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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11045130 No.11045130 [Reply] [Original]

>sega saturn is 29 years old
Let's have a thread about it.

>> No.11045172
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Legendary console with legendary games, guaranteed to make you smile and have a great time.

Here's something special:
Shinobi X (superior soundtrack) 60hz conversion:

>> No.11045204
File: 1.04 MB, 960x896, Shinobi X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated game

>> No.11045741

I have a problem, I recently got a Satiator but before that I had a Pseudosaturn Kai Action Replay cart, but no game will detect the 1/4 MB RAM cart through Satiator now, is there a way to remove Pseudosaturn Kai of it?

>> No.11045781

How come this one's almost never mentioned? It's not bad looking, looks similar to the Mega Drive classics in how it plays too.

>> No.11045820

Are those Saturn controllers for PC good? I just want a good controller for 2D pixel games and I can't think of anything better off memory than those controllers. SNES controllers are overrated.

>> No.11045872
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been playing light gun games on my saturn recently. area 51, house of the dead, maximum force, and crypt killer. i'm able to make it much further now than i could as a kid when i played the same games in arcades.

>> No.11045890

Thank you for recommending this anon, looks like a (finally) decent platformer for Saturn

Prefer Genesis but they are good imo

>> No.11045914

It used to get criticized a lot for having digitized sprites, and the gameplay was never as bombastic as shinobi 3 but all these games do things a little differently, this one is just focused on really fun sword combat which works great.

>> No.11045925

Thanks anon, you are basado.

>> No.11046016

Does it have any good mahjong games?
>Also, I'd love to emulate this on a handheld, but I'm not having any luck

>> No.11046032
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Yeah man

>> No.11046034

Play mahjong soul

>> No.11046036


>> No.11046039

>Prefer Genesis but they are good imo
These also look pretty good. Might just get one of each then.

>> No.11046041

Runs like shit or doesn't run at all?

>> No.11046212

Almost 30 years and still no good emulator for this

>> No.11046231
File: 281 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot 2024-06-24 10.27.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying what I've played so far

>> No.11046264

Any Anons ITT ever play Nights into Dreams? Is it any good? Been thinking about giving it a shot.
Assume I know nothing about the Saturn.

>> No.11046267

Sega Boy Summer is in full swing this year. Break out your Saturn and closet your Nintendos and Sonys.

>> No.11046269
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This game vibes are unmatched

>> No.11046270
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So far so good

Try it anon, it's solid

>> No.11046353
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A console that only those who owned it since back in the 90s understand

>> No.11046547

Deep Fear is a cool game and should of had that official NA release, thank god for that leak version

>> No.11046724


jk bro

>> No.11046727

Like shit, mostly

>> No.11046730

What's the best saturn emulator?

>> No.11046746


>> No.11046857

Retroarch, if you want easy setup. Worked for me when every other option didn't.

>> No.11046954

Nights is fine but its not the Saturns crowning achievement or the Saturns answer to Mario 64 and Crash that its sometimes made out to be. Its an arcade style score attack where you fly through rings quickly in 2d. It involves first memorizing the level layout and then chaining together runs to get a high score within the time frame. A bit like a 2d Tony Hawk Pro Skater game where you chain together tricks and collect items for score. There are also fun boss battles. The music and graphics are nice. You can explore the world as a 3d platformer before starting each level. The whole package is a little gay, though. The main character is kind of a transexual peter pan jester and theres lots of little fairies around.

>> No.11047024

Sounds like it's running fine

>> No.11047965

What's the cheapest cart that I can get right now to play burned CDs on Saturn? I only need it for that, no need to for cheats or the Saroo mem card shit, just the cheapest, most reliable option, since I was a retard and sold my AR+ cart years ago.

>> No.11047994

>What's the cheapest cart that I can get right now to play burned CDs on Saturn?
If you want to go cheap, a piece of rubber band and 1 original disc is all you need.
2nd cheapest option is the modchip. If it comes with a cable attacked then you don't even need to solder anything.

>> No.11047997

This isn't even a /pol/ thing. John Nights there is seriously just unappealing to look at. I thought so even as a kid

>> No.11048234
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>> No.11048263
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So I have beaten this game again for like the trillionth time. This time the XBOX HD Remastered version. I still love this game but going back to it after the last playthrough which was a long time ago I can see its got numerous flaws and odd gameplay mechanics. Definitely not the greatest in the genre but the game has so much soul I can't help but to still consider it one of the best ever. What is great about the XBOX version is they got rid of all of the slowdown from the original Saturn version. I still highly recommend people that like beat 'em ups play this game. This is my favorite Treasure game by a mile. I really don't care much for that company outside of this game actually.

