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11031356 No.11031356 [Reply] [Original]

Westfall... home.

>> No.11031396

sad to see the corpse of this once beautiful game being worn by literal spiteful fags nowadays, but eh, it was fun while it lasted

>> No.11031436

westfall was always terrible. I took my ass to loch modan where the quests arent zones apart and they had a proper town or darkshore which gets annoying towards the end but its still better then westfall...
if you talkin pure feels and vibes idk how you could even consider it either. The barrens has more charm. :/
The dungeon is nice but even in vanilla id want a summon in.

>> No.11031446
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>> No.11031456
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westfall is the best 10-20 zone
get HUH'ed

>> No.11031480

Westfall + half of Darkshore is the best, if we’re talking XP and rewards
>the quests arent zones apart
The only quest that takes you out of Westfall is the chain for Deadmines.
>had a proper town
Why does this even matter? All you need are vendors and an innkeeper, which Sentinel Hill has
>The dungeon is nice but even in vanilla id want a summon in.
The FP is literally one minute away. It’s the closest in the entire game, unless I’m mistaken…

>> No.11031483
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>top 10 most lethal mobs in the game at the time

>> No.11031773

>get HUH'ed
damn that takes me back

>> No.11031819

YO, I just started playing classic! I'm a level 24 Worgen Warrior, game is pretty sick, played through the starter zone, got to the night elf island and my buddy starts as a night elf rogue and we level and shit together.

>> No.11031823

Also someone reccomend me a horde character to play on my own
I'm split between Orc/Shaman and Tauren/Paladin or Troll/Mage or Warlock

>> No.11031873
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>human females will never be real

>> No.11031904

If you’re playing a Worgen it sounds like you’re playing Cataclysm Classic, correct? If so, definitely try out Shaman. It’s pretty fast paced with a decent amount of dynamic decision making, and is imo one of the most fun classes in any MMO. It gets even more fun in the next expansion so it’s a good one to start on.
Shaman main since Vanilla.

>> No.11031918

Yes, I am playing cataclysm.
I haven't really played a caster, I got to level 7 as a Tauren Paladin (since they had also been added in cata), and found it was too similar to my warrior playthrough. Orc shaman seems really appealing.

>> No.11032056
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>recognizing Deadmines from STV
cool and quaint

>> No.11032282
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Is anyone planning to play on the new Everlook server at the end of the month?

I haven't really played WoW since the first month or so of classic, I'm looking forward to trying a new private server again.

>> No.11032293

This. Start off in Darkshore for those first 5 or 6 levels where everything's tightly packed then move to Westfall for Deadmines

>> No.11032320

Alright, I've decided on shaman but I can't decide whether to play a Orc or a Troll... Any advice? I think they are both just neat.

>> No.11032324
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>sad to see the corpse of this once beautiful game being worn by literal spiteful fags nowadays, but eh, it was fun while it lasted

>> No.11032373

I just dont see the point. Itll never be the same. I realized that when classic launched.

>> No.11032438
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I just mess around on my modded mostly solo server, hitting things and taking screens. If anything I'd try Turtle WoW but I'd have to look into it first.

>> No.11032542
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>> No.11032591

eh, the amount of bots and cheaters on turtle, warmane, etc. makes it so you're really not missing anything by staying on your own server

>> No.11032958

Every once in a while I think long and hard about coming back to play, but I absolutely don't want to give Blizzard a single dime. I was disappointed with the end of Wrath and Cataclysm, Starcraft 2: WoL completely wiffed its ending, and when I got into the beta of Diablo 3, the radical departure from 2 was the final straw that broke the camel's back. I will not buy a single Blizzard product again.

>> No.11033023

Funny, I felt the same way about Warcraft 3 when WoW released.

>> No.11033025
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Not a huge loss but still a shame. Some of them pulling off ""new"" content is at least inspiring.

>> No.11033036

>if we’re talking XP and rewards
We're not, which explains your response to the absence of a town

>Why does this even matter? All you need are vendors and an innkeeper, which Sentinel Hill has
You wouldn't get it.

