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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 674 KB, 2048x1536, 2013-09-21 12.33.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1091384 No.1091384[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>There isn't a CRT general.
Lets fix that right now.

Bought this a while back without really knowing what I was doing. I had just heard nice things said about Trinitrons, and didn't know then about specific video connections. This one only has composite and rf connections.
In any case it was only $12.
My Dad recently gave me a Sanyo crt with component hookups that makes the games I play on Retroarch look incredibly nice.

>> No.1091417
File: 138 KB, 1862x639, BS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My CRT has suddenly developed a convergence issue. The reds are blurry and off centre.

I take it there are no easy ways to fix this?

>> No.1091579

If it's a more modern CRT then there may be a menu (or service menu) for setting convergence. Otherwise it is rings on the deflection yoke and you best be certain what you're doing before touching that shit!

>> No.1091584
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x1836, crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know anything about JcPenney brand crts?

>> No.1091593

I'd suspect that's a badge-engineered Japanese set from the early-mid '80s. Possibly Sanyo or Sharp or something, I'm just guessing by the design.

>> No.1091602

When one of the three colors of RGB are not functional (green, in my case), where is the problem? It's the tube? I had one TV like that once.

>> No.1091609

Is that actually RGB or were they just using it as a buzzword to make it seem superior?

>> No.1091617

That looks quite similar to an NEC/Mitsubishi set I had as a kid.

>> No.1091624

The cause could be anything from the chroma decoder (or scart input) up to the last amplifier stage and of course the tube.
It will require a oscilloscope and schematics to check the green signal path for a correct signal

>> No.1091648
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x1836, back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a pic of the inputs on the back. Its model number is 685-2220.

>> No.1091673

Ain't no RGB there, but a surprising amount of connections for a consumer set. That weird green thing is an EIAJ VTR connector, which is only for composite video and audio (input and output).

>> No.1091683

I have all of my retro vidya set up on CRTs and I'm currently going through all of the numbered Megaman games. I want to play 9 and 10 and I downloaded the free demo for 9 for my ps3 which is on an LCD, and noticed considerable delay that made it difficult for me to play especially when I was used to the perfect controls and response times of the nes games. If I hook my ps3 up to a CRT will this make the problem go away?

>> No.1091687

I play on a northmende from 2001, it's a really shit CRT with flat screen that cuts everything.
I'm poor so I actually use it with everything, from movies to my ps3 and 360 games.

Maybe I should reconsider my priorities, but I finally got a nice surprise when I managed to play SNES games on it through my Wii.

>> No.1091693
File: 1.48 MB, 1800x1200, DSC_0387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apple crt. oh and my apple 2e platinum.

>> No.1091707
File: 80 KB, 591x662, conectorp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That weird green thing is an EIAJ VTR connector
>which is only for composite video and audio (input and output).
Wrong, some TVs use it as a Digital TTL RGB input. That kind of input is quite worthless because it's incompatible with analogue signals.

>> No.1091731

Never heard of that before. My PVM has a VTR and separate 9-pin d-sub "Digital RGB" connector. Isn't it only good for CGA PCs, C128's and pretty much nothing else?

>> No.1091948

>speaker level outputs
That TV must have an amp inside it, that's pretty badass

>> No.1091957

Anyone, any insight?

>> No.1091967


That setup is so fucking familiar looking..... I almost want to say its not your's XD

>> No.1091971
File: 179 KB, 1844x1383, dwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got one off a relative for free today. Are Mitsubishi tv's a good brand for CRT? The screen looks real crisp and I'm curious if anyone have any feedback on it.

>> No.1092003

Mitsus are fine. Despite being mostly known as a car company in America, they also made amazing S-VHS VCRs and other electronics. Alongside JVC they produced the best VCRs.

>> No.1092431
File: 14 KB, 414x197, 31bkA2AWXcL._SL500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much lag do these things introduce? I want hard numbers or at least some estimates.

>> No.1093321 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 1200x1600, 15.7khz.01x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey folks. I want you all to know that my big talk about getting 15 Khz RGB signals out of your computer and to a monitor/TV, with accurate sync rates and resolutions, has come to fruition. You can all do this too, and it just takes a cheap old ATI video card and an RGB monitor or TV with component inputs (plus a transcoder for that).

I've made a rudimentary guide that I hope to update with more detail, but this is essentially the secret to perfect emulation. My sync rates are well within 1/1000th of a Hz for all games...the only one I've had problems with so far is BloodStorm because it runs at 384x256 but over 60 Hz (unlike R-Type's 55 Hz.) Just need to tweak my settings and see how high in horizontal frequency the PVM can go...I've gotten it up to 16.3 Khz so far.

Here's an early tutorial...check it out and the links in it and you'll see which video cards this works with. You might just have one lying around, even many AGP models will work perfectly.


>> No.1093336 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 1600x1200, 15.7khz.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for the people who said that you can't get accurate sync rates without the use of special crystals. When you play R-Type using RetroArch on Wii, it runs at 60 frames per second. Because RetroArch's vsync runs the game at the output rate, this results in unplayable R-Type. It needs to run as close to 55.017606 Hz as possible, and be synced to this.

GroovyMAME's video output is heavily customized beyond SwitchRes...input lag can be completely eliminated with this setup. DoDonPachi runs at 57 Hz, it's unplayable on RetroArch. I move my stick though with this setup, the ship moves with it...I can feel the response. Anyway, here's R-Type's boot screen.

>> No.1093342 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 1600x1200, 15.7khz.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now some scanline porn of Bad Dudes running at 256 x 240p and 57.392 Hz (target refresh: 57.392103 Hz). The black areas on the side will be adjusted using precise microsecond timings for the front and back porches, I already centered it doing this and just have to widen it a little now.

>> No.1093356 [DELETED] 
File: 2.72 MB, 1600x1200, 15.7khz.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the only one I have of the whole setup at the moment. Splatterhouse of course running at native resolution...this modeline fills the monitor quite well.

>> No.1093386


>This is for the people who said that you can't get accurate sync rates without the use of special crystals. When you play R-Type using RetroArch on Wii, it runs at 60 frames per second. Because RetroArch's vsync runs the game at the output rate, this results in unplayable R-Type. It needs to run as close to 55.017606 Hz as possible, and be synced to this.
>DoDonPachi runs at 57 Hz, it's unplayable on RetroArch.

Very interesting. Does this mean that arcade games need custom refresh rates?

>GroovyMAME's video output is heavily customized beyond SwitchRes...input lag can be completely eliminated with this setup.

For Linux, sure. I don't buy you can do that on Windows. I think they should focus just on Linux, and aim for those serious enough to want to dedicate an entire machine to emulation. There's nothing special about Windows. Linux in KMS mode is where its at if you want input reduction. You should base emulators around that as a starting point instead of bothering with Winbloze.

>> No.1093391

>How much lag do these things introduce?


>> No.1093394 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 1600x1200, 15.7khz.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have made this point before but I'm not sure they know anything about MAME on Linux. The libraries it's built from introduce a minimum of 3 frames of input lag no matter what you do.

Linux is completely deprecated in the arcade emulation CRT community at this point due to the lag it will always introduce. Windows XP is the system on which zero input lag has been proven, equal measurements in lag to superguns.

But yeah, there aren't many arcade games that run at 60.000 Hz. There are some, and these feel good on RetroArch. Most arcade games, and console games too, require very precise custom refresh rates other than 60 Hz.

To eliminate input lag with Linux, you'd need to rewrite the whole of MAME. To eliminate input lag with Windows XP, you just need an ATI video card and Calamity's software...AND to enable the raw_input API in MAME, and use a proper keyboard encoder.

>> No.1093397

>Linux is completely deprecated in the arcade emulation CRT community at this point due to the lag it will always introduce.

Even KMS mode?

And even if true, it would just make more sense to make a linux OS that has no input lag than to bother with Windows.

>> No.1093405

Please explain your answer, anon.

>> No.1093414


Looks like you don't know shit about arcade hardware then. Hell, even NeoGAF knows it better than you-


"At the very least, Saturn and PSX DonPachi will be 4% faster as a baseline than the arcade version, like with DDP. Similarly, Guwange on XBLA is 4% faster on XBLA than the arcade original. Cave 1st gen hardware outputs at 57hz, so the 60hz home consoles will run these games faster."


Next thing you will probably chastize RetroArch for running Mortal Kombat at its original refreshrate instead of 60Hz.

