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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 200 KB, 480x480, 1717998347809601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11007048 No.11007048 [Reply] [Original]

Which makes the most sense?

>Nintendo layout
>PlayStation layout
>Dreamcast layout
>Xbox layout

>> No.11007051

O = confirm
X = cancel

Any localizer that swapped the two for western releases of a game should be dragged into the street and shot.

>> No.11007053

PlayStation. They are the only one able to make a brand out of their layout.

>> No.11007056

Ergonomics > Sucking nip cocks

>> No.11007061
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>> No.11007067

I was playing the JP version of Outrun 2 SP they other day for PS2 and the European in me raged. We've just always had it that way.

>> No.11007079

>nintendo layout

not retro

>> No.11007083
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>> No.11007085

>x button being in an unnatural resting position for your thumb

Ah, I see we are just simply saying words. Are you a game journalist?

>> No.11007104

A = Accept
B = Back

>> No.11007105
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>not retro

not smart

>> No.11007106

>>x button being in an unnatural resting position for your thumb
Maybe if you have a birth defect. Plastic surgery is incredibly advanced now. Go get it fixed.

>> No.11007110

PlaysStation using symbols gets points for uniqueness. I think the confirm button should always be the button on the bottom and the deny button should be the one on the right
what this guy said, why do they all just use letters? Its weird nobody else thought to play with it a little

>> No.11007120

The layout is the same just with different labels. It makes literally no difference.

>> No.11007137
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Nine buttons, main diamond + auxiliary 'C' & 'Z'
Also, both letters and symbols.

>> No.11007139
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>> No.11007153

If does when you go to press a button and it's not in the same spot

>> No.11007159

not sure why you listed Dreamcast and Xbox as separate as they're identical aside from button color

>> No.11007160

on the ps3 it is a system setting if you have custom firmware you can swap them, you can do it on the psp also with cfw afaik

>> No.11007246

Dreamcast and XBox are the same aside form the colors

>> No.11007257

The level of meds required to fix this is incredible.

>> No.11007260
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What system is the game on?
That's the right layout.

>> No.11007284

Terrible positioning.
Anyone who didn't swap them never held a controller.

>> No.11007297

typical /vr/ contrarian

>> No.11007310

I hate the baseball diamond layout on controllers and wish Sega's "row(s) of three" layout had caught on instead.

Am I alone on this? Because I've seriously felt like this since the 90s (and especially since it became universal in the 2000s) and I'm still irrationally mad about it lol. I actually think it's one of the reasons why I never liked consoles as much as PC. Fucking hate the controllers.

>> No.11007330

PlayStation and Nintendo layouts are the only respectable ones. The others just copy Nintendo closely enough to be cheeky but with enough difference to pointlessly throw off players - the worst of both worlds.

Nintendo's layout simplifies communication: All button names are single typographical characters that'll reliably show up in a very wide variety of fonts, which is nice for game developers giving tutorial-type information and for all kinds of people trying to talk to each other about moves. Each name contains only one syllable when spoken. There's a natural ordering within the set of names, both between the AB pair and the XY pair, and within each pair, which can help a tiny bit in reminding the player which button is which.

PlayStation's layout has an undeniable abstract appeal, and it's nicely distinctive.

I like them both and don't have a strong sense of which one is better. Since PlayStation controllers have disgusting split d-pads, I'm slightly inclined to favor Nintendo here, so if I had to choose, that's the choice I'd make.

>> No.11007390

Nintendo is the og four button, so Nintendo

>> No.11007391

Three buttons makes more sense for most games it seems. The top button is rarely used for anything important, even in games like Crash Bandicoot

>> No.11007528

ps is most visually appealing.
this is cultural.. Japanese read right to left, the west reads left to right.. so forward and backward are relative to where your brain wants to start..

