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1109368 No.1109368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I got in an argument about the whole Nintendo vs Sega thing with a friend and the result was to humour him I bought a Mega Drive and a bunch of games he recommended.

After playing about 30 of his favourite games I can conclude that the only two I liked were Thunderforce IV (Lightening Force) and Gunstar Heroes. Strider, Soleil, Phantasy Star, etc. All pretty much sucked ass. Total let down.

Are there any titles that will stop me from eBaying this piece of junk?

>> No.1109383

Well what SNES games do you like?

>> No.1109395
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>Strider...sucked ass

>> No.1109417

Which Phantasy Star? If it was 2 or 3, I'll forgive you. If it was 4, I will find you and rape you.

>> No.1109423


>> No.1109438


>> No.1109470

well first off, are you TRYING to like the games?

or are you just being an ass and trying to hate them with constant "Oh, so-and-so game on the SNES does this better."-like comments?

>> No.1109497

Monster World IV is glorious.

>> No.1109503

I grew up with a SNES and didn't have a Genesis as a kid, but I can still admit there some similar/overlapping games that were definitely better on Genesis than SNES.

Shadowrun, for instance.

Also, Genesis had one of the first games that could be described as RTS - Herzog Zwei.

>> No.1109510

Ok so first thing first.

Do you want to like the games or do you want to hate them? Because if it's the later no there isn't any decent games because you'll find a fault in EVERY SINGLE ONE.

If it's the former than how about Ristar?

>> No.1109508

>the only two I liked were Thunderforce IV (Lightening Force) and Gunstar Heroes.
Are you me?
I do kinda like Sonic 2 and 3 though

>> No.1109514

>definitely better on Genesis than SNES.

Earthworm Jim comes to mind for me.

>> No.1109516

sonic 1
sonic 3 & knuckles
dynamite headdy, light crusader, and alien soldier (all made by treasure, the developer of gunstar heroes)
ecco the dolphin
ecco the tides of time
m.u.s.h.a. (musha aleste)
kid chameleon
rocket knight adventures

>> No.1109519

>all pretty much sucked ass
Why do you hate them? What genres do you like?

>> No.1109535

>Strider, Soleil, Phantasy Star, etc. All pretty much sucked ass.
Can we get a full list? His selection doesn't sound all that great from this snippet you gave us.

Anyway, Contra: Hard Corps one-ups Gunstar Heroes pretty hard and Rocket Knight Adventures is by that same beautiful team.

>> No.1109545

>does sega have any decent anythings

No. No it doesnt.

>> No.1109547


>> No.1109551

sonic 1-3(&k)
streets of rage
golden axe
ecco the dolphin
vectorman 1-2

the genesis isn't a great console by any means, but that's not to say there aren't any good games for it. i still have my genesis+mega CD combo and play it every now and then :)

>> No.1109558

Ranger X
Bio hazard battle
Shinobi lll

>> No.1109564

Sega was the Sony of the early nineties. Retards flocked to the console while the master race stayed with Nintendo. if you have taste, there isn't a single good game for the genesis.

>> No.1109567 [DELETED] 

>tinny, annoying synth music
>only has sonic games
>genesis version of games are universally inferior to snes version
>Shit controller
>Made specifically to cater to sports game playing niggers and spics

>> No.1109572


>> No.1109579

I like where this is going!

>> No.1109581 [DELETED] 

Anon here
You're wrong as shit. Stay buttmad segafag. Not everyone like inferior consoles like you do.

>> No.1109592

Sorry got a little distracted.


Sorry, but Strider feels kinda dated and clunky. Altered Beast has a similar bad arcade conversion feel.


Number II, it was like playing it on the Master System.


Sonic II was OK, but repetitive by the time i completed it.


Yes, I thought Gunstar Heroes was amazing.


OK, I'll play it.


I like treasure games I'll try and find more.

M.U.S.H.A. might be too expensive.


Ranger X is on my radar.

>> No.1109605

Phantasy Star II is a super early release from the late 80s. You have to actually enjoy 80s RPGs to play it.

>> No.1109603
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>Does the Mega Drive (Genesis) have any decent games?

>> No.1109658

The problem with these threads is Trolls who just say "TROLOL NOPE", Sega and Nintendo are both good, but with different strengths.
If you prefer RPGs, Nintendo is the way to go (though Sega has some good ones), Sega is more the Action game side.

Couple of my favorite games: Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Spiderman Maximum Carnage (those are all beat 'em ups), Shining Force II, Toejam and Earl. Those are what I can think of off the top of my head, left a few out because they were mentioned before. Also really like Pit Fighter and Heavy Nova as a kid, looking back Pit Fighter was kinda shit though.

