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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 829x169, retroarch-logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1093494 No.1093494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Posted to this to /v/ but got no replies. Wondering about RetroArch and whether I should set it up.

This program seems almost too good to be true. Can it really replace all of my standalone emulators? Is this the future of emulation? Specifically should I use retroarch MAME or another frontend for it?

>> No.1093549

The libretro port of MAME is very flawed and based on an older version, they're working on a latest one but I heard there's some problems.
You have better luck asking in /vg/'s emulation general


>> No.1093569


I'll give you a hint, it's not an emulator itself but a pack of standalone emulators. So no, it won't. It can do basic emulation but if you really want refined and game specific emulation you'd be better off grabbing the actual emulator and plugins.

But then again, why even emulate, play original hardware you faggot.

>> No.1093570

>why even emulate

Because hunting down each and every japanese game for the SNES while avoiding rape prices is so fucking fun right?

>> No.1094216

I do both, I have A Retro Duo, a US SNES, N64, PS2, and Dreamcast. I might be picking up an actual NES, or getting a 72pin connector for the one I have. I've been picking up some games when I can. Picked up EB and CT for 10bux each. You can find good prices, it just takes some looking, and people who don't know what they have. But yeah, if you haven't got something yet, or you want to savestate certain parts of a game to play them over, emu > old console, but you can also get savestates on VC legit.

Also, I'm a super poorfag, so any shithead who doesn't have money to spend on videogames is a goddamn liar.

>> No.1094224



You couldn't have picked a worse combination of system + region to make your point. Super Famicom is affordable as fuck. I can't think of a single worthwhile game that is particularly expensive.

>> No.1094236

Yes, it's amazing. The bsnes core is fantastically accurate, and if you don't have a terribly underspec'd machine, a properly set up CRT-Geom shader + the NTSC S-video filter are absolutely amazing. Say what you want about using filters, but I think it looks amazing when set up well.

>> No.1094378

It's alright. It can take your emulators and run them all in one place and apply shaders and save state and rewind and netplay.

Squarepusher is worse than byuu though. Glad he's gone.

>> No.1094396

If you're actually interested in setting this up and using it, and maybe netplaying with some others, or just hanging out

Might I direct you to


>> No.1094402

Unless you want to be ignored over the sea of circlejerking, I suggest you avoid asking for help there either.

>> No.1094404


What about Themaister, Toadking and the other ones?

>> No.1094408


There ain't any circlejerking going on in Emulation General (not like other generals anyway)

>> No.1094412

I think they're fine people and devs from what I've seen. They control Squarepusher's damage quite effectively, too.

>> No.1094417

the IRC is a helpchat, just so you know guy.

>> No.1094420

I liked retroarch for NES, SNES, and GB/C/A, had to use something different for the PSX and there's no DS emulator on it. I'm happy enough with the netplay though.

>> No.1094439

SP won't allow DS because of retro police, As if anyone gave a shit.

>> No.1094452


There is a DS emulator for it, it just doesn't compile with mingw.


Please stop shit stirring

>> No.1094645


Except it performs better than most of the standalone emulators since it does audio/video sync better and has more options.

There's a reason why people use it over standalone, it brings all emulation cores under a unified interface and gives them a large number of features that you wouldn't get on the standalone version

>> No.1096826

>Except it performs better than most of the standalone emulators since it does audio/video sync better and has more options.

{{citation needed}}

>> No.1096834

>What about Themaister, Toadking and the other ones?

They defend SP and are his butt buddies. Reduces my respect for them a lot.


That nigger SP was turning Emugen into a circle jerk. He's gone. Thank god. Now it's back to normal.

>> No.1096945


Three words: Dynamic Rate Control


They're aren't very many (if any) emulators that do this. I know for a fact higan doesn't, it does something like it except you have to fine tune it yourself instead of being done dynamically like in RetroArch. The difference in audio pitch should not be perceivable to 99% of people

>> No.1096957

>They defend SP and are his butt buddies. Reduces my respect for them a lot.

Who cares if they like SP? I certainly don't. SP is a very capable developer having ported RetroArch to all these platforms and kept the project moving forward. That alone is worth respect, and I don't really care if he acts like a jackass on 4chan and forums because it doesn't matter in the end, because his actions speak louder than his words.

>> No.1096986


Also some more information about the ABX testing they did on it

Mednafen dev claims to be able to tell the difference, which is not surprising since the PCE and PSX emulators she wrote are well known for their audio accuracy.

>> No.1097003

>Mednafen dev claims to be able to tell the difference,

Don't buy it.

>The difference in audio pitch should not be perceivable to 99% of people

If done right, it should not be audible to the human ears.

>> No.1097232

>They control Squarepusher's damage quite effectively, too.

No they don't. They blame 4chan for wanting to hate poor persecuted Squarepusher for no reason.

>> No.1097516

>godly tier emulator to end all others
>try it out
>clusterfuck unintuitive design

wow it's fucking nothign

>> No.1097525

Is the updater for retroarch-phoenix not working for anyone else?

>> No.1097531



server bandwidth out. Mudlord might give them a new server

>> No.1097538

Just use this page for now: http://themaister.net/retroarch-dl/

>> No.1099054

Seriously? Link me to the posts/IRC log please. I don't actually pay much attention to them because squarepusher kinda grabs all the attention.

>> No.1099072

>squarepusher on guis


Explain to me why I should give a single shit about how he ported his shit to a thousand platforms I don't use nor give a single shit about.

Explain to me why you think he matters for porting a shitty front end built using other people's emulators to other platforms.

Explain to me how any of that possibly excuses him from being a faggot autist that manages to be worse than most tripfags here.

Of course they like him. He apparently does all that porting and maintenance work nobody really gives a shit about for them.

>> No.1099073

SP was in the CRT thread yesterday, it's all still up. Here's some of his advice to RetroArch users:

>Not wanting to look at KMS mode because you are too dumb to work it out and because you are "afraid" of learning Linux.

>Learn to program and learn how stuff actually works.

>Learn to know what audio/video sync is all about son. You are being even more stupid than an audiophile right now.

>Learn to program and you will know why YOU ARE FOOLING YOURSELF.

>See, like I told you before - an end-user cannot ever get this stuff right. You need to learn to program to actually know WTF you are talking about.

>> No.1099075

I love how he banned himself and then came back in days.

>> No.1099079

He couldn't help himself, someone posted their new MAME setup running on Windows with original resolutions / refresh rates from the computer to a PVM monitor. He felt compelled to argue that the person should have invented a custom Linux himself that did the same thing except with input lag.

>> No.1099087

Its still better to use individual emulators for now. Retro arch isn't very user friendly and has problems with multiple controller/game configs. I'm looking forward to using it down the road, because fuck remembering every emulator's shortcut keys.

>> No.1099091


>Man, what an idiot you are.
>You are talking out of your ass on a subject matter you know nothing about - because you can't program.
>You are being even more stupid than an audiophile right now.
>The Wii would run it like shit so I don't feel like compiling it for the Wii, no.
>if you are one of these insane mental lunatics that really believes all this stuff matters so much
>your "CRT emulation community" most likely consists of a bunch of retard
>You people sound even more idiotic than the audiophiles
>I recommend that psychiatric wards get set up for you looons - your mental delusions are really becoming a danger to society.
>you guys are more mentally deluded than audiophiles.
>Only dumbasses care about GUIs and well, I guess you fit that description so, errr, well, I don't really give a shit about appealing to you
>Want a cookie with that big boy?
>You people are really mentally handicapped. I feel sorry for you.
>Man what a freakshow. I guess that it's all a matter of "I'm too dumb and stupid to run Linux or know what KMS does - so I'm just going to pretend that Winbloze is the BEST"
>Man you people sound like a bunch of insane crackpots

This is the faggot who made retro arch. It's telling that he felt embarrassed enough with himself to delete his own posts in every place that he can actually do that. Enjoy.

>> No.1099103

I don't understand the hate for SP. I've communicated with him on other forums and he's a pretty nice guy. Helpful too. Two things 4chan will never be.

>> No.1099106

Try disagreeing with him on anything.

>> No.1099107

But he hasn't said or done anything I'd disagree with. Plus there's nothing wrong with having a strong opinion.

>> No.1099109

>being an utter fagboat to people who use your shit
>"strong opinion"

>> No.1099113

>Running Debian Linux
>Hear about RetroArch from a friend
>Oh I'll just check it out then
>Well lets see how its installed
>Oh.. Oh god.


>> No.1099117

Because 4chan users are all known for being the nicest people in the world.
Pull your head out of your ass enough to see the full picture man.

>> No.1099120

>see the full picture man
>he thinks we're the only one who hate him

>> No.1099124

Squarepusher hates your guts.

>> No.1099141

I don't get all the posts like this. I only recently learned of the drama and I've been using retroarch for a month. Are you all soccer moms who can't use computers or something?

>> No.1099146

>makes a shitty unusable undocumented GUI
>people don't like it

>> No.1099194

It's a wonderful little program. Runs most everything I throw at it, and the audio/video synch method is great. I'm also a shaderfag, and RA has the best shader support of damn near anything ever.

That said, the interface definitely takes getting used to. I'm the type that loves to tinker around with shit until I figure it out, so its obtuseness didn't bother me a whole lot and I can now get around it without issue, but I can definitely see how people who just want to set up their controls, open a ROM, and have it just werk would find it awful. Its unease of use is one of the things holding it back from really taking off, second only to SP's unbelievably shitty attitude.

Despite all his paranoid ramblings about the byuugeyman and entitled users and shit (though there is a lot of entitlement, mind you), SP is ultimately his own worst enemy, and his outbursts have left a very sour taste in the mouths of many. It doesn't take away from RetroArch's merits, mind you, but good PR matters.

>> No.1099210


Retro Arch isn't running anything. Other people's cores are.



>> No.1099216
File: 136 KB, 261x310, the byuugeyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what Emugen calls byuu whenever SP starts screaming about how byuu and his cult are out to get him and bring down RetroArch.

>> No.1099219

but I'm having trouble understanding what problems you're having with the GUI, as I've never encountered any

>> No.1099223

Oh wow my fucking sides. Byuu and his fans don't even leave their own forums anymore. Looks like they're still mad that byuu made a better emulator or something.

>> No.1099231

Well, ok, byuu himself for sure doesn't leave his circlejerk, but some of his buttbuddies do antagonize SP from time to time, namely that Kakashi guy if I recall. Still, no reason to start hurling accusations that they're out to kill RetroArch or anything. They're just trolls who love to get a rise out of him because it's so. fucking. easy.

>> No.1099235

All the byuu haters really are pathetic. I can't believe these people manage to accomplish anything at all.

>> No.1099245

Well, you have to understand that the whole concept of choosing a core, then choosing a game is a bit foreign to people. And then there's the issue of inputs. RA defaults to certain input mappings, and if you want to set up your own inputs you either have to use Phoenix, or the joyconfig exe. The former is a bit weird to use and is on its way out, and the latter, well, people aren't used to having to run a separate executable just for mapping input. Most emulators do it from the main application, usually with clearly labeled inputs. And you have to juggle around different configuration files if you want different mappings per core or whatever. Again, not something people are used to doing.

>> No.1099254

>the inputs

Don't get me started on that shit. Retro pad? My sides.

>> No.1099257

>because fuck remembering every emulator's shortcut keys.

I'll never understand why there isn't any standardization of that.

>> No.1099265

Why should there be? It's not like there's some kind of overarching organization that would force standardization. It's all up to the individual devs.

>> No.1099267

>Because 4chan users are all known for being the nicest people in the world.

He kept shitting up Emulation General. Without SP, the threads are slow, and consist of people asking questions and getting help. With SP they're flamewars. He's a disruptive shit head. ANY minor disagreement turns into a flame war with that guy.

>> No.1099273

>Why should there be? It's not like there's some kind of overarching organization that would force standardization. It's all up to the individual devs.

Video, and game programs all do many of the same things, yet there's lots of variation on what they keys should be. I think someone should just come up with a standard, give it a name and try to get as many people to go along with it.

>> No.1099279

That's... kinda what SP and co. are trying to do with the libretro project. Establish a unifying API wherein developers only have to work on the core itself, and leave all of the interface work to the people maintaining that API and its frontends like RetroArch.

Of course, they've still got quite some ways to go, as ease of use is still an issue. It's very much a "power user" kind if interface still. Not very noob/retard friendly. Though I wonder if it's even possible to strike a balance.

>> No.1099283


Well, it's not just that though. In addition to emulators, there's regular PC games, which can have varying key commands. And there's video and audio players. All of them can have all sorts of key commands. Each time you try one out, you have to guess the key commands.

>Okay... to full screen this game is it ctrl + enter, or is it f key?

>> No.1099286

>video and audio players
>yo m8 I made this thing called retroarch it implements libretro and runs on xbmc so that you can play audio while you play audio

>> No.1099287

Libretro aims to go beyond emulators, you know. For instance, Cave Story got ported to it, so it has the same hotkeys as all the other cores. It even has a port of ffmpeg so you can watch your chinese cartoons with smoothing shaders and scanlines.

But yeah, I see what you're saying.

>> No.1099289

you just have to make a config for each console emulator core, which you would do anyway

>> No.1099294

>don't have feature
>I have to do shit the emulator could do for me

Fucking retarded.

>> No.1099298

It could probably be implemented better than it is now, but really now, how is the program supposed to do everything for you when it incorporates so many different cores, some of which aren't even emulators?

>> No.1099302

>it takes the core's name
>it searches for a file named config/core/<core-name>.config
>it reads the file
>it applies the configuration


>> No.1099303

it literally takes less than 20 seconds to copy paste the config, change the inputs accordingly, and name it to whatever

it's actually easier than then switching to a core and then switching input profiles within the gui everytime

objectively the way it is now is better than what you're suggesting

>> No.1099305

Are you implying it doesn't already do that?

>> No.1099307

And then you're stuck with one configuration file for that one core. What if I want to change around my inputs for the N64 core and save them into a different configuration?

>> No.1099309
File: 145 KB, 1373x614, snes vs nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RA defaults to certain input mappings,

>Retro pad?

And it's too literal, and based on the SNES. Most controllers are based on SNES pad layout, yet RA treats B/A/ as they are labeled on the snes controller. Too literal. Nintendo themselves went with Y/B layout for their games. SP clings to A/B because he is being too literal. For some reason arguing this makes SP's head explode or something.

The "retropad" concept is too simplistic.

>> No.1099310


>libretro pipe dream

News flash: Not every person is going to use RetroArch for video or audio playback, or regular PC games. Also RA itself defaults to some weird key commands that I think should be non-standard.

