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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11017349 No.11017349 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11003579

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.11017350
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/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

Fraggot (Deathmatch session is scheduled for June 2)
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : UDMF
RC1: https://files.catbox.moe/3nq7bg.zip

=== NEWS ===
[6-13] Gore Nuggets released

[6-10] Tomb of Thunder updated to version 1.03

[6-10] Ashes: Hard Reset released

[6-5] Nightdive announces Killing Time Resurrected

[6-3] Release trailer for Ashes: Hard Reset scheduled for June 10th

[6-2] CutStuff.net is now https://mm8bdm.net/forum..

[5-30] Rise of the Triangles is on IDGames

[5-30] Little Italo, tribute to the Italo Doom

[5-27] Zandronum-compatible Colorful Hell released

[5-26] AMC Squad v4.5 released

[5-25] MBF64, D64 gameplay mod for MBF21 is released

[5-23] Extinction Warrior Typhon released

[5-23] Voices of the Nether, a 14-map episode for Doom 64 has been released

[5-21] Polish Doom Community Project 1.0 released

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.11017353
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Like in the Earl Sweatshirt song, sometimes you need SUNSHINE ON YOUR FACE

>> No.11017386
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In order to truly defend the flag, you must BECOME the flag.

>> No.11017391

Are you serious?

>> No.11017393
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>> No.11017402

Why yes, as a matter of fact I am

>> No.11017407


>> No.11017420


>> No.11017432
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>> No.11017460

sam i am

>> No.11017476
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they are fighting due to ArtiBlastRadious better known as the Disk of Repulsion. Hexen item that force pushes dudes away making them infight each other if they bump into their own friends

>> No.11017498

>Killing Time Resurrected
Oh thank goodness! For a second, I thought Nightdive was remastering something actually worthwhile!

>> No.11017595


>> No.11017596

KISS Psycho Circus when

>> No.11017598

well let's listen to Some Rap Songs

>> No.11017613

The Earth is flat because you are fat

>> No.11017658

Imagine the licensing costs.

>> No.11017702
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>> No.11017714 [DELETED] 

>Source port
Is it worth it? Or dgVoodoo will suffice

>> No.11017794

Codename Eagle, Mortyr and remasters / ports of Darkwatch, Cold Winter and Timesplitters Futa Prefect when?

>> No.11017810

Honestly I'd like that game better if it weren't for KISS.

>> No.11017812

Killing Time always seemed decent to me.

>> No.11017813
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Where does standalone Ashes keep its saves?

>> No.11017830

Maybe it could be renegotiated for not that much cost, maybe Nightdive could do some favors for the dudes who made the Kiss Coffins?

>> No.11017865

SMOOCH: Schizo Carnival

>> No.11017964

Should be in it's folder in a freedoom2 or doom2 folder.

>> No.11017990
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still better than the uk cover

>> No.11017994

Does anybody still play Team Fortress Classic? I know a few years back, it was posted that old GoldSRC engine games had a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in them that Valve was patching, but is that still the case? I had a hankering for some rock2 or well.

>> No.11018005

Duuuude I fucking love you. I'll check them later to be sure I'm too tired right now thanks.

>> No.11018048

>h-doom author had one job

>> No.11018064
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Just booted right now to check 4u. All the names with latency are players, 0 are bots. Still a few.

>> No.11018072

Nice, thanks anon. I'm going to redownload this evening and have a good time, maybe play some Avanti or Hunted too.

>> No.11018076

Ah, the classics.

>> No.11018153

So with the new Ashes out and there seemingly being standalone versions - what is currently the best way to play the trilogy? I played 2063 ages ago and only started with Afterglow but never continued, so with Hard Reset I would like to revisit the first and play through all of them back to back if possible.

>> No.11018160

Whichever, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.11018215

is there a nice little compilation wad of Vanilla+ type enhancements? years ago I had a bunch but I'm lazy and just want to jump into some level wads with modern touches
>Smooth Doom with Brightmaps on things like eyes
>Improved Sound Effect Fidelity (Perks?)
>Smooth Liquids
>A faithful but modern scaled UI
>Not Brutal but slightly beefier blood effects

>> No.11018221

Nashgore is probably the best gore mod

>> No.11018243

New ashes is great an all, but why a prequel? Annoying when I want to know what happens next, not unimportant details of before.

>> No.11018256

>Episode 3 remains in pre-production as we hammer out the details of the story and test ideas for new game mechanics. In a way HR will serve as a dry run for some of these ideas, and quite possibly not all of them will survive outside contact. Development is going to remain glacial as most of our attention will be on getting HR out the door, but rest assured Ep3 is not canceled or abandoned.

>> No.11018426 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11018501

Nugget Doom with brightmaps, expanded/bloodier gibs, vanilla smooth weapons, and a custom wad that makes blood particles turn into the little blood pool things and linger.

>> No.11018524
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>Tomb of Thunder
This is the kind of suffering I desire after going through it on nightmare.
The tunes, aesthetics, fights, I've loved it all. I haven't felt the need to go back to the shotgun or nailgun with the cycler and chaingun, but those two weapons are so versatile and fun that I'm fine with it.

>> No.11018541 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 640x1163, avgn gaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your (you), just stop posting that redditslop image in every thread

>> No.11018556

where does ashes save the screenshots to?

>> No.11018567

Have you checked your pictures folder?

>> No.11018580
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I have now, and it was there, thanks

The way ashes almost seamlessly incorporates horror is always fun. Tried to see where the trigger for her disappearance is but didn't find it. And those fucking wendigos, one of them really scared the shit out of me in the caves by suddenly popping out from the side.

>> No.11018591

Is there anything like this for Nugget Doom? I don't like GZDoom.

>> No.11018598

I used to, but then my favorite clusterfuck pub server with autobhop died, and seemingly every other shits its pants in rage if you use a script.

Like HELL am I gonna manually bunnyhop in Goldsource when its muscle memory is completely alien to Source and Quake and it expects me to use the mousewheel due to shoddy registration.

>> No.11018629

>serious sam
more like couscous ham lmao

>> No.11018635
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your game is too dark bro

>> No.11018639

Probably the closest you'll get, maybe Boiled Doom too.
Just note that the linked wad's bullet casings will cause monsters to flinch.

>> No.11018661
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>> No.11018662

Serious Sam is one of the best game series ever. The only way it could be better is if the fodder enemies (guys that die in 2-3 bullets) did more damage and reacted faster and had faster projectiles (when applicable).
In a game all about target prioritization, it's missing glass cannons. Give me Serious Sam with Blood cultists.

>> No.11018679
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Sonic DOOM

>> No.11018830

Tangentially related, but Quake Team Fortress is still alive too with daily 4v4s and 5v5s. Sure, they're not full servers, but it's impressive given how old the game is.

>> No.11018832

Kamikazes are the glass cannons, and arguably Kleers in later levels.

>> No.11018920

Quake? More like Shake

>> No.11018940

Quake it baby

>> No.11018958

They're fast and deal a lot of damage, but aren't really what I'm talking about. Especially since Kleer need big guns to dispatch en masse quickly. The melee roster is already in place and does its job - I'm talking specifically about any human-sized humanoid with a gun and minimal health doing jack shit for the roster, since they're so slow dumb and weak.
I want Rocketeers and Troopers to /basically require/ me to whip out the Tommygun/Assault Rifle/Minigun/Rocket Launcher to mow them down or flinch them ASAP whenever a group of them spawns in. There's basically no penalty for leaving them alive the way they are, and it breaks the immersion when most things ingame deal a semi-realistic amount of damage to you, but they tickle.
The power fantasy of killing thousands of soldiers would not only remain intact, but be enhanced, if they were an actual tangible threat, and they'd remain low on the totem pole simply due to having 20 hp. A more dynamic experience overall if they didn't suckkkkkkkkk

>> No.11018964

>Especially since Kleer need big guns to dispatch en masse quickly.
That's like 3/4 of your arsenal, and why I mentioned later levels. If you have more than the base shotgun and tommy gun, you're fine.

>> No.11018989

of course
if player is both required to save big ammo for kleer horde, and required to save little ammo for deadly soldier horde, little gun now has purpose too lategame

>> No.11018998

Depending on how many shots something takes, I'd likely just pull out my Colts. Which I already do for beheaded.

>> No.11019010

I think there is value to enemies you can safely leave alive. Spreadshot soldiers get you to time jumps, which no other enemy does, grenadiers keep you from retracing steps. It's like a seasoning you can add to any fight while you are occupied with the real danger.

>> No.11019012

but if they were deadlier and reacted faster and aimed better, there would be a time constraint with which to address them if dozens spawn in at once, giving reason to use your weak damage hose weapon over pistols
this is why they need to be BETTER

>> No.11019016

The problem I see is that your minigun is already really good at taking down small enemies and you are never really starved of ammo in those games so you can afford to continue your assault with that one gun even if smaller enemies are around. You should also consider that the HD remakes changed the balance between the minigun and tommy gun. The former used to be much worse at range because it had spread, so you'd actually want to pull out the latter when dealing with stuff at longer ranges. At least before the sniper was introduced.

>> No.11019020

yeah obviously some rebalance across the board with ammo handouts (as well as modding minigun and tommygun to use separate ammo pools like in newer entries) would have to be done to get the effect i want

>> No.11019026

The dichotomy between "lower DPS/higher accuracy" and "higher DPS/lower accuracy" is already good enough to give both weapons a purpose. HD fucked it up by making the minigun your go-to weapon in every scenario.

>> No.11019058

as long as the player has the means to address the glass cannon soldier enemies at the same time they're dodging and mowing down other stuff charging toward them - whatever it takes to get to that end, is what i want

>> No.11019164

I think all the boomer shooter youtubers are doing softball paid reviews just like game journos do.


Without even watching this I'm assuming he jerks off about it just from title. I haven't played Selaco fully yet and from what others here said you really wanna play it more like CS where you hold angles - kinda wish the game had flash bangs so you can play more aggressively & smoke worked both ways so the enemy couldn't easily shoot you through it - that or even add CS2's smoke mechanics or something similar. Essentially just make it a giant CS campaign against a shit load of enemies. Baby's guide to entry fragging & holding angles. 99% of the game is about using grenades correctly to control the enemy. Even throw in incendiaries to block corridors and prevent flanks in advance.

>> No.11019282

>kinda wish the game had flash bangs so you can play more aggressively & smoke worked both ways so the enemy couldn't easily shoot you through it
This was my only complaint from the old demo. It sounds like they haven't fixed it, but tbf the game was really fun regardless.

>> No.11019287

>softball paid reviews just like game journos do
They have been since Dusk. Haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.11019289

Prove it. Also dusk was fun.

>> No.11019296

>Prove it.
Watch literally anything by gmanlives. He'll constantly praise a game like it's the best thing he's ever played. Unless he didn't get paid, then he shits on it for reasons that aren't even true. See: the Doom Unity port review.

>> No.11019306

>Watch literally anything by gmanlives.
I would rather break a sounding rod in my urethra while shitting diarrhea above a septic tank, then use the rod to slurp up the blood/shit slurry to completion than do that.

>> No.11019307

O u

>> No.11019312

I never watched him because he seems too gay, but when did he review the unity port? Because that has significance, Unity Doom is very solid and accurate now, but remember it was a sorrowful disaster on launch, anyone would be right to shit on it then.