>> No.1109662

Before the SNES came out, I actually think Genesis and Nintendo were close to being tied on RPGs, at least in the states. It wasn't until the SNES came out that Nintendo became the "RPG console" (and that distinction didn't last long).

>> No.1109667

What kills the Genesis when it comes to RPGs is that you need a Sega CD if you want all the 5/5 ones. Half of the Sega RPGs are for the CD.

>> No.1109665

>Altered Beast
>Phantasy Star II
Yeah, you got some pretty bad recommendations.

>it was like playing it on the Master System
I agree, though ironically I never got that from the original Phantasy Star--an actual Master System game.

>> No.1109682

Yeah but there are still a few on the regular Genesis, but really the main thing about the Genesis is the action-y style of games. Also sports games, which I was never a fan of.

>> No.1109691

The Genesis still had about as many RPGs available in America as the NES did.

Genesis : Shadowrun, Phantasy Star series, Exile, Ys III, Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Shining series, Faery Tale.

NES : Four Dragon Quest games, one Final Fantasy game, Crystalis, Faria, Destiny of an Emperor, and uhh...what else?

>> No.1109703

Fire Shark
Midnight Resistance
Mega Turrican
Castlevania Bloodlines

>> No.1109710

Come on. Ys I and II were released on the NES.

>> No.1109713

You gotta give us some titles here, OP. What have you played? What do you like? We can't exactly give good recommendations if you're not going to help us out here.

Ristar is a good mention, as are the other Treasure Genesis titles, Super Fantasy Zone is always fun, and you gotta try Road Rash.

>> No.1109716

Mickey Mania, boogerman, Samurai Shodown, the lost vikings, thunder force 3 etc

>> No.1109718

This is mostly because Working Designs handled localizing most of the Sega CD RPGs, and they only joined up with Sega after the Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo crashed and burned. I don't think they ever worked on cartridge games, apart from Cadash on the TG-16.

>> No.1109726

Sega Genesis is the #1 console for co-op multiplayer games of all time!

>> No.1109724

I didn't even know Thunder Force 3 was on SNES

>> No.1109728

It was called thunder spirits, a pretty shitty port.

>> No.1109758

Surprised no one has mentioned Landstalker and the Shining Force games yet. Also check out Beyond Oasis. But Genesis is really about the shmups.

Eliminate Down, Hellfire, Gaiares, Steel Empire
Gleylancer, Granada, Thunder Force III, Fire Shark, Truxton, Bio-Hazard Battle, Elemental Master, Musha, Wings of Wor (Gynoug).

Also, if you like balls hard action games, then you gotta try The Adventures of Batman & Robin.

>> No.1109762

i too dislike sega pretty strongly... but shining force 1 and 2 and jurassic park rampage are solid as fuck games, sensible soccer kinda fun too

>> No.1109769

oh and the mickey illusion games and gunstar heroes too ! but fuck ristar and dynamite heady.. and fuck sonic too

>> No.1109770
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I found Gleylancer and Battle Mania Daiginjou really fun.
Those are expensive though.

>> No.1109778

>Talking shit about the Genesis

I shiggy diggy.

I love the SNES, but the Genesis is nothing to ignore. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.1109828

I preferred the SNES when I was a kid for its RPGs and cutesy platformers, but now that I'm a man, I prefer the Genesis due to its library of challenging action games.

>> No.1109838

let's see
Alisia Dragoon?

>> No.1109865


People who hate on genesis are retarded manchildren that never grew out of their petty little playground console war and who never got over some idiot going on about Blast Processing and shitting on their precious SNES.

I was a SNES kid at that. My now best friend was one of those Blast Processing Dipshits on the playground. We got in an huge ass argumnet over the console, and ended up spending the weekend at each others house playing SNES and Genesis games.

And you know what? We ended up LIKING different types of games for each console and were inseparable ever since.

Tl;dl Grow the fuck up and get over the "Ninentdoh VS Suga" bullshit. Each conse was good for different type of games.

>> No.1109886

I guess ya just don't like vidya games very much.

>> No.1109893

crazy amazing game - alien soldier
good early fps - zero tolerance
rpgs - shining force, shadowrun, the DnD one (warriors of the eternal sun?).

I liked sonic 3/4/knuckles
golden axe stuff, shinobi stuff, streets of rage, MKII

alien soldier was made by the gunstar heroes guys. it's basically 10 second levels and big boss fights.

>> No.1109897

and for platformers, you had stuff like bob, vectorman, earthworm jim,

i think there was a decent mech 3/4th top down 3rd person shooter thing too, can't remember it's name though.

>> No.1109898
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So I got in an argument about the whole Nintendo vs Sega thing with a friend and the result was to humour him I bought a Super Famicom and a bunch of games he recommended.

