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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 103 KB, 1024x768, HEAVY WEAPONS GUY, CLASSIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11079330 No.11079330 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11066868

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like patriots ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.11079331

more like dumb lmao

>> No.11079334
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Is this even alive?

/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

=== NEWS ===
[7-10] Dong Doom showcased, a sourceport running on a fleshlight with a digital display.

[7-10] Willard, a mapset for Blood.

[7-2] Black Magwell, a DehExtra gameplay mod.

[7-1] Octane Violence released, a biker-inspired weapon mod.

[7-1] AMC Squad bugfix released, fixing a softlock.

[6-30] La Tailor Girl 1.90 is now out

[6-29] Boom2Zoom
Tool that dumps textures & animations from WADs.

[6-27] Realm667 modding repository backup

[6-27] All DBPs in one place, from 1 to 66

[6-22] vkQuake has a new maintainer, 1.31 is released

[6-22] Quake 2 Torture Jam out

[6-20] DBP66: Lunar Strain is out now

[6-17] Fraggot is on IDgames!

[6-13] Gore Nuggets released

[6-10] Tomb of Thunder updated to v1.03

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.11079338

Avanti best map

>> No.11079339
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>> No.11079357


>> No.11079359

I like Casbah

>> No.11079362

Do we have Catacomb 3D in the OP files?

>> No.11079383

47 Protons

>> No.11079385


>> No.11079387


>> No.11079398
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The HD models have that 90s edge, but I like the originals for coming across as some group of mooks.

>> No.11079402
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>> No.11079409

When you put it that way, that is closer to the direction TF2 took. The HD ones look like they're at the top of their game in comparison.

>> No.11079417
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>> No.11079424

Where's HWG?

>> No.11079426
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Left to the engineer, the same design is used on the title and box art

>> No.11079430

Ahh. I still have my CD, but I'm so used to the in-game big guy 4u look.

>> No.11079485

>sprites damn great
>design garbage
>spam force
>ass breaks top
>doomworld account degeneration
>last fine feel
>vanilla fun wrong boom ways liked

>> No.11079557
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>> No.11079559 [DELETED] 

Huh. The Raider Gal's death animation is kinda fucky. It starts with H, the facing-away frame of the Pain state, when it should start with I.

>> No.11079570

If they ever do a Team Fortress 3, they should make Red Team the TF2 guys, and Blue Team the TFC HD guys.
Also bring back Yellow and Green teams, they can be original Quake TF styled, and TFC lowdef style, respectively.

>> No.11079575

Romero issued a big box for this. i wish he included a new expansion instead of goodies

>> No.11079578

A new .exe which supports a new episode with some new enemies and spells would be cool.

>> No.11079634

desu I do not want a TF3 if it's going to follow the trends set by TF2. the game got real stupid when they started adding things like the razorback or piss and the game's only gotten exponentially worse since then.

>> No.11079686

What would your ideal TF3 be like?

>> No.11079687
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>> No.11079691

Doom but you have a hot dog stand, and you can get ingredients from enemies, items and secrets. At the start of every level, you can sell hot dogs to get money and buy consumable items, weapons or other ingredients.

>> No.11079727
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bring back the grenades

>> No.11079728

Just something closer to QTF. I play FortressOne and TF2C if that tells you anything about my preferences btw

>> No.11079735

Doe Fortress Forever ever get people these days?

>> No.11079736


>> No.11079739

Never tried it, I did have a glance at their SCUD board though and it looks like they have organized events over discord

>> No.11079742

Found another alternative Quake soundtrack.
Pretty good choices, at least from how they sound. I dislike it when people don't disclose exactly what songs were used in these things, like here:
But it's such a heart warmer to see these sorts of things put together that I can't be too upset.
TFC with Neo TF.

>> No.11079746

From what I did try of it over a decade ago it did seem like there was a good deal of effort put into it and trying to make other classes more viable, but never really got to play with anyone in Oceania. Also had stuff like auto-reloading before TF2 did, as well as two-step 'toggle' binds for grenades so you can prime a conc jump with just one press and hit it again to toss it. It also has a voiced air control tutorial as well to teach players air strafing.

>> No.11079750

>It also has a voiced air control tutorial as well to teach players air strafing.
That's pretty cool, it's good so players aren't completely blindsided by quake boomers bhopping across the map at mach 5 while juggling them with their grenades haha

>> No.11079780

Doom but it's all Rats

>> No.11079816

What killed it was TF2 releasing like a week later. I haven't played outside of one or two hosted game nights but it's more or less TFC but on Source and with some balance issues addressed.

>> No.11079819

I wouldn't say FF ever got killed per se. It had a long, good run.

>> No.11079945
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Why yes, I do autistically remake horrifically scaled building façade textures so they make more sense.

>> No.11079947

Based? Doompilled? I say both.

>> No.11079948

Not all heroes wear capes.

>> No.11079990

>make more sense
the low-res variants were meant for background buildings to save on lightmap sizes.
you're supposed to simply stretch them, not lay them on 1:1.

>> No.11080000
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>background buildings
If only.

>> No.11080004

they don't fix tf2 and you expect them to make a tf3?

>> No.11080019

oh it's malice. I remember kingpin also having these and dumbass mappers also using them incorrectly. checked

>> No.11080057

tf3 will be worth the weight

>> No.11080113
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Yeah Malice is full of whacky and inconsistent texture usage. I forgive it to a large extent though - being made by some literally whos with shit tools in a tiny period of time.

Kingpin not so much, but them toning down the cool alt-future art deco aesthetic just because they got some rap group to give them a few mediocre tracks is an infinitely bigger crime.

>> No.11080140

what are some good wads that take place outdoors like in a forest

>> No.11080141

Ghoul's Forest 3

>> No.11080145


>> No.11080156

>martian forests

>> No.11080160

>Doom 2: hell on earth

>> No.11080168

Why do you think the rover has a drill? It goes around Mars planting apple trees. In 20 years the entire surface will be covered by orchards.

>> No.11080174
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Waiting for rule34 of Selaco

>> No.11080178

once you've seen one booba you've seen them all, anon

>> No.11080181

That kind of shit leads you to lose interest in fucking your wife anon be careful.

>> No.11080186

anon it's a cartoon character your not actually married

>> No.11080190

I was speaking not about the cartoon, but the attitude of
>once you've seen one booba you've seen them all
Poisonous mindset. But I'll not debate you, as this is /doom/.

>> No.11080213

Why is there no PS2 DOOM?

>> No.11080228

Speaking of waifus how many /vr/ got?
>Perfect Dark - Joanna Dark
>No One Lives Forever - Cate Archer
>Unreal - Prisoner 849/Gina
>Ion Fury - Shelly Harrison
>Viscerafest - Caroline
>Selaco - Dawn Collins

Anyone else I'm missing?

>> No.11080236
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Legond from Abyss of Pandemonium.

>> No.11080241

The high noon drifter BFG

>> No.11080243

Alright the repetition worked I'm gonna look up whatever the fuck High Noon Drifter is because it's mentioned at least once a thread.

>> No.11080245


>> No.11080253

Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark
Timesplitters Future Perfect has a number of waifus. For though? Jo-Beth Casey.
I guess TRESPASSER has a chick but I don't remember what she looks like only that you check your health by looking down at your own tits.
The chick from Heavy Metal Fakk 2?

I'm claiming Shelly btw.

>> No.11080257
File: 1.07 MB, 828x1687, BUILT FOR NERFED RAILGUN SHOTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ion Fury - Shelly Harrison
>Selaco - Dawn Collins
I'm like 99% sure both of these are only liked and posted about by one guy.
But to add to the list, the Iron Maiden from Quake 2.

>> No.11080259

Crash from quake 3

>> No.11080275

What do I do if a dead actor that doesn't have a Raise state and isn't supposed to revive is doing so anyway as an invisible actor that still has collision? BurnDeathHuman in Ashes is giving me some trouble.

>> No.11080279

What makes you say that? I think both are quite liked.

More to the list:
>Harmony - Harmony
>Hedon - Zan (debateable)
>Half-Life Decay - Colette Green, Gina Cross

>> No.11080287

Good thing you didn't say 100% because I like both of them too even if Shelly's voice lines suck

>> No.11080297

Hot take, aside from Caleb and Leonard all the Build protags lines are cheesy. People like Duke lines because of nostalgia.

>Captcha: 88PYG

>> No.11080304

No it's not about being cheesy it's just that they're bad.
>Get that fucking jalopy outta here!
Said the tough as nails captain cop in the 22nd century.
>People like Duke lines because of nostalgia.
FUCK no dude. Duke delivers them with not just total confidence, but with the tone of a man who completely is full of himself. It's wonderful.
>Damn I'm good
Never fucking gets old.

>> No.11080314

That would require too much effort for something that's not DOOM or Quake.
Is there enough Ion Fury R34 content for people to take inspiration for Selaco's lidl Shelly?
>Anyone else I'm missing?
All female characters from Quake 3 Arena.
>posted about by one guy.
I have a soft spot for Shelly as well.

>> No.11080316
File: 518 KB, 1600x3111, Corzo White [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frjdhn6.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demons have yee'd their last haw but Corzo sure hasn't.

>> No.11080320

>I'm here to donate some blood. Someone's else.
anon it's cheese all way down. you just liked some games more than others.

>> No.11080324

I want JoJo! I want JoJo! JOJO! JOJO!

>> No.11080336

Care to tell that to the Duke fan from before?
Yeah I find them all cheesy but I like them all at the end.

My point about nostalgia still stands though.

>> No.11080383

You didn't even try to defend the jalopy line because you know it's bad you faggot.

>> No.11080390

You took offense to that line because she was talking about you. C'mon jalopy get the fuck outta here.

>> No.11080393

>Half-Life MMOD's tram ride doesn't have Vague Voices playing

>> No.11080396
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No, it's a bad line. It's not cheesy, it's bad. It has nothing to do with her being a cop in the future, a high ranking cop at that. A cop featured in magazines. It's just a stupid line. Every line Duke utters has to do with him being a narcissistic all-American. Lo Wang is just chink Duke, and honestly I don't remember many good lines of Caleb.

I like Shelly. I don't like how she was written because the writers didn't capitalize on what she is whatsoever. This isn't nostalgia, this isn't cheese. Use your fucking head dude.

>> No.11080402
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>> No.11080450

I'm the guy that's in charge of the most Shellyposting but there are other fans of hers I'm sure.

>I like Shelly, I don't like how she's written
I think a lot of her lines would be better or at least have more oomph if we weren't in [current year] where they have to tip toe around professionally offended people who aim to create controversy over everything like the Ogay bottles.

That said I'm sad no one mentioned Leonard from Redneck Rampage
>''Turn around boy, lemme see if I recognize you from prison!''

>> No.11080461

The female assassins from Half Life
Imp-tan from HDoom

>> No.11080489

>>Viscerafest - Caroline
That's a Unity game.

>> No.11080589

are there any fps with an atmosphere like blood 1997? other than Cultic?

>> No.11080592
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A more cop-focused/punny persona could also lead to a Shelly who is more about following orders and doing her job well, but she’s an explosive disobedient drunk and I’m under the impression the GDF is more “shoot first, what questions” anyways. I would’ve had fun if something resembling RR’s booze mechanic came back and it could lead to sloshed-up, rambling, and incoherent speech.

>> No.11080603

Death Wish for Blood.

>> No.11080607

Is v2.0 out yet?

>> No.11080613
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>> No.11080628
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i'm not happy with the plasma rifle, it looks awkward, but that's the only sprite that fits from ashes. i wanted to use the lucy frame for the BFG but there's no pickup sprite if I recall correctly.
any ideas on how to fix the plasma rifle? the weapons are offset to the right, but the projectiles always come from the center. i don't think there's a real solution unless some spritework is involved

all weapons are 1 to 1 to vanilla. some sounds are different. if we can find a way to make the plasma look slightly better, then i'd say it'll be complete.


>> No.11080634

Cuz the ps1 doom nvr ps2 compatible wuz

>> No.11080649
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>game shilling for a shilling jewtuber

>> No.11080656

And this post shills both! I forgot what the wall texture was called, I’ll figure it out when I’m in the mood for something new and not retro.

>> No.11080659

Oh yeah, implement some ideas from NeoTF, that would be sweet.

>> No.11080672

I kinda want her to be a female hot Sledge Hammer that has several ''You're a loose cannon, hand in your badge!'' situations but in the end does her job. And then rides a mechanical bull in a bar after work while friends and colleagues watch.