>> No.11048541
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Saturnchads, what am I missing? Also no ports unless they're arcade ports or the best version.

>> No.11048554

Are they still making new Genesis in Brazil?

>> No.11048651

>Battle Garega
great port of an overlooked arcade shmup
>Batman Forever
this is a port of the arcade beat 'em up version that's based-on the NBA Jam engine it's good dumb fun
>Mr. Bones
controversial game but give it a fair chance it's unique
>Fighters Megamix
this one's a no-brainer
>Saturn Bomberman
probably still the best game in the series
>Tempest 2000
it's a port of the best Atari Jaguar game and a pretty decent one at that
>The Legend of Oasis
not as good as Beyond Oasis on Genesis but still enjoyable
>Bulk Slash
fun mech game that was recently fan-translated
>Stellar Assault SS
very cool spaceship shooter with good graphics
best console version of the game if you'd rather not play the Nightdive remaster
>Albert Odyssey
cute SNES JRPG that was moved to the Saturn at the last minute during development
>Mechanical Violator Hakaider
take out your VIRTUA GUN and VIOLATE them ALL

>> No.11048693

Mednafen by a long shot. Beetle Saturn in Retroarch is technically a version of Mednafen so it's good too.

If you're trying to experiment with 3D graphical options like upscaling then Kronos and Yaba Sanshiro are worth trying but your mileage may vary. They're two separate forks of Yabause and Yaba Sanshiro is generally your best option on Android too.

SSF is acceptable as a last resort especially on a slower or older computer but be warned its UI is irredeemable dogshit and loading ISO's is still a huge pain in the ass because of how picky it is with image formats and CD emulation software.

None of the other emulators are worth bothering with.

>> No.11048727

Appreciate the thoughtful reply.
Gave it a shot before reading your reply. It's pretty good, I like it. You weren't wrong about how you need to practice the levels, they can be challenging at times. Still haven't beaten it but overall it's pretty good and enjoyed myself.

>> No.11048734

Hyper Duel and Super Robot Wars F.

>> No.11048779


>> No.11048886

Willy Wombat

>> No.11049164

Dragon Force
Dark Savior

>> No.11049191

Man the Saturn is so cool but a good unit and the mods for it gets too expensive and I don't have the space for all of these consoles. I'm considering foregoing the Saturn, PS1, SNES, Genesis, and Neo-Geo and getting an FPGA for those...

>> No.11049198

Ask the "genesis is 36 years old" thread

>> No.11049284
File: 51 KB, 240x240, Docomodake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever attempted overclocking the SH2 in the Saturn?
Just asking, because it's amaze me nobody have tried it at this point.

>> No.11049324

it can't even do transparency wtf

>> No.11049347

Sounds like a good way to make mustard gas

>> No.11049517

I’m assuming you don’t have a virtua gun or you need virtua cops and House of the Dead. I’ll try not to do any repeats from previous answers but a lot of those were good. Virtua On is another amazing game but you need twin sticks for that one.

Like racing games?
>Sega Rally Championship
>Manx TT Superbike
>Daytona (Pick your version)
>Sonic R
>Cyber Speedway
>Sega Touring Car
Saturn had some great arcade racers.

>Sega Ages 1
You might as well have Space Harrier if you have Night Striker. Both are best with mission stick.Actually the entire Sega Ages japanese line is great to pick up. Probably 7 or eight of them. Damn near perfect ports of great arcade sega games.

>Dark Savior
A great action isometric action RPG with fighting game combat.

>Gungriffon 1 and 2
Great mech fps games. 2nd is better with twin sticks.

>Clockwork Knight 1&2
Decent 2d platformers. Basically genesis platformers with updated graphics, but if thats your thing you’ll love em.

>Wing Arms
A bit janky in places, and it feels unfinished, but I always had fun with this flight sim.

>Steamgear Mash
A isometric platformer/shooter. I’m not a fan of this kind of game but this is about as good as it gets. Sonic 3d blast is fine too.

>Shining games (All 4)
For different kind of RPGs. All are great.

