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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11041093 No.11041093 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11029763

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.11041094
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Is this even alive?

/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

=== NEWS ===
[6-22] Quake 2 Torture Jam is out

[6-20] DBP66: Lunar Strain is out now

[6-17] Fraggot is on IDgames!

[6-13] Gore Nuggets released

[6-10] Tomb of Thunder updated to version 1.03

[6-10] Ashes: Hard Reset released

[6-5] Nightdive announces Killing Time Resurrected

[6-3] Release trailer for Ashes: Hard Reset scheduled for June 10th
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFf65H8q1lg [Embed]

[6-2] CutStuff.net is now https://mm8bdm.net/forum..

[5-30] Rise of the Triangles is on IDGames

[5-30] Little Italo, tribute to the Italo Doom

[5-27] Zandronum-compatible Colorful Hell released

[5-26] AMC Squad v4.5 released

[5-25] MBF64, D64 gameplay mod for MBF21 is released

[5-23] Extinction Warrior Typhon released

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.11041096
File: 3.99 MB, 854x480, The Adventures of Square.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fun mapsets with 3D floors, slopes and all these advanced mapping shing-dings? Makes the world feel more spacious, full of intricately tucked secrets to discover and untapped potential for exploring. Partial, total conversions or just generally based on Doom, you name it. Preferably something which let me play without a mouselook and focused on nonstop gameplay, i.e. no interactive story elements or cutscenes.

>> No.11041108
File: 444 KB, 1920x1080, srb20002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is when you know DOOM modding has gone full circle

>> No.11041138

Are there any Quake mods that make heavy use of the wind tunnels from e3m5? I want more of that shit.

>> No.11041156

"Obsessive Brick Disorder" from Arcane Dimensions. That's all I know

>> No.11041190

What's everyone playing or trying to play today?

>> No.11041192

>try to do some cartoon villain shit with your speedy rat arch rival
>a blood drenched lunatic with a sawed off SR50s in and BFGs your gay robots because you used bunnies in your badniks
>you're quite the large fella, which has implications for your guts

>> No.11041203

unironically the crossover which could've saved sega

>> No.11041216
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>Sega copes with the Saturn's poor 3d capabilities by licensing the DOOM engine and releasing a series of highly optimized DOOM clones

>> No.11041271

remove the pistol from doom
remove bullets from doom
increase shell capacity to 100(200)
make the shotgun the slot 2 weapon
make the chaingun consume shells and fire 4 pellets at once
make the plasma rifle fire a perfectly accurate 10 damage hitscan simultaneously with each plasma bolt so it can snipe switches and compete with chainshotgun & bfg

>> No.11041281

So would that mean zombimen drop two shells on death?

>> No.11041356
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thanks for info. i hope it gets released soon

>> No.11041386
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Finished Outlaws, a bit simple and the shotguns sucked but atmosphere is off the charts, I'd recommend it.

>> No.11041403

Holy shit that's awesome. Download?
I know the increased damage is there but the plasma gun not being BRRRRRRRRRRT and instead being BRT-BRT-BRT-BRT is heresy to me.

>> No.11041414

>Sonic DOOM
>Nights Into DOOM
>House of the DOOMed
>Shining in the DOOM

>> No.11041426

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that Nuke Dukem would have been a better name

>> No.11041428

Dick Kickem

>> No.11041460
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Stool Drizzlem
Uhuhunh what an mess!

>> No.11041474

I'm 99% sure this doesn't exist, but I'm going to ask anyway: Is there a mod for Doom whereby you play as Duke, but he has bespoke lines for certain "beats", i.e. the beginning of episode two begins with something like
>Damn, those demon bastards are gonna pay for taking my life
? Not just playing as Duke in Doom, but having him exist diegetically in Doom's campaign.

>> No.11041480
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, going_babel_feelingreen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know the increased damage is there but the plasma gun not being BRRRRRRRRRRT and instead being BRT-BRT-BRT-BRT is heresy to me.
Heretical plasma, you say? Corvus is a bro so that's cool.
>captcha: WANGJS

>> No.11041525

>give the vanilla Doom 2 gameplay a try some day of you haven't
I'm definitely gonna, in retrospect I regret BD because of how easy it feels but I'm already far enough in that I'll see it through
my plan is finish II, circle back to E4 in I, then final doom, 64, and 3 in VR and maybe VFR
after that I'm gonna play doom 1 through eternal on pc just kbm

>> No.11041532
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I think I said that I would get it all tested by June 15th, but I overestimated the time I could assign on playing, and forgot how tight some maps were. I still have a few big maps to try and break, like the Shantae and Mikazuki ones, but it's getting there.
If anybody would like to go bug-hunting here's the current beta you should use : https://files.catbox.moe/hqmxt7.zip
Captcha: SSSG

>> No.11041598
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Why so many duplicate textures in IWADS? I've noticed a few...

>> No.11041606

Thinking about running Space Hunter with the new DBP.

>> No.11041647

Doom 2 and Final Doom for some reason replaced some Doom 1 switches with these placeholders.

>> No.11041653


>> No.11041835
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I need another trash metal midi now!


>> No.11041853

I woul love a mod that does this with Quake 3's unused Doomguy lines

>> No.11042128
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>Doom Plasma Rifle
> + Melts every individual target decently fast, a super strong weapon
> - Generally superfluous once BFG is obtained except for sniping bosses
You wouldn't actually get the BFG until either secret area in E2, or later on in E3, so for most of the first game you just don't have it, and you'd mostly use the Plasma. Doom 2 changes this some, and it's an example of how Doom 2 would really have benefitted from episodic division, like the first game, so that the player's inventory would get forcibly reset a few times, so that some of the difficulty and scaling can also be reset.

>Doom 64 Plasma Rifle
> - Sucks ass
> - Nerfed so hard the buffed Chaingun feels better
> - Completely useless once you get the Unmaykr
> - Has no reason to exist
It exists so that you have a weapon which uses Cell ammo until you finally get the Unmaker (or BFG9000), which may take a while, depending on if you find secret levels or not (and depending on which passwords you might use you may not have the Unmaker from previous levels, but still finding the Plasma lying around).

The reason it's nerfed in rate of fire is probably for memory reasons, the rapid spew of projectiles would probably tank your performance in some situations, and this is probably why the Chaingun had its rate of fire boosted in return, to make up for that.
It's probably also to make the Unmaker weapon more distinct, as much of its deal is rapid fire.
Since the Unmaker uses hitscans with a very simple 3D laser drawn between the weapon and the impact, it's no even close to as memory intensive.

Yes, as said, most probably for memory reasons, it likely contributed excessive slowdown in some places and some situations. Imagine blowing out 50 projectiles quickly and they travel across a longer distance, that can add a lot extra for the game to keep track on when things are already busy, on a machine which just isn't as powerful and capable as a PC.

>> No.11042237

>replaying marathon
>after each level look up author comments on lhowon
>then read the volunteers and tour of duty commentary
soul. bless those who were passionate about marathon 20+ years ago

>> No.11042523

idea: Training grounds mapset. Each maps is balanced around a specific weapon, monster or item, emonstrating different kinds of encounters and giving tips on how to deal with them.
It would also be interesting to try different gameplay mods in it and see which ones won't work well in some vanilla-balanced scenarios.

>> No.11042638
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Hey guise, I need some feedback on my level, see screenshot

>> No.11042754

add more monsters and obstacles in the middle so players are more obliged to take the intended path

>> No.11042758
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>> No.11042763

>Shining in the DOOM
would play

>> No.11042778

Wouldn't have alleged legal issues with Captain Planet either

>> No.11042783

Look up uaclabs .wad

>> No.11042785

>combat without damage
This isn't a Morrowind thread

>> No.11042791

>pistolstart somewhat normal
>feeling absolutely retard
Good start. Man I can't decide what retro fps to play next. All out of ideas. Might just do a palate cleansing doom run or something.

>> No.11042795

Just don't spec your character retarded, equip him for what you actually specced him for, and then pay attention to your fatigue. The game throws virtually free restore stamina (and restore health) potions at you in most major towns, and they're commonplace elsewhere.

>> No.11042846 [SPOILER] 
File: 948 KB, 1920x1200, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished afterglow and wow was that incredible, good thing I saved all my stims for that boss fight or else I'd have been fucked; so many of the side areas in that last mission had too many enemies and not enough ammo the sub mission didn't have many enemies, but I sure didn't get my ammo back from it, it was worth it for the Smiley slide at the end though, lol. In general I think the last couple of levels were a little to Doom 2 for me in terms of just throwing you into a room to circle strafe in; I love ashes for it's Blood/Ion Fury style shootouts, not for careless arena fighting. But even with those lategame negatives it's still one of the best FPS games I've played, all the more sweet for being a passion project and not an early access steam release, though I'd happily pay for it. Onwards to HR.

Pic related made me shit my pants.

>> No.11042946

Sink the grass down and turn it into nukage, keep the narrow path as a thin walkway, put hellknights and imps on the semi-circular path.

>> No.11042954

>Onwards to HR
Temper expectations

>> No.11042963

Put a backpack behind the lamp post
And a trigger which causes two chaingunners to spawn behind those park benches when you pick it up

>> No.11042967

That was a moment that made me realize I was playing a truly transcendant game
>Onwards to HR.
Just so you know it wasn't fully made by Vosty, it was a collab with a tranny and the tranny afk'd halfway through, he had to rush it out just to meet the deadline. It has 3 excellent levels but overall the quality is far below 2063, let alone Afterglow. There's also talk of a patch for a number of the issues coming soon, probably want to wait at least for that.

>> No.11043035

Just finished Hexen first hub. I got a feeling it's gonna be really painful.

>> No.11043054

You're a big guy, I'm sure you can handle it

>> No.11043059

First hub is the worst hub

>> No.11043076

doom engine is a bad choice for dm-hyperblast remake

>> No.11043080

It gets much better after the first hub, but Hexen really just doesn't click with everyone.

>> No.11043087

Hexen's level design is akin to torture.

>> No.11043132

>but Hexen really just doesn't click with everyone.
Raven's biggest fuckup was not really getting what their audience of Doom into Heretic into Hexen players were expecting,

Most of these people don't look at map names, don't really listen for context clues short of elevator sounds and they often just kind of brute force their way through maps by trying everything till something works.

>> No.11043153

>3d bad

>> No.11043172

I thought Afterglow was gold until the last two missions, which have potential but feel pretty unfinished.

>> No.11043174

Put 40 or so revenants, 8 mancubus, 5 hell knights, 30 imps, 10 chaingunners, 20 shotgun zombies, 4 arachnotrons, 3 arch-viles, a cyberdemon and 2 spider demons in there. Then repeat that encounter 3 or 4 times throughout the whole map. Then put your map after map20 and you'll have made a quality map.

>> No.11043175

This, but unironically.

>> No.11043195


>> No.11043205

No, Idtech 1
The gameplay mod is Babel. I think the WAD is Going Down

>> No.11043207

I liked both 2063 and Afterglow but.. Getting stuck in Afterglow sucks the fun out of it sometimes. Being stuck wandering around the botanical gardens was dreadfully boring and every time I get stuck I start hating the game until I finally get going forward.

>> No.11043260

>spend way too long on a map
>think its absolute trash
>cant just let it go
How often does this happen to you guys?

>> No.11043262

That doesn't usually happen to me until I release something.

>> No.11043263

It happens a lot while I'm doing gameplay stuff. If you think it's complete trash then I'd say at least set it to the side because there's always something that can be salvaged or reused there.

>> No.11043360


>> No.11043426
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>Demo Release: 6/22/24
so what now

>> No.11043456

Which source ports support Voxel Doom? I thought it was just GZDoom but it Woof! does too (and by extension Nugger)

>> No.11043469

what happened too delphi doom. is it still alive?

>> No.11043537

I wasn't being ironic.

