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File: 34 KB, 640x480, 10123123-dead-or-alive-2-playstation-2-my-kind-of-challenge-lei-fang-inte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11002263 No.11002263 [Reply] [Original]

1999 in video game form

>> No.11002312

Take me back

>> No.11002340
File: 953 KB, 3840x2160, 26-11-2021_20-36-52-bhqbsnnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2004 in video game form

>> No.11002680
File: 262 KB, 490x379, PartyLikeItIs1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11002712

vidya magazines were based. the good ones at least. but dont let me talk about the "all the tricks and cheats" crap.

>> No.11002817

Holy SOVL, I can litterally feel the breeze and hear the planes hitting the towers rn no cap

>> No.11003032
File: 230 KB, 1200x1600, leifang-d26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'd let her on my elevator if you get get my drift. Really gets me going to the top floor. wink wink nudge nudge. I want to pound her in the ass up against the elevator glass if you understand my vague metaphor.

>> No.11003038

prestigious outfit
lame outfit

>> No.11003386
File: 1.34 MB, 3840x2160, 10-10-2022_22-15-36-xlazd5oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lame outf-ACK

>> No.11003389

Tina was the hottest followed by Kasumi. Too bad they didn't give them ass jiggle like Mai in the later KOF entries.
>inb4 sybb

>> No.11003403

imo it's
Ayane > Leifang = Helena >rest

>> No.11003553
File: 209 KB, 777x1005, ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11003576

They completely ruined Tina after DOA1. Shits a travesty. Went from a badass brunette pro wrestler to a generic blonde bimbo cowgirl.

>> No.11005048
File: 129 KB, 568x800, tina american milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More for me I guess.
If you can't see the appeal of "American woman so perfect she could only ever have been imagined by a Japanese man who has never met a real American woman in his entire life", I'll happily keep her to myself.

>> No.11005075

Honestly best way of putting it.

>> No.11005087

>DOA 1-2
Lei Fang
>DOA 3-4
>DOA 5
>DOA 6 onwards
who cares lol, they ruined the characters

>> No.11005096

Game mags were really good until the mid 2000s or so when they all started to emulate "men's mag" aesthetics

>> No.11005113
File: 119 KB, 586x810, 1717944870481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally agree, but I remember one of the special edition Tips and Tricks magazines having some cool secrets revealed by the devs. Picrel. There was also this marriage proposal easter egg that went completely unnoticed by everyone, including the guys wife, for like 4 years lmao


>> No.11005176

>want to pound her in the ass up against the elevator glass if you understand my vague metaphor.
please explain

>> No.11005191

>anal with a woman
Literally just being a gay man in disguise.

>> No.11005285

>who cares lol, they ruined the characters
should have said 5 onwards

>> No.11005294

The Xbox version of DOA2 really blew the PS2 version out of the water. I have no idea why people use the PS2 version to show off upscalers when even Itagaki admits it wasn't finished.

>> No.11005304

>fucking a woman is gay
zoomers were a mistake

>> No.11005365

The original release was a disaster, but there's a "Hardcore" that fixes most of it.
For showing off upscalers, well it makes sense to use a console notorious for jaggies and interlacing to demonstrate the ability of an upscaler to fix that. Whereas the xbox version could just be made to output native 480p and that will not really be a great test for an upscaler.

>> No.11005443

DoA was a poor man's Tekken
all it had was coomerbait

>> No.11005503

Nah, it was virtua fighter with less depth. They took the combat from VF2 and took out the necessity of learning all the matchups and counters and replaced it with a rock-paper-scissors hold/strike system. It was the casual friendly fighting game that was enjoyable for normies before everything went tourneyfag sweaty tryhard season pass horseshit. AND it had coomerbait as the cherry on top.

>> No.11005513
File: 430 KB, 1200x1350, fighting game fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Tekken was a chinese clone of Virtua Fighter with a focus on juggling combos.

>> No.11005531

And Virtua Fighter is dead and forgotten.

>> No.11005578

They are making a new one right now.

>> No.11005618

Anal is literally fucking gay.

>> No.11005648

Yeah, nothing gayer than fucking a woman. Retard lmao

>> No.11005824

Virtua and Tekken are both good. Way better than shitter combat.

>> No.11005835

Sodomy is gay. Deal with it sodomite.

>> No.11005878

Blowjobs are gay too? I feel bad for whatever shit warped your mind this badly. I'm guessing you're deeply in the closet or something.