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10979157 No.10979157 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best version to play these days?

>> No.10979197

If you can get the PC version up and running properly that's a good way to play it. Also playing the PS2 version in PCSX2 with all the upscaling enabled.

>> No.10979201

The PC version with the FXT mod applied.

>> No.10979207

Which cars are worth unlocking first? It seems the OR versions of cars are all massive steps up from their original versions, especially for the Beginner and Expert level vehicles .

>> No.10979215

Just use cheats to unlock everything

>> No.10979271
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The definitive Super Deluxe version

>> No.10979279
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Another angle

>> No.10979302
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>> No.10979440

I gave up on the PC port because the fps was randomly going apeshit
tried forcing vsync, capping the fps at 60 and literally nothing helped so I stuck with the japanese ps2 version

>> No.10979449

Why the Japanese version specifically?

>> No.10979631

The PS2 Japanese version (OutRun 2 SP) was the last to come out that gen and has some neat bonuses like extra remixes, the PSP-unlockable cars selectable, improved performance and wheel support if you care about that. There is no one perfect version though, the original Xbox OutRun 2 has a neat mission mode that never showed up again as well stages ported over from Scud Race. The PS3/360 version has native widescreen but is missing half the stages (2SP only), the arcade rerelease (playable through Technoparrot) has native widescreen and all the stages but god help you if you don't have a wheel to play it.

>> No.10979641

I've played the PS2, Xbox, PC and PSP versions. Not sure if there any other versions.
The Xbox or PC versions are probably the best.
The PSP version is not worth playing because the framerate is terrible, but you can emulate the PSP version and get perfect performance.
I didn't realize there was a 7th gen version

>> No.10979646

Same but due to the FFB just refusing to work

>> No.10980396

2 on Xbox

>> No.10980416

just emulate initial d

>> No.10980424

PC version with framerate capped, RTSS works well.

Seems FXT is mostly for setting it up in arcade cabs, doesn't seem to do much besides arcade-style screen overlays, for me it totally broke gamepad input till I removed it too.

The steam EXE was just unpacked on cs.rin.ru yesterday and found to be the orig non-securom-tainted version, should make game patches easier.

I already found a patch to disable the ugly car LOD pop-in (cheat engine: "OR2006C2C.exe+AE4E9" as 4 bytes hexadecimal, change value from 83C3BE0F to 8390C031)

>> No.10980428

Also in case any game reversers are lurking, there's debug symbols for the lindburgh arcade release that match OR2006 pretty closely too, tons of function names/variables included with it.

>> No.10981289

I have no idea why the game randomly starts fucking with the fps even though my monitor is only 60 hz
is the game's vsync broken on windows 10 or what?

>> No.10981329

Seems they tried to add a framelimiter to it but it's busted, only runs properly if running in fullscreen vsync mode
If you used FXT that seemed to switch to windowed mode by default for some reason, maybe check outrun2006.ini and set DX/WINDOWED = 0
Or if you changed something in gpu control panel that might stop it from vsyncing properly too

Might be worth trying dxvk as well, the x32 d3d9.dll from https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/download/v2.3.1/dxvk-2.3.1.tar.gz should work.
If you create dxvk.conf with d3d9.presentInterval = 1 inside that should force vsync, d3d9.maxFrameRate = 60 might help too.

You can get proper MSAA/AF with dxvk too, this config cleans it up pretty well:

d3d9.samplerAnisotropy = 16
d3d9.clampNegativeLodBias = True
d3d9.forceSwapchainMSAA = 4
d3d9.presentInterval = 1

>> No.10981330

>tfw i will never be a booth girl and watch middle aged japanese salary men play Outrun in an arcade

I dont want to live anymore

>> No.10981382

this game is fun

but for like 5 minutes

>> No.10981392

>>tfw i will never be a booth girl and watch middle aged japanese salary men play Outrun in an arcade
>I dont want to live anymore

Just open your own arcade and hire hot girls to cute wear uniforms, and have them help customers.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.10981465

Should i just buy a mansion too?

>> No.10981643

>Should i just buy a mansion too?

No need for that. Just live ontop of your arcade like a true gamer. Or next door to your arcade.

You can choose to hire whoever you want. You want only cute girls? Then hire cute girls. How do you think Hooters works?

>> No.10982948

Wish they'd release it on steam again

>> No.10984124

tried that but now it just crashes randomly lmao
fucking hell I think I'll just stick with emulation

>> No.10985030

No Ferrari license.
They should really just use generics like earlier OutRun.

