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10985630 No.10985630 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best of the GTA trilogy?

>> No.10985636

They're all bad games with no depth

>> No.10985658

I think gta SA is the best of 3/vc/sa and would go with that every time out of the 3. however liberty city stories and the other story games on ps2 are also good and took things from gta:sa and built on it for mechanics and stuff. so also check those out.
a bad wrong opinion that can be dismissed.

>> No.10985669

VC, SA was excellent too but I enjoyed Vice City more. To be fair this is more sentimental because I never owned SA but played a ton of it at my friends place.

>> No.10985713

Came in to say VCS. The driving alone feels incredibly refined even compared to SA.
I honestly believe that Rockstar could make a game in 1 year using this engine right now in 2024 and it would sell millions because it's just solid despite the janky parts of it.
SA also sucks ass because of how many missions are a huge waste of time
>drive 10-15 minutes through butt fuck egypt to get to (objective) without blowing up a mission-specific vehicle or failing when you arrive at the objective
GTA is far better suited towards the more dense/compact cities than to the vast and empty countryside.

>> No.10985725

Second this. Played all 3 at release.

>> No.10985730
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Glad that Vice City Stories is getting some love in this thread. I absolutely love that game, and it has the best soundtrack of all time. GTA has always been more of a chill out laid back type of game for me despite the action and wacky humor. It's cool to watch the Sonny Crockett amnesia arc and then spend some time in Vice City afterwards. I'd go with either Vice City titles if I haven't made it obvious already.

>> No.10985731

yeah vcs was great and I put alot of time into that game. Its the one I wanna go back and finish. I was even blessed and found a boxed complete version for ps2 at the store one time for $10 and snatched it up. no ps2 but got that sweet game in box with manual.

>> No.10985739

Vice City has the best setting, radio, and overall atmosphere, but SA has the better and more creative main storyline. I couldn’t care less about the VC characters while playing, but I was thoroughly invested in the SA characters and their stories.

>> No.10985762
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Pyong Yang is in best Korea.
Pyong Yang is in best GTA.

>> No.10985904

vice city for look and feel and san andreas for gameplay.

3D era GTA is more of a "you had to be there" as it's overall kinda jank. the HD era is an improvement but GTA 4 prioritized immersion too much over everything else which lead to saint's row and sleeping dogs eating it's lunch while GTA 5 is basically just one giant tutorial for the MMO at this point and the less said about the cesspit that is GTO:O the better.

i don't really have hope that GTA 6 is going to save the franchise. i think it's going to be another GTA 5.

>> No.10985913

Yeah SA was the absolute pinnacle of the series, followed very closely by VC(S), after that it all went downhill with R* busier devising new ways to milk the audience instead of making actual quality and not just eye candy.

>> No.10986048

It's between VC and SA, but III was surely the worst of them.
>SA has the better and more creative main storyline.
The main storyline of SA was extremely incoherent. It feels like 3 different scripts were just fused together. It was a great game, but that was really annoying.
>after that it all went downhill with R* busier devising new ways to milk the audience instead of making actual quality and not just eye candy.
GTAIV is the antithesis of what you mention. GTAV is a dumbed down game, but it's not eye candy, it's just mindless fun (as in, cool gameplay, not graphics), which arguably is a trait the original (2d) GTAs had.

>> No.10986064
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San Andreas. The jump in quality from VC to SA was huge. SA improved the controls massively from VC. Story in San Andreas was also way more interesting. Vice City absolutely blows San Andreas away with aesthetics though. GTA hasn't really peaked since San Andreas, but then again I never played VCS or LCS. It's so hard for me to sit through 4 and 5 is pretty good all things considered but it's missing a lot from San Andreas & San Andreas somehow has better car controls

>> No.10986094

>The main storyline of SA was extremely incoherent. It feels like 3 different scripts were just fused together.
maybe because you’re stupid