>> No.1093417 [DELETED] 

I think you've already arrived at a conclusion and are offering arguments to justify it rather than looking at what is objectively true. Windows XP is where input lag has been conquered. Linux is able to output custom refresh rates more readily than Windows. There is already a custom Linux distribution just for running GroovyUME/MAME, but it's full of input lag. You'd have to reinvent the wheel after already reinventing it.

If you have Linux skills and a high speed camera, you could test RetroArch's response times under custom resolutions and sync rates. Maybe it's killer at SNES emulation running bsnes or something.

>> No.1093427 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry dude, but you just said that home consoles running DoDonPachi run it at 60 fps like RetroArch does rather than the correct 57 fps like my rig / the arcade does.

You just said that I'm wrong but said the exact same thing that I did. You'll feel better when you set something like this up yourself and will no longer feel the need to try to dismantle it.

RetroArch does not output Mortal Kombat at 54 Hz, my TV would default to PAL if it did. You're making things up. RetroArch can't play MK at all.

>> No.1093436


Man, what an idiot you are.

Learn to program and learn how stuff actually works.

It syncs INTERNALLY at the CORRECT REFRESH RATE of the game you are emulating - THEN it resamples the audio and makes it so that it runs perfectly at the OUTPUT REFRESH RATE your monitor is running at.

THIS is how you do things properly. You are talking out of your ass on a subject matter you know nothing about - because you can't program.

>RetroArch does not output Mortal Kombat at 54 Hz, my TV would default to PAL if it did.

Wut? 54Hz "defaults to PAL"?

Learn to know what audio/video sync is all about son. You are being even more stupid than an audiophile right now.

>You're making things up. RetroArch can't play MK at all.

Double wut? So "MK" on RetroArch MAME 0.150 "unexists"now?

>> No.1093443

You guys win, I'm an idiot for doing what you've been unable to do. Enjoy discussing CRTs.

>> No.1093447


Fuck off Squarepusher.

>> No.1093451

This guy's really angry and really wrong about a lot of things. Everyone knows that pushing a signal under 55.5 Hz to an NTSC television results in the signal being detected as PAL and the TV shitting the bed as a result.

>> No.1093456

Yeah, MAME 0.150 on RetroArch for Wii does not and has never existed.

>> No.1093457

>This guy's really angry and really wrong about a lot of things.

Like what?

>> No.1093460


The Wii would run it like shit so I don't feel like compiling it for the Wii, no.

>> No.1093462

>outputting the game at refresh rates other than native is how you do things properly

>> No.1093464

SquarePusher can't work with the Wii's graphic chip beyond making fake scanlines. Poor babby. Has to pretend that non-native ouput is better than native.

>> No.1093469

So you're trying to advance the theory that RetroArch is the appropriate way to run MAME on a PC?

>> No.1093470

>I don't feel like compiling it for the Wii, no.

Squarepusher, what is your fucking obsession with 4chan? I thought you fucking banned yourself. Are you that much of a nutjob that you can't just not go to a site that's talking about your project?

>> No.1093472


Which is why RetroArch syncs it back to the "output refresh rate" - which is configurable.

Hell, if you are one of these insane mental lunatics that really believes all this stuff matters so much - you could set the output refresh rate to 57Hz and you could have your GroovyMAME cake and eat it too.

BTW - to the guy saying that the "CRT emulation community" does not recommend Linux - dude - your "CRT emulation community" most likely consists of a bunch of retards.

Your "hacked" Radeon driver running on the XP box has absolutely NOTHING on a modern Linux box running RetroArch in KMS mode. Plus it's a lot less obtuse and outdated to run such a setup.

Please start doing it right and please stop embarrassing yourself and hiding behind some kind of idiotic "community". You people sound even more idiotic than the audiophiles, and those guys are already a riot.

I recommend that psychiatric wards get set up for you looons - your mental delusions are really becoming a danger to society.

>> No.1093476


Fun fact: You can't get an "accurate" image out of old emus out of the Wii. Why?

Because the GX scaler fucks your shit up.

You're mentally deluding yourself. But that is nothing new - since you guys are more mentally deluded than audiophiles.

>> No.1093478
File: 31 KB, 400x300, laughing bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I recommend that psychiatric wards get set up for you looons - your mental delusions are really becoming a danger to society."

>SP saying that other people are loons and should go to mental wards

>> No.1093479

How does it feel to steal quality and innovative programming work from people like byuu and repackage it in a shitty GUI that requires you to troll forums in order to maintain its spotty reputation?

>> No.1093480

>Fun fact: You can't get an "accurate" image out of old emus out of the Wii. Why?
>Because the GX scaler fucks your shit up.

I'm aware of that, but it's the best you can make the games look. It's not 100% "accurate" but it is the best you can get on an emulator. And pretty gosh darn close to the original. The differences are minor and not noticeable.

>> No.1093481

I heard that SquarePusher doesn't have the skills to get the Wii's graphics system to work the way it's capable of.

>> No.1093482


I could respond to that if I even knew what the fuck you were talking about son.

Byuu did fuck all on either RetroArch or libretro. I put all the work in.

Most likely you can't program to begin with so all of this is moot.

>> No.1093486
File: 181 KB, 625x626, 4bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1093491


It's more like you're mentally deluding yourself that a GX Scaler that "distorts" the image from the get-go - that you can somehow get an äccurate" image out of that by upscaling that image by two and then applying some "hardware filtering" to it.

But hey, this is the kind of stuff programmers know about. Not 20-something dudes in arrested development mode who have never learned to program and who are not getting ahead in life.

>> No.1093492

You're such a fucking joke, fuck your shitty GUI full of the programming work of others. I've never seen someone rip on others for not programming as much as you do...wonder if that's a sore subject you insecure fuck boy? You can't program either, you're a joke in THE COMMUNITY.

>> No.1093497

Jesus Christ you're a parody of yourself. What a sad and insecure pathos-ridden lump of inadequacy.

>> No.1093498


Run your mouth some more, see if that makes your argument any more coherent.

Only dumbasses care about GUIs and well, I guess you fit that description so, errr, well, I don't really give a shit about appealing to you. And it's not like GroovyMAME is doing such a "great job"in that regard either.

Now swear some more. Want a cookie with that big boy?

>> No.1093501


What, a bunch of neets who worship little girl cartoons like My Little Pony and have never had a girlfriend?

>> No.1093503

Go download some HQ scaling filters for your OLED monitor, you hate everything about CRTs and people who enjoy proper emulation rather than your brand of shit.

>> No.1093505

>Only dumbasses care about GUIs

Normal people care about GUIs and easy to use programs.

Linux fags like to use obtuse programs like RetroArch because it makes them feel better than the "regular plebs". It's just an ego circlejerk.

RetroArch has gone nowhere, and will continue to go nowhere. Even on Android the paid emulators have way more downloads. SP has to resort to spamming forums to get any attention.

>> No.1093504

I think it's funny that SquarePusher gets so upset when someone shows up with photographic proof that he'll never program in a manner that satisfies CRT users.

>> No.1093509


LOL. That was a good comeback, and that wasn't even me (SP).

>> No.1093512

He's most likely referring to the byuu cultists.

>> No.1093515

This is some stupid shit, if anyone wants to output fully accurate signals from their PC to their CRT, here's the link that was deleted after the RetroArch developer's trolling (when RetroArch on Wii was indicted as inaccurate).


>> No.1093518

>that wasn't even me (SP).

Do you need attention that badly that you have to point out who you are all the time?

>> No.1093519 [DELETED] 


> Windows
> Custom Radeon driver
> Thinking you can get "zero lag" out of Winbloze

You people are really mentally handicapped. I feel sorry for you.

Man what a freakshow. I guess that it's all a matter of "I'm too dumb and stupid to run Linux or know what KMS does - so I'm just going to pretend that Winbloze is the BEST".

>> No.1093523

Report for unreadable text / internet jargon

>> No.1093520

>This is some stupid shit, if anyone wants to output fully accurate signals from their PC to their CRT, here's the link that was deleted after the RetroArch developer's trolling (when RetroArch on Wii was indicted as inaccurate).

Oh yeah, forgot

> Windows XP

Double lulz.

>> No.1093524

GC and Wii have an 27Mhz oscillator (or 13.5mhz in the PAL GC at least), which is used for the pixel clock.
The 27Mhz clock can be divided by 2 to get a 13.5mhz clock for 15khz output, this is unlike PC graphic cards that use a PLL to get wide selection of pixel clocks.
13.5mhz clock with 720px width is mostly referred as the BT601 standard and 27mhz clock with 720px width is used for progressive output.

>> No.1093526


And this still doesn't matter jack shit because the GX Scaler STILL DISTORTS THE FUCKING IMAGE.