>> No.10986370

Are you using some cracked copy? The old cracks did weird shit to bypass securom
cs.rin.ru has a new one released just a couple days ago which might run better

>> No.10986374
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lmao I was just about to make a thread asking which version of Original OutRun is the best

As for 2006 I have been playing the PSP version and it's pretty good

>> No.10986963

yea I'm using the reloaded crack
like I said I just gave up I'm done fucking around with the PC port
the game just doesn't play nice with my computer

>> No.10987507
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C2C was one of the first games I tried when I got an oled screen and it really does look excellent. The bold colours are a natural fit to oled's strengths so if you have the option I can highly recommend it.

>> No.10987539

is the ps3 version good, besides only having half the stages?>>10979631

>> No.10987717


>> No.10987737

I just grabbed the new one. It's the clean steam version. What's the difference? You still need to use Goldberg's emu to bypass the steam drm or am I missing something?

>> No.10988042

Is there any reason to play it over 2006?

>> No.10988124

>Won't save with too large a memory card
Any way to fix this?

>> No.10988180

They did internal studies that allegedly determined that the only reason why people bought the games was because of the license and Ferrari are acting like fucking cunts asking for a gorillion dollars. It’s not worth it, and if that study is true and not flawed then it’s a damn shame people play it only for the brand name in the game

>> No.10988526

One of the last posts on rin.ru has a new unpacked exe which can run drm-free, no need for steam_api cracks or the old reloaded securom bypass
(the reloaded securom stuff is weird, good chance it was causing issues on some systems, new exe has none of that)
there might be a new dll mod soon that requires the unpacked ver too

>> No.10989119

Alright, got the new exe from there, works great. Thanks.

>> No.10989626

>there might be a new dll mod soon that requires the unpacked ver too
It's up btw: https://github.com/emoose/OutRun2006Tweaks

>> No.10989636

Forgot to mention changes
>Game can now run in borderless windowed mode; mouse cursor will now be hidden while game is active
>Adds a built-in framelimiter to prevent game from speeding up (along with an optional fix to allow higher FPS without speedup)
>Fixes objects being culled out before reaching edge of screen
>Allows disabling vehicle LODs to reduce the ugly pop-in of them
>Disables culling of certain stage objects
>Can force anisotropic filtering level & enable transparency supersampling, greatly reducing aliasing around the edges of track.
>Automatically disables DPI scaling on the game window, fixing scaling issues with certain setups
>Allows game to load in lens flare data from correct path when needed, fixing lens flare issues.
New framelimiter should let it run at 120+FPS too (even works with 3000+FPS using dxvk), game still updates at 60Hz internally tho so it's not as good as true 120FPS, but might be useful for some

>> No.10989663

Huh, does this new .exe fix the error with high scores not saving?
also guessing this doesn't work with the FXT mod.

>> No.10989671

>lmao I was just about to make a thread asking which version of Original OutRun is the best

3DS or Switch, no contest. 60fps (original 30fps is unlockable) and you can select from the original or revised course layout. Plus the 3D looks great on 3DS and the Switch version has bonus songs. There are also optional car upgrades you can unlock but I'm a purist so I don't bother with them.

The only flaw is that they lost the Ferrari license so the appearance of the car is changed. But the gameplay features more than make up for it.

>> No.10989737
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Arcade + TeknoParrot + custom soundtrack.

>> No.10989770

Very doubtful and the FXT mod is hideously outdated now, it's best left behind in general. If you want force feedback/wheel support the teknoparrot version would be best.

>> No.10989831

anyone tried this?

>> No.10989840

Nice ass

>> No.10990153
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>(along with an optional fix to allow higher FPS without speedup)

>> No.10990223
File: 1.76 MB, 3840x2160, OR2006C2C.EXE - Shortcut_2024.06.04-11.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After messing with that for about 30 mins it seems to be working, though I found the 60fps cap it offers to be a bit wonky (it capped at 56fps for me despite 60 being set in the config file and framepacing got worse) whereas my external solution worked fine. Using the uncapped option is real nice and unsurprisingly running at 240fps is smoooooth.

>> No.10990678

yeah this shit doesn't fucking work

>> No.10990695

this looks like a dreamcast game

>> No.10990707


>> No.10990732


Ew. You actually installed that closed-source spyware?

Use OpenParrot or don't bother at all.

>> No.10990804

frame limiter isn't smooth and the game WILL start randomly speeding up if you disable it so what's the fucking point of this "tweak"?
just to have the borderless mode work? lol

>> No.10990813

I'm a simple man, with a simple question and all I need is a simple answer :

Does this how save the records, times, progress, etc?