>> No.11019335

It's not just him, but he's the most egregious example. Ecelebs and indie devs have been in bed together for a long time.

>> No.11019340

When it came out. He deleted it, but Doomkid's response is still up that includes clips from it.
It's worth noting that he didn't complain about stuff that was actually wrong with the port at that point, he complained about stuff not being like GZDoom.

>> No.11019345
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>> No.11019425

>paid reviews
Probably not paid reviews but other forms of that like having nods to them in-game and them getting review builds / copies etc. And in addition a lot of the tubers want to help out the small teams a bit by softening criticism / accentuating the positive.
If I was a bumshoot tuber I would find it hard to not side at least a little with indie devs unless they were producing absolute bottom barrel crap in which case I would not even waste time making videos about 'em. In addition they know their audience would also start kvetching if they just completely shat on a small development game out of nowhere. Like I don't know what Civvie's outburst towarfs Phantom Fury came from, maybe he stopped receiving tendies.

>> No.11019441

>middling review on wrath
>bad review for phantom fury
>no review for aftershocks
I guess 3DR isn't paying him.

>> No.11019457
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>> No.11019469

Could be in his Patroon.
That said I feel like review for Aftershock might be wholly unnecessary. If someone liked Ion Fury they're bound to enjoy Aftershlick as well. Me? I bought it for Shelly. One of the things that motivates me to practice drawing is going to be drawing art of her.

Motherfuckers never did videos on Ashes 2063 either which is nothing short of surprising.

Which speaking of I need to download Hard Reset. But I'm also unsure if I should actually finish Afterglow before that. I fucking love both 2063 and AG but I got a bit stuck with Afterglow. Should still boot it up and work my way through it and then start Hard R.

>> No.11019481

HR is a prequel to 2063 and is structured like it, rather than afterglow. Unless you are afraid to completely forget what you were doing in AG, you can just do HR

>> No.11019485

>I think all the boomer shooter youtubers are doing softball paid reviews just like game journos do.
More often than not, yeah. Trends and opinions of the loud public also play the role.
>Without even watching this
I did. Put it on the ground to get more context on Selaco in case I was too harm by writing it off as yet another "fancy tech demo with nothing else going for it". Not only my opinion wasn't changed since the game looked as bland as it did from the bits I've seen here and there, but the excessive amount of YouTubers references and other easter egg fluff led me to a conclusion that it's likely one of the main reasons people love Selaco that much.
>Ecelebs and indie devs have been in bed together for a long time.
Can't avoid Gamergate here either, fucking damn it.
>Like I don't know what Civvie's outburst towarfs Phantom Fury came from, maybe he stopped receiving tendies.
It was the combination of trends, 3DR's own past and current missteps (company still cursed since DNF days) and passive aggressive attitude of publisher's "crazy ex" that lazily farms nostalgia points as a face of nu "skin-walker" company.
It's apparently his rule to not bother with covering Expansions & DLCs... except when he does. Don't know if it's more of a recent thing or he's a hypocrite, just remember seeing Civvie state that here and there.

>> No.11019496

>HR is a prequel
Well that settles it then, I am going to play that game and then finish Afterglowie after done with Hard R.

>> No.11019614
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Now that the dust has finally settled, what's the /vr/dict?
pretty meh imo desu. better than dead man walking which isn't that high of a bar..

>> No.11019690
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Have many things to complain about in Half-life, but Surface Tension was seriously impressive. Watched Casali playthrough of it and understood why - there were man-years of work poured into this level. Remember being stuck in picrelated area for many hours around 2001.

>> No.11019703
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>game too dark bro
Well above “flashlight needed” D3 light levels but the mod is darker than most.
>fps dog
>specific updated dogs

>> No.11019714

where the fuck are you this anon needs you

>> No.11019715 [DELETED] 

I find it a bit funny and a bit sad that some of the best feeling of atmosphere/adventure and the most impactful setpieces in any game from the past several years has been Amid Evil, a not!heretic boomer shooter with barely any dialogue

Out of everything, a section in The Wall stands out the most. You find a wall message that says "The demons of the mountains stand watch"
And then, you walk out to a balcony facing the mountains, and the "demons" start throwing gigantic stone daggers that you platform over while the music goes apeshit


I'm thinking kino

>> No.11019731

Yeah my opinion is about the same. It needs to be finished still and they added 4 pinkie variants (empties, wendigos, gladiators, possessor worms) + a few raider variants when they desperately needed to add some sort of archvile/pain elemental type that forced the player to get active & not doorway abuse. Only real new enemies was the Withered and Hammer. Afterglow's expanded roster is better than HR's. Modular Rifle suffers from SMG not existing now so you don't bother using the sniper setup on it since you need a kill shit quickly option. I also think the level design has too much empty space. Some maps were better than others. I'm not a fan of the plot developments and I think the plot also suffered because of the voice acting addition - more scenes would have been in a completed state without full voice acting.

Also - I think starting on a stealth mutant map really restricts the player in terms of ammo/combat choices; fighting raiders immediately first map on 2063/Afterglow really jump-starts the player into the game.

Best to worst:
Hard Reset

I still liked Hard Reset but it is unfinished currently. It's very ambitious and I do appreciate that but it needs to be finished.

>> No.11019740

How exactly can you complain about big empty maps and then put afterglow, the king of pointlessly huge and empty maps, first?

>> No.11019770

I think it uses that empty space better since you do get a vehicle typically to cross it with. There are instances where it is worse like the Badlands around Prosperity with I think 4 enemies in total on the map. The Gap has a lot of empty space but you die if you inhabit most of it. But the whole package is just better and it just lifts up even the bad parts by being so fucking good everywhere else.

I think something else I find annoying is we are once again going to Atlanta & the Spire in HR. You do leave Atlanta 1/3rd of the way through the game in Afterglow so that distance does allow you to convey that you are exploring the world. It's an adventure.

>> No.11019776

I will have to disagree on the good usage of space.The vehicles are a crutch specifically because the spaces are way too big and when I played afterglow, I literally didn't even find the third faction of the second hub, only found out they exist when i watched the ending on youtube.
I will agree that the setting of HR is a miss. Should have either done a side-piece, or a prequel about someone else that would allow exploration of a different area.

>> No.11019783

What is that the kenny faction with the angry cook? He's a shitty choice anyway. The real choice is between Garavito and the Water Baron.

>> No.11019786
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Which is more appropriate and good looking?

>> No.11019787
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For me it depends on how close to the monitor I am.

>> No.11019868

>Timesplitters Futa Prefect
Hedonfags are out of control. Sounds like a shitty hentai game

>> No.11019869

At least Hedon isn't a literal tranny game with troonshine posters everywhere

>> No.11019870

where the fuck did that even come from

>> No.11019949
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>> No.11019959

I beat the game and there are like 3 youtuber references in a 12 hour game rofl

>> No.11019963


>James Ferraro album covers

>> No.11019979

>if only you could talk to these creatures, then perhaps you could try and make friends with them, form alliances... now, that would be interesting.

>> No.11020008

Surface Tension really is refined ludo.

>> No.11020010

What game has troonshine posters? Did I miss something?

>> No.11020056
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Selaco gives me headache with its low framerate animations

>> No.11020179

Doom 2 sucks so much nuts that it's almost hard to believe that it basically spawned fan generated content.

>> No.11020195

Aghhhhhh there are so many things to play. Fuck.

>> No.11020197

2 is better.

>> No.11020201
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It's spawned some strange stuff

>> No.11020204
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>Have many things to complain about in Half-life
Like vhat anon?
>HD weaponpack

>> No.11020205

the maps are an ugly mixed bag but the monster roster and SSG are solid.

>> No.11020207

>but the excessive amount of YouTubers references
Anon why do you keep peddling this lie.

>> No.11020210

The alien sergeants who fire 5 laser rounds at a time but lower health would be a great variant enemy to chuck at the player like cultists.

>> No.11020215
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YEAH BABY! Thanks a bunch.

>> No.11020218
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doom, but it's dumb lmao

>> No.11020223
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>> No.11020225
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>> No.11020237

Retard take. No one cares.

>> No.11020256
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>> No.11020257

Civvie actually worked with the Selaco Devs, mainly voicework for the Teddy11 plushies, which are an unlockable weapon via an easter egg. (the last minutes of the review were dedicated to that)

so there is a reason for him being this dedicated to shilling the game. he also helped with the new levels in ROTTLE (all the level puns are his, also credits for level work in the demo version of LE, although removed.)

>> No.11020438

Amid Evil had a debacle where they basically traded review copies for being contractually obligated to promote the game, with most of the youtubers neglecting to even disclose that they took the deal.

>> No.11020456

>covering expansions and DLCs
ShadWar Wanton Destruction
Duke Nukem 3d Sunstorm expansions
Half Life Opposing Force and Blue Shit
Blood's expansion pack.

I think you might be remembering a stance against user created mods or something because. Oh well.

I just wanted to make a silly play on words with the game haha. Really makes me wanna play TSFP though. Like they had good shit.

>> No.11020491

Doom Tower Defence where you have to place demons around the level, but each one has phobias and character quirks. Claustrophobic freaks out in a monster closet, acrophobic freaks out in a sniper cage, or crawls along the ground if he's a caco.

>> No.11020526

Doom but Dungeon keeper?

>> No.11020529

doom but smart

>> No.11020542
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>> No.11020552
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what do you guys think demons do when doomguy isn't around?

>> No.11020554

Stand on the spot
Haven't you played the game?

>> No.11020560

>Haven't you played the game?

>> No.11020569
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>> No.11020570

Same things I imagine Quake enemies do: Tend to plants or structures that need tending to, fuck with each other to establish dominance, etc.

>> No.11020573
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they sin, anon. they sin a lot.

>> No.11020574


>> No.11020579
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>> No.11020580

Go on...

>> No.11020581
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>> No.11020582

this is a blue board butt they
they put pineapple on pizza

>> No.11020583

They Eat meat on Sunday, don't honor their father and mother and take the lord's name in vain

>> No.11020584
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>> No.11020593
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Bless me father for what I'm about to do.

>> No.11020596

It's eating meat on Friday you prod

>> No.11020601

What do we think about Fallen Aces? It released the first episode yesterday.

>> No.11020604

Asked previously, but does anyone know a good non-torrent, preferably non-ISO download for Klingon Honor Guard. The myabandonware version is corrupted.

>> No.11020606

Not retro, Anon.

>> No.11020617

Doodleanon I don't know if this was a coincidental thing or an underrated stroke of genius but even unintentionally this is hilarious if you know about Doom's development history. Specifically the story of The DOOM Bible and when Tom Hall was pitching for a more story-focused game and in the beginning the marines were supposed to be playing cards around the table when the demon invasion was going to begin. And this is the perfect inversion of that scene.

>> No.11020620

It looks like they're under a giant shower head.

>> No.11020625

It's a bright light. I think what he's going for is a dimly lit room with a big lamp casting a beam down on the room while the room is filling with cigarette smoke. Makes me think of that scene in early GTA San Andreas cutscenes when Grove Street gang members are playing cards or dominoes when CJ comes in.

>> No.11020634
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if by non-iso you mean a pre-installed rip:

>> No.11020636

Kekkr II: Assault on King Romero's Castle when?