>> No.1099313

Maybe it could check for the core, and then the rom name. Really thats all it needs.

>> No.1099315

Why is this an issue? I don't like the defaults either, but you can easily change them. RA has some outstanding issues, but this really isn't one of them.

>> No.1099318

Automatic per-game configurations? Adds too much complexity if you ask me.

>> No.1099319

He justifies it by saying that controller layouts won't ever deviate, because that's obviously totally true. Also it's not like libretro is a general library at all, it's totally relegated to SNES and Playstation emulators.

I told him to have the cores pass him the input systems supported, because it's the emulator cores who know which inputs the system they're emulating accepts, and this would enable automatic accurate configuration options generation for any emulator or game.

I was told I was retarded.

Tell that to SP and get banned from his forums.

>> No.1099323


>Have to make custom config files for such a minor change

It seems like such a pain for such minor things. And I have to remember to change them each time I switch cores. More hassle.

I think it should have per core/system configs. Done through a nice GUI instead of RGUI. This thing is zsnes tier.

>> No.1099326

Games would only get their own configs if you choose to while the rom is loaded or something. Really it isn't that much of a bother and is mandatory for arcade emulation. Just copy mame there guys.

>> No.1099331
File: 40 KB, 236x421, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely basic file I/O

Even mame has it my sides

>> No.1099334

So instead of changing cores, you just change config files, which would automatically change cores as well. Not sure if this is how it works on RGUI yet, but that's how I do it in Phoenix. I just set up my core configs once, and I'm done forever unless I ever feel like tweaking something.

>> No.1099336

>Not sure if this is how it works on RGUI yet,

There's a fork that has config swap. It will be implimented very soon into the main RGUI.

>> No.1099339

MAME also has very strict ROM set requirements and a very detailed database. RA just takes whatever ROMs you have. With this, I am guessing it would have to check the ROMs against a database of some sort.

>> No.1099341

So I suppose it will work like in Phoenix there as well.

Hmm, wonder if they can maybe do both? Have "default" core-specific configs that will load automatically upon loading a core, while still allowing you to create your own specific config files and load those at well?

>> No.1099342

>what is file name

It can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be.

>> No.1099347

Nope, mame just uses file names

>> No.1099353

Again, it works with MAME because all ROMs must adhere to very specific file names. RA does no such check. It takes ROMs regardless of what you name them, and I suspect they want to keep it this way, because their focus is (or at least it attempts to be) on just getting the games to play, as opposed to archiving. Not everyone has full No-Intro or Goodsets or whatever. You'd have to convince them to make RA demand to adhere to specific names.

>> No.1099360

I could name my game dingdong and it would automatically load dingdong.cfg if i altered inputs. Its super basic.

>> No.1099358

>implying there has to be a filename standard
>implying you can't simply use the exact same file name no matter what it is
>implying the only difference isn't the extension

What the fuck man.

>> No.1099363

Oh boy, clutter ahoy! Though it might work with byuu's game folder idea.

>> No.1099365

>byuu's game folder idea.

What IS that idea? I've never heard it explained.

>> No.1099367

Have you guys seen Squarepusher's "comments" in our CRT thread? I think they're still there but they'll be in the archive either way. It's like he has no self control and some kind of psychic power to tell if anyone is criticizing him even slightly anywhere on The Internet.

>> No.1099369


Just save it in a per core basis holy shit. If you loaded X with core Y, save it in config/cores/Y/games/X.

It's so basic it's not even funny. Basic UNIX shit.

Byuu's game folders were all about shit like this. They were a great idea. Too bad people were too autistic and hated byuu too much to accept it.

>> No.1099371

I compiled it all for everyone just a few hours ago.


I could go fetch the one where he "banned himself" but I'm too lazy.

>> No.1099372

Or just a separate folder called cfg that automatically loads configs based on rom name if they were saved. Mame already does this. Not EVERY game is going to have different controls. Default would be based on core.

>> No.1099379

>he has no self control

I think he literally doesn't. He likely has something that you can diagnose. He seems incapable of not responding to criticism. And anything critical sends him to get overly emotional. I think his brain is broken, and I think it's better to accept that and give him some slack. There's no point in complaining when someone has autism does what they do, so there's no point in complaining when SP does what he does due to whatever he has that makes his brain broken.

>> No.1099380

>I have to accept being ridiculed by a mentally ill individual with an overinflated ego because he probably has some kind of medical condition

Nope. He can fuck right off.

>> No.1099381

You'd have to account for the fact that some systems have several cores. As >>1099369 said, it'd have to be a configuration folder per core.

At the end of the day, this could work, but it all sounds like something the devs themselves would have to take up and implement, and I have an idea that it would go against their philosophies or whatever. Me, I could care less. I am perfectly fine with how it's currently handled.

>> No.1099382 [DELETED] 


>> No.1099387

>our philosophy is to be needlessly convoluted and push unnecessary easily-automated work on the user

>> No.1099391

It doesn't really matter how the folders work if saving/loading controller configs is done automatically. However they want to do it I guess. I'm just glad im not the only one here who complained about the single controller thing.

>> No.1099397

Nah, it's more like they like lean and mean interfaces. I'm thinking they would view core and game-specific configuration files and folders as needless clutter.

For my part, I just don't think it's that big of a hassle. It could be streamlined, sure, but I am not so fed up that I am demanding everything be done automatically for me. I can see why some people do, of course. In the end, whether they change their mind or not, I don't particularly care.

>> No.1099401


Just accept that he is what he is. Ban him, report him, etc. Just don't bother arguing with him.

He's fucking 43 god damn years old, and he's still getting into childish flame wars over stupid shit on the internet. He's a man child.

>> No.1099398

>every controller ever is a PS1 pad

Anyone with a brain can see how close-mindedly retarded it is. For someone who tells others to learn to code, SP really looks like a code monkey.

>> No.1099404

>it's more like they like lean and mean interfaces.

Too much so. RA is never, ever gonna take off with the RGUI. It needs a new custom one.

>> No.1099408

I prefer ps2 pad myself but have 2 genesis/saturn pad look-a-likes and arcades sticks laying around.

also lets talk more about retro arch rather shit talking on a person. this is getting weird.

>> No.1099409
File: 226 KB, 1000x893, laughing-megawomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clutter for who? Them? Yeah, that basic file system handling code and string variable interpolation sure is driving codebase complexity off the charts. The interface? It's not like it isn't completely hidden behind the scenes in automatic file system operations. Not at all. The user? People who don't care won't even browse the folder; they'll never see it and it will just work.

It's not like you could simply define a default set of options for each system and then for each core and then for each game and they'll be loaded in order of specificity. That's just too convoluted and not natural at all.

He probably just thinks this is "winblows shit", but of course, he apparently doesn't know shit about Unix programming concepts despite being a linux fanatic.

>43 years old

My fucking face

>> No.1099410

RGUI's main draw is that it's portable across the many platforms and navigable with a controller, which perfectly fits within their philosophies. However, I agree that it's not good enough as far as ease of use. And even SP has admitted as much, which is why he's said he wants to implement a custom interface for each individual platform that fits them. So for the Windows port, he says he wants to implement mouse-navigable Snes9x-style toolbars and shit. So far he's only implemented a File menu to change games and exit RA, however.

>> No.1099415

>has an OpenGL-based overlay GUI
>wants to implement a custom platform-specific interface emulator on top of it

My fucking sides. I hope the insanity of it finally gets him.

>> No.1099418

You have to understand that the devs are Arch linux fanboys who live and breath power user interfaces and shit. So yeah, they have certain design philosophies which do not jive with what most people are used to. Though again, for me personally I don't really care which way it goes. Custom configurations work fine for me. If they do cave in to your ideas or whatever, cool beans, I guess.

>> No.1099419

SP has a lot of hate anons.

>> No.1099420

I wonder if he's just gonna end up shipping the Windows port with two executables, one with RGUI and the other with the main Windows frontend or whatever. I too wonder how he plans to pull it off.

>> No.1099427

So what? I use arch linux too and I'm not retarded. If they want simple, guess what, I just gave them an extremely simple system that respects Unix and even suckless ideals. Pretty much every unix utility with a configuration file does it in a similar way.

Maybe it's just themaister's suckless shit that's holding them back from having actual features as opposed to squarepusher.

Dude, have you ever seen Java interfaces? That's what his shit will end up looking like. Only worse.

And this coming from the faggots who want "simple mean and lean interfaces".

>> No.1099429

Has anybody ever configured a 360 controller in RA phoenix and had all the buttons get mixed up? I was trying a workaround to get the left analog stick to be used as the d-pad in the mednafen psx core. It got all weird in game.

>left stick up became down
>left stick down became up
>select became start
>start became select
>right stick right became L2
>right stick left became R2

Is there a way to map the d-pad to the analog stick without that happening? I suppose i'll just ask this question too in emugen.

>> No.1099431
File: 23 KB, 500x500, 1379226205197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try planetside 2

>> No.1099434
File: 180 KB, 1388x1264, laughing-pokegirls.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1099435

Not to be a WHY DON'T YOU DO IT YOURSELF IF YOU KNOW SO MUCH fag, but really, if someone would just do a pull request to implement these ideas or at worst, produce a RetroArch fork or an alternative frontend, they might actually implement it. I doubt they're actually opposed to good, accessible interfaces, just that they don't like to actually produce them.

>> No.1099438

Because he actually responded to me and called me a retard. I ain't contributing one single line of code to his project.

>> No.1099437

>produce a RetroArch fork or an alternative frontend,

No fork needed. The GUIs just change the config file. You can just have a frontend do the same things. All you'd need to add is a tweak to not bring up RGUI.

>> No.1099443

>Because he actually responded to me and called me a retard.

In his defense, you probably are a retard.

>> No.1099447

Fair enough, though it's a shame nonetheless.

>> No.1099452


That's nothing. SP has called me:

>a byuu cultist
>a pedophile
>a welfare queen
>"pathetic stunted manchild"

That's just what I can think of. I could probably go through the archives and compile a much bigger list.

>> No.1099453

Whatever you say, kid.

>> No.1099456

Sp saying "bubba" all the time cracks me up. Makes him sound like a hillbilly. He says he uses it because it pisses people off, but it just makes me laugh.

>> No.1099459

I wish he didn't delete his posts on other forums, I bet they were hilarious as fuck

>> No.1099461

I usually just roll my eyes, though I did chuckle when he busted out "check yourself before yo wreck yourself".

Publicity-wise, he is the worst thing RA has going for it. His outbursts have literally damaged the brand, more than its unease of use could ever have. Thanks to him, when people think of RA, they think "it's made by that raging asshole, isn't it?"

>> No.1099462

I'll happily educate those new to it regarding its author, too. Not like I need to nowadays. Dude's shat on every community around.

>> No.1099467

>I wish he didn't delete his posts on other forums, I bet they were hilarious as fuck

Yeah, a lot of the real golden stuff is gone. Should have saved it. There is this though:


Pretty sure that's him. You can get more insight into his mental state and thinking through that. Very paranoid, very irrational.

>> No.1099473

I wonder if a few archive snapshots still have his posts up.

>> No.1099472

>His outbursts have literally damaged the brand,

And his friends are in total denial of that.

>Thanks to him, when people think of RA, they think "it's made by that raging asshole, isn't it?"

Thankfully, emu forums are a bit niche so your average end user hasn't seen them.


>> No.1099475

We should make an infographic detailing just what SP thinks of windows users.

And more of course.

>> No.1099478

>though I did chuckle when he busted out "check yourself before yo wreck yourself".

Link that post to me please.

>> No.1099481


>> No.1099482

>We should make an infographic detailing just what SP thinks of windows users.
>And more of course.

In his defense, I don't think he literally always means what he says. He gets emotional, and says things. I do believe that Windows is a lower priority than Android for RA. But he still puts in the effort to make Windows work. Now, when he's arguing with Windows users on a forum, he'll get emotional and throw all sorts of insults at him.

>> No.1099484

I don't like the guy either, but this is getting too much into ED doxing territory for my tastes. The kind of thing that has helped shit up /b/ and /v/ into the shitholes they are now.

>> No.1099485


Half the battle. He won't be fight the other half for windows users.

>> No.1099487

>He won't be fight the other half for windows users.

What am I reading?

>> No.1099491

I've been awake for too long. Good bye.

>> No.1100938


Because it's groundbreaking, nobody has made a framework for emulators that works across this many platforms. The libretro API is really flexible and can be used for game engines and media players even, and there are more frontends for libretro in the works (RetroPlayer in XBMC, Arcan-FE, that one Alcaro is working on)

I'm sorry you're too blinded by your hatred for the lead developer to see why this is a big deal.

>> No.1100943


His response to statements like this is "RetroArch is not a business"

>> No.1100947


No he's actually 29

>> No.1100963


He was in there because I linked to the thread on Emulation General, asking if the quoted statement about RetroArch was true. Apparently he was watching our thread and saw that and came into that thread and unleashed a tirade on the guy who made that statement about RetroArch

>> No.1100990

Why aren't emulator threads banned from /vr/?

They always turn into shitstorms over stupid shit

>> No.1101040

Why aren't you banned from /vr/?

>> No.1101043


Why aren't you?

>> No.1101045

No, why aren't *you*?

>> No.1101053

>RA devs really think people will use their media player through the clusterfuck that is RetroArch

top lel

>> No.1101059

>No he's actually 29

{{citation needed}}

>> No.1101058


You posted that already on /emu/

>> No.1101062

>Why aren't emulator threads banned from /vr/?

/vr/ has a problem of "same people discussing the same things over and over again". Emulators and new "retro" things can help break that.

but yeah, they tend to be shit storms.

>> No.1101061

they think they're too big for emulators, let's shove everything into libretro too, because everyone wants to xBR their movies

>> No.1101067

Go ask him yourself on IRC

>> No.1101127


I'd prefer not to interact with that autist ever again if I can help it.

>> No.1101135

We all feel the same way.

Let that faggot work his ass of on retro arch and get rid of him when he stops.

>> No.1101149

I don't get why this stuff gets recommended to casual people who don't have the slightest clue how to configure this stuff on Windows.

I had to ask someone to get me a complete package for windows 7 64-bit just to get working because the Phoenix Updates aren't doing what they should do. Then I try to configure my joypad, but it doesn't let me pick rshift or rcontrol, despite it being defaulted for the select button. Then I run Resident Evil but the thing speeds up to 120 FPS and the game becomes unplayable.

