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File: 55 KB, 300x600, residentevil2_conceptart_dY7BO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10989968 No.10989968 [Reply] [Original]

What did you like about it?
What did you hate?
What did you miss?
Was the ending satisfying?
Why didn't they realize that hunk would become so popular?

>> No.10989985

I'll start
>What did you like about it?
Weapons selection (esp compared to 1)
Different plots
Side Characters
>What did you hate?
The journalist and the police chief
>What did you miss?
Better melee
>Was the ending satisfying?
No, too short.
>Why didn't they realize that hunk would become so popular?

>> No.10990017
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, RE2 zombie lab 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main issue with Resident Evil 2 is that it gets rid of most of the adventure and survival elements of the first game

>the only 2-3 real puzzles (that aren't just get item X and use it in the obvious place Y) are optional
>Bosses are all "shoot at them until they die".
Most bosses in 1 (and 3) have a plan B that involves not directly engaging in combat with the boss. This is bad for multiple reasons but the main reasons is that you again lose the puzzle element, and that as a consequence of having no choice but to shoot, a lot more ammo is available in plain sight to make sure the player won't get softlocked.
>all the scenarios are set in stone
In 1 (and 3) there are many different outcomes, many different things that can happen to the story and characters and the way you go through the game depending on the player's action and decisions. Like a real adventure game. There are so many possible thinigs that can happen that 99% of all players never saw it all by themselves.
RE2 has none of that, everything is static, on top of that the scenario system makes you retread 90-95% of the exact same thing. What's interesting is that the B scenarios were implemented REALLY late in dev. Even the differences between Leon and Claire are fewer than the differences between Chris and Jill. Which means they decided to strip off 10% of the ending late in dev to do this system. Instead of the A-B system, it should have been a single scenario and the differences occur depending on the player's actions; and EVEN if they did that, there would have been less different outcomes than in RE1. Anyone who thinks the scenario system gives the game "more content" is looking at it at a superficial level because it's the equivalent of playing a game on Easy and being told "Sorry, the last level and the true ending are only available on Normal mode! play again!" except forced on the player. RE2 doesn't have more "content" than 1, it has less.

>> No.10990028
File: 170 KB, 756x2077, female zombie 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RE2 doesn't have more "content" than 1, it has less.

In resident evil 1 there are not female zombies.

In resident evil 2 there are at least one type of female zombie.

So, resident evil 2 is better.

>> No.10990052

>What did you like about it?
Loved style of prerendered backgrounds, just the artistic direction and japanese imagination of western small towns in RE2 (and 3).
Atmosphere, RE2 is probably the darkest RE series ever got with its tone and ambiance.

>What did you hate?
How easy it is. I still replay it often but its fairly easy even on hard/nightmare mode. Whereas I still get fucked up replaying 1 or 3 and die now and then.

>What did you miss?
With years of replaying it, I realized that cramming 5-6 zombies in most rooms of RPD wasn't such a great idea because every time I replay RE1 I realize how better it is to have only one or two zombies because it makes them feel like a way bigger threat and also adds to the eeriness.

>Was the ending satisfying?
Yes except the B scenario rock song in the credits didn't it at all.

>Why didn't they realize that hunk would become so popular?
He was already popular. Had a playable mini game in RE2 and got his own epilogue file in 3.

>> No.10990174


>> No.10990176

>Why didn't they realize that hunk would become so popular?
Man I never understood that myself.

>> No.10990217

I've always thought that the Nightmare difficulty was an invention of the PC port devs, but I just realized that the difficulty already existed in the Battle Mode of the PSX DualShock release. The PC version only took that and applied to the main game.

>> No.10990258

Nightmare mode is on Dreamcast, on PC its called Hard mode. Same thing, just differently named.

It's fairly unbalanced but its a good time if you, like most, know RE2 like the back of your hand. Less ammo per pickup but handgun can get a headshot crit like in RE1DC, enemies deal a lot more damage, dogs can fuck you up properly.

>> No.10990275

>RE2 is probably the darkest RE series ever got with its tone and ambiance
play RE4 you boomer

>> No.10990337

>darkest in tone and ambience
It doesn't matter how many sections have a bit of lightning if every combat action is punctuated by Leon spin-kicking 20 ganados before having a cutscene where he talks about how dumb everything is.

>> No.10990352

lol, RE4 is some Scooby Doo shit compared to the PS1 games. Only the opening village area is scary the first time you play it, before you learn how to supplex human pinatas for extra health and ammo.

>> No.10990361

where is everyone going, bingo?

>> No.10990387

I agree that survival is lacking, due to ammo galore.