>> No.11080675

She looks like nothing special.

Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.11080717

The obvious choice is that they should have made Shelly the Duke Nukem of girlbosses. Just make the character such an over the top "slay queen" type bitch that it's so ridiculously cringe it actually wraps back around to making her feel cool, and the game timely, self-aware, and even slightly edgy by 2019 standards (which is why the character is so cucked in the first place).

>> No.11080757

doomguy vs the space mutants

>> No.11080796
File: 294 KB, 663x1000, Doom Trooper Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>doomguy vs the space mutants
That put pic related into my head, wish I had a chance to play the table top.

>> No.11080809
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Doom_Delta_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thi Barrett and Lorelei Chen (either the ROTT versions or the Doom Delta/Bible ones)

>> No.11080813

She's in competition with Shelly for being the most boring looking boomershooter protag.

>> No.11080817
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, mutant-chronicles-3rd-edition-art-by-dominik_2024-07-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutant Chronicles was a neat setting. Very much "Hey, Warhammer 40K is popular, we should come up with our own counterpart to that!" which in some aspects are pretty blatant, but in others are more interesting.
Some quick googling for an image and I find that they put out a new tabletop game just last year, which is nice to hear.

>> No.11080836
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Lorelei Ni is pretty cool desu.

>> No.11080895
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I'll get the obvious out of the way

>> No.11080941
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I finally bough Doom 2016 on sale and don't enjoy it at all. Is the movement speed supposed to be so fucking slow?

>> No.11080974

Haven't played it in like 5 years and I also haven't touched Eternal but I've heard from others that, after playing Eternal, Doom 4 feels sluggish by comparison and it's hard to go back to.

>> No.11080986
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why doesn't he have his own wad?

>> No.11081000

Shitman isn't a demon, he's just a man of refined taste.

>> No.11081009

There's to wrapping around. It's an endless pit.

>> No.11081035

what if you played as him

>> No.11081054

>slow ass speed
Welcome to modern shooters. Increasing the movement speed would have alienated everybody born after the 2000.

>> No.11081059

>I don't remember many good lines of Caleb
>Throws dynamite
>Laughs maniacally
Simple, elegant.

>> No.11081062

I'm fond of da-dadada that's all folks

>> No.11081113

Over the lips, through the gums, watch out tummy, here I come.

>> No.11081130

It's just the fov innit? Raise that.
It's why Halo feels slow too.

>> No.11081137

>00's fps threads here
>console shit like halo, timesplitters, black
>no comfy pc fps like hl2, fear, stalker, serious sam threads
>schizos seething over the later

>> No.11081140
File: 2.11 MB, 1238x948, caleb bishie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke Nukem manages to ride a razor thin line that sits squarely inbetween "fucking ridiculous and silly" and "genuinely cool and badass." His vanity and ridiculous ego are hilarious, but because he's actually a strong, capable, and brave action hero who wins against all the odds, he actually earns a lot of that ego.
Duke tells of how awesome he is, but then also shows it through the actions you do through him.

Caleb works in a bit of a similar manner, but he's less vain and with less of an inflated ego, more driven by hatred and a deep desire for vengeance, and he's not heroic at all, he's just an incidental anti-hero, in truth being a villain in his own right. Caleb talks tough, and just like Duke you know he can back it, but he's a bit less oriented towards comedy, with his lines being more along the lines of various kinds of fuck yous, or about his undead existence.

Some of my favorite lines:
>"When you get to hell, tell them I sent you. You will get a group discount."
>"Ughh, and I thought I was ugly"
>"Lucky you, killed by the best!"
>"They're gonna need a bucket and a mop when I'm done with you!"
>"I'm here to donate some blood. Someone else's..."
>"I'm your best reason to be afraid."
>"Rest in pieces..."

>> No.11081149

Boobs are for babies. Grow up.

>> No.11081151
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>> No.11081152


>> No.11081154

Just look at Shelly rule34.

>> No.11081165



>> No.11081171

>It’s just the fov innit?
It’s the movement speed.
That’s typist.pk3.

>> No.11081173

Nah I usually play at 90 and it defaults to that. It really is just slow.
And it's not just that, enemies are comparatively really fucking agile but not very aggressive. They just run and jump all over the place but don't actually attack much.
It just feels like boring spectacle without much substance.

>> No.11081206
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>> No.11081237

Unusual tastes, but not unprecedented for around here.

>> No.11081243

>DERP: How's your day been, buddy?

>> No.11081246
File: 265 KB, 322x296, fright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scrolled down suddenly and Creeper got me.
I haven't touched Ghoul's Forest since I was a teenager, and still the fucker got me.

>> No.11081254

I finally have some free time and will now proceed to play a new level of the videogame DOOM. I wish you could choose the floors for me, but time is a precious resource and I shall therefore choose at random.

>> No.11081257
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>> No.11081285
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you don't need to teach people how to type these days, they grow up using cellphones and texting so they all know how to type

>> No.11081294


>> No.11081308


>> No.11081309

>I don't remember many good lines of Caleb.
>Wins a carnival game
>"I won! I won! I won I won I won!"
Makes me happy

>> No.11081328

I always do little hops for that line.

>> No.11081331
File: 535 KB, 700x1073, 2e84b2c73591b0231f0f39e96f9f3148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 2 Adon

>> No.11081361

Thoughts of Fortress Forever?

>> No.11081384
File: 14 KB, 430x66, thefalseangel sanguineholyland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there's any beginner modders out here thinking of fucking around with key replacements


>> No.11081427

Does Nyx count?

>> No.11081493

the Doom Trooper CCG went head to head with MTG in some markets. it was amazing to see how Target Games went from that breakout hit to bankrupt in fast forward

>> No.11081497

finished it. fixed the plasma rifle and other stuff as well. BFG is still the normal BFG, there's no replacement for it in ashes.
all weapons have the exact same functions as vanilla doom. i believe the pistol is 2 or 3 frames faster though.


>> No.11081525

Never got to play it, looks cool tho

>> No.11081572

I don't care if it's basic as fuck, Imp-tan (and her very thick noble friends) makes me happy and that's all that matters

>> No.11081579

>I would’ve had fun if something resembling RR’s booze mechanic came back and it could lead to sloshed-up, rambling, and incoherent speech.
Too good of an idea. Man I'm sad now.

>> No.11081583

>Someone else remembers NeoTF
We're a dying breed man. What a fucking stellar mod.

>> No.11081587

>slow movement speed
Idk what kinda drugs you're on if you think Doom 2016 has slow movement speed.

This is dumb pretentious wankery. Most non-arena shooters didn't have all that fast movement speed. If there's one thing I loathe about any discussion for older games it's when the discussion turn to pure ''old game good new game bad!!!'' masturbation driven by people who try too hard to fit in.

>> No.11081589

I see where Dice got the idea for Faith from Mirror's Edge.

>> No.11081591


>> No.11081596

I'm with the other guy, what fucking planet are you on that Doom 2016 feels slow.

>> No.11081598
File: 745 KB, 1024x1809, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thick thighs
>Doomguy helmet
Not a single wasted element; sleek, simplistic, to the point
We should bring this design philosophy back

>> No.11081603

Wow. Who's the artist?

>> No.11081604

Compare it to original Doom. It's slow as molasses. I genuinely thought I was missing some run option.

>> No.11081610

the helmet stays on in bed
eternal fixes it by adding a dash with a lightning fast recharge when you're grounded, feels surprisingly good to use and speeds up basic gameplay a ton
unfortunately it also adds, well, the rest of eternal

>> No.11081612

For me? It's Melody Crosswell. Would wife.

>> No.11081615

You don't think that's a little too apples and oranges?

>> No.11081620

I'm literally comparing two Doom games you stupid fuck.

>> No.11081623
File: 935 KB, 2560x1440, Doom 3 blue is go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd agree if anons weren't only talking about the overall movement speed. It was a criticism with Doom 3 as well, the newer game's don't feel as movement-speedy as they used to be.

>> No.11081629
File: 72 KB, 688x666, 1707151082074168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're comparing two Doom games separated by decades and different design priorities, enemy encounters, level design, and all therein. You then let this comparison of two games separated by decades let you not enjoy one of the games. I assure you, the stupid fuck in this conversation is you man.

>> No.11081634

>newer game is designed badly
>this leads to me not enjoying it
>wow man, how come you can't just enjoy bad design

>> No.11081635

>newer game is designed badly
Gotta hit me with those objective markers of quality you're comparing it to so you can back up why you think 2016 is "designed badly". Or are you a little stupider than I initially thought maybe.

>> No.11081639

sorry for expecting a game that says DOOM on the tin to play like DOOM. How foolish of me.
Yet more proof that reviving old IPs is always a mistake. Hope those chucklefucks at Bethesda never touch Quake again.

>> No.11081643

>sorry for expecting a game that says DOOM on the tin to play like DOOM. How foolish of me.
look id was trying something new with doom 3 because carmack wanted a horror game
wait which doom are we talking about?

>> No.11081648
File: 269 KB, 445x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it was foolish of you to expect a game 20+ years out from the original to play exactly like the original. Devil May Cry 5 doesn't play like DMC3, let alone DMC1. Why do I have to explain simple ideas to you.

>> No.11081653

Don't think I'm excusing Doom 3 here. It's just as bad. Thing is, with how much hype these newer games got I actually expected to get Doom with those. I didn't.

>> No.11081656

I can buy Amid Evil or Wrath or Dusk or whatever and they play like old school shooters just fine. Id could have just made Doom with modern graphics, instead they made something completely different and slapped the name on it.

>> No.11081658 [DELETED] 

Acceptable fps to like: Doom, Quake, Unreal, Duke, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Dark Forces, Marathon, Cybermage, Strife, Hexen, Heretic, Sin, Shogo

Unacceptable: Half Life, COD, Halo, Nu Doom, Nu Wolfenstein, Serious Sam, Goldeneye, Timesplitters, FEAR, Perfect Dark, Overwatch, Counter Strike, Battlefield, MOH

>> No.11081661

Neither Amid Evil, nor Dusk, and especially not fucking Wrath achieved 1/10th the success of Doom 2016. id made the right call for their shareholders. They're a studio under a business. Or did you honestly not already know that? Again,
>Why do I have to explain simple ideas to you.
Not to mention the modding and mapping community of Doom propped up the game for those same 20+ years Doom 2016 didn't exist. It made no logical sense to just make a game like what the community had already been doing and then slapping on a 50-60 dollar price tag.

>> No.11081663

Who knows? If only every other piece were signed.

>> No.11081664

>muh shareholders
we're done here

>> No.11081665

ty anon

>> No.11081667

is it possible to remove a certain effect in reelsim 2?

>> No.11081670 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 439x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine. I was worried I was going to lose some iq points there. Enjoy your day anon.

>> No.11081681

>Id could have just made Doom with modern graphics
That would be hopelessly fucking pointless, we already have classic Doom and all the mods and levels you could ever want for it, all they'd be able to come up with would be a pale imitation.
Doom 4 isn't perfect, but I'll much rather have that than a completely needless remake with polished up graphics.

He's right on that point from nu-iD's perspective, but he's also right about it from just a gaming perspective that it would be unnecessary.

>> No.11081683 [DELETED] 

i make an exception for half life. the rest is a top list, gj

>> No.11081696
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>> No.11081698

Eat your heart out James Bond.

>> No.11081737
File: 387 KB, 2016x1308, spider tantrum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11081762
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x2204, so you want to play some fucking srb2k v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday night Whatever, come play some SRB2Kart!
Attention Linux users: if you can't compile, or wont because you're too lazy, there's an .appimage of the custom client now!
Place game files in home/[user]/.srb2kart, including the .kart files extra, extra2, kv, and neptune (you probably need to get these from the .zip of the windows version of the client)

How to join (The short and easy way):
Download the All-in-one repack: https://mega.nz/file/Yjs2wA7Y#c_h8g4vWAZkLWxGz-qNw7o8dvNsRgjjAO384JB-sCJE
Extract it to its own folder (NOT the desktop or program files)
Run "SRB2Kart-Neptune (Connect to vrkart).bat" and wait for any missing files to download in-game
DO NOT run "srb2kart.exe" and expect to be able to join the server.
If you don't have a 64-bit machine/OS for whatever reason: Copy the contents of the 32-bit folder into the main folder

How to join (The longer and harder way):
Download version 1.6 of the game: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
Get the custom client we use: https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.2g
Get the mods: https://mega.nz/folder/MiUiESSa#CyovwTUnO9TSmqbwMI1xBg
Connect to (either use connect in console or "specify ipv4 address" under Multiplayer)

We also have a Mumble server!
Address: (same as the game server)
Port: default
Password: endoom

>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

Pro tips: https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq
(This is out of date and written for a different server, but it still has a lot of useful information.)