After playing about 30 of his favourite games I can conclude that the only two I liked were R-Type III and Contra III. Hagane, Seiken Densetsu II, Dragon Quest, etc. All pretty much sucked ass. Total let down.

Are there any titles that will stop me from eBaying this piece of junk?

>> No.1109908

if you have the 32x thing, you can play doom on sega. that's pretty sexy.

>> No.1109909

This may be a petty reason to dislike something, but Sega games always felt kind of unpolished to me.
Menus weren't as "smooth" as on Nintendo systems, the colors were rougher and the sprites weren't accompanied by as many neat visual effects (except Treaure's games, those were incredible).
It's something I've noticed well into the 6th generation, even games like JSR and Space Channel 9 are very rough around the edges.

>> No.1109917

Now there's an argument. Which console's Doom is more of an abomination, SNES or 32X?

>> No.1109925


Zero Tolerance gets really better with a overclocked Gen, or if you play on Megasis emulator.

>> No.1109939

Assuming you aren't a troll, here are games from my collection that are as good as anything on the SNES.

Castlevania Bloodlines (scroller)
Alisia Dragoon (scroller)
Rocket Knight Adventures (scroller)

Golden Axe II (beat em up)

Outrun (racing)
Outrun 2019 (racing)
Road Rash (racing)

Phantasy Star 4 (RPG)
Langrisser 2 (tactics RPG)

Dragon's Fury (pinball)

Hellfire (shooter)
Battle Mania 2 (shooter)
MUSHA Aleste (shooter)

>> No.1109947

32X Doom looks much better, but the music sucks ass. SNES Doom looks like shit but has pretty good renditions of the Doom soundtrack.

They are both bad but it was pretty impressive for these systems to run Doom at all though. Plus, the SNES version is on a neat colored cartridge, which is one of only 3 games to do so.

>> No.1109950

>from my collection
>Battle Mania 2, MUSHA Aleste
Fuck you.

>> No.1109952

You know if you import the Japanese version of MUSHA you can get it for half the price, and with a better cover, too? Its still pricey though.

>> No.1109956


SNES version would be a nice game if the framerate wasn't a big fuckin' problem. 32x version is ok, of course it's not better than most versions, but at least still playable, different from snes.

>> No.1109962


>Outrun 2019
>Dragon's Fury

MY NIGGA. Instead DF I'd say Devil Crash, the japanese version that was censored 'cause the demon theme.

>> No.1109965

I have fond memories of "Super Doom", since my parents wouldn't let me buy it for PC, but I was able to rent the SNES version a bunch. I still knew back then that it was crappy compared to the real game, though.

>> No.1109976

>Sega and Nintendo are both good, but with different strengths.

This. I had a Megadrive and my sis had a SNES as a kid and both had quite a bunch of quality titles. However, since I was living in PAL land, SNES games were ultra unbearably super slow, while Megadrive, generally having games with faster gameplay, was much more fun because even with PAL framerates the games could be fast.

>> No.1109983

Gotta go fast.

>> No.1109997

>Devil Crash
Is better on Turbo-Grafx IMHO.

>> No.1110001


I prefer the soundtrack on Genesis, but yes, still a very good version.

>> No.1109998

You hated Soleil/Crusader of Centy?

Faggot. I was an SNES fanboy back in the day, but even I know that you don't deserve to own an MD/Genesis based on that alone.

Go sell your recent collection and know that you are a retarded RuPaul-level faggot for the rest of your life.

>> No.1110019

Jake Motherfucking Armitage wants to speak with you.

>> No.1110028

Sega Mega Drive/Genesis is the best console ever made for side scrolling action games. Gunstar Heroes and Thunder Force 4 are one of the best, but so is Strider, why did you dislike that game?
Other games i would recommend you try are:
Contra Hard Corps(best contra game ever, its better then Contra 3)
Bare Knuckle 3(better then SOR 2 imo)
Shinobi 3
Alien Solider(learning curve very steep, so if you like your games to be pick up and play skip this)
Monster World 4(jap only but you can easily find a translated rom)
Comix Zone
Battle Mania 2
Twinkle Tale
Rocket Knight Adventures and Sparkster
Herzog Zwei(one of the first ever RTS games that inspired the genre defining DUNE 2)
Dynamite Headdy
Mega Turrican
Castlevania Bloodlines(not as good as Castlevania 4 IMO, but still pretty good game)
Vectorman 1
Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Splatterhouse 3
TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist (very similar to Turtles in Time)
Mickey Mania(better then the snes version)

>> No.1110034

Besides the ones you've named I can recommend:

Contra: HardCorps
Zero Tolerance
Sonic 1-3
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Castlevania Bloodlines
Alien Soldier
Streets of Rage 1-2
Road Rash
Mortal Kombat (don't forget to punch in the ABBACAB code on the intro screen for full gore, you'll hear Scorpion say "Get over here!" if you've done it right)
Eternal Champions

The Genesis/Megadrive wasn't as good a platform as the SNES/SFC, but it still had a few classic titles.