>> No.11020639

Sodomy. Lots and lots of sodomy.

>> No.11020640
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>> No.11020642


>> No.11020658

i just got back

who here still from /2013/

>> No.11020662

I'm here
I still haven't finished the Rise of the Triad remake
Where've you been?

>> No.11020663
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>> No.11020668

I forgot myself for almost a decade, since about 2015 or so
bless you, coomer <3

>> No.11020670
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I'm partial to the first, harsh pixelization blends the environment into a single whole by smoothing out seams and sharp corners. Hellish flesh protrusions are as if growing into the surrounding rock and flowing lava becomes a little more than animated drape. Although matter of the eye strain is understandable if you use laptop, a good distance of 2 or 3 meters with medium-sized monitor provides more pleasant effect.

>> No.11020671

Glad you found yourself back here, friend

>> No.11020679

what's the current [BEST EVER]?
there is a current [BEST EVER], right?

>> No.11020685

Nothing that I'm personally aware of, people figured out doom a decade or two ago for its potential. Quake friends may have a different opinion.

>> No.11020686

I meant [BEST EVER] the game hosting service

>> No.11020690
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>Bro this new indieslop game is all in GZDOOM, this is insane!

>> No.11020693


>> No.11020695


>> No.11020704

Oh, The Sentinel's Playground then probably. There once were self-hosted SNS and FNF events, but they went away. On some random occurence someone brings hl or ut99 server, /vr/ mostly plays srb karting. There is also clovr.xyz but it's for other games and mostly empty.

>> No.11020724


>> No.11020765


>> No.11020768


>> No.11020798
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>> No.11020885

I wanna use the teddy bear upgrade now.

>> No.11020913
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> Like vhat anon?
Nothing new to say, all well-known problems - too little exploration in most levels, really many places where you need to walk/jump precisely or get 30+hp hit or instakill, jump is very low - cannot jump even on smaller crates (they took a lot from Duke, but not the proper jumping), hitscanner of pseudo-hitscanner enemies domination in second half, Residue Processing plays like a bad joke.

>HD weaponpack
Haven't played it farther than We've got Hostiles since 2001, do not have nostalgia, zombies from Blue Shift looks better than original. Wanted to play Black Mesa instead, but too lazy to boot a PC, so playing orig on Xash3d on a phone with controller.

Picrelated - Surface Tension

>> No.11020926

see: >>11019164

>> No.11020942
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Herakleion - map 4 in Curse of DSparil looks great, but I think they went OTT with the size. 350+ monsters and 5 Maulotaurs on lowest Wet Nurse difficulty is too much. Maulotaurs with fast movement/projectiles enabled are interesting to fight in open areas, but less interesting in a castle. Switched to Half-life after it to take a break from slaughter-like gameplay.

>> No.11020973
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>Wait! I just wanna talk to you!

>> No.11021046

>he also helped with the new levels in ROTTLE (all the level puns are his, also credits for level work in the demo version of LE, although removed.)
...and he didn't even mention that in a video about LE? I don't recall him doing that. Talk about the conflict of interest.
>Amid Evil had a debacle where they basically traded review copies for being contractually obligated to promote the game
Any details on that? Where to look and such as I assume you couldn't be bothered + some anon might just sperg out again.
Like I mentioned before, "except when he does". I specifically recall him just skipping Quake's Mission Packs & Black Labyrinth.
Another game in Early Access limbo for the next 3-4 years, but it's okay because it's New Blood.

>> No.11021121

>Any details on that? Where to look and such as I assume you couldn't be bothered + some anon might just sperg out again.
There's not a great deal more to add, pretty much no Youtuber disclosed it except I think that Icarus bloke and even he slipped off doing it for later coverage, with the ones like shillmanlives never trying to begin with.

Allegedly the studio wasn't keen on any of them even saying that they'd signed a contract to make videos about it.

>> No.11021151

TNT is pretty fun once you know exactly what to do in the levels

>> No.11021174

it's fine, but once again i realised that human enemies are jokes and they really need to add more dangerous units

>> No.11021179
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>> No.11021183

Did you know the Blackwater bandits will occasionally heal themselves when wounded and take significantly more damage after? (4 more pistol bullets)
They just die so quickly normally it's near impossible to see
Bandits should really invest in some body armor sometimes

>> No.11021186

I think it's pretty good but it's obviously not quite complete in some areas, especially in the presenting choice then railroading you like it's Strife's forced combat areas.
It's easily got the best Entryway of the official wads.

>> No.11021187

I love these drawings man. At first I thought it was the MGSV Ground Zeroes prison camp though.

>> No.11021203

>Did you know the Blackwater bandits will occasionally heal themselves when wounded
I actually saw that happen today when I played Cordon.
I also liked how the game acknowledges whether you tried diplomacy or just went final solution on the bandits on the next intermission

>> No.11021306

Does buying the map before the green line map in hard reset actually do anything?

>> No.11021313

I went through it twice and found nothing
Same with buying the ticket to the show in Terminus

>> No.11021338
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sends you to an optional level after map10.
worked for me, though I haven't tried not buying it.

>> No.11021351

unlocks the secret map

>> No.11021357

Okay so I didn't read the intermission screen, sue me

>> No.11021410

You should see Fraggot tomorrow on IDgames

>> No.11021421

What's a good Doom mod for someone who only likes and plays Serious Sam 1 and hasn't played any other games in at least 3 years?

>> No.11021443

uv-fast walk only

>> No.11021452

>>walk only doom
That’s still “outwalking” nearly half of the enemy roster, right? Archies, revenants, pinkie/spectres, and attacking lost souls are the only speedy ones iirc. I guess cybers as well but they’re huge.

>> No.11021502 [DELETED] 

Is there any way to check secret locations in hard reset?

>> No.11021557
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>> No.11021561
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>> No.11021604

Adore the rain, very comfy

>> No.11021691 [DELETED] 

Le gearbox pc port is le bad xd

>> No.11021797
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Guess there is some real truth to HR being a bit under cooked

>> No.11021807

>There's not a great deal more to add
I was more asking about where this (alleged?) information came from in the first place.

>> No.11021808
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>> No.11021847

You might just see demons, but I see lawyers... bankers... television executives...

>> No.11021860
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I'm done with "difficult" wads. Only Eternal-inspired switch hunting from now on. Doom 2 bestiary was a mistake.

>> No.11021867

sounds like a you issue, I dropped sunlust when i realized I am not having fun half-way through

>> No.11021872
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This last part was hard.

>> No.11021884

That gun looks like a robot hand holding a scope like a pistol.

>> No.11021920

that's pretty neat

>> No.11021930

Yeah, that's DNF's railgun

>> No.11021941

I liked the earlier levels of sunlust more than the later, difficult encounters that aren't just throwing a wall of revenants flanked by chaingunners at you are a lot more interesting
I got a little into stardate20x7 and that's more what I'm looking for, but I think I'm burnt out on difficult wads too

>> No.11021946
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Did I miss a branching path in the Spire somewhere? Does Walker really just peace out after fighting four Haunts and turning on the reactor?

>> No.11021948

He's had enough and wants to go home to his big tiddy mutie gf

>> No.11021956

Also which of the maps were the most difficult to you? Outside of 29/30 ofc.

>> No.11021971

>Archvile gets aggro'd to infight an enemy
>you pop out of cover when archie is about to scorch the poor fool
>immediately switches target to pop the blast immediately in your face without the usual ''tells''
Funny to think a distracted Archvile is actually more dangerous than one that isn't.

>> No.11021973

and archvile won't retarget unless you either hit him or his target dies

>> No.11021974
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>William Gee maps
They were all so good, crazy fun through Alien Armageddon too.

>> No.11022013

I wouldn't be surprised if he got hired to make maps for Ion Fury

>> No.11022018
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i dig new guns/monsters/spooks, but i'm feeling the same as >>11021946
kinda annoying considering that it's supposed to (or is at least an opportunity to) flesh out an important past event, and instead just turns out to be a backstory of some mildly memorable side character instead. feels like a bit of a waste in the end.

>> No.11022026

I don't think I remember who Walker was in the mainline
Was he the Scav you meet in the church?

>> No.11022032


>> No.11022038

I really liked what I played up till it became increasingly unfinished. There is supposed to be a massive patch coming now to finish HR.

>> No.11022049

why did they push it out if it was that unfinished?

>> No.11022053
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He did a crazy cool Heretic/Hexen inspired Duke mod called Demon Throne: https://www.moddb.com/games/wgrealms-2
I'll check it out sometime but AA has been hard to put down.

>> No.11022061
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>patch coming
oh cool, good to know.

>> No.11022074

I think they just had a strict time table for release like they did with Afterglow.

>> No.11022076

Yes, I used to play WGRealms 2, and it's actually quite good.

>> No.11022084

I think I will try Doom 64.
Is the steam port good?

>> No.11022101
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>> No.11022115

doom but the entire level is you and a bunch of -fast revenants in infinite freefall, and killing one freezes the air into a tangible platform for a second (subsequent kills refresh the second instead of stacking)

>> No.11022119


>> No.11022126


>> No.11022156

Mac Wolfenstein is the best version.

>> No.11022212

Dude was going on holiday and it had to be out for a bunch of indie things they'd basically obligated themselves to and couldn't back out.

>> No.11022234

>I also liked how the game acknowledges whether you tried diplomacy or just went final solution on the bandits on the next intermission
This seems to be weirdly finicky. I managed to find Jacobs, tell the doc, have him say he'll help me, then have nobody show up and have to shoot my way through anyway.

>> No.11022246

This is exactly what I had happen, and I couldn't figure out any way to change that.

>> No.11022252

DOOM should have 1-ups.

>> No.11022258


>> No.11022259

Technically it does when you're at 200% health.

>> No.11022260

I don't care about mods. John should officially patch the game.

>> No.11022261

what dis

>> No.11022274

I had to post this somewhere:
The Doom 2 track Getting Too Tense is a rearrangement of The Demons from Adrian's Pen.
The Healer Stalks and The Dave D. Taylor Blues are shockingly similar to each other.

>> No.11022279

big if true

better call the cops and let them take care of it

>> No.11022335

Best wolfenstein 3d source port?
Especially closer to vanilla as possible.

>> No.11022374

currently rewriting wolfenstein from scratch in rust

>> No.11022403
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the four horsemen

>> No.11022418

Replace Jaguar with Saturn version

>> No.11022419

just play mario hugo

>> No.11022427

t. made the mistake of "upgrading" from Jaguar Doom to Saturn Doom

>> No.11022446

btw there is a SLAYA edition of Jaguar Doom in the works but idk which decade it will be done am kidding take your time.
it has music, more monstas and the supey shogun.


>AND DOOM 2 ( maybe that's another cart i think)


>> No.11022486

what happens when you beat them all

>> No.11022487

>There is also clovr.xyz but it's for other games and mostly empty.
If you hop into a coop game randos tend to join. At least with more popular games like Unreal and Sven Coop (Half Life).

>> No.11022505

lunch (not free) with sandy at a burger king of your choice

>> No.11022507
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you made romero your bitch

>> No.11022561


Totally and hilariously obsoleted by Selaco.

>> No.11022563
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>> No.11022564

>if X good that mean Y bad
don't be a shit flinging faggot. no one likes that

>> No.11022568

what if instead of shooting guns doomguy just played the guitar

>> No.11022571

Completely different projects, don't be a fartknocker.