You literally need a fucking guide or tutorial to get an idea of how to get something to work if you have absolutely no knowledge about this stuff.

As much as I like the potential that RetroArch has, it's simply not good for people who don't understand the technical behind it. Unless the people developing it work on the interface, it will always lag behind other emulators.

>> No.1101154

>Then I run Resident Evil but the thing speeds up to 120 FPS and the game becomes unplayable.

I'm pretty sure that's vsync not working properly on some cards. Should be fixed in newer builds.

>> No.1101186

Literally 90% of this thread is just bitching about "Squarepusher is a big meanie"!

Yes, he is a huge asshole. Yes, Retroarch can be a bit user-unfriendly at times. But what is whining here gonna do, besides just bait SP into flaming again?

Ideally, he'd cater to our requests, but he doesn't. Best thing we can do is just code whatever we want ourselves. The project is open source, so anyone with the know-how can do it. If you don't know how to, and you aren't willing to learn to implement it yourself, how can you expect someone to do it for you?

>> No.1101224

>Literally 90% of this thread is just bitching about "Squarepusher is a big meanie"!

He's a complete asshole. It astounds me that he seems to not understand how his posting style seems to piss people off. Each forum he goes to, he only ends up making enemies.

>> No.1101229

Complaining about it won't make him implement what we ask for, so what's the point?

>> No.1101238

>implement what we ask for

Don't give a shit. I just don't want that autist shitting up my forums.

>> No.1101239

Yet you guys keep complaining about him instead of ignoring him.

>> No.1101241

It's hard to ignore a fucktard making a scene

>> No.1101245

Sage, report, hide, don't reply.

That's all you have to do.

>> No.1101258


>The dev for a major emulation project has to be treated as a 0/10 troll

>> No.1101264

It's either that, or endure his autism, since he shows no signs of changing his behavior.

>> No.1101314


That's because one guy on here has an obsession with him.

>> No.1101318

>one guy

I think he's pissed quite a few off.

>> No.1101323


Most people don't take internet insults personally enough to get pissed off. I know I don't. I think these little shitstorms he has on 4chan are hilarious, both the actions of him and of butthurt anons.

>> No.1101326

>All these 4chan pedophiles annoyed that they're getting TOLD

>> No.1101340

>Yes, Retroarch can be a bit user-unfriendly at times.

It's a cluster fuck, and if they ever think they'll get anywhere they need to drop "the arch linux" way of autism.

>> No.1101345


It's only as much of a clusterfuck as you make it be.

For me, 99% of the time it's
>load core
>load game
>play game

>> No.1101346

Fork it and improve it. Since the team is so close-minded, this is the only hope of it being changed.

Otherwise, just deal with it.

>> No.1101349


It's no less a cluster fuck as any other emulator out there, really

Especially those emulators that use HLE graphics plugins for MUH HD GRAFIX

>> No.1101351


The team isn't that close minded, but they're not retard-proof it and add a shiny bloated GUI like some people here want

>> No.1101359

Which is why I insist people that are dissatisfied with the GUI to fork it and build one themselves. Either that, or just learn to deal with the current GUI.

The Retroarch devs do just that: dev. They aren't graphic designers. If someone has a better GUI design, they should try to implement it themselves.

>> No.1101931

>one guy

Everyone here hates him.

>target audience aren't programmers
>expects them to program

No. Since RetroArch is "big", he gotta deal with it.

>> No.1101943

>hey, can you add this, this, this, and this?
>"we don't really see the point. the project is open-source, so you can do it yourself if you like"

How isn't that entitlement?

I'm pretty sure SP and crew didn't know a lick of programming either at one point, but they took the initiative to learn it, because they wanted to get shit done. If you want to get shit done, learn how to do it, instead of expecting other people to do it for you.

Imagine PC games. People hound the devs about adding shit, removing shit, fixing shit, etc. If the devs don't do it, do they bitch and moan? No, they fucking make mods that improve the game.

>> No.1101945

Are they planning to make another GUI? As outdated as Phoenix was, it at least made things a bit more user-friendly.

>> No.1101960

There is no target audience. It's made solely for fun. Nobody is getting paid. Nobody is entitled to anything. If you don't like it you can fuck off.

>> No.1101964

I disagree. It required you to open many windows and only acted as a launcher. It also mislabeled many things, like ``save config'' or whatever instead of the standard ``save as...'', making things quite confusing to newer users.

>> No.1101968

For Windows, you mean? There's been talk of a Snes9x-style toolbar menu, but so far they have only implemented file opening and an exit function.

>> No.1101970

Fucking this, why do you faggots expect someone to bend their asshole over for you on every whim?

>> No.1101992

Technically they bitch and moan first if they're insistent that their modifications should be pushed to all and ``already be there''. That seems to be the exact case here.
Though honestly, if the argument comes up so often, how on earth can no one have bothered to do anything?
Anyone who seems to care about the project enough to do anything doesn't seem to give half a rat's ass about the feature.

Now, does that say something about the ``feature'' itself, or the users demanding it?
I think it's nothing but redundancy to just keeping CFG files.
But I also think a filename (core, game, core-game, in that order) based scan, which could be entirely disabled, would hurt nothing.
It could even be quite easily implemented backend-wise. There's already a switch to append partial configs on top of each other.
That part's not an issue. User input to configure those, and getting anyone to actually care enough to code the shit, are.

How would you edit the overall config file while a game is running if that causes it to write changes to the game's config?
What about core configs, or core-game configs?
Sure, you could shove it in sub-menus. But that makes it more annoying for everyone and requires reorganizing RGUI entirely.
``Save config as core, game, or core-game''? I guess? What about partials if you want to keep the rest by system or some shit? ``Save changes''?
I don't know.

>> No.1102028

I guess the reasoning is: SP and crew already know programming and they already know the RA codebase. Adding even a small feature would be a monumental amount of work if you were to learn everything from scratch, but comparatively very easy for someone who already know's what they're doing.

>> No.1102068

The difference is that people who make those mods for others to enjoy provide simple instructions to get them working. RetroArch is so fucking complex to get properly working on your machine that you need to have a grasp of a lot of technical stuff if you come across problems. It's far from being user-friendly and that's why it will become a failure and be forgotten if nothing changes about it.

>> No.1102079

It's not even that technical to be honest. In fact, the whole point is simplicity, performance, and modularity. With an emphasis on simplicity.
I'd say it's much, much easier to learn than Windows programs. The learning curve is definitely shorter, by all means. Hell, you don't even have to have a mouse.

The problem for most is not that it's ``far from being user-friendly'', ``technical'' or ``complex'. It's that the learning curve itself isn't anywhere NEAR parallel to Windows' commons.

I find the term user-friendly to be incorrect anyways, as anything that opens options to the user and empowers them to change things to their desire is friendly to them. And by nature, anything open source can fall within that.
What about ``Windows idiot friendly''? I find that to be the least offensive choice to the rest of humanity.

>> No.1102219

Whatever you want to name it. It doesn't change the fact that a large population of people who use computers, and by extension, emulators, can't get around RetroArch if they run into problems and don't have the technical know-how to get around it.

Heck, I'm the first person to admit I'm a bit of a computer illiterate. But even I get stuff working by researching and talking to knowledgeable people about my tech problems. RetroArch is just way too difficult to short out for me. That speaks leagues of how restricted it actually is to most people using Windows.

>> No.1102229

>spending time and money to get something you can play immediately for free
Check out this faggot

>> No.1102231

>being unable to read
Check out this faggot

>> No.1102237

>The Windows updater is dead


>> No.1102238

How is it difficult, honestly? RGUI has options for most configs, and the .cfg files themselves are easy to read and modify.
You set controls a little different, like joyconfig.exe -o retroarch.cfg, but it's still just like ZSNES's set all for example. With the option to set EVERYTHING at once.
You set directories just like any other emulator.
You select a core, which sure you don't do in others, but it's sort of like selecting an emulator to use in the first place.
You change your video options, or simply leave them defaults.
You choose your game and go.

Where's the difficulty? Changing out configs for different cores, inputs, video options, and whatnot? There's now a simple option for that.

>> No.1102245

YES GREAT NEWS they finally deprecated that worthless piece of crap along with the phoenix gui
I went to maister's site earlier today and found the mega bundle right after it'd been uploaded just by chance, and it's such a better experience than the old way of downloading just retroarch and manually fetching all cores.

sweet rgui, all cores available straight after unpacking, no bullshit

>> No.1102339

>and the .cfg files themselves are easy to read and modify.
Yeah. But most people don't know how to even read or modify cfg files.
>You set controls a little different, like joyconfig.exe -o retroarch.cfg,
Yeah, because the average user will totally know what that means.
>You select a core, which sure you don't do in others, but it's sort of like selecting an emulator to use in the first place.
...then why not just use an individual emulator?

Most Windows users who are not used to having to dwell into the directories of their installed applications in order to get them to run without any issues. Windows was and is based on applications that do these things through .exes and simple, easy-to-use frontends. This is why it was (and is) so popular, and I feel stupid having to explain this because it's really obvious.

RetroArch devs want their program to catch on, but they get all condescending when somebody points out that they're asking users to learn how to set up their emulator in a very convoluted way (for Windows standards). In the time a typical Windows user needs to set RA up, they could just download individual emulators with much more ease. It'd also be a lot easier for them to get these to run, because most emu devs are realistic and use frontends.

RA it's great for Android and the like, but for an average Windows user RA will seem just a very complicated and unfriendly program that can be easily replaced with individual, friendlier emulators. Which it is. All the cores I've seen it using have friendly GUIs already. For regular users there's no reason to switch, and if SP feels like he's above being user friendly then he shouldn't throw bitch fits when people don't acknoweldge their emulator.

>> No.1102438

There's still no puNES[1] core, so I won't need it.

[1] http://tasvideos.org/EmulatorResources/NESAccuracyTests.html

>> No.1102459

>There's still no puNES[1] core, so I won't need it.

Punes is closed source, so tell that nigger to open source that shit.

Nintendulator is open source, and is very close and supports the nes 2.0 file format, (don't know if punes does). There should be a nintendulator core.

>> No.1102475

He's my fucking hero. And you're a thin-skinned douche.

>> No.1102481


RA devs should be a little less obvious.

>> No.1102493 [DELETED] 

>RA devs should be a little less obvious.

This is about the fifth "Retroarch seems too good to be true, can it really be so great" thread with practically identical wording. Not being obvious is not their forte.

>> No.1102494

>RA devs should be a little less obvious.

This is about the fifth "Retroarch seems too good to be true, can it really be so great" thread I've seen, and they all have practically identical wording. Not being obvious is not their forte.

>> No.1102498

To be honest, while I agree with you that Phoenix can be awkward to use at the times, it makes setting up RetroArch a bit easier and accessible for a newbie user. They should update it, not ditch it.

>> No.1102530

And you're the guys calling some autist on the net "paranoid", mind.

>> No.1102548

Ditching phoenix and the auto-updater is seriously going to hurt the popularity of RetroArch.
The devs don't see it that way because they assume everyone knows how or is willing to compile shit from github like they do.

>> No.1102572

>Ditching phoenix and the auto-updater is seriously going to hurt the popularity of RetroArch.
lel phoenix was always shit and there's no fucking reason to have it with rgui available
rgui is easy enough to use that any faggot can figure it out in minutes

and the auto updater? did your previous zsnes have that? we'll get the updated cores when important features are added or new ones become available, who gives a fuck

i use retroarch to play games and have fun, not to go through fifteen ugly menus and refreshing for new builds

>> No.1102592
File: 13 KB, 245x209, 45789634234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to reselect cores every time you start up. doesn't remember like phoenix did.
>takes four button presses to get to the video settings. (only two clicks in phoenix)
oh yeah, phoenix sure is shit. rgui is so much better.

>> No.1102596

>i use retroarch to play games and have fun
Which is why most people use stand alone emulators instead of RetroArch and its cores. Users want to play games and have fun, not learn how to set up a clusterfuck of a gui. What takes minutes to learn in RetroArch takes seconds to do in most other emulators.

>> No.1102604

>and the auto updater? did your previous zsnes have that? we'll get the updated cores when important features are added or new ones become available, who gives a fuck

With the updater gone there's really no incentive for anyone to use RetroArch over other, more user-friendly emulators.
Updating RetroArch is now just as clumsy as any other random emulator out there, but with a clumsier user interface.

>> No.1102609


Updater was nothing special.

Now they're just having updated builds, where they periodically release everything in one package. I don't see how this is a big deal.

>> No.1102627

Don't forget you have to travel through a million folders from the root of your drive to get to your rom/cores folders in RGUI, where with phoenix it just brought up a regular folder browsing window and you could get there in seconds.

>> No.1102656

it remembers the last core when i'm running the program so i don't know what the fuck you're doing
also i load games from the history menu 90% of the time

Seriously though, button presses? Navigating with a keyboard in RGUI is way faster than using a mouse to get there in Phoenix GUI, the number of presses is irrelevant.

>What takes minutes to learn in RetroArch takes seconds to do in most other emulators.
I said even faggots can figure out in minutes, if you're able to solve the captcha and post here I had expected better of you. I started out with RMENU and found it fully intuitive albeit not pretty but I care more about usability than gloss.

>> No.1102665

>Don't forget you have to travel through a million folders from the root of your drive to get to your rom/cores folders in RGUI
No you don't, but continue taking out your ass if you like to come across as an idiot. The bundle maister uploaded has the core folder preconfigured, you press select core and are taken to the list immediately. Set browser start path for games once and that "problem" is taken care of forever as well.

>> No.1102669


Because RetroArch is SO hard to use and that every standalone emulator is a beacon of user friendliness

Newsflash: RetroArch is no less user friendly than most emulators ever made. And anyone who picks emulators on the basis of "ease of use" instead of functionality and quality of emulation is fucking retard

>> No.1102683


>Everyone here hates him.

Is that a fact?

Also: I don't hate him since I'm not a thin-skinned pussy bitch so that statement is automatically false

>> No.1102735

>autist comes here
>spergs at his own users
>people hate him
>"lel you're just light-skinned"

SP pls, you should avoid this place since you can't delete your own posts here

>software has features
>software loses features
>not a regression
>not a high-priority bug
>not absolutely fundamental
>especially on windows

>> No.1102741


The people who actually hate him for things he posted on 4chan are thin skinned pussy bitches, pure and simple. Anyone who has browsed 4chan for more than a few years will have a tolerance for e-insults, the people who actually get hurt feelings when someone calls them a pedophile are probably Reddit fags

>> No.1102745

suck SP's dick harder

>> No.1102759


Where in that post do I condone his behavior on 4chan? I think he needs to stay off of here because he responds to obvious trolling too much

Cry harder please

>> No.1102760

>any kind of criticism
>obvious trolling

>> No.1102769


Some of the "criticism" I've seen is so dumb it couldn't possibly be serious

Then again, criticism about a coding project from people with zero coding experience isn't really worth much to begin with

>> No.1102776

Are you an actual retroarch developer? You're starting to sound like one.

