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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11014113 No.11014113 [Reply] [Original]

ok yes I know RE4 is garbage and is often cited as the end of classic survival horror resident evil and the start of mindless 3rd person OTS action for normie cattle

but long before RE4 the series were falling into this hole were RE couldn't get out anymore

Code Veronica with matrix Wesker, re 0 with bishonen Marcus controlling leeches and tranny Morpheus Duvall.

RE 1996, RE2 1998 and RE3 1999 are the true resident evil games.

The later ones are just generic zoomer action slop with the Resident evil name shoehorned on them.

>> No.11014130

>re4 is garbage
do re123fags really think this?

>> No.11014180

>RE4 might be one of the greatest games of all time, but it's BAD, actually!
Bro, no one cares about your stupid fake taste, that you pretend to have to impress people.
I bet you haven't even played all of the classic RE style survival horrors.

>> No.11014240

Resident Evil was always a mainstream normie series. 1-3 are the 17th, 14th, and 25th best selling Playstation titles. I don't know where retards ever got this idea that they were some hardcore niche games.

>> No.11014495 [DELETED] 
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RE 1 2 3 - Classic Resident Evil

RE 4 5 6 - Zoomer OTS Pew Pew Shooter Crap

RE 7 8 - Zoomer Streamer Bait

DEmake 2 3 4 - Nigger Goycattle Action Slop

>> No.11014498
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>> No.11015118

The 00s killed Resident Evil.

>> No.11015238

re4 is very distinct as an action game. Very few games have the same intensity and breadth in pacing. you can be mad that the old format was killed off for something less original but calling re4 slop is asinine.

>> No.11015240

Resident Evil 2 is linear, easy, has no puzzles, and showers you in ammunition. RE2 is just proto RE4, in fact RE4 has better puzzles and you can actually run out of ammo.

>> No.11015256

Sugimura had a very clear direction for the games
>2 rewrites ditch killing off Umbrella, keep them around as an antagonist (at this time, Wesker is planned to come back)
>write side stories for 2 about Ada and Sherry post-game, have Umbrella mowing shit down to get Sherry
>WHOOPS 3 is now a numbered title and needed a big ending so it nukes the town (only game at the time with zero FLAGSHIP/Sugimura involvement due to how close its development was)
>RE2 Drama albums discarded, move on
>new idea is a second RE trilogy involving CV, Zero, and 4, each game about a different founder of Umbrella with Wesker in the background doing his own thing
>CV comes out and shows the downfall of the Ashfords and Wesker's return
>Gaiden is written as a sort of side story to CV (yes, it was intended at one point to be canon) and Leon gets ambiguously infected at the end (it's not actually clear if he's a fake or not, given he uses the radio at the end)
>Zero comes out, introduces Marcus (who is already dead which is why he never came up), and both Zero and CV explore the concept of duality, Ashfords vs Redfields (with Steve in the middle), and Zero with Marcus' evil outweighing his good intentions (the path to the underground area being opened through balancing good and evil, etc)
>RE4, which is about an infected Leon fighting his way through Spencer's castle while Wesker's HCF group is also there, has been in development hell since 1998, with Sugimura writing several scenarios for it that either get passed over or made into other versions of 4 (Devil)
>and then sugimura died and Mikami rewrote 4 to fit his action game

The RE universe writer, Noboru Sugimura wrote RE2, CV, RE0 and RE4 had created an overarching story that would end with Leon facing Spencer on his castle on an island somewhere in the British Isles, sadly Sugimura died from a heart attack and never finished the story.

>> No.11015264

I got RE4 when it came out and dropped it somewhere in the castle
Maybe I should try it out again?
I remember the only thing I really hated was the escort mission and QTEs
And before someone says "it's like the best escort mission ever bro and ashley is amazing" - I don't care, it's still an escort mission, it's like saying a turd is the tastiest of all turds, it's still a turd and the game would've been better without it.

>> No.11015367
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>RE 2 3 - Classic Resident Evil

>> No.11015371

RE2's story was retarded

>> No.11015375

>The RE universe writer, Noboru Sugimura wrote RE2, CV, RE0 and RE4 had created an overarching story that would end with Leon facing Spencer on his castle on an island somewhere in the British Isles

lol re never had a chance

>> No.11015398

Sounds convoluted and dumb. RE is better as an anthology franchise where every couple of games is more or less a fresh start.
The part that's actually good is being a guy in a fucked up situation who has to survive. The deep lore just gets more and more retarded the more you dwell on it.