>> No.11022578

>Aha! Here's the problem! Too many demons!

>> No.11022579

>every weapon is a new learned riff
>stringing together melodies creates combos with different properties, draining a "inspiration" meter
>power chords rock low level enemy crowds, more complicated tunes stunlock bigger monsters
Thanks, I love it.

>> No.11022580

>Too many demons!
What's the appropriate number of demons then?

>> No.11022581


>> No.11022582

>our princess is in another hell dungeon

>> No.11022586
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>> No.11022594

>>every weapon is a new learned riff
scratch this
you play the game with a real guitar. fuck it

>> No.11022608

>Nice of the UAC to build this teleporter to the castle, eh Luigi?

>> No.11022612

>these two marines sure look tired Mario

>> No.11022630
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>> No.11022643
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Wait.. a little detail

>> No.11022673


>> No.11022675
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where's the friggen red or gold keycard

>> No.11022693
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>> No.11022698

get on mr bones wild ride

>> No.11022701

Looks like an even blander and more derivative Ion Fury so no.

>> No.11022702
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>> No.11022716
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>> No.11022761
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>rawdog the wendigo section
>only afterwards notice there's a crossbow lying around for the taking

>> No.11022789

Wendigos feel like they have way too much health.

>> No.11022813

yeah. if they were enemies to be avoided or at least approached with thought, sure, but most of the time there's no opportunity to do either.

>> No.11022864

doom but instead of guns you have a bible and you bring salvation to the demons through the words of christ

>> No.11022870

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus didn't own a gun.

>> No.11022880

Especially with their movement pattern being all the fuck over the place.

>> No.11022883

That's just Preacher.

>> No.11022886

Bretty gud port aside from the missing music
Decent port despite missing over a third of the game and having shit music
It's shit but it's an impressive technical achievement for SNES standards
This port is irredeemably shit but at-least the music is cool

Saturn Doom is pretty bad I'd consider it worse than the rest besides 3DO.

>> No.11022898

I'd at least be interested in talking to him about Age of Empires stuff

>> No.11022901

ECWolf is fine from my experience. You might try WinWolf3D if it's not vanilla enough for you, or Wolf4SDL which is what I've personally been using on my Win98 rig to get around a sound problem I have when running the DOS executable.

>> No.11022906

Iirc the 3DO port of Wolf3D ks derived from the Mac version. I kind of like the crunchier sound effects and Nazi voices and the soundtrack that makes me feel like I'm watching a WWII History Channel documentary.

>> No.11022919

Two good double barrel barrages on survival seems reasonable to me.
>or at least approached with thought
Set up a pipebomb trap in advance? Aggro one with a silent weapon and lure out of earshot of the others?

>> No.11022928

for me it's Jag Wolf.
>punchier weapon sounds
>developed by id
>non-invasive HUD with his real head


>> No.11022931


>> No.11022945

>set up an explosive trap that barely downs a pinkie against a hell knight on crack.
>earshot. in doom.

>> No.11022948

ok stay retarded then

>> No.11022974

I don't think you're supposed to fight them, except when you are

>> No.11023176

>the soundtrack that makes me feel like I'm watching a WWII History Channel documentary
Couldn't have described it better.

>> No.11023193

>you're in hell killing demons and all of a sudden this song starts playing

>> No.11023196
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>> No.11023230

>you're running through hell looking for the bathroom before you shit yourself in front of the demons and all of a sudden this starts playing

>> No.11023249

I'm a real boomer and used to play Quake from 1996 onwards and it's been quite a long time since I last played this game, but I can still pretty remember every map.
Was looking at some source ports and why does it feels like the player character moves in very different way than what I remember - especially view bobbing is insane in Quakespasm (which is still regarded as one of the most faithful ports). Also the Ogre grenade spam seems much more frequent.
I also tried JoeQuake and FTE, and both of these are much more like what I feel how the original was - less view bobbing too.

Am I insane or senile or is this something known?

>> No.11023250

Would go well with.

>> No.11023295

>looking for the bathroom
bruh just poop on the floor what are they going to do not invite you back?

>> No.11023307

Also to be noted
>retards think everyone was running Quake at 320x240 resolution with huge blocky pixels
This wasn't the case. Only kids with 486 would do that. Normal folks with Pentiums had it at 640x400 (or 640x480). Sometimes using even 1024x768.
>retards think everyone hated 3DFX and bilinear texture filtering
This is simply not the case, as soon as 3dfx was available, texture filtering was in and was the most sophisticated way to play these games. Same thing applies to Quake 2 as well.
Get fucked, retards.

>> No.11023320

I think you're overestimating how much people back then knew about graphics as well as their ability to simply judge what looks good. I mean, these same people threw away their CRTs and replaced them with first gen LCD monitors.

>> No.11023321
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Who are you yelling at, gramps?

>> No.11023325

you don't understand anon all the marketing agreed lcds were the future

>> No.11023328

Hahahaha no

>> No.11023335

How do you open the safe in the mall map of HR?

>> No.11023416

I can't go if people are watching!

>> No.11023419

Go stand on the pillars in the flooded room with the staircase.

>> No.11023426

I like the jaguar for prince music that sounds better than the OG Midis and MAC graphics (with some doom sprites).
There are downsides of course (limited weapon swap, only second encounter, awkward controls) but I wish more love for this port existed.

>> No.11023428

Wow. How and why the fuck?
Do you also know how to open the secret compartment behind the footballer poster on the previous stage?

>> No.11023449

No clue. I only found the other one by looking at it in UDB and browsing the scripts for anything that messes with Tag 10, then searching for Tags 24/25/26.
The poster secret doesn't have a tag assigned to the sector, so it might be bugged.

>> No.11023465

When you were stopped by the blackwater thug after going into the parking lot, did you choose the dialogue options to tell about Jacobs and then attack? Or did you just go ham on them?

>> No.11023524

Reminds me of that saxophone mod someone made years ago

>> No.11023527

Reminds me of that one weapon mod that was a prayer that sent lightning to smite thine enemies or something.

>> No.11023564

You're a bitch.

>> No.11023583

Which retro protag can hold their drink the best?

>> No.11023586

FTE uses quakeworld physics (easier bhop). JoeQuake has speedrun focus, so it might have viewbob off, though I don't remember that being the case. Kex remaster has viewbob off for no good reason.
you can always simply compare to WinQuake or the DOS version. from what I remember, default viewbob in Quakespasm if faithful, but default "always run" isn't.
filtering is "most sophisticated" the same way that jDoom + 3D-models was the "most sophisticated" way to play Doom. masses are always full of gullible retards with no taste.
luckily, they quickly switch to the next shiny dangling keys, so, over time, quality and taste often win out. in recent years you could see this process with ai texture upscalers.
though GLQuake has an excuse in that you didn't know any better - the performance gains over software rendering were massive, so you couldn't really compare the two at their visual merits.

>> No.11023610

Duke's abuse of pills has lead to severe liver disease so he actually has difficulty with alcohol.

>> No.11023613

Caleb is cheating, he can take arbitrary amount as embalming fluid.
Otherwise, Lo Wang is the most experienced, and his metabolism is strengthened by 4000 years of Chinese medical secrets.

>> No.11023659
File: 1.46 MB, 1680x1050, Doom 3 no interpolation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>luckily, they quickly switch to the next shiny dangling keys, so, over time, quality and taste often win out. in recent years you could see this process with ai texture upscalers.
I've noticed a big trend towards everyone insisting the lowest settings possible, then a various amount of CRT-themed visual filters. It's like the opposite extreme of the "slop" spectrum.

>> No.11023669

shake it, baby

>> No.11023675

sure, that's a thing too. nearest-filtered normal maps, or zero anisotropy in Amid Evil are plain silly.
CRT filters seem like more of a cope from linearfags than the lowres fetishism. it's when you recognize that geometry and texture seams stand out when filtered, but rather than switching to nearest, your solution is blurring the whole screen.

>> No.11023682

can we like not shill patron only discord mods

>> No.11023689

>presented without comment
ughhhh groan zone
can we like not do that

>> No.11023691


>> No.11023716
File: 2.04 MB, 780x1558, 1597523297681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Zan's got that look again...
>Create account to see thing
I don't wanna

>> No.11023779

Yes, in some aspects it's arguably a necessary improvement as they brighten up the levels overall by a bit, as even back in the 90s and playing on CRT TVs, a lot of people were complaining that it was fucking hard to see the game at all unless you blacked out the entire room. Even the original level designers admit they went a bit overboard with the darkness.

More importantly, it's a very solid port which accepts modern mouse and keyboard input, and modern gamepad input, as well as having the option for playing with fastmonsters (which there wasn't any real way for the player to do originally). You can also turn off the Graf Zahl filter, and choose between red blood like normal, or the green blood from the Japanese release.
Further, there is a bonus episode of levels attached, which are actually pretty damn good, along with a few new secret bonus levels.

>> No.11023798
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>> No.11023806

I wonder if we'll ever get episode 3

>> No.11023860

Duke Nukem Forever is not canon.

>> No.11023878
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, WG Lady Killer Casino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This level alone was more fun than all of Forever.

>> No.11023921

What would be a cool thing to do with the Snes DOOM sourcecode now that it has been released to the public?

>> No.11023951

That was released like 10 years ago.

>> No.11023964

Demons aren't people.

>> No.11023972


>> No.11023981

They're still watching! I'm a shy pooper!

>> No.11023985

There are steroids in DN3D dude

>> No.11023994

That's a different matter.

>> No.11023997

>That's a different matter.
Drugs are always bad, regardless of their legality in various jurisdictions. Besides, who needs drugs when you can slap some wall titties?

>> No.11024000

I think I would rather do Krokodil than play DNF ever again.

>> No.11024013

so what do you think are in berserk packs then?

>> No.11024017

>so what do you think are in berserk packs then?
When a person who is sane uses them, they end up going berserk.

>> No.11024020

The walls were the real enemies all along.

>> No.11024074
File: 251 KB, 214x448, rangerhang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made me make an account on some weaboo website just to see sonic the hedgehog with tits modded into Duke3D

>> No.11024079
File: 372 KB, 1280x720, smug weapon guys.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome.

>> No.11024168

Whoever it is it sure af is not Leonard from Redneck Rampage. I personally actually would say Shelly since you can drink all the whiskey cocktails and beer in the world.

In Duke Nukem Forever Duke gets a little tizzy from a single beer. Though granted it could be very beer.

I don't recall Lo Wang drinking and Doomguy's blue mana bottles could be from Phobos sperm bank for all we know.

>> No.11024180

It's ''canon'' insofar that it is an actual official Duke Nukem game so.. yeah it's canon.

>> No.11024189

Yes, I ran through everything. Does it only work if you immediately open with knowing about Jacobs?

>> No.11024204

The only guys that turn up to help are the guys behind the chainlink fence providing covering fire and Doc showing up to chainsaw the welder man, other than that you're on you're are own
Dialogue doesn't matter, I stalled by saying let me unload and they still turned up

>> No.11024218

Did you kill the two guards that tell you to fuck off earlier in the map but don't actually do anything to stop you?

I had the same shit as you but I didn't kill them.

>> No.11024242

Yeah, them and everybody past them. That's a pretty stupid thing to hinge on, especially since you outright get told to take down the guards if they get in your way.