Recent Changes:
Stopped Cosmic Eclipse (Normal and Classic) from crashing, and took the opportunity to swap their map numbers for easier voting.

>> No.11081796
File: 29 KB, 320x320, whyhellothere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attention Linux users: if you can't compile, or wont because you're too lazy, there's an .appimage of the custom client now!

An Appimage of neptune?

>> No.11081805


>> No.11081808
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>> No.11081840
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>> No.11081906

What's the most recommended mod to play Doom if I want enemies to have proper hitboxes (as in, not vertically infinite)? Project Brutality? Brutal Doom? Any other better than these?

>> No.11081909

No, those are the best.

>> No.11081918

>as in, not vertically infinite
Pretty sure a lot of source ports have a toggle for this. Also "fixing" that is inproper.

>> No.11081925
File: 2.94 MB, 720x406, three dimensions.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vertically infinite hitboxes
Not a thing.

>> No.11081957

Ever seen cacos stacked on top of eachother in vanilla?

>> No.11081969

That's not because their hitboxes are infinite (projectiles and hitscans will move above and beneath them), it's because players and monsters don't do checks for overlapping each other in that way.

>> No.11081981


Finally some people with actual reason here. There are some aspects of 2016 I'm not the most fond of but fuck man at least it's a new game / new take on Doom instead of trying to re-invent classic doom which isn't going anywhere.

>> No.11082009
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Captcha: HNGGN

>> No.11082028

that's a man

>> No.11082030

Not with those shoulders, hips, or cheekbones.

>> No.11082031

>class symbols
>demo has eyepatch and beanie
>sniper's outfit in TF2 is way closer to the old TFC design than the new one's ghillie suit
I can see a bit more influence in the TF2 mercs' designs from the old TFC models than that

>> No.11082035

it's the future

>> No.11082040

dlss on gzdoom when?

>> No.11082054

Except that Doom 2016 is supposed to be a return to the old gameplay style

>> No.11082057
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danielle and her twink brother

>> No.11082071

Is it?
Only if you compare it doom 3, I guess.

>> No.11082072

So you're just masturbating?

>> No.11082073

Marketing may say that, but it's obviously not.

>> No.11082119

Comparison is meant to be used on different things. That's like its prime directive.

>> No.11082141

finish kustam

>> No.11082167
File: 228 KB, 637x439, 1713432123297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's what I'm saying, the TFC HD guys are badasses while the TFC OG guys look like some ragtag mooks, and TF2's classes are the natural evolution of that style by being total clowns

>> No.11082169

That is a really cool Blaz.

Oh shit, I was thinking of playing that combo.

>> No.11082171
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>> No.11082178
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>> No.11082180

I'm working on it. Albeit slowly. Though I tried using the appimage version of neptune with the big ass all-in-one with no luck. I didn't want to trouble people with troubleshooting so I just left it alone.

Also been brainstorming a core mechanic for Samson. I might just steal a page out of Gunstar Heroes with the two slot element system where the two elements can be combined for a new unique effect.

>> No.11082189

might wanna ask /vm/ then

>> No.11082201

Man I love the colors here.

>> No.11082242
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Not exactly a /vr/ waifu but its the player model I know and love

>> No.11082253

That particular succubus came to mind with how much you draw her.

>> No.11082282
File: 3.26 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a feeling someone would given how much I shit up the last few threads with posts.

>> No.11082296

I refuse to remotely consider it shitting up the thread as you're drawing stuff for us, plus I like your art.

>> No.11082314
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>> No.11082326

Is it? I don't remember fatalities in the original Doom.
Comparison is fine you ninny. Comparison of two products separated by decades, ignoring all nuance and changes in that time, and then letting said comparison taint your opinion of one of the products is abject stupidity.

>> No.11082331

I remember playing this with some random players on Zandronum sometime in 2013. What an experience that was.

>> No.11082336

>asscheeks look like they're pushing the thong

>> No.11082337

some of these DOOM wads need to be required playing in game design schools worldwide

>> No.11082348

Why is hexen often more mentioned than heretic? "Oh its a hexen like game" yet i have never seen "its a heretic like game"

>> No.11082353

Hexen probably introduced more things that stuck out to the players besides 'oh it's doom but with magic and shit'

in particular shield guys and 'youve solved 1/10th of the puzzle of the six doors'

>> No.11082356

It also helps Hexen has more than like 8 textures, so levels are more distinct than what Heretic brought us.

>> No.11082357

Comparison is fine except when it's used on something you're too emotionally invested in to actually have a conversation about without immediately resorting to name calling

>> No.11082360

I wouldn't take much issue with Gmanlives if he hadn't recently posted a bunch of moralfagging virtue signaling nonsense about GTA when he initially built his viewerbase by covering edgy, potentially-offensive games and content like Postal 2 and Moonman Doom. He strikes me as being kind of a hypocrite and an asskisser to advertisers.

>> No.11082361
File: 248 KB, 600x450, 1713902194502125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a conversation. When I mentioned investors anon wasn't interested in continuing the conversation. Reading isn't your forte I see. These threads attract too many retards.

>> No.11082365

And I am a different anon. That's the neat thing about public websites, sometimes someone else can weigh in on something. Shocker, I know.

>> No.11082371
File: 3.18 MB, 1920x1080, dumb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say or imply you were the same person. I said you couldn't read, which you can't or aren't willing to, as you hadn't noticed anon wasn't interested in continuing the conversation he and I were having. If (You) want to discuss the differences between Doom and D2016M, and how you think these games are different enough to warrant true disdain for the newer one, I'm all ears.

>> No.11082385

I don't, I only wanted to say the idea that games in the same series cannot be compared to each other is silly because the entire idea of comparison is based on finding similarities and differences between two different things. I said my piece, and you decided to lash out.

>> No.11082392
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>> No.11082397

>I only wanted to say the idea that games in the same series cannot be compared to each other is silly
It's a good thing I hadn't said that. My contention this entire time is that letting the comparison of two things that have far too many differences than similarities negatively affect your opinion of one of them is stupid.
>lash out
I called you a ninny, I hardly think that counts. It was affectionate. But anyway, we're on the same page. Good day anon.

>> No.11082420
File: 519 KB, 1161x645, tumblr_o7p171sDFN1u5qbu5o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11082427

Hexen is emphasizes puzzles and exploration sometimes almost feeling like a Metroidvania while Heretic is just a Fantasy-themed reskin of Doom (a very good one but still).

>> No.11082430

>My contention this entire time is that letting the comparison of two things that have far too many differences than similarities negatively affect your opinion of one of them is stupid.
Is it though? What about those awful Silent Hill sequels? Is it silly of me to dislike them for not being like the first 2? Usually when people buy a guy called Doom they expect it to be like Doom and if it's not like Doom then I think they're justified to be disappointed about it.
>I called you a ninny, I hardly think that counts.
Followed up retard, can't read, etc. etc.
>Good day anon.
You too thinly veiled irony man

>> No.11082435

What was the reason id Software has never released Rage source - is this only because Carmack left and company's ownership got shuffled and so on?
Nothing can unfuck Rage though.

>> No.11082437

That's probably it, Carmack was most instrumental in that kind of thing.
Rage is like the bastard child in Id's lineup of games lol

>> No.11082439

Doom vs Doom 2.

>> No.11082440

Did they ever release the Doom 3 source code?
Well look at that.

>> No.11082447

wrong game and wrong engine

>> No.11082448

You are living in your own autistic world.

>> No.11082450

Yes I was just asking about Doom 3 id software's most major game before Rage and posting geez.

>> No.11082457

Just kinda seemed like you were posting a "gotcha" at first, sorry nigga

>> No.11082467

Something that some of you might be interested in. I have my own ideas (rise of Counter-Strike, RNG, etc.) but I'm curious as to what this entails, ain't watched it yet.

>> No.11082518

The main detriment to AFPS is how absurd the snowball effect can be, how losing one battle typically means losing the next handful also since you no longer have a full stack or control of items.
The prospect of going into a fight, hitting the enemy 3x more than they hit you with the same weapon, and losing, ever, is ridiculous to me.
Team Fortress' class based warfare, at least in concept, perfected Quake DM. Took out the nonsense of "map control" and let each individual encounter be its own test of raw mechanical skill, instead of forcing people to run around like chickens with their heads cut off waiting to restock and find an opening, literally going out of their way /not/ to fight, lest they die with no recourse.
Just give everyone 100 health 100 armor and every weapon from the get-go then take out the super powerups and you're golden.

>> No.11082532

you can't just shoot your demons away

>> No.11082535


>> No.11082539

I'd say Team Fortress has some "rock paper scissors" design where having the right class can win an encounter, but that didn't become extremely pronounced until TF2 added tons of idiotic weapons

>> No.11082540

Anything is possible with a BFG and enough ammo

>> No.11082541
File: 35 KB, 392x352, 1715593044425574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any trouble compiling, but I'll see if I can get the appimage to work. If not, I'll raise concerns on /vm/

>> No.11082552

I am either incredibly stupid or very unlucky as I have yet to successfully compile anything by myself.

>> No.11082554

did you try the kart.moe guide? if i could follow it to get the server running, so can you
the names and links are gonna be different obviously but the process is largely the same

>> No.11082564

Yeah, that was the one I followed to the best of my ability, not much luck. I needed a friend to effectively hold my hand on a step by step process.
This is primarily why I've just opted to give up Kartan cus I'd rather not pester people with my dumb ass, that and I got a lot of other shit on my plate.

>> No.11082580

don't be so shy nigga, can't learn linux on your own. plus, i'd rather see tech support struggles than have to read some anon talk about his rape fetish or whatever

>> No.11082583

>why did AFPS die
I'd say a major contender is hosting. You'd need the game to offer not just dedicated servers, but also the ability to play both publicly and privately without port forwarding, whether it's lobbies on master servers or a local listen server that can talk out. To this day, there's very few that do it. Most I can think of off the top of my head is FTEQW hole punching to Frag Net, and Half-Life now working over Steamworks as well.

Without it, you wouldn't get the new audience that enjoys vidya but can't set up a dedicated server, and you don't get the old audience that would hate losing the benefits and control of a dedicated server, but because the new audience is just WAY bigger, that's who they started to develop more games for, and the games that they were latching onto already generally weren't AFPS games.

The only AFPS game that survived into the 2010s was Halo, but that's a whole ass can of worms.

>> No.11082590

Because id is owned by Goythesda now they would never allow something like that to happen. Not a huge loss since Rage is mid as fuck but still it sucks Doom 2016 won't get a source release either since there's a lot of potential there regardless of your feelings on the base game.

>> No.11082593

I remember getting tripped up by trying to compile Neptune, because something about following the wiki didn't work and the typical cmake && make didn't work either despite there being a CMakeLists file, and it turned out the solution was cd-ing into src and using Make there.

>> No.11082597
File: 121 KB, 300x271, cantbelive_that_beoble_dont_know_about_middens (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs probably not gonna kart as much next time

>> No.11082601
File: 2.96 MB, 1440x900, 1548260289294.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The prospect of going into a fight, hitting the enemy 3x more than they hit you with the same weapon, and losing, ever, is ridiculous to me.
Could you clarify this? I'm not sure I understand it. The "enemy" in this case is the opposing player and he hits you 3x less because has quad damage or something right?

Your bit about TF is really interesting, but I have to agree with anon in that there's definitely still RNG/RPS going on if a scout meets a heavy, not talking about TF2.
>Just give everyone 100 health 100 armor and every weapon from the get-go then take out the super powerups and you're golden.
This isn't so golden I don't think. Not trying to shit on you or anything, just talking mind you; there's a great, fun HL1 mod called Half-Life 2: Jaykin Bacon: Source. There's a mode where every player starts with every weapon possible (there's like 25), and the only random element is on spawn you have a random one of these 25 weapons selected, but you can still swap to whatever you want upon spawning. I hosted quite a few JBS games in the past, and generally people just switched to the spaz, double barrel, or the TMP. So while it's a good idea conceptually, I think in practice people would gravitate to the most powerful weapons.

