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1105165 No.1105165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which Megaman is your favorite? X series included.

Pic related.

>> No.1105173
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Classic: Mega Man 2
X: Mega Man X3
Zero: Mega Man Zero 4
MML: Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Overall Favorite: MM2

Rate my taste, /vr/!

>> No.1105185

Hardcore shit

>> No.1105212
File: 391 KB, 1224x1632, Mega-Man-X-Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man X..... 2 and 5 are my favorites.

Followed by X1 and X3.

Mega Man 6 is my favorite NES game, purely from nostalgia. It was the first one I got as a kid, was born in 90, and didn't see the merit of the ones before that because "Wtf? No slide or charge? What is this?"
Didn't help that I played X1 right after MM6, so I was so used to being super mobile and being able to charge my shots.

After that, Legends 2, and then Mega Man Zero 3.

I also really dig ZX Advent and Star Force 1.

I know, I know. Rip me to shreds.

>> No.1105228

Ranking the Classic Mega Man NES games


Hard to choose between 2 and 3. Music wise both are wonderful and best in the series, though I think I prefer 3's music overall. Neither have any real bad songs though. Robot masters for both were really fun, though the Crash Bomb boss in 2 was an idiotic idea. 3 also had some sloppy level design in some places, and the Robot Master weapons were crap compared to 2's. The Wily bosses were better in 3, and Protoman and Rush were both great. The Doc Robots were OK in theory, but fuck if they suck.

6's Rush upgrades, while broken, were fun to have. The item Protoman gives you is great, loved the alt. routes you can take to reach the Robot Masters for Beat. I like the "Travel the World" theme. Music wise, nice tracks, but they don't really... Fit. They all sound too sad and depressing for my tastes. Also technically the visuals looked nice and much less slowdown. I think these technical upgrades applied to 4 and 5 too.

5 I didn't care for at first. But the more I played it, the more I enjoyed it. The Megaman V letters were fun to collect, the stages were memorable. Can't really think of any good music tracks though. Also robot masters were a joke.

1 was unpolished, but good for it's time. Nice soundtrack, personal favs are Elecman, Cutman, and Wily 1.

4 was pretty eh. The only tracks I care for were Dust Man's and Pharaoh Man's. Charging made the game easy and boss weapons irrelevant. And the only Robot Master I cared for from this was Pharaoh Man. He's a really cool one.

>> No.1105235
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Probably 4. I loved almost everything about it, especially the music. 2 is also a good contender, but 4 was a lot more polished.

>> No.1105238

Megaman 2 and Megaman Legends

I don't really like the first Megaman X but I'm sure I'll like the other ones.

>> No.1105271

No, the game is cheap and badly designed, most of time.

>> No.1105282

Classic: 6, mostly because how all the areas and bosses were themed from a country.

X: X6 solely due to the fact it was the first one i played.

Z: 3, I loved the omega fight.

Overall: ZX, I loved this game so fucking much, and i thought the switching forms system was the greatest thing.

>> No.1105345


>> No.1105352


>> No.1105406


Fuck that shit.

>> No.1105420

MM3, I guess. Too hard of choice.

>> No.1105418

>and 5
Really? I've been meaning to play through 1-6 again, but 5 just seemed forgettable to me. Only Gravity Man, Star Man, and Gyro Man's stages, and the Dark Man fight really stand out for me.

>> No.1105426

X1 is easily the best of all the X games, though.

>> No.1105854

Tbh, it's because you can switch as X and Zero, the plot (that's there, anyway, really the theme of X and Zero's destiny), and being able to canonly get the Ultimate Armor and Black Zero a few of the reasons I really dig it. Gameplay isn't as bad as others make it out to tbe, same controls as X4.

Unless you mean NES 5, in which case I never mentioned it. Which I assume you do by mentioning MM5s stages.