>> No.11007538

I really don't care honestly

>> No.11007541
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>> No.11007542

>PlayStation and Nintendo layouts are the only respectable ones.
iirc up to that point sony was the only that dared to copy the diamond layout of the snes pads, (sega never did) ergo the symbols instead of the letters as they were coming hot on the heels of the nintendo playstation debacle, maybe, just maybe afterwards nintendo patented the letter distribution.
>PlayStation controllers have disgusting split d-pads
unfortunately the only good enough dpads are made by nintendo and afaik that shit is copyrighted for real so that's the reason the rest can only get close to the design

>> No.11007543

>most common button is yuge and dead center, comfy to rest on and allowing you to reach all three other buttons from rest super easily unlike the modern diamond layout which always has the orphaned top button
>second most common button is a small circle, in line with modern controllers give or take
>spare buttons have a unique mirrored shape so you get tactile feedback to tell them apart and are equally spaced so it's just a matter of right/left movement
all the diamonds are interchangeable honestly, it's just muscle memory who fucking stares at their controller after a 10 minute adjustment period when switching systems

>> No.11007626

It doesn't matter but we recently bought our kids a switch for the princess peach game and switching from our Sony brains to Nintendo brains has led to many unintended backing out of games, mario wonder specifically when setting it up for two Boomers and their 6 and 4 year olds daughters

>> No.11007628

The buttons are in the same spot. It's just the labels that are different.

>> No.11007668
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>> No.11007671
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The atari jaguar, more buttons than you know what to do with.

>> No.11007678

Neither, i use sega controls for everything. Games that use thumbsticks sticks are not retro, and if you need a stick get an arcade pad.

The 6 button genny pad is the best controller out there, the 3 button dpad gets stuck occasionally.

>> No.11007721

>Nintendo layout
>X button on the Y axis
>Y button on the X axis
>Y left of X
>B left of A
fucking garbage

>> No.11007724

Simple as
Nintendies and Snoy cope and seethe

>> No.11007726 [DELETED] 

>Which makes the most sense?
>X aligned with X axis
>Y aligned with Y axis
Dreamcast and Xbox

>> No.11007784

They are all the same layout. The labeling is different.

>> No.11007789
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>> No.11007995

That does not feel natural. Any time I go back and play PS1 game I'm always forgetting stupid ass O is to confirm shit.

>> No.11007998

Yeah, in Japanese games. Also the localizers had fuckall to do with the swap, that was a Sony directive.

>> No.11008013

Every other controller uses the same fucking letters and they're in different places for each company. You always know where the square button is.

>> No.11008019

The PlayStation layout is retarded for games with 3D movement

>> No.11008032

It works well when you play it

>> No.11008119

I didn't encounter a Vectrex as a child, as such, it does not count.

>> No.11008647

Dreamcast and Xbox are basically the same layout
Nintendo is switched
Xbox and Nintendo agree with shit like "A is jump" and shit
Playstation in the /vr/ era, even into the 6th gen; couldn't agree what any button did

>> No.11008651

>Red is the color of denial
>Blue is the color associated with acceptance
>"Uh, no sweaty, it should deny!"
Yeah, sure, "But in glorious nippon, circle is good, X is bad", but none of us are Japanese, and I'm sure as hall you ain't Japanese either.

>> No.11008656

I always liked the SNES gamepad, but that's because I was playing games that essentially only use 2 buttons. The second you play a game that requires 4 buttons or more, the 6 button layout becomes a no brainer.

>> No.11008752

Fuck any controller that uses letters. I'm not learning three different alphabets.

>> No.11008767

OP forgot to mention that all these symmetrical layout are copying sony. Nintendo never did a symetrical 90 degree layout like it does now.

>> No.11008965
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Model II was better.

>> No.11008972

You don't have to be japanese to understand that X means cancel, you actual retard. What does the fucking x button do on your browser, and is it to the left or the right?

>> No.11009140

N orth
S outh
E ast
W est

>> No.11009174

Letters make sense. Easy for people to understand, easy to print on game manuals and magazines. Imagine if every controller had people arguing if the X button stands for "cross" or the letter x.

>> No.11009207
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>Nintendo never did
gawd with these zoomies ffs, you are aware the snes was released first at least?

>> No.11009221 [DELETED] 

you're pretty much wrong on all counts. four face buttons allows for easier simultaneous button pressing with the thumb(very important for mario) and shoulder buttons are far more useful for a non claw grip than another row of 3 buttons would be.

>> No.11009227
File: 36 KB, 800x533, sagkvln3sux01-2186984119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Sony kept O on the bottom like the prototype controller we wouldn't have this problem today. The japanese would have their X/O autism satisfied and americans would have O as the confirm button as well

>> No.11009229
File: 120 KB, 942x646, heresy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>C button

>> No.11009230

two additional shoulder buttons is way more useful than two more face buttons.