For example, if you had a Quake DM map where in front of every player spawn you provided red armor, and all the weapons on top of each other, nobody has any reason to use anything other than the rocket launcher. Now you might say, well just don't have any ammo on the map, but ammo will stack up as players drop backpacks upon death.

This is what I mean by RNG is what took over and why it's so popular. Apex Legends? Every spawn point has a random assortment of weapons and gear. Every player has a CHANCE to come out on top even if they're not very good. That's just not so with older FPS multiplayer games, which you touch on.

>> No.11082605

>no publisher or developer has the balls to fully-embrace its community to the extent Romero and Carmack did by releasing source or continuing to produce content in an independent capacity
>mods and custom maps died thanks to the DLC/MTX business model
>high skill ceiling specifically in regards to movement scares off normalfags that are used to CoD, Halo, and other more modern shooters or they're turned-off by "muh graphics"
>zoomers and younger millennials are too dense to figure out setting up dedicated servers on their own even though they can do it through shit like Minecraft as >>11082583 points out
>fast-paced AFPS are competitively unviable if not unplayable on controllers so crossplay is never supported if they're ever ported to consoles

Those are my takes.

>> No.11082606
File: 2.95 MB, 1440x900, 1532036391112.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going further, one of my favorite HL1 mods, Syndicate Black Ops (webm related but not deathmatch), has a deathmatch mode where every player spawns with a random weapon, and I always had success hosting that because you never knew if you were going to spawn with a nuke, a shotgun, or your fists. That's fun, that keeps people coming back.
That's a major factor as well.

>> No.11082614
File: 152 KB, 1024x1024, Doom 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just paid $2.16 for Doom 64 and i'm liking it :-)

>> No.11082615

I actually installed Rage day ago after not playing it in almost a decade. Couldn't take more than 2 hours. It has some cool stuff going and that id 'feel' but no...

>> No.11082618

I like that shotgun/nade launcher looking thing.

>> No.11082638

>zoomers and younger millennials are too dense to figure out
More often than not, it's actually more network speed and stability that's kills the idea of running a local dedicated server, given that so much of the US is still in the boonies. Sure, they could pay money for a VPS, but that's a bit much. Nobody's revving up to spend $5-$15/mo to run a few games in a mostly-dead genre. It's only turned around recently with the advent of free arm64 server boxes, but that's too little too late, and most of the services that offer such a thing can be a pain to use.

Compared to the other games which just let you pick up and play publicly or privately, rather than hoping you can squat in a server and nobody shows up, of which the vast majority were not AFPS games.

>> No.11082647

It's just so bland and dull and everything it does other games like Fallout 3/New Vegas, Motorstorm and Twisted Metal (in regards to its racing/vehicular combat), and Borderlands had already done better.

>> No.11082648

aren't zoomers currently hosting their own minecraft and palworld servers?

there will always be a small subset of the population capable of taking initiative. boomer shooter multiplayer is just kinda monotonous desu

>> No.11082652

That's a fair point. ISP's in the United States blow asshole from a funnel and can definitely factor into unsuccessful hosting attempts.

>> No.11082653

You're correct, and that's what mods like roll the dice and such were for. That and creating your own things allows for more expression than just killing players.

>> No.11082656
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, my competitive FPS config.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11082668

I've run into plenty of zoomers that run retro servers as well, usually depending because they're early zoomers (now in their late 20s) who had Gen X parents that enjoyed playing games on PC. There can even be zoomers in the thread with us

>> No.11082673
File: 146 KB, 780x519, quake live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11082675

I remember punchman was like 23 or something and he was hosting games in these very threads

>> No.11082678

Fair point. I'll see about asking the /vm/ boys nicely for some help later on.

>> No.11082697

Doesn't help that many zoomers can't afford their own place because the housing market is beyond fucked right now probably having to use a parent or roommate's internet which is more difficult to manage and maintain.

>> No.11082705

I hope you're not the guy w/ megumin as his username in their thread haha

>> No.11082710

Nope. I haven't posted over there yet, I've been busy playing Sam and Max between working on mods.

>> No.11082720

Is there a Shadow Warrior monster set for gzdoom?

>> No.11082721
File: 40 KB, 285x350, Prey_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon discovers corporations are lying shits
>markerters recycle and reuse established trademarks to hype up products to consumers
>designers are not fans, they aren't doing their job out of passion, they are grown men who want to get paid and go home to their families
protect this precious innocent human being at all costs

>> No.11082825

>why did arena fps die?
Oversaturation of the market in the early 2000s coupled with people wanting more nuanced games with more to them. Games like Counter Strike that had more of a team and strategy element to them while still being fast and accessible and games with progression and unlocks were taking over. Simply put people got bored and moved to something else as the mainstay series like Quake / UT changed and / or gravitated to different half life multiplayer mods. The Quake Team Fortress, AQ2, TFC etc were already back then a strong sign that people want more out of their multiplayer than just slinging s rocket to someone's face over and over.

>> No.11082835

Agreed. I liked his "aussie autist who reviews older fps in a monotone voice" better.

>> No.11082838
File: 76 KB, 880x1100, azumanga daioh for the gameboy advance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the closest thing i can name is the yokai monster pack
the only thing i remember about the way it plays is that its chaingunner replacements are a pain in the dick

>> No.11082846

Fraggot is visible in this animation on the IDGames homepage https://youtu.be/MqjPWMPsZ60?si=dZVcMHBHLL5RRDPS

>> No.11082905
File: 41 KB, 589x431, 1465255444661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in the big leagues now bois

>> No.11082993

Haven't watched. Just going to say that it was a result in shift within gaming industry. Much like RTS were pushed aside by MOBA, so did AFPS got replaced by... whatever got popular at the time. Battle Royales seem too recent (in grand scheme of things) to mention and I literally can't tell if there was something else besides Counter-Strike and what terminology would be fitting there.
While I focused mainly on competitive aspect, it works the same for typical playing. People started wanting something different, market provided (no matter how good or bad releases were) and it did the job.
It would probably worth bringing xDefiant as I think that's the recent AFPS, but I didn't really looked into that to know for sure.
>boomer shooter multiplayer is just kinda monotonous desu
Plus yeah, the multiplayer of newer releases (& re-releases) just doesn't survive for long due to, again, current climate in the industry.

>> No.11083019

>online fps were boring
>t. people who were used as a mop to clean the server by the ancientfags whenever entering a server
ut99 and q3a are the pinnacle of skills and i'm not talking about fps only, but literally out of all videogames. it is a giant mixture of every skill you need to play any videogame.
the stronger wins. the weakest loses. it's brutal, but you have only yourself to blame if you lose.
you learn the game in 5 minutes.
you master it in 5 decades.
(and this is not even considering tdm, assault, dom, or ctf, which require an insane amount of time to completely master. i'd say three lifetimes wouldn't be enough)

>> No.11083085

Carmack said that he wants to publish source codes, but that the environment is no longer as safe about it because of software patents and patent trolls.
One of the many reasons he's ideologically opposed to software patents.

>> No.11083092
File: 1.30 MB, 1392x1541, Playstation Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch me.

>> No.11083119

>ut99 and q3a are the pinnacle of skills and i'm not talking about fps only, but literally out of all videogames. it is a giant mixture of every skill you need to play any videogame.

Except humility I'm guessing.

Honestly one of the problems with the genre is once you get too much of a skill gap the thrill and accomplishment of top fragging feels almost unachievable, so if you aren't capable of finding your own goal-setting or trying to get some mentoring or practice going you're just not going to have so much fun.

>> No.11083129
File: 250 KB, 1264x879, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11083132

Gzdoom fags, I need your help.
- Dynamic lights: on or off? What do you like?
- Brightlights. Do you use them? If so, which package? Aren't you annoyed by the fact that any wad that changes graphics won't be compatible?

>> No.11083141

>Honestly one of the problems with the genre is once you get too much of a skill gap the thrill and accomplishment of top fragging feels almost unachievable
The “climb” to “get good” is part of the fun, getting paired against likewise scrubs before you take on better players.
I’d also say there’s a big skill gap for things like Starcraft and Tekken, but those don’t seem as nearly as quiet as the “competitive AFPS” scene from what I recalled. I also live in a house under a rock, so both of those scenes could be dead right now.

>> No.11083156

I think you need to have a certain mentality to be capable of handing the climb, willing to put in 'work' for your 'play' in a work hard play hard ethic.

Tekken is still alive and well I'm pretty sure, and Starcraft Brood War is still being played in Korea, one of the legendary players that had to go do mandatory military service returned recently and is fucking around on the servers.

>> No.11083182
File: 6 KB, 235x248, 1561436152479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some Quake mods with some light story and/or objectives similar to Honey? It seems they're usually just map collections like Alkaline or Arcane Dimensions.

>> No.11083195

Where do I look for texture wads if I wanna get into trenchbrooming? Does any place have any texture wads that could be used in my own game without license issues?

>> No.11083208

There's the LibreQuake wads that are under a free license. I know Makkon also encourages people to use his textures outside quake mapping but I don't know how they're licensed.

>> No.11083214

I came across those and he specifies no commercial use so that's a skip sadly, they look amazing. I'm interested in using Trenchbroom as a part of my gamedev workflow though I was planning on starting with some Quake levels.

I'll check out LibreQuake. Thanks.

>> No.11083220


Can a woman hold and fire a minigun? A real one? Can most men?

>> No.11083264

Can a woman be a soldier? Can most men?

>> No.11083270
File: 385 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240711_072607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding Raise states to Kriegsland enemies now and resurrected burnt ones become as short as Blaz. At least these are visible, I guess.

>> No.11083282

Can a woman do your mom? Can most men?

>> No.11083298

Yes and yes.

>> No.11083304

Is the Hearts of Demons guy doing an Archvile set now? Last I saw he had early alphas for a revenant and arachnotron.

>> No.11083356


There's been a few more updates past that in the WIP branch.

>> No.11083363

Doom 3's source code was GPL'd after the release of RAGE, John C. even gave a business case to Zenimax for it to happen. This is all mentioned in one of his QuakeCon keynotes that I'm too lazy to look-up for you.

>> No.11083376

Great AI

>> No.11083397

>I think you need to have a certain mentality to be capable of handing the climb, willing to put in 'work' for your 'play' in a work hard play hard ethic.
It’s also a mentality that’s not exclusive to multiplayer arena shooters.
Warden is a real cool single map made for Arcane Dimensions, especially if you’re into Honey:


>> No.11083435


>> No.11083450

I don't think anyone was expecting a group of ragtag sonic autists to beat the doom community to doing this

>> No.11083487

That's not AI, that's just exalted autism.

>> No.11083507

I also would’ve never expected a Sonic Legacy Doom mod would end up being such a good experience.

>> No.11083540
File: 985 KB, 1917x1080, kHOm6Kk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, been into Doom for like 12 years but only started contributing something as of last year

Just sharing a screenshot of a map I've been working for like 8 months now I guess

>> No.11083545

Nice rain. are they textures or sprites?

>> No.11083546

Looking pretty, anyway to show us those raindrops in action?

>> No.11083557
File: 327 KB, 574x428, Band.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool. but 8 months for a single map?
we could say that "level design" is an art skill. in that case, it could be compared to writing poems, music, painting, etc.
from my experience, i can tell you one thing that maybe could help you or someone else reading: finishing your work is also a skill. perfection is attained only when there is nothing left to remove, not when you keep adding stuff. you will never reach perfection. so, my suggestion is: finish some maps. you will get rid of a huge weight and you will actually accomplish something.
having a myriad of unfinished books, or songs, or incomplete sketches doesn't help anyone. you're a smart anon so i'm sure you understand what i'm getting to

>> No.11083596

Unless you're really going to stick to the Quake palette (including the annoying fullbrights instead of just using glowmaps), you really should try to make your own textures. Choosing a palette and generating a colormap early on will shape the aesthetic of whatever you're trying to make and cause it to stand out.

>> No.11083635

>Bots respawning like crazy on the reactor deck and burning through my ammo even though security is at 0% and everything has been turned off.
>Those FUCKING invisible manta ray bastards on deck 3.
>Constantly backtracking through two elevators get to the bed on deck 1 because even if I could figure out how to unlock the bed on the reactor deck there's always 3 bots to eat 15 teflon rounds on the way there.
I think I might drop SS1, it was engrossing at first (though I had to mute the godsawful music) but I feel like this is more frustrating than fun. The worst part is I think I still like it more than SS2.

