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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.98 MB, 3133x3006, 20240604_015523~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10989921 No.10989921 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>10937914

>> No.10989934
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>> No.10989936

Currently looking for some better CRT's for my collection. I quite like Panasonics at the moment, they seem to be very good quality and with decent geometry. Same with Mitsubishi but they're rarer to find. Selling off my flat panel collection, a rebranded Goldstar/Kambrook and
Magnavox MTV51 that is RGB modded.

Keeping my Panasonic TC-21SC as it has decent geometry and service menu is accessible. In some ways Composite is better than RGB because it dithers nicely when the TV has a good comb filter. I also have a small Viewsonic 14 for emulation. But mainly I am looking for nice geometry, hopefully I can afford a PVM at some point. A nice Panasonic one came up for sale recently. Not sure about Sony.

>> No.10989956
File: 8 KB, 241x232, GO_ZPmcXQAAi781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for people that have used windas: does it have access to v-hold? Because I have a 21" Sony monitor, and along wirh g2 issues it has an occasional (about once every 2 minutes) vertical scroll. And I really don't want to have to recap the thing just to possibly fix it.

>> No.10989961
File: 545 KB, 1412x1200, PXL_20240604_061448570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat FF4/2 on my CRT setup. Debating if i'm gonna give The After Years a shot since it's on the Wii and I got a Wii hooked up to my CRT. If not I'm either gonna jump into Legend of the Dragoon or Breath of Fire 1/2

>> No.10989973

Are you using WiiStation or PSX?

>> No.10989976

I used it years ago but I think it depended on the monitor, the highest end ones had pretty much everything manageable with software.
A recap might be necessary if that is the cause of the problem though.

>> No.10989980

Would be using a real PS1 for any PS1 games i'm gonna play, Would perder an After Years rom that booted on SNES but I don't think that's a thing

>> No.10990676
File: 824 KB, 1505x2000, PXL_20240604_143551458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone playing? Just beat FF4, thinking of jumping into the PS1 Resident Evil Trilogy

>> No.10990681

I just got a 32 inch sharp (previously only had a 14 inch PVM), so I've been blasting through all the light gun games that were practically unplayable lol

>> No.10990686

That's a good time, light guns is what made me hang onto my CRT during the late 2000s change over to LCD TVs. So glad I did, played Elemental Gearbolt recently and had a blast.

>> No.10991184


Solid choice. Play RE1 directors cut advanced, makes the game real good

>> No.10991204

Why are people going crazy over WEGAs now? WEGAs were looked down upon even on the consumer market, now they are the new hot thing.
Shortage of better options, so now worse becomes acceptable?

>> No.10991210

People have been shitting themselves over wegas as long has people have been playing games on CRTs. Forever, that is.
Why is that they sold so well you physically can't help from seeing them all the time in listings, then?

>> No.10991226

WEGA listings used to be stagnant and free, now they are picking up price and actually selling.

Literally searching for WEGA and suck/bad or similar on the /vr/ archives gives shitloads of posts over the years.

>> No.10991450

The fact that flat screens were once preferred to bubbles is wild to me.

>> No.10991468
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x1080, crt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10991902
File: 313 KB, 904x868, pr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10991948

>Found my old DVD player
>Get an s-video cable for it
>But there's some weird distortion going on and it's noticeable on dark scenes
Is it the cable, magnetism or my TV is just dying?

>> No.10992168

Guys what benefits does a tv crt have over a computer one? Just for playing 16bit games? I have a 27 inch trinitron tv and looking for a computer crt.

>> No.10992239

line count iirc, I'm so turned off by playing console games on PC monitors and have no sentimental value for PC gaming so I don't know much about them.

>> No.10992813 [DELETED] 
File: 2.43 MB, 1224x1224, 20L5 wega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out that my Wega does composite way better than my 20L5.

>> No.10992817
File: 2.49 MB, 1224x1224, 20L5 wega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out my Wega does composite way better than my 20L5.

>> No.10992862
File: 1.20 MB, 1814x2419, 20240518_183516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loving my Toshiba 27A41

>> No.10992882

Right is extremely misaligned by the looks of it

>> No.10992925

Really? The pictures are taken at an angle, how can you tell?

>> No.10992959

there is a red green and blue halo around most of the sprites

>> No.10992967
File: 67 KB, 484x425, convergence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is talking about beam convergence. Look at the numbers in Sonic. On the left you see blue fringing and on the right red fringing.

>> No.10992972
File: 90 KB, 768x224, bof2tl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like an emulator
High res CRTs are a meme

>Breath of Fire 1/2
BoF1 is good, the translation is meh but it's okay
Buy Marbl3's and use them if you get tired of battles

BoF2 is bad, ignore retranslation faggots btw and play the official version
The retranslation was fanfiction garbage translated from a german fan translation
Be prepared to grind a lot and fish a lot

>> No.10992983

I kind of noticed that in the corners, but can you really tell on the entire screen? It's only the corners that I could see it... I've looked into convergence strips, but I had no interest in the risk of death.

>> No.10993000

Just don't touch the parts that'll obviously electrocute you and you'll be fine.
Its really not that hard.

>> No.10993007

It's normal for the corners to have worse focus and convergence but those numbers are far enough away from the corners that it shouldn't be that bad. Also, your risk of death is low. Just use your common sense and you will be fine.

>> No.10993129

That's just a bonus if you fuck up.

>> No.10993272

There is one of those TVs in my area.
Give me a good reason to not drive for 2 hours just to get this behemoth. I already have the 27" model, I like the colors despite the geometry and convergence not being very good.
How is 480i flickering on these?

It's a standard definition TV, though.

>> No.10993281

Do people still get flickering?
I think maybe bigger sets just display 480i better then

>> No.10993501
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how do u do fellow kidz?

>> No.10993516
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>> No.10993623
File: 859 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20240604_205043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just beat FF4
Just beat 5 myself. Next is a toss-up between Link to the Past, Sonic Adventure, FF8, FF Tactics, Grandia II, or maybe some other thing. Who knows?

>> No.10993632
File: 492 KB, 1505x2000, PXL_20240604_060144818.MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to move onto 5 soon but I just went through the NES trilogy and before that played FF7Rebirth. I need a break from the series.

Been thinking about Legend of the Dragoon a lot recently but i'm doing a palate cleanser of the PS1 Resident Evil Trilogy then i'll jump into LotD

>> No.10993640

What game is this from

>> No.10993707
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20240522_205607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need a break from the series.
lol, I hear that. I wasn't into FF or JRPGs in general when I was a kid, so that's what a majority of my backlog is. But sometimes I just gotta step away from Squaresoft and do something else.

>Legend of Dragoon
I've been meaning to dredge up a copy of that. I do have Vagrant Story, which I always think of in the same boat, for some reason.

>> No.10993753
File: 397 KB, 1280x970, tumblr_ngklprkC8m1snhn1io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn't into FF or JRPGs in general when I was a kid

I'm on the other side of the coin and played all these games as a kid but I don't remember much of anything about them now that i'm knocking on the door of 40.

>Vagrant Story
That's another game on my list to return too. I have all my childhood physical copies but these days I just boot everything off a X Station.

Really wanna do a complete series play of Suikoden sometime soonish. That's gotta be close to a 200hr commitment though

>> No.10993829
File: 898 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20240511_232416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X Station
Is that one easy to install? Does it completely replace the optical drive so you can't play discs if you want? I'm finally taking the plunge on flash carts and whatnot to play stuff that I don't/can't own physically and I'd like to get around to PS1 eventually for shit like Lunar, Suikoden, and Xenogears that just cost too much damn money. There's also the concern of optical drive failure down the road, obviously. Really I should do my Dreamcast first; that thing has been a cunt about reading discs since it was brand new, lol.

>now that i'm knocking on the door of 40.
Just turned 38 myself, friend. I gotta say, though, all the bangers I've played recently have definitely made me feel like a kid again. Sitting down with an old-ass game and diving in without a guide or any prior knowledge and just seeing what it throws at you? It's bliss. I'm always surprised by just how close I come to 100% completion most times; people act like old JRPGs are cryptic, but if you're dilligent and talk to everyone frequently, most games give you hints for just about everything.