>> No.1110042

>Herzog Zwei(one of the first ever RTS games that inspired the genre defining DUNE 2)

Pretty sure it's indisputably the first unless you want to call it an ARTS and exclude it from the genre. And Dune II is so different from the first game in its genre and was so much more exposed and successful in shaping the genre that very few of the Herzog Zwei/Airmech concepts were really passed down like the whole Dune II paradigm was.

>> No.1110049

Actually it's "ABACABB". Otherwise, you're right.

>> No.1110053

>Pretty sure it's indisputably the first unless you want to call it an ARTS and exclude it from the genre.
I don't know much about rts games. I wrote "one of the first" because I thought there were some weird rts like strategy games on 8bit computers.
And the way i see it RTS subgenre which is a mix of strategy and action, so i mentioned it in my actiony list.

>> No.1110056

This seems like an intentional troll thread, but I'll bite

>Gauntlet 4
>Comix Zone
>Streets Of Rage 2
>Golden Axe
>Shinobi III: Return Of The Ninja Master
>TMNT: Hyperstone Heist
>Haunting: Starring Poulterguy
>Scooby Doo Mystery
>Chiki Chiki Boys
>Contra: Hard Corps
>El Viento
>Jewel Master
>Toejam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron
>Road Rash I-III
>General Chaos
>Ys III: Wanderer From Ys
>Trouble Shooter

>> No.1110061

Good call, carry on.

>> No.1110069

No they weren't

>> No.1110071

They were released on the Famicom, so he's correct in a way.

>> No.1110084

They also did Rainbow Islands on the TG16 but I think that's it. Victor Ireland said something about how it would've cost them far too much money to produce cartridge games as opposed to the really cheap medium of CDs. Kind of a shame, but oh well. I wonder what games we could've gotten if they had the money to localize cartridges, too.

>> No.1110128 [DELETED] 

Do you realize that "zwei" means "2" right? because the first herzog game is called "Herzog" and is pretty similar.

>> No.1110130

Do you realize that "zwei" means "2" right? because the first herzog game is called "Herzog" and is pretty similar.

>> No.1110184

Well, I'll be damned. I distinctly remembered playing Ys in English a while back but it turned out to just be an old fan translation.

>> No.1110232

thats what I was getting at :P
You play the Turbo Grafx cd versions?

Also what console is YSIII better on?

>> No.1110270


>> No.1110284

Mega Drive if you like Arcade/Action
Super Nintendo if you prefer platformers/RPGs

Both are awesome consoles and it's kind of silly to squabble which is better since their libraries are so different.

>> No.1110371

None of 'em.
Go play Oath in Felghana, it's a remake of Ys III that plays more like a traditional Ys game.


>> No.1110692


Alien Soldier
Dynamite Headdy
Thunder Force III
Grind Stormer
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Sonic 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
The Adventures of Batman & Robin
Cyborg Justice
Arrow Flash
Raiden Trad
Eliminate Down
Gley Lancer
Wings of Wor

>> No.1110721

I'd say Turbo-CD. It does have it's fair share of problems the Genesis version doesn't have, including bad scrolling in some places and horrendous voice acting, but the CD-quality soundtrack is really good.(Although the Genesis version of it is very well done)

And obviously there's Oath of Felgana, but it's more like a complete overhaul rather than a remake.

>> No.1110725

Oath in Felgana*

>> No.1110768

I grew up with a Genesis. Never played SNES until I learned about emulation. And I have to say they complement each other very well.

Overall Genesis as games I like most - it's not nostalgia because I only played most after learning emulation; and because of treasure titles - but I'd definitely feel compelled to buy both consoles because SNES also has some really worthy titles:

>R-Type III
>Super Metroid

I would have had a happier childhood if I also had a SNES growing up.

>> No.1110776

>I grew up with a Genesis. Never played SNES until I learned about emulation

Same. During my time playing SNES through emulation, my Genesis was broken so I turned into one of "THOSE" types of people. Then some months ago, I finally found a decent Sega Genesis emulator and realized how fucking wrong I had been all this time

Now don't get me wrong, I like the SNES a lot (I mean hell, I've been playing it through emulation for about six or seven years), but I still like the Genesis more because it has a multitude of games that personally interest me that the SNES seems to be a little slim on like Beat-Em-Ups and Shooters

>> No.1110794
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what a minute OP....

what do you mean you hate strider?

>> No.1113382

Anyone who doesn't think that both the SNES and Genesis are great consoles simply didn't play one of them enough.

Like >>1110776 I completely dropped then Genesis when I discovered SNES emulation but when I played then Genesis again about 5 years later I realized it was a mistake to forget about the Genny.

