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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 400 KB, 500x678, frag enabler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11029763 No.11029763 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11017349

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.11029765
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/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

Fraggot (Deathmatch session is scheduled for June 2)
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : UDMF
RC1: https://files.catbox.moe/3nq7bg.zip

=== NEWS ===
[6-17] Fraggot is on IDgames!

[6-13] Gore Nuggets released

[6-10] Tomb of Thunder updated to version 1.03

[6-10] Ashes: Hard Reset released

[6-5] Nightdive announces Killing Time Resurrected

[6-3] Release trailer for Ashes: Hard Reset scheduled for June 10th
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFf65H8q1lg [Embed]

[6-2] CutStuff.net is now https://mm8bdm.net/forum..

[5-30] Rise of the Triangles is on IDGames

[5-30] Little Italo, tribute to the Italo Doom

[5-27] Zandronum-compatible Colorful Hell released

[5-26] AMC Squad v4.5 released

[5-25] MBF64, D64 gameplay mod for MBF21 is released

[5-23] Extinction Warrior Typhon released

[5-23] Voices of the Nether, a 14-map episode for Doom 64 has been released

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.11029772
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>> No.11029793
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Played Chasm: The Rift recently. It's a polished turd

>> No.11029795

But is it a tasty turd?

>> No.11029801

Somewhat. The arsenal is cool, but the enemies are even spongier than Quake.

>> No.11029803

Thanks for the responses. Thought for sure I'd get shit on for playing on the SD
Arcane I definitely want to try but not sure how to get it on the SD. Quake isn't my favorite to begin with. I honestly like how you can't look up and down in Doom, not sure if that's a retarded opinion. I also feel like the maps are too open compared to doom, but I haven't played it for years. Will look into build mods too I wanted to try Ion Fury like >>11029717
said because the city map looked cool, but I've read that there isn't much level diversity and the later levels are lazily designed. Blood I'm definitely picking up too. Duke 3D I have and Shadow Warrior was free on steam but the weapons feel janky to me.
Love half life (just 1). Dusk seems to get rave reviews but the art style just looks shitty to me. Better than the overly polished, stylized modern throwbacks like Turbo Overkill, but it just doesn't have the je ne sais quoi of the 90s games.
Not too sure about that screenshot lol but ill try it out if its easy to download

How does Doom Eternal compare to the old games? Seems like the only new shooter that may actually be worth shelling out the money for, but

>> No.11029807

I recall hearing it's surprisingly decent, if rough and limited in some ways.

>> No.11029812

I wanted to add that Ion Fury is only 7.50 on fanatical. That's why I was considering it. So, if anyone wants to pick it up

>> No.11029813

I played it back in the day, it's not quite scraping the bottom of the barrel but it's getting in that direction.

>> No.11029831
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Please do try Ion Fury. One of the best games of the 2010s in my opinion, a lot of passion was put into it. It drags a bit near the end but it's nothing that ruins the game. The DLC is also excellent.

>> No.11029843
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I tried Painkiller from the Win98 games link. The description claims that even though the the main menu says it's v1.6, it's actually 1.64. This is wrong.
The game cannot be completed as it is. There are two dock workers in level 5-2 that do not count toward the kill count, and the next area can't be accessed.
After downloading the 1.61, 1.62 and 1.64 patches, and then reapplying a noCD fix, everything worked fine.

>> No.11029849

Wanting to make fan art and pin ups of Shelly is what's driving my drawing practice. Well one of the main ones anyway hahaha.

Dusk is one of those games that is considered good because it got there early in the bumshoot wave, now it would be pretty mediocre.

It might be worth checking out Gloomwood when it will be out. Oh and for Half Life 1 check out Echoes and They Hunger mods.

>Doom Eternal
dunno haven't played but DO check out Wolfenstein The New Order and The Old Blood.

>> No.11029853


> I honestly like how you can't look up and down in Doom, not sure if that's a retarded opinion
No, you're on the right track about why Quake is way less fun than DOOM, and the game doesn't actually shine until you start playing deathmatch or Quake 3.

>> No.11029882
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>> No.11029884

Playing Ashes DMW for the first time, should I just be sprinting past all the trash hags because I clearly don't have the ammo for them?

>> No.11029891

>makes damage especially without looking
>bad duke better
>guys wanted less valve devs

>> No.11029898

>ashes best fun
>civvie currently drinking

>> No.11029903
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>fun doom wads
>ashes best
>play quake
>retro great
>i'm called small
I don't like how big he is on the cloud
>>bad duke better
What could it mean?

>> No.11029910

>guys wanted less valve devs
>nugget projects crap

>> No.11029968

If you won't explain why, then don't bother posting

>> No.11029974

Thoughts on Descent? Does it hold up? Feel like I never hear about it

>> No.11029984

Has it's fun, also has it's bullshit issues, mostly from hitscan mobs being able to shred you instantly.

>> No.11029995

>anons defend literal shitposting last thread
>tell off a guy that actually plays videogame
I mean yeah he should elaborate on that but cmon.

>> No.11030000
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You got your Half-Life in my Unreal Tournament!

Map: https://unrealarchive.org/unreal-tournament/maps/deathmatch/I/dm-industrial_527bdd59.html

>> No.11030002

I'm addicted to watching Quake speedruns.

>> No.11030005

It’s from BAPHOMET!
Dear pesky marines..

>> No.11030026
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Nice digits

>> No.11030035

more like decent

>> No.11030049

funny that it ends up looking like deus ex

>> No.11030052

I didn't defend whatever went on last thread, that just read like a shitty post to me. Albeit probably more visible because it's near the top of the thread.

>> No.11030058

It's a venus flytrap. You will breeze through the first levels and fall into a false sense of security until the game unloads nasty surprise after nasty surprise till the very end. Yet the whole thing is incredibly addictive

>> No.11030147

>but the art style just looks shitty to me
Well good news, it has an update to address that.

>> No.11030207

Based video game player.

>> No.11030210

imagine playing videogames

>> No.11030247
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>> No.11030274

doomguy vs wolfensteinman, the ultimate battle of good vs evil

>> No.11030279
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Mjolnir guys if you're lurking you need to make this guy an enemy or boss instead of just decoration. That'd be baller.

>> No.11030286

Is it the same space marine in every doom game?

>> No.11030294

Yes, every one of them has been me, why do you ask?

>> No.11030302

Kinda surprised fraggot got on idgames desu

>> No.11030303
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Heh, buttbuddies in death.

>> No.11030323

are they going to be okay?

>> No.11030325

Not a Mjolnir guy, but he's way bigger than the shambler collision model and would therefore clip through walls pretty easily. You might be able to get around that to some extent with creative use of tracelines (if you can avoid Ironwail shitting itself from too long of a loop), but there's a reason why Chthon doesn't move around.

>> No.11030397


>> No.11030405
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Why must you dash my hopes.
They'll be fine.

>> No.11030415
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>> No.11030423
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These are never not amusing to me. I have loads of screenshots of Quake for this sort of thing I've just been too lazy to make them.

>> No.11030440
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>> No.11030490

>Why must you dash my hopes.
Source port devs are the ones who have dashed your hopes anon, not me. Removed collision hull limitations and QuakeC-accessable tracebox functionality have been figured out for over a decade, but they're still only available in DarkPlaces and FTE.

It is what it is.

>> No.11030491

DOOMino's Pizza (.wad)

>> No.11030525

Ehh if the demand were there it'd be there. That simple.

>> No.11030535

Are there any retro shooters other than Goldsrc games that let you play with a lefthanded viewmodel?

>> No.11030537

Quake 2

>> No.11030539

Quake 1 with console commands.

>> No.11030540

Unreal and Unreal Tournament 1999

>> No.11030575

>DOOM releases as a 2D sidescrolling platformer
what changes

>> No.11030579

Oh yeah, I forgot Goldsrc is bascally idtech.
I didn't know that and I played tons of UT back in the day, what the heck

>> No.11030584

>I didn't know that and I played tons of UT back in the day, what the heck
You can center them too, like Doom.

>> No.11030586

Undying has you play a left handed protag. Right hand uses magic while left hand uses firearms.

>> No.11030595

Quake finally receives the recognition it deserves.

>> No.11030597

System Shock would have a bigger fanbase

>> No.11030635

Weapon position in Unreal and UT99 also affects point of impact. Try shooting an instagib rifle at long distance with the left or right hand settings, then center or hidden. You'll notice a difference where it hits.

>> No.11030636

what is this

>> No.11030650

Tom Hall would likely have had more involvement and probably would've had more time in the company

>> No.11030658
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Quake Mjolnir.
WIP megamod.

>> No.11030664

looks really fucking cool

>> No.11030683
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Two episodes are in a playable state right now, including an entire remake of Heretic for some reason.

>> No.11030741

>including an entire remake of Heretic for some reason
hmm should i play that first?

>> No.11030797

Crowbar secondary.

>> No.11030802

>Pirate Doom 2 was released months ago

I... huh. Guess it's time to finish the first one.

>> No.11030817

Descent 1 is fun up until level ~5 or so where the miner bots are introduced. Hitscan, zero reaction time enemies that can literally shred you from 100 to 0 in a second(and not in the Doom needs an entire monster closet of them way, just one is enough to do that to you). You'll want to save your lock-on missiles for them because to my memory the missiles bank pretty hard off corners and can get them.
2 I don't think had that issue and I enjoyed it more, plus it introduced the afterburner.

For more modern 6dof games there's Foresaken which honestly I never really liked as it felt really floaty, Desecrators which may be a roguelite(it's been in early access for a bit, may exit soon since it's on 0.9.6 as of the start of this month) and Overload which I really like and wish more people would play.
Not to get into eceleb bullshit but how come none of the usual suspects mention Overload or Descent in general?

>> No.11030826

isn't that the beta version for playtesting? Unless it's completely finished now?

>> No.11030828

Requesting name of the wad, №1

Thanks for rec
I forget the name constantly

>> No.11030831
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Forgot the pic, №1

>> No.11030834
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>> No.11030836

Well it says "1.0", and without having read the thread I don't think beta versions ever go beyond 0.9.

>> No.11030857

If such a crossover happened, and it didn't involve the Nazi War Machine™ being the only military force strong enough to oppose the demons, thus de-facto becoming The Good Guys™, then ID Officially Sucks Ass™.

>> No.11030864
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>> No.11030915

Yes and no. They're kind of rewriting / restructuring the story every time so the circumstances are different.

The largest break is between nu-doom and everything before that because in nudoom doomguy is not just a marine he's some ancient demonhunting force or something I can't even properly understand what the f they made him into.

>> No.11030924

Naw there's nothing in 2016 or Eternal that suggests he's been at it long enough to be "ancient".

>> No.11030927

Desecrators is tits but yeah it's a roguelite. At least it's a co-op one, however.
People in general don't seem to care about 6DOF. Many of the people I know that otherwise play a lot of /vr/ shooters find the additions it brings rather shallow. Pissed me right the fuck off because I was so excited about Descent 3 going open source at the time. Finally the one with dedicated server support can be slapped onto my box, but turns out I was hoping all this time for nada.

In any case, the genre just has zero traction for the audience at large

>> No.11030934

Doom 3 and 2 are the same marine, characterized as being more of a soldier that gets the job done and saves the day, no matter the cost.

Doom 1 and 64 are the same marine, being a scrapper that fights for his life even after he actually dies, although becoming slightly consumed by the mania of being a cornered animal that actually won the fight back

>> No.11030935

It's a fun romp. If you're more interested in Doom/Quake than anything medieval than don't bother.

>> No.11030941
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For me? It's the Resurrection of Evilguy. He's always got a look on his face like he can't believe this shit is happening to him today. A real everyman Doomguy, just wants to go home and play some /vr/ 2145 Doom wads.

>> No.11030952

resurrection of evilguy is canonically the strongest and fastest and most unkillable doom marine
nobody else even stands a chance

incidentally this makes resurrection of evil a very shallow experience

>> No.11030957

Much, much fewer of us would be here discussing it.

>> No.11030958

RoE was most certainly made out of obligation.
>FPSs have expansion packs, I guess we should make one for Doom 3
Obviously a lot of people worked very hard on it but I couldn't recommend it to anybody who didn't love Doom 3, whereas I would always recommend, say, Opposing Force to somebody who didn't love Half-Life.

>> No.11030960

GMOTA would make a lot more sense.

>> No.11030964
File: 49 KB, 444x287, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you posting a picture of my unreleased wad that I'm still working on. That has nothing to do with what you're quoting.

>> No.11030967

Very little, Doom 3D comes out in 96.


>> No.11030973

He wants to know what those two WADs are, anon. He's hoping someone can identify them by the pictures he posts.

