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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 370 KB, 800x600, 1592163442511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10979676 No.10979676 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10971000

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.10979680
File: 546 KB, 720x1280, Shadow Warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

Fraggot (Deathmatch session is scheduled for June 2)
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : UDMF
RC1: https://files.catbox.moe/3nq7bg.zip

=== NEWS ===
[5-30] Rise of the Triangles is on IDGames

[5-30] Little Italo, tribute to the Italo Doom

[5-27] Zandronum-compatible Colorful Hell released

[5-26] AMC Squad v4.5 released

[5-25] MBF64, D64 gameplay mod for MBF21 is released

[5-23] Extinction Warrior Typhon released

[5-23] Voices of the Nether, a 14-map episode for Doom 64 has been released

[5-21] Polish Doom Community Project 1.0 released

[5-21] VanillaPSX, Playstation aesthetic for vanilla Doom

[5-20] Corruption Cards updated to 6.0

[5-20] Malice Jam is released

[5-18] Tomb of Thunder, a Quake mod since very long development is finally released

[5-17] Nugget Doom version 3.1 released

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.10979684 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 640x480, 32in24-11_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some deathmatching will be held on the 2nd of June, expect announcement from a our Fraggot project lead

RC1: https://files.catbox.moe/3nq7bg.zip

>> No.10979693
File: 202 KB, 640x480, 32in24-11_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As development concluded, some deathmatching session will be held on the 2nd of June. Expect announcement from our Fraggot project lead.

Fraggot RC1: https://files.catbox.moe/3nq7bg.zip

>> No.10979721

What would the gameplay be?

>> No.10979756

Finally getting back to community wads and mods. Having a blast with it so far. I like hellrider.

>> No.10979759 [DELETED] 

hope you checked if your license expired or not first so you didn't accidentally engage in piracy

>> No.10979780

Doesn't the vrdepot link in OP kind of obsolete the vrbin one? Why have both?

>> No.10979813
File: 155 KB, 1600x1158, person-counting-small-change-palm-hand-hands-old-sweater-110490695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any conversions with Resident Evil level of ammo management, besides Divine Frequency? Ashes felt a bit frugal at times, too.

>> No.10979826

>using ammo

>> No.10979835

There's also wadsup dokuwiki which may as well supersede both of them given the proper treatment, so that's three. For now they all serve largely dissimilar kind of purposes.

>> No.10979842

Do you mean like, something that makes ammo more scarce? Hideous Destructor has an addon called Ugly as Sin that lets you customize the “scarcity” of items, weapons, and ammo.

I guess it also depends on which RE game you’re using as a reference. RE4 would often have several enemies per encounter dropping the ammo I’d need.

>> No.10979918

RE4 was a bit dynamic on that, most ammo types are given based on whether or not you have the relevant weapon, and it also scales drops by how well you're doing, so if you're kicking ass you get less ammo, but it you're struggling you get more.

I personally dislike that kind of scaling in theory, though RE4 executes it well enough that it doesn't perceptibly hurt the gameplay, the parts which I think are challenging are so even when you're stocked on ammo.

>> No.10979925

I want a TC or a game that's designed with scarcity in mind. Best case, the ammo serves as a key to exploration, and has nuanced use, like multi-hits with piercing or spray weapons, or damage type affinities. Dead Space or RE4 approach, where ammo isn't really lacking, but feeds into economy, is ok too. Makes it satisfying to use it judiciously.

>> No.10979927

Also, 'obsolete' is adjective, not a verb.

>> No.10979954

wadsup is only doom stuff though. sum ting vry wong wouldn't be there.

>> No.10979968

I mean, I don't see why couldn't host just our own non-Doom stuff there, it's not that much.

>> No.10979970

ESL and all that. Thanks though, I'll remember it. Always looking to fix my broken fucking English for lore-improving purposes.

>> No.10979993


It's recognized as a verb as well, actually, most typically in 3rd person present or past tense (obsoletes/obsoleted).

>> No.10980003

It's morphological form kind of implies it's a verb, so I used it the same until it started to sound weird and I checked with the dictionary.

Here you go, I'm full-fledged ESL too.

>> No.10980008
File: 367 KB, 1170x926, 1698118639527724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has one bad encounter with a demon at the start of the game
>just assumes all demons he meets from then on are hostile

>> No.10980016

Now we're even, anon. =)

>> No.10980035

I guess. For the sake of tidyness I think a "4 chan project" list or "non-doom" list would be best as a separate section, outside the tagging system. Like the tutorial section.

>> No.10980045 [DELETED] 

Why are codex fags so obsessed with Half Life?

>> No.10980048
File: 144 KB, 1088x816, ZLgMqwX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interview reads like something from a Boy Band clip

>> No.10980160

I want to give this a try
I'll start with something small and full of poorly drawn placeholders and see how things develop themselves from there.

>> No.10980175

what's stopping you from doing a self-defense only run?

>> No.10980236
File: 5 KB, 276x72, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wadsup dokuwiki
New additions and edits from the past week
Revae also posted some of his old pass-around quicktip images in tutorials section

>> No.10980285

Doom but you need to be hit once by every enemy before you can fight them.

>> No.10980290

I saw that imp reaching

>> No.10980353
File: 81 KB, 600x600, feelsgoodman (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be racist against demons
>be alone with lots of demons, and lots of guns
>get opportunity to violently kill MANY demons on sight with no consequences

>> No.10980382

Doomguy was put in a self defense situation, he had to shoot through those crowds of demons to defend himself

>> No.10980385

Killing of demons is always self-defense.

>> No.10980427

Not Doom but for Duke Nukem 3d even though the aliens are invading earth, in many places it kinda feels like you're busting in to some anti-alien hate crimes while they're just going about their business like aliens taking a shit or the pig cops at the porno booths.

Something like Duke Nukem 3d / Ion Fury with just a tad more set dressing and not...plot but setpieces with talking antagonists and some friendly characters too would be really hard up my alley.

>> No.10980442
File: 144 KB, 657x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capcha: NNG AY H

>> No.10980453

I forgot this site existed. I added my wad to it.

>> No.10980464

Fun doodle. Love it, was doodling stuff myself too. I really like how you did the expression etc and I need to practice drawing anime eyes and mouths more

>> No.10980465

seems doom 2016 is almost possible to beat as a pacifist, judging by the amount of sequence breaking in speedruns

>> No.10980467

I thought it was 1.0.6? You uploaded 1.0.5. Will it be on the idgames soon?

>> No.10980469

I'll make exceptions for SOME cute demons.

>> No.10980515

>>10980467 (Me)
The only change is a title pic it seems, no matter then.

>> No.10980516

It's cool that you can use Hokuto Shinken in Lt. Typhon, but I wish it didn't still take Bio ammo when you whiff it.

>> No.10980518

Fuck, I went for the most recent zip file I had in the folder. Which was named 1.05. I fixed it.
>Will it be on idgames soon?
Probably not because it's using some sounds ripped straight from 2016/Eternal. It got rejected last time I submitted it.

>> No.10980520

A couple of the map names were misspelled, it was a minor fix.

>> No.10980530

Doom is overrated.
Doom II is underrated.

>> No.10980540

>It got rejected last time I submitted it.
Considerable amount of such was lost with the wad-archive going down, and with some looking you can spot plenty of abandoned project threads with wads uploaded to various places. It's good to have alternatives and mirrors in any case.

>> No.10980546

with headpats

>> No.10980569
File: 569 KB, 1170x1961, IMG_1423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caco is a bit jealous seeing Doomguy giving heatpats out

>> No.10980582
File: 408 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10980594
File: 331 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240531_153726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10980610
File: 51 KB, 558x420, 1701677358876925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm a little too casual for Selaco's hardcore mode.

>> No.10980660

If you could Bring Your Own Class to BYOC (as in your own design), what/who would you bring?

>> No.10980661

>Probably not because it's using some sounds ripped straight from 2016/Eternal. It got rejected last time I submitted it.
They have so many double standards with that shit.

>> No.10980663

Okay hear me out on this one: A heavily NES themed class. Like the Spread Gun from Contra, and the cannon from Blaster Master.

>> No.10980667

Vry nice.

>> No.10980670

If I had absolute freedom I'd probably use a class I've had in a design document for a while where they augment themselves with meat or mechanical parts from monster kills and their stuff varies depending on whether they go exclusive / both / neither in what they eat.

>> No.10980673

Yeah, I'm not really going to bother with getting it up on idgames because I can't be bothered to replace all the copywritten stuff in the wad.

>> No.10980675

That exists... What was it tho.
Had spread shot, rapid fire something. I recall the projectile sprites blinking like old NES games did when they hit the render limit

>> No.10980683

Contra Doom, one of the earlier works produced here.

>> No.10980690
File: 102 KB, 1494x922, Screenshot from 2024-05-31 16-24-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTSX with FreeDoom.
(although it's in the official Doom port now, so I guess they retroactively get a pass on that)

>> No.10980693

Oh yeah. I forgot it was just called contra doom
I liked it.

>> No.10980696

Plenty of bigger wads on there contain palate-swapped vanilla sprites too, not even edited in any way just converted and stuffed in there as a truecolour format.

>> No.10980724

I think as long as it's not an exact binary match to IWAD files it's okay by /idgames rules. BTSX integrates the sprite fix project and converts them to its own palette, so while it does have sprites based on and resembling the IWAD resources, technically speaking they are distinct assets.

>> No.10980736

I wouldn't be surprised if it's mostly just an MD5 check from a bunch of known lists, though I also wouldn't be surprised if they just skip over checking if it's somebody they like.

>> No.10980761

Try to beat the game softcore first before attempting hardcore.

>> No.10980804

I think it's by the same guy. Takes longer to load maps, but they're supposedly less peformance intensive. Maybe I have it backwards.

>> No.10980806

I think there might be a psx or D64 lighting mod too? Not sure of their names though. probably something obvious like"psx lighting"

>> No.10980816

BTSX technically includes palette fixed versions of the sprites, rather than completely unmodified resources. And it does so because otherwise they would look like a garbled mess with the wads unique palette.
>BTSX integrates the sprite fix project
Apparently only E1 does this. Neither E2 (which is also in the official port) nor The E3 preview include them.

>> No.10980817
File: 175 KB, 1906x1072, Eightball & Animal Mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal Mother from Full Metal Jacket, complete with the absolutely virulent racist remarks.

>> No.10980846
File: 1.48 MB, 800x450, shotgnucasignMuted.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd port a soldier I made for a mm8bdm mod years ago. Maybe give him more weapons to fill the missing slots. Most of his weapons are mix of ww2 and futuristic with small twists, and his slot 7 would be some ancient artifact.

>> No.10980863

Better you than me

>> No.10980878

That looks so cool
Reminds me of this
Does it have a banging soundtrack?

>> No.10980896

Thanks. The character himself is just part of a gameplay mod, so no sountrack, heh. The map is some old deathmatch map I made (not really fit for DM because it's too big) with this music in the background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umC-rYfYec8

>> No.10980903

what's the best way to experience PSX doom nowadays, Doom CE lite?

>> No.10980905

>Apparently only E1 does this.
Wonder why.

>> No.10980929
File: 4 KB, 93x121, 1365984544509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the sonderkommando leak? I lost it and links are dead

>> No.10980942 [DELETED] 


>> No.10980943


>> No.10981029
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, spasm0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i disable the blurry depth of view

>> No.10981046

I'm not sure if I remember this right but try

But you should really just use Ironwail if you're going for a more retro look. Quakespasm is kinda pointless unless you're on an absolute toaster that doesn't support newer versions of OpenGL.

>> No.10981048
File: 95 KB, 504x660, coffeebreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that was fast thank you

>> No.10981075

You're welcome

>> No.10981091
File: 529 KB, 1906x1079, end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was really fucking good. 11/10 soundtrack.
How is Valiant?
Thinking about playing it next since it's by the same author.

>> No.10981145

didn't know this existed and I missed it, 404'd

>> No.10981187

Thoughts on Turok?

>> No.10981197

It's okay. About as good as a console FPS can be.

>> No.10981275

the cop-out answer would be Total Chaos, personally I enjoyed it but your mileage may vary, you might not like the focus on melee and questionable mobility system
it's nowhere near as nuanced as RE but some items like nails can be used to enhance baseball bats, make bombs, or as ranged ammo for the nailgun

valiant is good but it's not overly inventive and wacky with its encounter designs, just halls and rooms of monsters to kill
disclaimer: haven't played the hell maps, too hard

>> No.10981297

Thank god for the sickle cell huh anon

>> No.10981318
File: 92 KB, 639x666, ntrdoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clean Up Hell mod
>Doom Gals companion mod
> the gals kill stuff while I clean up their mess
holy fuck what did i just combined

>> No.10981353

It's ok bro, let the big strong grils take care of those monsters while you do the chores for them.

