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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10988701 No.10988701 [Reply] [Original]

200lb TV Edition

Post collections, setups, etc

>> No.10988705

>>placing your consoles on the floor like a filthy hooligan
Get a industrial table and set it up right in front of the TV.

>> No.10988747


Clutter is the new cozy, anon!

>> No.10988760

>he doesn’t play retro games sitting on the carpet with his games and console spread out in front of him like it’s 1994
are you even living?

>> No.10988804

Yeah honestly this doesn't look cluttered and reminds me of my living room in 2001. I would just find literally any surface to place the consoles on underneath the table

>> No.10988814
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>get a real hobby, anon!

very proud of my current collection

>> No.10988864


I want to get one of those stupid oversized beanbags just for the nostalgia feeling in front of the CRT

>> No.10989090

I want to play videogames with this anon

>> No.10989141

>multiple controllers
Wishful thinking.

>> No.10989171
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>Weight of TV with stand: 43 lb

>> No.10989192
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20240424_070002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go in my living room too much since a dog is in there, but I have friends over and we use the crt often enough.

>> No.10989216
File: 952 KB, 2825x1658, 20240216_152734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old photo but it never changes. Thinking about getting rid of the wood grain Zenith TV.

>> No.10989227

Faggots with thousands of dollars in games and systems living in actual poverty

Love to see it

>> No.10989235

the only pictures where i can potentially see thousands of dollars in "games and systems" are >>10988814 and maybe >>10989171 depending on what N64/PS1 games specifically are tucked in that stand. These pictures don't scream poverty to me.

>> No.10989246
File: 338 KB, 1065x1568, happier-elsewhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold my cardboard but still have all the games
i think i might order some repro boxes to put my ds style cases into
i still have gen 1-2 cib in japanese though
still comfy
>items on the edge with a cat\dog in the same house living INSIDE
anon, anything you care about i suggest putting away from the animals kek
that crystal is gonna fall ;_;
living with women makes it difficult to declutter but your bst can be excellent in less than 20 mins
get on it bb

did you check your display on rtings? and verify the latency\refresh is "acceptable"?
i know those feels ;_;
>"whats with you getting all this gamecube stuff anon??"
>me: "so when 3 friends come over and wanna play gamecube we can ;_;"
>"...no one is gonna wanna do that anon..."
she was right, i ended up selling all my wavebirds

>> No.10989267
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>he doesn't have bros that come over and play vidya.
I'm 32 and we still play older mario parties and mario kart 64. Lots of wario ware smooth moves and modded brawl on the wii also hooked up to the crt.
Pic is my friend's basement, I bring my stuff and a convertor if we feel like playing retro at his place instead of mine.

>> No.10989268
File: 1.28 MB, 1202x689, nocleanin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before i moved the neogeo stuff to its own shelf

>> No.10989270

>>"...no one is gonna wanna do that anon..."
it's something that makes me a lil melancholy sometimes; the amount of cool games I've found and would love to co-op or just play with someone throughout the years, but knowing itll likely never happen with most of them. I'm thankful I at least have friends to play more normie shit with (fighters, FPS games, whatever indie multiplayer slop of the month they're into), but it seems like you have to get insanely lucky to have irl friends who also give a shit about weird old /vr/ games if it's not a game they grew up with
Sorry for being gay, I need to figure out how to make other autistic friends IRL I think. Better late than never

>> No.10989276
File: 342 KB, 1024x1024, _0fbedd51-03bf-4593-924e-590383ad0c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im lucky I have a friend who will pretty much play almost anything I throw at him thru emulation. Gonna introduce him to the dreamcast soon since his experiences with it are minimal. Looking forward to that since dreamcast is one of my more liked systems.

>> No.10989285
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the girls only wanted to play snes or ps4 strangely
we did do ONE sega 32x night though

>> No.10989294

im going to end up setting up arcade emulation soon also because he said he's played only a handful of games in his life briefly at places. so he has no idea how many amazing arcade games exist

>> No.10989523
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>> No.10989607
File: 3.51 MB, 3000x4000, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shit is still messy because I'm moving and adding stuff all the time still. Getting a PS1 today too, but realistically I'm waiting for one of the new Mars/Replay2 FPGA things to come out. Kinda soulless, but it will save me space on the SNES and PS1, and I wont have to get a Genesis, Saturn, and Neo-Geo (fuck the N64). Gotta fit a VHS player in there somehow too. The box under the SNES box is filled with light guns and controllers, and I have no idea where to put those either. Most of the consoles are PSU modded so I can use one external brick, I have a SCART switcher, the arcade stick is using a retro brook board, which can just swap cables for each console. Not sure how else to optimize at this point.