>> No.11030980

>find new wad
>insane new artwork
>great level design
>flawless enemy balance
>its ONE level

>> No.11030990
File: 4 KB, 152x225, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then, it's an unnamed megawad started in 2022, it's in the works, but I'm stuck on the last 5-6 maps, I'm struggling with large maps in particular. I've been contributing to DBPs to improve my skill over the years. I haven't looked into /vr/ in months, so it's weird to see that screenshot.

>> No.11030992

It's a lot easier to do one good level than 32.

>> No.11030995


>> No.11031003


Spotted this while looking around for new mods and this looks like it could be pretty fun. Any thematically appropriate (medieval or cartoony etc) wads I could test this with?

>> No.11031012

Getting back into doom mods for the first time in over a decade. Is it worth figuring out how to make doom explorer work? Is it possible to make a fully portable install with it?

>> No.11031013

strange place innit

>> No.11031052

I've played more of this crap as a kid than the actual Doom. The latter seemed pointless, since I could play Q2 and Q3 instead, but no other 2d platformers were available.

>> No.11031063

Because Descent is really really stretching the definition or rather the appeal of those who play classic fps games. I was actually surprised that it got covered by you know who but I guess they're very desperate for material to cover.

Sure I played Descent and Tunnel B1 back in the day but never really thought of them as a boomieshoot thing. I think I might've gotten Descent free from a subscription to a pc magazine or something. Played it a bit and I think I got pretty lost and disoriented and went back to playing ShadWarrior, Doom, Duke, Blood and Red Alert.

>> No.11031069

>it's in the works, but I'm stuck on the last 5-6 maps
Good to know, that'd explain why I haven't seen any reports on progress. Is №1 also yours?

>> No.11031075

No, that one uses completely different textures anyway.

>> No.11031101

15 minutes, evens for Serious Sam, odds for Quake.

>> No.11031113
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>I've read that there isn't much level diversity and the later levels are lazily designed.
You may argue that things might get slightly stale at times once all weapons & enemies are introduced
like >>11029831 mentions, but Ion Fury's later maps aren't victims of lazy design.
>How does Doom Eternal compare to the old games?
Well, it's kind of different. Essentially it's more of a 2016, so I would go from there: if you liked that game, you'll have a lot of fun with Eternal.
In case you will pick it up, I will give you one advice. Despite what people on Internet say and what in-game tips may imply, you don't have to make full use of Eternal's arsenal and tricks. 2016 approach works just fine there.
Look into HROT as well.
Almost. Same one in Ultimate, Hell on Earth, 64, 2016 and Eternal. Different in Final (if you're generous enough to count it as different game), 3 and Resurrection of Evil.

>> No.11031116
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>> No.11031129
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And unique palette too, lest my eyes deceive. I was just checking recent mapping forays of possible suspects, and unless it's a work of the certain metropolitan puss, I'm at loss. Ecstatic for the imminent reveal anon.

>> No.11031140
File: 75 KB, 239x279, avgn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you liked that game, you'll have a lot of fun with Eternal.
Strongly depends. Eternal cranks out some parts of 2016 to 11, while gets rid of others. Is it for better or worse depends on what you liked about the previous game. As someone who loved 2016 for its fine balance between subtlety and excess, as well as its freedom of combat, i found Eternal's fall into excess alone and attempts at railroading to be a downgrade. If you'll excuse the non-vr discourse.

>> No.11031143
File: 741 KB, 800x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good looking game, somehow I remember it being worse

>> No.11031145

Try maybe in another year at this progress .........................

>> No.11031147

ole sammy boy has always been handsome thanks to his pretty colours

>> No.11031161

>in another year
That's a fine trade
Is not a word for the 'complete standstill'
But enough from me, I'll keep quiet for this one year so I won't jinx it

>> No.11031164

Whatever happened to Hdoom? Is it dead?

>> No.11031169

Man works at the speed of a dead slug. Last known update, the Mastermind is done and the Revenant is in the works.

>> No.11031175
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ruh roh

>> No.11031206
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Hello gentlemen. Do any of you guys know much about playing retro FPS games in VR? I recently got a headset, and the Half Life and Half Life 2 VR mods turn out to be be more fun than most actual VR games.

I am vaguely aware that Doom and Quake have several VR ports, but I don't know which port/method is the best. I want to be able to easily play custom maps etc because like you guys know, that's the actual point of playing stuff like Doom or Quake in 2024, VR or not.

(I thought it would probably be better to ask you guys than the faggots in the VR thread on /vg/, because all those retards care about is pretending to be anime girls in VRChat.)

Thank you in advance Anons. I got you a Greggs belgian bun :3

>> No.11031226

VGH....multi-rocket launcher, my love...

>> No.11031229

>Thank you in advance Anons. I got you a Greggs belgian bun :3
It's not a sausage roll so you get nothing.

>> No.11031257
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m4_2024-06-19_04-08-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got through Mjolnir's mj4m4. That's a really fucking fantastic, beautiful map. I was surprised at how nonlinear it truly is; I'm a stubborn bastard so those mandatory arena fights I actually didn't need to tackle right then and there, I could have returned later after exploring the map and gaining more power in weapons, abilities, and health upgrades.

A few nitpicks here and there like how the penultimate door to activate the final fight is almost completely out of the way and not adorned with anything that would tell you to look in that location, or the fucking frog denizens. If a frog decides it hates you, it will follow you to the ends of the earth to try and lick you to death and almost invariably get killed by another monster on the way. Still, what a ball. The map keeps going up, and up, but not in a way that's annoying it's more like "holy shit this is incredible it just keeps going".

I actually ended up finishing mj4m5 too since I noticed it only had 261 enemies as opposed to 400-1000. A fine arena sendoff to likely the most ambitious Quake episode ever (though I haven't yet played SMEJ2 so maybe I'm wrong). mj4m5, along with the final final map (which I won't show because major spoilers in terms of just seeing it) gives some tidbits of lore I wasn't expecting, making the surrounding story of the setting a little more meaningful than I thought. The final "To be continued..." text promises another six fucking episodes along with the two inaccessible episodes in the main hub, holy shit what a fucking mouth watering proposition. I cannot wait.

>> No.11031262
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m5_2024-06-19_04-13-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this lad. Bet he enjoys Infinite Jest like a homo.

>> No.11031274

Photo textures and a powerful engine will do that for you.

>> No.11031302

what's he reading, /vr/os? he's not an Infinite Jest kinda guy, is he?

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, obviously

>> No.11031415

Only 3 out of 5 stars though?

>> No.11031423

That doesn't even make any sense, Germany was on a massive industrial, economical, and logistical backfoot for basically the entire war, meanwhile the US provided very substantial material aid in all kinds of ways to both the British and the Russians (who badly needed it, and greatly appreciated it), while then going in fighting both in the Pacific and then also in Europe.
Warfare, against other people or against demons from hell, requires LOTS of resources, constantly, and them being allocated reliably and efficiently where they are needed, and this was something the US military was (and still is) best at.

It'd make more sense for everyone to go "Oh shit." and then put the regular war on hold for a while to instead fight the demons, which could actually be a pretty interesting story.

>> No.11031452
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>> No.11031460
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Let's do some comparing and contrasting.

Being unfinished with some bugs likely has something to do with the average of 3 stars. It's also somewhat more esoteric than the other popular big Quake mods like Arcane Dimensions or Alkaline whose premises are much simpler: More Quake with more enemies and great levels for AD, more laser focused sci-fi Quake with Alkaline. Mjolnir has these bits of mythology in your face, enormous maps, the innocent enemies (denizens) gimmick, the more dungeoneering focused soundtrack as opposed to the dark ambient music people enjoy about Quake to name a few things that could turn people off besides being unfinished and buggy.

We can even go further. Mjolnir has two start maps, one introductory to introduce the mood, and then the proper hub map which is considerably larger than the hub map for Arcane Dimensions. AD's hub map? All the level portals are within 10 meters of the player's starting position, and they all "feel" cut from the same cloth as Quake despite being disconnected mini-adventures, and them being disconnected mini-adventures (a raid on a keep of Necromancers, exploring a giant vertical library, etc.) is likely a huge part of why players find these so enthralling. Mjolnir's current two episodes aren't mini adventures, they're exploring these incredibly detailed settings like a mine filled with actual miners in it, and friendly NPCs are most certainly not what people expect when it comes to Quake, which is something else that can turn people off.

Give it a whirl, form your own opinion.

>> No.11031463

I think it was satire anon.

>> No.11031487

>How does Doom Eternal compare to the old games?

When I started playing Eternal I had no idea what the fuck I was doing and the game kept piling new stuff on but once you've got the hang of it, it can be pretty fun. Getting the rocket launcher was a "oh fuck the hell YES" moment. Classic Doom is still best though.

>> No.11031506 [DELETED] 

I had a moment where I was about to ragequit Eternal when I encountered the first Arachnotron and ran out of ammo and for some reason no zombies were spawning for a long time, so I desperately tried to punch it to death, which didn't work because the devs are fucking bastards. Fuck this retarded ammo box chainsaw mechanic, almost ruined the entire game for me from that point.

>> No.11031524
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the five horsemen

>> No.11031526
File: 30 KB, 960x720, 2022ado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this wad is fucking awesome. Centerpiece slugfests by Nebula require some due commitment but isn't it so fucking tight the whole way through, geniune stuff. Tried to come up with something negative, but could only bring up in all rights pretty forgettable E1M8 as it was taken from the days when Doom Builder has not yet been invented. Just a single stone in a basket full of juicy luscious fruits, once considered and then thrown away to be forgotten.

>> No.11031528
File: 953 KB, 1920x1080, AA Bombdisplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving all these Shellies.
It’s an amazing mod with huge scope but it’s also given me the most issues compared to any other Quake mod. That’s been through both Vkquake and Ironwail, they’ve each had their own issues for me with Mjolnir. It’s been worth it, though.

>> No.11031530
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Square_20220906_081731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u lookin at me m8?

>> No.11031536

I'm obliged to play 2002ADO and Whispers of Satan someday with such point of reference.

>> No.11031541

>Fuck this retarded ammo box chainsaw mechanic, almost ruined the entire game for me from that point.

I keep falling into the "shitshitshit, I'm low on ammo/health and I can't find any pickups" line of thinking the classic games instill in you and going "wait a minute, I can just chainsaw a fucker, c'mere you beautiful walking piñatas you!" It's honestly kind of handy to be able to restock like that.

>> No.11031546

If by handy you mean "made for retards that can't handle resource management", sure.

>> No.11031547

It was definitely made to keep momentum of action going anon your cynicism is showing.

>> No.11031549

Giving you a proper ammo capacity would have done the same, but then you couldn't appeal to the ADHD "press X to awesome" crowd.

>> No.11031553

I don't have time to count bullets when I've got a dozen demons clawing at my asshole from twelve different directions. Whatever helps me kill them before one of them manages to slide his thorny demon cock in there is welcome.

>> No.11031556

>Giving you a proper ammo capacity would have done the same
Maybe, but then there's less incentive to switch weapons the way they clearly want you to in Eternal.
> but then you couldn't appeal to the ADHD "press X to awesome" crowd.
That too. Don't get me wrong, I have my own issues about chainsawing for ammo, but I really don't think it was for retards as much as keeping the player within the action.

>> No.11031561
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>> No.11031562

Then you are on the wrong board, majority of /vr/ shooters require you to "count bullets"

>> No.11031564
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>> No.11031568
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>> No.11031569

did he died?

>> No.11031571


>> No.11031616

>ammo box chainsaw mechanic
>you beautiful walking piñatas
>ADHD "press X to awesome"
What the fuck all of you are talking about?
>Best TeamTNT wad which by a large margin was created by unaffiliated newcomers and fledglings modders

>> No.11031618

This joke is old, get better material

>> No.11031626

At least he's on topic

>> No.11031637 [DELETED] 

I joked with your mom, your birth was a punchline

>> No.11031705


>> No.11031753

I, for one, appreciate that these threadly reminders about Square exist.

>> No.11031809

Yeah. Even if I don’t often (you) them I always enjoy seeing what others are playing.

>> No.11031826
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>> No.11031834


This thread has never let me down until today. I'm never buying any of you anything from Greggs ever again.

>> No.11031854

Should've gone to Cooplands.

>> No.11031876

He's being cynical, but I can't fully disagree either, the ability to easily extract necessary resources from any random monster, on your cue, does work against resource management somewhat.

In classic Doom, you can expect to get bullets and shells from zombies, even giving you a shotgun or chaingun if you don't have them, but otherwise you just have to use whatever resources are lying around. I like that approach better, it demands more thinking on your feet.