>> No.10981374
File: 2.53 MB, 320x180, wrN-DI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how through much of his screen time, Animal Mother just hurls out all kinds of incredibly hateful and vile shit right to Eightball's face, but when Eightball gets shot and pinned down by a VC sniper, Animal Mother loses it.
Cowboy says it's no use, but Animal Mother tells him to fuck off and defies his orders, rushing out into the line of fire and blasting his M60 from his hip.

>> No.10981375

That's how they get away with the "all fucking niggers must fucking hang" moment. Classic film that'll live forever.

>> No.10981376

>Clean Up Hell
Seriously, this should be made into a joke arsenal mod.

>> No.10981394

Valiant is excellent, not as difficult or wacky as Ancient Aliens though.

>> No.10981395

>tfw there's a version of Aleph One that works in Win9x

It's crazy to me that only Marathon 2 got an official Windows port back in the day. Very cool game good atmosphere.

>> No.10981396

I read recently that sickle cell became genetically prevalent in Africa because malaria can't infect people with sickle cell as easily.
Dunno if it's true, but I found it interesting enough to repeat randomly on the internet.
Good fucking movie though.

>> No.10981398

I'm gonna tear ya a new asshole.

>> No.10981402


>> No.10981525
File: 74 KB, 482x427, 1709375677274494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps to them, we were the demons

>> No.10981529

Nope, nuh uh. All we did was open a few portals. They drew first blood.

>> No.10981534

Doesn't matter. If they're the enemy that attacks us then the should be gunned down. Moral relativists are at best naive idiots and at worst straight up 5th column agents that should be contained or neutralized.

>> No.10981545

Augur Zenith with the Ashes Weapons + Monsters works pretty well. A bit more grunge for the setting but the gangs and mutants work.

>> No.10981578

>All we did was break into their house and they shot at us.

>> No.10981585
File: 51 KB, 500x375, 1702848546928965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the broke into my house
>so instead of escaping and calling the police I brutally murdered them
>then I broke into their house and killed their families in the sequel

>> No.10981680
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if we took a tanky hitscanner...and made him fast.

>> No.10981705

He's not that tanky and the minigun lizards and ass commanders imo helped alleviate the lack of enemy variety in Duke ep 1.

>> No.10981707
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>> No.10981737

you could've posted the mini-battlelord and had something resembling a point but you went with an enemy that dies in one shotgun blast plus a kick or two

>> No.10981739


>> No.10981747
File: 3.91 MB, 640x480, Replay_2024-06-01_05-53-59.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke hitscanners don't have to be understatted like Doom's because they don't have perfect tracking. You can avoid most damage just by strafing them.

>> No.10981750
File: 3.92 MB, 720x404, Deus Ex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10981752
File: 1.56 MB, 700x392, System Shock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10981753
File: 3.86 MB, 1280x720, Shadow Warrior.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10981783
File: 3.47 MB, 640x480, Replay_2024-06-01_06-21-34.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom shotgun against chaingunners isn't really any better a matchup than Duke shotgun against enforcers, either. If you don't use cover and you don't get lucky with both A_Chase attack rolls and shotgun damage rolls, you're probably going to make a trade.

>> No.10981823

Poor ojisan put the one way mirror around the wrong way

>> No.10981984

Selaco is so fucking GOATED (currently on E1M3 after 5 hours of Admiral hardcore), it's not just tacticool Doom (that would be mediocre mods like Brutal Doom or Siren), it's Brutal Doom + Star Wars Jedi Outcast (the extremely aggressive storm troopers balanced by projectile attacks) + Vanquish/Ultrakill. The mooks are the best of any corridor shooter, significantly better balanced and stronger in terms of moves than FEAR or CoD-- for once in a zoom-based cover shooter sitting back and plinking is completely non-viable on the highest difficulty, you have to engage them guerilla style and either outstrafe their bullets or have high enough headshot accuracy to cancel their windup with painstate (they have two, a small and large btw) or an instant flying kick, and defensively juggle the seperate dash jump and slide/slide jump cooldown combined with diagonal strafing+mouse turning (faster than side strafing) to escape their rushdown tactics until they enter reload and you can finish them off. And that's not even getting into how good the level design and secret hunting is. Incredibe accomplishment by the devs

>> No.10981985

Buy an ad.

>> No.10981995

Is Opposing Force that good? Better than Half-Life? I see it was made by Gearbox and I thought they were hated around here.

>> No.10982000

It's almost as good as Half-Life. It is 100% worth playing.

>> No.10982001

it was like the first fucking thing they ever did, or close to it, the grease hadn't had time to accumulate yet

>> No.10982008
File: 3.43 MB, 640x360, Medievil Cress WGAA 3005.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you got Hexen in my Duke
It's a fun expansion before Gearbox became too silly, and you get everyone's favorite thing of the time: Tacticool gloves.

>> No.10982024

Your Hexen, your Duke, what's the difference?

>> No.10982034
File: 367 KB, 960x896, spritescolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has any wad ever made use of the rpg's tiered recolors? it already sort of works with knights and barons

>> No.10982037

Colorful Hell.

>> No.10982038

Use files., you shortsighted dimwit!

>> No.10982042

every time i see Hexen trees i hear the night birds

>> No.10982048

But anon
is a file!

>> No.10982059

yeah it's pretty good

>> No.10982069
File: 301 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240531-211906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10982082


>> No.10982083

Looking forward to playing it in +2 years from now if/when it leaves EA.

>> No.10982154

I do not like Selaco. Sorry, I will not buy it.

>> No.10982174

Opposing Force is a must-play IMO. The "Race X" shit is a little weird but whatever. My favourite part is where you get the M249 and first encounter the assassins.

>> No.10982182
File: 36 KB, 720x720, mindfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mapmakers here.
How do you get over creative block?
Making a level itself is the easy part for me, coming up with the level layout itself is my worst enemy.

>> No.10982193

have they patched the music for this and BShift yet?

>> No.10982202

Just wait until AI generated maps become big, and you'll be obsolete.

>> No.10982204

You mean playing the OST made for the expansions? Yeah that's been patched for years now. If you mean having the music keep playing during a level transition then no

>> No.10982210

>If you mean having the music keep playing during a level transition then no
yeah that's what i'm talking about. these game usually load some music before the loading screen to prepare the next area and make the cut less awkward.

>> No.10982226

just make shit 99.999% of people can't tell a good map from a bad one anyways

>> No.10982238

literally juts doodle. if it's shit then delete and start over. go outside and look at and inside buildings

>> No.10982256

From what I'm hearing this is hard coded into the engine to only keep the music playing if the modname is "valve", so only Half-Life gets the fix basically. I think they would do this this way is because DoD and CS:CZ have music playing in the menu and they don't want that music to keep playing when you join a game. I think having a value to control this should be in liblist.gam and default to no if it isn't specified there. That way both Valve and modders can have control if they want the fix or not

>> No.10982260

Valve fixed it in HL iirc

>> No.10982271
File: 740 KB, 1920x1080, Castle Fang WilliamGAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went to being nice and tropical for a bit.
And now this. Whoa.

>> No.10982281


>> No.10982285
File: 221 KB, 400x324, let og of my camera you son of a bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicely done anon, your pretty cool

>> No.10982293

>Open auto map
> >600 monsters
Oh boy! I'm sure this map will have a very fun run time, and won't just do the "lol just put le monsters everywhere!!" thing!

>> No.10982301

>it’s 550 zombies that get crushed 30 seconds in
>the other 50 monsters are archviles
>they spawn while you’re in an open field

>> No.10982303

You wish. No one "puts" that much monsters anywhere, they will just teleport them all to your room. At best it might be a fuckhuge closet. Actually manually placing 600 monsters or even teleport exits is insane.

>> No.10982308

it's a pity it will never be completed.

>> No.10982312

uhh, if you map doesn't have at least 600 demons you need to reconsider your life choices

>> No.10982324
File: 373 KB, 769x674, 1708824233800382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I open a door and am not immediately deafened by a chorus of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAs, it's a shit map

>> No.10982341

You don't know how game development works.

>> No.10982358

Slige/Sludge/Oblige/Obsidian has existed for fucking decades, it hasn't done anything to make mappers obsolete.

>> No.10982368

Jus wait until AI generated AI becomes big, and AI'll be obsolete.

>> No.10982406
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240601-164115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistery of Underville map for Heretic appeared to be quite good. It is huge, like a Hexen hub in size, but plays differently. Reminded me more of Romero Q1 maps, where you can run forward most of the time and switches always opens the closest door, not something on the other side of the hub.

>> No.10982429

>Slige/Sludge/Oblige/Obsidian has existed for fucking decades

Imagine a website where you can just enter a prompt and generate a wad like an image. Or load an image and use that to generate a wad somehow.

>> No.10982454
File: 39 KB, 800x533, Me When Selaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy for you, anon. Or sorry it happened.

>> No.10982481

>it’s 550 zombies that get crushed 30 seconds in
this but they're only crushed at the very end instead

>> No.10982521

this but they crush you between their thighs

>> No.10982572

>30 secrets
>exit stairway has 29 of them

>> No.10982576

>ass general

>> No.10982598

>a dozen megaspheres are stacked on top of each other
>zandronum announcer blows out your speakers

>> No.10982601

Lol when I see a monster count like that I just menu and exit, get fucked amirite

>> No.10982639

You don't even need a prompt, you get a wad every day.

>> No.10982687

So with Fraggot being played tomorrow, can somebody give me the quick and dirty on how to do this shit? Which sourceport? Been playing Doom for 30 years and have almost never touched deathmatch lol

>> No.10982689

Still has too much of that pesky human element. You lack vision, but I see a big soulless machine pumping out millions of AI generated wads a minute, outcompeting even the most dedicated human wad makers. My God, it'll be beautiful!

>> No.10982706

What human element? It's entirely automated and has been doing it for nearly 22 fucking years.

>> No.10982716

It could be more inhuman and oppressive. Only one wad a day? You'll never render humans obsolete like that!

>> No.10982731


>> No.10982757
File: 3.24 MB, 1280x720, Fleshed Out - Pit of Chaos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nice

>> No.10982769

the further i get in ancient aliens the more i'm starting to think it might be my favorite wad i've played so far in my admittedly small amount of doom experience. it feels like a real adventure with each stage being connected and on map 15 the whole "several small maps connected by ufo trips" was really fun. i just wish i was good enough at doom to be able to clear these levels without having to save two or three times during them, but each map is just so damn long that i can't deal with dying and having to start over.

really though i love doom, i never thought i would but it's like every time i think i've seen it all i'll check out the next wad and it'll show me fun new gameplay ideas and mapping ideas.

>> No.10982778


>> No.10982781
File: 78 KB, 708x800, 1686013282562255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never post that ever again.

>> No.10982784

I see you're an imp encounter fan.

>> No.10982801

For me it's 2 imps 1 chainsaw

>> No.10982828

post it

>> No.10982837

>Tomb of Thunder, a Quake mod since very long development is finally released
UberMonsters are cool, but I hate wasting more time accessing the very first secret on map1 than stumbling upon the super-secret somehow. Also I managed to clear the entire first level without picking up the Nailgun.

>> No.10982840
File: 430 KB, 1920x1080, 20240601210454_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am enjoying Ion Fury Aftershock and I am looking forward to Phantom Fury and Selaco too!

>> No.10982854

Download Zandronum here, press the first download link : https://zandronum.com/download
Put doom2.wad in your Zandronum folder.
Run Doomseeker, press ctrl+f to help find the server and click on it. It will download fraggot for you and let you get in.

>> No.10982860
File: 840 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240601-170601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL that Ion Fury runs fine in Zeta-Touch even on 150 bucks low-mid phone, don't need to boot a PC now to play it. Pic unrelated, it's another nice texturing from Outerville heretic.

>> No.10982862

Hot demon killing chicks make me into their salaryless janny

>> No.10982895

Good for you, anon. Maybe Ill try it once my wad backlog isn't so long idk
>Early Access
>31 maps
Why even call it Early Access at that point? They could've just said "version 1.00" or something and update it more down the line anyways.

>> No.10982921

I got inspired to make my 2048 map by going thru the village in dark souls ii and wanting to make something kinda like it.

>> No.10982923

Play Ancient Aliens with Kriegsland enemies, the first level will make you shit bricks.