Man I wish could find a 25 inch CRT too. I wish I could just spawn some brand new 25 inch PVM still in the box in front of me.

Are those all wavebirds or is there a good 3rd party wireless GC alternative already?
LeafGreen Chads rise up. Where did you get that piece of furniture? Looks like it would hold 3 CRTs and all my shit plus more.

>> No.10990313


original wavebirds, anon. got lucky and picked them up for 30-40 each a few years ago.

>> No.10990339


same for me. retro games is one of my biggest hobbies, most nerds sadly don’t give a shit about old games. which is fine, but dang, 4 player gamecube nights would be fun.

>> No.10990416

>picked them up for 30-40 each a few years ago

Lmao. Well fuck those anyways. They use gay batteries. Unless you can mod them to use usb rechargeable ones.

>> No.10990670

>did you check your display on rtings? and verify the latency\refresh is "acceptable"?
Input lag on this particular OLED (Sony A75L) is 17.1 ms. Not amazing, but not noticeable to me either.

>> No.10990775


gotta find a trinitron my dude

>> No.10992341


>> No.10992512

I spy Metal Slug 3, Garou, Samsho 2 and KoF 98.

>> No.10992528

Even in 94 i set them on a table.

>> No.10992537

It's almost as if they got that stuff when it was new or cheap.

>> No.10992556

Always disappointed when I see people shit on easily replaceable and permanently sourceable AA batteries because they prefer dog shit reachable packs that you are on a dwindling supply of chink replacements that get worse and worse as time goes on.

>> No.10992684
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Old picture but the room is more or less the same. I really gotta rewire all the consoles as I got another gcompsw to get everything hooked up perfectly. Also need a good HDMI switch that can deal with PS3/360/modern consoles/MiSTER and other such things. Need a new flat screen since this LED TV looks rough compared to the OLEDs I have in other rooms.

>> No.10992745
File: 1.49 MB, 1179x1579, IMG_4920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have all u mentioned but wolves

>> No.10992901

Nice boxed Pokémon collection. I loved Pokémon as a kid an always wanted to get a full set but it's far, far too expensive for that now. At least I have the carts.

>> No.10992906

I have one of those but it's too low for my tv stand

>> No.10992916

I have that exact tv. Really great looking picture with thick ass scanlines. Unfortunately, it's starting to get a blurry corner. Not that big of a deal but I can't unsee it now.

>> No.10993303


there’s something nice about displaying the original cardboard boxes for shit. nerd art.

>> No.10993620
File: 871 KB, 4000x3000, 20240605_153839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to get a new plant, guy isn't doing too hot

>> No.10993631

This setup is bait. Looks great at first glance, but the more you analyze the shittier it gets.

>> No.10993667

Them speakers are worse then the built in TV speakers

>> No.10993691

>shelves placed above tv setup, making it hard to reach things/clean anything on there
>alcohol ontop of a tv setup?
>shelves held up by the ugliest suspenders ever
>360 games but no 360
>can't water a plant daily
>denon receiver with a shit speaker setup
>retrotink only has audio plugged in
did I miss anything?

>> No.10993743

>making it hard to reach things/clean anything on there

Buddy, are you 5'4?

>> No.10993754

the picture makes it seem like the top shelves are more recessed than the shelf the tv is perched on
so if i want to grab a 360 game or the kira fig in that picture it would be quite troublesome

>> No.10993759

Buddington, those look to be at eye level.

>> No.10995230
File: 1.11 MB, 4000x2252, BattleStation 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 of 4

>> No.10995232
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2 of 4

>> No.10995234

How do you reach your games and books and wine up there?

>> No.10995236
File: 1.50 MB, 4000x2252, BattleStation 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 of 4

>> No.10995241
File: 1.49 MB, 4000x2252, BattleStation 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 of 4 Can't tell you how much of a pain it was to get that couch and desk into the room, but now it's a home :). Still thinking about putting some more stuff on the walls, just not sure what else.

>> No.10995248

What's playing on the CRT?

>> No.10995254
File: 513 KB, 639x359, The Firemen SNES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Firemen for SNES. Simple but fun game, kinda wish there was more like it.

