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File: 43 KB, 612x478, tinytank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1102856 No.1102856 [Reply] [Original]

Was Tiny Tank as good as the OPM demo made it seem?

>> No.1102860

Never played the OPM demo, but I have the real deal and I dig it.

>> No.1102859

I recently picked it up, and after playing the first couple levels I can say that its as good as I remember that demo being. Decent laughs, too.

>> No.1102862

Tiny Tank is 2cool4school. It's hella bomb, yo.

>> No.1104389

It's got one of the simplest yet greatest GIT GUD incentives I've seen in a game. One of the early levels has a boss wearing a cowboy hat, defeat him and you can pick it up and wear it. But if you get hit or quit the game, it's gone forever.

I can't manage to carry that hat very far, but I'll bet taking it to the end feels like carrying the frigging Olympic torch in.

>> No.1105042

I managed to keep it for a couple levels so far. You do feel badass, but it is quuuiiite large. Visibility can suffer a bit.

>> No.1107026

It's a solid game and still stands up pretty well. The only real complaint I have is the draw distance in some levels.

I never really thought of it as a git gud incentive but you're right I did step my game up to keep it as long as possible.

>> No.1109304

This was my favorite game growing up. The level with the dancing bipedal mechs scared the shit out of me. And the video/message at the end was too deep for me when I was 12. Metal Gear Solid 3's ending didn't even phase me after Tiny Tank.

>> No.1110317

I forgot about this game. I had the demo disc and would kill everything and run around having a blast until the 15 minutes or whatever it was was up. I remember taking the demo to friends houses and we thought it was awesome and hilarious. The only level we got to play was where you blow up the train traveling through the cave I think. I remember destroying a train and all the power ups being awesome. I think I will look it up and see about replaying the actual full game.

>> No.1110827

Hoshit really? No spoilers, man, I just started playing this one and now I am pumped for the ending.

>> No.1110853
File: 2.36 MB, 3264x1224, tinytankcol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, someone actually remembers this game. I am LITTERALLY the last person on the planet that has a shrine to this game.

Pic related, the only E3 1998 shirt I could find for it, and my on-going sealed collection of the game from every region (still trying to find the 1998 beta copy of the game)

Apoligies for the quick pictures, Im just a bit freaking out that people still remember this game

>> No.1111625

>Tiny Tank shirt
Okay that's awesome.

>> No.1111938

>last person
I think you mean first, friend.
Great point about the draw distance/pop in. Super fun, and this is my only problem with the game as well.

>> No.1111947

Thats a pretty awesome collection. I think you mean you are the ONLY person with a shrine to this game.

>> No.1112874
File: 344 KB, 463x329, 1377846797051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1112878

>Collecting PAL games

>> No.1114201


Since the game didn't do too well financially, there is little info on the PAL versions. For example, I was able to get a factory sealed copy of the Spanish and italian version (I know there is still a seller on eBay who has the ITL version)

It's neat to have a sealed copy of a game version which you can't even find on the internet because no one dumped it.

>> No.1114228

So, do you really love this game so much you go out of your way to find every permeation of it, or do you think one day you might be rewarded financially for your diligence?

>> No.1114496


It's more about collecting something that inspired me to do video game development, while at the same time a unique collection that no one else is doing.

>> No.1114515

That's pretty cool, I'll admit. Even though I still hate on PAL games.

>> No.1114607

Loved this game and always found it odd that it ended up so good. Forgot what magazine I found the pre-production shots in (gamepro?) where Tiny was just a brown tank before it was given to the other studio.
>Walking up to the giant mirror a few levels later and having the reflection be a sombrero.
"Oh believe me, that can be arranged."

>> No.1117904

I'm trying to remember how his theme song goes but I keep getting it mixed up with the theme from Pinky and the Brain