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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 373 KB, 2560x1443, Sega-Saturn-JP-Mk1-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11023369 No.11023369 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any other console that can compete for the hearts of arcade fans? Honestly peak 2D gaming, and yes this is factoring in Japanese import games for those slowbois that still think all the hype is around the US releases alone.

>> No.11023379

Xbox 360

>> No.11023386

Neo Geo
Fuck this board is just the most lazy shitty bait now

>> No.11023441

The SNES was the peak of 2D gaming, and arcades had their height of power in the early 80's, LONG before any 90's console tried to wrongfully stake its claim with shitty shooters and beat-em-ups. Accept the truth, 90'sfags.

>> No.11023754
File: 49 KB, 632x500, 8ihwjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my 16bit system is better than your 32 bit system because it has my hecking branded cartoon characters
Cope. Saturn was the best 2D games ever looked. It had many of the best arcade games perfectly ported 1:1 from the 95-99 period. Mogged the shit out of the PSX ports too.

>> No.11023825

Saturn can't even do transparency

>> No.11023828

SNES is very slow and can't show more than a couple guys at a time

Master System games needed to be downgraded to run on it

>> No.11023830

5th gen 2d brutally mogs SNES not even funny

>> No.11023864

>Saturn was the best 2D games ever looked.
That is not what peak 2D gaming means. What good are the best 2D graphics when the library is surprisingly boring and lacking in variety.
4th gen (genesis & snes) offered far greater variation and of higher (gameplay) quality, since the best teams in the world were still focusing on 2D.
But have fun with your superior graphics I guess, kek.

>> No.11023930
File: 934 KB, 3082x1729, Late gen Super Famicom games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board will never accept this truth. They'd rather pretend inferior ports of a few Capcom fighting games represent anything but an outlier in the Saturn's library.

>> No.11023973

So much so that it's barely even a contest, especially when you throw in stuff like SEGA CD and TurboGrafx-CD

>> No.11024043

Could you name each titles portrait at such .png? I would like to try them myself.


>> No.11024064
File: 990 KB, 3082x2623, Late gen Super Famicom games with labels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one with labels.

>> No.11024065

>literally all clunky RPG slop because the 2.68 mhz SNES cannot handle action games

>> No.11024075

It's 1996 Japan exclusive Super Famicom games. Of course they're all going to be RPGs of some kind.

>> No.11024080

You're arguing that the SNES was the "peak of 2D gaming", yet the SNES can only do slow turn based games due to technical bottlenecks. The Saturn or even the Mega Drive had a far more rounded library of 2D titles across both turn based genres and fast paced action genres. SNES isn't even in the same league, it certainly does not belong in the discussion about "peak 2D".

>> No.11024081

>yet the SNES can only do slow turn based games due to technical bottlenecks
Classic /vr/ console war meme that will never be true.
>The Saturn or even the Mega Drive had a far more rounded library of 2D titles across both turn based genres and fast paced action genres
Not really.

>> No.11024085

? the snes is a 90s console schizo
oh i see you just can't infer, it's a thread about graphics. but it is true that mid/late snes/genesis 2d looks just as good as saturn/ps1 2d. although by defintition the best 2d visuals are not retro, indie games don't have to worry about palette limitations.

>> No.11024096

>Classic /vr/ console war meme that will never be true.
>Not really.
>zero retort
It's all completely true.

>> No.11024103

Anyone who knows these libraries knows there's plenty of action games on SNES. You're fooling nobody with your megabuthurtz autism.

>> No.11024130

nta but I'd like you to consider how his hyperbole may have eluded your autism - I'll agree the SNES has fast action games, absolutely. They just fall in line with what the NES can do with stuff like 92 recca, where the hardware has to cut corners visually to draw screens fast. Uniracers is pretty fun.

>> No.11024187

SNES could do transparencies using adding and multiply, Saturn couldn't do anything other than meshes.

>> No.11024196
File: 30 KB, 320x240, mmx4SaturnTube.f9a25c81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn couldn't do anything other than meshes.

>> No.11024208

In what worlds do transparencies make gameplay fast paced, and how are you communicating from them?