>> No.11009247

This but in kanji

>> No.11009309

>>Red is the color of denial
>>Blue is the color associated with acceptance
that happened because of the cold war

>> No.11009326

Honestly I can live with Nintendo or Xbox's layout. Idrc.

>> No.11009334

The button most used in games, mostly for stuff like jumping, should be the confirm button
Simple as

>> No.11009347

There's no difference between the Xbox and Dreamcast buttons.

>> No.11009358
File: 5 KB, 347x88, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does the fucking x button do on your browser
Closes it, also the color of it is red just like the O button.
>is it to the left or the right?
It's to the right, just like the O button is to the right.
What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.11009367

People forget that on the SNES it was very common for B to be the confirm button. People would just naturally rest their thumb across the B and Y buttons, so they used B as the primary button, which made it the confirm button. That just carried over into Playstation games because western devs didn't make the X/O symbolism connection and purely did what made ergonomic sense for how people hold the controller.

>> No.11009421

X marks the spot. Like for buried treasure and shit you dumb asshole. So it makes sense to confirm with that button.

>> No.11009485

It's all arbitrary

>> No.11009494

There are literally no recorded cases or evidence of any pirate treasure maps, let along treasure maps with a dumbass X marking the spot of their goddamn stash. People weren't retarded enough to do that.

>> No.11009503

Did you sail the high seas with a merry band of men searching for booty? Didn't think so landlubber. There are no cases recorded because they kept the damn maps for themselves.

>> No.11009528
File: 247 KB, 608x320, vlcsnap-2024-06-11-00h14m11s275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of a little documentary called Muppet Treasure Island?

>> No.11009569

Xbox obviously

>> No.11009571


>> No.11009640

X is more comfortable to confirm things, sorry chud. They should've swapped the positions of X and O, and recolored them if you want to be pedantic about it.

>> No.11009671

Switching between PC with an Xbox controller and Nintendo systems constantly for decades I've just accepted that incorrect button presses are a part of life. If I didn't hate the symmetrical stick layout I'd probably have used Sony controllers just to escape that fate

>> No.11009975

Letters or numbers are fine and it doesn't really matter how you distribute them.
The shapes on Playstation are retarded and make you have to type SQUARE and TRIANGLE whenever you're talking about it online. I know the supposed reasoning for each symbol but they definitely only did it to be different from the competition.

>> No.11010067

Playstation easily
Shapes are simply easier to remember and recognize and more versatile compared to random letters
It's easy to prove this
Everybody remembers the colors of the playstation buttons nobody remembers the colors of any of the other ones
It's basic symbology and Sony is the only that did it right

>> No.11010069

none. it's all trash

>> No.11010083

Seriously. Why not A, B, C, D?. Where did X and Y come from?. Who is responsible for this madness?!.

>> No.11010093
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A and B are the main buttons. X and Y are the secondary buttons. X is the button on the x-axis and Y is the button on the y-axis.

>> No.11010096
File: 407 KB, 1440x1052, syndicate_jag_manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like the num pad. it's pretty useful. makes it the best Syndicate console port in my opinion.

>> No.11010118

Xbox makes the most sense both ergo and color coding
Dreamcast is fine, Playstation, whatever. The abstract shapes required a little more getting used to
Nintendo is fucking retarded and going between Switch and Xbox is a fucking nightmare.

hits B
Fuck Nintendo in the ear for that shit.

>> No.11010140

>Where did X and Y come from?
Industrial design.

>> No.11010143

The Nintendo layout as they were the first and therefor defined the order.
Changing the order was just to go against the established flow (as everyone decided to do their own thing button wise to avoid being labeled a clone of <X>)
Sony had it right as well (initially) with O to confirm.
Dreamcast/XBOX is just fucking retarded for flipping the order around.

>> No.11010171

Back then many had modded PSX (or emulated) and tubes of 200 CDs full of japanese games, it was easier to just burn every game you got in case it was a good one, and 99% of them were japanese. It was really hard trying to adjust when playing US games or when the PS2 came out.
Hell even years later on the Vita I kept pressing the wrong button for O and X

But that same logic applies if you center the point 0 on the middle of the 4 buttons, then the button at the top becomes Y and the left one is -X

It was a bit hard getting used to the PSX prompts when emulating, it would say "use square" and you would be using a Sidewinder or keyboard and be completely lost. The way I did it was remember the Triangle looks like the top of the pyramid and is on top of the other buttons. O is OK for japanese people and X is no no, then square would be the last one.
I heard some interviews saying that the Square button represented the Map but I don't remember games using this

>> No.11010182

>Back then many had modded PSX (or emulated) and tubes of 200 CDs full of japanese games
In Brazil, maybe.