Do you like shmups?
>Layer Section (Galactic Attack)
>Layer Section 2
>Hyper Duel
>Gradius Deluxe Pack
>Twinbee Deluxe Pack
>Salamander Deluxe Pack
>Darius 2
>Darius Gaiden
>Thunderforce V
>Blast Wind
>Metal Black
>Guardian Force
>Strikers 1945 1 and 2
>Sengoku Blade
>Gun Frontier
>Image Fight and X multiply
>Plenty more shmups if its your thing

Do you like 3d platformers?
>Too bad, get another console
>Ninpen Manmaru is playable but very kid oriented
>Ninja Jajamarukun Onigiri Gold is weird but pretty fun.

>> No.11049529

>Has anyone ever attempted overclocking the SH2 in the Saturn?
>Just asking, because it's amaze me nobody have tried it at this point.
I don't even

>> No.11049782 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all time! Of all time! Which criminally underrated Saturn Games, in your opinion, are objectively the hidden gems of time before you die?

>> No.11049794 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all time! Of all time! Which criminally underrated Saturn GAmes, in your opinion, are objectively the hidden gems of time before you are killed?

>> No.11050073

Is this the patch with the small freezes during cutscenes?

>> No.11050290

mid games

>> No.11050329

Glad to see another Guardian Heroes appreciator. Playing it with a friend really elevates it. So much endearing charm, it instantly hooks you, even friends who aren’t into /vr/.

>> No.11050739

Shut up Bernie.

>> No.11051297
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I have now done a few runs including one with the remix gameplay enabled. It feels a bit strange at first since you need to map a couple of actions to the thumbsticks. Yeah that is about as strangely jank as you would think. However the remix gameplay may possibly be even better. It definitely speeds up the gameplay considerably and there is this move you can do that takes mp that can stop the enemies from juggling you. It feels like a more polished version of the original for the most part. I am still not sure entirely which I prefer since I have been playing Han. He doesn't have anything but a single spell so maybe with him remix is a better mode but not as much for the others. I will be playing more to find out regardless.

I really wish this game got a much better sequel. This could have been such a fantastic series with improvements in later games. But yeah overall still an amazing game this was definitely a game that made Saturn worth owning.

>> No.11052193

more 3d fighting games, they are really fun and good, also you can play them on easy.

>> No.11052502
File: 118 KB, 253x394, Sega_Saturn_Dragon_Ball_Z_-_Idainaru_Dragon_Ball_Densetsu_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowkey one of the best Saturn games

>> No.11052791
File: 60 KB, 478x355, contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no goku ssj10 poder prohibido
so close... yet so far

>> No.11053675

So I just finished Nights.
Forever shut the fuck up about recommending me a Saturn game. I am thoroughly convinced the Saturn is a meme and you are all assholes who meme this lame console.
If I encounter anybody IRL who is anything like you losers I am going to punch their teeth down their throat.
seriously, the saturn is the shittiest fucking console I have ever encountered.
Honestly they need to detonate all copies of this system. fuck off.

>> No.11053704

Nights isn't a game you're supposed to just complete once and be done with it. You're supposed to play the levels over and over to get a high score. I understand not everyone is going to be into that idea but it is how the game was designed.

>> No.11054346
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Tried Tempest today for the first time, fun game but runs slow on my TV stick

I wanna try Wipeout next

>> No.11056281

My go-to Saturn games are Super Tempo and Keio Flying Squadron 2, which while they're simplistic platformers, they're still pretty fun to play (and in the case of Super Tempo, the graphics are the biggest appeal of the game)

>> No.11056654

EH, it was a great release here in Europe back then in the 90s.

>> No.11056756

Kill yourself you limp wristed weak bitch. You couldn't hurt a fly let alone another human being. I would grab your monkey ass and slam your face on the concrete floor until there's nothing but blood and gore everywhere

Eat SHIT. The Sega SATURN is KINO and we don't need shit taste having dork losers like you insulting it.

>> No.11056776
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How is Saturn Duke?

>> No.11056820
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>> No.11056934

It's a nice technical curiosity which is incredibly unfaithful to the original game

>> No.11056949
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>Radiant Silvergun
>what am I missing?

>> No.11056964

>I am going to punch
I'm a 7th dan black belt in karate. Also proud nazi. Since Nights Into Dreams is my favorite game on the Saturn i feel i must protect its legacy and pure integrity. And thus i challenge you to a karate fight to the death. Please let me know your location and chose a convenient time.

