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10982951 No.10982951 [Reply] [Original]

You get to make a brand new Duke Nukem game. What would you add, what would you keep and what would you change?

>> No.10982963


>> No.10982967
File: 2.01 MB, 3277x4096, 1703018178492217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add tits
keep Build Engine, tone and edge
change publisher/owner(fuck off randy)

>> No.10982972

I said a brand new game.

>> No.10982974
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I'm in charge of producing the new Duke game?

I put Allen H. Blum as director. That's it, my job here is done. Literally all you need to make a real Duke game.

>> No.10982978

That will be 200k salary + 30% royalties + tip btw. You can thank me later.

>> No.10982982

More interactive NPCs, more tits, more ass, more rube goldberg machines with funny pay outs. E.G. aliens have a super weapon, shoot some thing, and it all falls apart humorously.

In other words more of the same, but a lot more.

>> No.10982990

I'd call it Duke Eternal

>> No.10982993

agreed. what hooked me to Duke 3D when i was a youngling were the level of interactivity, fun weapons and tittays

>> No.10983025

I’d replace Duke as the main character and make you beat the game on DAMN I’M GOOD to unlock him.

>> No.10983031

add underage anime girls

>b-but they were already in shadow warrior
I don't care

>> No.10983143

We're going gritty this time and we're going third person. The setup would be the planet having been partially overrun by Aliens that have been once again harvesting raping and impregnating babes. We're a few years into the war. In some sectors the aliens just move through, destroy areas or turning population into zombies or so on but in some cities they occupy the zones, set up prison camps and run the city as their own pleasure center, which means that they're in charge but have become 'humanized' and this is where you see more stuff like the punk minigun lizards or pig cops [in some areas pig bikers or pig military etc] and lizards dressing sometimes like punks from 1990s or 1980s movies. Basically in these areas the aliens are in charge and make humans their servants but the pig cops and the lizards etc have become very enthused about human culture stereotypes and often act kind of in accordance. Pig cops taking more roles suited to LEOs / Military and biker gang / fbi etc. The lowest ranking alien grunts act like black street gang stereotypes and the minigun lizard race acts like punks and other alt-subcultures.

The aliens love porno theaters and strip clubs and in alien controlled areas they've gotten people working with them so they have human recruits, cybernetically enhanced humans, slave soldiers and human / alien hybrids born from copulation between human women and aliens during the occupation. And they also have resistance members working against the aliens in a number of zones.

The game is going to be a hub-based game with some large open transitional zones where you get to explore the lands and drive a motorcycle or other vehicle on your journey and you move from sector to sector to liberate key areas like in Freedom Fighters. Cont.

>> No.10983183

Like in Freedom Fighters taking areas and completing objectives unlocks resources but also people and it enables you and disables / alters functions from the enemy in that region. Or rather, sometimes mission outcome based on how much / little you complete it may not result in the next mission being EASIER but it will definitely be DIFFERENT.

Like let's take a hypothetical example, if you capture an enemy controlled nuclear power plant but fail the optional challenge of stopping the meltie that the bad guys are intentionally going to make happen when they realize you're going to be capturing it otherwise, it will cause a nearby region being more hostile, irradiated and have more toxic sludge monsters etc.

You can gain personnel to the EDF base that's put in a relatively central sector and with money, resources and blueprints you gather from taking sectors from the enemy you can buy base upgrades like stripper poles, private porno theat- I mean briefing rooms, decked out gun ranges to train soldiers better etc weaponsmiths to work on your weapons etc. You can use recruited personnel for support powers, female agents can put their ahem feminine wiles on use etc.

Combat will be extremely brutal especially with upgrades. Mighty boot can be used to squash alien skulls and upgraded shotgun at close range can actually blow a see-through hole into an enemy, plasma melts enemies to the bone, etc. You will gain experience and can unlock combat perks etc with Ego points. Ego points are basically edperience you get from interscting with world objects like strippers, having segs with women and also performing trick shots / varying up the kill effects you do on enemies by actively switching guns, using guns in combination with melee and doing effectively moves like blindfiring from cover or doing multiple kills with different weapins in a short span of time etc. Kinda a bit like punisher game from ps2. Cont

>> No.10983205

Make it like Duke Nukem 3D but more and bigger, don't expand the scope of what Duke does or what the story will contain.

