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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.23 MB, 1227x853, dq_prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11030032 No.11030032 [Reply] [Original]

>$60 dollars
>50% more expensive than DQXI
What were they thinking?
This shit is dead on arrival.

>> No.11030036 [DELETED] 

>what were they thinking?
"Goycattle will buy it anyways"

>> No.11030042

They don't care what you think, Japs will eat this shit up.

>> No.11030121 [DELETED] 

What a retarded post

>> No.11030135 [DELETED] 

you spend more than that in a week for fast food

>> No.11030168 [DELETED] 

Such worthless comeback, worthy of a pleb.

>> No.11030180

don't care, still buying, stay seething <3

>> No.11030186

Same price of Octopath, that doesn't even have animated enemies.

>> No.11030192

looks worth it to me

>> No.11030202

>kinda want to play the og but they dont have NES games on the steam market
life is pain

>> No.11030206

HD-2D is so off-putting to me and I have no idea why normies eat it up. It's just a billion different Unreal engine filters and effects shitting on actually good spritework. It's an overload of bloom, bokeh, DoF, chromatic aberration, vignetting and particle effects. I just find it nauseating. Seeing the fucking retards at Digital Foundry constantly praising it is a good reminder that those poindexters have the worst taste in aesthetics.

>> No.11030208

Same, it's a giant pile of shit I normally have to look up ways to turn off in other games slapped on top of 2D spriteart where it fits even less than 3D. The fact that they call it "HD" is fucking hilarious to me.

>> No.11030216 [DELETED] 

If idiots didn't by remakes they wouldn't be the plague on gaming like they are.

>> No.11030238

I hate it and hate how Octopath became this huge phenomenon while looking like shit. I think consumers just like it because its unique and can't really discern what makes something visually appealing.

>> No.11030253

they just need to tone down on the visual fx, 5th gen games blended 2d and 3d well

>> No.11030257

They will never put it on there. Might as well get over yourself and pirate. You won't be arrested for it, trust me.

>> No.11030273 [DELETED] 

emulation is too hard and risky

>> No.11030291 [DELETED] 

Why are you buying overpriced garbage as your main meal intake?

>> No.11030298

>50% of $60

>> No.11030305 [DELETED] 

1. download free vpn
2. download emu and rom
3. play
you are a faggot

>> No.11030335

What did you expect from OP's low quality thread? Then again XI was released years ago and shit gets cheaper with the time, but that retard was too blind from his abhorrent crusade to get that.

>> No.11030375 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11030381


>> No.11030398

Kek, my mistake. Anyway, OP is still a fag.

>> No.11030419

DQ III is the quintessential Dragon Quest game.
And seems like a soulful remake rather than a woke "remake".

>> No.11030427

$60 price tag covers HD-2D R&D expenses

>> No.11030435 [DELETED] 

Yeah, so is your mom but I took one for the team, son.

>> No.11030447

Guys, I kind of hate the new art style.

>> No.11030461 [DELETED] 

You're saying a week's supply of food is trivial compared to a video game? Strange priorities

>> No.11030464

I like the lighting. Lighting really adds a lot

>> No.11030465

And it's going to have the shitty """translation""" with all the gay stupid puns so it's essentially completely worthless.

>> No.11030471 [DELETED] 

>his mom
Anon? Have anything you want to tell us?

>> No.11030473

it's better than the original'
the locations are completely new and different
and better than all that other squenix shit

>> No.11030604 [DELETED] 

You're a moron. Vimm shared the games rens of thousands of times for 30 years and all that happened when Ninty and Sega came knocking was he had to stop sharing the files... Don't share the files and you'll never have anything to worry about
> it's hard
Maybe if your IQ is less than 80

>> No.11030608

XI also sucks compared to III

>> No.11030661 [DELETED] 

come on dude my tech illiterate brother emulates shit on his phone with ease

>> No.11030706 [DELETED] 

Americans complaining about game prices will never not be funny.