>> No.11010212

dreamcast/xbox for me, A for jump/confirm just feels right.

>> No.11010250

I've played what must be hundreds of SNES games and I have never seen B as confirm once. It's always A or Start.
Feel free to share some examples, I know of absolutely zero.

Putting your thumb over B and Y is stupid, especially when there's another analog stick right next to them.
The point of a diamond layout is to put your thumb on all four buttons at the same time, or just A and B if that's all you need.
Do you keep your thumb over Down and Right on the D-pad because that's what "feels natural"? No, nobody fucking does that. You put it in the middle, like you're supposed to.

>> No.11010271

>I've played what must be hundreds of SNES games and I have never seen B as confirm once.
Super Mario World and Mega Man X are two that come to mind immediately.

>> No.11010301

>I've played what must be hundreds of SNES games and I have never seen B as confirm once. It's always A or Start.
>Feel free to share some examples, I know of absolutely zero.
Zoomie forgot what the buttons on his Xbox controller would map to on original hardware.

>> No.11010304

I want to see what those hundreds of games would look like.
Surely you can name a dozen.

>> No.11010314

thats just a neo geo aes controller

>> No.11010321

mgsfag detected

>> No.11010337

>we could've had a dualshock snes controller with 2 analog sticks if nintendo wasnt too cheap to pay sony for a cdrom drive
>it couldve spanned gen4 and gen5 and had a combined library of 3000+ games
im glad we live in the correct timeline

>> No.11010356

might as well argue whether the menu button should be square, triangle or start

>> No.11010363

They're literally the same 4 buttons at the same place

>> No.11010425
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>> No.11010508
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>Any localizer that swapped the two for western releases of a game
Name one /vr/ game that did it.
Can't? That's probably because for the vast majority of /vr/ games it was X to confim and Triangle to cancel. The exceptions like MGS kept the japanese layout.
It wasn't until halfway through the PS3 era that the west changed the cancel button to O.

>> No.11010541

>Name one /vr/ game that did it.
Legend of Mana

>> No.11010585
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You got it backward.

>> No.11010689
File: 104 KB, 1024x771, FfIUV-waEAItY8R-1024x771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we had both.
A shame that Retro-Bit dropped the ball.

>> No.11010774

Not that the SNES has any analog sticks to begin with, but...
>putting your thumbs on the buttons closest to the right analog stick so you can more easily move your thumb to use that analog stick when needed is stupid
Why? The right analog stick only makes putting your thumb there more logical.

>> No.11010792

Anon, the 3DS is 40 years old.

>> No.11010810

Playstation layout is easily my favorite, though admittedly only because the easy to remember Nintendo layout was irreparably fucked up by Sega/Microsoft copying it backwards. At least with PS if you see a button prompt you know exactly where to press and there's no second guessing in the back of your mind as to which layout it's referring to and won't change depending on what controller you're using.

I mentally remember button positions by the PS layout and simply execute based off of that nowadays. Not directly /vr/ related, but Sega/MS did such irreparable damage to the common sense of button layouts that modern Nintendo input guides just show you the button position with no labeling whatsoever.

Diamond layout makes way more ergonomic and practical sense. It allows you quick access to three buttons at a time where your thumb will naturally rest and the ability to rock between them as well, while still leaving an extra button up top for edge cases that call for it. Having 3 buttons all next to each other doesn't make very much sense since at most you'll only be able to hit two at a time with your thumb. Once it's upped to 6 face buttons shit gets even worse because >>11009230 is correct and L2/R2 are far more effective at allowing extra inputs without compromises. You get to have a shittier version of the diamond and two more buttons you have to move your thumb over to rather than simply giving your idle fingers more to do.

>> No.11010930

Yellowing Whacked Nintendos Behooved Associated Journalists?

>> No.11011035

Literally nobody used the shit default mapping in SM

>> No.11011043

I did and still do. I always change the controls in Mega Man X to match.

>> No.11011078

Uh, aren't the Dreamcast and Xbox buttons the same, just with different colors?