>> No.11033734

you didnt know how good you had it or how bad it could really get. nu-wow shat the bed so hard it's unbelievable

>> No.11033932
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>I just dont see the point.

it's fun

>> No.11033947

>We're not
The very first point made was about quest density.

>> No.11033949

Classic was unironically WAY less “classic” than any private server. I played one month of Classic, realized how shit it was, and came back to private servers without ever looking back.
The games fun. If you enjoy it, play.

>> No.11033950

If you’re going elemental (pure caster), Troll.
If you’re going enhancement (caster/melee hybrid), go Orc.
It ultimately doesn’t matter if you don’t care about joining a sweaty top tier guild though.

>> No.11033964

in vanilla, horde questing has always been way better than alliance questing

>better situated hubs in most zones
>more flightmasters
>zeppelin hubs absolutely shit all over the boat hubs in terms of useful destinations
>low level dungeons are easily accessible and all have good gear

All alliance gets is the over arching defias/onyxia plotline which 99% of people aren't going to read anyway so who cares?

>> No.11033984

In Vanilla, every zone had a very distinct feel and flavor. You could say I loved all of them, in different ways. I remember getting to Ironforge for the first time after a quest sent me there. It was an amazing feeling. I've never seen anything like this before. The zones were so beautiful, especially at night. WoW was the right product at a right time, based on a strong worldbuilding and a mass of fans of Blizzard (thanks to Warcraft, Diablo and Starcraft).
Unfortunately, this won't come back. These were the times before datamining was widespread and meta shit, so we were discovering the world piece by piece. I remember how happy I was when I won the fishing contest in the Booty Bay. All the raiding I've done with my wonderful guild. The amount of organization we had back then, and other guilds of that time, is not even comparable to the WoW products right now.

>> No.11034587

>more flightmasters
only in late patches. For half of vanilla the Barrens only had one fp.
>low level dungeons are easily accessible and all have good gear
Only RFC is more easily accessible, and it has shit gear lol. You do it for the sweet 5 quest turn in.

>> No.11034595

Going from games like OoT to World of Warcraft is something I have never personally experienced but I imagine it'd be mond blowing an awesome but unfortunately I was born in 2005 so my life is just soulless toil and all the games I grew up with are total ass.

>> No.11034646

Videogame for casuals.

>> No.11034653

so tired of questing around westfall
ive done it like 9 times in my life
and thats MEGA LOW compared to the average vanillafag, who has probably run 30-40+ toons to 60 over the past 20 years

>> No.11034909

Oh it totally was. I got into it right before Burning Crusade came out and I had absolutely no clue anything like an MMO existed. I ran around Teldrassil for probably 25 hours /played and asked my friend how much longer it'd be until I beat it. He took me on the Wetlands run to Stormwind and it just blew my mind. I never knew a game world could be that big. Spent the next 4 years playing way too much. Good times.

>> No.11034993

My favorite was the treasure hunting quest. I still have the screenshot i took of my character kneeling in front of the captain's grave

>> No.11035079

>Only RFC is more easily accessible
and WC
and SFK
and BFD
and RFK
and SM (probably the only far off dungeon that allyfags will actually bother to do)

>> No.11035158

So unfair. I just had to be born a zoomer into this weird soulless world where I'm gonna be an incel.
So jealous of millenials and gen x

>> No.11035189

always wondered how they got that boat in until i saw this

>> No.11035236


>> No.11035238

You think that's bad, look at the modern ones

>> No.11035240

Just gonna break it to you straight, Cata is when the classes started to really not take shape until like 10 levels from max
Play whoever, that expansion came out in 2010 and has modern gaming levels of homogenization
If WoW was already dead when cata came out, cata was like dropping an anvil on the coffin

>> No.11035256

>and WC
WC and Deadmines are both a ~1 min jog
>and SFK
they have Gnomer
>and BFD
Astanaar is closer to BFF than Splintertree is though lol
>and RFK
Ratchet adds like 1 min compared to Crossroads.

SM is fair, but they would have never lost the land had they just let Arthas do his thing.