>> No.11030735 [DELETED] 

love bait

>> No.11030738 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 437x242, 1707324158171235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, and i can buy food, unlike this region locked trash that i can easily emulate

>> No.11030752

I'll grab the Fitgirl release after they remove Denuvo

>> No.11030754

I like how it looked in octopath, but this shit is so ugly. Realistic environments and ugly pixelated sprites for characters, just go all the way and make chibi character models or make the world pixelated too ffs.

>> No.11030808 [DELETED] 

This. DQ has already proven multiple times that the Japanese are absolute retards and they'll happily buy the same game 50 times. DQXI was comedy fucking gold, the game released with NO VOICE ACTING and they still ate it up, only to turn around and buy the finished game for another 60 bucks a few years later when XIS came out.

What's sad is that these remakes used to be good. The DQ1+2 remake on the SNES is great, it fixes flaws and improves the graphics. Everything after that? They just fucked up the game more and more each time. Hideous redesigns, awful fonts, soulless additions.

DQV on the DS was the last fun remake, and even that was a marked downgrade from the PS2 version.

>> No.11030871

Came here to post this

On a scale from Pixel Remaster to Final Fantasy Origins, it's no PR but it's pretty damn close.

>> No.11031031

These remakes are Switch games, they're free

>> No.11031037

>bloom, bokeh, DoF, chromatic aberration, vignetting and particle effects
All of those are minor issues compared to the huge upgrade to the world and sprites.
>oh no the screen is slightly dimmed at the edge I can't play this anymore
If I can play Ultima I can play a game with a depth of field, it's not really a problem. How do you play retro games if you're this picky about visuals

>> No.11031046 [DELETED] 

Fuck voice acting.

>> No.11031050
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>> No.11031058

The thing is I like the additional hit and idle animations over the snes only havng an attack animation, but why did they have to go for such a dog shit art style? I don't mind 2d sprites on 3d backgrounds, but the dq games on the DS did this look so much better. It has the same issue as the pixel remasters where they end up looking cheap with the conflicting resolutions and ugly graphical effects and post processing effects.

>> No.11031062

>How do you play retro games if you're this picky about visuals
... those grapgical effects are among the many reasons WHY I prefer retro games.

I'd take NES graphics any day over this trash; shit, I'd take a text adventure even. Why? Because it screams laziness. There might as well have been zero effort put into this remake. It resembles a fan game made by 2-3 dudes using Unity or RPGMaker or whatever, over the course of maybe a year or 2. Assets clash in a way you don't see anywhere except the deepest bowels of steam and itch. DQIII looked crisp and clean on both the Famicom and Super Famicom games. Even the GBC game was at least consistent.

If a remake is going to bother with nostalgia pandering, and holy hell a Dragon Quest III remake is up there with the most nostalgic for Jap boomers at least, then they better release it in 4:3 aspect ratio. This is a bare minimum feature.

As for the gameplay, can anons confirm if it has Pachisi or monster medals? If it doesn't have both then it's even more worthless.

>> No.11031071

Remakes are Not Retro

>> No.11031187

>Octopath Travelver pixel shit style
awful, i'll stick to thr SNES version

>> No.11031234

>huge upgrade to the world and sprites.
The remakes have always looked like shit. DQ3 on the SNES was an upgrade. Shitty looking 3D clashing with le retro sprites looks atrocious.

>> No.11031385

>How do you play retro games if you're this picky about visuals
Because I actually fucking LIKE how retro games look. I do not enjoy this visual diarrhea of effects, even if the actual spritework itself is well done.

>> No.11031447 [DELETED] 

What a retarded wall of text

>> No.11031490

And they would have sold it for 25$ or less during the early live/psn era. But when they learned that normies will pay 60$ on digital games they started to raise the prices of non-physical games. Skeptical millennials, gen x and boomers forced companies to be careful with releases and made digital games cheaper on average, but now Zoomers who started in the job market pay 70$ to have their information sold and also lost access to their game because they screenshot their own game.