>> No.1105878
File: 325 KB, 1200x901, 1375609065603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic-megaman 6 and megaman 3
X- X2,X3 and X4
And I love the zero series so much,the music,boss fights and platforming was some of the best in the franchise. It was also really sad too,since the permanent death of zero but also X

>> No.1105951

the game series didnt really hit off till mm4-6 where the charge shot and slide added more complexity (and they made the enemies much more agile and tricky to compensate for megamans new strength)

X introduced wall jumping which added even more depth and let you dodge bosses attack in all new ways (and gave bosses all new attacks for you to avoid) unfortunately the game was very easy

x2&3 improved on X's formula with the air dash which made movment even more complex the games also became harder, not nearly as hard as their NES counterparts but still enough to ensure you need to master the boss patterns

rockman and forte was released, while it has a lot of gimmicky or annoying stages it holds the title of 'hardest megaman game' which makes it intersting

megaman 7&8 also featured a lot gimmick stages so they wernt as interseting as 4-6, and they didnt have the harsh difficulty of rockman and forte so they wernt interesting

x4 had its good and bad sides. Those constant voice samples got annoying and the game was easier than x2/3. Zero is what gave the game such a unique identity since he played so different

after x5 they added ducking which was a terrible idea. it ruined a lot of the pacing and the mechanic of 'going low' already existed (mega man's slide makes him duck down which could be used to avoid many attacks) the level design also was pretty crap. I think keiji inafune was gone from the staff so it explained why thinks went to shit.

after x5 it went into 3d sheninagns, even easier, and more terrible design with the other game series.

I didnt play much of megaman 9&10. It looks like the series went backwards. No charge shot, no dashing, no wall jumps, no air dashes, no alternative melee character. They felt more like romhacks than actually new games. The difficulty was also lower. Probably the most boring megaman games.

Ive also noticed that most fans of megaman's favorite games tend to be the easiest (mega man 2 being praised as the best)

>> No.1105957

Mega Man 2 or Gameboy Mega Man 1.
Tried to get into the X series a few times but the visual style and music are just awful in my opinion.

>> No.1105982

MegaMan 3 was always my favorite. Its also the only of the 6 Nes games I never owned as a kid growing up.

>> No.1107274


That's some astoundingly shit taste you have there OP.

>> No.1107283
File: 66 KB, 500x432, Screenshot from 2013-09-29 18:32:06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he looks so depressed

>> No.1107312

He don't wanna jump jump.

>> No.1107316
File: 114 KB, 400x425, 43634-stalin-dear-diary-today-OP-was-2N1J[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Impeccable taste comrade. I second your choice.

>> No.1107324

He knows it's almost over

>> No.1107367
File: 51 KB, 321x412, megafeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 hoursin mspaint

>> No.1107396

>War never ends

>> No.1107407

He knows he's on a failing console.

SSF is a Saturn emulator, in case you didn't get it.

>> No.1107420
File: 59 KB, 600x632, yohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best soundtrack
Most memorable boss design
Most memorably awful animated cut scenes and voice acting, which make it all the better IMO
MM8 #1

>> No.1107456

The first X was the best, by far. Not since Mario 3 had a 2 D game made such a leap.

My favorite was 4, as playing as Zero was a nerdy wet-dream for me.

For pure nostalgia sake, Mega Man 3, because it was the first NES game I blew my allowance on.

>> No.1107994

He realized that there were no heroes left in man.

>> No.1107997

>your face when being forced to star in a series-killing piece of shit

>> No.1108061


>> No.1108226

Only megaman game I've ever beaten was Zero

>> No.1108235

For shame.

>> No.1108272
File: 7 KB, 800x440, MegaMan-SonicMan, early part.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3, 4 and X1, cause that's what I had actually played unemulated.

Pic related, PC version.

>> No.1108307

no bully!

>> No.1108403

I had always assumed that that was the original, you know like a prototype, with the PC having considerably more overtly amateurish games.

