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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 1024x1024, shiningforce2-1647220759243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10967531 No.10967531 [Reply] [Original]

what are your favorite shining force memories?

mine is in shining force 2. facing odd eye, and he's DESTROYING my troops. down to only bowie and frayja. frayja out of mana, bowie pulling back so as to not lose the fight. send frayja in to deal damage. surprisingly does ACTUAL damage of like 35. i can finally see odd eye's health. i dont think bowie can do enough to finish him off, and frayja will probably die this turn. odd eye attacks, frayja lives with ONE health. odd eye gets a second turn because boss shenanigans. FRAYJA FUCKING DEFENDS. send bowie in, deals solid damage, but doesnt kill. frayja gets his turn again. CRITICAL HIT of like 70 or something, overkill, like an absolute boss. if odd eye defended, he would have killed me next turn. i was a kid, so i probably made a lot of mistakes to lead up to that, but pulling out the clutch victory was great.

(also calling on anon to continue from last thread posting updates of his playthrough)

>> No.10967564

Crafting mithril weapons in SF2 was when I discovered the value of savescumming. And this was pre-emulation, so I had to keep resetting and loading my game every time that asshole didn't give me the weapon I wanted. Worth it.

>> No.10967663

i probably raged more at the tedium of scumming for the best mithril weapons, than for any genesis game for difficulty.

>> No.10967747
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Shining Force was one of the first games I ever beat, so I can still remember my eight-year old self going nuts that I actually managed to kill Dark Dragon.

I remember being happy.

>> No.10967770

i watched my older brother beat it, and when he had max deal the final blow with a different animation, we collectively lost our shit at how cool and epic it was.

it seems like such a small thing now, but at the time it was incredible.

>> No.10967946

>Dark Dragon
How come Shining fags never properly translated the Mega Drive games?
The jap and the western versions change quite a lot of the story.

>> No.10967969

very cool anons. always feels amazing to beat a game. congrats on beating shining force.

>> No.10967985
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who has the best attack animation?
my nomination i think is Max after he's promoted
but i love the promoted mage animation from sf1 as well
May's attack in sf2 is cute too

>> No.10968003
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Is this the new Shining Thread?

>> No.10968024

HERO Max is pretty good, yes.
Though SF1 got a ton of the good ones. I especally like, both Guntz ones, MMNK Gong and Musashi SKNT Lyle makes me giddy too, even if it's more thanks to the explosion damage animation rather than his own.

>> No.10968028

games are really cool
there's a really cool randomized stat system on level up with rubber banding, meaning every run will have a different op character, but all characters will be atleast semi useful as well

>> No.10968034
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Why is nobody talking about the PS2 ones?

>> No.10968037

That's just Grans Island and southwestern part of Paramecia.

>> No.10968057

Way less people played them and most of the Shining fanbase is into tactical games and not diabloids (and whatever Shining Tears and Wind tried to be), so most people just care about SF1 and SF2. There's also resentment that Sega shifted series focus after SF3.
Basically, it's like barging into Phantasy Star threads and talking about PSO and vice-versa.

>> No.10968123

honestly, pre-promo zylo.
pre-promo kiwi is pretty cute though.

>> No.10968130

my runs are pretty consistent, and i know what to expect from most characters. while there is SOME rng, most variances in "performance" from a character will come from you (accidentally or intentionally) catering to them, to ensure that they keep up and dont fall behind.

>> No.10968134

its the entire map of sf2.

>> No.10968148
File: 2.40 MB, 1751x2473, SFRebirthOfLightAndDarkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they did translate them. I'm not calling it "Black Dragon" because half the thread won't know WTF I'm on about.

Now if you want to know about a translation patch, I'm fairly sure one is pretty far along.

>> No.10968152
File: 507 KB, 600x800, 7a5419fef6d97f59263b88533db96caa-d3g86b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXA was all right. It saved the good parts of Neo while removing the atrocious voice acting and character designs. Sir Avalon was my favorite with Amitaliri a close second. If you wanna talk about it go ahead, we got hundreds of posts before this thread autosages.

>> No.10968169

dark dragon makes so much more sense though. calling him black dragon is fucking stupid because he isnt black at all.

>> No.10968172
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>> No.10968201
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>play SF3
>it's such a long game
>get burned out 90% through the game
>5 years later
>play again
>get burned out again
>there are 2 more scenarios
I'll never finish it.

>> No.10968251
File: 330 KB, 600x450, black dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he isnt black at all.

not in the US version, but in the original he is

>> No.10968403

>tfw you kill the seemingly random enemy and battle ends before you beat everyone else

>> No.10968438

Nothing directly related to the game. I didn't play it until the late 90s, but I purchased a used Genesis and a copy of SF II and spent a few weeks of my summer playing it. I'd always have the window open and I can still feel the breeze blowing in. I also remember the Genesis synth causing the speakers on my TV to crackle.

>> No.10968543

>I also remember the Genesis synth causing the speakers on my TV to crackle.
Was it Model 1?

>> No.10968564

I honestly can't recall. I want to say it was a model 2 but it could have been the original one as well. It was a pretty cheap TV as well.

>> No.10968574

I feel you, just went straight from Scenario 1 to Scenario 2 and besides the slightly better 3D models, it's the same game with a different cast.
Playing these games at release was definitely the best way to enjoy them, just like the .hack franchise.

>> No.10968934

Play SFCD to refresh yourself with bitesized adventures that don't waste your time and feel like home.

>> No.10968937

seems kinda dumb to add battle maps, but not include any battles that happen "in" places.

>> No.10968943

I got SF2 on the Game Gear as a random Christmas present. I'd never played a tactical game before and it blew my young mind. Changed my taste in games forever. Absolute classic.

>> No.10969473

That first slade one shot after promotion.

>> No.10969614

I want to love it but it is so agonizingly slow. Didn't help that it seemed like not everything in my transfer worked properly between 1 and 2. I read online that a save from the original scenario 1 would work fine with fantranslated scenario 2, but that one archer dude that required you to find him in the first scenario didn't appear. Weird since the transfer process looked like it worked correctly. After I spent all that time saving the refugees in the first scenario too. Was quite the let down.

>> No.10970101

>After I spent all that time saving the refugees in the first scenario too
Is this really possible? My units had no chance of reaching them before the enemy, so I assumed you couldn't save them all.

>> No.10970178

You can, but it's really dumb. If you just move each refugee as far as they can on each of their turns, one of them will block another's movement by like one space and you won't be able to save all of them in time. With those little random patches of rough terrain, their movement is a little tough to gauge. But along with sending your units as fast as you possibly can, there is a movement pattern for the refugees that will let you save them all and you get some sort of reward in scenario 2 (if I recall correctly)

>> No.10970197

Of course I should also mention that you move the train to block enemies from attacking them from behind. If you do all their moves perfectly, you can get them to a safe place before you do this. It is so tight that it is ridiculous.

>> No.10970228

Scenario 3 actually, and your reward is a sword that isn't even the strongest you get at that point (with forging).

>> No.10970670
File: 10 KB, 496x448, 4-shining_challenge_011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is the new Shining Force thread, does anyone have more insight on the difficulties? I decided to start a new game since I remembered loving it back when it came out. I chose Super difficulty and the first few battles were very hard, it was a lot of fun. So I figured I'd bump it up to Ouch to see how hard it could get and to my surprise it was far easier.

So a little research I find out they fell into the same hole Legend of Mana did and borked what was supposed to be the hardest difficulty into one of the easiest. Some people say the AI on Ouch is much more aggressive though, which I wonder about. Has anyone tried playing much of it?