>> No.11031518 [DELETED] 

>"oomer" posting
Yes, this is truly a trash thread.

>> No.11031660

the marketing says it's 2D BUT BETTER and they go oooh it says it's better so it must be better
normalfags can't form their own opinions

>> No.11031664

literally NINTEDO HIRE THIS MAN tier
I wouldnt be surprised if it was outsourced to indians

>> No.11031665

The samefagging is rampant here. Killing the IP count was a mistake.

>> No.11031676
File: 929 KB, 481x695, dq3remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's soulful as fuck. They fixed all the problems of the other HD2D games and it's amazing now. DQ3 is among the best games of all time and has plenty of content to justify the price tag.

>> No.11031682

What kills me is people praising this game while at the same time shitting on 2, even though all the supposed """flaws""" 2 has, 3 has them too but worse.

But at least my favourite game is spared from shitty remakes because of that.

>> No.11031691

literal paid shill post

>> No.11031714

>retards lose their minds when they see visual depth
Only in video games you see these people lol

>> No.11031726 [DELETED] 

Can I remove all the shitty goy effects?

>> No.11031738

Literal retard. Get newer material fucking faggot.

>> No.11031740 [DELETED] 

You should remove yourself from this world, retarded buzzword spammer. Die.

>> No.11031741

To be honest, this is a big improvement over the first person shit in the OG, now I can goon to that girl's ass.

>> No.11031743 [DELETED] 

Why do you guys get so upset when we use your word?

>> No.11031749

why is the bloom so prevalent, that brazier glowing that much in the distance+being that observable during the daytime makes 0 sense, every asset is a fucking glowstick
i like a lot of what they've done but i don't get why they are so heavy handed with the post processing

>> No.11031751 [DELETED] 

Well, it's your word since you like to use it that much, and I hate retards who spout nonsense. Begone.

>> No.11031757

Can you faggots go back to /v/, why are there so many remake shill threads up right now? They're so obviously made by actual shills too
No one here fucking cares about remakes, if you do care about remakes you shouldn't be here

>> No.11031806

I'm gonna buy the physical version

>> No.11031932

Shut the fuck up Apu, the game is not even out to know what they fixed from other HD remakes.
Also it seems that the game will have extra story bits like showing what happened to Ortega and adding new story to the game which fucking sucks cuz DQ games always where about showing and not telling like other JRPG like FF or Golden Sun.
The new class may be fun being able to recruit monsters and shit but for now I will stick with the OG, SNES and GBC versions.

>> No.11031949

>What were they thinking?
they were thinking about all the gullible fucking idiots that would buy this trash in current year.

>> No.11031952

and i get 100x more pleasure and enjoyment out of it than some shitty remake based on a game from 1988.

>> No.11031954

So retarded. What a sad display of an anon.

>> No.11031963

> noooooo! why won't you support overpriced goyslop remakes of already terrible games?!?!
you can feel the mental breakdown via your post. it's also not my problem. i'll pirate that shit if i ever get interested in playing it. i would never give steam (or their developers) money. that would be immensely fucking retarded.

>> No.11031964

Keep saying it, nothing will deny your rotten brain by those buzzwords. Die.

>> No.11031965 [DELETED] 

> seething this hard
when is the livestream suicide? seems your advertising shill thread for steam trash has gone horribly for you.

>> No.11031969 [DELETED] 

And a "shill" spammer have to be. Did you get tired of spamming the same shit on /v/ that you have to come here? Don't make me laugh and kill yourself.

>> No.11032057

>What were they thinking?
in all the sweet sweet fool's cash they're gonna get

>> No.11032070

>> noooooo! why won't you support overpriced goyslop remakes of already terrible games?!?!
ok ok, yes to the first, totally, but no the second, they stand among the best of their kind you stupid fuck.

