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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 176 KB, 500x426, 1685410627332160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11003579 No.11003579 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10991934

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.11003581
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/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

Fraggot (Deathmatch session is scheduled for June 2)
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : UDMF
RC1: https://files.catbox.moe/3nq7bg.zip

=== NEWS ===
[6-5] Nightdive announces Killing Time Resurrected

[6-3] Release trailer for Ashes: Hard Reset scheduled for June 10th

[6-2] CutStuff.net is now https://mm8bdm.net/forum..

[5-30] Rise of the Triangles is on IDGames

[5-30] Little Italo, tribute to the Italo Doom

[5-27] Zandronum-compatible Colorful Hell released

[5-26] AMC Squad v4.5 released

[5-25] MBF64, D64 gameplay mod for MBF21 is released

[5-23] Extinction Warrior Typhon released

[5-23] Voices of the Nether, a 14-map episode for Doom 64 has been released

[5-21] Polish Doom Community Project 1.0 released

[5-21] VanillaPSX, Playstation aesthetic for vanilla Doom

[5-20] Corruption Cards updated to 6.0

[5-20] Malice Jam is released

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.11003592 [SPOILER] 
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quake more like quack

>> No.11003618
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>> No.11003623
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Fore/vr/ Alone lead comes out of dusk to revitalize the project, accepts updates to the maps submitted
>Let's do this then. Maybe we'll finally finish Fore/vr/ Alone.
>I will take some time this Saturday and next week to try and fix the last few bugs that remain in the version I posted in my previous post.
>If any anon wants to update their map, reply to the news and I'll add your modification to the wad. I'll update the rentry later today to add the correct link to the current beta (as well as anything I can find, the buglist is outdated right now).

>If anyone wants to play the wad and report any bug you find, you are more than welcome to.

>> No.11003627
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Latest revision of the wad, complevel 9

>> No.11003658

Playan some UT2004 if anyone wants in:
Password: wompwomp
Maps: https://mega.nz/folder/ADt0WCSI#maTrUezg1MOVQcnGw5bRkg

>> No.11003673

At 4 right now

>> No.11003698
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Making a comfy ocean base map

>> No.11003725

I will upload my updated make probably tomorrow or Monday,
need to replay it again because some parts were a bit rough and rushed and i haven't played it in like 8 months

>> No.11003731

Appreciated, gonna test these out right now because my copy of CSS SCI FI is actually missing an entire map for some reason. It might be on an old hard drive because I remember HAVING this map.

>> No.11003745

And fuck, your patches don't come with de_venice. Thanks anyway man, for the archive.

>> No.11003775

And closed. Luv me UT.

>> No.11003784
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>> No.11003795

thats just the al pacino as scarface's face(lol) from the shootout scene pasted onto ranger

>> No.11003798
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fucking niggurlover

>> No.11003810
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Thankfully some kind bsnooch community member provided me with his versions, works! For mid 2000s, it really doesn't look bad. Great texture work and lighting.
He's helping me with dust now, which also crashes for me. I'll report back and drop the file if provided.

>> No.11003827
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Made me think of this.

>> No.11003834
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>> No.11003852

>selaco seems around great
is it true?

>> No.11003856

It's got some problems that should be addressed in feedback: Enemies are too aggressive for how little utility Dawn has.

>> No.11003859
File: 673 KB, 2560x1440, css_scfi_devenice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it help if I posted all of de_venice from my own SCI FI install? I just played through it now to test it, and didn't run into any big bugs.

>> No.11003874

I updated here >>11003810
But I appreciate it man. Just working this de_dust problem now.

>> No.11003895

i would ask elsewhere, but theres no thread for it
does anyone know of any mods for half-life 2 that dont have much of a story? i just want pure combat, preferably through an urban enviroment. i dont want some random dudes LE EBIC PLOTLINE, i just want to kill inhuman synth bastards.

>> No.11003901


>> No.11003902
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I forgot how much fun this is. Such a simple idea: What if HL2 but in CSS maps? Brilliant.
Literally CSS SCI FI which I'm posting about now.

>> No.11003904
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no new maps, just janky bullshit weapons (and lots of crashing).
>its an actual mod
i thought these were mockups, thats awesome

>> No.11003912
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>i thought these were mockups, thats awesome
It's very much real anon, and very fucking fun. It's 100000% what anon or you asked for.

>> No.11003917

twas me that asked, and it seems to be exactly what i want. just warfare and violence, no talking robot psuedo-turrents, no alyx whining, no plotpoints. just straight to the point VIOLENCE.

>> No.11003931
File: 3.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1707151865432121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OY I fucking FIXED IT. Navigate to your CSS SCI FI folder>mapadd>remove everything that has to do with de_dust alone, just put them somewhere else temporarily. Load de_dust in-game, you'll probably just end up floating in some map geometry since there's no player_start entity. Replace the mapadds you removed, and BINGO.
It's 10000% what you want friendo.

>> No.11003956
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Last one for the road.

>> No.11003957

Is that psx doom?

>> No.11003985

11003917 here, will i also need to do what you detailed with dust so it works?

>> No.11003990

Most likely. I imagine it has something to do with the Steam pipe stuff from 2013. Only takes a minute anon.

>> No.11003992

bummers, but at least itll work after that.

>> No.11004002

You might have to do a few other things, just (You) me.

>> No.11004008

fair enough. i was actually about to, because the patches on the CSS Sci FI page are 404ing as well as the website the guy links to. are those not necessary, then?

>> No.11004027
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Just tested those right now, it's the same process as with de_dust: take out the corresponding mapadd files (should be 2), run the map, replace, should be golden.

>> No.11004028

nice. and just to be 110% clear because im a retard and i WILL fuck this up if i dont ask, i close the game before i replace? id assume so.

>> No.11004030
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You don't have to. I did all of it while running the game. If you have missing weapon sounds, let me know.

>> No.11004034

stellar. will update when i do it

>> No.11004038

Goldsrc/Source board btw

>> No.11004040

trying to run it through the smod standalone launcher causes it to say "failed to load the launcher DLL. The specified module cannot be found."

>> No.11004046

Do you have SDKBase installed and all the other jazz associated with SMOD Standalone?

>> No.11004050

depends, i have the '06 sdk. is that where the weak link is?
>SMOD Stanalone
not sure what else smod needs.

>> No.11004052
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>de_dust fix for the mod
Very magical news, great work

>> No.11004059

Nah you need SDK 06. I assume you did the gameinfo.txt and addcontents.txt manipulation outlined here:
You should be fine, hmm. You did the CSSbase folder stuff too? I might just upload my copy for you if I can't help you fix this.

>> No.11004075

i didnt mess with the GCFScape section of the walkthrough, just because i figure i might get lucky and not need to, since it for if i keep getting corruptions.
did do the gameinfo.txt and addcontents.txt edits as it said to, though. dunno what the issue is, but if you want to upload it to a host that isnt super slow like Internet Archive, thatd be baller, since i cant get this to work at all.

>> No.11004078

since it says its for if i keep getting corruptions*
my bad, mistype.

>> No.11004089
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Gimme like 25 or 30 minutes. Gotta zip up everything then upload. If you followed everything besides the GFScape stuff to the letter then this should work. Apologies anon, you just wanted a mod to play.

>> No.11004094

no worries, im used to sourcemods being finnicky lol. also: i think i found a fully portable zip, so ill download that, and if that fails, ill still have yours. sorry this is turning into a huge mess, though

>> No.11004141
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No worries. You cannot imagine how much I enjoy getting people into SMOD and all its branches (CSS SCI FI included).
Extract everything within the zip to your SMOD Standalone folder. It should be as simple as then running the actual SSt launcher and selecting CSS SCI FI.
Hey I love me Quake forever.

>> No.11004195

it works!
but the mp5 doesnt have sound
also: im the same way with doom mods and zdl, so i understand lol

>> No.11004201

also some certain textures are pink/black missing textures, like in the arsenal room in the hub.

>> No.11004203

>but the mp5 doesnt have sound
Which one exactly?
Oh geez. Do you have CSS and HL2 installed?

>> No.11004205

i have css and hl2 installed, both, yeah. however, the css-sci installer said i didnt have css installed when i just tried a reinstall. still launches, though.
also, its the mp5 (the smod one), the usp match (default half life 2 one), and the alyx gun.

>> No.11004208

also the m3 greasegun, apparently. weird, cuz most the other guns work just fine

>> No.11004210

actually, like half the guns are soundless, what the fuck...

>> No.11004218
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It's strange because that's why I included the cstrike and SDKbase folders; the sounds and textures you need should be in these folders.

>> No.11004225

ill try downloading it again, dunno what the deal is. itll take much longer to download now though, since theres more people on my wifi

>> No.11004232

I'll run some tests on my end meanwhile.

>> No.11004272
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Ran my tests, lemme give a crash course which you might already be familiar with: Within each SMOD mod is gamefinfo.txt that points at which folders to pilfer resources (textures, sounds) from. Pic related. That's why you need SDK 06, HL2, HL2dm, and CSS. As long as you had these installed, ran them all once, then installed SMOD/SMOD's CSS addon so it could extract everything it needed properly, you should be fine.

Next time you run CSS SCI FI, open the console so you can see what textures are missing form where, and what sounds are missing. You really really shouldn't be missing ANY sounds, they should all be in the cstrike folder.

>> No.11004314
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>spend 15 minutes humping every wall for a secret panel
>still cant finish a level with 100% secrets
>die from a grunt walking out from a door behind me and hitting me in the back of my head because Im pressing my face against the wall

>> No.11004320
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>> No.11004359

its bad design.
Youre not solving a puzzle, youre not noticing irregularities in the wall, its just holding A or D and the use key until you run out of wall

>> No.11004381

well, then thatd be why its not working. i have sdk6, hl2 + its episodes, and cs, but i didnt reinstall hl2dm.
your copy is still downloading again, so ill check the console on the already downloaded one

>> No.11004387

>your copy is still downloading again
Oh you don't have to do that. I assumed by download again you meant SMOD Standalone and all that jazz. You didn't miss any file from what I uploaded, they're all in the zip file.

>> No.11004390

>32 years later
>no mod that fixes secrets

>> No.11004393

im just redownloading it to be sure nothing got corrupted, ive been downloading for almost an hour now lol. the console also said i was missing stuff like "d1_eli_01.hl1" (and a bunch of sounds), but thats from the scene in hl2 where you first get to the airlock, so something has gone catastrophically tits up. the redownload seems to be the way to go.

>> No.11004408
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.hl1 are save file extensions so I can't imagine that was the source of too much trouble if one was missing. I'll be around for an hour or so more to help out in any case.

>> No.11004439

That game was great btw. Wish we had a source server.

>> No.11004456

i think we used to, some years ago before it got shutdown. i remember playing on a /vr/ server, at one point

>> No.11004469

stop caring about secrets and play for time instead.
>keeps the pacing fast
>resources are more tightly balanced
>chaingun is much more valuable because there's only one or two per episode not in secrets
>time bonus actually matters as it becomes your main source of score and 1ups
>secret levels are some of the worst in the game and skipping them is an improvement
the only times you need secrets are on e1m9 if you die, e2m9 and e6m9 even if you go in with 99 bullets, and the couple of mandatory secrets across the game, most of which are decently communicated.

>> No.11004474
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>not wanting to play human pacman

>> No.11004482

Doesn't Steam do the lifting for hosting Source and GldSource games or something? It'd be cool if we set up a few /vr/ servers for some of the fun ones, maybe add a small group of bots so that anyone here can drop in and play, but every now and then, someone here can go "Yo, I wanna play some Team Fortress Classic, any of you guys wanna join me on the /vr/ TFC server?" and so on, maybe one for Counter-Strike and The Specialists too.

>> No.11004484
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i'm here to kill hitler, not fuck around in tom hall's magical realm

>> No.11004487
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>> No.11004490

For Source I don't know, I don't think so but it wouldn't take much to check. GoldSrc was moved to Steam, yes, so anybody can host a server with it now.

>> No.11004498

I think Clovr covers the GoldSrc bases, but if I can set up something low maintenance for Source I wouldn't mind putting down some dosh to host it. Our options would be Day of Defeat, CSS, HL2DM and maybe some source mods. I think even GMod can fly by but ehhhhhh

>> No.11004506

Joutomaa was pretty good back in the day. Heh, me and a friend were working on back then on a urban combat scenario as well and we got two workable maps together but we got distracted sadly. If we had the circumstances of back then with the technology of today... Man oh man!