>> No.10995293
File: 369 KB, 1395x1009, notMEbut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although i would remove the wall flatpanel
& prob move the gameshelves to the closet
ANON!! your plant needs a new pot
it needs DISTILLED water only &
proper plant feed\fertilizer
(if you have an aquarium use old water from that)
>displaying anime dolls
>displaying manga
anon i....
be sure to check out pc engine on the wii
neo geo as well, the wii is slept on a lot
but i think its still great to this day..
cluttered but nearly comfy
i would rehang those console sketches in a line
remove the black controller off the wall
get storage for all loose cdr\clutter
change the bulb to a cool dimmable yellow\amber one
its not that much better anon
most trinitrons are great esp later models
you need to organize though
let me guess you NEED more???
i remember my first snes flashcart and how happy i was with it
id spend hours just trying out random japan games kek
you need:
a bedframe
a set of bed risers
a set of quality sheets\silk
speakers moved sideways stuffed into center
it is now fully dusted and you can play in bed
c o m f y
ok based
>basement is filled with plush toys instead of sexy dungeon stuff
no get rid of zenith
no do it anon
>dogs inside
>womens items and mess everywhere
you have lost all control of your life
this was my ex gfs setup exactly kek
the doors were NOT transparent though
she had a 360 and a wii
the japan gen 1 carts included a town map poster
i think you need\deserve a better shelf to display them all anon
consider a curio or cornershelf\bookshelf
that shelving is for media devices
dont operate systems off the carpet\ground anon
i use a marble countertop cutting board and a piano\keyboard seat to hold systems off to the side (hotswap)

>> No.10995298

I decluttered a lot since that pic was taken, big controller was a gift from my kids for father's day. The CDr and floppies are part of the display

>> No.10995345
File: 792 KB, 4000x2252, Living Room BattleStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my living room. I've been using my PS3 with an HDD hooked up to watch 4:3 kino and cartoons on my CRTs. It's kind of a process to get some stuff to work since the PS3 doesn't support MKV files. Any anon have a more efficient method for watching their favorite programs on their CRTs?
Closet already has a lot of stuff in it, and honestly, I feel like it'd make it harder to get my games from there with my stupid desk and wires in the way.

>> No.10995351

this is it folks, needs curtains +
although the bare walls feel too empty

>> No.10995363

Been working on acquiring more framed art prints and paintings to hang around but Goodwill has been pretty dry lately. If you know an online shop that has some goods hook a brother up.

>> No.10995369

>Any anon have a more efficient method for watching their favorite programs on their CRTs?
Host an instance of Universal Media Server on a computer that transcodes the videos to a format the PS3 likes on the fly. Takes some setting up but can do the job pretty well. Wired LAN between the PS3 and computer is practically required however.

>> No.10995375

None of the posts above you really scream poverty to me

>> No.10995392

>Wired LAN between the PS3 and computer is practically required however.
lol not very likely, router is in my office and is pretty distant from the PS3. Additionally, I'm already transcoding a lot of stuff from MKV which is the biggest setback of the whole process.

>> No.10995710


>> No.10996029

This is really based. You just need a Dreamcast and a fat PS2 and a rug and a PS1.
Organizing is for redditors anon. I'm only butthurt at how much whiter everyone else's Dreamcasts are, especially since I bought the whitest looking one possible.

>> No.10996243

Very nice. I also have that same Ferrari miniature from when I was a kid.

Do you have a modern TV somewhere else? Also, you can get mkv files to work if you use Movian.

>> No.10996291

Shutup fag no one wants to be married to you and listen to your stupid ass advice

>> No.10996295

I could never have this. I would feel greedy and stupid 1 - 3 consoles is more than enough. Rather collect for 1 or 2 than have EVERYTHING. There's not that much variety is there? I don't think so

>> No.10996345
File: 1.60 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that some SD AES with the label ripped off, or did you get some beat up Last Blade cart?
>Pochi and Nyaa
>whole SSV series (looks like bootlegs?)
>Pulstar, Blazing Star and Twinkle Star
Impressive, very nice. I slowed down on MVS collecting after I had to sell my cab. Will get back into it someday. In the meantime I've gone into AES.

>> No.10996359


>fat PS2
>fat PS1

anon, why not just get a Slim PS2? it’s way better than both of those options.

>> No.10996501

Because it's not better by not a single metric.

>> No.10996631

Really nice setup, can you tell me anything about that TV? I'm completely unfamiliar with it but somebody about 35 minutes away has one up for free. All i can see is it's a toshiba, model number? what inputs does it have? hows the picture quality?

>> No.10996716

I do, but just last night something hiding in my carpet bit me on the leg and it still stings.

>> No.10996967
File: 1.32 MB, 1868x3103, 20240121_144452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CF30D50 is the model number. It's got S-Video, 2 composite hookups, and RF of course. The picture quality is pretty good and you can adjust most settings without a remote control. It's got quite a bit of overscan so you can't really watch subbed anime/content too well, and I don't know much about what remote it would need or how you'd get to the service menu. Otherwise, I like it especially for gaming and casual tv watching.