- Duke has 15-20 guns ranging from military to sci fi with creative effects, and can hold all of them on his person.
- Duke saves strippers from aliens plotline
- MOST of the levels are in various Earth cities, with occasional spaceship levels that serve as run-ups to bosses
- Duke runs fast
Simple fucking requirements

>> No.10983212

Finish DNF 2001

>> No.10983221

Pooping and peeing mechanics. Golden shower executions. The ability to freeze your turds with the freezethrower and toss them like ninja stars.

>> No.10983224

let sweet baby inc develope the entire game

>> No.10983225

Game's general theme / ambience will be late 1980s / 1990s and technology level will mostly be similar-ish but with sci-fi handwaves. So no smartphones for example but computers and internet exist etc.

You can also unlock different outfits and clothing items for Duke and other characters mainly Shelly ''Bombshell'' Harrison who is a young graduate from the EDF academi but she can kick ass and handle a massive hog between her legs [/spoiler]by hog I mean motorcycle[/spoiler] . Both have unlockable perks in common but both also have some unique perks / upgrades like Shelly for example can get a killer heel type upgrade / attack where if you're using heeled boots you can impale an enemy's skull with a well aimed kick. You can change characters at the hideout / base for the most part. There are some missions that you can only play as Shelly and some missions you can only play as Duke. And some where they're both present but whomever you're playing as will determine what part / role you're playing and you get to assist the other.

There will be a sequence where Shelly will be captured, handcuffed and hanged on a gallows. If you're playing as Shelly, you have to simultaneously use the controller thumbsticks to kick and trash your legs to relieve the pressure on your neck while performing a qte to wriggle out of the handcuffs before you strangle. And after freeing yourself you fight the enemies like normal. If you're playing as Duke in that mission in that sequence you're going to be sniping enemies who are are trying to interfere with her trying save herself.

The enemies' attacks and behavior will also change a bit like if you're playing as Shelly the enemies will be more rapey and melee-focused, performing more grabs and they have some slime emitting attacks but you as Shelly have also more ways to attack in melee like a move where you grab an enemy's head between your thighs and snap neck or suffocate them.

>> No.10983232

And if this seems like an uncharacterustically large response, I have been for a while wishcasting a perfect Duke Nukem / Bombshell game to become reality and god willing one day I will make happen.

>> No.10983243

Mini-episodes 3 or 4 levels long
Lots of guns but not all appear in each episode
Scoring system, score not just based on speed but aggression, comebacks and avoiding repetition, basically play as if you're in a badass action movie. Scoring is also related to ego health
Automatic demo recording and simple editing, with first-person and movie-like angles; record episode into a movie. Online interface for uploading and downloading demo movies
The usual interactive gimmicks: playing pool, strippers, toilets, etc.
Lose the Sentry Drones

>> No.10983283

Agree, I have the Megaton edition and that was enough. Not sure why the Anniversary edition was thrust upon up when Megaton was better (it was a money grab).

>> No.10983343

guns, tits, and one-liners
what else do you need for duke?

>> No.10983362


>> No.10983929

>power to crrate anytging with the i.p
>''umm guns and aliens I guess''

>> No.10984545
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You are now hired.

>> No.10984578

>Combat will be extremely brutal especially with upgrades. Mighty boot can be used to squash alien skulls and upgraded shotgun at close range can actually blow a see-through hole into an enemy, plasma melts enemies to the bone, etc. You will gain experience and can unlock combat perks etc with Ego points

>> No.10984601


Hear me out...

Duketona USA.

Stock Car Racing, but across the Dukeverse, and with some sections in space, using Space Stock Cars.

Cars have collectable weapons, including shrink ray, chain guns, RPGs.

>> No.10984618

could also include Redneck Rampage stuff since it would be thematically appropriate

>> No.10984671


It feels like at least one Redneck Rampage level with some kind of banjo backing is absolutely needed.

Why not a Shadow Warrior level too? Maybe with boats...

It goes without saying that quotes and sounds from the original games would be all over it.

