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File: 25 KB, 318x313, ShenmueDCbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10988462 No.10988462 [Reply] [Original]

>The most expensive made game of its time and one of the most expensive ones of all times
>English dub is at same level with old Asian martial arts movies English dub
No wonder the game flopped so hard

>> No.10988464

Also Shenmue dub is one of the reasons I'll never take dubbed games seriously

>> No.10988465

No wonder your thread flopped if that's your argument

>> No.10988476

$48 millions for:
-Project Berkley (Shenmue Saturn)
-Shenmue 1 on Dreamcast.
-Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast.

>> No.10988484

>Project Berkley (Shenmue Saturn)
That's a cancelled version

>> No.10988489

they forgot that gameplay needs to be fun

>> No.10988498

Yes, I know.
But you can imagine that the time spent producing it on the Saturn, especially for nothing, also cost money.

>> No.10988506

Dub is always better than subs. Fuck weebs and their incessant translations.

>> No.10988509


in addition we can see in this video that they had made the chapters of Shenmue 1 and 2, we recognize Kowlon.

>> No.10988546

>"Years ago... I was Chinese."

>> No.10988549


>> No.10988557

>Playing Japanese games
>Whining about weebs
Spotted the tourist

>> No.10988567

>Dub is always better than subs

>> No.10988582

>Using "muh weebs argument" to defend shitty American dub
What's your argument for dubbing even British movies?

>> No.10988589

>"Waaaaaah! I can't read subtitles! Please dub them!"

>> No.10988641

>>English dub is at same level with old Asian martial arts movies English dub
To be fair, outside of a few rare exceptions; voice acting in games was still basically a joke

>> No.10988731
File: 66 KB, 710x698, Thinking ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shenmue didn't need a sequel. After DC Shenmue 1 they should have put that money into working and investing on making more Sonic, Fantasy Zone, and NiGHTS games, and making sure that the Dreamcast stayed officially on the production run until Q1 or Q2 2003.

>> No.10988737

Not all dubs are equal, not even in the same nation.

>> No.10988754

the awful dub is one of the few things people remember fondly about Shitmue, because everything else about it fucking SUCKED

>> No.10988764

Yeah, maybe for JAPANESE localized games, where the quality was (and still is) notoriously terrible. Meanwhile, Western-made games in the 90's and 2000's had little problem providing decent voicework, even on much smaller projects.

>> No.10988773

Nah, western games had the same problem aside from maybe Al Lowe games

>> No.10988780

Sure, the English dub of Shenmue leaves lots to be desired in more than a few areas. At worst its mediocre in my book. Whatever.

>> No.10988791

Not at the same level; it depends on factors such as government policies regarding certain content, which vary by country, and the platform of choice for a game a la the 1st party company's policies. Home computer games typically had far less censorship than most console games.

>> No.10988802

What are you talking about? I'm talking about quality, not whether or not the characters can say a curse word.

>> No.10988840

>>English dub is at same level with old Asian martial arts movies English dub

- You can play the Japanese dub in the Re-release.
-it's not too far a martial arts movie when it comes to content.
The guy was a martial arts student, his father had a dojo.
His father gets killed by another martial arts master.
He seeks revenge.

- Martial arts movies are fun, bad dub or not.

>> No.10988843

I still listen to Earth & Sea fairly regularly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS4lgjTjgfk

>> No.10988962

>>English dub is at same level with old Asian martial arts movies English dub

>> No.10989168

Honestly the English dub is one of the only things that makes game endearing to me because it does remind me of those old kung fu flicks. If it was super serious and "well acted" it would be a lot more boring.

>> No.10989176

The dub is bad, but it's also memorable.
I think Suzuki had that weird mindset of casting voice actors that looked like the character instead of by their VA skills. Same thing happened with the original Resident Evil.

>> No.10989496

I know it isn't any good, but I actually enjoy the English dub.

>> No.10989545

This game would have saved the Dreamcast if it could be controlled with two sticks

>> No.10989569

OP's looking for sailors.

(that means he's a fag).

>> No.10989614

I just got a Dreamcast. Haven't started Shenmue yet. Isn't there an option to have them speak in Japanese with subtitles? I don't wanna listen to some gayass English in my Japanaese game.

>> No.10989631

I don't know of a way to do that with Shenmue 1, but Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast is in Japanese with Subtitles by default.
I think there might be an un-dub fan-patch you can download to play on Dreamcast for 1?

>> No.10989637

The English dub is what saves it

>> No.10989638

>don't know of a way to do that with Shenmue 1

Can I just skip 1 then or is muh story important?

>> No.10989643

Bad English Dubs are soul
Plus who tf wants to listen to shrieking Japanese VAs

>> No.10989645

This has to be edited. It just has to.

>> No.10989648

I would advise playing 1 since Shenmue II takes place almost immediately afterwards, and they are both nice companions to each other.
You don't NEED to play Shenmue 1 though if you really don't care. You can even watch a summary movie of the first game in Shenmue 2 to get you up to speed if the dub bothers you that much.

>> No.10990085

>the most expensive ones of all times

Shirley one of the cheapest games of all time by modern standards.

>> No.10990092

if it had more combat, a vs mode, or a survival mode then it would've fared better.

>> No.10990119

If you don’t love the scuffed English Shenmue dub, you are absolutely fucktarded and fail to understand what makes anything fun or not

>> No.10990134

My name is ryu. I live in yo-ko-su-ka

>> No.10990158
File: 82 KB, 640x447, Shenmue 2 clr 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kind of had a survival mode with the 100 man battle, but yeah.
The game was very light on action, which I think turned off a lot of people. I loved it, but I really do accept the game isn't for everyone.
Funnily enough I think it would fare better in this day and age where people love games that are less action heavy. It does the adventuring really well, and the immersion is much better than a lot of today's games that pride themselves on being 'story rich' or whatever. Things like NPCs giving verbal directions with landmarks was seen as newsworthy in RDR 2 but was done in Shenmue 1 & 2 back in 99/2000.

>> No.10990175

Shut up ESL zoomer.

>> No.10990181


>> No.10990187

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.10990279

This is normal when speaking to a Chinese person for the first time, child or adult.

>> No.10990541

I know it wasn't as good, but Shenmue 3 still had some kino moments like asking kids where to buy alcohol.

>> No.10990575

I'm not a weeb and actively hate weebs but even I don't agree with this

>> No.10990585

>It does the adventuring really well
It doesn't. That's the whole crux of the issue. Shenmue 1 is you circling around one block of a japanese neighborhood a million times

>> No.10990623

Yea it feels like they made some really nice set pieces of Japanese side streets and then made up the story and gameplay from there

>> No.10991936
File: 55 KB, 720x480, Shenmue clr 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are things I really liked about it, like the ability to talk to almost anyone about most topics and get some insight. It felt a lot more natural than most games even today.
An example I can think of is asking about tattoos, you can talk to your friend who owns the bike shop and he knows some info, or you can talk to the thugs at the arcade, or you can talk to the Yakuza office. All of them have different reactions and sometimes different leads for the same question. I think that's really cool.
I remember it being the same when trying to translate the letter, and when finding a travel agency as well.
I much prefer that over the usual 'follow the way-marker to your next objective'.
It's also why I don't get people making the comparison to Yakuza. Yakuza is a fun series in its own regard, but so different in terms of the core gameplay and flow.