Do you actually get what I am telling you son? Are you slow of thinking?

Learn to program and you will know why YOU ARE FOOLING YOURSELF.

The image is ALREADY DOCTORED from the get-go.

>> No.1093535

Yet when someone uses RetroArch on Wii as an example of inaccurate emulation and tells people how to emulate accurately on a CRT in the CRT thread, you sperg out and claim RetroArch on Wii is the ultimate way to output original signals to a CRT and run MK at 54 Hz.

All your work on RetroArch is now invalid due to this orgy of ignorance.

>> No.1093537


{{citation needed}}

>> No.1093538



See, like I told you before - an end-user cannot ever get this stuff right. You need to learn to program to actually know WTF you are talking about.

Really son - drop down that joypad for a few months in your life and go get yourself hooked up on the Libogc SDK - get Devkitpro too. Go learn the VI and GX subsytems. See how things work. Stop being a caveman and stop becoming actually "educated".

Then you will see how misguided/inaccurate you were all along.

Bye bubba.

>> No.1093539


>The image is ALREADY DOCTORED from the get-go.

Is it meaningful differences? Should I care?

>> No.1093540


You should care that you are deluding yourself - yes - since you are all so hung up on ÄCCURACY"- ÄCCUHURTZ"- ÖMG IT IS INACCURATE".

Man you people sound like a bunch of insane crackpots. You are worse than the idiots over at Prisonplanet - chasing an illusion that doesn't exist.

>> No.1093541

Yeah, run away when someone accurately sums up your retarded behavior in this thread. You're the one who said RetroArch on Wii was more accurate than GroovyMAME on a PVM under XP.

>> No.1093548

>Man you people sound like a bunch of insane crackpots.

Pot. Kettle. Black. The only lunatic here is you SP. You're a nutjob.

>You are worse than the idiots over at Prisonplanet - chasing an illusion that doesn't exist.

Would have thought you'd be all over Alex Jones. You check under bed every night for Byuu so I figured you'd be the paranoid type.

>> No.1093552



I said anything about RetroArch Wii? When the "wut" ever did I mention RetroArch Wii in relation to MAME 0.150? That thing wouldn't even run MK3 at one-fifth of a frame per second.

I think this is something your bubba ass invented out of thin quite honestly.

>was more accurate than GroovyMAME on a PVM under XP

You know how sad this sounds to anyone actually educated on these things, right? Running a Windows XP box with a "hacked" Radeon driver - seriously....

Not wanting to look at KMS mode because you are too dumb to work it out and because you are "afraid" of learning Linux.

>> No.1093553

>call everyone retarded for thinking RetroArch on Wii is inaccurate
>spend the next 15 minutes arguing about how inherently inaccurate the Wii's graphics system is
>someone points out the inherent contradiction in this

>> No.1093557

>when someone shows up with photographic proof that he'll never program in a manner that satisfies CRT users.

No such "proof" has been offered.

>> No.1093558

I can't believe how uniquely "you" you are. To rip on hacked drivers and stuff, to hate people who clamor for "240p" as much as you do, to rip on people for not being able to "do it themselves" if they want accurate CRT emulation so bad...you're just so you. You're a really odious person.

>> No.1093562


Oh wait, it's resident gbatemp village idiot nintygaming everyone!

>> No.1093567

SquarePusher is the RetroArch dev who refuses to program a system for automatic resolution switching due to his inability to program at a high level. He claims such things are hacks. When he sees someone post a build that allows for automatic resolution switching based on mame's XML, he becomes very upset because he sees a userbase that will think little of him while praising another competing dev.

To make himself feel better, he will remind everyone that they can't program.

>> No.1093572


SP, why are you so antagonistic? You do realize that everyone hates you because you're a jerk right?

>> No.1093573


Oh, it really IS you. I was wondering for a minute if this entire thing wasn't just spearheaded by nintygaming.

>> No.1093583
File: 483 KB, 500x439, mj_popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everytime retroarch or SP get mentioned on 4chan

>> No.1093586

>>everytime retroarch or SP get mentioned on 4chan

And it's all due to SP himself descending from the heavens to grace us with his wit and charm.

>> No.1093597


I don't even understand half of this debates, I'm technologically challenged, I just like the tone of the discussion, it's more funny than most stuff on tv.
I like retroarch for many reasons, and I don't use savestates anyway, but the way he gets defensive over trivial shit or legitimate problems like the GUI being not exactly optimal(but not as bad as some wish to imply) it's always something.

>> No.1093598
File: 869 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i see the shitstorm that 15.7khz has started here
Thanks a lot dude, you just can't control yourself in any CRT thread.
However, can we start to discuss CRTs instead of gimmicky emulators?

>> No.1093607

If the CRT thread feels that SquarePusher and his advice is what's wanted here instead of my presence and tutorial, I have no problem never talking about CRTs again. I can enjoy them for myself.

>> No.1093609

>but the way he gets defensive over trivial shit or legitimate problems

SP is a nutjob. He can't not respond to people talking about him or his project. He can't admit any kind of mistake or error or accept any criticism. He's paranoid about everything. He's a fucking loon and seriously needs meds.

>> No.1093612

I promised the person who was posting under my name months ago that I would post pictures of my cables and PVM when I had GroovyMAME and CRT_EMUdriver set up. I delivered on my promise. I'm done with this.

>> No.1093702

Retroarch devs are fucking lunatics. I refuse to ever use their programs because of it.

>> No.1093714

You have to be fucking batshit to be a serious programmer. You might as well saying you're going to never use another product that a programmer has coded anything for, and good luck finding a car without a computer in it.

>> No.1093721

Does anyone know where SquarePusher lives?

>> No.1093725 [DELETED] 

He is Dutch.

>> No.1093728


Other programmers don't go into my forums and shit the place up and put their lunacy up for all to see. This guy shits up /v/, /vg/, /vr/, and everywhere else I've seen. Fuck that guy.


UK or Netherlands. Don't "Dox" him as that's immature le raidfag stuff.

>> No.1093731

Just wanted to know if he was close enough to fight. Don't care about crossing international waters for it. Could probably frame him for portraying Mohammed in a cartoon or something if you wanted to go the "dox" route or whatever...he has a high enough profile.

>> No.1093740

Dutch? So SquarePusher is a SquareHead. Hilarious.

>> No.1093757

>Squarepusher Genreal

>> No.1093761


Don't "dox" him. Just report every post that shit head makes. I do. He may in fact be already banned.

>> No.1093827 [DELETED] 


LOL man you are a faggot. I haven't laughed so hard in years.

>> No.1093830

I could give fuck all about accuracy really. I just want to play games efficiently. RetroArch on my Wii is probably the greatest thing I've ever experienced that is video game related. Words truly cannot express the amount of sexual arousal it gives me, and for that I thank you SP.

>> No.1093834

Samefag and SP plz go

>> No.1093838

I'm not SP faggot I'm the OP of this thread. I was just checking in to see how it was going.

>> No.1093846

>and for that I thank you SP.

SP Circlejerk Squad Plz go

>> No.1093848

>Oh boohoo someone agrees with SP and not me.

>> No.1093860

People in the CRT thread who praise inaccuracy and talk about getting sexually aroused over it are most likely not actually interested in CRTs.

>> No.1093862

>close enough to fight.

As soon as I knew someone was going to fight SP I'd tell him he's a GUI activist.
He'd fucking destroy you.

>> No.1093865

Post your location then

>> No.1093874

>All this blatant shitposting

>> No.1093879

I honestly don't fucking know anything about this shit. I just know that I fucking love the RetroArch port for the Wii. It's as accurate as I will ever get without gettng the original hardware, because I'm not really going to sperg out over a few ms of lag enough to try anything else.

>> No.1093893

SP has absolutely no respect for anyone who uses his software on the Wii. Just read what he's said in this thread. He has nothing but contempt for you.

>> No.1093898

And I could care less.

>> No.1093906

See how much you care now that I've apparently rendered you completely impotent, as your sexual gratification pivots on the words and deeds of SP by your own admission.

>> No.1093905


>> No.1093914

Yeah, nah. I'm still wankin' it pretty hard to the Wii's port of RetroArch. I don't think you've done much.

>> No.1093941

Don't have to, you're doing a super job yourself

>> No.1093942


Not true. I care greatly about endusers that are worth giving a shit about (ie. everybody who is NOT nintygaming)

>> No.1093949

But everyone in this thread is "nintygaming"?

>> No.1093957

T-thank you anon...

>> No.1093960

I wouldn't say that. I've never even heard of nintygaming.