>> No.10984681

They actually had some fucking awesome motorcycle race level in Redneck Rampage Rides Again, it's genuinely good and even had an announcer

>> No.10984716
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>dude, just imagine this, dude, hear me out, imagine an OPEN WORLD Duke Nukem game!
>and there's CRAFTING
>and it plays like a Far Cry game, but it's about Duke liberating the US from FASCIST PIGS, it's like so resonating with our current sociopolitical reality
>and there's CRAFTING, like looting materials and such
>and you get to play as two companions of Duke, not just have them as sidekicks, like a Black Duke and a Chick Duke!
>and you CRAFT all these crazy guns and personalize them!

>> No.10984851

If you're referring to my idea it wasn't meant to be political. It's your own fault for seeing that sort of currentyear politics tint in it. It's adapting the ps1 Duke games' setting.

>open world
Not open world but rather open-ended with a hub-based segmented system. A lot of levels especially each 'main dungeon' would be constructed like a semi-linear but internally interconnected area.

Modifying weapons is also fun man.

>> No.10985090

Duke doesnt need another FPS. Majority of the games aren’t even FPS anyway.
Manhattan Project was great, I’d make a sequel.
Or a Metroid Other M style game, hell I’d put Team Ninja in charge.

>> No.10985115

the thing I would keep above else is the focus on single levels being completed in a single run. this more than anything else is what made 90s shooters unique, each level being it's own complete self contained idea.

>> No.10985826

I would love good third person shooter duke

>> No.10987251

>Time to chew bubble gum and eat ass!

>> No.10988537

Add everything that makes Gianni Tranny and his faggot friends away from it.

>> No.10988584

Duke says nigger. Feature it in the trailer.

>> No.10989401

Hi, Civvie11

>> No.10989406

no it's AVGN. you suck at telling

>> No.10990180

Why? Upgrades and combat perks to unlock abilities and upgrades would be imo really cool, especially if upgrades worked somewhat similar to Doom 2016 where you can go back on some upgrades if you don't like them but you can try stuff out.

>> No.10990214

Just make Duke pro-cop (which he would be IRL).

>> No.10990218

The "pig cop" enemy is a reference to the fact that anti-cop groups refer to cops as "pigs." The acronym on their vest, "L.A.R.D." is a reference to the Los Angeles cops who wear the acronym, "L.A.P.D." Most of Duke Nukem 3D's levels take place in Los Angeles or surrounding areas.

>> No.10990221

>add: more hookers/strippers
>keep: everything
>change: nothin

>> No.10990224
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Bring back snarkier Duke Nukem like from Duke 2, bring back the Atomic Pistol from 1 and Rigellian Rifle from 2. Mighty Foot needs to stay, in fact there needs to be a way to kick with both feet like you could in older versions of Douk 3D Keep the enemy roster from Douk 3D cus it's good.
More focus on city levels, Douk is at his best in cities.

>> No.10990253

It's also worth noting that the LAPD got somewhat notorious due to the Rodney King aka Floyd 1.0 thing and the massive chimpouts that ensued. Hell we even had the Pig Sty level with a ton of other 1990s relevant references like Die Hard, Dirty Harry, Unabomber etc references in there and an ''interrogation room'' with blood and handcuffs and a firing squad wall with a ripper chaingun pickup near it. It's pretty funny 'satire' too. The game should have fun and not be too concerned whether it's approving or disapproving of cops or whatever irl, within the game it's all make-believe. I fucking hate the anti-cop people irl because they're usually the worst kind of identity politics faggots that unironically deserve police brutality but that doesn't mean there can't be pisstakes in games

There should be more pig models though themed for the other levels like area 51 pigs should be soldier pigs with like vietnam war era / style flak jackets and MP helmets, FBI pigs, biker gang pigs etc.

>> No.10990262

I cancel it because the modern world is too gay for Duke

>> No.10990304


The plot starts off from where Duke Nukem Forever ended with Duke announcing he is running for president. The entire game's story is the election season being interrupted by the aliens counter-attack, and Duke's entire election campaign is him kicking the aliens ass.

>> No.10990308

>There should be more pig models though themed for the other levels like area 51 pigs should be soldier pigs with like vietnam war era / style flak jackets and MP helmets, FBI pigs, biker gang pigs etc

This'd be good.

>> No.10990452

Duke Nukem eats dicks with his ass

>> No.10990627

Nothing regarding duke3d depiction of the 90s LAPD was a “pisstake”. It was a corrupt organization that brutalized, raped, murdered, sold drugs, the whole gambit. They were the biggest gang in the city.