>> No.10982945

Been a while in these threads.
Is the Waifu lead anon okay?

>> No.10982964

Isn't that the mod where you give them hoagies to heal them? They also give you buffs by cheering and I think blowing you kisses. So it's a harem househusband sim.

>> No.10983000
File: 505 KB, 940x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like DoomGals, yeah

capcha: RYNASS

>> No.10983007

>TIL that Ion Fury runs fine in Zeta-Touch even on 150 bucks low-mid phone, don't need to boot a PC now to play it.
GZDoom would struggle to even load up on that thing.
Duke FTW, baby.
Ken Silverman won.

>> No.10983009
File: 83 KB, 614x284, selaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's baffling
>why EA?
>word salad
>what's in EA?
>substantial polished game
Seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot when they could sell it to make a bank now, and make another bank in a couple of years without pissing anyone off.
One thing to note though, the levels are broken up into multiple maps, so the demo level is three maps, but it's around the size of an Ashes Afterglow level.

>> No.10983023

>Quake Combat+
damn this slaps, why only 8/10 on moddb?

>> No.10983057

>TIL that Ion Fury runs fine in Zeta-Touch

All I get is a black screen.

>> No.10983062

Wait, never mind, it just takes a minute to load.

>> No.10983087

Honestly the Early Access aspect of it has made me hold off on getting it.

>> No.10983092

This is blatant contradiction. Making a level is making a level layout, they're not different from each other. Whether you develop the layout on the fly or plan it out in advance makes no difference. The level itself is the level layout.

>> No.10983112

how do i restore EAX in Postal 2 on Win 11? i have a Sound Blaster but it's USB so i doubt it's compatible with Alchemy

>> No.10983125

Maybe some of this could help

>> No.10983127 [DELETED] 

Thoughts on Sonar Shock?

>> No.10983129 [DELETED] 

The dev is a codex schizo

>> No.10983131 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>> No.10983139 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 500x480, 9e97bbde-d446-4395-a2d6-8064828f9b92-1658897953382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, you missed all the Ion fury discussion above

>> No.10983148 [DELETED] 

Godot isn't a retro engine, EDuke32 is.

>> No.10983156 [DELETED] 

>Godot isn't a retro engine

It would have been if it had been made available sooner, but we spent too much time waiting for Godot.

>> No.10983159 [DELETED] 

Well then stop discussing Ashes and Selaco here because GZDoom sure as shit isn't a retro engine either, given how far removed it is from Carnack's code.

>> No.10983181 [DELETED] 

Out of all the things you could have picked, you picked the one that requires Doom2.wad to play.

Congratulations bro, you are a winner.

>> No.10983191

thanks. i've tried most of this but no luck. i'm probably missing something but i'm tired i need to sleep

>> No.10983196 [DELETED] 

I'd love to see you try to run GZDoom on a 486, niggie.

>> No.10983197
File: 1.10 MB, 3840x2160, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of not so retro, warlock 2 is the second time I've thought "damn I wanna fuck those imps" in a sprite based fps
also how did they just steal the shambler wholesale

>> No.10983203


>> No.10983206


>> No.10983207

>how did they just steal the shambler wholesale
Quake didn't invent the dimensional shambler.

>> No.10983217

oh, so they didn't, didn't know they were in the same camp as shub beat the niggur

>> No.10983227

Is this going to be the new Ogay?

>> No.10983229

So Selaco is good?

>> No.10983230

Anyone know of a good way to play Shadow Warrior coop? I want to play with two Wangs at the same time.

>> No.10983247 [DELETED] 


Ah yes shut down all the actual game discussion so we can have more ''doom more like dumb!'' and ''doom but you are peepee poopoo man'' tier gemmy posts.

>> No.10983281

If Doom's development took 15 months, why can't people just develop a TC/game under that time?

>> No.10983291

TCs are usually solo developers, and they're usually stuck wrangling the engine into doing what they want, rather than building it to do what they want.

>> No.10983301

Doom development was also Id Software guys practically living at the office working on the game.

Yeah a small dev ''can'' develop a game in that time if they sacrifice everything else for that. And nothing guarantees the game will be a resounding success that's worth all the trouble. And some game / mod projects do get completed in similar timeframes.

>> No.10983302

>why can't people just develop a TC/game under that time?
Looking at Selaco, it probably has a lot to do with making excessive and anachronistic visual effects, coming up with long and superfluous 'lore' text, and spending all day on social media trying to write pithy gotcha responses to critiques before blocking people.

Mostly that last one.

>> No.10983318

I remember some time last year Batandy posted here about the immense amount of effort that goes into making TCs compared to anything else.

It sounds fucking exhausting, especially if it's by yourself or a very small team.

>> No.10983339

so what's the deal with fullscreen exclusive/borderless window? apparently borderless window is fine now? but is this only for people with 120hz+ monitors?

was pissed off for the longest time that Dusk didn't have a true fullscreen exclusive mode, the game felt like ass to play with near-vsync levels of input latency. only recently found out how to force the game to proper fullscreen and now I can finally play it.

>> No.10983349

Easy to ALT-TAB out of borderless windowed (because everyone is fucking with Dicksword or something else while playing games now) + borderless latency isn't that much of an issue anymore unless you have a toaster.

>> No.10983375

I work from home so it's pretty much a requirement for being able to retain sanity during the downtimes, also because some stuff lol GzDoom has a habit of losing it's shit when I frequently tab out to another screen with it on fullscreen mode.

>> No.10983410
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10983424
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240601-174052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Outerville, last fight was gruelling, passed it on 2hp on a third time. Overall can recommend it as a tribute to Q1 ep1, huge interconnected map with zero backtracking.

>> No.10983430


>> No.10983457


>> No.10983462

>I think Slige maps are good

>> No.10983463


>> No.10983464 [SPOILER] 
File: 429 KB, 1280x960, grisly grotto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10983470

wh-what was the first one

>> No.10983472

Link to the map?

>> No.10983479

What map is this

>> No.10983482

That's really fucking cool.

>> No.10983505

What map is this

>> No.10983560
File: 3.89 MB, 640x360, Mother Ship WGAA 2901.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m way too into it all right now. >>10983229 was fun for a few hours but I’m loving this WG map pack through this mod.
Looks like Arcane Dimension’s ad_azad

>> No.10983579

I see that since Doom 64EX's release, there have been many, many other releases. Which one would be the closest being the equivalent of Crispy or Chocolate for D64? is EX still the closest (open source) one?

>> No.10983582

Using a recompiling tool on the original N64 ROM would be the most accurate way to play.

>> No.10983590 [DELETED] 

just play the original ROM on PJ64 with a wired controller dude

>> No.10983593 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that the only proper way to play any DOOM or Quake game is to try and beat it on the highest difficulty without dying. Any death is a restart from the beginning.

>> No.10983597

Ironman rules, Mr. Barnes?

>> No.10983603
File: 320 KB, 1920x1080, fuckthatlastfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do good, anons? Am I bad at video games?
Also I played with Harsh Invasion.

>> No.10983605

How many episodes are out?

>> No.10983607
File: 45 KB, 612x128, 1704284518723991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow never mind. Alright lemme pick it up. I normally dislike early access for this reason.

>> No.10983608 [DELETED] 

It changes the game completely. It goes from a casual experience to the ultimate form of gameplay. Going for a deathless run of DOOM or equivelant is more of a survival horror experience than something like Resident Evil could ever hope to achieve. You make it through a few levels, you die, you start over. The next time, you make it a little further. Each and every time, you gain a greater appreciation of the game's nuances. Suddenly, every item, every secret, every powerup, every single decision, it all has a weight and meaning that a casual playthrough can never capture. You aren't just trying to beat the game, you are trying to fucking SURVIVE. You have to plan, strategize, and execute with absolute perfection -- or you die. It is the only way to play.

>> No.10983614

did you play the bonus level? they buried a whole extra level in there without telling

>> No.10983617

No I get it anon, I was just quoting/misquoting this part in Syriana:

>> No.10983624

Episode 1 out of 3, there's only 1 currently.
If you're asking content-wise: It took me a total of 18 hours to complete this, keep in mind I was playing on Admiral and because of my play-style my health was always 35 and I could never stay still.
How do I reach the bonus level?

>> No.10983634
File: 2.71 MB, 220x165, 1697267435443434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hold alt in Trenchbroom
>Right click anywhere, you rotate along where you clicked
That feels good on the eyes somehow.

>> No.10983641

Reach security card 6 then go to the big green outdoor area in level 8. I used the train to find them

>> No.10983646 [DELETED] 

i'm doing this very thing right now in doom 64. currently on map 7 (research lab), made it through outpost omega and got the unmaker and demon key before moving on. almost got fucked by the death pit on alpha quadrant, fucking ~20 spectres and nasty pain elementals but i somehow survived with 188 hp/armor to tell the tale. i rarely make it this far. worried about even simpler, that's where i usually get BTFO. i think if i can make it past there, i have a chance of finishing since the hell levels aren't typically as devious with the random pits and traps. wish me luck.

>> No.10983681

Goty 2024

>> No.10983703
File: 995 KB, 1084x758, spin me right round.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, how did I not know about this.


>> No.10983705

It's so satisfying I can't get over it. I'm just using it when I shouldn't.

>> No.10983714

Until Astro bot releases… ;)

>> No.10983730


>> No.10983734

That's pretty fucking neat. I really like the nailgun. Ditching the axe and making the shotgun infinite is an interesting choice.

>> No.10983740

>I really like the nailgun
Same and I'm not really sure why. The blockiness and the different sound makes it feel like a bigger gun I think.

>> No.10983757

You're telling me an indie dev isn't marketing this as a 'boomer shooter' and trying to sell it for $40 in Steam early access?

>> No.10983759

There's a link in the description and you play it in your browser.

>> No.10983921

Never @ me or my son ever again.

>> No.10983927
File: 36 KB, 1182x1070, adrian carmack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people you quoted are for free game discussion, cleanse your brain rot.
They were already industry pros. Romero's been coding games since 1980.
It's also probably a big motivator to work on something that no one's ever seen before, as opposed to stepping up to the pantheon of old.
Also, some do just crank em out, look at Shrine and Shrine 2.

>> No.10983930

I could've done it in 12kb

>> No.10983943

what port are we using for fraggot dm later? zandro? odamex?

>> No.10984008

No, that's more of a self-imposed challenge and good for you if you enjoy it I guess.

I like to do one map at a time instead of the whole game. Going multiple levels deep and then dying feels like such tedium / wasted effort. I do enjoy greatly level-based no-saving rules for Quake and Doom though especially when you feel like the map was meant to accommodate that.

Episode 1 from Doom 1 saveless UV? Doable. The rest? Not bothering unless I would be attempting some speed/challengerun and also streaming it on twitch with at least some potential for being compensated for the tedium of restarts.

>> No.10984009
File: 43 KB, 640x480, doom276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10984047

It's amazing that no one bothered to make some comfy suburbs kino before.
how much long?

>> No.10984053

The proper way to play is to beat it on the highest difficulty and punch yourself in the balls every time you die. If you're not sterile by the end of the game, you win.

>> No.10984054

Playing JCPC with the Final Doomer weapon pack The energy katana + berserk pack + nerf effect by the needle weapon makes every enemy melt like butter. Including spider masterminds and cyberdemons. Revenants turn into a complete joke because the pain state triggers on every hit and since your slaashes also destroy projectiles you need not be that careful of them anymore.

Final Doomer does break the voodoo puppet traps on MAP011, unfortunately.

>> No.10984058
File: 52 KB, 300x300, hdoomguy-profile_image-4094562f4b4e0e14-300x300-2266151450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else could it possibly be

>> No.10984070
File: 57 KB, 976x850, thefrogman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried playing doom as a kid
>get severe anxiety playing and turn it off
>tried playing doom as an adult
>get severe anxiety playing and turn it off

why the fuck does the soundtrack give me a panic attack every time no other game does this to me but doom.

>> No.10984074

demakes are cute!

>> No.10984087


>> No.10984095

We told you N64 is a bad console.

>> No.10984098

>why the fuck does the soundtrack give me a panic attack every time no other game does this to me but doom.


Here, this might help. Rip and tear to the Beatles instead.

>> No.10984102


waht if


what if doomguy

is a scp

>> No.10984107

Doomguy vs Able, who wins?

>> No.10984123

really digging the vibe. the sounds and music are on point. i'd play a full game of this if it had its own maps

>> No.10984125

This for the DIY sequel? Cause that's looking to be cool as fuck.