>> No.11024215

Not him but which action games do you consider best for it? I have no console preference, it's just which emulator I boot up play mostly action games and find myself going back to Genesis far more. Hagane, Metal Warriors, Cybernator, Contra, the Super Star Wars games are all great but I feel I've played them to death.

>> No.11024221

Lester the Unlikely

>> No.11024227

Wild Guns, Pocky & Rocky 1&2 (mainly the first one) and Ninja Warriors Again.

>> No.11024267

>Hagane, Metal Warriors, Cybernator, Contra, the Super Star Wars games are all great
LOL the standards are so low on SNES

>> No.11024271

Ohh yeah I forgot Wild Guns, it's pretty solid.

Exactly, it's got some good ones but really isn't an action games focused system.

>> No.11024274

He said as he cooms himself silly over the 15FPS jerky scaling in Panorama Cotton.

>> No.11024309

SNES is the weakest 16bit console. Period. NeoGeo > Mega Drive >>> SNES. Also you are a faggot.

>> No.11024316

Look at those TINY sprites you've posted. Cute. Are you retarded or something? SNES couldn't even do the Super Street Fighter II Ryu intro animation in sprites. It was not capable of sprites that large.

>> No.11024321

Another bait thread. Take it into the trash

>> No.11024326
File: 605 KB, 767x1342, SNES Zelda-likes with labels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh sprite resolutions
What year is it? Go play China Warrior.

>> No.11024327


>> No.11024329

Legitimately sad that they built a console for 2D gaming and then tried to stifle 2D games coming west. Honestly think they would have done better if they embraced their niche more in the early years instead of trying to hard pivot to 3D against competitors that were better suited.
Like Saturn dropped in 95, same year as Yoshi's Island and DKC 2 sold millions of copies each. Had they prepared a really good looking 2D Sonic game about the size of Sonic 3 and Knuckles for launch I think it too would have sold millions and moved hardware in the first year. I also think not constraining what 2D games like Metal Slug were brought over and even making ports of some of the better looking arcade titles like say Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder, or partnering with Capcom / Konami / IREM to port their popular titles would have made a big difference early on.
I am not saying bury their head in the sand when it comes to 3D, like publicly announce a 3D Sonic game for the future but in those early years, 95, 96 they could still ride the 2D wave and the popularity of the arcade to get initial sales. The nice thing about Arcade ports to powerful hardware is most of the work is already done. The Saturn's main problem was developers abandoning it due to low early sales after all. Getting Saturn's in homes means more 3D games later because 3rd parties will support it.

>> No.11024330

None of those are turn based. Most are even the subject of debate as to if they're an RPG or not.

>> No.11024482

SNES destroyed the competition in terms of gameplay and sales. Don't hide behind your graphics, lad.

>> No.11024492

>SNES destroyed the competition in terms of gameplay
...as long as you don't like action games and only really care about Nintendo IP's, I guess.
>and sales
...as long as you ignore the countless revisions and bootleg Mega Drive hardwares which led to an overall much higher adoption rate globally, I guess.

>> No.11024515
File: 332 KB, 1280x720, Daytona-USA-Sega-Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are both good consoles. Also very similar when you think about it. There's almost no sense in putting one above the other

I prefer Saturn over SNES but I do think its standing as a 2D console is very overstated, especially when it was literally made for stuff like Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA. And really we didn't need another 2D console when we already had Genesis, SEGA CD, and to some extent the 32X. >>11023386 is the answer to OP's question though imo it's lacking in variety. At the end of the day they are all good consoles

>> No.11024519

Would be cool if they played into the systems' strength and do more in 2D (including a sonic 2D title) instead of forcing too much 3D on that system (but to be honest the 3D on the PS1 also looks like garbage, a 240p chunky dithered mess, 3D didn't get good until the DC)
Not sure how that would've impacted the market though and I hate 'what-ifs' so I won't speculate.

>> No.11024572

So we already have established SNES doesn't do sprites well. But it doesn't do fast action well either. Because the lame ricoh CPU is too SLOW for that. When you play action games on SNES they all feel sluggish as hell. Solution? Play RPGs. Oh wait, you are doing that already, lol.