>> No.1102781


No. I'm not nearly skilled enough at coding to be one. But I do know enough about coding to understand how they think and why they do things the way they do.

>> No.1102785

Hey SP

>> No.1102786

Many of the things said here were trolling and just people unwilling to lose to SP because he was ripping on them.

But a lot of valid points have also been raised.

>> No.1102793


Not the first time I've been accused of being SP

Or byuu for that matter

>> No.1102796

this guy actually answered the original question... holy shit am I on 4chan still?
but seriously, squarepusher is very pretentious. He seems incapable of grasping the fact that his frontend is only gaining popularity because its the only freeware game on r-pi and android and seems to resent the noobs who are using it now. if your running windows avoid it all costs unless you just want the challenge of setting up a frontend designed for assholes

>> No.1102803

I use it on Windows and it's fine

>> No.1102808

RA is a frontend. frontends are literally designed for fucking retards on the basis of "ease of use" instead of functionality and quality of emulation: that's their very definition. right now most people use RA as a free way to load emulators onto os' that dont have much support from people who write actual emulators. In RA defense their political standpoint on why it should be free is to be applauded

>> No.1102813


Uh RetroArch has emphasis on functionality and quality of emulation, since it has the best emus for each system and has options most standalone emu frontends lack, like shaders, dynamic rate control, OpenGL hard syncing, KMS mode, rollback-based netplay, etc.

>> No.1102816

why would you run it on windows? most of the emulators for it are simpler to use by themselves. you could put little cute icons all over desktop with pictures of the system they emulate and setup your gamepad for each one of those individually, the way you like it, so that every time you clicked the little nintendo the a and b buttons were where you wanted it, not where it was when you played genesis yesterday

>> No.1102820

Not that guy, but I user shaders and RA has the best shader support. Also, its dynamic rate control means it never, ever crackles, and audio latency is almost non-existent.

>> No.1102824

I don't need any of those things. Since when was mame.78 the best emu (ten fuckin years ago???) or final burn alpha? you know why he has two nes emu on their? because its just a laundry list of shit people on boards recommended for xbox's in 2003.

>> No.1102825


Because it performs better than most standalone versions. A lot of them have subpar video syncing issues and problems with input lag, are barebones in regards to nice things like shaders, or simply do not exist on Windows as a standalone emulator

>most of the emulators for it are simpler to use by themselves

Yeah right. Most of them have their own issues.

> so that every time you clicked the little nintendo the a and b buttons were where you wanted it, not where it was when you played genesis yesterday

I use a single config and the buttons are always where I want them, because the defaults are fine.

>> No.1102826
File: 204 KB, 783x524, 1379549801026[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1102830

>I don't need any of those things
Good for you. I doubt you'd be saying that if you actually cared about how well your games ran, though.

>Since when was mame.78 the best emu (ten fuckin years ago???) or final burn alpha?
Who said MAME .78 was the best? That libretro port was made because it performs the best on mobile devices compared to much slower modern versions. Speaking of modern version, MAME2013 libretro is based on the very latest MAME version. Final Burn Alpha is just for Neo-Geo and CPS2/CPS3 games, that's the main purpose for that.

>two NES emus

Actually 4, though bNES and QuickNES aren't really that useful. Nestopia and FCEUmm are both nice emulators though, one is very accurate and the other supports more mappers.

>> No.1102832

>Actually 4, though bNES and QuickNES aren't really that useful. Nestopia and FCEUmm are both nice emulators though, one is very accurate and the other supports more mappers.

They really should follow the model of:

So they need something like Nintendulator, and to stop packaging QuickNES and bNES. They're shit tier.

>> No.1102836

with the exception of mame... most of them are. and ra sucks for mame. and that guy's right about shaders... you have input lag on fceux? or snes9x??

>> No.1102835


Nintendulator is Win32 only, not a portable codebase.


They don't bother making libretros for things that are non-portable because there's no point.

Nestopia is the most accurate open source emulator with a good, portable codebase. FCEUmm is also a good, portable codebase and supports some more obscure mappers that Nestopia doesn't

>> No.1102839


That sucks. I guess Nestopia could become more accurate though. And support .nes 2.0.

What about PUNES?

I'm shocked in 2013 we don't have near perfection with NES emulators. SNES and Genesis are as close to perfect as you'll ever get.

>> No.1102842

what's the point when everyone already has .nes goodsets?

>> No.1102848

>ra sucks for mame

No actually MAME 1.50 in RetroArch seems to run better than standalone MAME, since it gets around MAME's crappy A/V sync implementations that are well known to be plagued with input lag

Now it does have some issues with video output resolution being reported incorrectly and tated games not being rotated automatically, it's still a WIP and not release-worthy yet. The Windows build was crashing on exit and not saving MAME configs (it has everything MAME itself does, including the in game OSD), but I think that was an issue with mingw-w64 and has been worked around.

>> No.1102851



>> No.1102867

this is starting to sound like a geek infomercial

>> No.1102909

I'd try mala or wah!cade. its just more fun to scroll through box art and marquess instead of rom names.

>> No.1102918


They need a new format since they're running out of mappers.


goodsets are shit, no intro baby.

>> No.1102923

puNES is closed source.

>> No.1103075

I like the intros

>> No.1103226

>I like the intros


>> No.1103253

I meant Goodmerged, and Goodmerged sets HAVE the "no-intro" roms in them. They contain every known version of a rom that exists online at the time the set was compiled, which includes every region, various romhacks, fan translations, and the raw unedited best-versions-available.

I seriously doubt you've ever even encountered a rom that actually contained an intro. "no-intro" is an outdated term, and intros in roms haven't been a problem in nearly 10 years.
The name is a holdover from the 00s and now just refers to the group that used to remove pirate group intros from roms back in the day.

>> No.1103264 [DELETED] 

>intros in roms haven't been a problem in nearly 10 years.
you are if you still use shit sites like coolrom, like most of the people here still do

>> No.1103265

>intros in roms haven't been a problem in nearly 10 years.
they are if you still use shit sites like coolrom, like most of the people here seem to do

>> No.1103267


Speaking of. How do we get these romsites to update their shit?

>> No.1103271

stop using them.

Ideally you should try to get a blackcats, IPT, or if you're really lucky a gazellegames account and download rompack torrents from there.

>> No.1103364

The movement of the mouse is equivalent to 3 button presses or more time, as well as the fact you have to remove your hand from the controller to do so.
Damn mouse fetishists.

>> No.1103386

What you're referring to as ``user-friendly'' is not friendly to the user in nature. Friends are tough and make you handle shit so that you actually can do shit. Friends allow you to do things you couldn't with others. Friends require effort on your part, as well as theirs.
It's not machine friendly either, as it requires needless layers.
It is simply ``complying to the Windows learning curve''. Which is nothing short of a massive annoyance to many. Both to create and to use.

>> No.1103396

But that sounds about right. How can a non-programmer teach a programmer? Emulation is complex stuff.

>> No.1103403

That is in no way true. RetroArch is an interface for input and output. Syncing that quickly, and effectively, while providing options such as custom resolution and endless configuration files, fits its goal quite well.

I also see no reason for it to gain popularity. Imbeciles too incapable of understanding it aren't going to contribute shit. Especially those who thing its goal is to ``just werk'' like some hyperspin shit.

Same with MAME/MESS. Its purpose is preservation and preservation alone, which doesn't need idiot friendliness.

Neither need to be popular. Only developed.

>You could put little cute icons all over desktop with pictures of the system they emulate and setup your gamepad for each one of those individually, the way you like it, so that every time you clicked the little nintendo the a and b buttons were where you wanted it, not where it was when you played genesis yesterday
As you could with RetroArch.
Make shortcuts just the same, point them to things like
retroarch.exe -c NES.cfg --menu
and give them custom icons all to your liking.

>> No.1103404

This, seriously.

Recently I actually started to notice /vr/'s full of some sort of soccer moms or something. Have you seen that extra-friendly thread where they play DuckTales together? Holy fuck.

>> No.1103452

Oh god, we can't have those normal people who want to play and discuss video games! What do we do, if we don't stop it /vr/ could actually be a civil board!
Fuck you.

As for Retroarch, I use it for cores that work like shit standalone on my laptop. MAME runs terribly on my machine, the core in Rarch runs great. I don't know how that works, but I'll give them credit.

When it comes to usability though, these dudes are absolutely pathetic. Reading through this thread made me realize what kind of autists develop for it. Everyone loves to shit on byuu, and he made a simple to use emulator with high compatibility. These elitists can't even figure out that It's not the job of the average user to learn how your program works. Having a Windows interface is essential if they want it to be used beyond the Linux programming community or something.

>> No.1103478

>Having a Windows interface is essential if they want it to be used beyond the Linux programming community or something.
SP said something to the effect of you Windows users being second-class citizens by design when he was last on here, and if you guys are going to cry about muh Windows interface then I understand where he's coming from; no one cares if you are too stupid to see the benefits of RetroArch without a mouse-driven GOOEY.

RGUI works perfectly well and is easier to use than the horrible Phoenix they packaged before. We who aren't technically retarded will continue to use the best solution available to us, and you guys just continue doing whatever it is you're doing.

>> No.1103483

Yes, I'll continue to cry about the Windows interface because it's more usable, obvious and instantly friendly to the average user. There's a reason almost every single emulator uses the same interface, and being an edgy faggot about it doesn't make you superior

>> No.1103487

It's the sync, latency, and other backend shit that causes things to simply ``run better''.

Hell, MAME now includes a web interface, server, or whatever, for playing in the browser, in the FUCKING CORE. Not the frontend, not the program's interface, or anything of the like. In the core program.
It cannot be disabled outside of manual compilation, and the libretro port has it simply removed. And Cave SH3 drivers re-added because fuck C&D from dead companies.

>> No.1103510

Windows and the average program for it isn't intuitive, it's just what you've learned to use over the years, and I never seen any two emulators use the same interface. RA however does provide a consistent interface among all non-mobile devices that works as well on both small and large screens. Mouse-based interfaces do nothing but slow down the process, and the fact that you can use a gamepad to manage everything within RGUI makes it perfect for people who actually like to sit back and play games instead of fighting shitty interfaces.

>> No.1103519

I like RetroArch, and use it currently for NES/SNES emulation.

My main issue is the bizarrely unintuitive GUI.

Why do you have to select the core file? Why not just have a drop down?

>> No.1103526

What's the difference between a drop-down and just selecting the core from the core folder set in RGUI? Nothing.

>> No.1103527

I'm using retroarch on Android. The only problem I've found is that the control scheme is not great and not even skins can make it better, I think it's a matter of recognition of the touch controls. As per the emulation, I've tried emulating:
-Nes: Good quality emulation.
-Snes: Good quality as far as I could try.
-GBC: Good quality.
-GBA: it's good, except for some problematic games (Golden Sun for example, I can only emulate it on PC)
-NDS: crashes my whole system. I use DraStic for that, and it's awesome.

And that's it I guess. RetroArch is a worthy emulator, that has competent people behind, people who know what they're doing.

>> No.1103529

lots of things. The functions of the emulators are unlabled

>> No.1103532

I'm impressed that you are able to play emulated games with touch input at all. RA has good support for auto-detection of controllers that have been reported in, I've only played using my gamepad.

>> No.1103535

I agree that they could have a description system for RA to parse when browsing cores like "gambatte.dll (Game Boy emulator)" to increase ease of use

>> No.1103558

>me me me

gtfo, 4chan is 18+ regardless of board color.

>> No.1103592
File: 544 KB, 1100x598, 1377943082979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, this thread is crazy. I had no clue such drama existed behind emulation. I'm not new to emulators, I've just never bothered to join a forum about it. Now I think I should, because this stuff is hilarious.

So the point of libretro is to handle all the video/sound/input for an emulator, correct? When a core is made for it, will it run on all the systems that libretro was ported to? If yes that's a very good idea, because there's a lot of otherwise good emulators have terrible interfaces and shit ports to a particular system. Of course, other API's like SDL do this as well, but not many include homebrewed consoles.

>> No.1103652

Emulators have the biggest drama out of communities I've seen on this board, Doom multiplayer isn't even close.

>> No.1103717

I've always hated SDL's video output. It's quite nasty with multiple monitors in fullscreen if windowed fullscreen isn't forced, rather jittery, and just generally quirky at random.
Of course most of that is probably the software's programmers' faults rather than the library, but still.

Such libraries also require you to do the porting between systems.
Whereas with libretro, you'd just write it once to be consistent across them all, and simply make sure they compile.
Of course scalable 3D like GL could cause per system/driver quirks, but there's really no way around that.

>> No.1103813

>I had no clue such drama existed behind emulation.

Programmers tend to have some kind of emotional or mental issues. Most fall on the aspergers side. On top of that they're usually immature man children. Imagine the kind of people who obsess over the same video games they played as kids well into their 20's and 30's.

And then you have end users who are also immature man chidlren.

It's a recipe for lots of idiotic drama.

>> No.1103863
File: 167 KB, 413x360, 1377638904340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I feel really weird every time I stumble into a RetroArch thread, because I actually liked Phoenix. Then again, it was what I started with, so maybe time has made it all the sweeter for me.

The system felt intuitive enough for me once I wrapped my head around it. Oh well, time to check out the other one.

>> No.1103909

>And Cave SH3 drivers re-added because fuck C&D from dead companies.
O shiet, really? Looks like I'm finally sold on this Retroarch spook after all.

>> No.1103927

I hope I never meet an amateur emulation programmer IRL.

Ugh, could you even imagine?

>> No.1103930
File: 43 KB, 334x400, Squarepusher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope I never meet an amateur emulation programmer IRL.
> Ugh, could you even imagine?

>> No.1103959


They're probably not that bad IRL

>> No.1103972

>They're probably not that bad IRL

Every programmer I've met could pass as a serial killer.

For example, one was a HYPER Christian. Really creepy. Balding. Social skills are terrible. You get the sense he strangled women at night.

>> No.1103981


>> No.1103992



>> No.1103991

It's actually kind of funny how many programmers are violently religious. I don't even know why that is.