>> No.11015428

RE 1 2 3 - Alone in the Dark clones with little to no impact on the industry
RE 4 5 6 - reinvents TPS and redefines the genre for decades to come

>> No.11015450

This. You're supposed to look at Leon's nice butt, wish you had his ultra Chad face and no-bullshit work ethic.
Meanwhile, the series is full of terminal wankers who argue about the dumbest "lore", while it's evident the story is secondary to the action, it's made-up as they went on without a second thought.

>> No.11015523 [DELETED] 

autism like this is why nobody takes horrorfags seriously.

>> No.11016323

This faggy garbage is what almost sank the whole damn thing. Story might not matter much for a game but when you've got scenario writers churning out trash like this it drags down your environmental design, because they have to be set in these retarded places your writers came up with, which impacts the game design as a whole. It would have been in a much better position with disconnected stories sharing a basic theme of bioweapon outbreaks that weren't held back by shitbrained ideas like "uhhhh this game is set on Umbrella's secret train and other secret mansion with a secret lab under it 2 miles away from their other secret mansion with a secret lab!"

>> No.11016652

>ok yes I know RE4 is garbage
Fuck off retard

>> No.11016695
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>ok yes I know RE4 is garbage
I agree

>> No.11016702 [DELETED] 

you're below reddit

>> No.11016735

I know the anti-Japan phase the internet had back in the late 00s/early 10s was cringe, but it fueled by shit like this. Japan writing fell off big time in both video games and anime starting in the 2000s

>> No.11016738

>ok yes I know RE4 is garbage
You know nothing

>> No.11016824

>ok yes I know RE4 is garbage
Could you try harder to get oldskool clout? You sound fat.

>> No.11017146
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>> No.11017205 [DELETED] 

Resident Evil has always been aimed at normie nigger goycattle, yes even your precious RE 1, 2 and 3.

>> No.11017767 [DELETED] 

I actually challenge you to find a worse fan base than Resident Evil. These faggots are responsible for setting a new low in video game discussion, and they manage to get worse year after year. I have never ever seen a RE thread without self loathing and temper tantrums at every corner.

>> No.11017769 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11017782 [DELETED] 

This is a reasonable answer but I feel like REfags are a lot less self aware. At least Fallout fans know that they all loathe each other, whereas REfags actually believe that saying "every game except my favorite killed the series and you are a goybrained subhuman for liking anything but this one game" is some kind of cutting-edge enlightened argument that will invite intelligent discussion.

>> No.11018147

>RE 1996, RE2 1998 and RE3 1999 are the true resident evil games.
Kamiya and Sugimura, the two people most involved with the release version of 2, were either involved with everything you listed as being bad (Sugimura) or wanted to make an RE game where Tony Redgrave fights the immortal Dracula-like Ozwell Spencer (Kamiya).
The direction seen in those games was the intended one from 2 onwards. 3 was a spin-off with no story until 4 months before release, and calling its linear gimmickfest a "true RE game" spits in the face of literally everyone who worked on 1 and 2, as it was infamously considered the weakest title and a game that Mikami regrets renaming to BIO3.

You're just mad your childhood ended.

>> No.11018149

>RE is better as an anthology franchise where every couple of games is more or less a fresh start.
>RE is better as this thing it never was
The only disconnected games are 4 and 7. That's literally it.

>> No.11018154

>and Leon gets ambiguously infected at the end (it's not actually clear if he's a fake or not, given he uses the radio at the end)
Leon is dead at the end of Gaiden. He's not infected, he is replaced by a doppelganger BOW.
Gaiden was written when Leon wasn't planned to return in any of the games. At the time Kamiya's BIO4 with Tony Redgrave as the main character was the most recent pitch, and Leon wouldn't be considered until a while after it was turned into Devil.