>> No.11035360

Just try a private server. You'll come across some people who are still just playing to enjoy it. The best part is leveling and exploration in Vanilla anyway. You might not get to do super large raids or day long battlegrounds in Alterac Valley, but the questing is still really fun. Once you get to level 60 it just gets repetitive. Plus, you have almost 2 games if you play both factions. You can almost play it 4 times with 4 different classes and it won't get stale for a long time, especially if you've never played it.

>> No.11035362

Being a zoomer is painful. I feel like I have the wrong childhood. I grew up with a 3ds and wii u. I wish I grew up with a snes and playstation

>> No.11035363 [DELETED] 

The funniest part of the Defias Brotherhood was they were a bunch of construction workers and engineers who got stiffed on a building contract by Stormwind, so they just decided to be bandits and took over an entire zone and and 50% of two others right outside the capital for like ten years.

>> No.11035373

my best friend's littlest brother is a zoomer so i watched you guys get all of our sloppy seconds and actual garbage made by the first millennials to enter the workforce
really sad
but hey at least its a lot easier for you to become a girl if thats your thing

>> No.11035382 [DELETED] 

Play classic servers and hire prostitutes

>> No.11035387 [DELETED] 

They also had connections with Zanzil in STV to import poisons. Kinda crazy how deep the Defias Brotherhood rabbit hole goes.

>> No.11035390

How much do they charge to play WoW with me

>> No.11035394

It'd be fun to play a private one with /vr/

>> No.11035410 [DELETED] 

1 [Thuderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

>> No.11035431

I'd definitely play again, but all I have is a Chromebook at the moment. Maybe in a few months I can make a post and see if some people are down. Shouldn't be too difficult if people aren't hellbent on endgame raiding.

>> No.11035438


No one will agree on a server because everyone's so split on how much they love leveling vs endgame RTA

>> No.11035440
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>> No.11035446

And some people consider vanilla unplayable vs TBC or wrath

>> No.11035451

>some people consider vanilla unplayable
probably people basing that entirely on modern classic servers

you can revert the game but you can't revert people's mindsets

>> No.11035468

yeah it'll probably end up going nowhere as usual, but I was talking about maybe 5 people. With 5 we could just quest and do 5 man dungeons. Getting enough people to raid is probably impossible cause of picking servers, which xpac, scheduling, etc. But 5 people shouldn't be too difficult if everyone agreed to just be chill about it.

>> No.11035472

just buy 5 accounts and play by yourself

>> No.11035486

lol the main reason I enjoyed playing before was hanging out with people who also enjoyed it. Im not gonna multibox wow for nostalgia purposes. It would still be fun to do it again, especially if its with people who never played it before. Don't be so black pilled man.

>> No.11035491

Boxing is a cancer in the MMO genre and no company is willing to take a stance against it because it makes them more money and inflates their subscriber count.

>> No.11035497

I played classic and had a lot of fun. I just played by myself as a dwarf paladin. I trained first aid and handed out free bandages to all my dungeons groups. I also would hold onto gear that I didnt need and hand it out to people I passed while leveling for free.
Extremely comfy.

>> No.11035516

everquest official classic servers are basically unplayable because everyone is running 3-6 boxes and just soloing the game and monopolizing camps, live servers are just as bad because boxing is the only way you're going to level and once you are leveled it's literally the only way you're going to get anything done

they're basically developing the game assuming every player is running multiple subscriptions at this point

>> No.11035538
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>Maybe in a few months I can make a post and see if some people are down.
I'll probably be around. I'd play a warrior if possible.
I mess with my own 3.3.5 thing so vanilla-classic would be fun. Cross-faction would be nice but I don't mind.

>> No.11035741

Boomers are so blessed

>> No.11035764

careful that word will get you a 3 day on /vr/

>> No.11035785


>> No.11035941
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Dangerously based

>> No.11036116

Hold me, bros...