>> No.11004519

technically, you can connect to someones server AS LONG as they have sv_lan set to 0 and you use "connect [hosts steam id]". me and a friend learned that with sven coop like 3 years ago. problem is needing a host, since it requires an unbanned, active steam id to work

just finished the download, extracting now. will update soon

>> No.11004526

youre a saint! it works!!! ty!!!

>> No.11004527

Oh shit! So the only problem was missing HL2DM?

>> No.11004528
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sort of, the sounds and textures work now. however... i load into the first campaign, and the animation for me pulling out my stun stick plays, then it boots me back to the main menu, while the console says this. dunno what the deal is, but im about ready to give up on this crap.

>> No.11004529
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heres the full console list from when i entered the tele

>> No.11004530

I think I see it. Can you see what the first map name is by scrolling up in the console there? I think I know exactly what's happening.

>> No.11004531

Spawn Server DE_TIDES: []
Begin loading faces (loads materials)
End loading faces (loads materials)
*** load constant CSS SCI FI "
i think its de_tides

>> No.11004543
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Yeah it's a very simple but very tedious fix you'll likely want to do some other time. The mapadd stuff? Taking everything out, running the map, putting it back in? You'll have to do that for all the CS maps. You can see their names here, or just use the maps * command in the console to see all the maps currently loaded, and load everything you see that begins with cs_ or de_ since everything else is an HL2 map or a CSS SCI FI custom map like its hub or a background. After that you should be 100% groovy. If you wanted to get something in meanwhile, you could just play the maps you've already done it to like dust and whatnot.

>> No.11004547
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this is a DEEP agony, all just to kill combine and complete objectives. i appreciate you helping though, even if its tedious as fuck.

>> No.11004550

>You'll have to do that for all the CS maps
And to expedite this, you don't have to do it one at a time. Select everything in the mapadd folder, cut them and paste them somewhere else, and then load all the CS maps.
42 CS maps with Combine in em anon. Eye on the prize. But indeed, I apologize it's this way. You used to just install it and run, but Valve cares not for the modder.

>> No.11004552

wait, by theory, could i take it all out at once, go through and load the maps via console, then move it all back?
>but Valve cares not for the modder
or the consumer in this day and age lol
>And to expedite this, you don't have to do it one at a time. Select everything in the mapadd folder, cut them and paste them somewhere else, and then load all the CS maps
see, thats sorta what i was thinking

>> No.11004558
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>wait, by theory, could i take it all out at once, go through and load the maps via console, then move it all back?
>see, thats sorta what i was thinking
>or the consumer in this day and age lol
Too true. I must sleep now, but I think it's fine from here. Two last things: Be sure to quicksave or make manual saves often in case SMOD just crashes to the desktop all by itself which is known to happen, and using the console or an autoexec.cfg, set
to 99. Onemanshow (Redux author) discovered just a few years ago that setting the fps_max to 99 for some reason cracked down a lot on crashes within SMOD.

>> No.11004559

>to 99. Onemanshow (Redux author) discovered just a few years ago that setting the fps_max to 99 for some reason cracked down a lot on crashes within SMOD.
interesting, thank you for the advice on this and the crashing. also, the maps ive done already are working just fine, so this is going without a hitch! enjoy your rest anon, and see you next thread

>> No.11004656
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Is it possible to set up Quake with KBM controls in Retroarch? I tried using the tyrequake core but my mouse movements weren't registering and my keybinds were all messed up?

>> No.11004661
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I can't believe that after all these years DOOM has finally reached end of life... see you all in DOOM 2...

>> No.11004663


>> No.11004664

You can still play DOOM, just don't try to have it connect to the internet

>> No.11004928

nah, just a unique palette that makes blue a bit more metallic and gray, not my idea but I like it a lot

>> No.11004943

>I think even GMod can fly by but ehhhhhh
would be cool, also Zombie master source or zombie master reborn are godlike sourcemods
lol too bad all of these are not retro

>> No.11004948
File: 108 KB, 596x448, under2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally muh Half-Live!

>> No.11005043


>> No.11005073

no, id tech

>> No.11005074

Those screenshots feel nostalgic.
Like the beta pics nostalgic

>> No.11005158

Still getting a crash when the mod tries to load the map, through the hub and through the console.

>> No.11005324
File: 52 KB, 800x600, 4118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fot thme to be truly nostalgic they'd need to be lower res

>> No.11005331

demons... why'd it have to be demons...

>> No.11005404 [DELETED] 

boy, I hope we don't enter the dark age of /vr/ haha.

>> No.11005421 [DELETED] 

I don't have any expectations, but so far it looks like Doom Eternal + Painkiller

>> No.11005425 [DELETED] 

>Doom except there are shitty boring Mecha & flying sections
So they literally just doubled down on everything hated about Eternal didn't they?
Also looks like the levels are wayyy more open, I guess they made the game easier too

>> No.11005435 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 284x121, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I...

>> No.11005440 [DELETED] 

shit looks like serious sam now

>> No.11005446 [DELETED] 

Also judging from this tiny trailer it finally embraced open world meme. Doom really gets worse and worse with every single mainline game.

>> No.11005447 [DELETED] 

It's Serious Sam but with a Quake/Hexen theme.

>> No.11005450 [DELETED] 

There's no way in hell anyone but the most nostalgia-brainwashed contrarian thinks doom 3 is better than anything.

>> No.11005454 [DELETED] 

Anon, I did not mean the game was hated
I meant that they doubled down on all the things that were hated in Eternal

>> No.11005457 [DELETED] 

No, Serious Sam has stayed pretty consistent in most of their mainline entries. 3 and 4 might have added s few gimmicks here and there, but overall most gameplay mechanics have remained very similar.

This new doom trailer though, if they didn't show the doomsayer i wouldn't be unable to tell its a doom game.

>> No.11005459 [DELETED] 

prolly its just /v/ brainrot spilling over here

>> No.11005461 [DELETED] 

just say it's serious sam 2, no one will be mad

>> No.11005468 [DELETED] 

>boring mecha sections
Mecha sections are cool, shut up. It looked pretty generic though. Like, it can't decide whether it wants to be fantasy or sci-fi. Was eternal like this

>> No.11005473 [DELETED] 

hugo said he would make this one slower but more destructive.
eternal had mechas you can't pilot

>> No.11005547 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 218x208, 1717595771403688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what was this general like when Doom Eternal released?
I want to be prepared when Dark Ages releases because I'm sure it's going to get fucking stupid here.

>> No.11005552 [DELETED] 

>I meant that they doubled down on all the things that were hated in Eternal
Which would be what?

>> No.11005591 [DELETED] 

i don't care i lost interest for nu id anyway

>> No.11005645 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 580x705, 1717959377573746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about it anyway just want literally anywhere to drop this:

The common complaint that you "need to play rock paper scissors" with enemies in Eternal isn't just a difference in opinion. It's objectively wrong and speaks to being bad at the game. The only shit you really "have to do" is use your grenades for stuns and use your resupply abilities for health and ammo, and complaining about that being "forced gameplay" like FPS games don't force you into certain playstyles in other ways like forcing you to conserve for ammo drops or forcing you to disengage to reload or swap guns is just being averse to something being different.

nudoom lore sux tho

>> No.11005684 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 500x737, IMG_2278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people like Civvie when he’s retarded
The whole “not my DOOM” thing just feels shallow and selfish when there’s thousands upon thousands of fan generated content. It’s so fucking expansive that carrying about one game like this is whiny.

>> No.11005696 [DELETED] 

he was one of the first e-celebs to talk exclusively about older fps, so zoomers (such as myself) watched him. but once one plays the games he talks about they see how much of a fraud he is.

>> No.11005697 [DELETED] 

poor civvie11 fencewalking to not lose his subs lmao

>> No.11005703 [DELETED] 

he said immediately after that he thinks in the future people will liken these games to roger moore bond, so he gave up fast

>> No.11005714 [DELETED] 

He's not wrong though it doesn't look like Doom, hell it looks like they were making a new Heretic or Quake and slapped Doom on the box.

>> No.11005716

Take the Half Life pill

>> No.11005719 [DELETED] 

i don't get fans being angry about these tubers for giving their personal opinions but i don't really watch them so maybe i'm missing something.
i did watch some of his "pro" video intros cause they are funny but watching someone playing whole games seem a bit of a waste of time when you can play yourself my backlog is yuuuge.

>> No.11005721 [DELETED] 

I agree with that.
I just think it’s fucking stupid whining when DOOM itself is so vast that some corpo title slap makes him act like that in public

>> No.11005724 [DELETED] 

>log in to confirm age
Oh fuck off

>> No.11005727 [DELETED] 

A bunch of posts talking about the new games came in short bursts and then they all got deleted at once for not being retro. Just report them if they bother you and things will be pretty much the same.

>> No.11005742 [DELETED] 

I figured part of the point of introducing hell invading alternate dimensions in nudoom was that they could do pretty much whatever they want with future settings. The point is the gameplay anyway so I don't think there's a huge problem with trying out new art directions as long as constants remain.

The dragon's a little on the nose, though.

>> No.11005758 [DELETED] 

You have no clue what he means, because it's a tweet with no substance. Don't go full retard reading the leaves and getting mad about here.
There is one thing that makes it different from all other mainline games (all off-shoots too, probably). It's been creeping throughout Eternal. The conflict between humanity with sci-fi/contemporary/trophy weapons and demons.
Now we're getting augmented superman in viking armor with fantasy weapons riding a dragon. The supplier of all these toys is a race of alien space mongols, who might as well be MCU Asgard.

>> No.11005786 [DELETED] 

>You have no clue what he means
I'll just put it that you're as stupid as he is.

>> No.11005805 [DELETED] 

>hell it looks like they were making a new Heretic or Quake and slapped Doom on the box.
Probably was whatever Hexen shit Phil Spender wouldn't shut up about, but the shareholders weren't going to wear a Hexen game superficially competing with a TES game, so on goes the Doom brand and in come the sci-fi elements.

>> No.11005817 [DELETED] 

>slower more deliberate movement
>higher enemy counts — lower health enemies
>weapons explicitly built around crowd control
>larger maps
>enemies that you can't circlestrafe or kite infinitely due to their patterns and seemingly nigh-hitscan projectiles - have to prioritize targets or utilize tools to not die
>implicitly less of a focus on melee finishers due to the scale, flow of combat, and positioning of enemies

LITERALLY serious sam 4 and that's a good thing
every possible flaw with the series is rectified at a glance
best possible route for doom was to become serious sam because serious sam is the best singleplayer fps

>> No.11005831 [DELETED] 

if it doesn't have enemy counters and stuns and action game shit I will genuinely be shocked because Hugo was very proud of eternal's systems

it'll probably be a slower version of eternal with more of a focus on controlling enemies than outmaneuvering them

>> No.11005858 [DELETED] 

from what i get of the evolution of nudoom, they treat every game as its own thing save for lore.
i don't think Martin is autistic about vidya.

>> No.11005861 [DELETED] 

I don't really think you can make a game like Eternal without being a little autistic about vidya. The way they talked about the gameplay changes from 2016 to Eternal were very passionate and they were obviously a little weird and experimental with how controversial some of them are.

>> No.11005867 [DELETED] 

they are passionate but that doesn't mean they want the same game over and over.

>> No.11005881
File: 3.04 MB, 852x480, zWk44u1Y-5DtRIkZ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11005884


>> No.11005897 [DELETED] 

It seems like a different direction on some levels but the inclusion of a parry leads me to thinking that it'll still be a game about deliberate play more than SS4 which is ultimately still just a game about shooting things until they die as quickly as possible.

Which to be honest sounds good to me. Serious Sam's enemy counts combined with more varied deliberate decisionmaking does sound pretty ludo to me

>> No.11005898
File: 94 KB, 960x540, 1717963777280162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11005909

>no waifus
>no sanic
>no tractor
>no ghoul
i sleep

>> No.11005910
File: 56 KB, 300x300, 1709739698054894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is NOT Doom.