I always wondered what amount of puzzles are enough? Getting the right keys are some sort of puzzle.

I played 2 first, and 1 like 8 years later. I was truly perplexed that you have lots of options. Was also more difficult, too.

I agree that a and b in their form are not better than having multiple paths in one plot.

>> No.10990390

She's warm if it's warm outside,... Right?

>> No.10990467

Backgrounds, art direction and tone are among the best there are.
Might be the easiest main title so far
Would the eeriness return if they are actually dangerous again?
Really? Didn't know that.

>> No.10990476

Guy incognito in nazi jin roh armor

>> No.10990480

>just do it mf
Play the rope, zoomy

>> No.10990570

Just found my copy of 2 and cv, kinda kicking the wheels on playing since i found my memory cards.

>> No.10990595
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>> No.10990596
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Another thing I hate is how these epilogue files hinted for a super interesting resolution of the mainline story and instead we got fucking RE4

>> No.10990597

You can do a pistol run in 2, makes it a bit more difficult. Esp as the bosses soak up to 120 bullets.
Never played recv. Hopefully they don't fuck up the remake.

>> No.10990603

How do you get to the point of doing pistol runs of RE2 without being curious enough to play CV

>> No.10990605

"survival" horror. Claire is literally an m1 abrams with that loadout.
Is that slide always available. Now I get Mr death and unit never killed.

>> No.10990609

Every time you beat the game you get a new epilogue file so you need to beat it 8 times to get everything.

>> No.10990610

I played it when it came out a lot.
Possibly I even hold the world record back then. Or maybe several, as I did quite a few no hit runs, too. Don't have the patience nor time for that nowadays.

Can a true survival horror have a vendor system and still be dreadful?

>> No.10990616

Ah, come on. Who does that? I played mercaneries a lot.

>> No.10990618

Is it even possible to beat the B scenario tyrant without taking damage?

>Can a true survival horror have a vendor system and still be dreadful?
No, but it can be fun.

>> No.10990630

Yeah, totally. You just need to spend a minute and a few shots iirc.
B plot no hit runs are still significantly harder. Mr X is silent and in the lab he appears around the corner, so if you rush, he might right hook you.
Lickers can be tricky, too. Unpredictable scum.

I disagree. If vendors only have few things to spare and items are scarce in general, as is currency, it can still work.
I value your opinion though.
Nowadays games are not only to easy and way to forgiving, but also full of cosmetic choices and meaningful choices are usually made last minute.
There's just no consequence for anything in modern vidya.

>> No.10990651

Yeah but you can't have vendors without also selling upgrades, items, ammo, other gear and everything else.
Alternative is to give you scarce resources that you craft into whatever you prefer but RE7/8 did that and honestly I fucking hate crafting in any and all forms and its just not working for me.

Which brings me to RE3, which somehow does this in the least offensive and intruding way. You can only craft ammo, and even without crafting there is more than enough ammo to beat the game, this just makes replays way more fun because it allows you to have ammo for the weapon you prefer since RE3 throws so much guns at you. And you dont need 10 different items, its all combinations of two simple gun powder types - A and B. Love it.

I'm also a huge fan of Dino Crisis 2 as an action game and it does have a shop. And it's a fun game but survival horror it is not.

>> No.10990657

>Yeah but you can't have vendors without also selling upgrades, items, ammo, other gear and everything else.

You can, like Castlevania Harmoy of Dissonance.

>> No.10990724

there's something symbolic about the eye & I thought this guy had a book on his belt making him look like a judge
somnambulist zombers also looked like empty people like at the end of days or something, dunno if I watched Dawn of The Dead remake "no room in hell" speech before watching this when I was a kid
also there's a particular camera setup that's never used outside japanese horror games & maybe Dark Souls 3 & Bloodborne that makes you feel like an unwanted guest & the whole place tumbling over your head

>> No.10990758

>Which brings me to RE3, which somehow does this in the least offensive and intruding way. You can only craft ammo, and even without crafting there is more than enough ammo to beat the game, this just makes replays way more fun because it allows you to have ammo for the weapon you prefer since RE3 throws so much guns at you. And you dont need 10 different items, its all combinations of two simple gun powder types - A and B. Love it.
>I'm also a huge fan of Dino Crisis 2 as an action game and it does have a shop. And it's a fun game but survival horror it is not.

Funny how Dino 1 had crafting like RE3 and then Dino 2 ditched that for the shop. And I think Dino 1 puts the survival aspect to the highest notch in those capcom games.

Dino 2 is great, a great and fun action game on tank controls. Love that one.