>> No.11024253

>Graf Zahl filter
Graf was involved in the development of the N64?

>> No.11024286

Fuck knows what the sticking point is then, I stealth killed all of them with the silenced pistol apart from those two, even the bunch in the area across the way from them.

Something's gotta be making that shit be inconsistent with it's triggers.

>> No.11024303
File: 65 KB, 900x900, 1653929455716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe what utter dogshit Hard Reset is. How do you completely kneecap all the momentum built up from 2063 and Afterglow for this pile of trash.

>> No.11024334

It was better than deadman walking at least
and like the blogpost said, this was more of a trial run for ideas in episode 3 than a prequel
I do hope that the "that could be years down the line" hinting at the end of Afterglow was just some in universe thing though, and not some grim foreboding

>> No.11024356
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when it comes to large non-commercial projects like ashes, the default assumption until proven otherwise should be that it gets cancelled imo. i commend your spirit though.

>> No.11024368

>Kex remaster has viewbob off for no good reason.
By default*. It's toggle option in QuakeEX/re-release.
When Gearbox retconned it? There were no news about the film in forever as far as I can recall.

>> No.11024496


>> No.11024501

Kill yourself Randy.

I don't expect the movie to ever happen, which is probably for the better in the current entertainment climate.

>> No.11024591
File: 58 KB, 220x220, 1698782302804525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOOM but there are bugs on the walls

>> No.11024595

>Kill yourself Randy
Take Civvie11's cock out of your mouth for a minute you germoid trashbag.
You can keep soiling your diapers about it all you want but DNF is an official Duke Nukem franchise videogame and thus canon whether you like it or not.
Can someone actually tell me why Randy bad in regards to Duke Nukem again? From what I understand it was George Broussard and his really lax attitude to working on the game because they were being bankrolled so they rode the gravy train as long as they could, restarting development multiple times because the tech got outdated etc etc. What did Randy even do?
Most of complaints I see levied against Randy are the usual ''Ugh what a sexist ugh he is so greasy ugh the Folsom twins!'' kvetching by trannies and tranny chasing virtue signalers.
I guess his worst thing is pulling the Megaton Edition from stores and only having World Tour in there? Was that even Randy?
But I'll still defend DNF because it has some cool and fun sequences, sexy stuff and actually neat setpieces and you even meet Dr Proton in the DLC! I just kinda wish he didn't die so quickly.

>> No.11024601

DNF 2001 > Duke 3D

>> No.11024606

If it had been actually released it would've likely been fire, yeah.

>> No.11024608

>Can someone actually tell me why Randy bad in regards to Duke Nukem again?
Specific to DNF, he got his hands on the IP, scrapped together a pretty awful attempt at fixing DNF up with console shit in mind like low ass weapon limits and then basically used it as promotional shit for Borderlands crap.

>> No.11024624
File: 3.73 MB, 1920x1080, Duke Nukem Forever Screenshot 2024.03.17 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was completed and actually released, yes

>> No.11024643

The low weapon limits and the movement in DNF release version were kinda bad but I personally feel like it's better than it exists than that it doesn't.

The movement in DNF is pretty ass though and the two gun limit is asinine. I think DNF should've had a more half lifey movement, your jump should've taken you upper and movement speed a little higher.

>> No.11024664

Folsom Twins weren't even Randy afaik. They, or some variant of them, were there from the begining.
Really, it seems like gearbox just slapped some duct tape on the game and shoved it out. Not the greatest thing to do, but restarting the project from scratch would've been shit too, and it seems like they were trying to test the market to see if the IP had value for a future game. Shame DNF was botched in a few areas.
Anyone ever see last action hero? Movie is cool.

>> No.11024676

Mmm if they asked id or valve to finish it maybe would be good.

>> No.11024714
File: 207 KB, 807x900, alienbastardperspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated Duke Nukem Forever and Randy Pitchford many years before Cripple11 ever had his faggot channel. Duke Nukem Forever is an objectively atrocious game and a vicious smear against Duke Nukem 3D, and Randy Pitchford is an insidious and two-faced snake who's duplicitousness is dwarfed only by Tim Willits.

I got DNF from a clearance bin for $10 a few years after release, and I still consider the worst purchase in my entire life. I wanted to give the game a chance, I really did, I WANTED Duke Nukem Forever to be a good game and I had hoped for all those years that it would finally pay off, but I have never felt so much anger and bitter resentment over any videogame's design in my entire life.
It pays very tacit homage to DN3D's weapons and monsters, but then cripples the fuck out of them by shoehorning them into the regen health and 2 weapon limit convention of the era.
The less said about Duke Nukem's character assassination, the better.

I hope you get raped by a wild pack of Battle Lords.

>> No.11024717

what if doomguy and the demons had to team up to fight an even badder bad guy

>> No.11024720

Go to bed, Marty.

>> No.11024728

Actually putting [SOMETHING] out was the right choice, even if the 2-weapon limit and the weird, awkward movement was holding it back. It was quite bold of them to make fun of HALO when they had that game's imo stupidest feature aka the two weapon limit.
It's still fun in it's own way and the DLC especially has a lot of good sequences. Duke Nukem Forever is at it's best when it's providing you with corny immature jokes, 'satire' and things that appeal to my inner Homer Simpson at a steady rate. Honorary mention goes to the bit when Duke is shrunk and the milf and the folsom twin contemplate doing something wicked with the then-pocket rocket sized Duke. Thrilling. That's why the DLC was pretty good, because it was condensing the good bits of DNF and rolled a lot of fun sequences to you. The base game had an incredibly strong start that then gets bogged down by having too much of the barely serviceable combat and not enough setpieces / jokes.

>ID or Valve
Id Software by that time was being spearheaded by Carmack, the man who cared more for the technology behind the games than anything else. Valve was busy botching Half Life 2 and producing a flanderized, less appealing version of their initial goal.

>> No.11024738

Damn you hate this wildly reviled game that also feels like it doesn't even belong in its own series? Clearly you got that opinion from a youtuber, how cringe and aidspilled to be desu fampai.

I seriously wonder if the modern state of FPS games is so bad that people are growing complacent with older garbage like DNF.

>> No.11024760

>2 weapon limit
Patched to be a 4-weqpon limit
And the weapons are still... pretty good? The ripper chaingun has weak firing sound but the power is still good. I do wish they had replaced it with an M16 like in 2001 Duke Nukem Forever.
The regen health was shit admittedly. The EGO supgrades through world object interaction was good though.

>Duke character assassination
He still like babes and guns and hates alien bastards. It's fine.

>feels like it doesn't even belong in it's own series
There are so many and so different duke games, Duke Nukem 3d was not the first Duke game. As far as Duke Nukem series, DNF is actually in the high end.

>modern state of fps game
I dunno man like Doom 2016 and Wolfenstein TNO are pretty good man.

>> No.11024768

Some people are simply shameless and willing to settle for a game which would muster a limp 4/10 rating if the bugs and loading times were fixed. This isn't even some later revisionism, I remember assfaggots at the time who loved the game and decried haters as posers, and not just Randy himself.

>Actually putting [SOMETHING] out was the right choice, even if the 2-weapon limit and the weird, awkward movement was holding it back.
This thinking falls completely the fuck apart once you understand that Randy had no intentions at all to spend the budget allotted to him by Take2 into finishing Duke Nukem 3D. He outsourced that to a small two man team working out of their mom's kitchen to just cobble something together, then he funneled most of the money into Borderlands. He did the same thing against Sega with Aliens Colonial Marines, except he had the gall to have a fake gameplay teaser video made which looked much better than the actual game.

There was never any earnest effort by Gearbox to try to salvage Duke Nukem Forever, none whatsoever, Randy just exploited it to develop his own mediocre lootershooter game. He didn't care at all if it would colossal flop, most likely he expected it to be one.

>> No.11024778

Both of those games are closer to DNF than they are to today. When I think modern I think of stuff like battlefield or cod or overwatch 2

>> No.11024790

Okay so you're finally giving me some genuine info why Randy bad. If true then Randy actually kinda bad. Would be interested in some sources though last time I checked DNF credits did have more than two names though.

>> No.11024792

At least they both finish games unlike 3d Realms lol

>> No.11024801

>at least they both finish games
Episode 3 any day now...

>> No.11024806
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, dukeshellstartDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low weapon limit
The “expanded inventory option” they patched for the PC version seems an admittance of fault, even if a compromise. It’s not fun limiting the amount of combat/weapon choices in the shooter-style that Forever chases.
Doom 3 had some weird choices like spreading far too much health and ammo about, but DNF makes me appreciate that a limited weapon inventory wasn’t one of them.

>> No.11024818

>Patched to be a 4-weqpon limit
That happened later, but never on console. This works better, by a lot, but it's still a hamstring because you carried lots more in DN3D, which the DNF weapons are pretty closely modeled after, you can't play off of the whole arsenal in the same way.

>The EGO supgrades through world object interaction was good though.
A lot of those broke. The pinball table for instance softlocked the game for me because the pinball just dropped through the table and disappeared from the game.

>He still like babes and guns and hates alien bastards. It's fine.
You're not appreciating how fucking jarring the Hive scene is, especially when the game builds this up as kind of a big deal when the twins are kidnapped. DN3D could be a real dark game, but Duke wouldn't quip like a schizoaffective retard at the coccooned babes.

>Doom 2016 and Wolfenstein TNO
Those came out many years later and the landscape wasn't the same, and under completely different circumstances. They had actual development put into making them the games they were, rather than a skeleton crew trying to desperately salvage a failed 1990s/2000s shooter into a safe and generic 2010 era COD-like shooter on a shoestring budget.

>> No.11024825

>he can't cope about 3d Realms being always worse than it's competitors.

>> No.11024827

who are you quoting

>> No.11024830

Yeah the Hive scene was bad. I wish you could've saved the Folsom twins or at least that they died sexily and Duke had a better reaction to it than that. But other than that I found DNF Duke charming like an immature road movie.

>> No.11024835

Name a fps series with no bad games.
You can't.

>> No.11024838

Let's be honest, it's better that duke is dead because if a new game released, he would be reduced to a reddit meme just like the faggot zoomers see him

>> No.11024839


>> No.11024845

Redneck rampage

>> No.11024853
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>> No.11024880
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Very nice

>> No.11024892

Duke Nukem Forever could've been improved by them simply taking Atomic Duke 3D, the DN3D High Resolution Patch, making a stable polymer renderer for it, and then adding World Tour in full 3D to it. And then they would need to permanently delete the "real" Duke Nukem 4ever.

>> No.11024927
File: 3.14 MB, 498x336, 1648602946208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cho Aniki

>> No.11024930
File: 531 KB, 468x628, our benefactors taught us to not be ashamed of our citadel, especially since it&#039;s such good size and all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, FPS. In that case, Half-Life.

>the DN3D High Resolution Patch
That shit looks like shit, bro.

>> No.11025002

>Duke Nukem Forever is an objectively atrocious game
It"s a roundly mediocre shooter that doesn't fit into its own series. However, neither of those statements is synonymous with atrocious. You need to play an actually bad game for once. Nerves of Steel or something.

>> No.11025013

this. i had a lot of fun with DNF

>> No.11025040

>Doom 2 bestiary was a mistake.