>> No.10990656

and XP points to level up

>> No.10990936

Absolutely this. Blum WAS Duke Nukem, the more of his impact is the better. And gosh, I hope he is not done with Duke 3D mapping. We need more stuff like Golden carnage.

>> No.10991105

Duke supports the blue, that's why he's putting in the boot on these alien invaders.

>> No.10991121

>duke is epic blm antifa badass
>uhh no duke is a based maga chad
>duke is this duke is that

duke is nobody's god damn mouthpiece, smells like alien bastards in here

>> No.10991126

Go back in time to 2001. Kill George Broussard with one of those captive bolt guns from No Country For Old Men. Set a hard Q3 2002 launch date. Include a scene where Duke Nukem strangles a transsexual to death in order to save a busload of orphaned children. Kidnap young Gianni Whateverhisnameis and send him back in time to 1920's Germany. Fistfight a dozen Timecops.

>> No.10991127

I want Duke commenting on LGBT people
And more hookers

>> No.10991141

who the hell would ever say Duke represents antifa or blm?
sounds like you're just upset that people associate Duke with right-wing and would act that way, and wanna try to convince people that's not the case

>> No.10991151

Duke is a libertarian ideal. He gets stuff done personally and is always willing to pay babes.

>> No.10991167

Duke is apolitical and poltards need to gtfo

>> No.10991171

Duke can't be apolitical due the things that he says and does in his own game

>> No.10991185

Pigs, politics, pussy, in thay order.

>> No.10991215

There is nothing political in any Duke games except a joke about him becoming president, but that doesn't include any angle or agenda.

The ONLY argument you could make *nowadays* is the joke about the gay bar in TTK, but it was made by another dev and there was nothing political about joking about gays in 1999 like there would be today, it was just normal.

Seeing a lot of poltards projecting their insecurities and agendas onto Duke is frankly super embarassing. Just as the DNF fan made project was. This shit is everything wrong about modern gaming and modern days of "everything has to be political" and yet, you come bring this shit on a board dedicated to a time period when that shit wasn't relevant.

>> No.10991318

You can't be a woman because that's not how you were born.

>> No.10991415


duke is fiction just like libertarianism, communism and other forms of judaism

>> No.10991692

I agree. And even if he there is something that could be considered somewhat clumsily political like that bit with the liberal sissy president in Duke Nukem Forever... whatever, just have laugh about it and eat the popcorn while playing the game.

>> No.10991723
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I take the money and I start making a faithful adaptation of "alien carnage" into a 3d fps
I call it "duke nukem: alien carnage"
when it's nearly done I drop the "duke nukem" from all materials

>> No.10992167


>> No.10992359

Make him say offensive shit, and if John St. John rejects, just harass him, get some sound alike who isn't a bitch nigga.

>> No.10992385

Just get an AI to replace him. Or Aliens stole Duke's voice and he gets a Stephen hawking voice

>> No.10992529

duke is a woman now and he stops misogyny and makes people... enjoy... pride parades
idk how do they do it? how do they make ideas as bad as they do? I literally can't do it and I'm really trying

>> No.10992683

That's actually a good idea, keep an overly serious tone about it the whole time, make it so stiff that it's campy. He could be her father. Have a really heavy handed tough guy scene where she says "dad actually named me Duchess, but I changed it to Duke Jr because I know that's what that patriarchal fuck would have wanted. I just know that when I popped out without a dick dad wanted to shoot himself but the only people he could ever shoot were likely innocent so he didn't fit the bill."

>> No.10992704
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Lots of weapons that feel chunky and satisfying to use, with fun and unique death animations. More babes and booty. Crass and politically incorrect jokes, but done with skill so it doesn't come off as gay edge-lord shit, or feel forced. Destructible/interactive environments - plenty of little touches to make the world feel real. Maps will be open like Duke 3D and Doom - none if that shitty closed arena crap. Bring back old enemy types for nostalgia, but don't over-rely on them - there should be new and exciting bastards to kill. Incentivize melee use by providing health or armor bonuses. Graphics = modern 2.5D (like Boltgun).

>> No.10992837
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>> No.10992850

If you have not play Zero Hour

>> No.10992960

It NEEDS working mirrors.