>> No.10984130

Whoa, that's like the perfect crossover, I can't believe that nobody has ever thought of this before

>> No.10984135

>I can't believe that nobody has ever thought of this before

Oh, that's very simple, it's because of [DATA EXPUNGED], and [DATA EXPUNGED], and when [DATA EXPUNGED] went and did [DATA EXPUNGED], everything went completely [DATA EXPUNGED].

Oooh so mysterious.

>> No.10984139

Stop being so REDACTED, anon.

Take me back to those days. Please.

>> No.10984147

>cleanse your brainrot
Indeed, must've been my exhausted 2am brain. My apologies.

Sounds like there's more to it than the soundtrack. Only Doom does this or other games as well?
I believe you're making this up but I replied anyway because the feeling of certain elements causing anxiety / fear or a level of uncomfortable is imo what made a lot of the Build Engine shooters like Shawdow Warrior and Blood so very impactful on me. There were a lot of elements that felt very eerie, initially offputting and dark but I pushed myself to go deeper and I grew to unconsciously love that dark, pulpy vibe.

>> No.10984149

It is, yes.

>> No.10984151
File: 189 KB, 755x810, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

succubus saturday

>> No.10984174

Bro it's Sunday.

>> No.10984190

Means we're gonna get another succubus. No complaints here.

>> No.10984202
File: 186 KB, 865x774, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fine succubus sunday.

>> No.10984226

Called it. Very nice work, anon.

>> No.10984227
File: 7 KB, 268x188, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mancubus sunday!

>> No.10984264
File: 121 KB, 747x890, temp6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sewie sunday

>> No.10984304
File: 213 KB, 974x793, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i jus wanna grill these days fer gods sake

>> No.10984316
File: 167 KB, 1048x762, doom__hazbin_hotel__helluva_boss_commission_by_xsugar_popx_ddspe6v-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom but all of the demons are gay.

>> No.10984320

somehow worse writing than TAG

>> No.10984324

I am pleased by this.

>> No.10984330

If the Doom comic was written by Vivziepop:

>Fuckin' rip and goddamn tear!
>You are huge as fuck! That means you have huge guts, you fucking piece of shit!
>Here CUMS the rape train!
>Shit! Now I'm fuckin' radioactive! Ah, fuck me right in my asshole!
>My balls are huge... my ass is tight... and my cock is very, very large!

>> No.10984332

Oh yeah, that's a cool one. Stuff like this is always neat.

>> No.10984331

man id love to brutally murder those stupid fucking poser """demons""" bitchasses probably cant even shoot an imp fireball

>> No.10984339

You don't think you could do E2 and E3 saveless UV? They're not that much harder than E1.

>> No.10984343

Oh wow that's Doom essentially for the NES right? Really cool.

>> No.10984348
File: 13 KB, 320x200, fraggot_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently hosting a Fraggot server with Zandronum.

Server name :
[TSPG] Fraggot RC1 playtesting session for cool people 8)

>> No.10984351
File: 45 KB, 1080x1920, DoomGal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomgirl sunday
i tried. don't you judge her

>> No.10984353

kek nice

>> No.10984362
File: 169 KB, 640x893, doom imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10984363

>camping it a Q1 "'demake"' when the coloured lighting is on par with Q2
Zoomers are so wierd in their unwillingnes to admit they're either retarded or disingenious.

>> No.10984369

pico-8 is way more flexible than the NES, but give or take

>> No.10984373
File: 108 KB, 1697x948, 1701599154848041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man hours later this thing is way more than neat to me. I'm utterly charmed by it. I'd actually give money for the whole game to be remade exactly like this, filesize not limited to 13kb, and including the scrags, shamblers, etc. I can't believe he got the grunts, enforcers, zombies, dogs, and fucking ogres. The remix and mashup of E1M3 and E1M2 was cool too.

>> No.10984376

Oh and the music, what little there is of it, is cool too!

>> No.10984387
File: 60 KB, 1025x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10984395

>throwing a shitfit over a word with no real definition
>still a quake clone in 13kb
missing the forest for the trees

>> No.10984405

>The virgin doomguy vs the chad doomgirl.

>> No.10984438 [DELETED] 

if you can't beat E2 on UV without dying you shouldn't even be posting in this general. you guys fucking suck at video games.

>> No.10984450 [DELETED] 

>he needs to save on a single map
Unironically git gud bro.

>> No.10984451

Here you are - https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/102912-heretic-the-mysteries-of-underville-released/

I've tried it with Brutal Heretic first and got my ass delivered to me, ammo shortage is too harsh with BH. Then played it gunslinger style with Half-Life revolver and infinite ammo. Great fun, will replay again. The same guy was doing the castle part of Hexmas zdoom hexen hub.

>> No.10984480

>OP pic
wads for this feel?

>> No.10984556

imagine being this scrubby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PIR97SLxYU

>> No.10984560

I have no idea why you're getting that problem, and the screenshot doesn't explain anything. It's gotta be something on your end, because by now a dozen people have connected successfully.

>> No.10984621

>Final Doomer does break the voodoo puppet traps on MAP011, unfortunately.
Why? Isn't it a mod that only changes weapons? You should use (OBVIOUSLY) the version that doesn't affect movement

>> No.10984623

Did it seriously took people this goddamn long to finally one-up Kkrieger?

>> No.10984637
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, k-r3bxj_qlqgbcji3vcgrwetp4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except .kkrieger looked like this.

>> No.10984657

It does not break all of them, interestingly. The one at the end works. The one where you pick up the BFG in the green area doesn't. And no, I won't.

>> No.10984707

So... Does anybody have feedback, or changes for their Fraggot submissions now that we've played it several times now on the server?

Deadline for the final version of Fraggot is 9th of June.

>> No.10984725

Why not doing something that is bigger than just 13kb?
I mean, for modern computers creating something bigger than hundred of mb is fast

>> No.10984728

I didn't notice anything broken or obviously unbalanced. It was fun, though.

>> No.10984762

Why exactly there's so many huge projects made on gzdoom instead of build engine/eduke? I don't mean to exactly belittle doom or anything but it feels like build engine would be better suited for more complex gameplay mechanics (like jumping and having three dimensions to play with) while still having pretty much the same look to it. Is doom just easier to work with?

>> No.10984764
File: 173 KB, 1200x893, 1688935423825495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it even mean to be >100% health?

>> No.10984772


>> No.10984818

Besides the lack of mapping/modding tools, Build engine codebase is a mess, very fragile and hard to work with. See details here - https://fabiensanglard.net/duke3d/ . For example Ashes 2063 in its levels structure is much closer to Build games, than to Doom wads, but was built on GZDoom because tooling is so much better in it. Also because of this both Raze (advanced engine) and Ion Fury (advanced episode on vanilla eduke32) are very impressive projects.

>> No.10984834

Ashes was pretty much what prompted this question. It just feels like gzdoom is kinda holding it back.

>> No.10984837 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 320x240, Hexen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10/10 dark fantasy aesthetics
>great combat with tons of items and enemies
>gentle RPG and dungeon crawling elements
>riddled with secrets
>semi-open world design
>99.9% of faggots on planet earth get filtered because they don't pay attention to environmental cues and get filtered by the puzzles
Most underappreciated game ever made.

>> No.10984856

>great combat with tons of items and enemies

>> No.10984876

It was appropriately appreciated:

> Heretic and Hexen shipped a combined total of roughly 1 million units by August 1997.

And this is for 320x200 games when for example Witchhaven supported higher res and was released before Hexen. Art and sound in Hexen is my favourite between all 90-s fpss.

>> No.10984887 [DELETED] 

>17 enemy types, 2 more than DOOM 2
>24 items with unique weapons for each class and unique flechette abilities
Do you ever get tired of being a gay?

>> No.10984903
File: 3.16 MB, 640x360, 1717333044278554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's uncanny how well this gif fits this song.


>> No.10984927

I've played plenty Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Shadow Tower, and blobbers, this just isn't my cup of trash.

>> No.10984937

Doom was the first game Gabe Newell actually first felt fear whilst playing. When I went through all of it a few years back I remember feeling a bit of fear too even if I had seen all the demons before in other mods on Zandronum with friends. The music + environments do a number on you after a while and I would have to take breaks after a couple of missions - especially since I was playing at 3 in the morning. I kinda get that way with every horror type thing first time through and then once I know what is coming and when I just rip my way through at the speed of light. It does depend on horror games tho or the section. Anything with a strong/invinciblish stalker type that chases/hunts between areas tends to be scary no matter what for me. Things like Thief with excellent sound design and a horror atmosphere are kinda always scary no matter what.

So anyway just push through it and the game gets less scary on repeat. If you download enough gameplay mods for Doom 1 & 2 and then test them - the games get far far less spooky and you get used to blasting through multiple entire episodes in an hour.

>> No.10984938 [DELETED] 

>this just isn't my cup of trash
It's not a game for brainlets, so that's understandable.

>> No.10984957
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240601-221353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This burger looks yummy

>> No.10984960

>Doom was the first game Gabe Newell actually first felt fear whilst playing

The second was Don't Starve.

>> No.10984973 [DELETED] 


>> No.10984979
File: 593 KB, 850x2709, 1653423124581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10984993
File: 134 KB, 1150x716, hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News: Cutstuff.net (main forums for CutmanMike's mods Ghouls vs Humans and MM8BDM) shut down yesterday because shit was unstable, but it now has a replacement forum in https://mm8bdm.net/forum..

8bdm may be too distant of a community, but the game is still a total conversion for Doom.

>> No.10984997

That image needs a final panel at the bottom that shows present date Gaben (the guy lost a lot of weight)

>> No.10985068
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x768, thehospital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10985071

Oh my, looking fresh

>> No.10985102

hexen would be a better game if it was linear like heretic or doom

>> No.10985121

Thanks for the YTMND fad.

>> No.10985123

sometimes i wonder if people would be less judgement of fun mechanics like nudoom swapping if they just made them look cooler

like instead of just putting a gun away and pulling the new one out, it was animated way flashier like ripping the gun out with one hand while putting away the old one away kinda like an old gunbelt full of flintlocks

>> No.10985131

>me after 666 redbulls

>> No.10985143
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>> No.10985148
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>> No.10985158
File: 3.05 MB, 1600x720, screen-20240602-174649.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bha-ha-ha, nice save attempt, I thought this can happen only in build games, Carmack is a hack

>> No.10985160

savescummers win

>> No.10985204

Why is the Mars Marine base so comfy?

>> No.10985325

That's clearly the opening levels of Quake, you nigger.

>> No.10985337

is there a mod for wolf 3D that makes the hidden walls slightly more obvious? Call me a shitter all you want, humping walls until you find it is a stupid mechanic

>> No.10985369

>>semi-open world design
>>99.9% of faggots on planet earth get filtered because they don't pay attention to environmental cues and get filtered by the puzzles
It's kind of funny how at least half of that would have been at least somewhat mitigated if people looked at the map names.

They quote the seven portals puzzle line so much because they have no fucking clue what the seven portals even is.

>> No.10985398
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20240602-185508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks really pretty, but when the hell these exactly the same corridors going to end? Also it has the worst encounter design I've seen in any FPS. Is it taken from Resident Evil? Never played it.

>> No.10985402


>> No.10985414

Still remember getting for the first time to Seven Portals secret level without the guide.

>> No.10985435
File: 184 KB, 800x1007, 441364-fault-line-for-quake-ii-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10985443

pls respond

>> No.10985447

>for Quake II
>Clearly modeled after Ranger from Quake I
>Helmet has a fin that makes it look like a sippy-cup

>> No.10985449

Not that I'm aware of, but you can at least narrow down your wall humping to places that actually have room for a secret with ECWolf's map.

>> No.10985453
File: 7 KB, 236x315, nam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's seen some shit

>> No.10985483
File: 3.50 MB, 640x358, Babel staged tests.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most fun I've had with the idea has been managing "staged reloads", and one of my favorite examples is here https://datanon.itch.io/babel
They don't fully 'reload in the backpack' so you still have to manage them, but the animation doesn't completely reset and will resume at or close to where you initially swapped out.
I don't like where this is going. I have an easier time getting into vanilla HL2 than vanilla D3, and even still I'd say they're acquired tastes. What feels so off about the encounter design?
>anon after playing those A.Soldier of Light missions

>> No.10985519
File: 14 KB, 326x265, booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10985539

> What feels so off about the encounter design?
Imps jumping in your face from the darkness in super narrow corridors where you cannot really avoid them, that's pure bullshit. Also don't die from point blank shotgun, that's double bullshit. This gets old on the second time it happens, and so far all rooms are exactly the same. Did not have a PC that can run D3 in 200x, so trying it for the first time now.