>> No.1093981

Thanks for ruining this thread guys

*slow claps*

>> No.1094024 [DELETED] 


Reported. Check yourself before ya wreck yourself.

>> No.1094035

>>All this blatant shitposting

Wherever Squarepusher posts, shitposting follows. He destroyed Emulation General and now he's ruining CRT General. He won't be happy until he's ruined all of /vr/ and /vg/.

>> No.1094051

please stop, just let this thread die

>> No.1094062 [DELETED] 

Reported for nonsense typing / internet jargon. Enjoy your ban for committing an actual breach of Global Rules.

>> No.1094064


Announcing bans is against the rules.

>> No.1094072

Then you should have plenty of time to contemplate the irony when you're also banned for announcing your glorious "report".

>> No.1094075
File: 24 KB, 250x250, delle773c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey guys... C-can we talk about CRT stuffs nao?

How good would video quality be if I connected my laptop to a CRT monitor through VGA? I just installed Fedora and RetroArch and would like to play using an older screen.
Pic related is the monitor I have.

>> No.1094081

You'll have to do work to make it be right, so if you succeed prepare to be mocked by this thread and chased off the board, perhaps by the RetroArch dev himself. People hate those whose accomplishments rise above their own in the CRT world...it's simpler to label it the overwork of a "sperg lord" and move on.

>> No.1094085

I think you may just be still a little upset with SP bro.

>> No.1094091

Anyone who uses RetroArch or Linux for emulation is an SP bootlicker and can fuck off.

>> No.1094093

>Several people from this thread get bans
>SP doesn't

Is he butt buddies with moot or something? That dude shits up 4chan with impunity.

>> No.1094095

He's able to spam his commercial advertising for his RetroArch software project with impunity, so you tell me.

>> No.1094096

I think you guys shit up 4chan with impunity and I've been here since '04

>> No.1094101

I heard he has a botnet installed in RetroArch so he's able to use basically anyone's IP at any time and avoids it that way.

>> No.1094110

>all this butthurt over getting told by SP


>> No.1094114


>Sperglord whose off his meds comes into a thread
>Makes a fool of himself

>> No.1094131

>someone makes a wrong statement about RetroArch
>actual RetroArch Dev comes in to correct him
>everyone gets mad

>> No.1094138

>>actual RetroArch Dev comes in to correct him

Didn't happen. He fully admits RA, like the home ports plays the games too fast. See: >>1093414

>> No.1094143

Yeah that's exactly what the guy who's set up flawless CRT emulation on his computer had said too...looks like SP's tight enough with the mods to get anything that reflects poorly on him erased and make it look like he "told" somebody.

>> No.1094145
File: 28 KB, 390x310, 1279199904473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1094149
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My buddy gave me his old TV. It's a 19'' Insignia from 2006. I'm so happy with it. A truly magnanimous gift.

>> No.1094169
File: 755 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, my wage is quite decent so that i can use original hardware instead.

The last time when i said something like this in a thread, everyone got butthurt. Very butthurt, if you know what i mean.

>> No.1094172

*i didn't mean to reply to that post

>> No.1094174


Meh, honestly it's more a matter of easiness than money.
I mean, almost everyone with a job can afford a SNES, a Megadrive and a used Dreamcast, not to mention old handhelds.
Very few however have the know-how to get Japanese games without having to participate to Yahoo japan auction to get games like Hagane.

>> No.1094176

How many PCBs have you collected? What's in your cabs right now?

>> No.1094179


>google that shit
>have been deemed illegal by the US in 1979 and by the UN in 2001

Jesus UN get it together

>> No.1094189

So you're poor

>> No.1094275

>I'm banning myself from 4chan
>comes back 3 days later

>> No.1094296

>Don't forget you're here forever.

>> No.1094297

This whole shitstorm is based on a misunderstanding

RetroArch with MAME2013 plays that game at the correct frame rate, even on a 60hz display, though you will get some slight pull down due to occasional doubled frames but no tearing thanks to vsync. It's perfectly playable.

Seems like he was talking about running it in RetroArch Wii, which uses Final Burn Alpha. I noticed FBA does run DoDonPachi at 60hz, so this is an issue with the core, not RetroArch itself. The core dictates the output resolution and frame rate, RetroArch then syncs that to your display.

So basically, FBA runs games faster than they should, RetroArch is just outputting what FBA core tells it to.

>> No.1094305


FBA core plays them too fast, MAME2013 core doesn't. Try it out on the PC version of RetroArch

>> No.1094339


>> No.1094382

Sounds like you understood just fine...you probably got a kick out of SP claiming you can run Mortal Kombat on MAME 0.150 on the Wii, at a native output of 54 Hz.

>> No.1094572

I wonder why he went to the trouble of porting his shit if he didn't care in the first place.

Probably because muh users.

>> No.1094575

I really like the HD CRT my sister owns. I plan to take it when she gets a new TV, but it doesn't really feel retro to play games on it, maybe because I play in progressive.

>> No.1094582


I believe those have a minimal resolution of 480p.

>> No.1094607

Well yeah I guess I do choose to play progressive. I dunno I really like modern CRTs that have a flat surface for the screen. I played some MSX games on my Wii last night and I noticed the graphics were extremely crisp much better than on older CRTs with noticable scanlines and part of the picture being distorted due to the shape of the screen. I dunno if this is due to how CRTs don't have to upscale.

>> No.1094673 [DELETED] 


This SP?

Seems like a nutjob ranting about paranoid conspiracies.

>> No.1094685


>> No.1094730

Looks like we're lucky that he can't type in bold font on these boards. Interesting that he hates Americans and loves Arabs.

>> No.1094750 [DELETED] 

>nutjob ranting about paranoid conspiracies.

He may be a nutjob about emulation, but all the shit he posted is true.
The US marines did explode a fucking US citizen in Afghanistan just because he was of arab origins, and a 16 year old kid at that.

And it's no secret that Obama wanted to start shit in Syria, and not certainly because of Democracy, considering the alternative to Assad, a guy that lowered unemployment rates to 6 % from the 20 % they were and quadruplicated Syria GDP are taliban shitheads that want to put sharia law in full effect.

There is something shady going on out there.
This however has nothing to do with emulation.

>> No.1094756

>This however has nothing to do with emulation.

No fuckin' shit.

>> No.1094797
File: 2.12 MB, 1507x1776, 1379988569028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this free Emerson CRT tv. It has vhf, uhf, and cable inputs. Any possible chance I can get this thing working with composite?

>> No.1094816

&se an RF modulator or an old VCR to convert composite to RF until you get a better CRT.

>> No.1094829

Thanks, anon.

>> No.1094972
File: 1.17 MB, 2048x1536, P1010012 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be able to crack it open and wiggle shit around to fix it. You want to make sure you take some basic safety procedures (one hand tuck/gloves/plastic screw driver possibly) before cracking it open so you don't fuck your shit up. Pots are usually found on top or on the back sides (often on the left).

Also be careful pulling off the back, real careful, real straight if the back hits the neck board it can pull the connecting circuitry that goes into the tube and evacuate the tube, maybe suck in contaminants as well.
At that point, unless you can vacuum it, (and to the appropriate pressure, should be between 1×10^−5 to 1×10^-8 pascals), seal and reconnect it properly, you're pretty much fucked. Tough, but it's entirely possible that you could do it with proper understanding, tools and proper vacuum pump if you're adept at figuring shit the fuck out. Since I'm telling you this, it's unlikely you are. But feel free to prove me wrong at your own risk/leisure.

>> No.1095786

a bit late, but 640x480 input produces no lag, while other display modes produce a small amount that may be imperceptible. I own one of them.

>> No.1095918

I've got all these games set up on the CRT and I'm sick as a bastard...all the input lag reduction in the world does nothing when you're completely incapacitated. Guess I'd better learn mahjong if I want a relaxing arcade game.

>> No.1095931


Thank you anonymous. Very interesting. If that is true, why are they not more popular? I have only seen them criticized. Low quality parts, poor colors, and input lag were the cited issues.

>> No.1096002

You seem pretty knowledgeable regarding CRTs. Would you be able to write instructions or point to a guide online for CRT electrical safety? I'm scared shitless of the whole 25 kV situation.

I have a PVM-1442QM (circa 1991) and have a problem with blue streaks appearing to the right of white-on-black text. Retrace lines (reddish) are also sometimes visible on black screens. What can I do to resolve these issues? Could it be bad caps? I have the service manual, and all adjustments are manual.

I'll try and take pics if you need more specifics.