>> No.11025087

System Shock.
Counter Strike
Red Faction.

>> No.11025094

>Red Faction
But the first game shits the bed pretty early on.

>> No.11025097

Speak for yourself.

>> No.11025098

>Forced stealth segment
>Geomod quickly gets thrown to the wayside
>Supercharged railgun sniper enemies that kill you in one to two shots and through walls

>> No.11025228 [DELETED] 

That's like judging Half Life on the dynamic moss, ambient AI, and other crazy shit that was hyped before release.

Red Faction 2 though genuinely is pretty shit by most metrics.

>> No.11025240

>I seriously wonder if the modern state of FPS games is so bad that people are growing complacent with older garbage like DNF.
I didn't entirely hate it on release.

>> No.11025246

>Red Faction 2 though genuinely is pretty shit by most metrics.
I had it on... gamecube? It was okay. Not great. I wouldn't say shit though.

>> No.11025253

someone should remake overwatch in doom

>> No.11025292
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>> No.11025328

Counter-Strike is weird because it's a rare instance of the gameplay getting better every entry

>> No.11025364

wasn't one of the single player spinoff wank? and didn't people not particularly care for GO on release?

>> No.11025365

You're thinking of Condition Zero which is like an updated 1.6 and came with the "Deleted Scenes" campaign which is ehh. It did have some funny moments though.
CSGO was a joke on launch but after a couple of years of updates it turned into a pretty respectable game for competitive play

>> No.11025369
File: 778 KB, 1105x728, 1702543204636595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reworking interior after many, many attempts I didn't enjoy. Time to go full steam ahead on this one.

>> No.11025370

>all well-known problems - too little exploration in most levels, really many places where you need to walk/jump precisely or get 30+hp hit or instakill, jump is very low - cannot jump even on smaller crates (they took a lot from Duke, but not the proper jumping), hitscanner of pseudo-hitscanner enemies domination in second half, Residue Processing plays like a bad joke.
I don't think these are well known problems at all but let's agree to disagree.

>> No.11025375

>the demon was wolfenstein all along who was mad that his engine was rendered obsolete so he thought he would scare doomguy away
it all makes sense now

>> No.11025529
File: 152 KB, 800x450, kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night sweet prince

>> No.11025546

That sounds really stupid. At the very least Duke Nukem Forever is original content, some of which is pretty good than just another re-release of the original.

Shit-for-brains ''dude just release the old game but with a graphics mod slapped on top'' retards like you are sone of the worst.

>> No.11025583
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_190526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11025653

>System Shock.
The shitedive remake is for idiots and Bioshock children, it changes a bunch of crap like removing weapons and in an egregiously refucks the story in a way where it makes the hacker way more shit of a character.

>> No.11025682

God, I just want a port of System Shock 1 in the System Shock 2 engine

>> No.11025706

One TC was being worked on but it seemed to disappear, I wouldn't be surprised if it got the System Shock Portable treatment.

>> No.11025720

I honestly don't think any Doom game is bad... Unless you count Master Levels as a game.

>> No.11025725

How'd that even get released? Christ.

>> No.11025726

Does "all wads are canon" factor in?

>> No.11025727
File: 522 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240127_152946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to change one of the songs on my favorite doom wads
map 11 plays a midi cover of the Genesis song The Musical Box from their third album, Nursery Cryme but the thing is it's one of those early really bad inacurate covers, so i went and found a way better one but im trying to figure out how to replace it through slade
do i just go in and right click on the existing midi file and replace it with the new one but renaming it the whatever song the IWAD it was called?

>> No.11025741

The music is hardcoded into the game engine by John himself.

>> No.11025742

Even master levels has a few decent maps in there.
It was rushed out because of corporate bullshit reasons, a lot of the bad maps just needed more time in the oven.

>> No.11025748

>removing weapons
It's not like original weapon roster was perfect...
>egregiously refucks the story in a way where it makes the hacker way more shit of a character
How come?

>> No.11025750

>do i just go in and right click on the existing midi file and replace it with the new one but renaming it the whatever song the IWAD it was called?

Yeah, do that.

>> No.11025757

wait, there aren't?

>> No.11025767

>This exists six years ago
What the FUCK. Looks great. Something to fuck with this week.

>> No.11025770

Are there any DOOM wads where you have a flashlight?

>> No.11025776
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, tot7_2024-04-23_15-52-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomb of Thunder has been updated to v1.031 to fix crucial errors in map4, like the exit doors not opening

Download link is the same: https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?resources/tomb-of-thunder.357/

>> No.11025782
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>> No.11025806
File: 563 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240617_021650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was so simple, even a caveman can do it

>> No.11025821
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, Hard Reset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard Reset is fun but in between it being pretty buggy and not having the same level of shit to do as in Afterglow I feel like it's a step back. Is it meant to be a prequel or a sequel to Afterglow?

>> No.11025824
File: 572 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240617_021557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11025832

A little too new wave for my tastes.

>> No.11025835

It's a prequel to the rest of Ashes.

>> No.11025839
File: 42 KB, 1000x881, 1684361290670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One album will protect you, the rest will come at after you

>> No.11025843

>got jumpscared by a revenant cutout
I feel ashamed.

>> No.11025847

The mancubus in 2063 also got me more than I'm willing to admit
It got me when I replayed too

>> No.11025848

You need to use SLADE and replace lumps with hardcoded names.

List for reference:

>> No.11025849
File: 526 KB, 1400x1400, 1690017269394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11025850

it's okay i already did it
thank you

>> No.11025856

You don't get it anon, I audibly yelped.

>> No.11025875

>Hey, shut your mouth and look at my WAD!
>Loadsa maps!
>This is a journey into maps, loads of maps

>> No.11025891

Glad to see I am not the only one. I wasn't even angry, I actually laughed afterwards

>> No.11025940
File: 34 KB, 264x263, StalkerSillyHmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't expect the movie to ever happen
Nah. Video game films & TV series are picking up steam. Duke will follow the others.
>From what I understand it was George Broussard and his really lax attitude to working on the game
It was entire 3DR leadership and its mismanagement at the time as far as I understand it, which is really ironic considering how this cultural issue persistent there to this very day.
George Broussard couldn't nail down project's scope while Scott Miller let him go wild while trying to find the next golden goose. And that's not without taking into the account whoever else was at high enough position to have a significant output. Things like that are very rarely about one person because it takes much more people to get the job done.
>I guess his worst thing is pulling the Megaton Edition from stores and only having World Tour in there? Was that even Randy?
I think it was a result of revised Duke Nukem deal because 3DR at the time tried to be stupidly sneaky about the IP and licensing it to Slipgate. That, in turn, led them to buy the company from Miller in (what I assume) was to avoid it getting bought out by Gearbox.
>it changes a bunch of crap
As all remakes/reboots do. If you wanted the same game, there's the original and a remaster out there.

>> No.11025954
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, Ashes Journal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell?

>> No.11025957

Ok I'm not complaining about the big titty mutant but did I accidentally download something that wasn't Ashes?
It seems really out of place.

>> No.11026031

yep, it's sam

>> No.11026036

Vulkan source port?

>> No.11026060
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>> No.11026061

I think Walker is a furry. Image on the right seems like something his wife made to spook him.

>> No.11026176
File: 74 KB, 1574x259, Hard Reset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird ending to Hard Reset, but apparently there's an upcoming patch to fix some bugs and maybe shore up the b-plot.
If production was an issue I don't think I would have minded waiting a few more weeks or a month for a release to be perfectly honest.

>> No.11026187

>collaboration ended with people fucking off before finished their job
Tale as old as time.

>> No.11026195
File: 88 KB, 875x962, jdeosa4mzje41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Daisy I presume.

>> No.11026213

>Video game films & TV series are picking up steam. Duke will follow the others.
shandy announced a TV show years ago

>> No.11026249

Master Levels has uneven quality, but it does indeed have some decent stuff going for it too.

The more questionable product is Maximum Doom, which is the exact same kind of shovelware disc which Wizardworks was selling at the time. It's plain 3000 .wads scraped from the internet, complete with a lack of vetting or quality control, and without any permission, together with some featuring sound clips from movies and TV.
Many are broken, either because the original author didn't know better and/or their software fucked up, or because iD used an automated program to 'convert' some Doom 1 .wads into Doom 2 ones, which usually caused problems.

It's the cheapest and shittiest product which iD Software has ever put out in all of their history, and I really wonder how it came to exist. I can only assume it was thought up by Tim Willits and Jay Wilbur.

>> No.11026254
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>> No.11026267

It sounds like they'd committed to the release window because it's trailer was in a bunch of indie game PR shows so they had to scrape it together as best they could.

>> No.11026297

>Duke Nukem Forever is at it's best when it's providing you with corny immature jokes
I don’t know if anyone is solely responsible for this change in direction, but I can imagine Randy and Gearbox pushing for it and it seems to be what the “general masses” want over how pissed-off his original voice direction was. I also like to say that I can see this starting as early as “It’s Impossible”, one of the few levels Randy seemed to have been solely responsible for and it felt a lot “sillier” than previous Duke levels.

>> No.11026317

The Birth definitely had more silly levels, but I was fine with that because most of them were sincere like the rest of the game.
The Sunstorm expansions were probably the best approach, make just a whole episode of levels with a novelty theme to them and go all out there (setting aside that half of them were good in reality).

>> No.11026361

>The Birth definitely had more silly levels, but I was fine with that because most of them were sincere like the rest of the game.
Same and agreed. I was pleasantly surprised by Alien World Order as well, it’s mostly just that first level that gets all of its weed jokes out.
I’m currently going through the DC expansion and even modded it’s not getting too overtly silly, and I’m really liking some of the song choices.

>> No.11026367
File: 282 KB, 489x366, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is REALLY good

>> No.11026582

>Randy had no intentions at all to spend the budget allotted to him by Take2 into finishing Duke Nukem 3D. He outsourced that to a small two man team working out of their mom's kitchen to just cobble something together

>> No.11026608

>it’s mostly just that first level that gets all of its weed jokes out.

Apparently there actually is a strain of weed called Duke Nukem.

>> No.11026702

I think the team got too ambitious with the characters and writing so she's just one of the plot threads left dangling:
>Walker keeps seeing visions of his dead wife... Because he feels guilty about her death. That's it.
>lots of discussions and reflections about which route to take into the city but you don't get a choice and when the NG does get ambushed, it just ends with a few of them getting hurt.
>the black water is this semi-magical substance which drove the bandit chief crazy but it's just an HP pickup
>Walker is freaked out by Michonne station having changed ???
I'm not even counting stuff like the bartender asking you about mutants or Walker saying he's going to the mall for his own reasons because you can at least sort of figure out where they're going with those.
Or maybe I'm just autistic idk

>> No.11026720
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>big time meme release to really show off GZDoom
>defaults to Vulkan which still has mad fucked shader comp stutter
You have to set it to OGL to even make this playable. When the fuck are they going to fix this in Vulkan? Why am I the only one to notice or care? Other people ARE seeing this right? On several machines I've had Vulkan GZDoom hitch left and right on new assets/effects. Being cursed with noticing shit sucks.

>> No.11026726

>shader hitching on native applications
I've seen emulators do better. I am so tired of this problem.