>> No.11056976
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>> No.11056984

Yes, it's magical

>> No.11056990

SVOL. I can hear this gif

>> No.11056996

Clockwork Knight 2

>> No.11057078

What's the good Saturn emulator and can it do virtual CPU overclocking?

I fell in love with Baroque on PSX and the Saturn version is supposed to be much better, but I dunno if I can handle 13 FPS. CPU overclocking can get you 30 FPS on PSX with only a little bit of (welcome) game speedup and the music doesn't break.

>> No.11057372 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, guardianadvance-1674802802153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the sequel, and I wanted to try Original, but the emulation quality sucks.

>> No.11057470

Pretty good but controls are awkward. It runs smoother than the PSX version and isn't censored like the N64 version but it deviates more from the PC version than PSX since it isn't running on the Build engine.

>> No.11057507

Doesn't help that Sega didn't publish it in North America and Vic Tokai had to publish it here instead, Sega really turned their backs on their IP from the Genesis / Mega Drive years in a bizarre way with the Saturn.

>> No.11057576
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Dark Savior for sure

>> No.11057616

I cam here to suck ass and, well that's it.

>> No.11057819

Dawg it'll be 30 in November

>> No.11057843

It wouldn't do anything because games aren't programmed to use more than the stock SH2 clock, same way overclocking PSP/PS2/PS3/Xbox/etc doesn't do anything unless homebrew is specifically designed to take advantage of it.

>> No.11057863

How doable is digging into saturn isos for assets(sprites and stuff)? Possible? Realistic?

>> No.11057876

This. The only people who like the Saturn are lonely otaku.

>> No.11057883
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I'm not lonely

>> No.11058427
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I actually strongly dislike the sequel. Its not the worst game in the world but its such a disappointment to me compared to the first game. It is just not the sequel I would have ever wanted.

You can play it on Xbox. If you do not own or want to buy Xbox just for one game I don't blame you but I am sure you could probably pirate it and I recall emulation for Saturn being in a much better state today. Maybe you should try looking into that again. The remix gameplay mode I think makes the game play even better and much faster pace than the original gameplay. Its nice to play this game with no slowdown at all. It is incredibly and maybe too hard on hard mode though and the controls they included is pretty damn stupid since you need to map stick clicks. I ended up mapping Undead commands to right stick and row shifting to left stick. You get the other two row shifts anyways so I never felt there was any need for there to be a third shift that makes the character jump like two rows when they are in the furthest one.

Undead Hero is the best character. Literally the mvp of Guardian Heroes and he will carry your ass through hard times since he is immortal and seriously pissed off when you unleash his full power.

>> No.11058432

legendary kusoge machine

>> No.11058508

lovely game.

>> No.11058798

A great conversion for the time if you didn't own a PC, like Quake is. But it's kind of redundant in this day and age.

>> No.11058816

These days those versions are unique to Saturn as they do not function like the PC versions. If you're a fan of the games you should check them out.

>> No.11058972

is Princess Crown any good?

>> No.11059057
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Proofs or kys

>> No.11059145
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i will also play light gun games today.

>> No.11060921

Super Robot Wars F is the best Saturn game and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.11060945
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Wtf does your lightgun have a genesis controller port? Isnt that a PS1/Saturn guncon???

>> No.11060948
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>> No.11060952
File: 2.53 MB, 1440x2617, saturnvf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sworn to get my saturn working again. It's been in pieces for 6 months, but I will repair the laser and get a modchip for it to enjoy the library.

>> No.11061358
File: 695 KB, 876x1200, Dd6IvV-VMAEOPIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just say how much I fucking love the Saturn era of Sonic? Sonic Jam is such a soul little collection with a kino 3D hub world. Even if it's just nothing more than a collection, you gotta appreciate the effort they went through in porting the games. The videos showed this whole other world of Sonic that Americans weren't really familiar with, and I think it's pretty fucking cool for being some of the first introductions of Japanese Sonic.

Sonic R is a very flawed game but I had a lot of fun with it. It's really one of those games you play more for the vibes rather than for the gameplay, and I think it absolutely delivers on that front. I absolutely LOVE the vocal themes in this game. It's a top 5 Sonic soundtrack for me. It's also pretty fun unlocking all of the other characters.