>> No.11031920
File: 68 KB, 598x623, 1718817807989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't actually know what you're talking about, do you?

>> No.11031975

It's ok because these days id doesn't know what they're on about with him either.

>> No.11031978

>Doom 1 and 2 main playable character isn’t the same as Final Doom’s
What inspired this idea?

>> No.11031998

but >>11030294
was objectively correct

john literally said that doom guy is you, the player, that's why he has no """lore"""

>> No.11032016

I prefer Doomguy being a Blazkowicz.

>> No.11032027
File: 1.21 MB, 1430x589, Screenshot_43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why Shelley's skin is sloughing off in Ion fury aftershock?
Outside of all the dips in odd liquids Heskell's been experimenting with.

>> No.11032037

Anon, that's a leather strap.
I bet you also think Doomguy has wrinkly wrists.

>> No.11032042

Over the palm or on the wrist? I could kind of see it but it looks like part of the leather cuff meets the glove so idk.
My immediate reaction everytime is rotting flesh

And yes actually until I played a decent 1080p sourceport of doom :(

>> No.11032045

Growing up, I was told that Doom guy's arms were modelled after Robin Williams' gorilla hair arms

>> No.11032046

I am a bit afraid of the new mechanics like dashing and shit, but it should be 10 dollars or so for the Steam summer sale so ill pick it up. I just want a classic doom with Doom Eternal graphics and the musak seems cool too

>> No.11032072
File: 3.12 MB, 2560x1440, Fury Screenshot 202405212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were talking about her mug, I was staring at it like “wtf is he talking about”. Yeah that’s just some leather that’s been there since the original.

>> No.11032089

MyApartment anon is your map coming along well?

>> No.11032096

I gave up

>> No.11032102

>I bet you also think Doomguy has wrinkly wrists.

If they didn't want me to think that, they should have made his gloves black like they are on the box art. God, I hate the skin gloves.

>> No.11032106

Damn, looked cool. I took a lil break from quake mapping recently, I should try to make my living space when I get back to it.

>> No.11032163 [DELETED] 

Are there any good Doom and Doom adjacent e-celebs with cool/good/informative videos?

>> No.11032171 [DELETED] 

This anon when he puts stuff out.

>> No.11032176 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11032186

I don't know this fella, sorry

>> No.11032192 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 125x67, 1706638333775306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the concave stare

>> No.11032212 [DELETED] 
File: 640 KB, 680x1069, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck let Joe-Ilya back on the Doomer Boards?!

>> No.11032241 [DELETED] 

>indirectly responsible for dozens of people getting into trenchbroom and joining the pipeline of milksop jams and prototype-textured copper maps
>indirectly responsible for the ceased development for vkquake because he made a video praising Ironwail instead
It's funny (and sad) that what's left of the Quake community is in such a state where one unwitting boomer can make these kinds of waves.

>> No.11032242 [DELETED] 

Who cares, they can keep him the fuck away from here.

>> No.11032271 [DELETED] 

>It's another doom and gloom, woe is Quake post despite the community doing great along with no well thought out criticisms or mapping of your own

>> No.11032280 [DELETED] 

>>indirectly responsible for the ceased development for vkquake because he made a video praising Ironwail instead
that was such bullshit, my laptop is one generation behind the opengl version ironwail needs while it can run vkquake just fine, fucking ass-backwards development

>> No.11032285 [DELETED] 

>people making maps is bad actually
Are you brain damaged

>> No.11032291 [DELETED] 

Like what undiagnosed mental disorder do you have to have to think making mapping more accessible is a bad thing. Do you just not understand how Doom lasted as long as it did

>> No.11032312 [DELETED] 


>> No.11032319 [DELETED] 

>>indirectly responsible for the ceased development for vkquake because he made a video praising Ironwail instead
Luckily someone else took over the vkQuake repo and has been pushing a ton of updates to it this past week.

>> No.11032340

I get dizzy with FPS games, and it may sound weird but it also happens with classic Doom. Any suggestions? I use gzdoom and I've already tried increasing the FOV.

>> No.11032351

>John said
And my mate Harold said it's a slag, should we see what William thinks as well?

>> No.11032352
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i no saved Trinary Temple from Ancient Aliens on my third try but i have to get his off my chest.

It wasn't that hard and it was little big. That's not the issue. The amount of times they put chaingunners and ESPECIALLY arachnotrons out in the open whenever you progressed was awful filler and killed the flow. You are better off blocking shit off. I get the guy was trying to prevent backtracking and for some of the encounters it worked well but it felt lazy and dragged on an already long map. When you unlock the door to the final fight at the exit, he even spawns 4 more spiders outside the temple and they are easy to miss

>> No.11032354

Keep playing, you'll get used to it
I got mad motion sickness when I played STALKER for the first time, I think it was the viewbobbing

>> No.11032359 [DELETED] 

People making bad maps is bad.
Normalization of things that make maps bad is bad.

>> No.11032360

Next DBP release presumably tommorow.

>> No.11032370

Try turning view bob or weapon bob to nothing.

>> No.11032381 [DELETED] 

It's a regular shitposter. He never has anything intelligent to say, he just badmouths Quake because it gets him replies.

>> No.11032405
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, pk54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how cool this last map was. It's really hard to make destruction look good in a map. Shame the actual fight sucked.

>> No.11032412

hello gents,

i wanna make some maps based on irl locations in my life. i'm sure i am one of many that comes along looking to do the same thing

just need to know if doombuilder is the way to go? i have experience with halo forge/fortnite creative but thats like lego pieces

hoping there is a program that is as easily accessible for brainlets like me

>> No.11032415

Ultimate Doom Builder will have what you need. Though Doom has difficult relationship with having rooms over rooms, but I think it's still done in UDB.

>> No.11032434

have we seen any community made maps for WRATH yet?

>> No.11032437

Aside from some guy's E1M1 remake from years ago in early access, no I don't think so.

>> No.11032440

Yes even when Wrath was in early access. I haven't played any myself.

>> No.11032461

Define the parameters more clearly.
Which is nore important, the fidelity of the environment or the gameplay?
What type environment? Mostly or all indoor spaces? Semi-rural? Fully urban? Very specific region?

I personally would recommend Hammer editor and creating your environment in Half Life. I know people love recreating familiar spaces in Doom because it was one of the first games to really accommodate that and also especially these days it has some of the easiest to use and well documented tooling. But Doom also kinda sucks in general for making real life locations.

If you're slumming a rural country town vibe you could do mapster 32 with Redneck Rampage texture set but that's hard. Or.. I don't know how committed you are but there have been some stalker mods where some random bydlo just made their hometown in the editor so i don't know how hard it can be to use really.

I would personally say Hammer editor because of the sheer flexibility, support for actually 3d spaces and a wide variety of themed textures so you can create homes, offices etc. Just be aware that making recognizable places in shooter games can be more than a little iffy you know.

>> No.11032473

Really it's usually less thinking on your feet to "Ima use shells/bullets on anything smaller than a baron and save my rockets/cells for big crowds/big boys."

>> No.11032482
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He's alright, he and the original D3 guy seem swell. It's also cool playing the Lost Mission as the one Bravo squadmate that actually survives.
>Luckily someone else took over the vkQuake repo and has been pushing a ton of updates to it this past week.
That's beautiful news.

>> No.11032492

Not that anon, but I think it's better in terms of making you consider the environment you find yourself in, especially when you think to yourself
>Okay this room has two health kits and a box of shells I don't need right now, I'll come back later
Wtf? Brb checking vkQ github.

>> No.11032498

That's true, but really I find the only way a map is gonna put the pressure on a player with ammo is with either massive quantities of monsters, an abundance of stronger monsters than anything else, or limiting the amount of former human enemies.
Generally you're gonna be well stocked with one ammo supply I find.

>> No.11032505

I don’t get the whole “it’s better to have ammo and health on floor vs being able to get it from primarily from enemies” argument.
I’m fine with either one as long as you develop the gameplay around it properly.

>> No.11032512

How can you warp to the secret map of Hard reset? Just doing map map11 goes to michonne

>> No.11032515

Doom classic ammo system works for Doom and nu-doom ammo system works for nu-Doom. They're fundamentally different games. It is also a good way of rewarding aggression and making the chainsaw and glory kills useful without making them too op.

>> No.11032532
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x2204, so you want to play some fucking srb2k v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday night Whatever, come play some SRB2Kart!

How to join (The short and easy way):
Download the All-in-one repack: https://mega.nz/file/d68gALrb#xgsVOihAIsKqKowjf1-uzeeBbKcJ0R0C0VKCFMQdih8
Extract it to its own folder (NOT the desktop or program files)
Run "SRB2Kart-Neptune (Connect to vrkart).bat" and wait for any missing files to download in-game
DO NOT run "srb2kart.exe" and expect to be able to join the server.
If you don't have a 64-bit machine/OS for whatever reason: Copy the contents of the 32-bit folder into the main folder

How to join (The longer and harder way):
Download version 1.6 of the game: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
Get the custom client we use (Windows): https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.1
Or compile it (Linux or anything else): https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune
Get the mods: https://mega.nz/folder/MiUiESSa#CyovwTUnO9TSmqbwMI1xBg
Connect to (either use connect in console or "specify ipv4 address" under Multiplayer)

We also have a Mumble server!
Address: (same as the game server)
Port: default
Password: endoom

>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

Pro tips: https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq
(This is out of date and written for a different server, but it still has a lot of useful information.)

>> No.11032606

so I'm following the rentry guide, why does the music volume gets lower for a while when firing certain weapons?

>> No.11032686


The important distinction is that one method offers an incentive for map exploration that is intrinsically linked to combat motivation. Whereas the other one makes combat a self-sufficient loop in and of itself, and map exploration becomes a completely optional element. This, as you can imagine, has a significant impact on level design, which in turn has a big impact on pacing.

If you look at the level design in the best Doom community maps, an compare it to the arenas in Doom 2016/Eternal, the understanding of this difference and knowing how to use resources as a motivation for the player is really what elevates a decent mapper into a really true quality mapper, a gameplay designer who understands how to sculpt combat encounters. When you have a self-sufficient system like in nu-Doom, the level design stops mattering, even the types of enemies stop mattering, it's all just a systematic self-contained loop.

Nu-Doom is a good game in its own right, but it missed a lot of what made Doom really feel like Doom. They went for the meme version of Doom, but that was never really what Doom actually was. In the end they landed on Serious Sam/Painkiller; it was all combat all the time, and there was no exploration to break up the pacing. To me, it just became exhausting to play, it was the exact same hyper-focused gameplay loop over and over.

>> No.11032939

Finally found that webm I was asked to catbox.

>> No.11032947

Just kidding, it doesn't fucking exist anymore. I bet Bill Gates personally vaporized it from my drive.

>> No.11032994

>Wtf? Brb checking vkQ github.
Also yeah it looks like someone is pushing stuff, but no release yet. I'm interested if it has a similar mods/level menu to Ironwail.

>> No.11033027

Is this it?

>> No.11033147

what do you anons think about A2Rob? I just recently cleared out Running Late 2 and loved it. I like how he injected a little humor in some of the maps, like just a bit here and there. Maps that stood out to me the most was 05, 09, 10, and 12.

>> No.11033160

He's alright I guess.
He posts here if you didn't know btw.

>> No.11033197
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, SeriousSam 2024-06-19 21-16-46-372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick up +10 health vial
>Biomech major spawns

>> No.11033198

wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.11033208

Single Biomech Majors are kind of pushovers once you get an automatic weapon. Just alternate between the right and left cannons and blow up the rockets as soon as they're fired.

>> No.11033209
File: 10 KB, 192x263, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you damn well know it.

>> No.11033213

the real trap is when a single health pill hidden in some obscure corner of the map doesn't spawn a major on pickup

>> No.11033218
File: 891 KB, 1417x811, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this ain't my first rodeo. Just putting some time into the City Of Memphis custom map by Biohazard Dood I started months ago. I luv me Sam.
Yeah the pickups that DON'T do shit are the ballbreakers. I play Sam for the chaos management c'mon now.

>> No.11033219

Doom wad where there's a lone health bonus you can pick up that will literaly make the entire resurrected cyber third reich invade and it will send you on an alternate set of levels where you have to fight both the demons AND the nazis in a doom x wolfenstein crossover. But if you don't pick it up the wad progresses as normal against just regular doom 2 demons.

>> No.11033226
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, SeriousSam 2024-06-19 21-26-25-290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait the rocket launcher has an idle animation holy shit. I NEVER fucking knew.
Name one (1) wad.

>> No.11033227

Can't man, it doesn't exist. It would be funny as an absolute extreme to sam style pickups though.