>> No.11032071 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11032183

DQ3 looks a lot more vibrant than past HD-2D titles. It looks nicer.

>> No.11032223

it has the soulless unity artstyle

>> No.11032898

>retards whining about shills
Reminder that SE has not advertised a DQ game in the west beyond a token trailer since Heroes 2.

>> No.11032908

Why do people like the HD-2D look? It's awful

>> No.11033427


They look great in stereoscopic 3D with nvidia 3D vision and a 3D fix using Helix Mod/Geo-11.

Live A Live/Octopath Traveler 1/2 are all great in real 3D.

>> No.11033431

I keep saying allowing remakes is a mistake, don't you see that HALF of modern gaming are remakes.

>> No.11033528


imagine working all these years just to make something that looks way worse than the SNES version from 30 years ago.

>> No.11033529


V is the actually quintessential one. III hasnt aged great (still love it tho)

>> No.11033535

4chan is a remake.

>> No.11033537 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 772x218, 1714562449262685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what you get for supporting the Satan's chosen

>> No.11033695 [DELETED] 

>MSRP: $39.99

>> No.11033790 [DELETED] 

It's Japanese people making things for Japanese people.
Goijin are an afterthought.

>> No.11033824
File: 1.85 MB, 1163x1211, image_2024-06-20_134801030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quintessential meaning capturing the core essence of the series. V is the best DQ game but takes a lot of liberties with the formula, most obviously with how they bait and switch the chosen hero. III is when DQ hit really it's stride with the core look and feel of the series and is the game most referential to with almost all designs and ideas being ones that are associated with III.

>> No.11033845

>core look
>posts Nakatsuru's art

>> No.11033860

new game more expensive than old game, wow
brb, making another thread on /v/ saying "why is this old game still $40? square buncha jews!"

>> No.11033865

>and has plenty of content to justify the price tag.


it's literally a shovelware level remake lol

>> No.11033875

Yeah, ill go further and say ive enjoyed the remasters ive played over the years. Not all were great and some just stink but over all ive enjoyed them.

>> No.11033885
File: 556 KB, 627x877, image_2024-06-20_143134191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and? They're still the core designs of the series that are used whenever someone is asked "what does a DQ warrior look like" they'll imagine the big red shell-like armour and winged helmet regardless of who drew the image.

>> No.11034350

That's you get for paying $60 for Octopath twice.
Also the audacity of Square Enix to call this HD on the Switch.

>> No.11034357

Nothing makes /vr/etards madder than someone paying for video games.

>> No.11034736

Question is, is it 60 for each game.

>> No.11035181
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3 HD is a single game. 1+2 doesn't come out until next year

>> No.11035210

Early PSN/Live prices were a quarter of that. What's wrong with Zoomers

>> No.11035303
File: 71 KB, 500x738, 300% Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hid Female Warrior's ass
Day 1 pirate just so I can delete it from my harddrive.

>> No.11035332

>V took a lot of liberties with the formula
>o no the chosen one is not the hero

>> No.11035336 [DELETED] 


>> No.11035389

I mean, if you actually played V you'd agree with his post. He just highlighted a more notable narrative difference.

>> No.11035852 [DELETED] 

Retards getting mad at this post, just love it.
Your average crapple owner can't even do self service at a retailer.

>> No.11035856 [DELETED] 

Hello tiktoker

>> No.11035859

This is literally just the DQXI beta Horii talked about but literally

>> No.11035864

Literally the Toyotaro of Toei Ball

>> No.11035870
File: 42 KB, 256x958, Dragon Warrior II hOwWeReYuOsUppOsEdtOKnOw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are they going to "fix" the random encounters and turned based battles?

Let me guess, press a button to disable them, press another button to max out all your stats, and call it a QoL?

But now, how are they going to "fix" the world map and exploration if they don't want "this is so dated HOW WERE YOU SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!!" reviews?