>> No.10970671

The only difficulty setting that has any difference is SUPER which has a 25% ATT increase for all monsters. All the other difficulty settings are identical. There is space in the code to alter 3 of the difficulty settings but, for whatever reason, SUPER was the only one affected.

>> No.10970672

There might be something to the AI being different, but that's mostly unsubstantiated. It's difficult to verify because enemy AI is difficult to sift through in SF2.

>> No.10970731

I remember an Australian video game magazine saying there was spelling mistakes on every second screen and they couldn't keep the character's names straight. It was part of the reason I played it 20 years ago. The reviewers must have got an earlier build. Is this build still around?

>> No.10970778

Sure, there are builds with early translation for both SF1 and SF2.

>> No.10971004

I am curious about the AI. It's been a long time since playing the original but the way mobs will inch closer and then all swarm a magic user or Slade to wipe them from full health to death in a couple attacks has been quite impressing me. But it could be they always did that and I didn't notice because it wasn't enough to KO them.

I have to say, playing 2 again on one of the Genesis collections, having a fast forward button is a god send and is basically what makes it playable these days. Just being able to hold it while the enemy does it's shit so I can get back to ganeplay makes such a huge difference.

>> No.10971336

well i loved this game but it was the second playthrough that i discovered loads of side characters and hidden secrets when adventuring again.

so to answer your question its when i manage to transform that goofy bird into a phoenix that blew my mind

>> No.10971393

>Hot stuff coming your way
>Hot stuff coming your way
>Hot stuff coming your way

>> No.10971828

We don't talk about Merle.

>> No.10971860

>EXA Mobile and Wind X will be forever stuck on dead Japanese phones
I know that they are basically just lazy Gaiden "hacks", but they are the most fascinating pieces of official content after RoDD.

>> No.10972508
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>> No.10972885

why blonde? sheela has brown hair.

>> No.10972979

She went Super Saiyan.

>> No.10972993
File: 6 KB, 259x194, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to my friends house for a sleepover in the middle of January when a storm of the century blizzard hit and I couldn't make it home so I stayed there for two nights instead. His parents had also been away so just me and my two best friends and my friends cute little sister playing N64 and sega all weekend while emptying out every piece of junk food in the cupboards because our preteen asses fucked up frozen pizzas. The second night my friends passed out and his sister wanted to beat SFII and wanted my help because she was stuck at that one fight where you first get off the boat after fleeing the main island. I beat it and we switched on and off and during one of the fights where I was playing she fell asleep against me for a little while and I tried not to wake her while I played. She woke up after awhile and was super impressed with how far I got and we stayed up all night playing it and talking.

That weekend was like something out of a cheesey sitcom and I think about it alot. My friends sister wound turning into a slutty headcase during high school but I do often have Chud fantasies and What If? Scenarios in my head where I mustered up the gumption that night to ask her to the sock hop and we wind up being sweet hearts. I know a huge chunk of it is nostalgia but I genuinely worry kids nowadays will never ever get to experience in the moment things like that because of how jaded and disconnected phones and the internet in general have made us.

>> No.10973002

what game should I play first? the first one?

>> No.10973008

Yeah. OG Shining Force is great. There is one game before it called Shining in the Darkness which is great too, but it's a dungeon crawler and not a Tactical RPG.

>> No.10973021

definitely recommend playing the first one. it has a few flaws, but its still totally fine once you get the hang of it. some battles are just a bit tedious due to choke points and/or massive amounts of forest/desert/mountains slowing your movement for no reason.

the second game is significantly better and fixes all of the minor problems of the first one. if you jump right into the second one, theres a chance that you'll hate all of the inconveniences of the first and never want to stick through it or be able to appreciate it for what it is. i'd say that its still worth doing the first game first though.

>> No.10973039

The answer to that is nearly always yes, but yes. I actually like SF1 a little better than 2 despite its flaws.

>> No.10973083

It's not like SF2 isn't uniquely flawed either. I think Camelot bit more than they could chew at the moment without Climax backing them.

>> No.10973107

what flaws for sf2 exactly? right now i can only really think of the difficulty bug as anything substantial.

>> No.10973163

>what flaws for sf2 exactly
pegasus wing is annoyingly late in the game to acquire!
that's about it

>> No.10973182

2's world map being designed to fit random battles makes it annoying to navigate since it's so huge and empty.

>> No.10973194

its not perfect, but compared to sf1 where
experience doesnt roll over when you level up
only max can hold items from chests, so you constantly have to manually shift items to other characters
wild rng variances in level ups, including sometimes leveling up with zero stat gain
some characters having retarded stat gain rates in general (like hans gaining only speed and zero attack for multiple levels at a time)
new crew members often joining PAINFULLY under leveled
stat loss on promotion
choke points
maps full of 30% land effect
3 out of 4 healers in the first chapter
space between new weapons is too large.
and possibly other QoL things that sf2 completely fixes.

sf2 has...
difficulty selection bug
cant search in battle (literally only like 2 times this even "matters")
kind of like sf1, a couple of characters just plain suck (like luke and kiwi)
accidentally retriggering a repeatable battle
being able to accidentally reach the kraken 2 battles earlier than intended.
thats pretty much it. the game is really solid, with no real major issues, ON TOP OF fixing all of the problems sf1 had.

>> No.10973210

I'll have to replay it to give a deeper answer, but the biggest flaw for me would be a lack of variety in your troops. Troop composition is practically solved by the midgame with the only exceptions for Frayja and Sheela, if you'd want to use them. The rest of the characters are completely useless (or require quite a bit of the catch up). Realistically, you can decide to add Zynk, Claude or Lemon to spice things up or if you'd get particularly unlucky with level ups in level 20 promotion run and that's it.
SF1 offers much more experimentation as well as a lot more viable options if RNG fucks someone up. Like, Bleu might need a bit of catering and it's best to forget about Adam, but everyone else is useable as is.
Only if you autistically promote at the earliest possible level, but even then you can just give it to Eric after picking the rest of the Creed's crew up.
Or you can simply ignore it and use Paladins, as counter-intuitive it might seem.
Personally, I feel like the map was designed for lore first and battles second, or we wouldn't get a bunch of the desert heavy battles almost in a row. At least Paramecia feels like that. Grans is slightly better.

>> No.10973226

thats a pretty fair criticism. all of the other items can be acquired before or near the time you're expected to be level 20 and expected to promote.
it doesnt take that long to walk, and the time saved compared to sf1's SLOG through full forest/mountain battles and chokepoints is still greater. 30 fights in the first game, 43 in the second. of those 30, 9 are on the overworld. of those 9, 8 have a stupid chokepoint and/or are massively inhibited by rough terrain. 5 more battles have at least one really stupid choke point, bringing it to 13, and i was generous by not counting 2 where a staircase didnt end up mattering much (laser eye fight, and the tower of the ancients. also not counting the elliot fight, even though it takes so many turns to cross and engage, because i like the structure of it). thats almost half of the battles just fucking sucking. sf2 has 19 overworld fights, and only 3 of them have significantly rough terrain (2 deserts, and red baron). none of them have oppressive choke points. many have lots of rough terrain, but there is almost always a lighter path to help express things along.