Leon's progenitor infection was something exclusive to those early versions of BIO4, not something carried over from Gaiden. I imagine Sugimura, seeing that Kamiya was moving onto other projects, decided to rescind Leon's fate as Leon had been written as a new main character for the series in 2 (which is why his ending line is the more non-specific goal and why his story is about inspiration and love, whereas Claire's is the contrast of "the evils that men do" through Irons and the full extent of Birkin's narrative).
An additional thing about BIO4 is that it hadn't been in development hell since 1998. Really it only entered development hell after Mikami forced Kamiya to rework it into Devil May Cry and then had no good idea as to where to go next. That's when it became about Leon after some time. It was also meant to be set in 1999 during the earlier Leon builds, rather than the game's eventual 2004 (who knows if Dead Aim's timeline placement was affected by this change).

>> No.11018156

Their shitty prototype games have been eclipsed by the immense success and technical superiority of RE4, and they seethe ever since. Face it, there's no point in playing those janky, pseudo-horror games, their Remakes are much better - I don't mean graphics, I mean the far more fleshed out combat and story.

>> No.11018158

>Story might not matter much for a game but when you've got scenario writers churning out trash like this it drags down your environmental design, because they have to be set in these retarded places your writers came up with, which impacts the game design as a whole.
Not really.
CV's strongest environments are entirely to do with its scenario. Alfred's torture chamber, the Ashford portrait room, the hanging doll, the bridge to the palace, the mansion recreation, etc., these are all to do with the scenario.
Zero had weak environment design, but keep in mind its scenario had been written in 1998. The games issues were far more to do with being in development hell and switching consoles, as its conceptualized environments were intended to be for fifth gen hardware and look similar to RE1 (because it was an apology to N64 owners who missed out). Instead, it goes to GCN where its environments became awash in browns and greys because it was being worked on in tandem with REmake.
Beyond that, the only other game is RE2, and guess fucking what. Sugimura is the one who pushed for most key aspects of its environment design, being the one to tell Kamiya to drop the realistic police station, writing in the art museum stuff, Irons' secret room, making the labs unrealistically massive, etc.

Leave it to /vr/ to talk completely out their ass about this shit.

>> No.11019264

>>WHOOPS 3 is now a numbered title and needed a big ending so it nukes the town (only game at the time with zero FLAGSHIP/Sugimura involvement due to how close its development was)
And surprise surprise, it's the only game of the bunch without purestrain cringe like transsexual Tyrants, crossdressing freaks, and leeches cosplaying as a Final Fantasy character to sing opera to other leeches.

>> No.11019526

>it's the only game to fall within the same boundaries of generic, worthless horror as the live action films
Everything you listed was shit RE took from classic horror. Psycho, Trilogy of the Dead, Texas Chainsaw, etc., degeneracy is horror. All RE3 is is slop for the masses, and Mikami recognized it as such when he gave it the number 3 as a last resort.

>> No.11019529
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>>>>>>>remakes are far better

>> No.11019664

hit triangle?

>> No.11019672

wtf i hate remakes so much now

>> No.11021635

This will be my only bump, solely because I am awaiting with bated breath the response to my arguments.

>> No.11021638

this, so much this

>> No.11022451 [DELETED] 

>normie cattle
they’re video games, dude. get over yourself. you’re not special. you’re not above the normies.

>> No.11022492

>RE4 is garbage
It's objectively one of the best games ever made.

>> No.11023337


>> No.11023351

He couldn't be that good if he wrote CV and 0, sorry

>> No.11023778

mikami admitted he wasn't really into re4, it was very much pushed by the corporates and not something he actively wanted to do, after 30 years at capcom he felt like with re4 he had finally delivered "production" to the company so he could at last work on things he actually wanted to work on like god hand, and they rewarded him by closind the studio

>> No.11023795

So "every couple of games"
1-3 forms a loose trilogy (and even then 2 is a pseudo reboot with a fresh cast of characters)
4-6 forms a loose trilogy (though even then, 4 is kind of just doing it's own thing apart from introducing the parasite monsters)
7-8 form a duology
Most of the side games like Outbreak are just reinterpretations of the Racoon City crisis, or some other shit altogether in the case of Dead Aim or Revelations.

And I think the weaker games in the series are the ones that rely too much on prior lore. The games that have Wesker in them in any serious capacity, after 1, basically.
I don't care about Wesker. he sucks. He should have never come back.