>> No.10992994

>Older burnt-out, washed-up Duke whose life fell apart following the ending of DNF and running for president and still voiced by Jon St. John and not that fucking Gianni weirdo, but isn't pitying himself or being pessimistic despite living in destitute conditions, similar to Roddy Piper's character in They Live
>Story involves time travel to undo the events that led to DNF, with a degree of meta self-awareness but not taken too far or written by a Redditor, tonally it's still hard-edged and gritty with some classic lowbrow humor here and there, and an overarching theme of connecting the past with the future or passing the torch so to speak, and maybe some underlying themes about the price of materialistic value and vanity or something like that, maybe Duke has a character arc where he remembers why he fought so hard to protect the world to start with instead of just seeing it as his trophy like he did in DNF
>Take cues from NuDoom but bring back fun level gimmicks and environmental interaction instead of the whole DMC-if-it-were-an-FPS approach
>Level designs from old and new talent alike
>New fun gimmicky weapons to fuck around with along the lines of the shrinker or freeze ray
>Maybe borrow a setpiece or two from early DNF builds shown in 1998 and 2001 as a nod to the fans
>Tell Randy to get the fuck lost and take the IP back from Gearbox by any means necessary

>> No.10992996

Make another tomb raider clone

>> No.10993050

I really should. And Time to Kill. I know that in one of them they did some fun variations to enemies like in the 1800s London level the pig cops are bobbies and in the wild west they're indians etc.

Those sorts of time travel shenanigans and things like the babes having time period related seductive lines when you rescue them is great. Would actually be great if you could rescue babes again and some of them will be brought back to Duke's base where you can chill at between missions and some of them unlock new base functions or just act as eye candy.

>> No.10993051

Boardwalk hotdog vendor. Your job: convince babes to Come Get Some.

>> No.10994723

It's interesting to learn about working videogame mirrors because it's really hard to get that tech working.

>> No.10994724

AI would be good idea, anything to rub it into him that he's replaceable

>> No.10994886 [SPOILER] 
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>shake it baby

>> No.10995987

I just want a timeline where the Folsom twins come back. I loved their teasy and flirty dialogue in Duke Nukem Forever and they were killed off too soon and in a pretty unsexy way to boot.

>> No.10996016

Just like the original Duke 3D only it's 100% urban and a semi-open hub-world design. I guess you find certain doohickeys that once fully collected allow you to get to a final boss fight or something to give it a clearer sense of progression, but it doesn't matter because the entire time you're just busting your way through new whorehouses, slums, and stores.

>> No.10996262

I would add bubblegum.

>> No.10997247

sounds like Gauntlet

>> No.10997671
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Have Duke fight neo-nazis and human (white) supremacists and defend aliens and have sex with trannies.

>> No.10997690
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oh and have Gianni voice Duke.
JSJ is too old and senile.

>> No.10997734

Make it a fast paced boomer shooter with a few gimmick weapons set in urban levels with borderline imsim-level exploration and secrets. That's all you gotta do. No faggot-ass cutscenes or walk/wait rooms. Forever was bad because of severe 7th gen consoleitis in both hardware limitations and its Halo-bro 2-gun hallway/'cinematic' design. Ion Fury at least gave us what we wanted as far as game and level design goes. Just needs Duke's 'problematic' persona and whores. Also, no alien levels. Episode 2 blows balls.

>> No.10997770

This is such cop-out horse shit. Just copy the goddamn nearby geometry and simplify/fog out anything too far away. Just put them in bathrooms and other simple rooms like most games with working mirrors do. I dunno just copy the goddamn models and put a cube map behind it at least. Seeing so many new games not even try to make mirrors immersive without RT or SSR is early evidence of the competence crisis.

>> No.10997823

Meh just AI it at this point, fuck actors.
>druggies and anarchists
lol there's no way 2024+ douk wouldn't approve terror/anarchy for [current sociopolitical grievance loser college kids co-opt here] and he's already drug-friendly. Also any new Duke game, unless Gearbox/Randy loses the license by some miracle, will have the womanizing and male gaze only in the most Sweetbaby approved, hyperconsentual, played against him for laughs ways possible. He'll probably be a bisexual troon chaser pleasantly surprised by a dick too. That the manwhore persona was even an element in Forever was because it was the bro-ey 7th gen, for better or worse.

