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1099132 No.1099132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Tifa, /vr/?

>> No.1099139

We do.
Someone post the gif, you know which one I'm talking about.

>> No.1099137
File: 1.13 MB, 2400x1680, Rikku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I prefer Rikku. Thong straps make me hot and bothered.

>> No.1099156

You sir, have aroused my curiosity.

>> No.1099190

Bump. I wish to see this gif.

>> No.1099204
File: 1.92 MB, 320x224, tits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're goin' nutz.

>> No.1099276

Tifa was always Clouds true lover. I was glad when Aeris died.

>> No.1099278

>They're goin' nutz.
Those tits are definitely yukkin' it up.

>> No.1099292


Big tits are nice, but not when there's dat lack of ass.

>> No.1099297

I like her character design

and her tits too

>> No.1099320
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She's my all-time #2 waifu.

>> No.1099329
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I prefer the one where she uses her breasts to leverage herself up over the cliff at the end of the game.

>> No.1099335

Tifa's a pretty cool character, and an ass-kicker in the game. Most of the FFVII speed-runs use her as the main damage dealer for the party.

People like to portray her as the weak woman who always pined for Cloud, but I don't see it that way. In the game she pretty much seems to step aside for Cloud and Aeris, and only comforts him after Aeris's death. At no point do they seem to be in a relationship, and I'm pretty sure the word "love" is never even mentioned.

After the events of the game I'd imagine Tifa took up an apprentice and continued the legacy of her martial arts.

Also, Tifa is cool because she's taller than the hero.

>> No.1099441

I still haven't found a decent doujin featuring Tifa. They're all either rape or group or gangrape. I just want one-on-one vanilla for fuck's sake.

>> No.1099581
File: 119 KB, 972x1360, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's several on exhentai.

>> No.1099613

Is it me or have her breasts gotten smaller over the years?

>> No.1099616

Everything seems bigger when you're a kid.

>> No.1099683

I would have liked her more if, rather than get into a slap fight with Scarlet she just turned around and hooked her.

>> No.1099695

Meh, she was boring. She was a fist fighter but barely had any spark or personality to her. She was just kind of there compared to Aerith. She only started "shining" (if you can even call it that) once Aerith died since she always got eclipsed by her.

>> No.1099701

Oh, and she barely had anything going on for her other than her relationship with Cloud. Plot wise she was dull too. There's a bit about revenge for the burnt town, but really it's barely explored, and too basic.

Compare this with Aerith who had the whole ancient thing and the blunt of the story and saving the world on her shoulders. Or Terra who had her whole Esper past and being a blank slate memory wise at the beginning of her game. Or Garnet, who had her whole naive princess exploring the world, her relationship with her mother, and her past as a Summoner.

When you get to it she's barely better than... uhh... Rosa.

>> No.1099706

i dont play final fantasy, but tiffa is the sexiest. followed by the blonde chick from ffx

>> No.1099714
File: 124 KB, 720x1348, tifa-best[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was never a clear size on her breasts, in the concept art they're pretty conservative, both in-game models they're cow tits, and the CGs which were delegated to different companies they're all over the place.

>> No.1100098

Of course I like Tifa. She's always part of my main party, along with Barret. I really like her personality, and I like that she has a genuinely tragic backstory, but doesn't let it control who she is like pretty much every other character in the game. I always found it kind of funny that the scantily clad brawler was the shy, demure one, while the flower girl dressed in pink was the cocky, flirtatious one.

>> No.1100131

Muh fooking dick!
She was my waifu throughout a good portion of my High School years.

>> No.1100147

As much as I hate to say it, I think the movie/spinoff games decide her canon tits.

>> No.1100160

No. She's the first "friend-zoner" I can think of in gaming. If she hadn't friend-zoned Cloud he wouldn't have turne dout to be a basket case.

>> No.1100187
File: 80 KB, 958x536, 1373125996366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.1100206

>first friend-zoner in gaming
>ignoring gaming's history of prude bitches like Peach and Zelda

>> No.1101172

If Final Fantasy VII ever had a sequel, I wouldn't be opposed to her being the lead.

>> No.1101191
File: 30 KB, 480x720, 1233586_715309145150362_384779904_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alright.

>> No.1101194

She was a pampered popular girl as a kid, Cloud was a weirdo loner. To be fair, you can't hold a kid accountable for being self-centered, that's just how kids are. She came around.