>> No.11011080

This isn't that bad of a controller, though. I just wish it had a more complex button mapping is all.

>> No.11011094
File: 269 KB, 462x437, bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't

>> No.11011096

>xbox layout
...is just the Dreamcast layout with a color swapped. The Dreamcast is also just the Sega layout with two face buttons removed. Xcocks has always just mimed, imitated, and chased trends.

>> No.11011445


>> No.11011461

Kings Field

Oops, that was two :(

>> No.11011659

>x y
>not y z

Some weird shit man

>> No.11011663

Not sure why he listed Nintendo and PlayStation, they're identical aside from button letter

>> No.11012220

>Why not A, B, C, D?
Because that was reserved for people who aren't little weenies.
>Where did X and Y come from?
The alphabet. When you learn the whole thing you'll see.
>Who is responsible for this madness?!.
Based devs who wanted to send autistic fightfags into hysterical meltdowns over how to label 8 buttons.

>> No.11012228

Why would you even ask if you aren't going to respond when people answer?

>> No.11012232

I like these big fat buttons a lot.

>> No.11012253
File: 5 KB, 408x356, sega buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreamcast/XBOX is just fucking retarded for flipping the order around.
Let me show you something that'll blow your mind anon. Look at this image. Now cover C and Z with your thumb.

>> No.11012472
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>A B laid out left to right, in western reading order
>X on the side, for the X axis, Y on top for Y axis.
>All single syllable letters

Xbox makes the most sense.
Verification not required.

>> No.11012537


>> No.11012560

Labelling wise, Xbox and Dreamcast(A bottom, Y top, X left, B right)
Color wise, none of them get it right. It should be blue bottom, green top, red right, yellow left.

>> No.11012624

I've never owned a playstation or have played it much but it's still my favorite because it has a triangle pointing up on top. I'll figure the rest out.

>> No.11012639

It technically makes the most sense to have X on the x-axis and Y on the y-axis.
But I really like the confirm on the right and cancel on the bottom. It's conflicting.

>> No.11012645

>this retard thread again
1. kys
2. Xbox layout makes the most sense *IN A VACUUM* but we don't live in that universe. Nintendo won because they got there first.
3. Playstation is the dumbest fucking nigger shit on the planet. No matter whether you choose A-B or B-A there is at least value in using a glyph system that comes with inherent built in ordering. SQUARE CIRCLE TRIANGLE X is mentally ill to a trannie-like degree because there is no preestablished a priori order in which these symbols can be sorted and thus have their positions mnemonically remembered.

>> No.11012734

meme console line that shouldve died in the 7th generation and is finally going to get put out to pasture in the coming years

>> No.11012754

in japan, red is a "positive" color, its associated with happiness, celebrations, and in ancient times, was said to drive away evil spirits. so it makes sense that the button for "confirm" would be red. the dreamcast and 3ds also share this trait. if anything, PS is the odd one out (in western regions) since even xbox has a culturally accurate face button color scheme.

>> No.11012791

The symbols are irrelevant. The data sent through the cable is the same for the corresponding press on any of the other controllers.

>> No.11012862

The only way you'd have trouble remembering the PS layout is if you're unable to rotate a cube in your head, it hasn't changed since its introduction and there's no competition trying to copy it but backwards. Triangle at the top, square on the left, circle on the right, cross on the bottom. A button prompt is a button prompt, all you have to see is what's shown onscreen and it's guaranteed that you'll know where it is if you have any cognitive functions at all.

>> No.11012871

>Xbox Controller Design
>Playstation Buttons


>> No.11012892
File: 43 KB, 1020x500, IMG_7738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where its at.

>> No.11012940

That's just the PS5 controller.

>> No.11013509

All you have to say is
>A and B laid out left to right, in the western reading order
>X and Y laid out left to right, in the western reading order
This whole "axis" cope is so fucking dumb and unnecessary; peak midwitism.

>> No.11013517
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Why would they do this?

>> No.11013646

>mentioning trannies unprovoked
Opinion discarded because you're a clinical retard.

>> No.11013668

let him cook

>> No.11013674

how did microsoft get away with it

>> No.11013948

>press the RUN button
>character doesn't speed up

>> No.11013958

Buttons numbered clockwise from the right edge.

>> No.11013967

>in a rectangle
>starts on the bottom right
I can't imagine anything less intuitive.