>> No.10986096

vcs and lcs both built on top of what gta:sa did mechanically while improving it more. emulate or buy the games and give them a play. the stories might not be as good as gta:sa in some aspects but I really enjoyed both games and the improved stuff. legit try both out tonight if you can, even right now

>> No.10986104

>no mention of Liberty City Stories
not surprised, that game's story is fucking ASS

>> No.10986120

>GTAIV is the antithesis of what you mention.
Nah, gameplay wise it didn't hold a candle to SA, and it was a mess in PC, fans had to fix it up to a decade later because R* couldn't be bothered.
Nah, the other anon is right and it is nothing more than a tutorial for the sweet sweet microtransaction cashgrab mmo

>> No.10986123
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NTA but you can tell Ryder's arc was cut short, San Fierro is a bit awkward with CJ burying construction workers in concrete etc. It's James Woods that ties that whole story together and brings it home. I love the story though and the characters are all well done.

My only issue with SA is the fact that the only good version is the 1.0 on the PS2. On PC you've got to mod the soul back in. I don't remember if XBOX kept that golden orange haze dream-like effects, the beds of grass...

>> No.10986129

It's cleary Vice City or San Andreas. Personally, I would choose VC, however I do have a soft spot for SA and obvioulsy SA had more to do and better mechanics. Zoomer who answered first please go to v you aren't welcome here.

>> No.10986141

Modded PC version is arguably the best version. Plus the layers of early mods kinda add its own little layer of soul.
Xbox did not have the effects of the PS2 version, but it had more than the updooted PC version.

>> No.10986185

GTA4 didn't have it's lunch stolen by saints row or sleeping dogs, they only exist because rockstar started having massive gaps between game releases since the 7th gen

>> No.10986227

>Street hoodlum turns into redneck low life criminal then street racer then triad muscle then fucking CIA operative then casino heister then into a rap manager and so on
I'm not saying your nigger sim game isn't good, I enjoyed my time playing it, but the story is amongst the worst in the entire saga.
>Nah, gameplay wise it didn't hold a candle to SA
It was different, but it was leagues above everything in the 3d series because of the gameplay, even if we just consider the cover system, the aiming/shooting and the melee combat. GTAIV was a game that was very carefully planed in those aspects.
>and it was a mess in PC, fans had to fix it up to a decade later because R* couldn't be bothered.
Yeah I won't argue with that.
>Nah, the other anon is right and it is nothing more than a tutorial for the sweet sweet microtransaction cashgrab mmo
It became that, but you can see where they pointed the direction of GTAV. Very easy game to play and enjoy, almost nothing that provides any sort of difficulty. And it can be fun if you don't get into servers full of 15 year old mexicans who annihilate you with that rocket bike thing.
>can tell Ryder's arc was cut short
there's also that, which becomes extremely apparent once you notice, but even if they killed ryder or made him your ally somehow, it's still a nonsensical story, even for GTA standards.

>> No.10986770

GTA 3 is the revolutionary game that changed the industry
GTA San Andreas is the greatest open world game till this day
GTA Reddit City is the shitty game appealing to the ''i was born in Le wrong generation'' group of posers nostalgic for the 80's

>> No.10986772

Sleeping Dogs was garbage just like GTA IV if not worse
but yeah Saints Rows 2 completely raped and humiliated GTA IV: The Walking Simulator

>> No.10986789


3 = VC > SA

SA just annoys me for various reasons. It does have high points but it has many boring ass lows and it just feels like quantity over quality.

The other two games I really have no complaints about, even death by water/not being able to swim. Dunno, it just doesn't really bother me and I don't know why.

>> No.10986869

San Andreas has the better campaign.
Vice City is more fun if you like to fuck with the cops/feds. San Andreas is so unsatisfying in that regard, for some reason.

>> No.10986886

I enjoyed sleeping dogs for what it was and beat it a few times but havent touched it in years. was fun when I played thru it tho. I enjoyed the story and alot of the stuff you could do in it.