>> No.10993838
File: 1.17 MB, 2829x3739, GPUP1EqXIAAelUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing the PC Engine version of Popful Mail using Google Lens for the kanji I don't recognize. Game is a ton of fun, but the backtracking can be tedious at times.

Does anyone here have experience with CRT Emudriver? Can it be used with any video card or does it have to be one with VGA outputs only?

>> No.10993864

you don't even need crt emudriver these days

>> No.10993876

What's the alternative?

>> No.10993878

Mind explaining? I have a desktop with a 2080 which has no VGA port. I rescued an older desktop from the office with a VGA port, but I haven't fired it up yet to see what specs it has otherwise.

I have a CRT TV in addition to the monitor in my pic. Is it possible to hook up my current desktop to the TV and get 240, or would I need to use the older one?

>> No.10993881


>Is it possible to hook up my current desktop to the TV and get 240, or would I need to use the older one?
for 240p, yes

>> No.10993886

Thanks for the writeup. Sounds like I'm better off rolling up my sleeves and setting up the other desktop for the TV. Should be a fun weekend project.

>> No.10994113 [DELETED] 

I also posted some common modelines for easy testing and initial setup.

>2560 CRT Super resolution:
>https://pastebin.com/YfYBbHfG (embed)

>3840 CRT Super resolution:
>https://pastebin.com/SWmya46Z (embed)

>For Windows, also WinModelines:
>https://www (dot) geocities (dot) ws/podernixie/htpc/modeline-en.html

>> No.10994116

I also posted some common modelines for easy testing and initial setup.

>2560 CRT Super resolution:

>3840 CRT Super resolution:

>For Windows, also WinModelines:
>https://www (dot) geocities (dot) ws/podernixie/htpc/modeline-en.html

>> No.10994120


Still the best option for Windows users

>> No.10994121


>> No.10994182

Only if you already have a working setup using it, otherwise who wants to upgrade or start from scratch, it's not needed.

>> No.10994183

You gotta lift pins and solder for X Station, I did it and i'm a novice when it comes to that stuff so it's not that hard, but yeah replaces the whole drive. I have flash carts and ODEs on all my stuff now even though I have a ton of my childhood games

Playing these old games is like a time machine for me, i'm a teenager again and its great

>> No.10994283

We used to have a proper general with links in OP, now it's gone and we get several of the same questions every thread.

>> No.10994289

Be the change

>> No.10994445

Dedicated setups are nice.

>> No.10994526

it's bc a certain tranny destroyed these threads (including the one on /g/)

>> No.10995315
File: 98 KB, 532x917, famikeyboards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is blazing star
neogeo games anon

>> No.10995361

Is that UT2k4?

>> No.10995457

Let's talk sound. What do you use with your CRT? Just the TV speakers? Do you use a special setting? Or are you autistic and use headphones?

>> No.10995463

just the tv speakers. never had anything different.

>> No.10995526

Looks more like 99

>> No.10995648

I just got my retrotink 4k today and I’m wondering, should I plug my ps3 in with component or hdmi into it? I know the quality is equal. But curious to know what you guys think

>> No.10995698

i have a few PA, marshalls etc
soundbar is prob most reasonable

>> No.10996341

Depends, I got several setups, some with dedicated amp and speakers, some just use the TV speakers (DIY upgraded).

>> No.10996354

First Trinitron mod today. Was easy as the jungle IC mixed OSD at output instead of input. Very easy to use as you just plug the RGB through the teletext header along with the blanking. Easiest mod I've ever done.

>> No.10996371

Some CRT's have really good onboard sound, others just mono so you want to plug a third party amp in and use bookshelf speakers or floor speakers. Especially the larger flatscreen CRT's some have subwoofers.

>> No.10996392

The bigger the TV the better usually
But unless you have a sub in it, you're not gonna get best sound out of it

>> No.10996546
File: 467 KB, 2064x1161, 1562018872043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're asking about audio, I'll repost my all-Sony shit-show for the billionth time.

Personally, for truly good audio, I think you need at least a solid amp, equalizer, three-way speakers, and a subwoofer if you can jam it somewhere. I know people might scoff at the equalizer because "hurrr, durrr it's just beeps and bloops", but honesly I think people only feel that way about video game music because they haven't heard it on a proper setup. An equalizer adds so much customizable depth to the sound that I can't believe I ever used to play games without one.

It's also super convenient when you're playing games that have annoying, high-pitched noises; just knock down the highest frequencies and it really takes the edge off of them.

Soundbars are unironically worse than most CRT speakers.

>> No.10996880

It's a 480i tv though.

>> No.10996884

I use a set of shielded Polk audio speakers I've had since they were new.

This is my setup.

I love a good audio setup

>> No.10996994

That text looks wrong. So wrong it turned the r in Bartz into an h.

>> No.10997009

>Soundbars are unironically worse than most CRT speakers.
This. I'm convinced the only reason people think sound bars are any good is because built-in flatscreen speakers are so objectively horrid by comparison that they've lowered the general public's perception of audio quality over the past two decades.

>> No.10997117
File: 1.56 MB, 2200x1649, wakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying FFX, been at least 10 years.

>> No.10997181
File: 1.95 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20230203_203738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice! How's it hold up? I've been working my way through 1-9. I've not been interested much by 10 from just looking at it, but 9 was such a treasure that I refuse the series could have fallen from grace so quickly afterward.

>> No.10997249

I loved it 20 years ago, but I'm having trouble getting into it right now but I'mm just getting through the tutorial island part. I told myself that if I don't like it by the time I get to Luca I'm dropping it. Too many games to go through right now and not enough time to play something I am not super exited to finish.

>> No.10997638

just picked up a 32" trinitron for 100$ today bros. feelsgoodman.

>> No.10997656

Good shit. I find free, or very cheap CRT TVs, usually Sony, JVC and Toshiba, and flip them back to retro gamers in my area for $75-$150 (which is a very fair price considering what other people ask) after trying them out a bit myself to see what I like and to ensure that my local has a good supply of CRTs in the hands of people who will appreciate them. Making money is nice, but making sure these things don't end up in a truck bed on it's way to the dump is even better.

>> No.10997678

Should've paid 80. You fucked up BAD.

>> No.10997694

nope. thing is in perfect condition and comes with the remote. market value for the 32 inch model is higher than 100.
i used to do the same thing as a hobby but i moved to a more rural area. everything is more sparse out here. thx for preserving history fren. these things really don't deserve the landfill treatment.

>> No.10997752

I live in a city of about 70k and there are not enough listings to supply the demand here, I know because after I list something it is gone at full price almost every time in less than a week. Luckily I travel a lot for work in rural areas in surrounding regions about 100mi away and that's where I get the best sets usually and bring them back to my area to sell them after playing with it for about a month.

>> No.10997850

>Soundbars are unironically worse than most CRT speakers.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.10997887

He's right though. Only when you get to high end CRTs do you find better speakers.

>> No.10997909
File: 11 KB, 116x116, 1713575378794472(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help if possible; My Sega Saturn has problems with the lightgun. Namely the lightgun sometimes shoots a bit to the right, and is a bit jittery. I have 2 gun, and both of them have this issue. In comparison my guncons are practically perfect. Getting pretty annoying at this point. I've cleaned the board inside, cleaned the lens, and even replaced the single capacitor inside. Any ideas?

>> No.10998194

Are you ok?

>> No.10998262

I know it's cool to hate on soundbars but they objectively have better drivers than shitty consumer sets from 20 years ago. back2reddit

>> No.10998427

>im not ok
ok. Get well soon. Stay in school. lrn2read

>> No.10998670

What's the best CRT monitor that has a built in microphone?
I only know of the CPD-220VS

>> No.10998708

hp and compaq had one but i wouldnt consider them the best

>> No.10999234

I revisited 10 during lockdowns. I feel like the real meat of the story takes to long to get going. You spend so much time in the "I don't know what's going on" phase

>> No.10999279

You have to be more specific about what's being distorted, or better post a picture.