>> No.11005919

>This will be doom in 2025

>> No.11005931

>It's exactly the same

>> No.11005980 [DELETED] 

I need to check what he said but there's no win for him. If he expresses to like what was shown he's a shill. If he expresses dislike he's an ornery fuck. If he doesn't comment at all he is hounded to the ends of the earth until he does.

Unless he gets majorly political etc always take comfort that he will always feel worse about the fallout of each and every one of his opinions than you ever could from reading the opinion itself. You can ignore him. He cannot ignore his 'fans'.

>> No.11006009 [DELETED] 

don't worry fellas, we'll be able to talk about new doom games in here in 20 years

>> No.11006029
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, trimmed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything can happen in DOOM

>> No.11006030
File: 978 KB, 2560x1440, css_scfi_piranesi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm replaying that SMod CS thing that was getting talked about.
Might try some modded "Duke in DC" afterwards.
Spawns are true cute bastards.

>> No.11006037 [DELETED] 

Kek what a rip off. Do you guys think it will flop?

I wouldn’t want my name to be in the credits of this game, and I think that’s where it starts to effect the design process. There’s no prestige in working on the third reboot and the sixth game in total, so none of the top talent is attracted to work on it. The star graphics guru that headed the previous game(s?) Axel Gneiting, doesn’t even work at id anymore.

Prognosis? Reddit will love it, /vr/ will hate it, and a small chance Shithesda will muck everything up and add some sort of microtransaction battlepass BS to it.

>> No.11006045
File: 51 KB, 197x190, 1668614638608079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy webm

>> No.11006046 [DELETED] 

>Do you guys think it will flop?
No, I'm not stupid to think otherwise.

>> No.11006052 [DELETED] 

>*cuts you in half with my ShieldSlayer circular chainsaw then captain america toss it bouncing between your split halves*
>*shoot you with my SkullGrinder 9000 Ripper chaingun*
>*have my robot angel dragon burn you with his Slayer Breath*
>*use my 200ft giant robot MechaSlayer to punch you into space*

I am DooM now!

>> No.11006060 [DELETED] 

>serious sam is the best singleplayer fps
Nah. I had fun with it back in the day because the amount of enemies you could have on-screen at once was really impressive. But that got old pretty fast and what you were left with was just massive hordes in big arenas which albeit nice looking, were uninteresting level design.

Having level geometry that restricts movement but incentivizes mobility is what makes for an enjoyable singleplayer fps experience.

>> No.11006069
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>> No.11006209
File: 739 KB, 1920x1080, 1603330420188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11006214 [DELETED] 

I was hoping the new Doom game was going to be a more Half-Lifey Doom 3 throwback with lived-in UAC base where you could enjoy bants with other marines and they day on the job kind of feel.

I replay Half Life 1 and the expansions regularly.

>> No.11006287

Huh, that's a cool and interesting take on the chainsaw. What mod is this?

>> No.11006290 [DELETED] 

The new doom looks like a fucking michael bay transformers movie

>> No.11006516 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 320x800, _TOM.PIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading "game engine black book: wolfenstein 3D"
>see mention of an "adult caricature" of tom hall
>open _TOM.PIC in GIMP, 1-bit monochrome, 8 byte header, 320x800

>> No.11006650

>Enemies soldiers in RTCW kick the grenades back it was never done be-

>> No.11006673

ummmm that was a throw not a kick

>> No.11006705

Last one's a kick, but it's in the wrong direction kek

>> No.11006925

What is this?

>> No.11006929

To the desktop or to the main menu?
Spawn-chan, where is Vomitus-kun?

>> No.11006949

Nudoom 3's trailer (or 4? I don't fucking know anymore) showed some cool weapon designs, but that game really isn't Doom anymore. It's being molded into goddamn Skyrim with guns.

>> No.11006953

The shield thing is more Borderlands than anything but yeah, not Doom.

>> No.11006961

To be on-topic: Where are all the Doom Eternal inspired wads? I know several Doom 2016 inspired mods but the only Eternal related thing I know that has actually been released is the Doom Slayer class in BYOC.

>> No.11006964 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck. As a Doom and dark fantasy fan, seeing the environments and weapons in that new trailer made me practically jizz my pants. That was just so fucking insanely awesome looking. Makes me wonder if nu-Id could pull of a reboot of Hexen.

>> No.11006975

D4T, Embers of Armageddon, Doom Hellfall, a bunch of others I forget the name of, even D4D tried going there.

>> No.11006984
File: 2.58 MB, 800x450, Meter management.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late, but I've been busy working with shit here. TL;DR I flipped the table on Kustam's design because it was pissing me off where he was headed. So now there's no reloads, attack power scales with heat, and you directly get ammo by smacking things with the stick or kicking shit. Charge attacks are gone too. So now pressing reload activates your subweapon, the default being a reflector shield.
There's some additional shit at play here, like if you run out of ammo the baton gets buffed until you fully recharge to 100, and at the end of the video you see here I ran out of ammo and overheated, which grants you a hot stick for the duration of the overheat.

>> No.11006987
File: 8 KB, 284x178, stop looking at me like that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hud is giving me the eye.

>> No.11006991
File: 5 KB, 640x400, suspicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11007021
File: 155 KB, 400x267, 1717047253416586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have something next week I promise.

>> No.11007121

I guess Eternal doesn't speak very much towards classic Doomers.

>> No.11007215

In Soldier of Fortune 2 you can generate 'random mission' and bring along an A.I buddy. I had a situation where the A.I buddy and a terrorist spotted one another but there was a sand dune between them so they ended up playing hot potato with grenades since both of them could pick up and throw the grenades back.

>> No.11007220

You mean all the gorillion of modern wads with nothing but "arena" combat?

>> No.11007382
File: 11 KB, 374x299, CannedMeatIsOnTheMenuBoys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11007387

Man this scene looks so good. Phototextures on lowpoly geometry with baked lighting are the best realism aesthetic.

>> No.11007392

2000s engines like source really takes you insanely far in the visual departments. You get all kinds of different texture and material maps, all kinds of lighting and effects. Who needs all that raytracing bullshit?

>> No.11007395
File: 40 KB, 1391x728, new plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lemme just post this. I've been adjusting numbers and fiddling with shit trying to strike a balance here that's interesting.
It's gonna need more work to make sure it's not completely braindead OP though.

A smarter man would have just stuck with a traditional ammo and weapon system. But I am not very smart.

>> No.11007398

in japan doom is called 運命

>> No.11007407

I don't care for Japan.

>> No.11007415

if you think about it doom owes its existence to japanese culture

>> No.11007416

Yah but that don't mean I gotta care for dat dawg

>> No.11007445

>Tomb of Thunder, abbreviated as ToT

>> No.11007479

of being dismissive of filthy gaijin? If Nintendo had responded to id positively they would have become successful without ever making Doom

>> No.11007487

Possibly, but what we have instead is them being driven by ambition to match a giant like Nintendo, then realizing that in spite of Nintendo's lack of interest, they had what it took to create their own greatness.

>> No.11007559
File: 1.51 MB, 3354x1882, shanghaispecial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to share progress of my game, Shanghai Gold. Last time the graphics were mostly just slapped in, but now I've got enough assets and a plan for how the game will look.

>> No.11007567

Nice dude! Last time you were showing it it was admittedly looking pretty rough but I'm getting a little bit of Kingpin vibes here. And maybe it's the chinese setting but I keep thinking of that Timesplitters 1 level.

What's the abbreviation normally for?

So this is the sort of 'valuable post' that gets to stay up when 50 posts get deleted from the thread. Just great man.

>> No.11007569

I didn't know you also posted in /vr/. Do they like you here? People seem so grumpy and morose here, so I never posted anything.

>> No.11007572

Checking the archive, it looks like a lot of the posts that got wiped are about not retro games and e-celeb gossip.

>> No.11007574

Cheers :)

I posted here a little before frequenting /agdg/. I managed to get useful feedback at the time, despite the odd super grump.

>> No.11007578

Does anyone know the name of the palette for Doom that makes blue more aqua and browns more chocolatey. I saw it some years ago but can't find it anymore.

>> No.11007579

Actually it's called バカな外国人が話題にせずにはいられないあのビデオゲーム.

>> No.11007643

cool lighting. are there any monsters or paranormal stuff?

>> No.11007716

RTCW mod this is

>> No.11007794

I wish there were more Halo-themed mods for Doom and Quake. I just miss CE's colorful and wholesome aesthetic.

>> No.11007810

Just finished DBP02: Circle of Caina SP. Is this how all Doomer Board Projects go? Starting out alright and then quickly devolving into enemy spam and slaughter with dickish traps?

>> No.11007859

Specifically “Halo themed” Doom/Quake mods, or just some mapsets with lots of saturation and color?
Most of them are speedy sessions which is another thing to consider.
I’ve played a few but Augur Zenith has been by far the best of them that I’ve played. The encounters felt like they escalated in a standard megawad fashion.

>> No.11007946 [DELETED] 

Oh, nice to see you making progress with this thing still! Godspeed, anon.
>Just great man.
A good old coin toss. Sometimes certain posts are fine, sometimes they're not.

>> No.11007963 [DELETED] 

>A good old coin toss. Sometimes certain posts are fine, sometimes they're not.
Some are more “on topic”/retro than others, and for what it’s worth “low effort post” is a report option.

>> No.11008064

Specifically Halo-themed, but if not that than anything that takes inspiration from the aesthetics of Combat Evolved. It's such a unique game.

>> No.11008131
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, 20240602220001_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ion Fury Aftershock is pretty ballin'. Almost every cheevo I get is rare though, does no one play it or what gives?

>> No.11008142

Hard Reset is here, bros.

>> No.11008151

Achievements that require DLC/Expansions on Steam are often rare because the percentage of players still counts people who only have the base game.

>> No.11008152


>> No.11008154

Does the standalone pack work with regular GZDoom? I wanted to try it with GZDoom VR.

>> No.11008156
File: 2.82 MB, 1448x2048, TTLERSET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashes Hard Reset is out:

Link to download:

>> No.11008168
File: 3.90 MB, 640x360, Hotel Hell WGAA 0402.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does no one play it or what gives?
There’s a small chance that’s the case. I noticed that myself after I went through the arranged mode recently and shortly into the expansion.

>> No.11008172

Was it really THAT hard to check few last posts before reposting some discord notification here?

>> No.11008174

I was typing up the post whilst installing the new version myself and gathering the links and the thread hadn't updated in a few mins. Calm your tits.

>> No.11008180 [DELETED] 

dilate. I prefer his post to yours because it has an image and a gameplay footage

>> No.11008194

>added ugly warrior

>> No.11008215

This looks cool. I'm always a sucker for city maps.

>> No.11008217

I can't guarantee this will work, because the non-emulator cores on RetroArch are weird as hell, but open the Quick Menu while running your core, then open the controls page. Open Port 1 controls and see if you can change the Device Type.

>> No.11008223

The only one I can think of is MSX.

>> No.11008361
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_113556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11008390

more like poo'ed lmao

>> No.11008479

That's probs why finishing DNF DLC has some of the rarest trophies. The amount of people who double dipped into Duke was probably low.

>> No.11008538

Oh baby let's go

>> No.11008558


>> No.11008576

Cool! I enjoyed both Ashes games a lot so looking forward to playing this one as well. It's kinda surreal they haven't cut their teeth into Steam-released games because they're delivering quality on par and in many cases beyond paid releases. Of course as long as they would remain censorship-free and all that.

>> No.11008594

I looked into VKdoom's pk3 and saw some stuff mentioning VR in it's menudefs. Does VKDoom also feature VR support or is it some rudimentary leftovers from other forks?

>> No.11008605 [DELETED] 

And some are evaluated at the discretion of the person deleting it, with said discretion changing depending on the availability of chicken tenders. Never underestimate the hand of the hungry judge

>> No.11008612
File: 10 KB, 217x232, 1352582721617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to play Alien TC on gzdoom but it's already the second level is not possible to clear because there are impassable things in the way
>also none of the railing textures work
what magic incantation do I need? with doom2alien.zip I am doing the following:
gzdoom -file atc2tex.wad atc2snd.wad atc2wad.wad atc2sf.wad -def atc2.deh -warp 11
I want my spoops gosh darn it

>> No.11008620
File: 169 KB, 2048x1152, things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, typo. -def -> -deh. but it still doesn't work. in the alien tunnel on the second level there's among other things a random hanging lamp in the way and some kind of dripping thing that ends right in the middle of the air. neither are visible on captures of alien tc on yt

>> No.11008646
File: 39 KB, 418x800, 4228807-poed-3do-front-cover-618873826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are PO'ed fart sounds disabled by default in the remaster was it like that on the original ports?