>> No.11083643

>cool. but 8 months for a single map?
I don't think he's implying he spent 5840 hours on it.

>> No.11083654

Come on mate, if i point at the moon don't look at the finger

>> No.11083661

>the godsawful music
Don't tell me you play Doom or other midi soundtrack games with the shitty default soundfont in Windows.

Also, filtered.

>> No.11083673

Sprites, textures would be a bit choppy and not look quite as natural unless I tossed even more of the rainfall stuff around

In fact the method was heavily inspired from Auger;Zenith

I'll post a video when I'm home

Oh, absolutely. It's 8 months because it started as kind of a vent map I worked on it from October to December of last year, then I got sick and expanded it heavily while dealing with a fever. I stopped working on it for a while and geared up for a release back in February or March, then I got really sick in April and pushed out a more barebones version of the map since I didn't know if I'd survive lol, my brain's still stirred from it

Anyway, once I got better I started adding more to it and I've been working on it almost every week while occasionally mapping for other things. The final update should be done soon, just gotta tweak the Dehacked a little, add an alternate ending route and it's done. Hopefully.

Yeah it's more because it's easier to say 8 months than be precise about it lmao

>> No.11083674

>Also bring back Yellow and Green teams, they can be original Quake TF styled, and TFC lowdef style, respectively.
they killed the TFC mercs in the comics. the TFC engineer? & TFC medic are the only ones left.

unironically the only thing that's going to save deadlock from being another artifact or ricochet is if they rebrand/rework it into a TF3.

>> No.11083679

some middle ground between TFC & vanilla TF2 but i know nobody wants to play that.

>> No.11083718
File: 25 KB, 265x400, Jr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, why was Sigil 2 so much worse than Sigil 1?

>> No.11083723
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Doom 3 has good meat

>> No.11083736
File: 1.76 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romero desperately needed to do a quick cash grab so he could afford more black nail paint and trans hookers. Being a video game rockstar for 25 years is hard work.

>> No.11083739

I think it's just a case of John being John, so you know, his Thy Flesh Consumed stuff but deliberately made meaner and harder without any realm charm other than satanic, metal and/or cool 90s vibes and unchecked hackery with the mastermind

Having played Magnolia and some of Sunder I find it much easier to stomach bullshit if the map feels like it's a magical place lmao

Also unrealistic expectations and the novelty of le og making stuff again wearing off, I think he struck when the iron of Sigil 1 was already cold

>> No.11083752
File: 810 KB, 2560x1440, Doom 3 meat curtains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That it does. Is it fair to contribute such "meaty weirdness" to Adrian Carmack's art design?
>bottom left of hud always telling you what subroom you're in
I love that.

>> No.11083751

What is it about men that paint their nails black? There's just something not right about them

>> No.11083757

I'm sorry man, but Romero was a hack, a parasite, living off of other good people's work. There was a reason he was fired.
>but muh john romero's level design rules
what? the player should be able to go to places he can see? oh, wise and learned romero, please tell us more.
the only good maps he made were a few in episode 1, because they were filled with cannon fodder, felt satisfying to finish, and they were included in the free version. more talented people deserve much more respect, unlike this idiot, who's basically a businessman and the "face" of the marketing.

>> No.11083775

Have you never seen metalhead or goth fashion before in your life, you zoomer fagtard?

>> No.11083776

Yeah, teenagers
I mean men

>> No.11083783

Jarmo still plays?

>> No.11083789
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, deltaspines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adrian Carmack seems to have been mostly sidelined throughout Doom 3's development. I don't remember him having many credits and he was never interviewed for the making of book. However he was against the project originally so maybe he wanted to distance himself from it.
I still like Doom 3's environment design, I only wish the game wasn't 99% cramped corridors. Even the sparse exterior areas feel a bit more exciting

>> No.11083790

He established shit like that (and MUCH more) back when those ideas didn't even yet exist. Remember that there did yet not exist any kind of fast paced first person shooting action game with exploration that was on Doom's level, the closest thing was the much simpler and more constrained Wolfenstein 3D, and a number of its ripoffs.
His design conventions also set the stage for all of Doom's level design, even by the other authors, it was on his insistence that Doom should depart further from Wolf3D's boxy military bases for more varied and abstract stages, showing off what the engine could really do, and which Carmack agreed with.

That was the logic which Sandy, American, Willits, and Green all mapped under.

>muh E1
His least interesting work, comparatively, all his other levels are significantly better, and among the best iD levels.

And just how emotionally mature is Romero in general?

>> No.11083805

>which Carmack agreed with.
carmack saw it as a challenge
it's only because of the nested stair in e1m2 that the dsp system got implemented

>> No.11083807

embarrassing, really.
I will not feed you again, we've already had this discussion, count me out

>> No.11083808

doesnt make it less gay

>> No.11083818

>I still like Doom 3's environment design, I only wish the game wasn't 99% cramped corridors.
An issue I see present with FEAR and most of Quake 4.
It’s not an issue I ran into much with Halo 2 and HL2, a couple other titles from that time. They also didn’t feel as graphic intensive.

>> No.11083825

Fear makes excellent use of it's environment, unlike doom 3, and no one remember quake 4 fondly except the stroggification process.

>> No.11083827

Carmack settled on that idea before Romero broke the initial renderer, and it's for the better that he did because BSP made the engine shitloads more efficient and capable.

Then kill yourself, whoever the fuck you are.
You're dishonest and retarded.

Doesn't make YOU less gay, you mean.

>> No.11083840

>Fear makes excellent use of it's environment
99% of it is cramped corridors as well. I thought that was the issue, now it’s that Doom 3 does them poorly?

>> No.11083845

People will call me a heretic but thinking about replaying Doom 3. Is there any recommended overhaul mod like (Brutal Doom) or something which makes the game bit more exciting to play?
Yes, I played the original and whatnot, not my first rodeo.

>> No.11083857

You're a gay idiot moron. If Romero did not have talent he would've been shuffled out the door by Carmack or not been employed in the first place. Let's not forget they did a lot of work together BEFORE Doom. Anyway you're a gay retard, die of cancer so we don't have to sit reading your cringe anti Romero tectwalls.

>> No.11083859

Doom 3 2553 is neat if you're into Doom 3 and Halo, same guy is working on a pretty impressive Halo-style mod for Quake 4

No spartans but some cool takes on weapons from both games, sometimes they get fused too so that's cool


>> No.11083870
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I guess the best thing about this is the fact that I haven't even been thinking about Doom 3 in at least few years, possibly even more.
There are all kinds of new mods available.
I just updated my Quake and Quake 2 archives (so that I can always have a working setup if I want to play), thought I'd see what I can do with Doom 3.

>> No.11083876 [SPOILER] 
File: 351 KB, 1169x673, how do you respond without sounding mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's best version of doom to play on the atari gamestation pro??

>> No.11083879

I’m a forever shill of Weapons of Mars Destruction. It won’t feel like a “full overhaul” but it has some fun changes. My favorites are uncanny revenants, and pinkies that can barely outrun a sprinting player.

>> No.11083889

Cool, I will check these out.

>> No.11083903

>uncanny revenants

Elaborate please, I must know

>> No.11083910

Oh nothing crazy, they were just slightly faster when I played. They use the same animations but sped up slightly so they seem “uncanny” (or funny, depending on your perspective) as is a fun improvement.
You’ll sadly have to wait for webms as I’m not near my PC at the moment.

>> No.11083941

You're saying what I knew but didn't want to acknowledge. I guess I was looking for an easy way out.

>> No.11084003

>Devil May Cry 5 doesn't play like DMC3
Except it does...

>> No.11084030

No wow effect anymore, but that's fine. There're other means of keeping the trend alive.

>> No.11084047

>you've heard of the uncanny valley, get ready to be spooked by the uncanny catacombs

>> No.11084049

Less time was likely spent polishing and refining the map design. Sigil 1 I'm pretty sure had a lot of ideas originating from Romero's failed Kickstarter project he had going-on a few years prior so he had a lot of time to craft and mold them accordingly whereas Sigil II was just a quick follow-up.

>> No.11084079

John spends most of this time working at various gas stations these days and it's not that inspiring to be honest.

>> No.11084098

what are some good floating cursor FPS games like System Shock and Terra Nova and CyClones? those kinds of games are so fascinating to me

>> No.11084135

>FEAR makes excellent use of it's environments

It was hit and miss. Some areas were built up really well to allow the A.I do all kinds of cool flanking maneuvers and actions, some were pretty standard fare.

However what FEAR did exceedingly well is that it seems like there was a great coordination between the level design, A.I design and animation / sound department to ensure that the firefights flow in a really cool fashion and especially how the Replica soldiers behave. It's not just the A.I or the level design together but also the scripting for the soldiers to yell out commands, observations, the animations to dive under doors and vault over objects and through windows organically that really gives the game that big boost in atmosphere. Or when an enemy is running off to the side while firing their smg at you one handed.

>> No.11084163

>Ultima Underworld
>System Shock 2
>Deus Ex, the original from 1998
and some newer stuff
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>Prey (2017) could also be interesting

>> No.11084167

The "Aim mode" of Goldeneye / Perfect Dark / Timesplitters is pretty similar.

>> No.11084180

>>11082614 Is that you on the picture?

>> No.11084187

I loved the tortured pack on Quake 2, are there any other map packs in the same vein?

>> No.11084194

I played through the Q2 64 and Sewer Jams. They were pretty good. I did not finish the Combat jam.

>> No.11084234

it wasn't a doom 2 wad

>> No.11084238

I remember the teleporter splashed in blood because a human soldier tried to use it

>> No.11084258

LMAO come on this is not true. source?

>> No.11084264
File: 284 KB, 2560x1440, doom14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a glitch or something in Alien Vendetta?
map 7, I've hit the 2 switches to unlock the exit but I can't get past this gap..

>> No.11084265

It's a shitpost based on a photo of him showing his collection of gas station memorabilia.

>> No.11084267

didn't mean to reply btw

>> No.11084272
File: 2.01 MB, 640x360, build doors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11084282

There's a really good series of blogposts about Doom 3's engine (called Doom 3 Source Code Review) written by a guy who looked through the source code, and it includes a really solid explanation of portal-based renderers (which applies as far back as the first Doom but all the games up to Q3 had their rooms and portals autogenerated by BSP instead of placed manually by level designers like in D3 and onward). Still a damn good read for the explanation of that concept alone.

>> No.11084297
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, 500ml of morepain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my Blood GDX adventure
Ahhh the memories, the pain, mostly pain, such sweet pain...

>> No.11084310
File: 517 KB, 1917x1080, nugg0009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rain anon here again, here's that video I promised: https://webmshare.com/0aEow

Unfortunately I don't know how to compress for shit and the video itself is kinda long so an external host will have to do

Also kinda important so you guys don't get too hyped about the whole map being like this lol, this is a secret optional area of a much larger map and I wanted to make it really look the part since it's one of the last areas I'll add to this map

I should say I'm only really responsible for the mapping, texture choices and *most* of the Dehacked work, a lot of the sprites for this were made by a friend who vibes with the project and wants to see it succeed as much as me

To anyone curious, here's how it's done: there are two dehacked actors here, one is one of the many torches in Doom 2 which does the visual part after its sprites were replaced, and another is a monster stuck in the ceiling that literally exists just to scream and play a given sound (rain in this case)

So yeah this thing is made to run on PrBoom type ports

>> No.11084318
File: 864 KB, 1917x1080, nugg0007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linked the wrong screenshot for attention, oops

It's cool because this is one of the earlier parts of the map

>> No.11084327

Neat. I believe it should be possible to make the rain randomized with DeHacked, so it doesn't look oddly synced up.

>> No.11084331

nvm, killing all the arachnotrons was the trigger to raise the floor, silly me

>> No.11084332

Why are doomers so rabid towards gameplay mods?
Mods are mostly cherished in any other gaming community.

>> No.11084376

I don't think vanilla purists are that common, are they? Sounds like a vocal minority. I'm pretty sure most people like gameplay mods.
Funny thing, I've seen it glitch even when all monsters are killed and switches are used. Not sure how or why.