>> No.10990759

The soundtrack is godtier.
The zapping system is pure kino
That's about it other than that it's just a pretty good game, which is still more than you can say about most games

>> No.10990884

Vendors can have scarce stock, random, too. Unlimited ammo is a joke in a survival horror. Honestly, guns aren't fitting in a survival horror. At least most of the times.

Turbocrafting top shelf gear from literal scraps (like re7) is atrocious. Crafting per se can be fun.
Re3 is a little barebones, but it's way better than, say, re 7.

Dc2 is anything but a survival game, but boy, so I like that game.

>> No.10990891

Sounds like I need a gba, didn't know about that one.
On par with sotn?

Can you elaborate the camera setup?

Both dc are awesome, but I like both pe as well. Prasite eve 2 is basically resident evil rpg.

Soundtracks and sound design is great.

>> No.10991183

The epilogues were just advertisements.
Her role in CV was removed, so it's a vague "She will return, but Chris is doing his own thing."
Gaiden (which was being written as a companion title to CV).
Once more, Gaiden. This was prior to the reworking of BIO4 and Leon being made the main character.
Ada Sound Drama.
Ada Sound Drama.

>> No.10991208
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>> No.10991220

Bitter irony

>> No.10991245


>> No.10991307

Don't worry about me. Just rescue the SsUuuuRviVooArs in the other rooms

>> No.10991437

Who shot him?

>> No.10991448
File: 87 KB, 450x360, blue-card-key.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about him. Just recuse the survivors in the other rooms.


>> No.10991501

Now go!

>> No.10991591

>What did you like about it?
Characters, atmosphere, the intro
>What did you hate?
The bosses aren't great desu
>What did you miss?
>Was the ending satisfying?
Not at all
>Why didn't they realize that hunk would become so popular?
Not even sure what you mean by this

>> No.10991645

Most likely the stars alpha team captain who tore up the station and scattered keys everywhere after the weekly skewer session with the mayor's daughter and the chief.

>> No.10992246

>Can you elaborate the camera setup?
camera design could've been better suited
it's about the camera angles, focal length or whatever, objects motion relative to it, etc

>> No.10992468

Hes wasnt shot up he was bitten by Brad when marvin tried to not shoot him and give him a chance when he thought he wasnt completely turned

>> No.10993374
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a kid I thought the "resident evil style fixed cameras" were you watching the characters on security cameras like some kinda found footage voguer man
it made me feel like part of the story lol

>> No.10993378
File: 2.59 MB, 640x480, RE2 lab zombie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993379
File: 2.57 MB, 640x480, RE2 licker roam2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993382
File: 2.62 MB, 640x480, RE2 licker roam1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993386
File: 1.06 MB, 640x480, RE2 cockroach.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993387
File: 1.92 MB, 960x720, RE2 dog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993389
File: 2.92 MB, 512x480, tanktop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for him

>> No.10993391
File: 1.04 MB, 640x480, RE2 train loop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993393
File: 2.86 MB, 960x720, Biohazard_2_PlayStation_Calico.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993394
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Nightmare/Hard is also unbalanced between characters. Leon's shotgun completely ignores zombie HP and decapitates them with just one shell every single time when you aim up, making Hard mode much easier for him compared to Claire
Claire Nightmare is basically the hardest official mode possible when it comes to the main game

>> No.10993401
File: 1.50 MB, 960x720, Resident_Evil_2_PlayStation_unused_chemicals.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993403
File: 2.82 MB, 640x480, rocket goes right through.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993404
File: 1.09 MB, 640x480, worst death in entire series.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993407
File: 2.62 MB, 640x480, RE2 EXBattle Chris Raped.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10993412
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, [Sephirotic] Evangelion - The End of Evangelion - 25' [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][80C45029].mkv_snapshot_36.24.280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of character design was really popular in the 90s huh?

>> No.10993434

>gamer watches pc
Dude, that's actually genius.
... But... Who controls the player?

>> No.10993439

Evil scientists have been a thing since fucking forever but on top of that in the 90s we liked to explain things and the explanation usually comes down to SCIENCE. Also Japan got nuked twice thanks to a brililant scientist that the rest of the world still reveres.

>> No.10993485
File: 339 KB, 686x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pause menu is showing the umbrella style desktop you (the player) are working at!
oooooOOOOooooo spooky!
(yes I was this retarded as a kid)

>> No.10993525

I was more referring to blonde scientists in lab coats with handguns

>> No.10993710

Great experience to see it like that.
It's never indicated in the game, so literally head canon (what a word).
Still great idea.
Funny, I recently thought about thst, too. Re2 and mgs 1 are the first/among first who did they, huh?