>> No.11008668

I'm getting my ass kicked by these wendigos.

>> No.11008671
File: 2 KB, 320x200, DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW HOW TO TIE A KNOOOOOOTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11008674
File: 329 KB, 829x1023, 1711464206695874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blood: 9VPK2-PQ5J8-6ADLL
doom 64: AYL66-K6QQ3-LFPW9
rott ludicrous: DQNWA-ZPQT2-CC93B

>> No.11008682

grabbed rott, ty

>> No.11008683
File: 222 KB, 400x324, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11008684

thanks mate

>> No.11008691

Those guys fuck everyone up, you're fine.
How sweet.
If that's Fresh Supply for Blood, I'd recommend a port. It should now come with the dos version too.

>> No.11008706

Handing out keys like this gives me an idea where you make Doom levels and have to beat them in order to uncover part of the key. But I know some people would cheat to easily get the keys instead. The level would have to be made in a way so that it obfuscates the key when opening up the level in an editor, and also prevents cheating while in game. Maybe all that could be achieved through some coding shenanigans?

>> No.11008714
File: 1.23 MB, 2000x2800, 1714163472411256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point in the future I want to try making an FPS, but I figure starting off with modding existing games would be a good first step. Doom seems like the obvious choice, but I know I'd want features from one of the Quake engines going forwards (better lighting, 3D enemies, mouse aiming) along with large world maps, preferably as large as possible to avoid loading screens. My vision is for a hardcore open world post-apocalypse game, so being able to code my own AI logic and other scripted events would be great as well, but that stuff can come later.
So basically, where should I start?

>> No.11008740

myhouse did some stuff to hide a qr code and such but people didn't really know there was anything to find until the end.
Assuming you were trying to hide last 4 digits of a key, I can't really think of a easy way to show that at the end of a map in a way that someone a bit a SLADE or doombuilder knowledge could not just open it up and find the digits. Maybe you do something very convoluted redundant rube goldberg machine with line triggers and voodoos to make it difficult to find the code

>> No.11008750

>hardcore open-world post-apocalypse
>large world maps
In that case ditch the idea of trying to do anything with DOOM because the tools and the way of approaching things is not compatible with anything you'll be doing in the future.

You should probably instead get into modding Stalker. The problem with that of course is that any worthwhile modding discussion is at the russian language Ap-Pro forums and translator apps only help so much. ARMA modding is another avenue.

I would say try to find out as much as you can about what the dev making Road to Vostok has been doing because that's a one man project making a pretty much a similar concept of what you're thinking about. I don't know how he earned his spurs but check out if you can find info on how he started out.

But my tl:dr is only learn Doom tools if you want to make Doom and Quake if you want to make Quake scale projects. For your purposes both are a waste of time.

>> No.11008775

Unfortunately many of these dehacked heavy classic wads can be a bit of a mess to play on gzdoom
There is no magic way to play Aliens TC as it was but this is the closest to the original as it can be:
- first download this: https://www.moddb.com/mods/aliens-tc/downloads/aliens-total-conversion-final
- in the .zip take the ALIENSTC.pk3 and throw everything else away (unless you want some other music since the original used the Doom 1 soundtrack)
- extra step: open the pk3 in slade (or just rename it to zip and browse it) and delete everything but ALITCSF.WAD, ALITCSND.WAD and ATCLEV.WAD. This way you will remove any addition made by the guy who uploaded it to moddb not part of the original 1994 TC
- run the .pk3 in gzdoom (rename it back if you changed it to .zip)

Doing this should work, as this version made the dehacked file part of ATCLEV.WAD, which will make gzdoom load it correctly. Or at least this worked for me when I did it

>> No.11008780
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, tot7_2024-04-23_15-41-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomb of Thunder has been updated to version 1.03: it adds co-op support, modifies the chaingun a bit, made navigation changes for map 4, alongside other things.


>> No.11008852

based santa chad anon

>> No.11008867
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, vkquake_tot39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Removed the spin-up sequence for the Chaingun in order to make it a proper panic fast firing weapon.
>The full stop sequence lasts now 0.4 second if the weapon doesn't fire again during the spin-down sequence.
>Damage has been boosted from 10 to 11 damage per bullet
I thought it was nicely balanced already but this is great, kickass. Reading the other changes makes me want to go through it again with the supermonsters.

>> No.11008927

Yes, there will be ancient chinese monsters and magic.

>> No.11008931


>> No.11008982
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_113402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11008994

Liches of Iron vs, Balls of Steel

>> No.11008995

ive had it

ive had enough killing demons

im gonna go take a nap then kill more demons

>> No.11008997
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_113526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009032

Thanks for the practical advice anon, I'll try messing around in Doom just to get a feel for the process of making maps and working with a game engine, then figure out where I want to go from there.

>> No.11009036
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_114003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009052

shantae map anon here, welcome back lead.
uploading my map again to make sure any small edits i did between then and now make it in.
some fixes i know i did:
- made it so the secret teleport for the arachnotrons doesn't bring you back, but it's more so QoL so you don't accidentally hit it again and leave the secret too early.
- gave a couple of the lifts blocking monster lines so monsters on the edge don't float awkwardly when it lowers or get in the way of them.


>> No.11009060

Favorite Alien Vendetta maps?
for me it's MAP11 and MAP20

>> No.11009087

11 by far, pure kino. 20 is overrated.

>> No.11009121

Why do demons only fuck with humans? Why not invade the xenomorph home world?

>> No.11009150

Tough choice. Right now I'd say MAP04, MAP08 being a close second.

>> No.11009162

It was long ago, but I have explicit memory of disliking larger maps with empty looking broad open spaces. Revisit may give different impression, but let's say it's Vorpal contributions.

>> No.11009187

Demons vs. xenos is a neat concept. Imagine what would come out of a Baron that got facehugged.

>> No.11009205
File: 294 KB, 840x720, 1713947913810043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009208

It's of different stride, but how about joe-ilya's Misri Halek II?

>> No.11009241
File: 298 KB, 1366x768, 1519710381418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009252

WAD equivalent of writing a fanfiction continuation of a show that's long over

>> No.11009256
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_211312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009276
File: 1.52 MB, 635x457, 1705099955500481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009330
File: 711 KB, 1921x1314, do you like revenants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009365

what kind of soviet torture is that?

>> No.11009374

IIRC Batman Doom doesn't run properly on GzDoom as it is, but some cool motherfucker wrote a compat patch in ZScript so that it can be enjoyed in that port too.

>> No.11009393
File: 39 KB, 640x480, homerfork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009410
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_152014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't use the microphone
From a game with this much Douk in it I find this personally offensive.

>> No.11009412

C'mon man, you can't just post a cool screenshot like that and not tell us what wad it's from

>> No.11009413
File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_184710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009451
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_190655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009456

There's a fixed version for vaguely recent builds of it, but the trick always is to keep separate older builds if you're going to run older stuff.

>> No.11009457

Sorry! It’s map 23 from Pina Colada.

>> No.11009464
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_193316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009475

What are some of your favorite shields in fiction?

I always wanted to make a shield centered mod. Always liked played old montagne from r6

>> No.11009478

I have a fondness for the magical shield from Zelda 1, at least aesthetically. Mechanically I think the mirror shield from a few select Zelda titles is cool: The act of being able to reflect shit into enemies with your shield is rad.

Any game or media that has the protag throwing a shield like a boomerang is also good.

>> No.11009481
File: 326 KB, 480x597, 1586054208297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009487
File: 2.83 MB, 540x403, 1578346238187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009492

MM mirror shield was kino, love the face on it.
I always like jackal’s shield from halo too.
Throwing gotta to be round,
I want my protag to have a shield, need a unique gimmick along with boomerangs

>> No.11009493

>skillsaw wad.gif

>> No.11009495

Uh hello you're not a medikit.

>> No.11009589
File: 951 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_191802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bright ass shit

>> No.11009590
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_191815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009595
File: 573 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_193458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Times you acted like the Heresiarch

>> No.11009602

The hell are you playing. Also
>Dear diary, the ass was fat

>> No.11009621 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.23 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20240611_005111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black water

>> No.11009627

hey i made that picture
some of it

>> No.11009707
File: 755 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_192727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009721

It's a very great picture anon. Some of it anyway.

>> No.11009724

you can design a puzzle and put many false key parts in it that someone looking in slade would see but couldn't figure out which parts are the real ones
the 3SAT puzzle I put in MAP08 of Vertex Relocation has a similar property. it is difficult to figure out the solution even when looking at it in slade

>> No.11009737

i hope it's my parts!

>> No.11009749

say if you split the key into single characters then for each character you have two possibilities in the map, only one of which can be reached by solving the puzzle. someone looking in slade will get 30 character, but there's two possibilities for each position so a total of 2^15 = 32768 combinations
steam probably locks you out before a hundred tries so you likely don't have to go that extreme. five parts of three characters each and three alternatives for each parts gives 3^5 = 243 combinations for the cheater to try

>> No.11009786

>myhouse did some stuff to hide a qr code and such
Wasn't that just a texture that only looked the way it was intended when stretched in a certain way?

>> No.11009832
File: 963 KB, 200x200, lick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009834
File: 278 KB, 1884x1500, 1708323813287593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take Shamby-chan to the prom!

>> No.11009839

Good luck on your mqpping journey and if you produce something finishing doom map wise you can post 'em here for feedback.

>> No.11009858
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240611_004457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009861
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240611_004524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009874


>> No.11009876
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240611_004603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009886
File: 78 KB, 1053x723, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009896
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240611_010750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009898
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240611_010753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caption this.

>> No.11009903
File: 133 KB, 350x447, 1407285642792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha Ha! Time for HeXen (at the office)

>> No.11009904

"This isn't the anime convention. They've played us for fools!"

>> No.11009909
File: 607 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240611_005147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it makes me laugh when you "summonfriend fighterboss" he comes out as the default skin as the player because he's the first class in the game

>> No.11009912

nice music choice.

>> No.11009915
File: 167 KB, 1290x955, shieky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IM NOT MICHAEL JACKSON OR ELTON JOHN. I said I'm gonna fuck his fucking ass with a beer bottle

>> No.11009920
File: 2.93 MB, 429x240, CUM BUCKETS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you actually stay with her

>> No.11009923

well i guess that's why the demon fight broke out

>> No.11009928

I havent played this in a very long time, i remember around 2012 or so, people used to play doom and heretic/hexen mods online. do people still do this? I want to relive that. what program are you guys usuing these days to play online with eachother?

>> No.11009929
File: 46 KB, 154x160, 1702439246394329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.11009931
File: 610 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240611_010041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messing around in action doom 2

>> No.11009932

Are those lads your servants?

>> No.11009936
File: 737 KB, 1920x1080, 1606091328090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, i like summoning them to make funny dioramas sometimes

>> No.11009943
File: 486 KB, 1920x1080, 1603325109037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only regret, deleting a copy of DRadys_earlyalpha0.04.pk3 because i wanted to wait until the official release but now i realized it's taking too damn long

>> No.11009953
File: 4 KB, 131x35, that's not your gf that's mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009982

I've got earlyalpha 0.02

>> No.11010071
File: 313 KB, 1440x1816, 1689287097459100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it turns out she's fuck ugly like the rest and is just using mind magic to manipulate you
Who am I kidding, the girl mutie in afterglow could get it too

>> No.11010072

Zandronum is the go-to still I think.

>> No.11010130

Yes, Zandronum is still the most popular

>> No.11010147

yeah, it could be why she was apologizing for her appearance, like she's not too confident in her ability to cover it up. Maybe that one dark panel could be her disguise failing. While playing i also had a thought that instead her beauty standards are just deeply warped by extended exposure to mutant 'society', but doesn't exactly make much sense anymore.
based btw.

>> No.11010163

Jesus why is Hard Reset so spooky

>> No.11010237

thanks bros. gives me something fun to look forward to. been a bad year. What is the playerbase like these days?