>> No.11024019

I think it's just one guy remaking the same shitty RE bait threads over and over again.

>> No.11024190

>So "every couple of games"
It wasn't.
This idea of "loose trilogies" is arbitrary pattern recognition. There's six RE games that all play similarly, and three of them are far closer to 1 and 2 than 3 is, yet 1-3 is the "loose trilogy".
CV, Zero, and 4 were literally developed as a loose trilogy, yet nobody talks about them having overlapping themes and motifs (well, initially 4 did before getting stuck in dev hell and reworked into oblivion DNF style).
4 and 5 share similarities, but 6? 6 is nothing like either game beyond being OTS and having co-op. The modern remakes are far closer to 4 and 5 than 6. Revelations is closer to them than 6. RE Village, the first person shooter, is far closer to them than 6. Yet 4-6 is a loose trilogy due to a shoddy need to ascribe patterns to everything.

In effect, what you actually have in RE is 12 main games (yes, Revelations are mainline) and 4 remakes, with only 2 of them being viewable as "stand alone entries", and their reasons for being that are entirely to do with development issues.
It should also be noted that from RE1 to RE4 there was a gap of 9 years. From RE4 to RE7 you had 12 years, neutering you asinine argument entirely.

>> No.11024225

Aint reading all that, but you're literally agreeing with me that the worse games in the series are the ones where they tried a little too hard to play into the over-arching plot.
1,2,4, and 7 are pretty much the best RE games, while the explictly lore heavy ones (0, CV) aren't as good.

So yeah, Resident Evil is better when they treat it as an anthology series, where you're some guy escaping from some thing, as opposed to the autistic chronicles of the Umbrella corporation, which just gets dumber the more you actually ponder what they're trying to achieve and why. Or the on-going adventures of Chris Redfield, when Chris stopped being relatable as a character after the first game.

>> No.11024248

>but you're literally agreeing with me that the worse games in the series are the ones where they tried a little too hard to play into the over-arching plot.
I literally didn't.
>1,2,4, and 7 are pretty much the best RE games, while the explictly lore heavy ones (0, CV) aren't as good.
I literally didn't say any of these were bad or good retard.
I'd honestly say 7 was one of the weaker RE games while CV was one of the stronger one. 7, on release, was one scenario with one extra difficulty mode that modified barely anything past the first hour, and you had to pay $40 for a season pass to get the rest of the game. People only praised it because it was coming off of 6, and anything functional would look good compared to 6.
CV on the other hand is an actual level design evolution from RE1 and 2. It has a lot of open levels where you can explore and grba things in mostly whatever order you want, culminating in quite frankly my favourite RE section in general, which is Chris' Antarctica stage. A level where you have to find 3 gems, you can do it in any order, there's multiple side objectives, and depending on how you do it some things will change (like Alexia being present for the giant spider scene).

Additionally, 2 is all about lore shit. Claire's story is directly tied to Chris, there's constant setup happening, Ada's narrative is tied to 1, the N64's EX Files are pure foreshadowing to other games and even sound dramas, and 4th Survivor was meant to be a tease for the original BIO3. It is a lorefag game and it is undeniable.
>as opposed to the autistic chronicles of the Umbrella corporation, which just gets dumber the more you actually ponder what they're trying to achieve and why.
I feel like you've only actually played the remakes.

>> No.11024363

I haven't heard that Mikami claim about RE4, so I'd like to see a source.
I will say this though, I heavily question Mikami's competence as a producer and director.
>he got carried heavily by Iwao on the first Resident Evil game
>he interfered with Kamiya so much on RE2 that the build that Mikami worked on had to be canned
>he took a very heavy anti-Sony stance for some reason at a time when the PS2 was dominating the industry
>that led to Capcom making the Resident Evil series exclusive to Gamecube and the Capcom 5
>the Gamecube Resident Evil exclusivity derailed the franchise
>his remake of the first Resident Evil was pretty good, but was hampered by his prior deal to make the series exclusive to GC
>he followed REmake up with P.N.0.3, a very half baked game that only managed to sell like 13,000 copies.
>after years of failing as a producer to get a viable Resident Evil 4 build off the ground, he decided to direct it himself
>he creates a masterpiece, but one that emphasizes action over horror
>only 4 of the "Capcom 5" games released. 3 of them are ported to PS2 to try and make some profit
>P.N.0.3 failed so bad it didn't even get a port to PS2.
>his RE4 team moves on to working on Okami
>he takes whatever devs are leftover and decides to make Godhand in a year, a game which he admits had a target audience of only himself and absolutely no commercial viability
>Godhand releases as a critical and commercial bomb, but gets a very small critical re-evaluation later by some Youtubers
>after Okami bombs as well and Capcom shuts Clover down, he leaves with a bunch of other Capcom people to make Platinum Games
Mikami was HUGE fuck up during the 6th generation. Most of it is on Mikami, but some of it is on Capcom.
The RE4 team should have never been put to work on Okami.