>> No.1096007

I have several but not that particular one. They are all very obviously inferior to just getting a video card with a composite or S-Video output, and more expensive as well.

>> No.1096012

The blue shift on your whites is just a misalignment of the guns, convergence. There's an adjustment for that. I dunno about those red lines. Where'd you find a service manual? Everyone wants $$$ for a PDF of mine.

>> No.1096013

There's a youtube video that explains how to safely discharge the flyback transformer - once that's done properly the thing is safe to mess with until it's been plugged in again.

>> No.1096025

With normal colourful images it does look like bad convergence but with white-on-black text the blue streaking goes quite far across the screen. So to me it seems like something more than just convergence?

>> No.1096029

It has a degauss button, right? If not it should be in the service menu. Maybe that will help?

>> No.1096037

I also have one of them, but not made in china (Singapore). Same deployment of inputs/outputs with slicker casing.
Playing Ketsui/Dodonpachi on this with 1024x768 resolution through S-Video→SCART cable (I do not own SCART cable for this and its on some non common DIN-9 or something) and very little to no lag noticed.

>> No.1096050

There's no degausser and no OSD at all. The service manual says to use an external degausser but I'm not sure that's the problem either.

>> No.1096057

>with 1024x768 resolution through S-Video→SCART cable (I do not own SCART cable for this and its on some non common DIN-9 or something)
I don't understand what this means.

>> No.1096063

>with 1024x768 resolution

Shouldn't you try a resolution more likely to be an integer, like 480p?

>> No.1096092

> Where'd you find a service manual?

I got lucky googling with filetype:pdf
It's a scan of a photocopy so some of the schematics are hard to read, but it's mostly legible. Newer models are more likely to exist in a digitally sourced form (the manual I have is from 1989).

>> No.1096095

I've got this for free some time ago
but without this SCART cable and I cant get one of this in my city or even my country's main auction site.
Ok, now I tested it and there are the results:
- 640x480 letterbox
- 720x480 letterbox
- 800x600 OK
- 1024x768 OK
I'm not even trying with higher res.
also there is a switch on the bottom
when going RGB with this setup screen goes ape shit. Can anyone explain how this switch work?

>> No.1096115

>Retrace lines (reddish) are also sometimes visible on black screens.
I think that turning the screen knob/pot a little bit could help. It should be located either on the Flyback transformer or on the neck board, clearly labeled as SCREEN.

>> No.1096141

SCART carries CVBS (composite) over the same line that the RGB sync is carried, so maybe it lets you switch what it's looking for?

>> No.1096145

I see, thanks.

Sounds like you're using s-video to scart, not taking advantage of the converter's rgb output because you don't have that cable. (Right?) That must be what the switch is for, it enables the composite as RGB sync.

Just guessing here..

>> No.1096164

You're right, heck, I even tried and somehow manage to plug Saturn SCART cable to this but there was no signal. Probably pins layout is diffrent but oh well.

>> No.1096167
File: 2.13 MB, 2304x3456, blueshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I got pics this time, but my camera is an old piece of wank so I was only able to capture the issues while ridiculously over-exposed - this is *seriously exaggerated* in these pics. Above shows the blue streaking (I can't even see the retrace lines under normal lighting conditions here), and below is when displaying black at 240p/288p which makes the retrace lines a lot more pronounced (sorry they're blue, not red!)

When viewing with human eyes and not a shitty camera, the colour, brightness and black levels are quite good.

The service manual mentions the "SCREEN" control when setting white balance, but says to adjust SUB BRT, B BKG and R BKG while checking voltages with a scope first. Is that stuff really necessary? I probably could bring it into work (I work with IC engineers who'd have scopes and all sorts of shit in their labs).

I might actually try adjusting the Bias controls first (screw adjustments on the front control panel), as I only just noticed that there is an actual description of what Bias and Gain do in the manual.

>> No.1096202

I don't think that it will be necessary to adjust the other setting, but i said to turn it a little tiny bit. But now that i saw it, i'm sure that it will help.
Turning it completely will make it look more worse (bright picture with retrace lines or just dark) but this didn't caused any permanent damage to any CRT where i or my former coworkers adjusted it.

>> No.1096314

Thanks, I might try it out so. Would you recommend a plastic screwdriver for making adjustments like this?

>> No.1096329

Yes it would be a good idea, but it's not really necessary for a knob on the flyback (it could be turn carefully by hand).

>> No.1096337

Oh man, I miss times when TV's have knobs.
It was so easier to adjust screen than jerking around with buttons

>> No.1096395
File: 544 KB, 2304x834, control panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one only has knobs on the inside!

There's no OSD on this model so when you change any of the settings on the right side all you get is a flashing LED on the panel. You have no idea how much you are adjusting something unless you count the flashes. It's wicked retarded.

The later PVMs went back to knobs for these settings.

>> No.1096407

I got one of these Dell Trinitrons and it's so fucking hard to push these buttons.
Configuring brightness, geometry and such was a real pain in the ass with these button and my hand hurt like hell

Back in the early 2000 i had some noname crt monitor with only one big knob at the centre
It was really fan to adjust with this

>> No.1096497

Any tips for configuring retroarch for a crt monitor? As stupid as it may seem I want to see the scanlines. Maybe my monitor just isn't capable?

>> No.1096551

So, I'm playing /vr/ related games on a dedicated laptop, connected to a sony trinitron monitor (can't remember the model, although I'm pretty sure is from 1999, form factor should be 16:10, the diagonal is quite big). The monitor has component, vga & another input (the input can be selected on the monitor itself) . Being the big noob I am, actually I'm playing via VGA, mainly because I don't have component cables and don't know if my laptop can output it in one way or another. What am I losing doing this?

>> No.1096557

Best CRT for gamecube games?

>> No.1096579

You can adjust the knobby PVMs digitally too, for fine tuning.

>> No.1096585


Here's the RetroArch dev's advice to this thread, compiled from his posts above:

>Not wanting to look at KMS mode because you are too dumb to work it out and because you are "afraid" of learning Linux.

>Learn to program and learn how stuff actually works.

>Learn to know what audio/video sync is all about son. You are being even more stupid than an audiophile right now.

>Learn to program and you will know why YOU ARE FOOLING YOURSELF.

>See, like I told you before - an end-user cannot ever get this stuff right. You need to learn to program to actually know WTF you are talking about.

>Really son - drop down that joypad for a few months in your life and go get yourself hooked up on the Libogc SDK - get Devkitpro too. Go learn the VI and GX subsytems. See how things work. Stop being a caveman and stop becoming actually "educated".

So to sum it up, the developer says you as an end-user are "too dumb" to ever get this right, and that you need to "learn to program" like him.

>> No.1096594

15.8, 15.9, 16.0 kHz, doing it again, false authority, cincy cincy cincy, etc.

>> No.1096595

Well that was completely unhelpful on your end. I think you may just be a little asspained. Also reading through the thread I pretty much agree with everything SP has said.

>> No.1096596

Look at this cincyfag

>> No.1096603


Nice try, nintygaming.

>> No.1096618

And you guys claim that SP shits up the board. fucking shit.

>> No.1096620

catch up with the rest of the class! we're all learning at the same pace in these threads! new discoveries daily!

>> No.1096647

Problem with tweaking pots... is you need the thing operational to see what you're doing unless you know what pots you're adjusting. I keep the thing on and running. Just don't touch shit you shouldn't with your body or equipment and you'll mostly be fine. Also if you have pets don't let them get near it because they tend to ignore clearly stated safety guidelines.

>> No.1096654


Here's my configuration for 240p on RetroArch:

video_aspect_ratio = "16"
video_fullscreen_x = "3840"
video_fullscreen_y = "240"
video_refresh_rate = "60.000000"
video_black_frame_insertion = "true"

The super large horizontal resolution is for scaling purposes, it can be whatever, the vertical resolution is what is important.

Before you can use it you'll need to that display mode in your graphics driver. In Nvidia Control Panel I make a custom resolution of 3840x240 @ 120hz with CVT timings.

Additionally, I put the above config into a file called 240p.cfg then make a shortcut with Target set to "retroarch.exe --menu --appendconfig "240p.cfg" to override the settings in retroarch.cfg.

>> No.1096816

Gamecube games look fine through component or on a modern tv, there's no point in playing on a crt, all you're doing is making the picture look shittier. also gamecube is not retro

>> No.1096840

Cats can sense high voltage. I have both electric fences outside and TVs sitting around operational with the backs off and the cats always steer clear of them.

