this effort
>blood with fluid dynamics
>not pixelated
I truly don't understand

>> No.11161927 [DELETED] 

How do you use these?

>> No.11161936 [DELETED] 


>> No.11161949

Drop them in your Nuked SC-55 folder
Download loopMIDI, run it and add a port, name it something convenient if you want.
Usually thats enough if your using Woof, just set the audio device to your loopMIDI port, but for some sourceports like DSDA you need to map your port using VirtualMIDISynth or Coolsoft MIDI Mapper.
If you want to use it in DOSBox-Staging, you have to select the General MIDI option in the game's setup utility, this also needs VirtualMIDISynth or MIDIMapper to work.
To launch, open loopMIDI first then Nuked.

>> No.11161951

not too bad but too much contrast and the blood is stupid

>> No.11161970

What if I use GZDoom?

>> No.11161974

You can select you device in GZDoom, just select the loopMIDI port

>> No.11161986

It's not playing anything

>> No.11162051

you have to launch loopMIDI and Nuked, in that order before you open GZDoom or anything where you want the midi to play, it dosen't launch automatically.
If that dosen't work go over the other post

>> No.11162196

nta but thank you for this. it sounds amazing.
sounds a bit low compared to VirtualMIDISynth tho.

>> No.11162235

>playing it with HND


>> No.11162468

It's funny how nerds back then didn't have extremely receding chins and round faces

>> No.11162518

>While I can't possibly know John Carmack's wanking habits
email him about it. or romero

>> No.11162846

In my browser this thread is stuck with "(1)" in tab name. Every now and then I check it by mistake, reread this comment, then ponder for a few minutes why the fuck would I ask Romero about Carmack's wanking habits.

>> No.11162965 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 320x800, _TOM.PIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could also ask him about _TOM.PIC