>> No.10994521

What could be good 'explainable' alternatives to a zombie infection? Spores and poison obviously. Is there anything else? Bacteria, dna crap?

>> No.10994530

An explanation isn't mandatory

>> No.10994581

For you and almost all players maybe.
Extremely unsatisfying for me thoughever.

I can also think of funny radiation or some crude waves, magnetism or liquid hypnosis.

>> No.10996031


And thats why the dual shock version of resident evil 2 is the best version: it has the epic extreme batttle mode.

>> No.10996691

What's an enemy or monster you are missing?
Iirc there are no insect enemies. The ones in 4, 5, 6 and 4r are gay and lame.
Come to think of it, the monster design in the re ip is mostly lacking. Hunters and lockers are iconic, but that's about it, excluding some bosses.

Personally I dislike human enemies that can soak 450 bullets, like wesker or krauser.

>> No.10996834

I love the gun obsession in classic RE, the whole American action movie through a Japanese lens thing appeals to me so much

>> No.10996927

I really miss games that used real brands for guns.
Fuck red9 or l. Hawk.

>> No.10996941

For real, what happened?

>> No.10996969

Pretty sure you need to pay them big bucks to use the name and their business development team needs to permit that.

>> No.10997278

voodoo magic
alien microbes
psychotic break (all in the protagonist's head, you are just running round mowing down ordinary cops/civilians whilst hallucinating a zombie outbreak)

>> No.10997282

Has there been any plant enemies since RE2? Lot of potential variety with plants for enemy design/attacks/behaviour

>> No.10997302

Voodoo or ancient sorcery, magic, eldritch incantation.

Put alien or underwater or ancient civilization before anything here mentioned >>10994521

Cyberpsychosis is implied by Vincent and the possessed ending in sh3. Personally I love. Another interpretation would be "it was all in your head". I hate that. Never done well in any media. Evil within tried this and failed miserably.
Iirc only re2r. Re4 and 5 don't have them. Re 1 has a plant obstacle.

>> No.10999392

Best (makeshift) weapons for survival horrors?

>> No.10999397

I didn't like this one at all the only great one in the trilogy is the first one

>> No.10999415

Did you like re4 or 5?

>> No.10999429

RE4 and RE5 are tied for me RE4 wins because it's more ambitious and because they tried, but GOW1 seems to be the only game that followed RE4's suit although RE5 has in my opinion tighter design than GOW except in the MP part which is where the epic guys show more of their chops as designers. God Gears of War is from 2006

>> No.10999439

I like Calicos, they're iconic and you get the 80s/90s american action movie vibe from it. It's a shame the one from RE2 was cut but at least it's in Parasite Eve II

>> No.10999491

Never played gears of war, but I have heard a lot good things about it.
>thing in the past happened ages ago
Idk, things do be like that.
Calicos? In pe2? Wdym?

>> No.11001305

>Dario was voice by fucking Luigi from the Mario Bros. Super Show

>> No.11001636

He also voiced Nemesis and was on SNL for a while. Dude was also a full on schizo

>Rosato, who suffers from Capgras syndrome, described how he concluded his wife was not the woman he married - speculating she had been replaced by one or more twin sisters - and that his infant daughter had also been replaced. Rosato said he believes Leah's face was digitally removed from their wedding photos and another woman's put in and doubts it was even her who testified against him at the preliminary hearing.

>"As far as I can tell, vocally, it was my wife, but I couldn't tell," he testified. He also said that during a court-ordered supervised visitation with his baby daughter, another couple's child was handed to him by a Children's Aid worker.

>"I said 'Excuse me, this is not my daughter,'" he recalled. Rosato alleged his wife performed in Internet pornography and group sex - which he claims had been prescribed to her as therapy by a psychiatrist - and she had been a victim of incest and dabbled in Satanism, all allegations that have not been raised in court.

He did back in 2017.

>> No.11001637

In Parasite Eve 2 you get the calicos from whatshisface in the trailer with all the guns, right before you leave Dryfield at the end of disc 1. Not sure but I think it doesnt happen if you fail to save his dog beforehand.

>> No.11001670

>Capgras syndrome
When did this start? hard to believe that ancient Romans had such issues.

>> No.11001678

Right, I remember. Her trunk also served as item deposit, didn't it.
Shame we don't have a new parasite eve or Dino crisis.

>> No.11002198

Is there a genre called political horror?

>> No.11002393

Yes, it’s called real life

>> No.11002396

>Man I never understood that myself.
Le mysterious man

>> No.11002427

The devs were hilariously bad at their own games so I bet they assumed most players would never even see Hunk or Tofu.