>> No.11024373

>I literally didn't say any of these were bad or good retard.
I'm saying it, and I'm right.

>> No.11025179

>I think it's just one guy remaking the same shitty RE bait threads over and over again
screw you zoomer with porn induced erectile dysfunction, resident evil 4 is trash and ruined RE forever

>> No.11025215
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>> No.11025243

How involved was he with RE4 through all the earlier concepts and builds? Because core systems like the OTS camera, laser aiming, and QTEs were in place well before he took over as director.

>> No.11025636

>re123 fags genuinely believe this

>> No.11025896

>RE4, which is about an infected Leon fighting his way through Spencer's castle while Wesker's HCF group is also there, has been in development hell since 1998, with Sugimura writing several scenarios for it that either get passed over or made into other versions of 4 (Devil)

How did they go from this to what we got?

>> No.11025932
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>How did they go from this to what we got?

>> No.11025973
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Game went through multiple revisions because nothing really panned out.
Here's roughly the complete development timeline of BIO4.
>Ship BIO3
Tangentially related, but this was a PSX game about HUNK on a boat, as 4th Survivor was initially a tease for the next game (similar to how KH teases its sequels with a hidden superboss or an additional scenario).
Hideki Kamiya was producing it and it got cancelled because Capcom was concerned a high profile game like this initial BIO3 would have poor sales, so instead they just gave the name 3 to one of their shitty spin-offs (and the Battle Game inspired one won out).
The concepts for this BIO3 eventually wormed their way into Dead Aim, being about secret agents finding viral agents on a boat.
>Stylish BIO4
Kamiya, having gone from producer/planner on BIO3 to now director on BIO4, decided to pursue a direction almost natural for where he left off in 2, and one that gelled with Sugimura's planning for CV and Zero. Where Leon rejected "Golgotha" and RE2 made allusions to a virus that creates superhumans, BIO4 would actually be about that, with the sons of Spencer, and Ozwell Spencer himself being an immortal aristocrat in a European castle.
Mikami decided it was too action heavy though and had Kamiya shift it to being a new IP.
>Castle BIO4
Led by Kawamura and Shibata, this one focused heavily on the progenitor virus and Spencer's plan to gain immortality, focusing primarily on Leon, with Wesker's HCF running around. In this build, Leon would also encounter a girl and BOW dog.
This later became Haunting Ground after it got cancelled sometime in 2002.
>Hallucination BIO4
The most famous scrapped entry, it would continue with Leon getting infected and have his hallucinations and an encroaching darkness play a key role. But, it was too much for GCN hardware, and Kawamura, ashamed, left the team sometime in 2003.
>Zombie BIO4
Mikami quickly scrapped this out of fears for stagnation. His BIO4 would begin 2004.

>> No.11025981
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For those that really want these games, well, you can already play most of them. To summarize ones that became real games:
>Ship BIO3
Became Dead Aim (in some form).
>Stylish BIO4
Became Devil May Cry (obviously).
>Castle BIO4
Was reworked into Haunting Ground.
>Hallucination BIO4
Likely didn't exist much at all beyond concepts from Castle and the short demo we saw.
>Zombie BIO4
Likely didn't exist beyond maybe a few planning docs.