>> No.11043559

The Square posts got me back to playing Square. I spent a stupid amount of time lost e2a3 because I didn't realize you need to use the speed power up to progress. Now that I know what to do I think the idea of juggling two powerups just to progress is a really interesting idea, and combat while speedy in general is really fun.
The experience also made me realize you can rocket jump to great effect in low gravity and alternatively use that to progress. Somehow I never tried rocket jumping till then and now I wonder what kind of skips you could do on earlier levels with it. And on that matter...
Isn't Square designed for freelook? I think the rocket launcher and goonades would be hard to use without it.
To actually answer your question: Try heartland maybe, or quake. I feel like most maps that use 3d floors and expect freelook to accommodate the fact enemies can exist directly above each other.

>> No.11043634

Anybody play any good .wads lately? Just in general? Old or new?

>> No.11043725
File: 2.10 MB, 1865x2357, If I Had A Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Someone Pay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11043774

sum QUAK

>> No.11043783

I'd say fouth is more confusing.

>> No.11043791

Not retro

>> No.11043874

What's a good mapset to use with Moon Man Doom?

>> No.11043892


>> No.11043901
File: 213 KB, 852x1079, 1696947570876169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just getting into actually playing doom mods other this weekend so I've mainly been downloading and setting everything up, but I've started with Sunder and it's kicking me in the balls.

I wasn't aware that was a thing. Thanks.

>> No.11043903

>I wasn't aware that was a thing. Thanks.
Damn son you're in for a treat. Total classic.

>> No.11043925

They never called themselves demons. It was Doomguy who made assumptions based on their outer appearance. Don't be like Doomguy.

>> No.11043931

pol.wad was basically the blueprint the Moon Man mod is coasting off of, and was made by a guy from these threads. Even non-/pol/lacks loved its theatrics.

>> No.11043937


>> No.11043957

I need to actually get Doom Explorer or another one of these loader programs because my folders are getting confusing af.

And I also actually need to put down the time to play.

>> No.11044013

I just dump everything loose in the Zdoom folder and write my own batch files to launch with.

>> No.11044014

Trying it now, using both together does some goofy stuff with the enemy placement. I'm having plenty of fun with pol.wad alone though.

It was really easy to set it up and get about 100 different wads downloaded and working in it in a couple hours, even without prior experience. Modding is so much easier than I remember it being in the 2000s.

>> No.11044015

Who's the artist for this?

>> No.11044146

Looks a little too Mass Effect rather than Marathon, not that I dislike Mass Effect.

>> No.11044185
File: 42 KB, 308x890, slade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to know where I can find the NPC portrait art in Hard Reset?
I tried to narrow it down by NPC name(varni since she's the one NPC name I remember) but i could only find her sprite.

>> No.11044220

>actually not a demon, just a smoothbrained scavenger animal
what should we call it then

>> No.11044237

You’re in charge of coming up with a “super shotgun” slot weapon in a project.
What do?

>> No.11044243

A shotgun with a tiny red cape, which turns shotgun shells into highly damaging lasers.

>> No.11044245

>What do?
Put in... a super shotgun? Idk what else to say lmao. If you need a super shotgun you put in a super shotgun. I'm not going to re-invent the wheel as a square when the wheel is perfectly fine.

What type of project it would even be for is the question? Maybe if it was a medieval fantasy themed thing maybe I would utilize something like a hand ballista but I don't like fantasy fps so..

>> No.11044254

A shotgun that saved a kitten from a burning building

>> No.11044260

A full auto mag fed shotty with grenade launcher under barrel.

>> No.11044268

That be pretty cool, attachment for base to be super
Can be whatever you like.
A “ sentient” helper gun? Has the been a mod where gun becomes follower like that?

>> No.11044283

An explosive punch that fires debris.

>> No.11044284

>can be whatever you like
Well here's a couple, some have been used already :
-Explosive tipped crossbow, altfire switches between regular and dynamite bolts.
-Flaregun. Blood actually imo almost-perfected the flaregun but it's a bit powerful to be in the pistol slot.
-Flak cannon that shoots out pellets that bounce off of surfaces so you can hit enemies in cover or behind corners.

>> No.11044301
File: 235 KB, 1166x903, Daedolon's Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself. I love Hexen.
>What do?
Two words: double crossbow.

>> No.11044331

Look at the rest of the project and make something that fits in. Can't just make something all disconnected from everything else, that's poor project management.

>> No.11044337

A blunderbuss you just jam a bunch of shells into
The more shells you load the more damage and knockback

>> No.11044417

What’s cooler, ak that shoot shotgun or “m1 garand” that shoot shotgun shells?

>> No.11044438


the marathon 2 assault rifle does look pretty damn close to the ones from ME, what with that whole tactical tuna thing going on.

>> No.11044485

Of course he wasn't being ironic. The guy who did it first got hired by Valve.

>> No.11044582

A massive punt gun that does BFG-level damage but costs 40hp and stuns you for 2 seconds when you shoot it.

>> No.11044618

ak that shoots shells is just a saiga, cool but exists
m1 shotgun is a perfect blend of cooltarded, unique, and has the obligatory meme ping (or since it's a shotgun now, maybe a deep gong)

>> No.11044625

Bolt action shotguns do exist, they're more for slugs than actual shot though
Though that's an idea...

>> No.11044632

bolt actions and semi auto shotties both exist, but the m1 is its own unique mess with that enbloc clip and preternatural disdain for thumbs, it's only ever been rechambered for .308 so anything more wild has the cool factor of being OC donut steel

>> No.11044636

Just do what Kalashnikov did :^)

>> No.11044637
File: 50 KB, 720x579, IMG_1128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought about the sound aspect.
Make it a sawed off and im sold.
Wonder how big would be to have an 12ga enbloc.
Tf2c had the “garand slam” shotgun

>> No.11044665

40mm grenade laucher that shoots 40mm flechette shotgun shells. Yes this still uses normal shells as ammo, I ain't gonna explain shit.

>> No.11044672

>don't ever speak to me or my son ever again

>> No.11044694

Slightly bigger or somewhere in between those, probably hold 4 shells per clip. Fills the niche of SSG’s low capacity high damage satisfying booty blaster.

>> No.11044791

>Look at the rest of the project and make something that fits in.
I’m way too into having balanced shotguns, so I’d like to know what the “regular” shotty is before diving into making a “super” one.

>> No.11044857

I'm trying to play blade of agony (3.0), but bullets literally aren't hitting. I can stand directly infront of a guy and unload an entire mag of mp40 into him and maybe 2 bullets will actually hit. Is there something wrong with my install or is the game just shit?

>> No.11044937

I'm playing through Blight. Idk anything about the mapper(s) but it's supposed to be after sigil 2? It's a Doom 1 .wad. It's been alright so far.

>> No.11044943

Something is definitely wrong with your settings. Last time I played it, it worked just fine after I turned some of the fancy graphical shit down. Check your auto-aim settings especially.

>> No.11045007
File: 1.48 MB, 2560x1440, I Guess Thats It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as you could easily surmise, Sum Ting /vr/y Wong isn't going well. It has one completed map and 5 levels in progress but I really don't know when I can get around to finishing them.

To put it simply, no one else made a submission. I saw some test maps and general interest for a bit, but they didn't follow through. Same could be said for me. If there are no submissions, it's no longer a community project, but a personal one. I've been thinking that 500ml was a fluke. It felt like I didn't lead anything this time around or even make vague suggestions.

If someone is willing to map, the deadline will become "when it's done" but otherwise this will be a personal project and derided for the foreseeable future.

Disappointment and ridicule most likely.

>> No.11045080

What's a good doom wad for someone trying to impress his racist friends that he's meating for the 1st time?

>> No.11045102


>> No.11045103


>> No.11045112

Seconding this, hard.

>> No.11045193
File: 1.43 MB, 3840x2160, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out Torture Jam for Quake 2. So far it's pretty good, but it has the same sort of quality control issues as previous Q2 Remaster jams with the last map I played (Strogg Rock Cafe) having absolutey AIDS gameplay. I'm overall more optimistic for this than the previous ones though.

I gotta admit, I'm also not sure how I feel about the heavy use of dynamic lights in some of these maps. It's one thing if you can see player and enemy shadows, but when everything in a room has that harsh projected shadow behind it it looks pretty off - especially in motion. Doesn't help that the dynamic lighting and shadows are layered on top of static lightmaps, which can lead to some visible discrepancies between them.

>> No.11045218

Are you like Uncle Ruckus meeting Jimmy Rebel for the first time and trying your damned hardest to not repel him immeditely with your skin color

>> No.11045226

>Strogg Rock Cafe
lmao what the fuck is this
hitscanner spam with no health and armed with only a shotgun

>> No.11045271

This >>11045103

>> No.11045454
File: 3.68 MB, 854x480, Paint Plant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping is fluid and very responsive in this game, doesn't feel like an afterthought feature and actually lets you do precise movements with ease. For now I use keybinds to move the camera in case I need to survey the environment, with goonades you adapt to the trajectory pretty quick and I only use them for walking groups. Let's see how far this gets me. One of the GZDoom strengths is to be tweaked and moddable, so I play the way which suits my sensibilities.

>> No.11045594

His name is Phil.

>> No.11045605

I managed to mostly fix it with some auto aim changes, though the mp40 in particular still like to just shoot through the sprites without hitting on occasion. That said I'm up to the dam mission and think I might drop it; I'm all up for Blood style quicksaving before every big shootout, but at this point I'm damn close to quicksaving before every enemy.

>> No.11045637
File: 3.87 MB, 640x360, Longer version of fore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500ml and Violent Rumble are two very cool things to have happened, but since then it feels like everything has really slowed down. I've sadly only ever had the time/knowledge/talent to merely test most of these projects.
>decided to go through the 500ml zip
>noticed the goodies at the end of the ini
that's awesome, man, damn. And I'll always say how 500ml is some of the most fun I've had playing anything in Build so I'm sure the Wang will be worth any wait.

>> No.11045667

Annoying that mutants don't get subtitles in afterglow, since they are really hard to understand with the effects put on their audio. I have NO idea what the apparition said in return to the spire.

>> No.11045692

It's alright, can't win 'em all. Plus, /vr/ projects in general have been pretty dysfunctional these past 2 years so it's not like a black spot on our record or anything.

>> No.11045719
File: 66 KB, 600x985, 1640802725286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did everyone with the knowledge/drive fuck off to doomerboards/doomworld? is everything neat on this site doomed to rot and die until any cool anons are forced out and all that's left is a cancerous mass of tourists like /v/?

>> No.11045737

Only on afterglow replay I found out that Walker gets new lines after going theough the gap, some pretty interesting ones, like his horror at the fact the scav fought apparitions. Though the scav says he found a note in the general's room, is there actually one?

>> No.11045757

Sounds about right, I think some people just don't like being surrounded by insane people and just withdraw from the community entirely, like with TE13.

>> No.11045760

Nobody can be as bad a lead as Cockblock.
We had one year where a lot of people knackered themselves out being productive as fuck and it's not really bounced back from that.

>> No.11045780

I know a few anons that have gone over the years, not even because of these threads but because of having to deal with the wider community for long periods of time.
>and just withdraw from the community entirely, like with TE13.
It's especially understandable with what he was going through, poor dude shouldn't have had to suffer through that shit.

>> No.11045789
File: 13 KB, 445x291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020-2022 were really productive years, but they were also years where people were spending a lot of time indoors. Look at the output before that period. 2022 in particular had a huge turnout and it's not unreasonable for people to get burned out.

>> No.11045835

My doom mod has so many hateful comments towards the gzdoom dev team that i left when I get frustrated when making something. I call them all sorts of names there, very rude stuff.

I should probably clean all that shit up.

>> No.11045861

at least share them here for funsies

>> No.11045869

Nah, leave them in the comments for people to find.

>> No.11045874


>> No.11045878

I don't think hunderds of comments in the vein of "GRAF IS A RETARDED NIGGER" is going to be a good look for me man. Even if I explain I was frustrated and angry when writing that code.

>> No.11045886

It'd still be funny, if you use Slade's archive search function on pretty much any of Term's mods to look for the word "fuck", you get about eighty results for it.

>> No.11045903

The what now? As far as I know there's only a CTRL+F search inside individual text entries.

>> No.11045906

I see, but I think I used lots of actual slurs that people get really pissy about. There are people still giving MarkIv shit for having the "n-word" in his mod 10 years ago.