>> No.10973242

>biggest flaw for me would be a lack of variety in your troops.
races: human, dwarf, centaur, elf, kris, birdman, zylo, guntz, domingo, bleu, alef, adam
total count: 12
simplified to: human, dwarf, centaur, elf, birdman, unique
races by count: 6 human, 4 dwarf, 7 centaur, 3 elf, 2 birdman, 7 unique
classes: hero, warrior, knight, mage, archer, healer, birdman, zylo, kokichi, guntz, lyle, bleu, musashi, adam, hanzou, gong
total count: 16
simplified to: sword fighter, healer, axe fighter, spear/lance, mage, archer, barehand.
simplified count: 7
technical extension: 8 due to musashi/hanzo using different weapon

jogurt not included. he's not a real/viable character.

races: human, elf, centaur, dwarf, rat, tort, phoenix, wolfman, birdman, robot, golem, pegasus
total count: 12
simplified to: human, elf, centaur, dwarf, birdman, unique
races by count: 6 human, 3 dwarf, 7 elf, 5 centaur, 2 birdman, 7 unique
classes: hero, healer, knight, warrior, mage, archer, birdman, slade, kiwi, peter, gerhalt, may, rohde, taya, jaro, sheela, zynk, claude, lemon
total count: 19
simplified to: sword fighter, healer, axe fighter, spear/lance, mage, archer, barehand
simplified count: 7
technical extension: 9 due to slade and sheela using different weapons, 10 for taya being a different kind of mage

>everyone else is useable as is.
arthur needs a little love to start
hans/diane suck ass (until they're promoted? then they finally start gaining attack? i honestly havent bothered to stick it out long enough to find out in years)
balbaroy/amon suck and require extensive catering
lyle needs some love when you get him, and the first available fight for him is pure forest shit
bleu and adam both need massive babying.
i forget if vankar or earnest need any early love, i havent used them in years. i dont remember if kokicki or guntz need early love, but they at least provide a quality unit.
sf2 everyone joins completely usable, except kiwi and luke fall off HARD

>> No.10973271

That's a nice touch. Her naked bathing sprite is blonde and she turns brown when she jumps out of the water and dresses.

>> No.10973282

>Troop composition is practically solved by the midgame
to continue from previous post >>10973242,
everyone in sf2 joins perfectly scaled to that point in the game and is immediately usable. some characters (like luke) fall off incredibly hard. but even dumpy old rohde is immediately usable, because even if you're delaying promotion, him (and everyone else after him) joins already promoted, so they use post-promo weapons and scale just fine into the enemies. skreech and jaro are a little underwhelming in stat growth and suffer from not utilizing land effect for defense. everyone else you get of the first 12 is perfectly fine and not exactly "worth" replacing, unless you just want a different sort of team comp or really like a particular character (except sarah, because every other healer is better).

meanwhile, sf1, you get 3 healers IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. so you get balbaroy, and even though he falls off (like luke, but its mostly due to not being able to get a new weapon soon enough) you take out 1 healer. then you get zylo and take out another. then pelle, and you take out hans, because hans deals no damage at that point in the game. then you get kokichi and take out balbaroy, and then guntz to replace ken or luke. you get domingo and make the choice to either replace anri, replace tao, or be a waifufag and not put him in. vankar, earnest, and lyle just arent particularly worth it or special. bleu needs a ton of babying, but if you choose, then you replace either ken or luke (whoever was left over). torasu can replace the last healer since he's the best due to aura. alef is cute, but isnt worth it and is too little, too late. musashi is awesome, but who do you leave out? hanzou is ok (not nearly as godly as musashi), but who do you leave out?
you're constantly playing a game of replacing older, shittier, and worn out troops. (i know luke can actually be fine, and ken isnt THAT bad, but gort is the better luke and fuck luke's face.)

>> No.10973292

while anyone CAN work in either game, it just feels like SO MUCH MORE work for many characters in sf1, and you're constantly just trading up with new troops, and it makes putting in all of that work just not worth it. meanwhile, sf2, there isnt much of a point in changing most of the starting cast out because you've already put in the work and the new character isnt particularly different/better.

i think this is why people tend to think that there is more variety in sf1, even though there isnt (as proven here >>10973242).

>> No.10973303
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I'm going to dismiss the first part of the post, because aesthetic parts are a matter of taste and discussion about classes and class roles would get too autistic for such a simple game.
As for the second part, I'd say that only Adam is truly problematic, while the rest are more or less non-issues that are either a matter of playstyle or easy to work around considering the amount of options that you have, as well as RNG and the way promotions work in that game.
In SF2, Janet is the last truly viable option that isn't a "healer" or is in a need of some form of catering. Everyone else is at best an equal replacement, but most of the time a worse version of a character that you already got in the team and don't really need more of.

>> No.10973342

The secret about SF1 is that after the first walkthrough, you can immideately jump head on into trying out different troop compositons.
There's nothing stopping you from having six horses on your team (to say nothing of the Lyle and other polearm users) or having every single caster on the same team, whether it's a mage or a healer (or a ninja).
You get most of the characters you need for what you plan reasonably fast and it's significantly easier to put the work into them if needed than for less popular SF2 picks.
Even in more normal playthroughs it's easier to plan who's coming with you, so you can just ignore (or even kill off) the characters you aren't going to use, or easily have a replacement for anyone who falls off.
SF2 makes any troop planning redundant and quirky runs are much more empty due to spending more time before getting fresh meat that you want.
Hell, your troop compostion is static until you get caravan in the MIDDLE of the game, which is basically the point you get all the best fighters.

>> No.10973347

>most of the time a worse version of a character that you already got in the team and don't really need more of.
thats only a thing because of pushing past 20 for bonus stats. if you promote everyone at 20, everyone that joins promoted is just as good or better. the variance is trivial, and really the most important thing is that they are in fact usable right away.

>I'd say that only Adam is truly problematic
arthur needs i think 3ish levels to catch up
balbaroy starts ok, but immediately falls off and needs massive catering.
hans and diane have HORRIFIC early stat growth, so are likely to fall unusably behind.
domingo needs 3 levels to catch up (but hey, at least he's magic damage and range)
lyle starts off kind of weak, on top his first available battle being full forest/mountains, so good luck getting proper usage.
blue needs EXCESSIVE catering. he can only really damage the gargoyles or mages, and putting him near the mages/golems is asking for death. not only is he weak to start, but then you have to consider stat loss on promotion. he's ALMOST as bad as adam.

and thats another thing. not only do so many characters struggle, but then you have to contend with temporary feebleness while you cater to their early promo levels and they catch up. you are absolutely kidding yourself if you think only adam is a problem.

>aesthetic parts are a matter of taste and discussion about classes and class roles would get too autistic
i did an objective count, as well as simplifying the redundant. it doesnt get more clear-cut than that. the notion that sf1 "has more variety in the troops" is an illusion, one that i suspect stems from trading up a lot, while s2f doesnt have such obvious trade ups so the team stays more static for most people.

>> No.10973364

>put the work into them if needed than for less popular SF2 picks.
you keep saying this, and you're not giving any examples.
>Hell, your troop compostion is static until you get caravan in the MIDDLE of the game
you get a 13th member after battle 20 out of 43. in sf1, you get a 13th (and 14th) member after battle 8 of 30. by the end of chapter 4 (of 8) you have 23/30 troops. sf1 throws most of the troops at you pretty quickly. sf2 meters them out more steadily.

and nobody cares about "quirky runs". assemble your favorite team when you acquire them, or dont. the FACTS remain than sf1 troops by and large require a LOT more catering than sf2 troops, and OBJECTIVELY all troops that join in sf2 already promoted and good to go IMMEDIATELY with no catering necessary.