>> No.1101394
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>> No.1101439

She totes wants his cock now though.
Fuck he's got her on stand by.

Her initial friendzoning makes Cloud alpha as fuck.

>> No.1101514

She gave him a pity-fuck under the High Wind.

>> No.1101517
File: 385 KB, 566x766, live-action0-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Jennifer Connnelly in her younger years was the perfect actress for Tifa.

>> No.1101524

>implying she didn't want the d the second she saw how alpha he turned out to be

>> No.1101636
File: 10 KB, 225x300, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... your question is more or less based on Sex appeal, and her personality to the game. Couldn't care less of her "Sex appeal". Felt that she was only there in the game, in order to progress the story.

As for her personality, i think its not that good at all. Sure its not bad, but it is not good either. Aerith's personality and story telling is better in my honest opinion. But, obviously she had to die, so... trying to get all the limit break with her in 1 Disc, is a must if you want all things.

>> No.1101657

tifa is clearly asian

>> No.1101685

Exhentai's Firefox extension is down ;.;

>> No.1101697

Nah. She'd come around to the truth, she was always attracted to her childhood friend even if he went all weird-loner and got Mako-mindfucked. She wouldn't have pulled him out of his own mental fugue if she didn't feel that way.

>> No.1101702
File: 22 KB, 456x393, 3159357-5005320341-22758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her original artwork here >>1099714
doesn't look too asian to me.

Advent Children Tifa might be just slightly asian looking. Jennifer Connelly is half-jewish, so she has a distant element of asian-ness.

>> No.1101704

Key word: friend. Friends give friends a pity-fuck every once in a while.

He never really came onto her.

>> No.1101707

It seems that way, until you figure out that he's always been the type to solve his own problems without involving others, whenever it can be helped; his moody courier-boy shit during FFVII:AC clearly an example of that. I feel that the characterization implies he's coming around to the Tifa idea, especially with letting Aerith the fuck GO finally.

>> No.1101708

I've always wondered, how strong are the FFVII characters supposed to be? Is Tifa bullet-proof?

>> No.1101710

I forget, do they ever explain why she doesn't say anything when Cloud gives a completely incorrect recount of his past.

>> No.1101715

its just suspense of disbelief video game crap, you can't really take it into consideration it's just mechanics of gameplay. it's like in street fighter how any character can take a shitload of hadokens but in movies its like an ultimate attack. or like in mortal kombat 9 how characters get killed in cinematics with a snapped neck but can survive it through special moves during gameplay.

>> No.1101717

She keeps her silence for a long time because she knows Cloud will flip his shit.

Cloud was a really, really unstable man, and up until right before the beginning of the game she was not even sure he was going to make it.

So when he seems to be getting better and taking a leadership role she allows him to live in his delusion because it's better than the trainwreck he was when she found him in Midgar.

>> No.1101718

They riff on the classic "RPG leveling up" shit at one point in AC, apparently Cloud is the only one that's given half a fuck about keeping his training regimen and everyone else has backslidden to level 1 or so.

>> No.1101721

I guess the better question is if she's just a very competent martial artist, or some kind of real super human. Advent Children portrayed the latter.

In any case, I personally like to think she's #2 in overall power after Cloud.

>> No.1101729

Vincent is clearly number 2 in power.

>> No.1101730
File: 65 KB, 473x312, koreans laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people still arguing over their waifu drama bullshit in a twenty year old game

>> No.1101736

He's real powerful, but Tifa's got even more potential due to being more prominent in the story and more heroic. Plot-power and all that.

>> No.1101738

Who the fuck is arguing about waifus? Did you even read the thread?

>> No.1101740

>in the concept art they're pretty conservative
It's amazing how much anime warps our ideals of the female body.

Those breasts aren't "conservative" or "modest." Those are HUGE for her frame.

>> No.1101741

Chill out, dude.

>> No.1101752

They're pretty sizeable, but a lot smaller than the CG and fanart depictions.

>> No.1101764


>They're all either rape or group or gangrape

And the problem is...?

>> No.1102224

Doesn't Tifa canonically have B-cups, but due to system limits they made them cow huge?