3D Blast is arguably the worst of the 3, at least for me, but the soundtrack is once again really fucking solid here. I love it. The special stages are also some of my favorites from the entire series, and I'm normally not fond of special stages. I like the updated graphics & the updated sound effects especially are nice. I just wish the actual gameplay itself was better, but it's still pretty soul.

Absolutely kills me that Sega & Sonic Team neglect this era of Sonic. They use that weird mutt design from Generations and forget the updated Classic design that bridges the gap between Classic & Modern sonic more.The 2D artwork from this era is fucking top tier, I love it. The models have that mid 90s charm to them. I miss this era and I wish we got more shit like it.

>> No.11061459

What a bullshit story NDAs don't last 30 years unless you work on nuclear reactors. If this was true we would have heard about this port years ago from people that work for example in Digital Foundry as it's founder worked for official sega magazines for most of his life and was in every ECTS behind the scenes show since the late 80s when it started.

>> No.11061469

The sonic CD intro already showed jap sonic to burgerland. Also maybe the sonic OVA idk if it was brought to the west before or after sonic jam.

>> No.11061476

Did you remember to replace your Saturn's CR2032 battery this week?

>> No.11061505

True. Forgot about CD although the music was changed for it. The OVA was released in '99 in America 3 years after it debuted in Japan. So around Dreamcast era was when the amerimutts got the OVA

>> No.11061548

>What a bullshit story NDAs don't last 30 years unless you work on nuclear reactors.
Or you work in Japan, where the entire society is conditioned from birth to give 110% into anything they do, and relationship between worker and employer is akin to shogun and samurai.

>If this was true we would have heard about this port years ago from people that work for example in Digital Foundry as it's founder worked for official sega magazines for most of his life and was in every ECTS behind the scenes show since the late 80s when it started.
ECTS and E3 was several levels higher than what happened in Sega offices in Tokyo. You could have been in every single trade show and still not know shit about how things went around behind the scenes.

>> No.11061562

Japanese people getting their panties in a bunch over somebody dumping 35-40 year old videogame prototypes without the approval of the copyright holders isn't an uncommon sight.

>> No.11061597
File: 61 KB, 1024x917, 1686464513822168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I properly emulate it with my super expensive gaming PC with beast of a monster card, HUH?!

>> No.11061625

Beetle core for 2d games
Yaba for 3d games

>> No.11061680

skill issue

I was properly emulating it in 2010 on what surely was a worse computer than your current one

>> No.11061768

I have a mid ranged PC by today's standards and I can emulate Saturn games perfectly fine on Retroarch. I think your PC is just shit or you're using a shitty emulator

>> No.11061837
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I know what you mean, and we got so much nice Sonic artwork too at that time, something that's distinctively not Genesis Sonic, nor Adventure 1 or 2 Sonic... I personally love Sonic 3D Blast, as it was the closest to a 3D Sonic platformer we got on Saturn, and it was a Collect-A-Thon, which at that time was more common, with Super Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot on that same year too.

I know, it's not Sonic X-Treme, this isn't the Crash killer and especially not the Mario killer SEGA at that time might've wanted... but I love the levels and how fun it is to explore them, it's just SOVL.

>> No.11061854

Jam is the only way I play Sonic games nowadays

>> No.11061872
File: 43 KB, 540x540, 1712395411342908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you gentlemen kindly show me a good emulator then?

>> No.11062087
File: 896 KB, 817x822, Screenshot 2024-07-01 10.26.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who's back

>> No.11062090


>> No.11062281

Mednafen you dumb cunt

>> No.11062327
File: 422 KB, 1504x404, 1708546963237394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saturn bros.... its finally happening... we're changing the narrative

>> No.11062352

ahh yesss, i will definitely be CONSOOOOOOMING the digital deluxe preorder to obtain access to this blender recreation of a model that was really only featured in a mid eurojank foot racing game and the only real reason people even like it is because it represents an idea that doesnt even exist and never will

>> No.11062360

That guy also deeply loves the 32x and even wrote a book about it.
Not sure his opinion is a valid one

>> No.11062361

Cool, 32x has some good games

>> No.11062452

i used mednafen like 5 years ago and it constantly had audio and visual bugs. retroarch works though

>> No.11062484

Does it play like 3?