>> No.1103993


They're just really weird autsists. Either hyper religious or hyper anti-religious. I'm not joking, many of them really do fall on the autism spectrum.

>> No.1103997


I'm sure you do too though. Everyone on 4chan does

>> No.1104007

>They're probably not that bad IRL
What would lead you say that, given the way they interact online?

Not exactly a character flaw, that. Just to be fair and all.

>> No.1104017

I'd say SP probably has a couple of dead hookers buried in his basement the way he carries on.

>> No.1104020

>Not exactly a character flaw, that. Just to be fair and all.
Keep telling yourself that, balding-at-28-guy.

>> No.1105376

Emulation community is made up of ego max drama queens. One shitstorm after another about nothing really important. Disagreements, the subsequebt division into factions and the relentless personal attacking and mutual dicksucking and circlejerking...

Whole thing is as bad as the warez scene.

Not all programmers are like that, sorry. Only autistic ones like SP and Byuu.

They're just the most obsessed with it.

>> No.1105784

>I'd say SP probably has a couple of dead hookers buried in his basement the way he carries on.

Oh, no, he's just the "paranoid anarchist programmer" and "internet tough guy".

>> No.1107084


Because the Internet lets you get away with acting like that unlike real life

I know becuase I'm 100x more of an asshole on 4chan than I am in real life.

>> No.1107110

>Only autistic ones like SP and Byuu.
There's a huge difference. Byuu did get frustrated over people disregarding accuracy, but he hasn't started huge drama over it and instead focuses on improving his emulator and interface. Plus byuu is pretty much single-handedly preserving all snes hardware and software. He is kind of autistic, but I don't think he's annoying on purpose.

On the other hand, SP and company consistently disregard user needs and throw huge tantrums over any kind of criticism their emulator might receive instead of improving it.

>> No.1107114

my favorite Retroarch Android core is Modelviewer. so awesome.

>> No.1107115

"I thought they said their kid was ARTISTIC. So, I said I'd love to see some of the work he's done." - George Carlin

>> No.1107120


byuu dicksucker detected.

Guess what? Byuu consistently disregarded user needs and threw huge tantrums over any kind of criticism his emulator might receive instead of improving it.

You just don't remember because he didn't do it on 4chan

>> No.1107126


Most of the "criticism" from clueless end users is retarded though, and the actual issues are being worked on.

>> No.1107131

Are you kidding? byurp is unbelievably resistant to suggestions. His retarded game folder idea is the height of arrogance.

>Manage your files like this or it won't work.
>Other emulators work fine some other way? Not my problem, mine won't work.
>Your computer is my tool, not yours.

>> No.1107135

>Guess what? Byuu consistently disregarded user needs and threw huge tantrums over any kind of criticism his emulator might receive instead of improving it.
As far as I know byuu never throws huge, pointless tantrums full of petty envy and rama as in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:RetroArch.. When he gets frustrated (first over people dismissing accuracy because bsnes was too slow, then over people not liking sfc standards, then over people not liking the game folder idea) he writes walls of text explaning why his autistic method should be used.

But he does improve it afterward. Otherwise bsnes/higan wouldn't run at full speed on a netbook and current versions have sfc and game folder use a completely optional feature.

If SP was like byuu, instead of having bitchfits for days on Wikipedia and 4chan he'd actually write a Windows gui that's not designed for assholes, for example.

>> No.1107143

>As far as I know

You don't know much then

Before byuu resigned himself to his own forum, he used to do pretty much the exact same thing SP did now, going to other forums and having huge arguments with people.

You obviously haven't been following the emulation scene very long and are only basing your opinions of him on what you read on his own boards

>> No.1107146


Behead those who insult byuu!

>> No.1107147

They're not too interested in writing a Windows GUI beyond a simple menu bar like SNES9x has

They're more interested in creating an interface that scales across all platforms and resolutions that can be navigated with your gamepad

Also, if you care so much, why don't you try to implement it yourself?

>> No.1107174


Byuu and SP are different kinds of mental.

Byuu ridicuously abuses the "Not in here" syndrome. He has to make his own version of everything, instead of using someone else's stuff. And then he will then just abandon it.

SP can't compromise or even understand how another person can think differently. He assumes the absolute worst in people, and is quick to think that there's a huge conspiracy against him. Any criticism is seen as a personal attack on him and no different than calling his mother a cheap whore.

>> No.1107182

>You just don't remember because he didn't do it on 4chan

+1 for Byuu then.

>> No.1107190 [DELETED] 


>They're not too interested in writing a Windows GUI beyond a simple menu bar like SNES9x has
There's a reason why Snes9x is popular on Windows: it fits Windows GUI standards. RetroArch devs want their emulator to be used by everybody (and get angry as fuck when it's not) but it's like they don't even think that without a simple GUI 99% of Windows users won't be able to use it at all.

It wouldn't be annoying if they didn't care and instead had a mentality of "their loss", but then you get shitty SP drama over things he refuses to address.

>Also, if you care so much, why don't you try to implement it yourself?
I don't care about RetroArch. I've used it and I'm not interested in shaders, which is about the only thing I think it has going for it, and so I'd rather use individual emulators coded by people with basic design principles instead of their "cores" through some arcane software.

That mentality works if you're talking in a dev forum, btw. Most users don't know how to code, you're acting like RA devs here.


>> No.1107192

>They're not too interested in writing a Windows GUI beyond a simple menu bar like SNES9x has
There's a reason why Snes9x is popular on Windows: it fits Windows GUI standards. RetroArch devs want their emulator to be used by everybody (and get angry as fuck when it's not) but it's like they don't even think that without a simple GUI 99% of Windows users won't be able to use it at all.

It wouldn't be annoying if they didn't care and instead had a mentality of "their loss", but then you get shitty SP drama over things he refuses to address.

>Also, if you care so much, why don't you try to implement it yourself?
I don't care about RetroArch. I've used it and I'm not interested in shaders, which is about the only thing I think it has going for it, and so I'd rather use individual emulators coded by people with basic design principles instead of their "cores" through some arcane software.

That mentality works if you're talking in a dev forum, btw. Most users don't know how to code, you're acting like RA devs here.


>> No.1107212


>I don't care about RetroArch

Then who cares what you think?

>I've used it and I'm not interested in shaders

That is your loss. Even if you're a pure square pixel fetishist you can benefit using shaders that hide rounding errors or blends dither conditionally.

> which is about the only thing I think it has going for it,

Uh no. It has so many other things going for it that I can't go back to using standalone emulators, namely good vsync implementation that doesn't cause audio crackling or input lag, abilitiy to scale output exactly the way you want it, and some other things that a lot of standalone emulators don't let you do.

> and so I'd rather use individual emulators coded by people with basic design principles instead of their "cores" through some arcane software.

lol. Most of these emulators have interfaces that are slapped together and aren't really that good. Anyone who thinks average emulators are an example of good design are retarded.

>That mentality works if you're talking in a dev forum, btw. Most users don't know how to code, you're acting like RA devs here.

It doesn't matter. You're demanding shit from them without providing some kind of effort to implement it yourself. SP is correct that emulator end-user have become more self entitled as of late, probably due to the proliferation of paid Android emulators creating a sense of entitlement among users since they now see emulation as a business that provides a service.

>> No.1107216

>SP is correct that emulator end-user have become more self entitled as of late, probably due to the proliferation of paid Android emulators creating a sense of entitlement among users since they now see emulation as a business that provides a service.

SP sounds like recking futarded child then, because once upon a time there were lots and lots and lots of shareware emulators.

>> No.1107221


The emu scene shamed that shit so most people stopped doing it (except nocash), until Android came along with its app store that made it easy to charge for quick and dirty ports of open source emulators.

It's not good and it kills any legitimacy that emulation has

>> No.1107226

>Then who cares what you think?
You apparently, since you replied to everything I said.

>That is your loss.
Yeah, I know, I'd rather use software that's easy to run and set up and deal with the vomit-inducing horror of bilinear filtering.

>namely good vsync implementation that doesn't cause audio crackling or input lag,
none of the emulators I use do this. Granted, I don't emulate DS, so who knows.

>abilitiy to scale output exactly the way you want it,
what does this mean, exactly?

>Anyone who thinks average emulators are an example of good design are retarded.
Learn to read SP, I mean anon. I said BASIC design principles. Most aren't good or fancy, but they're 100% useable without having to hunt for root dirs and cfg files.

>You're demanding shit from them without providing some kind of effort to implement it yourself.
I'm not "demanding" anything. I'm saying that if they want their emu to be used in Windows they need to have some logic and write a simple GUI for it instead of dropping it and assuming everybody can figure out how to set their app up. Again I don't care if they do this or not, and it'd be fine if they said "screw the GUI, who cares", but instead they get mad and lash out when people don't use it.

>without providing some kind of effort to implement it yourself.
Do you honestly think that most emulator users are programmers and designers? Honestly.

>SP is correct that emulator end-user have become more self entitled as of late,
Sure, because back in the 90's we had Nesticle, Genecyst, and ZSNES being popular despite having absolutely no GUI. Wait...

>paid Android emulators creating a sense of entitlement among users
What the hell? I don't even have a smartphone, I'm not feeling "entitled" over paid software. I and most Windows users are USED to having guis for all our software because not all of us know how to compile stuff. You're really deluded if you think people wanting a goddamn usable frontend is "entitlement".

>> No.1107252

>I'd rather use software that's easy to run and set up

RetroArch is easy to run and set up. It's just that it doesn't revolve around "muh WIMP GUI" so it's "hard to use" by people who can't really into computers. I've had zero problems using it for the two years that I've used it, and I can't go back to using standalone emulators since they don't function as well.

>none of the emulators I use do this
Most emulators don't dynamically adjust their audio rate to match the vsynced video rate, so vsync causes audio crackle. The ones that don't crackle usually do something else that introduces input lag, like Nestopia does.

Rest of this post isn't worth responding to, it's just a regular Windows user thinking he is a know it all. Most of this is just butthurt over SP calling them names when they made stupid suggestions.

>> No.1107256

Someday, the emulation scene will grow up and stop making such silly drama. Someday.

But not today.

>> No.1107265

>it's just a regular Windows user thinking he is a know it all.
I'm not a know it all. I'm neither a programmer nor a designer, just like 90% of emulator users. It IS hard to do stuff in your app for people "who can't really into computers", which is why it's not taking off. Maybe if the devs addressed the majority of your target audience SP wouldn't throw tantrus wherever he goes. Maybe.

>Most of this is just butthurt over SP calling them names when they made stupid suggestions.
Having a wimp gui in WINDOWS is not a stupid suggestion, is basic for the OS. I'm not "butthurt" over an austic guy who makes a fool out of himself everywhere he goes implying rational logic is wrong (and implying it via childish insults).

Like I said, I don't care wether he implements a gui or not. There are already emulators who aren't acting like child assholes who write apps for everybody instead of just for themselves.

>> No.1107263

>Sure, because back in the 90's we had Nesticle, Genecyst, and ZSNES being popular despite having absolutely no GUI. Wait...

RetroArch has a GUI too you asshole, very similar to what those had except you control it with your gamepad, which to me is much better since I can just press the guide button on my 360 controller ( or other Xinput controllers) to bring up the menu and load another game quickly with my controller without having to touch my mouse.

>> No.1107272


Well if you don't care, why are you posting?

>I'm neither a programmer nor a designer

Then your input doesn't matter since you don't have any frame of reference of what you're talking about.

>> No.1107278

>Well if you don't care, why are you posting?
Because the topic is RetroArch and it's been brought up that Windows users find it difficult to set up or don't use it at all. I'm explaining why that might be because it's the topic, not because I'm personally involved or want anything to happen to some emu I don't even use regularly.

>Then your input doesn't matter since you don't have any frame of reference of what you're talking about.
The input of EMULATOR users, the target audience of EMULATOR software, doesn't matter? That's some SP-tier logic right there.

>> No.1107282
File: 19 KB, 704x396, Dig Dug 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy that actually liked Phoenix from earlier in the thread here - I've had a go at the new UI for a bit, and it doesn't seem to like me.

You see, I've got the No-Intro collection, which has a folder for each system with all the ROMs inside, and navigating those folders in this new UI is a nightmare when I have to wait ~20 seconds or more until I get to the ROM I want, when with Phoenix I could easily find it by typing the name. Is there some way to speed up navigation in this "new" UI?

>> No.1107287

>Yeah, I know, I'd rather use software that's easy to run and set up and deal with the vomit-inducing horror of bilinear filtering.

He's referring to Pixellate, which only slightly blurs edges of pixels that suffer from nearest neighbor scaling errors, but otherwise looks like nearest neighbor. I'm a CRT shader fag, so I don't use it much, but for what it is it's a neat little shader that more emulators need to implement to please the MUH PURE PIXELS crowd.

>> No.1107291

They just implemented fast scrolling by holding L or R, I believe. You'll have to wait until they release a new build or a kind anon builds and shares it.

>> No.1107292
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, bsnes v73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a good chance that even if RetroArch had an immaculate Win32 GUI designed by the gods themselves, it still wouldn't gain much popularity because the Windows emulation scene is very much stuck in their ways, still using stuff like ZSNES and ePSXe, neither of which are particularly nice in regards to interface.

bsnes used to have a really flashy Qt interface that did all kinds of fancy things but it still didn't take off and overtake ZSNES and SNES9x in popularity. byuu realized this and was tired of maintaining UI code because it's a nightmare to maintain, so he made his own simpler toolkit that had far less bells and whistles but was simpler to maintain.

So I can definitely see RetroArch devs not really caring about catering to Win32 users and instead catering to wider cross-platform use by using a simple menu-based OSD-like interface that scales across platforms and is navigated with your gamepad and is easier to maintain.

>> No.1107295


Neat. As long as I know they've implemented something against that, I'm happy to wait for TheMaister to put up a new megapack or whatever he's calling it.

>> No.1107301

>The input of EMULATOR users, the target audience of EMULATOR software, doesn't matter?

Only for issues of games working or not working, and other obvious things. For GUI design or other more in-depth things, non-coder or non-designer input is not really valuable at all, and even if they are it's still highly subjective what makes good design.

>> No.1107306

>it still wouldn't gain much popularity because the Windows emulation scene is very much stuck in their ways, still using stuff like ZSNES and ePSXe,

Some truth to this. It's a combination of lack of education (most people have never heard of alternate emulators) and fanboyism.

>neither of which are particularly nice in regards to interface.

Well, epsxe is a mess. But zsnes does have a "cute' interface. It is one of the more polarizing things I've ever seen though. It's either love it or hate it.