>> No.10999473

Soundbars are trash until you spend so much money on them that you would have been better off getting an actual surround sound system, anyway. Otherwise they're just a useless accessory made to milk chumps who probably have no idea what good audio sounds like in the first place, and just buy whatever has 5 stars on Amazon according to a bunch of other chumps just like them.

>> No.10999504

>You spend so much time in the "I don't know what's going on" phase
I'd be fine with that as long as the gameplay is still fun and the characters are decent.

>> No.10999617

My parents have the Sonos soundbar and it legit sounds better than my D-Series speakers. It's way overpriced and you're right a decent set of bookshelf speakers are a better option but that's not my point. I'm not trying to defend soundbars but to say that they are worse than most on board speakers on CRT televisions is ridiculous.

>> No.10999635

Yes, they're worse than most CRT speakers, and the only ones that aren't are so expensive you'd be better off buying an actual sound system, therefor they are a pointless waste of money, especially for retro gaming. That is what I said, and thanks for agreeing with me.

>> No.10999647

A better metaphor for trash would be a rambling rant that has nothing to do with the post it's in reply to.

>> No.10999784

finished besaid and killika last night and I'm into it now, will be completing.

>> No.11000021

My CRT started showing some weird distortion lines all over the place, especially noticeable on dark screens. They disappear if I just unplug anything connected to it, either the composite/component cable itself or just unplugging the device from the outlet. Is this normal? My TV has 4 Video channels, but it sucks if I can only use 2 at a time.

>> No.11000193

Sounds like a ground loop.

>> No.11001149

we know its you tophatgamingman

>> No.11001437

>Why is that they sold so well
they were cheap

>> No.11001507
File: 161 KB, 1054x990, viera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the rundown on ED tvs? Information is kind of scarce on them, but from my understand there are a few CRT style ones and the more common LCD style? I first got interested in them because I heard they should be able to do 480P without lag. Are they worth tracking down?

>> No.11001509

There are NO CRT EDTVs.
>should be able to do 480P without lag
This is completely incorrect. Your best bet for 480p without lag is a retrotink, convert hdmi to vga, send to a PC CRT. It's as good as a multiformat pro monitor, but much easier to find.

>> No.11001518

This is false. Of course 480p CRTs exist. Philips made them, Sony made them, fucking Toshiba made them, and in the arcade business many manufacturers made them.

>> No.11001520


>> No.11001540
File: 3.92 MB, 4656x3492, TSK2790F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know they are not multiscan so they will only be useful for 31KHz signals.

I am curious as to what you think EDTV means.

>> No.11001542

Demonstrate it displaying 480p content.

>> No.11001547

Not my TV. EDTVs are incredibly rare.

>> No.11001558

Might as well not exist. Good chance it's the usual soft, shitty digital scale, don't you think?

>> No.11001569

I have no reason to believe that a 480p signal would be mangled in any way. 480i is going to be deinterlaced and 240p is either going to be line doubled or treated as if it were 480i.

>> No.11001572

>edtvs are shit because digital
>meanwhile vga crts from 1988 were all analog
>both display the same resolution

>> No.11001587

Having seen plenty of TVs rape 480p, I do.

>> No.11001610

Considering that HD CRTs are fixedscan at 1080i and properly handle those signals it stands to reason that an ED CRT would handle 480p just the same.

>> No.11001635
File: 1.68 MB, 1179x1645, IMG_4097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11001901

nice and blurry, just how I like it

>> No.11002010
File: 16 KB, 369x375, globetrotter_p37_830_12_text_2174164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered one of these, the globetrotter branded p37-830's
Seems pretty good for a portable set, but it was expensive. At least it's in my country and not shipped from central europe.

>> No.11002018
File: 328 KB, 839x768, 1716524926273497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a reasonable price for a CRT that has component and S-video?

>> No.11002024

5 eur

>> No.11002039

0-100, generally if you are patient you can find them for free. Just saw a free JVC D series and some Sony Trinitrons going for free on Facebook Marketplace.

>> No.11002098 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 2250x1949, 1691068103773020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a pastebin for hooking up CRT TVs to PCs using information I found here and in the archives without CRT Emudriver


>> No.11002134
File: 1.67 MB, 2250x1949, 1689130757487608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a pastebin for hooking up CRT TVs to PCs using information I found here and in the archives without CRT Emudriver


>> No.11002139

or just use crtemudriver

>> No.11002141

This is for alternative methods that don't require an old AMD/ATi graphics card

>> No.11002253

about 3.50

>> No.11002259

tree fiddy???

>> No.11002329


>> No.11002337


>> No.11002339

What about it?

>> No.11003060


>> No.11003534

kek my camera is ass, ASS!

>> No.11003571
File: 1.37 MB, 4032x2268, 1688833931991057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11003656
File: 1.38 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240608_195447657_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11003690
File: 505 KB, 1382x972, 3FC25F7E-2E24-4F8E-AECB-D94BDCEE6FEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11003702
File: 1.63 MB, 2287x1290, B0BC5B85-49C3-4CEC-A938-9323E33BABA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11003704
File: 1.74 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240608_200730062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11003713
File: 2.32 MB, 1080x937, takeME_hOoooMe_2_a_place+i_belong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11003732

These pictures are not flattering.

>> No.11003736

The Crash one looks alright

>> No.11003754

Do you have the model name/number for this tv? I distinctly remember that little flap hiding the ports to the left of the power button, I'm pretty sure I had it as a kid.

>> No.11003910

The Paper Mario TTYD remake is out, which made me realize I've never played a single game in the franchise. So I'm playing Paper Mario 64. Fun game, but the party members feel like they become useless the moment a new one gets introduced.

>> No.11003926

They shouldn't be. The screens are curved afterall.

>> No.11004031
File: 1.38 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20240608_200531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally started Grandia II tonight. I beg you for no spoilers because this game is a treasure. It is a product of the year 2000 in the best way possible.

>> No.11004039
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This game is everything Skies of Arcadia was actively trying not to be and it's amazing at it. It's cynical and sexed-up and stupid in an absolutely artful way that no modern game can hold a candle to.

>> No.11004047
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Everything is dripping with melodrama and everyone in this game has a fucking problem. I love it.

>> No.11004180
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And the music is amazing. Every track is a jam. Listen to this shit. This is what I've had to deal with all goddamn night.

And look at this neat little menu. I love it. The game is so charmingly dated.

I guess I'm not on topic, but I just didn't want to start a thread because really I don't want discussion, I just wanna brag about how much fun I'm having.

>> No.11004183
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>> No.11004773
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whatd you guys use for crt pictures? i picked up a panasonic gx1 because my phone is awful for it having trouble getting colours right im using 60 shutter speed and like 4 aperture, using a low iso like 800 i think. i thought iso didn't effect how long it took to capture the image as i though thats what shutter speed was for but if i put a higher iso to try and get better colours it takes longer to take the image and then it goes blurry

>> No.11004867

I use Fjorden on iPhone.

>> No.11005787

It looks like a NIB emachine 17f3 was brought into my work. The seal was broken, but the monitor looks brand new. Would that be a sold monitor for dreamcast and causal PC stuff, or is the build quality garbage?

>> No.11006258
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>> No.11006309

definitely some bog standard 70khz shadow mask shit, not exceptional but itll work. Basically the equivalent of the average 27" consumer CRT TV with s-video made in 1998

>> No.11006556
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Picked up this JVC d-series today from the seniors center in my small town. They had it tucked under their shuffleboard and were not using it so I asked if I could have it. It does have a couple scuffs on the glass but you can't even notice them during gameplay, despite that it's got amazing picture quality and will go along nicely with my Panasonic Tau.

>> No.11006692
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how to take good photo?

>> No.11006736
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Moron here. I have no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that my PS2 looks, sounds, and lags like shit when I plug it into my modern TV. So I figure I need an old TV. This TV is free on my local equivalent of Craigslist, so I hope to pick it up once the owner replies to my request. Is this one any good for retro games?

>> No.11006739

No. That's a shitty LCD.

>> No.11006741
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Another pic.

>> No.11006746

Damn. LCDs are no good? Do they lag like my modern TV or something?