>> No.11013972
File: 159 KB, 500x417, sn30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snes pad goes hard and is comfy at same time

>> No.11013992

i dont really care, i switch between these so much that i doesnt make a difference to me at this point

>> No.11014047


>> No.11015389

You can also do it on the Vita (retail with CFW or IDU/testkit/devkit), problem is that it only adds to the confusion because X/O functionality can be hardcoded in games (and system setting will not have effect) OR it can be set to "default" (and such games will use the system setting).

It was not a localizer's choice, it was mandated by Sony. Also, unlike the meaningless alphabetic characters, the square and triangle symbols were initially meant for menu and camera buttons.

>> No.11016037

>X button on the Xbox layout isn't green

>> No.11016151

This is the most uncomfortable controller I've owned in the past decade. Trying to cram the entire dualshock layout into a snes controller without adding grips is pretty obviously stupid. Also the ABXY buttons are overly stiff and bottom out hard and feel like the xbox controller face buttons.

>> No.11016169

Only correct answer

>> No.11016924
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>Which makes the most sense?
THIS did... and I'm sad it didn't become standard. Dreamcast was fine, but it felt like a downgrade in pretty much every way... also, this analog that I'm not even sure I can call a "stick" should ALSO be the standard because it feels pretty nice too.

>> No.11017106

I loathe having B/No at the bottom.

>> No.11017148

Shapes on PS suck as they are unintuitive (compared to a or b, x or y), although the explanation I've seen regarding the number of strokes of a pen/brush...ie circle=1 x=2, triangle=3 square=4 makes the layout more rational it still sucks.

Nintendo and sega x/ y being reversed is dumb.

Xbox is best despite being almost 100 percent derivative.

>> No.11017158

I just made this post

Everything you say makes complete sense. Unfortunately 6 button controllers died

>> No.11017182

The PS layout is 2 letters (X and O) and 2 shapes (Square and Triangle), grouped together for primary and secondary functions, just like the SNES controller makes A/B convex and X/Y concave to group each of them.

>> No.11017190

Yes, fair point. However "number of strokes/shape" will never be able to replace the essentially natural a/b or x/y dichotomies.

>> No.11017271


>> No.11017507

8bitDooDoo is crap, we all know this.

>> No.11017586

>The only way you'd have trouble remembering the PS
Disregarded. The point stands clear as day, you clearly didn't read it. Mnemonics are OBJECTIVELY superior to rote memorization. Go back to school, kiddo.

>> No.11017924

>Pick up PS controller
>Immediately remember where buttons are because I never forgot as I'm not a blithering retard,and it's never once changed since 1994
>Pick up Nintendo, Dreamcast, or Xbox controller
>Oh hell, which of these layouts is which again, why can no one agree what goes where

>> No.11018672

>X on the X axis
>Y on the Y axis
>Alphabetical order from left to right
I rest my case.

>> No.11018732

>>X on the X axis
>>Y on the Y axis
No one but insecure midwits desperate to prove how smart and math-y they are give a single shit about this or even think of it.

>> No.11018747

Your desperate ad-hominems only make the case for it stronger.

>> No.11018751

Well we know which one makes the least sense.
>play Dreamcast, PlayStation, or Xbox game, get to the main menu, highlight new game
>press the bottom button, the one my thumb rests on
>game starts

>play Nintendo game, get to the main menu, highlight new game
>press the bottom button, the one my thumb rests on
>booted back to title screen

>> No.11018761

I prefer the Sega layout because alphabetical order is the most intuitive and I prefer my confirm button on the bottom. That axis shit just makes you sound like a pathetic tryhard.

>> No.11018762
File: 66 KB, 534x508, qwerty-keys-on-a-computer-keyboard-B2DTBK~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little known fact. PlayStation controllers correspond to the QWERTY keyboard. D (delta), C (circle), S (square) and X (x or cross)

>> No.11018772

No it doesn't, how illiterate do you need to be to bark shit like this? Alphabetical and the correct axis make it more logical and intuitive, your babyrage does nothing to diminish it.

>> No.11018784

X and Y are already in alphabetical order on the Sega/Xbox layout. Why add another layer to it? Completely unnecessary midwitism.

>> No.11018798

Because it shows good planning on the engineers part and lo and behold, the axis are usually named in alphabetical order as well! What a fucking autistic moron.