>> No.1102337 [DELETED] 

She doesn't have B cups anywhere, dude. Not that I've seen anywhere. I don't know if she has a confirmed height anywhere. What's-his-face draws people with super long legs, gives it a weird offset, but even in the official art she's got solid DDs.

>> No.1102350

If it was a case of system limits, her bust would've been the same size as Aerith's in that case.

>> No.1102405
File: 46 KB, 412x565, women dont look like this in 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huge for her frame
Where have you been for the last 10 - 20 years?

>> No.1102408

This. >>1102350
Also they were still pretty large in Dissidia if that counts for anything.

>> No.1102512
File: 139 KB, 600x946, not implants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1102515

>First time I saw FF movie

>Dilly dally shilly shally!
What in the hell did you do to my Tifa

>> No.1102520

That's what happens when people try to get creative and we get dumb shit because of it. Blame the translators.

>> No.1102693

A professional model has bigger boobs than a martial artist from the ghetto? Worldview status: Shattered!

>> No.1102705

Normally it would be quite admirable that you don't know who that is. But you're on 4chan, so that just makes it weird.

>> No.1102718

>martial artist from the ghetto

Nibelheim was just a small town, not really a ghetto. Maybe blue collar.

I guess Midgar is a ghetto of sorts, but I bet Tifa did for herself at 7th heaven.

As far as the body difference between Tifa and somebody like Angie Varona. Well, Tifa's never really been drawn being overly muscled. It's understood the muscles she does have probably feel like solid iron. But I was posting the pic of Angie to show that Tifa's body type isn't unrealistic or "impossible" like many have said over the years.

>> No.1102725

Doesn't Tifa get a pretty big dose of Mako when she stands in that weird fountain while they're climbing Mt. Nibelheim? Might explain her superhuman speed and strength, and the rack.

>> No.1102757

Very underrated character personality wise. I always loved her character. She's loyal, caring, hates shinra, and is both very strong and capable physically while very meek and modest in other ways. I also think the subplot of her feelngs for Cloud is portrayed a lot more realistically than in a lot of games. She has a deep loyalty and love for him, but never acts like a little schoolgirl about it and even seems to step to the side when Aeries comes into the picture. It's a shame a lot of idiots who don't really know their shit like to boil her character down to "hurr durr fanservice/eye candy/ big boobs"

It's also interesting how while she appears to be the typical big breasted eye candy, she's actually very meek and shy, whereas Aeries is the one who is more outgoing and carefree despite dressing more conservative. It almost seems like a deliberate trope inversion. Tetsuya was a brilliant character designer at one time, i don't know what the hell happened.

>> No.1102761


>wasn't prepared for this feel.

>> No.1102770

I always thought she had an unique and extremely appealing mix of tomboy and feminine qualities. Her age is also nice, being 20. Most RPG heroines are teenagers.

>> No.1102792

that feel when i used to think of her as a grownup, now im 24 and 20 year old seem like kids to me

>> No.1102936

Sounds like waifufag bait without any real personality.

>> No.1102948

I know this feel.

>> No.1102949

>You will never take Jennifer Connelly as your wife

Oh god why

>> No.1103084

Me too, man. I thought of her as a very mature grown-up woman. Her acting like a mother figure to Marlene seems fairly natural in the game, but when you think about it it's fucked up. She was forced to grow up too fast.

>> No.1103089

I hate how they changed her eye color. Tifa has red eyes.

>> No.1103212

Tifa and Aeris was actually kind of an nteresting role reversal, role in ths story and personality-wise.

>flower girl who lives in a church, modestly dressed, healing focus, secretly the last on an ancient magical people
The more outgoing and overtly sexual of the two, hits on Cloud, more assertive personality, gets killed halfway through the story despite being built up as the main girl

>fighter girl with a physical DPS focus, dressed more sexually, member of the resistance against the powers that be, born a normal person
More demure, shy and traditonally feminine of the two, ends up being the main love interest and female protagonist despite losing the spotlight to aeris earlier on

>> No.1103223

Besides, we all know Yuffie is the best Ff7 waifu anyway.

next to Barett

>> No.1103269

Don't forget Aeris is also the older of the two, she's 22 in FFVII. One year older than Cloud, the protagonist. How often does that happen?

>> No.1103279
File: 64 KB, 1024x1408, s-aeris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue Aeris's look is far more sexual than Tifa's.

Tifa is very fit, and shows quite a bit of skin, but's more sporty than sexy.