>bsnes used to have a really flashy Qt interface that did all kinds of fancy things but it still didn't take off and overtake ZSNES and SNES9x in popularity.

There's also high system requirements.

>So I can definitely see RetroArch devs not really caring about catering to Win32 users and instead catering to wider cross-platform use by using a simple menu-based OSD-like interface that scales across platforms and is navigated with your gamepad and is easier to maintain.

They can at least try, or try to make their system more intuitive and easy to use. I've seen countless posts of people being confused when first starting. Many simply give up and go back to what they're used to.

>> No.1107309


It's not hard to compile RetroArch on Windows if you want bleeding edge, they have a prepackaged dev enviroment that works out of the box and can be used to clone their entire repository and compile with one or two commands


Simple instructions on how to git clone and compile:

>> No.1107313



There's also that. No new builds on there, the last was on the 27th. But every few days they update it and add a new version.

>> No.1107315
File: 28 KB, 656x518, RGUI current.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to make their system more intuitive and easy to use.

Well it is already for the most part. Xinput controller just work out of the box and each menu option is pretty self explanatory.

>> No.1107319

In recent builds, upon choosing a core and playing a game, a toolbar with a File menu appears at the top of the window. You can then open a mouse and keyboard-navigable menu from there to choose another game.

>> No.1107392

Is it just me or some of the cores included in that Windows Mega Bundle are outdated?

>> No.1107403


Double check goyim.

>> No.1107404


They also include cores that don't work like Dosbox and Mednafen GBA

>> No.1107435


That's probably because he ran libretro-build.sh and threw in anything that compiled successfully

>> No.1107682

>Someday, the emulation scene will grow up and stop making such silly drama.
Won't happen, just like Wikipedia it's a body made up almost completely of autists and furries. The libretro project tried to save us all but keeps getting the door slammed in the face.

It's funny how much a few of you guys over here keep shitting on Squarepusher, as it's not like his posting is any worse than the average 4channers. Wouldn't surprise me if it's actually just a handful of butthurt shitheads who keep slamming SP and RA in every thread we have.

>> No.1107707

>The input of EMULATOR users, the target audience of EMULATOR software, doesn't matter? That's some SP-tier logic right there.
If we are to follow SP logic, the input of emulator users is worth shit. RetroArch is a libretro frontend, not an emulator. As an average computer user with low technical competence, you don't have the knowledge or experience to provide much insightful commentary on how to design an interface for a largely platform-agnostic software package. In my personal opinion, RetroArch's interface is better than 99% of the emulator GUIs, because it's built completely around using a gamepad for all actions, instead of being designed primarily for mouse input. How often will you be playing non-PC games with a mouse vs a gamepad?

>> No.1107756
File: 1.25 MB, 600x340, laughing loli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Squarepusher's Libretro project
>tried to save us from the drama

>> No.1107771


CRT General without SP:
>Calm, well informed nerd discussion

CRT General with SP:
>Flamewars insults, mad everywhere

Emulation General without SP:
>Calm, well informed nerd discussion

Emulation General with SP:
>Flamewars insults, mad everywhere

Noticing a pattern there son?

>> No.1107773


Yeah, circlejerks don't like dissenting opinions

>> No.1107778
File: 470 KB, 270x180, ROFL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The libretro project tried to save us all

>> No.1107787


>just like Wikipedia

Oh man, you RetroArch guys were so ass pained over that. Let. It. Fucking Go. God damn. You guys spend how many days making complete asses of yourselves on Wikipedia for the whole world to see? SP keeps talking about Byuu's evil agents trying to sabotage the project. They don't need to. You clowns do a good job of that already.

>> No.1107798


Well there are some instigators from byuu board who kept trolling on his IRC channel

>> No.1107796

4chan isn't a gated community, so no board is going to be perfect, but I can stand /vr/ much, much better than most of them. /vr/ and /tg/ are pretty much the only boards I visit these days.

Of course, being a gated community is no guarantee of 100% quality, either. SA, anyone?

>> No.1107804

>play original hardware you faggot.
Arguably the point of 'retro' is to play games you couldn't possibly have played otherwise, get fucked faggot.

>> No.1107814


A cross-platform framework for emulators and games would have worked really well if the emulation scene wasn't so autistic and prone to constantly reinventing the wheel due to a lack of collaboration.

>> No.1107816

>Getting insanely buttflurstered Squarepusher keeps regularly ignoring stupid 'accuracy' bullshit or CRT fuckery or retarded requests
As much as he's an obsessed autist with things he doesn't like, I prefer that he regularly shuts down stupid shit faggots keep suggesting.

>> No.1107832

>if the emulation scene wasn't so autistic and prone to constantly reinventing the wheel due to a lack of collaboration.

Yeah, there's that.
However, emu devs aren't jumping on the Libretro band wagon. I think there has to be more to it. If I were to guess, I think they don't like the idea of surrendering control of their project to someone else. Their project then depends on the whims of some other guys. They could add or take away things.

>> No.1107837

>However, emu devs aren't jumping on the Libretro band wagon.

Not all of them are, true, but several projects have merged libretro upstream, such as GenesisPlus GX, Nestopia, and VBA-M.

>> No.1107843


libretro is open source though, it can be forked if they don't like where it's going, just like libretro itself is a fork of libsnes before byuu started adding game folders and shit.

Part of the problem is that it came a little bit too late, current emulators are too established now but in 2002 or so it might have caught on better on PC at least.

>> No.1107846

Also, supporting libretro doesn't mean turning over control to SP and co. Not by a longshot, in fact. Hell, the Mednafen cores aren't even merged with the Mednafen project proper, meaning the libretro guys could do whatever they want with their ports, but they routinely refuse to change things in their code out of respect for Ryphecha. Same deal with the projects that have merged libretro into their codebase. ekeke is still firmly in charge of GenesisPlus GX.

>> No.1107851


bsnes libretro is the same way, their modifications aren't part of byuu's own codebase since they work around his stupid game folder shit to make it work with regular roms.

>> No.1107858

That's not really a good example, since there isn't really any modification to the bsnes cores themselves. The game folder stuff is all interface crap, not something required by the core's code. You'll notice, however, you still need the special chip ROMs when playing SA-1 and other special chip games on said cores, though.

>> No.1107869


They might have more success if they allowed for the GUI to be replaced. They could present RetroArch as a blank-slate for emu devs, who want to make their own emulator. They could add in their own GUI on top, and you wouldn't even know its RA. That way they'd get all the benefits, while still having an independent program.

You could do that with stuff other than emulators too. I can see a music player or video player being like that. You'd never know just from looking at it that it's RA.
>powered by librero

>> No.1107873

They already let you do that. RA itself is just a fronted, powered by the libretro API just as you say. In fact, XBMC is already in the process of implementing the libretro API, so you will be able to use it as a frontend for the various libretro cores.

>> No.1107875

>They might have more success if they allowed for the GUI to be replaced

It already can, you can make your own libretro frontend that does whatever you want. There's only been a handful of alternate frontends (XBMC RetroPlayer, ZMZ, Arcan-fe)

>> No.1107901


Could you fork the RetroArch frontend itself, strip RGUI of it, and put another one on top of it? That way you could have a unique looking program, with a GUI that could do whatever you want but with
>dynamic rate control

>> No.1108750

SP's diplomacy skills are far worse than even yours. That should say enough.

>> No.1108751

>Arguably the point of 'retro' is to play games you couldn't possibly have played otherwise

>> No.1109571

I am having problems with the Mupen64Plus core. Every time I try to start up a game, I get this error:
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Cannot open video driver ... Exiting ...
RetroArch [ERROR] :: Fatal error recieved in: "init_video_input()"
RetroArch [ERROR] :: rarch_main_init_warp() failed.

Any ideas?

>> No.1109591

you need to put Glide64mk2.ini and RiceVideoLinux.ini in the system folder.



>> No.1109610


Redownload RetroArch:

Maister forgot to put the N64 ini files into the System folder when he first uploaded it.

If you want MAME 0.150 you can get it here:

It will be in the next Windows download pack.

>> No.1109625

>Yeah, circlejerks don't like dissenting opinions

EmuGen itself was turning into a RetroArch little circlejerk. They like RA and support the project. I can't think of anything that's a really major difference in terms of opinion between SP and the regular EmuGen users.

And he managed to even piss them off. That says something.

>> No.1109634
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Joypad input added to RGUI. You can get a build here that has it. Win64. Try it out.

>> No.1109664

It's funny, because he claims it was US who pissed HIM off first, even though, as you say, we are very supportive of RA and even agree with many of SP's philosophies. That guy just has mental problems and feels the need to make enemies or something, I dunno. We were for the most part delighted to have an actual dev around, and then he showed his true colors.

>> No.1109680

>they need to have some logic and write a simple GUI for it
Yeah, they do. Same as for every other device. It's called ``RGUI''. It's just about as simple and easy to use as possible. But still beta and missing features.
>Do you honestly think that most emulator users are programmers and designers? Honestly.
It's still in development, nerd. If you're to bitch at something while using development builds, then you're expected to be able to develop. Or at least think how something could be effectively developed and provide strict examples of inner functionality.
>Sure, because back in the 90's we had Nesticle, Genecyst, and ZSNES being popular despite having absolutely no GUI. Wait...
I actually remember using some in DOS that were strictly command line. Didn't ZSNES only add its GUI in like 0.150 or something?
>usable frontend
You need no frontend or launcher. RGUI handles things well.

>> No.1109695

ZSNES was CLI-only up until around 0.300 I think, when it got an extremely barebones GUI with very few features. It didn't get anything resembling the GUI everyone knows and loves/hates until around 0.800, I believe.

>> No.1109748

Yeah. You can do whatever the hell you want with it.
There's already an implementation of ZSNES's interface. Taken straight from its source and still in ASM. But that doesn't use any DRC or fancy sync techniques or support custom video/audio modifications, defeating much of the point.

>> No.1109761

Yeah something like that. I remember using CLI just fine without troubles, as shitty as the program itself was in comparison to modern emulation.
Nowadays you have full configuration file access, in a clearly readable format, and plenty of CLI switches to do all you'd need. Plus --help and documentation to read.

It's much easier to do exactly what you want with it. Just harder to learn what to do.
I find that to be a fair tradeoff.
But despite it working well just as that, they're still working on RGUI's usability and adding end user features.

>> No.1109763

>But that doesn't use any DRC or fancy sync techniques or support custom video/audio modifications, defeating much of the point.

Yep. I agree. I think instead of re-using the zsnes gui, he should just take the retroArch frontend, and make a zsnes gui for it.

>> No.1109847

>Maister adds force feedback, removes phoenix, adds control input and other options to rgui
>code monkey squarepusher doesn't do anything.

Maister is the real genius behind the project

>> No.1109862

Good thing I don't care who does what as long as it gets done and done well.
That nonsense is like caring who posts what on 4chan rather than what the posts themselves contain.

>> No.1109873


Squarepusher handles porting and maintaining libretro cores, though, which is a pretty big job considering all the platforms they support and cores they have. In fact, he's taken it upon himself to buy several of the platforms he ports to (most recently: Surface RT)

They're both equally important to the project as far as development is concerned

>> No.1109894

>is a huge part of the porting process to the various platforms and even buys some with his own money
>maintains several cores himself
>does nothing

I don't like his shit attitude any more than you do, but let's not stoop so low as to say he "does nothing". But of course, it is to be expected from 4chan to mindlessly hop aboard the hate train.

>> No.1109924


Well we were posting links to his outbursts on ngemu and laughing at it before he actually started coming here. A couple of people posted on his forums and linked to 4chan, making him aware of our presence

Then this happened:

>> No.1110002

I learned about the guy from this thread, and yiu know what? He's great. He's a foul-mouthed piece of shit who doesn't kiss any asses AND gets things done. All developers should be like that. He keeps improving his project as he pours insults and mindless rage on everyone, he doesn't mince words and has no respect for the userbase that's least respectful of all, yet most entitled - in a word, he's exactly the right kind of violent yet ptoductive douchenozzle Retriarch needs, while you're all apparently little princesses new to the internet.

>> No.1110004


>Squarepusher didn't do nuttin

>> No.1110036

Fucking mental case. Off yourself before you end in the psychiatric ward, Squarepush.

>> No.1110054

You're able to read THAT meaning out of the post? Man, you SP haters are the most delusional butthurt cunts out there.

>> No.1110060


>SP's buddies in charge of not being completely obvious

Go back to your irc circlejerk.

>> No.1110070

Technically, that post is going on about doing things, not about not doing things. You're confusing the positives and negatives.

>> No.1110098

Fuck off back to >>>/vr/waifu
Grown-ups want to talk about RetroArch in peace

>> No.1110197

What the fuck is any of this?? Wasn't /vr/ peace, love and understanding when it first started?

None of you are mature. Absolutely ridiculous stuff I'm reading here. I've seen things like this on outside forums but it doesn't need to be here. Can't you guys just not get your panties all up in a knot over other people making asses of themselves?

>> No.1110203 [DELETED] 


>Love and tolerance every brony!

>> No.1110204

I don't give half a damn about that nonsense. Who codes what doesn't matter. Who says what doesn't matter. What actually gets coded, and the ideas behind that does.

Was just pointing out >>1110004 that implication is rather reversed.

>> No.1110479

>game folders
>not a great idea
>implying higan can't import you roms like any other emu

Stop the misinformation.

Game folders are how things should have been done from the start, and the idea can be developed even further. It's superior in every way and it behaves in the same way as files do, because folders are actually just files with other files inside.

You sound like you're blinded by hatred of byuu, just like many people on this thread were blinded by their hatred of that faggot SP and hated retroarch along with him.

I think reinventing things is what you should do -- when its central to the project. ROMs are central to his project.

His BML and shader languafe is just too much though.

>> No.1110483

>chooses a free software license
>gets mad when people sell your shit

>> No.1110482

The original idea of keeping everything in a directory structure in your appdata folder was retarded. What about systems with multiple users? What about network shares and secondary hard drives?

>> No.1110492

Doesn't excuse the scumbags that sell open source code for a quick buck, but yeah, they should have seen this coming. Snes9x and MAME did.

>> No.1110496


That's retarded, but it isn't what I'm talking about.

Game folders were about accurately representing the game cartridge and its metadata. Things like SRAM, cheats, input settings, emulator metadata get stored with the game.

You'd put the folder in the exact same place your ROM used to be. Not sure why appdata is even set as default.

>> No.1110498


Can someone briefly explain what in the hell Game Fodlers are?