>> No.11018815
File: 243 KB, 2000x1410, 2000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ordering of the X and Y buttons started on a controller where they were arranged in a fucking line. Axes never had anything to do with it at all.

>> No.11018874

So this is all you wanted to say, that you like the saturn layout better. Don't start raging against axes being mentioned like some kind of cranial-crippled yokel next time.

>> No.11018885

>why do they all just use letters? Its weird nobody else thought to play with it a little
If you were capable of having more than one thought for more than one second at a time, you might actually figure it out.

>> No.11018905

I said from the start that the Sega layout is best because it's in alphabetical order. Did you miss that part? Here, I'll quote it:

>I prefer the Sega layout because alphabetical order is the most intuitive and I prefer my confirm button on the bottom.

I only ever criticized your unnecessary mention of "muh axes" that was literally never part of the design process. Alphabetical order is all the defense that layout needs and it's the only consideration for why the buttons are in that order.

>> No.11020334
File: 34 KB, 1265x406, Bear paw Gamecube six buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo even tried to recognize the mistake and rearrange their buttons in 6th gen.

>> No.11020797

But then their response to L2/R2 and LT/RT was (wait for it) ZL and ZR!

>> No.11020849
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, ggif_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes the most sense to have the most buttons.

>> No.11021106

Xbox 360

>> No.11021484

Xbox is the objective best for English speaking countries.
>reads left to right
>green is confirm
>red is back
my personal preference would be for all controllers to swap A/B to top and X/Y to bottom for comfort reasons.

>> No.11022542

It's crazy how the controller alone says about the people behind it.
Sony was the only sane video game company.
It's no surprise how, out of nowhere, they took over and dominated the gaming industry.

>> No.11022550

X-1 X+1

>> No.11022645

>It's no surprise how, out of nowhere, they took over and dominated the gaming industry.
They were a billion dollar corporation that came into a relatively fresh industry and gobbled up every studio they could get their hands on.
Sony is solely to blame for the degradation of video game quality.

>> No.11022715

Sega rotated Nintendo's color scheme counterclockwise one-button.

>> No.11022723

Standing on the razor's edge
Don't press down, just keep your head
Or you'll be finished

>> No.11022759

>Sony is solely to blame for the degradation of video game quality.
Home console gaming peaked with sony
Microsoft came 1 year earlier before the PS3 and ruined it all forever

>> No.11022773

On-screen prompts that show a silhouette of a generic face button layout with the button you need for the appropriate action lit because patents, copyright, and capitalism are fucking gay and led to this mess.

>> No.11022776

>Home console gaming peaked with sony
And after a peak comes a decline.
PlayStation was a real “you think you do, but you don’t” moment for gamers. At first we thought we loved the convenience they brought to gaming, but that convenience came with a price.
Sony getting into gaming meant Microsoft HAD to get in before it was too late, and that was the nail in the coffin.
It may have been the greatest generation, but it marked the beginning of the end.

>> No.11022778

Eldritch horror.

>> No.11022785

>Dreamcast layout
>Xbox layout
It is literally the same

>> No.11022790

Where did this horrifying abomination come from?

>> No.11022793

I know Saturn is the 'cool' controller but how, actually, does the 3 per row layout make sense? You can't rock your thumb between A and C comfortably. You have to reposition your thumb. Nor can you press A and C simultaneously without positioning your right-hand fingers as if they're joystick buttons like a mutant; at this point why not use a joystick?

>> No.11023110
File: 20 KB, 241x230, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one
evenly spaced zoomie-buttons are fucking stupid
snes had the perfect layout and they should have never touched it again

>> No.11023139


>> No.11023145

None of them. The layouts are nigh to actually arbitrary, with the Genesis perhaps making the most sense in an English speaking country**. The question is did the dev put the appropriate function in the right place on any given game.

Sony's choice of labelling being the most egregiously bad because of this >>11007110, which is unfortunate because using symbols was otherwise a good move.

>> No.11023151

Xbox has the right format but the wrong buttons.
Dreamcast is a nightmare of sharp edges. You'd know this if you ever actually used one for more than 20 minutes.
MDK2 for example looks great on the dreamcast, but sucks to play. Shit controller, you are all liars.

>> No.11023163

You would stop at x on a map like this right, angry anon, which is more in the spirit of cancellation to me. You're trying to make a connection to confirmation that doesn't really exist to 99% of the rest of the world. Nta btw.