>> No.11002592

You mean all this happening right now is real?

>> No.11002596

>boba fett joined the chat

>> No.11002621


>> No.11002630

>he was bitten by Brad
Lol. Lmao fuck off with that Demake 3 bullshit. This is what really happened

>> No.11002640

Water and rats

>> No.11002648

I think outbreak lab scenario has some and the abandoned hospital boss is a plant

>> No.11002702

I do remember hearing that a while ago.
True schmocks.

>> No.11002902

Too many very simple general questions that I could provide long answers to. So I will only mention a few points on what it could have done better.

>too easy
>a bit too short maybe?
>doesn't have the instant turn introduced in RE3

And that is really it. The game is a masterpiece and one of my favorite games of all time. Its my favorite RE game. Very hard for me to find any real faults with it besides it being a pretty easy game.

>> No.11002908

Haven't played 7 and 8, but all re games are incredibly short and have little to no replay value.

>> No.11003003

>and have little to no replay value.
Completely disagree with this. They have among the highest replay value of any game I ever played. Their short length actually helps with this and the fact RE2 has A & B scenarios assured it would have replay value. I find getting a higher rank to also be entertaining in the older games at least.

>> No.11003021

>a/b plot
Was already discussed here
As a kid I played it twice a day. Takes only around 4h.
I wouldn't start another run after beating it nowadays.

>> No.11004380

>I'm sorry about your daughter...but there isn't a twin of her -- you have to take your meds!

>> No.11004623

Could you imagine a valid panic mechanic for re2?

>> No.11005413

>What did you like about it?
everything except the roaches
>What did you hate?
unskippable cutscenes (since I have replayed it millions of times since the 90s)
>What did you miss?
pre-rendered backgrounds
>Was the ending satisfying?
>Why didn't they realize that hunk would become so popular?
They did though?

>> No.11005519

Jadia Smith or that talking zebra from the Madagascar film

>> No.11005540

End of Darkside Chroncles you fight a mutated Javier after he merges with a plant

>> No.11005760

Did anyone else low health sprays in re? Medical aid out of the can - futuristic!

>> No.11006349
File: 55 KB, 700x700, fas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was weird finding out many years later that they're real, just uncommon.

>> No.11007207

Really? I thought they are fictional.
Just apply to open wound? Perforated by a 36 inch licker tongue? Fret not, blood clotting spray is your certified number one aid.

>> No.11007218

depends on where you live. When I was a kid my mother would always clean my wounds with hydrogen peroxide. When I moved and met my wife I learned her family exclusively used octenidyne.

>> No.11007232

With a solution perhaps. H. Peroxide 3%. I doubt she poured pure H. Peroxide over your gaping zombie bite flesh wounds.

Did you guys like the re2 zombies better than re2r? I can say, I did. Design wise and lore wise, the re2r zombies make more sense though.

>> No.11007334

>Perforated by a 36 inch licker tongue?
damage from enemies isn't canon

>> No.11007403

>what happens in the game isn't canon
This is a meme, right? A joke.

>> No.11007448

Sadly it's not. RE canon is a fucking mess.
The real joke is caring about it.

>> No.11007449

That's true. Latest after re2 the series became a joke, story wise. Shame!

>> No.11007610

a zombie bite would turn anyone into a zombie
a main character getting bitten and not turn into a zombie isnt' canon because, canonically, they don't get any damage and it's just a game mechanics

>> No.11007621

They have med spray and herbs and/or super powers

>> No.11007630

That's not how they explained it. They said about 10% of humans wouldn't get affected by the virus and lucky LUCKY, the protagonists are from the 10%

Also in RE1 there is nothing that states that bites should turn someone, quite the contrary in fact.

>> No.11007636

RE Outbreak games actually have a mechanic that turns your characters into zombies with time.
if you get bitten, you get a percent of infection, if it reaches 100% your character dies and reanimate as a zombie.

>> No.11007667

Which I liked a lot
Was explained in which game?

Re1 says that? Where?

>> No.11008371

Seconding the source on that immunity figure, I don't doubt it, but upon thinking about it I can't remember where the hell that figure (11% IIRC) comes from. I'm guessing either an old interview or compendium notes.

>> No.11008392

I do believe it, just not sure how I missed that.
When I was younger I thought that the blue herbs have special properties and are stopping the virus.

>> No.11008450

You know what bugs me about RE1 zombies? The clothes on the non-scientist zombies. That green shirt and trouser getup looks goofy as hell in retrospect, I have a hard time imagining a living dude wearing it.