>> No.11084408
File: 35 KB, 600x600, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It technically already *is* randomized as each of the rainfall actors will play its offsets at other intervals, but I think you mean something like random jumps? It could be done I suppose

I love mods because more Doom is always good, but when I see those jackasses with the bodycam mod, 4k PBR textures, Project Brutalist, Reshade and a laundry list of add-ons that go unused half of the time I understand where the hate comes from

>make cool map
>guy with a laundry list of mods shows up
>bitches and moans because the map is unplayable and bullshit hard and that the textures are mismatched
>ok, let's see what's wrong
>ask to see what he's running
>laundry list of mods upon mods upon mods
>half of them make the game unbalanced as shit
>half of them make the visuals a mess

It hasn't happened to me yet but that's because I take ages to release anything lol

>> No.11084464

>I like mods, but only those I enjoy. People who like other mods are bad.

>> No.11084474

He has a point though. Term had to deal with shit like this years ago when people would file bug reports on Demonsteele about shit not working, only for him to realize after like 40 minutes of troubleshooting the person who had filed the complaint was pairing it with Brutal Doom and breaking everything. That's where the golden skeletons come into play.

So it's less "I like mods but only those I enjoy. People who like other mods are bad" and more "I like mods but I hate stupid people who do stupid things and then act like it's not their fault shit breaks."

>> No.11084498

I've released a few mods in the last decade and out of a thousand or so problems that I had to face, this situation arose once or maybe twice. Stop exaggerating. One 13-year-old is not a reason to whine as if you were one

>> No.11084501

That's TF2C which does have a pretty active playerbase, but I'm worried they're gonna fuck up the balance because I've played with their playtesters and they're *REALLY FUCKING BAD AT THE GAME.* I mean "complains about sniper" levels of bad.

>> No.11084508

yeah, why?

>> No.11084512

Hey man I'm just retelling stories of what Term had to deal with back in the day when it was way more widespread. It's certainly quieted down since then as Brutal Doom isn't in vogue anymore.

All I'm saying is there's logic to what that other guy had to say. Though now I'm curious about what mods you've made.

>> No.11084514

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you lost?

>> No.11084528

Hellion will be mid

>> No.11084557

it's ok, I'll just load brutal doom with it

>> No.11084559

fsr on gzdoom when

>> No.11084567

to anyone interested: i'm learning some zscript and i've managed to whack out a scavenger mod.
you can choose the weights (ammo, armor, health); the amount they restore and if they restore up to 100/150/200, and five presets for the ammo drops. the ammo drops only for weapons you have.
where to upload it? i don't care for forums or communities

>> No.11084579


>> No.11084589

cheers. i'll give it a test run to check for any bugs. by the weekend it should be ready

>> No.11084660

>Exit firing flare looks like a chainsaw

>> No.11084671

yes :)

>> No.11084675
File: 1.40 MB, 640x480, 1686230776704.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because people who shill them play like this

>> No.11084682

is there a HUDFACE for the REAL DOOMGUY?
I mean with this hairstyle

>> No.11084715

VirtuaDOOM™ by Sega®

>> No.11084723


This comes up more commonly over at the mapping side which is where I hang out, it's a hypothetical but it does exist come up because people will never read and think before they put mods and maps together

I do see this more over at YT where you get some people dead set in "fixing" Doom by running a gorillion mods all at once, that shit honestly gets under my skin more than I care to admit. Like, fuck you mean the old game has none of the design modern games do? Why does it need a piss filter, bloom and shit lighting? Why do you even play it if you can't respect it for what is and treat it as an even more budget Gmod that runs like shit for a variety of reasons?

I gotta send my ass into an improvement cycle so the autism doesn't get the better of me, but I think you guys get what I'm putting out there.

>> No.11084731
File: 67 KB, 600x910, 1695566992827198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DOOM but it's all untextured low poly
gonna have to change the name to SOUL

>> No.11084834

goldsrc compression is sovl

>> No.11084841

That's the predecessor to EYE, isn't it?

>> No.11084854

Yeah dumbass, Doom was never real 3d in the first place. Carmack specifically designed everything around ray casting.

>> No.11084858


>> No.11084865


>> No.11084871


>> No.11084902

Amazing that Carmack was thinking ahead to the RTX series all the way back then

>> No.11084958

Okay, tested out few Doom 3 mods including
>perfected doom
and something which I already forgot. Bottom line is this - there is ALWAYS something which is fucked up.
Perfected Doom has weird sound effects or they are too loud, Overthinked (which is recommended by many) fucks up game rendering by adjusting gamma or something - it can also fuck up Window's own gamma too if the game crashes etc.
I don't want to type more than what is necessary but holy mother of god I feel so stupid that I even wasted my time testing these mods out.
I'm going to revert back to what I have always done in the past
>fleshlight mod, select some gore mod/bodies stay infinitely, fix shotgun spread, tweak some things
>select a sourceport, so far I think fhDoom is the best as it's like vanilla but incorporates couple of nice things such as soft shadows and phong shading

>> No.11085026

Beyond tanking too much damage, I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.11085037 [DELETED] 

Tell the HL2 schizo to fuck off

>> No.11085046


>> No.11085061
File: 605 KB, 800x600, rendering e1m1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add literally a single little line of code, and retards like you would call it real 3D. Also, Doom isn't a fucking raycaster, it's Binary Space Partitioning, where the entire level is cut up into countless "leaves" for rendering and culling.
Raycasting is what Wolfenstein 3D is doing, ergo the walls (and sprites) are always divided up into vertical lines, which are shifted and scaled.

>> No.11085067

>where the entire level is cut up into countless "leaves" for rendering and culling.
Tangentially related but I just wanna say that factoid makes "chopping down the BSP tree" from lilith.pk3 10x more clever than I thought it was

>> No.11085113

when are we going to have the DEFINITIVE "Cursed Doom" experience?

>> No.11085147


>> No.11085191

crazy that these guys also made D4T and QC:DE. Gotta start somewhere I guess

>> No.11085194
File: 80 KB, 620x465, XVwV1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lol

>> No.11085197

this won worst wad in 2010 btw
pretty apt summation

>> No.11085236

who writes these article? sounds so naggy

>> No.11085240

who knows, would be nice if the writer put some kinda signature with his name at the bottom right or something
you'd feel the same if you played this momentuous pile of shit

>> No.11085241

>My problem is this: There is no reason to play this. When I downloaded the 250MB project, I just ran through the motions—IDDQD, IDKFA—just to see the guns and point and click them at different pictures. I asked myself why I should care. Even if I wanted to use the impressive decorate effects or a specific monster, how could I ever find all the resources in the mammoth wad file? I just don't get it.
You call that an apt summation? Did you write it? There's no desire to explore, no sense of wonder on the author's part. Absolute trash review, and I don't much care for Aeons of Death.

>> No.11085247

yah I'm literally scuba steve and made both action dooms, great deduction mr. ace detective.
>There's no desire to explore, no sense of wonder on the author's part
What is there to fucking explore lmfao.

>> No.11085260


>> No.11085263 [DELETED] 

You need to move on. Quit living in the past.

>> No.11085267
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2024-07-11 22-50-48-386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yah I'm literally scuba steve
>What is there to fucking explore lmfao.
You dropped your all lower case anon. Shame. Otherwise, what isn't there to explore? There are 1000s of Doom wads to load pwads onto, just pick one and play it with Aeons of Death. See how the different enemies interact to create a unique challenge, see what weapons are available for you to lay waste to the enemies not only of Hell, but whatever else the mod has. I really don't think I need to explain to you how to play mods man.
STALKERSOUP fans where we at?

>> No.11085268

Gay, AEoD is great fun to fuck about with.

>> No.11085271

>pick a wad and fuck around
True. AEoD was incredibly fun, I really enjoyed the whole mixing elements thing.
Aeons of Death is, in fact, considered by many to be the very true and first gonzo mod.

>> No.11085280

>You dropped your all lower case anon. Shame.
i am sorry that my inconsistent capitalization hurts your brain enough to make an issue over it.
>See how the different enemies interact
They don't
>to create a unique challenge
A randomized one that is not tightly balanced by any means because it's uh random. If I wanted a unique challenge I could use the one provided by the WAD itself, out of the 1000s available. if I wanted to play a mod it would be a cohesive one like gmota or demonsteele because I have actual standards.

>> No.11085282

>i am sorry
All is forgiven.
>They don't
Not in a literal sense you goose, but how they synthesize their attacks (again not in a literal sense) to try and kill you before you kill them.
>A randomized one that is not tightly balanced by any means because it's uh random
I wouldn't contest this statement by any means, and that doesn't dilute the meaning of what I said. The only thing you've said is
>I'm not interested in kitchen sink/soup style mods
And the only thing that means is you aren't the right person to review them, and neither is scuba steve or whoever that person is. This is what I mean by the desire to explore, the sense of wonder.

>> No.11085283

if it's fun to you, that's your prerogative. that doesn't make it a good or well designed mod though.

>> No.11085286

if you want to debate actual mod/game design, just going "well -I- like it!" doesn't hold up to snuff. if you enjoy it, have at it, I can't take that away from you, but that doesn't mean it's a good mod.
I'm sure there's people out there who enjoy terry traps on a sincere level too, that doesn't mean they're good wads either.

>> No.11085291
File: 9 KB, 166x189, 1720252723682307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want to debate actual mod/game design
I didn't say anything about the intricacies of Aeons of Death, its design, or anything relative to other mods. It's a mishmash soup mod, those have their own categories relative to things like GMOTA or Walpurgis. I said the review was stupid because it was. He wasn't interested in the mod at all, he turned on the usual cheats to see the weapons, and then he turned it off. That's not a review, that's not even a fair shake. It's among the least responsible things a reviewer can do short of lying about playing the thing they're reviewing.

>> No.11085301

well, what is there to say? there's a trillion monsters and a trillion weapons bound to like 10 keys and it's pretty easy to see where the mod goes from there

>> No.11085339

what are some good places to get MIDIs?

>> No.11085376

did you try napster?

>> No.11085386

Steal them from more obscure games that already use MIDI. For instance, Giten Megaten (though that technically uses MDS, which is MIDI But Slightly Worse, but foobar/WinAmp can solve that).

>> No.11085405

>Giten Megaten (though that technically uses MDS, which is MIDI But Slightly Worse, but foobar/WinAmp can solve that).
To be completely technical, the .BIN files of the same name are just renamed MIDI files, so you can rename them and drag-drop. Not even sure what the difference between them is, you'd have to compare them using WinAmp or something.

>> No.11085407

didn't even realize the game used MIDI (well, something close to it at least)

>> No.11085410

>something close to it
Basically, it's Microsoft Midi.

>> No.11085418
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1690693220382859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born too late to be the internationally wanted kingpin of the world's largest criminal syndicate for illegal midi sharing

>> No.11085547
File: 3.91 MB, 854x480, immersive arms chainsaw duel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did either of those mods have you manually press reload for each shotgun shell? That was one I tried forever ago and forgot the name of. It was paired together with that “Sikkmod” I’m not a fan of.

>> No.11085572

>Not even sure what the difference between them is
Judging by creation dates, the .bins are the original PC98 versions, and the .mdss are the remade versions for the Windows release. Functionally, the newer ones have much better balancing between the instruments.

>> No.11085581

>>11084671 You're cute.

>> No.11085583
File: 140 KB, 750x728, [ 8(3)].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if thou like to live dangerously you can still distribute old versions of FreeDoom

>> No.11085618
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1200, LootScavenger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Loot Scavenger
Killing a monster has X chance of dropping loot.
The loot can be regulated through weights and it can be: armour, health or ammo.
Armour and health restore X points up to an X amount (100, 150 or 200). Ammo drops depend on the weapons you own and the amount can be regulated through five presets. There's also an option to add a drop sound (from Diablo, modified a little bit) when the loot is dropped. A boss monster always drops loot. You can see the ammo amount in the options menu. Everything I said can be modified.

Custom weapons/ammos are not supported and I don't think I'll be able to implement them, as I don't use them and it's outside the scope of the mod and my skills.

If you try it, let me know if you find any bugs. I'm going to give it another run now.

>> No.11085619
File: 396 KB, 1436x1066, ModMenu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the menu with all the options. Not pretty, but functional.

>> No.11085625

Maybe you're the problem then.

>> No.11085658

>I've seen it glitch even when all monsters are killed and switches are used. Not sure how or why.
I just needed to do some more googling and found out that compatibility mode needs to be set to 2, at least with most source ports.
dsda will adjust that automatically which is convenient

>> No.11085893

Didn't he hate the game?