>> No.11026763

lol and he has the gall to call Randy greasy

He's a decent 'tuber and all but I'm so tired of seeing the same 3-4 retro/FPS channels on the same wavelength 'jaking about the same products like clockwork.

>> No.11026773

>so tired of seeing the same 3-4 retro/FPS channels on the same wavelength 'jaking about the same products like clockwork.
It’s not like they’re forcing views on you, so don’t give it to them and stop hurting yourself.

>> No.11026794

it's especially jarring when you compare his Postal 3 and 4 videos. Jank in Postal 3? Atrocious. The very same jank in Postal 4? Endearing.

>> No.11026837

The chief was chugging black water for a while, and if you read the secret map intermission, Walker mentions that he started feeling kinda shitty after drinking it once.

>> No.11026912

Jank in a game can be endearing/forgivable if the game is still fun.
Only thing I think was dog shit with civvie was the 3D Realms vibe check. Unnecessary rage bait garbage.

>> No.11026918

The water also gives you some wacky hallucinations when talking to people in Michonne, but they don't take that idea anywhere.

>> No.11026920

>Walker mentions that he started feeling kinda shitty after drinking it once.
I think it goes beyond that, post drinking blackwater Walker's dialog options are all pained and drawn out with ... s in between every other short sentence.
This too. Sometimes the portraits turn grey and you hear some spooky noises(most likely you missed it because the sound mixing in the mod is very poor) or some spooky face appears.
One thing I do like, because I'm a huge bitch, is that they didn't have a big jumpscare with it. I already almost wet myself with that revenant cutout in the mall.

>> No.11026923

Where can you take it when his final fate is known? Though to be honest, I don't remember what the interactions with him in 2063 were like, I think I will replay it and afterglow after HR

>> No.11026927

Also, are they implying Varni is the sister of the psychic mutant from afterglow?

>> No.11026935

I'm pretty sure that's the implication but I don't know if they're somehow setting up that the psychic mutant is also Walker's dead wife or what.

>> No.11026940
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>launching Total Chaos for the first time
>new game leads E1M1 with a vignette and no enemies
>launch it again
>campaign starts fine, but no 3d models show
>try every renderer, it's worse
>back to OpenGL, load a save
>the game tries to give me a seizure by flashing different primary color every frame I move the mouse
Title checks out.

>> No.11026942
File: 20 KB, 900x282, probably walker wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm pretty sure they tried to make it clear that she's not only not the wife, but is also trying to help Walker get free from her. In map 10, after drinking the water and killing the wendigo, you get this message, I am pretty confident it's supposed to be the wife.

>> No.11026953

Isn't he haunted by the literal ghost of his wife?
I assumed that was what the whole "it's dangerous to go in there at night" thing was about when you try and go inside his wife's room
The actual nuclear apocalypse was meant to curtail the paranormal apocalypse that is also going on, if I remember right

>> No.11026957

That's the part that was confusing me, because I thought Walker's wife was the mutant and Varni was trying to hide you from her. I don't really get it and I think it's pointless to speculate until they patch it to something halfway coherent.
Did you happen to miss a spooky woman in a red dress showing up in inaccessible locations in some areas of the game?

>> No.11026962

The message in map 2? Where is the implication that's the wife's room? He just says "It's dangerous to enter this room at night"

>> No.11026963

You can enter the room after map 3(the farm, pre meeting the soldiers) and it has some paintings and dresses.

>> No.11026964

nvm, you can enter the room in map4 and there's some female clothes and a portrait there

>> No.11026994

Caleb drinking milk in this pic bothers me more than it should. Why not go with an obvious blood-red wine chalice?

>> No.11026995

Was he in 2063? I only remember him being in the church in Afterglow.

>> No.11027001

It was afterglow? I don't remember honestly, it's been a while since I played those and he wasn't a particularly memorable character

>> No.11027006

And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling marines!

>> No.11027013

I thought fraggot was supposed to go up on idgames yesterday

>> No.11027028

>but they don't take that idea anywhere
That's really my main gripe with these points desu. There's some set-up, I feel like this could get interesting and is building up to something, and then nothing really happens. I was just constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's like an exhausted DM offering quest hooks and forgetting about them 10 minutes later.

>> No.11027041

me too, idgames usually gets updated every sunday. not this time it seems.

>> No.11027054


>> No.11027060

>Caleb drinking milk in this pic bothers me more than it should.
That seems to be the point/joke. I’ve also seen people offended at it having a rendition of new Lo Wang and not of the original.

>> No.11027079

Post pics/videos of fps referencing other fps (modern examples allowed but they can only reference retro games) and see if others can recognize them. The more subtle the better.

>> No.11027084 [DELETED] 

>no sniper rifles
>no headshots
did boomers really live like this?

>> No.11027085

>lol and he has the gall to call Randy greasy
This is different. :^)
>He's a decent 'tuber and all but I'm so tired of seeing the same 3-4 retro/FPS channels
Agree for the most part. I'm not exactly font of Civvie's latest output, but there's really no better alternative if you want to get a fix of this niche. He's the more tolerable and kinda "memorable" out of the bunch since I can think of the one with mommy issues.
>>11026773 is right though. Even though I'm sure you meant it in "I don't watch them; other around keep bringing them up" way.
>Unnecessary rage bait garbage.
There's no better way to get a huge boost of views and engagement than lunch onto popular controversial topics within your points of interest as a content creator.
Same will happen if/when others of that segment warrant the same treatment.

>> No.11027089

??? Unreal Tournament invented sniper rifles and headshots

>> No.11027096

Why hasn't id Software ever thought about making Doom game but making it horde shooter like Darktide?
To me, Darktide is much closer to Doom than Doom Eternal ever was.

>> No.11027363

>online only

>> No.11027451

WadsUp just hit 100 wads. P cool.
101 actually.

>> No.11027559

oh is that why the Divine Frequency demo had occasional stutter for me when my regular copy of GZDoom didn't? Good to keep in mind

>> No.11027639

Eh, I like Darktide, but it and Vermintide before it are basically Left 4 Dead with rpg elements. And like Left 4 Dead, coop is a major part of its design, including some enemies that can ensnare you requiring another player to rescue you. Again, I like those games, but never really thought of classic Doom when playing them.

>> No.11027656

I wish it had a better final level, but yeah its pretty good.

>> No.11027657
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>> No.11027681
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Is there somewhere in michonne where I can buy batteries for my flashlight? Sick and tired of stumbling around in the dark.

>> No.11027692
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>> No.11027931

>fatsh*rk's L4D games are more doom than id's doom
I know we're supposed to hate nudoom but this is getting absolutely silly

>> No.11027974
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>> No.11028079
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>> No.11028089

>fallen asses already on sale
What's the implication with Shelly and Zan here?

>> No.11028102

Steam TSE with OpenGL.

>> No.11028109

Shelly is about to get split in half and not with an axe.

>> No.11028198

You don't really need batteries by this point in the game.

>> No.11028216

That poster is the gimmick poster that 'vitalizes' the thread with classics like ''What if doomguy poopoo'd in his armor? How does he go to the toilet?''

But there are genuinely people who think Doom's core identity is Serious Sam because they've been playing so many slaughterwads. The great thing about Doom is that there are so many ways someone can enjoy it but uhm yeah.. An always online horde mode ain't it for me chief.
And as far as nuDoom goes I enjoyed 2016 a lot. The upcoming one is making me quite skeptical though, Doom imo needs built and controlled spaces to work properly.

>> No.11028217


>> No.11028219

idgi why can't we have as active a retro fps thread as the ones on /v/
not shitposting

>> No.11028224

/v/ has more people ergo more activity if a thread gets going. If a thread gets going because it might as well just die on the spot. Stop shilling your /v/ threads here though.
>not shitposting
You're constantly shitposting in the thread with classics like ''What if Doomguy pood in his armor guys????''. And now you want us to go to your /v/ thread?

>> No.11028234
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>What if Doomguy pood in his armor guys????
He'd pause the game and change his armor

>> No.11028235

anon stop playing boogieman hunter. im not whoever the hell you say i am and that isnt my thread. jesus christ.
>/v/ has more people ergo more activity if a thread gets going
true i suppose, i just remember when these threads used to get 650-800 posts regularly before archival.

>> No.11028236

wait and what the fuck is the problem with the "what if"s anyway? did i miss something? he seems harmless

>> No.11028239

More activity doesn't mean shit if it isn't quality activity. r/doom has more activity than every doom community, but they've done basically nothing of note, it's just memes.
>i just remember when these threads used to get 650-800 posts regularly before archival
Might have to do with SNS fucking dying and nothing replacing it so there's like no sense of community anymore

>> No.11028246

>''What if Doomguy pood in his armor guys????''
We had this discussion two threads back. Just it was Doomguy using empty ammo boxes to take fat shits inside of hell and then accidentally loading all of his guns with poop on his way back from beating the icon of sin:

See no difference between /vr/ and /v/. It's all shitposts.

>> No.11028251

jokes aside he'd just keep battling through hell with caked poop and you know it

>> No.11028252

>muh shitposts
if shitposts are too low quality or off-topic feel free to ignore guys.

>> No.11028253

I mean, that's kind of what everybody does in the middle of an actual battle. There are no Geneva rules on wartime poop etiquette.

>> No.11028257

>SNS fucking dying
So many times I was like ''I kinda wanna join.. maybe next time..'' and I missed it entirely. Sad!

>> No.11028263

All the adrenaline pills have made him horrifically constipated, he hasn't pooped in years

>> No.11028267

Demon Throne is fun. I kind of want a melee focused build engine mod now.

>> No.11028274


>> No.11028278

Incorrect, he has surgically stitched his anus shut using surgical tools found within the medikits and stimpaks. When he dies, all waste will be released with such excessive force that 1024 square kilometers of hell will be caught in the impact. It is the final weapon against the forces of hell should doomguy ever fall in combat

>> No.11028280

Brings new aspect to the name 'Nugget Doom'

>> No.11028294

Fucking heh'd hard.

>> No.11028328

What part of "rip off your head and shit down your neck" didn't you people understand?

>> No.11028358

I sometimes get the urge to post some of my stuff here but then I remember where I am.

>> No.11028374

where are you?

>> No.11028385


>> No.11028496
File: 1.41 MB, 320x240, david byrne fucking dies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where am I indeed

>> No.11028497

>Identifying Serious Sam

>> No.11028503

Are you serious?

>> No.11028505

Why yes, tomorrow when I have time to play more.

>> No.11028506

Was that before or after Goldeneye? That also had headshots and sniper rifles, as did Half-Life, its expansions, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, and Day Of Defeat, as well as Return To Castle Wolfenstein

Quite established concepts by the year 2001.

>> No.11028508
File: 529 KB, 800x599, on-topic picture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad advised me and anyone else at tolerable occasion to imprint a habit into the body by taking a dump at the strict hour flat, preferably early in the morning when you are busy with other mandatory day's preparation chores. That's to avoid potential constipation problems, and I make it a tradition by advising various office ladies and truck drivers too. With some things you just can't afford to be lazy.

>> No.11028519

Why the fuck should we care about what /v/eddit gets up to?

This has always ebbed and flowed, there were periods maybe 6 or 7 years ago when this place was dead and slow, fell off the board before bump limit even at times. +600 posts is not rare at all currently, with occasional 700s.

He'd probably go through the bodies of various dead zombies to see if any of them had cleaner pants. Most probably wouldn't, but he might get lucky.