There's also plenty of cut content to gawk at if you're interested. Pic related exists in the REmake and Umbrella Chronicles, it being the actual Spencer Estate or the titular "castle" of 3.5.
But it's a real shame Kamiya's BIO4 had to get reworked, it would've been insane. Going through some of the stuff on it is a fun time
>Hideki Kamiya revealed that the character was initially going to be Leon Scott Kennedy as Spencer's son but was soon evolved into Tony and became Dante in the final game.
>Kamiya wanted Redgrave to starkly contrast with the other Resident Evil characters and protagonists, with the intention of making him the "coolest".
>new Hunter variant that was like a cross between it and a licker
>zombie cat enemies
>G-Virus infected crows and leeches

>> No.11026008

RE4 is great, but it’s not even the same genre. RE4 belongs with Gears of War and Mass Effect, but if I want to play survival horror, I’m not picking it.

>> No.11026701

>so I'd like to see a source
>I heavily question Mikami's competence as a producer and director.
because you are homosexual, mikami knew god hand was gonna bomb, he made it exclusively for himself and his programmer friend, no one else in the planet is entitled to like god hand, it was a release from his 30 year old built up stress

>> No.11026736

>but it’s not even the same genre.
I don't care.

>> No.11026753

>RE4 belongs with Gears of War and Mass Effect
you should like
go die?

>> No.11026850
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Kenichi Iwao is the one who created Gelzer and then decided to cut him
>"The hero could be chosen from four people. Gelzer was a giant cyborg, Ed had outstanding physical abilities and was a cheerful man. Even if the two were clearly attacked by zombies, they appeared okay and that might soften the fear."

>"It was me who wrote Gelzer and Dewey. I didn't remove Dewey but I recall removing Gelzer. While I wrote them I thought that they lacked a horror image, and were far too strong compared to the zombies, thus lacking in reality. I initially wanted to make Barry black, but Kamiya was strongly opposed, so I made him white."

>"I removed ‘Geltzer’ and ‘Dewey’, because I thought they looked too tough to be horror protagonists and would diminish the fear of the players controlling them. Geltzer was designed to be macho like Arnold Schwarzenegger and a cyborg! Dewey was set to be physically strong, tall in stature with long arms & legs. They both looked like street fighters who would easily beat zombies with their bare hands; they didn't look like they were in any danger of dying. I consulted with the character designer Mr. Oishi and changed them to weaker looking fighters; Barry and Rebecca."

>> No.11026973

I was asking for a source on Mikami not really wanting to work on RE4.
I already knew what you were saying about Godhand. It's in my original post.
Regardless of how you feel about Godhand, it most certainly fucked up Mikami's career.
Mikami should have been able to leverage the critical and commercial success of RE4 into having his own dedicated studio and staff, like Kojima did after MGS3.
He had been mouthing off about cutting his own head off though because RE4 was being ported to the PS2 after his failed push to make Resident Evil exclusive to the Gamecube.
That and his numerous other fuck ups probably didn't gain him many friends in Capcom's upper management.
That documentary you posted even goes into all of his failed pitches at Platinum with the Sega execs looking at him dumb founded.
When he formed Tango, he original wanted to make video game similar to Dune but couldn't sell anyone on the pitch.
After Tango ran into financial trouble, he decided to produce a survival horror game. Faced with Tango shutting down, he sold the company to Bethesda.
Bethesda bought the developer under the assumption that Mikami would be directing games. Bethesda forced Mikami to direct The Evil Within.
Mikami talks about all of these rejected pitches for games he wanted to make. He didn't get to make them because he bungled his own career after RE4.
He even acknowledges in that doc that he arrogantly believed he could make a completely self indulgent project with no commercial viability and not face repercussions.
"If I were asked to repent for this, I would for sure".

>> No.11027091

>I initially wanted to make Barry black, but Kamiya was strongly opposed, so I made him white."

>> No.11027209

that's exactly why braindead zoomers hates RE7, if the game isn't packed on action and goofines they can't stand it

>> No.11029283
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RE side games have historically always been complete trash.
Gun Survivor is bad
Code Veronica and X are bad
Dead Aim is bad
Gaiden is so bad they never released it
0 is a bastardization of classic RE
I forget about the dozen other side games, but every one of them was bad (except outbreak it was p gud).
Unironically, just play all the Alone in the Dark games since they are better.