>> No.11036403

I’m down as long as it’s on a private server. Even if we don’t have a group of 5 it will be fine, private server players tend to be chill and less sweaty in dungeons. A duo or trio is always more fun than solo.
Idk who all was involved in the conversation, but anybody can reply to this if interested. I recently leveled an EQ toon with a few anons from /vm/ so it’s definitely possible to make it happen if you guys actually want.
I suggest TWoW if we’re actually trying to do dungeons and stuff on the way to 60. Which btw, we probably won’t get to. Leveling groups tend to fall apart at the higher levels. But the fun part is 1-40 anyway.

>> No.11036419

This zone used to make me feel incredible lonely and sad. Just a weird feeling.

>> No.11036427

HA ha I hate the Luclin models, God they were awful.

>> No.11036469

The only zone I fucking hated was Silithus. Fucking bugs everywhere, they didn't drop anything useful until the Ahn'Qiraj patch rolled in. Then, we had much fun getting the spellbooks in AQ20 which were the only way at a time to learn your highest level spell.
Un'Goro Crater was great, with all those dinosaurs. And not-Link questline.

>> No.11036590

Didn't Blizzard actually finally ban multiboxing a year or so ago? I think they finally had to do something about it because multiboxers were able to exploit dynamic spawns in a way that was actually causing serious problems in the game economy that had to be addressed.

>> No.11036680
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That’s at least SM and some of the later ones. Strat, Sunken Temple, and Scholo may be my favorites but I’d understand the burnout.

>> No.11036919

Buddy you're a moron, Horde has a wayyyy better dungeon access
>RFC and Stocks are genuinely equivalent as well
>WC and DM are roughly equivalents BUT it's easier to access the far dungeon of the 2 as horde. swimming from gromgol is safe and can result in no deaths. Alliance have to go all the way down to booty bay and face more treacherous waters and a longer swim
>Gnomer has a free teleport for horde in Booty Bay, it's as fast as having Ironforge right there
>SFK is closer
>SM is closer
>BFD is also closer we literally have a flightpath on the fucking BEACH BFD is on
>Also have easy RFK and RFD

>> No.11037025

Man. Watching them fumble D3 was quite a sight. That company went from producing the best games to being totally subverted by greed in just a few years. It's amazing what too much money does to things.

>> No.11037374

I put up with blizzard for the longest time because as shit as they got, at least they never stole games from you.

And then Warcraft 3 Reforged happened.

>> No.11037380

They got acquired by Activision, the literal worst in the business, what do you expect?

>> No.11037393

Shut the fuck up you fucking redditlord.

>> No.11037405

Fuck off, shill.

>> No.11037409

What the fuck am I shilling

>> No.11037437

What are some games with WoW aesthetics that aren't MMOs?

>> No.11037526


>> No.11037616

Starcaft 2 being announced as always-online was when I knew Blizzard was over.

>> No.11037737

That was the start of my break with Blizzard as well. I foolishly put up with for a while because I wanted to play with my friends who I grew up playing SC1 and WC3 with, but after a few years, I wouldn't even reinstall battle.net to play again. I still occasionally think about it, that I still own the game and could download the launcher and play through the campaign or something, but I don't want to jump through all those hoops to just play an old game.

I still go dig out my SC1 and D2 CDs though to play them, and I'd do the same for WC3 if it wasn't scratched from me being a careless kid.

>> No.11037752 [DELETED] 

Trisfal glades are better to level up in. Jus sayin

>> No.11037756

I replayed WC3 recently. Hard difficulty really filters me. There's no nice middle ground mode.

>> No.11037869

Westfall has fallen. It's over. Millions of harvest golems must die.

>> No.11038191
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Fun revelation, neat world building.

>> No.11038217

I just found the WC3 battle chest at a goodwill for 6 dollars. All minty still has the seal sticker someone just cut through. Everything looks brand new. I still can’t believe they deleted the old version.

>> No.11038553
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Oh, uh, that one. Kingdom of Amalur or something. Literally a single-player MMO-alike.

>> No.11038557

I know what you mean. It's this perpetually autumn-feeling zone right on the tip of the continent overlooking the sea.