>> No.10996978

I've got a PS1 and rug in the living room I posted lol. And I like the idea of a dreamcast but I don't see myself using it all too often. I also don't know why the PS2 phat is better, I've never looked into it desu. Please enlighten me.

>> No.10997093
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>> No.10997114

>And I like the idea of a dreamcast
Secure yours while they're still affordable and in good condition. You can store it and play it in 5 years if you want to.
>I also don't know why the PS2 phat is better
Many reasons, main one being that you can easily SSD mod it. Preferably you want a 5k one, and if you want a link port, a 3k series would suffice.

>> No.10997863

161 in 1 v3 with ugly sticker removed
i still havent decided what to relabel it as kek
most of my mvs carts are legit
but the ridiculously expensive ones are 50$ fluffy pcb (new)
about 10 of the 50 are from ebay

>> No.10997876

7000X is the same, 9000X only difference is having the adapter built in and having a PS emulator.

>> No.10998136

You're in luck
there's a sequel on the PS1
I'd also recommend playing the developers other games

>> No.10998161

Question: From a gameplay perspective which is better? Last Blade 1 or 2?

>> No.10999104

Both are really good, most people will give the edge to 2 for the amount of characters but you can't go wrong.

>> No.10999116

Onions fag.

>> No.10999372
File: 2.72 MB, 2786x3979, IMG_9418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a SCART splitter was extremely annoying, but a friend helped me out and sold me one of his.
All I need now is a SCART switcher, so I can comfortably hook up PS1, Dreamcast, and a few PS2 models at the same time, and a bigger power strip for the same purpose…

>> No.10999483

Why are you speaking out of your ass? Do some research.

>> No.11000328

Funniest larp here is pretending you still play Timesplitters 2 in 4-player mode with the lads instead of admitting that they moved on with their lives, married, had children, and if any of them play video games, they just play the latest slop on their PS5s while you are resigning to play retro games alone.

>> No.11001792


>> No.11001817

i like the OST on both
I think checking out the CD version is worth it for both as they have new arranged soundtracks
i prefer 2 but both are bretty good
i am not the leading expert on this topic though
do a playthrough of both anon

>> No.11001831
File: 3.91 MB, 3072x4080, 1717834341463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is mine

>> No.11001834

Screen too small

>> No.11001840


Now THIS is living /comfy/

>> No.11001987

>shitendo wii
>no games station 3

God damn it anon.

>> No.11001991

Where them emu fags at?

>> No.11002051

Bloody hell, anon. Sand down that coffee table and relacquer it.

>> No.11002060

>sneed hat
Where can I buy that?

>> No.11002175

not positive but it looks like you are running that ps1 game in 480i. ps3 plays ps1 stuff at 480i try the updated psx emulation on wii or get a ps2/ps1 for 240p

>> No.11002185

just use a pc

>> No.11002192

If you use a homebrew media player, you can play mkvs as long as the codecs are blu ray ish specs so h.264 not hvec

>> No.11002343

Is that a good CRT? I have a bead on onr and was thinking of picking it up.

>> No.11002351

getting 240p from a pc is more complicated

>> No.11002365

beats a wii though

>> No.11002429

thats a gamecube game

>> No.11002625

am positive and it looks like a Godcube game is being ran on a dogshit wii

>> No.11002881
File: 880 KB, 4000x2252, Den Battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a flatscreen in my kino lounge. I mostly watch movies in here, but I'll game if I have a bunch of friends over or I'm playing something that doesn't display in 4:3.

>> No.11002897

Fucking richfags man.

>> No.11002917

My super duper secret is that everything I buy is second-hand and I don't live in California.

>> No.11002953

the ps3 is just for playing anime i have a ps2 to

>> No.11002965

is there someting negative playing gamecube games on a wii?

>> No.11003563
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x819, kekked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11003651

Wii plays Gamecube games better with Nintendont

>> No.11003816

There's a real "Christ is Lord" vibe with this one.

>> No.11003932

Amen, Brother!

>> No.11003949

damn, that's very nice anon, also not a smelly neet pit like a lot of basement dwellers

>> No.11004148


>> No.11004698
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Have to try harder

>> No.11004716
File: 1.97 MB, 3468x4624, 20240523_000310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my room

>> No.11004717

People with PS1/Dreamcast/PS2 slim/... inside a cabinet, does it bother you that you can't fully open the lid? I have my PS2 slim on top solely for this reason.