>> No.11006767

You should learn more about what these words mean before going out to pick up a TV

>> No.11006775

Panasonics are the best. I have gone through quite a few CRT’s and Panasonics have the most beautiful colours. Better than trannytrons. I have a 29TX series I am getting out of storage and a 20 TC series that is absolutely beautiful to look at with retro consoles.

>> No.11006782

Japs seem to use these a lot for retro gaming. Does this model have an external speaker plug for unpowered speakers? Not as good as a CRT though.

>> No.11006805

Not as good as a CRT, but still better than my modern HDTV? All I know is Tony Hawk's Underground and Ace Combat 4 lagged enough on my modern TV as to almost be unplayable. If this LCD at least lags considerably less, I could settle for this for now until I find something better. When I look up CRTs on Craigslist or my local Craigslist-style site, all I find are ads from people looking for CRTs instead of selling them. I have more money than braincells; should I just get a Retrotink 5x? Is there a better place for me to look for CRTs than Craigslist and it's local equivalent?

>> No.11006887

yeah my Tau is really nice barely used too got it like a decade ago when my old job was upgrading their equipment. I don't even think I had ever seen them use it during my time working there. It's a flat screen though so it's nice to have the curved JVC as well.

>> No.11006895

I have a magnavox LCD I play PS2 on and it's pretty good. Hooked up through component, 480p and 16:9 games look great on it. I don't really notice any lag. You won't be able to play ps1 games on it unless you use svideo or composhit

>> No.11006963

Yeah I think this will work 4:3 non upscaled so. Active 240p and most have av inputs. A lot of Japanese streamers and retro devs seem to use them for older consoles if they can’t obtain a crt.

>> No.11006981

It's an EDTV LCD, those are basically perfect for sixth gen consoles and the Wii

>> No.11007147
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>girlfriend brings home a CRT someone was throwing out
>take it into the garage and plug it in
>tube seems fucked
You hate to see it

>> No.11007150

try going into the menu on a still screen like av1 or 2. my menus go all fucky if I try to use them on a snowy screen

>> No.11007156
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I'll have to fuck with it more then. I might need a remote even to switch inputs. But it does have component and s-video.

>> No.11007163

you might be able to scroll through the channels to get to av inputs not a guarantee though. some TVs I have can and others you gotta change the input. you can usually do it in the menu but yah good luck reading yours there

>> No.11007259

Sounds like it will be plenty good enough for me then. Thanks for the help bros.

>> No.11007273

Do you guys recap your crts?
I'm probably going to do it soon but opening it up to take a list of all caps then replacing them all seems like a massive undertaking

>> No.11007554

If they need a recap, then yes.

>> No.11007573
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I'm retarded and don't know what I'm looking for on the 240P grid screen. Is this decent geometry?

>> No.11007586

red is usually overscan area

>> No.11007623
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Getting a cheap old Dell box with an AMD card and loading GroovyMAME and CRTemudriver is highly-recommended if you can't be bothered to shell-out for a MISTer.

>> No.11007634

why? even a 20 dollar office PC with a 4th gen intel chip and onboard VGA will be better and you don't need a old AMD graphics card

>> No.11007654

That's perfectly normal, it'll probably look fine once you go to AV or CVI.
By the way that Philips CRT is pretty fucking good, the component picture is great. Just turn down the color a bit if it's too saturated.

>> No.11007661

Whatever works for you, I just happened to find one that was compatible and it looks awesome.

>> No.11007676

Got a 32" Wega. The seller helped me get it into the car, but now I can't get it out. I underestimated how heavy these sets are.

>> No.11007713

time to bribe some friends with pizza and/or beer

>> No.11008354

I currently have a 23" Sylvania, I could get a 32" Sony Trinitron (kv32fv26) that's sitting unused in my friends garage. It would overhang the sides of my current tv stand by about 2 inches on each side but it should support the weight. Should I do it bros?

>> No.11008368

The wega will be really good quality but you should also get another TV stand

>> No.11008430

Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.11008560

Don't be surprised if one day the TV stand becomes a one time folding TV stand.

>> No.11008751

What games look better on PC CRTs, as opposed to TV CRTs?

>> No.11008804

Games that are 480p or higher

>> No.11008902
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Are the Phillips Magnavoxs ok? I found one for free

>> No.11008918

Can't beat free as long as it works. I think 13" and lower are good for NES and PC Engine games imo.

>> No.11009171

lots of fd trinitrons have that

>> No.11009181

scoop that shit up immediately
>shell out for a mister
its literally cheaper than building a real pc &
doesn't have any of the faggy OS qualms windows carries

im curious about the pi4 though
if it can run higher end stuff the mister cant
and if it has CRT composite support

>> No.11009183

you got the controller for that game?

>> No.11009185

do you see the "bends" in the white lines?
in really bad cases its more obvious\unplayable
do NOT make any changes to that setup
it looks fine
load up a game you are VERY familiar with like super mario bros and make sure the "ground" is mostly straight\level

looks good from here

>> No.11009192
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photography school
the latency on that is probably even worse
for jrpg and shit like that in a small deskspace
it probably isn't horrible\unusable but i would skip

>> No.11009196

line out and capture. if you mean you wanna take a pic of your sexy CRT, do it without the videogame playing and the lights on. kek.

>> No.11009201

you're an idiot but nice DESIGNER sig on the back, nipponboo.

>> No.11009218

they're not too rare. they're labelled hdtv instead of edtv. and yes, lagless hd crts do exist for 480p and 1080i. the horizontal frequencies are similar. any consumer set that accepts a 720p input will have input lag on 480p, though. hdtv crts have three basic methods of displaying 480p. first is to just display it natively. this won't have lag. second and third are for tvs which have fixed horizontal scan. the second way is to do the "540p" trick where the tv is actually displaying 540p with the 480p signal displayed in the middle and the vertical size made so that the unused lines are overscanned. this introduces lag. the third way is to display a full 540p raster, but upscale the signal to fill the 540 lines. 720p input is downscaled similarly. not only does this add lag, but it makes the image softer. for tvs that use the first method for 480p, 240p can be displayed, but it will be either linedoubled or framedoubled (240p 120Hz, this is rare though). i have two native 480p crt hdtvs, but i don't have the equipment to lag test 240p on them. i think it's safe to assume that there is some input lag added, though.

>> No.11009406

If I wanted to try connecting a Wii to my VGA monitor

1. What cable or set of cables would I need?
2. Would it be able to display emulated/VC games at 240p?

>> No.11009516

can i get a name pls

>> No.11009629
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furry cringe spotted while looking on fb marketplace

>> No.11009807
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nah i played with the saturn controller

>> No.11010509

And your first thought was that it needed to be reposted here?

Retard. Do better next time.

>> No.11010512

this hobby is full of furfags

>> No.11010517

bouncing on my boy's knot to this

>> No.11010519

haven't seen one of those vaios in a long time. surprised it could run anything 3d

>> No.11010548
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The CPU is faster than a desktop 1.4GHz P3. You can upgrade it with a C2D though.
Anyways, it has GMA950 graphics, why shouldn't it run a game that was 6 years old already and ran on a Pentium 1 with software rendering.

>> No.11011535

Anyone here ever attempt to mod their crt to take component input? Is it worth the effort?
I still have 2 crts from my childhood, but both are rca only. Both were also made by some cheap off-brand manufactures, so who knows if I could even find a schematic for them. I know rgbi mods are possible/common place, but you never hear much about component ones

>> No.11011606
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This is just the first thing I thought of, so take it with a grain of salt, but I'd just get something like pic, then use an hdmi to vga adapter to handle the rest.

>> No.11011638
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I think I prefer original to Remake

>> No.11011754

How is it that sony made such cool tech, but kept fucking it up and not bring the forerunners of the next tech revolution like the smartphone?

>> No.11011795

i've heard of some sony tvs with unused component inputs on the jungle chip. i have one such model but i haven't attempted it yet. even if you can't find a service manual or schematic for your tv, if you open it up you might be able to find a datasheet for the jungle chip. i don't think unpopulated component inputs are very common, but you'd have to look at the jungle chip to find out. even if there's only composite input on the jungle chip, if it has analog rgb for an osd (or unpopulated rgb input pins but that doesn't always work though because they're disabled) then you could do an rgb mod and use a component to rgb converter, which is what a tv with component input does internally. as for whether any of it's worth it, that depends on you and the tv.