>> No.11036114

Ya, but they emphasised the bulge on the Hoodie so I'm happy.

>> No.11036130 [DELETED] 

If my zoomer ass could use Kega Fusion and Project64 without any issues when I was 11 years old, so can you.

>> No.11036131

>steam shilling
kys now

>> No.11036215

Nah, Nakatsuru is actually a decent imitator unlike Toyotaro. His big issue is that he gets too detail heavy, which makes his art easily distinct from Toriyama (too heavy on the shading from light and muscles).

>> No.11036221 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11036243

>Dragon Quest XI is an old game from 2018
>Dragon Quest III HD 2D is a new game from 2024

>> No.11036273

I'm excited for it and think it looks gorgeous.

My only problem is I just played DQ3 on the GBC during covid. I kind of don't feel like playing it again so soon. I'm almost more interested in the 1+2 bundle since I planned on playing those soon but now I might as well wait a year.

Overall this is the only thing square enix has put out 2000 that I am interested in.

Anyway DQ3 is so cool, bros. In my opinion every JRPG should be like this, massive world with hand placed secrets and a customizable team of SOULFUL toriyama designs. Its hard to pick a team since I like them all so much.

Most JRPGs are hallway simulators with annoying loud anime people who have badly written personalities. Let me make my own team and come up with my own imaginary back stories. Like damn.
Any other games like DQ3? I've heard 9 is good. 11 and the PS1+2 DQ games don't appeal to me at all

Also what's the best DQ monsters game?

>> No.11036303

This, usually I don't care about graphics as long as its serviceable. But the visuals of those 2D-HD stuff is so inconsistent that it's actively distracting from the general experience.
4-6 NDS remakes were decent, because the gimmick of having 3D world allowed you to rotate the camera 360, instead of being fixed - which ironically is exactly what the 2D-HD shit games lack. Plus, the 3D wasn't so egregious on a 3 inch DS' tiny screen.

The sprite work and animation looks so amateurish, who the fuck made it? How is it possible that ArtePiazza back then on PS2/NDS made such good overhaul of the sprites with nice animations?

>> No.11036396

I am going to play the remake and then no other version ever again

>> No.11036405
File: 177 KB, 768x1440, Dragon Warrior III.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire point of DQ monster graphics is to have them BIG in your face on the screen. Having them tiny in the background amidts bloom and aids is just retarded, just as it is to show the party's back to catter to "I only play final fantasy" babies

>> No.11036407
File: 38 KB, 768x720, Dragon Warrior IV Monsters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11036416

I like the way it looks, but can understand someone not digging it. Aesthetics is far too varied and personal.

>> No.11036658

I generally think the game looks okay, and for whatever reason better than Octopath. I'd have to do a side by side comparison to figure out exactly why. I see it as being kind of like DQ7 but more modern.
The battles, however, look awful. That arena is way too large. It might be "realistic," but it just looks strange.

Gorgeous art.

>> No.11036662

The sprites actually are relatively high definition. Octopath has PSX resolution sprites.

>> No.11036676

That probably has a lot to do with it. I just did a quick comparison and it seems like DQ3 went a lot softer with bloom and other effects, too. Octopath went way, way overboard with that. Which is a shame, because with a few different decisions I think Octopath could have basically looked like a really nice 2D PS2 game.
I do think that DQ3 would look better if the environments were a little less detailed. Maybe somewhere between what they are now and the ones in OT.

>> No.11036751
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>> No.11036752

Toyotaro perfectly mimics modern Toriyama at least

>> No.11036756

My FUARKing hero.