>> No.10973451

>You get most of the characters you need for what you plan reasonably fast
also by this logic, your team is ACTUALLY full and static for 50% or more of the game. meanwhile sf2 is constantly drip feeding you new people to keep adding new stuff for 50%, AND THEN you can start swapping out. you cant argue that "you can get your whole team going quickly, and then not change anything" as a positive while complaining "you cant change anything for 50%, and also you dont need to" as a negative. you're contradicting yourself in that regard. you only illustrate how little you understand.

>> No.10973475

I do push at least to 21, so that the game wouldn't steal a level from my characters making EXP curve roughier. Either way, it's nearly universally same or worse for me, so there is little reason to swap. Taya and Chaz are especially bad. At the very least they could try to make characters look cool or something, but there's little to no incentive to tinker at all.
Speaking of which, I really feel like doubling promotion level, as well as unpromoted level cap just makes the game progression feel more sluggish and less exciting versus the first game or SFCD.
Now, about SF1, Arthur doesn't need 3-ish levels, really, just an Attack Ring. Not that I'd recommend to use him at all unless you want to chase the gratification of turning a joke character into a powerhouse (something you can't do in SF2).
Balbaroy and Amon are useable just fine, it's all about whether lower damage is an acceptable trade off to you. In runs where you ignore every single skippable character they grow up alright due to a very small Force size.
Archers are quirky and fall off hard when you promote them at level 10, but they put in good work in level 20 promotion ones. I feel like them feeling better in forests than centaurs makes them easy enough to keep in the party and reduced damage isn't that big of a deal, unless you want the battles to end faster (prolonged battles are easier to manage in SF1 due to amount of heal early on).
Bleu's situation is similar to Arthur's, as it's a powerhouse of a character and there are enough helpful items and battles for him to slowly catch up to the rest. No such luck for Adam though.
The point is, you got a lot of choices to make and you can mix and match them however you want, depending on how you want to play.

>> No.10973481

>i did an objective count, as well as simplifying the redundant. it doesnt get more clear-cut than that.
Objectively, there's no real difference between sword and axe users, as well as barehand attackers. It's all flair. At best it affects when they get attack boost from weapon distribution, but that doesn't matter much.
You can honestly go even further with those simplifications. I just think it's a waste to think of Shining characters in this way in the first place.
Like every Creed member you pick up later.
They all definitely worth it more than suckers you pick up since, even Randolf. Too bad leveling them at that point is almost as painful as Adam, if there wasn't a sizeable enough chunk of the game left, I wouldn't bother.
>you get a 13th member after battle 20 out of 43. in sf1, you get a 13th (and 14th) member after battle 8 of 30. by the end of chapter 4 (of 8) you have 23/30 troops. sf1 throws most of the troops at you pretty quickly. sf2 meters them out more steadily.
And that's the flaw. Getting the same variety by the end of the game doesn't matter. Unless you subjectively interested in the specific characters at least and subjectively speaking, I can only make a case for Zynk and Lemon.
Personally, I want to use the core team for some time and depending on how it goes to tweak it if needed.
Well, it might work in SF2 if you'd reduce the number of characters in half, but I haven't tried runs with reduced number of characters in it yet.
>and nobody cares about "quirky runs". assemble your favorite team when you acquire them, or dont.
Nah, I'll keep using every single SF1 character across multiple runs while experimenting with troop compositions. And yet I'll rather bring Kiwi and Luke along over adding Gyan and Skreech as late as they join and as little as they bring in to the Force.

>> No.10973540

holy shit you're such a disingenuous retard
>Arthur doesn't need 3-ish levels
if he want to meet and keep up with the rest of the force, yes he does.
>Not that I'd recommend to use him at all
>a joke character
oh, you're one of THOSE retards. for all of the multitudes of playthroughs you claim to have done, you really dont understand arthur at all. he's not a joke character, or some slouch. once he catches up, he stays competent for the rest of the game. and once you promote him, he SKYROCKETS in attack and consistently one-shots shit. his only drawback is being a little lighter on defense.
>Balbaroy and Amon are useable just fine
>whether lower damage is an acceptable
why would anyone want a fighter that deals 1-3 damage and cant tank for shit?
>if you ignore other characters and force feed them, they do ok
no shit. kys you disingenuous fuck
>Archers are quirky
oh yeah, "quirky" is how i would describe hans not gaining a single point in attack for 6 levels. you bet. credit to team right there.
>Bleu's situation is similar to Arthur's
bleu is nothing like arthur because he takes a LOT more catering to catch up and contribute than just 3 levels. yes, he EVENTUALLY does well, but it takes much longer.
>Objectively, there's no real difference between sword and axe users, as well as barehand attackers.
in terms of combat, not really. in terms of game flow, weapon STATS vary, as well as time between acquiring new weapons (one of the reasons the birds fall behind so hard).
>I just think it's a waste to think of Shining characters in this way in the first place.
you're the one that brought up variety. i explained how you're wrong. dont get mad that the count disproves how you feel just because of the illusion granted by frontloading the roster and the efficiency of trading up.
>Like every Creed member you pick up later.
and thats the only argument you have? really? OPTIONAL choices that all work perfectly when if chosen first? kys

>> No.10973547

>Getting the same variety by the end of the game doesn't matter.
yes, you've made it abundantly clear now that you've just fallen into an illusory trap.
>And yet I'll rather bring Kiwi and Luke along over adding Gyan and Skreech
you are a willfully ignorant, disingenuous retard.
>I'll keep using every single SF1 character across multiple runs while experimenting with troop compositions
why bother? you clearly wont learn anything. you're already so laughably wrong as it is.

>> No.10973568
File: 107 KB, 1080x1100, 1000001199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that's ultimate comfy.

>> No.10973637


>> No.10973658

You could have saved her, anon

>> No.10973667

>you are a willfully ignorant, disingenuous retard.

Not him, and I'm not going to read this whole fight you've been having, but I always always use Kiwi and have no cares that everyone says he sucks. Ditto with Luke usually because I just like him. I base my team around who I think is cool and never felt like I'm handicapped.

>> No.10973675
File: 127 KB, 700x700, 1667244187201150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is a comfy Shining Thread. If you want to have "le ebic 4chan slap-fight" go back to >>>/v/

>> No.10973676

Joke character doesn't necessarily mean weak or incompetent character, you retard.
I do not recommend using Arthur, DESPITE him becoming better later on (which takes quite a bit more than just 3 levels and is very RNG reliant, I had mediocre Arthurs before). There is a lot of good enough options you can go for instead, so unless you specifically want to bring him, you likely shouldn't bother.
I don't care much about flying units and archers having lower attack, because I value them more for mobility and alternate attack options they provide. There are other units to bring in the damage, so it's a matter of adjusting the party.
>in terms of combat, not really. in terms of game flow, weapon STATS vary, as well as time between acquiring new weapons
Sure. And at some point it stops mattering as much as stat growth. As long as you're not hitting for 1 damage it's fine.
>and thats the only argument you have? really? OPTIONAL choices that all work perfectly when if chosen first? kys
That's the MAIN argument, yes, considering they are miles better than characters that are already promoted.
Another argument would be mages, falling far behind Kazin and Tyrin, no matter which way you'd promote them.
>yes, you've made it abundantly clear now that you've just fallen into an illusory trap.
Illusory trap of not being stuck with the same ~12 characters for over the third of the game and potentially beyond that.
Are you suggesting to keep a save state until around the point you get the caravan or a bit after and always start the game from that point, as whatever before won't change much no matter what and replaying it each time is a collosal waste of time?