Aeris (Aerith) is not a petite woman. She's curvier than Tifa if you sider waist-to-hips ratio. Her chest isn't flat. And that pink dress, unbuttoned into a dark slit right up to a very particular spot. Woah.

Combine that with her fairly forward nature, and Aeris comes across as the mature woman who knows what she's got, while Tifa is still a little bit of that teenager with the Ferrari body, but hasn't quite figured out all the gears yet.

>> No.1103502

Best Tifa. Better than FFIX Tifa, much better than FFVIII Tifa.

>> No.1103504
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>> No.1103531

You can see Aeris's collarbone, how scandalous! Hey what did you think of the new Honeymooners episode last night?

>> No.1103551

Tifa was great, too bad most people just see her and think TITS! A Godhand type game with Tifa would be so sweet.

>> No.1103574

Garnet > Tifa > Rinoa

>> No.1103576
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>> No.1103590


>> No.1103620
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>> No.1103895

I dont remember the top right or bottom left at all.

>> No.1103957

To all of you.. maybe its who we picked for our teams in this game but alot of these I never felt.

Myself I never used Aerith outside of when I had to for the plot and alot of this i dont remember or never seen or felt. CLoud/Tifa/Red was my team when I was a kid, then used others for other replays, but never Aerith.

>> No.1104386

>would you mind leaving us alone for the day?
Geez, I felt beta just reading that.

>> No.1105341

She was originally supposed to be Sephiroth's sister.You know she was at least a little crazy.

>> No.1105483


gb2 /v/

>> No.1105504


... the resemblance is uncanny.

>> No.1105540

Honestly she was always my least favorite of the player girls. Demure childhood friend love interests are done over and over again in video games, and they ALWAYS win (except a few cases, like Lufia 2 and the Chrono games, though Lucca wasn't really typical). And on top of that, Tifa's character I felt was really weak, seeing that it almost entirely revolved around her love for Cloud.

My main issue with her, however, is the fanbase. She's treated as the golden goddess of Final...no, of video games. She ain't even the best looking girl in her own series, and certainly not the most interesting.

>> No.1106806

I disagree with literally everything you said.

>> No.1108489
File: 113 KB, 640x603, 1379634272107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tifa is fucking awesome, I'm glad to see she gets a lot of love on /vr/ and /v/.

>> No.1108759

>40yo Asian lady's face
I lel'd

>> No.1108990

Can we just make this a FFVII thread?
I have "you can hear the cry of the planet" on repeat for an hour now and the feels are taking over hard.

>> No.1109002

the entire final fantasy sires is shit

>> No.1109027
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>> No.1109047


I just got out of Midgar and my disc is failing to load the cut scene that plays during Cloud's flashback. ;_;

>> No.1109070

Have you ever gone out in the woods, lied down on one of those derelict wooden benches and played "on that day 5 years ago" while looking at the stars?
kills me every time, this game is like a parallel life that I can't break over to so I only manage to catch glimpses of it with moments like this

>> No.1109346


Anyone who finished this game is still waiting for their own moment sitting around the campfire in Cosmo Canyon, getting ready to save the world with their friends.

>> No.1109445

I've always seen her as half hispanic half caucasian. Maybe a bit of asian in her.

>> No.1109456

what website is this?

>> No.1109487



>> No.1109506

thank you anon

>> No.1109568


>implying that waifus and softcore hentai aren't 100% /v/-tier

>> No.1109809
File: 49 KB, 900x600, ffvii_ac___tifa_lockheart_by_asukakamakura-d5isflq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time there's a wooded area and a moon, the Lunar Silver Star Story intro song enters my head, and I get a little depressed that I will never go on a grand adventure. That came to a head once at a Ren. Fair, was there with some buddies in a 10th Doctor costume, and saw the most breath taking girl in a cloak as we were leaving that evening, she made eye contact, smiled beautifully, and turned and walked in the opposite direction, and I will never see her again ;.;

>> No.1109845

Horny manchildren thread?
Horny manchildren thread.

>> No.1109854
File: 77 KB, 638x638, 1380150568160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't know anon, maybe after years of fapping to fucked up shit one only wishes for emotional purity through his faps, and seeing your desired characters put through that, though arousing at first, loses it's touch after a while. Then when you fap to it, you just can't feel it anymore.