Do you guys ever play those wave survival modes still? I remember some fun games where players would be on a team against escalating waves of AI. They got a little wild, I even remember some games that werent strictly DOOM but mixed assets from multiple games together.

>> No.11010247

>ended hard reset packed to the gills with consumables I was 'saving'
That's the third time in this series I've done this, god damn it, so many wasted hollow points...
I should have at least used the nods in the subway

>> No.11010298

>What is the playerbase like these days?
A lot less active than it was in the early to mid 2010s, Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch gets the most players now.
>Do you guys ever play those wave survival modes still? I remember some fun games where players would be on a team against escalating waves of AI.
Unfortunately, Shotgun Frenzy and Invasion servers aren't played much anymore these days. You might be able to find active severs running those occasionally but I don't see it happening often at all.

>> No.11010347

>Unfortunately, Shotgun Frenzy and Invasion servers aren't played much anymore these days. You might be able to find active severs running those occasionally but I don't see it happening often at all.
You occasionally find something like Invasion Unleashed being run because of the anime mansion map.

>> No.11010372
File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Square_20220829_202233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some scoundrel to do me in?!

>> No.11010389
File: 363 KB, 553x509, EEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11010468
File: 484 KB, 1438x1080, IMG_20240611_162339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic for next OP coming through!? (it would be an honor) me playing Doom on a 486 in '96 when we just moved into our new home, first thing my parents did was to arrange for me to play some Doom, ofcourse playing keyboard only as was common back then, although the ballmouse was present as you can see

simpler times...

>> No.11010485

What's the deal with Cordon? I found Jacobs, yet I'm still forced shoot through everyone and then the commander gives me shit for being reckless. Did I fuck the trigger up or something? I can only tell Lucas "jacobs sends his regards" and then everyone shoots the fuck out of me anyways and I have no one to help.

>> No.11010490

>guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

>> No.11010505

i thought there was a peaceful way through too, but i thought i'm just too stupid/lazy to figure it out, didn't figure there is supposed to be setup beforehand.
got a hunch this is how you get the thumper too.

>> No.11010521

You did tell the medic his buddy died, right?
A bunch of guys spawned behind the chain link fence in THAT confrontation and the medic showed up to help chainsaw the big bad with the red eyes
I don't remember getting chewed out, he just said "yeah, shit happens, but good job getting the locals on your side"; paraphrasing

>> No.11010525

Yeah I did, he opens a door and moves me on my merry way and then I can't find any of them even if I noclip back.

>> No.11010556

You didn't shoot the guys behind the chainlink fence did you? As far as I can tell they're only there to help for that specific encounter

>> No.11010574

What chainlink fence is that exactly? I haven't seen anyone show up to help me and I took the time to wait for units to shoot me first before shooting back.

>> No.11010579

The one to the right of you when you go confront lucas, there should be dudes shooting at the bandits there

>> No.11010597

>It's kinda surreal they haven't cut their teeth into Steam-released games because they're delivering quality on par and in many cases beyond paid releases.
Devs are working or have worked on Selaco and Hedon DLC.

>> No.11010615

As far as I saw, no one showed up there. There's probably a bug and I'll have to restart the whole thing or something.

>> No.11010620

Vaguely sure that Hedon DLC(the one with the goblins) was an april fools joke.

>> No.11010683

>having a roof

>> No.11010753

Ashes is rife with copyrighted assets and stuff so they'd have a hell of a time replacing all that with stuff that wouldn't get it taken down.

>> No.11010803

Out of all the surprises in Hard Reset, the one I could never have predicted was the five night feddie setpiece with demongirl animatronics

>> No.11010828

What's the in-lore reason for the medieval stuff in quake?

>> No.11010858

different dimensions

>> No.11010935 [SPOILER] 
File: 164 KB, 980x991, 233575_980-524037780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

romero made the dark realms his bitches and made them wear armor and build castles for his majesty in sign of submission

>> No.11010954

It's been confirmed as real.

>Vostyok, the main man himself, can be found here. His time is split between Ashes and his work alongside Zan developing a "Sexy Goblin DLC" for Hedon. Yes it's really truly real and not a joke. He also recently had a bike accident where his face lost a contest with the pavement, so wish him well.

He's posted screenshots too from it.

>> No.11010957

>He's posted screenshots too from it.
the accident or the sexy goblin DLC?

>> No.11010959

The sexy goblin dlc.

>> No.11010990

shit. poor guy

>> No.11011019

>He also recently had a bike accident where his face lost a contest with the pavement
Bahhahahaha that's fucking horrible but the tone of this announcement makes it hilarious

>> No.11011025
File: 1.80 MB, 1649x1649, 1717347662783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011052
File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_191240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011068
File: 147 KB, 1014x996, ASTOLFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave cleaning hard reset up a try and made a weapon-only version. seems to work fine, but my testing is limited to a couple laps around a test map.

>> No.11011139
File: 185 KB, 447x863, 1546700231482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nouwandi! Batai d'va!

>> No.11011149

>You mean... wads?

>> No.11011185

feel like there should be a third panel with all the silent fps protagonists going "..."

>> No.11011191
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_193012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011201
File: 35 KB, 631x512, kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucked up and forgot the chainsaw

>> No.11011209

>beckons you closer
>runs directly into the nearest threat and explodes into chunks
>secret is locked off forever
>reload save and do it right
>it was just an ammo pickup
Yeah, I'm thinking they all deserve death

>> No.11011227
File: 936 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240127_153024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011228
File: 566 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240605_210606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011229
File: 27 KB, 567x168, 1689376697061431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's adorable anon. Thanks for sharing it. I also vote for this as next OP.

>> No.11011291
File: 394 KB, 691x317, unmaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made this Unmaker design?
Was it Amuscaria?
I feel they could be generic Earth medieval knights but with QC and such, i expect a new Quake (if there ever is one) to make them part of some new realm.

>> No.11011302
File: 401 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240127_152849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011303
File: 70 KB, 368x419, 1701390786948045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good day :D! Wonderful weather we're having huh?

>> No.11011305

Looks like a hybrid of Zrrion's with the one from Doom Eternal, but I don't know who edited it to look more like the latter.

>> No.11011307

A lot of Raven's enemies were really goofy looking.

>> No.11011326

I think I already did that, oh well

>> No.11011382
File: 64 KB, 604x555, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucked up again and forgot modular rifle upgrades (though only 2 steps here)

>> No.11011421


Different dimensions. Consult the Quake manual for monster descriptions.
They have areas with names like 'the wizard's manse' etc so you can assume there's some magicians n shit in the works.

>> No.11011480

>They have areas with names like 'the wizard's manse'

more like the wizard's mansex lmaoooooo

>> No.11011482

Kaksoispiste de de

>> No.11011491


>> No.11011537
File: 795 KB, 186x194, 1672403521143367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11011579

Kek. What wad is that?

>> No.11011603

Total Wizard Death.

>> No.11011613

Toxic Touch bro, Toxic Touch

>> No.11011703
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221118_195844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011706
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221118_204822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love these smiley bois

>> No.11011727
File: 888 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221123_213323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11011728

>a lot less active
damn is it even worth reinstalling all of this stuff? It felt really nice playing and chatting with other people. how many people are on, on a usual day, rough ballpark estimate? like 100? 20? i cant believe that megaman mode would fucking replace the invasion mode. what the fuck? other than megaman deathmatch what other games are being ran? I was going to install this not just for me but for my friend who really enjoys doom but never played it online with anyone. I told them how many cool things people make and come up with and they seemed genuinely excited.

>> No.11011738

what did Tom Hall do? I like his levels

>> No.11011743

need combined arms boomerang effect
Need to add a false safe if the map decides to eat the projectile.

>> No.11011749

I've never had 46,853 monsters

>> No.11011761
File: 827 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see arond 20 right now? Right now BYOC is pretty popular, a mod where a few people have made their own player class with whatever movesets and art, oftentimes really weird and off the wall. I think the Pizza Tower fanbase did a lot of work on it.

I jumped in an old Armageddon 2 invasion and it seems to be pretty much the same.

>> No.11011770

>how many people are on, on a usual day, rough ballpark estimate? like 100? 20?
Right now there's 57 human players according to Doomseeker with the most populated server having 21/32 players and running, you guessed it, MM8BDM. The most populated Doom 2 server currently has 5 players running Bring Your Own Class co-op.
>i cant believe that megaman mode would fucking replace the invasion mode.
I don't particularly care for it either but it is what it is, the golden age of Doom multiplayer is long behind us I'm afraid.
>other than megaman deathmatch what other games are being ran?
Other than BYOC, I see Master of Puppets, Lexicon, Speed of Doom, some DnD thing and a few others. The first two have the most players and it's not a lot.
>I was going to install this not just for me but for my friend who really enjoys doom but never played it online with anyone. I told them how many cool things people make and come up with and they seemed genuinely excited.
Sorry to hear that. The stuff I mentioned earlier is only the stuff that's being currently played, there's far more stuff than that being hosted (I see Armageddon 1 and 2 servers as well as Shotgun Frenzy, just to give you an idea) so you and your friend could always pick out something and it might interest other players enough to join you two.

>> No.11011790

>I think the Pizza Tower fanbase did a lot of work on it.
It was the devs' breakroom activity

>> No.11011791

i appreciate you two taking the time to reply. is there a particular day or time with more players on? like friday/saturday?

it is the middle of a tuesday right now, so perhaps there is one or two days a week where its easier to find some games? I remember back around 2010 or 2012 or so, my impression was that there were dead periods also, but other times/days where a lot of people were on.

Master of puppets sounds very familiar. Not because its a metallica thing but the game mode sounds very familiar. Would you two say that there is anything still fun to play? I think if its active on weekends for a few hours my friend would even get a large amount of enjoyment from that since he works full time during the week.

what is doom seeker? is that a seperate server browser? I remember back in the day i used something called skulltag, or something similar. doomseeker sounds vaguely familiar but im not sure if i ever used it.

>> No.11011793

It was both, actually. The main dev of PT worked on a few classes, and a lot of users in the server contributed too. It's a pretty cool mod.

>> No.11011815

First anon you replied to here, to be honest I don't play Zandro anywhere near as much as I used to so I couldn't really tell you for sure when the more active periods are. All I know is that on the occasions where I do check Doomseeker, it's usually not very active, at least not outside of MM8BDM.

Master of Puppets is co-op except split into two teams. One with marines and the other with puppeteers, former can get EXP and unlock weapons and new weapon modes by killing demons, latter can take control of any demon on the map and has to prevent the marines from either reaching the exit or killing every single demon. Marines have limited lives as well, shared between all of them. Usually played with slaughterwads like Chillax.

Doomseeker is the server browser that comes with Zandronum. I know for a fact that Skulltag also came with it as well and that it used to come with Internet Doom Explorer before that.

>> No.11011903
File: 80 KB, 640x539, 1b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those succs
this makes my doom the h-doom

>> No.11011928
File: 321 KB, 558x960, 1702472347355411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this? A mod that adds Hexen and Heretic monsters to Doom? Something you've tossed together yourself?

>> No.11011932
File: 973 KB, 988x702, 1666354683170255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Batai d'va!
>run past him, flak the crap out of nearby skaarj or krall
>opens secret
>Dispersion Pistol PowerUp
Aaahh yeah!

>> No.11012084
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221123_213354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A mod that adds Hexen and Heretic monsters to Doom?

>> No.11012085
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240611_191100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh come on

>> No.11012090
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221117_001938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graf Zeppelin approved.

>> No.11012094

Anon I'm not doing anything atm if you want to make a Zandronum server I'll join you.

>> No.11012097

oh no thank you, i don't really play co op i just like messing around in gzdoom, reminds me of when i used to mess around with some people a long time ago almost like we were playing gmod

>> No.11012103
File: 713 KB, 1012x502, 1703719534134567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11012104
File: 667 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230607_002317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my gzdoom skin

>> No.11012107

well, i'll think about it
not sure what we will play but im always available

>> No.11012109

Mai from KoF?

>> No.11012127

I think from the mall level onwards in Hard Reset with exception to the Choco Cola factory - the game feels unfinished. I know this isn't supposed to be the true 1.0 release - I know some stuff hasn't been put into this version just because that content isn't yet finished. The final level in Hard Reset has to be the worst final level in all three games - possibly the worst non hub level in all of Ashes.