>> No.11086015
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, 1709602848183496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this be added to the op?, it's timesplitters 2 extracted from homefront the revolution

>> No.11086059

I agree that Rage was pretty meh but there were minor details that I liked. One being that when you threw the boomerang past one person they would turn to look at it as they ran at you.

>> No.11086140

I love this little pretty succubus! She's so cute and cheek-pinchingly adorable!

>> No.11086176

Is it a complete port?

>> No.11086283 [DELETED] 

>schizo has to samefag and shit up the other thread because someone said hl2 is better
Why are hl1 fans so insecure?

>> No.11086297

Yeah, it's Overthinked (https://www.moddb.com/mods/overthinked-doom3).). I thought it was intriguing but hate it's paired with sikkmod and also - if I reload my pistol after one or two bullets the game lets out ear raping BEEP sound for some reason. It is only possible to reload when the magazine is more than halfway through or something.
Tried to play this one and first needed to turn off all sikkmod 'features' (because it looks ugly as fuck) and then edit .pk4 to find the .wav file.
It also runs like shit because it has extra textures and stuff but I could turn off those easily just by renaming certain pk4 files etc.

It's better to use vanilla, really. Last night I realized why the fuck do I even need a source port I could just use vanilla.

>> No.11086304

Never knew, fascinating.

>> No.11086312

reminds me of the og QC:DE rocketlauncher
that thing was neat
also that early lg was cute

>> No.11086321

i like both because im not a mentally ill faggot that sees the world in black in white

>> No.11086323

Makes sense, everything kind of changed in 2008(+- couple of years) or so when Call of Duty became massive succes and XB360/PS3 started to be popular. I mean the industry started to shift towards full on jewery during those times and hasn't stopped since. This is why gaming has regressed on many levels these days.

>> No.11086340

The gunplay in it is great. The driving could've been cool but it never fits well with the rest of the game. It's like two games smooshed together. Vehicle combat game and tight fps.
My biggest problems are the level linearity and invisible walls. But the guns, boomerang, animations, and AI were all really solid. They should've just made a cool FPS. Maybe even open world, and just tighter.

>> No.11086374

Why are you crying?

>> No.11086387

Why aren't YOU crying?

>> No.11086397

Why should I?

>> No.11086405

Why WOULDN'T you?

>> No.11086408

>thread close to 500
>usual idiots start foolposting
at least make it interesting

>> No.11086420
File: 3.90 MB, 854x480, Doom 3 OK cube.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of liked the new shotgun animations. I might mess with it some other time, but it and all the other D3 mods I've ran into were too much for me. Kind of reminds me of how rare it's been seeing something similar to Babel for original Doom.

>> No.11086431

Never said it was, bro.

>> No.11086478

could try turning off the computer for a change

>> No.11086480

It looks mostly good, he's using high mobility. I agree that the only real problem I see is that the player is able to tolerate too much damage.
It would be more suitable if he used that kind of high mobility with crouching and shooting to move down from the platform, which would land him in the lava but take him directly away from all the close enemy fire.

>> No.11086493

Actually, maybe the damage isn't even that bad, it seems like he's going into E4M2 with maybe full armor and health or something, which normally you just would not do, either you're pistol starting, or you're coming over from E4M1 which already drained your balls pretty hard.

It's more that he takes some hits which should have been avoidable, and then lingered on the platform for too long.

>> No.11086525

you did disagree with the idea of it being the worst wad of 2010, that is a statement of quality.

>> No.11086602

Is there any way for you to host this file somewhere else?
I've been trying to download this two times now but MEGA gets frozen randomly. And it's only ~1GB it shouldn't freeze.
No - I won't use the app and never will.

>> No.11086609
File: 340 KB, 1919x1078, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11086751
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, bossjam_announcement_w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake 2 Re-Release Boss Speedjam 1 is out

>> No.11086753

She is just Claire Redfield but schizo and boring.

>> No.11086770

>well, what is there to say?
Plenty, ya just gotta search for it. Like an anecdote about how pit drones took the place of some zombiemen and coinciding with a unique imp variant made for an interesting encounter when paired with xyz new super shotgun. Literally anything besides
>I turned on cheats, fucked around, turned it off and decided the mod isn't worth playing

>> No.11086783

Pick one.

>> No.11086810


>> No.11086819

what are you using?, it happens to me with firefox
I always end using edge

>> No.11086830

is it qcde alive?

>> No.11086852
File: 163 KB, 1380x1169, yore dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11086857

I'm on Firefox too... I have uninstalled Edge off from my Win10 LTSC.
Well I guess I could download Chrome and uninstall it afterwards.
This is not actually the first time I have issues with MEGA but I should have known better.

>> No.11086867

firefox doesn't work because mega uses a non-standard file streaming api
jdownloader works fine with it

>> No.11086892

You guys got any good megawad suggestions? Looking for stuff that isn't that hard mostly, I'm not that good at the game and could use more suggestions

>> No.11086893

Have you played the /vr/ wads?

>> No.11086906

Some anon posted a link to wads made by keeping in mind design restrictions. I've been enjoying them lately. If you need one fast, I'd recommend Zone 300 and Zone 400.
Otherwise, play classic Doom wads, they tend to be easier and more relaxed

>> No.11086913

>Firefox doesn't work
Since when?
What, besides Edge, Chrome, and Opera, would work?

>> No.11086926

Not being the worst does not mean good, it means it's not the worst.

>> No.11086961


Yeah, I've played a few of them before

2048 Units of /VR/ and Ad Mortem, enjoyed both of them but I don't know, I'm feeling kind out of Doom again lol

It happens often since I play a lot of it on my spare time and also for my channel

>> No.11086972
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, Doom3 2024-07-13 01-07-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is interesting. You can randomize spawns via couple of autoexec.cfg variables. By default it won't spawn 'big' monsters though.
Here I have 3 times more or something.
Haven't tested that far yet, need to see if it will crash or not.

>> No.11086976

Potential there to rewrite the campaign.

>> No.11087002

Since I'm here faffing around while I pick what wad to play next, what's your take regarding liminal space bullshit in Doom? worth pursuing? total redditfication of Doom? I'm quite fond of the vibe despite really not being involved with its "community"

>> No.11087013

Yeah, it's actually quite sophisticted but the fact is I'm not in any shape when it comes down to scripting, I can play around with variables and some stuff.
It also seems like sometimes the monsters will get stuck and their AI stops working so it's wonky.

>> No.11087015

SMOD has a similar system. Neat that another game was doing something like that without recompiling the game's maps.

>> No.11087058

try to download a big file from mega with firefox, it will shit the bed because it has to allocate the entire thing in memory and then "download" it from there

>> No.11087062

>people realized Doom 3 is good

>> No.11087063

It's okay. But the game gives you too much ammo, armor sucks, and it's weird that the firing sound for some of the weapons don't match up with the actual fire rate of the gun itself, like the plasma gun.

But damn the chainsaw is a fucking monster, and I love almost everything about the SMG.

>> No.11087067

>But damn the chainsaw is a fucking monster
I gazed upon your post and knew you were my nigger.
>and I love almost everything about the SMG.
But what the fuck man. It sounds like a sewing machine.

>> No.11087068

It's one of those things, I always loved it even back in the day.
Was excited to download the E3 leak and it was stuttering like crazy on my machine. It was fun to poke around to see what's there.
I bought some shitty ATI card (I was clueless/didn't care back then and busy irl) just to play it and if I remember correctly it was barely running at 30 fps with frequent drops.
Love the atmosphere and world building.

>> No.11087069

I don't know, something about it is just comfy to use. I also like the reload.
If I had say over it, I would replace the firing sound though.

>> No.11087072

To this day that first Pinkie scene still freaks me out a bit
I loved how fucking weird hell was as well

>> No.11087074

I don't like the SMG because the firing sound makes it sound like it's burst fire.

>> No.11087075
File: 592 KB, 1175x832, happy tear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also like the reload.
Alright I'm back in your corner.

>> No.11087078

Like I said in my other post: If I had my say I'd replace the firing sound. I did say I love ALMOST everything about the SMG.

How do you feel about the shotgun? Cus I feel like if the damn thing had a tighter spread it'd be fine, really.

>> No.11087079

I'll champion Whitemare 1 until I die. Something about that wad makes me so cozy. It's quite a slaughter, be forewarned.

>> No.11087080

Different anon, but I don't think the shotgun is that bad in Doom 3. You play the game almost exclusively in hallways with monsters in your face.

>> No.11087087
File: 172 KB, 843x360, 1715490417321948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you feel about the shotgun?
Well, I have lots of feelings and it occurs to me I've never gotten to say them ever so thanks.

I've played lots and lots of Max Payne, especially 1. People are wont to give the bullet spreads and speeds of the guns shit for feeling very unnatural, awkward even. The sawed off shotgun in MP1 has a ridiculous spread, almost on par with Doom 3, but the pump action is actually more like a shotgun and a really valuable weapon. Not to mention that fucking sound, oh man.
But there are other weapons like the dual berettas which have a really, really wild spread. Super strange to anyone I've seen play the game. But it's obviously that way for balance purposes, otherwise people would only use the dual berettas.

The Doom 3 shotgun is similar, and having already had MP1 under my belt before I ever touched Doom 3, the shotgun spread being as awful as it is didn't actually bother me at all. I understood immediately
>Oh alright it's like Max Payne's berettas, close the gap and you're rewarded with an expedient kill
But in D3's case, you also get rewarded with gibbing zombies, soldiers, and instakilling imps and pinkies. Super satisfying shit. I even enjoy the sound of it, the shell loading sound, the reload sound. I'm not saying anyone who doesn't like it is wrong or anything, but I'm just a weird and I like D3's shotgun is what I'm driving at.

There's an old Half-Life 2 mod called Substance that replaces the sound of HL2's shotgun with Doom 3's, I quite enjoyed that. Bonus fact: It also replaces the AR2 sounds with D3's plasma gun sounds, also quite satisfying.

>> No.11087090

So I'm trying to compile the RPGSCRIP in Wrath of Cronos because I wanted to fix the alchemy so Red and Green flasks properly make Yellow instead of Black, and it won't let me because of a bunch of this kind of error:

"Function namedrequestscriptpuke is used but not defined."

I don't know anything about ACS so I don't know what to do here.

>> No.11087097

I think the flask colors in WoC are meant to combine like paint and not like light. Substractive, additive, I can't remember which one is which.

>> No.11087102
File: 1.27 MB, 1753x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's see Duke Nukem's shotgun

>> No.11087112
File: 532 KB, 2560x1440, immersive arms testingrandomizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take def and script folder into mod install I'm currently running
>boot up into Mars City, first new spawn is a spooky fatso overlooking the spawn
Crazy good first impression. If this runs smoothly and doesn't crash it's going to eat up my whole evening.
>How do you feel about the shotgun?
It's fine. The other weapons excel at the other ranges, and none of them oneshot or gib like it can.

>> No.11087117

>Crazy good first impression. If this runs smoothly and doesn't crash it's going to eat up my whole evening.
What's your config anon?

>> No.11087137

However it works, as it is now, you can't make Yellow flasks with Alchemy, you can only loot them, while Black has three formulas for it.

Red + Blue = Purple
Red + Green = Black
Red + Yellow = Orange
Red + Tan = Maroon
Yellow + Blue = Green
Yellow + Purple = Black
Blue + Orange = Black
Blue + White = Aqua
Black + any = White

>> No.11087163
File: 1.24 MB, 1922x1081, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Quake map based on Quoth mod released, The Immortal Lock.

>> No.11087170
File: 3.72 MB, 854x480, wmd random enemies it begins.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/weapons-of-mars-destruction
This decent upscale: https://www.moddb.com/mods/ai-upscaled-textures-doom-3-roe
Some other GUI mods, all with that randomizer. oh boy

>> No.11087184

Definitely do not click on the author's name and look at his profile picture. Totally no connection there to the body horrors on display in the map.

>> No.11087189
File: 29 KB, 1826x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, don't tell me you have an account on something you dislike. You're not that stupid, right?

>> No.11087191

>5000+ enemies
Oh lawd.

>> No.11087193

Special boys that're obsessed over current events generally are that stupid.

>> No.11087196

My bad, you only need to mouse hover.