>> No.10990823

It probably started off very early stages in 2000/2001 with that system in mind for a port so yeah, probably

>> No.10990995

Hm, any chance you can try with https://github.com/emoose/OutRun2006Tweaks/releases/tag/v0.1.1?
There was some code in framelimiter to try tracking some time-deviation between frames that I copied from dxvk, might need to work on it some more though, disabled it in 0.1.1
Also added FramerateLimitMode to INI which should let it be more accurate but with slightly higher CPU usage, maybe can help
I noticed the OR2006 menus can also randomly have slightly lower FPS for no reason, not sure why that happens yet, but going ingame seems to fix it

>> No.10991027
File: 2.22 MB, 3840x2160, OR2006C2C.EXE - Shortcut_2024.06.04-18.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is still wonky (the frametime graph is fun!). This is running on a 5800x3d and 7900xtx and 60fps cap in the config file.

>> No.10991637

Strange, it's able to run at the framelimit perfect for me, will try seeing if there's a different way for it to handle framelimiting.
Could you check if changing the VSync option or DX/WINDOWED in outrun2006.ini makes any difference? Did have some frame issues with windowed + vsync enabled before.

>> No.10991862
File: 2.21 MB, 3840x2160, OR2006C2C.EXE - Shortcut_2024.06.04-23.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to add dx/windowed to my outrun2006.ini (all mine contained was language, adapter, resolution, AA and fog) and setting it to true in conjunction with the tweaks frame cap seems to have worked, so it looks like my issue is related to (exclusive?) fullscreen. Just driving for a little bit the OSD isn't lying either - it feels like a smooth 60fps.

>> No.10993584

Ah nice good to hear, I'll add a note about that to the page, not really sure why exclusive fullscreen would break it though, wonder if it's GPU driver/mfg related, will try looking into it some more soon

If you mean the rankings in the C2C menu I figured those were just static and didn't update, do you know if they ever worked on the console ports or anything?
The Outrun2SP rankings seem to work fine for me, but did notice it not saving properly one time, got most of the code for that mapped out now so maybe can force it to save at certain points just in case

>> No.10993706

how did a racing game about driving one car take off so much?

>> No.10993884

>looked real good
>ran real fast
>sounded good
It was just a top tier game made when the industry was recovering from the crash.

>> No.10994034

Yes they are high score tables, that's the whole point of them, to keep the high scores tracked and allow you to improve your runs, etc

>> No.10994192

>need to use a cheat code to unlock the PSP exclusive content
can't i just have a code to unlock ONLY the PSP content? I still want to unlock everything else on my own

>> No.10994201

Posted 0.2 here: https://github.com/emoose/OutRun2006Tweaks/releases
Now fixes a ton of the z-fighting and distant object rendering issues, haven't tested everything like the ending cutscenes yet though, if anyone notices something broken lmk

Do you know if they're functional in any other ports? All the vids I've seen has them all the same as PC, maybe those yters didn't bother playing it that much though

>> No.10994219
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You're doing god's work.

>> No.10994253

Good stuff man, I'll be testing it on the weekend.

>> No.10994262

How do I unlock PS2 stuff on PSP emulator?

>> No.10995024
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>> No.10995245

Yes mate they're functional. I'm not sure what you're getting at? Like which games have you ever come across where the score tables don't ever update and are 'just for show?'

>> No.10995275
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what a sad ass

>> No.10995278

Only trying to ask if you knew which had it working since it might come in useful for restoring it, for all I know all of them are busted besides some original release.
Did eventually find one video showing it works in PS2 at least https://youtu.be/Zagckl0SC30?t=474

>> No.10995294

>Last update 2019
>Barely supports anything
Believe me I get it bro, the devs are total shitheads and I wouldn't put it past them, but OpenParrot is next to useless.

>> No.10995476
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>> No.10996123

There's been some anons here before who said the scores update for their pirated copies and that it's a bug with the main cracked version of the game post pirate websites use.

>> No.10996149

imagine being this homo. couldnt be me, that ass is more than fine.

>> No.10996757

Man this game gets really frustrating in later stages, you basically can't make any mistakes and need to constantly maintain high speed to get AAA ranking

>> No.10996907

it's the original experience. More difficult as well due to lack of slipstream

>> No.10996971

>if anyone notices something broken lmk
lens flare is broken for me now
I have the lens flare offset file in both the common and media folder

>> No.10997003

Can you check if removing it from common and only having media/lens_flare_offset.bin lets it work?
If you had it in common it should be skipping the lens flare patch really, hm

>> No.10997060

tried it, still the same
sun is flickering all the time too

>> No.10997068

Ah might be the FixZBufferPrecision patch, disabling that seems to fix it at least.
Probably an issue with how that has to change camera z-near to work, will try seeing if there's a different way to fix it.

>> No.10997754

Abusive fucking bitch. I'm sorry, I wanted to enjoy the tulip section.

>> No.10997758
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Forgot pic.

>> No.10997861

I think it's absolutely fine if you run a legit version of the pc port, it seems it's the crack that fucks it all up. All fine on all other ports