>> No.11045908
File: 222 KB, 640x360, OMWUQd6l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11045921
File: 307 KB, 641x762, 1718216199994717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite ironic of Nexxtic to make fun of Graf like that.

>> No.11045924

Gossip is gay.

>> No.11045930
File: 50 KB, 927x505, Dev lamentations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vent out my frustrations too.

>> No.11045931

finish kusta- oh I guess you are huh

>> No.11045934
File: 30 KB, 600x435, two retards fighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as gay of a response as it is, zero punctuation was never good.

>> No.11045938

>Zandronum: Why yes I will not implement any new useful features, how could you tell
>GZDoom: Why yes I will implement literally everything imaginable, break random shit for no reason and obliterate the performance, how could you tell
Surely there should be a middle ground for this

>> No.11045942
File: 192 KB, 1784x962, Image55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> As far as I know there's only a CTRL+F search inside individual text entries.
and there's your problem.

>> No.11045946
File: 3.11 MB, 800x450, Lord help us all if this fails.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it. I've burned up like a month+ just trying to come up with something that I think'll be good.

Oh that's why, I don't have that here. Fuck that'd be nice to have, I've just been unzipping the contents into another folder and use Geany to search.

>> No.11045956

>Oh that's why, I don't have that here.
You must use an ancient version since even my old version made of warnings still has the script manager under the tools menu that nobody clicks on.

>> No.11045958
File: 315 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20240624_180048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah fuck I forgot to mention what I'm cooking here.

>Heat gone
>Two "weapons" now: Laser beam gun, metal shooting spread gun
>Whatever you're using on primary fire, altfire is a melee attack that uses the other ammo. So laser gun primary gives you a metal beating stick secondary.
>Bottom out on ammo? Now your primary is a stripped down attack to use to harvest ammo

Also gonna try making the beam gun have a wind up attack here. But instead of a stronger shot or an exploding attack like the old setup, you just fire more hitscans in a stack. If I go with this I'll make it so you can charge up and fire off the entire goddamn battery if you want. Need to figure out some kinda effect for the scatter gun too, maybe a ramping fire rate.

I've also done some adjusting to ammo gems and shit. So red gems give red mana, blue gems give blue mana, and I recolored the dark gray gems to purple, and those are combined mana.

Version 3.2.6, I have the script manager, but my entry scripts folder is totally empty.

>> No.11045967
File: 147 KB, 1417x817, that could be handy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woop I looked deeper. It's not in entry scripts, it's now in Examples > General. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

>> No.11045971

Aren't anonymous functions incompatible with Zandro's netcode or something so they'll never add them?
Do what the Q-Zandro devs did and make a fork yourself maybe? Not the ideal middle ground but it's an option. Then again, if you can even do someting like that, might as well join the Zandro dev team instead.

>> No.11045973

Weird, I guess it got moved folders after 3.2.5, shit's really fucking useful.

>> No.11045979
File: 34 KB, 500x375, I give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren't anonymous functions incompatible with Zandro's netcode or something so they'll never add them?

>> No.11046012

Hey, don't take my word for that "they'll never add them" but apparently it's not made to have several functions in one frame. Conditions and loops would make things even harder, and if you add that, might as well add zscript as a whole.

>> No.11046038

"Bigbrik" times do need rocket and explosive crate jumps in some levels, sometimes even jumping on top of enemies

>> No.11046075
File: 3.88 MB, 640x360, pdexe_bloomattacks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's everyone playing or trying to play today?
Perfect Dark.
>this room full of lights
>the nightvision section in the next level when the lights turn on
Someone at Rare really had it out for eyes.

>> No.11046084

More Doom 2 while I mod.
And then I'll be going back to Monkey Island 2, I'm on the last chapter.

>> No.11046089

>500ml is some of the most fun I've had playing build

That means a lot man, more than I can articulate over text. Were you the anon that made this webm? If so, it makes me smile each time I see it. Thank you.

We really put our all into that project, even those who couldn't see it through got some spotlight in the screenshots. I was hoping to do the same for STWong but it didn't work out I guess.

>/vr/ projects have been pretty dysfunctional

It's sad to see, for sure. Maybe 2020-2021 was the perfect time for mapping since most dudes were stuck inside or perhaps we just grew up and have more pressing responsibilities. Can't say for sure, but I hope future projects can get more people involved and encourage new frens to try out an editor.

>> No.11046152

>functional megawads sometimes

>> No.11046156

>who wanta some javascript?

>> No.11046167

I think one of the plasma infusion assemblies in DRLA deploys drones instead of shooting normally?

>> No.11046171

Team Fortress Classic Red Soldier makes me think of Serbian or Croatian soldiers from the Yugoslav Wars.

>> No.11046190
File: 655 KB, 926x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's uncanny

>> No.11046221
File: 97 KB, 1125x1113, this cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone here ever compile the latest version of sentinel's lexicon from github for personal use? if so, can you spoonfeed me how to pls? is it even compatible with GZ at this point?

>> No.11046262

A lot of the anons involved in the 20-22 projects disappeared.

>> No.11046280
File: 1022 KB, 1920x1080, Base Profile Screenshot 2024.06.21 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Quake 2 mines

>> No.11046323

doomguy is based on rambo

>> No.11046332
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1009, demonsteele hellground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, this shit is like devil may cry 1 except actually good and not aged like warm fucking milk jesus fucking christ

>> No.11046379

I feel like some people could just be working on personal projects without really talking about it.
Mine, for example, just isn't really worth talking much about, since it's just a vanilla map with a lot of silly shit. So, I'm trying to avoid spamming the thread until I finish it and have something actually playable to show for it.
If it was a cool gameplay mod like the one in >>11045946 then I'd probably update on it semi regularly too.

>> No.11046448
File: 13 KB, 142x250, 1703824160021526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devil may cry
more like demons may die

>> No.11046451
File: 3.74 MB, 498x364, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11046476
File: 12 KB, 142x250, 1692394596350553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you kill the demons

>> No.11046515

was it already a meme back then?

>> No.11046536

As a massive DMC3 and Bayonetta 1 fan, I have lots of problems with Demonsteele's scoring system and some of its balancing, but it being a free and abandoned mod I suppose it can't be helped.

>> No.11046537

Fucking lmao.

>> No.11046538

>it can't be helped
Just fix it urself.

>> No.11046540

I'm not passionate enough right now about coding or learning to code. Maybe when I'm in my 50s.

>> No.11046542
File: 529 KB, 2550x3300, vrstats - Jun 24 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since people are discussing the trends of /vr/ projects I thought I'd post and update to this. 2 projects have been canceled and one has been completed since last time. I also put the citations on catbox this time so the thread doesn't get drowned in links:


>> No.11046602
File: 326 KB, 784x494, 1693789763842400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Kartbros, the client got updated again, you're gonna wanna update before WNW
Interesting stuff, good job compiling this anon

>> No.11046725
File: 3.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1707568328490592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't figure out how to get to Mjolnir's mj4m6 legitimately so I warped, wew lad.

>> No.11046729

Is there a custom Serious Sam campaign (for any of the games) that's designed to be as insanely difficult as possible while still being... possible? Like super large scale combat puzzles tailored to people who have 100% mastered the arsenal and enemy dances and resource management. Plus even stupider traps than usual.

Serious Sam: Skill Issue Encounter?
Serious Skill Issue?

>> No.11046781

Serious Sam 4 Reborn in the SS4 workshop is definitely the hardest Sam content I've ever touched. In terms of classic Sam, I'll tell you when I remember when I wake up.

>> No.11046783

Sam has a lot of really shitty mods with no concern for balance or framerate.

>> No.11046798

>combat puzzles
Such a term is not really imo applicable to Serious Sam imho.

>> No.11046803

steamed demons

>> No.11046805

This is different. :^)

>> No.11046806

This didn't work for me anon :(

>> No.11046819

you can't not apply the term to a game that forces target prioritization and has no form of rapid disengagement
just design encounters to fuck over the player until they figure out what to shoot first and there you go it's a puzzle lol

>> No.11046848

(Good) Serious Sam fights are the Tetris of FPS. You have a limited board filling up deterministically with moving pieces at a steady rate, taking away your space for maneuvering. You have to plan which pieces to eliminate, which to let pile up, and which to store with you for later (letting a few harpies, kleers or bulls to orbit around you).

>> No.11046852

BFE kinda fits your bill. You'll want the regular BFE version rather than the Fusion one though, the author is going full fucking retard with the latter.

>> No.11046853

whats the meaning here

>> No.11046856

*BFE Enhanced. And since I have to rectify it, the author seems to have been buck broken by speedrunners and has grown obsessed with preventing, to the point of removing vanilla secrets.

>> No.11047005

I'll check it myself then, in a couple hours.
anything specific you're trying to convert? will just do metal.wad otherwise.

>> No.11047013
File: 402 KB, 680x260, 1694428503915082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you couldn't be more wrong

>> No.11047019

Exactly how it sounds.

What's that?

No idea what you're talking about.

Yeah, you can make freidns with someone before meating them irl

>> No.11047021

In Bridge of Sighs where you first climb aboard the lift that slowly takes you across the map to grab the dragon claw key, look for a place to drop down, right beside the gigantic ballista

>> No.11047032

... I was actually supposed to find Walker? I spent like two and a half hours in that area and couldn't find him.

>> No.11047045
File: 1.13 MB, 3840x1072, walker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't HAVE to, he just lore dumps you, but he's interesting to meet if you want to know more about events of ashes.

>> No.11047093

completely unrelated but your pic rel makes me think it would be cool if a sourceport allowed your to have the automap open at all times on a second monitor

>> No.11047102
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, torturejam_cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitscanner spam
Most of the pain near the start here has been coming from projectiles and grenades, though there were two shotgunners up top I had to prioritize and I had to take cover against the four down here. I'll see how it plays out, I'm halfway through the jam and this has been quite a spike.

>> No.11047225
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, hexen01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, worked for me: https://files.catbox.moe/9ebphi.7z
at what point exactly are you having problems?

>> No.11047552

its gets completely unplayable past the elevator and that's where i dropped the entire jam, it has like 3 good maps total
i'm tired of quake jamshit lads

>> No.11047574

Yeah this and Shambler on a Ship or whatever are total trash. At least that other map that looks like it was made in QuArK and left on a floppy disk since 1997 was fun to play.

The finale level is pretty dumb too. You just fight scaled-up repair drones in a weirdly shaped room for some reason. This is what happens when you just open the floodgates and don't cull garbage I guess.

>> No.11047582
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, torturejam_shambgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah this and Shambler on a Ship or whatever are total trash
And I thought that was fun and enjoyable...
Quite a swing of taste here.

>> No.11047591

I found it to be too cramped and gimmicky, but that area towards the end isn't too bad.
There's also the eye strain factor from the harsh dynamic shadows all over the place, but I don't see them in your screenshot at all. Maybe I should have just turned them off.

>> No.11047592

Not Sam and not even retro but Devil Daggers is possibly the hardest FPS game ever made, which has about 328k playes and only 1118 have beaten it

>> No.11047594

>This is what happens when you just open the floodgates and don't cull garbage I guess.
Strogg Rock Cafe felt like they gave Trenchbroom to a Mario Maker kaizo mapper, with the quality to match

>> No.11047603
File: 372 KB, 1920x1080, torturejam_pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a much cozier time after going through some Mark Shan and Milous missions, but it could use either a difficulty warning or a tune-up if it's way harder than intended.
>captcha: WAAYY

>> No.11047889

A double-barreled M79 grenade launcher called the MM158.

>> No.11048026

Yeah okay I'm dropping Blade of Agony, I got as far as the timed bridges exploding in Paris mission and the only agony here is the agony of trying to play through this mess. Yes it's very pretty, but it feels like a game developed by someone trying to prove the neccessity of playtesting.

>> No.11048030
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1479283641777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11048057

>tfw you play Tempus Irae and Apotheosis X

>> No.11048085

Ssshhhhh, don't say anything.

Just take this .wad and play it, you will understand.

>> No.11048095
File: 251 KB, 948x514, China Lake 40x46mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoseclamp two of them together I guess.
Or go the MACVSOG route.