>> No.11029432

You can tell this person is a poser because they defend Outbreak, a game that is absolute cancer to play (particularly stages in 2, with the nerve gas in the RPD or other hazards) and shits on Dead Aim, while saying Alone in the Dark games are better, when AitD at best has one good game and even then it has fucking PLATFORMING in its awkward 1993 3D pre-rendered environments.

>> No.11029464

I love 0. who gives a shit about the villain? wesker sucks by the way. worst villain ever.

>> No.11029567
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>new Hunter variant that was like a cross between it and a licker
>zombie cat enemies
That would be Blade and Shadow, respectively, and if you break the gunplay style and mechanics in Devil May Cry around those enemy/monster designs, you can see how much if resemblances Resident Evil. This is particularly evident with Blade since you get the Grenade Launcher just before it and Ifrit (the most suited meele style for Blade) is only obtained afterwards forcing the first encounter against them to largely depend on firearms - maintaining the distance and shooting the grenades from afar while dodging their attacks left and right - which fit perfectly even if Devil May Cry rarely encourages that kind of action from the player.

A bit unrelated but I always felt that the game that best "emulated" whatever was the Stylish BIO4 gameplay would be Last Day on Earth on mobile. You got to play with an APK to skip the grindfest so you don't have to concern with weapon (and armor) durability but when you get to taylor some of its mechanics to bypass its bullshit P2P schemes and experience the game properly, it does feel much like a traditional Resident Evil title on PS2. Of course it will lack the survival horror aspect of it but I felt that was intended from the first iteration of Resident Evil 4 anyway since there seemed to be more emphasis on action.

>> No.11029607

Nice RE purist bro

>> No.11029676

4 was the first good RE. Originals were totally casual psuedo adventure games (really just dungeon crawlers) with mindless "combat" and easy puzzles.

>> No.11029706
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>4 was the first good RE.
holy shit fuckin zoomers
porn and social media rotted their minds
I thought it was just a meme

>> No.11030110
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Outbreak is good when played with real people, I also only ever played the first game because file 2 looked fucking stupid.
Dead Aim is boring at best, it offers nothing of value and while it might be fun for a bit the game drags on too long and I would rather play gun survivor 2.
Shitting on AitD is retarded the platforming isn't even a big deal, it's not as bad as something like Ultima 8 and it's only like 2 parts of the game where you do it. I still stand by my statement that if you are a fan of classic RE games you should play AitD instead of whatever the fuck Capcoms C team cooked up in 3 months.

>> No.11030118

>says literally nothing actually about the games beyond dodging criticisms I already made
Anyways, Alone in the Dark is nothing like RE and is complete shit.
The best one is the first game and it had the dogshit platforming sections in the late game I described. Even ignoring that it has constant beginner's traps and enemies that can easily stunlock you, which pushes a method of play completely antithetical to anyone who likes RE game design, that being to constantly savescum.
Even ignoring that,
An utterly mediocre sequel.
Even worse.
>New Nightmare
Dogshit RE clone that gets by because people see pretty pictures and get all nostalgic, same reason games like RE0 and REmake are held in high regard.
Is known for being terrible, Sonic 06 tier for a reason.
Ded game.
NuRE clone.

>> No.11031130

>>re4 is garbage
>do re123fags really think this?
Its what people thought at the time desu but they were also a bit bored with RE1/2/3 etc. They fucked up releasing RE4 and put it on a console no one owned or cared about called the gamecube which did not help it

>> No.11031132

Is it true that Alfred and Alexia were supposed to be Nazis?

>> No.11031137

I love RE4 but Code Veronica and RE0, despite their issues, didn't change the gameplay like RE4 did.

>> No.11031178

>despite their issues, didn't change the gameplay like RE4 did.

>> No.11031194

Yes. The CV concept art is public as are a few interviews going over initial ideas for the game, which includes the Ashfords being descendants of escaped nazis, and having a nazi butler.

>> No.11031283
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Capcom re-released the game just to include this scene, change Steve's hair and change the ending to include Chris vs Wesker

>Original Ending

Once Chris made it out of his fight with Alexia, Chris made his way back to the underground detention chamber to use the emergency elevator while Claire was still waiting and worrying about him. Explosions and destruction were happening all over the base, even the Ant Hill in the lower floors started burning. Just when Chris' elevator reached the hangar, he narrowly escaped the explosion pushing him into the Harrier.