>> No.1113586

The better version of Aladdin
Alisia Dragoon
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Chakan: The Forever Man
Comix Zone
Jurassic Park (Also much better than the SNES game)
Light Cursader (PUZZLES SON)
Golden Axe
Ranger X (Holy shit is this a Genesis game holy shit)
Rocket Knight Adventures
Shining Force
Shinobi III
Sanic Gaems
Wonder Boy in Monster World
World of Illusion

The list goes on.

>> No.1114704
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The end is poetic as fuck.

>> No.1114731

Aladdin looks better on Genesis by far but it plays like ass compared to Capcom's version on SNES.

>> No.1114775


>> No.1114930

I wish I could play Light Crusader, but every time I've tried I've ended up getting stuck in the starting area. Maybe there's some bug with my emulator. Or maybe I need a manual or maybe I'm just dumb.

>> No.1115297

Vectorman and The Adventures of Batman & Robin are great action games. 2 of the best Genesis soundtracks as well.

And for god's sake, play Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It's a huge improvement over 2.

>> No.1115315

Have you ever got to the final boss on that game? It has better animations and looks better but the game is very flawed and uninspired by the final two levels.

>> No.1115337

Doesn't the Snes version even have more texture variety than the 32x verson?

>> No.1115346

genesis strider a shit, psx version exists so there's no point in that crap

>> No.1115349

too bad the gameplay is ass

>> No.1115352

X-Men 2: Clone Wars is surprisingly good.

Also any Treasure game.

>> No.1115756

Why the fuck has nobody talked about Flashback? That shit was cash. Genesis smashed the SNES version as the SNES got the slowdown in parts so you could time shooting and rolling properly. If you haven't played it you're a dick.

>> No.1115795

>Super Shinobi.
>Gain Ground
>Theme Park
>muhfuggen Phantasy Star
>Splatter House
>Sonic 1-3 and Sonic+Knuckles
>Donald Duck in Maui Mallard
>Earthworm Jim(best platformer in existence)
>Adventures of Batman and Robin
>Toejam and Earl; Panic on Funkotron
>that one Garfield game
Genesis had loads of great games.

>> No.1115802

Oh, and
>Mickey Mania
>Streets of Rage
>Mortal Kombat
>Lost vikings

>> No.1115807

>Another World (aka, Out of This World) was fucking GOD-TIER. I can't stress this enough, that is one AWESOME game.

>> No.1115812

Yep. Among Blackthorne and Prince of Persia, they are the origins of cinematic platformers like the Oddworld games and Heart of Darkness.
Another World is a game in the vein of Flashback, but is only worth a play in your life. It was just like a graphical demo, very, very short.

>> No.1115853

The console version sucked and it's one of the worst games ever.

>> No.1115860

Yes, it has a plenty of good games.

Your problem: you are are looking just for the "classics" (ie: games that blind nostalgic people consider great simply because they are associated with their childhood's memories)

>> No.1115863

I consider many games not associated with child hood memories to be classics
though I definitely don't agree with the faggot OP's opinion on the genesis library

>> No.1115875

>Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It's a huge improvement over 2.

People keep saying this shit? Fuck's sake.

>> No.1115887

>But Genesis is really about the shmups.

>> No.1115941

You played good games, so.

>> No.1116213
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>No Quackshot

Anyway, it's a good game and fairly common (I think).

>> No.1116225
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Pic related

>> No.1116876

I will never understand how people prefer Genesis Shadowrun over the SNES. Fuck this world.

>> No.1117043


1) Utilized the available lore from the PnP game better.
2) Matrix
3) Bare-bones and palette swappy as they were, you actually got to do shadowruns

I admit I'm biased, but I really tried to like the SNES Shadowrun. I slogged through up to the pit fights, and gave up, because I couldn't stand it any more. Sorry.

>> No.1117520

I had difficultly with both and I gave up pretty fast. The Genesis version was more of a pain to slog through and the overhead, arena shooter style view view didn't help things much

>> No.1117764


No argument, tripnon. When I beat it legit, I hated the beginning, because I was guaranteed to 'die' at least 50 times before I had decent gear, cab fare, and Michael's stuff.

>> No.1117781

Air Busters, Boogerman, Aladdin, Streets of Rage 1-3, Final Fight CD, Sonic CD, Ristar, Rocket Knight, The Incredible Hulk, Xmen, Xmen 2 Clone Wars, Spiderman and Xmen: Arcade's Revenge, Ms. Pacman, Golden Axe 1-3, NBA Jam, Revenge of Shinobi, Columns, Zero Wing, Chester Cheetah, RoboCop vs Terminator, Sol Deace (Feace for CD), The Lost Vikings, etc.