>> No.11011809

Because the real money is in baby tablets for normalfags, not cool tech for tech enthusiasts.

>> No.11011915

These sets are really good. I sold a 32" one about a year ago for $100 and regretted it for a while before picking up a 27" model for $130 a few months ago.

>> No.11012630
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yes I am very impressed with it.

>> No.11013025

>8 hearts
you can have 10 by the time you get to the Dark Palace, get to exploring

>> No.11013036
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>bro consumer CRTs are just as good as PVMs


>> No.11013041

I hope you're not implying left looks better than right

>> No.11013045

There's literally 15kHz consumer monitors.
The 20M4U is literally a 20 inch 800 TVL monitor, meanwhile there's 14 inchers with 600 TVL and even smaller pitch.

>wanting your game to look like a LCD with shaders and visible blanks between scanlines

>> No.11013054

I have the I-art version if this and it is very pretty too. Make sure you turn off red push in the service menu if it is enables. I didn't know about it for a year and it explained why Majora's Mask looked REALLY dark during the nighttime and in certain areas. Granted it did make it feel more "realistic" I suppose, but still.

>> No.11013084

Yup. Better colors. Better contrast. Better definition. And it looks a million times better in person when you're viewing from a proper distance.

Uniornically prefer the i'Art flat-tubes to the D-series.

>> No.11013093

>wanting your game to look like a LCD with shaders and visible blanks between scanlines
See, this is how you tell someone has never actually seen an RGB monitor in person and is just butthurt they missed the boat.

>> No.11013127

>See, this is how you tell someone has never actually seen an RGB monitor in person and is just butthurt they missed the boat.
I have several, always did, since they were still the norm. They are still easy to find and cheap, at least in Europe.

>> No.11013192

>50 hz


>> No.11013210

Even most PAL consumer TVs accept 60Hz and RGB, yet alone 15kHz monitors and PVMs.
Should be common knowledge these days.

>> No.11013262

Yeah and the fact you can readily get a big one with RGB is great
Especially for watching old shows and anime

>> No.11013265


>> No.11013268

pal is 50 hz you dumb fucks
eurofag cope

>> No.11013272

What do you even mean?
RGBS is superior to YPbPr in terms of quality and bandwidth, YPbPr is literally a transcoded RGB signal. Hence why RGB is minimum 4 wires and YPbPr is 3.

I know it's just a shitpost and in the real world you're hard pressed to even tell the difference on a high end set, but it's technically correct.

>> No.11013304


>> No.11013373
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PAL can be 60Hz

>> No.11013382

They're practically the same.
If you set up two professional monitors, one with RGB and the other one with component, no one will be able to tell which is which.

>> No.11013387

>prefer the i'Art flat-tubes to the D-series
Why do you say that?

>> No.11013457

That's why I said technically, practically you're right.

>> No.11013463

That's just input power frequency, nothing to do with the CRT itself and it's capabilities.
It's just normal that most European PAL sets also support RGB at 50 Hz or 60Hz and PAL60 input, with some of them accepting NTSC too.

>> No.11013472

I'm considering converting my scart setup to component. Is component any less finicky when it comes to interference, and are there any inexpensive component switchers that won't introduce visual junk?

>> No.11013482

I use a gamestop switcher that has composite, svideo and component and don't have any issues with it imo. Plus, it doesn't need to be powered.

>> No.11013492

See >>11013382
>They're practically the same.

>> No.11013495

Doesn't matter. Even well shielded passive switchers are fine, be it component or RGB SCART.

>> No.11013526

Ok I landed a tiny 13 inch Magnavox flat crt DVD combo from 2004. I got it for 5 dollars at a firefighters donation drive thing. It only has composite.

I want to hook up an HDMI device to play retroarch in. Would a cheap Amazon converter to composite work?

>> No.11013531

The amount of lag you will recieve from the hdmi to composite converter as well as a 240p/480i downscaler makes this not worth it.

>> No.11013538

See >>11002134

>I want to hook up an HDMI device to play retroarch in.
RGB mod.

>Would a cheap Amazon converter to composite work?
Bad idea.


>> No.11013545

It’s not worth it.
Best to just plug in original hardware until you get bored which will be very quick indeed.

>> No.11013584

They hold geometry very well for a flat screen. I prefer bubbles but i'Art is good for 480 content, it sucks for 240 though.

>> No.11013610

>it sucks for 240 though
Because it is a flat or just because if tat model? I've played RRT4, Paper Mario and Chrono Trigger on mine and haven't noticed any issues with them on S-video at least.

>> No.11013648

upscales and lags

>> No.11013653

Interesting, I've never heard people say that about the i'art. I also have a flat 27" Sanyo and 27" tube Toshiba that have the same inputs as my i'art if that helps. That said, I love my i'art all the same.

>> No.11013662

Only the "SDTV" sets which can take in HD signals and downscale them do this
There are ways to mod them for direct video in though

>> No.11013691

sorry I should have mention that I have no personal experience with i'Art it's just what I've read online and it talked me out of purchasing one.

>> No.11013701

You are very baka. You get the chastity cage for a week.

>> No.11013768
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>> No.11013784

I would like to see a fat furfag.

>> No.11013810

Before this thread, I was planning on modding component output onto my crt (an Emerson EWC1901), but now I'm debating whether I'm better off doing an rgb or s-video mod instead.
Moving to a new place soon, so I'm hoping to get a gaming room set up around it. I was originally planning on just buying a rca video switcher (for my consoles) and some sort of adapter to connect my steam deck to it for emulation (using the steam deck docking station). >>11013531 and >>11013538 are making me reconsider though.
Thoughts? Any resources in particular I should be looking at?
Not new to electronics, so I have no qualms about poking around inside it. Of course, I can't seem to find a service manual for this exact unit, but I do have one for a similar model (a 1303a). Someone on reddit did an rgb mod for a 1304 so I don't think it'd be impossible. Like >>11011795 suggested, I'll probably just try to ID a jungle chip that I can use if worse comes to worse.

>> No.11013882

I bought one anyways because why not. Also the retards that complain about lag are cringe, I play third strike on a fuckin smart TV and can still parry and react to everything just fine. So we will see how laggy "lag" actually is. Its for shits and giggles I want to see modern games on a crt too.

>> No.11013901

Half the reason to get a CRT is the lagless experience anon

>> No.11013947

let us know which converter you end up getting and how laggy it ends up being. I'm trying to go the cheap route also and don't care about getting the absolute best of the best performance/quality so I'd be curious to hear it

>> No.11013956
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I have 4 eMacs in my basement from when a local school went to trash them. I really gotta look into picking the best one and unloading the rest.

>> No.11013971

I can sacrifice a bit of laglessness as long as it's not fucking atrociously bad. My favorite part of crts are how vibrant the contrast is and how smooth horizontal scrolling is because of zero ghosting.

>> No.11013993

I'Art comes in both SD and HD flavors. I have an SD I'Art and it doesn't lag. Though if what this anon >>11013662 says is correct I guess some SD sets also accept signals other than 15 kHz. I suspect those sets are DTV ready and will have the DTV logo on them to advertise this.

>> No.11014069
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>be me
>be last night
>have an awesome 2 TV setup in my game room.
>I can play any console I want on a 75" flat screen upscaled with or without shaders or a 36" CRT with component in
>Be firing up animal crossing for GC
>Probably just gonna play on the big screen
>GF comes home and wants to play BotW on the big screen
>Decide to turn on CRT and play AC on that
>It's been a few months since it's been used but worked last time fine.
>It doesn't turn on
>Just blinking red light like it's in the process of turning on but no OSD
>Desperate googling, preparing for a long, obscure, and slightly dangerous repair process
>In last ditch effort decide to just smack the shit out of the side of it

Percussive maintenance saved the day. I'm not used to beating on electronics and it actually working. I forgot that was kind of a thing. I know it might still have a problem but I'm choosing to ignore it because I haven't opened a CRT before and my ass is puckering about the anode cap on a 36" set. I have a small set I plan to break open to learn on but I haven't done it yet.