>> No.11008521

>What did you like about it?
Huge upgrade in graphics, a lot of it still looks appealing. G is a great design and they make the morphing and shapeshifting work surprisingly well with ps1 graphics. Story is kino and it's cool how the A and B runs connect seamlessly (unlike the remake) and have noticeable differences. Luv the Tyrant, he's great and I'll never forget that moment where he smashes the camera. Music is kino.
>What did you hate?
Idk, maybe some ps1 jank? But I don't really hate anything honestly.
>What did you miss?
Nemesis/Remake Tyrant was much better, but this Tyrant is still pretty good.
>Was the ending satisfying?
Yes, incredibly. One of the most kino endings in vidya.
>Why didn't they realize that hunk would become so popular?
Hunk is a literallywho scrimblo. I honestly don't care for him.

>> No.11008525

The remake zombies are actually scary though, and they are far more unpredictable

>> No.11009189

Best game. Played through it 4 times yesterday at work. Get the 2006 japanese pc release. Then patch it with REbirth. Most content, smoothest look, the only downside is the Japanese subs in the cinemas were not removed. It also has quick turn if you're a shitter like me.

>> No.11009216

REbirth is great; don't forget at-will reloading, it feels nice being able to do it properly rather than magically teleporting bullets into my gun via menu.

>> No.11009308

I can sympathize with that. I had a terrible reaction to prednisone once and had sort of a temporary steroid induced psychosis where I would have the same kind of delusions. It must be hell to live with that your whole life.

>> No.11009346
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I thought they were supposed to be military guys as a kid and assumed the green and brown were fatigues or something. But they're clearly not actually that.

>> No.11009372

The Inside of Bio Hazard book that came out with the game in 96 has a bunch of background info based on the scenario writer's notes, from what I understand. This is what it says about the virus.
>According to reports, the Clay Virus began leaking in an accident and initially seemed to be an airborne strain, but later became a transdermal strain. This was discovered from documentation indicating that hazmat suits were required for the Clay Virus ε-strain during the early days of the incident, that creatures which preyed on Clay Virus carriers became secondarily infected during the middle part of the incident, and that it's presumed S.T.A.R.S. personnel were not infected despite being injured by Zombies and other carriers during the later part of the incident. The Clay Virus ε-strain virus may have a characteristic of evolving with its external environment and the passage of time, gradually stabilizing over time from the airborne ε-strain virus, infecting and multiplying within host organisms, then becoming a transdermal ε-strain variant. The Clay Virus could be said to be a type that gradually grows less infectious over time.
There's also a radio drama from around the same time where Jill gets bitten by a zombie and nothing special happens. I don't think bites spreading it was a thing until they were working on the second game.

>> No.11009401

Here is what Kenichi Iwao has to say about the virus

>The zombies in Biohazard aren't exactly dead. While they may have lost their sanity, the process itself is gradual and there are all sorts of complications before one becomes a zombie. There were probably those who killed themselves rather than turn. It is also incorrect to say that the zombies in Biohazard have simply no intelligence, the man-made virus controls them from within their very cells by rewriting their genes. They have become a different creature, and their function is to further spread the virus. There are different kinds of dramatic situations and purposes we can use for these kinds of characters.

>The accident in the lab wasn't intentional, but what occurred was inevitable. Wesker intended to conduct combat testing of the bio-weapons, at the same time that he disposed of S.T.A.R.S. The virus leaked out of the Tyrant, the carrier of the virus. In the setting that I imagined, the Tyrant was able to command zombies that had been created by the virus. That's why it was 'Tyrant'.

>> No.11009404

Iwao on the Tyrant:

>He can directly infect with the T-Virus using his nails, or spray it from his back to infect the air. Even if he doesn't bestow it by his own hands, his subordinates (Zombies) do. He is sent into an enemy country or into the backward support forces of an enemy army by helicopter or submarine. After that, he turns people he comes into contact with into Zombies, amassing an army of the undead. When the commander's objective is achieved, for example, let's say the enemy country surrendered, in that case he would issue the Tyrant an order to gather the Zombies to one place and slaughter each other. On top of that the Tyrant would be recovered after incineration.

>The zombies produced by the Tyrant and the fear in people that Zombies manifest were going to create substantial wealth and power for Umbrella. To be exact, the Tyrant had the power to control the virus, which ruled their brain and body, rather than controlling zombies. Tyrant T-002 was the ultimate weapon that creates Zombies. A reason armies dislike war is that there are often more injured troops than dead soldiers.