>> No.10985647

What is that gal on the left from?

I don't remember this map in Earth2

>> No.10985660
File: 113 KB, 890x720, hello Doom 3 guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is the Mars Marine base so comfy?
It and FEAR have those nice "late/night shift" vibes.
A lot of those "imp jump attacks" can be avoided if you sprint back in time, assuming you didn't sprint-charge through the door or hallway in the first place. There's one near the end that's hard to avoid, though.
Projectile origins for the weapons come from the weapon model and headshot damage multipliers are present. If you're able to reliably hit their face those imps should be dropping in one shell most of the time.
The left girl is the Ion Fury/Maiden main character.

>> No.10985686

>The left girl is the Ion Fury/Maiden main character.

I'm not sure if Ion Fury belongs here. Sort of a grey area.

>> No.10985694

It's an eduke game. If GZDoom wads are allowed to be discussed, so is Ion Fury. There is no grey area.

>> No.10985707
File: 337 KB, 2556x1440, nugg0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ
I can't decide if this level more beautiful or more holyshit

>> No.10985767

ey are there any wads that use portals like in the game portal? doesn't need to be see or shoot through, I'm not picky. just a shootable teleport would be neat

>> No.10985772

The fact that it makes zero fucking sense is a big problem for me, so if there is an in-world explanation, that'd help. But another part is it just highlights other decisions I dislike.
Homogenous gun damage, juggling wouldn't be as effective if one power weapon is doing 80% of the damage.
Universal ammo, you wouldn't be juggling in every situation if different ammo reserves mattered.
Fodder respawn, every fight is the same race to burst down big guys.
Generally terrible primary and sustained fire modes, you're never holding a weapon that could leverage its fire modes and ammo expenditure to hang with weapon juggling.

>> No.10985779

Because Build editors are as shitty and clunky as they were back in the 90s, while Doom Builder has been constantly improving for like 20 years.

Also it's just way easier to make levels for Doom than it is Build. Also EDuke32 breaks all mods with every single update, necessitating packaging your mod with the target version of the .exe, as opposed to GzDoom breaking mods only sometimes.

>> No.10985787

I don't like nudoom swapping because it makes automatic weapons useless, you just shit out your highest DPS options.

>> No.10985797

I wish VKDoom was capable of making lighting like this.

>> No.10985807

Man I hate to brag but I've always been the opposite, I'm a total thrillhound and often favor a game with better atmosphere or "immersion" (for whatever that word is worth these days) over ones with better gameplay. Might be why System Shock 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, with less retro games like Dead Space and STALKER up there too. Funny because I was a complete pussy as a kid and couldn't play Silent Hill but went back to it recently and loved it

>> No.10985808
File: 3 KB, 76x60, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the vanilla doom sprites wrong? the pink parts of his eyes arent there when hes full health (when hes looking left and right)

>> No.10985815

>great combat with tons of items and enemies

>99.9% of faggots on planet earth get filtered because they don't pay attention to environmental cues and get filtered by the puzzles
Hunting for keys and switches isn't puzzles. Telling the player things like "One Third Of The Puzzle Has Been Solved." when they throw a random unmarked switch isn't an environmental clue.

>> No.10985817

because it's actually nothing but jumpscares. the game is filled with monster closets. This is the reason why Doom 3 is a horror game, because despite what retards like to say Doom is a sort of horror game. You shoot a lot, but it's still meant to spook you

>> No.10985832

The problem is that too many of those things suck. The centaur is one of the most common enemies in the game and you're required to have to stop and page through your inventory for flechettes any time you run into their annoying ass.

There isn't even anything inherently wrong with blocking enemies, but it'd make much more sense if that was a more high end and dangerous kind, rather than one of the cannonfodder types.

Each class gets 4 weapons unique to them, which is nice, but to a large part those are not that great. The Ice Shards and Thunderbolts fucking suck, for instance.

>> No.10985859

It's called having a map printed out or on your phone. Chancing random spots which might hide secrets, or slidehumping walls, isn't exactly great, but Wolfenstein 3D very much inherited that design sensibility from earlier PC games, it's simply what it is.
It wouldn't have been that much to instead add subtle secret switches to the engine for opening pushwalls, but IIRC pushwalls were a relatively late addition to the game because Carmack initially thought there wouldn't be a clean way to render them.

>> No.10985871

it means he can eat ALL the tendies and doesn't get stomach ache

>> No.10985884

In a first person game it doesn't matter as much imho. And idk haters gonna hate

>> No.10985910

What if Doomguy is one of the Holders. Not gonna tell you what I mean by Holders, except that its a different set of stories and such.

>> No.10985921


>> No.10985928

>it and FEAR have those late / night shift vibes
My word. Doom 3's Mars base is the comfiest shit. Just the right blend of military / science / industrial aesthetic with a lived-in workplace feel. That dark mood and then the lights from workstations or computer / television screens was just a real vibe. Would love to pull security shifts in the Doom 3 UAC facility and comfypost on my phone / UAC handheld device and post-shift hit the cafeteria and enjoy a good burger before heading off to play vidya / sleeping or whatever. Maybe some banter with other marines etc.

And FEAR hits a bit of those notes for office areas like okay, there is pretty much never a time when ai crave to be an office but some of those dark offices with the phones with the red light and screens and all the shit were almost comfy. If you were of course use the office computer for fun stuff which of course you are NOT allowed to do ever.

>> No.10985937

the HUD face is MrBallen, the monsters are SCP, the maps are just backrooms

b r o

b r u h

>> No.10985967

What's a good 3d slaughter typemap that isn't in doom - something with a ton of enemies? With infighting as well. I just want it to be performance demanding just as a test to see if large armies fighting one another is possible in 3d with models or if I am stuck with 2d sprites.

>> No.10985968

WTF that's not what I meant. I DID MEAN the Holders.

>> No.10985998

anon I think I know what you meant a little better than you do

>> No.10986023


>> No.10986042
File: 242 KB, 654x527, 1687218536187803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't play Serious Sam anymore after I spent 48 hours straight playing it in VR

>> No.10986108
File: 79 KB, 338x381, 1717127584328326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about editing a pk3 file? I love replaying wads with the Treasure Tech mod but it has a tiny albeit annoying issue when you play on Pistol Start Plus. If you have the red ssg and blue plasma gun variants you will carry them over to the next level. They will have zero ammo, but it still defeats the purpose of pistol start.
There's no way to contact the dev directly it seems.

>> No.10986109

>48 hours straight
>in VR
by 48 hours straight you mean over multiple gaming sessions back to back

>> No.10986114

Get Slade

>> No.10986116

Was thinking of Halo when you mentioned this cause I wanted the fighting to 'appear' organized on both sides & that was the biggest game I could think of that had two armies fighting with you in-between. Maybe the older call of duties/medal of honor & other type games as well. But thanks.

>> No.10986119
File: 253 KB, 731x649, 4fCvLhWY0rz-kOCdy_I6xL5vHuC9Q10QORTFiCrWMuY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10986134

Half-Life has 3-way fights too.

>> No.10986146

Yeah I just was thinking those typically have a handful of aliens and some marines though. Even 2's I don't remember getting very large in terms of the resistance vs combine vs headcrabs/zombies/antlions. It definitely works. Just I'm thinking of much larger numbers than what is typically depicted.

>> No.10986395

it's a shame how they didn't use the "3-way fight" gimmick much after the /vr/ Halo games (CE and 2)
I think 3 has "you vs Flood vs Covenant" bits once or twice, and 4 and 5 have some "you vs Covenant vs Prometheans" segments (but those games suck so I don't count them)
ironically the most consistent ones to do it are the RTS games (Halo Wars 1 and 2)

>> No.10986465

can you guys recommend anything like void and rainbow? talking about doom2 mods

>> No.10986501
File: 889 KB, 320x180, 1697614964046829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10986551

Valiant is really good, and where Skillsaw truly hit his stride, IMO. Its kinda like a more refined and ambitious sequel to his episode wads Vanguard and Lunatic he made a few years prior to it.

>> No.10986587

>Slige/Sludge/Oblige/Obsidian has existed for fucking decades, it hasn't done anything to make mappers obsolete.
Thats probably because those programs aren't really doing what modern AI generation is typically doing. They don't rely on data from pre-existing publicly available wads as a basis, they rely on data specific to their programs.

>> No.10986618

I was just scrolling by and read this comment.... havent touched doom or games like it in forever. Did I misunderstand or is ai being used with wads to create maps?

>> No.10986695

no (and even if it was, who gives a shit)
the level generators out there are just that, level generators, not really AI-based

>> No.10986696
File: 296 KB, 2588x1696, bruh light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light dead in the center of this wall-facing light fixture
>shadow comes out at an angle
Sometimes this compiler just has a mind of its own.

>> No.10986706

there's level generators for doom games? that's pretty neat actually. How good at this are these programs? What are the best level generator programs? I'd love to download them and play with it for a few hours tonight

>> No.10986720

I think Obsidian is the newest incarnation? I've only used Oblige. It's okay. Just kind of a novelty, but there are roguelike or more random gameplay mods that go well with them.

>> No.10986734

there's roguelike mods? wait can I finally turn doom into some crazy ass rpg shooter with randomly designed levels?

>> No.10986748
File: 670 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20240602_194112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never used this, but
as I understand it is a popular one.
For an example of mapgen, this is a random one I just popped out.
It has presets for different ports and features. This was a "make it fancy" preset I think.

>> No.10986751

oh wow this is great. I can generate 32level megawads with various settings and try to rogue my way thru. It looks like I might start playing doom again knowing I can do this. Thanks for explaining this stuff anon if I have more questions about all this i'll ask in the thread.

also a side question what is considered the best but easiest to use doom player? years ago when I played I just used zdoom/gzdoom. Is that still a good choice to use? I liked I could drop wads on it and just go and it had some decent options for it.

>> No.10986756
File: 5 KB, 150x150, j8911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10986771

Roguelike arsenal needs a specific GZDoom version.
Might work in newer versions but is unsupported.

>> No.10986779

I use the latest version and it works fine

>> No.10986809
File: 339 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20240602_201607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know.
Yeah, I'm not making any claims that this is a replacement for hand made maps, but it is neat.
And it seems to do better depending on the settings. Throwing GZDoom shit at the wall doesn't seem to be it's strong suit.

>> No.10986825
File: 381 KB, 585x720, 1716156022126035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is THE hardest (but fairest) level in a Doom 2 wad?

>> No.10986827

quirky domain

>> No.10986895

well first off youd likely be short for the immersion of well, being a loli?
if we're going by the pic then itd def be like Heretic/Hexen, however idk the source of that magic girl's powers so yeah, maybe or maybe not itd be w those spells as weapons idk

>> No.10986930
File: 1.72 MB, 370x272, 1707391364947574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 guys dm at 6am
next time i'll set my alarm

>> No.10986939

>Why not doing something that is bigger than just 13kb?
Probably a goal/deadline. As I said, I'd unironically pay for the whole game likt that.

>> No.10986950

luv me sam. simple as

>> No.10987035
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 1703914277800306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selaco is pretty damn great, but Admiral is kicking my ass. I think I'll have to drop down one, the enemies just do too much damage without a peeking mechanic to help me avoid damage. Really enjoying it otherwise.

>> No.10987051

Can they still see you through smoke? That was the one thing from the demo I disliked. They could see you and you couldn't see them.

>> No.10987089

I imagine so considering I die a LOT no matter what's happening.

>> No.10987198

Oblige and its ilk can make decent maps but if you go overboard with prefabs and engine features you get some ugly shit. I'd say this is one of those times less is more.

>> No.10987259

Hahahahaha, good one.

Ew what the fuck is that UI? Are we actually going back to BLOODY SCREEN SO REAL? And my god that effect is badly done and annoying. And I'm not a Selaco hater I'm quite optimistic about it actually. But that kust looks bad.

>> No.10987262

anon.........it's a death screen

>> No.10987267

It looks bad. Do you get bloody screen so real when you are taking damage?

>> No.10987282
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1716051669424629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It looks bad
it looks like a death screen
>Do you get bloody screen so real when you are taking damage?
nope. pic related. just took massive damage all the way to 1hp (that actually seems to happen a lot, i wonder if there's some kind of buffer before death), and my screen is barely tinted.

>> No.10987290

That tint is pretty heavy but fair enough at least it doesn't look like someone missed their hotdog and sprayed ketchup on it.

I personally prefer Ion Fury's way of reflecting the damage and conditions in Shelly's portrait Some of her death faces look really cool and haunting in a dope way I wish they drew her being choked as well but I guess that's decent too.