>> No.11038958

Being in westfall always made me feel hungry. Something about that one cooking recipe quest that takes forever to complete and all the starving peasants just makes me want to go to the fridge and make a ham sandwich

>> No.11039020
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>harvest golems
hated these fuckers in vanilla hearthstone; I miss it but it's been murdered. same story as with wow - fags and dykes got around to its gameplay design and art direction and ruined the whole thing

>> No.11039098
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Around the same time? Not much comes to mind besides WC3. Back then I was also playing lots of Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind, and I guess some Guild Wars.

>> No.11039105

Man I just don't feel like playing wow anymore :(
It's just not as fun as it once was

>> No.11039227

Is there anything sadder than a 40 year old man playing vanilla WoW with bots locally on his single player server while reminiscing about his teenage life in 2006.

>> No.11039228

felt more like a standard biowareslop than wow

>> No.11039231

a faggot tranny who has him living in his head?

>> No.11039246

This is a good question, because as much as haters throw around "WoW graphics" as an insult, there is only one game I've ever seen that looks like WoW. And that is Warcraft 3.

>> No.11039256

If you can't moonwalk then it isn't vanilla enough.

>> No.11039425

doing this kind of graphics requires a rare skill or whatever
you can see how even modern wow is slowly phasing out of this style into realistic skyrim style

>> No.11039743

Obligatory “try hardcore”. Leveling up without dying is what got me addicted to the game again.
I’ve since dropped it and went back to playing normally, but the time I spent was worth it.

>> No.11039747

When I died due to getting stuck in terrain I decided that was not for me.

>> No.11039762

Yeah it happens. No retro game is without bs like that. I just enjoy leveling in vanilla and tend to drop characters at 60 anyway, so it never bothered me as much as it does some.

>> No.11039764

>Westfall... home.

At least it was before i fucked everything up.

>> No.11039907

>rare skill
not really. it requires solid understanding of fundamentals, a style of one's own, and the freedom to exercise it

>> No.11040135

You said the same thing he did

>> No.11041027
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Every single WoW zone makes me instantly recall a million memories and experiences and feels.. I remember getting report of a horde rogue terrorizing Redridge once and being the only one to fly over there as an alliance rogue and it becoming this intense game of cat and mouse trying to hunt him down. He'd gotten onto the rooftops and I had to figure a way to get up there and finally corner him for our epic final confrontation, it was wild.

also what are thoooose lmao
the scale was kinda fucked in this game

>> No.11041436
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>also what are thoooose lmao
Yeah wow, they look like weird ‘allied goblins’ in retrospect, less weird in motion at least.

>> No.11041462

Yeah those are human children running around on the dock.

I don't think the overall scale of WoW is that bad (at least not the scale of the regions), but yeah when you have to make a third person MMO you have to make some extra big doorways and platforms once in a while as a necessity.

If you've ever played Everquest, that game could only get away with actually realistic size building because the game was first person only for quite a while.

>> No.11041501
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>> No.11041534

The zones of original WoW exude so much soul... It's something impossible to describe. Every one of us remembers playing for the first time. I think I made an undead rogue as I was curious of Lordaeron that I watched fall to undead in Warcraft III. Tirisfal Glades had such an unique atmosphere. Gloomy, yet felt intriguing and foreboding.
I ended up making a gnome warlock and that was my main for all of Vanilla. I didn't regret my choice, although I ended up switching to a Blood Elf Paladin in TBC as I wanted to play a class that was now useful as DPS/PVP instead of being used mainly as a healbot. I guess being a Pally was my true love, as I played him until the end of MoP (which undeniably had some beautifully designed zones as well). In the meantime I levelled to max level a hunter and a mage. Mage used to be a really fun class, especially in PvP one on one duels.

>> No.11041541

Oh, I forgot that I also had a Death Knight at max level in WoTLK. The starting zone was great, you could really dig the "Will of The Lich King" questline. I did some raiding and PvP with him - it was fun using raising the dead ulti and watching niqqas getting swarmed.