>> No.11010197

Agree. Re2r has the best zombies in any vidya.
Kek, no fashion prize. Guess the designers used what would fit the cour palette.
Absolutely doodeley.
Never played any re2 mod.
Who are they? Servants? Experiments? Construction workers?
Interesting. Never opened that booklet. (bought the game used)

>> No.11011598
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Had to restart because I sort kinda soft locked myself on ammo and unless I wanted to knife the zombies blocking the plant room in the mansion I had to restart. Just dropped Yawn and saved right before moving onto the court yard/Guardhouse area. Doing way better on shells and bullets.

It's been 10 plus years since I last played and used to always play as Jill. The limited inventory you get with Chris BLOWS.

Gonna move onto RE2 after this.

>> No.11011742

Maybe they were required to wear those colorful clothes to easily spot around the mansion

>> No.11011782

>The limited inventory you get with Chris BLOWS
They went to the opposite extreme in the next games. In RE2 you have a sidepack one of the characters can pick up during one of the two parts of a scenario, bringing the inventory size to 10 slots. In RE3 you also get 10 slots at some point

>> No.11012043

First one I ever played. (Okay, I played a little of 3 back when you could play games in the game store, it that doesn’t count)

HUNK was just a bonus mini game. How could they think he would take off the way that he did?

>> No.11012060

He was bit. In the remake it was the Brad zombie.

>> No.11012224
File: 786 KB, 1921x1509, PXL_20240612_032926253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you Resident Evil lore masters, when you talk to Rebecca after beating Plant 42 she says "This room is fully equipped with medical supplies, I can treat you except for your major injury" then Chris acknowledges it by saying "yes, please do something for me temporarily"

What major injury is Rebecca talking about? If Chris didn't acknowledge it i'd write it off as a one off script issue but he clearly is also acting like he has some sort of major injury.

Is this a dropped plot line? Thinking maybe he was infected at one point in development?

>> No.11012337

Chris's scenario dialogue is wildly incoherent in places to the point it makes Barry's meme lines look like Shakespeare. I'm 99.9% sure it's just shoddy translation rather than dummied content (which Chris does have, but nothing relating to this particular matter).

>> No.11012390

Yeah, lot of Chris and Rebecca's dialog is super weird. I know it's been a while since I placed Jill but I don't remember anything stopping me in my tacks the way this "major injury" line has. Even what Wesker says in the hallway to Chris is kinda janky. I'm not sure if that's the same dialog if you play as Jill though.

With all that said I just got the battey and i'm finished up in the Mansion. About to head to the underground. I feel a little tight on ammo, only got 28 handgun bullets and 5 shot shells. Do have like 24 magnum rounds but I normally save them for the last area and boss.

>> No.11012410

>even what Wesker says in the hallway to Chris is kinda janky
If you thought that was bad, one of the two versions of the dialogue you can have with him toward the very end in the lab is almost mad-libs quality, the voice direction (or lack thereof) is bonkers.

>> No.11012432

I'll polish off Chris campagne tomrrow then maybe start Jills Advanced after that. Depends how much game time I can get in tomrrow before the kids get home from school

>> No.11012437

Why did he audition for this?

>> No.11012515

You're reading too much into it.

Rebecca heals Chris, she's like free F. Aid Sprays.
It's a reward for performing well so far.

>> No.11012547

Rebecca's actress was also the voice director. While she didn't translated the script, she did work to refine it grammatically. When asked during an interview about any cut content, she said this:
>"I have played the game many times and know lots of material wasn’t used, or was placed in strange manners here and there. It lends the game some of its charm, but of course that was all done in the course of the editing. I am certain there was no native English speaker involved."

>> No.11012610

Interesting thing about RE1 (on real hardware) is how there is no wobbling at all compared to 2/3.

>> No.11012761

>no wobbling at all
There is less wobbling, not none. Most of the models don't "breathe" in RE1.

>> No.11013292

I like it but i think it lost some of the horror factor as it went on. I also think the bosses were a bit too easy, I only had trouble with dog William.

>> No.11013949
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Just finished up, just under 6 hours. Did a lot of backtracking due to Chris's limited inventory. Last time I beat the game with Chris might have been when the game came out now that i'm thinking about it. Gonna jump into a Jill run later, kinda sucks that I think the costum key only unlocked for Chris and not Jill. Gonna do a Jill Advanced run to unlock unlimited Magnum then try a dub 3 hour run.

>> No.11014013

Thing with Chris is that you dont carry spare ammo with you. Reload in saferoom, dump all extra ammo into the box.

>> No.11014075

For when you know the game that works, this is my first reply in a decade and my first time playing as Chris in almost 3 decades. Gonna boot up advanced mode Jill tonight, let me ask you. Do you know if you do that trick by holding right to double your ammo pickups, does it affect magnum/outfit unlocks?