>> No.10973708
File: 255 KB, 600x600, bWVkaWEvRmU1V0hUN1VjQUFCWUhGLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should post more Sarah for maximum comfy.

>> No.10973714

woo great photo of pantybutt. I will save this to my pantybutt art collection

>> No.10973720
File: 449 KB, 800x1200, dccc8bf3fc2c454a0ef85b2c2942bdfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved. Never saw that one.

>> No.10973758
File: 401 KB, 512x680, 00197-1070783761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree, they are arguing too much.

Here, enjoy this Cameela

>> No.10973831

Greater devils in general deserve more love

>> No.10973869
File: 427 KB, 1200x890, Creed-lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat art!
It reminds me of this rare official art of Cameela, Randolf, and Tyrin fighting what appears to be Torch Eyes and Steel Claws from Shining Force 1. According to an official lore book, I think, Karna want's to train with Gong to learn to become a Master Monk. Tyrin says he trained magic in Pompei, and Randolf, well, I'm not sure what his deal is, but he might have ties to Runefaust as well.
Why they are fighting alongside Cameela is still a mystery. But I suspect that all the 'factions' of Greater Devils aren't as close-knit as they seem. The greater Devils seem to need someone like Zeon or Dark Sol to put them into one camp. Even then, you see a lot of infighting between Geshp and Cameela. My guess is Cameela might be somewhat of a reformed Greater Devil like Creed is and might have some ties to Creed himself, which could further explain a link between her and Karna, Tyrin, and Randolf.

>> No.10973872
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In my defence, it keeps the thread up.

>> No.10973902

>Karna want's to train with Gong to learn to become a Master Monk
Curious. I wonder how old is he by that point

>> No.10973914
File: 8 KB, 163x310, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I forget exactly, but Shining Force 2 doesn't take that long after 1. Isn't Hawel from CD the same Sir Hawel from Shining Force 2?

>> No.10973917

>Randolf just ripping that robot's nutsack

>> No.10974121

Despite Hawel possibly being the same it's hard to say how much time passed, considering Granseal was founded after Final Conflict's ending.

>> No.10974353

>which takes quite a bit more than just 3 levels
no, it really doesnt. you catch him up in the circus battle, and then he's just as good as the rest of your team at that point, and he STAYS just as good. take it from me who uses him EVERY time due to how good he is, thats really all it takes. i dont understand what about him really stands out as a "joke" character to you.
>I don't care much about flying units and archers having lower attack
meanwhile you're condemning half the cast of sf2 for exactly that problem. your contradicting yourself.
>I value them more for mobility and alternate attack options
which doesnt amount to much when they tickle for 1-5 damage. you're being disingenuous about "value", as well as about:
>And at some point it stops mattering as much as stat growth. As long as you're not hitting for 1 damage it's fine.
how long it takes for this to happen.
>considering they are miles better than characters that are already promoted.
again, you're kidding yourself about how different their stats are compared to other characters. the gap is NOT that big.
>stuck with the same ~12 characters
>as whatever before won't change much no matter what and replaying it each time is a collosal waste of time?
again, you cant make that argument while also praising sf1 for giving you a team to use for 50% or more of the game. crying "but what if i WANT to change out characters for aethetic reasons!" ... then do it. you keep contradicting yourself by praising sf1 for shit you can do in sf2. limited character runs and all that bullshit. you keep criticizing sf2 for stat efficiency or min/maxing, while not giving a flying fuck about sf1. you're a laughably biased retard. you clearly have nothing of value to contribute because you're too far up your own ass to see logic and objective facts.

>> No.10974445

>considering they are miles better than characters that are already promoted.
in taking a look at the stat growth charts just for some general comparisons, randolf seems inclined to be inclined to gain a lot of attack, moreso than the other fighters, but not a lot of defense, which would leave him very vulnerable. meanwhile, jaha and gyan still get solid attack, but their defense skyrockets.
alternatively, eric doesnt seem to particularly shine in any area compared to the other knights, except SLIGHTLY more attack in the late game.

now, considering ACTUAL functionality in the game, and the FACT that ALL characters after janet in the list (plus rohde) join with enough strength to be immediately usable and functional in battle. its clear that the stat chart doesnt mean a whole lot for attack. how can all of the knights have their attack stat line end so low on the chart, when i've clearly had them 1-shotting things before? how can slade's line end so low, when he's been famous for carving through enemies? i suspect it is compensated by weapon stats. regardless, anyone and everyone can deal solid damage if you feed them enough. however, there is no cure for a poor defense stat. if the chart is to be believed, then randolf is a glass cannon at best. that is not "miles better". eric is clearly not "miles better". yes, karna is best healer, and it can be unfortunate to not pick her and have to wait until frayja, but make a choice and deal with it. yes, tyrin is best mage, but the cool thing about magic damage is how consistent and reliable it is, so anyone can work.

you're a disingenuous troll, incapable of actual analysis. you're too far up your own ass with bias.

you can make any team comp work in either game if you just put in the work. some work is more worth it or efficient than others, and that goes for both games. there is nothing wrong with the later troops in sf2, and you are WILDLY overvaluing the 4 at creeds.

>> No.10974454


>> No.10974589
File: 211 KB, 700x933, 01anoldtale01_contrastedit_desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an illustration from the SF1-2 tie-in novel, which is in the process of being translated. It's not to this point yet. Randolf was a dwarf working mines near Manarina who was friends with Tyrin IIRC.

>> No.10975573
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>> No.10975858
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>> No.10975863
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This range upgrade is the best.

>> No.10975871

yay! you made it! welcome back!

>> No.10975896

I should not have put May there.

>> No.10975923
File: 857 KB, 1768x2783, 20240529_224727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter also went down but both got a level. Jaha finally got a level. Flying dudes.... take a lot of damage.
In other news I now have access to Aura 1.

>> No.10975926
File: 2.48 MB, 3996x5500, e4736fafcd84753aa00f6800102188c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a weird fondness for Tears. But I also don't think I'd call it good either. It's neat to rampage through hundreds of enemies but it doesn't really run well. Slowdown everywhere.

>> No.10975937

Kaz picked up a mage staff and learned Neptune before I egressed, that's cool.

>> No.10976005

>slade crits a Cerberus for 67 damage one shotting him
I love this rat ninja nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.10976024
File: 708 KB, 1814x2670, 20240530_000830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun battle! Why is there a projector screen in the top right corner of the map?

>> No.10976032

beware the arm of golem!

>> No.10976059

Should I give this running pimento to elric I promoted him with the thing?

>> No.10976061

i like to use it on someone who has 4 or 5 movement
so elric is a Brass Gunner then? they have bad movement so I guess that's an alright choice but i would use it on someone else personally
make sure it grants +2 MV because the rng can give you only +1 and that's ehh

>> No.10976098

He got +2 and I used the earlier one on Bowie (which has been a good choice)

>> No.10976125
File: 1.25 MB, 2372x1598, 20240530_011817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like this.

>> No.10976153

what a hunk

>> No.10976187

Many people are saying this.

>> No.10976191

>My friends sister wound turning into a slutty headcase
It's your fault.
You could've saved her.

>> No.10976212
File: 494 KB, 1032x2622, 20240530_021831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night!

>> No.10976225
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Heyyy he's back!

>> No.10976529
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The fireplace is maximum comfy.

>> No.10976585

It's an action RPG without tactics. You might enjoy it but it's nothing like SF1 and SF2.