>> No.11024578
File: 10 KB, 256x192, 31ryt8mO29L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one reason i like the saturn is all the accessories and cool shit it has.
with a good setup it can feel like you're playing the game at the arcade.

i recently picked up this controller on ebay for my saturn, has programmable buttons and the circle around the d-pad is a little wheel for steering. im sure it's gimmicky but still a cool retro controller.

>> No.11024582
File: 483 KB, 1920x1080, ss_3461bc5a061cb5f018e885ffed68c9ec74a858c5.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn was the best 2D games ever looked

>> No.11024590

Explain the light on the left.

>> No.11024619

The Neo Geo isn't a real console.

>> No.11024620

Explain the effects on the right.

>> No.11024649
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x723, AES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Neo Geo isn't a real console.
It can't hurt you.

>> No.11024695

Honest question, how so? What do you mean by that statement?.

>> No.11024784

He's probably referring to the fact that the MVS and AES are essentially the same hardware.

>> No.11024912

Glibposting = cope
It's a glorified supergun.

>> No.11024958

>It's a glorified supergun.
Neat. That home console resembles something fans use to play games from arcade cabinets.

>> No.11025110

>hurr durr the saturn isnt better in gameplay to my super onions console and it doesnt have any heckin gamerinos!
OK, lets do a comparison
>Final Fantasy 6
Mogged by Panzer Dragoon Saga
>Super Castlevania IV
Mogged by Symphony of the Night
>Megaman X
Mogged by Megaman X4
>Super Mario World
Mogged by Astal
>Turtles in Time
Mogged by Guardian Heroes
>Street Fighter II Turbo
Mogged by Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, X-Men VS Street Fighter, Marvel VS Street Fighter, Vampire Savior
>Super Bomberman
Mogged by Saturn Bomberman with its 12 PLAYER capability

See a trend here tards?

>SNES destroyed the competition in terms of gameplay and sales. Don't hide behind your graphics, lad.
SATURN destroyed the competition in terms of gameplay and graphics. Don't hide behind your sales, lad.

>> No.11025126

Number one candidate for that thread about "games that were only noteworthy because of the console they were released on". Even ahead of Panzer Dragoon Saga which is a close contender.

>> No.11025156

No dog in this fight never played neo geo but damn consumer electronics used to look so elegant. Why don't we do this now but with better ergonomics

>> No.11025198

They'll never admit it because SNES fans are some of the most brainwashed, deluded peoples on the planet, right alongside they're N64 fan and GameCube fan brethren. I don't know what it is about those three consoles in particular that attract the most vile, frothing fanatics.

>> No.11025212

Don't respond to mentally ill rants.

>> No.11025217

Extremely auster thread

>> No.11025223


>> No.11025235
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, sonic-the-hedgehog-sxsw-2020-reveals-rescheduled-for-april_feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Mario World
>Mogged by Astal
Not that anon, I'm sorry but no lol. Sonic Jam would've been a better choice here. I will say I do prefer SSFII and SSFIIT on Saturn over SFIIT on SNES for obvious reasons.

Hard to tell from that pic but the cartridges were actually enormous on it. It does look nice though

>> No.11025254
File: 795 KB, 4160x3120, zs1jnjq1ejm81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really are ridiculously huge.

>> No.11025338

>What do you mean by that statement?
Anything that I can't afford makes me angry

>> No.11025515

>Mogged by <x>
Troll post? You are trying too hard here. Astal is garbage and Symphony of the Night isn't even the same genre as CV4

>> No.11025530

This is fucking naive. SNES ran circles around the competition because of THIRD PARTY software.

>> No.11025536

He means that the Neo Geo which was marketed in CONSOLE magazines and sold through CONSOLE retailers shits on the SNES in every 16bit metric there is. And then some. If you cant win you can always resort to delusions.

>> No.11025537

SNES fans are self brainwashed. They are too poor to afford Saturn imports so the retards in this thread are shilling pics of shit RPGs like Legend of Gaia and Secret of Mana. I'll be enjoying my $4k Saturn collection on my Skeleton console while they cry in their $400 shittendo collection.