>> No.11048225

what about hoseclamping a pair of China Lake launchers together though

>> No.11048227

>Gets a quad barrel upgrade
>Becomes the MMMM316

>> No.11048235
File: 256 KB, 1200x896, grenade machine gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just going for a grenade machinegun would probably do the same thing much better and easier, but it wouldn't be the same visual spectacle.

>> No.11048275 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 454x600, merula broom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merulafag here with my map. hopefully it's no issue to update it.
- Smoothed out some geometry and expanded the 6th secret so it's less frustrating to walk on
- Swapped some triggers
- Fixed missing textures and wrong skyboxes that I'm aware of
- Added a plasma rifle and a shotgun to beginning of final section
- Added a broom.
Also, nice job on the intermission, Mokou-anon! Just needs a bit of an edit. She boasts a bit about how good she is at broom-riding. She's not, which explains the crash landing.

Link: https://files.catbox.moe/mi7wp6.zip

>> No.11048295

List of hard Final Doom levels;
>TNT MAP 29: River Styx

>> No.11048378

oh no it got updated again because 2.2b had some kinks to iron out https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.2c
Get this instead

>> No.11048485

I walked through that area at least four times and somehow didn't notice the double doors standing wide open. God damn.

>> No.11048534

Your right hand becomes duke's boot that gets propelled forward and has an explosion animation on impact.

>> No.11048537
File: 176 KB, 322x270, 1648278574041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count your blessings, you're missing on one of the worst finales I've seen in a Doom mod.

>> No.11048550
File: 3.27 MB, 1646x919, 1701627902367526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I'm not seeing what I'm supposed to be dropping down to. That hole in the center of the screen is a mini underwater section.

>> No.11048551

>at what point exactly are you having problems?
The textures show up as each black squares in Trenchbroom, I was using quake.wad, the one that comes with JACK but is compatible with Trenchbroom. Hmm, I'll try again but thank you for providing the metal.wad for HII.

>> No.11048574
File: 4 KB, 306x389, 1702616824640887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah just done it again. Copied quake.wad, renamed the copy to quake4hii, opened in Slade, converted all to palleted PNG/HII, exported as PNG into a folder labeled quak4hii, dragged this folder over the any2wad executable, it spits out another wad file, but everything is black.

>> No.11048585
File: 790 KB, 1920x1080, here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll need the rune that the sheep drops before you can enter the locked door though

>> No.11048586

I'll say again
It is time to /vr/ to man up and finally do the Q2R map Jam on the likes of Niggur
if 99 finally came out, this one needs too.

>> No.11048590

sure you start

>> No.11048594
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1696608661101345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH MY THE GOD THE OPTIMIZER. Goddammit, here I am shotgun starting it on another save. I suppose I'll continue it. And this fucking top lad, goddamn. People are sleeping on this extravaganza of Quake I'm telling you.

>> No.11048601

Nothing on working mods yet?

The one who is baking this is the Projects dude
Q2UMP was on the projects list until 99 and the blood project became priority
Also Q1 fags cried over /vr/ finally working on a Q2 Project thanks to some sheep spies who comes here every time Q2 is mentioned in a good light ever since Q2R made them mald at their pisscord and forums.

>> No.11048605

>Also Q1 fags cried over /vr/ finally working on a Q2 Project thanks to some sheep spies who comes here every time Q2 is mentioned in a good light ever since Q2R made them mald at their pisscord and forums.
Archive link? I don't remember this.

>> No.11048632

So when I run VoxelDoom on my regular GZDoom installation, I get parallax effects on the textures. When I run it on GZDoomVR (the fork so you can play it on Oculus for motion sickness simulator) the parallax textures don't work.

It's not the end of the world but I can't think of any reason why it shouldn't work. I wondered if maybe the parallax effect just doesn't work in stereo rendering but apparently people on YouTube have it working. I really wanna waste several hours walking around staring at trippy 3D Doom textures in VR. Any ideas?

(The voxel models look amazing in real 3D though, you should definitely try it if you have a headset and haven't already)

>> No.11048667
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, 1708867642497771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No zero days anons. 15 minutes at least per day on your projects.

>> No.11048676


... Is that fuckin Noshahr Canal from Battlefield 3?

>> No.11048687


Does it count if I just spend 15 minutes looking at it in 3D mode and thinking about it

>> No.11048689
File: 58 KB, 1200x630, 1701657868292191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a zero day.

>> No.11048692

On ALL of them?
I'm not awake 43 hours a day!

>> No.11048701

I think you should finish some faster than others anon.

>> No.11048736

that doesn't really answer my question. are the png's fine or already black? what about in SLADE? what about my wad in TB? what about my src wad in SLADE?
are you sure your quake.wad isn't just full of placeholder dummies? considering JACK is sold for money, I'd be surprised if they included idsoft's copyrighted textures. I'm also not seeing any wads in the latest version on moddb.

>> No.11048748
File: 399 KB, 1415x765, 1690799644696260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pngs are fine within the wad itself. Within TB, they appear as such: >>11048574
>what about in SLADE?
They appear fine, just gray.
>what about my wad in TB?
I hadn't checked actually, but dang, also black.
>what about my src wad in SLADE?
Gray, but fine.
>are you sure your quake.wad isn't just full of placeholder dummies?
It isn't, 100% sure.

>> No.11048753

>dang, also black
probably means the palette.lmp is missing from TB\games\Hexen2\

>> No.11048756
File: 11 KB, 758x240, 1714862771443771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFFFFFFFFFF- this fucking rabbit hole.

>> No.11048763

well I don't know. maybe TB breakage? mine is from 2022. I'll check a bit later.

>> No.11048770
File: 755 KB, 664x960, 1533582592676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every 12th Quake post here have to be completely fucking detatched from reality

>> No.11048775

the projects we did in 2022 (400 Minutes, 512 Lindefs, and Unrattled, plus iirc 2022's Ad Mortem round) were all headed by one guy (MacGuffin) and he fucked off out of disgust at the wider community after the whole Marisa thing happened
I don't think it's a coincidence that our output slowed down drastically after that

>> No.11048780

Waifuwad was going fine until the lead got injured. Proton is a can of worms because nobody wants to step up (myself included) to tell the current guy to fuck off.

>> No.11048785

the dude was already on his way out, that was clearly an excuse to fuck off. the stuff he was posting in the last few months of sns were outright mean spirited

>> No.11048786

alright, I think I got it. you probably have the wrong Hexen 2 path (view > preferences > game path). should point to root, e.g. "D:\Games\Hexen2", otherwise I also get black textures.

>> No.11048791

Fuck you caught me out the door. I'll be thinking of this the whole time I'm out, thanks.

>> No.11048805

the imps should also display as models, so it's most likely the culprit

>> No.11048818

bet you guys wouldn't act so tough if you met a demon irl

>> No.11048819

It is kinda weird. I mean, the Quake 1 singleplayer community IS in an abysmal state and filled with awful, cliquey degenerates who should have been gatekept, but the one or two guys doing unhinged sounding no-context posts about it doesn't help. It just makes it seem like someone's dumb personal issue that they're venting here instead of something that has basically stifled Quake modding over the past few years.

What does help is actually coming together and making quality Quake content and thus an alternate place for decent people with actual skill and passion to come to, but... well, RIP Violent Rumble.

>> No.11048950

I only ever remember him as a very bitter cunt.

>> No.11048975


>> No.11048979

cool, he's just like me.

>> No.11048981

lukewarm, he's somewhat like me.

>> No.11049108

a pump-action or semi-auto gun of a large caliber that fires miniature HEAT slugs, making every soft and lightly target produce a huge jet of blood and liquid fire behind it

>> No.11049120

>I mean, the Quake 1 singleplayer community IS in an abysmal state and filled with awful, cliquey degenerates who should have been gatekept
>but the one or two guys doing unhinged sounding no-context posts about it doesn't help. It just makes it seem like someone's dumb personal issue that they're venting here instead of something that has basically stifled Quake modding over the past few years.
You're doing the exact same thing as what you're maligning you dipshit.
>hobby drama
Fucking fuck off.

>> No.11049141

nintendo presents...

a game by shigeru miyamoto...

Super DOOM™ 64

>> No.11049214

>Also Q1 fags cried over /vr/ finally working on a Q2 Project
When? Seconding >>11048605 because I don't remember that happening. Only some usual banter about said sheep and such. If anything, vast majority of anons were happy to talk about Quake 2 (with the exception of railgun change in re-release).

>> No.11049329

>The cerebral bore but it latches onto enemies dicks and jerks 'em off until it blows off the enemy's cock
You can steal this disgusting and terrible idea for free and get ridiculed by the community

>> No.11049334

No, you can keep your perversions to yourself.

>> No.11049356

Adding a third to the request. I’ve seen a few posts the last few years bemoaning some /v/ shitposts towards Quake 2, but it’s far from what >>11048601 suggests.

>> No.11049395

Since my post went missing before i hit the bed
4-3 years ago when the idea of /vr/ finally doing a Q2UMP came to be, suddenly this general as every talk about Quake 2 became a shitshow because the sheep's circlejerk discord who also has the likes of commander beep and roy batty(that roy from fallout NV community) decided that mentioning Q2 or anything that isnt THEIR Quake 1 is haram, to a point they mass reported people and the janitors banned them for "offtopic" when it wasn't, even talking about Doom or Build stuff became a complete mess and some people who used to post here like quakewulf and so on took a break because those faggots couldn't hear anything related to quake 2 that they came to shitpost everywhere and downplay it, it became annoying to talk about any game here because of them astroturfing everything, even erase and change history claiming that Q2 was garbage when Donde and the archive website says otherwise.
And coincidentally, this was the same period ALF became active and went on to raid and derail this thread and /vr/ when Q2 or HL were mentioned in a good grace, while Shilling all of the crap the Q1 sheep community made, even downplaying doom stuff everywhere.

Fast foward to now, Quake 2 rerelease is a success and the game is now what is meant to be before timmy decided to sabotage and rush the release.
Their discord and circlejerk forums went insane because all of their narratives died in that quakecon, and people finally saw that all of those years of they trying to paint that quake 2 was bad died overnight.
Also, none of them were even expecting HL to be remastered too, since it didn't only brought people en masse to HL1, it also made a point that HLDM was better than Quake 1 DM just as Quake 2,3 is.

Also, they were expecting id to make anew quake game based on Q1, only to see that DOOM Dark Ages trailer early this month, that looks more like Heretic than Quake.

>> No.11049427
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Right, sure. Archive link?

>> No.11049431

>You're doing the exact same thing as what you're maligning you dipshit.
Yes you're completely right, pointing out the obvious state of things and saying the way to fix it is to actually make stuff is exactly the same as the guy constantly schizo posting about people being sent to do raids here over certain topics as if they're part of a mafia.
>hobby drama
>Fucking fuck off.
Okay. Whether that's your reaction out of genuine apathy the situation or just indignation over the other guy's posts, you will eventually just come to agree with me or get out of the way. In either case I'm still going work on Quake maps and suggest others do the same.

Look man I get that you don't like them and I don't either, but you're speaking with certainty about them coming to raid an anonymous imageboard and otherwise things taking place outside of their discord bubble for which you have no evidence. It's not helping. If anything it just cements their influence because they now have a long string of hyperbolic posts to point to whenever someone makes a valid point against them. They can say "oh, you're just like that 4chan guy" and dismiss it without a thought.

Open Trenchbroom and make something. Learn QuakeC. Make textures. Anything.

>> No.11049435

I'll add your fixes and that text edit to the next beta, thanks.

>> No.11049438

Indignation over the lack of critical thought. What obvious state of things? What cliques? You don't have any answers, you don't have any criticisms of recent jams, certainly not any good ones. Go make some maps faggot like I am and shut the fuck up about all of this already. Or don't.

>> No.11049448

I will never map to Quake 1, let that shitty community who thrives on jealousy 24/7 over other games die as it should be.

>> No.11049449

No archive link then?