>> No.11036759
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>> No.11036792
File: 498 KB, 1766x2048, 1717335751821279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fenyon is the only artist that can perfectly mimic Toriyama's art

>> No.11037056

fenyo is art taskmaster. he can also replicate kazuya takahashi and sugimori ken

>> No.11037067

He really doesn't.
Toyotaro is not just a bad mangaka (he has no real flow nor does he have any mangaka sensibilities that should have grown after over a decade of professional work in addition to years of doujinshi work), but he is a bad Toriyama imitator. He can't understand why Toriyama's posing works and is cool, and often tries to integrate his style of characters slouching into it, which always looks horrible.
He also doesn't mimic modern Toriyama well at all. We can tell because Toriyama's modern designs are still wholly distinct from Toyotaro's.

>> No.11039070
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Kakeru does his old manga style the best imo

>> No.11039206

I like the general look of this, not sure what all the crying is about. The only thing that bothers me is the menu window. They never look good in any of these remasters/remakes and I cant figure our why. It's like they're too thin or something.

>> No.11039568

>rather than a woke "remake".
Dude wtf lol how would they even woken a nes dragon quest. You /v/tard

>> No.11039591

NTA but DQIII and IV characters has been censored in the past and now.

>> No.11039880 [DELETED] 
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A rare Zoomer W

>t. zoomer 2000s

>> No.11039958
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>> No.11039975

In the 80s this was fine. In 2024 the monsters should be physically making contact with the party members and you should see it. I would not pay full price for a game when the original is more worth my time.

>> No.11039981

Who cares, I just wish they allows you to put the character info like in the old games since as is it now it doesn't work.

>> No.11040025

idk i liked Star Ocean 2R

>> No.11040027

>anyone in the scene cracking anime games
lol lmao

>> No.11040148

lmao this is about to be the best selling game of the year in Japan with no one else getting close. Kind of a bummer because square deserves to go bankrupt

>> No.11040187

This looks horrible, the mock up pixel art style of DQXI is what these old games are supposed to look like if not a full 3D remake like they did up until the 3DS releases. But that takes effort and the DQ guys don't like that

>> No.11040191

That makes no sense

>> No.11040195

DQXI pixel art has the perfect blend of classic and modern style That's how DQ should look

>> No.11040313

Because of CERO ratings.
They don't do it because of the West, primarily because DQ's target audience isn't the west. It's Japan and they need to maintain the low CERO rating to continually get the younger audience cycling in so it doesn't end up as a dead end franchise only bought by geriatrics.

>> No.11040316

>DQXI pixel art
You can play that right now on your phone.

>> No.11040329

You mean that generic RPG Maker-level slop? At least the 3DS version went the extra mile to recreate the original graphic style of each past game when you visited them (barring 8-10 for obvious reasons).

>> No.11040535

>A newer game is worth more than an older one

>> No.11040558

Are those the same exact enemy sprites from the DS versions of 4/5/6?

>> No.11040561


>> No.11040704
File: 866 KB, 540x350, 1671398940887714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just have shit taste

>> No.11040824
File: 845 KB, 870x816, 166436666436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because of CERO
nope it's fully square enix's ethics department
if they censored warrior then puff puff is probably removed too
not to mention the dq3 swimsuits
this remake is fucked

>> No.11040830
File: 545 KB, 512x960, SNES - Dragon Quest 3 JPN - Character Classes Swimsuit and Catsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11040839

It is

>> No.11041440

>it's not the rational explanation of the thing that has raped most things in Japan for several years
>it's a nebulous idea someone on /v/ told me about
This is why nothing actually important has been found or done on this site in 15 years.

>> No.11041482

>puff puff is probably removed too
There were eight different Puff-Puff scenes in DQ11, most of them being the usual bait-and-switch gags but a few being legit. DQ3's Puff-Puff is one of the fake-outs (the girl who offers has her dad do it on you), so it should be fine here.

>> No.11041493

This shit reeks of
>I'm paid for finding "problematic content" to advise devs
>therefore I'm finding "problematic content"

>> No.11041497
File: 1.70 MB, 2248x3096, 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is enough unused art left by Toriyama to make 1 or perhaps even 2 games with new monsters so they're probably not done shitting on his tomb and on the franchise