>> No.11087205

Most activity is organized through discord. I played a nice game of instagib just last night

>> No.11087207

no thanks

>> No.11087209

Ping somebody for duels or FFA then. I played a few of those the day before too, I mog as Durandal.

>> No.11087210

It's fine. It's well crafted with an amazing production value for the time, but it just never ends up being fun
The encounter design feels so limited by the cramped levels all you can do is stand and shoot or run up point blank
It's much longer than I remembered but it's already used all of its tricks in the first hour so it drags a bit
But the sound design is a straight 10 minus the weak gunshot sounds. It makes me wish I had surround sound

>> No.11087219

I'm using these in my autoexec.cfg
>set en_NumSpawnAttempts "2"
>set en_SpawnSuccessRate "0.5"
At least for now it's been stable.
3/1 is more crazy.
I've been building my own modpack all day for D3 too.
>my own corpse mods (the ones which I've downloaded always have way too many files which could end up conflicting with something else)
>infinite blood decals
>flashlight mod
>AI upscaled textures (https://www.moddb.com/mods/ai-upscaled-textures-doom-3-roe/downloads/ai-textures-v11))
Bit on the fence with the textures but so far they work nicely.

>> No.11087239

Didn't have the box for it back in the day, never went back. No opinion, but no reason to refute the common thoughts either.

>> No.11087245
File: 5 KB, 100x116, RealDuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok edgeboy

>> No.11087251

The crampled spaces are bad, but the worst part for is the extremely slow roll of enemy introductions, which is exacerbated by several enemies being basically the same thing with different animations or a small pointless gimmick.

Like wtf is even the difference between ticks and trites?
Wraiths are so inept with their (un)cloaking that they don't feel any different from maggots, and both amount to little more than imps without fireballs - except worse because imps at least have that jump attack.
The zombies are all too similar, except the chainsaw one, but he still isn't strong or fast enough to be very threatening.
Vagaries are cool, but you fight literally only two of them.
Cacos and lost souls are just not used in conjunction with other enemies enough for their flying nature to become interesting since you can just focus on them.
Lots of missed potential all around, but yeah the aesthetics are still PEAK.

>> No.11087254

That's not his shotgun, that's his atomic pistol(?)
That thing's kinda goofy looking but I still love it.

>> No.11087257

Cacos being changed from their iconic design was the worst part to be desu

>> No.11087263
File: 803 B, 240x125, 1931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it your opinion that the Duke needs anything else?

>> No.11087265

Maybe the laser rifle from 2 as well.
Atomic pistol and Rigellian(?) rifle are peak Duke arsenal to me.
I also think snarky but kinda clean Douk from 2 is peak Douk. Though he can keep the shades.

>> No.11087270
File: 302 KB, 713x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11087271
File: 114 KB, 800x578, davide-lovecchio-dukestandandenemies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you know your Duke. Take this image I just found for some lols. Look what they did to my boy...

>> No.11087276
File: 797 KB, 2560x1440, wmd with more enemies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll likely tone the spawns down to 2 after the first few levels here. Biggest issue has been some spawning into each other but it's funny for gameplay. This is a good find.

>> No.11087279

Christ, I hate it.
I'm actually so fond of the Atomic Pistol from Douk 1 that I'm going to make a weapon based on it in a weapon set in the near future.
and it'll be called the Duke.

>> No.11087280


>> No.11087281

2D Duke as a character has been on my short idealist for new playerpawns. Figured everyone was focused on the 3D Duke. Going to have to pivot into Jill of the Jungle.

>> No.11087284

Nah. For Combined_Arms. TL;DR I want to try a novel concept that's like a merging between the Atomic Pistol and Unreal's Dispersion pistol, so it'll be a great starting weapon, and then as you pick up more guns it'll become stronger but have a longer downtime to recharge.

Roland's getting an energy magnum.

I love 2D Duke in Duke Nukem 2, the only thing he's missing are the shades. Fuck I want to replay that game again because the level where you jump around from rocket to rocket up in the air kicks so much ass. Great soundtrack too


>> No.11087304

Yeah, it's fantastic. Going to do a playthrough and see what it does.
Would be great if there was a way to randomize the spawn radius to avoid the overlapping creatures but it doesn't happen all the time especially later on when they spawn into corridoors outside from your view.

>> No.11087319

Yeah, but the original design isn't really suited to being remade in 3D, especially with a darker tone/color palette. The cacos in nu-Doom look genuinely retarded, especially Eternal's which is closer to the original.
Doom 3's version arguably might have been better suited for a pain elemental, but at least it fits in with everything else.

>> No.11087321

beavis n butthead lookin muthrfucker

>> No.11087331

>Roland's getting an energy magnum.


>> No.11087338
File: 3.20 MB, 800x450, testing out new upgrades.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, thinking about it. I've already conceptualized it a little with Kustam's new beam pistol, webm related. Though instead of a stack of hitscans with a pseudo piercing effect, I'm thinking one hitscan that explodes. So don't use Roland's magnum in melee combat.

>> No.11087346

So kinda like Typhon's Outsider Revolver?

Gotta say, I'm gonna miss the ker-chunk of the bolt action on that pistol.

>> No.11087351

That's a good comparison. Really in a lot of ways, Roland is my own take on a pissed off grizzled old veteran, it's just rather than unga bunga punching it'll be a lot of stabbing with a sword/machete thing, like in Rambo... IV I think?

I'm kinda sad to see the bolt action go too but I think this is all for the best.

>> No.11087385
File: 8 KB, 320x200, winchester1300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke Nukem has a pretty cool shotgun.

>> No.11087426

One of the best looking and feeling shotguns in video game.

>> No.11087493

If you bought the bfg edition, you haven't played doom 3

>> No.11087513

Not a bad idea, I've been meaning to get through it with Final Doomer for a while now

I don't mind slaughter if it's not like the Hell Revealed 2 kind of awful grind that never ges away and is just fucking stupid

>> No.11087635

the one thing that bothers me about doom 3 are the same 3 human models used throughout 20 hours of campaign

>> No.11087638

>Whack someone with the flashlight
>Dude's brain goes flying out and the guy gets completely atomized

What the fuck is that flashlight made of?

>> No.11087650
File: 2.96 MB, 638x332, popeye.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more a question of just how hard you hit him.

>> No.11087654

Why did Popeye have the hots for an ugly Shelly Duval.

>> No.11087673

she fucks like a BEAST, one of the only girls that can handle popeye's max power dick, his last gf had her organs pulped trying to take it (which is why he's laid low as a sailor on the open seas since)

>> No.11087690

What’s the diff between og doom 3 and the bfg version, is it enough to make much of a difference for a jaded old hat boomer? I’ve know there’s some shot with the flashlight or whatever.

>> No.11087693

I know the BFG version like triples the amount of ammo you find. Which is silly because you drown in ammo in regular Doom 3, they also make the game brighter on top of giving you an armor mounted flashlight.

>> No.11087727

>lighting is different
>muzzle flashes do not illuminate
>pk4 format is different and mods for vanilla doom 3 won't work
And so on and so on. BFG is great for the consoles but for PC you should just use vanilla or pick a source port (depending if you need certain mods or not), such as
or perhaps (this one seems like the best one because it's compatible with vanilla and adds borderless window support etc)
I'm happy with vanilla because everything just works with little tinkering.

>> No.11087807

>try to get out of the dam
>blown to pieces going up the first stairs by grenade launchers
I don't remember this being call of duty

>> No.11087837

Dunno if it came up exactly before, but how old is Roland in both mods?

>> No.11087841

The first part of the mod is gonna have him younger, I'll need to figure out his age at some point but seeing as my shitty voice sounds inherently young, I'm kinda limited there.
Second half I'm thinking he's going to be pushing 50 or 60. Though at that point he's been cybernetically and magically enhanced, so he keeps pushing on. Not sure what the fuck I'm gonna do for his voice there, other that filter the fuck out of it.

I guess it doesn't matter too much seeing 95% of all that is going to be yelling and grunting for his voice, and maybe a rare "Whoops" for his usefails. But I still plan on leaving a soundclip of calling MacGuffin a dirty butthole in the files.

>> No.11087876
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, alk_pillars_2024-07-12_23-55-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I STILL cannot believe how hard Alkaline 1.2 is my goodness. If you're looking for a Quake challenge, Alk1.2 is fucking it on nightmare. Not to mention it's just plain good. A year and change ago one anon likened it and even called it better than Arcane Dimensions. Better I'm not sure, but it's definitely a must play Quake mappack. This screenshot doesn't do it justice, but it's just a wonder of techbase goodness. Quake 2 fans would find a lot to enjoy.

>> No.11087895

why didnt the demons just open a door and let all the air out

>> No.11087918

So it's a Mr Incredible/Elastagirl situation

>> No.11087930

Ehh... looks awful...

>> No.11087945

Do the doors keep the air in or do they keep the vacuum out?

>> No.11087951

Will check it out.
Had a great time, especially as a Q2 fan.

>> No.11087959

>reincarnate in hell
DOOM2 is an isekai.

>> No.11087976
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20240629_170604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This screenshot doesn't do it justice
Post better ones then.

>> No.11088020

It's stuff like this that makes me want to play Quake again. But then I remember that the gameplay is not as fun as Doom for me. Quake is more like an adventure for me; Doom is more like spending time having fun. And I'm too old for adventures

>> No.11088041
File: 698 KB, 1920x1080, alk12_derelict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending time having fun in Quake
That I am, a few posts made me want to revisit some Alk levels real quick.

>> No.11088121
File: 1.40 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20240703_210825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enyo is pretty fucking great looking. How to you even do shit like those faces in Trenchbroom?

>> No.11088137
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11088143


>> No.11088156

Reminds me of the Enclave oil rig.

>> No.11088193

Those heads and pipes are models. It's just not obvious because the lighting is very flat.

>> No.11088206
File: 263 KB, 437x403, peter_kart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11088234

Quake can do static models?

>> No.11088281
File: 147 KB, 418x787, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11088289

oh yeah, I guess that could be used for larger stuff as well.

>> No.11088487

I think the world needs a Giger style skyscraper, like maybe not an outright giant concrete cock, but like it's covered with all kinds of biomechanical detailing and sculptures.

>> No.11088542

they should make a super mario maker but for doom so people can make their own levels

>> No.11088545

ehh... As neat as Giger stuff can look, it's an aesthetic that relies on cinematography or otherwise additional tone setting to invoke a feeling other than disgust. If you had a big building made like that that you have to walk by every day you'd get sick of it pretty fast, but if it's in a video game with pleasing graphics and you're fighting bad guys in it then it can easily be the coolest thing ever.
Same with brutalism, post-modern bullshit architecture, and favelas. Assuming you're sane, of course.

>> No.11088553
File: 50 KB, 1024x473, edipos-complrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive then playing a lot more doom recently and I think that has contributed to having a lot of dreams about it. Anyone else dream about doom every day, and if you do does it influence you mapping? My recent dreams have all been set in a flesh annex like picrel, I fight a cyberemond that looks like my father then I wake up when he kills me. I know some people like Dalí used dreams as inspiration for their work but I don't see how I could get a Doom level out of the dreams I have.....

>> No.11088619
File: 140 KB, 640x480, doom335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am regretting my idea of making a rock-themed map with vanilla textures. But if I discard it, I'll have nothing to replace it.

>> No.11088635

Looks like a 3rd episode of 2022ado

>> No.11088656

I'm not joking, but it looks lovely. I like simple aesthetics. go on and place some monsters in there, i wanna shoot'em

>> No.11088846
File: 41 KB, 773x415, 40-Update012_098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good, go for it

>> No.11088896
File: 78 KB, 747x629, click clack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't there a hdest monster addon using peppergrinder guns, what was it called, can anyone spoonfeed me?

>> No.11088905

wads beyond compare

>> No.11088913

Anon I don't think those are made on purpose.

>> No.11088930
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, Doom3 2024-07-13 23-03-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download enhanced sound mod pack to see what it does and if it's beneficial
>it also has bunch of textures and .def files for absolutely no reason at all except it messes up my own setup
Always open up the mod packages if you care about what you're doing.

>> No.11089004
File: 44 KB, 680x382, Washing off the bloodstains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11089020

A classic.
Do you have the one with the hell brothers' trousers?

>> No.11089075

help me doombrother, I'm stuck

>> No.11089107

I'll bake.

>> No.11089137
File: 55 KB, 900x900, 1649123446724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest thing I have