>> No.11049471

>What obvious state of things? What cliques?
If you're serious, go spend time on the Quake mapping discord and the Slipseer forums. If you don't get it then there's nothing to convince you of.
>you don't have any criticisms of recent jams, certainly not any good ones
I have posted serious criticisms in previous threads - not that you see like you would believe me since I'm not behooved to namefag and otherwise can't prove it.
>Go make some maps faggot
I very much am making maps, and think everyone else should also.

Then what is the point of your posts then? You point to an enemy, get mad, and call for surrender. I point to them and want to fight.
Exaggerated, but that's how a see it.

>> No.11049481

>If you're serious, go spend time on the Quake mapping discord and the Slipseer forums
What? No. I play the jams that come from Slipseer, I don't need to know who these people are. Why do you care about anything but the final product?
>I have posted serious criticisms in previous threads
Such as? I remember a lot of nothing about the Liminal Space Jam when nobody had a thought above 80iq about why it was supposed to be bad. Were you in that lot? Wanna try again maybe?

>> No.11049507

>Why do you care about anything but the final product?
Because the final products have been continuously getting worse for years with the same names attached to them and the same people heaping fawning praise over what ends up as mediocre at best.
>Liminal Space Jam
>why it was SUPPOSED to be bad
Alright, I guess there really is no point to this conversation.

>> No.11049515

>getting worse for years
Such as? And how?
>why it was SUPPOSED to be bad
Who are you quoting? Seriously, what are you talking about?
>no point to this conversation
The point gets lost when you refuse to engage critically or thoughtfully, which you aren't. You're just making claims and don't want to, or are incapable of, discussing them. It's all on you man.

>> No.11049539
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Ah so the real culprit after much testing was, in Slade, making sure Current Graphic was set to Quake. Finally. Thanks for your time anon.

>> No.11049589
File: 2 KB, 125x125, huhs thoughtfully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liminal Space Jam
That's some Quake discussion that's not only archived, but something I can also link to >>/vr/thread/10991934

There were only a couple of posters in that discussion like >>10992575 that weren't coming across as angry flailing Quakebros.

>> No.11049626
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Any ports that implement barrel distortion?

>> No.11049701
File: 522 KB, 1494x842, palfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or after playing the 4 Build games any other game feels clunky and stiff? Especially after Blood and Ion Fury. The movement there feels so fluid and free compared to Quake 1 for example.
I still love Quake 1 (Quake 2 not so much, movement speaking) and Doom despite that.

Am I the only one who feels like this?

>> No.11049704

I never really had an issue with the Build games' movement, but what bothers me most about those games is RNG enemy drops. Especially when those games hate to give you sufficient ammo outside off secrets.

>> No.11049715
File: 176 KB, 596x401, AA ultimatedudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I the only one who feels like this?
I only start to feel that way with movement speed closer to FEAR’s. Not even HL2 or Doom 3 feel as stiff.

>> No.11049720

Yeah Build games having jumping yet a step size and movement speed not too far from Doom make it feel pretty fucking smooth, but it just feels like that all the time without any effort.
I don't find it as satisfying as more skill-based movement. Like yeah Quake feels kinda clunky if you're just running and jumping normally, but once you get the tricks down you can't stop doing them because it just feels great. Strafe jumping, circle jumping, and ramp jumping never stop being fun.
The Malice total conversion for Quake is a pretty interesting case, since you have Quake jump physics but diagonal speed boosting like Doom that you can use to go retardedly fast. Any mod with a grapple hook and/or jump boots also adds another dimension of trickery you can take advantage of with enough skill.

>> No.11049736

I do like the tricks you can pull off in Quake. I do wonder if it's possible to combine both movement "styles" into one. Think of it as a hybrid: Quake's hopping with Build's smoothness and crouching.

Another thing I like about the Build games is that in tight situations I can jump on the enemies and escape being cornered. Feels liberating.

>> No.11049774
File: 194 KB, 500x500, BitterHappyThoughts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4-3 years ago
To be fair, that's a rather large amount of time and I could simply not remember everything since a lot of shit was going on at the time. And it's not like I was (and still am) largely a lurker for... Probably 5 years now, damn. Either way, all this unrelated shit is to say that I can't really debate that part.
That being said, it probably won't hurt to get some some of confirmation as >>11049427 suggest to perhaps refresh some anons' memories. I'm still a newbie when it comes to anything outside of lurking (still not using any extension and shit like that), but I'm pretty sure that archives do tend to pick up deleted messages as well.
>before timmy decided to sabotage and rush the release.
Not to completely dismiss Tim Willits' role in Quake 2's original state, but that was just one factor alongside general shake-up at id Software.
>they were expecting id to make anew quake game based on Q1
And they're a bunch of idiots, like all the others with the same though. Expecting id Software to do something not related to DOOM at this point is outright stupid. If anything, Quake could eventually end up in the hands of MachineGames properly.
>you're speaking with certainty about them coming to raid an anonymous imageboard and otherwise things taking place outside of their discord bubble for which you have no evidence. It's not helping.
Yeah, those morons definitely life rent free in anon's head.

>> No.11049785

do you people bother with doom3? what source port should i use for multiplayer? (i know the multiplayer is kinda shit in vanilla)

>> No.11049797
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>do you people bother with doom3?
I think it’s just me and maybe someone else. I still use the vanilla exe but check out the Dhewm 3 sourceport. I don’t know what kind of multiplayer you’re looking for but I heard of a thing called “libre coop” that might interest you.

>> No.11049803

>Another thing I like about the Build games is that in tight situations I can jump on the enemies and escape being cornered
Yeah this is probably one the biggest things Quake movement is missing. Weirdly it's not even an engine issue as you can shorten monster hitboxes without changing the collision vs BSP (you can't make them thinner though), and you can fix the weird sliding on top of them with a few lines of QuakeC. Guess id just never thought of it.

>> No.11049806

desu I didn't understand the seethe people had over this review
ZP is gay but he didn't say anything too crazy
I like Selaco too

>> No.11049808

>Guess id just never thought of it.
Or they did, and you can’t because its a balance consideration. You have enough height to jump over death knight volleys, though.

>> No.11049813

i'm just interested in playing with my kid and maybe doing campaign co-op
thanks, completely forgot about dhewm3

>> No.11049815

Man that alf faggot was obnoxious.

>> No.11049837

Yes, Build's movement being both fast and precise makes it feel good. I hate Doom's slipperyshit movement. I really do. I recognize it's made the game unique in its flow, but I will never be able to mesh with it.
I hate so many elements of Doom despite enjoying Doom. I hate its movement. I hate its lack of aiming. I hate its finnicky autoaim. I hate its slow weapon switching and lack of dedicated inputs for shotgun/chainsaw. I hate its absurd range of random damage. I hate its retarded enemy behaviors where sometimes they do nothing at all for so long you fall asleep before suddenly deciding to attack.
Doom doesn't appeal to FPS players, it appeals to gamblers. People who like their agency taken away for a thrill.
But saying Quake 1 movement feels bad or worse than Build movement is batshit.

>> No.11049852

Selaco got way overhyped, in part due to ecelebs with voice roles in it, so it's getting treated like a sacred cow and any criticism is blasphemy.

>> No.11049857

If it was a balance consideration, that wouldn't explain why the exploboxes suffer from it as well.

>> No.11049863
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>in part due to ecelebs with voice roles in it
What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.11049865

Dhewm3 is great and the OpenAL EAX adds so much to the atmosphere.
A shame other id tech 4 games never have their source codes released. Quake 4 and Prey '06 yearn for Dhewm3-level source ports.

>> No.11049897

>getting treated like a sacred cow and any criticism is blasphemy
can you stop shooting from the hip, Tex
that's the dev bitching, before promptly being told to stop whining

>> No.11049907

Selaco dev is making fun of GZDoom's dev. Irony is Selaco uses GZDoom.

>> No.11049913

yeah but whats he making fun of
is graf known for shooting down new ideas or...

>> No.11049925

Yes, Graf is known for that. He's also known for being quite arrogant but given his source port is the most popular source port in the community it's somewhat understandable.

>> No.11049935

he is, or just answering "no"
Graf is a bitch

>> No.11049941

I would say that some of this is true, for instance the Alf faggotry (pretty sure it was a different guy pretending to be Alf), but also that you're massively exaggerating other parts, because I remember me and others arguing against the completely mindless Q2 hate from guys like him, and likewise that he got banned at times.
I also remember a guy (you?) going on regular rants about the Q1 circlejerk Discord, and sometimes complaining about getting banned for that.

>> No.11049943
File: 46 KB, 676x380, apps.1633.13886780434132750.61c757b9-b7ab-497a-ba20-272b866ed260.2cde23e8-eda9-4c33-8577-553c7d3ffc40_1589187831_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm new to this series
I wanna try Doom 64, do I need to play the previous 63 Dooms to understand the story?

>> No.11049948

It’s difficult to imagine they somehow “missed” the ability to jump over enemies during Quake’s development, but it was also weirder than the Doom’s so maybe I’ll consider that.
>A shame other id tech 4 games never have their source codes released. Quake 4 and Prey '06 yearn for Dhewm3-level source ports.
It sure would be something to see newer ports for these two without any buzz from being “remastered”.
Is it currently the smoothest running branch of GDZ?

>> No.11049962

I like your posts and I agree with them.

I like it, even for its flaws, but I haven't played it in a long while.

>> No.11049967

Yeah. Sorry. You should've gotten in on the series on release. You simply can't catch up.

>> No.11049972

Was that a question or a statement? If the former then I don't know. I don't plan on playing Selaco.

>> No.11049978

Doom 34 is kinda where things go off the rails. Too many harsh restrictions you have to play by.
You should google 'Doom 34 rule' to see what I mean.

>> No.11049980

>Mod in a thing meant to spawn mid-air, play animation and stop
>It's falling on the ground mid-animation
>No clue why
>Turns out I forgot to set offsets on last few frames

>> No.11049984

Do people still fall for that shit?

>> No.11049987
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I love Serious Sam so much bros.

>> No.11049990


>> No.11049994

Sam's not gay, he's serious.

>> No.11050002

Yeah, seriously GAY haha gottem

>> No.11050012

>Was that a question or a statement?
Mostly a question, but secretly me wishing I could get a smoother/better GZDoom without having to pay for it.
>seriously going gay for Sam
I’m on the fence leaning towards “sure”.

>> No.11050014

the cannon balls touch!!!

>> No.11050016

What's going on with vertex relocation anyway?

>> No.11050018

Damn, you got me

>> No.11050020

dw I bet serious sam is so masculine that all other men are feminine to him anyway

>> No.11050034

>Doom 34
That game brings back memories. It's even almost caused economic crisis. Don't believe me? Google doom 34 rule inflation

>> No.11050057

>MachineGames Quake
more like Qwoke

>> No.11050058

nice. doesn't explain why my wad was showing up black though.
but yeah, if there's no palette in the wad, you have to select it manually.

>> No.11050076

Ooh boy I can't wait for a Quake Reboot with a black woman lecturing me while shooting a MAGA hat wearing shambler!
Their free Q1 episodes were nice I'll give them that.

>> No.11050079
File: 3.21 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m6_2024-06-26_11-33-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally finished mj4m6. That was short and sweet, but honestly I think Egyptoagula, another map by the Mjolnir maintainer,
was a much better version of "island fortresses in the sky". I thoroughly recommend that one. There's lots of geometry with bad collision too in this m4m6; it needs another pass for sure.

>> No.11050085

>>free Q1 episodes
I think Dimension of the Past was made to sell to help sell the XB360 port back theb, and Dimension of the Machine was made to sell the multiplat Quake remaster.
DAMN that’s nice.

>> No.11050096

>do I need to play the previous 63 Dooms to understand the story?
Yes, and then some more.
>Is it currently the smoothest running branch of GDZ?
I'm not a DOOM expert, but I just kind of assumed that VKDoom is currently as close to that as you can get.

>I think Dimension of the Past was made to sell to help sell the XB360 port back theb
No. Quake never got a Xbox 360 port. Dimension of the Past just got dropped onto the Internet for game's 20th anniversary.