>> No.1117806

Rocket Knight Adventures, Sonic 2 and 3, Earthworm jim, Streets of Rage. In case you are not fishing for responses.

>> No.1117854

Because SNES shadowrun is a pleb tier point and click adventure that was just set in shadowrun universe loosely. The genesis one as flawed as it may be is at least closer to actual shadowrun. You only think the SNES one is good because you've only ever played super nintendo games you le retro kiddie.

>> No.1117875

Streets of Rage 2- the best 16-bit beat'em up. Nothing on SNES is as good, though RoDD and Ninja Warriors Again come close.

Contra Hard Corps
Gunstar Heroes
Alien Soldier
- on snes, only contra 3 comes close to the action and intensity of these games.

The above two categories are superior on the genesis because-
++more enemies on screen w/out slowdown ==> more action

hence, why snes did so well with platformers and rpg's. platformers that usually had 1-3 enemies on screen at a time. Rpg's that have static enemies.

Musha Aleste
Twinkle Tale
Thunder Force series
++ once again, the genesis just does so much better when it comes to the number of sprites on-screen. snes also has some excellent shmups (super aleste, r-type 3, macross scrambled valkyrie). so this category is tied.

Sonic 2, 3, ristar-- sonic vs. mario, your choice. but objectively, both are excellent games.

sports games- genesis has much better frames..

(i'm just going to make up category names as i go. there's no "official" names anyhow)

+fast-paced platformers
+beat'em ups
+scrolling shmups (i.e. contra)
+action-platformers- seriously, shinobi 3 > all (stfu don't even bring up hagane. not even close)

+slow-paced platformers
+puzzle games (keeper, puzzle bobble, panel de pon, etc etc etc)
+fighting games (mainly due to more variety, although there's nothing close to Yuu Yuu Hakusho Makyou TOitsusen for the snes

>> No.1117920

super aleste is a shitty version of blazing lazers. Its so fucking ugly compared to previous compile shooters. Also I dont think its tied, SNES ties with Technosoft ALONE for shmups lol then of course Sega has everything else too. Thunderforce 3, 4, and Elemental Master are better than any shmups on SNES and those are only from 1 company. Throw in Toaplan and the SNES can't even hold a candle to megadrive. Truxton, MUSHA Aleste, Fire Shark all of those are better than any SNES shmups. Truxton was even a really early mega drive game and it still holds up as an awesome port today. /in b4 some tryhard brings up PC engine truxton. Better music WORSE gameplay. Genesis has all those fucking weird action platformers like NES style shit similar to castlevania. Jewel Master, Mystic Defender HOLY FUCK I love those old school action platformers with 16 bit graphics. Seriously everyone should try Mystic Defender its amazing. Pre sonic genesis libarary is actually so fucking good but nobody knows that cause they forgot about good old school action games and started jerking off to graphics in DKC.

>> No.1117928

Genesis is the best multiplayer machine has the best bro-op and multiplayer games like Gain Ground, Crackdown, Bonanza Bros, Lost Vikings (with 3 players), General Chaos, Mega Bomberman and all sorts of other awesome ones.

>> No.1117990
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Get Panorama Cotton. It's really fun Space Harrier clone, but has its own magic system and you can change your speed if you want to scroe attack. Also, it goes for a reasonable price, too.

>> No.1118020

Sword of Vermillion is a fun little game. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best Sonic game - no exceptions. Tyrants is great (it has a crash bug on the E and G levels, don't get too mad). Castle of Illusion is a rat bastard. World of Illusion is more fun. Bubble and Squeak is surprisingly brutal.

And SHADOW FUCKING RUN on the Genesis is THE best use of that IP.

>> No.1118049

>Also, it goes for a reasonable price, too.

You're a funny guy, anon.

>> No.1118125

Sega in the 1980s and 1990s was consistently innovative. Whereas Nintendo was conservative, sticking to what it knew, Sega experimented and innovated constantly.

Super Monaco Grand Prix (dat career mode), Revenge of Shinobi, E-SWAT, Shinobi III, Alicia Dragoon, anything by Technosoft, Gynoug, Gunstar Heroes, Contra, Rocket Knight Adventures, Ranger-X, Phantasy Star II, III, and IV (even III has merits), Streets of Rage 1 and 2, etc

Herzog Zwei, one of the Megadrive's greatest games, and one of the best two-player games ever, is a game Nintendo fanboys have never heard of, and probably would not appreciate anyway

The N64 could not even use SCART in Europe, yet you could play Master System games on SCART on the Megadrive via the Powerbase Converter.

>> No.1118134

Genesis has the best version of Hellfire as well.

>> No.1118141

Its a common misconception that the Megadrive was not good at music.