>> No.11033231

I liked my trap in Ad Mortem that spawned a bunch of rockets on legs when you grabbed a lone health potion.

>> No.11033235

The wad I shot in your mom last night bitch

>> No.11033240

yeah you never notice it because you're always firing rockets so much in sam

>> No.11033258

makes sense, since I saw his name in 2048 units.
If he reading this, hi A2Rob :)

>> No.11033282

Secret map is Map 13, you needed to buy the map off the trader in Map 7.

>> No.11033337
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>> No.11033373
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>> No.11033394

Any custom Duke 3D campaigns (utilizing exclusively official enemies) that're designed to be difficult?
Slaughter Duke?
Plutonia Duke?
Hard as nails, to crush my balls of steel?

>> No.11033414

Bingo, they're different games and both good in their own right.

>level design stops mattering
I disagree, the combat in at least 2016 mattered a lot in the combat arenas and how you were moving in a lot of the situations.
Yea it's different but we already have classic Doom for classic Doom, I like it that they experiment with different styles.

>> No.11033435

god I wish that was me

>> No.11033439

Reminder that Doom 3 on Nightmare is, hypothetically, the highest skill Doom game as a baseline, and has a weapon, enemy, and resource roster conductive to sculpting various types of combat encounters.

>Active health management that requires rapid killing or smart health-station use to not literally die in 1 hit.
>Super strong shotgun(s) that still aren't 100% the most viable thing in every situation.
>Headshots with EVERY weapon.
>Dynamic tricky enemy movements and builds/heights that require you to aim differently.
>Destructible projectiles.

The foundation is there - it's just the maps fucking suck. Tiny areas with drip-fed enemies and way too much ammo for the threat presented.

>> No.11033532
File: 3.46 MB, 1920x1080, jam9_naitelveni_2024-06-20_00-38-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Erotrophobia of mapjam9, Quoth based jam.
Erotrophobia means an irrational fear of something related to sex, but I didn't quite catch that from the map. The final fight is a good bit of slaughter, very challenging, and it has a pool of blood in the middle but there's nothing sexual or evocative of a woman or man about the arena itself so the pool of blood must not be symbolic of anything. There's a big room with the Niggur herself in the center of it, also in a pool of blood, but she doesn't do anything or harm you. Maybe the author just thought it was a cool word. Good map.

>> No.11033543

Increase distance between your eyes and the screen, enable crosshair if you haven't. Get your FPS high and stable, disable vsync if you see short sharp hitches. See if there is a low-latency/anti-blur/game mode in your monitor that you aren't using.

>> No.11033583

if you installed doom on a roomba would that make it a... doomba?

>> No.11033593
File: 2.81 MB, 374x374, cat-missile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm thinking facilities with outdoor areas. previous workplaces/friends houses/etc. guess that would fall under urban environments

appreciate the hammer suggestion but i really want to make it in the build engine. i play all sort of wads and want to immortalize my own little piece with the rest

will be going with >>11032415 hope i don't get filtered.

>> No.11033602

>great reset nukem

>> No.11033609
File: 3.85 MB, 640x480, chunky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious just how chunky you could make Ironwail look. Pretty fucking impressive, if you told me this is the original software renderer I'd believe it.
It also feels kinda odd playing with the game looking like this but very modern controls.

>> No.11033610

Isn't that just dosquake

>> No.11033612
File: 3.80 MB, 1600x900, caustic test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimenting with fake water caustics.
Have three projected texture lights with three different lightstyles that are the same thing but offset from each other by a third.

Probably need to play with the texture size and projection angle a bit for better results, but I think I'm on to something. Would look a lot better with higher lightmap resolution though.

>> No.11033614

Reading the comment from Vosty that Hard Reset was released unfinished because some collaborators failed to deliver makes me regret not waiting for a patch, lol. Still fun but even if Afterglow is an unfair comparison due to scope/non-linearity, at least a couple steps down from 2063. I generally liked the new enemies (especially the gladiators who are fucking intense) but the zombies in the first level really start things off poorly. Level by level...

Night School - first time you kill an Empty and have to deal with it still crawling is cool, fighting 50 of them and the stronger radiation-spewers is extremely tedious, copy-paste rooms/architecture boring, visually looks like a Tempus Irae map, the arena fight was corny and weak and wtf was with the sudden fire at the end? easily the worst level in the series, 3/10

Anderson Homestead - I like the introduction of stealth but it wasn't really done that well, goofy to kill two bandits standing right next to each other looking away, again thought the design was a bit dull/ugly, but when I ignored the stealth option and went guns-blazing it was ok, 5/10

Outskirts - much more creative and felt like Ashes proper graphically, unfortunately the actual carnival maze was again tedious with more zombies and those suicide bag things, Wendigo sections were sick tho, 6/10

Cordon - didn't realize I fucked up a stealth option until the level after, but damn this one delivered, great urban environment with smart verticality, crossbow sniping a ton of fun, added a new layer of mystique with the black water, only weak aspect is they bungled the gladiator intro with him getting stuck on that gangplank, and while the boss fight as kind of easy it wrapped up an excellent level, 9/10

>> No.11033623
File: 321 KB, 1280x1047, tumblr_nkj8a0AVOH1syxgg9o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Term's mods (Demonsteele, Cyberrunner, etc) are part of the reason why many retro inspired fps are centered around mobility.

>> No.11033624

Green Line - big but more linear than ones like Sub-Caverns, being broken up into several distinct mini-concepts was fine though some were better than others, final fight was kind of dumb, the mall FNAF bit was goofy but did the gladiators justice and the first arena that was perfectly done, 7/10

The Mall - weakest of the three mall levels, more constrained, worm enemies were cool at first but quickly got tiring, thankfully he had the sense to add cameras so you can check the map to see what areas opened up, cool new boss fight though, 6/10

At Death's Door - now THIS is the shit that made 2063 a masterpiece, the mutie mommy intro a bit unexpected but once the combat starts it's amazing, verticality, both open and tight with enemies from all angles while giving tons of environmental room to play on, the design like the ruined interior building near the end was great, reminded me of the non-motorcycle parts of Highway Holocaust, cool way to explain your glowing eyes, 9.5/10

Choka World - retarded humor, as if earlier levels didn't demonstrate enough how bad the voice acting is, boils down to a single pseudo-arena that's too small and tight to actually fight in so you just go outside and laugh as the enemies get stuck on a ledge, boss area was dumb and the C4 packs are bugged, 1/10

The City - really gives you the OK to let loose, gradually increasing building-islands of tension, when the mutants tear through that lower floor it's awesome, not quite kino but very solid combat-finale, 8/10

Hard Reset - weakest story-finale type level, similar to previous analogous maps but way too short and basic, the computer/email parts seemed meaningless, four ghosts in a room where there's no threat, that sudden inexplicable "Fuck this I'm outta here", almost wasted but loved the boss-comeback, 6/10

>> No.11033626

>gameplay mod has a double-barrel shotgun
>it's set to 'fire single' as the primary/'fire double' as alternate
This really exasperates me to no end; what went into these modders' minds when they came up with such a horrible configuration.

>> No.11033628

Quake makes a lot more sense to ascribe that to.

>> No.11033632
File: 697 KB, 640x480, icantbelieveitsnotdosquake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11033635

Very neat. What are your settings? I assume r_softemu 3, but what about the rest? 8 bit coloring?

>> No.11033637

Blood's sawed-off, maybe?

>> No.11033639
File: 30 KB, 1416x259, shotty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you get any more petty than getting mad at the universal standard for double barrel altfire

>> No.11033640

gl_texturemode gl_nearest
r_viewmodel_quake 1
r_lerpmodels 0
r_lerpmove 0
r_softemu 3
r_particles 2
full HUD details, no HUD alpha, no crosshair, resolution to 320x240
I also scale it to fullscreen and restrict it to 30 fps using gamescope. No stretching this way. The latter could probably be done via host_maxfps but I only found that afterwards.

>> No.11033641

>resolution to 320x240
Couldn't you emulate that with r_scale while maintaining 1080p+?

>> No.11033645

Could that be done in 4:3 without stretching though? I found the solution with setting it to 320x240 and then upscaling with gamescope to be easier to get that look.

>> No.11033646

>Half-Life 1's shotgun config is too obscure for me

>> No.11033649

Yeah that shit's perfectly normal, and it's way better than some of the mods that have reload on altfire.

>> No.11033651

Well. What's in blood, stays in blood, since the scattergun he's only got is that particular DBS and that DBS alone. What's I'm having an assblast about is "gameplay mods", usually the ones that have both the standard shotguns AND the double-barrel ones as part of the weaponset.
>Half-Life 1's shotgun config is too obscure for me
This one I give a pass, not DESPITE, but rather BECAUSE of that "so retarded that it's good" idea of a SPAS-12 somehow able to insta-doubleburst.

>> No.11033656

>What's I'm having an assblast about is "gameplay mods", usually the ones that have both the standard shotguns AND the double-barrel ones as part of the weaponset.
ok, you've still to explain what the issue is

>> No.11033663
File: 54 KB, 630x419, 1700773310489149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having single/double primary/alt fire for a double barrel shotgun is literally the most logical thing possible, picrel
>What's I'm having an assblast about is "gameplay mods", usually the ones that have both the standard shotguns AND the double-barrel ones as part of the weaponset.
If you're talking about Ashes, it works well and I use both shotguns. The single-barrel holds several shells and is fairly accurate even at medium range, but lacks the oomph of a double-barrel and you can get in trouble if you have to do a full reload with enemies remaining. The double-barrel is best for stunning bigger enemies or in areas where you can circle strafe for a long time, but still provides the option to head-pop two separate weaker enemies with the single-barrel, with no reload penalty.

>> No.11033667

>what the issue is
>the ones that have both the standard shotguns AND the double-barrel ones
>double-barrel shotgun set to 'fire single' as the primary/'fire double' as alternate
>making the standard shotgun's primary function redundant, unless said weapon is also laced with gimmicky altfires like triple burst or full-auto (which would then make the DBS altfire useless in return) or grenade/slug fire

>> No.11033668

The difference is that the double barrel only holds two rounds and is less accurate, so it's an inferior single barrel mode to the dedicated single barrel shotgun.

>> No.11033669

>Having single/double primary/alt fire for a double barrel shotgun is literally the most logical thing possible, picrel
I have no quarrel about primary as the double-fire/altfire as single, it's the other way around (primary as the single/altfire as double) that buttblasts me to no end.

>> No.11033670

>I have no quarrel about primary as the double-fire/altfire as single, it's the other way around (primary as the single/altfire as double) that buttblasts me to no end.
These are literally the exact same thing for people capable of remembering which mouse click does which action

>> No.11033676

Doom 3 really is a waste of potential
>over a dozen monster types, plus variants and bosses
>spend 95% of the game fighting imps and zombies, mostly one at a time
Hardware limitations are a bitch. At least there are some good mods, like Phobos
Obsidian with id Tech 4 support never ever

>> No.11033678
File: 39 KB, 736x552, c649eab5c5c638fa4ca17c27f399dbf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11033686


>> No.11033698

>installed doom on a roomba
That's how robot apocalypses start

>> No.11033723

It looks neat in this tiny 640x480 webm, but on the big screen reduced render scale makes the game really blurry, especially in motion, I really don't like it and rather would play with native 1440p but at least everything is crispy and clear.

>> No.11033731

This talk about left click and right click is always foreign to me because I use left mouse for fire but right mouse for jump.

>> No.11033735

What about a shotgun where primary fire is left barrel, and secondary fire is the right barrel?

>> No.11033736

>makes the game really blurry
huh? Du you have some sort of smoothing options enabled? It just gets super pixelated.

>> No.11033737


>> No.11033738

Where do you put alt fire in games that have it?

>> No.11033741
File: 2.63 MB, 2560x1440, start_2024-06-20_14-34-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 1/4 render scale in Ironwail. All the walls, all the textures are blurry as hell. Yes, it's pixelated, but what's the point if I can't see the huge chunky pixels in this mess?

>> No.11033742
File: 1.26 MB, 2560x1440, start_2024-06-20_14-33-47 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the native resolution, not a single blurred point on the screen.

>> No.11033743

Mouse 4, on the thumb.

>> No.11033745

whatabout a chaingun where primary fire is the barrel rotating counterclockwise, and secondary fire is the barrel rotating clockwise?

>> No.11033747
File: 1.52 MB, 635x457, 1481935220088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Primary fire: Shoot bullets into demons
>Secondary fire: Extract bullets out of demons to recover ammo and deal extra damage
If any of you turbonerds do this, you pay me royalties or I'll come for you.