>> No.11050105 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11050106 [DELETED] 

>Dimension of the Past just got dropped onto the Internet for game's 20th anniversary. Glad I thought wrong.
Ah cool, so one “genuinely free” episode

>> No.11050113

>>Dimension of the Past just got dropped onto the Internet for game's 20th anniversary.
Ah cool, so one “geniunely free” episode. Glad I thought wrong, and glad I’m so good at messing up green text.

>> No.11050118

Does the picture actually feature a cock in it or are you merely jesting
do not say Tomas was there originally

>> No.11050124 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 100x200, smug pacman at computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wouldn't you like to know?

>> No.11050125

Why is freedoom still unfinished after 20 years?

>> No.11050127

Because (You) haven't done it yet anon!

>> No.11050130 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 426x630, notyetdone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11050146

fetal alcohol baron

>> No.11050151

Okay okay, last update for a while, I promise.

>> No.11050157

Anon, don't be racist towards hell nobles because their eyes are spaced wide apart.

>> No.11050161

You bastards got me playing the Adventures of Square again.

>> No.11050164

Alien Armageddon

Blood is fucking amazing. The movement physics, just the right amount of inertia and some little things like I think if you're coming down from a jump and crounch fast enough you become even smaller. The act of moving and shooting feels so damn good in Blood. And Ion Fury as well.

>> No.11050190
File: 699 KB, 1920x1080, AA DC hobbystop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 'em.
>Alien Armageddon
Hell yeah.

>> No.11050210

glad he's kill, he was always an annoying bitch

>> No.11050273

scorching, nothing like one such as I.

>> No.11050303
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x2204, so you want to play some fucking srb2k v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday night Whatever, come play some SRB2Kart!
Don't forget to update your client to 2.2f!

The all-in-one repack is temporarily unavailable, it will return next week.

How to join:
Download version 1.6 of the game: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
Get the custom client we use (Windows): https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.2f
Or compile it (Linux or anything else): https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune
Get the mods: https://mega.nz/folder/MiUiESSa#CyovwTUnO9TSmqbwMI1xBg
Connect to (either use connect in console or "specify ipv4 address" under Multiplayer)

We also have a Mumble server!
Address: (same as the game server)
Port: default
Password: endoom

>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

Pro tips: https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq
(This is out of date and written for a different server, but it still has a lot of useful information.)

Recent Changes:
Neptune 2.2 has support for DRRR-style Followers, and all followers from that game have been backported, so you can enjoy driving around with a little buddy.

>> No.11050316
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>> No.11050350
File: 232 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Hexen_20240627_012709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You now have three narrow corridors to choose from - two with erupting fireballs, one with darts. One of the fireball corridors will allow you to pass (but will sometimes teleport you back regardless)
>One of the fireball corridors will allow you to pass (but will sometimes teleport you back regardless)
>but will sometimes teleport you back regardless
If in 30 years of Dooming I ever actually sincerely wanted to punch the mapper, that would be the case. The fact that the map itself is actually great makes it even worse.

>> No.11050362

Reject 3D, return to grid based mapping.

>> No.11050367

Shadow Warrior - 36 Chambers
Lo Wang is contracted by the government to go back in time and defeat the Wu-Tang Clan, in order to prevent hip-hop from corrupting the Chinese youth.

>> No.11050372


>> No.11050394

This is nothing compared to what Realms of the Haunting is like.

>> No.11050401

You know I think that'd be a fun /vr/ Quake project, a small one I'm sure. Something dedicated to sadistic, perhaps even esoteric map design. I'll write some ideas down while I work on my VR2 maps.

>> No.11050413

if you think about it, DOOM is just a first person metroidvania

>> No.11050462

Actually SotN is a 2D third-person Hex-like Wolfendoom

>> No.11050564
File: 154 KB, 779x780, 1691881556186518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Strife allow you to travel all the way back to the start of the game when you're near the end of it?

>> No.11050571

Yes but there's no new stuff to do, so not much point.

>> No.11050584
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>> No.11050595
File: 18 KB, 960x640, rtex421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking forward to your Hexen 2 adventures

>> No.11050676

I didn't ever play the multiplayer stuff here, how was he like?

>> No.11050690

Check the kart serv

>> No.11050693

I recall someone complaining that ROTH was an obnoxious fetchquestorama with a plot which is initially interesting and intriguing, but then completely shits its pants.

No thanks.

>> No.11050720

wtf I just realized that all the demons are naked

>> No.11050725


>> No.11050727
File: 69 KB, 1529x860, laundry day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost all

>> No.11050790

>50% armor

>> No.11050794

I'm not going to gossip, but he made it clear he was done hosting projects after Unrattled, and that was months before the Marisa stuff.
The currently-running projects have been doomed, but there haven't been that many people who came forward to suggest something new.

>> No.11050807

what this

>> No.11050815

doom made me bi

>> No.11050817
File: 434 KB, 1920x1080, duke0007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of WG Episodes map
It's actually quite fun and good

>> No.11050878

Is he just mad Gianni's in it?

>> No.11050881

he's infamous for refusing to add requests, and also for getting angry when people when people make mods for older engines because his latest changes broke compatibility with them

>> No.11050885


>> No.11050902
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>> No.11050913
File: 52 KB, 511x517, 1360947182482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vrfollowers soonish

>> No.11050931

The followers are the best part of Ring Racers and I'm delighted to see them backported to Kart

>> No.11050932
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>> No.11050937

>remove Doomguy from the base roster
>add Dead Simple and a Cacodemon
I don't understand

>> No.11050954

And now we have them all under the same umbrella, the modders win again

>> No.11051124
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>> No.11051126

Wow. I didn't even know that could happen.

>> No.11051127

Seems like an oversight like john romero's head being too big in gzdoom for the longest time, in this case the flattened player is too small

>> No.11051141

>john romero's head being too big in gzdoom for the longest time
still cant believe we were the ones who found that

>> No.11051147

This map has too many SEGS.

I'm glad someone came up with some setup so obscure that nobody realized this was broken.

>> No.11051149

Odd reason. It's one thing to dislike Gianni on his own, but a whole game because he's there is just asinine.

>> No.11051153

You just reminded me of how Romero made sigil 1 and god he is one weird dude. A mac running a windows 10 emulator running UDB.

>> No.11051154

>this ain't it
I hate Twatter-Zoomer lingo so much. I looked at the video and he said he liked it and that they should release the full game, so what the fuck more do they want?

>> No.11051171

When you're used to getting your dicked sucked all the time any morsel of criticism is an insult.

>> No.11051187

any tips for getting into arena fps in current year? I want to play something like unreal tournament or q3a/cpma but I know player bases are small and there's a lot of shit to learn

>> No.11051202

>absurd range of random damage
It's the secret sauce that makes Doom's combat a bit more interesting given the game's limited systems eg no headshots etc because if you got used to say, a hell knight always dying to 2 rocks or a revenant always dying to one point blank ssg blast it would make the game boring automaton going through through the motions.

For the autoaim idk just turn autoaim off and enable mouse controls man.

>> No.11051208

I honestly thought Zero Punctuation's videos were not meant to be actual reviews but more like... comedy bits where he talks about a game fast with a non-american anglo accent?

>> No.11051212

19.05mm stockles quadstack gyrojet
Built like a brick
Armor piercing explosive ammo
Lets call it APE

>> No.11051214

Aim at the floor where you think the enemy is going to be in 1-2 seconds if you're using the rocket launcher. That's about it.
There's nothing to really otherwise say because everything else relevant you learn in the first session as long as you find get the game working and find the people to play with.

>> No.11051227

I've heard movement has a pretty high skill ceiling in arena fps. any good tutorials? maybe even just something explaining the movement they do in quake 1 and I can build from there

>> No.11051228
File: 213 KB, 1003x803, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the baron pants and such

>> No.11051232

that's public hair baby

>> No.11051237

I like this guide because it explains the actual physics of bunnyhopping

>> No.11051242

exactly what I was hoping for, thank you anon

>> No.11051248

By the way, I know that's for team fortress but it applies to basically anything built off of quake 1, so any goldsrc/source game follows the same rules

>> No.11051261

oh damn I didn't realize source carried over the quake physics to that degree, that's cool

>> No.11051262

>any tips for getting into arena fps in current year?
Find some friends to play with, otherwise you'll get ground into the dirt and probably burn out.

>> No.11051265

Here's a look of it in action

>> No.11051267

I'm cool with getting stomped during the learning phase desu. it's how I learned fighting games
I do recognize that most of the time this is extremely sound advice

>> No.11051268

The verbal thrashing and colorful language is the main attraction, but he typically does convey some opinions about a game, and if he does like it (as well as parts he don't). In essence, it's bantz, he gives a ribbing to the game.
He's however done a lot of written articles with more in depth and elaborate analysis, often as companion pieces to videos. I think he still does this.

He plays far more videogames than most people ever do, on average about 50 new ones a year, so he's probably jaded on some aspects of them, and he can be a pretentious faggot in other ways. However, he's still leagues above the vast majority of gaming journos simply because he's not at the publisher's beck and call to bark "8 out of 10" on command, and he isn't preoccupied with how videogames should either be films instead of videogames as to appease the ghost of Roger Ebert, nor how videogames need to be more inclusive and socially conscious.

He hasn't really changed his approach much in all this time, and to many his shtick is probably old hat, but he's sincere and actually dedicated to videogames as a whole. With these things in mind, that should make his video much more flattering to Selaco devs, because he outright said that the game wasn't bad, and that they should finish and release the full one already.
They obviously cannot handle bantz, however.

>> No.11051290

>in essence, it's bantz
Yea I remember his stalker review and even if I like the game I found him tearing into it really funny. But some people really get mad when he bants about games they like. Even if you don't like his humor you could just take a chill pill.

Like I said, I didn't watch his vid yet but the Selaco dev should really pick and choose what 'criticism' he responds to because right now he seems a little insecure.

>> No.11051336
File: 57 KB, 629x473, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick test to do window sheen in vanilla doom with the color map. needs work, but im sleeping now.
shines as you walk and turn the camera.

>> No.11051354


>> No.11051368
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It begins

>> No.11051375

is it weird I want a huge p90 shotgun?
P-12 but fully auto and look cooler.

>> No.11051382
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>> No.11051396
File: 3.88 MB, 640x480, 2024-06-27 05-53-23.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictured: lap-long jawz chase

>> No.11051404


>> No.11051406
File: 118 KB, 800x600, serious-sam-the-first-encounter_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought classic Serious Sam nights were prettier than HD's/Fusion.

>> No.11051407

HEY TWELVE YEAR OLD YOU GOT ADHDHA *unintelligible gibberish* FUCKING *unintelligible* TWELVE YEARS OLD

>> No.11051409

He's also a game developer, and interestingly was a Build modder at one point even if it was kind of bad.


>> No.11051416

I suppose it would still be sfw to have naked female demons if their sprites are as detailed as any other demon's. None of them have visible genitalia or (outside imps and maybe mancubi?) visible nipples. People were fine with High Noon Drifter's Basilissa, as far as I remember.
....As long as we don't count some meatballs' holes.

>> No.11051428

Why does it need to be safe for work? Do you think your boss yells you at work more or less for playing a Doom game with female demons showing vag vs Doom in general?
The whole concept is stupid.

>> No.11051434
File: 114 KB, 1024x640, 1712861707585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People were fine with High Noon Drifter's Basilissa, as far as I remember.

>> No.11051436

Well, it's less about actual work and more about my little cousins watching me play.

>> No.11051446

the blue water is comfy too

>> No.11051448

So go play Chex Quest then.

>> No.11051449

Not fan of the slump. Was fear3 any good?

>> No.11051465

Probably because a lot of people feel weird when there's visible genitalia paired with notable violence. That's usually reserved for very edgy media or fetish shit.

>> No.11051470

nta but no lol
it's fun if you do co-op with a buddy but that's it

>> No.11051478

I enjoy it much more than 2, I think the hatred for it is a kneejerk reaction.
It's got a 2 weapon limit, health regen with no medkits, cod-like progression where you gain levels for completing combat challenges, so it's easy to hate for superficial reasons. But the combat smoothly weaves together firearms, explosives, melee and slo-mo/body-snatching, and the challenges drive you towards varied, spectacular and skilled gameplay without becoming some arbitrary list of chores. There are a couple of plain stinker levels, otherwise it's a quality shootan.
Co-op is especially good, since the characters handle very differently. Pointman controls slo-mo for both players, and gets to hold on to all the cool guns and explosives, Fettel possesses expendable goons from a distance and gets to rampage in the midst of enemies.