>> No.10997845

Look, Randy is a clown but he loves the greasy sex joke stuff. That's the sorta stuff we want to have in Duke.
Only closeted SJW shitheads have a problem with Randy because he is a heterosexual and he wanted to put a bit of booba in DNF. Civvie11 and some other fags always shitting on Randy for being ''greasy'' and let's not forget how a bunch of SJWs are pretending he was caught with ''cp'' in the usb stick incident when it was completely legal porno.

>> No.10997865

>the 'looking for a new Queen' tweet
>the Gianni 'you like men' retweet
>all the trans athlete shit on his twatter
>the 'kill pig cops' tweet during Summer of Floyd
Who do you think Randy would pander to?

>> No.10997873

QRD on the first two? Um yeah, well okay my defense for Randy was only up till a little after the release of DNF then. I guess he's a fag then.

>> No.10997889
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>> No.10997892
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>> No.10997895
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>> No.10997942

Almost vomited in my mouth, thanks.

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt on that one. Tensions were running wild and directing people to buy more copies of Duke Nukem World Tour is pretty inoffensive compared to what a lot of crazy mfs were saying or doing. If I was in Randy's position I would 100 percent try to make a buck before all those idiots have spent their money on other virtue signaling charlatans.

>> No.10997963

he legit looks like a cuckold desu

>> No.10997973

The Duke running for President was revealed as a clone in the DLC.

>> No.10997995

Duke is a top so he isn't the gay one

>> No.10998035

World Tour maps got thoroughly mogged by the nintendo 64 oc ~20 years before they were made. It's shameful.

>> No.10998038

i didn't bother finishing the first map. i'd rather play some random old custom map floating around...

>> No.10998971

Now you're trying too hard. Most of the world tour maps were pretty fun. Except the britain map which was wayyyy too large.

>> No.10998989

>way too large
Or to clarify, too many large open spaces instead of the more carefully crafted and more intimate encounters.

I would've loved a 'duke american tour' made in the 1990s or early 00s where they do satires of different cities / areas with their own distinct flair. But I guess that would require an insane amount of custom textures.

>> No.10999057
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Sounds kino af

>> No.10999173

This image is so cool. I kinda wish the hypothetical game reached this style and vibe.

>> No.10999471 [DELETED] 

roguelike survivor ofc

>> No.11000289
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This look is how really a duke game should be made

>> No.11000603

The difference between those sprite women is massive. Things are looking grim for the one standing.

>> No.11001086
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people often miss the point of duke nukem; he's an 80s action movie protag stereotype played up for fun
youre playing an exaggerated 80s action movie

anyway, just make a new duke nukem 3d clone but with modern tech; nicer graphics, better sound, more advanced mechanics
first person, carry too many weapons, run fast/jump far, no cutscenes during levels, secrets, puzzles, platforming, badass/funny one-liners, nods to/shade on rival properties, big tits on skinny hot chicks
Id even keep the early/mid 90s setting

btw, if you niggers havent played ashes afterglow yet, you're missing out

pretty much
I also hated alien levels

>> No.11001121

>inventing arguments in his head
Take your meds, tranny.

>> No.11001146
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>> No.11001616


Using the waterguns on the women should result in a special animation where they dance and jiggle around instead of taking damage and dying.

>> No.11001630

Which one?

>> No.11001974

>the weight

>> No.11002130

>DN game in 20XX
>you play as a strong black woman OC while Duke is "reimagined" as a bumbling inept moron that you constantly have to babysit
>he hits on female characters in the safest, most embarrassing feminist ways inbetween spouting unfunny Gianni Matragiano "jokes" about how he is a soft boy who heccin respects trans rights
>plot about aliens stealing chicks is removed and probably replaced by aliens stealing men instead so girl power can save the day
Duke is dead, best thing you can hope for is some eastern european indie studio making a spiritual tribute

>> No.11002216

>modern tech
>nicer graphics
>better sound
>more advanced mechanics
>big tits on skinny hot chicks
>>big tits on skinny hot (((chicks)))