>> No.11033750
File: 289 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20240620_134213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disable anisotropic filtering
disable anti-aliasing
disable mipmaps (this is the big one)
no more blur

btw, 240p would be render scale of 6 at 1440p, like this.

>> No.11033751
File: 458 KB, 640x480, start_2024-06-20_14-38-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's 640x480, in reality it's blurry but for the different reason. The whole application is rendered at this resolution, and since two decades later LCD is still a godawful cancer-inducing technology, the monitor is physically incapable of displaying any non-native resolutions properly.

>> No.11033753

This talk about left click and right click is always foreign to me because I use a gamepad.

>> No.11033763


It's blurry because it's downsampled from a higher res, which means the data point each pixel takes its reference from is an average of surrounding pixels. In practice this means it looks smoother than it would simply natively rendering that res.

It's literally just the same thing in reverse as using super sampling for anti-aliasing. It smooths out the jaggies because there's a more data for each pixel to sample from. You're essentially using 640x480 with like, 4xSSAA.

>> No.11033771
File: 2.78 MB, 2560x1440, start_2024-06-20_15-06-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be damned, without the mipmaps it's so much better it's not even funny. Damn Ironwail only has 2 options for textures in the menu, and everything but gl_linear looks the same with antisotropic filtering enabled, so I never bothered to actually check the rest.
Thanks anon.

>> No.11033773
File: 65 KB, 1602x1002, ls_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[6-20] DBP66: Lunar Strain is out now!:


>> No.11033774

DAAAAAMN this nigga plays tons of Quake. Or CS. Or both.
>23 maps
Looks like we're back to good DBP-ing

>> No.11033779

I use right click to move forward
Doom mouse only is a fun challenge sometimes

>> No.11033783


I can't really tell from the webbum but if you don't already have it on, you need to set the palette filter to "raw" in the menu too.

OG quake was 256 colour mode and that's the only way to emulate it under GL/VK engines. It doesn't look exactly the same but close enough. People don't know about the tonemap - palette setting in GZDoom either, it is beautiful.

It's a subtle effect that's hard to really see in most vanilla or vanilla-styled maps, but it look gorgeous in more modern stuff, and anything that uses dynamic lights.

>> No.11033784

Bros, why is classic doom with mods and wads still so much fun after all these years?

>> No.11033786

It was on, just hard to tell because of the webms' bitrate.

>> No.11033809

It's the usual, anons been babied by Doom 2 and thinks there's no reason to have a shotgun when you've got the SSG.

>> No.11033846

le unholy trifecta of Doom...

>> No.11033851

I know this is an autistic as fuck question to ask but if Hard Reset is a prequel why the hell isn't Walker decked out with a cool upgraded level action shotty, flamethrower and modular machine gun?

>> No.11033859

Walker isn't the scav from 2063/afteglow

>> No.11033872


Problem is the balance in Doom 2 has been subtly wrong all these years. Shotgun is redundant in Doom 2. SSG takes care of the high damage while chaingun fills the role of longer range control better.

Weapon mods that buff the shotgun fire rate and accuracy, while nerfing the SSG's reload speed, achieve true gaming perfection. The popularity of a rifle to replace the pistol is also something I am in favour of.

I think this might be why I have this feeling deep down inside that Quake is just a flat out better game, despite Doom 2 and all its community content being my favourite game for decades by now.

>> No.11033881

No, he is...
>just remembered Walker is someone I met in Afterglow
God damn I really need to replay the whole series once Episode 3 is out.

>> No.11033912

>Problem is the balance in Doom 2 has been subtly wrong all these years.
It's not subtle, it gives the SSG way too early and has wrongly convinced people that the shotgun and rocket launcher are useless compared to it.

>> No.11033918

>Weapon mods that buff the shotgun fire rate and accuracy, while nerfing the SSG's reload speed, achieve true gaming perfection.
SSG is perfect where its at, especially compared to the rocket launcher and plasma rifle. I wouldn’t have opposed Doom 2 giving small, minor buffs to both the chaingun and shotgun.
>I think this might be why I have this feeling deep down inside that Quake is just a flat out better game.
The nailgun balance is tricky, hard to find a consensus on the best way to balance them.

>> No.11033943

>Sunder - Map 19
>Russian Overkill
Yup, it's gaming time

>> No.11034082

>Problem is the balance in Doom 2 has been subtly wrong all these years.
It isn't subtle, most people agree that giving it on the very second level wasn't a great idea.
>I think this might be why I have this feeling deep down inside that Quake is just a flat out better game
Quake's arsenal has its own problems and were designed for taking on smaller enemy counts.

>> No.11034178

Anyone know why Brutal Doom is warping textures at times with free look on? Is that just how it is or do I have something fucked up?

>> No.11034180

Enable hardware rendering.

>> No.11034193

Too bad RoE is so short. I wished the now-defunct Doom 3 community were active these days making more custom maps and shit

>> No.11034353

I suspect opinions would be different if the most common healthpools encountered in each game were flipped: Most of what you blast through in Doom 1 and 2 are zombies and imps, perfect shell fodder. Those similar kind of “squishy targets” only show up in like four or five vanilla Quake 1 maps.

>> No.11034373
File: 389 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240619_181555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying the contrast of serious PM monsters with the definitely unserious UNGA BUNGA of Typhon. It's really satisfying to charge punch a Void Walker in the face when he creeps up to scream at you.

>> No.11034381


It's not just a problem in the IWAD though, the fact it's not balanced is why that's even a problem. That's why you see mapsets like Scythe etc withhold it for most of their levels, and in general I would say it's a big factor behind the whole Doom community's pistolstart autism. It's too hard to ramp up the power level because as soon as the player gets the SSG it's over for 90% of the enemy roster, so the mapper has to work around it.

It's a pretty fundamental flaw in the gameplay, it's just one we have all gotten used to over the years. It would have been great if there was like, some kind of standardised weaponset the community all agreed on and started using. Kind of like how most Quake maps basically accept and work on the assumption that the changes made by Copper/AD stuff is the baseline.

>> No.11034406
File: 58 KB, 828x593, 1689503815796861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not calling you out, just springboarding off your post
>Ancient Aliens
Do you lads reckon we can come up with a new "top megawads" list from 2018 to present day? 2018 seems arbitrary but I'm trying to get away from Sunlust's release year, 2015. I really never see anybody talk about megawads from the last 7 years.
>Well nothing has been memorable
Is that so? Or have none of us had time to play through the good stuff? (Likely yes, pic related)

>> No.11034460



I think that's most of the issue, it seems like less and less are coming out these days, all of the really memorable stuff in the last few years has kinda moved into more episodic/standalone formats.


Like, I actually can't think of a megawad on the level of Ancient Aliens or Scythe that came out in the last 5 years.

>> No.11034461

fucking respond

>> No.11034467

Time is a BITCH isn't it?

>> No.11034478

>it's a big factor behind the whole Doom community's pistolstart autism
As if weapons 5-7 and carried over ammo don't tilt the balance of any map. The appeal of pistol starts is exactly the same for Duke, Blood, and SW. The only thing that the arsenal needs to spur it on is a diverse power scale.

>> No.11034502
File: 33 KB, 640x480, dbp01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't been updated in a while, but central point for all projects is up once again. I believe I got most of them revisions fresh, those lazy doner hoarders are not making it easy. Use download manager or something to get everything at once.

>> No.11034506

Loads of megawads are coming out all the time, but they're usually community ones and much less solo/small team ones.

Personally I'm fine with smaller wads, megawads usually start to drag on towards the end.

>> No.11034516


>> No.11034539

It fixed it but the Doom software render looks so much better

>> No.11034542


>> No.11034604

Looks cool.
DBP 12 Into the storm would fit i think.

>> No.11034671

That is some Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg type shit right there.

Also, yoink!

>> No.11034675
File: 417 KB, 1216x1706, IMG_20240616_183353862~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this picture of a chicken we grilled. Might make a good hell texture, I dunno.
Obviously needs some editing.

>> No.11034685

If you are eat it in this state, it might just be your express ticket to hell.

>> No.11034695

Just needs some hands on both ends and you got a goatse that bypasses most site rules

>> No.11034696

Why, what state do you live in?

>> No.11034703

I miss her...

>> No.11034751


It cuts the other way too though- Assuming pistolstart means you have to supply everything a player needs within that level, and it negates the purpose of doing stuff like hiding plasma/rockets as secrets in earlier levels as delayed gratification. The feeling of progression through the maps, as well as within the map itself, is important, I think.

(And realistically, most players are loading a save, the pistolstart on death mechanic is kind of the same problem really.)

>> No.11034806
File: 1.33 MB, 1929x1085, Screenshot_Doom_20240620_214720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot

>> No.11034827

I'm stealing this and you'll get pay to rival 4chan janitors'.

>> No.11034865

>It's too hard to ramp up the power level because as soon as the player gets the SSG it's over for 90% of the enemy roster
Can you elaborate on what this means, and why the regular shotgun can't deal with this "90% of the enemy roster"?

>> No.11034918

I do the same, but I use middle click for altfires so it's not much of a difference.
I move using arrow keys though.

>> No.11034926

Does Quake 1 have any "vanilla+" esque weapon mods like Doom does? I know it's a lot harder to do, would be cool to have a big HMG instead of a nailgun or something just for variety's sake.

>> No.11034941

Quake definitely has more influence, but mostly things like bhopping/strafejumping and rocket jumping come directly from it. Demonsteele proves that moving around air dashing and dobule jumping while attacking at melee range can work in a Doom environment, and I feel like some game developers took notes from Doom mods like that.

>> No.11034945
File: 2.51 MB, 1216x1706, chickense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is the one ring to rule them all.

>> No.11034949

>standardized weaponsetthe community all agreed on and started using
God I fucking hate balance fundamentalists that try to force their arbitrary rules on everyone else. You really want to reduce the variety in Doom wads with your stupid standardization ideas? Thankfully the community's too vast for that to happen.

>> No.11035046

Gnarly shit

>> No.11035107

Turn off bilinear texture filtering

>> No.11035119

>nerfing the SSG
That's stupid because all the Doom 2 monsters are balanced around the broken SSG. Instead the regular shotgun should be buffed to the SSG's level and the SSG be buffed to a post-BFG weapon, because shells are a dogshit-tier ammo type and increasing the tier of the ammo type is an extremely powerful property.

>> No.11035126

That's harder to do since Quake data is all in one single file whereas Doom you can mix and match, but check out Zerstorer.

>> No.11035207

>broken SSG
But it's not.

>> No.11035213
File: 65 KB, 184x184, 1411805939595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shells are a dogshit-tier ammo type
Anon. Shells are your workhorse in Doom 1, and they'd be a workhorse in Doom 2 even without the SSG. I feel like in a hypothetical Doom 2 that never had the SSG, some monsters would have their scaled differently and we'd all be shooting the same demons with just the standard shotty and be fine with it.

Hell, even now the standard shotgun can handle Revenants comfortably.

I wouldn't call it broken, but it's just a little lopsided balance wise seeing as it's doing more damage than two normal shotgun blasts. The only thing keeping it in check is the wide spread and slow fire rate.

>> No.11035216

GzDoom lets you adjust view bobbing and weapon sway, you can even turn them off if you can't stand them at all (GzDoom has a search bar in the options if you can't find it). A lot of people who get motion sickness from Doom find that turning down or disabling the view bob and weapons sway fixes it for them, not everyone, but a lot.

I haven't seen anyone suggest the crosshair before, like the other anon did, but that might actually make a big difference in helping you ground your perspective and focus.

>> No.11035223

>The only thing keeping it in check is the wide spread and slow fire rate.
And the only thing keeping the chaingun in check is its poor ammo efficiency. And the only thing keeping rockets in check is the splash damage. The SSG has meaningful downsides.
It just shows continuous play as being broken.

>> No.11035225 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 800x534, 1714266484174692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh, no anon, chicken looks like this

>> No.11035227

I don't know if I'd call the chaingun inefficient. Seeing as it's really the only use for bullets.

>> No.11035228

>it's another "faggot whines about the super shotty and muh balance for 12 paragraphs" episode

love the sound
love the damage
love the animation

simple as

>> No.11035230

It has higher DPS than the shotgun, but can't sustain it for nearly as long because it takes 7 bullets to match 1 shell.

>> No.11035231
File: 251 KB, 447x415, 1694692575335199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11035243

The chaingun sucks, the only redeeming feature is that it spends bullets. If you ask me it should spend bullets even faster and even more inefficiently with more dps.

>> No.11035247

I like the chaingun :(

>> No.11035250

This isn't whining, this is discussion. Go distract yourself with some fnaf tik toks.