>> No.11051493

It's got a couple of cool setpieces, but the gameplay feels pretty shit and most of the story is garbage. Better to just ignore it and stop at 2, that's much better even if it is a downgrade on 1.
It's the only FEAR game I have no intention of ever replaying.

>> No.11051501

It's fun seeing him pick apart his old games and mods.

>> No.11051517

>but the gameplay feels pretty shit
How can you say that and recommend 2 in the same breath? 2 has wimpy guns, worthless health pool, anemic movement sans lean. All you get to do is peekaboo shoot at ugly Michelin Man soldiers with lame peashooters, when it's not a ghost QTE or a mech level.

>> No.11051528
File: 279 KB, 1280x720, 20240620201910_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I like classic more than HD too, I'm just playing through HD versions rn, never seen them. Serious Sam games are just so comfy, perfect summer games imo.

>> No.11051530

>How can you say that and recommend 2 in the same breath?
From my own personal experience. 3 felt like a dull slog the whole way through, except when it became a frustrating slog. 2 was much less of a slog, and had more interesting things to look at along the way.
Maybe I just played on a lower difficulty level than you have, and didn't realise 2's health scaling was wack.

>> No.11051532

You know what’s super shotgun worthy?

Pp bizon but 12gauge. X-rail system on Saiga or cooler conventional shotty

Ngl that booty so good I kinda want to throw my hand at make a character/gunplay mod

>> No.11051543

Something almost like that may have existed, Calico, most known for their high capacity .22s and 9mm using helical magazines, has built at least one prototype 12-Gauge gun using such a magazine, which was massive, supposedly holding something like 40 shells. Nobody knows what really happened with it, but it never became a product, for whatever reason.

>> No.11051549

Put a DP-12 there. That gun needs to be in more games.

>> No.11051550

>Ngl that booty so good I kinda want to throw my hand at make a character/gunplay mod
Those two anons would probably tear their dicks off if you were planning to do one about a demon chick.

>> No.11051589

Gonna assume it just didn't work all that well, shotgun shells were meant for break action guns, and just kind of worked out for tube magazines. Even with the best box magazines and drums, shotgun shells are never trouble free.

>> No.11051603

Armor piercing explosive gyrojet gun
A peg gun

>> No.11051605

Idk if it’s dick rip off worthy
You wouldn’t turn in to demon chick, but an equally tall & naked buff t-1000 robot man.

>> No.11051623

He runs DB2. You can tell by the editor sprites.

>> No.11051636

[06-22] vkQuake has a new maintainer, 1.31 is released

>> No.11051664

Which works, but like, why?

>> No.11051668

Beats me, man.

>> No.11051724

He also ran GzDoom with texture filtering on.

>> No.11051758

Are you serious?

>> No.11051768
File: 1.07 MB, 634x810, damn it feels good to be an egyptian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect summer games
nailed it. i finally get why my first playthrough was so immaculate and why i struggled to reach the same vibes, it was in the only one in the summer.

>> No.11051773
File: 3.89 MB, 640x360, not the fun kind of hitstun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vkQuake, old or current version
>Mojlnir or AD
These together no longer play nice on my PC: Everytime I hit someone with a shotgun, it hangs for a few frames. It's way worse with shotgun projectiles turned on.

>> No.11051778
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, They may look impaled but they're just a little tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a party

>> No.11051792

[6-27] Realm667 modding repository backup

[6-27] All DBPs in one place, from 1 to 66

>> No.11051797

Yeah I'm getting the same thing, just not nearly as severe. Very strange.

>> No.11051813

Yeah I was there and that was me. Notice how nobody has anything intelligent to say.

>> No.11051815

That's a dynamic light issue. It was present on an older version of vkQuake as well. Funny that it's back.

>> No.11051836
File: 910 KB, 1242x891, 1686531565657032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 years of insane technological progress
>programmers are so incompetent now due to how powerful average devices are and how barely anyone gives a single fuck about optimization, they're going backwards now and can't run a 30 years old game
>not even talking about GZDoom that also does gorillion of other things outside of running a 30yo game, but a dedicated engine that runs virtually nothing but a slightly fluffed game that was made twenty eight years ago and was running on potatoes and carrots
>their only excuse is muh dynamic memes that was solved aeons ago as well
Impressive. Actually unironically impressive. People that care about old games the most are somehow the same people who care about old games principles the least. You can consider this a shitpost, but imo the same is applicable to Doom mapping.

>> No.11051841

I don't have the issue myself. Make an issue on github.

>> No.11051842
File: 22 KB, 638x287, allhellbreakingloose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I play a wad that's in fragments llike this? Can I just jam it up in ZDL/drag n' drop this onto Woof and it will be okay?

>> No.11051847

Read the readme and install, no?

>> No.11051851

I’m planning to. Seems to just be an issue with AD shotgun behavior. I also wasn’t running into this issue several months ago running an older version of vkQuake and now that’s acting up too, so I’m wary of some system updates possibly fucking my shit up.

>> No.11051868
File: 152 KB, 540x403, Uh hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Woof supports .zip loading. WADs seem neatly organized so you shouldn't have file conflict problems.

>> No.11051885

Incredibly abrasive in text chat
Surprisingly considerate in voice chat

>> No.11051886
File: 759 KB, 590x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blogpost inc: You can go on spotify or youtube or bandcamp or whatever your poison is nowadays and search "dark ambient" within their systems and come back with thousands of works, especially from the 2010s and 2020s, not because of some favorable algorithm, but because more dark ambient is being made now than ever before. But spending some time with both Quake 64 and Quake 2 64's soundtracks, I think they're underrated in the history of this genre of music.
If one can get past the sound quality, they're just such rewarding listens. How do you make a "Storage Facility" sound so foreboding?
I think Hodges' Quake work even outdoes Trent's Quake OST in terms of pure gloominess, but the latter's is certainly more "musical" and likely why it's endured 28 years away from 1996. All of this shit is perfect mapping fuel. It reminds me to check out the Quake II 64 Jam sometime. https://www.moddb.com/games/quake-2/addons/quake-2-re-release-n64-sp-map-jam

>> No.11051887


>> No.11051896
File: 37 KB, 499x322, 1718015222950080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public hair

>> No.11051897
File: 127 KB, 932x600, tsundere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11051898


>> No.11051920

>binb bing wahoo machine gets the darker vision for id games
how come?

>> No.11051947

>not meant to be actual reviews but more like... comedy bits where he talks about a game
That's pretty much all video game reviews on YouTube nowadays.

>> No.11051967

being completely thrown by small inaccuracies is an autistic trait, anon

>> No.11051978

Once your naughty spot is barren, it becomes a state property. What's not to get anon?
No longer a Naked Ass, it's a Marschplatz!

>> No.11052048
File: 1.57 MB, 800x450, 2024-06-27 08-55-40.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woke up
made webm

>> No.11052053


>> No.11052063

i cant understand what these are supposed to be

>> No.11052068

That's cool as fuck.

>> No.11052070

What do the textures look like out of the engine?

>> No.11052087
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1695950960728951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been playing Unreal for the first time and while I really enjoyed the first half, the second half of the game has let me down.

While the combat continues to be as fun as ever, the map design has just been decreasing in quality the deeper you get. Lots of running around looking for progression and very inconsistent design. The map makers didn't settle on a certain design language, so everyone just kinda did whatever they wanted. This leaves the player not really knowing how the mapmaker expects them to interact with the world. I remember in MAP18, at the end there's a gate to exit. I couldn't figure out a way to open it. I looked all around for hidden switches in the walls around, pressure plates, shoot switches, moving into it... nothing worked. I had to pull up a walkthrough to know that what I was supposed to do is notice there's a key lodged into the lock, and that you're supposed to jump and headbutt it to open the door. It's never been established before this that headbutting things was a method of interacting with maps.

Then there's pic related, in MAP26. There's a boss fight versus a Titan and some adds. It's fun because there's infighting between the adds and the boss. However, once the boss is dead...nothing happens. Up until this point, from what I can remember, when a boss fight concludes the map opens something to let you exit the area. It wasn't the case here. You can see an unnatural spotlight in pic rel to the wall on the right. I was sure this was the door that was supposed to open after the boss was dead, and I confirmed it by using ghost in the console. I figured the scripting broke so I just noclipped through and continued. Just now found out the intended way was to go around the pillar and notice a hidden switch there, which opened the exit. So it just kind of keeps contradicting the conventions/expectations it sets up previously.

Are these just skill issues? Did you have the same problems? Does it get better towards the end?

>> No.11052101

I don't know how the man stands himself.

>> No.11052131

Just a test, but pretend they're glass windows.
It's just the one texture. Looks like a pure light blue square on a normal Doom texture. Might be able to make the glass sheen at an angle, idunno. Would have to play with it more. Gotta make a test map and re-assign a bunch of colors on texture/monsters (like btsx does with its custom palette) if I want to get fancy with it.

>> No.11052132

>It's never been established before this that headbutting things was a method of interacting with maps.
You do it in the very first map.

>> No.11052148

Huh, I completely forgot. Is that it or are there more instances?
Now that i think of it, I think there were a couple where you technically still had to press something after the boss fights, but it was always in a very obvious place

>> No.11052151

>[6-27] All DBPs in one place, from 1 to 66
Where's DBP48?

>> No.11052170

>Is that it or are there more instances?
Might just be the two honestly, but I seem to remember a lever that you have to similarly jump to. The Nali are tall.
You're not wrong that the level design is inconsistent later in the game, but I like it all regardless.
A fella named Krull0r is working on an enhancement for it, level by level. It's not done yet afaik, but check that out.

>> No.11052173

hopefully forgotten

>> No.11052181
File: 123 KB, 1440x1080, woof0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the ugliness and jankiness it was pretty fun, the weird enemies are fun to fight with the crazy weapon replacements - street sweeper is like the spider mastermind's weapon, flame thrower is a variant of plasma simple enough and the dual uzis instead of pistols make pistolstart more dynamic (though I don't recommend pistolstarting, I feel like the wad is poorly balanced for that, though weapons placed near the start make me thing it was the author's intent)
Overall a funny janky ride, too bad the medikit archviles weren't used more often
>pic related
For some weird reason the arachnotron dualhead chaingunner enemy doesn't stop firing at the enemy after its death, so when it kills the thing it was infighting with it will not bother you until you attack it again

>> No.11052192
File: 143 KB, 1440x1080, woof0018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11052195

while I like the bizarre enemies in this wad, I always thought the maps were pretty boring except for the last city map, which is kind of good

>> No.11052229

Gotta upload this because this is just the funniest death sound I ever heard in a wad
Yeah, the city map was definitely the best, cave of death has an interesting maze layout but it's still ugly and terribly unbalanced

>> No.11052256

Just went back and replayed MAP01 real quick. The headbutting you do there is to turn off the force field surrounding the armor pickup, yeah? If so, I never did that on my first playthrough. I guess that explains why I never considered it, because it was optional
>You're not wrong that the level design is inconsistent
Not only that but it just feels like I've been running around so much in very empty places. They lack the punchiness of earlier levels I feel. You very rarely fight multiple enemy types at once too, which is a shame. The stars of the show in my eyes are the Skaarj guys that behave like multiplayer bots, they're really fun to fight.
Thanks, I'll look them up. I am interested in Unreal user levels because the combat itself is solid.

>> No.11052273

>What hardware do I need to play Unreal Redux smoothly?
>A: An Intel Core I7 4790K @ 4GHZ, 16 GB of ram and a Nvidia GTX 970 is required by minimum.
wait wat

>> No.11052274

(X) Doubt
It's probably just the computer he's using.

>> No.11052279

Cast into the void, where it will never see light of day again.