>> No.11062610

I installed a Fenrir on my Saturn, but I started with Shining Force III and won't rest until I beat all of it, even if I feel like playing something else.

>> No.11062684

Saturn Sonic was pretty well-represented in Mania from my recollection.

>> No.11062902

I couldn't put my mind onto why I don't like this model. It finally clicked with me is that it's like this weird mutt inbetween of Jam sonic & Fighters sonic and it ends up looking like origami. It's also something to do with the lighting or texture lighting on Sonic. Sonic's fur was darker in Jam, and they're giving him that lighting blue because...Generations. It's cool don't get me wrong, but I'll probably just download a mod that replaces it with the true saturn model from Jam & Sonic R or a Sonic the Fighters model.

>> No.11062918

Yeah I'll give you that. I do enjoy exploring the levels in 3D Blast.
Ehhhhh not really? There was never any real nod to 3D Blast. They didn't reference the flickies, didn't really use the updated SFXs in that game (which is a real shame), or didn't really have any huge nod to it. Sonic R really only kinda sorta got the special stages but that's debatable if it's a direct nod. It was influenced by R though 100% Kinda hard to reference Jam too but I don't think it got anything either. Sonic the Fighters & Chaotix arguably got more nods than the Saturn games did.

>> No.11062924

Mednafen is probably the best standalone option you'd have. If you wanna use RetroArch try Beetle Saturn. There's also Kronos but that's a lot more demanding on resources iirc.

>> No.11062949

Origins feels like a tribute to Jam, all it's missing is the actual hub world

>> No.11063031
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I'm happy to see SEGA acknowledge their Saturn era for Sonic.

This looks nice.

>> No.11063140

Origins also kinda sucked. Widescreen remasters are nice but it's a death by 1,000 needles situation for me

>> No.11063471

>street fighter alpha 3
unless you're sticking all those to an ode's sd card, there no reason (besides t
hawk's saturn exclusive backward walk while guarding sprites) to play the saturn version of sfa3. the psp version is the best one, but even the dreamcast version is superior and closer to the arcade. besides that, good list.

>> No.11063485

Destroyed the PS1 version

>> No.11063494

I wish I grew up with the saturn and had that as my first console rather than an N64.
Nights, Sonic Jam Sonic 3dblast and Sonic R would have been so cool.
Does anyone else feel like they had the wrong childhood

>> No.11063496

sega rally championship is the glaring one here, that and daytona

>> No.11064165

I didn't grow up with the Saturn, but I've always had a weird fascination with it. I feel like in retrospect it's a pretty cool little console with a bunch of hidden gems, but at the time a lot of Sega fans felt betrayed by Sega dropping the Saturn so quickly for the Dreamcast. That and taking in from the perspective that they also pump and dumped shit like the Sega CD or the 32X, continuously fucking over their consumers. Not to say there weren't some gems in those libraries either, but Sega themselves weren't super committed to them. Keeping in mind that Sonic fans were constantly cock teased a new big 3D sonic game that would've rivaled Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot but it never came out. I know the Saturn is regarded a lot more highly in Japan, but unless you happened to be the chunk of American kids who generally lived under a rock when it came to the latest gaming news, alongside there being less kids who owned a Saturn compared to the amounts of N64 kids and especially the amount of PS1 kids, I feel like it would be pretty hard to have a Saturn. Who knows, though. Like I said I never had a Saturn nor did I know anyone who had one. I knew a few Dreamcast kids though, probably because the games looked cooler there

>> No.11064521 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11064602

I mean, anything would be better than the N64.

I like the Saturn as an adult who knows Japanese. If I'd had one as a kid, I would've been very disappointed with it compared to the PS1.

>> No.11064608

this, it looks like a "SO RETRO" "low poly" model off the unity asset store

>> No.11064725

>as a kid, I would've been very disappointed with it compared to the PS1.
Because you are a mediocre person.

>> No.11064727

There is no Tony Hawk on Saturn

>> No.11064728


>> No.11064730

Good riddance because why?

>> No.11065071

If Nintendo fans can do with with the N64 and Game Cube, and in the future with the Wii U for sure, then we can too!

>> No.11065079

The difference between all those and the saturn is the saturn has good games.

>> No.11065086
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Go consolewar somewhere else poorfags, this is the saturn bday thread. You don't belong here, anyway, it's not like you owned a Saturn back in the 90s

>> No.11065089

i like that console