>> No.11014086

which is which dummie?

>> No.11014107

If smacking fixed it then the issue is cold solder or otherwise bad connections, pretty easy

>> No.11014243

My Wega did that last night. I plugged it into a different voltage and suddenly it worked again on both voltages.

>> No.11014250

I have my money on a board interconnect cable being old and janky/corroded or something.

>> No.11014643

Got it inside. Picture looks good, but needs a few adjustments.

The only problem is... I can't navigate the menu at all. Controller doesn't work (works on my 27" and every other Sony I tried), and when I press the Menu button on the front panel the menu pops up but the arrow buttons don't do anything.
Any idea what might be causing this?

>> No.11014661

Well my I'art only has up to component on it, making it an SD only unit.

>> No.11014674
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>> No.11014706

There are HD CRTs without HDMI. Component is perfectly capable of HD.

>> No.11014790

No it’s not
Component can do 1080i and 720p
It can’t do 1080p

>> No.11014805

It can do 1080p, but HD CRTs don't do 1080p, they do 1080i.

>> No.11014836

Component can do 1080p. In fact the some non retro consoles will output 1080p over component and some TVs will accept 1080p over component. The reason you don't see it much is because Hollywood can't control it.

>> No.11014979

I don’t believe you, bandwidth already is a lot for 720p

>> No.11015069
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>> No.11015071
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>> No.11015104

Saying and doing are two different things

>> No.11015116

Yes, they said in official documentation that it would do a thing it can't. 1080p over component is an elaborate hoax.

Anyway, my whole point was that no digital input does not necessarily mean SD only.

>> No.11015412

Helsingin kierrätyskeskuksen myymälöissä Kyläsaarenkadulla ja Porttipuistossa on useita kuvaputkitelkkareita myynnissä. Hyllyjen lisäksi varastoissa lisää noissa sijainneissa.

>> No.11015447
File: 467 KB, 1146x1898, gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some old guy up the road gave this to me for free.
Has some kind of failed transistor I think, every now and then the rear pcb make a *click* noise like a short and the screen goes weird. I don't think the flyback has gone bad though, sound is somewhere else.
I'll be taking it apart and reflowing components at some point, but for now it works fine for old-gen systems.

>> No.11015451

>why RGB is minimum 4 wires and YPbPr is 3
the fourth wire is sync. you can have sync on green (RGsB) which is only 3 wires. the sync signal in YPbPr is on Y and it doesn't affect the picture quality. but yes, technically RGB is better

>> No.11015475

I use my PS3 just fine in 1080p over component.

>> No.11015550

>hikaru no go
fucking based

>> No.11015571

I lost....
S-shogi is better anyway...

>> No.11015579

>the fourth wire is sync.
yeah, what else could the S in RGBS possible stand for? wonder wonder

>it doesn't affect the picture quality
it does, just like RGsB is worse than RGBS

technically of course, you won't be able to tell the difference

>> No.11015625

I missed out on getting a decent CRT and will have to spend the rest of my life coping with filters.

>> No.11015649

They're still out there.

There's still millennial parents cleaning out their nests who don't want to deal with these giant boat anchors.
I got my giant 36" Toshiba in 2023 for free. It was almost ready to be pushed off a roof into a dumpster.

I also got like 6 monitors and a couple older Trinitrons for free, again, family cleaning out and they didn't want to deal with disposing all the CRTs.

Put your feelers out, they're still out there for cheap/free. To the average normie, to most people, they're E-waste and a liability that they'd likely pay to have removed.
The ones you see for sale are from the minority of people like us, the people who understand and appreciate the tech, but are scummier, who want to take advantage of other people like us.
Some I get charging a nominal fee of 20 bucks or something so they can ensure it doesn't go to the dump, I get that, but these multi hundred sets? Forget them.

Just don't be picky. I didn't see myself having a 36" Toshiba. I was hoping for a late model WEGA. We all are. But the opportunity came up for the Toshiba, I did some research, found it was a decent set, and got it.

>> No.11015659

They are literally free anon.

>> No.11015682

So if component=RGB in the game scheme of things, then why do people do RGB mods on their TVs to add RGB inputs via SCART?

>> No.11015690

Because curved tube TVs with component are comparatively rare; they really only existed for a small fraction of time before flat tubes took over. It's one of the reasons people sperg about the JVC-D series so much.

>> No.11015698
File: 364 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20240609_192900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11015718

RGB is common and component CRT TVs are not

>> No.11015723

>then why do people do RGB mods on their TVs
it's much easier and most consoles output rgb natively or with little modification
component is more of a hassle to mod into or to deal with for some things

>> No.11015780

Interesting to know, thanks! I have a curved Panasonic >>10445782 I got during the Christmas at work and the component on it is pretty. However, I had to jiggle the red component input to have it register that color, other wise the component is in black and white. All the other inputs are good on it without and little workaround. I know the component probably just needs to be solderes our ghetto hotglued bavk into place, so I'm not worried about it.

>> No.11016029
File: 1.87 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240505_223603_885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive posted about this a couple weeks ago in another thread already.
to keep it short, im trying to connect my PVM to my PC to watch anime.
Ive tried various things that havent worked.
i tried a HDMI to Comp converter box that worked but had horrible color banding
i tried setting up crtemudriver in combination with various VGA to comp, VGA to RGB with H+Vsync, VGA to RGB with sync over green, etc.
all resulted in either the image not syncing properly at all or the image being stable but offset to the right a fair bit like you see in pic rel.
this offset is not the TVs fault, its the signal coming from the PC.

i see people watching anime on their TVs all the time yet seemingly all the info i can find online on how to do it is either highly outdated, as i was told about crtemudriver in the last thread, or is extremely hit or miss or how well itll actually work like a hdmi to comp converter.

i need someone to tell me how i actually get a good image on my TV or ill scream

>inb4 get a dvd player
no. i already tried three different dvd players and they all struggled with letterboxing despite them having menu settings for it. its also a big pain in the ass having to burn disks for every show i want to watch. it cant be that difficult, can it?

>> No.11016042

See >>11002134
You can adjust the signal geometry with timings in the modeline if you can't on the TV, move it up/down, left/right, etc.

>> No.11016109

sorry, but its not clear to me what i need to adjust specifically. and what cable do i use? am i really supposed to use some dp to vga to rgb abomination? i already have the cables and adapters lying around mind you, and i tried just hooking them up but im back to the sync not working again.

>> No.11016135

If you're already got the hardware part working, there should be no need to change that.
You can adjust the porches, as long as the final total of the timings stays the same. There's a article about that in the pastebin too and pre-made modelines that might work for you too.

>> No.11016146

>am i really supposed to use some dp to vga to rgb abomination?
that's one method to do it and it's not an abomination, no different than a DAC on a card with VGA out

>> No.11016285

fuck u anon i wish i were playing grandia 2 with a cat on my lap what the fuck

>> No.11016296
File: 3.86 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20240613_004411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this abandoned sharp at a 711

>> No.11016317


>> No.11016321

>visible scanlines

>> No.11016410

it's okay, he only took that pic to share on social media. then he shut the game off and went to play fortnite on his smartphone instead. The cat is currently on a waiting list to be euthanized.

>> No.11017280

Oh wow! That looks like a beautiful set.

>> No.11017685

looking at the service manual for EWC1902 on elektrotankya, it seems like the jungle chip only has composite input and osd rgb. so while no s-video nor component mod would be possible, an rgb mod should be possible (assuming the osd signal is analog and the right voltage level, which is a relatively safe assumption). then if you want component, a component to rgb transcoder will do the job.

>> No.11017701

i can understand using composite or luma for sync creating interference, but why would sync on green affect picture quality when the sync and color information don't overlap?

>> No.11017727

sync combination is a little bit of an abomination

>> No.11017898

no different than combined sync in RGBS if done properly, better than csync

>> No.11018408

>wont have working interlacing
So completely for watching anime.