>> No.10977236
File: 262 KB, 640x743, maecommoncentaurname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10977283

isn't Mae from sf1 and May from sf2 though
i hope someone got fired for this blunder

>> No.10977307

Thanks buddies, I love boomer screenshoting my tactics games for like three or four other people.

>> No.10977464

>isn't Mae from sf1 and May from sf2 though
SF1 Mae should be May and SF2 May should be Matilda.
Don't ask what's up with three Lukes.

>> No.10977468

i always loved the cutscene of flying back to grans.

when you land, theres a small monastery. theres a "hidden" path around the left of it to the back, and you can pick up sheela (of whom the master monk battle sprite is modeled for). theres also another vigor ball (not that you need another one) if you search one of the trees (i forget which tree).

>> No.10978523
File: 1.02 MB, 950x1350, exa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Exa right now. It's pretty alright. Not a huge fan of these tower defense things. But it's alright.

>> No.10978581

There's also Mayfair, and doesn't SF3 have a May too?

>> No.10978590
File: 49 KB, 384x165, may.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a furry, but I would make an exception for May's horsepussy.

>> No.10978778


>> No.10978858

did you get the arm
did you get sheela

>> No.10979745

Just look up Shining Force 2 on Paheal.

>> No.10979804

I was pretty drunk and can't remember where I stopped or who joined the force, will update this evening.

>> No.10981536

so who is your favorite character/unit so far? bad guys are options too if you want.

>> No.10981540
File: 93 KB, 403x215, guntz_sknt_attack-226514011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Shining Force 1 and enjoying it. Would've loved it as a kid, almost all the games I had on Genesis were too difficult to beat but I think I could have managed to get through this. Any other strategy RPG recommendations? Already played most Fire Emblem games. Saw a video on Feda which had a lot of creatives shared with Shining Force, but not sure if it's good.

>> No.10981621

Feda is good. It was literally made by SF1 guys.
As for other things, there's Langrisser series.

>> No.10982013

The plant worms on the bridge were neat.
My nigga Slade is almost single handedly carrying the force.

>> No.10982329
File: 39 KB, 320x240, slade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Slade becomes ridiculously OP.

>> No.10983578
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>> No.10983619

I don't care what anyone says about "efficiency", I love Kiwi and he's always in my force.

>> No.10983807
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>> No.10983987
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You still hate Jogurt and Pendolf tho, right?

>> No.10984049


>> No.10984063

I forgot everything about those games except for one thing.. a battle against a kraken on a ship. That was pure kino.

>> No.10984146
File: 77 KB, 500x418, jogurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate Jogurt

>> No.10984161

Especially with strawberries!

>> No.10984428
File: 1.43 MB, 1000x703, 1481941808583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's almost a year since Yoshitaka Tamaki died
RIP, Shining legend

>> No.10984689

I did Kiwi dirty and I'd rather have him in the force than Luke.

>> No.10984985

Cute horse, cute dog (?)

>> No.10985049

Is scumming even considered bad? I did it all the time as a 9 year old?

>> No.10985057
File: 108 KB, 513x569, vZQWSzM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoshitaka Tamaki
I remember.

>> No.10985060

not for mithril weapons

>> No.10985087

Getting the mithril weapon you want is disgustingly hard.
I've played three times without scumming and I've got far less exclusive weapons than things you already get before the smith.
And that counting all three times I save myself to even bother with swords. So I could burn all the mithril for extra lances, staves, etc I ended not using.

>> No.10985095

The trick is so save just outside the dwarven village and enter every time. There is a way to manipulate the RNG, but you gotta find a video for it.

>> No.10985135

I guess I wasn't clear, I've played this game near twenty times.
I didn't savescum in the last three.
It's shit.

>> No.10985152


>> No.10985318
File: 658 KB, 719x1000, 67230101_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute dog (?)
Kyantols are weird.
Not a fan of floodgates Camelot opened with Minto and especially Grace. (SF Neo doesn't exist)
I like how his name in Japanese is supposed to be Max.

>> No.10985332

no. live your best life.

>> No.10985702

Just got to the prism plants and man they're annoying!

>> No.10985881
File: 1.13 MB, 1595x1004, ShiningSoulII_GBA_JP_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is nobody talking about the PS2 ones?
Tears is too janky, Neo is shit, Wind is untranslated and isn't that big of an improvement over Tears. And I wouldn't blame people for not giving EXA a chance.
What you should really be asking, is why nobody talks about Shining SOVL.

>> No.10985895

my favorite memory is making a bunch of crappy mods that people like

>> No.10986030

What is it?

>> No.10986154

Diablo but on GBA and shit

>> No.10986226

>Diablo but on GBA
>and shit

>> No.10986372


>> No.10986785

i think they're a fun gimmick. the toughest part of them is that they're magic damage, so defense is meaningless. they hit EVERYTHING in their path though, including enemies.

from the town right before them, if you go south along a coastal path and over a bunch of bridges, theres a cave/shrine that serves as a tunnel back to parmecia if you want. i dont remember if there are any items to pick up in there or not. you can pick up claude the golem (if you got the golem arm in moun) in the tunnel too. i forget if you need to actually use the sky orb to open any of the doors though. if something is locked, use the sky orb. also you can go back to creed's and pick up the other 3 that you left behind, and find out that oddler trashed the place. nothing else special to really do back on parmecia though.

>> No.10986791

>i forget if you need to actually use the sky orb to open any of the doors though. if something is locked, use the sky orb
not necessary, actually

>> No.10986845

Yeah I might have his arm in storage.

>> No.10987303

he's not particularly great, and only has a movement of 4 so you would need to use a pepper or the running ring on him (did you grab that from creeds? its on the floor in the room with the chess board. when you're big). i think him and zynk are kind of cool, but i know that they arent particularly special, and they need that help with movement.

>> No.10987460
File: 1.74 MB, 1294x964, toma massive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10987751

Making mods? Are you an American guy who did a character tier list with 2 British guys? Because if you are I have you open in another tab while I do my first playthrough in a decade

>> No.10987798

I haven't gone back to creed yet, and I don't have the arm. I actually tried the prism flower fight a couple more times and those crossbow riders are just deadly.
I'm gonna go back for the pimento though and give it to elric.

>> No.10988227

You're talking about Dark Claw and Woodhouse and Gareth, I bet. I know Dark Claw and has a cool 2 player online VS. Shining Force 2 mod.

>> No.10988229

>I haven't gone back to creed yet,
That seems a bit to late for me.

>> No.10988248

i could be wrong, but isnt the earliest that you can do it once frayja joins at moun or something? i forget if its when frayja joins or if its when you land at grans.

>> No.10988267
File: 8 KB, 256x224, sf2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anecdotally, The earliest you can retrieve the remaining Creed's Mansion characters is after Frayja joins the force at Moun. Although there is an exploit that lets you get them one battle earlier. After the Zalbard fight, save at the Priest in Tristan, then return to Palcanon and talk to Frayja to get him to follow you. DO NOT at any point save the game inside Palcanon at either of the two Priests there. After the battle inside Palcanon, leave the city and cast Egress from the menu on the world map. This will warp you back to Tristan. Instead of heading South back to Palcanon, head West to Moun, skipping the Jaro battle. Since Fayja is following you, the Moun sequence will trigger, and Frayja will join the force, allowing the remaining Creed's Mansion characters to become available. Now Egress from the Moun battle and go get the remaining members. Now you have to fight the Jaro battle, but you get the extra members one battle earlier than you normally would.

>> No.10988319

I just mean I haven't done it, I have the cave unlocked. Where do I get golom arm?