I'm gonna write a review and go through level by level. Cause I know Vostyok actually wants real criticism.

>> No.11012128

Finally alongside Doom from Quake III Arena.

>> No.11012129

>Usually played with slaughterwads like Chillax.
This is a shame. I miss when people played MoP on normal maps back in the day, or at least things like Hell Revealed that are just midly slaughtery compared to modern stuff.

>> No.11012138

Is that just a skin or a gameplay mod?

>> No.11012141
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1704160713360813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to know who she is anon.

>> No.11012146

Where is the safest place to download everything I need to play this stuff with you guys? I dont want to get any viruses or malware on my PC. Are the links in the OP everything I need to play? Is it all trustworthy?

>> No.11012147

>Is it all trustworthy?

But play what? Doom?

>> No.11012149

She is indeed Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury and then KoF. But I recall the skin is kinda jank from the screens posted here before.

>> No.11012151

a-a-and you can see her boobs after you die through chasecam, same for being gibbed

>> No.11012160

first and foremost i want to play the heretic campaign right now, i never got all the way through it. second is id like to fuck around with you guys on whatever ID engine games youre playing online. Just dont want to get any weird shit on my pc. I only have one currently, typically i like having one PC for work and a second PC for games. Because these old ID engine games are light I want to make an exception for them. Just dont want to compromise my PC.

>> No.11012167

I don't think so, I never used the wad, but it looks like it only uses sprites from official sources.

>> No.11012182

There ain't no viruses being spread in /doom/ you got no worries anon.

>> No.11012193

austrian avian association i think (best wad of 2023)

>> No.11012221

do i just download everything from the mediafire link in the OP? I didnt even know that website was still around. Is that what everyone else is using in here? Pretty sure I used that website like a decade or more back. i might get the server browser first just to poke around.

Is there a game night here you guys have?

>> No.11012230

There is, it's about -15 months from now

>> No.11012241

>Is there a game night here you guys have?
Not a consistent one. There's a regular Doom Kart type of deal every Wednesday or so. It looks like a lot of fun but I have yet to try it myself. In terms of regular Doom, inconsistent but when it happens it's fun.

>> No.11012243
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Mapping is neat.

>> No.11012249

The Malice project?

>> No.11012250

Only thing is GzDoom 3.0 through 3.2.something was able to do shit like wipe your entire hard drive because Graf was a stupid fuck and left in arbitrary console access.

>> No.11012256
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Whipping up a new map to release with the 2nd beta for Malice Refined. A lot less ambitious than my underwater E1M1 remake though.

>> No.11012259
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m4_2024-06-11_21-04-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look back at journey thus far
>You can see recognizable landmarks you've been to
Love that shit. Or alternatively, look in the distance and see places you're likely going to go.

>> No.11012279

Yeah, Mjolnir utilizes the loading of previous maps as models to great effect. Just makes me wish more modern sourceports supported 'skybox rooms' so that an extremely high view distance and its associated performance hit wasn't necessary for stuff like this.

>> No.11012301
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>> No.11012336
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m4_2024-06-11_21-46-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyyyyyyyyy shit that battle was a bitch and a half. 7 small drakes, deadly as hell. Way deadlier than the big ones in m4m3.
Never say never anon.

>> No.11012340
File: 704 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221116_235817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11012346
File: 680 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221116_235816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does smoke come off of the ice guys
i don't understand it

>> No.11012350

Steam anon.

>> No.11012351
File: 110 KB, 285x382, hfgdfghgytrgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a hothead

>> No.11012354

he's steaming like a steamed vegetable only smarter?

>> No.11012357
File: 3.64 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m4_2024-06-11_21-57-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genuinely astonishing how this exists for free. And there's at least 27 more maps incoming? These guys are insane. They need to put out a real game sometime.

>> No.11012402


>> No.11012409

yup, all for free my nigga

>> No.11012441

whats the issue?

h-doom mod when?

>> No.11012448

>whats the issue?
Probably that the bullet doesn't at all line up with the crosshair.

>> No.11012459

Gun fires way high of the reticle. The slug rifle in Afterglow (probably also 2063) has this problem as well.

>> No.11012465

>playing through Hard Reset
> go through some building after fighting some mutants
>THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP, some huge distorted face is booking it towards me
Was Hard Reset this spooky? I don't recall it being straight up horror outside of the submarine.

>> No.11012471

I don't know nothin about no Ashes but if it takes cues from STALKER then it's probably horror some of the time no?

>> No.11012474

Nevermind, that enemy ceased to be spooky when I pulled out the flamethrower I just got and burned him to death with it, and his burning sprite was a third of the enemy's previous size.
Lots of tiny bugs it seems in the wad. I may wait a month or so for a patch before restarting.

>> No.11012475
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, Resources Screenshot 2024.06.12 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat episode 1 of Ashes. it was great. I need to save her.

>> No.11012498
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Smooth man

>> No.11012502
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>> No.11012503
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>> No.11012564

In Ashes:Hard Reset is it possible to finish cordon quest using stealth? Just find Jacobs and talk to doc afterwards?

>> No.11012574

he kept bumping Adrian Carmack's mouse and then apologizing for it

>> No.11012575
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>> No.11012579
File: 490 KB, 314x177, The fuck is this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thumbnail is darker than the full sized image

>> No.11012581


Gross, worse than COD slug accuracy. Actually it’s probably the same

>> No.11012585

It's not spread, it consistently hits that spot.

>> No.11012594

here's some *clang*
for all Ashes games

>> No.11012661

What is the best sourceport for Dark Forces if you have it on Steam?

>> No.11012668

When is Phoenix going to finally release a public build for Generations Arena? It's been almost 20 years since .99f

>> No.11012671
File: 470 KB, 1411x771, cordon bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this useless faggot assist with the coup in any way?
>I think boss killed Jacobs, find me the proof and I'll rouse the boys and get you safe passage
>oh, he did kill Jacobs, can you p-p-p-please go and have a stern talk with him?
>here is the shortcut to the shakedown ambush

>> No.11012687

The Force Engine is very nice.
I keep thinking it’s a 96 game, nuts that it first came out in 95.

>> No.11012689
File: 194 KB, 1076x576, Screenshot_Doom_20200913_211658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way it's meant to be played

>> No.11012717

Wow, unfortunate misalignment seems simple fix. that’s still better than CoD’s slug, goes fuck all & away from your crosshair’s location even comp with drop.

>> No.11012752
File: 606 KB, 1748x930, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11012801

i have been startled by my own reflection so many times it has stopped being funny and now is just embarrassing. the combination of playing on Apocalypse, being bad at Doom, and not saving has probably contributed to this

>> No.11012831

You guys think the shield is kinda Captain America cheesy?

>> No.11012837

I wouldn't say that. Cap America didn't invent shield combat. It's just a cool thing, like sticking a chainsaw on a rifle.

>> No.11012851

It's been done before in other games and stuff, I think the entire thing is cheesy though and smells of desperation to apply the IP to anything rather than use say Heretic or Hexen.

>> No.11012860

fucking Helldivers I swear

>> No.11012883

You've heard of Shubby, now get ready for... Cumthulu

>> No.11012938

I think Microsoft needed a distraction and id was itching an idea. Then again they showed a lot of stuff and thst takes months before the MS controversy.

Chainsaw shield seems new. I wish I thought of that. I’m a sucker for boomerang weapons. Postal 2 machete was my fav for a long time.

>> No.11012952

>I think Microsoft needed a distraction and id was itching an idea.
They certainly seemed to have rushed a bunch of studios to have something to show off.
>Chainsaw shield seems new. I wish I thought of that. I’m a sucker for boomerang weapons.
I've seen it in a few sidescrollers and weird shit like Dungeon Defenders, mostly exclusively as a melee weapon or a throwing one.

>> No.11012964
File: 969 KB, 1920x1080, po-ed-definitive-edition-definitive-edition-pc-jogo-steam-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, who asked for this?

>> No.11012969

If I had to guess, it's because these ding dongs put the pitch shift before the bullet actually fires. Annoys the shit out of me when people do that.

>> No.11012973

The amount of old games to re-release or remaster gets lower with each passing day. That's pretty much it.

>> No.11012980
File: 16 KB, 598x198, Image30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It do be looking that way, in all of the guns.
Shitedive scraping the bottom of the barrel to feed an audience who are also scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.11013010
File: 975 KB, 2560x1440, morningbabelscythe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's genuinely astonishing how this exists for free.
Words ripped from mind. There's amazing mods across all these games, but something about the Quake stuff I've dipped into these past few years has really been something else.
I don't think I've seen a more nervous baron.

>> No.11013034

My mod idea revolves around a shield + one handed weapons. Can’t use Medkits since your a robot so shield made sense. Dark age seems to have play with similar idea. Wish I was faster lol.

>> No.11013037

I wouldn't be discouraged, there's never only room for one interpretation of an idea, especially not in modding.

>> No.11013079

Oh I’m not really, I wish I was faster lol. Life got in the way. Been fun weapon theory crafting.
I do think the shield should be a more active roll now , reuse sword boomerang code and other bells

>> No.11013165

In Hard Reset what's the deal with Jacobs? Is there a way to find him without triggering every single enemy in the area?

>> No.11013175

I had already fixed this in my versions of the other Ashes stuff, and I'm super not looking forward to doing all of them again for this.

I wonder if it has anything to do with Walker's Player.AttackZOffset being much lower than it should be. It's default at 8. His viewheight is 48, so it should be 20.

>> No.11013275

Thanks guy

>> No.11013276

I used the silenced pistol a whole lot.

>> No.11013285

Most enemies past the apartment are in pairs, you just need to kill them silently and quickly before someone lets off a shot
I'd advise the hollow point silent pistol
The crowbar is not a silent takedown

>> No.11013290

I should clarify
The crowbar will alert people in the immediate vicinity when you kill with it, shooting them with a silent pistol or a crossbow will not

>> No.11013295

Yeah - stay out of view use the crossbow, silenced pistol, and crowbar (use this only if there is one guy - I will use it sometimes to kill two raiders but the 2nd guy will aggro - if you kill that one quickly tho before he fires it won't aggro anyone else) and don't step on glass. Glass makes noises that instantly alerts enemies. Crossbow specifically kills in one hit and has two shots. All enemies in stealth sequences are in groups of two & facing away from you. Guys manning spotlights are different -they are set to not notice you unless you step into spotlight. Unless they changed this on Apocalypse but Apocalypse I think is unplayable currently since I loaded up the first mission and turned it off after the hallway since the empties had effectively triple the HP and I was like fuck that.

Jacob & his group was supposed to help you but they didn't finish that part of the mod yet - and there was supposed to be dialog from the General in the post mission and prior where he was supposed to accept that you tried to be stealthy but these guys were gonna try robbing you no matter what so it was fine to just kill them all. Just they underestimated how many lines the General had to even voice and so they just haven't implemented that dialog yet. We are version 0.96 according to pk3 file but they wanted it out by now and Vostyok was going on vacation so this is kind of a massive demo to find all the bugs. There was a bunch of stuff that was cut like the Theater from Michonne - the final level in particular is extremely cutup. The stuff with the wife and Varni I feel had parts cut since we don't even get Walker's thoughts on any of it or more elaboration, Hammer again like content is missing, Walker also just stops giving us his thoughts after a specific point in the story.

Essentially everything from the Mall & onwards with exception to the Chocacola factory & the city level proceeding the Spire are all cutup and waiting for assets.

>> No.11013302

>like the Theater from Michonne
I was wondering about that, I was wandering around Michone for a good couple of minutes thinking the pit wasn't the pit looking for the trigger

>> No.11013303

I'd wondered about a lot of things like the missing lines and why some stuff seemed not quite done.

>> No.11013314

Fuck, I should have made a manual save if I knew this was going to be an thing, but I swear Doc helped me with the bandits
Did Doc at least show up to help you with the guy with the welding mask?

>> No.11013318

I get the sense this game was a bit of a testbed for how the squad stuff in the Hedon Goblin Squad dlc would work & how to implement stealth in doom without going nuts on scripting stuff so doom still runs well. And also how to have the stealth or squad sequences not piss off the player & not have either system actively interfere with one another + all the portaits & voice acting might also be getting testing done in advance for Hedon/future releases as well.

A lot of it worked solid desu. With Hedon they are going for a commercial release so hiring voice actors would improve the overall quality.