Alot of devs used the shitty default MD music tool, whereas Yuzo Koshiro, Technosoft

Most Western Megadrive/Genesis games had shit music (that godawful plywood banging sound), whereas the Japanese made fucking god-tier music on the Megadrive.

>> No.1118151
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I'm unsure what to think of this.

>> No.1118208

You're right, I didn't even know it came out on PC engine CD though haha. Its toaplan just fucking owning it at making a horizontal shmup though

>> No.1118212

I LOVE IT, its western garbage shit low sound quality but fuck its so classic and groovy. The Robocop vs Terminator soundtracks suits it though

>> No.1118267

Correction, 70% of the US games used the shitty GEMS sound driver which was easy to use, but it had shit sounds. (the god-awful fart sound, that fake guitar that sound like ear rape, and those flat weak instruments for games like Lion King, and that whiny sound)

Japanese games (and a Handful of US developed games) had either the default SMPS which had some nice soft oldschool arcade synth sound, that you see in many japanese games from the late 80s, (tough not as powerful), or many, MANY custom sound drivers with their own instrumentations.

>> No.1118273


Compare the sound on games like Jurassic Park Rampage Edition, Maximun Carnage, Aladdin, Sonic Spinball, Awesome Pussum, and Kid Chameleon, and the 1st Power Rangers Game....

And then Listen to the Sound of Alisya Dragoon, Fantasy Zone, Puggsy, Air Buster, Space Invaders 94, Power Rangers the Movie, Decap Attack.....

And you will Understand what i am talking about.

( I didnt even include Konami Games or Yuzo Koshiro Stuff, since it's kinda expected)

>> No.1118279

Yes. The game is shovelware but the soundtrack is fucking amazing.

>> No.1118312

never has something brought me so many good feels I had a SNES as a kid and turtles in time but I did play Hyperstone Heist at my friends house. The song never really stood out that much to me when I was a kid because I was probably more focused on not dying. God damn though when I got my own genesis and that game I fell in love and knew Genesis was now my favourite. That chiptune is rendered beautifully I would take that over SNES sampling ten times out of ten. Also the games I found I liked NES a lot more than SNES and Genesis is like a souped up NES. Golden Axe wilderness music also gives me MASSIVE amounts of feels. Gilius thunderhead gave his life to save us from death adder

>> No.1118324


>> No.1118409

Also the best version of:

Zero Wing (extra power up per weapon)
Snow Bros (extra set of levels using the princesses to save the snow bros)
Gauntlet (extra RPG mode)
Lion King (more animation frames than snes version. I'm not going to list Aladdin as the 2 games were done by 2 different companies.)
Slap Fight (extra mode)
Chelnov (improved graphics and included cutscenes)
Crude Busters (improved gameplay, such as manueverable jumpkicks -> trust me, it's a big deal)

>> No.1118416

Among the SpeedRunning community, I only respect Uyama.. he plays Genesis games and arcade games.. The rest are nothing but Nintendo fanboys.

>> No.1118437

The Genesis version is a pretty damn bad conversion of the arcade game. Pretty accurate, sure, but it's fucking buggy and ridden with slowdown. God forbid you keep walking when you're not supposed to, suddenly a wall will materialize despite being open when you were 3 pixels away. Kinda like the NES version, except that wasn't a port.

>> No.1118446

>Lion King better than the SNES version

That's pretty much a given in that time. If a game existed for both Genesis and SNES, the Genesis version was always the superior version.

>> No.1118464


Aero the Acrobat 1 & 2, Smash TV, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, NBA Jam are all better on the SNES.

>> No.1118478

I never played the Aero games, Smash TV and Zombies were better on the SNES. NO WAY IN HELL WAS NBA jam better on SNES either version. Seriously are you retarded son? SNES version doesn't even have music plus DAT BASS on Genesis NBA jam TE is god tier funky ass shit.

>> No.1118564

NBA Jam on Genesis has slightly better sound, but the SNES version has much better graphics. I prefer much better graphics over slightly better sound, and I think most people will agree.

>> No.1118589
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>140 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.1118741

genesis version plays much smoother.

but who fucking cares? nba jam is a piece of crap

>> No.1118747
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take that back, the second part of your statement at least. I could give 2 fucks less about basketball but that was a fun game.

>> No.1118795

Funny how a lot of people could say the same thing about the vapidness of Nintendo fanboys. I agree with >>1118125 wholeheartedly when he/she says that Sega was always on the cusp of innovation. And I'd dare to say that they were more experimental in their games than Nintendo's been in their entire existence

>> No.1118827

>Battle Mania Daiginjou
Just played that recently after finding out it was translated. Was short but had a blast

>> No.1118845

Strider is awesome but why play the inferior console port?