>> No.11025538

>in every 16bit metric there is
Except the "having games that aren't fighting games or Metal Slug" metric.

>> No.11025541

utterly mogged by a PC running MAME

>> No.11025542

Symphony of the Night isn't even the same genre as CV4
They're both platformers, except yeah, Symphony makes improvements and is considered one of the best games ever made. Yes I will compare them, and your onions crying isn't going to stop me.

>> No.11025543
File: 1.19 MB, 498x498, 1702570625331421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of the library are non vs fighters. Count them.

>> No.11025547

>SNES fans are self brainwashed.

>> No.11025580
File: 3.69 MB, 1200x2457, s-l1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's apparently 24bit, still considered a 4th gen console though.
The Neo Geo AES has 48 fighting games out of 118 games officially released. The remaining 70 are a mix of platformers, run and gun, beat em ups, sports, racing, puzzle and shoot em ups. There is also 33 more games that while technically never got released, can be played with an arcade cart and adapter, only 2 of those are fighting games.
The reason they work is that all Neo Geo roms have both a home console and arcade mode in it and the cart detects which system it is on regardless of whether the game was released on the home console which is actually pretty cool. The carts are only interchangeable through an adapter though, the console and arcade carts use different pins. Pic of the adaptor and an MVS cart, they were pretty ugly since they were made to go in the back of an arcade unit.
So the Neo Geo actually has got good variety but a lot of the best games were made after the 6th gen consoles came out. Your SNES friend wasn't jealous of Metal Slug until 96.

>> No.11025634

If neo geo is 24bit. Then saturn is 80bit.

>> No.11025646

>The Neo Geo was marketed as the first 24-bit system; its CPU is actually a 16/32-bit 68000 with an 8-bit Z80 coprocessor, while its GPU chipset has a 24-bit graphics data bus.

>> No.11025664

Thats all pretty boring and common knowledge. Things get juicy when you realize that the snes internally is an 8bit system. Only its cpu is a 16 bit component. Which puts another dent into those mental gymnasts up there.

>> No.11025672

only murritards believe this, peak arcade gaming was late 80s to mid 90s
>muh static jarpigs
lmao, and ps1/saturn did those better too.

>> No.11025676

5th gen added nothing to JRPGs but FMVs. Late generation Super Famicom stuff is way more interesting.

>> No.11025687

>5th gen added nothing to JRPGs
it's a shit genre there's not much to add, at least 5th gen had interesting stuff like vagrant story, parasite eve, king's field/shadow tower, tecmo's deception, racing lagoon etc.

>> No.11025731

>Symphony makes improvements and is considered one of the best games ever made.
Not on the Saturn though, also super metroid is still the better game despite launching on a weaker platform

>> No.11025752

Memevanias suck but SoTN wins because of presentation.

>> No.11025758

This is my main problem with SNK systems in general. So much power but wasted on the same two or three games, over and over again. Saturn kind of has the same problem but it's not quite as bad since you have more IP's plus actual third-party support

>> No.11025772

>So much power
it's basically 80s arcade hardware on life support with big carts.
Windjammers alone shits on any console game though.

>> No.11025995

>It's apparently 24bit
>the console and arcade carts use different pins
It's worth highlighting these two chestnuts for the entertainment value alone

>> No.11026101

Damn, this thread is ultra retarded and the opinions are utter trash.

>> No.11026212 [DELETED] 

No wonder you're here

>> No.11026215
File: 163 KB, 720x400, miko igiari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as the Master System, is in fact, the Sega System.

>> No.11026220


That's not elegant, that's cheap Chinese bootleg tier look.

>> No.11026230

>The Saturn or even the Mega Drive had a far more rounded library
Rond as "Zero", right?

>> No.11026339

that was a disappointing (You) :\

>> No.11026341
File: 91 KB, 500x450, jpnsmsfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11026483

>The Master: Sega System

>> No.11026525

>Mogged by Astal
Could've been a believable post if you said Clockwork Knight instead.

>> No.11026558
File: 3.02 MB, 1200x1200, 3x3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any other console that can compete for the hearts of arcade fans?
I know the PS1 arcade ports were nerfed, but man it still got a lot of fun ones.