>> No.10986959

vc for style, sa for gameplay, and iii for story

>> No.10986961

Gta 4 is gta at its peak imo.
but we literally can't have that opinion itt

>> No.10986967

dying in water is retro

>> No.10986975

Didn't play III, but heard good things about it
VC is pretty good, has great music and art direction
SA I actually took the time to beat, music is pretty nice, art direction is alright, but the world is pretty big in SA

>> No.10987031

GTA 5 had by far the best gameplay, I don't care what GTA 4 or San Andreas copers say

>> No.10987113
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I wish I could get into the game but the driving has no soul to it and no matter what part of the map in some Mexican guy yells fuck me in the ass every 2 minutes. Plus it's jarring how Frank's story is just over within the first 15% of the game. EFLC + IV unironically made the three protagonists feel more vital to the story.

>> No.10987117

lol what? mayhem in San Andreas was fun, swimming to Las Vanturas and driving through the desert while the cops chasing is peak KINO
IV is trash the worst 3D GTA game, The Ballad Of Fag Tony was even worse
surprisingly The Damned And The Lost was good

>> No.10987145


Have fun

>> No.10987149


>> No.10987150


>> No.10987501

>mayhem in San Andreas was fun
In Vice City I could pull out a tank and just go cruising for 20 minutes or so. I never got that urge in San Andreas.

>> No.10987524

>look at me, im a contrarian, i hate tbogt and love tlad! isnt that cool?
this isnt /v/ and all gta games past VCS are not retro

>> No.10987530

da 1 that u luv da most in ur hart :)

>> No.10987535
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>PC port never ever

>> No.10987562
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skill issue

>> No.10987565

nevermind i tought you were talking about vcs

>> No.10987567

lmao. GTA 4 zoomers are the worst. No one even thought it was good when it came out. It's the most boring and lifeless GTA that plays like a tech demo more than a game. A downgrade from SA in so many ways and inferior to GTA 5 which fully realized the unfinished ideas of 4.

4 is the only one that I drop every time I try to replay it. It's completely boring with no redeemable qualities to the setting or characters. If you like GTA 4 you probably also like plain white bread and watching paint dry.

>> No.10987580

wrapping your controller like that puts stress on the wires especially at the point where they connect to the top of the controller body

>> No.10987586

my mom told me about this a while ago, but i ve been doing this for years and my controllers work just fine.

>> No.10988232

>4 is the only one that I drop every time I try to replay it. It's completely boring with no redeemable qualities to the setting or characters. If you like GTA 4 you probably also like plain white bread and watching paint dry.
I've never even considered playing GTA after VCS. The HD era is completely offputting to me.

>> No.10988245

vice city 2

>> No.10988993

>t. zoom zoom

>> No.10989005

>No one even thought it was good when it came out
I did.

>A downgrade from SA in so many ways and inferior to GTA 5 which fully realized the unfinished ideas of 4.
GTA 5 has a worse story, worse graphics, worse physics, worse characters, and spawned the shitfest that is GTA Online which turned the series from being about serious crime to being Fortnite-style bullshit for children.

The only thing I will say definitively that 5 does better over 4 is having a rural/countryside area on the map. Exploring the deserts, woods and mountains north of Los Santos was genuinely pretty fun, at least when the game was new. But the trade-off is that Los Santos itself in 5 is severely inferior to the quality and detail of Liberty City in 4.

>> No.10989081

>The main storyline of SA was extremely incoherent.
Only if you skipped a bunch of missions.
VC was literally just the plot of Scarface.

>> No.10989160 [SPOILER] 
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>GTA 3 is the revolutionary game that changed the industry
Driver did it first, tourist zoomer

>> No.10989236

no one cares about that pseudo-driving game

>> No.10989343

Recently replayed the trilogy and SA is so much better than VC it's not even close. VC has no story (literally Scarface) and Vercetti has no personality. Vice City is tiny compared to San Andreas, there is nothing to do outside of missions. No exploration, no side stuff, you can't even swim.