>> No.11041593
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If I remember right, WoW didn't really have "questing" until late into its development. There were still a few major story quests per zone, but they expected you to go out and do shit without having a quest to tell you to constantly. I think that meant they approached zone design in vanilla more with trying to make them enticing to explore on your own, whereas once the quest system was established then in later expansions they just gave less of a shit about world design since they knew quests would force players into every nook and cranny anyway, while also never really designing anything that wasn't for a quest just for the fun of it. Like later expacs would never have something like Sons of Arugal running around to give players a unique experience, not unless there were an elite group quest requiring you to gather 8 Sons of Arugal Asses.

I think TBC still has some pretty interesting zones with optional areas to explore and find, but by WotLK the zones started getting really plain with nothing to do in them except their quests or farming in the quest areas, and I remember Cata zones being just completely uninteresting. There are definitely some well designed exceptions, like that Jade Forest in MOP or whatever the hell that city zone in Legion was called, but they should really be the standard.

>> No.11041783

I did hardcore, my hunter is still at level 57 and I have no motivation to finish out the last 3 levels. It was fun though, definitely made me appreciate the vanilla world again. Maybe one day when the itch strikes I'll level a SSF warrior.

>> No.11042902

Classic WoW had a bunch of arbitrary design choices in the beginning to emulate playing on old hardware. It was stupid. Shit like spell batching being 200 ms to simulate getting polymorphed why charging. That change alone effected a lot of the basics of the game. I played a hunter to 59 and stocking up on arrows was silly. I'd click 10 times to buy arrows, and I'd get 3 stacks a second instead of just getting a stack when I right clicked to buy.

This also made healing unrewarding. You'd get that last second heal off, spend the mana, and the tank still died because the next batch of spells hasn't processed yet.

They eventually fixed this shit, but it left a bad taste in my mouth and I can't boot it back up anymore. I'd rather play faggy turtle WoW where shit doesn't feel clunky and they've actually added some decent content in the spirit of vanilla.

>> No.11043009
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Yeah, that’s understandable. I get really bored around 55 too. And honestly, if you’ve made it that far you’ve proven that you have the mechanical ability/game knowledge to make it to 60, so it doesn’t really matter.
>spell batching
Yep. Everyone knew how big of a problem it would be too, and tried to get them to change their mind.
I saw a full list at one point of every change that was made to Classic from launch to Wrath, and it’s insane how unnecessarily far they took it. I was reading through this massive list just thinking “Wait, they changed that too? Why?”.

Private servers certainly aren’t perfect, but they’re comfy and mostly drama free these days.

>> No.11043058

Classic just has a lot of bad decisions. Most of the painstaking efforts to reproduce old client mechanics, like spell batching, were interesting but harmful and ultimately anachronistic anyway. Delaying honor was almost as retarded as releasing honor early without bgs which was almost as retarded as releasing bgs early which was almost as retarded as not releasing all of the bgs early. Going to absurd lengths to reproduce obscure mechanics, like whatever the fuck that warrior heroic strike queuing trick was that was so obscure people struggled to prove it actually existed in vanilla, while basically just up and throwing their hands up and walking away at blatant inaccuracies like FD/trap macros being completely broken. The phasing/sharding/instancing crap that they pretty much just copy pasted from retail into classic despite describing it as a completely different system, that was handled like a fucking mess, too. Any any attempt at raising concerns was just completely ignored because of Blizzard's hands-off head-up-ass attitude toward feedback, people who got into the closed betas and actually bug-tested in them found glitches that just never got fixed because they don't give a fuck.

Classic was fun for a month or so but it didn't take long to see it for the shitshow it was. People have quit better private servers over smaller issues than anything wrong with Classic.

>> No.11043782 [DELETED] 

You genuinely sound like a terrible player. Every single thing you complained about is either an unavoidable facet of pre-modern internet gaming or else literal GIT GUD skill issues.

>muh heal didn't go off at the right time
My 40 man progression raiding guild in first generation WoW had the best healers around because they weren't idiots who couldn't learn how to compensate for this and time their heals properly to always keep the tank up. It's called learning your class. Maybe this game wasn't made for people with fahrenheit IQs.