>> No.10987298

Isn't it just GZDoom? Couldn't I upload it for people to play?

>> No.10987398

It's their own specific fork of it but it is, yes.

>> No.10987418
File: 357 KB, 1816x1511, arthur-biver-tombofthunder-shotcycler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this gun renders Dwell's RotoShotty completely obsolete with 1 simple trick
Unfortunately the ToT Chaingun is kinda meh even compared to old-ass MG from Zeströer (except when the enemy monsters use it to shred your ass, as expected of course).

>> No.10987423
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1688079206472284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then here it is for those who do not want to buy. I strongly recommend Captain difficulty because Admiral is kind of ridiculous.
I had no idea this was out what the fuck.

>> No.10987430

I honestly thought Shelly was on the right, how stupid of me…
Wasn't the protag of Selac(k)o supposed to be a dickgirl, just like the daemon-chick from Hedon?

>> No.10987503

What cartoon is this from? Looks badass.

Oh thanks! I'll probably use this to check it out but I do also want to buy it.

>> No.10987512

looks like TF2 Scout's shotgun

>> No.10987516
File: 2.82 MB, 1448x2048, TTLERSET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear i saw the post about that.
Vostyok sceldued a release trailer for Ashes: Hard Reset to June 10th, links are to be avaliable in the pinned comment.

>> No.10987529
File: 1.07 MB, 634x810, damn it feels good to be an egyptian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so back
if they eventually deliver an arsenal-only version for this one too i'll cum

>> No.10987536

>Powerslave? I just want to [insert whatever Egyptians did here] for Ra's sake

>> No.10987541

Fuckin' A.

>> No.10987569

Don't care about GZslop.

>> No.10987573

I care about GZkino

>> No.10987602

This guy has a couple videos regarding this topic. You might not like his format/whatever but it's still good to find mods


>What cartoon
Conan the Adventurer

>> No.10987626
File: 18 KB, 400x400, arthur-biver-librequake-supernailgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pretty neat murder dispenser once you get a hang of it tho, as you can get anywhere in-between 2~5 DBS-style pellet blasts before reloading (and may lord Carmack help you if you picked a wrong moment for a reload), the other new gun is pretty much Dwell's rail-trident but 20% weaker for the same cost in Cells (only further cementing how OP that thing is more than anything else really)

>> No.10987638
File: 8 KB, 410x86, Gammu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically Gammu in BYOC. Her viewheight was shortened from the first release, so she's super short now.

If anyone else was wondering, I asked about the Porcelain expansion. I guess it's on indefinite hiatus for nebulous reasons.

>> No.10987646

just played epic2, was a great time. Can anyone recommend some more egypt themed maps?

>> No.10987650

Are there custom campaigns for hexen 2?

>> No.10987656

>I guess it's on indefinite hiatus for nebulous reasons.
Wasn't one of the Ashes team involved with the Hedon goblin expansion? Maybe they're spread too thin.

>> No.10987681


>> No.10987687
File: 77 KB, 680x621, hyperborea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ancient aliens, i guess?

>> No.10987718

Ancient Aliens and Kriegsland enemies. Trust me on this one.

>> No.10987721
File: 467 KB, 1210x707, smoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tactic they actively use.

>> No.10987745

Yeah the Goblin expansion was real - they posted some screens from it. It was Vostyok himself from what I recall.

>> No.10987752

Well, ReformedJoe is hired for Selaco and Vostyok, idk, war n'shit.

>> No.10987754

Amen bros.
Ashes HR and Mohrta are the only standalone GZ projects i follow lately.

>> No.10987760

Throw Golden Souls 3 on to that list. The demo was seriously impressive and fun.

>> No.10987767
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>> No.10987782
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>chaingun has the Copper SNG inaccuracy
>has a wind-up
>chews through ammo same rate as SNG
>but is now hitscan
Felt like a decent balancing attempting. I think two salvos from Dwell’s quadbarrel still goes through these death knights more quickly than ToT’s, though that’s a different mod and it doesn’t have health from axe kills.
It feels a lot like the one Zerstorer/Travail but can fire between 2-5 shots before reloding.

>> No.10987851
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Doom and Quake in VR are retardedly fun, like seriously some of the most fun I've ever had with games. I turn off autoaim, then I force myself to only turn physically to add to the immersion, which is easy because I'm using a Quest so no wires. Those guys in quake that crawl on fours and jump at you have me literally running in circles around my living room
For doom especially, I like finding corners and physically leaning around them, basically treating it as a cover shooter. Plaything through the wonderful Back to Saturn X right now

>> No.10987879
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I'm a few hours into Ashes: Afterglow and I'm not really digging the non-linearity
it's really great when the level is flowing nicely and you're in some tense encounters, but I'm at a point where I've explored a ton but feeling lost on where to go next. doesn't help that some of the maps are so insanely big
idk, just feeling like the original was laid out better. not sure whether to carry on. at least Hard Reset is linear by the sounds of it

>> No.10988007

I can't quite explain what's my problem with this CG compared to a regular SNG, but in my case it seems that outside of Quad-rampage moments, there was never an occasion to effectively use it's DPM potential to the fullest extent (especially if you use secret UberMonsters mutator on the startmap to let Shamblers to teleport around the level, rendering the ShotCycler a better/more reliable option for dealing with them regardless), I blame the forced wind-up that doesn't let you fire a single shot by just tapping the fire key once.

>> No.10988213
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Best I can do is ITYTD

>> No.10988230
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This is me >>10983603
So hopefully my input will come as legitimate. Don't feel bad about playing Captain, Captain is still difficult but the main difference I noticed is that the AI-Checks for Admiral happen constantly.
In Captain I often attempt to bait enemies behind a corner to get a free kill but in Admiral I swear they will flank me every time if they can and if they can't they will line-up to firing squad me if I peek out.
If you want some tips though. You have to be both slow and fast, and attempt to make a mental map of every fight and if possible memorize where enemies spawn from. Constantly be on the move, constantly check your surroundings and be on alert for foot-steps because engineers will flank you and will kill you.
You don't know how much I fucking hate engineers.

>> No.10988240 [DELETED] 
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>I fucking hate engineers
Haha yes, yes "engineers", me too!

>> No.10988246 [DELETED] 


>> No.10988261

What map and what's the objective? Is it the Gap? Cause everything else other than that is pretty linear actually. The only time I really had this issue was with planting the final bomb in Afterglow. I planted the other three bombs too stealthily and didn't realize I could just enter the one warehouse with the secret to plant it then lie about poking around & stealing shit on my way out cause I thought I just wasn't allowed to enter it period until that section.

Everything else other than The Gap and the Roamer's base is very linear in terms of what you actually do to complete the level/objectives.

>> No.10988304

Doom but the map is infinite and procedurally generated in a well thought out and fine tuned way that doesn't stunt your progress regardless of whatever bullshit it throws at you?
LSD Doom Emulator? Where each wall and prop warps you somewhere random with a few tidbits of internal logic to it?
6 degrees of FreeDoom?

>> No.10988314

I like those ideas. What I really want is an oblige style map making tool that makes room scale maps for VR that end with teleporters to the next room. No idea if that's possible, and obviously for most of us that's a pretty small combat area but still would impress the shit out of me and encourage me to get a bigger place

>> No.10988370

Oblige/Obsidian for smartphones would be pretty cool. I've been running Oblige on Winlator.

>> No.10988518
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map where every time you pick up a medkit an archvile spawns in a random spot on the map

>> No.10988597 [SPOILER] 
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Insert a sumg & witty commentary here - all I've got is just bullet holes & a fine serving of my own fried ass ATM.

>> No.10988625

Looks like one delicious hurts donut thanks to some Quaker’s
What’s the map?

>> No.10988653

Nevermind I noticed the hud and it’s that new ToT mod
Yeah no this shit hurts anon, no smug here

>> No.10988659

redpill me on why you hate nightdive's shit
the good is pretty easy to find people gushing over but I trust no one more than you autists to know every last blemish on a retro game

>> No.10988702

i don't like that they pretend to care about preservation but only release closed-source windows ports

>> No.10988712

NIghtdive is at best a mixed bag to me. At the very least, they should give the Macfags more love and support in terms of their games.

>> No.10988713

How do you do, fellow gamers? Last night's DOOM match sure was a good 'un, huh?

>> No.10988724

>*cracks open an ice cold Bull Demon*

>> No.10988725

Yeah it was a ludicrous display last night!

>> No.10988742

I can't get over the fact that DOOM's 3D looks way better than the PSX and Saturn's 3D despite both consoles being dedicated to 3d.

>> No.10988743
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Those chain-nailgunners are a quite menace when used in spread-out groups, but the new baddie which turned out to be a career killer of me was actually the Gladiator.
Their flak wrist-gun salvo is just too shizoid for me to figure out any way of avoiding it in the open - and I don't mean that I'm getting filtered by its spread pattern, but the way how each projectile travels at a different velocity - just to fuck with your mind a tad more than usual.
At least the Nail-Infantry blokes can stunlock almost everything to death once a monster infight occurs.

>> No.10988782
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A mod where you play as Nobeta herself could probably work well in Doom. She only has 4 weapons plus a melee attack, but other weapon pickups could upgrade them. Each weapon can be charged.
>Arcane: Single shot fast projectile. Charged attack is a strong shot that can penetrate enemies. Upgrades allow to fire two of those consecutively.
>Ice: Rapid fire projectiles. Charged attack can lock on enemies and summon ice shard rains on them. Charge also grants temporary armor.
>Fire: Short range shotgun. Charged attack is pretty much a large rocket. Charge also greatly boosts melee damage while active. Upgrades can make charged attacks explode several times while attracting enemies before a final, bigger explosion.
>Lightning: Raingun. Charged attack summons a lightning strike on a large area. Upgrades give the player a speed boost while charge is active, as well as slow motion (if that can't be done in zdoom, maybe just short time freeze boosts).
There's also wind, which is double jump and mid-air dodging, and absorption, which is parry.

>> No.10988785

>>10988782 (me)
I mean Railgun.

>> No.10988805

>why you hate Nightdive's shit
I don't actively hate their products, I assess them all individually. Blood : Fresh Supply was good. Kingpin Remaster was absolute garbo. Some people are mentally conditioned to support them no matter what, others are looking for excuses to hate them but I look at each of their projects individually and decide whether or not the remaster was good.

The Quake Remasters were also good and Quake 2 remaster was even great! But was that ND or Machinegames? Or both?

>> No.10988821

Yeah it's that posturing without backing it up that really bugs me, especially after the System Shock Portable and Blade Runner shit I don't trust them to have the intentions they claim to have.

>> No.10988823

Kingpin Remaster wasn't them, it was made by nu-3D Realms.

>> No.10988834

Okay, phew or yikes I guess. Because Kingpin Remaster was a fucking turd from the lighting to the baffling graphics changes etc.
Man what the fuck, at least it's a separate game from the OG because I really the OG.

>> No.10988886
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i just had a horrible thought:
how many zoomies finished the first episodes and called it a day thinking they finished the whole games? what if they did this with all the mods they tried?
the idgames
the build games

>> No.10988895

Heretic has a raingun. More games should have.

>> No.10988901
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You have the same expectation of zoomers as those boomer comic writers
I doubt anyone is incurious enough to not check out the other episodes

>> No.10988908

no i mean, new games are not episodic, what if by the end of it they just forgot they selected one...

>> No.10988919

are these "zoomies" in the room with us right now?

>> No.10988927

Facebook is that way

>> No.10988928

actually i'm pretty sure zoomers make the map packs you enjoy.
why is my post seen as mockery? do you guys feel attacked or some shit?

>> No.10988935

It's not even a generational thing, I read somewhere that Doom 2 had all its maps in one continuous episode because people who played Doom 1 shareware thought they had "beaten Doom."

>> No.10988936

Anon you're just being retarded and tormenting yourself with hypotheticals

>> No.10988942

you're the retard if you think that your complex is tormenting me

>> No.10988943

guys I just had a horrifying thought. what if there's people who play doom 2 but DIDN'T use the super shotgun initially because they thought the single barrel was more ammo efficient?

>> No.10988947

Anyone is capable of being retarded enough to forget that there are other episodes regardless of age range, it just seems like you just have an axe to grind with "zoomers"
It's such a cliche to make fun of zoomers, I'm tired of it

>> No.10988949

>it just seems like you just have an axe to grind with "zoomers"
i really don't. you're being paranoid rn

>> No.10988952
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"Mixed bag" is appropriate for me, too: Their Powerslave mashup was cool, I like how more came to appreciate Quake 2, I don't think Fresh Supply was ever updated, and Blade Runner was wow.
Those gladiators feel like cracked up Quoth flak ogres, and going through this ToT isn't too far off from getting styled on by Warpspasm all over again.
I think I'm going to finish my Duke adventures here first.

