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1107580 No.1107580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets get a good hacked rom thread going.

Pic realated SMRPG Armageddon

>> No.1107614
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>> No.1107635

Kind of bothers me that they used the Zelda from OoT.

>> No.1107641

Yeah a little bit.
The game it self however is very solid. A lot more challenging than ALttP as well.

>> No.1107653

Interesting, I didn't know there were other SMRPG hacks. How does Armageddon compare to SMRPG Revolution?

>> No.1107667

What is going on in this thread? Please friends, explain. It seems very interesting. I really liked Link to the Past as a kid and really liked Mario RPG.

>> No.1107668

I want to play a LoZ hack where you play as Zelda.

I know about Wand of Gamalon or whatever, but that sucks.

>> No.1107672

An Emulator is software that pretends to be a console.
A ROM is a rip of a video game, that can be played with an emulator.
A ROM hack is a modification of a ROM. This can fix bugs or be fanmade translations of games that never got western releases, or add or change features, or in some cases, even be totally new games (fanmade sequels, for instance).

>> No.1107673

I havent played Revolution yet although I do have it.Armageddon is basically a revamped version of the original. Increased lvl cap new bosses and textures and the like. If you are looking for some good ones that are all new storywise then check out The Bob-Omb Mafia and Axem Rangers

>> No.1107674

OP please elaborate on this. I will go google for some vids and info but it's nice to have a first hand account of a hack. Is the game long like the original or only the first few worlds? Is it put together poorly? Is it obviously a hack or does it seem like an alternate reality?

>> No.1107683

Ill be honest here Armageddeon is very very hard. I havent completed it yet. Ive gotten to Molevile. So far its very good Its like reliving the game but with new features. There is a version that is not as hard but still has all the texture hacks and whatnot.

>> No.1107691

Its the full game with some added end game content iirc. Its put together very nicely. Some of the added textures are a little poor, but for the most part its very good.

>> No.1107705

I will be downloading it and giving it a go. Thanks

>> No.1107714

Im currently playing through a version that lets you play as the axem rangers. Its very good as well. A few graphical errors so far but nothing real major. Also if your into Zelda check out parallel worlds while you're at it.

>> No.1107835
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Let's get some love for Rockman 4 MI.

>> No.1107856


Yuuuuup. Easily my favorite romhack I've come across, and a 10/10 game in its own right.

It's kinda dumb to praise a romhack for its TECHNOLOGY but this game is dripping with it. I'd love to play it on an actual Famicom.

>> No.1107872

That's my post. I want to try out a mod hack of SMRPG! Before I go blindly stumbling through searches for some, what should I specifically look for? Thanks. I was a huge fan of SMRPG when all my friends were FF fans, even tgh I played all those games too.

>> No.1107882

Not relevant to thread, but I totally had to get up and turn off the room light, I couldn't play game or 4chan with it on.

>> No.1107886

>Parallel Worlds
>A good hack

>> No.1107890
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>> No.1108395

I don't get why people hate Parallel worlds, minus the ridiculous bomb jumping for keys in the overworld.

Was pre-patch Guardhouse too hard for you or something?

>> No.1108425
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People hate Parallel worlds? Screw'm, I started playing it recently and I can't stop. I guarantee it is probably 10x better then that 3DS game coming out, at least.

>> No.1108525

What is Parallel worlds exactly? I wan't to counter argue your claim that the new 3DS sequel to A Link to the Past wont be as good but I need to know the facts first. And I would rather hear them from someone who's played, rather than some biased IGN reviewer.

>> No.1108548

See the problem I see here is that it isn't even completed. It's in like in 1.0 beta mode or something. Not to mention unnessecarily large difficulty.

>> No.1108631

It really depends on what you are wanting. If you want a version that is the same game but harder and some new visuals and bosses thrown in than go with Armageddeon (there is also an easy version if you want because it is not to be taken lightly it is very hard), or if you want a whole new story using the games recorces then check out The bob omb mafia and axem rangers. There is another called Revolution though I havent played it yet.

>> No.1108632
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Well the 3DS game isn't out yet, so I haven't played that. It, and parallel words are both basically remakes of LttP, only in Parallel Worlds more of an effort was made to make things look different, add challenge, etc. Parallel worlds is basically a game just for people who can ace LttP and are tired of how easy it's gotten.

The 3DS game will likely feel a lot more like LttP and cater to entry level gamers, as most Nintendo games now do; particularly the Zeldas. Because if there is one thing we needed, it's an even easier LttP, right?

Of course I could be wrong, but I wouldn't bet money on it.

>> No.1108638

I gotta agree with you there. I have played nearly, no scratch that, all games in the franchise and the only one that even had a sense of difficulty was LttP. That god damn ice temple is all I have to say about that game. But yeah not to sound like /v/ but the games are too easy, they need to make something a little more difficult. And maybe with the new Wii-U title and the 3DS title, they can leave the tutorial off of the title menu.

>> No.1108639
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Yeah I dont see it being anywhere near the difficulty of Parallel worlds. It may have some challenging bits on your first playthrough, but nothing compared to this.

>> No.1108641

Yeah the first playthrough usually has some challenge to it. But it only takes one playthrough to make it easier than hell. So you just spend the rest of your days looking for secrets.

>> No.1108645

My only real problem with the game so far is the whole sliding around on walls thing. I do think its a neat idea, but it just seems out of place in LttP Hyrule. It seems more at home in something like The Minish Cap.

>> No.1108682

Yeah I agree. All Zelda games follow the same basic chemistry. You tackle dungeons, collect weapons/items and save a princess. But each games items and abilites usually coincide with the look and feel of the game and its atmosphere. And that whole wall deal just does not fit in with LttP or its sequel.

>> No.1110905

Bumping this because I wonder if there exist a good FF7 difficulty hack? I was looking at the one linked here and it sounds tempting. I love the game but my biggest gripe with it is probably how easy it is.


>> No.1110919

What I wanna know is if it's better because it's actually better, or 'better because it's hard'. Because if the latter, that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.1110929

Parallel Worlds is a goddamned mess. Tiles like open treasure chests and spikes are randomly splayed everywhere, dungeons like Impa's and Nabooru's are but fairly easy but huge time wasters, bosses are placed in inappropriately sized rooms so parts of them are drawn in the wrong place. The creators just didn't care.

>> No.1110970


I've been looking around at it since I saw the link. I would absolutely fucking love to try it out, but the most I can find is the forum they had for it, where it was still in beta (as per the most recent post I saw)

>> No.1110980


I'm this guy

So when looking through their forums, it looks like the romhack link might be pretty outdated. It states version 9, but on the actual forum itself http://www.insanedifficulty.com/board/index.php?/forum/104-final-fantasy-vii-hard-type/
It looks like they're on beta 16. Gonna try it out myself in a bit. Will post later.

>> No.1111269

It was a beta that was never finished.