>> No.1097345
File: 210 KB, 615x533, gma settings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a VGA to composite cable adaptor for my laptop, now I need to find the right settings for output to a tv. wat do

>> No.1097356

>So I have a VGA to composite cable adaptor for my laptop
What? Do you mean a generic RGB->NTSC encoder? Or does it actually downscale the video?

A model number would help. If it's mangling the signal in any way, it's probably not possible to get the right output.

>> No.1097367

I'm op in this thread

>> No.1097370

And you were told that cable doesn't work. You need an actual converter. People were discussing them earlier in this thread.

>> No.1097390
File: 908 KB, 2166x768, gma settings2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got something displaying already (that kinda looks like my desktop, but scrambled). I think I just have one last step of enabling 640x480 output from windows. Any ideas?

>> No.1097393

Clicl "advanced" and then "show all modes" or some shit like that, depends in your version of windows but I seriously doubt it's ever going to work.

>> No.1097404
File: 134 KB, 1316x517, gma settings2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the problem.... so close...

>> No.1097416

>I've got something displaying already (that kinda looks like my desktop, but scrambled)
Scrambled how?
In black+white and failing to sync?

>> No.1097417

On the "adapter" tab you'll have a button that says "list all modes" but none of them are going to work.

>> No.1097424


Dot clock 6.3MHz

>Active pixels 320
>Front porch 8
>Sync width 48
>Back porch 24
>Total 400

>Active 240
>Front porch 5
>Sync width 1
>Back porch 16
>Total 262

Negative sync.

>> No.1097537
File: 1.10 MB, 2202x2769, 2013-09-25 01.45.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1097556

>In black+white and failing to sync

missed this somehow... Yes, that's exactly it

>> No.1097568
File: 993 KB, 3280x2460, 100_3023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're feeding it a progressive signal and it doesn't like it.

>> No.1097594

GCN/Wii w/o component cables: any good CRT SDTV w/S-video input

GCN/Wii w/component cables: any good CRT EDTV/HDTV that does native 480p without upscaling and also does minimal processing to 240p/480i (because a few GCN titles are not 480p)

>> No.1097810

>scan rate 31 Khz

>> No.1097816

Don't announce sage.

>> No.1098378 [DELETED] 

Hitachi CRT yes/no?

>> No.1098430 [DELETED] 

They're OK, I don't think they did any particularly high quality stuff.

I have a cheap Hitachi 14" set that I got for christmas '93 and it's working pretty much as well as it always was. Picture is not as sharp as a newer Panasonic 14" I have, and sound is quite muffled. Of course it's shit compared to my PVM :)

>> No.1098462

Wii is easily the best choice here:
Component cables can be acquired for peanuts
More game selection with softmodding and the few wii games that are worth playing (a 13 year old can do this, it's not hard)
100% perfect gc backwards compat due to the wii literally being a souped up gamecube, and it even has ports for the original hardware (and you can boot isos off of sd or usb now)

And of course, it looks sharper and clearer on a hdtv

>> No.1098612

Their rear projection CRT HDTVs were some of the last available in the US and were quite nice.

Well apparently I'm not supposed to announce sage for not retro, so I won't do that.

>And of course, it looks sharper and clearer on a hdtv
If you mean Wii over GCN, nope! That's weird.

If you mean HDTV over SDTV, yes, it does, but you hurt yourself on non-480p games.

And supposedly somebody has posted information before about the GameCube's component output being superior to the Wii's...but that was never confirmed to be using actual good Nintendo-licensed Wii component cables and not some multi-system crap cable.

>> No.1098927

Doesn't matter anyway, the RetroArch programmer proved that any end-user with a GameCube will never figure it out unless they learn to program.

>> No.1099031
File: 704 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2540_mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just picked up this 1968 zenith with a delta gun CRT. It needed some major purity / convergence adjustments and the blue's are still off in the corners, the blue coil broke while I was adjusting it. not a bad picture really, the delta gun tubes can produce an excellent picture once everything has been gone through.

>> No.1099037
File: 658 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2539_mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this set is all factory original, a real tribute to american manufacturing ability and engineering know-how.

>> No.1099047
File: 127 KB, 800x546, Zenith23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a shot of the chassis, it's all tube except one transistor in the video circuit. notice the color coded convergence adjustments in the delta formation, and the 12 convergence adjustments on the panel in the upper right. if anyone has any questions on doing their own convergence adjustments I would be glad to help.

>> No.1099058

I approve

>> No.1099281

Ok, huge question here:

I have my PVM and I am using the SCART to BNC cable. Well, I was messing around with the inputs in the back of the PVM and wondered what would happen if I plugged the Red, Blue and Green cables into the "Out" instead of the "IN". The result? Everything looks the same except it is now MEGA bright. What the hell? I thought you always had to plug things into the "IN"

So my question is this, ideally are you supposed to be using RGB IN or RGB Out to use on display?

Every time I think I have it all figured out...

>> No.1099330
File: 198 KB, 1600x1200, 2509-235823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one dead pixel on my crt, but it's only noticeable when you sit close or the screen is all white. Not bad for $5 at goodwill. Pic is shitty phone camera quality.

>> No.1099337

Looks alarmingly good can we see a macro shot of the shadow mask pattern it puts out?

>> No.1099346


>> No.1099364

Thanks KyaDash, I knew I wasn't crazy.

I wonder why it displays so brightly when plugged in incorrectly though?

>> No.1099490

>dead pixel
Maybe a dirty or warped shadow mask.

Try turning it face-down or face-up and banging lightly on it to shake any dust or metal shavings out.

>> No.1100061

Probably because of wrong or missing termination.

Maybe it's a tiny scratch, you should look closer with a magnifying glass.

>> No.1100435
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-09-26 21.23.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i don't get color on this piece of shit trinitron, what do?

>> No.1100463

Did you set it to the correct color encoding?
Like NTSC for america or PAL for europe.
Also, S-Video or Composite?

>> No.1100468

yes, i tried all settings
s-video from 8400gs

>> No.1100486

Is it a PAL TV? How are you connecting the s-video cable? If it's through a SCART adaptor the TV may not be able to accept that, or if it has two SCART sockets it will only accept s-video through one.

It's quite common for lower-spec PAL CRT TVs to not accept s-video at all.

>> No.1100489

yes it's pal
card -> s-video -> scart adapter
there's only one scart input, nothing else

can't find any other crt tv's so i really have to go with this one

>> No.1100497

meh might be the card after all, converter box works fine after all

gotta find another gpu then, that's gonna be tough

>> No.1100504

In the AV input selection on the TV, is there any multiple selection like "S", "Y/C" or "RGB"? If not, and if there is no standard s-video mini-DIN socket on the TV (i.e. other than the SCART socket) then it probably does not support s-video.

Your alternative is to use the graphics card's composite output, and the standard s-video cable may not work for this. And it will suck balls.

>> No.1100509

there are no other inputs on the tv, and no menu selections

it doesn't have composite
well i'll have to hunt for a gpu

>> No.1100517

If your TV has SCART, can't you get a transcoder pretty cheaply that converts VGA to SCART without any lag, since they're both RGB?

>> No.1100520

i bought one but the quality is shit and the settings reset when i turn it off

>> No.1100549
File: 231 KB, 800x600, mslug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i get for using a converter

>> No.1100612

Wow, that is pretty ass. I'm not 100% sure, but I think we're talking about 2 different things. There are the active converter boxes that digitally convert the PC signal to RCA or S-Video or whatever, but I think that in your case (I've never seen a TV with SCART because I'm an Amerifag.) there is actually a high-quality, no-latency adapter you can use for VGA>SCART because VGA and SCART operate on the same principle; the connectors are just different. It's not like VGA>composite where It has to take an RGB signal, downscale it, and then reassemble it as luminance/chrominance for the RCA input.

Hope you get a badass emu setup anon.

>> No.1100623

i can't use soft15khz or set modes manually on any card i have sadly
i'll have to get another tv with proper s-video support

>> No.1100631

RGB SCART will still be a lower frequency than VGA.

>> No.1100675
File: 926 KB, 1280x960, IMG_2547_mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is rather hard to take a good picture with my crappy camera, here is the best I could do.

>> No.1100686
File: 2.21 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_2533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some south park

>> No.1100880

Maybe look for a physical NTSC/PAL jumper on the card itself. Some old video cards used to use them.

>> No.1100890

No, those settings give a 15KHz scan frequency (6,300,000 dots per second / 400 dots per line = 15750 lines/second).

>> No.1100894

>AES with a lighted power button
Oh god, you didn't buy this from that asshole Kenny did you? He charges like $200 more than he should for everything he sells.