>> No.10988348

I mean, you're supposed to do it before you return to Grans.

>> No.10988423

its a 2 battle difference (3 if you egress from moun). its not that big of a deal, and they're still woefully behind and a pain to catch up from that point.
in moun (the little town right before you got the nazca ship), there are some round rocks near a northern wall. step on one and the arm will appear, then just search it or something to pick it up.

>> No.10988510

She died too early.
Was Astral really wanting to "feel" her?

>> No.10988515

Modding a hacked version of the game and making Rune Walsh from Phantasy Star IV a fucking monster that could annihilate everyone in the field with his huge range, while trying to replicate his skills from his gane.
And giving Bowie Odd's laser beam after defeating Odd Eye.

>> No.10988535

Here ya go, we need more cute lewds like these.

>> No.10988613

Do centaurs even use underwear?

>> No.10988818

I am actually yes

>> No.10988881

Finally promoting Khris in SF1. Her, Gong and Lowe were my favorite healers to take into endgame

>> No.10988931

That's everyone except Torasu...

>> No.10989102

Oops, oh well.

>> No.10989112

How do you guys deal with how slow the first game is? I've been playing it recently and even though I really like it, I can't help but feeling like it should be shorter and quicker. The animations are nice, but they take too long and it gets old after a while. I'm on chapter 4 and I feel like it took me many hours of gameplay to get here and it's starting to get tiring. How is SFII's pacing?

>> No.10989117

sf2's pacing is sort of the same in regards to the animations and stuff
but because of the quality-of-life improvements (like auto inventory when searching chests) it feels faster i would say

>> No.10989151

>How do you guys deal with how slow the first game is?
Playing it on emulator and using frame skip for most enemy turns.
SFII always feels more sluggish to me due to how the game is structured. There is slightly less menu fiddling though.

>> No.10989159

I usually play while drinking so it doesn't bug me.

>> No.10989238

i get through it because i feel the need to conquer and see number go up. the choke points and overworld battles make a lot of battles suck at times though. sf2 generally feels faster though, because battles dont take forever to make engagements happen, and chokepoints arent making you waste multiple turns with units unable to do anything because they arent there. theres always some easier terrain to streamline across the map through. however, sf1 gives you 23/30 party members by the end of chapter 4 (out of 8), so it can feel kind of quick at first, and then slow for the rest of the game in that regard (although a lot of the later additions are cool and/or strong). sf2 meters out new party additions steadily through the game, and it is a longer game overall. the QoL improvements of sf2 go a long way to making it feel less like a chore, despite being longer.

i dunno, i still like both, and i totally understand feeling frustrated with the first, but i think has a different enough story and set pieces that its still worth playing, as well as it helps you appreciate the improvements that 2 has all the more.

>> No.10989263

SFII got about ten more battles and level cap is two times higher. Depending on how unlucky you are you might get trapped into replaying a repeatable battle too.

>> No.10989613

Then, thanks for making SF2 content, and I have to say conversationally and informationally, you absolutely carried those two Brits

>> No.10989651

Not in combat.

>> No.10990378

Depends on the type of combat

>> No.10990562
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>> No.10990863

I'm surprised how much behind-the-scenes information this community has.

Does anyone know why the fairy was named "Fairy" and the evil spirit was named "Evil Spirit"? It sounds like placeholder names that were never replaced, does anyone know?

>> No.10990970
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It's a mystery!

>> No.10990976

I mean what would you expect their british

>> No.10992464

because they don't have much screen time, probably
and making them have portraits and names would definitely make players raise their hopes to recruit them (or fight)

>> No.10992634

i find it interesting that creed and mitula have portraits, but volcanon does not.

>> No.10992685
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They kept Frayja from greatness...

>> No.10992694

I hate shining force.

>> No.10992774


>> No.10992990

Good question. I'd bet there is some clue in the Japanese version. I'll look into it when I can.

>> No.10992993

said no one ever...

>> No.10993006

honestly, i think its just more common in japanese to name or refer to characters/entities as what they are, and not seen as particularly weird.

>> No.10993232

Manlets can't be monks.

>> No.10993275
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>> No.10994512

anon, last i saw, you were at the prism flowers. you have about 7 more battles to go, you're almost there! keep us updated!

>> No.10994938

Oh sorry. I'm sick right now.

>> No.10995246

Playing SF3 Scenario 2 right now and it's nice how much they upgraded the graphics.
Spells like Spark aren't epilepsy induced anymore and the models are more detailed, It really caught me by surprise how horny some are, like Hazuki's cleavage or Hedva's underboob.

>> No.10995898

Can't wait to try scenario 2 and 3. I had scenario 1 for my Sega Saturn, and I was so disappointed to learn 2 and 3 were never released in the USA

>> No.10996242

The fairy was literally named Feary in katakana and the evil spirit Makai no Sei.
They just didn't mattered enough.

>> No.10996405

I like original version of the Gaiden OST more than SFCD arrangements.

>> No.10997138
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Bowie is out of mana, the ships have been burned, and I'm finally finishing this fight.

>> No.10997150
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>executioner has dropped a battle sword

>> No.10997416

oh wow I am playing the same battle today

>> No.10997916
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That's a strong-looking Slade. The Battle Sword is a really nice sword, btw. Good luck in the next fight. It's a doozy.

>> No.10997921

I'm flying guys heavy so it's tough.

>> No.10999146

Centaurs aren't "furry" characters. I will never stop defending this hill. I will die on this hill.

>> No.10999197
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I hope you aren't just defending your own degeneracy.

>> No.10999404

I agree. The samples they used for CD aren't very good.

>> No.10999665

Sega lost their way when they gave up on centaur girls.

>> No.10999673

Huh life is hard isn’t it.

>> No.10999676

I tried it and definitely was shit, inferior to sword fo mana and minis cap on the same system by a large margin. Mind you I didn’t get too far.

>> No.11000094

Neither of those are Diablo clones. Completely different appeal.

>> No.11000412


>> No.11000502

I wouldn't mind my peggy knights if they were glass canons but they're not actually doing damage.

>> No.11000541

as long as they arent behind in levels, they should be doing fine. jaro might be a little behind the other knights. just be sure not to over extend and get surrounded.

if you get through the red baron battle, you can see in the north east theres a "hidden forest village" on the other side of the river. use the dry stone at the obvious spot in the river to get across, and theres the dwarven village. this is where you use mithril. assuming you're using an emulator, save state before opening dialogue to confirm with the blacksmith. like, you can talk to everyone and confirm who he is, cancel, and then save state, THEN talk to him and confirm who you want a weapon for. then you have to leave the town, walk all the way back through to him, talk to him, and find out what he gave you. if its not what you want, load state and try again. if it is what you want, save state, and do the next one.

best options to receive:
slade: gisarme (highest attack and has a chance to instakill non-bosses)
knights: mist javelin
gladiator/barons: rune axe
sorc/wiz: mystery staff (recovers 2mp per turn)
vicar: goddess staff has more attack, but holy staff heals 2hp per round. but they can also equip the mystery staff for 2mp per round.
archer/tank: grand cannon
master monk: giant knuckles
dont worry about bowie, he will get a green lightsaber soon enough.

>> No.11000620

Yeah once I broke out of the initial bow riders it wasn't too ba- red barron is stealing Chester's soul uh oh.

>> No.11000664

The seed for the sega mini must be fixed or something because he's only shitting out critical swords for slade every time I reload.