>> No.10988956

>I don't think Fresh Supply was ever updated
it's Atari's fault apparently

>> No.10988957

>*barges into random thread* hi guys look at how much of a huge dumbass I am!! what? you're making fun of me? uhhhh do u feel attacked? u mad bro? paranoia much?

>> No.10988981
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Hey so if I setup a deathmatch server on a specific day ala WNW would you guys play it? If we can get kartan games going then I imagine shootan should have a consistent playerbase too but I'd like some input before acting on anything.
Haven't decided what game yet but I'm thinking either Quake 1 or Zandronum for Doom

>> No.10988983

it was a legit question. see >>10988935

>> No.10988985

i'd love to but my ping is always shit

>> No.10988996

It's even better than Aliens imo. My fav wad.

>> No.10989054

Recommend me some creepy maps for Quake 1 my beloved anons.

I really enjoyed Sinister625 and the Quake Brutalist Jam.

>> No.10989068

Why not make a mod that lampoons zoomer horror in the good ol' jokewad manner?

>> No.10989070

Doom’s popularity with the younger generations by way of its most popular mods along with spedrunners on Twitch makes me assume that everyone knows at this point

>> No.10989072
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We used to have a weekly on Friday Night but it slowly started to wind down over the many months.

>> No.10989082

the majority of Doom players will probably just drive by to try the classics and never come back.
the minority that stays are either nostalgic boomers or younger players/mappers who fell in love with the medium. some stay for a few months or years in transition to the industry and learn the basics of level design from the basics Doom/Quake/Unreal i guess...

>> No.10989093

Even back in the day it was pretty obvious that there's 'more' to Doom because when you are quitting out of the Shareware version [or was it after beating Knee-Deep in the Dead?] you get the advertisement about The Shores of Hell and Inferno so it's pretty clear it was not the entirety of Doom. But the Shareware version was everywhere while it was pretty damn hard to get ahold of the full version.

Same with Duke Nukem 3d and Shadow Warrior and Quake 1. The Sharewares were on a lot of demo discs and on a lot of mainstream game sites but getting the actual games was nowhere as easy as it is today. Plus back in the day I couldn't even get past the first level of Redneck Rampage because I was playing it keyboard only, I had a few chuckles at the chickens and the hillbillies being run over by the car at the start of Taylor town and the farting and shitting if you ate too much. In Blood I got to the train level but not much further.

>> No.10989098

>Plus back in the day I couldn't even get past the first level of Redneck Rampage because I was playing it keyboard only
my cousin played Duke with a joystick. she didn't get far neither

>> No.10989124

Yea I replayed Redneck Rampage or should say played for the first time fully in 2022 and at first tried without a sourceport and it controls like ass. Rednukem and kb and mouse compared to vanilla is like night and day.

I played through the Quake 1 shareware episode keyboard only using a and z to aim up and down and even that was more doable than vanilla Redneck Rampage.

>> No.10989142

i don't think i've seen someone play a first person shooter with the mouse until 1998. as kids me and my friends were clueless. we weren't the ones installing the games tho.

>> No.10989169

Lol thats interesting I thought that would also be a good detail. Another question nobody really answers about these retro gals like her and Samus is how are they going to use the bathroom in such a suit let alone in constant combat. Would be cool to "take a load off" every now and then and could lead to some funny moments if you could interact with the package.

>> No.10989170
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>I'll miss you abyss, moonbase and adventure realms, but oh baby
I recall reading this too, but I'm having trouble finding from where.

>> No.10989189

>s will probably just drive by to try the classics and never come back.
These days you probably also have to factor in the ones who played myhouse.pk3 and that was it.

>> No.10989194

is it good?

>> No.10989204

Sort of? It's production is where it stands out, but when you get to the actual Doom stuff it's pretty lame.

>> No.10989219

Yes. It's more on the arthouse side of things but it pulls off what it's trying to do adequately.

>> No.10989224

thanks i guesss i'll try

>> No.10989242

Zoomers are nearing 30, and a lot played on official ports instead of on shareware, like the one on XBLA.
There's probably zoomers in the room with us

>> No.10989250

There's a lot who have only ever played on sourceports, one dude I work with lost his shit because he was absolutely convinced the light amp always did the shitty green night vision thing in Doom.

>> No.10989259

Bit more specific, the WAD takes clear inspiration from Hosue of Leaves, Yume Nikki, and David Lynch movies. If you like any of those, then I'm sure you'll enjoy MyHouse.
If you haven't seen/played those and enjoy MyHouse anyway, you know what to do next.

>> No.10989282

There's been a few straight up Yume Nikki wads before too, with varying levels of success.

>> No.10989298

I haven't played any myself outside of the awful .flow level in Spooktober, but I imagine MyHouse to be the most successful of the bunch because it's doing its own thing instead of just "Yume Nikki but in 3D."

>> No.10989327 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 140x99, B1_Cerberus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoying it so far i'm in the backrooms where i stumbled upon a wild Cerberus

>> No.10989330

Kind of, it also just got bandwagoned to fuck by going outside of it's target audience, which is why a lot of it's nuances are lost, even in the name and basic premise.

I guess the next most popular was Soundless Mound, which got some media attention but nowhere near that scale, though I hear it's busted to fuck and nobody wants to fix any of that shit.

>> No.10989338

Oh to clarify, by "successful" I mean how much merit and creativity it has as a piece of art, sorry.

>> No.10989359

To add my two cents, I think exposure tends to be a lottery. A lot of things with no right being as popular as they are end up popular, like FNaF. It has nothing to do with how good it actually is, it largely depends on whether some big dick internet celebrity decides to stream it, and if they do then that's gonna be the next viral sensation for a while.

>> No.10989557

I think a regular quake thing would be fun. We did some Q dm and coop earlier that I liked but I missed a few sessions since the host never gave a significant heads up.
However, quake is less popular than doom, if you want it to get a sizable playerbase I think you'd need to be very consistent with timing, advertise the sessions a lot and be prudent about which maps you choose each time. Take notes from how FNF advertised itself ideally. Like FNF It'd also probably die out eventually, but that is life.
Also, custom skins and such in a quake server would also be amusing but I don't know if modern ports allow that. I'm imagining an obnoxious Cirno skin

>> No.10989720

Lots of people, young and adult, did the exact same thing with Doom and Wolfenstein's shareware back when those were new, only to learn later "Dude, there's more."

>> No.10989747
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>> No.10989778
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After playing a bit more, I have some serious gripes: Unlike FEAR, there's nothing really
to mitigate the onslaught of accurate enemies. FEAR has bullet time, and Selaco has the dash and slide kick, but the dash and slide kick aren't particularly fine. I sorta especially dislike the slide kick, because it's something you should almost always be doing to engineers but it feels really silly. I'd rather it was a shoulder charge; the game takes itself too seriously (which I love) to have Dawn in officer's armor slide around like she's in Vanquish.

The handcannon/cricket I have a problem with too. Ammo is too scarce for it to be something you can use willy nilly, you should always be saving it for engineers, but the weapon swap is slow enough that on Admiral you'll get shot a LOT by an engineer by the time you switch to the cricket. So always have the cricket out, right? Well no, because wasting it on generic riflemen is, well, a waste. I feel like the cricket should be a quickswap type weapon - press Z to fire your handcannon instantly you know?

tl;dr sliding and dashing isn't as fun as bullet time, cricket swapping and enemy priority isn't ideal right now.

>> No.10989779

and uh, the beta press release

>> No.10989783

Consistency and marketing is KEY.

>> No.10989784

That was a great episode btw

>> No.10989785

I had a similarly horrible thought at work today: All the things that I loved in my formative years and throughout my adult life will get less and less relevant to young people as time goes on.

>> No.10989791
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>like 500 videos all going
>it's literally not the doom engine, hence how you can do it
It feels like it's taking away from the cleverly implemented narrative and presentation to act like the guy is a pioneer who discovered silent teleports

>> No.10989794

It's a repeat of "BRUTAL DOOM INVENTED JUMPING AND CROUCHING!" from years ago.
People are dumb, Anon.

>> No.10989804

Even the beta looks different since it's just like a green overlap, which is why they canned it since it looks like shit.
I think it was first in Skulltag so it might be more Rachael's fault than Le [NO] Chicken.

>> No.10989808

>It feels like it's taking away from the cleverly implemented narrative and presentation
Yeah that's how I feel about a lot of stuff I like, it's like people enjoy them for the wrong reasons. Undertale is a prime example of this, that game has some seriously creative writing and the average fan just cares about shit like, skeleton incest or whatever.
It tends to happen when people are told they're supposed to like [thing] by their favorite streamer instead of actually seeking out and engaging with [thing].

>> No.10989817

>It feels like it's taking away from the cleverly implemented narrative and presentation to act like the guy is a pioneer who discovered silent teleports
But it's mindbending and spooky and has never been done before! It saved Doom by making it relevant again too!

It's frustrating how the genuinely good bits are glossed over but also the bits that aren't very good, like the encounter design towards the end isn't great, fuck knows how the bandwagon jumpers and streamers are supposed to have beaten it.

>> No.10989819
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>tutorial tells you weakening monsters is an alternative to spare them a la pokemon
>goat mom boss
>none of the dialogues trigger mercy
>beat she ass
>scripted crit to kill her
>what's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost

>> No.10989839
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>fuck knows how the bandwagon jumpers and streamers are supposed to have beaten it.
That's another thing, it's why picrel became a meme.
If you reload your save after killing Sans he'll call you a freak lol

>> No.10989858

Skulltag did that before Rachael hijacked the sourceport.

>> No.10989861
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OH the other thing, so Ion Fury's highest difficulty right? Well you have Loverboy's right click to really mitigate things, plus it's fine to pretend to be a quickdraw mcgraw, plus it's a 9 barreled magnum. I'm getting more used to combat however, I didn't know you could kick right out of a dash. That actually really helps things, and the melee range of your Q attack is deceptively short. Not to mention the shotgun deletes anything within 8 meters, nice. It's still a real ballbreaker to go from 60 or above hp down to sub-35 in a single second because the enemies just do that much damage.

>> No.10989868

Yes, and Rachael went onto sucking up to Graf after killing it, likely going "you should use this totally modern feature from this port nobody is using anymore".

>> No.10989872
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kek that reminds of of my first playthrough of strange aeons, when i finished the first episode and dropped it thinking that was all.
you still need to kill yourself asap though, i'll tell you that much senpai.

>> No.10989873


>> No.10989887

To be fair, Strange Aeons drags the fuck on with it's episodes.

>> No.10989889

I don't mind the option being there, being honest I like it because it's somewhat similar to how Duke Nukem 3D does its nightvision (and I LOVE Duke3D), but I do object to it being the default, like many of the other defaults in GzDoom.

>> No.10990001

You know what's fucked? Someone's big brother BOUGHT 'Wolfenstein 3d' and floppy only had the Shareware version / the first episode. And from I could tell it looked official and everything.

>> No.10990019

Shareware was sold in stores, you know. Usually the price was just to cover the cost of distribution, and once CDs came about you'd get a whole slew of games in one purchase, but shareware games being sold individually on floppies was pretty normal at the time.

>> No.10990034

Oh, huh, I see. Well that makes more sense. I guess the idea was to get the game out there as much as possible so even when a low percentage of people would register, you'd still get a decent take.

Which also accounts into a lot of people being 'done' after finishing one episode.

>> No.10990037
File: 855 KB, 577x759, 1641631214188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like it was meant to look like the full retail product and sold as such? Through and through fraud. Small amount in the grand scheme of things, but I bet that the motherfucker who did that ripped off a number of people that way and made himself a nice penny.

Strictly selling the shareware of Wolfenstein 3D or Doom by itself wasn't that unusual though, iD even said it was fine to do that because they wanted to incentivize people to stock it and get it into people's hands, because they had strong confidence in the demo and expected fortunes in mail orders (and they were right).
This generally was for a really low price though, $10 or less, and was expected to be advertised as being just the demo. You could charge more, but since virtually anyone could get in on this (all you needed was a stack of floppies and a sharpy, really), you wouldn't want to price yourself out of it either. Plus, once you had your own shareware copy of the game you could share it freely with all your friends and family, no copy protection because sharing was the point.