>> No.11035262
File: 821 KB, 640x628, gfdrg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exacto-fucking-mundo. I could not have expressed this better myself, thank you for putting it into words.

>> No.11035308

>the combat in at least 2016 mattered a lot in the combat arenas
NTA, within the arenas I agree, far better than eternal in that regard imo. Eternal felt like the distilled loop. I liked it overall but I definitely got the exhaustion other anon mentioned. Had to play it in bursts. Also 2016 was more memorable in general to me.
The gameplay concept behind the nu nuDoom of "stand and fight" rather than mobility focused is interesting tho. Focus on projectiles as well. And I'm glad they're changing it up game to game. Eternal felt a different than 2016. I liked 2016 better overall, it was more "fun!", but I'm glad eternal was different and dark ages looks p cool imhofam.
But for level design (and just the higher ceiling for level design) classic Doom has them beat in spades. It's not even close.

>> No.11035310

The Chaingun is adequate IMO, but I find that making it fire just 1 tic faster per shot makes it a lot more enjoyable to use. Like in Doom 64.

>> No.11035372

you say doom is your favorite game but you don't even know when doomguy's birthday is

>> No.11035449

What year do Doom 1 and Doom 2 Classic take place? I know that Doom 3 takes place sometime in the 22nd century.

>> No.11035526


>> No.11035579

I think they're confirmed not in the same timeline, but I like to think they happen pretty much at the same time, Doom 1 being hours prior. Either that or >>11035526 is correct and it's a retrofuturistic 90's setting.

>> No.11035587


>> No.11035589

Love this dude's work.

>> No.11035591
File: 525 KB, 896x663, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hand looks really weird to me for some reason. Any drawfags wanna chime in? Kegan?

>> No.11035595

I'm not skilled enough of a drawfriend to really offer too much good constructive feedback when it comes to hands. You might be getting thrown off by some of the extra wrinkles on the hand, or how thick his wrist is. But it seems good to me in general.
Really this guy impresses the hell out of me, he makes all this shit using Krita and I think it looks great.

>> No.11035716
File: 497 KB, 400x284, 1715950976600514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11035719

Wow what is this for? Quake?

>> No.11035730
File: 172 KB, 1440x1440, 1705021762485163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11035810

Yes, specifically Malice but the effect will work in any Quake mod as long as there are custom lightstyles and appropriate textures to project.

>> No.11035871

How do I edit Brutal Wolfenstein (7.0) to where my bullets go where I shoot without aiming down sights?
Or how do I make aiming down sights not mess up my FOV and sensitivity and completely block my view?
Is there some quick GZDoom variable I can type in console to do one of those two things? Or a file I can delete in the .pk3?
How do I make this mod not a horrible mishmash of conflicting ideas? Why would I want my aiming and vision messed up when I have to endure instant reaction bullet hell in cramped spaces and NEED to headshot stuff? Please help. I was intrigued by the mod in concept but holy fuck this feels awful.

>> No.11035875
File: 1.58 MB, 1024x768, 1693451243189902.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11035884

Copy/paste the files and tinker around in Slade.

>> No.11035898

>the chaingun sucks
How to tell someone's a member of the cult of the super shotgun.

The chaingun sucks in terms of feedback, it's one of the lamest notable chainguns due to it's lazy firing speed but function wise it's really good and it's role only increased in Doom 2 because they're the best revenant killing weapon due to revvies' high pain chance. And it's really good for sniping.

>> No.11035904

I like the rate of fire. It's not "minigun-accurate" but with a sufficiently punchy sound replacement it's kinda more like a scifi rotary cannon.

>> No.11035925

It's serviceable. It's alright. The sound is punchy. The quake 2 chaingun though? Now that's a chaingun.

>> No.11035943

>The sound is punchy.
Maybe you're thinking of the Doom 64 chaingun. The regular Doom chaingun just reuses the underwhelming pistol sound.

>> No.11035967

The doom pistol sound is reasonably good as far as pistol sounds go imho. Though, doesn't the enemy chaingunner firing sound use shotgun firing sounds? Kinda funny when you think about it basically.

>> No.11035998

Hideous Destructor is peak DOOM and I'm tired of pretending it isn't

>> No.11036009

I still think it has the coolest take on the Plasma Gun and Berserk Pack of any Doom mod. Easily the most transformative Doom mod out there, easily turns it into a whole new game.

>> No.11036013

For me? It's Project Brutality.

>> No.11036069
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>> No.11036091

I'm not an artist either, but:
1) Thick wrist as mentioned
2) Flat (or bulging?) palm with no depth
3) Disproportional fingers, with especially weird index one

For me nothing could compare to the original (and TeamTNT enhanced ports) but I'd absolutely place Babel in the Hall of Fame for mods.

>> No.11036126

Damn, dude. With all the effort you've put into this map/mod, you might as well be on your way to making an original underwater-themed FPS.

>> No.11036160

I think he's making a game in FTE.

>> No.11036272
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>> No.11036281
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>> No.11036286

>Near crushed marine under a left foot

>> No.11036296
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>> No.11036338

Quick question from a thread tourist:

How long would it take to learn basic level making for Doom deathmatch?

>> No.11036352

Like 10 minutes.

>> No.11036354

Ok, thanks. The doombuilder site seems to be down, but I found the PDF. I want to try replicating the event pavillion were we hold the annual local lanparty.

>> No.11036359

More like dumb kek

>> No.11036368

dombros not this way

>> No.11036370
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>> No.11036373
File: 411 KB, 492x520, 1697193359125667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone remind me what the parameter is on DSDA Doom for enabling save/load while recording a demo?

Also, do other ports have this feature yet? I have been busy for a bit less than a year and haven't done any dooming...

>> No.11036382

-dsdademo IIRC

>> No.11036383


>> No.11036389

Quest 2 has ports of Doom, Quake, RTCW, Quake 2, Prey, and Q3. Unbelievably fun. The doom port lets you load custom wads in, brutal doom is an experience. Use Sidequest.

>> No.11036393

>but I'd absolutely place Babel in the Hall of Fame for mods.
It feels perfect. I’m having issues listing any concerns or caveats, I think I agree with everything it does regarding weapon and enemy changes.

>> No.11036394
File: 113 KB, 995x876, jxbycl01pkp21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. We all know what a boomer shooter is. What's a zoomer shooter?

>> No.11036412

Probably not retro shit.

>> No.11036417

Multiplayer-only shooters that are class based and/or battle-royale. Ironically these games are far less "zoom zoom" than boomer shooters and arena shooters.

>> No.11036508

Romero about to make you build his bitch pyramid

>> No.11036515

I used to play a fair bit of Counter-Strike a long time ago. I got it from even before that though, it was how Half-Life was configured when I first played it, and probably configured like that by my brother (who may have gotten it from Counter-Strike or Quake conventions).
I played Quake 2 and Terminator Future Shock before even that though, but I can't remember if we had jump bound to right mouse back then.

Was a long, looong time ago now, but I think I'll ask my brother if he remembers.

>> No.11036609 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 778x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to edit the Doom 3 crosshair to be transparent but the end result is just a black box.
Here are the TGAs I threw into the pk4 https://gofile.io/d/yChK6N

>> No.11036620

I dont know why boomer shooters aren’t more popular in current year. I’ve always preferred the faster paced gameplay

>> No.11036632

Yes, I am also working on a FTE engine game. You play as a goose (non-furry) with laser cannons who fights aliens so I'm sure there will be underwater segments of some variety. Haven't gotten there yet.

>> No.11036648

not hand-holding enough, no gacha to scratch that gacha-ocd, no sassy characters to reflect a more ego-based society(thanks social media).
they are still pretty popular though, just not online.

>> No.11036659

*when i say sassy characters to reflect the ego-based society i mean character choice with attached lore because nowadays it's all about personas. QC tried though but it was maybe a confusing blend.

>> No.11036663

Decided to replay 2063+afterglow after hard reset, I forgot how short 2063 actually is.

>> No.11036864

Cawadooty gameplay is incredibly fast paced, kills happen in less than half a second, and there are retro shooters that reward more methodical play
I just hate sprint and ADS adding more mandatory button presses to do basic things

>> No.11036876

Well for multiplayer, a "boomer shooter" is an arena shooter. Most people don't like arena shooters simply because it's pure aim and movement. This means that if someone's better than you, you have no course of action but get owned all game.
Most zoomer shooters add other shit so even if you suck at aiming you might cast a spell in the right time during a fight, or maybe get a lucky weapon pick up at the start of the game.

>> No.11036952


>> No.11037006

Mech-Romero about to make you his powerbitch

>> No.11037070

бypжyи нe пoймyт жe

>> No.11037073

>no sassy characters
Having sassy characters in something like Fortnite that has some hot chick female player models is goated. They should have more sexy models and add Nicki Minaj to FN though.

Other than that idk, playing online shooters is gay as as fuck. It's not that the old shooters were that much better online but the CULTURE was better in that it was unrepentant, it was juvenile maybe but it was something you could have a laugh at it but there most definitely wasn't the atmosphere of fear of being banned if you say ''GG'' when it in fact was a BG.

>> No.11037074

definitely battle royale.
I liked pubg, but that was about it.
Are there are battle royal doom mods/maps?

>> No.11037140

I thought I saw a mod that tried to emulate the whole Ring phenomenon where the safe area shrinks but it didn't seem to work properly at all.

Also, what about shit like Tarkov where you grab loot then have to extract

>> No.11037161

Quake has weapons for people who suck at aiming, it's everything that's not the railgun, and weapon pickups exist, they're just not random
What modern games mostly do to appeal to casual players is continually make new/gimmick gamemodes, I'll invoke tf2 since it's technically retro, halloween gamemode just a few years ago caused a huge player peak

>> No.11037217

Just have that asymmetrical mode from UT where you complete multiple objectives.

>> No.11037341

Best way to play Doom, Duke, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Quake on Android?
I have a controller so I won't need touch control shenanigans.

>> No.11037361

Never played it, but I saa that being more popular among millennials and Gen x gamers personally. Purely anecdotal tho.

>> No.11037363
File: 55 KB, 840x499, morning smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

battle royale is washed, the streets watch competitive class-based CS clones desperately shilled as new esports by their publishers now.

>> No.11037385

Boomer shooter is primarily a marketing term invented by shills to try to sell attempts at throwback games, games targeted towards people who want something else besides Battleduty and Overborn ones laden with lootboxes and microtransactions.

Publishers and devs have correctly recognized that there's a market niche here, and attempts have been made, but the problem is that the results have been really lackluster. This trend has only really resulted in like two or three really noteworthy games (not counting the new Doom games), while the rest are mostly underwhelming, most of the devs here simply lack the talent, understanding, and ambition to make these kinds of games. Nor experience, consider that the iD guys had published dozens of games before they made Doom, they weren't exactly green, both Romero and Carmack had been making and selling a bunch of cheap and simple Apple IIGS titles before they ever met each other, and they still hammered together the first person shooters Hovertank 3D and Catacomb 3D before Wolfenstein 3D.

It doesn't have to be that methodical and slow these days, but it shows how much time and effort they put into making games they thought would be fun. How many indie devs today have even just any serious experience modding existing games? Many do, but many also don't.

>> No.11037407

>Nicki Minaj
One of those zoomer tastes which baffle me.

Arena shooters would benefit from matchmaking mechanics, but that requires an actual playerbase.

>> No.11037565

Lower the difficulty to make the enemy bullets slower. It's way more fun for a first playthrough.

>> No.11037584

Anyone interested in playtesting a custom BYOC class?

>> No.11037585
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, A8411441-B90D-4E34-B602-156F55D4B22A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to spend hours and hours playing quake in minecraft

Was it autism?

>> No.11037613

No. I want fully functional enemies, and fully functional weapons. Not half measures for both.
The fast reaction fast projectile enemies are the fun part and the only reason I'm interested in the first place.
Why do my guns not work? Even shitheaps of bad spread design like Counter Strike have an accurate first bullet.

>> No.11037671

I just checked out the weapons, and it looks like the 1st bullet is accurate for weapon slots 4-6, but not the light smgs of the 3 slot. There's a noticable difference between tapping and holding the trigger. Dual lugers also seem more accurate than the mp40s while using the same ammo. You get a wider variety in weapons the more you progress through the episodes.

>> No.11037673

Minecraft doesn't have ranged weapons besides bows& arrows. Also, not retro.

>> No.11037682

>No. I want fully functional enemies, and fully functional weapons. Not half measures for both.
Play a mod that doesn't suck.

>> No.11037749

Did anyone end up publishing fore/vr/ alone? it was pretty much done when the project lead got isekai'd.

>> No.11037780

I'm curious what do you consider those good boomshoots?