Realistically also, proper facilities would have to be around at least for the bases and in urban environments on Earth, even if you don't see them in the game.
For hell, I feel that it's no consequence if he pisses or shits on the floor somewhere, the place is already unsanitary and he isn't exactly a welcomed guest anyway.

>> No.11028529

Unreal, MDK & Goldeneye were all from 1997

>> No.11028536

Unreal was 1998

>> No.11028539

>idgi why can't we have as active a retro fps thread as the ones on /v/
They have a new Doom game to post about, and while it may be Doom it’s not retro.

I’m more concerned about the projects. I haven’t heard much about Vertex Relocation, but I did see some interest lately in finishing the Waifuwad.

>> No.11028541

Aktschually, the first game with both snipers and headshot was Team Fortress, in 1996.

>> No.11028545

huh, could have sworn...
I wouldn't really be surprised if there was something earlier. like, I don't remember if Future Shock or Terra Nova had zoom, but I feel it could have been in one of these more obscure titles.

>> No.11028552

A little correction on my post >>11028541 it was introduced in 1997 as a mod but that's still before the release of Goldeneye.
Probably but i doubt locational damage like headshots were a thing before atleast 96 or 97.

>> No.11028556

Yeah, but I mean that the ideas were already established conventions, RTCW came out in 2001 and stuff like that had been done for many years already by then.

>> No.11028557

Sounds plausible, a lot of trailblazing was done in Quake modding.

>> No.11028559
File: 1.20 MB, 1694x737, UndueProcessing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea where is this from? I remember one anon regularly lamenting on screenshot saturdays about how no one is gonna play his project once it's done. It had a gray startan styled hud with about 15 maps being done, don't tell me he put it out somewhere and kept silent about it.

>> No.11028567

>locational damage
well Terra Nova is kind of a mech sim lite. I never got around to playing Mechwarrior and the like, but that's exactly where I'd expect locational damage.

>> No.11028573

I reckon he's still working on it.

>> No.11028576

Looks pretty.

>> No.11028581

I can't find any info about Terra Nova having locational damage and from gameplay footages i saw, the most i saw was model and environmental damage.

>> No.11028585

Just an FYI for those concerned: Quaddicted isn't dead, Spirit has just been very quiet while working on the site. He expects it to be fully updated and running by next year, and is ixnaying the need for a liaison to upload your Quake maps to the site.

>> No.11028612

>playing '95 wad
>run face first into a caco in the dark
>nearly shit my pants

i love this fucking game. timeless

>> No.11028660
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He stopped posting at some point afaik and I haven't seen him since months.

There are some decorative zdoom thingies, but visuals are spot on. Could or couldn't be him.

>> No.11028696

[6-17] Fraggot is on IDgames!

>> No.11028704

Crap, forgot to reply to newspost.

[6-17] Fraggot is on IDgames!

>> No.11028705

There is too much pants shitting going on in UAC bases, these marines need more fiber and more Kegel exercises!

>> No.11028720
File: 10 KB, 193x262, images(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone shoop this to say Frag Enabler

>> No.11028730

What if you have eaten something bad and really need to go but your dad says otherwise? Really tricky situation right there.

>> No.11028771
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>10 KB, 193x262

>> No.11028803
File: 86 KB, 193x262, Frag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.11028858


>> No.11028859

Isn't Vertex Relocation done?

>> No.11028930

Still in a beta last I heard, V2 according to >>11017350

>> No.11028940

Based shopanon quick on the draw

>> No.11028953

Not him, I'm a vigilante and a mercenary always on the lookout.

>> No.11028957

If I wanted to rip the weapons from the Ashes prequel, would it be fairly easy for someone that's never made a map or mod for Doom? Would it be as simple as opening it in Slade and removing all the folders that have nothing to do with weapons?

>> No.11029050

Goldeneye was a better successor to DOOM than Quake.

>> No.11029060


>> No.11029068

When the lead posted the v2 he said it would be the last version unless people found stuff to fix

>> No.11029082

James Bond's motto was always "Rip and Tear - Shaken, not Stirred" afterall .

>> No.11029091

could depend. if the weapons are fully modular and don't require enemy behavior or player class (e.g. for storing upgrade state), then yes. keep stuff included from the DECORATE file, remove / comment out anything unnecessary.
Hard Reset seems like a weird choice though, most of the weapon sprites don't even point forward properly.

>> No.11029114

>low res normal maps
ayo sauce?

>> No.11029120

You could almost say that th[e]y... flesh consumed...

>> No.11029202

Someone already did it.

>> No.11029264

So how many times the red dress woman appears in HR? I found her three times, the quarry near the carnival (who the fuck build a carnival near a quarry?), the arena in map9 and the cameras in the mall map

>> No.11029280

finally some FUCKING (you)s

>> No.11029289

>the smell of decomposed flesh mixed with caked caca

>> No.11029315

I saw her thrice as well in those areas.
I wanted to noclip and take a closer look at her but then the music cut out and I just heard wind blowing so I figured I'd nope the fuck out before they drop a jumpscare on me or something.

>> No.11029337

I noclip+flied to her at the quarry, was trying to see if I can trigger her disappearance while looking at her, didn't happen.

>> No.11029341

I think her disappearance is tied to certain switches in each level.
For the quarry it's definitely the generator in the wendigo rape cave.
For the mall I'm sure it's one of the three switches in the security area but I'm not sure if you could view her disappear on the camera or not.
The arena, no clue. Probably one of the keys you get in the process.

>> No.11029353
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240618_133349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really easy to see her close up without noclipping by jumping from the rock elevator to the top of the operator's booth and from there onto the cliff. I did it my first playthrough just to see what would happen.

>> No.11029359
File: 648 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240618_133741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also easy to fall down and get stuck in between the cliff and the machine with no way out besides suicide

>> No.11029415


>> No.11029428

just beat the quake remaster + the two original mission packs, my first time playing quake

are the two 'dimension' expansions worth playing? i was a pretty burned out by the time i started dissolution of eternity, basically speedrunned through

>> No.11029437

Dump it all in the trash and pull the trigger on Arcane Dimensions and Alkaline

>> No.11029438

Dimension of the Past is pretty garbo but Machine has some nice levels. None of them have anything new enemies or weapons like the mission packs which sucks because vanilla Quake is kinda boring.

>> No.11029458

>i was a pretty burned out by the time i started dissolution of eternity, basically speedrunned through
You’ll probably not enjoy Dimension of the Past then. It’ll have less new stuff than either expansion while being more difficult and stricter on ammo.
Dimension of the Machine doesn’t have new enemies or weapons but looks really great and doesn’t bustballs as much as Past does.
>>11029437 has good advice. There’s also this thread’s own Violent Rumble for some nice maps and gameplay settings.

>> No.11029479

guess i'll hop into arcane dimensions. i played wrath aeon of ruin 2 months ago and loved it and read that it was inspired by arcane dimensions so i'll probably have a good time

another question since i'm going through my shooter backlog currently: serious sam first and second encounter, is there a 'best' version? i have the classic versions on gog and the hd ones on steam

>> No.11029540

>are the two 'dimension' expansions worth playing?
Yeah. Nothing wrong with taking a short break to reset any potential for further burnout though.

>> No.11029551

I’d say the classic ones are the best, though for what it’s worth I got into the series through those two HD versions you mentioned.

>> No.11029579

Can't believe how well Doom plays on the Steam Deck with the touchpads. I didn't even bother downloading it for months because I assumed it would be as shit as using controller. Got gzdoom set up and its the first time I've really had fun playing anything in years. Are any of these modern 90s FPS-esque games worth a shit? I just just don't see a reason for them when I have all the Doom WADs and maybe Quake.

>> No.11029604

>I just just don't see a reason for them when I have all the Doom WADs and maybe Quake.
I mean, yeah, you’re set. If you want some Build stuff (not sure how well Build mods are on the deck) there’s AMC Squad and Alien Armageddon. For Quake there’s the already mentioned Arcane Dimensions and Alkaline on top of tons of other good stuff, old and new.

>> No.11029668
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Square_20220915_120011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try adventures of square. its an iwad so i find it easier to use the standalone version but i dont have a steam deck so i dunno how that works

>> No.11029683

If you're feeling burned out, then save Arcane Dimensions for later.
Arcane Dimensions is fucking orgasmic and you should play it, but it's also a big heaping mountain of Quake to play.
On the other hand, Arcane Dimensions is all a bigass hub where you select self contained levels to play one at a time, so maybe you can just sit down for a level every now and then, though some of them get pretty big.

>> No.11029684

>it's one of them squares, innit?

>> No.11029694


Move on from boring Quake PvE (better hide from the heckin Ogre grenades!) and play Quake 3's story mode, the best in the Quake franchise.

>> No.11029707

You guys, I'll make a new thread, sit tight.

>> No.11029717

Play the Build Trio aka Duke3d, Blood and Shadow Warrior.

And Ion Fury and Aftershock gets my personal approval. Cultic is also pretty good imho.

>> No.11029735
File: 247 KB, 1200x1800, MV5BN2JhNjM1MWEtYzY5Mi00MDk3LTg0YWItNjk2ZWE3NjAzOWFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play the Build Trio aka Duke3d, Blood and Shadow Warrior.

You forgot one.

>> No.11029743

MOST of the modern imitators are pretty weak, but a couple get a lot of praise, primarily Ion Fury and Dusk. Haven't played either.
Anyway, welcome to fun shooters, there's lots left, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Half-Life, Rise Of The Triad, Powerslave, etc, etc.

>> No.11029751

Oh yeah, and a lot of these have mod content too. Most don't have the largest scenes, but Doom, Quake, and Half-Life all had very lively and healthy ones, with Doom's remaining the strongest (in part because it's a lot easier to mod for in some aspects).

Blood for instance doesn't have too big of a modding scene, but it does have some really rock solid content made for it, most famously Deathwish, but there's more.

>> No.11029767
File: 97 KB, 500x678, fag enabler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go, you fag enablers.


>> No.11029785 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the responses. Thought for sure I'd get shit on for playing on the SD
Arcane I definitely want to try but not sure how to get it on the SD. Quake isn't my favorite to begin with. I honestly like how you can't look up and down in Doom, not sure if that's a retarded opinion. Will look into build mods too I wanted to try Ion Fury like >>11029717
said because the city map looked cool, but I've read that there isn't much level diversity and the later levels are lazily designed. Blood I'm definitely picking up too. Duke 3D I have and Shadow Warrior was free on steam but the weapons feel janky to me.
Love half life (just 1). Dusk seems to get rave reviews but the art style just looks shitty to me. Better than the overly polished, stylized modern throwbacks like Turbo Overkill, but it just doesn't have the je ne sais quoi of the 90s games.
Not too sure about that screenshot lol but ill try it out if its easy to download

>> No.11030001

doom but
>1. pinkies are always fast even without fastmonsters, and do max damage rolls every time
>2. your chainsaw actually stunlocks small & medium targets + melee hit detection isn't stupid
¿¿¿ good trade ???

>> No.11030141

saves me some time I suppose >>11029202
I know Hard Reset isn't truly finished yet so there's that, plus for weapons pack use i assume people will want the SMG available so someone might add that in plus fixes when the whole thing is finalized. Anyway, cool.