>> No.1110504

>>chooses a free software license
>>gets mad when people sell your shit

Yeah, I agree that they were stupid for not including non-commercial clauses. Snes9x, MAME and the others with non-commercial clauses had the right idea.

>> No.1110506

use higan and you'll get it
really it's the only part of Higan I like apart from the bsnes core itself which is god-tier

>> No.1110509

>use higan and you'll get it

Too lazy.

>> No.1110512

Your emulators will save your game SRAM, settings, cheat files, screenshots, input movies, anything, in their own specific directories in their own format. Other emulators won't pick up on it and what you've got is a segregated mess: game in one place, one save per emulator, duplicated settings, pictures and movies all over the place.

Why not centralize everything? It's data and metadata related to one specific game. It should be stored with the game, for ease of access, so that it goes along with the game when you share it. When you buy an used cart, you get the saved games too.

It's like libretro, but for the formats of the ROM and its metadata. This is what it would be, if it'd reached its potential. Of course, it didn't.

>> No.1110515


So it would be like:

>Super Metroid (folder)
>data files 1, 2, etc
>Super Metroid .srm saves


>> No.1110516

>license says you're free to do whatever you want as long as you provide source
>sell that shit
>provide source
>lol scumbags stealers thiefs

>> No.1110517


Interesting. Don't really care that much though.

>> No.1110523

I'm pretty sure Broglia doesn't provide shit for code.

>> No.1110524


Inside Super Metroid.snes folder you'd have files that represent cartridge chips, such as the game ROM and save RAM as well as general and emulator-specific metadata such as settings.


You get easy per-game settings and game data that's portable between emulators. It's nice.

Nobody cared about libretro and retroarch either until it turned out to be really convenient and nice.

>> No.1110529

OS X binaries are basically done this way.

>> No.1110530
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It was the Android port that really put RA on the map, though. You'd be surprised how many people think it's only an Android app.

>guy asks what a good emulator might be
>suggest RA
>lol I don't wanna emulate on my phone dumbass

>> No.1110531

That's not appropriate though. Executables and libraries and stuff are better segregated. By version.

This is about coupling the data and its metadata in one place so everyone can access everything.

>> No.1110535

Could someone tell Byuu to, like either just stop dicking around with other systems and remove them from Higan? I fail to see the point of the emulators done as an after thought. It'd make more sense for him to contribute to other projects. But he has NIH syndrome and has to make it on his own.

>> No.1110538

AFAIK the only reason he even added those other cores is because most of them use CPUs that are very similar to the special chips used in SNES games, so as he finished emulation of said chips, it was relatively simple to create emulation cores for NES, GB, GBA, etc., so he threw them in because why not.

>> No.1110784

Are you from that shitty DuckTales-playing thread? You are, aren't you?

>> No.1110915

This thread is proof that today's emulation "community" is in a depressing state. Self-entitlement, elitism, argumentativeness, myopia, and immaturity are the rule for all parties involved.

I'd like to amend that:
>I hope I never meet anyone who participates politically in emulation discussions IRL.

>> No.1110936

>This thread is proof that today's emulation "community" is in a depressing state. Self-entitlement, elitism, argumentativeness, myopia, and immaturity are the rule for all parties involved.

I'm pretty sure it's always been like that brah.

>> No.1111009

Oh wow, it turns out software is actually about people instead of technology. Who would have thought.

Here's a secret: shit like this happens in every single community whose members are actually passionate enough to do shit without being paid for it. These guys don't settle for "let's get it to work".

Especially in technology, doubly so in programming, which is pretty much metaphysics and ontology plus some kind o engineering.

Everyone has their own view/mental model of shit, and they all want to do it their way, and when one in particular wins, he gets resented because it implies others were wrong because they lost.

Your microsoft engineer might settle for maintaining decades old deprecated as shit 16 bit APIs for compatibility reasons because he gets paid some serious money, but nobody else is like that. People doing open-source want to build their own grand thing.

You think this is pathetic? You should see the shit that happens in the Unix world. The programming languages world. That faggot SP has nothing on either of those when it comes to drama.

Because software isn't actually autistic; it's more social than any of you could possibly imagine. And yes, whether SP is a faggot is a very high point in the evaluation on whether to use libretro/retroarch in both developer's and user's minds.

>> No.1111017

>whether SP is a faggot is a very high point in the evaluation on whether to use libretro/retroarch in both developer's and user's minds
I really don't see why. It shouldn't matter who codes what if the code itself is good and open. Just as it shouldn't matter who says what if the statement holds value. Ditching nonsense personae like that is what makes 4chan tolerable.

The only reason it's needed in codebases is for issue control and communication of known information.
And even then, if EVERYONE knows their shit, while following the project closely, it wouldn't matter. But that's too much to ask.

If nothing else, RetroArch is an amazing base to work with. And if you don't like the interface then it's entirely open to new ones. Causing ANY drama over something like it is simple nonsense.

>> No.1111096

I'm pretty sure it wasn't intended, but he has a point. RetroArch is shit-tier on Windows for illiterate plebs.

>> No.1111147

I just use it with the bsnes core. It actually has more control options than higan.

>> No.1111537

You speak with such an offensive tone, at length, over relatively unimportant things.

I hope that I *do* meet you someday.

>> No.1111545

Ditto, but not to cause harm, just to listen.

>> No.1111569

I don't know who you are, but the kind of people who ramble on like >>1111009 tend to talk too much and make too many assumptions to be good "listeners."

>> No.1111661


And what is the point of your posts other than crying over the current state of affairs?

>> No.1111812

I used RetroArch to play games and have fun together with a friend last night. Tonight is TV night with XBMC, which is also a great piece of software that allows for easy entertainment access. You guys should try having fun once in a while too!

>> No.1111830

Well the sperg show's on 24/7 in these emu debate threads, so I'm just tuning in.

>> No.1111902

RA would be great if it just had a decent interface, having to go through so much bullshit is irritating.

>> No.1111940

Good thing phoenix has been deprecated completely in favor of RGUI then. No more bullshit and a great cross-platform interface.

>> No.1112331



>> No.1112341

Yeah, that would be the implication. Simple, low res, and controller-friendly is indeed good.

>> No.1113153

Apart from being blurry on large screens, what's wrong with it?

>> No.1113387

>The name is a holdover from the 00s
>tfw there are intros on some GBA ROMs

>> No.1113482

Its funny.

Everybody talks about wanting a 'decent interface' but nobody wants to define exactly what they mean by that.

Until you guys can coherently form a consensus on what kind of interface you want, we are going in the totally opposite direction and making RetroArch even more eye candy-less.

It is not RetroArchs job to cater to this. It is a reference implementation for the libretro APi that focuses on top notch engineered audio/video/input drivers. Want some throwaway cookiecutter GUI skin around it? Hook it into some Hyperspin-like shit or make your own frontend for it. We dont care about this, and neither do we care about the people that want us going down this path.

>> No.1113617

I'm fine with Phoenix. Just make Phoenix so it will use my system colors, because the my settings are grey text on black background, and Phoenix is black text on a black background with these settings, so I have to change my system colors to adjust options.

Also, if you want people to USE your software, you might want to take the time to make it convenient to use, and maybe consider the input of the people who have used it. I like your program and all, but I haven't seen you say a single nice thing to your userbase, and it's getting to the point that I would almost rather use standalones than support you in any way. If you're the programming expert you make yourself out to be, it shouldn't be too hard for you to refine your damn interface a little. So on behalf of the emulation community, you're welcome for using your software and getting your name out there and making you the internet celebrity you think you are.

>> No.1113630

[not a dev]
What's so wrong with RGUI that you find Phoenix preferable?

>> No.1113640

>you might want to take the time to make it convenient to use,

They're Arch Linux guys. They have certain ideals that actually run counter to what most people consider "convenient". You just have to accept that. RGUI is the best we're gonna get out of them. Someone else is going to need to make a new front end.

>> No.1113645

>It is not RetroArchs job to cater to this. It is a reference implementation for the libretro APi that focuses on top notch engineered audio/video/input drivers. Want some throwaway cookiecutter GUI skin around it? Hook it into some Hyperspin-like shit or make your own frontend for it. We dont care about this, and neither do we care about the people that want us going down this path.

Just be aware that no one outside of serious enthusiasts are going to care. Plebs are shockingly easy to please and don't care about any of the technical stuff. So you can make the most technically advanced program ever, but no one's gonna use it.

>> No.1113649
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>> No.1113660

We /g/ now

>> No.1113673


I have no idea how you guys can hate zsnes inferface and then praise RGUI. It's the same shitty dos shit.

>> No.1113689

Really not the same at all, except that they both look kinda blurry. The idea is that the same UI can work on tiny phone screens and 240p CRTs.

ZSNES tries to emulate mouse-driven menus and as a result fails horribly. RGUI is very different, it's like game menu and can be controlled entirely with arrows+OK+cancel.

It sure doesn't look good but it's nice setting everything up with a gamepad.

>> No.1113690


Thats fine, I can live with the 4chan crowd on /vr/ not using it when I can target the biggest markets in the world right now - Android/iOS - which outdwarfs the relative nerds on 4chan 1 million to one.

Its quite funny how you even think you matter on the grand scheme of things when it comes to a userbase. You are an ultra tiny niche of a niche that most regular game developers even avoid targeting because you are the ultra vocal minority whom will always have something to bitch.

>> No.1113694


A retro themed menu is not supposed to look good. Just like your regular indie game emulating a 16bit game is not supposed to look 'good' (define 'good' btw)

Its called RetroArch for a reason.

>> No.1113693

>You are an ultra tiny niche of a niche that most regular game developers even avoid targeting because you are the ultra vocal minority whom will always have something to bitch.

It's true and completely depressing. It's why I'm on /vr/ and not /v/. Modern games are NOT aimed at me, and I have no interest in them.

>> No.1113704

>Just like your regular indie game emulating a 16bit game is not supposed to look 'good'

I can't think of a single Indie game that actually emulates a 16 bit game. Old games were trying their best and had talented artists and programmers and big budgets. "Retro" indie games are typically made by hacks who can't create good looking sprites so they just call their half assed creations "retro" as an excuse.

I can't think of any indie games I've ever even been that impressed with.

>A retro themed menu is not supposed to look good.

this might be the lamest justification ever. You should at least ditch the puke green.

>> No.1113706

>Its called RetroArch for a reason.

The name is pretty dumb actually.

>> No.1113708

Its a cool idea, but ultimately for the most part there are better emulators elsewhere than the cores offered.

I just use it as an interface for muplen64plus and bnes/bsnes

>> No.1113712

>there are better emulators elsewhere than the cores offered
Not a dev but can you name some? It's replaced everything for me, despite being a little fiddly to get started with.

>> No.1113715


So do I. But at the same time, I can see where they are coming from when intentionally avoiding the ultra hardcore fanbase. Especially when none of you have any interest in defining what you mean by a 'good interface'.

Instead, you just say 'UI sucks, RetroArch therefore sucks'. You dont define WHAT the UI should be like then so that we devs could actually take this under consideration.

BTW - in case you didnt tell by now - I have been trying to level with you guys. I wanted to put the menubar in for Windows but maister hated the code so much he took it out again, and he just doesnt like anything platform specific.

We already had a clash over this before with the OSX port. I managed to convince him that going with a native OSX UI would be good for RA, and meancoot has been doing a stellar job since.

I dont say that RGUI is ideal - I know a more native frontend is preferable. Just try to give me some better feedback on what it is you actually want. A Windows menubar is obviously out so it had better be something that makes sense instead.

A Steam-like Big Picture mode is something Ive been thinking about ever since the SteamOS reveal.

The main problem is that this is a very thorny subject for maister and I agree with most of hus GUI objections but I also believe some of it unintentionally renders RA niche.

>> No.1113718

psx and n64 have superior offers elsewhere.

Or in the n64's case rather alternatives to get some games working better.

And obviously ps2/gc

>> No.1113719


>I'm proud to be targeting the handheld casuals

Great. Go talk to them then. Get off 4chan.

>> No.1113723

>A Steam-like Big Picture mode is something Ive been thinking about ever since the SteamOS reveal.
makes sense. I believe the android port of retroarch has something like this already?

>> No.1113727

Those don't count as "alternatives" though since they aren't available for RA at all
I'll grant you that, mupen libretro is still WIP
sure pcsxr and friends offer the chance of nicer graphics over mednafen but at the cost of a gazillion bugs and inaccuracies. Assuming that's what you meant.

>> No.1113729


It doesnt really. Just a standard Android UI for selecting a ROM and changing settings but its just a launcher for RA.

The IOS UI is actually better in that regard - you can bring it up at all times ingame and change settings in a standard Cocoa UI.

>> No.1113738

seems I was talking out my ass. I just recalled a video that showed such a thing. It was on rasberry pi, and it was using a different frontend.

All in all, I do like the unified settings of retroarch. Good work

>> No.1113742

Snes9x and Nestopia are what I think of when it comes to a good Windows emulator interface.

>> No.1113745

It would be nice being able to control RGUI with the mouse. Right now if you have never touch RA it's kind of confusing because you don't know what keyboard keys are binded to OK/Cancel by default.

>> No.1113751


So a Win32 menubar then.

Well, that is what OV2 implemented but maister doesnt like it so it is out again.

Anyway, this stuff isnt going to last anyways since even Windows 8 is no longer straight WIMP, so perhaps he has a point in rejecting it

>> No.1113762

I have yet to meet a single person that likes MetroUI, at least for PCs. Even then, can't the Win32 menu be done with some cross-platform library like Qt?

>> No.1113768
File: 135 KB, 976x758, rgui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think RGUI would be much better received if, on PCs, it were native res and non-blurry. Even better if that checkered background slowly scrolled/other little animations and touches that make it feel modern rather than retro.

(I get that some of you don't WANT modern though)

>> No.1113773

(that picture is a mockup btw, just realised it looks like normal in the thumbnail)

>> No.1113774

>Even better if that checkered background slowly scrolled/other little animations and touches that make it feel modern rather than retro.

Like snow?

>> No.1113781


I dont like it either but the entire computing world is going post-WIMP. Windows 8 is not WIMP, neither is Android, neither is iOS.

Skeuomorphism is out too - flat is in. So that means very minimalist Uis are now the standard - like iOS 7 and Windows 8.

So if we are going to do this GUI thing, we are probably going to go for something that has some shelf life. That theyre moving past WIMP and sticking to basic color shades instead of gradients and drop shadows only makes our job easier.

>> No.1113784


I actually think that looks butt ugly compared to the real RGUI.