I believe that iD actually didn't want people to use their official artwork for the cover or stuff, and this is why there was a lot of imitation and substitute artwork used as cover and sleeves for these discs and floppies, which John Romero actually collects, because he thinks they're neat and funny. Pic related was one for Wolfenstein 3D.

>> No.10990046

A lot of that substitute artwork can look goofy and bootleggy as fuck, but that Wolfenstein 3D one there is actually pretty good, shows the hero and then the various enemies and bosses, and has a really cool castle looming in the background, which really gets your imagination going.

>> No.10990047

>Those gladiators feel like cracked up Quoth flak ogres
This guy has harder hitting nails coupled with a strong melee attacks that push you away (so there's no reliable way to leech-off him at Nighmare skill setting), which lets him solo stronger monsters than one would expect.
I am not bullshitting you how in one instance that guy managed to win an infight against a Shambler who only ate a single rocket from me, but I'll consider it a work of some tremendously favourable AI roll that made him keep doing that trident stab melee move with a huge knockback before the Shambler claw-swipe animation reached the damaging frame, which made the poor neckless yeti get danced to death somehow.

>> No.10990072

Is quaddicted actually dead? The last upload there was almost 9 months ago.

>> No.10990082
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People still use it to catalogue Quake things they've played, but Spirit is a terrible webmaster (always has been) and likely will never finish the new Quaddicted forum look that didn't need changing in the fucking first place.

>> No.10990107
File: 59 KB, 772x480, BEHOLD, A MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK is replayability

>> No.10990112
File: 152 KB, 497x397, 1694776086923025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you want it to be innit?
>Doom UV Max
>Doom UV pacifist
>Doom UV any% kills
>Doom UV least amount of kills possible to complete a map
>A casual replay of a game you enjoy playing

>> No.10990129

i was just complaining about this here companion cube at home, but fair enough

>> No.10990143
File: 1.98 MB, 800x959, sod cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10990154
File: 310 KB, 948x1200, bellwolfenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not one of the knockoff covers though, that's the official Spear Of Destiny box artwork. I could be a poindexter about the AK47 in a WW2 setting, but it's actually consistent with the original Wolfenstein 3D cover showing what looks like an M4 or something.

>> No.10990167
File: 134 KB, 1000x995, w3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the point being the official stuff is hilariously bad too.

>> No.10990171

Lack of historical authenticity is one thing, but Julie Bell's original artwork is still very good. Very little of the replacement art for shareware is even close to as competent, unless it's stolen from somewhere.
The artwork in >>10990037 is on the really high end for these.

>> No.10990212

it's what i thought too but the younger generations keep reenacting the decades of my youth.
we recycle old stuff all the time.

>> No.10990220

This looks like the boxart of a fictional video game in a TV show written by someone who hasn't played any video games since the 80s and thinks that games haven't advanced at all since then. The kind of fictional game that has an incredibly over the top title like Super Chainsaw Slaughterfest 9000.

>> No.10990228
File: 177 KB, 801x1000, vpgtxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those kinds of game covers were still being made even in the early 90s, this one's from 92.

>> No.10990232

>it's the first thing that pops up in a few people's head somewhere when they reminisce about Wolf 3D

>> No.10990240

myhouse.pk3 but replace all the silent teleporters with regular teleporters

>> No.10990243

What mod are you guys talking about? Looks neat.

>> No.10990248
File: 1.79 MB, 1600x900, tot4c_2024-06-04_10-34-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also did you know what the Spawns were truly missing?
The ability to turn into organic multi-grenades upon dying!
>Even the new Wrath reskins don't annoy me
as much with their "BFG-laser" plasma orbs by comparison
I love it so far acually, don't even try to nerf anything plz

>> No.10990278
File: 386 KB, 232x132, 1649977885347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it ever revealed who made myhouse? Because after whatever the fuck Lost Civilization 2 was I am 99% certain that it was Jaska.

>> No.10990287
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, Selaco EA 243192-2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullet time
I no longer find this fun and prefer shooting gameplay without it. Its a very valid way to play FEAR as well, but that lacks any fun movement options to compliment the “realtime” gameplay pace.
Tomb of Thunder.

>> No.10990293

Thanks m8

>> No.10990295

I don't think it was, though that's more realistic an idea than that one anon who was convinced it was by P1NKAC1D.

I think the most we know is Jimmy and somebody else did the music.

>> No.10990305

a mod called bullet time where instead of slowdown your weapons all affect time some other way

1. causality denying warp fist
2. time stop pistol - pauses time during each prefire delay
3. shot-cacheing gun
3. super state reversal gun - for every kill your health and armor go back to what they were 5 seconds ago (careful with group kills)
4. rapid aging chaingun
5. rocket launcher but its firing speed is randomized from 25-400% and it may fire multiple rockets at once with values of 200% or above
6. gradual enemy movement rewinding plasmagun
7. displacer bfg that instantly teleports enemies to a random previous position based on tracer damage rng

>> No.10990315
File: 28 KB, 640x295, 1671549544829253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds dope

>> No.10990318

I think a few of those are in Legendoom, definitely 3 is.

>> No.10990341

Doom with time travel, exploring the same map in past, present and future.

>> No.10990343

The guy's (ex?)wife posted about it with some photos of the house it was all based on. Could be 4D ARG though.

>> No.10990357

There was also a video going around but you can tell it had been faked up a bit.

>> No.10990383
File: 1.67 MB, 1600x900, tot4c_2024-06-04_13-36-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the latest Tomb of Thunder mod for Copper, or as I decided to call it - ToT UOOHHH!
Download link is here >>10982837 and from what I understand it's more designed to be played with LibreQuake replacement grafics than the actual ID1.wad/pak
>I'm not spoiling much more of this besides this funny tossup of mine, you can get stuck inside the door geometry leading to the secret level - which you need to access by grabbing a key from a map section that's opposite of the normal exit route within a 3 minute countdown.

>> No.10990451

Please be from yurop, I'm european and every event here is hosted in USA and I have terrible ping

>> No.10990519


>> No.10990548
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, tot_shampsvschaingun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills shamblers in a similar time frame as the super nail gun
>also goes through the same amount of ammo
Damn it. I’ll have to start counting frames and shit now, they’re way too close. This at least lends the regular nailgun the strength of having a more “ready to shoot” weapon.

>> No.10990617

Ultra rare weapon that has a chance to spawn instead of the BFG
So what is it?
I've never seen one before, no one has, but I'm guessing it's a white hole!

>> No.10990672 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.36 MB, 360x202, 8sqi8j.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is it?

>> No.10990836
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, 1685197929344337.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about mylesbiansistershouse
I don't have the map. I want it though.

>> No.10990872

Was the original wad taken down?

>> No.10990939
File: 2.10 MB, 1600x900, tot4c_2024-06-03_19-57-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not skipping the lube for the assrape that is UberMonsters
Good to know that only I am this much insane to torture myself for absolutely free I guess?

>This at least lends the regular nailgun the strength of having a more “ready to shoot” weapon
Probably this off-feel that's keeps messing me up stems from the CG trading the old SNG's non-instant projectiles for a pre-fire delay on the intended first hit, which essentialy keeps the new weapon behaving roughly the same as the 'regular' SNG in most occasions - despite working completely different somehow.

>> No.10990943
File: 155 KB, 1200x1157, 1715970897798162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is doomed...

>> No.10990987

I don't even know what to search for. I've tried stuff like "gone home doom wad" and all I'll get is myhouse or other people's houses.

>> No.10990993 [DELETED] 

I think I found it

>> No.10990996

forgot to index the post
I think I found it

>> No.10991015

>Good to know that only I am this much insane to torture myself for absolutely free I guess?
I love pain but…
I gotta draw a line somewhere. I’ll save that for a replay because this is has been one of the harder, newer mapsets I’ve played. I’m the same with coop/multiplayer Doom monster spawns, saving them for when I’m more familiar/comfortable with the levels.

The thing with this chaingun fucking with me the most: I think it’s now a better “longer ranged” option than the regular nailgun.

>> No.10991125

I just lost this at auction, sealed. Went for 150, but I've seen it go for 600 or so online.
I did get an box of it tho for cheap... No game, but I might actually have that on CD somewhere anyway. Shame it's not complete though.

>> No.10991132

It was called gonehomo iirc.
I didn't play it because the webm was enough.

>> No.10991162

The video was a UE4 thing. Pure bullshit, but a good way to capitalize on the moment for demoreel purposes.
It was probably just a collab between the ephemeral doominati.

>> No.10991189

muumi made myhouse.wad
jimmy did the music.

>> No.10991246
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>> No.10991272

Essel, jimmy, and some other big names in the doom community did contribute to the wad, but I know they didn't make the meat of it because their taste is bad

>> No.10991298
File: 2.53 MB, 406x720, myhouse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea why this game made people as mad as it did btw

>> No.10991313
File: 186 KB, 1500x844, toy-story-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold me

>> No.10991321 [DELETED] 

It's more the response people had to it that rubbed people the wrong way
Me personally I just hate liminal space shit

>> No.10991408
File: 2.03 MB, 1600x900, tot4c_2024-06-03_18-58-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly preffer the modifications from UberMonsters than the AI lobotomization from Nightmare skill setting, although I have no idea what the latest version of Copper does at skill3 compared to both previous versions and vanilla Q1 - all I remember is that you can't exploit the Shambler dance in Copper anymore so no way I have enough patience to pretend that Quake is a tactical FPS.
>this is the only good screencap of the Gladiator I took in this level, turns out that their flak-nailgun launching its projectile at random velocity was actually the property of their UM mutator and not something they do by default, just like the Enforcers having a bouncy lasergun now.

>> No.10991445

>No idea why this game made people as mad as it did btw
Shitty walking sim, in part made by a game journalist who got glowing praise from other game journalists without mentioning that fact, and wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

It drove people up the wall.

>> No.10991573

I don't even hate walking sims. MyHouse was actually p cool, and I like Dear Esther. But I don't like cronyism and the industry is full of it.

>> No.10991618

>MyHouse was actually p cool
That had combat though, it wasn't exactly the best combat but it was at least something to break up the go place get object go to another place get object shit.

>> No.10991629

my house is dirty and smells bad...

>> No.10991631

That's the fake video that >>10991162 mentioned, you can kind of tell when you sit down and look at the convenient motion blur and lack of some reflections.

>> No.10991671

>although I have no idea what the latest version of Copper does at skill3 compared to both previous versions and vanilla Q1
One thing I know it did was give voreballs a harder time at turning and tracking the player. The newest version returns their original turn rate but makes them loss tracking on death.
Knowing these things made for a very rude awakening in ToT because the mod keeps their original vanilla behavior. Ballsy.

>> No.10991702
File: 10 KB, 186x356, 1712942829024199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do myhouse.wad and everyone laughs but you do myschool.wad and suddenly the police want to talk to you

>> No.10991720

Just don't do mypowerstation.wad

>> No.10991729


>> No.10991743


>> No.10991747

Are there any weapon replacement mods for Doom that are hidden gems? Needs to alter the basic weapon decision making in actually fun ways like Final Doomer. Anything heavily mouselook dependent is bad.

>> No.10991750

>I no longer find this fun and prefer shooting gameplay without it
I can't possibly agree, and I find even less reason to agree with someone playing on a low difficulty to be quite desu.

>> No.10991758

DAKKA and Burl_Tumd

>Anything heavily mouselook dependent is bad.
Autoaim is fucked up and will interfere with projectile based shotgun weapons. So I always disable that shit in my weapons. I always forget the issue exactly but I think with older versions of Zdoom, one of the variables for vertical aim is backwards.

>> No.10991759

You're gonna get mouselook dependency with anything that's made with GzDoom because freelook is the most natural extension to first person shooters, and nobody who aims for creating different or more advanced weapons for Doom wants to work without if they have the option.

>> No.10991789

>and nobody who aims for creating different or more advanced weapons for Doom wants to work without if they have the option.
On that note, Babel plays great with or without full mouselook aiming

>> No.10991794

>On that note, Babel plays great with or without full mouselook aiming

>> No.10991825

I can make a new thread in an hour or so but until then, gentlemen, posting with you has been one of the greatest privileges of my life.

>> No.10991831

>Doom dies
Half Life won

>> No.10991875
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>Page 11

>> No.10991885

I don't have any punny images.

>> No.10991889
File: 1.20 MB, 1440x1080, 1609995392738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom days of summer

>> No.10991890

It doesn't have to be punny I don't understand the adherence. Use a screenshot of E1M2 (Nuclear Plant) and call the thread
or something.

>> No.10991918

I'll make one.