For me whwther it's a modern fps or ''le bumshoot'', quality of production and strong identity work pretty well for me. I personally enjoyed Cultic and Ion Fury a ton, Wrath is looking okay but isn't really super exciting me.

>> No.11037881

Playing Doom VR. It's kinda meh.
Besides Doom 1/2/64, which other wads would be nice to play in VR?

>> No.11037889

BAHAHAHA I'm so happy someone else here remembers that because it's absolutely fucking hilarious. They just gave everyone 10x speed to emulate bunnyhopping while removing everything that made bunnyhopping a good mechanic, it's so bad.

>> No.11037895

Tell me more, stranger.

>> No.11037913

This is nonsense and you're gay.

>> No.11037973

Huh, he says that yeah, we used Mouse 2 for jumping back when playing stuff like Terminator Future Shock, in like 1997 or shit. Wonder how common that was?
I know Dennis Fong really popularized WASD in Quake 1 Deathmatch, was Mouse 2 for jumping also big there?

>> No.11037976
File: 37 KB, 1000x406, arti_typhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but Typhon really is very much an UNGA BUNGA mod. You're given a lot of potent guns and all kinds of fun ways to carnage things, there's some fun extra mechanics too like a big cigar you can smoke that gives you buddha mode until it runs out, the cigar is also visibly on screen. You can punch certain decorative items to pick them up and toss them around like in that pic that guy posted.
There's a cool as fuck jet anchor item that flies straight up and then you can climb the chain by tapping the use key, which is so cool I stole it for one of my mods.
Also you can sometimes find a gnarly flesh super shotgun that fires out chunks of teeth, bone, and guts, or use its altfire that launches an explosive tumor bomb.

I do think it's dangerously close to being a kitchen sink mod, but I think it walks the line well enough. Well worth a play.

>> No.11037978

Oh, I just realized, using Mouse 2 for jumping makes it much easier to time rocket jumps, since most people used Mouse 1 for fire.
Definitely a Quake DM thing then.

>> No.11038010
File: 411 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240621_182753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typhon can also do Hokuto Shinken.

Project Malice is a horror-focused enemy pack with great sounds, and enemy design. Voidspawn*(not Walker, whoops) mostly try to avoid your vision and can noclip through walls and turn invisible. They'll actually stalk you and you can hear them doing it though a kind of static sound they emit. Normally when you "kill" them, they just kinda leave really quick, but if you do enough damage to gib them, they glitch out and actually die. And Typhon's charged uppercuts can do that.


I'm also using Night Fright's HUD mod and replaced Typhon's mugshot and some other stuff with the one from Extinction Warrior, so that's why mine looks different.

>> No.11038061

Sounds spooky. Not sure how I'd handle monsters which operate on your vision, Legion Of Bones has a Mancubus who moves a lot faster when you can't see him, and I was too uncomfortable with him hauling ass to get to me whenever I'd pass a corner or take cover.

>> No.11038087

The weapons are functional as fuck, and you don't even have to headshot to kill most enemies in one click if you're dual wielding mp40s. Not to mention, you can run at lightspeed to run up to enemies and make the spread moot. You get plenty of ammo for the perfectly accurate rifle if you just have to have that kind of weapon. I'm flabberghasted as to how anyone can complain about the design just because one set of weapons is balanced to be best at short-range.

>> No.11038102
File: 354 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240621_183909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. He does let you see him since he has to be visible to attack. He's mostly a menace when you have to pay attention to other things, and Void enemies are uncommon spawns. That sounds fun, I've yet to try Legion of Bones. Might have to try that with Ash, actually.

>> No.11038271

Absolutely petrifying.

>> No.11038274

I love everything about Babel except the plasma gun going from pewpewpewpewpew to pew-pew-pew-pew-pew. Really breaks my balls.

>> No.11038349

anyone got sigil ii shreads wad? :^)

>> No.11038351

he looks like the fucker who harasses me in my sleep

>> No.11038357


>> No.11038358

A few threads back the project lead came back and it's back in motion.

>> No.11038364
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>> No.11038383

>romero fired
>control of the project transferred over to a new lead
>Cid Meier's: DOOM 2
what changes

>> No.11038417

Is this achievable natty?

>> No.11038438

Fear is universal

>> No.11038440

Looks like it can be done in vanilla.

>> No.11038487

>wonder how common that was
NTA but some games occasionally have RMB bound to jump by default. So it must be somewhat common at least.

>> No.11038496

Wasn't that decided in a match between two players, one using WASD and the other using ESDF?

>> No.11038509

That's a tough one

>> No.11038521

Play PM with something strong and get revenge.

>> No.11038528

Somewhere along the line, there'd definitely be a Doom turn based strategy game

>> No.11038561

You now have the option of destroying the demons by collapsing their economy.

>> No.11038565

Core memory unlocked.

>> No.11038571

Ghandi with a BFG9000

>> No.11038594
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>> No.11038621
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doom without zonelines where all the maps seamlessly mesh together to form a massive persistent world

>> No.11038634

>doom without zonelines
doom but it's the zone
cheeki breeki

>> No.11038651

With modern limit breaking ports, you could probably turn the Doom episodes into long, continuous maps
Have the exits be silent teleporters that just teleport you to the next map

>> No.11038657

Hasn't that already been done?

>> No.11038675
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>> No.11038683

How do you convert a quake wad for use with Hexen 2? It doesn't display correctly by default.

>> No.11038689
File: 658 KB, 800x600, Blasphemer_Items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried Blasphemer a little to learn what's the deal with it, and it's a pretty snazzy grimmy spin on the Heretic. Don't really like the vampire replacement from the recent fork, maybe there's a potential for some visual retouch but I think those dark-skinned gaunt gargoyle-like creatures meshed into the game better. Vampires are just overdone, no matter which kind, and then you have to fight them in groups for the fatigue to settle-in for good.

>> No.11038692

Oh it also uses some discraded Freedoom sprites, those weredragons are so fucking silly.

>> No.11038703

Man I was trying to help you out but there doesn't seem to be any information on the internet for what .wad format Hexen 2 uses. Documentation is important for posterity you mother fuckers.

>> No.11038708


>> No.11038718
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i'm not a nerd enough so i asked chat GPT.
dunno what it's worth

>> No.11038732

What about the keys?

>> No.11038743

>reduce fire rate of plasma gun
>reduce fire rate, also increase damage per shot to compensate
Awesome and buffed, now it’s more ammo efficient, making it less mogged by the BFG, and marking another reason why I love that mod.

>> No.11038763
File: 111 KB, 974x1010, IMG_6435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing quake for the first time in a while after playing only doom for months. Holy shit these guns feel so much worse than doom. Everything feels so weak and delayed compared to doom where it’s so immediate

>> No.11038786

I AI-generated some stuff for my doom mod.

>> No.11038798

>one day we'll have real-time interactive AI content generation like an endless LSD trip

>> No.11038809

>faster/softer shotgun
>small health pooled enemies are absent for most of the game
>vanilla Quake monster behavior makes them less prone to hitstun
Some of the speedbumps people run into when they first-time Quake after a modded/vanilla Doom binge.

>> No.11038840
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>no railgun

>> No.11038842

I found this reddit thread (warning: reddit). I'll try to see how that bsp2wal tool works later.


>> No.11038847

>less prone to hitstun
I dunno about you but ogres falling on their ass is important quake culture (tho I do agree overall)

>> No.11038850

That's what I hated about Quake when I got into it after spending 10,000 hours in Doom, the endless Ogre spam

>> No.11038860

I failed to specify how you can’t really “hitstunlock” anyone to death, like keeping a caco/elemental locked with chaingun.

>> No.11038862

I know what you were saying. Which is why I said I agree.

>> No.11038874

oh cool, my bad

>> No.11038880

Literally worse than Hitler. And at least his paintings were his own.
So have I. Don't sweat it. It's only a tool. Tools are designed to be used.

>> No.11038881
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOOD MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS, IT'S THAT TIME OF THE WEEK AGAIN: SCREENSHOT SATURDAY! What the fuck have you been working on? Maps, mods, sprites? Now's a good time to post that shit!

>> No.11038889

I mean, if you can get usable textures out of AI then good on you. I can't get anything non-organic looking (AI can't do straight lines worth a shit) worth using unless I do most of the work by hand and img2img it for detailing.

>> No.11038894

Is there a Quake source port that lets you adjust the amount of screen flash the way the Remaster does? From what I can tell they just do binary on and off.

>> No.11038930
File: 2.47 MB, 1900x1041, 2024-06-22-22-46-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello from /agdg/, I've been adding detailing to my city level. Putting together a big atlas of ads. Trenchbroom is awesome.

>> No.11038934

open in slade, select all textures, click "convert gfx to", choose "paletted png" and hexen2 palette on the right side.
then right click > graphic > export as png, then use https://github.com/c-d-a/any2wad to pack into a wad.
never mapped for hexen, but should work.
gl_cshiftpercent_bonus 50

>> No.11038937

ty Anon

Playing it now, it's pretty cool

>> No.11038942

That's looking pretty cool anon. Is this for a Quake engine game or are you exporting to something like Godot or Unity?
Huh, completely forgot this was a thing, I haven't been on the other vidya boards in forever.

>> No.11038957
File: 3 KB, 302x92, 2024-06-22-23-09-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like captcha is a big Doom fan

>Is this for a Quake engine game or are you exporting to something like Godot or Unity?
Both and neither? It's a custom engine but I use EricW's tools to bake the map model, vis, and lighting then use a custom tool to repack it and precalculate stuff like texture coordinates and navmeshes.

I used to be a bit more experimental with custom tooling but the Quake workflow already covers everything I want.

We've got a demo day coming up in two weeks which I'll be participating in, my previous build is also in the last DD.

>> No.11038960

Also I found this
>Each of the eleven maps contains a segment of a Doom 1 map, a Doom 2 map, an Evilution map, and a Plutonia map.
Neat stuff

>> No.11038973
File: 35 KB, 650x365, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is also a fan of Fruit&Veg juice, and/or a big fan of motorsports

>> No.11038981

Cool thank you. I'll report back if it works

>> No.11039025

So I am on an ashes replay binge, finished DMW yesterday, and I don't understand the hatred it gets. It's a perfectly solid expansion to 2063

>> No.11039034

Quake 2 Torture Jam is out

>> No.11039043

Record a .webm of you uppercutting the Voidcunt into giblets.

>> No.11039053

I wish there was a retro fps-mmo, but nobody made one

>> No.11039060

That could be cool especially if you can play as the demons too.

>> No.11039064


>other player strafes
>your demon hits another demon
>infighting of all your units until you lose the match

wouldn't work

>> No.11039069

Is anyone here participating in RAMP2024??

>> No.11039084


>> No.11039090
File: 244 KB, 574x831, Somestrogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Design: Anything goes in terms of prison, experiments, torture, processing, etc.
Neat, let's get hurt

>> No.11039102
File: 404 KB, 700x521, dohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Torture Jam?" What do they need that for? They're already playing Quake 2!

>> No.11039106 [DELETED] 

Fagweather fags everyone
this is why they are the joke of Retro FPS community in general.

>> No.11039116
File: 68 KB, 999x800, from_arena_with_love_by_venera787_dg8g8gk-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11039118


>> No.11039141


>gzdoom is unuoptimized with feedback
>the feedback: "HD4000", a chinkphone 3000, 2010 laptop
you are supposed to use a pc to play gzdoom
not calculator

>> No.11039145
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, DnZAtNwW4AAW1pI.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11039147

>he doesn't play Doom 1 on a 14900k with a 4090 and 64 gigs of ram

>> No.11039167 [DELETED] 

speak english you fucking goon, >mupreddits >fagweather fags good grief

>> No.11039170 [DELETED] 

I am not the one who's already seething over one q2 post to throw a low and weak bait

>> No.11039174

If you didn't learn the power of crowbar's alt-fire it can be a pain in the ass.
I theorized in another thread that the response is from the lack of an X factor, there isn't a single part that stands out as particularly inspired or excellent. No trash hag reveal, or elevator horde moment, no excellent areas like the mall, or the police station. I'll be content to kill a few hours with it, and retain nothing.

>> No.11039183

That's an absolute non-sequitur to the fact you talk like a gibbering retard, but for the record you're a gibbering retard if you're this assblasted over a corny dohohopost and think it's "bait" so I suppose it makes sense

>> No.11039190

but I unironically do, at least a 4080, GZ still chugs sometimes, we really are ngmi

>> No.11039192

Post HWiNFO and webm of you playing, with vid_fps 1 counter. If it's not a bother.

>> No.11039320
File: 5 KB, 526x384, 1691416921263874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are playing some Quake for its birthday, right?