>> No.11014136


>> No.11014140

Are there reclones for ps4? Tried tormented soul and day are. Soma or song of horror like re?

>> No.11014174


>> No.11014197

It's been a long time but I could swear most of the conversation between Jill and Barry after the 2nd snake fight is just spliced together from other voice clips. I just remember it being really weird and jarring when I suddenly realized they were recycled lines from other places in the game.

>> No.11014689
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Jumped into Arranged Mode Jill, having a way easier time over normal game Chris. Between the ammo you get and Jills carrying capacity I got all the way to the Guardhouse in like an hour. But I got mixed up trying to make V Jolt which I don't think you do in Arranged Mode but it does let you pick the bottles up? Ended up going to the flooded laboratory thinking maybe the key for the Security room was down in the flooded area or maybe the door was unlocked. Ended up getting eaten by Neptune, thank god I made my first save when I got to the Guardhouse.

Next week when I get time i'm assuming you gotta fight Plant 42 and maybe you don't go down to the flooded lab in Arranged Mode.

>> No.11015006

Arranged mode doesn't remove content, just scrambles it around, so aside from order of places visited, you still have the same event and plot options as usual.

>> No.11015362

Unless i'm missing something, you can't mix V Jolt in arranged mode Jill. You get the Security Room key after killing Plant 42 so you can't drain the Lab till you kill Plant 42

>> No.11015372

iirc you can use the v jolt on the roots even if the water is not drained. That door is not locked.

>> No.11015384

Don't remember that screen at all.

>> No.11015429

You can't pick up the chemicals though

>> No.11015726

Gun manufacturers eventually discovered they could charge licensing fees in video games

>> No.11015846

I know.
You think they didn't get anything for re2?
Thing is, you can't even get a license to use mp5. If you aren't ubisoft or alike, no one in hekler und Koch will ever talk to you.
Corporations are parasites, I tell you.

>> No.11016532


Weskers Report, the one that came to the remake as a Japanese exclusive, you can find the translation online just search for weskers report 2

>> No.11016639
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Kenichi Iwao is a big gun fan. He pushed for using the real names and adding details like shell casings ejecting from the guns.

>"I like RPGs and gamebooks, so I decided on a similar type of game system that gradually depleted the number of remaining bullets. I also like guns, so I gave a lot of instructions on how to represent guns in the game, including the use of shell casings. In fact, I wrote a proposal for a claymore mine that would defeat zombies with traps, but I had to abandon it due to schedule constraints."

>"I decided to show the remaining bullets of the guns, that was influenced by Alcazar. Also since I'm a gun enthusiast, as you know, I changed the names to real company names or model numbers, not just 'Pistol'. However if we used the maker's name today without permission, we might get sued by the industry, so I'm afraid to use it!"

>> No.11016684

I think Vice City was the tipping point. Early copies have the Ruger, MP5, Colt Python, etc. but they were all switched to generic names not long after release.

>> No.11016830

So they got away with it, huh!

>> No.11016931

i need chris redfield so carnally it is the only reason i want to play resident evil

>> No.11017947

As much as Claire needs Leon?

>> No.11018009

Director's Cut Dual Shock edition

>> No.11018012

Was re the first game that had 1000 editions and 50 remakes?

>> No.11018015

Ehh RE1 had 3 versions on the PS1, a Saturn port and a PC port that had a few versions.

Old PC games had way more editions

>> No.11018060
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it's in the original game too. The only version which have extra end screens are the PC versions.

>> No.11018091

And the coming remake of the remake of the directors cut

>> No.11018146

You make vjolt in both regular and arrange/advance mode. If you want, that is. Its optional but without it it takes a lot more to kill Plant42.

>> No.11018684

Someone hot the webm of re2 where you open the door an a zombie appear?

>> No.11018805

I on e did a speed run no save in Leon b plot and tried to min item usage.
I was poisoned and one room before the save room bastard Mr x appears around the corner.
Well, was a good run, albeit a short one.

>> No.11019223

>the death cannot die
top kek.

>> No.11019242

>which he claims had been prescribed to her as therapy by a psychiatrist
this part i believe,psych are the worst.

>> No.11020184

I just played Jills Arrnaged mode. It doesn't let you interact with the chemicals.

>> No.11020193

RE4 really moved the series in a direction I don't like as much as the original storyline.

Can't believe they are still going with the same plot line. I wish they just reboot the entire series or make more games in the past.

>> No.11020430

You need to pick up the v-jolt report file.

>> No.11020432

I knew things were ruined when they retconned Wesker's report.