>> No.11001301

from what i can remember, it sets the seed "when you talk to him". however, things you can try are "before entering his room" and also just waiting a few seconds and setting a new save state before talking to him, just in case its somehow "timer" related or something.

and yes, it can be extremely frustrating with absolutely AWFUL rng. imagine doing this on the original hardware and hitting the grey reset button, going through the title screen and file select shit, walking all the way to the smith from the priest, leaving, going in, and then finding out that its dogshit.
it. was. the. WORST.

>> No.11001571

so true

>> No.11001576

You got to "save state" outside the Dwarven Village. If you reload the save from the Priest within the Dwarven Village, the RNG will already be set. Leaving the village and returning will reset the RNG.

>> No.11001579


>> No.11001660

>breakout games are a strategy RPG sub series
>make an Action RPG, no more strategy RPGs

>> No.11001852
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Shining series had all kinds of gameplay styles, they just tried out one more.
Alternatively, they saw that Phantasy Star Online worked and decided to experiment with their other RPG franchise too.

>> No.11002268

I save stated before handing over the mythril, I may just reload at the priest in that case.

>> No.11002321

Crazy how sega is barring Camelot from ever touching this again

>> No.11002341

Funny how they experimented their way out of making good games in those series anymore

>> No.11002583

Tell that to Golden Sun bros.
Camelot is barring themselves from touching anything that isn't Mario Golf or Mario Tennis.
It's not like they never made another SRPG since.
They had two Valkyria Chronicles-like games on PSP, as well as Shining Force Feather on DS and two new Gaiden clones for mobile phones.

>> No.11002607

Not him but I find the RNG is SF is a little weird, it might be time based or something. I've had cases where a character is attacking and misses and if I save state right before it and immediately attack they will miss every time. Whereas if I either wait for 5-10 seconds then they will hit.

>> No.11002651

Hand the Mithril to the Dwarven Blacksmith. Exit village. Save State. Enter village and talk to Dwarven Blacksmith.
Reloading at Priest won't help.
If you seem to be getting the same weapon over and over, try taking slightly different paths back through the village to the blacksmith.

>> No.11002941
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>> No.11002987

>Reloading at Priest won't help.
objectively untrue because you could do this on the original hardware.

however, one should try various things and see what works for them or not, because the rng is very fickle. im not sure if the option have an equal chance, or if the better ones are a lower chance, but its very easy to get shafted repeatedly.

>> No.11003289

Don't get mad at me but I think the first game was notable for its sheer accessibility for the genre at the time but it is now boring because of how piss easy it is. Its easier than GBA fire emblem

>> No.11003367

I remember resetting a few times when I played it back then to get different weapons and it definitely did work, but I think some extra wandering around was involved.

>> No.11003668

It is piss easy, but I wouldn't really call it a con. If anything, that's probably the main appeal.

>> No.11003683

I find it a lot less tedious compared to FE.

>> No.11004316

Only if you saved at the priest before leaving the village and returned. If you left the village, then returned, then saved at the priest, you will always receive the same item.

>> No.11004396
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god she's so hot, I'm playing game #1 does she get hotter later. LOL don't even have to scroll page 1 search to see porn

>> No.11004737

You need an special item to teach her martial arts on promotion.
It's hidden in a village full of trees.

>> No.11004863

There should be an item that turns her into a centaur

>> No.11004883
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>> No.11004890

if you hard reset the game (like, press the grey button on the original hardware) and load the save file (which would be at the priest, obviously), you dont have to leave the village for the sake of rng. i did this 30 fucking years ago. you can still get a string of bad luck, but it works just fine as a starting point. save, submit mithril, leave, check what you got, reset if its trash, submit mithril, leave, check what you got, etc. thats all you had to do.

>> No.11005052


When I get there in my current replay I'm going to save scum and test the shit out of this to figure out how the RNG works. It feels weird through the whole game.

>> No.11005398
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Been playing through Shining in the Darkness again and it's really simple but I still like it a lot. It's always interesting knowing how both this series and the original Phantasy Star games started as dungeon crawlers (Shining moreso than PS) but went with a different direction after the first game.

While it wasn't particularly fun at the time, I always think back to when I first got to the chess kingdom in sf2 as a kid and ended up soft locking my game since I apparently didn't think to just reload my game instead of saving it when I lost and had majority of my troops dead and no money to revive them. The only characters I had left were severely under leveled + Peter and I just went ahead and restarted the whole game. It was a very simple thing to avoid but kid me didn't think about til it was too late, but it's amusing to think about now. It was nice just sitting around and playing the series and other sega games during the summer.

>> No.11005456

It's clunky that's for sure.

>> No.11005606

SitD animations are soulful as fuck.
Speaking of, I'm bummed that SF1, 2 and Gaidens didn't have lizardmen on the team.

>> No.11005690

It's great, very simple but extremely charming. Holy Ark is also good and carries over a surprising amount if you haven't played it.
Has anyone played Time Stalkers?

>> No.11005825

>Time Stalkers
It's on my list after I'll finish Land and Lady stalkers

>> No.11005837

Thank you anon!

>> No.11005891

I wish.

>> No.11005895

>Has anyone played Time Stalkers?
Did, plot is very meta but weak and the idea is that you will grind the randomized dungeons to complete the whole catalog of items.

>> No.11006923

am i the only one that considers freeze 3 a downgrade from bolt 2? i hate that using the sword of light casts bolt 2, but then the chaos breaker has freeze 3. bolt is a WAY cooler spell, and the larger aoe sets the damage potential way higher (and consistently higher by being able to actually REACH other enemies) too.

>> No.11006927

uh oh, did we hit auto-sage time? oh well.

to the anon giving updates of his playthrough, godspeed and good luck. after you get the force sword, i think the battles are pretty hype and have cool designs. i hope you enjoy the endgame! i wont be making another thread just to keep tabs on your playthrough, so best of luck! it has been a pleasure helping you out.

>> No.11006950

Thanks for sharing that.

>> No.11007132
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I'm playing 2 for the first time on Super difficulty, what choice at Creed's mansion do you like to go with? I'm thinking Tyrin so I can level him up or Randolf, as I'm not using Jaha.

>> No.11007197

the only real choices are tyrin (for freeze (and bolt)), or karna (boost AND aura, which is a great replacement for shitty old sarah).
personally, i've never picked randolf, but i guess his attack is really high? but it seems his defense might be a bit lackluster. i know i took eric once, but i wasnt very impressed. he might have somewhat better stats than the other knights, but i dont think he particularly stands out in any way, and the game gives you plenty of other knights. why pass up tyrin or karna for that?

in general, karna>tyrin>randolf>eric. however, if you think you can do just fine with sarah and healing items until the 75% mark, you can pick tyrin and then either put frayja in the team for aura, or come back for karna and try to power level her or something.

if you really want both karna and tyrin, its generally easier to catch karna up than it is to catch tyrin up.

>> No.11007240

If you're not using Jaha, you're not really in a need for any additional frontline attackers.
Though I guess it does leave an unused Warrior's Pride. Baron Randolf just might work.

>> No.11007323

A lot of people online have said this, "Chester falls off and Eric has good stats compared to other centaurs"

I levelled them both to 40, then promoted, then levelled them to 20.

Chester 100+HP 98 AT 89 DF 78 AG
Eric 100+HP 99 AT 89 DF 80 AG

unbelievably similar, compared to what i am hearing

>> No.11007607

Someone needs to bake fresh bread

>> No.11007756

>not bread of life/cheerful bread
You had one job!
Someone will bake one after this one archives.

>> No.11007787