>I also hated alien levels
I think they are the most memorable

instead of whrehouses,slums,and stores it was valleys,caves,and dungeons
Your inventory carried over wherever you went
The hub functioned as level selection and areas are unlocked
collecting a circle of runestone opened another world
activating x obelisks in levels unlocked worlds
killing bosses for fragments unlocked a bigger boss
special coins unlock characters

If you like that kind of hub-world avoid the spoilers and play it

>> No.11002387

>You get to make a brand new Duke Nukem game. What would you add, what would you keep and what would you change?
Take two coming here and asking for advice is hilarious

>> No.11003273

See I don't really believe in this kinda doomsday nonsense. They're not going to make a Duke Nukem game to totally erase his character. Or at the very least it couldn't be worse than the crappy Nintendo port of Duke or what was that one third person game that was really lame, zero hour?

>> No.11003394

I kinda agree-ish but I think third person might fit the whole thing better. Maybe similar third person camera like Red Dead Redemption 1 where you can also pan it around when you're not in combat. Duke is a full on action hero and it works better imo if he also can do other action hero things like the ego boosting things in Forever. You could also collect different accessories for Duke and you could light up a cigar and then it would be giving you a long term buff and there's a taunt button that changes contextually based on the enemy or situation like you should be able to put out the cigarette by searing a dying enemy's flesh with it or blow smoke in their faces etc.

We could have also melee combat moves, grapples, taking humanoid enemies as human shields etc.

Between missions we should get some mission grading splash screens along with collectibles / mementos based on what we did or how the mission went and you could accumulate a cool series of cheeky memories / mementos like if you use enough flame weapons on enemies on one level there's a picture of Duke with a chef hat on barbecuing a dead pig cop or something akin to that and pics of him posing with some of the babes he rescues etc.

Every mission should have at least one, preferably multiple babes to rescue and they should reasonably challenging to rescue sometines so it would be kinda like replay value of sorts.

Fun distractions to engage in on occasion like the DNF Forklifting and crane operations but also like Duke style ones like sequences where babes have been gooped by alien slime and you can waterhole them clean but it's also like a wet t-shirt contest-like thing and depending on your hose pressure you might make them squirm and jiggle a lot and maybe get a bit mad at you but if you don't have enough pressure the goop doesn't come off.

Mini-games and RR opportunities in some between-missions safehouses like DNF.

>> No.11003746

Are you a simian limb collecting enthusiast?
2D weapon HUD is the soul of dn3d

>> No.11003751
File: 934 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20221205_212427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duke nuken should look like this
3rd person would be a different genre

>> No.11004496

Most Duke Nukem games were not first person and as much as I like Forever and Duke Nukem 3d I think that a third person action shooter game allows for more flexibility and doing cool shit as Duke.

I would also love doing stuff like carrying rescued babes into rescue stations on my / duke's shoulder and while doing that you could only use one handed weapons and kicking unless you lay the babe down first.

>> No.11005603

Were there any good Duke games that were not 1st person?

>> No.11005647
File: 234 KB, 570x790, 1700322829124071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really believe in this kinda doomsday nonsense
Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.11005994

Duke Nukem 2 and Manhattan Project. Time to Kill was also decent for a ps1 game.

>> No.11006021
File: 1.01 MB, 2101x1464, ecae8df6-cfb0-4779-8998-3f5c4285c283-1259586045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Zero Hour

>> No.11006038

I would change the decade to the 90s, because that's the only decade you can get away with making a Duke Nukem game.

>> No.11006071

You say this despite 2000s and 2010s having a Duke Nukem game as well? Bro, Duke Nukem is not THAT controversial. There were always trannies and people who did not want to play Duke.

>> No.11006080

>taking enemies as subhuman shields
>babes to rescue on each level; optional challenge
>wet t-shirt scenario
I like that; it's all fitting
still should be 1st person tho

Also I think his starting pistol should be a gold desert eagle; dunno which game started that but it's very fitting for him

>> No.11007178

Forever gave Duke a gold M1911.
I would kinda see Duke using a Desert Eagle too, though you should be able to customize the color, gold has a high chance of looking ugly / gaudy.

We should also be able to buy maids for Duke's crib.

>> No.11008624

Depends on who controls the I.P. Duke doesn't say anything racist etc to my knowledge and he's just kinda like a big goofy doofus of a guy. You could just as well make a Duke game today as you could back then but the question is if there's a market for it.