>> No.11039321
File: 103 KB, 1134x483, Screenshot 2024-06-22 125946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see what I can bash out

>> No.11039347
File: 740 KB, 1920x1080, torturejam_hotdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have something in mind after this, but I'd be interested if you have a recommendation?

>> No.11039363
File: 3.94 MB, 1280x720, frems.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll spare you the nuts test since it's been done so many times: 60fps monsters sleeping, 35ish monsters awake, no such issues in crispy or dsda
here's hellbound map 1 and the infamous map 29 full version, since I had it on hand

>> No.11039443

That's bait? How can that be? It's the only thing here that bites!

>> No.11039472

Another thing I forgot about ashes is the killer soundtrack. Did the guy do other notable stuff?

>> No.11039478

I'm playing alkaline currently. It's pretty fucking great.

>> No.11039484
File: 3.87 MB, 960x540, DOOM 2_ Hell on Earth 2024-06-22 21-06-06.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but sure. Sorry about the compression.

>> No.11039491

Did he spook you? I don't know how to record webbums. I don't think I have the stuff for that.

>> No.11039495

sorry but your map is not compatible with older/newest gzdoom specific version

>> No.11039501

>me at the movies in the back row trying to pull a silent one

>> No.11039548

No! Why would you ask that? I would NEVER scream like a little girl.

>> No.11039585
File: 2.89 MB, 2880x1080, libretro-prboom-320x200-retro-crisis-shader-resized-1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was surprised at how different the graphics look when applying these shaders using the prboom core in retroarch.
You can tweak the color settings and more to your liking when configuring the shader parameters.

The same screenshots but not resized to 1080 pixels height

If you want to try them out these are the settings I changed for a better experience when playing with mouse and keyboard:
Settings/Input/Automatic Mouse Grab set to "On"
Settings/Input/Hotkeys/Hotkey Enable set to "Left Alt"
Controls/Port 1 Controls/Device Type set to "RetroKeyboard/Mouse"

>> No.11039592

Any wads out there specifically designed for co-op? I know you can run just about anything through Zandronum, but I'm hoping for mods that don't separate players via traps or one-way doors.

>> No.11039594

>oh man, there's a lotta lines and sectors, I'm getting 40fps
>you are like a little babby, watch this
>B O N E

>> No.11039606


>> No.11039621

That's decent, on Nugget it flunctuates between 90 and 120 no matter where I look, native resolution. With GZDoom it's either 200 or 80, depending on which side I face. Don't see what's so special about the map that it chugs this way. Some random 2020+ gaming laptop.

>> No.11039634

Eternity Engine, 140-180 with the max rendering threads setting enabled. Helion by hobomaster is the most stable with 280-290.

>> No.11039652

I believe it's just that it's an open air roughly spiral oriented map and really detailed even by hellbound standards, so you're rendering most of the map by looking inwards and there's rarely any culling to help
That said while non-zdoom ports on newer computers should run it fine this is the optional full pwad, the version in the base .wad is aggressively slimmed down and likely no more difficult than the rest of the .wad
helion looks fuckin neat, and borderline scratch built too huh?

>> No.11039653

This map >>11039484 kills every port, with 0.0(∞)1 to 9 fps depending on the port you choose.

>> No.11039675

Oh, just wait until you meet a Void Floater.

>> No.11039679

With all the time you've spent reposting this, you could have worked a job and gotten a computer which isn't anemic.

>> No.11039697

Consider using the Slaughter Optimizer mod if you want to play extremely crowded maps in GzDoom, it can help a lot.


>> No.11039698

I'm kinda surprised anybody around here has even picked up on Helion with the focus on Nugget/DSDA/GzDoom.

>> No.11039712

>I'm surprised people here are interested in Doom

>> No.11039736

It's not a well known port and it's not being promoted by some eceleb.

It'd be like somebody mentioning they play on CnDoom or something.

>> No.11039770
File: 1.01 MB, 720x1000, Portrait_electrochemistry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11039772

playing doom 2 for the first time and I just finished downtown
what a shit level

>> No.11039779

Not one of the strongest ones, IMO. How do you like things so far in general?

>> No.11039795

more enemies is fun but the backtracking and "heh nothin personnel kid" *spawns 10 chaingunners* traps can fuck off
I'm playing in vr though so it's already a bit easier than normal; I'm also using brutal doom because I wanted to try it out in vr and that's definitely making things even easier
still very fun though outside of downtown

>> No.11039814

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.11039905

There's not that many asshole traps like that. The Pit has the mean Chaingunner ambush, but that's in an optional side room, and I don't think there's any other buttfucks like those in Doom 2.
Not even Final Doom goes that hard with those, really.

Anyway, give the vanilla Doom 2 gameplay a try some day of you haven't, it's mostly better designed than BD.

>> No.11040013
File: 547 KB, 1920x1080, vkquake_totsnow3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm playing alkaline currently. It's pretty fucking great.
Great mod all around. I'm going through Tomb of Thunder, a mod more on the evil side.

>> No.11040030
File: 367 KB, 1207x823, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I missing a quest here? Been a while since I played afterglow

>> No.11040056

Talk to the weapons dealer by Riggs about ammunition to get the quest for primers.

>> No.11040073

Weird. I talked to him before about the primers and tried again now, and it just doesn't register.

>> No.11040101
File: 3.99 MB, 854x480, The Adventures of Square.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess with the performance as a sole prominent feature, it got stuck into a niche. Just like with voxels on DelphiDoom, Quake lighting on kvavoom, and exclusive mods for Eternity and EDGE. Neither of them, as well as Helion, is demo-compatible or supports GZDoom mods. Truth be told, I haven't looked into the options to know for certain what features Helion could offer.

>Question for the thread:
Any fun mapsets with 3D floors, slopes and all these advanced mapping shing-dings? Makes the world feel more spacious, full of intricately tucked secrets to discover and untapped potential for exploring. Partial, total conversions or just generally based on Doom, you name it. Preferably something which let me play without a mouselook and focused on nonstop gameplay, i.e. no interactive story elements or cutscenes.

>> No.11040120

Huh. Maybe you needed to talk to someone else first. Or maybe you'll be able to turn them in once you find them anyway.

>> No.11040127

I sometimes get this stuck in my head for days.

>> No.11040310

Should I play Alkaline or Arcane Dimensions first?

>> No.11040328

I'd start with Arcane Dimensions if you want more of the "dark fantasy" Quake themes. If you want something different or just really like techbase aesthetics, I'd try Alkaline first.

>> No.11040340

I like both, I just wish the fantasy maps didn't exclude the human enemies so much because I really enjoy mowing them down.

>> No.11040390
File: 161 KB, 1425x531, enhancedvsfull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Q2 models are nice, but I really like these full MD2 models that got post here awhile back.
>I just wish the fantasy maps didn't exclude the human enemies so much because I really enjoy mowing them down.
Thankfully, not an issue you'll encounter in either mod or even most custom levels.
I guess you can't go wrong with which one you want to play first. Maybe odds AD, even Alkaline?

>> No.11040438

It's time to own nothing and be happy, and I'm all outta happiness.

>> No.11040509

>Reach Map10 of Doom 2 In City Only
>Partway through playing, GZDoom decides to start running slow as molasses
Can they please cease development on GZDoom and put all hands on deck toward fixing this problem before doing literally anything else? This is insane.

>> No.11040657
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noobie question, how can I know if a had jumping intended for some parts? this Lunar Strain which was shared earlier itt. Is leaving "default" for jumping enough? the readme didn't mention anything about it either

>> No.11040709

Any wad that doesn't specifically say "jumping required" wasn't designed for jumping. The original game didn't have jumping so most maps aren't designed for it. Doomer Boards Projects are never designed for jumping since they're supposed to be compatible with non-jumping ports. You can get that secret by walking on the nearby cubicle walls then dropping down.

>> No.11040794
File: 7 KB, 292x239, Aseprite_iWXFk7zCoI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redoing some spritework that has been bugging me. No wonder my projects never get finished.

>> No.11040802

Just remember that perfectionism is the mortal enemy of getting shit done.

>> No.11040805

Doom Plasma Rifle
> + Melts every individual target decently fast, a super strong weapon
> - Generally superfluous once BFG is obtained except for sniping bosses

Doom 64 Plasma Rifle
> - Sucks ass
> - Nerfed so hard the buffed Chaingun feels better
> - Completely useless once you get the Unmaykr
> - Has no reason to exist

Doom 3 Plasma Rifle
> + Decent enough damage?
> + Common ammo, unique ammo pool (its main saving grace)
> + Large projectile makes it act as a blanket way of destroying enemy projectiles
> - Slow projectiles make it more awkward to use than rapid fire hitscans
> - Kills pretty slowly compared to everything but the pistol and machinegun

[Redacted] Plasma Rifle
> + Has a way to stun enemies
> - Weak as fuck
> - Slows down your mouse when aiming because the devs are disabled
> - Draws from the same ammo pool as your best weapon

[Redacted] Plasma Rifle
> + Has a way to stun enemies
> + Most intuitive way to take out the only dangerous fodder enemy in the game
> - Weak as fuck in literally every other instance besides the aforementioned - genuinely unusable as a weapon
> - Even still deals less damage on its initial hit because the devs are disabled
> - Draws from the same ammo pool as one of your burst weapons

Why can't Doom ever get the Plasma right? I'd say closest from a resource balance perspective is Doom 3, but even then it sucks. Could just shotgun, grenade, rocket, or chaingun stuff 90% of the time instead.

>> No.11040843

All right, thank you very much!

>> No.11040863

Look at the plasma rifle in HD.

>> No.11040948
File: 13 KB, 400x400, acbf7b6e9bebedb13a933f5fee368f6426-18-brain-exhaustion.rsquare.w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next week....

>> No.11040951

After wrapping up Mjolnir I just want more of that, but I've been jumping between Quoffee 1, revisiting AD, and mapjam9.

>> No.11040986
File: 271 KB, 476x412, JC finds JC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mentioning that charging sound that 3's plasma rifle makes at the end of a reload
That is the best part of the gun you fuck.

>> No.11040990
File: 175 KB, 1079x1079, feat. playboi carti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ANOTHER machine gun, but instead of BANG BANG it goes pew pew
Devs need to realize just how incredibly repetitive automatic weapons in video games are. Unless there is decent enough gap in utility and power, there is no need for more than one. And even if there is such a gap, you can't warrant more than two without falling into bloat.
The gap between the plasma rifle and other machine guns just isn't big enough. Especially in titles with more powerful and interesting weapons using the same ammunition.

>> No.11041012
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1706660648920872.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11041014
File: 78 KB, 747x629, click clack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that skin pack clean, what is it?

>> No.11041018

Too lazy to post webm but certain levels in Eviternity 2 bring my 2060 to sub-10 fps

>> No.11041021
File: 307 KB, 248x248, looking glass pinky full walk cycle 4x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea desu, I uploaded picrel and some other guy posted that webm

>> No.11041040


>> No.11041045
File: 27 KB, 128x128, 1694752368674445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I think he cute :)

>> No.11041053
File: 244 KB, 680x888, 1644856061067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is terrifying.
I love it.

>> No.11041075

retard. You can spam it down hallways to deny movement while retreating, unlike the hitscan chaingun.

>> No.11041087
File: 15 KB, 400x300, square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You're looking out of shape"
Badass one-liners, better than Shelly's

>> No.11041095


>> No.11041158

Lower right had better hair, too left has better pose and overall "feel".
If that doesn't help: fuck.

>> No.11041306
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, dont blink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the best anti trap weapon useful for elevators and new rooms. Its better than the chaingun in every way except hitscan and ammo
>Doom 3
Its also a pseudo flashlight which is very unique and underrated

>> No.11041396

I know the increased damage is there but the plasma gun not being BRRRRRRRRRRT and instead being BRT-BRT-BRT-BRT is heresy to me.

>> No.11041397 [DELETED] 

Holy shit that's awesome. Download?
I know the increased damage is there but the plasma gun not being BRRRRRRRRRRT and instead being BRT-BRT-BRT-BRT is heresy to me.

>> No.11041520 [DELETED] 

>give the vanilla Doom 2 gameplay a try some day of you haven't
I'm definitely gonna, in retrospect I regret BD because of how easy it feels but I'm already far enough in that I'll see it through
my plan is finish II, circle back to E4 in I, then final doom, 64, and 3 in VR and maybe VFR
after that I'm gonna play doom 1 - eternal on pc just kbm

>> No.11041523

>Doom 64
>nerfed Plasma Gun
Are you sure about that? Are you really sure?

>> No.11041890

Cool dog