>Kanzenban / CVX Ending

Once Chris made it out of his fight with Alexia, he finds Wesker holding his sister hostage in the underground detention chamber who takes her through a destroyed wall inside a, previously closed, cell. Once he follows them, he finds a some zombies roaming around in the hallway. Chris starts to rush through the small horde and pushing a door open.

Finally catching up with them, near a submarine dock, Chris and Wesker start a lengthy confrontation but before that he asks him to release Claire, Wesker was fine with it and does as he said. Then, they started talking and Chris mentions that he dealth with Alexia, Wesker was undaunted as he already has Steve, he even proceeds to taunt them that he may come back just as he did.

>> No.11031384

>RE3 1999
>Code Veronica
true direct sequel

>> No.11031403

CODE:Veronica Dreamcast build date is July 1999

CODE:Veronica was written from the start to be a Chris and Jill game. During development this was changed to Claire, which is why Claire is detained at the Umbrella lab in France (where Jill would have been investigating, had RE3 not revealed she never got to the airport).

>> No.11031404

What replaced it was "Stylish", which involved Leon being lured to a castle where he learns he is a GMO created by Spencer to be his son and would have to fight various G-mutants. That idea changed over time to be about "Tony", a new character. Ultimately the game was spun-off and became Devil May Cry due to concerns its combat focus would alienate players expecting RE.

The idea of Leon in a castle continued however and a different team started work on "Castle", featuring a US government raid on Umbrella HQ which is housed within, well, a castle. Wesker's HCF launch a raid at the same time, leading to the deaths of everyone except Leon, now infected with a virus after exposure to a BOW. He'd also meet-up with a mysterious female test subject and her BOW dog companion.

That version hit a snag when the GCN was found incapable of rendering the signature BOW of the game - a floating mass of tentacles - so it needed an overhaul. That led to the "Hallucination" build which replaced those enemies with Leon's imagination. The OG script was thrown out but the story kept, so they'd basically have Leon and the girl and dog stuff like before but now Leon is tripping balls throughout.

Ironically this was found to be just as bad as in order to create the illusion of random enemy encounters the game had to load two versions of a room environment (and the enemies) just in case. What we saw in 2003 was a tech demo, and likely a very scripted one. None of the monsters featured were likely to appear in the game itself, though Mikami evidently liked Armadura.

When Hallucination failed we got "Zombie", which was just the same story as Castle and Hallucination but where the enemies are real and are Zombies with parasites controlling them.

At that point Mikami took over and changed production, keeping the Castle, Armadura and the Zombies who became Ganados.

>> No.11031689

>it most certainly fucked up Mikami's career.

>> No.11031903

Okami really is average and overrated
That's what happens when you make people who don't know how to make a Zelda make one I guess.

>> No.11032603

Code Veronica was a very flawed game but the mechanics and gameplay were pretty solid if you ignore the retarded cutscenes and dumbass story. The real problem was the formula was getting stale. RE1 to REmake had basically identical gameplay more or less. They tried to switch it up with Zero but that was just a mess. REmake was the peak of classic Resident Evil.

RE4 was a good game. Its just not a survival horror game. Imagine if they turned Crash Bandicoot into an eroge. The fans would be mad. RE4 is garbage if your a horror gamer. If you just want to shoot stuff and watch things go boom then yeah its great.

RE4 is one of the most overrated games ever.

>> No.11033094

They rereleased the game to get those sweet-sweet PS2 sales & technically fulfill their contractual obligations to Nintendo with the GC port where they printed so few copies that there were never any publicly reported sales figures.

>> No.11033107

>muh RE4 isn't survival horror
try clearing RE4 with no recorded deaths and minimal saves and get back to me

>> No.11033153
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>RE4 was a good game. Its just not a survival horror game.
But it says Survival Horror right there on the box.

>> No.11035361

re4 is a fantastic game.
re4 is a garbage resident evil.
its not mutually exclusive people. there can be imperfections

>> No.11035868

No Will Smith, no buy.

>> No.11036630

>initially wanted to make Barry black
I fucking knew it
Barry the homie