>> No.1108415

>Which Megman game is your favorite?
>Astro Boy

>> No.1108460

one could argue that makes it harcore as fuck

personally the laser level with the falling and the level where you have to time your jumping by learning the pattern disappearing blocks were fucking satisfying as fuck to beat and pretty fun but hard

>> No.1108478

Of the ones I've played:

Classic: 2=3>4>5>1
X: X1=X4>X3>X2>X6>X5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>X7
Legends: 2>1

Love this series to death, shame Capcom hates it now.

>> No.1108479

the poster is being sarcastic
megaman 2 is accepted as the easiest game in the entire series. Even if you only use the buster its not difficult

>> No.1108490
File: 79 KB, 492x333, 1327305684507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman 8
>Best soundtrack
You're welcome to your opinion, but I have no fucking clue how you could even think that. Only the Wily stage music even stuck with me. It's far too mellow for Megaman.

>> No.1108494

Pretty accurate. But I'd probably swap X2 and X3. As well as X6 and X5.

>> No.1108496

I marathon'd the series a couple summers ago because I had apparently "missed out" according to a friend. So, my memory might be a little hazy. He was completely correct, but still.

Fucking loathed X7 enough to not play X8, though. Would it be worth looking into the ones I've missed?

>> No.1108501

X8 is decent. It has some shit I despise, but nothing as bad as X7 that's for certain.

Not a complete return to glory but you'd still probably enjoy it for the most part.

Also, check out Command Mission if you feel like an RPG-lite with characters who would mostly be familiar to you.

>> No.1108502

X7 is one of the few that many agree should be skipped, you've already tried the worst of it, might as well go for the rest.

>> No.1108521
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, city-borders-wallpaper-by-orioto-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there hacks to remove the charging sound in these games? I want to appreciate the great music, but ever since 4, all I hear now is VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

If not, would it be much detrimental to my game to not use the charge shot?

>> No.1108527

You could just play without charging. Very few basic enemies require it. And you aren't missing much if you charge during the boss themes.

>> No.1108630


I love how people are always lamenting Capcom's constant sequels, but for some reason went apeshit for Mighty No. 9. Meanwhile Capcom goes all jackiechan.jpg

>> No.1108746


>> No.1108749

It looks more like he's cosplaying Mega Man's shitty box art.

>> No.1109963

Play the chiptunes in a music player or listen to remixes? And yeah you can also do what >>1108527 said, especially in MM5 where it is waaaay overpowered.

>> No.1110389

Where do you get chiptunes?

>> No.1110394

>As well as X6 and X5.

X5 is horrible.

>> No.1110526


>> No.1110532

MM4, X1, X2: my holy trinity.

>> No.1110534

MM6 is my favorite classic, X is my favorite X game.

Is there any difference between the Saturn and Playstation versions of MM8?

>> No.1110536

Saturn version has Cutman and Woodman as optional bosses, a different track for Tengu Man, and better sound quality.

>> No.1110553


>> No.1110557
File: 724 KB, 1500x1941, UDON4 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X2 and X4

>> No.1110562

They both were. But while X5 felt lazy and uninspired, X6 felt aggressively terrible.

>> No.1111061

Is that Mega Man soccer game any good?

>> No.1111067

do you like old school soccer video games?

if yes, you might like it

if no, then it's not a good game.

You could remove Megaman from it and it'd be no different.

>> No.1111349

Elder God Tier:
Mega Man 2
Mega Man X

High Tier:
Mega Man 3
Mega Man X3

Mid Tier:
Mega Man 9
Mega Man X2
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 10
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 4

Low Tier:
Mega Man 7
Mega Man X4
Mega Man 8
Mega Man X5

Shit Tier:
Mega Man 1
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X8
Mega Man X7

Glad I could help /vr/ decide on a definitive MMC+MMX quality list.

>> No.1111386

Iris has a cutie mark?

>> No.1111579



2/10, at least you didn't choose MM1 or X6.

