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File: 384 KB, 2048x1152, GPASEC-XkAE5epo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10986942 No.10986942 [Reply] [Original]

How much would you pay for a Sonic Romhack?

>> No.10986945

I feel sorry for the random people on Deviant Art who got their art ripped off for this shit.
Except Virus-20, fuck that dude

>> No.10986946

is the sega exe hack fun or no?

>> No.10986948

>$50 for roms
>stolen art
its another punch the soulless scumbag store owners in the face for being soulless scumbag store owners and selling roms worth $0 for $50 episode

>> No.10986962

Probably good if you download it for free, but I can't imagine any meme creepy pasta romhack is worth money.

>> No.10986972
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1664932731288435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0 plus $0 tip

>> No.10986973

bout tree fiddy

>> No.10987001

Is it an option to pay for one not to be made? I would consider that.

>> No.10987006

I don't know why big vidya so rarely makes their own hacks or buys them from fans for a relatively low price so they can sell them for a profit without having to make a whole new game. I'd buy the shit out of some of them. Probably not Sonic but it'd be over for my wallet if Nintendo started selling Zelda 64 hacks.

>> No.10987043

is this even legal?

>> No.10987048

These are repro carts made by third parties not the rom hackers, this is why many romhacks have a warning baked in saying "if you bought this it you got scammed".

>> No.10987053

If it was a good for the lulz. But my retarded joke budget is around $20.

>> No.10987083

>draw degenerate art
>it furthers the cause
they don't feel bad

>> No.10987106


>> No.10987115

>tfw sonic xl doesn't have any lewd belly rub minigames
What a bummer...

>> No.10987138

Realistically how much would something like this cost to put together yourself? I know you can get the cartridge shells and cases for a couple dollars on Aliexpress but no idea about the pcb and chips etc.

>> No.10987139

Why, what he do?

>> No.10987146

If you want a good .exe game (as good as edgy creepypasta sonic games can be anyway) play the Nightmare series.

>> No.10987162

Technically, yeah. It's a copy that's been modified as a parody... Well, at least for the XL one
Megadrive pcbs are pretty cheap these days and old ROM stock is still fairly bountiful for now, so with everything plus a donor cart, probably like 30 bucks because of high quality prints of the covers and labels. https://www.etsy.com/listing/780755538/sega-genesismega-drive-cartridge-circuit?click_key=8d20377e2572da73b5082e637f6d07d23ee1dfc9%3A780755538&click_sum=b2d83888&ref=shop_home_recs_10&sts=1

>> No.10987172

You shouldnt.

>> No.10987175

Probably not, but I doubt sega would give a shit.

>> No.10987178

Look, if you want physical repros you DONT NEED a donor cart anymore because pcbs with mappers are now available, but even then most chinkshit you buy from Etsy and Alibaba just use a flashrom that cant hold shitloads or roms, i know because i bought a megaman multicart and well, it also came on a famicom board chip with black chip and a converter.

>> No.10987180

Like, $5 if I found one at a thrift store.

>> No.10987232

Romhack sellers are the worst kind. There was this website that sold romhacks and pretended like it was doing it because it was cool and not for money.
Except it printed manuals too, there was this Zelda romhack and the manual was just a reprint of the original game manual. Except that the romhack had none of the items found in the OG that were listed in the manual, and none of the new items replacing the old ones were listed in the manual.

There was this other guy selling a romhack of mine, I emailed him telling him to stop and he just did, without responding. So at least I suppose they're not too retarded and there is no need to make a fuss if you can just talk to them.

>> No.10987308

Imagine being so retarded as to reprint the manual with the wrong info. No scratch that... Imagine being so retarded and lazy and a piece of shit that you reprint the original manual with wrong information for a romhack and think you're doing a positive thing for the gaming community. It's like water proofing a swimming pool.

>> No.10987682

Those gay ones?
Sonic 1 & 2 Heroes would be cool though.

>> No.10987693

>Sonic XL

Wonderful. Is it about Architecting yourself?

>> No.10987697

I know a watchmaker that sells old, Chinese-made clocks for 25$ a pop. They're the cheap plastic kind. You could buy one for pennies. He seriously believes someone will buy this shit for nostalgia reasons.

>> No.10987702
File: 13 KB, 320x224, Sonic3D-SS-SONKNUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have the right idea but the prices are kind of high and I'm not a huge fan of the splattered cartridges (although admittedly this takes a lot more effort than just using a stock generic cart. My local game shop has a few romhacks and repro carts as well. I will say I do like that these come with the box. Even better if they made manuals for them

Also this, I can't tell from the photos but the artist should be credited or commissioned in some way. Or just use AI

>> No.10987757

What's the source on that image?

>> No.10987789
File: 197 KB, 1264x1280, IMG__2057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to collect retarded looking bootlegs for various systems whenever I'm in the mood for that. The worse the cover/game inside, the better.

About 6-7 years ago, we still had small vidya shops that were selling Genesis repros like crazy, bought a lot of carts from there for like $2. Never seen anything as fancy as OP pic, though, with clear cases and shit.
I'll check later if something like that is still being sold near me.