>> No.1113790

>Like snow?
Whu? No just imagine that chequered background slowly moving, and that when you choose a menu item the submenu quickly zooms in from the right. Or something.

My really crude mockup looks pretty fugly yeah, I'm just saying- I like the idea of an in-app GUI that you can bring up mid-game and navigate with the controller, but the horrible blurriness makes it rather less friendly than it could be.

>> No.1113802

Yeah definitely keep it usable with the controller if possible. I'm actually pretty happy with RGUI, maybe just add the missing options from phoenix (netplay, recording, load "special" ROMs).

Also the blurriness is kind off irritating for me too- would it be possible to have it blocky instead (nearest neighbour instead of linear)?

>> No.1113801

look up emulationstation

>> No.1113815

That can't change RA settings mid-game though. That's what RGUI is great for.

>> No.1113931

It'd be interesting if any shader settings you apply to the game also apply to the RGUI.

>> No.1113951

Not really. Most DOS GUIs tended to overemphasize mouse use. Many of which even used the mouse as though it was a dpad and two buttons (move 4 directions, go, back), which was insanely annoying.
ZSNES always moved the cursor separately from the Windows cursor. Because it required separate cursor support for DOS and they didn't feel like removing it for Windows proper.
RGUI requires and makes no use of the mouse. And it doesn't need to. Simple menus don't require such nonsense. You're rarely intended to let go of the controller.
>You should at least ditch the puke green
Now THAT's subjective. You can edit the source all you want to remove it though.

In fact, I remember someone saying something about adding support for graphical customization. Things like native higher resolution support and scalable ttf fonts. Which would fuck lowres scalability but obviously not be default.

>> No.1113971

I'd prefer a separate RGUI CGP selection in the CFG file. If a shader just doesn't run, like it outputs black, I'm obviously not going to be able to fix it through RGUI.
But I'd only really use it for pixellate.cg.

>> No.1113983

Fuck off devs, get yourselves and your shitty attitudes out of 4chan.

>> No.1114047


u mad?

>> No.1114112

am I the only one comfortable with UME for most everything pre-2000? I don't see the point to libretro for the long term. MESS and MAME both aim for accuracy above all and it's just a matter of time before their drivers reach parity with standalone emulators both in speed and compatibility. The only reason I see for using higan/bsnes over MESS is unnecessary video filters. I think MESS's support for old computer systems is fucking amazing.

>> No.1114121

You forgot RetroArch's unmatched audio/video sync. This alone makes it superior. Not to mention MAME has already been integrated to libretro, and SP has talked about a MESS port as well.

>> No.1114158

I imagine most older games are programmed with CRTs in mind, and 99% of people using emulators are likely on LCDs so they can't expect perfect a/v sync. It's nice to be able to claim clock-accuracy but you have to admit there's a point where it's negligible. Anyone that anal about it should seek the original hardware.

>> No.1114209

What are you on about? I'm talking about something as basic as having the audio match up with what's going on in the video without any sound crackling whatsoever, something RA excels at thanks to its dynamic rate control, and which many emulators fuck up. It has nothing to do with cycle accuracy.

>> No.1114227

>Bitching about the GUI
Holy hell, it works and all the features are there, what the fuck more do you want? Stop being huge faggots about it.

>> No.1114307

As a former /g/entleman, I thought it smelled funny in here.

>> No.1114379

>Now THAT's subjective. You can edit the source all you want to remove it though.

Choosing the color would be nice.

>> No.1114415


>just a matter of time before their drivers reach parity with standalone emulators both in speed and compatibility.

Yeah, but how many years? That's gonna be a long ass time bro.

>You forgot RetroArch's unmatched audio/video sync.

Dynamic rate control is something that should become a standard in emulation. Period. It's so ingeniously simple.

>> No.1114730


The problem is that most of these autist endusers so hungup over accuracy, actually dont know what they are actually talking about. They just throw that stupid term about thinking makes them sound like they know what they are talking about.

Its funny - regards to MAME being 'accurate' and aiming for that. Haze admitted that this only ever appliedmto a couple of old '80s arcade games. And even still, Double Dragon 1/2 has just been fixed as of this month. naomi support is still a goddamn joke compared to Demul. Model 2 emulation is a totally broken and slow glitchfest. Virtua Fighter 1s graphics are a total glitchfest. Virtua Fighter Remix SVP? Same story. How long have these drivers been in MAME? VERY long.

Accuhurtz uber alles this is not.

>> No.1114734


model 3 emulation? Same story. Will never measure up to Supermodel because of MAMEdevs autist way of doing things. BRB software rasterizing a 2x Lockheed Martin Real3D at fullspeed - you and which 50GHz Core i30?

>> No.1114737

>Virtua Fighter 1s graphics are a total glitchfest

Same thing with the same game in Yabause. Now there's another emulator that is also in dire straits.

>> No.1114739

It's a pity that reading their dev blogs most of the news are more shitty mahjong/pachinko/coinslot "games".

>> No.1114745

It's a jack of all trades master of none emulator. If you just want to run a game it will work. If you want to have accurate emulation emulation, and various tweaks and settings then look elsewhere.

>> No.1114747


Its not an emulator. Fail 1.

All your accuhurtz emulators have all been pored to libretro too so there isnt even an argument to be made about accuracy vs. inaccuracy. Fail 2.

Please troll harder next time.

>> No.1114748

>accurate emulation

It has among the most accurate emulation cores for each respective system.

>various tweaks and settings

It has more of that than even most enthusiasts know what to do with. Not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.1114750


Neither does he know what he is talking about, and therein lies the problem.

>> No.1114756

>Accuhurtz uber alles this is not

I think that's to be expected considering how huge the MAME project is.

>Yabause. Now there's another emulator that is also in dire straits.


>> No.1114759


Fun fact for you.

MAME has never been about accuracy. Haze admitted as much on his blog. It is just a nice excuse to fall back on when having to face the fact that trying to software rasterize late 90s arcade games is not really going to happen at fullspeed anytime soon what with CPU development having hit a fucking thermal ceiling.

>> No.1114764

Sadly, this is also the case with N64 emulation. Software rasterizing the RDP is way too much even for top end rigs. All we can hope for is that something comes out of gonetz's new OpenGL3-based GlideN64 plugin.

>> No.1114785 [DELETED] 

I just you know SSF exists

>> No.1114786

I just hope you know SSF exists

>> No.1114797

SSF does not emulate arcade hardware. It's only emulates the home console.

>> No.1114813

Pretty sure SSF emulates ST-V games as well as Saturn games.

>> No.1114828


SSF is Windows only and closed source.

Close to worthless then.

>> No.1114873


>What is Wine

>> No.1114892

>is a piece of shit

>> No.1114902

>every retroshit dev is a shit poster

why am I not shocked?

>> No.1114906

I have retroarch for wii and I have yet to understand why its better than anything else I can use on the wii. anyone care to explain?

>> No.1114912

Its version of Snes9x is faster than the standalone version, and will run almost everything at full speed, whereas the GX one requires frameskip for some of the more intensive games IIRC. It also uses the Nestopia core, which is more accurate and compatible than FCEU GX. Ditto for its version of VBA. Only one that is on part is Genesis Plus GX, since RA incorporates the exact same core.

>> No.1114920



Not an emulator!

>> No.1114924


Except you're being outclassed by fucking paid emulators on Google Play and the App Store.

People prefer paid shit to your finely crafted FREE emulator.
You're definetely doing something wrong.

>> No.1114931

Well, to be fair, RetroArch is pretty late coming into the scene, so all the payware shit is much more established and the likes of Broglia have even become the internet equivalent of household names.

>> No.1114932


We have only been on the Google Play store since January, and on Cydia since June. Those payware thingies have been there for at least a year.

Quality wise I have already beaten them all. So I am not too concerned. It will dominate either way - if its not today, it will be tomorrow. If it is not tomorrow, it will be some other day. But you ant beat free and open.

>> No.1114937


BTW - there are no emulators on the App Store.

Because Apple hates them even more than I do. And good for them.

>> No.1114939


Payware emus by ripoff merchants that is in case anybody wants to take it out of context.

>> No.1114946


Its not an emulator.

Get your facts straight.

>> No.1114948


This is Gnu/linux level hair spliting. Only autists care.

And your shitty API is going to go nowhere btw.

>> No.1114951


OK, if you say so.

Meanwhile - I am getting it pushed upstream left and right.

And beyond emulators too.

But you must know better than me of course, anon.

>> No.1114954
File: 12 KB, 245x318, 1346646665764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to bait

>> No.1114956


Its more like 'haters gonna hate', and letting them run their mouth before asking 'do you want a cookie with that big boy?'

>> No.1114972

You. I like you. You can fuck my sister.

>> No.1115000

Can I fuck her too? I'm even more likeable than him.

>> No.1115615
File: 23 KB, 300x348, 1377837180760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really glad something like libretro exists, because emulator ports to different platforms have always been crapshots in quality. I think it will see at least some usage by developers, kind of like the situation that FLTK is in right now.

Anyway, this thread was fun.

>> No.1116095

Retroarch is fine but way overrated. I've been using it mainly for PSX emulation through the Mednafen core.

But the Windows port is just too user unfriendly (don't know about other ports) and there's NO documentation whatsoever, not even a simple readme file with basic key shortcuts.

The first time I've spent an entire afternoon understanding how RetroArch worked, setting it up and getting it to work properly, and I'm far from an average user. The online community in general isn't very helpful either and seems to expect everyone to figure things by themselves, few even bother to write a tutorial or something. That day, after googling for tutorials I found a simple one that helped me a bit but far from clarifying all I needed to know.

>> No.1116535


Which is why Linux is never gonna go anywhere. Yes, Steve Jobs never really invented anything truly revolutionary. He did take pre-existing things, and packaged and marketed them in away that is very accessible to the average person. Linux tards just do not have this ability. So they might make something really technically great, but it won't pass 1% market share.

Same thing with RetroArch.

>> No.1116562

>Which is why Linux is never gonna go anywhere.
Yes, that comment embodies everything bad about the GNU/Linux scene, and why Linux will never be as big as Windows or even MacOS.

Linux devs can't into human relations. When Apple devs hear a complaint about their product, they have a board meeting to decide how to address the problem. When Linux devs hears a complaint about their product, they angrily spit "it's open-source, fix it yourself! We're gonna make the next release even more obtuse just to spite you!" Then they wonder why only like 5% of all consumers use Linux.

>> No.1116579

Wow, did the Microsoft paid trolls from /g/ leak over into /vr/?

You need to look into GNU/Linux a little more before making harsh judgments based on hearsay and complete bullshit.

>> No.1116583


1% market share of desktop pcs after 25 years of trying is not "hearsay".

>> No.1116593

>hurrrr Micro$oft
This is another problem the GNU/Linux scene. Possibly the root of all their problems, is the whiny entitlement complex. You blame corporations for your own shortcomings, when the reason they're rich and you're not is because they worked hard and actually listened to others.

>> No.1116601

and the percentage of market share in everything else from phones to various embedded devices?

>> No.1116602


>Being proud of that Frankenstein called Android

>> No.1116609

it depends entirely by target users though. linux have 95% usage on supercomputers. but then again, what does it matters to you?

>> No.1116613

I am. Oh noes!

>> No.1116617

btw, which part of retroarch that is frustrating? i seem to use it just fine.

>> No.1116625

>#4. The CEO of Whole Foods Is a Forum Troll

Reminded me of Square-sama reading that.


>> No.1116632


Past bump limit dude. Make a new thread if you truly care.

>> No.1116680

>NO documentation whatsoever, not even a simple readme file with basic key shortcuts.
Not true.
Devs' stuff.
Each core tends to have information as well.
And --help gives command switches if need be.

What else do you need? It's far too straight forward and friendly to the user to require any guides or stupid shit like that.

>> No.1116684

What in the world does that have to do with anything?
Jobs knew the sort of interface he wanted, these fuckers seem to have no idea. ``Something like Windows'' doesn't make sense. There's so many.

>> No.1116818

how does it update, now that pheonix is gone?

>> No.1116821

MinGW or lurking their site.

>> No.1116825

They will release regularly updated bundles for download on their site. Or you can build it yourself if you want to be on the bleeding edge.

>> No.1116826

a bit of a regression, if your're a winfag, isn't it?

>> No.1116834

Not really. You have to lurk or go to most Win programs' sites to update anyways.
It would be a regression from automatically compiled repositories, like Linux and the like, assuming you've bleeding edge channels, but compiling yourself is more assured there too.

>> No.1116837


no, I mean compared to before. It's okay if you have some other package management, but now it's less convenient for windows users

>> No.1116920

Eh, yeah. But it was outdated anyways. People were reporting bugs that had long been fixed, and maintaining up to date builds is a pain.

>> No.1116975

>Have RetroArch on Wii
>Works pretty great for no effort or money
>Enjoy playing my SNES games with it
>Eventually try switching over to the Genesis core to play some Genesis games
>Wii freezes
>Power cycle Wii, try loading RetroArch, which crashes at start

Tried deleting all the configuration files, formatting my SD card, formatting the fucking Wii itself, and it still doesn't work. Everything else on the Wii works perfectly but that. Also, the libretro boards were absolutely no fucking help whatsoever.

Also, apparently there are some input lag issues with the Wii version, but I was willing to put up with them to be able to play games on my CRT without a ton of hassle.

>> No.1117409


It's why RetroArch will always be aimed to niche users who have some technical knowledge and patience to figure that shit out. I like some of the options provided by it, but I'm not going to dig information for a whole fucking week to get it to work properly if the people who created it don't even bother to give out some tutorials or simple setups because that caters to the illiterate Windows fanbase. There are far more appropriate options out there and on the same level of quality.

>> No.1117760

>There are far more appropriate options out there and on the same level of quality.

Name one.

>> No.1117772

>use RetroArch daily since 2011
>never have problems
>all this bitching

I don't get it.

>> No.1118773

Indeed. It's user friendly and straightforward enough for my 9 year old cousin to download and get it up and running within 5 minutes by himself.
He even needed help with downloading proper ROM sets too, so it's nowhere near super-genius or anything like that.

I really don't understand the confusion.

>> No.1118920


Just a couple of Reddit trolls with a chip on their shoulder shitstirring.

>> No.1119216


It's not hard for people not accustomed to using emulators to pick RetroArch up since they've not been conditioned by using standalone emulators for years.

Most of the bitching is just because it functions on a different paradigm since it is focused around libretro API instead of a single emulator and does not follow the UI conventions that most experienced emulator are used to.