I didn't see him but I also just mowed down both guys with the military rifle.

>> No.11013326

I sure didn't see any of them even after stealthing up to that point and him saying he's get the lads to join in, though I couldn't figure out how to deal with not killing the assassins so many that mattered, or it's just incomplete.

>> No.11013362

How long would it take to get acquainted with the mapping tools for Build engine games to actually start making maps?

>> No.11013383
File: 930 KB, 880x880, cbd08b0c5218592b5e7e407a29b84195-1876827017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to experiment with something, but I can't remember what it was called. I saw a video about it a while ago though. It was a mod with different enemies and weapons for doom, and sometimes other shadowy doomguys would show up like a mini boss fight. When you killed them, there was a countdown beep and they would explode shortly after. This also applied to you, because it would do the same thing when the player dies.
Anyone know or remember what I'm talking about? If it helps, I think it was themed around cyborgs and some evil corpo

>> No.11013414

I think there's something wrong with the map because some people are complaining of the same thing in the Doomworld thread.
I don't really mind it.
For me, he didn't. No one did, not with the jacobs fight or with the boss fight

>> No.11013572


>> No.11013709

Radical, thanks

>> No.11013795
File: 286 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20240612_211610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably all old news at this point, but holy shit:
>Both wads have multiple endings, (faux) non-linearity
>Player can easily lock himself out of true ending
>Extreme attention to the details and realistic environment
>Level features a creepy house with obscure progression
>And a fucking dog enemy
>Dog have the same behavior as Cerberus

It was so obvious, how come no one ever noticed this? Jesus Christ.

>> No.11013825

Does anyone else think Infinite Jest and Ulysses have the same author? I mean holy shit, they both use words in them wtf

>> No.11013832

Dogs have four legs, cats have four legs, dogs are cats.

>> No.11013978

They should get Nightdive to remaster Timesplitters Future Perfect and someone to remake TS1 and 2 from the ground-up.

One thing I eish they did for a new Hedon thing is... idk, I honestly wish they would go full 3d. The lighting in Hedon's environments looked weird to me, kind of like if you booted up Ravenholm in HL2 and used mat underscore fullbright 1.

>> No.11014119

>One thing I eish they did for a new Hedon thing is... idk, I honestly wish they would go full 3d.
It's ok dude, we get it, you want to see her wield her colossal weapon in it's full, 3D glory.

>> No.11014149

could doomguy beat a terminator

>> No.11014154
File: 320 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240609-213522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, what Hedon actually needs is an artist competent in something else beyond hentai. Hedon levels are quite ugly and very samy. I was playing Supplice recently and its BTSXy textures look much better than Hedon. In a game with much backtracking nice looking levels is a must, like in Hexen or Metroid Prime.

>> No.11014162

I'm into into that kinda stuff but the character models in HEDON are pretty attractive so that's part of it yeah. And the entirely 2d models look a bit weird when you get up close and expose that yea they're like paper cutouts.

And the lighting is weird as I explained. I want to love HEDON because I respect the developer guy's unironic thirst and I think something like Heavy Metal Fakk 2 style could work later in the series' run. If they don't go third person then at least implement Trespasser booba look down see rack kinda function.

>> No.11014184

I'm asking the same question, this game sucked ass

>> No.11014206
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x2204, so you want to play some fucking srb2k v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday night Whatever, come play some SRB2Kart!

How to join (The short and easy way):
Download the All-in-one repack: https://mega.nz/file/d68gALrb#xgsVOihAIsKqKowjf1-uzeeBbKcJ0R0C0VKCFMQdih8
Extract it to its own folder (NOT the desktop or program files)
Run "SRB2Kart-Neptune (Connect to vrkart).bat" and wait for any missing files to download in-game
DO NOT run "srb2kart.exe" and expect to be able to join the server.
If you don't have a 64-bit machine/OS for whatever reason: Copy the contents of the 32-bit folder into the main folder

How to join (The longer and harder way):
Download version 1.6 of the game: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
Get the custom client we use (Windows): https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.1
Or compile it (Linux or anything else): https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune
Get the mods: https://mega.nz/folder/MiUiESSa#CyovwTUnO9TSmqbwMI1xBg
Connect to (either use connect in console or "specify ipv4 address" under Multiplayer)

We also have a Mumble server!
Address: (same as the game server)
Port: default
Password: endoom

>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

Pro tips: https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq
(This is out of date and written for a different server, but it still has a lot of useful information.)

>> No.11014226
File: 499 KB, 1433x1238, grunrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if another Hedon with an orc protag is to be, they just need to ditch the guns and make bearzerker the default mode. genuinely so much more fun than the standard difficulty set.

>> No.11014443
File: 844 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240523_001904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we take C o ck

>> No.11014452
File: 716 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_191220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11014482

Are there any mods that simply make every enemy a bit more individually lethal? Imagine something like Hard Doom or those monster-only versions of Brutal Doom, but done in a more restrained way that patches up some known weaknesses. It's an idea I've thinking of for a few days and could probably implement in DECORATE with minimal assets outside of code, but I want to see if there's any existing examples.

>> No.11014502
File: 713 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240610_192249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11014506
File: 28 KB, 340x320, 1620279830732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashes Hard Reset gives me that Ace Combat 5 feel. I really like it, shit's good across the board and I have jack fucking diddly reason to want to ever want to replay it. I blame it on the lack of an SMG (or my retardation if there is one that I missed) because playing Ashes without one feels like losing a limb.

>> No.11014521

Project Babel may have what you're looking for.
Malefactors too, maybe. But that needs some tweaking.

>> No.11014553

I kept the military rifle in commando form the entire game cause of no smg. Tried it out early in sniper format cause DMW rifle was awesond but immediately got to wendigos and switched it to commando and never looked back. You get a shit ton of rifle ammo so it's mostly fine as an alt to smg.

>> No.11014565
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210520_161035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom found the mtn dew pool

>> No.11014567

Ought to do the same then. In the interim between getting the rifle and crossbow it seems like an extremely obvious choice after the Homestead fight being long ranged and both shotguns being extremely nasty. That said the marksman form was an absolute beast in Cordon and I'm gonna miss it.

>> No.11014568

Dumpster Dive Studios please remaster
>Blood 2: The chosen
>Robocop 2001
>Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death

>> No.11014578
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, 20230812223400_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She found the Cyberdemon room

>> No.11014676

Does SLADE have a key combo for putting stuff in /* */ brackets for easy commenting out of sections?

>> No.11014729
File: 608 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_UrbanBrawl_20240523_004542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11014730
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>> No.11014737

That's Steven Seagal, get it right

>> No.11014745
File: 431 KB, 2250x2250, 2Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You right you right

>> No.11014750

NIghtdive Please remaster
>Redneck Rampage and the Expansion "Suckin' Grits on Rout 66"
>Killing Time
>Corridor 7
>Unreal Gold
>Legend of the 7 Paladins
>Behind the Iron Gate

>> No.11014801
File: 31 KB, 657x527, pepemag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good download of Klingon Honor Guard somewhere? The myabandonware download has fucked ISOs and I can't seem to find it in the OP.

>> No.11014812

they're doing killing time right now, its store page is already on steam

>> No.11014814
File: 112 KB, 616x353, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck

>> No.11014875


>> No.11014921
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>> No.11014925
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GGs and hate the electricity

>> No.11014968
File: 188 KB, 3840x2160, f45dda3f171ddc75b8615610e38b0c1168c98f4d6cb9e805f29a49fd0ac1582c._RI_V_TTW_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11014983

>nukage is actually mtn dew
you will never know why this is personally funny to me

>> No.11014993

Did you play a certain dogshit Serious Sam mod?

>> No.11015017
File: 42 KB, 290x288, 1710357818429567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Quake texture wad with more of these red walls and ceilings?

>> No.11015076

Remake Will Rock and KISS, but make them good.

>> No.11015082

>Nightdive to remaster Timesplitters Future Perfect
I'd rather just poke money at TS Rewind to get them to work on it faster.

>> No.11015142
File: 831 KB, 960x600, zeus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will Rock
I remember my CD copy having this, what I assume was 3rd-party software, full of green level schematics with an optional female voiced guide mode directing you through the levels and pointing out secrets and ambushes in quite leisurely step-by-step manner. Astounding quality for a cheat program, which there were plenty back then.

I may upload it here if I find the disc.

>> No.11015161

Maybe it's the recency bias, but I think Ashes is at the pinnacle of small, seamless vignettes and set pieces, side by side with Half-Life.
Anyone can do a loud flashy sequence (Afterglow's Lazer Tag, Far Cry 3's ganja field, Remedy's musical numbers), but Ashes is packed with little sequences that feel fresh, bespoke, embedded into the world. The radiation cave in 2063, trash goblins, spooky bunker psykers, crazy hermit in the first Afterglow hub, power plant snipers, the arboretum, the sawmill and hall of mirrors in HR. Even recurring telegraphed ambushes stay entertaining.
I'm thinking that's the thing that makes DMW something of a black sheep, not just that combat and levels are not up to par, but the lack of the special sauce to make it memorable.

Makes me think about enemies pouring into arenas in several games. In Fear you have the memorable elevator sequence, where multiple squads arrive at once, indicated by distinct sound. It's effortless marriage of setting and gameplay. It's not an intricate challenge to ambush replicas with explosives or shotty, but it's uniquely satisfying.
In Selaco, dudes crash through walls, ceilings and doors whenever. It's fine, just feels perfunctory and predictable. When you smoke half the enemies in the first second of the encounter with a mine, it feels like you've cheated yourself out of seeing the full fight.
In Doom Eternal, demons in Arc Complex crashing through walls add so much to momentum and excitement over the usual teleporting in.

>> No.11015167

>Redneck Rampage
Also needs Redneck Rampage Rides Again. But Redneck Rampage got a really good sourceport in Rednukem. We would imo need ND remasters for stuff lacking good sourceports / availability, not games that already are decently available.

TS Rewind?

>> No.11015173


>> No.11015175
File: 406 KB, 1280x1239, [sounds of portable warheads down a castle corridor shot by an alien cow while razorback plays in the background].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unreal Gold Remaster

Why? It's already running nicely on modern OS on top of adding new difficulties thanks to the recent fan patches

>> No.11015176

And there's this by the Deus Ex GMDX author:

>> No.11015191

People have Stockholm syndromed themselves into wanting needless shitedive "remasters" because it feels more convenient to them than doing the community patches that shitedive usually half-arses into their own stuff.

>> No.11015193

Ramble incoming. There are so many nuances to combat in FPS, it's wonderful to think about, both the good and the bad. You champion the Arc Complex encounters for instance, but 100% of Doom Eternal encounters are lesser to me because the fundamentals of combat necessitate fodder zombiemen in 100% of fights so the player can replenish ammo or health if needed. They're still fun and engaging, but this aspect was always at the back of my mind.

Meanwhile, the best fights in any Serious Sam game, which are all the antithesis to everything you champion in this post, stands head and shoulders above anything in D:E. Seeing my dwindling ammo as the spawns in a given Sam fight are not letting up is ALWAYS exciting.

I think what you're most championing are unique encounters with fidelity to the game's reality, or take advantage of the game's world, and I'd have to agree that any video game that really tries hard to incorporate the world into fights happen to be the ones that are most enjoyable beyond the excitation of an engaging fight ala Serious Sam. In fact I'd say Selaco and FEAR, at least so far, are on the same level since I haven't gotten too far in Selaco yet.

If you're saying this new Ashes is on the same level as Half-Life that's high praise. Might make me have to check it out, but honestly the art style and geometry just don't do it for me. It looks like it could have used another polish pass.

>> No.11015203
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>> No.11015204

All it needs really is being returned to stores. But watching the Civvie11 vids on it I think I'd pass on it because it looks like someone took the Xen concept of Half Life and stretched it across the entire game and that doesn't really interest me personally.

>> No.11015205

>as the spawns in a given Sam fight are not letting up is ALWAYS exciting.
This part is why I never really got into the newer games even if I actually really liked what Eternal was going for. I don't know the technical details of how the spawns are in the games but 2016 especially had this constant blue ball feeling where you get into a fight and then there's a good chunk of the fight near the tail end where you're just searching for the one remaining dipshit imp in the wave who's shooting his sick go pro parkour video in the corner of nowhere to kill before the next one spawns.