But that's not the worst thing about Vice City. The second half of the game is driving around in circles collecting money so you can do the last 10 or so missions. It's excruciatingly boring. Shooting is extremely clunky and missions last five minutes tops. The ending is cliche bullshit.

The love for Vice City is 100% nostalgia or zoomertubers telling you it's this monumental achievement in gaming history. It isn't. At most it's a tech demo for one of the GOAT games of all time: SA. The soundtrack is 10/10 though I'll give you that.

>> No.10989351

>VC was literally just the plot of Scarface.
Yeah, it was a great video game plot :)

>> No.10989356

>No one even thought it was good when it came out.
Lmao who's the zoomer here? GTA4 was the most hyped game of all time. The hype was INSANE, nothing after that came close. The internet was complete chaos in the weeks before it released. People considered it the next step in gaming as a medium. People were literally cumming over the realistic physics of the Euphoria engine and the realistic gunplay and blood effects. It was universally acclaimed by critics and players alike.

A minority of teenagers were sad they couldn't do the tank cheat code or whack people with dildos anymore, that was it. The fact that people here don't talk about the absolute batshit insane hype that happened then shows most here were too young to experience it. GTA 5 was ass in comparison.

>> No.10989672

>IV is trash the worst 3D GTA game, The Ballad Of Fag Tony was even worse
>surprisingly The Damned And The Lost was good

Can't tell if you're trolling because the motorcycle physics are so fucking bad and difficult to drive and all you do in that one is ride around in your chopper.

I don't think zoomers would like GTA IV. It's a millenial game. I remember when it came out. And to this day it was the last time a game actually lived up to the hype. It was the most expensive game ever made up to that point iirc and it somehow wasn't shit. It was actually incredibly fun.
I just remember from the instant I played it being blown away with the level of detail and ambient gameplay. The peds didn't feel sterile like the 3D era Ai and it's the only story and characters in the GTA universe that ever felt original, deep, and intriguing. They really took narrative to a higher level in what was always previously shameless homage/ripoffs of genre film. Niko's story felt organic, not at all copied.

It is a downgrade from GTA SA's scope and sheer vastness of content but also when you play all of the GTA games in linear release order, you realize that SA was really the odd one out. All the underutilized RPG mechanics and completely pointless turf wars - you quickly realize why they dropped that immediately.

>> No.10989718

>the motorcycle physics are so fucking bad
you didn't play TLATD you poser, it fixed the shitty motorcycle physics of IV

>> No.10989938


SA. Vice City really captures a beautiful atmosphere, but that's all there is. Like someone else said, there is nothing to do outside of missions. It feels so empty and lifeless upon replay.

SA offers so much more to do and interact with. Even if you don't want to workout or get your haircut, you can. The world actually feels alive. Water not being insta-death is pretty nice.

>> No.10990307

>GTA 3 is the revolutionary game that changed the industry
yah but not in a good way

>> No.10990310

I hate SA. it turned GTA from a proper crime sim into a "lifestyle sim" Sims clone with tons of useless features. also made GTA associated with the ghetto atmosphere.

>> No.10990314

>a "lifestyle sim" Sims clone
You're retarded. There's no other explanation.

>> No.10990320

Vice city was the best. Andreas is the reddit choice

>> No.10990329

I like both SA and VC, but I've never player III. Should I give it a try? Or would I find it kind of boring compared to the other two?

>> No.10990430

Same type of missions, same gameplay, same humor, the main difference is the much gloomer atmosphere compared to VC and SA. You'll probably like it.

>> No.10990439

SA, with III being underappreciated.

>> No.10990443

The main issue you may find going back to 3 after VC/SA is that you can't bail out of a moving vehicle. Although nowadays there's probably a mod to enable that.

>> No.10990794

I've always wondered how moddable these games are. On one hand, most mods are just new guns, cars and skin, but on the other hand, you also have some crazy shit like a DeLorean that can actually fly (this isn't a big deal in the game) and travel through time.