Classic: MM3
X: X1
Zero: 2, although I may have liked 3 better if i had played it first.

>> No.1111624

I want to argue with this, since I liked MM9 so much... but I really can't.
Except for MM1 and 8. What are you, stupid? Switch them, at least. The original trilogy was the best of the series and 8 was an abomination.

>> No.1111640

My favorite is MM1, although even I admit it's probably not the objectively best. It deservers to be a lot higher on that stupid list though.

>> No.1111643

Elder God Tier:
Mega Man 2
Mega Man X

High Tier:
Mega Man 3

Mid Tier:
Mega Man
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3

Low Tier:
Mega Man X4
Mega Man 9
Mega Man 10

Shit Tier:
Mega Man 7
Mega Man 8
Mega Man X5
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X7
Mega Man X8

>> No.1111667

>mfw i have a unopened copy of mega man x

>> No.1111668

prove it

>> No.1111691

Since I was raised on PS1 as a child, I fell in love with the Megaman Legends series (my first real Megaman experience) it really introduced me to platforming and grinding (shining laser, admit it, we all wanted it).

My fondness for the series grew when I bought a NES and discovered the classic games

IMO, my trinity is Megaman Legends, Megaman 2, and Dr. Wily's Revenge

>> No.1111727

MM1 was broken (iceman platform glitch, pause bug) and had the least amount of content of any classic MM. Why should it deserve anything higher than shit tier?

>> No.1111913

big deal, that's already in with stale mm5 and shovelware mm6

>> No.1111937
File: 23 KB, 211x196, 336518448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shovelware mm6
You're a funny guy.

>> No.1111979

X6 is great. X5 is a shitty rehash of X4.

>> No.1111991
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1374204792485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best to Worst of what I've played

X2 = X3
Game Boy 5
Legends1 = Legends2
Zero 3 = Zero 4
Zero 2
Zero 1
Tron Bonne

>> No.1112049

X1 fo sho

>> No.1112052

MM1 is at least better than 5, 6, 7, and 8

>> No.1112056

Everyone knows Mega Man Soccer shits on MMX1 and MM3

>> No.1112305

>X5 is a shitty rehash of X4.

>X6 is great.
You can't possibly think that. It has so many bad design choices.

>> No.1112350

>Low Tier:
>Mega Man X4
>Mega Man 9
No accounting for taste, I guess.

>> No.1112359

No. 6 is great. And 5's only crime is being bland. Not overly buggy or easily abusable. Also 7 had a surprisingly large amount of polish and things like alternate paths, weapons with real effects on bosses, and optional powerups.

>> No.1112426

bump MM4 and MM7 up one tier and I might have to agree completely with this.

>> No.1112478 [DELETED] 

>You can't possibly think that.
Perhaphs I think like this because the game is actually great? Yes, that's it.

It has so many bad design choices.
No. It has FEW bad design choices.

>> No.1112483

Best: 2
Runners-up: 3, 1
Fuck these games: Every Rockman X game. I don't know what it is about those fucking games but they just don't feel right to me.

>> No.1112484

> You can't possibly think that.
Perhaphs I think like this because the game is actually great? Yes, that's it.

> It has so many bad design choices.
No. It has FEW bad design choices.

>> No.1112489

X7 is really the bottom of the series.

>> No.1112493

>It has so many bad design choices.
We are not talking about Megaman 2.

>> No.1112512

I love how you put the mediocre Megaman 2 at elder god tier but the best game in the series (Megaman X4) at low tier.

>> No.1112535

A game having an exploitable bug really isn't a fair criticism of the game. Exploiting a bug like that is literally breaking rules of the game's design, and there's absolutely nothing compelling you to spam the select button or glitch past 5 dungeons in Ocarina of Time. Those platforms in Wily Stage 1 and Ice Man very occasionally glitch out though, and that is indeed a problem. But overall I feel the level design is just way better than anything in bland-as-fuck 5. and I just hate 6 because it's designed around sliding but you can't slide cancel. it feels awkward

>> No.1112547

Glitches are oversights in development. Testing can eliminate these things. It is most certainly a strike against the game when they are present.