>> No.11052312

>Not only that but it just feels like I've been running around so much in very empty places
The scale of the maps in Unreal wasn't really done before. The canyon map in particular feels empty by today's standards, even with the titan and all, but at the time it felt absurd that there was this massive gorge cut out by a crashed ship that you can see in the distance. And how big would that ship have to be to gouge out this trench?
Keeping in mind that before this we had Quake. The biggest area in that is shubs cave? The low gravity pyramid level.
There are areas where the game suffers for it, but what might feel now like "geez when does it end?" Felt more like "wow where does it end" on release.
Gave you time to think about the translator messages you've been reading too.

Can't speak for everyone tho.

>> No.11052339

I understand that it has a lot of spectacle in it, it still retains it to this day (specially the dynamic lighting). And I have been enjoying reading the lore from the translator. But the gameplay at a certain point (probably around half-way) really starts suffering because of how huge and empty the maps are. I think the worst offender so far was MAP24: Bluff Eversmoking. I wish they had focused more on designing fun combat encounters, because that's what I'm mostly there for. Another thing I have a problem with is how many switches can be flipped back to OFF even if the player would never want them to be. This is combined with timed switches. It creates these situations where I find a lever, I move it, I can't find what it did, and when I come back to it I don't know if it's been flipped back to its original state or if I'll just flip it back to OFF. Does that make sense?

I was also really weirded out by the fact that the invisibility power up sometimes doesn't work. I remember trying it in the Titan fight I screenshotted above, and enemies just knew where I was even if I hadn't shown myself to them yet, which was odd. I hadn't bumped up to them either. It seems to work under normal circumstances

>> No.11052362

OH and I just remembered another thing that irked me:

I think it was inside the ISV Kran. There's this section where you find some dead guys and their logs say they don't have enough ammo to fight off the aliens. You're then expected to go through a corridor loop with 3 rooms, each of them has a button you need to press to disable a force field. This is timed so you need to hit all 3 and then get to the other side before the force field comes back up. However you don't know that when you first go in. So what I did was fight wave after wave of enemies, and they just kept coming, infinite spawns. Usually when the game does this, you just keep killing enemies until they run out. But here, they don't. So you're supposed to figure out from the context clue that you're not actually supposed to fight them at all, just hit the buttons and run around them.
But this is in contradiction to all the other times the player was expected to just buckle down and go through the gauntlet of shooting dudes.

Whatever level it was that had the botanical gardens and moving walls was also a nightmare to navigate. I remember getting lost in there because I didn't see a hallway in the dark after the spider ambush. You're fed into the room with the spiders there's like light leading you away from where you were actually supposed to go.

>> No.11052367
File: 59 KB, 637x637, rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else only use vanilla weapons because they're super autistic about balance and "playing the way the mapper intended"?

>> No.11052373

Depends on the map
If it's something like sunlust that's explicitly meant to be hard then yeah, I feel bad doing it

>> No.11052381

Yep, that's me. Couldn't even stand Final Doomer, Babel is my limit.
But I also rarely replay any wads, would rather play a new one.

>> No.11052408

Supplice episode 3 has been released. Can anyone drop a pk3 here?

>> No.11052431

I vary stuff up, sometimes vanilla, sometimes mods that feel like they fit a map, I don't get too caught up on what the mapper might intend, usually people get it very wrong in a variety of ways with that massive pile of arguments.

>> No.11052443

That's so cooool, I wonder what other cool stuff you can do with this?

>> No.11052482
File: 838 KB, 1920x1080, Hotel Hell WGAA Seating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was playing through his whole pack, I was real bummed when it ended, all the levels were fun, I might replay it later this year, SO damn good
>vanilla weapons, horizontal mouse aim only, "playing the way the mapper intended"
Most of the time. Some of the time I'll want to both use a mod and play something new. There's a very, tiny, small amount of maps that I haven't played without mods.

>> No.11052524


>> No.11052587
File: 947 KB, 1176x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xp of a succ from a thin book. I'm not very good at making original characters

>> No.11052615

Good shit man.

>> No.11052621

No. At this point the WAD has to be fucking incredible for me to be willing to play with vanilla weaponry anymore. I just hate the pistol and unpowered fist that much.

>> No.11052627

I'm happy this exists. I'll keep an eye on it.
It's been quite a few years since I've run through, but I have nothing but fond memories of Unreal's latter half, and remember nothing about these esoteric hidden buttons. Perhaps I'll have to revisit it.
>Does it get better towards the end
The combat encounters at the last levels are some of the most fun I've had in a shooter.

>> No.11052628

Weapon mods make it feel like I'm just cheating myself out of a good experience.

>> No.11052645

Without actually hating vanilla weapons, I'm pretty much on the same boat as >>11052621, with few exceptions (IE: maps that really expect you to play in vanilla ports because of dehacked or vanilla exploits, or they just won't run well in anything more advanced than a boom port).
Not a weapons mod, but there was a time I made a minimod that spawned extra monsters and items over time to entertain myself while I explore maps and I would play pretty much anything with that.

>> No.11052693

I remember getting stuck in several parts of the game, a few of those in that same map 26. But one of the strangest ones was in map 3, where there's a bridge and a fan that pulls you into it on the side.
At the time I was playing, it was an old version of the game, and no matter what speed I tried to cross that bridge, the fan would always get me. Eventually I noticed I would not fall off edges when crouching, so I used that to crouch on railings until a pillar then crouch on the other edge until I could cross. Sometimes it didn't work for some reason so I always had to save before that part.
When I played a patched version, that fan wasn't pulling people as hard and it was possible to just run through the whole thing. I always thought they nerfed it because most people couldn't get past it. Only recently I discovered that's how it always was supposed to be, and the fan pulling people way too fast was actually a bug tied to game performance so that would happen on faster computers. Okay then.

>> No.11052697

I do want to say that I enjoy the rest of Doom's arsenal, it's just holy shit the pistol is atrocious.

>> No.11052703

What's your favorite HUD?

>> No.11052707

For what it's worth, I'm playing on Unreal with the latest unofficial patch, and the fan you're talking about was also crazy fast for me. I think I ended up having to dodge diagonally facing away from the fan to get enough of a boost to hang on to the railing.

>> No.11052710

(I'm not sure if the nerf was only for lower difficulties)

>> No.11052736

It's a really neat thing to see, people going back and looking at their old mods and stuff that way.

>> No.11052738

My own custom one.

>> No.11052780

>running on potatoes and carrots
No dude, believe it or not but Doom did not actually run buttery smooth on every computer on the day of it's release. This is once again revisionist history by people got into Doom by like 2000s or later or otherwise had way more powerful hardware than a lot of people in 1993/4 would be running.

>> No.11052792

I know, I played it on 486, glorious sub-10 fps with speaker sounds.

>> No.11052825
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Played it on a 386-SX on minimum screen size at slideshow framerates at times. The SX stood for 'sux'

>> No.11052912

I love your doodles. Are you working off of like some guides on how to draw anime characters or just kinda winging it?

>> No.11052926
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Just winging it.

>> No.11052938

Well damn man. You're doing great work. I do my best to work on my drawing daily as well. Might have to try to do some more 'simple' linearts for practice.

>> No.11052958

this but with corruption cards, I fucking love that mod

>> No.11052962

Corruption Cards is easily CutmanMike's best mod. It's amazing how flexible it is and the kinda wacky shit that results from it. Earthquake is the funniest card.

>> No.11052976

Has there been another "anime" mod since La Tailor Girl?

>> No.11052980

Descent is the superior DOOM.

>> No.11053002


>> No.11053007

Sailor DOOM.

>> No.11053014

Someone please help me. I am playing cultic and I picked up a shield and I literally cannot figure out how to fucking drop it. I have gone through all of the keybinds and nothing is working.

>> No.11053019

Did you open the key config menu? Because if there is a use item or pick up item key then pressing it again should logically drop it.

>> No.11053021

Finished Phobos Anomaly on QuestZDoom and it was hard.
But still fucking cool

>> No.11053031

I remember most people running it fine, but they'd have to set the graphics detail to low or shrink the screen a little bit.

>> No.11053045

Doom is the superior Descent.

>> No.11053212
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>*turns over bottle, reads "MEGACRAP LAXATIVES"*

>> No.11053213

What the fuck is going here?

>> No.11053231

>Which works, but like, why?

It works, it does what he needs it to, he's used to it, and there's no real pressing need to change. A lot of really veteran pros in most industries are like this. There are big time record producers everywhere still using 20 year out of date versions of their DAW and plugin pack because it works, it's stable, and that' what's most important to them. They would gain little from upgrading, but stand to lose a lot if there was an issue in the process.

Is there any game-changing addition to UDB over DB that John Romero, who is for all intents and purposes making maps with the mindset that he's still in the iD offices in1993, would actually feel compelled to update for? He's probably been fucking around with DB2 for like ten years by now, and when that's already such a massive improvement from the editors in his day it probably doesn't even occur to him to go looking for anything better.

>> No.11053252

>spoiled by playing ports like Ironwail and their convenient built in mod browsers
>running Doom via ZDL now feels inelegant enough to put me off actually playing the game as often

So, do any Doom ports have that kind of in-built mod/map loading ability?

>> No.11053256

I can't say for Doom but even with vkQuake being back in service I went back to Ironwail because I enjoy the mod browser that much.

>> No.11053259

Doomlauncher isn't a sourceport but it does have an idgames browser

>> No.11053267

aight, whats cooler
m1 garand or sawed off 1887?

>> No.11053269

Sawed off double barrel 1887

>> No.11053279

Paint It Doom the sort of sequel to DIY has got a release client out now, for those of you who were interested in it.

>> No.11053289

That was original idea.
My back up was sawed off garand.

>> No.11053301

Granand. Don't saw off an 1887.

>> No.11053302

what about a sears ranger?

>> No.11053320
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They tested basically that in WW2, in a few different shapes and guises. Intended varyingly as guns for tank crew, paratroopers, or for jungle combat. They didn't work as reliably, they had more recoil, and they were SO much louder and made a very big muzzleflash, which is not so practical for fighting in a dark jungle (or just in general).

>> No.11053340

Ping vs flip.
Ping is pretty unique.
In doom guy hand would be bad ass. Hellsing had sawed off garand.
Idk why but m1 and by extension m14c always look heroic.

>> No.11053352

someone needs to make a ghost in the shell doom mod

>> No.11053371

>tfw no sawed off BFG

>> No.11053418
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This family of guns have a very elegant aesthetic to them, I really like how the rear sights and its housing looks (and they're very good sighs).

>> No.11053502
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>Isn't Square designed for freelook?
NTA but I think Square is designed for free look because there is a small amount of platforming that is blind without freelook, and the rocket launcher can't shoot enemies above you on ledges with freelook due to its arching trajectory, but with that said I still beat the game with freelook turned off because I just enjoy sprite-based FPS games (Doom/Build engine) with freelook off since that's how I played them as a kid and sprites look janky when looking up or down at them
I tried to find pol.wad again but the version I got was censored, with some of the offensive voice lines removed. If the black enemies don't speak in ebonics, or if the cacos don't have Jewish voice lines then its censored

>> No.11053517
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot_square1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll tell ya h-wat

>> No.11053581
File: 1.33 MB, 800x450, 2024-06-27 22-27-07.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make things look shiny.
This is the bare minimum test for that, you could refine it. I might. Have an idea for a map, but can't afford another project atm.

>> No.11053585 [DELETED] 

nevermind my shit chocolate doom folder structure. I have a pwad and iwad folder that are actually organized, but not for this nonsense

>> No.11053659
File: 1006 KB, 800x450, 2024-06-27 23-12-20.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better example of that.
I'm sure there's something particularly cool to do here. Gotta clear out some space in the colormap/palette, repalettize everything, then make somethig cool (important!)


>> No.11053681
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>> No.11053685

This is really cool but looks kinda doodoo
This one shows some real potential

>> No.11053687

Nobody else? I'll bake then.

>> No.11053693

very nice

>> No.11053732




>> No.11054000

I got an idea, can be loaded like regular shotty shells and uses an energy “ENbloc clip” for the ping.

>> No.11054383

I'm hooked on Adventures of Square AND Alien Armageddon because of you guys. I have like 12 other games in my backlog I should be trying to burn through but these have stolen my attention.