>> No.11018412


>> No.11018419

Only related to new dedicated GPUs.

>Very modern GPUs, like RTX 20 series and newer and AMD equivalents, wont have working interlacing though.
>Older GPUs like GTX 1000 and 900 series, require an older driver for interlacing to work, confirmed working is driver 537.58.

Not a problem for anon who has a older card and native VGA out.

>> No.11018457
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>> No.11018462

will my CRT still work if i smash the fuck out of it with a hammer? i got nothing else to smash and i really wanna smash something. it's a 27" sanyo if that helps.

>> No.11018491

your mom still works after a year of nightly smashings so i don't see why the tv wouldn't

>> No.11019189

i have no idea what i changed but now i need to set my display to 120Hz in the windows display settings to get my properly synced, but still horizontally offset image, which wasnt the case the other day.
im also too retarded to figure out those modelines.

>> No.11019210
File: 363 KB, 944x587, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are such fucking liars. I bought an HDMI to Composite converter on amazon for like 16 bucks and there is zero input delay.

right here

>> No.11019532

post lag test

>> No.11019572
File: 345 KB, 1080x3594, Screenshot_20240614-153027~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little Facebook marketplace gem for ya

>> No.11019574

Darrell Ardita BTFOd you desu

>> No.11019610

doesn't wii also run grid tests

>> No.11019616

Darrell Ardita... I kneel...

>> No.11019793

>press power button
>takes like 5 seconds for anything to even happen
Is this a bad sign?

>> No.11019830

Not really
Double that is when you should worry

>> No.11019854

I just played an hour of third strike on fightcade and all my parries and combos are the exact same timing. If there is any lag there's no way it's more than 2 frames of delay

>> No.11019917

Ten seconds as in from "turning on to seeing a picture" or "turning on and seeing a black screen for ten seconds before it STARTS showing something"?

>> No.11019926

Every CRT on Earth takes a couple seconds to start up. Do you mean that it used to be instantaneous and only now it is doing this?

>> No.11019932


>> No.11019974

How much were you asking for what? Depending on what and for how much either of you could have been in the wrong.

>> No.11019983

to seeing a picture
Are you saying yours doesn't make a starting noise when you turn it on?
In that case you probably want to check the largest cap next to the flyback

>> No.11020053

Mine does, I was just checking by what you meant.

>> No.11020104

You don't need 120Hz with a 15kHz set.

These adapters cause lag and are hardlocked to 480i and accept only progressive input, so you're doing 240p or 480i to 480p, then the adapter converts it to 480i. It's not one to one conversion.

>> No.11020208

Good for him. I wouldn't waste time jumping through hoops for some faggot who would probably waste my time and lowball me anyway. Especially not when there's always some other schmuck who will empty their wallet, no questions asked.

>> No.11020228

Just ask them to record the TV working. Either on cable TV or with a DVD/game. If the geometry is really bad then you'll notice right away.

>> No.11020229

The Anon you replied to is the seller...

>> No.11020234

>he doesn't have tonyhax

>> No.11020362
File: 739 KB, 1161x2064, 20191123_000216_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares, faggot. Post a tube or fuck off.

>> No.11020371

just ask him to play a PSX game with straight lines innit. like Pacman classics shit.

>> No.11020387
File: 3.52 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20240614_133900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send him this

>> No.11020406
File: 1.34 MB, 1290x998, monitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'd like to invest in a box-monitor for my modern PC for emulating old games or watching old 4:3 shows since I don't have the space to have a fully-dedicated CRT retro setup with old consoles and all that. Is there any complicated setup involved for doing it this way? Would the emulated games look just as good as on a TV or noticeably worse? Is this even a good idea at all?
Currently looking at Trinitron monitors for this setup, but they kind of are on the pricey side if anyone has better suggestions.

>> No.11020426
File: 46 KB, 588x902, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't need 120Hz with a 15kHz set.
i know, thats why its weird. when i set it to 60Hz the image doesnt sync. when i set it to 120Hz the image does sync.
it wasnt like this the other day and i dont know what i did to change this.

>> No.11020507
File: 71 KB, 465x548, 1645426738296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>120kHz vertical

>> No.11020715

did you try without emudriver and just adding the modelines manually?

>> No.11020720

It would be really sharp, sharper than most TVs, even PVMs and you'd have to either use BFI with 120Hz or run 480p with a scanline filter to get 240p like output without double images, like on a CRT TV.

>> No.11021312

Running emulator on a VGA trinitron with 100% scanlines will give you a similar look to playing the game on a high end PVM. That is, way too fucking sharp with lines way too fucking thin.
If you like that kind of look go for it but make sure you get a monitor with low hours and not some office monitor that displayed excel 24/7 for 10 years.

>> No.11021339

Anyone who knows what 240p suite is is going to hike the price $100 higher

>> No.11021651

> 2 frames
> zero lag
2 frames is an eternity of lag

>> No.11021723
File: 1.43 MB, 2319x1840, IMG_20240615_214433_1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my crt setup, looks good.

>> No.11021747
File: 661 KB, 1953x1495, IMG_20240615_215944_1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better picture

>> No.11021826
File: 679 KB, 1125x1878, 5C2030B8-1E08-4571-8732-0BAAA90BA365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an old Sony monitor that calls for .3V sync, what resistor should I add to drop it from the normal 1v on scart? None of my consoles are syncing correctly

>> No.11021831

Actually I guess .3v is normal. I guess it’s probably a composite sync issue or something

>> No.11021842
File: 3.06 MB, 3714x2933, 142F2EFF-301D-45A0-83F2-76C89EB0B153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol genesis syncs to it. I guess I need to add a sync processor

>> No.11021849

Scart cables by default got the entire composite video on their sync pin and maybe this monitor doesn't like that. Either get a sync stripper or rewire your cables to use clean sync.

>> No.11022597

i dont understand facebook, but darrell seems like a giant fag?

>> No.11023252

It’s probably still like 600-800 TV Lines though
Anything above 300 lines for 240p games is placebo and results in additional jaggies

>> No.11023254

>and play the official version

>> No.11023268

It's a run of the mill sony 480i set

>> No.11023294

Depends on mask too, aperture grille is worse than shadow or slot mask in that regard.

>> No.11023296

That's not what TVL means though

>> No.11023318

Consumer CRTs have lower TVL

>> No.11023350

Depends on the CRT, plenty of high TVL consumer CRT monitors exist

>> No.11023397

Left soulless
Right SOVL

>> No.11023405

No it’s all to do with the stripe/slot/dot pitch and TVLines
Mask type doesn’t matter that much

>> No.11023408

Not necessarily, depends on the era.
They got sharper as time went on, generally.

>> No.11023412
File: 652 KB, 574x429, 600tvlslotmask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600 TVL aperture grille is going to have obviously more noticeable separate scanlines, compared to something like 600 TVL slot mask

>> No.11023432

There are other factors in that too
For instance screen size

>> No.11023451

Obviously we're talking about the same size screen between the two monitors

>> No.11023680 [DELETED] 

Darrell Ardita is based beyond belief, I do the same with insufferable faggots like you.

>> No.11023940

has anyone done direct comparisons?

>> No.11024260
File: 15 KB, 1066x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im probably just bein really dumb but i cant seem to figure it out.
my problem is that my image is offset to the right. though it actually looks more like its squished to the right.
meaning the right side edge is properly aligned with the screen, but the left side has a gap.
that should mean i have to adjust the horizontal backporch, right? tried that, nothing changes. yes, i clicked restart.
also, those modelines listed in the pastebin, why are they 2560x480 and 3840x480? and how do i add all those values anyways? they arent labeled where they go.

>> No.11026021

So like, you're only playing on 14" kitchen TVs? RF only sets from 1985?

>> No.11026131
File: 113 KB, 720x960, rcapro scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone identify the model of this RCA Proscan?

>> No.11026150
File: 1.70 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20240615_191822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little conflicted over how taking pic os 480i stuff with your shutter speed set to 1/60th just makes it look like 240p, but I can't find an alternative setting that looks good.