>> No.1112554

It is when it's a glitch that actually interferes with a player's ability to play by the rules, such as the Ice Man platform glitch.

A glitch that the player must willingly use to break the rules is only a strike against the programming, but not the game itself.

>> No.1112582

When people brag about beating bosses with pause glitches, yeah I do hold it against the game.

Is it less of a deal than breaking the game through normal play? Absolutely. But these are all still degrees of flaws.

>> No.1112592

But wouldn't that be like blaming Monopoly itself for someone taking extra money out of the bank?

>> No.1112603

If you go online and brag about winning Monopoly by doing that, I would come away with the impression that both the game and its fans are dumber to an extent.

>> No.1112610

Your impression doesn't matter. Is that a fault in monopoly's design?

>> No.1112615

There are too many other factors at play here. Namely the ability for other players to police other players' actions. Kind of nullifies your comparison.

>> No.1112631

No it doesn't. Regardless of whether a player can get away with taking money out of the bank or not, successfully managing to do so and thereby circumventing the rules, does not, in my view, indicate a flaw in Monopoly's design.

>> No.1112640

Your comparison is irrelevant because Monopoly is played with other players. That means those other players are there to uphold the rules, just like the game engine in a video game. If those players don't wish to uphold that rule set, that's on them. But when a game can't uphold its own rules, it falls squarely on the game.

As stated, it's less of a deal than progression halting flaws, but it is still a flaw in the game. Downplaying it by stating other, bigger deals does not change this.

>> No.1112657

The objective of a game is to present a challenge to overcome. If there are holes in that challenge, doesn't that indicate the game is flawed? Wouldn't you feel a little robbed of the experience if you struggled really hard to beat something and discovered people were circumventing it completely and your trials were for nothing?

>> No.1112682

no, I would not, because I did not cheat. Seeing someone look at face down cards would not rob me of the feeling I get when I win a game of solitaire. And so seeing someone glitch the yellow devil does not bother me at all.

even if it DID bother me, my feelings or perception of the game would have no bearing on the game itself. Reality is independent of outside perception.

>> No.1112686

But if a group of players agree to cheat a game like monopoly, how is that different from one player cheating Mega Man?

I'm just being consistent here. You can't have it both ways. Is exploiting a flaw in the system/medium of a game to cheat the rules a flaw in the game or not?

>> No.1112690

Perception is a lot more important than you think. It is everything about how we view a game, regardless of how reality may differ.

What good is a theoretical "greatest game of all time" if no one recognizes it as such? Nothing, of course.

>> No.1112695

>I'm just being consistent here.
There's nothing consistent about what you are suggesting. Board games rely on players to uphold the intended rules. Video games rely on their own computing. Players are external to the actual game. The computing capabilities of a game are not.

How you can suggest it is the same situation is baffling to me.

>> No.1112751

I like you

>> No.1112756

Megaman 3


>> No.1112759

but the medium through which a game is communicated is different from the actual game.

Example A:
One group is playing monopoly with the board game. one of the players steals extra money from the bank in an act of subterfuge.
Another group plays monopoly for Windows. The coding of the game prevents cheating in this way.

Is it the fault of the actual game that Monopoly was cheated on the board game, or the player who did it? Certainly the medium is flawed in that it is POSSIBLE for a player to steal money, just as the computer programming of a game like Mega Man is flawed in making cheating the Yellow Devil possible.

If you can't agree that cheating of this kind is the fault of the player, then at least you can agree it's a flaw in the medium and not the actual game?

The very game itself says you may not take extra money from the bank.

The game itself says the elec beam takes this many shots to kill the yellow devil.