>> No.10990798

SA is the only correct answer

>> No.10990808

Vice City, but III is a very close runner up for me SA from a game play perspective is of course the most feature rich, but the story/atmosphere just doesn't do it for me like the others. I've returned to play III and VC for years but hardly ever SA.

>> No.10990883
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I feel like people who complain about the atmosphere of SA haven't played the PS2 edition, which you can recreate on PC with a mod for a much more pleasant experience.

>> No.10991042

>which you can recreate on PC with a mod
none of the mods i've seen restore the deep contrast and blur (the souL)

>> No.10991046

motion blur is the worst overused ps2 effect

>> No.10991061

You can do all of that by tweaking the skygfx config

>> No.10991085

Yeah, but that's the thing with the "atmosphere" of SA. They nailed the orange haze in LA (arguably the best part) but San Fierro and Las Ventura's are kind of just alright. It's still a great game, but it's trying to be all too much at once imo.

>> No.10991090

I remember the desert looked great, sneaking into the Area 51 knockoff with eerie purple skies was kino

>> No.10991098

I played a lot of 3 and VC, and zero SA. It's gotta be San Andreas, man. Those first two are alright, but SA is still relevant to current America today

>> No.10991169

Born in the early 80s I'm not the one to brag about "the great soulful 80s" but since I'm from the Eastern Europe, the late 80s and very early 90s were still full of American TV shows and music from the 80s (I mean, they broadcasted Miami Vice only in 1994 here).
GTA1 was cool. GTA3's looks and gameplay were even cooler but when VC got out, it really gave me (a false) sense of nostalgia. Negro issues in SA didn't get me interested at all (while gameplay wise the game had hardly anything new to offer).

>> No.10991173

>Negro issues in SA didn't get me interested at all
>while gameplay wise the game had hardly anything new to offer

>> No.10991238


>> No.10991239

Fundamentally, what did SA have new (apart from a bigger map, more indoors locations and bikes)? It's not like I'm starting a dispute. I mean, maybe I still should give it a try.

>> No.10991304

The only one I played at launch was SA and my only experience having beat all 3 last year was with the definitive edition mod (not the actual definitive edition). Having said that I loved III and VC the most, they both had their weakpoints but I still had the most fun with them finding where the weapon and armor drops were while collecting packages to increase my arsenal. SA had better humor moments but I feel there was a lot that they added for sake of content. I found myself overloaded with ammo in SA and rarely died or failed any missions aside from flight school.

>> No.10991324

Free aim, rpg elements, swimming and diving, auto tuning, upgraded flying mechanics, body modifications, bunch of new minigames...
There are also a bunch of underdeveloped, half assed things they added like the gang wars and gang management, stealth mechanic, girlfriends, gyms, dancing, pimping, etc that seem interesting at first but eventually you realize how repetitive and shallow they are. But, bad additions are still additions.

>> No.10991594

>There are also a bunch of underdeveloped, half assed things they added
You really just have to expect this from westoid developers

>> No.10991624

Vice City. San Andreas is good too but far more unfocused and with less consistently good missions as a consequence of how massive in scale it is. Plus, as much as I love the SA countryside and SA radio stations, you can't beat Vice City's atmosphere.

>> No.10991635

I don't like VCS as much as VC but it's a fucking crime that the stories games haven't seen proper modern ports, and VCS wasn't even given a mobile port like LCS. Legitimately fun games that most people will never play because they're stuck on the PS2 and PSP forever.

>> No.10991739

3, the first and last good GTA. its simplicity serves it well

>> No.10991757

SA was the better game while VC had the better story. Nothing like taking over the whole town. CJ on the other hand was everybody's bitch the whole game. Don't get me started on Sweet and his whole 'muh hood' thing.

>> No.10991819

San Andreas.
3 has a place in my heart with friends coming over taking turns on it doing cheats. Those days are never coming back.

>> No.10994339

if anyone says anything other than san andreas they're retarded