>> No.1100901

It's the termination. The monitor is set to put a 75ohm load across the incoming video signal, and to amplify the outgoing video signal for a 75ohm load at the other end.

>> No.1100912

To go from a VGA output to RGB SCART, you only need a passive cable (maybe with some resistors/capacitors to bump the signal level, depending on your TV). You need to set a 15KHz video mode in software, though - without a valid EDID showing up on the VGA port's data pins, it will probably assume 640x480p or 800x600p. You want to force 640x480i or 320x240p and then you can go straight from the VGA port to an RGB SCART in.

>> No.1101019

I did the mod myself, I also put those sanwa buttons in my controller.

>> No.1101519


That's beautiful anon. Thanks for the pics. It seems that this set is the pefect Atari and Pre-NES console set.

>> No.1101562
File: 2.73 MB, 2914x2268, terranigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's terranigma on my SNES Mini in RGB. Thought you guys might like it.

>> No.1101568

when i use soft15khz it doesn't detect the tv

>> No.1101819
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 939685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got me this motherfucker. I'm no even sure if I'm going to use it, bringing it up to my apartment will be hard as fuck since it's seriously heavy. I should try looking for a smaller one maybe.

>> No.1101848

>it doesn't have composite

Do you mean the TV doesn't have composite? Because that would be untrue - all standard SCART sockets should accept composite video or RGBS. Analogue cable boxes, satellite receivers, (non S-)VHS VCRs, etc. all would have outputted composite video over SCART, so it was necessary back in the day.

Also I have yet to see a PC graphics card with SDTV-out that did not output composite video - you should be able to change between the two in Nvidia Control Panel. The S-video -> SCART adaptor may work for composite too, but may not.

Of course this doesn't solve the problem that composite video is ass compared to s-video or RGB.

This looks like s-video on a PAL TV that cannot handle s-video. You usually just see really bad colour noise like that.

Actually, looking at >>1100435 again it looks like you have it set to PAL-M. That is not gonna work unless you have a Brazilian TV. You need to set it to any other variety of PAL (B, D, G, I, H) if you're anywhere else otherwise you will not get any colour.

>> No.1101851

I had same problems with this S-Video to SCART
Problem may solve something like this

>> No.1101890
File: 24 KB, 300x300, SVHS plug to composite RCA socket adapter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like he's bridging the s-video C (chrominance) and Y (luminance) signals, essentially resulting in composite video. This should work for TVs which don't support s-video. You can buy s-video -> CVBS adaptors

These things will do the same thing, although they tend to have a cap between the two signals for whatever reason.

>> No.1103397
File: 453 KB, 1005x633, vrwudliek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured /vr/ would find this interdasting.

>> No.1103497

Dead pixels can also happen if the mask flakes as well as being dirty. There's really nothing you can do about that.

>> No.1103512
File: 937 KB, 1920x1080, _SAM5683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My set up.

>> No.1103513
File: 942 KB, 1920x1080, _SAM5684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shot of the screen whilst on.

Not the best picture though.

>> No.1103536


Is that a computer behind you PS2 games? If yes, what model is it? It look like an Atari 800, something like that.

>> No.1103540

Yeah, that's why I mentioned warping and metal shavings.

>> No.1103541

Looks like it's a typewriter behind the PSP games.

>> No.1103543

This man: >>1103541 is correct.

It's an IBM Selectric II Typewriter.

Unfortunately the only retro console I own is the Nintendo 64. I'm looking to expand that, but there are few I can find in my area

>> No.1103557
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 300px-Atari_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, I see. I though it was pic related, but painted in green.

Well to stay on topic, here are the various CRT sets i use:
- a consumer grade Sony Trinitron, model KV-14M1B, made in Spain, with RGB SCART input.

- a Commodore 1085S-D3 monitor, made in Korea, i only use it for my Amiga 500

- a Samsung SyncMaster 955b PC monitor that i'm using right now to post this message. It's highest resolution is 1920*1440, and the highest refresh rate is 180Hz in 640*480. It's a wonderful set for Quake players!

- a HP UltraVGA 1280 that i don't use for the moment, it has a few problems with it's signal cord.

- a tulip CRT, don't know the model.

>> No.1103562

I have no idea what model mine is, but it does seem to do well.

I'd love to see how it goes with a SNES or NES. At the moment I only use it for my PS2 and N64. I'm considering connecting my wii to it too.

>> No.1103568
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-09-28 14.37.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no the card doesn't have composite

i've tried all pal versions to no avail

>> No.1103636

well it seems that you can't use s-video to scart
any other lagless alternatives that still look good?

>> No.1103641
File: 92 KB, 716x960, 1382282_10151624500290474_1207146660_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at ads for CRT's
>see this

>> No.1103649


S-Video to Composite? S-video is basically Composite with Chroma, Lumination (Don't know how to say it exactly in English) informations, and both grounds separated.

>> No.1103653

but composite has dot crawl and other nastiness

>> No.1103945
File: 104 KB, 661x371, special-poleposition-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone in this thread can help...

Yesterday, I got a free, "broken", Pole Position cabinet, with World Rally boards in it

Not mine pictured, but you get the idea. A little bit rough, but I'm still stoked.

The driver board for the CRT was disconnected & sitting it, but the CRT appears to be in-tact (just with really bad screen burn). The game powers up & plays, but you can't see anything, obviously.

I tried hooking the driver board back up (found some diagrams online), to see if anything at all is visible at all. It didn't even glow when I powered it up, so I'm still in the dark.

I don't know if the driver board is dead, if the tube is dead, or both are dead. How do you tell? Do you just say fsck it, and buy one of those boards to convert the CGA signal to VGA?

I got my first cabinet ever, now to get it working....

>> No.1104024


Well have you tried to deliver a simple electric signal directly to the electron cannon? It might be a way to see which one is dead I think, and it might not be difficult to do, there must be some guides on the internet.

And no, I don't think pole position use a Digital RGB signal like CGA, but a standard, 15kHz, analog RGB signal. that is still different from VGA.

Still, good luck with this cabinet! Some other photos would be welcome.

>> No.1104056
File: 249 KB, 735x980, IMG_0403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i had some advice dude ... i'm just getting into the hobby myself ... picked up my 5th cabinet earlier today ... Donkey Kong Jr ...

>> No.1104061
File: 315 KB, 980x735, IMG_0402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar pix ...

>> No.1104067

Absolutely beautiful. Where did you mod your SNES mini at? I'm looking to have mine modded, but don't want to do it myself for fear of messing it up.

>> No.1104070


i find this funny, we just finished building our arcade...

>> No.1104126

Donky Kong jr, and is that QBert empty in the background? You're trying to recreate my childhood...

Are there boards in those, or are you going the mame route?

>> No.1104142
File: 380 KB, 1306x980, IMG_0342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing against MAME owners/enthusiasts, but i fucking hate MAME. 98% of the cabinets are half-assed and ugly as shit. all mine are all originals (except for a shitty UMK3 conversion cab i got on the cheap ... i'm gonna part it out eventually.

behind the DK Jr is a Crystal Castles that needs some serious TLC.

pic is related ... my Super Breakout

>> No.1104140


Why do the DK jr cabinet have a Popeye screen?

>> No.1104149

>a Popeye screen

heh i got no idea why the previous owner had the Popeye bezel in there ... i gotta track down a DK Jr one for sure (and rebuild the joystick, repaint, etc)

>> No.1104172
File: 2.19 MB, 1936x2592, iphone-017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing against MAME owners/enthusiasts, but i fucking hate MAME. 98% of the cabinets are half-assed and ugly as shit
That's the cabinets more than MAME itself. I was planning on converting a gutted Golden-T cabinet I found on craigslist, then a working game fell in my lap. I don't have the heart to gut a working arcade game, so maybe sometime in the future... but not a half-assed one.

>> No.1104181

def agreed there ... depending upon your location, finances, etc MAME may fit the bill. but i was an 80s kid, and so for me it's not just about the games ... it's the nostalgia of the glowing marquees, cabinet artwork, everyone being able to play games simultaneously, etc.

if you could do a proper MAME cabinet that looked/played like the original then i'd be down with a MAME cab like that

(i will admit i've run into play of arcade assholes that simply hate MAME because it's not original, which IMO is faggotry ... JUST ENJOY THE FUCKING GAME)

>> No.1104184

It's Golden Tee, dude; the Madden of arcade games.

>> No.1104192

>depending upon your location, finances, etc MAME may fit the bill
I'd love to have the finances & location where all originals would work... but when you can't fit a cab down the basement stairs, you can't fit a collection into a 2 bedroom house.