>> No.11015209

You mean custom textures in the same style?
I doubt there's much out there. Quake techbase stuff hasn't been expanded upon very much compared to the other visual themes in the game, and modern Quakers seem more interested in creating completely new, often unfitting texture sets than expanding on the originals.

>> No.11015216

I don't know about unfitting, see Alkaline for instance, but lack of red walls is saddening. I suppose that's what Wally is for. Dang.

>> No.11015265
File: 3.95 MB, 980x742, Black Box.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. You'd probably need some old web browser with flash support to play it, redistributables are included. I believe Black Box also did guides for some other games but I can't find anything.

>> No.11015268

I don't shun abstract, clockwork design, it's just another dimension to explore.
D:E bit is just an afterthought, I've been bitching about nudoom fodder and swooning over Sam myself. I bring it up in the context of presentation, giving a sequence some extra sheen, the world - some texture.

The point is, I think I've just started to grasp what exactly gets me and others raving about Ashes, and the subtle difference between a good Duke or Blood level in a fun setting, and a fun setting being explored and presented using creative, tailored choices.
Both Selaco and Afterglow have an overgrown compound with plant monsters, but one feels out of left field and quickly becomes a routine clean-up, while the other sticks in your memory as eerie and oppressive.

>> No.11015273

>Both Selaco and Afterglow have an overgrown compound with plant monsters, but one feels out of left field and quickly becomes a routine clean-up while the other sticks in your memory as eerie and oppressive.
You've got something here but it isn't finished yet, can you go further? What is the key difference you reckon that separates routine from memorable? I omit the eerie part because that can't be the only thing. Brinstar in Super Metroid isn't eerie but it's also more memorable than the forested areas in Metroid Dread (yes yes not retro but anon's got something here).

>> No.11015280

Btw this isn't a leading question, I'm not trying to "gotcha" you or lead you to a "correct" answer. This is just interesting to me.

>> No.11015313

There are a lot of things. The usual foreshadowing from the locals about the bad place. The monumental view of the building from outside. The imposing dome skylight, dimmed by dust and vines, putting the whole area in twilight. Increasingly overwhelming growth from the lobby in. The contrast between the withered, sunburned world outside and endless green within. Yet it's occupied and treacherous, you want out of this place post-haste. Sections of thick dark jungle that you have to explore by touch at times. Decidedly inhuman unique enemies, ready to spring up from the thicket. On the player side, the caveman glee from putting flamethrower to the fuckers.
The single most memorable thing is a lonely lanky tree dude. Skittish, immortal, harmless, with a creepy quick run. Never foreshadowed, or made use of by the player, or commented upon. Just a wasteland mystery.

>> No.11015351

Skelegant'd done a dehextra gore mod that adds xdeaths to the vanilla Doom non-boss monsters that didn't have them.

>> No.11015352

>All it needs really is being returned to stores

>> No.11015363

>Remember: No mortals

>> No.11015437

>running nicely on modern OS
You forgot console retards.

>> No.11015524

Final Doomer's weapon set for Alien Vendetta seems geared to mostly counter the swathes of low level enemies the WAD throws at you.

>> No.11015567

If I had to umbrella all these things, again it falls under some kind of fidelity to the game's world and seemingly how willing the player allows themselves to be immersed. Thanks for the reply anon.

>> No.11015602


>> No.11015640

Also known as: The money.

>> No.11015691
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Prey (2006)

>> No.11015704
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>SUPER dodge that shoots you several feet compared to the original
>but can be bound to a key, can be overspammed and put on a cooldown
This has been interesting.

>> No.11015732

Started doom 2 in city only, map 3. Do they grow out of the "pointlessly huge and mostly empty" map design in later maps?

>> No.11015774

I’ll have to give it another shot when I’m in the mood to play it vanilla/unmodded. GZD had a hard as hell time starting on the third map so I can’t tell you how things are afterwards.

>> No.11015874

>it looks like someone took the Xen concept of Half Life and stretched it across the entire game
It's not like that at all.

>> No.11015896

prey 2 (murdered in cold blood by zenibeth)

>> No.11015925

Getting back into 30 Years Of Doom after a long pause, Map 10 is Cur, by Lainos, and if you know Lainos, you know what that means.

I am actually a very big fan of Lainos's maps and style, I think he has a wonderful sense of aesthetics and planning, he's great at making big and sprawling exploratory levels oozing with atmosphere, with frequent little hints of environmental storytelling sprinkled around. The gameplay is fun too, it's tough, but not in an obnoxious manner, and it's very fun to hunt for all the secrets.

The problem with this is that this is not a Lainos .wad by Lainos and Lainos only, this .wad is a community project with dozens of contributors adding up to a full 32 level megawad. It's not a bad one either, there's only one or two maps I haven't liked so far, but with MAP09 being an absolute disaster, it's then followed up by Lainos's level, which is pretty good, and this is quite the whiplash in all sorts of ways.
Some of the other levels here have also had their sprawling qualities, but not to this extent, and it feels almost out of place, because you'll easily spend an hour or more exploring Cur.

It's cool to see him make more maps, he is one of my favorite mappers, but having it tucked into a megawad like this does both his level and the megawad a disservice. He usually publishes these levels as standalone single map .wads, which is where this works best, IMO.

>> No.11015931 [DELETED] 
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Is Selaco good? Got skeptical cause apparently the devs are seething over a single negative review

>> No.11015935

That map took me a fair few attempts to get through. It had some really annoying traps. I dtopped that wad entirely on map16.

>> No.11015937 [DELETED] 
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, Selaco EA library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m enjoying it so far. I started on the second hardest difficulty, restarted on the hardest after an hour, then went back to the second hardest and am much happier.

>> No.11016046 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the dev can't stop running his big dumb mouth.
I enjoyed it, although it's been exhausting and frustrating at times, by the end I just quicksaved the aggravation away. Secret hunts took up a big chunk of my first playthrough, which soured the experience somewhat.
I've bumped the difficulty from 3 to 4 with hardcore modifier (save only for currency at select spots) for the second playthrough, and I've been enjoying the combat a lot more, being forced to refine my playstyle.
I've been liking part of it to Counter-Strike. You have to find and hold favorable sight lines, swiftly punish whoever's crossing it with appropriate weapon, worry about flanks and drawing more heat than you can handle.
At this point I'm not sure how close quarters aggression is supposed to work in the late game, but campy style works for me.

>> No.11016052 [DELETED] 

It's ok, could be a lot better, no surprises they'd be bitchy over that review though, same old story for Yahtzee's reviews.

>> No.11016063 [DELETED] 

>devs are seething over a single negative review

>> No.11016082 [DELETED] 

>same old story for Yahtzee's reviews
His late 00’s reviews are where I first heard the “Quake too brown” meme. It might have been from or around the time of his Jerhico review.

>> No.11016097

>the time of his Jerhico review.
That's the one, revenge of the brown castle and all that.

On one hand people take his jokes way too seriously and on the other people like his review up to the point where he doesn't like or takes the piss out of something they personally like.

>> No.11016108 [DELETED] 

I used to be part of the first group there. Him and Spoony I took way too seriously and without building my own opinions.

Now I’m part of the “enjoy and don’t take his reviews too seriously” group even when it’s a game I enjoy. I seem to be dwarfed entirely by the other two you mentioned.

>> No.11016153
File: 7 KB, 128x128, sym16_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full base.wad from from kex: https://files.catbox.moe/acy9x3.wad
red walls from remakequake: https://files.catbox.moe/3b4kyp.wad

>> No.11016192

Does Neptune run better than CEP? Are you using all of /vm/'s mods?

>> No.11016197 [DELETED] 

I somewhat blame Spoony for a good chunk of FF8 hate at that time.

>> No.11016215 [DELETED] 

Those Ultima threads often have a mention of him as well

>> No.11016219 [DELETED] 

>doom retrospective vid
>says there's two camps, it's outdated and it's just fine, fair
>the just fine strawman recommends a source port and brewtal dewm, to which he says "buh if have to mod it that much is reely gud tho?"
>the actual doomfag purists just don't exist I guess
guy can be seriously full of shit but it was fun watching him gnaw modern releases to shreds

>> No.11016224
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That's not mountain dew, it's this shit that Timothy Willits did the maps for or ripped his sister off again.
I don't find either extreme to be worthwhile, you end up ignoring a funny or ignoring valid information.

Specific to him, he's a pretty decent solo game developer, so it's not like he's completely pulling stuff out of his arse to cause people to lose their shit.

>> No.11016307

Imagine Terrywads being canon

>> No.11016324 [DELETED] 

>>"buh if have to mod it that much is reely gud tho?"
One of my least favorite perspectives.
I want to see his ‘16 review again, I remember he seemed more impressed with the automap than the actual level progression. The review was in the background though, so could just be poor memory on my part.

>> No.11016341
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Yeah, I'd say it does.
Most but not all, namely we're not using horns.

>> No.11016350 [DELETED] 

You really shouldn't take any stock at all in what he has to say
He's got that classic limey 'comedian' problem of making snarkiness his entire personality

>> No.11016358 [DELETED] 

>You really shouldn't take any stock at all in what he has to say
No worries, I’m >>11016108
He can still be fun and I enjoy hearing his perspective these days. Can’t help the people that do take him seriously, though, but is what it is.

>> No.11016393

>quake but in dog vision

>> No.11016443
File: 1.45 MB, 1439x782, dog vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs don't have monochrome vision, they just have one less color receptor than us, ergo two.

>> No.11016456

So Quake's already dog-fitting since it's got brown castles and it's got green castles.

>> No.11016464
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Anon confirmed for dog.

>> No.11016474

There’s the blue castles they’d be able to see, green would just come through as brown.
I’m curious about a duck’s color spectrum when they play Quack, I don’t know anything about how birds see colors.

>> No.11016483

birds have pretty baller eyesight
necessary when you're peeping bugs from 500m in the air at 40km/h
also otherwise there would be no point in colorful plumage

>> No.11016490
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>> No.11016494
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>> No.11016496

>new ashes is out
wow, good timing to check out this general again

>> No.11016498
File: 25 KB, 639x479, Dog vision with uv rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs can actually see ultraviolet, interestingly.

>> No.11016516

>Kick Attack! is a single-level PWAD designed by Tim Willits and released in March 1996. The level was created as a promotional operation (similar to Chex Quest) by RC Cola to help establish the now-defunct brand of Kick soda.

>> No.11016518


>> No.11016563


>> No.11016596 [DELETED] 
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Not as much seethe, had heard it second hand so assumed it would be much worse. Either way he then apologized and deleted the tweets.
Regardless, Yathzee is still gettin dunked in the replies

>> No.11016663 [DELETED] 

Fact he said 2d sprites is bad in an FPS objectively makes him in the wrong. Yhatzee stop being good after 2014. Him making soft safe opinions stop being entertaining. I honestly think he was a theatre kid who didn’t like video games and only co-opted cuz it was trendy. No way he grew up with early FPSs

>> No.11016685 [DELETED] 

I never really took his 'reviews' as anything other than 'british guy tries to be witty in fast paced review format'. I understand the appeal just never thought they were even trying to be genuine reviews.

>> No.11016689
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221117_094520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pasta river

>> No.11016693

mama mia! I fucked up the pizza and the sauce spilled all over the oven!

>> No.11016745

You should jump in with Quake and Trenchbroom editor instead. Doom level editing is very particular.

>> No.11016775

>likening a part of it to Counter Strike
Man I fucking miss SMOD Tactical so much.

>> No.11016790

authentic chicago deep dish

>> No.11016794
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>> No.11016820

What the fuck, janny. 1 line about the dev. The rest purely about the game. Get real.

>> No.11016835

Something stinks to high heaven how actual offtopic shitposts stay up but contentposts get deleted seemingly randomly.

>> No.11016838

It literally just depends on whether the posts get reported or not. They're not actively combing through threads to find bad posts

>> No.11016851

"Don't post about games that aren't retro" isn't a hard rule to follow, anon.

>> No.11016870

But talking about whether dogs can see ultraviolet is perfectly on topic right?

>> No.11016873

Yes, I need it for my upcoming Doom (1993) mod where you play as a dog.

>> No.11016880

This stemmed naturally from the discussion of Quake's color palette.

>> No.11016917

New thread?