>> No.11026152

30hz shutter speed captures both fields

>> No.11026175
File: 1.68 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20221203_214107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have said that, but it just doesn't work on my phone. I had similar issues getting good pics on 60hz from 240p; I still have to get in super close, or hold the camera at weird angles to avoid getting fucked up lines or blank spots.

>> No.11026185

There's really no good way to take pictures of CRT, especially with just a phone. If you need to demonstrate something online a shitty pic will suffice, otherwise just enjoy how it looks in person.

>> No.11026648

Been going back and forth with a local Facebook seller on a Panasonic Tau for a while now. HD CRT but as I understand it they are lag free 480P. Was thinking of getting it for 6th Gen consoles then try and build some sort of small form factor PC to emulate arcade games on. Good idea?

>> No.11026664

>Good idea?
Depends on the shape of the set.
Depends on how much he wants for it.
Depends how many games you'd actually want to play on it.

Only you can answer these three questions. Also, be aware; there are sets in the Panasonic Tau line that are not 480p capable. You'll have to get the actual model number and do some research.

>> No.11026681

Dealing with a boomer so outside of pictures of DVDs playing on it I'm not sure. The case looks cherry which in my experience tells me its in good condition. Price is basically free, but it's a 90 min drive.

I already have a few consumer Sony 480i sets for older stuff but would really like a 480P lag free set for arcade stuff. How hard is it to get a 480P output out of some sort of SFF PC? In theory I could use a scanline filter on a 480P output if I wanted to do that.

>> No.11026706

>I already have a few consumer Sony 480i sets for older stuff but would really like a 480P lag free set for arcade stuff. How hard is it to get a 480P output out of some sort of SFF PC? In theory I could use a scanline filter on a 480P output if I wanted to do that.
there's a thread about similar topic >>11025819

>> No.11026707

You could also just get the biggest VGA CRT you can find, accepts 480p for sure.

>> No.11026709

Got a ton of them already as well, looking for something bigger for sofa play

>> No.11026750

Gameboy players start up disc cant do 240p, use gameboy interface.

>> No.11026761
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rescued from being trashed, it was rained on but works fine.

>> No.11026764

>I randomly found 2 grand on the street

>> No.11026779

I almost shit myself when I saw it, it's my holy grail. My dads old work buddy lets me go through all the ewaste at the dump. I've found lots of valuable shit, including new Thinkpads, Its crazy what people trash. I have stacks of crt's and windows 98 era PC's. I started feeling like a hoarder, so I only go there on occasion now.

>> No.11026789

That's really neat.

>> No.11026817
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, sony 1942md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm very lucky.

>> No.11026846
File: 3.49 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4850 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11027005

Does anyone know what the RGBP (RGB Priority) setting does in the service menu of Sony CRTs?

Here's what the manual says:
On: FS input (Pin 16) is always active
Off: FS input is active only in AV1 (Scart)

>> No.11027101

Just adjust the focus so that the picture is very slightly out of focus. That should fix the colors.

>> No.11027158
File: 3.09 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240617_143717426_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit just picked up a little 12 in sanyo yesterday off someone's back porch, cleaned it up and it looks great

>> No.11027337

How can one person have so many shit takes?

Stop being butt-hurt about the translation of BoF2, it's far and away better than the original and you know it.

High res monitors aren't a meme and your post proves you haven't even experienced it before.

>> No.11027376

>holy grail
Holly reddit!

>> No.11027546

Yeah as long as you let them dry out for a few days they'll be just fine, my last daily driver CRT in the mid-00s was one I picked up in the rain one night

>> No.11027575
File: 2.02 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240617-202732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11027841
File: 90 KB, 720x960, 438135034_1509492533250653_7755751172073174677_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know anything about this TV? specifically inputs, thanks.

>> No.11027851

There are 7 trillion Sony TVs that look exactly like this. It 100% has composite and RF. If the size is 27" or bigger, it might have s-video.

>> No.11027989

I'm looking for component and s-video

>> No.11027995

Component is indistinguishable from s-video. Save yourself from the anguish of looking for it.

>> No.11028038

Anyone know if an Ibm value point is any good? Currently using a Dellz e773c and want something else.

>> No.11028045

I had one like that back in the day. Mine had picture in picture. I used to watch TV while I grinded away in whatever RPG I was playing.

>> No.11028054

>Component is indistinguishable from s-video
It's pretty distinguishable.
The real argument is if you really need component over s-video.
Those black Trinitrons are pretty good, and I'd take one over a Wega any day, even if that means losing component.

Ask the seller, but given the size of the DVD I guess it's the smaller composite-only one.

>> No.11028071

topkek from another thread

>> No.11028182

There are dvd players who play from a usb drive like the SR370 I have, but it only plays mpeg-4 so I have to hand brake the files.

best solution is a rpi3b (or 4) with a jack to composite cable and a media distro with Kodi, been using that for watching anything on my pvm & CRT

>> No.11028471

turns out the composite video cable for turbo duos is compatible with sega master system

>> No.11028569

>My dads old work buddy lets me go through all the ewaste at the dump
Really wish I had this kind of connections.

>> No.11029116
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1505, PXL_20240618_164459716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to thin the hoard a bit. I have 10 plus VGA CRTs still in the attic plus 6 30+ inch consumer CRTs in the garage.

Just spent an hour organizing to get my work bench back for projects.

>> No.11029463
File: 328 KB, 500x500, 1646511984479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11029465

how far are you now?

>> No.11029471

Your pic in >>11016029 already looked pretty good
I've had the image off center too, I just adjusted horizontal positioning in the service menu of the TV, have you tried that?

>> No.11029510

Did you try this one
Modeline "NTSC 640x480 (60Hz)" 12.336 640 662 720 784 480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync
Works very well for me, though I'm using it with groovymister and not crtemu.

>> No.11029537

the offset isnt in the TV, its the signal from the PC. sure i *could* shimmy it over but then the image would be wrong on any console i hook up.
you sure? i tried punching the modeline in and CRU spits out 31KHz signal and says its a 640x960i resolution

>> No.11029556

I guess CRU uses a different format?
What I posted is in winmodelines format, try using that (though I haven't used it myself)

>> No.11029621

i got the image a little better by adjusting the H sync width way down. from 64 to 10. but i still had a small gap so i went down to 5 only to get an unstable image. dialed it up step by step until 9 and it didnt improve. reset the modelines and im back at square one.

>> No.11029664

You can't adjust just one parameter, they're all interconnected. Like if you're making active video wider you should also make blank narrower, or if you make hstart earlier hend should also move earlier.

>> No.11029678

then what do i adjust if i decrease hsync width?
im aware i need to keep the total same, i tried balancing only Hfront porch and Hback porch with no result.
i adjusted only Hsync width and got results.
i tried adjusting both Hsync width and Hfront porch, as well as Hsync widht and Hback porch, with instability.
what do i need to increase in conjunction with me decreasing Hsync width?

>> No.11029779

if I'm modding my CRT to accept input from my PC, why would I add SCART and use a VGA>SCART adapter instead of just adding a VGA port to my TV?

>> No.11029836

If you're the one modding you can do whatever the fuck you want.
When people mod scart to TVs they usually want to connect consoles to it.

>> No.11029956
File: 1000 KB, 3024x4032, kv27s42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consoles supporting SCART natively is some interesting context I was missing. I was confused why so much modding documentation were adding some port that I'd literally never heard of being used in the US, but that explains it.
I just found this 27incher on the side of the road the other day. It's the biggest I've owned by a significant margin, so composite signal just isn't cutting it anymore. It's got S-Video, but i've been researching adding component, RGB, or maybe even both. It's a very nice upgrade from my 13 inch flat trinitron.

>> No.11030145

VGA can be done, you need to do special resistor shit on the sync lines to combine them together in a way where the voltage isnt too high. Google it, someone did it before on a Sony

>> No.11030767

so, the same thing as vga to scart, but on the inside of the tv?

>> No.11030785

>the offset isnt in the TV, its the signal from the PC. sure i *could* shimmy it over but then the image would be wrong on any console i hook up.
That's even a thing between different consoles and resolutions. Sometimes you even have to adjust it when switching between consoles since they can use slightly different timings, hence why they all account for overscan.