>> No.1104209

>It's Golden Tee, dude; the Madden of arcade games.
OK, if you're me, that means it would be fine to gut it, even if it was working. And throw the boards on a bonfire.

If you're one of my friends who's into sports, it would be like gutting an original galaga cocktail.

>> No.1104225

Golden Tee, is fun though, and I'm not even a huge fan of golf. Golden Tee 3D is probably my favorite.

Otherwise, I like Neo Turf Masters.

>> No.1104319

heh i'm finally at a place in my life where i have both ... i'm not rich, but i plan to accumulate as many cabinets as i can over time, properly refinish my off-the-house garage into a full-on arcade.

i'd love to do what this guy (sadly) used to do ... http://lunacityarcade.com/

>> No.1104327

>used to do
This is the first time I'm hearing about this but I'm already sad.

>> No.1104351


i only ever got to visit once ... every few months this guy would open up the arcade to the public ... all games set to free play

it was pretty much my idea of heaven ... i'd say it was the nicest arcade i've ever had the pleasure of visiting (private or public)

>> No.1104361

most people who've done it have zero carpentry skills. I haven't built one yet, but I have the gear and the skill, so when I do I'll have a beautiful looking one.

As for artwork, not sure how I'll do it yet, might spray-paint the body black and add decals. If i can't do it well I'll just leave it black.

>> No.1105627

Wow RetroArch MAME 1.50 is better than standalone.

>> No.1106363

Just got component cables for my PS3/PS2, and holy shit, PS1 games look so much fucking better. What other retro systems can you hook up with component?

>> No.1106379


>> No.1106381

Were you coming from composite or S-video? S-video is a nice jump too, and is available on more retro consoles than component.


>> No.1106398

Only if RGB mod, then convert RGB to component.

>> No.1106406

oh shit i read s-video for some reason

>> No.1106474

Any nice setups for MAME with a CRT?

>> No.1106640

What would be the best way to go about connecting my PC to a Sony 14m2u PVM? Is there some sort of easy VGA to RGB SCART solution out there?

>> No.1106782

Is $69 for a PVM 14N1U off of CL fair?

>> No.1106795

Oh wait, shit.

Do PVMs do coax? I need muh Atari.

>> No.1106826

>Do PVMs do coax?
I'm not sure if all, but the one above your post does not.

>I need muh Atari.
You could either mod it for a clean composite out or use a VCR to get a composite out.

>> No.1106882

>might spray-paint the body black and add decals.
I've seen YouTube videos of some guy who restores arcades, covering them with black laminate. Apparently, that's the way, instead of paint.

>> No.1107004

PVMs are monitors, not televisions so they do not have tuners. You could use an aftermarket RF converter or just use a VCR to tune RF and output composite - or do a composite mod on your Atari or import a French 7800 that has RGB SCART aka "peritel"

>> No.1107489

Coming from composite. I've used composite my entire life. I feel like I've been robbed of being able to get the full experience from the visual aspects of my favorite games.

Playing through FFIX for the first time with it on, it looks like an early PS2 game (minus the horrendous jaggies).

>> No.1107965
File: 57 KB, 600x900, scartYUVj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In answer to your question about what systems can output component, almost all retro systems except Atari 2600, NES and 3DO can output RGB over SCART and RGB SCART can be converted to Composite (YPbPr) with a relatively inexpensive adapter ($50).

It needs a breakout adapter because for some reason the designers didn't include audio outputs and the SCART cables for most systems cost $20-$30 but you will see your classic video games in their full glory for the first time.

We used to have a guy that was using that adapter in these threads but I haven't seen him in a while unfortunately. Seems like we're losing a lot of our cool people and gaining way more trolls. I'm sure we can find his pics in the archive though.

>> No.1108781

Sounds interesting! Does the adapter add any input latency?

>> No.1108843

>Does the adapter add any input latency?
Depends on whats inside like if it does some active processing like upscaling.
But 1 or 2 OpAmps alone shouldn't cause much (probably less than 5nS).

>> No.1109035
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1920, Billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't personally have one but as I understand it RGB isn't significantly different than YPbPr so it doesn't need to do any processing, just runs the signal through some logical circuitry.

Of course, because of this the resulting pure analog signal doesn't display on some (probably most) HDTVs and is meant for CRTs only. No word on how HDCRTs handle it, or high end HDTVs that might actually include circuitry to upscale 240p. Of course that's still going to introduce noticeable lag compared to a good dedicated upscaler like an XRGB but they're ten times the cost.

>> No.1109108

>Of course, because of this the resulting pure analog signal doesn't display on some (probably most) HDTVs and is meant for CRTs only. No word on how HDCRTs handle it, or high end HDTVs that might actually include circuitry to upscale 240p. Of course that's still going to introduce noticeable lag compared to a good dedicated upscaler like an XRGB but they're ten times the cost.

Dude, what are you talking about?

An SD RGB signal transocded to YPbPr will be treated just like an SD YPbPr signal, which is very common. Just about any HDTV will handle that trivially.

>> No.1109129

why do you have semen on your screen

>> No.1109173

An SD signal over YPbPr is 480i, the RGB signal that retro video game systems put out is 240p there is a difference and that difference matters to HDTVs but if you don't believe me, feel free to try using the SCART-toYUV transcoder on your shitty HDTV. I'll be happy to buy it off you for $20 when you discover it doesn't work.

That's a zoomed macro shot of about a 1.5x1.5 inch section of the screen and that crud isn't visible to the naked eye but I probably should have washed the screen of my PVM before I took pics.

See what O mean about trolls ruining this board?

>> No.1109181

>An SD signal over YPbPr is 480i, the RGB signal that retro video game systems put out is 240p there is a difference and that difference matters to HDTVs but if you don't believe me, feel free to try using the SCART-toYUV transcoder on your shitty HDTV. I'll be happy to buy it off you for $20 when you discover it doesn't work.
touchy touchy, I said nothing about there being no difference between 240p and 480i. But you said this:
>Of course, because of this the resulting pure analog signal doesn't display on blah blah blah
No, that's wrong, "because of this" nothing. The "resulting pure analog signal" nothing. You are attributing these things to the colorspace conversion out of nowhere.

>> No.1109208

No, I'm saying that with 240p RGB signals converted directly to YPbPr via fast analog conversion, i.e. no digital upscaling most HDTVs are not going to display the signal because their internal scalers aren't made to read 240i.

If you're so eager to demonstrate your knowledge about this subject, it would be much better for the board of you helped people who have questions instead of correcting inferred (and practically irrelevant) mistakes like some jerk from /g/

>> No.1109243

>No, I'm saying that with 240p RGB signals converted directly to YPbPr via fast analog conversion, i.e. no digital upscaling most HDTVs are not going to display the signal because their internal scalers aren't made to read 240i.
But you're not changing anything about the signal other than the colorspace. You're getting 240i out of nowhere. A 240p RGB signal stays 240p. It's up to the display to know what to do with it or just treat it like 480i.

>If you're so eager to demonstrate your knowledge about this subject, it would be much better for the board of you helped people who have questions instead of correcting inferred (and practically irrelevant) mistakes like some jerk from /g/
Don't assume anything about me, or what I've posted in these threads, or my motivation for posting it.

Besides, your mistakes aren't my fault. You won't make me feel bad about pointing them out.

>> No.1109261
File: 1.53 MB, 2560x1920, Nemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, Dude. Whatever.

The point is that it's widely reported most HDTVs won't display the 240p RGB signals that the SCART-to-YUV transcoder I posted produces and I don't want for the people looking for actual useful information on this board to mistakenly believe that it will.

Whether I am implying that such a thing as 240i exists or not is something only pipe-smoking suspender-wearing beardos from /g/ would give a fuck about.

>> No.1109271



>> No.1109282

>having a stick that far up your ass

>> No.1109293
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x1920, Scrooge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see I did type 240i here but that was just a typo. No need to sperg out about it. Sorry for the typo.

>> No.1109342

oh, hush

>No need to sperg out about it.
lel, once again your mistakes are my fault and I should feel bad

>> No.1109371

You got me dude. You're obviously way smarter, taller, and more popular and handsome than I'll ever be. Just keep hanging around this thread and I'm sure tons of people will be along soon to praise your extremely useful observation that I didn't specifically mention that the RGB signals retro consoles put out are 240p in my original post about the transcoder.

They'll be doubly impressed by reading through your many posts about how you pointed out my typo despite the fact that I made it clear what I was talking about in an earlier reply.

Keep holding your breath.

>> No.1109381