Other awesome Genesis games:
Contra - Hard Corps
Castlevania Bloodlines
Alien Solider
Dynamite Headdy
ECCO the Dolphin
Bare Knuckle 3 (better than Streets of Rage 3, English patch at http://www.romhacking.net/translations/1375/ )
Twinkle Tale

>> No.1118849

I find Daiginjou a lot more enjoyable to play than it's predecessor but that's just me. I wish they had just gone ahead and released it here in the States & Europe when they had the chance

We've had plenty of games brought out back in the day that are insanely heavy on Japanese culture and they've sold just fine. I really don't know what it is with Japs thinking that we can't handle all dat glorious nippon heritage

>> No.1118865

>not being idort master race
so hostile

>> No.1118869


I'm sorry, but the only thing the SNES version of ZAMN had over the Genesis version was controls(FUCK switching items/weapons on a 3 button controller!). Even so, that was still just per the extra buttons, as you still had to scroll through each icon in one direction only...ever. Don't get me wrong, I love Zombies Ate My Neighbors, but gawddamn could those flaws get annoying as fuck...

The music however, was Genesis' crown. I feel like they simplified each tune, and enhanced what they kept, which made each one catchier and better.

>> No.1118870

Also unlike what somebody said above, The Lion King for Genesis DID NOT use GEMS. It had music by Matt Furniss on the Krysalis engine.

It had better music than the SNES version overall, although the SNES version did have those nifty background vocals. The SNES version used a lot of mediocre instruments sucking the melody from a lot of the tunes, while the Genesis version had a lot of creatively programmed instruments.

Be Prepared comparison



>> No.1118928

>feels kinda dated

While I've never played that game, I never really understood the logic behind this argument. Surely playing an old game would give you the expectation that its not compatible to todays standards?

>> No.1119814

Are you mental?

>> No.1119820

>Poorly ripped SNES music using outdated tools that couldn't get the right pitch for many instruments
>Winning argument

>> No.1119823

>Proper Rip

>> No.1119834

Either way, both sound lame.

>> No.1119850

Puggsy is probably the most unpleasant game I ever finished. The physics are abominable and the whole game revolves around them. I guess the devs thought any physics would impress in 1994. But since nobody gives a shit about Puggsy, they must have been wrong.

>> No.1120618
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Can we all settle that, if there was anytime to be idort. the 16 bit era was that time.
SNES and Genesis, back to back complemented each other. They were the fucking pic related.

Let's all get along together in gay fashionly manner and discuss the games we illegally emulate together and how it sucks that TBBT and LP fags are driving the retro games prices up.

>> No.1120741

There's honestly no point in trying to calm everybody down because obviously people can not let go of something that happened 20 fucking years ago

Nintendo won, we got it. The best fans of the Genesis can do at this point is dispute their case

>> No.1121017

Why the fuck was the SNES version for Jungle Book and Aladdin so tedious?

>> No.1121561

damn. i forgot about genesis jungle book

the animations are amazing. beautiful graphics

the gameplay is open-ended

more enemies on screen

the snes version is just a standard run-right platformer

>> No.1122251

>Snow Bros (extra set of levels using the princesses to save the snow bros)
Fug. I never bothered playing it because I played the hell out of it in the arcade.

>> No.1122715

You should try Decap Attack, OP. My favourite platformer on the Mega Drive.

>Mickey Mania
Huh I thought that was only on SNES.

>> No.1122879


>Nintendo won

Nignog what? Maybe in sales. Both are fantastic consoles and you'd be and idiot to eschew either one.

>> No.1122931

physics in a game was pretty impressive in 1994 its a pleasant game and a fucking long one with all the secret areas/puzzles and stuff

>> No.1122935

did they even win in sales, nobody in europe had a snes because the games were like 3 times more expensive than megadrive games. By the time the prices came down playstation was out

>> No.1122950

>nobody in europe had a snes because the games were like 3 times more expensive than megadrive games

Can't talk about the rest of Europe, but the SNES was very popular here in Germany and the game prices on par with Mega Drive.

>> No.1123769

its on snes, genesis, sega cd, and iirc game gear..

>> No.1123786

Some of my most played ones:
Castlevania Bloodlines
Comix Zone
Contra Hard Corps
Mortal Kombat II
Revenge of Shinobi
Shining Force II
Sonic 2
Streets of Rage 2
True Lies
X-Men 2: Clone Wars
Zero Tolerance

>> No.1123796

>Nintendo won
And that is the only time they ever did. As soon as Sony came along, they took their crown and kept all the games to themselves. Even the PS3 has a better game library than the Wii, and the PS3's sales are catching up.

>> No.1124005

I dare you to play the Genesis and SNES versions of Mickey Mania back-to-back.

I fucking double dog dare you.

I want you to notice the difference in animation.

>> No.1124017

snes version has LOAD TIMES. And the genesis animations are a bit better.