>> No.1112767

I think that guy's been doing "Iris has an ass tattoo" before ponies even showed up.

>> No.1112879

It is intrinsically more flawed that a player has the ability to reach across the board and steal money whereas a computer game could theoretically prevent that, yes. I hope you aren't trying to assert something silly like board games are flawless as they are.

>> No.1113307

How do you guys like to play your Mega Man? Do you cheat and look up weaknesses? Do you use your powers a lot through the stage or save 'em up? Save states?

>> No.1113483
File: 339 KB, 768x1024, yhallothar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they DID go batfuck insane milking the franchise.

>> No.1113492

I've been playing megaman 3 recently and just not bothering to write down the whole password, because they're so decomposable.

>> No.1113493
File: 111 KB, 768x768, yhallothar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pun intended about insanity or fucking a bat.

>> No.1113530

I generally stick to the buster and select levels on a whim. It's no fun to kill a boss before you learn to dodge their attacks. The series has a few slippery bastards I can't handle that way, though. Elec Man, a couple Doc Robots, a Wily Machine or two.

Which is nice. It's something to look forward to, something 5 and 6 can't offer me. I'm gonna go try to fuck up Elec Man right now.

>> No.1113552

Wtf is this shitheads

Are we discussing MM or boardgames here?


>> No.1113926

>How do you guys like to play your Mega Man? Do you cheat and look up weaknesses? Do you use your powers a lot through the stage or save 'em up? Save states?
Save states on the Wii U VC, Codes are annoying as hell.

>> No.1113995

just play it in one sitting

>> No.1114768

If there's a better option I welcome correction, but I just get them from Zophar's Domain. As for music players, foobar2000 on Windows, or DeaDBeeF on Linux.

>> No.1117068

Is it viable to beat the robot masters in each game with just the buster? Right now I'm doing it in 3, and it's way more satisfying than killing them in four hits.

>> No.1117090

Yes. It's even easier in 4-6.

>> No.1118302

I just finished running through MM2 without using the Metal Blades, and I have to say, it was more enjoyable. Most notable change was that Wily is a hell of a lot tougher.

How would you balance the Metal Blade, /vr/?

>> No.1118327

I'd buff every other weapon.

>> No.1118421

I'd increase the ammo drain, mostly. But also I'd make it only extra effective against 1 robot master (who isn't Metal Man himself).

>> No.1118492

7, X, Z3

7 is mostly riding on the fact that I played it first and have only ever played 2 others from the classic series.

>> No.1118539

As someone who only ever played Mega Man 9, I ask, which MM games are most similar to 9? Or rather, which games was 9 based off of?

>> No.1118660

the game is already the easiest in the entire franchise

it doesnt need to get even more dumbed down

>> No.1118664

its based off 2

mega man 1 emphasized platforming more than actual fighting

mega man 2 was the easiest of the game series and set up the standard formula

mega man 3 made it more complicated by adding sliding and making the enemies more agile so you had to slide

mega man 4 made the enemies much more difficult to hit and gave you the charge up

5&6 are the same thing as 4 but with minor differences

>> No.1119132

A good start.

But the biggest thing about metal blade is its insanely cheap cost. Increase it to 2 or 3 energy (or at least 1, I mean 1/4 energy? U fukkin wot m8)

>> No.1119167

playing mega man 5 for the first time, this shit is REALLY easy. I heard 6 was even easier.

Out of all the classic series I enjoy 3,4 and MegaMan and Bass most. I don't get peoples' gripe with 7, there's a lot of cool hidden shit in it like the secret Protoman fight.

X1 and X2 are both great, X3 feels dull and lazy in comparison (but is still enjoyable...it's still an MMX game after all). look at the boss animations, their attack patterns, and the stage elements, you'll see what I mean. Something is missing, that spark that shone so brightly in the first two.

Also X4 is a fucking beautiful game. X5 is just alright but it has a gorgeous OST. Watched part of a let's play of X7 and it looks abysmal. Played X8 for a bit, didn't really enjoy it.

>> No.1119173

>rockman and forte was released, while it has a lot of gimmicky or annoying stages it holds the title of 'hardest megaman game' which makes it intersting

...really? that frost/ice wall thing makes most platforming challenges in that game a cakewalk. Then you have Forte with his dash, double jump and treble booster (bosses for him are horrid experiences though)

>> No.1119242

7 has all kinds of neat things. You can hold B and get Ghosts and Goblins music to play on Shade Man's stage. Speaking of him, you can kill the pumpkin miniboss one of 2 ways, and depending how you do, he will open alternate paths. Also, Beat's hidden cage, a 2-player battle game if you enter the secret code, and multiple in-stage uses of weapons, like powering platforms and freezing lava.

Megaman 7 has a ton of attention to detail like this. Any hate is pretty ill founded. Well, minus the pit on Turbo Man's stage. Fuck falling and having to do that shit multiple times.

>> No.1119258

didn't play 9 yet
honestly i think 4 has the most finesse to the level design, the enemy behaviours are the most interesting and the challenge is just right, and very even thoughout
conversely, mm3 sucks dick, all the stage hazards are pitfalls with spawning enemies, a lot of the levels are just shittily made, and there are 2 robot master loops (like, really? who the fuck designed that one?). whole game just feels rushed and underthought

>> No.1119278


Metal Man
Crash Man
Snake Man
Spark Man
Gravity Man

Cut Man
Bomb Man
Air Man
Quick Man
Flash Man
Magnet Man
Dust Man
Napalm Man
Flame Man

Elec Man
Fire Man
Heat Man
Top Man
Shadow Man
Bright Man
Pharoah Man
Wave Man
Gyro Man
Star Man

Drill Man
Gemini Man
Wood Man
Bubble Man
Rig Man
Dive Man
Skull Man
Blizzard Man
Knight Man
Tomahawk Man
Wind Man
Yamato Man

Toad Man
Centaur Man
Plant Man

Guts Man
Ice Man
Needle Man
Stone Man
Charge Man
Crystal Man

>> No.1119281

X series:
2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > 5 > 8 > 5 > 6
godtier: 2, 1 , 4
pretty good: 3, 5, 8
shit: 5, 6

Classic series:
3 > 4 > 2 > 9 > 5 > 8 > 6 > 10 > 1 > 7
godtier: 3, 4, 2, 9
great: 5, 8
good: 6, 10, 1
shit: 7

Zero series:
3 > 2 > 1 > 4
godtier: 3
good: 2, 1
shit: 1

Battle Network series:
3 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
godtier: 3, 6, 2
great: 5
good: 1
shit: 4

Star Force series:
3 > 2 > 1
great: 3
good: 2
decent: 1

Overall favorite of all series combines
1. X2
2. X1
3. MM3
4. MM4
5. MMBN3

>> No.1119286 [DELETED] 

Zero series:
shit: 4*

>> No.1119292

Whoops, a couple mistakes:

X series:
... 8 > 6 > 7
Shit: 7, 6*

Zero: Shit: 4*

>> No.1119301



>> No.1119414
File: 130 KB, 400x400, 871959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can agree with a lot of that, but why the hate for Guts Man?

>> No.1119420

I mostly agree with you. But I really like MM7. Much more than MM8.

Also, Zero 1 has got to be the worst Zero. The story was a little shit in 4, but the gameplay made up for that IMO.

>> No.1119448
File: 91 KB, 165x115, !!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1119480



>> No.1119502

I wish there was a multiplayer MMBN experience. The combat system was one of the ones I really got a grip on

>> No.1119527

>Implying Skull Man isn't the best Robot Master

Fucking plebs, how do they work?

>> No.1119724

Ironic he's one of the few robots not made by Wily.

>> No.1119747

Buff the bosses and enemies too. Buffs for all.